Michael F (5/21/2023, 3:10:12 PM): Thank you for contacting FOX Customer Care, my name is Michael. How may I assist you today? gerald (5/21/2023, 3:10:44 PM): hi, I just logged into this fox nation thing, I didn' Michael F (5/21/2023, 3:11:21 PM): I haven't heard from you. Let me know if there are any questions I can answer. If you have entered a message, please press the enter (or return key) on your keyboard in order to send it. If you are on a mobile device, press the send button to send your message. gerald (5/21/2023, 3:11:33 PM): t even finishs filling out the questionaire, I don't lwant th is fox nation t hing, cancel, than you Michael F (5/21/2023, 3:12:12 PM): Hello Gerald. I understand you would like to cancel. I apologize for the frustration and can provide you with more information. Can you please provide me an email for the account associated to the subscription? gerald (5/21/2023, 3:12:34 PM): jerrywmalcolm@aol.com Michael F (5/21/2023, 3:12:52 PM): Would you like me to add a reason for cancellation to the account? gerald (5/21/2023, 3:13:11 PM): ok, I don't want it, period Michael F (5/21/2023, 3:13:41 PM): The FOX Nation subscription has been canceled as requested. Automatic renewal will no longer occur and services can be used until 5/28/23. Keep an eye on your e-mail as well as your confirmation will be sent there. If you have this trouble again in the future, the steps to cancel a subscription can be found here: https://help.fox.com/s/article/FOX-Nation-How-do-I-cancel-my-FOX-Nation-streaming-service Gerald, you reached out to FOX Customer Care today regarding canceling a subscription due to not wanting it. I was able to do this for you. I advised you that services could still be used until 5/28/23. I'd just like to make sure I've answered all your questions and addressed all of your concerns today. May I assist you with anything else while we're still on this chat? gerald (5/21/2023, 3:14:22 PM): no, thanks for the help Michael F (5/21/2023, 3:14:39 PM): Thank you for contacting FOX Customer Care. If there's anything else you'd like us to address, please let us know.