Don't ya just hate it when you sit down with your morning coffee, get on the forum, and there's NO new posts? I was thinking it would be great to have a "Morning Coffee...What's Up?" board just to sit down and chat with the guys about what's going on in their lives, what's up with their projects with no particular subject in mind, where the've been, where they're going, etc. etc. It would help seperate the car stuff from the bs stuff for the guys that just want the "just the facts, mame". same forum politics, religion,advertising, etc.
What'd ya think?
Got my coffee and doing the same so I'll add a little. Finished my new engine, build a hillbilly test stand to fire it up on. Ran it up to operating temp so I could re-torque the heads and adjust the valves hot before putting it in the car. It's now in the car waiting for one back ordered part. Other then that nothing new and exciting in my life.
This one works for me. Us old retired farts have the ability to visit the board. While working (after the Navy) my schedule was such that I left the house at 6AM and got back around 5PM so.....spending time on this machine was not in the picture. Besides, I didn't have a computer until 12 years ago! Had to learn to use them while in the Navy, had to use one at work, didn't want one here but sucumbed to pressures from the wife. Don't do face book, don't do tweets and don't do texting or sexing or any of the other ings....
I do have my coffee, don't smoke so that's not an issue with time on line. Get up around 6 - 6:30, make coffee for me (hi-test) and the wife (de-caf), read the paper then hit this thing. Come to the 57 board first, hit ebay, the HAMB classifieds and the Ford Barn. Usually finish around 9 and hit the shop to tinker.
Have been working on putting the painted stuff together. Have the Bird well underway. Vinyl top is on, all the exterior trim is on. Slight delay with that as I put a windshield stainless piece in a "safe" place and had to get another one as the original is still safe! Next is the interior pieces to get ready for the head liner.
Have accomplished much the same with the Edsel. Working on finishing the interior. All the glass and trim is back on the car, still have to paint parts of it but all of that can be taken off to do the painting without bothering the rest of the car. Intend on working on the interior today, would like to finish it up so the Bird can come into the shop for it's finish. Need to finsh both so the 57 Ranchero can continue. But that is down the road a day or two....
I'm a lot like Bill. I only got a computer about 12 years ago and am totally self taught, boy was that a learning curve the first few years :003:. I don't do any of the face book or tweets or what ever they are called, have no apps, don't even have a cell phone. I get up at 4 am and if I don't the dog comes to remind :005:.
back from a few smokes...Jim: I wish I had the knowhow to rebuild an engine. I think..LOL quite honestly was something that never held a big interest for me. I can get into enough trouble without it. I can't even tune a car at all..carburetors are a big mystery to me.
Bill...yup, I sure like being retired. My daily schedule pretty much is whatever I feel like, or don't feel like, doing. Unless it's a house rebuilding project, that is. Kinda hard to take breaks from those once your into a project.
Right now I'm kinda in a holding pattern on the '57 waiting for some parts, and some more $ to come in. I guess I've got plenty to do if I wanted on stuff I already have materials for, or don't need materials. Some pita things I just procrastinate on getting to.
Went to a nice small car show in Oklahoma weekend before last. Needed a road trip, and found a show in Kingfisher, north of El Reno. It was the last one in this area for the season, at least that I'm aware of. Nice little show..150 or so cars, mostly top quality builds. Mostly drive in's, but a few trailer queens. There was a nice Ranchero there. Owner has had it since '75. Also a '58 retrac, looked to be a well kept daily driver. Anyway, it was nice getting out..250 miles each way, weather was great. On the way back I came a different way I hadn't been before, went thru some nice country.
Next Wednesday, while the wife is getting ready for the Thanksgiving crowd, I've got to drive to Abilene to pick up our grand-neice. I'm gonna go thru Knox City on my way down and visit with my friend I've talked about on the forum that has (or had?) over 70 '57 Fords. I think he's been weeding stuff out, not sure. Hard to get a straight answer. He's getting up into his 80's, and has been a bit depressed with the health of his wife. I've hinted around to him before, that I'd like to see his entire collection, I think this time I'll just straight out ask.
same here on the Facebook and twit stuff. Gonna be a nice day today...already warmed up enough to get out to the garage for a bit. Later
Everything outside is frosted over. Been doing home improvements for a few weeks need to kick it up a gear or two and get it done by turkey day. Looks more than doable. Going to texture walls around one new french door and then sneak off for lunch with a retired airline pilot buddy. Then later this afternoon new stove, microwave and dishwasher arrive. Pick up grand daughter from school etc... Whoever said "retirement isn't for sissies" was 100% spot on. looks like come spring Its my time to start on the 57. Looking forward to that been keeping involved in our hobby by helping a good friend (new to the hobby) build a 42 Ford truck. Life goes on and mine is really pretty great.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Got back from Phoenix the other day, nice and warm at the Pavillion cruise night (not one 57 there) neat things being done with LED lites at night (had to get some at Autozone and some detailer for the paint that's half price to here), my sway bars came yesterday but they have to wait for some house work, wood splitting, and prawning. Thinking about leaving the front springs in until I try the sway bars then deciding what to do (found out front brakes are Tbird), got some single stage paint for under the hood because it's shrinking and peeling in corners and watching a couple of places on the body where the paint is cracked (wondering if I should seal the cracks with something). Found out a car cover lets fibreglass dust through (from fixing up a small rowboat) -crap! -had to wash the cover and re-clean the car.
Tough job, EH?
I love building engines, trans and suspension, been doing it since 14 years old. I hate body work, I can take a small dent and ruin a whole quarter panel trying to fix it :003:
Since retirement I have worked harder at home then I ever did at a job, hard to believe how many things need to be done. I'm the auto mechanic, carpenter, electrician, plumber, gardener, cook and help care for two 92 year old parents.. Not enough hours in the day any more.
Well, one of the downsides to putting a complete engine in your car...wiring and trying to get it cleaned and detailed. I gunked it after I pulled it from the Mark to get the heavy stuff off, now I'm spending hours with cleaners, paint brushes, and rags, trying to get all the nooks and cranies. It's a good thing I like doing this stuff. Kinda hard getting an engine like mine to look good in it's stock configuration, but I just can't handle the dirt...gotta get it cleaned at least once. Gonna have to give some serious consideration to fabing some engine bay covers after I get the car assembled.
Cold front coming in tonight but it sure is a great fall day today.
Sounds like my retirement days aren't too unlike some of you guys. When I retired, my wife very nicely reduced my "honey-Do" list to just one item....rebuild the house. You'd think a small house would be easier. When I remodeled our Colorado house, we just used other areas of the house...can't do that in a small house.
Man, I don't wanna retire if I have to get up as early you guys! Up at 7, get the wife and kids out the door, have a half hour to myself before work at 8:30. Been finishing up on my Uncles 67 Goat, getting the house ready for turkey day and what not. Was talked into putting up Christmas lights last night. (dang kids)
LOL...yeah, we get up earlier than we use to, but we get to take naps.
Naps, my favorite part of the day. I run out of gas about 2pm every day and have to hit the couch for a recharge :003:
I started rebuilding my small house 30 years ago and it's still not done :003: It was just a one bedroom one bath on a 1/3 acre lot. My first carpentry experience was adding a 300 square foot bedroom doing it a few hours at a time after work each day. The city building inspectors loved me. The rest of the house was a real pain, it's all framed in redwood that is real dimensions, a 2x4 is 2" x 4", also parts were build with 2x3's. If I knew better and had the $$$ at the time I would have torn it down and started from scratch.
Women are born liars, we bought this house 7 years ago and my wife said it was perfect. been making it just a bit more "perfect" ever since. Oh well, she's the one that still goes off to work every morning while I snore away. Going on 36 years so its not time to start complaining.
Zap- :unitedstates:
and just for grins how many of your wives has had to have a perfectly good window removed just to have a garden window.
Amen Zap! What is with the garden window anyways?! I had to put one in also! I don't know why, she said the cactus needed more sun. Well hello we live in Vermont! If God wanted us to grow cactus here they would grow here! With out the window! Tim :unitedstates:
I haven't had to put in a garden window, but I have replaced perfectly good doors, nice carpet(for hardwood) and have painted the living room 4 times in 7 years!
I'm 57 so its about another 10 or so years before I can do the retirement thing. We are getting ready for opening of deer season, my son Dan is going, he's 21. Always hunted with my Dad, even though he stopped hunting 10 or so years ago. When I was up by him in September we worked on my deer blind, cut up some brush and windfalls, then he died the next week, this is kind of a special year. On Friday, Troy---410ranchero, is coming up from Tennessee, he is picking up a complete ems floor I had in my 57. Should be a good visit with a fellow 57 ford fan from this site. Outside of that, busy around here getting ready for Winter, rake leaves, winterize stuff, put away the hot rods. Been busy doing side jobs, plumbing & HVAC, Mark
Man that's a long drive to pick up parts...must be trying to get a road trip in before snow flies too much. Visits with forum members are great..I really enjoyed the meeting we had with 4 of us in Colorado this past spring....hopefully we'll do it again next spring. Which reminds me, I wonder if Al is back to Colorado from his cabin in Minn. yet.
Lorne...that's the problem with car covers....they can let dust in, and then when the wind blows the cover a bit, it can damage the paint. ...unless it's inside where the wind don't blow.
Did you find anything of interest to do in Phoenix other than the Pavilion cruise? Also, I'm wondering... I think the place you bought your car from moved? I didn't have time to check them out when I was there, but in the spring they had a sign on their place saying they were moving, to check their website for a new address.
Yeah Rich, we went for the Nascar race - a good time, lots of RV's were there and they must have been continuous to a mile from the track. We did hunt down the dealership, I knew they had moved and found different people there so I guess the business was sold. Not much stock and what was there was mostly not very good. The only thing of interest was a 57 red and black Ranchero that looked to be a project car (paint was sanded), loaded with parts in the cab and box -I asked about it and was told it belonged to one of the owners.
I hung the car cover outside on the clothesline and beat the snot out of it, I want to save it because it is a pickup cover so the extra size makes it a better fit on the 57.
As I said earlier, I was really impressed with some of ways guys were using the LED lights at the cruise. I don't usually see many night gatherings and got some good ideas for placement of the lights on different places on the cars to highlight features.
Also dropped in to see the Penske museum in Scottsdale. Amazing to see teeny 900hp engines on display stands.
Closest car at the cruise to a 57 had up and down flames down the sides.
I like this pic!
Rich and Laudy57
When you guys write about the Pavilion cruise in Phoenix, it reminds me of nice warm summer evenings. That's a pleasant thought these days with the cold weather that we are having back here in Mass. I did get a chance to go for a nice drive in one of the old cars a few days ago when were having a heat wave in the upper 40's. Jay
Quote from: LAUDY57 on 2013-11-21 00:09
I like this pic!
I know were that is! Just at the tree line on Pikes Peak....been there, done that, all on pavement now.
Morning folks, got the coffee made, laundry sorted with first load in, pictures took-down loaded-ready to post for the couple of parts I need. Will have to break in a couple of minutes to switch loads and hang the wet stuff......just another day on the green side of the grass.
Will continue work on the interior of the Edsel, would like to finish it and swap it and the Birds spot before the holiday trip to WI. This year will be a shorter trip, would like to stop and visit a couple of "you's guy's" on the way....but....more surgery for the wife between Christmas and New Years day.
This is awesome guys..wish I had thought of it sooner. Cold front didn't come in last night, still in the high 40's. cool, or eh, warm! Love that '55/56 ? at the cruise. Both the 427 and the paint job are awesome. My '57 may end up with a paint job similar to that eventually. I'm not really into nascar, but that museum looks neat, and old high caliber machinery of any sorts always fascinates me.
I knew as soon as I saw that hill climb photo Bill was going to chime in. Bill got to find out first hand this summer what John Denver was always singing about.....Rocky Mountain High! Bill..your days sound like mine, except my wife actually likes doing laundry, so she does it on weekends. Got our home security system repair people coming out this morning to fix the motion detectors in my garage. Seems like everytime we're out of town the system goes down because the batteries on the motion detector went dead again. Last time I was in Oklahoma, and I had just put new batteries in 2 weeks before! They take a weird battery that are 11 bucks each..ain't gonna replace those every two weeks. When the batteries die, the alarm goes off because it's not getting a signal, and the cops are called. They've been here twice on false alarms. Gotta get the house picked up a bit before they get here.
Jay..sounds like it's getting cold early back home! Leaves are falling here. I want a plate of New England style fried clams. I'll have to use that as an excuse for an extra long road trip some year...something to add to my bucket list.
Quote from: 4thgen57 on 2013-11-20 11:51
Man, I don't wanna retire if I have to get up as early you guys! Up at 7, get the wife and kids out the door, have a half hour to myself before work at 8:30. Been finishing up on my Uncles 67 Goat, getting the house ready for turkey day and what not. Was talked into putting up Christmas lights last night. (dang kids)
Also...we gotta get up to pee! LOL remembered that when I got up this morning.
I'm already coffeed out but it's raining lightly so I thought I would add some worthless trivia from my earlier days. When Laudy57 mention the Nascar race it brought me back to the races I attended over the years. I started going to Nascar races in 1962 at Riverside, I went to everyone until it closed. We got free tickets to California, Vegas and Phoenix every year which included pit tours and hospitality tents. Also got them for the inaugural Indy race. And you ask how that was possible? My wife worked for GM part dept for ten years while we owned 6 Fords, but that the kind of bad luck I have :003: Heres a picture of the wife with Dr Jerry Punch on pit row at California inaugural race.
new kitchen appliances showed up late last night, if I want peace and dinner need to get busy, and since its not raining going to mow back yard hopefully it has stopped growing and its the last mowing of the year. Now time to fix grand daughter breakfast, defrost truck and take her to school.
Zap- :unitedstates:
LOL...Zap..hope your appliance experience goes better than my last one. A few years ago, my wife wanted the new washers and dryers that have the steaming cyles. The front loading ones. Because we had a small area at the back end of the kitchen for the w/d, we had a stacked apartment-type unit we were replacing. When you see the front loaders at the appliance store, they are always displayed sitting on a drawer unit to raise them up. A salesman told my wife the set she was looking at could also be stacked, so she went ahead and bought the, arranging for delivery and set-up the next week. I got home from work the day they were delivered, and my wife was in tears.."I can't use them" she said, and we had already given our old units away. Stacking on top of each other, we couldn't even reach the panel on the top dryer, and you had to get on your hands and knees to reach the back of the washer on the bottom. We had room to put them side by side, but we had an upright freezer on the adjacent wall that blocked that corner. Across from the washer and dryer was our back door. Story's getting long...sorry.
This was January. I told my wife I'd move the back door to where the freezer was, and build an alcove where the door was for the freezer. Did that. There was an old gas pipe, still active, in the wall where I was putting the door in, so I took the pipe out, capped it off under ground. Decided to have the gas company check for leaks before I buried the pipe. My work was ok, but they found a leak in the supply pipe going from the back alley to the house, so shut the meter down. Middle of winter, 20 degrees, and I had to have 80 feet of new pipe run underground before they'd turn the gas back on. Got that done in a few days. New back longer had a deck in that area , so middle of January I'm outside building a new deck.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-11-21 07:44
Jay..sounds like it's getting cold early back home! Leaves are falling here. I want a plate of New England style fried clams. I'll have to use that as an excuse for an extra long road trip some year...something to add to my bucket list.
It looks like Jeff is going to get some N.E. style fried clams at Star Drive in before you do. He's planning on coming here in December. But I promise to take you there for some when you get out here again. Your forties weather ain't all that bad. Enjoy it. Jay
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2013-11-20 08:20
Finished my new engine, build a hillbilly test stand to fire it up on. Ran it up to operating temp so I could re-torque the heads and adjust the valves hot before putting it in the car.
To me that's very Hi Tech and not a hillbilly test stand. I have been known to use an old tire or none at all, and Had to shut if off quickly because I wasn't smart enough to hook up a hose to it for a cooling system. Thanks for sharing it with us. Jay
Nice...thanks a 55 I'm off to work.
Not looking to give away any time...but can't wait until everyday is Saturday! Not sure when that will be. Hoping for August 2017....but many planets have to line up.
That's good pic of Dr. Punch, Jim. We've already bought tickets for next March Phoenix and Vegas races. That Ranchero I saw was the same colours as your avatar.
Rich you did have a good idea with this thread although by the time I get up (no more of that 4:30 BS for me anymore, well, except for a pee like you said) and get my coffee here on the wet coast, you're already moving on to actual real coffee time!
Went out and put some prawn traps in this morning, if I get any I'll post a pic for you landlubbers.
Not sure this flatlander even knows what a prawn is..."shrimpy" lobsters?
Cold front moved in..temp feels like it's dropped 30 degrees since I got up this morning.
Jay...Jeff was also thinking about Texas in Dec....guess he decided on a closer destination.
Kinda weird watching you lot talk about early morning coffee when I'm sitting here reading in the evening thanks to the time difference! Got to admit I usually take a look-see in the morning while having a coffee, but it sure is quiet in here at that time while you all catch some zzzzz's. I always try and be quiet though so as not to wake you all up, from the sound of it some folks need their beauty sleep! :003:
Temperature dropping real fast here, been having to scrape the ice off the car windows most mornings now, doesn't stop garage time on the Ranchero though, welding sparks dropping down your neck sure keeps you jumping around to stay warm.
Can we still post when we have moved to an evening drink?
From the sounds of the weather report, I may not be in my garage for a few days. ice, sleet, snow with winds to 45 mph tonight thru tommorrow followed by more of the same coming in Saturday. Great to live in south.
Pretty nice Jeff!
In the 50s now. Highs in the 20s by Sunday here
Quote from: 4thgen57 on 2013-11-21 19:54
In the 50s now. Highs in the 20s by Sunday here
I saw that the high is only supposed to be around 35 for the big Columbus swap meet the weekend after Thanksgiving. Oh well in the last quarter century of attending I've been there when its been nearly 70 and other years in the teens. Either way it's fun just to walk around check everything out.
Yeah its Ohio, If you don't like the weather, wait 5 min, it'll change!
trip to WI. This year will be a shorter trip, would like to stop and visit a couple of "you's guy's" on the way....but....more surgery for the wife between Christmas and New Years day.
[/quote] Bill , it would be good to visit with you folks, welcome anytime. Mark
That's some awesome artwork on that cover (and a '57 with it to boot!). Easy to see why Jeff is always so busy fillin' orders. Nice work Jeff
Thanks for posting that Lorne.
Tonight is one of those chills that just goes right thru to the bones. 30 degree, 30 mph winds, high humidity
Quote from: 4thgen57 on 2013-11-21 18:52
Can we still post when we have moved to an evening drink?
^^^^^ this could make it real interesting.... :003:
If I can find my camera I will show you guys some of stuff i get myself into... uhg.
First I got a good deal on a house right next to me on a dead end street.
I am going to turn it into a garage. ( the whole house ). The other thing I did was cut the roof
off my house and added a 2nd story. Its only on half the house ,it measures 20x21.
I will post some pics soon .... I hope.
Quote from: 6cyl57 on 2013-11-21 22:48
If I can find my camera I will show you guys some of stuff i get myself into... uhg.
First I got a good deal on a house right next to me on a dead end street.
I am going to turn it into a garage. ( the whole house ). The other thing I did was cut the roof
off my house and added a 2nd story. Its only on half the house ,it measures 20x21.
I will post some pics soon .... I hope.
Sounds like you "hot rodded" your house. :burnout:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-11-21 22:07
That's some awesome artwork on that cover (and a '57 with it to boot!). Easy to see why Jeff is always so busy fillin' orders. Nice work Jeff
Thanks for posting that Lorne.
Tonight is one of those chills that just goes right thru to the bones. 30 degree, 30 mph winds, high humidity
Thanks Lorne.. thanks Rich.
I have not seen that issue yet... it was a tight deadline..Had 24 hours to put that to bed.
Morning coffee?.... I should have invested in Folger's Stock!
Been damp and cold here in the last few days..24 degrees and grey.
I was gonna hit Texas for Thanksgiving... but airfare is....... Ridiculous......
I am trying to sort out my work sched to hit the Boston area and drop in on Jay >>>------->!
I need another coffee.
That is some nice art work Jeff. I admire you people with artistic talent I can't draw stick people.
Well I finally managed to get up and on line....this Vista program really hacks me off. Updates to the security and operating software take over the stupid thing. Can't even look at the news! Then when the updates are all done and over with the system operates, third cup, news paper done, saw the obit for I fellow street rodder that I did a bunch of work for in the past. 67, too young....had cancer.
No new news, still plugging away on the shop projects between getting ready to visit the kids for Thanksgiving. Going to have all three and all five grandkids together this year. First time since 2001, life (ours and their's) has gotten in the way. Looking forward to the mayhem!
'Morning guys.
Jeff...have fun in Mass! We'll hopefully do it at a later date. I was thinking when you did come we could give your friend John Stromberg a lookup....I know he and Bob Owens are friends as well.
Bill..sounds like you got a "platefull" for Thanksgiving..great to hear. My wife is off work today...hurrying me to get dressed and go grocery shopping. Too darn cold to work in the garage today anyways. Later
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-11-22 09:00
'Morning guys.
Jeff...have fun in Mass! We'll hopefully do it at a later date. I was thinking when you did come we could give your friend John Stromberg a lookup....I know he and Bob Owens are friends as well.
Bill..sounds like you got a "platefull" for Thanksgiving..great to hear. My wife is off work today...hurrying me to get dressed and go grocery shopping. Too darn cold to work in the garage today anyways. Later
Will will definitely do that Rich!
Jim. thanks for the kind words....I have seen your work and you are a very talented fella!
BRRRR! 24 degrees supposed to get up to 47 later on, 72% humidity no wind they were/are expecting some in the 25mph range. Going to stay indoors and work on kitchen and watch grand daughters. All out of hot chocolate and marshmallows. At least its clear skies and sun shining.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Rich, this is a prawn like you can get at the Red Lobster restaurants. One out of 4 traps had some, it's sure nice out on the water when the weather is nice in the mornings. I don't envy all this talk you guys are making about the cold weather, we've had a bit of frost this week because we've had some sun and if we've seen the sun it probably means it's going to rain in a couple of days.
Well I have just been nominated to replace the carpet in the dining room with hardwood floors before Thanksgiving! Guess what im doing tomorrow?
guess I was right...shrimpy lobsters. I can imagine how nice it is out there when the weather is good. That's beautiful country you live in. Sounds like you had a good day.
4thgen...whatcha doin' tommorrow?
You must be laying down prefinished stuff if you're going to be finished for Turkey. That sure makes life a whole lot easier than the old days laying raw wood, sanding, sanding, sanding varnish, varnish, varnish. And that's not even mentioning the god awful mess it made.
Quote from: 4thgen57 on 2013-11-22 19:04
Well I have just been nominated to replace the carpet in the dining room with hardwood floors before Thanksgiving! Guess what im doing tomorrow?
Hmm, guess what you're doing tomorrow,..... filing for divorce? :105:
Negative, a trip to lowes and the carpet is now removed. So what was a lower quarter for the custom is now bundles of wood flooring in the back of truck.
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Birmingham, AL
Posts: 1635
Re: Morning coffee
? Reply #46 on: Today at 07:00:48 AM ?
Quote: Bill
Well I finally managed to get up and on line....this Vista program really hacks me off. Updates to the security and operating software take over the stupid thing. Can't even look at the news! Then when the updates are all done and over with the system operates flawlessly
Bill, I leave mine on 24/7. It is set to do updates and full security scans at 3 am. It'll restart itself if required.
Hmm..not sure what I did on that post, but I guess you can figure out I was quoting Bill, and my reply.
Morning guys. Still cold outside but the air is still, so it isn't too the heaters turned on in the garage, so hopefully in a few hours I can get out there. That storm that hit the SW is headed here later today though.
We've got 4 cats that live outside that won't come in. water dish frozen solid! 2 of the 4 have had their shots, and have been fixed. 2 others still a little too wild yet. Our 4 inside cats have all been fixed. Neighborhood was being overrun with cats a few years ago. Had to take a bunch to the "shelter"..just killed me. Funny...all three of our dogs know which cats are ok, and which to run off. Fun to watch our cats go up and nuzzle our Husky.
Got my security system fixed Thurs., btw. This guy actually knew what he was doing. He took one look at where my garage was, and said "I know your problem,it's too far. I've got a booster unit in the truck that'll take care of it." Had it installed in 20 minutes and then came in and upgraded the radio in our panel from a 2G to a 4G. He's built a couple older trucks, so we talked about that for a while. We were talking about getting old, he asked how old I was. I told him I'd be 67 next week. Turns out he was also born on Thanksgiving.
Cold outside my azz! Its like 6 degrees in Milwaukee this morning. The wife and I are enjoying our morning coffee at the local Firestone shop getting a wheel bearing replaced on the caddy. Not planned but I guess when I replaced the other one 5,000 miles ago I should have done both. 140,000 miles on a wheel bearing is doing good I guess.
Quote from: 4thgen57 on 2013-11-22 22:26
Negative, a trip to lowes and the carpet is now removed. So what was a lower quarter for the custom is now bundles of wood flooring in the back of truck.
Been there done that, hope you were smarter then me and bought an instillation tool, I didn't. I made it to the end of the first row and then had to head for the shop and build a homemade one :005:
Yep 6 degrees is a bit cold. I thought you Milwaukee people had beer for breakfast.
