
Classifieds => Wanted => Topic started by: Bubba on 2010-09-14 13:47

Title: WANTED To Buy-63A Armrests
Post by: Bubba on 2010-09-14 13:47
Rear quarter armrests complete with ashtrays in good to decent condition.
Any color is acceptable!
Title: Re: WANTED To Buy-63A Armrests
Post by: karaokelars on 2010-09-25 15:37

I have a set of arm rests I think the color is red, I want 100.00 for the pair plus shipping, they do have the ashtrays but the covers are stuck I was going to soak them down for a while before trying to open them.

Larry Malmgren
Title: Re: WANTED To Buy-63A Armrests
Post by: Bubba on 2010-09-28 15:13
Just spotted your reply.
The color is unimportant, and red will work well anyway.
What sort of shape is the chrome on the ashtrays?
I am interested.