
Technical => General Tech Discussion => Topic started by: meteor on 2007-02-08 16:11

Title: Installing Seatbelts
Post by: meteor on 2007-02-08 16:11
I've come across some good tech articles on the Juliano's website for installing seatbelts but they only cover 55 and 56 ford wagons. I would imagine the process is very similar for a 57 but wanted to know if anyone here has installed them, specifically in a 57 ranch wagon (2 DR).

I'm looking at installing the 3-point shoulder belts in the front and lapbelts in the rear.

Title: Re: Installing Seatbelts
Post by: RAWms on 2007-02-08 23:59
I installed 3-point shoulder harness and lap belt in my '57 sedan deliver bench seat.  As I remember they were either from a Taurus or Sable.  The SD probably has the same B pillar  (2 door) and should hook up as the Ranch Wagon.  I do not have a picture but it was easy and knowing me probably added stuff to spread the load in the B pillar.  In the Ranchero I'm using '97 T-bird system and with the seats from the T-bird made it even easier since they are bolted to the seat.  In the sedan delivery I think the buckle was a tad short when it came up the seat.  That can be worked just check the mounting point, maybe on the tunnel by the drive shaft.   r
Title: Re: Installing Seatbelts
Post by: wolfpupsdad on 2007-04-25 17:57
 i've thought about doing the 3 point seat belt thing to, i'd love to see pics of how others did it
Title: Re: Installing Seatbelts
Post by: meteor on 2007-04-25 21:14
wolfpupsdad, check out this link (if you haven't seen this already) for installation in a 56 ford wagon - I would imagine the process would be the same for the 57 at least conceptually.

Title: Re: Installing Seatbelts
Post by: wolfpupsdad on 2007-04-25 22:02
yea i've seen that way of doin the installation before , i've bought some stuff from them and they sent that info with everything i've bought, kinda cool , but they're has to be a better mouse trap , just haven't seen it or figured it out. as slow as mind mind works , someone else will come up with it.