Funny story...I've been following a build thread on the Hamb. Don't remember names, or all the exact details..but this guy has been into building clones of well known 50's customs and after finishing his last one decided he really wanted to do another....a late 40's car that was done in the early 50's, was well known in the show and magazine circuits. The original car was totalled by it's second owner in the late 50's, but the builder/original owner was still alive (he's 88), and there were lots of pics. The guy is a fanatic on details when building a clone. When it was getting close to the paint stage, he started checking into the paint color that he knew the name of, but there were no color photos. Apparently Chrysler used the color on different makes for a number of years. Wanting to be as accurate as posible, he made, or had made(not sure which) 18 different color cards and sent them to the original builder to see if he could pick the version that was the closest.
He got the package back with a note on the stack of cards that said "yup, that's the color".
Dining room is done, other than trim. Snowing like crazy. fire goin and soup on the stove.
While sucking coffee this morning, I was inspecting my new glass. Checked venders and internet. Went local, six pieces with the vent windows installed (my gaskets) for $361.00 out the door! Cheaper than any price just for the glass without shipping. You guys that have installed vent windows and gaskets can relate to that task.
Hell of a price for including installation to the vent window.
Gonna be rough driving for a while. We only got a few inches of snow, but it's on top of ice, and it's not going to warm up enough to melt today.
Unfortunately, bubble wrapped the glass and put away for another day. House remodel trumps car work.
Weather report: COLD
Good day to stay inside and watch a bunch of football. Great SD/KC game..8 lead changes, and Kc lost, putting my Broncos alone in 1st place. That is, at least until they play the Pats tonight...not sure about that game. I'll honestly be surprised if the Broncos pull it off. I think Manning is the better QB, but Brady is the better passer...should make for an interesting game.
I sure miss baseball. I got thinking today, I wonder if winter baseball will ever come about. Not sure if they've got enough domed stadiums to make it work. I'm surprised I've never heard any discusions about it. Seems like somebody with a spare few billion would try it.
I was working on a list of things I still need to purchase for my '57....sure is depressing....although for sure not as bad as it was 5 years ago.
A fine morning in the hills of VA. Had an uneventful drive, slept well and all is quiet. Kids and grandkids are still in bed, have a cup of coffee and the only noise is the whistling and bird chirping from the myriad of electronic devices they think they can't live without. Truck did well as usual, got 55K on that bad boy (2010), should be close to 60 by the end of the year.
4 degrees C but clear skies here this morning, still the same now at 2.05pm. Working from home today and seriously considered venturing into the garage at lunch time for an hour on the Ranchero. I'm still seriously considering it and probably still will be when its time to go to bed! Oh well, theres always tomorrow......
I think it's cold just about everywhere. another good day to just stay in the house and stay warm. I think Limey's spot on..seems like I'm always saying "there's always tommorrow".
LOL...I fell asleep on the couch last night. Woke up this morning remembering this dream I had about my team blowing a 24 to nothing half time lead. Oh well, I guess stranger things have happened. Wait, shoot,......that wasn't a dream. Strange game. Think the weather was a factor? The first 52 points scored in that game were all going with the wind! Denver scored 24 in the first 1/2, then at 1/2 time when they switch ends, NE scored the next 28.
Sorry Rich but being a lifelong Raider fan always glad when someone beats Denver, god knows the Raiders won't, so have to settle for second best.
Zap- :unitedstates:
I'm use to brother is a Raider's fan...not sure why. You'd think with us being from Mass. at least one of us would be a Pats fan. He is a Red Sox fanatic though. It was great (particularly for him as it turned out) a few years ago when My Rockies met the Sox in the World Series.
Dragged my butt into the garage at 5.00pm and spent half an hour heat-quench shrinking some of the dents in the bed/cab bulkhead. I thought there was only one or two, but I've come to the conclusion that someone must have used the pickup bed as a bowling alley at some point..........
According to the forecast the temperature is set to climb to a scorching 8 degrees at the end of the week, I'll only have to wear two pairs of socks in the garage this weekend then.
That's almost 50 degrees Fahrenheit, don't know if that's cold around here. I sat in the woods all day Saturday, it was 19 when I went out. Nasty wind all day, just sucked.
Had a good visit on Friday, fellow members Troy, and his wife Jesse (410ranchero) drove up from Clarksville Tennesee. They came up to purchase a complete ems floor I had, as well as other panels. The timing was good, as I was leaving for deer hunting season opener on Friday night. We had a good visit looking over my projects, then we went for a ride in my 58. That turned out to be quite timely,we got a couple inches of snow this morning at drive time, so lots of salt was put down, time to put the hot rods away for winter. They said they were stopping to see Tom Drummonds collection on the way home, he is about an hour and a half from me. Troy is a lucky guy, his wife Jesse seems to share his passion for the 57's, Mark
Mark...that's a great photo. We had talked awhile back about seeing some faces that go along with the cars and names. Thanks for posting. Ranchero looks awesome as usual.
Nice to have a better half that shares the enthusiasm, and being cuter than heck doesn't hurt either!
Sounds like Troy and Jessee had/having a nice roadtrip planned out.
I would like to congratulate Rich on his Morning Coffee thread. Who knows where this will end up....maybe a morning radio talk show! HRD.
Balmy 38 and rainy this morning. Hot coffee, computer that runs and good health make the day. Hoping this storm passes north of us as the weather guessers think it will. Temps are supposed to stay above freezing for the duration. Too much going on for ice on the roads, especially in these hills!
Balmy 28 here, but it's a nice 28! We didn't get the sleet and ice last night that was I'm off to Abilene, after my morning routine, to pick up our grand neice. Hopefully roads south of us didn't get too much snow or ice either.
Thanks Donny, I was really happy to see the guys embrace the idea. Talk show?? No...Jay's the only one that understands my New England accent. LOL. Had a nice talk with Jay on the phone yesterday. At one point he told me I had lost 100% of my New England accent. Everybody out here always asks what part of NE I'm from.
As far as the Morning coffee thread, I'm still hoping others will join us. I sure hope this thread is ok with James, aside from the fact it'd be nice to hear what's going on in his busy life.
Rich, last time I checked Vermont was still part of New England! Lol! But that's ok, everyone forgets about us in this corner of the states! I spent 4 yrs in the army ( fort Bragg, Nc. ) so people here think I have an accent! Tim :unitedstates:
Accents! Boy do I love them and trying to figure where people come/came from. After almost 40 years machining my hearing isn't as clear so not so good at it. In the service you meet guys from all over. In boot camp it was a Massachuset accent that gave most of us a laugh, took a while to tune the ear to understand J. Soares specially when flustered. But it was the guys that spoke ''southern'' or the many different variations that actually were the most interesting. Guys from Arkansas had as much trouble understanding guys from Louisiana or Georgia. All ''southern'' to the yankees but with regional differences that after awhile became decipherable.
One of my brothers was stationed at NAS Pensacola for a couple years, and he came home speaking southern and had also absorbed some very interesting phrases and mannerisms. So along with speech pattern had also used his hands differently.
Good buddy from Texas hadn't been home for many years and his accent was hardly noticeable. Till his ''baby brother'' Who had never wandered too far from the Texas/Oklahoma border came out west looking for work and stayed with him for a couple years. Then after a couple weeks it was like he had never left the family farm in Texas. Or how it sounded when he said it TeHas.
Now it was my families' good fortune to land in Florida when I was 7 years old. There we learned to speak what we thought was ''english'' but what I call ''southern''. Now you mix that with ''cuban'' and it must have really been something to hear. A year or so later we moved to Oregon proud of our new mastery of the english language. I can remember hearing and not understanding why when a classmate (3rd grade) telling me he loved to hear me talk. As he said ''you sure do talk funny''. Another classmate Jimmy Jones used to laugh and correct me all the time that his name was not Himmee Hones.
My Texas friend to this day when introduced to someone to this day uses the phrase passed on by his ''daddy'' (80 some years old and they're still daddy and mama) taught him years ago "right proud to meet you''.
Obvious that I'm just killing time waiting for the temperature to rise another 10-15 degrees so I can paint some house siding. Remember that garden window well the siding around it and a new french door need some paint. So while its warming up guess I should trim out the door on the inside.
Anyway guys am "right proud to meet y'all".
Zap- :unitedstates:
Troy and Jesse did stop and see me after leaving Mark's house,we went out to supper and then went back to the house,to look at some of my Junk. Very nice couple and it is great to meet some of the members face to face.
If anyone is wondering what I look is one that was takin of me at our family picnic!
HRD you are a lot better looking than I thought you would be!
560 miles since I logged off this morning....clear roads all the way.
Himmie Hones...funny.
You take a good pic Donnie, regardless of what Jeff said.
Quote from: hotroddonnie on 2013-11-26 16:40
If anyone is wondering what I look is one that was takin of me at our family picnic!
Its true what mom always told me, that I have a long lost twin out there.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Mornin all, Balmy 25 here, wind chills around 10. Days like this I hate working outside. Atleast its my Friday. Everyone have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
Morning from VA again. Still Saturday...oh....every day is Saturday! Still on CST, while the clock says 7:30 my body told me to get up because it was 6:15. Put coffee on (yup, still have to, daughter has four to look after), saw that it was 42 outside, no freezing rain!
Zap know what you went through with the regional dialects and accents. I go home to WI I have a southern accent, in AL I have a northern me....I'm lost....but I digress her....standing phone watch in the barracks after boot camp, phone booth rings (ya, that long ago), answer it and had to find some one that could talk to the operator from the south because her accent was so strong I couldn't understand a word she was saying. I was raised on a small farm and the first time I was ever out of WI was our high school trip to Chicago, never saw a black person before that (other then National Geographic) so there was a bunch of the world I had not seen. I could go on forever with all the "new" things I saw and learned while in the Navy, most would be "G" rated with a couple of "R"s thrown in and an occasional "X" but I won't bore you with the details.
So hope you all have a great Thanksgiving, enjoy your families and be good to yourselves.
Mornin y'all. The worst dialect for me to understand is/was the Texas Drawl. This is not an accent, this is an attempt to talk without actually moving your lips. When my brother in law was still alive, Connie had to interpret for me.
Now that's funny, don't care who you are........
ok...back to home remodeling stuff....a head's up next door neighbor's gas stove went out last week, they bought a new one, and asked me to install it for them. I went over Monday to see what I was in for, and noticed they had an old copper or brass flex tube supply line. Legally they need to be replaced, but aside from meeting code, there is a very good reason to not reuse these old lines. Over time the natural gas reacts with the copper and actually forms crystals inside the tube. We're talking build up to the point where they can actually clog the tube, and of course these crstals will migrate to the control valve, causing them not to work. It very well could be the reason her old stove stopped working. I'll know later this morning. Another tip...when your hooking up this gas stuff, don't use the white teflon thread tape. The gas will eventually eat thru it. They make a special teflon tape for gas. It is yellow.
Good point on the Teflon tape Rich. I had this happen on the dryer, I thought the burner went out. After taking the burner out I found a piece of tape in the main jet, very similar to a carburetor jet, it was removable and I just cleaned it out and back on the road..
I didn't know about the crystal build up, thanks..
Rich and Jim...
Do you two guys make house calls just in case I have a problem with a home project that I can't handle??
Rich... I never knew that about the crystals also.
I replaced a water heater a few years ago. The control valve went out, and the water heater was old enough to warrant a new one rather than just another new $150. valve. When I replaced the old tube that was there, a small pile of the crystals actually fell out of the tube. They are black...look like tiny bits of coal. Realized that was probably why the control valve I had replaced a year or so before that was no longer working. I didn't replace the supply tube the first time because I would have had to pull the water heater out of it's tight space to get to it.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2013-11-27 10:26
Rich and Jim...
Do you two guys make house calls just in case I have a problem with a home project that I can't handle??
Rich... I never knew that about the crystals also.
You have my phone number. May take a while to get there in the 57 :003:
Got all the new ,and more, siding painted yesterday. Trimmed around the new door now all that is left is paint inside of door, install lockset, clean back patio, and install doors on cabinet where old microwave sat. Good thing wife is working thursday and we are doing thanksgiving on friday. Hope you all have a good one.
Zap- :unitedstates:
I'll use this morning coffee venue to tell everyone to have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. The only work I've been doing to my cars is on the 63 Galaxie. It's getting the bumpers rechromed, new reproduction am/fm radio, package tray and 406/427 alum. intake PCV valve installation kit. The 57 is covered up and ready to go. It's not needing anything. I'll drive them this winter whenever the roads are clear and salt free. Jim
Thanks Jim..You have a great Thanksgiving also. Do you still have that low miles car you bought a year or two ago you weren't sure what to do with? I actually can't remember what it was...'67 Fairlane?
Hi Rich,
That was a 66 Fairlane. It was all original, nice car, 37K miles with the original fan belts, like new interior, original paint etc. I was afraid to drive it so I let it go. It's in Canada now in a collection. The guy called me back and said he was really pleased with it so I was happy he got it. I can't own a car I can't enjoy every day the roads don't have snow or salt on them.
The only thing I accomplished today was painting my air cleaner. 72 degrees, just perfect for painting..
Quote from: Frankenstein57 on 2013-11-25 21:57
Had a good visit on Friday, fellow members Troy, and his wife Jesse (410ranchero) drove up from Clarksville Tennesee. They came up to purchase a complete ems floor I had, as well as other panels. The timing was good, as I was leaving for deer hunting season opener on Friday night. We had a good visit looking over my projects, then we went for a ride in my 58. That turned out to be quite timely,we got a couple inches of snow this morning at drive time, so lots of salt was put down, time to put the hot rods away for winter. They said they were stopping to see Tom Drummonds collection on the way home, he is about an hour and a half from me. Troy is a lucky guy, his wife Jesse seems to share his passion for the 57's, Mark
Sorry I was never good at following rules, this will be an "evening beer" post from me. I'm usually chugging coffee on the road as I'm not much of a morning person!
Jessica and I had an awesome trip up north! We left TN at 4am on Friday and took the very rough route up Hwy 41 through Indiana(they must have awesome schools, no money is spent on roads!) But we made the GPS time of 9hrs right on the nose, to the wrong address! Luckily we were a little early so we went into Waukesha(pronounced WOK-A-SHAW, not WAH-KOO-SHA haha) to a little deli and had a great lunch and a local beer before meeting Mark. Mark corrected the GPS error and got us to his place where he has assembled a nice collection of 57 Ranchero paraphernalia. I scored a complete floor and a left quarter as well a treasure trove of first hand combing over of Marks projects. Mark was even kind enough to take us for a ride is his beautiful 58'. This was my wife's first ride in a Y block car and definitely helped my argument for a gear vendor over drive. Its always so cool to see a car all finished when yours is in pile! I got a lot of good ideas on how to proceed with mine, and I think I'm going to shamelessly copy Marks idea for a gold dash.
We left Marks house with the trailer full of goodies and a left front wheel bearing on its last legs and headed in Milwaukee. We stayed downtown after taking pictures of everything in the trailer incase it wasn't with us in the morning. We had dinner at a little Irish pub called Mo's and man was it good, that with a local beer finished the first 22 hour day. We got about 6 hours sleep and blasted down to the little Firestone store for a fresh wheel bearing at 7:30 and as luck would have it, there was a little pub across the street that served breakfast, little Irish coffee took the sting out of the $250 wheel bearing.... Of course I had to unhook our little trailer, while a local was nice enough to park in front of it while the car was getting worked on. Then off to the Miller brewery tour(impressive), then the Harley museum(ho hum), and last stop the LakeFront Brewery tour(thankfully they make a killer root beer, and best tour). We were hoping to be out of town by noon. By now it was 4pm and we were looking at a 10 hour drive, plus a stop at Tom's house. No big deal, I like red bull!
We blasted out of Milwaukee after retrieving our trailer(had to push it backwards far enough to get the Escalade in front of it) quick stop for gas and cheese curds and finally arrived at Tom's at 6pm(about 5 hours late!)
If you haven't met Tom you are really missing out, I feel like we met an icon of the 57 Ford world for sure. Tom's three 57's are really well restored, and I think represented three different routes of bringing one back to life. The vert looks almost stock, with a very well executed factory appearing FE transplant (lost of ideas from this), the Custom struck me a nicely done resto that you would drive anywhere, and the Ranchero is just a league of its own, I had never seen a Lincoln Y block, let alone a McCullough supercharged one! After drooling over all three of Tom's 57's we hit a local BBQ joint, and Tom insisted that he buy our dinner! We then went back to Tom's and were treated to his 57 Ford museum. If you haven't seen it, you are really missing out, Tom has in my opinion the most complete privately owned collection of 57 Ford memorabilia. We visited for a while longer and then had to hit the road again.
I was determined to make the rest of the drive home, but petered out after about another 23 hour day. We got a motel and made it home the next day.
Now if I could just get a little free time to get that floor and quarter installed!
Troy, I told you guys you should have stayed the night and start fresh! It was good to meet you both and maybe I will head down your way this summer. If any body on the site is travling on I90 I am at the Il. Wi. border Rockton Il. Always happy to have people stop and look at my 57 junk. Tom
Man, you guys can squeeze in alot on one long weekend! Thanks for posting, Mark and Tom's collections definetly sound like a must do. Now, if I can ever get a trip planned to the Northeast, I could take a Northern route to get there.
Man I thought I was doing good driving from Birmingham to OK City, dropping off the 57 wagon then up to Tulsa to pick up the 58 Edsel and then to Ft. Smith, AR for a rest stop! You guys are out there......
Got a drive in today, to the gas station then my buddies shop. snowing all the way. Took my 2 year old on his first ride in the Custom. He's a trooper. No heat , and he just sat there and grinned.
The guy I sold that low miles Mark viii to pulled the independent rear out of it and installed it in a friend's '56 Ford pickup.They had played with the setup on another frame, then his friend decided it would be cool on his, so they ordered some new welding plates, gussetts, pulled the bed off the pickup and had the irs installed in two days. They just had the brake lines to hook up, and were waiting for the old Mark viii driveshaft to be shortened and (unfortunatly) a Chevy yoke put on the front of it. Very easy me to wishing I knew about it way back when. Might even be easier on the '57 passenger car frames the way they kick up in the back to clear the differential.
Sadly, the car went to the crushers last week...he didn't want to mess with trying to sell stuff off it. Easy pull from the marks also...a half dozen bolts, a few brake lines and it's out. Not sure how the width compares to the '57 though..that may be the problem. The irs is 1 1/2" wider than the '56 pickup was.
Quote from: 4thgen57 on 2013-11-27 19:46
Got a drive in today, to the gas station then my buddies shop. snowing all the way. Took my 2 year old on his first ride in the Custom. He's a trooper. No heat , and he just sat there and grinned.
Those smiles and grins go a long way. I've got a pic of my wife the first time she sat in the '57 after I got the driver's seat finally installed. She grabbed the steering wheel with both hands and that grin slowly spread across her face. She hates me taking pics of her in her 'jammies!
Well Rich you know what they say, no picture then it didn't happen, plus she wouldn't know if you posted the picture would she? I'll go first, here's a picture of my wife driving to Wallmart!
Happy Thanksgiving to you guys in the states!
ad to all out there serving as well.
Time to put the bird in, 21 lbs, lots of left overs.......:<)
Mornin....Happy Thanksgiving! We've got lots of people coming today, so we picked up the biggest turkey we could find..just under 25 lbs, and a 12 1/2 lb ham to go with it. They'll both be going in the smoker shortly. We're not eating until 4:30 or so...later than usual, because 2 of our neices have to work today. I was born on Thanksgiving, so my birthday falls on it every 3 or 4 being one of those.
Got some things done last night, I took my t-bird over to the house I invested in last spring, cleaned up the garage and tucked it away for the winter. My son and I then worked on the hardwood floors, I drum sanded them recently, and we are finish sanding the edges and corners, prepping for finish. My friend calls, he doesn't have heat--its 23 degrees out. Just so happens I had some used parts for his furnace, went over and saved the day. Thinking about splitting some wood before the Packer/ Lions game, and turkey dinner of course. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!! Mark
Happy Birthday Rich.
Yup, Happy Birthday Rich.
Turkey is in the smoke house, 3 hours and its in the oven. And in my tradition of not following the rules, I'm have a Tennessee Mimosa(shine and orange juice)
Happy Turkey day to all, especially our boys downrange.
happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Is it Morning yet?
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2013-11-28 16:38
Is it Morning yet?
Nope...but I am getting my vitamin c...... :003:.....that would be a shot of 1800, two shots of O.J. and ice....settles all that bird and fixings down real nice....getting ready for cherry pie and ice cream!
ha ha h a
It might be black friday but its turkey day at our house today. Wife worked yesterday so its time to get everything ready for the ids and a bunch of in-laws and outlaws to show up. Extra was good gave me time to ''finish'' a couple of honey doos that really needed doing. Hope you all had a good one.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Absolute best part of Thanksgiving dinner...turkey sandwiches the days after. Love 'em.
Agree'd, just finished two, little mayo, toasted bread, a cold drink and I'm in hog heaven!
I'll do a turkey in the middle of the summer just for the leftovers!
Still in VA, heading back tomorrow at O'dark thirty (by the wife's timing, half way through the day by mine :005:). Should head out today as the traffic is going to be a killer tomorrow, but, need to maximize the time with the grandkids! Be close to six months before we se them again.
Bill, have a safe trip back home when you do leave. It's gonna be a nice day here I think...turned the heaters on in the garage an hour ago. Sun was barely coming up and it was already 45 in the garage.
Well, I think I'm winding myself up for another day of indecision on what to do next on my '57....which means I may not get anything done today except straighten up my working areas a bit...they need it. For a while I was holding off on everything waiting to get enough money together to order my engine management harness, but then I realized I was getting too anxious to start that, as I have too many other things that should to be done first. I'm going to order instead all the stuff I need to get the A/C plumbing done, the transmision cooling lines, the power steering lines(which means I'll have to decide on which hydroboost), radiator overflow,exhaust at least back to the tranny tailshaft, and decide on air intake and battery placement so I can make mods to the wheel wells that may be needed. I also need to make some decisions on fuel delivery so I can get the tank/fuel pump/lines done.
I'd also like to get the dash panel custom machined, so I can finish that up and have a place to install gauges. I also need to get my Vintage air unit bought and installed. So, ytou can see why I was getting ahead of myself trying to get the electrical done.
I really enjoyed the cherry popsicle that I had for Thanksgiving!
I ask alot of dumb questions on this forum because my last project went so wrong...
Different time zone down here in New Zealand so I guess its Ok to post a morning coffee forum in the evening. We are going into summer here as well so mornings are afternoons and winter is summer. I have been off the 57 Grid for a while, looking but not posting. I have been a little distracted with my new project, a '55 F100, Heidts Super ride suspension, 4 link rear end, Stroked 302 blah blah. I have to say that the 57fordsforever forum is more social than the F100 forum. The 57 wagon is in dock at the moment, a bit of a leak from the sump, its a wedding car a couple of times after Christmas and I don't want to leak oil onto the church's new concrete. Looks like a pinched gasket, so an easy fix. I will continue to check the Morning Coffee forum to see what is happening in your worlds.
So you're the person who ended up with the prototype vehicle that was built for the two way traffic back and forth in the Sumner tunnel from Boston to East Boston. I heard that it took a couple of hits and had a lot of amateur repairs. That's the reason they built a parallel tunnel so that there is one way traffic in each tunnel. Do you remember those days?
Jay...haven't been in Boston for 25 years at least...I know they did that massive project many years ago (90's?)...did that eliminate the Sumner / Calhan Tunnels? By the way, I finally remembered to pack up the visor delete...I'll get it to the Post Office tommorrow.
Al...I'll probably never get to do another project, but if I did it would more than likely be a 50's pickup...55-56 Ford or 53-4 Chev. Sounds like you've got yours going in the right direction. Post anytime..I should have called this thread "breaktime" or something without a time of day reference. I was having my morning coffee when I started it, so... Anyways, glad you let us know what you've been up to. If I remember, your wagon was a family project with your boys..same with the '55? btw..watched a friend install a '95 Lincoln Mark viii independent rear clip into a '56 pickup...nice setup and surprisingly easy.
I like the morning coffee both at home and here. While having my first cup Santa informed me SHE wasn't going to get me sway bars for Xmas :005: Before the first cup was finished I ordered them myself :003:
Last year I didn't take the Xmas lights down so at least I don't have to fool with that this year.
I think I may have to order my own Christmas presents too this year. I am shopping for the best deals right now. :003:. I dont want much really, just some flipper style Brodie knobs and a fox tail for the antenna.
Speaking of antennas, mine is on the front pass fender, is there another location where it also went? I was told they vary because its a dealer installed item.
ps, oh and maybe order some dummy spots too
Brodie nobs in my area they were called necker nobs. Bought a car when I was 16 yrs old had ome had to be from the 50s with a auburn haired beauty in a bathing suit embedded in clear plastic. I thought it was pretty neat so left it on, dad advised against it. A few weeks later friend and I were trying to see if we could get car (51 willys) stuck in a muddy deep rutted road with all kinds of boulders thrown in. We were having a great time till one of the front tires bounced off one of the boulders and the steering wheel spun hard right and just about ripped my thumb off. At least it felt like it had thumb ans surounding area heavily bruised and ached for days, That necker knob was removed before heading home and remained in the glove box till the willys was sold. Hope the next owner wasn't foolish enough to re-install it.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Yeah Zap I hear ya on that. That is why I am getting the flipper one so it is not a thumb catcher while driving, but up during car shows. I have a friend who is a "retired" pin up model who is going in it.
