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y-block tri power

Started by hoover, 2014-12-04 20:37

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can anyone give me advice on what direction to go on out board carbs on my 3 duce set-up . currently has holley carbs but 3bolt base but has idle curcuts in outer carbs.  my olds has j2 setup but I used newer gto out board carbs with out idle curcuts and works fine, sounds like I am answering my own question but looking for input on the y-block set-up and what experiences others have had.  thanks Joe


no need for idle circuits or chokes on your set-up. check with holley and see if you can buy heavier (thicker) throttle plates for them. you'll be happier with them that way.

Zap- :unitedstates:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72

Hoosier Hurricane

You can block the idle circuits easily.  Take off the booster venturi "bridges" above the throttle bores, and replace one gasket on each side with a solid gasket.  Screw the idle mixture screws all the way in and you're good to go.


I ended up buying 2 new secondary throttle bases from Vintage Speed because I couldn't get the outer carb throttle plates to seal good enough. Tried everything I knew including thicker plates but it never would seal good enough for me. I'm running 3 EGC carbs with a 4.5 power valve in the primary carb, 1/2 inch spacers under each carb, fuel pressure set at 3lbs and the floats set a bit lower than spec. I had problems with the end carbs dripping at idle and after I shut it down. The spacers & low float setting cured that.


guys,  thanks for the info  I was thinking of the carb bases from speedyway but was not sure of the quality.and a thicker carb spacer was on my list . thanks for the input Joe


You may need to jet down the secondary carbs too.