Zap, you don't hear much about the Willys cars but I had a friend with three 52's. We drove one to Vegas for New Years and on the way back it blew a timing gear. The desert was covered in snow and freezing. Being pre cell phone/roadside call box days 1969 we had to hitch a ride. The guy that picked us up had a pickup truck and made us ride in the bed. Long story about the rest of the trip home but we drove my 57 back the next weekend and replaced the timing gear on the side of the road still covered in snow. The last time I saw they guy was in about 1980 and he was still driving it..
We've just spent two hours putting up the Christmas tree & decorations..... Nothing guaranteed to cause arguments more than making sue everything is in the right place! I would have left it for a couple of weeks but my daughter was getting kinda impatient.
Also been monitoring the news over here as a police helicopter dropped out of the sky and went through the roof of a crowded bar in Glasgow, Scotland. Eight confirmed dead so far and no clues (yet) as to what happened but the theories so far are a gearbox failure causing it to drop like a stone.
Well, this thread reminds me of Facebook where everyone has to let everybody know how many times they went to the bathroom and whenever they petted the dog. :003: :003: So here goes. Just got back from Columbus Ford Flea. Delivered a 494 Boss Can-Am block from Va. via Ohio to Ind. May be seeing this in a famous race car later on. A lot of Boss, FE stuff. Not much Y. Did see a rare Lincoln Y intake. Vendor with repro 57 rockers and hockeys. Car corral didn't have much at all. Back home now with coffee and Krispy Creme done. :002:
I saw that intake too. There was a 59 converitble in the corral, pretty rough. Not much else.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-12-01 08:28
Jay...haven't been in Boston for 25 years at least...I know they did that massive project many years ago (90's?)...did that eliminate the Sumner / Calhan Tunnels? By the way, I finally remembered to pack up the visor delete...I'll get it to the Post Office tomorrow.
Rich...When I first started driving, there was only The Sumner tunnel. It was very narrow and traffic went in both directions. Later in the early 60's they installed the Callahan tunnel and then we had a separate tunnel for back and forth traffic as you remember it. They are both still there with no problems. That massive mess is the one where they are still having all kinds of problems like water leaks and ceiling tiles and lights falling.
No rush on the visor delete. That's very nice of you. Thank you very much.
Back home after a frustating 11 hour drive on a normal 9 1/2 drive. While pondering my belly button Friday night I got to thinking I must have been nuts scheduling a Sunday return! Turns out I was correct! I figured Knoxville would be the start, not so much, traffic slowed from the normal 70 MPH through town to 50 - 60 MPH and was extremely heavy. All went well until Chattanooga, the back up/stop and start traffic started on I-75 30 miles outside of town and lasted until the I-24/I-59 split.
Got home, house had not burned down, all the toys were where I left them and the bed felt really great. I sleep on the coutch at the kids place because of space limitation plus I am the early riser there as well.
First load of laundry is in, second cup of coffee and the paper read. Next, put the clothes on the line, hit the grocery, put up the Christmas lights and get the cat from the "cat house".
Hope you all enjoyed time with friends and family and all were safe.
actually having coffee this time and Christmas shopping. You gotta love cyber Monday!
Yesterday was a good and bad day. I was informed by Macs that the new balancer I ordered was still back ordered until the end of Dec and they were only getting three and had orders for seven. So I tried to pick the best one of the three I had and used it, installed the radiator fired it up. Took it for a ride to pick up a new battery that fits the tray and hold down. Put the hood on last night with my sons help when he came over, still need to adjust that today. Now I'm waiting for the sway bar kit to arrive..
Doesn't sound like your day was all that least you got something done. Most of my day yeaterday was consummed getting information so I could order a few things. Got a Stainless overflow tank ordered,and an A/C condenser, and chrome dryer w/ trinary switch ordered as well. Also got a set of Mustang off road downpipes/H pipe ordered that hopefully will work to get my exhaust done to the back of the tranny area. Got to get out and start working on my shifter linkage..this may be the last good weather day for a while.
Last week when I went down to Abilene, I saw a truck/trailer with two old COE cabs on it heading north. When I saw him he was in Childress, about 115 miles south of here. This morning while running some errands, I saw the two cabs again, sitting in a commercial lot about 1/4 mile from the house!
You old guys crack me up.
Quote from: F570RD on 2013-12-03 14:37
You old guys crack me up.
LOL...That's a line us "old guys" sure hate hearing when it's coming from a young good looking lady...from a forum member, not so bad!
Here we go with another dreary day, does make for getting much done in the shop. Have the Edsel close to moving out and getting the Bird in for final assembly.
Forecasters really messed up this weeks renderings. Was dark out when I put the first load of laundry in, day light showed up and it was raining! Laundry in the dryer, hate that. Got the Christmas lights up and working yesterday before the sprinkles started.
Retreated to the shop and made good progress, got the rear seat and carpet installed, front seat tracks cleaned and lubed, a couple of seals put in and cleaned up things.
Will work on a couple of electrical issues today and try to blow out the rain gutters if it dries out a little.
Morning guys..It may get warm enough to work in my garage..hopefully anyways. Today definetly gonna be the last day for a week or so..won't be above freezing til next Tuesday.
Jay...your delete piece got to the post office Monday
Have a great day, guys...stay warm
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-12-04 08:43
Jay...your delete piece got to the post office Monday
Have a great day, guys...stay warm
Thank you very much Rich I'll send a donation to the site. Jay
You guys are awesome...... what a great site!
Mornin fellers! 61 and raining here now. Drops to 30 by 6pm with sleet and 4 to 8 inches of snow through tomorrow! Gonna be a great couple of days.
Yup, we are supposed to stay out of the muck, just a cold rain and colder temps. Due here with rain this afternoon and the cold front moving through Friday around noon. Got the gutters blown out yesterday, glad that is done. Don't like getting on the roof so much any more, that sudden stop after a slip and fall could really hurt! Winter is here for sure!
Freezing rain here.on my 3rd cup 'o Joe and my 16th drawing...... only 12 more to go!....wish I was in the garage..........
We've currently got 90mph winds which will make the 170 mile drive later today interesting........
Really happy that I'm not a brass monkey this morning. It is cold with a wind.
Quote from: Limey57 on 2013-12-05 06:57
We've currently got 90mph winds which will make the 170 mile drive later today interesting........
Be careful out there, 90mph is enough to topple semi trucks and trees..
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2013-12-05 08:23
Be careful out there, 90mph is enough to topple semi trucks and trees..
I wonder how many people know what balls on a brass monkey is :003: Corny trivia question of the day.
I'm over caffeinated and better go chill out :burnout:
Good Morning Fellow's, it looks like another fine day for me, I woke up and I'm still here. That makes it a perfect day already. We suppose to be getting really cold weather here in Northern Indiana in the next few days so I'm going to hunker down on the couch and watch TV with Buffy, my dog. I have absolutely nothing to do to the 57 or the 63 now except drive them, forgot, the battery is down on the 63, that's with one of those little battery tenders giving you a green light making you feel all warm and fuzzy inside while it's actually not doing diddly _hit for the battery. Oh well. Just gives me something else to do. I'll use the battery charger to bring it back up so I can drive it periodically this winter and get a new battery in the spring. I can't drive it too far without front turn signals anyway since the bumper has been sent out for rechroming. You guys have a good day.
I now know what a brass monkey is..thanks to wiki. I always just assumed it was a little brass sculpture.
Too cold for the garage here today.
Got my polished stainless overflow tank in yesterday..ebay..3" dia x 10, made in China, but made really well, especially for less than $40. incl. shipping. Next to nothing for packing materials, but it made it here with no damage. Amazing how much better pricing gets when you get away from vehicle specific items.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-12-05 09:30
I now know what a brass monkey is..thanks to wiki. I always just assumed it was a little brass sculpture.
Too cold for the garage here today.
Got my polished stainless overflow tank in yesterday..ebay..3" dia x 10, made in China, but made really well, especially for less than $40. incl. shipping. Next to nothing for packing materials, but it made it here with no damage. Amazing how much better pricing gets when you get away from vehicle specific items.
That reminds me I need to get an overflow tank. To cold for the garage here also. I can't wear gloves when I work and I hate picking up cold wrenches. I've thought about getting a heating pad to set them on before I start..
So, I'm looking at the newly released 2015 Mustang on the internet this morning..then it dawned on me...2015?...what the heck happened to 2014?, did I miss it? had to check my internet calender real quick just to make sure. Haven't done anything all day...time for a nap.
Oh, I did get my Mustang off road pipes today..wish it was warm enough to have a look at how they are, or aren't, going to fit.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-12-05 14:30
So, I'm looking at the newly released 2015 Mustang on the internet this morning..then it dawned on me...2015?...what the heck happened to 2014?, did I miss it? had to check my internet calender real quick just to make sure. Haven't done anything all day...time for a nap.
Oh, I did get my Mustang off road pipes today..wish it was warm enough to have a look at how they are, or aren't, going to fit.
They are going for a repeat of 50 years ago. Release for sale the 65 Mustang on April 17, 1964. Release for sale the 15 Mustang on April 17th, 2014.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2013-12-05 08:27
I wonder how many people know what balls on a brass monkey is :003: Corny trivia question of the day.
Us old sailors know..... :005:
shoot, Bill..I didn't think your were THAT old.....cannon balls?
CPO initiation required a vast store house of knowledge of trivial information gathered from the many rounds at the club plus an indepth study of all things nautical......
Bad start to the day! Paper is wet! Coffee is good and hot!
...must be everyone is starring at rain, ice and snow
Yep...I know you northern guys hate to listen to us southern guys bitchin' about the cold, but it's down to 2 last's now 18.Fortunatly not much wind though. Can't remember the last time a weather front hit such a large part of the country..seems like almost all of it.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-12-06 08:21
Yep...I know you northern guys hate to listen to us southern guys bitchin' about the cold, but it's down to 2 last's now 18.Fortunatly not much wind though. Can't remember the last time a weather front hit such a large part of the country..seems like almost all of it.
2 degrees? man that is cold! Its 32 and raining here, supposed to be in the high teens tonight, and of course we are headed to Nashville to see the Rockettes. I'd imagine the ice will knock out the power for a while. We have a little generator to run some things though. If all else fails there will be a motel somewhere with power and a heated pool!
Ona good note I did get all the PPE needed to spray urethan paint in my shop and got a good deal on a TCI sizzler convertor(2200-2500 stall)
Any one want to guess who Miss Lube Rack 1955 was?
Miss Lube Rack.....Lou Brock's wife? nevermind, that was bad. She sure looks familiar. I'd really like one of their oil cans though.
Please don't say Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi would have been 11 years old when this photo was taken.
I take that back, Pelosi was born in 1940 I think I read. She would have been 15 years old. Still not her.
lol! Miss lube rack is a looker so it can't be Pelosi. LOL
Morning coffee, just getting ready to walk out and go work our locals Kids Christmas party.. Then to the ice Fishing show after.
Quote from: JimNolan on 2013-12-07 08:41
Please don't say Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi would have been 11 years old when this photo was taken.
I take that back, Pelosi was born in 1940 I think I read. She would have been 15 years old. Still not her.
OK, then I was mislead, damn you can't believe anything on the net. Sorry guys.
The photo was taken in 1951 at the Muller Brothers Oldsmobile Tires and Carwash in Los Angeles, California by Life Magazine. The photo was one of many that appeared in a photo documentary about the world's largest automotive service station. The idea for the beauty contest was to celebrate the 3,000,000th vehicle to go through the car wash. This according to a May 16, 2012 article published in the blog site of John Straub.
So she would have been 11 years old. We may never know who this woman was. I know she didn't live near me, I'd have remembered.
I ran across that picture during my search for old Ford advertising I'm collecting. I thought these were some nice ones also from Life and Sat Evening Post mag.
I wish they still made the big Life magazines. Seemed they documented life and were enjoyable to look at and read.
On a more somber note lets not forget today was the day we were attacked at Pearl Harbor and take a moment to remember those who were lost..
Amazingly void of any mention on the internet. Today, 72 years ago, sure changed the world. My dad, and all my US citizen uncles, fought in WWII, fortunatly they all came home.
Just had my coffee and pancakes. Wax and buffed the 57 yesterday. Going to OLD Town car cruise today. 85 degree temps in Orlando today. I'll take every degree they throw at me.
85degrees... #%@@*&!! I need to get an outside thermometer..according to the weather channel this morning for Amarillo..todays low will be 17 degrees, with the current temperature 10 degrees. HUH?
On another note...what's with UPS?? last weekend I ordered a part from Calif. It shipped Monday, usps, and arrived Wednesday. On Monday I ordered one part shipped from Ohio, Fed Ex, and it arrived Thursday. On Monday I also ordered some stuff from Summit in Georgia, UPS. I got an email from Summit the package was waiting for UPS pickup Monday didn't leave the local Ga. UPS docks until Friday!..won't be here until Wed. next week.
Enjoying a balmy 39 right now. Had a catastrophe yesterday, went to the shop and found the "beer locker" was tits up! Lost two packages of meat but most importantly my pop, water and beer was warm :'(. Got it fixed with a new used fridge for a buck and quarter off craigslist. Did eat up the best part of the day doing the search and rescue.....but all is well and there is peace in the shop :003:.
Just returned from my first short trip in the rain, I can consider it christened :003:
Rich, weather this week may be a big factor in delivery times plus all the holiday shipments. I had two deliveries this week and they have a two man crew on the truck. The driver only drives and the helper does all the running and shes cute...
Could be the weather...UPS tracking had a note saying the trailers weren't unloaded due to "local disruption". I guess they word it that way just to leave us wondering what a local distruption entails. Tornado? sinkhole in the road approaching the ups warehouse? Local "loco" going postal (or in this case...UPStal)? Party for Billy Bob's birthday? in mourning for the local high school's lost football game?
Just went out and turned the space heaters off in my garage...after 4 hours, temp never got to 32. I'm bored.
Any of you guys bought any cool tools lately?...unusual stuff you're real happy with...or unhappy with? or just some unusual neat tools you've got? I'm bored. Man can only clean so much.
Haven't bought a new tool in years. I ordered my sway bars last weekend from Concourse hoping the shipping may be cheaper from Nevada. They sent me a nice letter this week informing me they are being drop shipped from the manufacturer, have no idea where that is, and coming by UPS, with no tracking number :003:. That OK, I'm not in a rush..
I love Amazons plan to use drones for deliveries for the idiots that have to have everything right away. Hope that stupidity never gets off the ground. But they would make good target practice :003:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-12-07 13:47
Could be the weather...UPS tracking had a note saying the trailers weren't unloaded due to "local disruption". I guess they word it that way just to leave us wondering what a local distruption entails. Tornado? sinkhole in the road approaching the ups warehouse? Local "loco" going postal (or in this case...UPStal)? Party for Billy Bob's birthday? in mourning for the local high school's lost football game?
Just went out and turned the space heaters off in my garage...after 4 hours, temp never got to 32. I'm bored.
A friend of mine is driving a truck and was in Texas this morning after leaving Billy Bobs birthday party last night. He said it was the first time he's chained a truck in Texas. I'm not sure where this is but he said from Rockwall to north side of Fort Worth is 60 miles and it took him 5 hours. He's now stopped on the side of the road and refuses to go any further due to the icing.
Yep...Texas is big. Rockwall is a suburb of Dallas, so after 5 hours your friend never got out of the DFW metropex. They got hit pretty hard down there, not so much the snow as you can see. Recent ads for the Fort Worth airport claim the airport is larger than Manhattan Island.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-12-07 15:35
Yep...Texas is big. Rockwall is a suburb of Dallas, so after 5 hours your friend never got out of the DFW metropex. They got hit pretty hard down there, not so much the snow as you can see. Recent ads for the Fort Worth airport claim the airport is larger than Manhattan Island.
This is ice skating rink where he parked it this morning, that was the last I heard.
25 degrees here at 5pm, early morning today with a double header hockey game for my son. outscored the other team 14-2, he had 2 goals. another early morning tomorrow. 7 am game an hour away with another winter weather advisory! should be a fun trip! Maybe I'll take the 57 with no heat!!!!
We had 4 degrees this morning, glad I'm not on call. Switched the tractor over from mower to snow thrower, worked on a snow blower I acquired for the other house I bought. Took a load of scrap in today, got $100 bucks. All shined up for the company Christmas party,should be fun, its at a casino.
Quote from: 4thgen57 on 2013-12-07 16:00
25 degrees here at 5pm, early morning today with a double header hockey game for my son. outscored the other team 14-2, he had 2 goals. another early morning tomorrow. 7 am game an hour away with another winter weather advisory! should be a fun trip! Maybe I'll take the 57 with no heat!!!!
I don't envy you, I remember too well the days my youngest son played hockey.
I had too much coffee this AM. I started looking for all my garnish molding so I could prep for paint. I started hyperventilating when I couldn't find all of them. The harder I looked, the more duplicates I found. A six hour search yielded them along with a lot of other things. I found two rear view mirrors. Both from '57 Customs. One with a swivel ball in the little garnish piece and the other threaded into the garnish piece with a lock nut. Which one is the odd ball?
Never got to 10 today. Whatever happened to global warming?
Quote from: 57redwhitered on 2013-12-07 18:21
Never got to 10 today. Whatever happened to global warming?
It is living happily everafter with the inventor of the internet...... :005:
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2013-12-08 07:25
It is living happily everafter with the inventor of the internet...... :005:
Be nice to Al, without him none of would be here talking about our 57's :003:
And what happened to global cooling they tried to sell us in the 70-80s caused by airplanes.
I'm surprised they haven't blamed global warming on people who drive 57's..
Pipes to the washing machine froze up sometime over the past few days. Rest of the house is ok..just keeping fingers crossed whatever frozen pipes we have don't burst. I sure ain't complaining though...heard places in Wisconsin may get down to a wind chill of minus 50!
I saw this pic on the 'net last night. It's a major interchange in the Dallas area after the ice hit. Speaking of Brass Monkeys, the driver of that big rig on the bridge has got a serious case of oversized. Getting downhill from where he's at would make me pucker.
Talking about tools, I just bought a tool from Las Vegas Tool. Vise grip with a slide hammer attached and a nice case came with it. It won a SEMA award. The more you guys talk about cold temps, the hotter it gets here.
vise grip with a slide hammer? what would that be used for..any pics?
Quote from: gasman826 on 2013-12-07 16:46
I found two rear view mirrors. Both from '57 Customs. One with a swivel ball in the little garnish piece and the other threaded into the garnish piece with a lock nut. Which one is the odd ball?
My guess is that neither is odd, wouldn't be the first ,or last, time that Ford used different suppliers or changed design mid year either for improvement, ease of manufacture or cost. If it was my decision to make would go with the one with the simplest design.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Go to Videos & pic's
Good day...Broncos won easily even in bitter cold. Got our washing machine pipes unfrozen with no least I haven't seen any water running out from under the house. I ran a space heater for a few hours before I realized the best heater in the best spot was the dryer. Kept putting wet towels in the dryer and ran it for about an hour. The heat generated did the trick.
Still raining here, cold and wet really put a damper on the motivation. Sure am glad I put the new roof on this year and got the gutters blown out before this stuff started!
Always worried about the pipe freezing thing when living south during my military times. Up north the temps are expected to get really low and things are done accordingly, not so much here. In Brunswich, GA the place I lived in had the water lines in the ground to the house freeze during a "mild" three days below freezing spell. Probobly a rare exception but still really bad.
Rich if it were me I believe I would open it up to see where the cold air came in. Add to that, while copper is soft and a little forgiving I'd be willing to bet there are some "stretch marks" on those pipes. Get'er done now while it is not a "must do".....
Good morning. Bill, These particular pipes come up thru the floor, so the pipes are under the house with no access except tearing the floor up, so it'll have to be one of those "if it aint broke...".
BRRRRR! In our area (PNW) we have hummingbirds that winter over. Am sure more would survive if they would get long at the feeders. But its not in their nature to share. We have two feeders that we maintain thru the winter one each on the north and west sides of the house. Some days we pull them in several times to thaw out in the kitchen sink in turns in an attempt to give them a constant food supply. However they spend more time driving each other away from the feeders than feeding themselves. Not to mention driving other birds away from any other feeders in what they deem their domain. As my wife always reminds me its a good thing they're not as big as robins or we'd be in trouble. Hopefully the yuletide camellias will start blooming soon and some of the bickering at the feeders will die down. But for the next few months this is the behavior to be expected from our ''welfare'' birds.
Definitely easier to deal with frozen feeders than frozen pipes. And must add entertaining.
Zap- :unitedstates:
In Va. Yesterday about 4" snow and overnight ice and frozen rain on top. Today just starting to melt but 6" of snow on the way in the morning.
Happy Motoring
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-12-09 08:16
Good morning. Bill, These particular pipes come up thru the floor, so the pipes are under the house with no access except tearing the floor up, so it'll have to be one of those "if it aint broke...".
OH NO.....guess running the dryer is the answer then....
Well, another 3 inches of snow on the ground on top of the 6 inches over the weekend. Wonderful 19 degrees! Schools are delayed so I get an extra 2 hours to have my coffee.
Cool here, furnace runs more, coffee is hot. Need new tires for the truck, kool 900.....have 56K on the stock OEM, not quite worn out. If I were not driving to WI in a couple of weeks I would run these a little longer, but......
Sure can't complain about 56K + mileage..that's great. 900 for new ones not so great. Sounds like your going to the kid's for Christmas. snow, no ice, and should be up in the 40's and 50's by tommorrow.
Forgot to post this yesterday. Right now on EBAY is the very first NOS 1957 Ford driver's side door latch I've ever seen. Actually a pair..right and left, for 2 door models. only 549.00. He's calling them door locks, so if you do a search for latches they won't come up. I'm sure glad I'm still not looking (found mine a few years ago...adapted a nos '57 Mercury latch), I'd not be happy about that price.
That guy has a ton of NOS Ford stuff from what I've seen, a real gold mine if he can ever sell it at the prices he wants. A $500 clock, $1400 mirror etc. :005: But I guess there is a sucker born every day.
There are a couple of perfectly good ''bear claw'' style latches on the Ford Explorer I'm using for parts. Way superior to the stock 57 stuff and power operated. Unless one is a RESTORER no use getting gouged by buying NOS when there are lots of alternatives available.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Dusting of snow on the ground, just enough to make everything look nice and clean, supposed to be in the 30s tomorrow.
Washington FED offices close due to snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Always good when that happens, if they're not at work they can't be raising our taxes or coming up with another idiotic law.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Good point, I wish they would take a few years off. I wonder if we will ever reach a point of saying enough is enough or are we just going to end up a society of people who can't take a crap without some government agency telling them where, when and how..
Got some parts in today. My Vintage Air chrome dryer/trinary switch, and the condenser finally came in from Summit...9 days....urgh! I also got in some oxegen sensors I ordered from RockAuto this Monday. Love that shiney stuff.
Gonna be in the 40's and 50's for next week or so. yeah!
My memory is the pits...a few days ago I brought up "tools', and I forgot to add some things. I'm kinda a small tool junkie as much as I can afford. Good thing I don't have lots of space, I'd be an equiptment junkie (I want a Bridgeport so bad). Anyways, a few things I picked up on the cheap I've been real happy with:
When I was attaching my brakelines to the front a few months ago, I picked up a Harbor Freight set of combination drill, tap, and countersinks. Man that made the job easy. Yeah, it's HF, but for 10-15 bucks, they don't need to last forever. Anyway, one quick operation into the frame, and it's ready for a machine screw.
At Office Depot, I picked up a 1 foot plastic flexible desk type ruler for a buck on the sale table. Being flexible makes it handy as heck for measuring stuff around bends, etc. You could even wrap it around a pipe to check circumference..Yeah I know Pi is 3.1412, but I'm lazy, but if your doing stuff like replacing sheetmetal around bends, you more than likely don't have a book of sheetmetal setback values. For a buck..I should have bought what they had and given them to friends.
I'll have more to add
added...I forgot why the flexible ruler was so's not the measuring, it's the marking and scribing on curved surfaces.
Broncos/Chargers tonight...yeah...and this week I'm not even worried about Manning and the cold after last week.
Another tool thing: I'm kicking myself for not spending the bucks for these years ago. I bought a 1/2 solid carbide bullet nose burr with a 1/4" shank for my die grinder. Can't tell you how many hss bits I went thru over the years. This thing goes thru metal and weld so fast you really need to watch the razor sharp chips it's throwing all's like a little milling machine. A little pricey at 28 bucks, but it works so well, the next time I was at the welding supply place, I bought a 1/4 version of the same. That's what I used to chew a hole thru my tranny tunnel reaching in thru the console.
Bought our 'down sizing' house couple of months ago. It was 'ready to move in condition'. Been redecorating ever since. Went clear to the studs in half the house. New bedroom nest (two bedrooms joined together), new master bath, redo guest bath, redo guest bedroom, some wiring, some plumbing, cable wiring, new windows, big screen...
Weather watch:'d think it was snowing or something!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like fun,I cant wait to do that.We need to do the same soon,but I have been in the same house for 25 years,and I have kinda built myself in.
I use to enjoy all that stuff when I was younger. Gary...Are you getting all this stuff done before you move in, or are you trying to live there at the same time? pitb tying to get that kind of stuff done while you're living in it.
Did that when I was younger too. Wife and two kids, kitchen completely torn out, electric range standing in the middle of the floor with it's power cable dangling from a gaping hole in the ceiling from tearing a wall down....the wife had a sense of humor back then, not so much now. She left the house when the old three layers of shingles were torn off and a new roof put on...
Working on it before moving. Not living in the debris is great. Driving twenty miles to work on something for an hour only to run back to the other place for tools and/or materials. Get back to Home1 with a few minutes to relax with some car stuff only to need a tool that's back at Home2. I'm fortunate to have the option not to live it the mess but it is getting old. I'd really like to get moved and start building the new man cave garage. Down sizing from 4000 sq ft of garage to less than 900 sq ft is going to be a major challenge. Zoning won't allow bigger.
Got some payback help on my investment house, my brother in law came down from Northern Wisconsin and refinished the hardwood floors. I'm always working on their stuff when I'm visiting, so this worked out. I fixed his truck, right rear caliper was sticking, put it in the shop and turned the heat on, all in all it was a good trade :icon_bigsmurf:
Ha...the only time we see our relatives is when they need something. Gonna be another nice day today...high 50's, maybe 60. Gotta get out to the garage and cuss some more at my shifter installation.
Just got done shoveling, and snow blowing. We received 18" of snow last night! Boy, I need another cup of joe! Tim :unitedstates:
Well, on a lighter note, had a tough morning -had to finally garbage my old, comfy, shop workshirt. You know the one, greasy, ripped, full of weld slag holes -the one I had to hide away from my significant other who believes fashion-wise is more important than comfortable and practical. Still got a pic about 45 yrs ago of me sitting beside her with my new shirt on before we were even married, what a beauty that shirt (oh yeah, and her of course)!
'scuse me, I think I feel a teary eye happening, some things are difficult.
Quote from: 57 Ford Kustom on 2013-12-15 11:49
Just got done shoveling, and snow blowing. We received 18" of snow last night! Boy, I need another cup of joe! Tim :unitedstates:
More's coming!!!!!!!!
another unusual but really handy tool. This one is a small brake (as in sheetmetal bending) tool for small pieces...Fits in a vise with magnets. Got it at Harbor Freight a few years ago...15ish. Has 3 seperate dies for a total width of 5"...there's just 2 of the 3 installed in the pic.
That's a cool tool Rich, I had never seen one but I don't go to Harbor Freight, but I might get one of those..
I would never had been able to get the stuff done on my car I've done without Harbor Freight. No exageration....The good/lifetime tools are just not in my reach...and more specifically, I'm an old guy, I don't need them to last "a lifetime"....just one project. You just have to be carefull..there's the good, the bad, and the ugly. That said, If I were a pro, you wouldn't find HF stuff in my toolbox.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-12-16 07:47
I would never had been able to get the stuff done on my car I've done without Harbor Freight. No exageration....The good/lifetime tools are just not in my reach...and more specifically, I'm an old guy, I don't need them to last "a lifetime"....just one project. You just have to be carefull..there's the good, the bad, and the ugly. That said, If I were a pro, you wouldn't find HF stuff in my toolbox.
I understand that Rich I'm in the same old boat and don't need to invest in tools I'll only use once or for a short time. The main reason I don't go to HF is there isn't one locally.
YIKES!!! I went out at 6:30 to haul the trash cans to the street and found cops in my backyard looking at the wife's car. They were looking for a stolen car, the car is light green but with a little morning mist on it looked silver like the car they were looking for. Short pleasant conversation and away they went.. I better go back outside and get the day started before it gets to hot, suppose to be 83 today...
Here's the top chop job i posted earlier. This job is 2 fold
In the lower half i also raised the floor so inside will be all one height ..
Started last week of August
That's a job and a half. You've got your hands full for a while...Great progress though for an August start....hope you got the roof on before snow flew! Great doing this yourself?
Thanks. I hired the roof trusses and sheeting. My wife and I have done most of the rest. Had a few Buddy's help me stand a 21 foot wall that had all the plywood on it. The weather cooperated very well. I did get it all weathered in before the snow and rain. We were on edge of a couple of tornadoes and had no issues with it.
Always good to beat the weather, we added on to our house a couple years back, had the roofing delivered on the roof and on a sunny tuesday a couple of friends showed up unannounced to help put it on. Wrapped it up in a few hours then on wednesday we got hit with an unexpected all day rain shower that had not been forecast to hit our area.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Man...missed morning coffee several days.
I was wondering if anybody here has access to a cnc mill, or knows of a shop that is good, but affordable? I need to get a custom billet dash panel made. I had a blueprint at one time, if I can't find it, I can draw one up for an estimate. It'll be similar to the matboard mockup in the pic, but have a lip around the front face to fit against the dash.
I don't know of a shop in your area Rich. There is a little place in our town that is seasonal, but not CNC mills. They call it a "makerspace'. Its very similar to a auto-craft shop like they have on military installations, you pay a fee per hour or per month, but that place was full of FAB equipment. Mostly older stuff like mills/lathes ect. Maybe there is one close to you?
Take a machine class at the VoTec. Adult classes usually give unlimited access to the equipment.
Now there's an idea I hadn't thought of. I haven't run an nc, or manual for that matter, mill for 30 years. That would be a heck of a refresher course...kinda like going from model a's to Beemers. I hadn't heard of the local college having a machining class, but they may. They have automotive electrical and welding, but the Texas panhandle doesn't have a whole lot going on in manufacturing so i would be surprised if they had machining. That's an expensive facility for a small college to fund.
On a different note...a friend today told me about a collector here in Amarillo that just aquired a "pristine" low mileage '57 custom 2 dr. My friend hasn't seen it, but he said if this guy says it's pristine, you can count on it. Pat may know the collector...his first name is Bill (forgot his last name already), and he or his son owns Soncy Road Auto Body. I went by Bill's place today, but no one was there. I'll keep trying.
I did run into John Stromberg a few days ago. I talked of him before..he's one of the premier painters in the country, and a friend of Jeff Norwell. John still has his '57 Ranchero, and is planning on finally getting back to it the first few months of the new year.
Well... just got back from my folks place for a Christmas visit.Massive snow and ice storm up here in the North East.
Left last Wednesday... Snowed 2 days straight until Friday night....then the ice storm moved in.My Daughter and I left saturday morning,... usually a 6 hour trip.. took us 9 hours to get home.We counted 14 wrecks on the Trans Canada... 3 included Jack knifed Transports...very messy.very bad road conditions.
Ahh.... now sitting down in front of the fireplace.. enjoying my morning coffee.
Our town is Frozen melter is sold is rock salt.Hopefully the power will hold on....
Rich... say "Hi" to John for me when you see him.... we are in the same car club.. the Road Rockets.... he is a immensely Talented fella.
"Well... just got back from my folks place for a Christmas visit.Massive snow and ice storm up here in the North East."
Jeff, you're in Canada..doesn't that make it the south east? LOL
Morning guys...Getting close to christmas! I have it easy..mail one check and buy for my wife...she does all the other shoping. 25 degrees here this morning, but no wind. Still have most of the snow from a few days ago, but should be gone soon as it's gonna be in the high 40's the rest of the week.
I had two new year's resolutions last year I actually got done. The first was get at least the 2nd and 3rd sides of the house rebuilt on the outside, and the second was get my engine installed into the '57 so I could start on all of the associated stuff that goes along with it.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-12-22 18:36
Jeff, you're in Canada..doesn't that make it the south east? LOL
This made me laugh and reminded me of a shipmate from Arkansas every time he got mad at our chief he would refer to him as the ''f#$%!&g Yankee'' and me being a smartass from Cuba decided to start calling him ''yankee'' to which he always had a colorful reply. My retort was that where I came from him and all his fellow ''northeners'' were yankees. Never did figure out which got under his skin more. After awhile he would just give me a dirty look, but he put anyone else in their place that dared to call him that.
Zaps comment about being Cuban set me to thinking about Cuba being a classic car heaven. I wonder what will become of these now that they are allowed to buy new cars for the fist time in 50 years..
I read a lot of blogs out of Cuba, those cars are really cobbled up and in really bad shape. they've been traded around for years and now to sell it one must prove they're the legal owner, legal as in titled to them. So now to sell them one has to track down the original ''titled' owner and negotiate a price so that the title can be transferred. So that old owner now has the current owner who wants to sell the car in a can't win situation.
And as of last week no one can't (legally) sell a new or used car unless its sold thru a government dealer. And one has to prove they earned all their money legally y the regimes stantard. Not really a relaxing of the market but actually another way to control and collect taxes.
Personally, don't believe the old US cars left in Cuba would be worth buying. Few years ago I met a bunch of cubans that were being resettled in the area, few of them were mechanics back home and their stories about Caddies running with Lada 4 bangers and home made brake linings and many other ingenious ways would lead me to shy away from them.
There is a Cuban online craigslist like site and the prices asked for those cars are ridiculous and usually than what a good driver would sell for here. Wish I could remember name of that site its pretty sad.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Happy Holidays all.
Merry Christmas to you as well, Jeff. and all the guys on this site. I've really enjoyed the discusions we've had on this forumn, and the help has been phenominal (sp?). I'd be lost without you guys to lead me in the right direction.
:icon_bigsmurf: :tree: :tree: :tree: :tree:Just an easy Christmas eve, had a huge party last Saturday , my mom, sisters and friends . Just came in from the shop, took the engine out of my snowmobile, burnt a piston last March and seeing how we have a foot of fresh snow with more on the way, might be a good time to fix it. Merry Christmas to you guys, thanks, Mark
Remember Murphys Law doesn't observe holidays. My oldest son was hosting the Xmas eve party for the family and friends and during the preparation in the afternoon his plumbing backed up and the sink wouldn't drain. I went over to help so half my day was playing plumber. It's and old house with cast iron pipe and after some extreme muscle power and lots of cussing we got the thing apart and cleared the clog at the down pipe. All went well after that and the party went on as scheduled. Off to visit the wife's side of the family today. Hard to believe its Xmas when it's 75 degrees.
Merry Christmas everyone. It's gonna be quiet here for a few wife and neice were up til 2 baking and getting the turkey ready. Most of the snow melted of yesterday, so no white Christmas, but that's ok.
Jim...yeah, I had that problem when I moved from Mass to Socal...just doesn't seem like Christmas when it's so warm. Even 20 years later..just didn't feel right.
Thankfully gonna be warmer today...high 40's. I've got to work on a neighbors car a little to try and get it driveable for her. It's been in my driveway for 3 days, but too darn cold to work out there. For the second time in 2 months, a hit and run driver (problem when there's a bar 2 blocks away) took out her back tailight. This time they pushed the fender in a few inches. sheetmetal there looks like an accordian..gonna pull it out enough to get a tailight mounted. She's on disability, works occational part time jobs.
Anyway, kinda sad but funny....for months I've been watching her drive off super idle speed. I just thought maybe her eyesight was bad, and that's the way she drove. Nope, when I pulled her car into my driveway so I could work on it for her, it took me 20 minutes to get the car warmed up enough so that the motor would stay running...but won't run faster than idle. If you step on the gas it sputters and dies. No power steering..looked in the reservoir..bone dry..hasn't had fluid in there for years. Both battery cables so loose you can pull them off by hand.It's a 94 Lincoln town car (4.6 sohc). I aint no mechanic, not sure if I'll be able to do much more for her than get her a tailight, but as bad as that car is, I'm not sure I'm doing her any favors..just ain't safe.
WooHoo! Looks lie my Mk2 Continental is finally sold. Accepted an offer couple days back, he's putting half down and we still have to talk about time for the rest etc.... Money all goes into my 57 fund and we gain some much needed free space in the garage. I'm stoked.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Send some of that garage space my way! Where is brush praire? I'm from Moses Lake, but I havent lived there in years.
just south of Battleground or northeast of Vancouver, sorry but my wife will finally after 35 years of marriage be able to park her car out of the weather. I believe she's due and deserves the luxury.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Had my morning coffee in Santa fe this morning, then on to Alburquerque, and back home by 3. Didn't accomplish much except get the need for a road trip out of my system for a few weeks. I did find a new "must-see" for travelers on I 40 thru New Mexico. At the exit closest to Texas, there is a truck stop I've passed a dozen times and never stopped at. They advertise a free car museum, I was figuring just a tourist trap to get you to stop...wrong! Nice little museum. The owner is into mostly 50's stuff, Ford or GM. They had 26 cars on display, aside from the room being crammed with 50's memorabilia...all museum quality, and all really desirable models. Just to mention a few...How about a '59 Fuel Injected Corvette with 1.7 miles on it. Not a typo..less than 2 miles. The owner of the museum bought two identical ones new, put one in storage and drove the wheels off the 2nd. A turquoise '58 Chev convertible with Continental kit and a tri power 348! A '56 Crown Vic with every factory option including the sun roof and Cont. kit. A '56 Ford Convertible with Cont with black and white interior. 1942 Harley Davidson flathead,'58 Ford retractable, and my favorite (sorry guys)...a 55 Pontiac convertible w/ Cont. kit. Turquoise and white.
Anyways..if anyone is traveling down I40 thru NM, well worth the stop Name is Russell's Truck Stop, in Ennis(sp?) exit 369. Not too far up I40 in Santa Rosa is another museum I stopped at last year..mostly customs and hot rods. There is a '57 Ranchwagon project car still outside there. Lots of stuff missing, and "some" rust
forgot to mention, the attendant at Russell's said the owner had over 200 Museum quality cars, and they swap out 8 or 10 of them every 5 or 6 weeks. Did I mention it was a free museum? They take donations, a sign indicating all donations went to a feed hungry children organization, and since they opened the museum in '08(?), they had been able to pass along donations totaling over 168,000. impressed the heck out of me.
They've got a website:
Just found this thread. Seems like we are all creatures of habit, for me it's breakfast at the computer every morning. I do my research and check my favorite sites prior to heading out to the garage.
I'm a retired police sgt. and I enjoy this structured life I now lead, lots of time in the garage just me my projects and the xm radio.
Most of my 57 is in my attic second floor waiting for the necessary attention . Today I'm going to bring the front suspension down and start on that. Kind of nice to have the stuff more or less out of sight. Gives me the chance to concentrate on one thing at a time without feeling overwhelmed .
Beautiful morning here in North Carolina , being originally from Connecticut it's nice to not be looking at snow on the ground or salt on the roads. Should I need a part during the day I can jump in one of my old cars and have a nice ride. Anyway glad I found this thread have a nice day all.
Morning guys....glad you found the thread Pete. Having stuff stored out of the way until you can get to it is nice. I did that, and had storage shelves in my workroom to put the stuff on after it was restored/rebuilt. I kept alot of stuff stored outside for years in big trash cans with locking lids. I was going to say big plastic trash cans, but I guess that's a given any they even still sell metal trash cans?
Speaking of winter, we have a two day break from it, supposed to hit 39 today! I think I'll put the 58 in the corner, and pull the 57 out to the work area. Maybe that will motivate me to work on it. Supposed to go below zero next week, I'm on call Yippeeee! Big game on Sunday, packers actually have a shot at the division with a win, Rodgers is back under center. If they win, we get San Fran or a dome team at home in January, could get interesting.......
It's been an interesting last few weeks...for sure no runaway leaders...even with my Broncos. It just seems like with them, you don't know what team is gonna show up..the unbeatable one or the mediochre one. Not sure if I'll get to see the Broncos on kills me they charge 40 bucks to watch one game because they're broadcasting a different free game for your area. I've got nfl "rewind"...can watch any game after it's been played as long as there are no other nfl games being broadcast that day....which means sometimes I have to wait til Tuesday to see a game that was played on Sunday.
Dont forget about the seahawks guys even though they went to sleep last week.I dont think I could find time during the week.Thank god I get it on the big screen on sunday.
Living in Texas and being a Denver fan means if the Cowboys or Texans are playing at the same time, and both being broadcast by CBS or whoever, the local teams get the priority showing and I don't get to watch live. Fortunatly tommorrow the Texans play at 1, the Broncos at 4:30, and the Cowboys at 8:30, so I may get to watch the Broncos live.
The Packer / Bear game was a noon er, but they moved it to the afternoon slot due to playoff implications. I don't believe we can beat the Seahawks right now, but I would like to see a home playoff game in January.
Morning gentlemen! This message is for Petew (Peter), just wondering what 57 you have, and the other old ride or rides. Having all your parts in the attic is how I built my 57, only I went downstairs for my parts. HRD
Morning everyone, Donnie seems that i have always had more attic space then basement space and here in NC I have no basement at all ! My 57 is a Country Sedan Wagon that I purchased from California. My other cars are a 1956 Merc , 1955 Tbird, 1963 VW Bug , 1966 Corvette and a 1927 Ford hot rod. The 27 ford is a steel car (former 4dr tub cut and welded back together as a 2dr) and is powered by a modified model A flathead 4 cylinder. How about you , what do you have in your garage ?
Wow! That's a nice collection Peter, I have one it's posted on the front page under "you've seen it before".
Thanks, they are all very different from each other which makes it fun to drive them.
Wow! its the New Year and everybody has given up coffee!
Zap- :unitedstates:
Seems like it doesn't it. With the new year starting, a few weeks ago I got to wondering about what I actually got accomplished in '13. Usually at the end of the year, I'm thinking I once again didn't get as much done as I had hoped, but this year was better than usual. I got to realizing since I take so darn many pics, and my computer files them by date, I could go back into my pic archives to mid December of '12 and actually see what I got done in the last year. I was actually kinda amazed at what I did get done on the '57 considering I spent the entire summer working on the house, 3 weeks in Phoenix, and my decrepid old age. I started writing the stuff down on a small piece of paper..ended up with a few sheets. Anyway, made me feel maybe there was hope of getting this thing finished up some day....but I ain't making any New Year's resolutions.
opps..forgot the prodding...So, what about you guys? Did you get accomplished what you had hoped. What did you get done last year?
What was nice about LAST YEAR already was working out in the shop, heater on and Christmas music on the stereo. Real peaceful.
Quote from: Zapato on 2014-01-01 19:45
Wow! its the New Year and everybody has given up coffee!
Zap- :unitedstates:
Nope....have a cup, first morning home after being on the road. Reflecting on things accomplished during 2013 did produce a long list for me as well. Reflecting back it was a real good year, only weddings of family, no family funerals (common occurance for us old guys), no injuries, no illnesses and no break downs over the many miles of travel.
Down side was three funerals for "car guys", all friends, all gone much too early. Didn't get as much done as I wanted, the "round tuits stack up much too easy now that every day is Saturday. But there is always 2014 :003:.
On my second cup, I like having an automatic maker so it's already made when I wake up. On the road soon to take the grand kids back to San Diego and will require a nap when I return.
I feel I got most of things done in 2013 but typically I scratch one thing off the endless list and add two more..
Came in from the garage for my second cup. Listening to all of the hoopla on tv surrounding the snow storm approaching our old home in Connecticut. Glad we are out of there !
Just started on my second pot. We've got a cold front coming in for a few days later tonight. I'm wondering how our Northeast guys are doing with the storm...Jay, Tim, Lou...did you guys get buried?
Jeff...I needed to look at an assembled '57 this years day actually...went over to John Strombergs to see if he was home. He was, and we spent an interesting hour or so just chatting. I told him you said Hi. He's sorta starting on his ranchwagon next week. He's trading a paint job on a friends '40 pickup for some mechanical work on the wagon. He's moving the wagon to the garage where both cars will be worked on. It's gonna be light blue with a silver metalflake roof. I like John...seems to be good people.
Today I've got to work on making a mounting bracket for my A/C dryer, as soon as I figure out where it's going to be that is. Also gotta start getting the patchwork on my air intake smoothed off for painting. I may end up get it powder coated, or have it mylar coated...looked at some really good looking engine stuff mylared last year at a swap meet.
ooops.... not a mylar coating I was talking about. it is a water transfer, or hydrographics. here is the website for the stuff I saw last year (in Phoenix).. Kinda interesting how it's done.
Got this from Jay this morning. I doesn't look good up there. Just reading it made me want to take my shorts off and look for long pants :003:
It's about 8:15 EST
Our electricity survived the blizzard so far.. Some people have none .
The temp in Boston is 01 degree with a wind chill of about 15 to 25 below zero.
We rec. about 14-16 inches of snow.
The winds are 48-60 MPH
Looking out the window I can't see the street because of the blowing snow.
Oops! I just saw a vehicle drive past the house and I could barely see the tops of the wheels, so that
means the plows have plowed me in as usual.
Looks like the posi traction that I installed in my 57 Custom ain't going to help me today so I'll leave it
in the garage.
Rich, How does that hydrographics stand up to wear and tear ? And when you say mylar does that mean that they do a chrome like coating too ?
Forget my mention of mylar..that was the oops. As far as durability, the water transfer will scratch. The "printing" is coated with a clear coat after it dries, and they say, so durability is about the same as the paint on your car. If I decide on a solid color I'll just either paint it or have it powder coated. I need to talk to the powder coat gut about the may not be doable. I was thinking the black carbon fibre look if I went with the water transfer. They've got some pretty good descriptions of how it's done, durability, etc. even some pricing guidelines.
I think I saw an example of that "carbon fibre" look at the Pavillion show in Phoenix in November. I was looking under the hood of this Datson (chrome everything under the hood and about 18" sub-woofers where the back seat should have been) and I saw the inner fender panels looking like carbon fibre as well as some engine pieces. I couldn't believe someone would put that material all in a sort-of-stock semi-car so I tapped the fenderwell lightly with my fingernail. Well, the young owner was nearby and started on me yelling that "I don't like no one touching my car" so I apologized and asked if it was carbon fibre but all I got was a 2 repeats of all the vocabulary that he knew about anybody touching his car. It felt like metal when I tapped it but because it was at night with little lighting I couldn't be sure, and I sure wasn't going to touch any other pieces!
I am pretty sure most of you have seen the show Wheeler Dealer that is produced in England. They were restoring a Range Rover and wanted to change the interior trim pieces to a carbon fiber look. Mike Brewer went to a company in England where they showed the entire process of doing a wet application of the carbon fiber like material by simply laying the "Mylar like" material on the part, dipping it into a tank and there it was , a part that looked just like real carbon material.
Rich, all fine here in Vermont, we only recieved 12" of snow in this storm. The temp right now is -15 degrees, with the wind chill it is -35! The bulk of the snow went south of us, right on top of Jay. I pray things are well with him and our other north eastern members.
Well I got my wish, packers/49ers at Lambeau today. Suposed to be wicked cold by game time, they are calling for +1 at kickoff. The 9ers are a better team, but this cold could be a game changer. Probably come down to turn overs. Being in the plumbing and heating business, we will be humping this week, stay warm!! :sunny:
May have to stay in the house for a few days to stay warm. we just got a snow dusting last nigh, but temp down to 10* with a pretty gusty wind. I can get my leanto garage heated up if the wind is not blowing.
The Broncos have a byeweek. Looks like they're going to get a second shot at the Colts*. Two good games yesterday.
*or Chargers. Man the Bengals got the ugliest unies ever.
I'll be watching the Pac as well....brings back memories of the 67 "Ice Bowl" :001:
Yeah, not going outside unless I have too. Have my cup of coffee, and an egg bake in the oven(almost done).
Watching the news, we hit our high today -10
Coffeed out, shorts on, high of 74 today, tanks full and ready to burn up some blacktop :burnout:
I am jealous. I keep telling me wife, Arizona is looking better everyday
Quote from: sprink88 on 2014-01-05 11:17
I am jealous. I keep telling me wife, Arizona is looking better everyday
Do it if there is ant way possible. Retiring in Arizona was in my plans at one time but things didn't work out. I've passed the point of no return now and am stuck in Calif :005:
Still waiting on the wife to get ready, why and what takes them so long. Do you guys have that problem with the other half too?
Mine is about 50/50. She can hurry up, throw herself together and look nice. Other times it take an hour and a half. Still looks nice.
Also, If I go to Arizona, 110 in the summer isn't fun. I would be a snow bird. That just means another 57 for down there! Hey, I kinda like that idea!
Well, it's official, we are headed to San Antonio Texas next Wednesday ! The boy will be graduating on the 17th from basic training. We are so proud of him, and we can't wait to see him! He will be totally surprised to see us, he never thought we would be able to come all the way from Vermont! We wouldn't have if my boss didn't buy the tickets! Anyone know of what to see in San Antonio?
Tim :001: :unitedstates:
Great Boss.
That is awesome Tim!!! What is his MOS going to be? I like the river walk more than the Alamo. It may be open, But just north in New Braunfels is a water park called Schliterbaun. That was always fun to go to. Heck, your two hrs away from Larado. Go to Mexico.
Sprink...I told my wife if we win the lottery, I want two house in for winters in Phoenix, and one for summers in Flagstaff.
Tim...Have fun in San Antonio..never been there. I'd meet you there for coffee if it wasn't a 12 hour drive.
Sprink, he is entering the Security force. He wants to be a policeman when he, or if he gets out! My father went to college in Portsmouth New Hampshire , at the time Pease AFB was active. He would tell us boys how they would drag race the fly boys, of course he had his custom 300 pictured in my avatar! He would alway say "them damn fly boys had some fast cars!" He would be proud of his grandson! Not to keen on going to Mexico! I will check out the river walk though! Rich, it would be great to meet, but 12 hrs. For a cup of coffee is asinine ! Lol!
Tim :unitedstates:
Waiting for the Green Bay game to begin. After being here for 35+years, I can't imagine playing football in that cold.
The only things that kept me in upstate New York until I was 30, was snowmobiling in the winter and dirt track racing the rest of the year.
It's too cold for me to go out today. It's 41 degrees!!!!!!!
I couldn't have asked for a nicer day to hit the mountain roads and give the new sway bar a good work out. Overall I'm extremely happy with the handling, can't wait to get the rear on. The bikers were like mosquitoes, I think everyone with a bike was out today.
I miss the mountains. Sounds like a perfect day to me. Ranchero looks great.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-01-05 21:19
I miss the mountains. Sounds like a perfect day to me. Ranchero looks great.
Thank you Rich. I don't know what I would do without mountains, I'm a road racer at heart but I know my age has really slowed me down quite a bit..
Well winter has finally made it to Illinois, Actual temp.-18 wind chill -45.
I talked to a friend in Antioch this morning and he is frozen in..
Wild hog, good luck on those freeze ups! It is the wind that will cause your nightmares!
Tim :unitedstates:
Yikes...that's cold.
Wheres my coffee :005:
Jim!Shut the door!Where ya born in a barn?
ha ha ha
Awesome about a seasonal hobby.
Gonna warm up to the 40's today..yeah. I sure hope all you easterners are with power and staying warm. I can tell already next year I40 is gonna be busy with u-haul trucks and trailers headin' west.
Pretty cold up here in Vt! I sprained my knee pretty bad yesterday at work, so I'll spend the day in front of the wood stove!
Tim :unitedstates:
Had done a reply to this..must have forgotten to hit the post button. Hope your knee is not too bad...I've got visions of you at the airports hobbling around.
Bad day for Boston sports fans..Aaron Hernandez, former Patriot, was indited on a double homicide in addition to the one he's already in jail for. Now that wasn't bad enough, but even worse was a Yahoo article on celerity look-alikes. Now I've never been a Tom Brady fan, but this is horible. For a look-alike they paired Brady up with, are you ready for this...I feel REALLY bad for Tom, they paired him up with, with Justin Bieber. Poor Tom.
I must admit, I got a chuckle out of it trying to imagine "that little twirp" on a football field with a 300 lb. linebacker after him. I'd love to watch him pee his pants in front of 80,000 people.
Now this is an impressive little vehicle. We all laugh at the smart car, but it'll be fun to watch this little thing in a few years....hope it takes off. Cute little bugger. Only downside for me..3 wheeler
6800 bucks, 84 mpg (gallon...not electric!), 0-100 in under 10 seconds.
If I had the money, I'd start now producing little trailers for these to tow, not to tow on.
Rich, my knee gets better each day, I can walk on it without a crutch now, still really sore.
Tim :unitedstates:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-01-09 23:19
Now this is an impressive little vehicle. We all laugh at the smart car, but it'll be fun to watch this little thing in a few years....hope it takes off. Cute little bugger. Only downside for me..3 wheeler
6800 bucks, 84 mpg (gallon...not electric!), 0-100 in under 10 seconds.
If I had the money, I'd start now producing little trailers for these to tow, not to tow on.
I wonder how cute it will be after a nice 4x4 or semi hits it, I think I'll pass.. :003:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-01-09 23:19
Now this is an impressive little vehicle. We all laugh at the smart car, but it'll be fun to watch this little thing in a few years....hope it takes off. Cute little bugger. Only downside for me..3 wheeler
6800 bucks, 84 mpg (gallon...not electric!), 0-100 in under 10 seconds.
If I had the money, I'd start now producing little trailers for these to tow, not to tow on.
No Thanks.
PASS, you guys all must be suffering from claustrophobia. If you had this thing, you could hang you coffee cup holder on either door. No, wait, there is no other door.
Don't commute so I don't need a coffee cup holder....there is no way I would consider that thing for safety reasons along....(I do understand the laws of gross tonage!). Some cars are already "cozy" and that thing looks to be like a pair whitey tighties!
ok, ok, uncle, I give lol
On another note. I just added Bob Drake to our supplier list. I had never been able to find any '57 stuff there previously, so even though they're a big Ford parts supplier, I wasn't able to include them for our needs. On another thread, the other Bill, mentioned them for gas tanks for wagons, and they do in fact carry them . They also carry a Fuel Injection "ready" tank for the passenger cars. I also found fender skirts and a few other items. We now have 43 suppliers on that links list.
If you check out their site, click on the "BOB'S JUNK" button...lot's of interesting old ford items Bob has collected over the years, and historical info there.
Rich, you will never be a good car salesman but we love you anyways :003:. I was just thinking how they expect that thing to meet US crash and safety standards. I will need huge bumpers, air bags etc unless it gets away as being considered a 3 wheel bike it will be hideous.
Speaking of hideous. I haven't gone to a NEW car show since the mid 60's but see plenty of the concept type cars in news articles, you know the ones, designed by people who have absolutely no concept :005: :burnout:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2014-01-11 09:10
Rich, you will never be a good car salesman but we love you anyways :003:. I was just thinking how they expect that thing to meet US crash and safety standards. I will need huge bumpers, air bags etc unless it gets away as being considered a 3 wheel bike it will be hideous.
Speaking of hideous. I haven't gone to a NEW car show since the mid 60's but see plenty of the concept type cars in news articles, you know the ones, designed by people who have absolutely no concept :005: :burnout:
When I lived in upstate New York my family would make a long day trip to NYC for the International Car Show almost every year. Drive to the edge of the city and then catch the subway downtown to 52nd Street(?) Columbus Circle. My Dad and I would go to look at cars while my Mother and older sister went shopping in the CITY!!
I can remember being there for the introduction of the
1957 Ford Ranchero. I was 9-10 years old. I also remember the intro of the AC/Ford Cobra that had a 260c.i. V-8. Pretty sure it had a transverse mounted leaf front spring in the front.
Then there was the Chrysler Turbine car intro. I also remember the first Barracuda intro. I think we stopped going shortly after that. Good memories.
That show lost its luster and the primary BIG show then moved to Detroit (but for how long???).
In the 1960's while I was in high school, I worked at a small gas station in Downey, Ca. One of our customers was a private detective who had an office down the street. He drove in one day in a Chrysler Turbine car and when I first saw it I thought it was a 63-64 Tbird. He had the car for about 3 months and he actually gave me a ride in the car (about 2 miles). Believe it or not my best memory of the car was the stereo radio!
I like the idea of turbines, you can burn almost anything for fuel but I think they get bad mileage if I recall. Turbine almost won Indy one year..
Bill, speaking of stereo's, have you had any luck with the radio?
Jim - I am waiting for my neighbor to return from his vacation so I can borrow his extra speaker from his 59 Tbird.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-01-09 23:19
Now this is an impressive little vehicle. We all laugh at the smart car, but it'll be fun to watch this little thing in a few years....hope it takes off. Cute little bugger. Only downside for me..3 wheeler
6800 bucks, 84 mpg (gallon...not electric!), 0-100 in under 10 seconds.
If I had the money, I'd start now producing little trailers for these to tow, not to tow on.
Do you strap one to each foot and skate along with them?
Limey/Gary I'll bet the three wheels brings back memories of a British car....the ones that would tip over if you went around a corner too fast....can't remember the name.
Quote from: BWhitmore on 2014-01-11 14:42
Jim - I am waiting for my neighbor to return from his vacation so I can borrow his extra speaker from his 59 Tbird.
I forgot to say when you mentioned Downey isn't that where Harvey's Broiler was ?
Went there many times in the late 60's on Friday and Saturday nights, some great cars use to be there..
Yes Downey was the location of Harvey's Broiler on Firestone Blvd. Harvey's Broiler was one of the busiest cruise spots in the 60's-70's. I can remember on the week-end waiting over an hour just to cruise through the place. It is now the site of a Bob's Big Boy Drive-In. The second owner (it was then called Johnny's Broiler) started to tear it down without a permit from the city- the city stopped him and then pushed a new drive-up (Bob's Big Boy). Downey is also the home of one of the original MacDonald's with the Golden Arches. Still there after being closed for over a year, the city of Downey was instrumental in getting it re-opened in the original configuration. Walk up only, no drive-thru. In my high school years, I was known, while slightly drunk, of climbing one of the Golden Arches.
Thanks Bill, I had no idea what happened to the place. I do remember the huge amount of cars and the long waits to get in. I have seen that MacDonalds at one time several years ago. I'm trying to picture you climbing the arch, the things we did in our younger years :003:
There was some nice cruising at the Bob's in Toluca Lake back in those days also, that was more local for me.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-01-11 17:38
Limey/Gary I'll bet the three wheels brings back memories of a British car....the ones that would tip over if you went around a corner too fast....can't remember the name.
That would be the Relaint Robin. If you ever see the BBC Top Gear series, Jeremy Clarkson drove one and rolled it over at every opportunity.
There have been several variations of these made by the Reliant company (who actually built some decent 4-wheeled sports cars......) thankfully production stopped in the 1990's. There have been other three wheeled cars built over here (Morgan being the most famous), their popularity in the 50's & 60's was because you could drive one on a motorbike licence at the age of 16 rather than having to obtain a car licence at the age of 17, PROVIDING reverse gear was disabled, as they were then classed as a trike.
I am proud to say I have NEVER driven one!!!!!!!!!!!
That's the one I was thinking of..laughed my butt off watching Jeremy's episode with that car.
So was the Reliant the micro car they loaded into the elevator and drove thru the Top Gear office?
zap- :unitedstates:
Quote from: Zapato on 2014-01-13 10:43
So was the Reliant the micro car they loaded into the elevator and drove thru the Top Gear office?
zap- :unitedstates:
No, that was basically a modified electric wheelchair. The Reliant's were roughly the same size as an "original" English Mini (not the new BMW derived one). Got to be careful what I say as it might give the impression I'm into cars that have a wheel missing! :003:
Found myself wasting a lot of time on thanks to these posts. Have to say though been in love with Morgan trikes for over 40 years, would gladly drive one anytime. Wouldn't you Gary?
Zap- :unitedstates:
I'd love to have a drive in a genuine Morgan trike, but wouldn't own one, I'd feel a bit vulnerable mixing with the trucks on the freeway! There was one built in the 60's (a Bond I think) where the engine was mounted to the front heel reverse was obtained by turning the steering wheel until the front wheel was 180 degrees round.
guess what I found searching through my long list of favorites for something else....Jeremy's episode with the Reliant Robin. It runs a half hour or so, but funnier then heck.'s been deleted by Youtube because of copywrite infringement. Well, that's one I can take off my favorites list.
Heres a few V8 ones (seriously!):
The first runs a Rover 3.5 litre (this is the old Buick 215ci V8 that Rover bought from Buick in the 60's)
The second is the 4 wheeled version of the Reliant Robin
This has got to be fun
Coffee in Germany this morning, heading the right way atleast! I should have a new Detroit locker waiting for me at the house, and some chirstmas presents which are about 95% tools to help me get moving on the body stuff.
Hadn't heard from you, I figured you were in some distant country. I was laying in bed at 10:30 last night , my son calls, he went off the road in the snow, down an embankment and up against a tree. He's ok, car is good. I picked up 4 like new tires mounted on Taurus wheels for $200 on craigslist, better get them on this weekend. The flatbed driver said heck yeah I take cash, I gave him $80 I had in my wallet, all good. Mark
This was my second day in Texas, beautiful state! Not as warm as I thought it would be in San Antonio, but warmer than Vermont! My boy looks great, and today he officially became an Airman in the USAF! I'm so proud of my son!
Tim :unitedstates:
Congratulations to your son and you. Glad you got to visit him. :unitedstates:
I keep saying Texas is a dificult climate, LOL. Glad your enjoying your trip and got to see your boy.
Thank you all, now that the shock is over I will be hitting the town to check out the sites (car watching) lol! My Dad was right, these fly boys have some fast cars! Mustangs, and chargers dominate the base, very few X brand.
Tim :unitedstates:
Congrats and Kudos to your son Kustom. I did the same (became an airman) July of 1983 and was the best decision I ever made (next to marrying the wife :laughing7:) What does he plan to do in the Airforce?
Tanker, he is going into the security forces, he filled out his dream sheet Wednesday, he listed Alaska first, England second, and Germany third. He want overseas stationing, everyone has told him that is the way to go.
Tim :unitedstates:
Tim...How was your day in San Antonio?
Rich, it was a great day! Warm, no snow! We picked my boy up and went to the city today. We saw the Alamo, went down to the river walk, and went to Rudy's barbecue! Their slogan is the worst barbecue in Texas, if that's the worst, then I can't imagine how the best is! Lol! But the best thing about the trip was being with my boy agian, can't tell you how great that is! Already planned his 2 weeks free leave at home, he and I will load my 351 block into the truck, and bring it to the shop for the rebuild!
Tim :unitedstates:
Put my Christmas present up in the shop today
Quote from: 57 Ford Kustom on 2014-01-18 18:56
Tanker, he is going into the security forces, he filled out his dream sheet Wednesday, he listed Alaska first, England second, and Germany third. He want overseas stationing, everyone has told him that is the way to go.
Tim :unitedstates:
I do remember well filling out my dream sheet (1965) after school, asked for a destroyer off the west coast and got a carrier off the east coast........
I was a crew chief in the Kansas Air Guard in Wichita, KS. I crewed F-4's, F-16's, B-1b's, and KC-135's. FYI, my screen name "Tanker8875" comes from the tail number of the last aircraft I crewed, a KC-135 tanker with the tail number 63-8875. As a security force member I'll bet he will spend some time out on the flight line guarding some aircraft somewhere. Us guys on the flight line used to get to know the security guys pretty well. I'm sure your boy will have a great experience. I also bet he will have some pretty good stories to tell you at some point in the future. I wish him nothing but success!
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2014-01-18 22:00
I do remember well filling out my dream sheet (1965) after school, asked for a destroyer off the west coast and got a carrier off the east coast........
Filled my dream sheet #1 choice Nam, dream granted. Boy was I a dumass........
Quote from: 57 Ford Kustom on 2014-01-18 18:56
Tanker, he is going into the security forces, he filled out his dream sheet Wednesday, he listed Alaska first, England second, and Germany third. He want overseas stationing, everyone has told him that is the way to go.
Tim :unitedstates:
If he ends up in England or Germany give me a shout with any questions. Although I live in England I work for the German part of my company so have strong ties over there. If he comes to England he won't need to pack too many bottles of sun-lotion, WD40 will be better to stop him rusting.
I hated to tell he had a "power ball" chance in he11 of getting one of them! I don't remember what I selected in the Army , but once I became a paratrooper I had one choice! Fort Bragg! It's ok though, I had some good times there, and met a lot of great men there!
Tim :unitedstates:
Been to San Antonio once. Turn back the clock, it'll be 20 years ago this April!!!! Bought a '36 Ford 3-window coupe from down there. Still have it and the memories of the trip there. Took a pic of it on the street with the Alamo in the back ground. Went to River Walk and ate at "Dick's Last Resort" (?). Climate there is similar to where I live now. That was then and this is now. Places change. Hope it's still similar to back then.
Congrats on the graduation. I assume he's doing military and then perhaps further education. I did it, school and then military. My way was the wrong way.
If any of you are fans of the TV show Shipping Wars I just read Roy passed away of a heart attack in Texas..
Back in the states having coffee with visiting family and getting ready to yell at the Seahawks.
We hit the Honky Tonks last night and got home about 4am. Nights like that sure hurt after 30 haha. I could go for a nap.
Marks, glad to hear your son is ok. That picture is awesome. It looks like you are matching me with progress on your ranchero!
Go HAWKS !!!!!
Quote from: electricalan on 2014-01-19 15:56
Go HAWKS !!!!!
Most everyone in Vancouver, B.C., is on the Seahawks bandwagon to!
25 minutes to kickoff!
My team just got in...SUPER BOWL!!
Congrats guys....We're off to the super bowl. I'm sure glad Jay isn't a sports fan...don't know about JDLafayette. That Sherman guy sure is a nutcase...scared the heck out of Erin Andrews.
As a longtime Raiders fan personally no longer see a need for football in January. bawl
Zap- :unitedstates:
LOL...Zap...exactly how I feel about baseball in October. (Rockies fan) I just hate it when my season is over and it seems like everyone else is still in it.
In case anyone is missing me, I'm in Florida/Miami, 79 here, that's great for us because I hear its -30 back home. Don't worry I'll be back to bug. HRD
HRD hope you enjoy a real good Cuban sandwich while you're there.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Quote from: Zapato on 2014-01-21 10:33
HRD hope you enjoy a real good Cuban sandwich while you're there.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Had to look up a Cuban sandwich....I may Zapato.
Wow, I have missed a lot in the last week. My browser turned evil against me. Now I have a totally different browser that works. However, I will miss my google chrome. Off to learn a new one (opera)
I see a new member to the forum is Burton auto, and welcome to the site. A company with a good reputation.
Do we get any input on what parts we need made? lol
Interesting site for car brochures.
Thanks for posting that link, Lorne. looked thru a bunch of them..interesting..gotta go back and finish looking. The second one listed for '57's sure had some artistic license taken..those fins on the Fairlane look like something off a newer Caddy!
Need to use this site more often. It took me 30 minutes to remember how to pm somebody on this site. Last cup of coffee for the night, so memory kicking back in was just in time.
Quote from: hotroddonnie on 2014-01-21 16:34
Had to look up a Cuban sandwich....I may Zapato.
You'll regret it if you don't, even the bread is special.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Butt cold this morning. 13degrees and still dropping, supposed to be around 6 tonight. That might not seem cold to some of you, but in TN its dang cold. Lots of frozen pipes(I've lucked out and only had one so far).
Off to Nashville with the in-laws. OpryLand, bass-pro, northern tool, welding shop. All the typical tourist traps haha.
17 degrees here in N Texas with a brisk wind. 410Ranchero..Your Nashville trip sounds pretty good...maybe it'll be warmer there. lol.
Bieber files update: Justin Bieber was arrested in Miami last night for dui and dragracing. I wonder who he was dragracing....DONNIE..? Donnie is in Miami...hmmm..wonder what all the Canadians are doing in Miami.
Well, it's -2 degrees here on the southside of Warsaw, Indiana. We expect temperatures to reach 12 degrees today. The cars are nestled snuggly in the hanger at 40 degrees and I need to change the brake pads on the 57. Just got through canceling my annual check to the "Stop Global Warming Charity". Now I remember why I didn't vote for Al Gore.
we're only gonna have a high of 21 today...too cold to even try and get my garage warmed up with the wind. That's ok though, I need a break from the '57 projects anyways. I've been in one of those one step forward and two steps backwards for a week or so now...time to step back from it.
Quote from: JimNolan on 2014-01-23 08:16
Just got through canceling my annual check to the "Stop Global Warming Charity". Now I remember why I didn't vote for Al Gore.
Just think about the mentality of the morons that did vote for him and the current guy.
Cold here in the teens. Have to turn on some ceramic heaters to make sure the plumbing in the garage doesn't freeze. No snow yet. Frequently we get that during the month of March. When it starts snowing close to Atlanta, we know we're in trouble.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-01-23 08:01
Miami...hmmm..wonder what all the Canadians are doing in Miami.
Can't believe you have to ask its so obvious,they're eating Cuban sandwiches and sounds like they're washing them down with ''Cuba Libres''.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Quote from: 410ranchero on 2014-01-23 07:19
. Lots of frozen pipes(I've lucked out and only had one so far).
Hope you're right, in my experience you're really never sure and when you start to relax you hear water running in a wall or in a crawl space. Then the fun begins.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Rich, 21 is perfect to start warming up the garage. lol
I need to look up a Cuban Sandwich
not in my uninsulated garage with the wind blowing. Wind chill as we speak is -4, suppose to be mid 50's tommorrow. go figure....
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-01-23 08:01
17 degrees here in N Texas with a brisk wind. 410Ranchero..Your Nashville trip sounds pretty good...maybe it'll be warmer there. lol.
Bieber files update: Justin Bieber was arrested in Miami last night for dui and dragracing. I wonder who he was dragracing....DONNIE..? Donnie is in Miami...hmmm..wonder what all the Canadians are doing in Miami.
LOL. No not racing Bieber, just keeping warm for a couple more days.
Just watched the forecast for the weekend and its going to get colder with the possibility of snow on Monday, great.....
On the upside I picked my crank up from the machine shop yesterday (10 thou grind) & just placed an order with Summit for bearings, valve seals etc so going to sit by the window and wait for the postman!
Can't complain weather wise we had a couple weeks of heavy fog now a few days of clear sunny skies, dropping below freezing at night. So we wake up now to heavy frost that's been burning off by mid morning and temps reaching mid 40s. Actually just for grins mowed my front lawn yesterday and cleaned out flower beds. Daffodils are just starting to break ground.
Zap- :unitedstates:
All this talk of Cuban sandwiches made me hungry. The wife and tried a new place in nashville and they had a Cuban on the menu. It was great!
My gas cylinder is filed with c25. I got a new cart for my welder and accessories and spent yesterday getting my shop half way organized. I'll have to get some shelves and more pipe this weekend to get it finished. I decided to move my aircompressor outside, and install hose reels. It's turning out nice but in true project fashion is running at budget x2.
I did play around with my new paint guns (Xmas from the mrs). I was very pleased with the results and I think they are great. Of course I have zero experience to base this off of. But they layed down Valspar thinned 5% very nicely on the new roof for my compressor.
Welcome home first of all, had many home commings during my time. You will never regret have that NOISE maker out side! After years of having it in the garage and putting up with the noise I decided when my shop got set up that thing was going to go outside. Best move I ever made!
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2014-01-27 14:22
Welcome home first of all, had many home commings during my time. You will never regret have that NOISE maker out side! After years of having it in the garage and putting up with the noise I decided when my shop got set up that thing was going to go outside. Best move I ever made!
It was really nice sunday night (65 no wind) and then moday morning it was 22, its currently 7 degrees with a 10 mph wind. I really should insulate and finish my shop, but it usually is only like this for a few weeks.
Advancing age has made me a wimp , if it's to cold or to hot I can't get anything done. So when I built this shop climate control and good lighting were tops on my list.
I went out and got some quality shop time Sunday, its been below zero all week. My furnace will heat the shop ok, but it'll run non-stop, just have to wait for this to blow through.
just figures,open up an outside wall and it starts to rain.
Zap- :unitedstates:
And James I really appreciate the scolding, it sure has worked on my latest thread on steering. Thanks!
Not mine in Portland,Or craigslist Parting out a 57 Fairlane chrome post won't respond to email Ken 503-434-3943
I haven't been able to connect to this site since yesterday, just me?
No problems here....
Anyone with kids will be familiar with the Little Tyke "cozy coupe". One guy over here decided that being a grown up was not going to stop him from having one.
Dang, I just had to restore my laptop to factory settings. LOST 90% of everything. But now I am back. That is how I have been spending my morning coffee
Gotta gig today and going over Tennessee Waltz over my coffee...enjoy your day!
Tennessee Waltz is an unusual request, but not often I have to play a waltz, 2, 3....
Rich, what the he11 happened with your Broncos? I didn't have a horse in the race, but I thought it would be a much better game. Sorry if it's a bad topic.
Tim :unitedstates:
Broncos, where they there? I quit watching at half time. I hope the fools that spent $35,000 for tickets got their moneys worth :003:. I've seen better high school games
Agreed! But, that has probably been the best defensive performance I have ever seen! By the way, where has Tom S been? I pm'd him last week and nothing! I hope he is well.
Tim :unitedstates:
Worst Game ever!
Warned ya all...Go Hawks!!!!
Trying to head west but this weather just won't quit. Might make it to Kansas today. We shall see.
Shoveled out a place for Buffy to go potty. That's about it. Snow blower this evening. Mississippi looking better all the time. We got about 12" last night and it's still falling. God hates Indiana.
think Ind is bad, here in Detroit its white out, can't c the neighbors house next door, can't believe spring is only a couple of months away. usually i have to fix flats on the cars, this year i've had to fix flats on the snow blower
Thank goodness we moved to North Carolina, it is raining and cold but no snow. Finally got myself a tig welder and I have been playing in the garage with it. If I was back in Connecticut I would have been chasing the snow blower.
been snowing here all day,real fine powder.about 2'' so far. hovering around 20deg with a nasty cutting breeze. guess we were due. now if anyone knows an easy way to keep a hummingbird feeder from freezing sure would love to know.
Zap- :unitedstates:
humming bird feeder cozy
Are your humming birds still around? I have not had any since september/oct,You could bring it in the house at night.You did remind me I have a red glass one out there I need to go check and see if it blew up.
The Annas are here year round, we feed them all the time in fact there's a pair chasing each other away from the feeder right now.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Damm it! Just spotted a starling out on the suet feeder. Have absolutely no use for them flying rats.
Morning coffee was spent watching the news this am before leaving for work. They are reporting today is the 17th consecutive day with morning temps below 0. At least the high is suppose to be 20!
Zap, Thats cool you have some all year round.I have tons in summer,but have never seen any in the cold.I also hate those flying rats.I never had any till about two years ago they decided to peck screen out and move into my garage attic.I split a piece of romex wire apart for 3-4 inches and ran one wire across top and bottom of opening and plugged it into a 10,000 volt neon sign transforrmer.A few days later i cleaned some feathers out of my garden,and I have not seen one since.It took me a bit to see your reply because I just finished putting a new motor in my furnace.It decided to stop two nights ago when the snow started.I know you have had snow,but that was the first for us in Tacoma.You and I live a lot closer than most on here,maybe we will bump into each other sometime.Heading to the earlybird swapmeet in puyallup this weekend to see what they got.
Later Al
We'll run into each other sooner or later. Not headed to Puyallup planning a trip and need to get a lot of things done prior to that. We were up your way recently wife was taking a class at PLU and I tagged along and bought some parts for my 57. Also found a great hobby shop couple blocks away from PLU. Reminded me of the ones I visited as a child just the prices were a bit shocking.
As for the hummingbirds, you might not see them but they are surely there. The Annas range well into BC so unless you have some incredible cats in your neighborhood and no flowers they are around. Hang a feeder and they will find it.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Hey,I saw a humming bird yesterday when the sun popped out.I guess maybe I need to start taking off my sunglasses in the winter.
I know exactly where the hobby shop is,I spent the last year driving past on my way to plu.We did a massive remodle on their theatre.It lasted over a year and was about 30 million.Anyway thanks for telling me to open my eyes and see the birds.Have a good trip.
Coffee time for me(I run weird hours). Heading out to the shop to finish organizing. I got the tin for my air compressor shed attachment.
I have the next two weeks off so hopefully I can get some work done on my car!
check this out
Zap- :unitedstates:
I've just got in the house after driving home from the middle of France (Dijon) after beeing there on business since Monday. 11 1/2 hour drive (around 600 miles) which includes the hop across the sea using the channel tunnel. I'm beat, cup of coffee then some shut-eye............
Gary...Now that's a drive I would have liked to been riding shotgun on! I'm curious now that you brought France up..we see lots of interest in American cars from the European countries...not sure I've ever seen anything related from France though. Do you see American Classics there? Get some sleep, sounds like it's needed.'re right...couldn't stay away too long. I had to come back and harrass you guys a bit.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-02-13 09:16
Gary...Now that's a drive I would have liked to been riding shotgun on! I'm curious now that you brought France up..we see lots of interest in American cars from the European countries...not sure I've ever seen anything related from France though. Do you see American Classics there? Get some sleep, sounds like it's needed.'re right...couldn't stay away too long. I had to come back and harrass you guys a bit.
I drove from Calais (where the channel tunnel from England terminates) right down through to Gevrey Chambertin (around 20 miles south of Dijon) and I saw ZERO classics of any description! The French have some really tough laws on classics restricting their use and you cannot modify a car in any way shape or form over there (even bigger wheels/lowered suspension is illegal, although a few do push their luck).
To be honest most of my journey was on the freeways so I was unlikely to see any classics on there, but even driving through the towns (I'd have been screwed without a good sat-nav, French road signs are random at best) I didn't see any car over ten years old.
Don't be fooled by some of the films you see that portray France as being a beautiful country full of romance, I can't say I agree and don't get me started on French coffee (like used engine oil), wine (like water) or cheese (I'm sure some of it could be used in chemical warfare). Oh yes, and French driving........ an empty freeway, nothing in front for miles and you look in your rear view mirror and there's a local driving so close I can almost see up his nose, I slow down, he slows down, I speed up, he speeds up. Kinda explains why there are so few old cars in France, they all get trashed with their driving habits!!
Just ran across this on a Cdn forum.
Thats a good one.I can think of one worse.She did it while you were out of town,and your not dead.
Took all my girls out for Valentine's day dinner, and now that its warmed up a bit, came home and the frogs croaking was deafening. Glad its still not warm enough to have windows open as they get so loud its hard to fall asleep.Feeling pretty blessed that the frogs keeping me awake is the only thing I have to complain about.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Yep, That's a blessing for sure. ...What is Valentine's Day?
Still working on my compressor project. It's like it will never end! Hopefully I will be done with it today. I added my old compressor tank in above my new one. This should help stabilize the pressure over a longer period of time while I am painting. I have a valve to close this tank off for the majority of the time to save wear and tear on the compressor. I have to plumb my shop and install a hose reel, and I will have a regulated line for painting and other low pressure operations.
It's Sunday morning and I'm sitting here pounding keys on the computer. I just put a bid in on a set of four 1957 Ford Dog Dish Hubcaps. They are hard to find. Then I got to thinking. Where best to look for them than here. The thing is they got to be somewhere between driver and show quality. I've got a nice set of 1957 Thunderbird Turbine Wheel covers I'd trade. I think they are original, not reproduction. I don't like them anyway but if you wouldn't be ashamed to have them on your car if you like them. So, if you got a set you'd like to sell or trade just give me a PM. Thanks, Jim PS: After the years I've been doing this you'd think I already had a set, wouldn't you.
410ranchero...You're gonna like having that compressor outside..nice setup. Your compressor looks like mine...Harbor Freight?? I've had mine for 8 years now, absoltly no problems except a bad switch a few years ago.
Jim...dogdish caps? are you just looking for an occational change in looks? I don't have a set, but I'll keep my eyes open. I do see them on ebay occationally.
Jay/ecode...looks like you're getting another storm's been a tough winter. We were suppose to be in the high 70's yesterday..sun never came out, but it did get into the low 60's. Today may hit the 70's though..plenty of sunshine so far.
I'm restoring an old 5 ft tall front yard windmill my wife's uncle's dad made about 60 years ago. I brought it back from phoenix last Oct so I could sandblast it and redo it right for him. Got it back from the blaster's Thursday, and got it primered yesterday. Gotta get it done..we should be going back to Phoenix in about 3 weeks if my wife can get off work. My wife works for Pantex...the nuclear weapons facility outside of Amarillo. They have a new management company coming in sometime soon, and she doesn't want to be gone with they do take over. No date for the changeover has been set yet, so we're waiting to see.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-02-16 10:19
Jim...dogdish caps? are you just looking for an occational change in looks? I don't have a set, but I'll keep my eyes open. I do see them on ebay occationally.
I using Cragars to Drag race with and I want to go to 15" plain steel wheels without the multi lug patterns. The poverty caps will dress it out better with the 15" wheels.
Saw one dog dish at a swap meet yesterday.I did not buy it because I was hoping to find someone with a set for sale.I only found one other booth with 57 stuff and they did not have them.I guess I should have bought the one and started collecting.I have attended this swap meet for 25 of its 50 years and there has always been much more stuff in the past.20 years ago I gave away four sets of them,and now I cant find a set.Maybe I will have better luck at the Portland swapmeet in a couple months.Anyway good luck.
LOL..Just spent a while on the Hamb. Ran across an older thread discussing what turned guys off when they were looking at a car. I thought to myself, this is a fairly long thread, they'll probably hit about everything I've done to my car. They covered about all the things I've done to mine on the first page. Funny.
Rich, don't feel bad, I can't get a reply to a question because I have FNG under my name!
Tim :unitedstates:
Did you do a formal introduction first? That's a biggie over there. Your car is much more Hamb friendly than mine....You wouldn't like some of the "replies" I've gotten. That's ok though, I understand that's their forum and non traditional doesn't cut it if you try to show it or talk or ask about it. That thread I talked about even had some objectionable things listed I hadn't even though about...metalic paint, ss. braided hoses.
Tough crowd over there . There is a wealth of info there and generally I search the hell out of a subject rather then ask a question.
Worked all week on two snowmobiles, one had a burnt piston. My sled had coolant in the crankcase, I pulled the cyl head off and everything looked good, my bud says its the seal between the water pump and crankcase. Well I did it myself, he said I saved at least a grand. I like that, plus its good to get to know your toys. My son and I unloaded by the Fox river, put on 80 miles, nice day about 25 degrees and sunny. Great ride is good to get to know your toys...I've got a new car buddy who is a whiz on electrical stuff amoung other things. He's going to be putting a 4.6 dohc in a '36 chevy. He was trying to talk me into a wiring harness like he's using that is custom made including reprogramming the computer, and when it's received, he'll only need to hook up a dozen or so wires. The Engine harness I'm using costs more and will end up with a hunderd or so wires to be hooked up. I thought about the choices for a while, and decided to stay with my original plans. Mine may be a ton more work, and therefore more room for error, but when I'm done, hopefully, I'll know alot more about the miriad of components on my engine. Like you gotta learn your toys.
I think the only way I do learn is to tear into it, sometimes I learn that I shouldn't have done it! Lol! Well I got my FNG answer on the Hamb, bide my time, or pay $50.00 and become an alliance member! Lol!
Tim :unitedstates:
What? I gotta check that thread out...what's the title on the thread? and your Hamb tag (besides FNG)
I know a bunch of you guys are also into, or more appropriatly, HAVE to be into, home remodeling. On my break from '57 stuff I made some shutters for the kitchen window. We had put in new natural maple cabinets a year or two ago. I wanted to do matching woodwork, but maple is 1) hard as hell to find
2) expensive
3) really hard to work with
I found the perfect solution that eliminated all of the above...Aspen! Lowe's sells it, priced about the same as clear pine, works real easy, but a tad more dent resistant than pine, and has a grain and coloring indistinguishable from maple. So if any of your wives are wanting maple... The window trim and shutters are the aspen, the cabinets maple...what'cha think?
Looks good from where I'm sittin Rich dug out of the snow yet?
That New England farmers blood is showing through Rich! Lol! Beautiful job!
Tim :unitedstates:
Nice work on the shutters,they look great.I have been remodeling houses on the side for 25 years and I dont think I could do better.I have used that wood for the same reasons.Great job.
Thanks guys..I sure do miss my shop I had when I was in the Custom picture framing business. An old cheap chop saw and table saw that's been outside for 5 years makes projects a bit more challenging.
I guess somebody didn't like my shutters...I got another smite today....wonder what I did this time.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-02-17 22:22
I guess somebody didn't like my shutters...I got another smite today....wonder what I did this time.
You never know if you stepped on someones toes or they just hit the wrong button.
The shutters look nice to me.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-02-16 18:52
He was trying to talk me into a wiring harness like he's using that is custom made including reprogramming the computer, and when it's received, he'll only need to hook up a dozen or so wires.
Rich, can you get more information on this harness? Sounds interesting and for me simpler is always better.
Zap- :unitedstates:
I'll get a contact number for you..may take a few days. It's not an off-the-shelf item such as a Ron Francis or Painless harness would be for a specific engine. Rather, it is an individual who adapts the oem harnesses and computer for people wanting specific usages and features. Whoever this person is, apparently he was one of the main men for another similar service company and recently left to start his own business. Kip used the original company to make a harness for a 4.6 sohc into a '56 'Bird last year, and is now talking to the same guy, but now working for himself, for the 4.6 dohc into a '36 chevy.
Well my compressor project is finally finished(couple days ago actually). I rewarded myself with a trip to the ER, thought I had pneumonia again. Little anitbiotics and starting to get back on my feet again. Started today getting all my removed parts hung up on the wall to gain more floor space. I got both doors up and the front fenders. I should have the bumpers up tomorrow and one step closer to actually working on the car again.
Take it easy there 410. There will be time to get er done, but only if you are alive. Take some time off to get well.
i am still alive,had to sell my ranchero.but i am looking at a nice county sedan.will post pictures if i buy it
welcome back! been wondering where you wandered off to, sorry your Ranchero went down the road.
Zap- :unitedstates:
AWESOME you're back!!, Canadian (Gary wasn't it?). You made my day. Sorry you had to give up your Ranchero..that's a real bummer, but glad your in the market for a new one. When you get a chance, check out the "4.6 being installed now" thread in the engines section. Being a newbie at this stuff, it's been a long slow process, but I'm a 100% glad I went that route and I've gotta say, if it weren't for you, I never would have started it in the first place. Thank you for the encouragement you gave me way back when.
Last night I went to hang out with some of the local yokels and one of them showed up with a beautiful 57 4 door wagon, restored all original, 312 auto trans, yellow and white. He is also building a Ranchero. He's an old fart like me but when I mentioned joining the site and he realized it required a computer he started shaking in his shoes :003:
Another guy showed up with a 61 Starliner, 390/401hp. He just got it and had removed all the trim getting it ready for paint. He left before dark, it didn't even have headlights or taillights.
Just got in from a day at the Nationals in Phoenix. WOW! It's been many years since I was at a top event and it was impressive, right from watching John Force's funny car been unloaded in the morning to him doing a 3.99 second run later in the day! I'd forgotten the thunder from the fuel cars, sure shakes you all over.
Impressed with all the dragsters self starting and driving all thru the pits, they must have started a dozen times while making their way thru the staging lanes with no charging systems. This all wouldn't mean much to you guys that attend these events often but I was sure amazed all day long at all the sights and sounds.
Loved the wheel standing SS class but have decided that I don't like throttle stop racing at all, cars idling a third of the way down the track then the computer cutting in and away they go. I just like the door to door stuff. Going on this qualifying day was good because you see all the cars and we were able to stand in the top row of the stands to watch the track or look down at all the cars in the staging lanes behind. Even got to choke and eye sting with a nitro car warming up in their pit. Awesome!
Went to a car show in Chandler today, over 200 cars there but not one 57 (or 55,56). A couple of Thunderbolts and lots of nice rods though. This time of year there's a lot of people here especially from where it's still cold like some of you guys have talked about. It would be nice to have a fenderless rod to drive here with no real bad weather problems, sure lots of speed and custom shops here, makes me drool over what is available to buy - all it takes is cash.
How you mentioned 55 and 56 with the 57. I have seen other people refer to 55-56-57 as the Ford tri-5's. But I think the 57-58-59 are more similar. Does anyone else agree with me on this? Or am I missing something?
I would agree, the 57 was completely different from the 55 and 56. Its basically the same car as the 58, the 59 I think ford and Chevy were having an ugly contest and ford won. But if you roll it over its the same.
I just got back from the Decatur swap meet..a 650 mile round trip. Nice swap meet..packed with vendors and buyers. Saw lots of stuff being moved by the parts haulers. One rusty '57 Fairlane for sale. got up to 75..perfect day.
Interesting happening..I stopped at a plater's booth, lots of wrapped bumpers, grilles. etc. I noticed there was no banner on his booth, no literature, busness cards, etc. I saw one package was marked '57 Ford grille so I asked to look at it. He told me he wouldn't unwrap it..too much work to rewrap...wth?? (300. btw)Thankfully, I just walked away. At the other end of the swap meet was the booth for the plater I had bought my near flawless front bumper from( The Bumper Shop). I told him about the other plater/grille he wouldn't unwrap. He said, oh "that's ( can't remember the name he told me), I'm surprised he's here..he's got people all over the country looking to hurt him." I asked if that the guy all the Hamb members were looking for..he said yeah.
Anyway, The Bumper Shop had a really nice '57 grille..all 3 pieces.. for 380. , So I bought it. He didn't get grouchy when I asked to look at it!
The Bumper Shop should not be confused with the Bumper Boys...The Boys are one of the ones you hear about problems so often.
Lorne....sounds like you're having a great long you gonna be in Phoenix? If all goes according to plan, I'll be there on the 6th or 7th for the Goodguys show. Did you go to the Pavillion Cruise last night?
"got up to 75..perfect day". That's months away here.I'd like to see the changes made to the Phoenix track.Sure was run down in 2000.Also cool to see two FE Fords at the top of qualifying in Stock Eliminator.Back to the garage with coffee in hand for a day of work and racing.
looks like i will own a county sedan,will know for sure next week.this is a original 70,000 mile 223 std.i kept all my 4.6 stuff when i sold my ranchero,what to do,what to do?
Rich, looks like we might miss meeting again, we're renting a car and leaving Phoenix on the 6th for the Vegas race, then some sightseeing before back to Phoenix.
There are shows all most every night here and will be going to the Pavillion cruise once so I can get some night LED lights pics.
C. Ranchero "what to do" is right, I'm looking at Craiglist today and drooling over some early Ford pickups! Geez, money is always easy to spend when you don't have it!
Quote from: canadian_ranchero on 2014-02-23 11:11
looks like i will own a county sedan,will know for sure next week.this is a original 70,000 mile 223 std.i kept all my 4.6 stuff when i sold my ranchero,what to do,what to do?
I know what I would do but to each his own. I'm having enough problem with my own what to do. I've been debating taking over my younger sons project of a 70 Cadillac convertible. I've worked at quite a few different occupations but never a pimp :003:
Lorne..keep me posted if things change. If you run into any must-see stuff in Phoenix, let me know. I'm looking for stuff to do between the Goodguys show and a few baseball games. I'm not into the racing stuff though..sounds like that's your primary thing. I am planning going to go out to lake Havasu to visit pure choice motorsports....that would be on sorta on your way to Vegas from Phoenix.
Roger-Dodger Rich. I'm going to look at a '50 pickup tomorrow morning, this is scary- I've told my wife I will start selling stuff, I'm bad at adding projects without finishing stuff. Hm-m-m-m.
We also want to catch a baseball game, don't know which one yet.
I've been to the Rockies/Diamondbacks new spring complex a few times..beautiful park..and very close to the pavilion cruise. I may try to catch a game at another park this time..maybe the Cubs(?) park in Surprise...much closer to where we'll be staying. LOL..hate the Phoenix traffic, and it seems everything I want to do is on the other side of Phoenix. Desert Valley Auto Parts usually has a bunch of nice project vehicles for sale at their garage Facility and their North salvage parts lot. I can get the addresses for you if you wish.
The addresses would be great Rich. Don't know which park we'll go to. I agree about the traffic here. It's interesting how the traffic after the races (drag and oval) is handled here. After the NASCAR race last year we thought we were going to be in Palm Springs before we got back on the highway to head back southeast. Last weekend, when we left the dragstrip we had to go in about a 7 or 8 mile circle to get right back to the highway exit that we used when we arrived at the track. Forgot to mention, when we walked into the pits on Friday morning we stumbled onto a spot where all the lower class cars were stopping to do the fuel samples. Open header heaven! Standing right next to the cars was great! There was a late model mega cube Hemi Charger that rattled my old bones when it fired up!
There's lots of cruises at night, next one is Friday night in Chandler and in Gilbert then of course the Pavillion on Sat night. It is still kinda weird walking around in the evenings in shirtsleeves at this time of year, sorry to bring this up for anyone dealing with the winter weather, but it sure is pleasant for us none S. Cal guys. Racin' and cruises, almost every day- this place is fantastic!
Both of the North locations are north of where the 101 crosses I17. I'll try to scan and post a map. OK, that worked. The N21st st number is 22201 N. 21st. If you've seen the Desert Valley shows on TV, that is where they have the auctions and have a handfull of cars there. A few miles North of there is their later model Salvage Yard and project car lot with several hundred cars usually for sale in their project car area. That address is 23811 N 7th ave.
The Casa Grande location is about 60 miles south of Phoenix off I10. This is where the older cars, 80's and older are.
guaranteed to blow your socks off ...........
Zap- :unitedstates:
My socks are still would not load. but did watch it this morning on Yahoo. awesome car. Anybody here put their downpayment down on one?
Not yet, can't find the piggy bank..... :005:
Can't be too hard to find if you got enough in it for a hennessey downpayment. It'll be the BIG one.
Cold again here yesterday and today...70 one day, 30's the next, back to 60's, down to least we get a few warm days now and then.
One week to go before Phoenix...gonna be a long week. We've got a good car show here in town this weekend..the Make-a-wish show. Biggest one in our area annually. Pat and his family usually have some entries.
Quote from: sprink88 on 2014-02-22 20:46
How you mentioned 55 and 56 with the 57. I have seen other people refer to 55-56-57 as the Ford tri-5's. But I think the 57-58-59 are more similar. Does anyone else agree with me on this? Or am I missing something?
The 1957 Ford was the beginning of a whole new type of car. Henry Ford II (whichever one) decided Ford cars needed to appeal to women as much as men because women influenced the purchases made by the men. So, Henry Ford II demanded his engineers design a car that a 5' 2" woman could stand bare footed on the ground and see across the top of the car. They did this by widening the frame and seating the passengers down between the frame. This made the car look wider and definitely lower that the competition. That's also why the front footprint of a 57 is 3" wider than the back. The 57, 58, and 59 enjoy this same concept. Up until this time, cars were built on top of the frame. The 56 only contribution to the 57 as far as body were the power steering rams, rear view mirrors, outside mirrors and ash trays. Those too were changed after the left over 56 parts ran out. BTW: The safety aspect of using the frame to protect the passengers was not a design concept. It was an unintentional asset due to lowering the car.
Great info! It is always nice to here the history on our cars. Thanks again!
Tim :unitedstates:
Hiball/Bob/Rob....Guys, keep calm, don't panic, but that stuff that may be falling out of the sky in your areas is known in most other parts of the country as......................RAIN.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-02-26 22:12
Hiball/Bob/Rob....Guys, keep calm, don't panic, but that stuff that may be falling out of the sky in your areas is known in most other parts of the country as......................RAIN.
Thanks for refreshing my memory Rich, I couldn't for the life of me figure out what the puffy things in the sky that were leaking were :006:
Rich & hiball3985:
Still waiting for the wet stuff near Long Beach. Maybe tomorrow. lol
I saw the thread above about going to the Phoenix races. I must agree the throttle stop 8.90 & 9.90 classes are just not my cup of tea, either. I understand why heads up racing in the multi-numerous stock classes can no longer be arranged, like they were back in the 60's. Back then my Mustang ran in a class with 14 or 15 other similarly equipped cars, so heads up racing was what I learned on. Now days in the stock and super stock classes it isn't unusual to see a 9 second car paired up with a 15 second car. Both go balls to the wall until the end of the strip and then the brake lights come on. It's way more fun to watch and race in. You definitely have to know what your car is capable of running and make sure you run that number consistently. I really love watching a SS/K 1965 Mustang stand up on the rear bumper when the light turns green, even on the relatively narrow (9" tires I believe) slicks. John Calvert's CalTrac bars really do work. Or Ford vs Chevy, Ford vs Mopar, etc. While the wheelies don't really make the car go any faster, look at the Pro-Stock cars going 6.50's at 200 + mph. It sure seems more exciting to me. These photos were taken this year at the Winter Nationals, fun, fun, fun.
I never get a chance to forget the rain,my basement sump pump has been running for weeks.We have had lots and lots of downpours.Looking forward to july and august when we have several days without rain.Usually always rains on the fourth of july though.It must be a fire safety thing.
OK! get ready to laugh. Guessing and hoping someone here will have an answer for me. Need to know if a 1971 Pinto 2.0 cylinder head and 2.3 are interchangeable. And if the 1973 Mustang 2.3 head is the same as the pinto. Down to the last nut and bolt.Hopefully someone has a Hollander or other resource manual and can answer this for me.
And no its not going into my 57...........
Zap- :unitedstates:
Quote from: Zapato on 2014-02-27 23:25
OK! get ready to laugh. Guessing and hoping someone here will have an answer for me. Need to know if a 1971 Pinto 2.0 cylinder head and 2.3 are interchangeable. And if the 1973 Mustang 2.3 head is the same as the pinto. Down to the last nut and bolt.Hopefully someone has a Hollander or other resource manual and can answer this for me.
And no its not going into my 57...........
Zap- :unitedstates:
I just knew there had to be one. Ask at their forum maybe.
Rich, I hope everything works out for your wife and you, what you described is definitely a stress builder.
We'll see what happens, hope for the best.
Beautiful rain today in California and lots of it. Supposed to rain all week-end. Possibility of mud slides in the foothills/fire areas, hopefully not, but we sure need the rain.
Quote from: LAUDY57 on 2014-02-28 11:35
Rich, I hope everything works out for your wife and you, what you described is definitely a stress builder.
We'll see what happens, hope for the best.
moved from another thread...
Kinda a long story, but my wife works for Pantex, along with 2600 other people/families. Pantex is the government's nuclear weapons storage and maintenance facility managed by civilian contractors(BWXT currently). BWXT lost their bid for a new contract. They appealed the decision based on a non-level field. When BWXT won their contract years ago, it was required that the bid included assumption of the previous company's benifits, including retirement benifits and time served credits, etc. The new contract bidding did not stipulate those benifits had to be assumed by the new contract. The people at Pantex have no idea now if they are going to lose all of the retirement,what benifits are going to be lost, etc. We're on pins and needles like many folks around here. We're probably gonna get screwed.
Sorry for the off topic, but this is what Morning Coffee is about.
dang Rich. The really is a bummer. HOPEFULLY everything will work out for the better!
Local car show today..biggest in the area. Looking forward to it.
The high today is suppose to be 74.....the low tommorrow, 12, high in low 30's!!
Extended forcast for Phoenix...posible rain at least thru next weekend. Bummer! Rainning today in Phoenix, hope it doesn't mess up the Nascar stuff Lorne is at...Good luck on that, Lorne. BTW, I checked out that link for arizona you posted...that's an awesome site. Tons more listings than the Cruisin'Arizona website I was using. You were right, stuff going on daily. Thanks for the link.
another snow storm and another week of very cold...
I think I'm starting to like it!!!!!!!!!!!
That is a really cool photo!
Do you feed them? Must be pretty hard for them to find enough food with 3 feet of of snow on the ground.
the photo was passed to me via email probably from FaceBook or YouTube
the 'like winter' was a sick reference to being abused to point of liking the abuse
Bright & sunny here, biggest swap meet of the year tomorrow (well, one that is full of hot rod and older US car parts) that I go to every year, it's a 2 1/2 hour drive away. I had made a list of all the bits & pieces I needed, but now I'm not going......
Started getting back ache about five days ago, lower left hand side, waist height. Being a man I did what every other man would do and ignored it, thinking it will get better. I carried on working in the garage, cycling 10 miles a day, walking the dog and....... it got worse! I think I hurt it decorating my daughters bedroom last week, probably twisted funny hanging wall-paper. The swap meet is held on a stock-car circuit which is high up in the countryside and the cold wind whistles right through it, just the sort of thing to make a bad back worse so I'm giving it a miss.
However, I did text pictures of what I want along with a list and maximum price to all my mates that are going! A lazy mans way of hunting for parts at a swap meet, letting others do it for me! :003:
Rich, sorry to hear about your wife work problems.Seems like everybodys retirement or pension plans are under attack.They are currently rewriting mine to lower benefits,and change the retirement age.I was going to be out in four years,but they was to add ten years to that.I plan on getting out anyway.I dont think a person can be productive in commercial construction into there 60:s.I guess I will have to go to work at Mc Donalds. Take care Al
was about -35c here this morning.going to pick up my new to me 57 county sedan today.cold and snow did not bother them when they were new so i should be fine
Awesome...glad the deal worked out. Wish the weather was better for it might enjoy picking it up a bit more. You Canadians are tough....I still remember the stories my mom told about digging tunnels in the snow at the front door so they could get out of the house.
-48 with windchill.pick up went is in my shop now
Gary/Canadian After ya thaw out, fill us in on your new '57! I'd love to see what you got and hear what it's going to be.
Jeff.....recognize this guy? Bob had his '61 Buick bubbletop there (Make-a-wish show)..never did see Bob though.
Rich! John's work is over the top,such a great guy.As for Bob, you had to look for a Midget hahaha
Minus -35 here today with wind chill,but I heard in Amarillo is was colder there than here over the weekend!
I am getting very tired of this weather.
A while back, there was discussion about some of the suppliers getting bought up. I just web shopped some of the model specific suppliers to find many are bought up. The prices have went up big time. One catalog doesn't seem to exist. Two web sites linked to the MAC site which was bought by somebody else. I am looking for a few '65 Thunderbird parts for the interior of my '57. I'm glad I have no list for '57 parts!!!!!!
where are all you guys? Today reminds me of the first post I did on this thread back in September....."don't ya hate it when you log on and there are no new threads?".
Gary..since you mentioned interior parts, I'm always confused as to where you're at on the build of your car. The last time I asked about the paint, you were waiting on the college girl's dad to do the finish buffing. Did that ever get done?..did I miss some pics?
My fuel supply project on the '57...I was thinking about having the new ni-terne tank from classic powder coated, that is until I got a price of 175-200 to do it. what?? I'm just gonna paint it myself..may even just paint the topside area where I had welded in the recess box for the fuel pump. Got the stuff in for the fuel lines, just missing a few components I'll pick up in Phoenix. I'm not sure if I'll get to finish the fuel system or not after Phoenix...depends on the weather. Gotta start working on house/garage roof projects as soon as weather (and my shoulder) allows. I'd probably piss alot of you guys off if I said I was kinda hoping for an extension of the bad winter we've all had.
The pic: tanks inc fuel pump, fittings, and summit's version of the nicopp lines. The 3/8", btw, is currently on sale for 50 bucks/25 ft coil
Rich I guess the "hard winter" has slowed things down. It has for me, between keeping the shop above freezing and doing the yard work that needs done and tinkering with other things car work has been slow. As you (and some others) may know I have been working on two non 57s. The Edsel is back together and the pile of parts in the shop are turning into a 65 T-Bird. Getting real close on the Bird, waiting on warmer weather to get the headliner installed, then the rest of the interior. Some trim items, some electrical repairs and the front bumper. Put new sneekers on it and she can go get it registered....then back to the Edsel to finish the painting on it.
Want to get the Ranchero running and driving and in the "dry" by the end of summer.
Haven't had anything new to post. Just turn the key, drive around in the sunshine watching the girls wave when I go by :003: I'm surprised at how many females perk up when they see an old car. Fuel gauge is working, but it's not the gauge so I will pull the sending unit and hope it's only the float, new one coming in the mail.
Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!
Project status: complete denial(car is in buffing/detail jail). I am in moving mode. Downsizing to a smaller house in a quiet neighborhood with curb and sidewalk...attached garage but no workshop----YET. House is getting some remodeling and complete redecorate. Trying to do this in one of the worst winters. I've had to snow blow the back yard twice to get the trailer in a out. Most days revolve around snow removal and chiropractor appointments. We are finally in but life among the boxes sucks. Driving to the barn daily to find and work on interior components. I'm trying to get the panels and seats ready for upholstery. Dash, package tray, console are ready for cutting and sewing.
Oh, on another note: there was talk about door glass installation and the whiskers. I just found my new ones. They are from Tom Cat Whiskers. A full set in one bag cut to size, with bends, AND OEM style clip/buttons attached...just snap in. Staples did not come with the inside, garnish molding wiper/anti-rattle/whiskers. Various attachments have been mentioned...glue, hand bend staples, pop rivets, tiny screws. I'm not convinced which method is best.
Take care,
A struggle today.Yet its the only day of the year that tells ya what to do.Not enough coffee in the world to wake me up.Trying to get the things together and clean the garage for Saturday so a few of my older friends can stop by.It will mark 40 years of have'n the car.
Temperature is up (a bit) here this week so yesterday spent some time flatting the fenders ready for epoxy and then priming. I then dropped one of them and have another crease to sort out before I can prime..................
Gary...married life sure changes your life in a hurry doesn't it? On the whiskers..I could never figure out why Ford used the easy snapins on the outside, but staples on the inside. I had no problems with hand bent over staples, but the pop rivets should work also if you can find some small headed ones. I would not use screws however...wouldn't want to find out the hard way a screw or two worked themselves loose and that's why my glass is scratched.
I talked to a guy here in town that does a lot of high end interior work....he said small rivets and paint them black, so I did and you can't really see them unless you stand high and look inside the door. Anyone the looks that close at your car better be handing out gift cards. HRD
I used pop rivits (1/8" X 1/4" long) and they are invisible.
Spent a couple of hours yesterday bending staples around anti squeek rubber pieces for the inner fenders. Quite a lot of fun to line up the existing staple holes , the rubber and then get it all clamped down tight. My fingers hurt this morning.
Pete..I've got that project coming up real soon. All the work I've been doing on the engine bay has been with the inner fender temp. in place. It's got to come off one more time for the rubber stuff. The old staple holes on mine are pretty much filled up between the por-15 and undercoating on the wheel side, and the paint on the engine side. I've been looking for some rubber sheeting that I could use for a one piece rubber skirting.
Gonna be a busy soon as I get enough coffee in me I need to get ready for our trip to Phoenix. We're going to leave as soon as my wife gets home from work tonight. It's raining here this morning..hope the car wash is open.
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2014-03-05 07:55
I used pop rivits (1/8" X 1/4" long) and they are invisible.
That's how mine are if you zoom in you can see a bit of the gloss from the paint. Wonder if they had a good safety on the staple guns back in the 50's. HRD
Since I'm from the Detroit area, I always ask auto industry retirees about that stapler. I have never gotten any information about that tool. Even the old time upholstery guys shake their heads. Ford, GM and Chrysler all used those staples and no one knows anything about 'THE STAPLER'.
If you insert a sharpened staple from the wrong side through the material first it will leave a mark as to where the holes are located. It's painful, it's time consuming and it's really not necessary ( rivets). It all depends on what you can or can't live with. For those that want staples, suck it up. For those that don't care, keep on truckin. Jim PS: I went with staples.
Quote from: JimNolan on 2014-03-05 09:33
If you insert a sharpened staple from the wrong side through the material first it will leave a mark as to where the holes are located. It's painful, it's time consuming and it's really not necessary ( rivets). It all depends on what you can or can't live with. For those that want staples, suck it up. For those that don't care, keep on truckin. Jim PS: I went with staples.
If I was building my car back to factory specs it would be staples for me as well. HRD
Quote from: hotroddonnie on 2014-03-05 10:13
If I was building my car back to factory specs it would be staples for me as well. HRD
You're exactly right. When it came to the body and interior of my car I just had to have it done with original parts and appearance. My fender mirrors had to match what came on them in Sept. of 1956. But, when it came to the drive train, motor, radiator, brakes, transmission, rear end, sway bars etc, I didn't want anything to do with 1957. Go figure.
I guess we are all wired differently. I like to make a few mods like radial tires , gas shocks and sway bars but otherwise I like to leave them pretty close to the way they were originally built. Sure the have vague steering and perhaps the acceleration isn't what it could be with a bigger engine but heck it's 1957 !
Guess the beauty of this hobby is to make the car fit your vision. At the end of the day they are all cool.
Agree completely
Usually I like to keep them pretty much the way that they came from the factory too except for a few minor changes that I made in a weak moment about two weeks ago. It's nothing to worry about though because I can fix it back up again with Bondo. That will take care of everything.
To each their own!
Quote from: electricalan on 2014-03-06 11:43
To each their own!
I'm very happy to see that you feel that way. Except for photo shopping it on paper, there's no way that I would really do that to my car after working on it for many years. This is what it actually looks like now and I look forward to driving it this summer. Jay
I've gone to both extremes with cars in the past, 100% stock to radically modified. My problem is I drive 27,000 miles a year in a new car I change every 3 years and it spoils you. With my Ranchero I firmly believe Ford got the design right. No mods or changes could improve the looks and lines (apart from lowering, all cars look good lower IMO!) but I want it to drive with the comfort and reliability of a newer car.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2014-03-06 08:06
Usually I like to keep them pretty much the way that they came from the factory too except for a few minor changes that I made in a weak moment about two weeks ago. It's nothing to worry about though because I can fix it back up again with Bondo. That will take care of everything.
Paint it gold and call it done. :icon_thumright:
Ecode thats a little more up my alley.Glad to hear you will be driving it this summer,looks good.I have not yet decided yet if I will drive my survivor around to some local stuff or tear it to pieces,but I think the latter.I gotta get going on it sometime.Thanks for your picks.
Arrived in Phoenix area this afternoon. Nice drive in.... temps in the 50's all the way to Flagstaf, then after driving down the 18 mile long downgrade south of Flagstaff, temp was at 77. loving it! Goodguys show tomorrow, maybe Saturday also if the show is big enough.
Lorne,57imposter....hope to be meeting up sometime this week.
We got here about 2:30 couldn't believe the weather all the way down. rain in Oregon but blue skies and bare dry roads everywhere else. The mountains in Utah don't even have enough snow to cover the caps. Wonder if anybody is going to have any water this summer. I was thinking about digging the 61 out to bring down, kinda wish I had now. Rich...Will be calling you in the am to see if we can put something together.
Have had an awesome 2 days in the Phoenix area. I went to the goodguys show yesterday...spent 6 hours there and really skipped thru the car show area only stopping to look at cars that caught my eye. For a change there were 6 or 8 57 and 58 Fords there. Two in particular really stood out. I'll post pics next week when I get home. One was a restomod red ranchero with a 460. I really hope this guy joins our forum as he spent his working life as a Ford parts man. The second outstanding 57 was a convertible that looked like it just rolled off the assembly line.
A 53 Merc hardtop with a 4.6 dohc that I had seen on my last trip here was at the goodguys show. Really got a good daytime look at it this time..outstanding build and very neat engine compartment. When I saw it on mmy last trip, my camera batteries were dead, so I didn't get any pics, but got some this time.
Today I did a baseball game and then went to the Pavillion/Mcdonalds cruise. I parked in the cruise area and walked 5 minutes to the ballpark..they were that close together. I met up with 57imposter/Doug and his wife at the cruise and got to spend an enjoyable hour or so talking '57's and sharing progress pics on our builds. He's doing a great job changing his '58 Custom to a '57
sounds cool ,look forward to seeing your pics.
the 57 i just picked up is a 70,000 mile original county sedan,repaint about 5 years ago, red and white,223 engine 3speed std.runs and drives what to you leave it alone or to modify.after reading Rich post on his 4.6 swap,i did keep all the 4.6 stuff when i sold my ranchero.what do you guys think?????
Well, that post sure put a smile on my face this know it's YOUR fault I ended up doing that swap.
What do I think?...honestly, I think everyone needs 2 '57' with a 3 spd six as mine was originally, and one with a sportier version of whatever determined by what one's use of the car is going to, cruising, etc. For me the 4.6 dohc is going to be perfect, but at the same time I'm gonna miss the simplicity of the stick six.
if this was a project car,that would make the decision a lot simpler,but being a nice original 70,000 mile wagon,i am not sure what to do
I would keep it original if at all possible. The number of modified ones continues to grow and originals are getting as hard to find as hens teeth. If you want a modified one find one that isn't worth saving..
Did you but it because it was a nice project car or because it was a original survivor.I think the attraction might have been how original and unmolested it is.Congradulations on the find.
I took a ride out to Lake Havasu today. About a 350 mile round trip from Phoenix. I went to Pure Choice Motor sports and picked up a few special fittings for the fuel lines and power steering lines...nothing exciting, just expensive. I'll post some pics in the 4.6 thread when I get back home..kinda neat stuff....banjo fittings for the hydroboost and rack, ect. One of the items I needed they were out of stock on, so they machined a couple for me while I waited. A 1/2 hour and they were done!
I also visited a street rod shop...Perfection street rods..I think was the name. Just a few blocks from Pure Choice.
Hey! Rich was In Amarillo yesterday was going o drop by but would have been one heck of a first step from 32,000 feet.
believe you guys are going into a dry spell this summer lots of dry river beds already,
Zap- :unitedstates:
We have a causal meeting on Thursday nights of the locals in my little town. With the time change I was able to get some pictures. Two other 57's besides mine but one guy didn't bring his ranch wagon tonight.
Thursday night continued. A few more showed up after dark but they were Chebies also
Great pics Jim. I just got back from Phoenix last night right at midnight. I'm sure envious of you guys that live in areas like ca and ariz. that have cruises and meetings going on all the time. I know from the stuff Bob posts there's stuff going on in socal frequently, but I gotta tell ya, Phoenix is stupid crazy with how much there is to do there.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-03-14 09:02
Great pics Jim. I just got back from Phoenix last night right at midnight. I'm sure envious of you guys that live in areas like ca and ariz. that have cruises and meetings going on all the time. I know from the stuff Bob posts there's stuff going on in socal frequently, but I gotta tell ya, Phoenix is stupid crazy with how much there is to do there.
Thanks Rich, I was hoping to get some more but not everyone showed up last night. It seem endless in CA and ARIZ, things happen year round. I had to laugh at the guys scrambling for long sleeves as soon as the sun went behind the building and the temp dropped to 65. We have been at this location for about 3 months, it's McDonalds parking lot but we bring our own pizza, wings and desert :003:
We have a pretty good size car show once a month on Saturday mornings, I've only gone once. This gang is a splinter group of none ego types that are really pleasant to be around.
I can't say anything, in my old age temperature changes are harder to handle. BTW, you posted pics of your citris trees a while back...I brought back 8 bags of grapefruit. I love going in the back yard and picking a snack/breakfast off the tree!
Another thing about differences in major areas. Two weeks ago I got a price locally of 175-200 for powder coating my gas tank. I got a quote of 70. by Glendale Powdercoating! I told him what the Amarillo price was, he laughed and said "I guess he doesn't have much competition out there"
Same here, but I have a harder time with the heat and it's suppose to get up to 90 this weekend :005:.
Thats a huge difference in prices, I wonder if the same applies to chrome. I haven't had anything chromed in years but the guys say the prices are outrageous now here in CA.
I found a picture from one of the other guys from a previous week that had the 57 wagon in it. He is also building a Ranchero. I was some what amazed at having three 57's in our area.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-03-14 09:45
I can't say anything, in my old age temperature changes are harder to handle. BTW, you posted pics of your citris trees a while back...I brought back 8 bags of grapefruit. I love going in the back yard and picking a snack/breakfast off the tree!
Another thing about differences in major areas. Two weeks ago I got a price locally of 175-200 for powder coating my gas tank. I got a quote of 70. by Glendale Powdercoating! I told him what the Amarillo price was, he laughed and said "I guess he doesn't have much competition out there"
Just an after thought after just picking a few oranges and grapefruit. I have more then we can use and give away a lot of it. Many of the people I know who use high blood pressure meds say they can't eat grapefruits.
Nice to see some spring car show pictures, and yes I'm still alive if anyone cares! I've been working nights and detailing my car between sleep Thursday the 20th I trailer my car to the Megaspeed car show about an hour from where I live. (No its not a trailer queen) I need to trailer it because we will still have salt on the roads. I will post pictures of the show by Monday night. hope all goes well. HRD
When do they hold the Saturday get together ? Would like to go in the near future . Do they do the Thursday get together every Thursday ?
Did you ever go to the get together at Rudy's bean pot ?
Quote from: dgasman on 2014-03-14 11:38
When do they hold the Saturday get together ? Would like to go in the near future . Do they do the Thursday get together every Thursday ?
Did you ever go to the get together at Rudy's bean pot ?
I don't remember what Saturday of the month but I'll ask one of the guys. It's held at the AMC or UA theater parking lot under where the 2 and 210 freeway connect, I believe it's Verdugo Blvd. La Canada. There is usually 50-75 cars.
Never been to Rudys yet.
Snowmobiling in door county, North of Green Bay. One last rip before SPRINGGGG. 22 degrees this morning, snow is hanging in there
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2014-03-13 21:51
Thursday night continued. A few more showed up after dark but they were Chebies also
I'm happy to see that you had a nice safe spot between the 48-49 Ford and the 40 Ford 2dr. It's not safe to park too close to those Chebby things because they give off some sort of disease that can't even be washed off. Good to see that you and your car made it to a car cruise. Jay
PS FWIW...That 48-49 could also be a 50.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-03-11 22:39
I took a ride out to Lake Havasu today.
Rich.... Did you just happen to see a stone bridge at Havasu.? It's been missing from London for a while and the last I heard, Scotland Yard is still looking for it. Jay
Actually, I didn't. I did pass the entrance to the resort where it is located.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2014-03-15 10:20
I'm happy to see that you had a nice safe spot between the 48-49 Ford and the 40 Ford 2dr. It's not safe to park too close to those Chebby things because they give off some sort of disease that can't even be washed off. Good to see that you and your car made it to a car cruise. Jay
PS FWIW...That 48-49 could also be a 50.
Jay, take a closer look, the 40 is a 4 door.. I think if everyone was to show up at the same time the Fords would actually out number the Chebby's. Not many places you see that.
I'm not sue what the silver car is, maybe some kind of kit car but it's Ford powered too and has blue oval badges on the side of the hood.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-03-15 10:29
Actually, I didn't. I did pass the entrance to the resort where it is located.
WHAT??? You actually missed London Bridge?
Jim. Your'e right . It's a 40 4dr . I should have checked it better.
From what I can see, the silver car looks like it has a 36 grill on it. The engine side panels look sort of custom made. Does that car have a sky leak in the roof?
Now your'e going to have to go back next week and get a good picture of the silver car.
While your'e at it, get a picture of the 57 wagon that didn't show up this week. We need to keep the Ford numbers up to outnumber the Chebby things.
The funny thing is the guy that bought London Bridge actually thought he was buying the (much grander) Tower Bridge and got a bit of a shock when he realised what he had actually bought (so it is said).
London Bridge:
Tower Bridge:
You know something Gary!! I heard that story also about the Tower Bridge..
It sure is amazing though how they marked each and every piece, took it apart, transported it, and put it back together over here. The bridge pieces still had the those marks on them when I saw it a few years ago.
I know what you mean, I struggle with a car in pieces, so a bridge where every piece looks like the next? Much respect!
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2014-03-15 17:45
You know something Gary!! I heard that story also about the Tower Bridge..
It sure is amazing though how they marked each and every piece, took it apart, transported it, and put it back together over here. The bridge pieces still had the those marks on them when I saw it a few years ago.
Yeah, I saw the same markings. What a puzzle that must've been to reassemble.
Quote from: modifieddriver on 2014-03-16 13:18
Yeah, I saw the same markings. What a puzzle that must've been to reassemble.
There is a lesson to be learned about marking pieces especially when it comes to taking a car apart.
I too have wondered about how much of a puzzle it was to put that bridge back together and make it look that good.
Winds are finally dying down today. We had 2 or 3 days of constant 30-40 mph winds...and the inevietable dust storm to go along with it. The dust had blocked out the sun all yesterday..brown skies every direction..and dirt silt covering everything.
I'm getting ready to reroof my garage from last year's hail storm. We're hoping to build a regular garage after I get the house finished, so my current not-quite-a garage will be coming down. With that in mind, I'm not going to sheath and shingle the current space as I was thinking, but going to use metal roofing instead. I had also thought about the same reinforced composite I have on it now, but that would be stupid considering how close I came to a major disaster with the '57 last year. I found local metal supply place yesterday that has a whole pallet of seconds...perfect for what I need....less than 400 for what I need.
Next is figuring out when my shoulder will let me actually do the roof, but I'll have the materials ready when I am. Hopefully that won't be too long...the 22 x 28 tarp I had covering the roof got ripped apart in the winds we've had.
I have a metal roof on my garage and will be putting one on my house soon. At our age it will be a forever roof.
Rich, IMHO a metal roof is the way to go. About 20 years ago I had shingles blow off of my barn roof, right onto my newly painted t-bird. So I tore the roof off and installed metal, it hasn't given my any problems. Sounds like its not for the long haul, but if you use the screws with the washer and rubber grommet, be carefull not to over torque them, it cracks the rubber. Mark
Those are the screws I'll be using...thanks for the heads-up. Are you guys laying a bead of caulking at the overlaps?
my house, garage,and back garage roofs are all steel.when i put the screws in the roof, the drill i used had a adjustable torque head.set it so the rubber washer is even with the outside of the washer
I got all the panels picked up yesterday. Went back and got some trim pieces,foam insulators inside and outside (for the ridge). also picked up some self sealing 2 sided tape-kinda-stuff for the edge overlaps.
Has anybody installed ridged dense foam 4 x 8 sheeting over the perlins before screwing the roofing down? Sure be alot easier than trying to fit it between the roof least if the darn wind isn't blowing 30 mph.
Decided to reroof with the '57 still inside. Considering the time of year, damage from being outside is just as least if we have another hail storm, it'll have at least a 1/2 of a roof over it.
Where did I put my Aleve?
Rich, I didn't use any sealant , but it sounds like a good idea.
Morning guys. Got a start on the reroofing of my crappy shed/workspace yesterday. I'm just stripping the old roof a portion at a time so I can keep everything inside covered as much as posible. My temporary structure has settled a bit since I built an quick add-on about 3 years ago, so I'm having to relevel the perlins a bit as I go along to keep the sheetmetal from kinking. I am also using the dense ridgid foam panels over the perlins that I had asked about. This stuff is dense enough that there are no problems with getting the sheetmetal down tight to the roof. In fact it probably helps a little with any unevenness. I only got one sheetmetal in place yesterday. Didn't want to make the same mistake I made the first time with not getting th first one on good enough and starting at the wrong end. That foam sheeting is a pita with working alone in the wind! I think it'll help alot with the heat and air though..better than nothing! I'm hoping to get this done while the weather is still cool....don't want to be the cat on a hot tin roof!
On a different subject, I went back and checked to see when the last time Tom from Alaska had posted. It was Dec 26. Sure hope everything is ok with him and maybe he just needs a new computer! I had also checked on Lou who hadn't posted for a while, but he's been logging on, just not posting, so I guess everything is ok there.
And speaking of Toms..Tom Drummond this time...I still have not been able to bring up the STFabrications website. Tom, or anybody know what's up with that?
Doug, guys make it back home ok?
I was worried about Tom S also, I pm'd him a couple of months ago just to ask him if everything was fine with him. No reply< I also hope that he is only having computer problems, and nothing severe. He has been a lot of help to me, and like everyone on this site I wish for nothing but the best! Do we have any other members near him?
Tim :unitedstates:
I almost forgot, stay safe on that roof!
Tim :unitedstates:
It's not all that sturdy..have to put 2x6"s up there to walk on..thankfully it's not too high up, but for these old bones it's plenty high enough. LOL..good thing I'm a short guy...just have to remember to warn the tall guys coming in to watch the overhead.
Along the lines of the London Bridge thing........
A lot of pieces but no where near as many as the London Bridge or a '57!!!!!!!!
That's a heck of a puzzle. Planning on that move/disassemble/reassemble must have been a chore. Without going back and looking for pic of your finished barn, I'm guessing from the size and shape, it's yours.?
Wow Gasman. Is that the barn on your old house? I thought you were moving???
Dang, am I getting old?
I started the tear down in February of '96 and finished the build in 2002 (if anything is really finished). I'm in the process of moving out of this 7000 square feet building to a 'towny', 1200 square foot garage that will be started next month.
Finished version...
So if I go to MIS this summer I can't stop by to see it?
Checking on other threads, I guess we got a variety of weather going on the past week. The Washigton guys are mowing lawns, the Northeast guys are waiting for snow and ice to go away,Bill's mowing his onions in Alabama, here in Texas it doesn't know what time of the year it is. Too dry for even the weeds to be growing, even when it's cloudy, it doesn't rain, or snow. That's a good thing for me right now being into reroofing my garage. Yesterday it was too windy to get anything done up there. I'll hopefully get something done today. Last week we had a few days of dust storms..sun was out and shinning, but couldn't see it.
I got an email from the guy that's making my custom built ss power steering reservoir. It passed a 2 day leak test and is shipping out today. Communication and working with this guy was a wonderful experience. Hopefully I can say the same when it arrives..from pics of provious ones he's made, I'm gonna be a happy camper. I'll post some pics and contact info (if it's good as I suspect) when I get it.
Quote from: Frankenstein57 on 2014-03-24 19:48
So if I go to MIS this summer I can't stop by to see it?
If you are a camper, there are 180 acres of camp sites. If not into primitive, camp next to the power pole. If that doesn't work, bring a cot and setup in the AC bunkhouse. No shuttles to the track but close enough to hear it.
was looking at my wagon the other day,still snow on the ground,more coming tonight,anyway was thinking of what to do with the 6 cyl in my back shed i have a ford v10 out of a 2011 van,a tape measure says it will fit,i wander????to much time on my hands waiting for the snow to go.
Gasman, we did the camping thing there for 25 years, finally moved to the family or adult section, just a bit to rowdy. My buddy is talking about getting another c-class camper. Roughing it in style, Mark
'Roughing it' IS a motel room or motor home!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: gasman826 on 2014-03-26 07:43
'Roughing it' IS a motel room or motor home!!!!!!!!!!!
What Gary said! Used to camp when going to rod runs, checked out all the gear from Special Services on the base. Was a great time!
That was several years my wife's idea of camping is Motel 6!
Bill...and all you southern guys....a head's up....April 26th, there is a collector car and parts auction in Birmingham. One of the vehicles listed..."1957 FORD CUSTOM PAXTON SC".
For more info go to hemmings events calender for april 26th...a ton of stuff at that auction.
Yup....just need to get into the piggy bank for that one! Plan on going right now. Have a spare room for one of you guys (and significant other if desired) if you want to attend.
50th annual Portland Swap meet almost here. April 4-6 Expo center. Discount entry tickets ($6) at local NAPA stores. Can't wait.
Zap- :unitedstates:
It's a good thing I've got to stick around and get my garage roof finished (when the wind stops blowing 30mph) much stuff going on "around here" this month. I'm trying to figure out what I can do and still have $ left for a trip to Colorado early next month!. Big swap meet in Dallas this weekend, big nsra show in OKC two weeks, followed by a swap meet in Tulsa, then the Pate swap meet 24th.
So many little time.....have to pick and choose, hope for the best and don't complain when fecal matter occurs!
Got the 65 Bird out and about, first time test drive. New sneakers, everything worked as it should. Need to finish the interior, sound deadener tomorrow, carpets, seats and the rest of the "stuff".
You've been busy too! Aside from everything looking just great on it..that paint looks fantastic. I love the color with the "cream" roof. Really classic look...I really like it..every time I see a really nice bird from any of their 3 year run styles/models, I always get confused as to which I like the best.That's you're wife's, right? gotta get all that stuff finished up to make time for that Custom f code!
Yes, her car. The color is Emberglow, unique to the 65 Special Landau and used later on other models, Mustangs for sure, not sure what other lines. The color jumps alive in the sun, has a good bit of metalic/pearl in it. Mean ol Mr. Sun would not cooperate yesterday for a good shot. The roof is vinyl, different pattern and color from the standard Landau Birds. Took six weeks for SMS to get it made up.
Easter is coming up and in our family we do the following, which we call the "Easter Miracle". We did it first when my now 13yr old gran daughter was 3 and will do it with our now 3 yr old this year.
You need 2 things to make this happen. A small bag of jelly beans and some suckers (we use tootsie pops).
Now on the night before Easter help them plant the jelly beans in your garden, flower bed, window box whatever is convenient. Then after they've gone to bed you plant the suckers sticking up like flowers. In the morning you head them out to harvest the crop. Believe me they will love it. We have pictures of the first time both of going out to plant and harvest.
If they still believe in Santa it will work.
Have to emphasize to the kids it only works on Easter it is the "Easter Miracle" after all. If you don't they'll want to do it all the time.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Almost forgot, watch where they plant. Missed an area one year and almost blew it, got out of by saying sometimes there is bad seed in a bag. That simple answer got us past any disappointment.
Thats awesome Zap!
Gotta love our redneck towns! I was in Oklahoma today, came thru Roosevelt driving between two carshows. Both these pics were in the center of town on the main drag. The salvage yard covers a block of the main st. The Michelin man was 3 blocks down. When I spotted the parts yard, I circled around a few blocks to go back and snap a pic. When I did, I noticed the police station was in the old abandoned high school, and there were at least a half dozen wrecked police cruisers behind the school. I love this place.
B A S E B A L L !!! Finally.
Got 1/2 of my garage reroofed..It sure would be alot easier without 30-40 mph winds. Gonna take me a week just to clean up inside with all the dirt that has blown in with an open roof.
I could hardly believe what I was hearing at 1:00 a.m. PDT, it was pouring rain. Maybe following the small earthquake we had last week there will be enough holes in the ground to let some of the rain go into the groundwater table, instead of the ocean.
The worst part of long dryspells in SoCal, as I remember, were really slick driving conditions at the first rainstorm. Sounds weird, I know, but after a year or so of 1970's polutted air, the first time it rained it brought all that polution/oils to the road surface floating on the water and it got really slick.
Don't know if it's still that way...if it is it's a good thing that heavy rain was at 1 AM.
It's 84 degrees here today, wind gusts blowing me all over the roof today...gonna quit for a while, see if the wind dies.
Portland swap meet starts tomorrow, will be there Saturday. Anyone else coming? Will have cell with me 360-635-1828 ,oh and I'll turn it on.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Not me..Portland is a little far. Thanks for forwarding the email/youtube on the Volkswagon plant...that was incredible. I'm going to post a link to it here. I sure wouldn't mind having one of those Phaetons in my driveway, btw. Watch this incredible video, guys!
Got the last 1/4 of my garage stripped of the old roofing and prepped for the new stuff yesterday...then the winds came...bad enough to cause a 23 car pileup on I40 with big rigs being blown over. Needless to say I stopped working on the roof. Today, NO wind, yay, but it's 32 degrees outside as the sun came up.Thunderstorms forcasted for tommorrow and Sunday...gotta get that new stuff up there today. With all the dirt I've had blown in my garage the past few weeks I sure don't want it to rain on it.
Rich found out a leaf blower works super to get the dust and unwanted crap out of the shop. Should do the job with all that dust.
When I had my woodworking shop with 40K feet of picture frame moulding in the same place as all my saws, everything got covered with sawdust. Every spring and fall I'd open the overhead doors, don a mask, get the leaf blower and start. would take hours, having to stop every 15 minutes or so to let the dust settle, and making 3 or 4 passes thru the shop before I got the heavy layers off. Maybe that's why I don't breath so good anymore.
Unfortunatly I don't have an overhead door in my work shed, so that won't work here.
Just in for a break, btw. I may just get this thing weather tight for the most part by tonight. So far no clouds or wind.
Yep, Zap I will be hitting the road to portland bright and early just as I have for 30 years or so. Al
Zap, was the Portland swap meet?
Got some rain over the weekend, heavy at times. Perfect garage passed the leak for cleanup inside and on to reshingling the 18 x 36 storage shed/work room, then on to rebuilding the north, and final, side of the house, then on to rebuilding the rear deck and adding a roof over that, then on to.....
Heck, I need a nap.
Swap was good, came home with a couple minor things for my non-57 cars. Met Alan and his wife always good to put a face to a name. Caught up with some other friends typical good time. Didn't cover much ground, never made it over to 57cheros booth but he's always a phone call away and will be when I get serious on my 57.
And made a few contacts that will come in handy in the future.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Rich slow down your making us look bad. The swap meet was good.I picked up a new tailgate and grill.They are in great shape and figured it was better than fixing mine.I got there early and was done outside by the time it started to rain.I then did the buildings and never got rained on.I met Zapato at noon and had a nice little visit.I met lots of car guys in town and at our hotel,and besides having cars in common ,they were all very nice folks.I had people helping me hold parts,holding doors,buying me beers,ect .ect..Ihad a great time.Thanks for asking.Now I better get out in the yard and get something done.Its 70 and sunny,but the rain comes back tomorro.Later Al
Slow down?? LOL....If I go any slower on my projects they'll be checking for a pulse.... Eight or nine years and counting on my '57 now.
Rich, years ago got talking to guy building a 32 Ford coupe. He'd been working on it for over 20 years and had just finished the frame and drivetrain. Hope he pickled the engine or he'll be tearing it down again when the body is done. He did have pictures, no way Henry would have built it so nice.
Zap= :unitedstates:
not complaining but it was about 80 degrees and muggy today, had to stop and come in to cool off. wife came home a few minutes later and one of the first things she said was ''phew ! you need a shower''.
Forgot to post to Elecricalan....nice score finding a good tailgate...those apparently are getting hard to find in good shape!
I got a start on cleaning out debris from my garage area yesterday. We ordered the shingles for the storage shed and I bought a new coil roofing gun them new toys. The shingles will be delivered tommorrow, now if I can round up the nephews to carry the 26 bundles up to the roof for me, it shouldn't take but a few days....if I have to carry them up it may take a few weeks.
Zap had mentioned this before, but don't forget Lowe's and Home Depot both offer 10% discounts to Veterans...sure helps on a big project.
BTW, my wife is the veteran in this family.
Yup! that 10% discount is good at both those places and the local farm/feed store (WILCO) does it too. Not sure if its chain wide but the local Home Depot stores have a few reserved VETERANS parking spots. Never sat down and added up how much I spent on our master bedroom addition a few years back had to be at least 6K at those 2 stores so yes it does add up, and its a straight across discount sale item or not.
I like to keep the past just where it belongs however these discounts were never offered till the guys started shipping out for Desert Storm. And no longer we NAM vets were shoved aside. Took some time for us and we got off easy Korea vets have yet to receive the respect they deserve.
Not sure what they charge to haul up bundles up to the roof in your area Rich runs right around buck and change here, money well spent. Our last house when we re-roofed (complete teardown) the roofing outfit came out and the guy tried to talk me out of putting it on the roof. Said it would be a bear to do. Figured it would be way worse for me hauling it up a ladder than for him with his conveyor. He probably wasn't too happy when his company called a couple days later to ask what I thought of their customer service.
Zap- :unitedstates:
And Rich, please do me a favor and thank your wife for her service.
check out and if in doubt just ask ''do you offer a military discount?'' its saved me a bit of change over the years.
Thanks Rich.I am happy to get the new gate and maybe it will save me a bit of time.I bought my ranchero 15 years ago and just got it out of storage last summer.My son wanted to supprise me for my birthday and pulled it out of storage,and got it licensed,state patrol inspection,new tires and rebuilt carb ,brakes,waterpump ect.He was working on it in a neighbors garage trying to fire the motor when I stumbled upon him.I helped him get it fired up.He was real close,but the timing was off.So in my first 15 years I really didn't get anything done on it,but I am getting serious now.I am done having kids and buying houses so its time for my favorite car to get some time. Thanks Al
Today is the 50th anniversary for the Mustang. I got my 66 out from under the tree and weeds and washed it and will take the spiders for a celebratory ride this morning :003:
Had a good day today. This morning while waiting for my shingles to be delivered (I was suppose to have them yesterday),I got one side of my "temporary" garage painted. Not that I procrastinate much, but I built that thing 8 years ago and never painted it. Finally my shingles got here about 1 pm. I dug out the new roofing coil nailer I just bought anxious to give it a whirl. Just as I was starting to carry my first load of shingles up the ladder, my friend Clyde dropped by with yet another guy to show my '57 to. An hour later I finally carried up the first shingles. I am just tickled to death with that Harbor Freight nailer. Got it on sale for 80. bucks after reading alot of good reviews on it. Well, by the time I finished up tonight I got 7 bundles carried up there and nailed on....about 2/3 of one side. That gun never skipped a beat, went thru 6 or 7 coils of nails. :burnout:
We've got 80 degree weather all week thru sunday, then a chance of snow Sunday night. crazy. With any luck I'll have my roof done by then.I just ordered new windows for the last side of the house, they won't be in for two weeks, so I may get to work a bit on the '57 til they come in.
No ball game tonight..I may try to get those data code sheets that Jay sent me scanned and posted.
What the hell Rich ? Your friend Clyde and his buddy didn't help you put those shingles on the roof ? You sure they are Texans ! Seems a bit unneighborly to me. Please say it ain't so. :'(
Zap- :unitedstates:
Finally warmed up around here, two in a r ow hit 60.was goingto get the car out tonight, worked late, and off to a funeral tomorrow. Supposed to be 30 next week, thought I heard the s word mentioned. Mark
Quote from: Zapato on 2014-04-11 01:03
What the hell Rich ? Your friend Clyde and his buddy didn't help you put those shingles on the roof ? You sure they are Texans ! Seems a bit unneighborly to me. Please say it ain't so. :'(
Zap- :unitedstates:
Heck, they're older than I way I'd want them on a ladder at my property. Besides, Clydes unfortunatly had some health issues they are trying to figure out..can't work much. the 80's here again today...still may have some of that "s word" Sunday. I did get the first side of my shed roof shingled, am I sore all over! The work seems to be helping my bursitis in my shoulder though..although the doc said I also had a small tear in there somewhere, so I'm still being careful with own
Spent all day today cleaning and checking the trailer in preparation for the first trip of the year over the Easter break, as I washed & polished the sun shone! Blue skies and little wind made it feel like summer's knocking on the door, but I'm sure there's a rain cloud holding back just waiting until we pitch up and light the barbecue......
Also having fun & games with my daily driver, it's only six months old and has decided to start randomly cutting out on the freeway! Total engine shut down is pointing towards an electrical fault somewhere but the garage can't find anything wrong as no fault codes are showing. Modern cars have way too many electrics, the fuse panel for the trailer hitch looks like the inside of a computer so the electronics for the engine management must be 100 times more complex........
Hey Limey....take some pics of where you go for vacation...always like to see those vacation shots, particularly from the guys abroad.
Compexity of modern vehicles makes you wonder what the future hot rodders are going to have to deal with.
80's most of last week, only got up to about 70 yesterday for about two minutes, then the cold front came in..snowed last night. Just a few inches, but cold and windy. Good news is I finally finished up the roofing on the shed just as the cold was blowing in. I get to sit on my butt for a few days...this old body is sore, but I aint complaining..glad at 67 I can still carry shingles up on a ladder and get 'er done. My Harbor Freight cheapie roofing gun, btw, never skipped a beat thru over half of a 7200 nail box.
70-80 one day and snow the next, has to play hell on a body. we've had sunshine for a few days which means mowing the lawn and blowing bubbles with my gran daughter. life is good, need to head to the lumber yard and grab some supplies.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Same here in the North East, 60-70 for a week, 2-3" of snow on wednesday!
Tim :unitedstates:
Gas has had a major jump in prices here in Calif. While out yesterday I was seeing premium at $4.50, we are getting screwed again :005:
going up here also...regular jumped from 3.23 a few weeks ago to 3.49 yesterday. Well, summer is around the corner, with all the travelers, the gas company's gotta have a chance to recoup their losses. (yes, I'm being sarcastic) Haven't looked at premium prices..won't have to until I get my '57 on the road, and who knows where it'll be by then.
$6 a gallon here....... This is why so many cars are stick shift and diesel over here. Its all false, the price goes up when the price of crude oil goes up, but it doesn't drop by the same amount when oil drops! The car owner always will be an easy target for tax-grabbing governments.
Very true Gary.
Haven't been really on since Saturday. Been sick as a dog. Called in work Monday, then went back today. Should have called in today too. It was a rough one.
Gas here depends on where I go. I have seen 15 cent difference in a mile. And I have usually gassed up at the higher one.
Have you noticed diesel is going down? what's up with that? a few months ago I was noticing there was .80-.90 a gallon difference, with diesel creeping up to about 4.10. Most places I went by yesterday it was 3.69-3.89. Looks to me the oil companies are shifting their point-of-profits for a while.
I only went past one independent station today, $4.45 cash and $4.65 with plastic. A friend I had lunch with also said diesel was coming down but I didn't see a posted price.
Regular is about 3.75$, diesel about 4.30$. Question for you coffee drinkers, I bought a sand blaster at harbor Freight , 110 lb unit. I picked up some black blast at Menard's for about $8 for a 50 lb bag. It works pretty good, but I'm having trouble with my safety glasses fogging up. I use the hood that came with it, and a good quality resperator, and safety glasses, after a few minutes I can't see! Any ideas? thanks, Mark
I guess I'm not connecting the dots on this one...trying to tie in your safety glasses fogging up with your sandblaster. What kind of sandblaster? I'm assuming since you said it came with a hood, it's the presurized tank type, and not a sandblasting cabinet. When you say your glasses are fogging...are you talking vapor, like on the inside of your car, or dust collecting on the outside of your lenses? I'm not familiar with the black blast, If it is creating alot of fine powder that is sticking to your glasses, maybe a strong big fan to clear the dust away from you?
No, its definitely vapor from my breathing. It is the 110 lb pressurized blaster, I'm wearing a hood over my head with safety glasses and a resperator. I'm thinking there must be a resperator the vents the air away from glasses or goggles. Mark
The sun is out this morning here in Oregon and thank goodness the rainy season is almost at an end. I'm starting to see people bringing out their cars and our summer car gatherings are slowly starting up. Hooray!
Rain-x or some other anti fog spray should work.
Just ordered my front and rear sway bars from Thunderbird Southwest. The owner is a character, real nice guy. They are really into 57 Fords and offer quite a few products for them. Nice to deal with people that know and restore the cars.
I ordered my front sway bar from them. don't have it completely installed but am a little concerned about the fit looks like it is going to be very tight. But you are right about the the company and the owner, really nice to deal with. I have no doubt that if I have any problems, he will help figure out a solution.
I've been procrastinating getting back to the house rebuild project...unfortunatly, I don't think my wife is gonna let that go on too much longer, LOL. I think I've worn out the "I'm resting from the garage reroofing". Any way, got a few small things done on the '57. I got the valve covers I had pulled off a coil on plug 4.6 cleaned up, painted the body color, and new gaskets/grommets/seals installed, and am polishing the coil covers. Got the drivers side installed yesterday. I couldn't have been happier with what the engine looked like...couldn't have been cleaner. That puppy looks like it was just put together yesterday. by comparrison, the baffle(?) plate I'm cleaning off is from the junk yard Continrntal I got the valve covers from next to the valve cover I just removed from the engine in the car.
Pics of the cop valve cover installed in the 4.6 being installed now thread.
Looking good Rich.As they say you could eat off it.
Great motors ,we used to beat the crap out of them in the police cars. The only ones that ever blew up were due to very low oil levels.
Well, I've had a few weeks to test the new metal roof over where my '57 is, and I couldn't be happier. Aside from not leaking a drop during a few downpours we've had, we've had a half dozen days with the temps in the mid 80's and it's actually stayed cooler inside than outside. With the old roof I had, it would always be hotter inside after a few hours of direct sunlight. I think the rigid foam insulation I put under the metal has helped a ton. Even when it's been 85 outside, I haven't had to turn on the air conditioning. Wish I had done the metal when I originally built it. Thanks to the forum guys and my local friends that talked me into it.
The back shed I reshingled with the "architectural" shinglesto match the house. Aside from looking better, imho,these are the way to much easier and quicker to install than the 3 tab style.
Mornin'! skies this morning..yay! No, it hasn't been raining, or even cloudy..we've been having a brown out for 2 or 3 days. Yesterday the dirt and dust was so heavy you couldn't tell where the sun was...dirt over washes are gonna be busy today.The '57 is filthy..lot of dirt blew in....gotta get that shed sealed up better.
Gas is going back down around here..3.24 at Sam's club.
Bill...isn't that Birmingham auction with the f-code custom coming up in May? Are you still planning on attending, or did the wedding up north change that?
Rich to be honest not sure when it is. The wedding plans have expanded some. Leaving earlier and coming back later. Both my Mom and Dad were avid supporters of high school sports, they never missed a game (I played football and baseball, curled in the winter) and continued to attend when the grand kids played. School built a new sports complex, part of the "plan" was to have various parts of the field landscaping donated with memorials. We bought one after Mom passed away for the both of them and the dedication ceremonies is Saturday the it is off earlier to attend that.
Survived the tornado outbreak, only hit the shelter once Monday night. Former work mate lost his house. He was lucky, a friend called him (about 11:30 PM) and said a tornado was bearing down. He and his wife got into the basement just as the roof was being lifted off, the rest of the house followed in seconds. Neither of them had a scratch.
don't know how you guys live with that kind of weather? we complain about rain and grey skies but not much else. hope all those tornadoes have died off.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Bill...guess I haven't been paying attention much...didn't realize the tornados were in your area. Sure glad it missed you..sorry to hear about your friends house.
I can't even remember where I saw the ad for the Birminham auction...I'll look for it.
Quote from: Zapato on 2014-04-30 08:52
don't know how you guys live with that kind of weather?
Zap- :unitedstates:
Part of it is sitting on the patio drinking a cold one on New Years day in shorts and flip flops, cooking big bird in the same clothes, no taxes to speak of, low cost of living and for me being close (I have three acres on the end of a dead end street) to parts stores, groceries and if needed one of the best medical facilities in the U.S. It's really not too bad, after having been in Nam, Lebanon, Libya and the Gulf this weather is kids stuff. Just prepare, have a plan and execute that plan if required. If the stuff gets blown away it just don't matter that much as long as we (wife and I) are OK. The 14 year old cat is on his own!
Little off topic. But has anyone heard from f57ord? I was perusing and see he is listed as guest now. He had the Felix cat avatar. Is there any more guys MIA?
My wife and I had a incredible surprise last night. We were at my Daughters house for dinner, and my son who has been gone since November in the Air Force was there to meet us! Needless to say we are over joyed! He only has a week before he has to report to his permanent duty station at Moody AFB in Valdosta, Ga, but we will take a week! It is great to see the change in him, you fellow Veterans here know what I mean! We are truely a Blessed family this week.
Tim :unitedstates:
that is super Tim! My middle son graduates this year, and wants to be a Firefighter in the military, then go to be one when he gets out. He has to check on his knee. 18 years old and already two titanium screws from football.
a person i know just offered me some project cars,2 meteor 4 door wagons[one is really poor]2 sedan deliverys[one has been made into a ranchero by cuting the back roof off]none run.he is talking $3000.what do you guys think?
Have to believe you could sell some of those Meteor pieces and cover half the cost easily. Not to mention how cool it would be to build a Meteor sedan delivery. Glad I don't have to make that decision.
Zap- :unitedstates: :002:
And if you do the deal and decide to part out the Meteors let me know what you'd want for a complete grille.
Haha. Way to go Zap. Sounds like another project idea!
There was two in a junkyard here. Straight but typical sitting outside in a junkyard condition. I think one is only a 57 though. Next time I am there. Will try to take pics
Jay.....saw this on the web this morning.....
haha. I like it
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-05-10 07:54
Jay.....saw this on the web this morning.....
Wicked Pissa! hahahahah
That is so funny.During our conversations at our mothers day breakfast we had a discussion about using turn signals and another that got into Boston accent.Very timely. Thanks Al
Quote from: canadian_ranchero on 2014-05-06 23:12
a person i know just offered me some project cars,2 meteor 4 door wagons[one is really poor]2 sedan deliverys[one has been made into a ranchero by cuting the back roof off]none run.he is talking $3000.what do you guys think?
had a chance on the weekend to look at these cars,all i can say is rusty and in poor shape.$1500 would be almost too much
What a bummer. Oh well, a solid courier would have really had you figuring out what to do.
I have a friend that has a 58" Caddy convertible that is having a huge issue. I know it's not a 57' or a Ford, but I told him I'd through the question out there for him. His Caddy is a positive ground system, I am not even remotely familiar with them, but it seems as though he can't even drive 5 miles down the road with out completely draining his battery. I thought that it might be his generator, but wouldn't a new battery last more than 5 miles before completely draining? I hope that some one with some back ground in positive ground systems could help steer me in the right direction! Thanks in advance.
Tim :unitedstates:
I really know nothing about Caddy's but I find it hard to believe that by 58 they were still positive ground. I only worked on one old Cad, think it was a 49 and it was 6 volt positive ground I think..
Edit: If either the regulator or generator was disconnected for some reason it has to be polarized or it can work in reverse and suck the power out of the battery.
Thanks Hyball,
I didn't believe that it was either, until I looked at it myself! Sure as @#$% it was! So maybe a good start would be to repolarize the Generator?
Tim :unitedstates:
Quote from: 57 Ford Kustom on 2014-05-14 19:32
Thanks Hyball,
I didn't believe that it was either, until I looked at it myself! Sure as @#$% it was! So maybe a good start would be to repolarize the Generator?
Tim :unitedstates:
I would try polarizing, won't hurt anything.
Hah...ran into one of those "DAAHHH..why didin't I think of that 5 years ago?" things today. Working with those non familiar metric threads again, I was mic'ing some threaded brakeline fittings today to confirm they were metric and not sae. As usual, I went directly to that I know what it is in thousands,and know it's not an sae dia. thread, how do I figure what metric dia. it was. As usual, too lazy to look up conversion calculations, then it dawned on me...I've got all the metric "go-no/go gages" I open end metric wrenches!
That doesn't tell me the thread's pitch, but at least I can easily find the dia. in mm's.
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2014-05-11 08:43
Wicked Pissa! hahahahah
That kinda talk sounds nomal to me. I don't see any problem with usin the blinkah.
It would come back to you real quick.
i just found a rebuilt 223 with about 3000 miles on it,it comes with the trans,drive shaft and rear end.came out of a 56 wagon. he did a engine swap.the guy wants $300.the 223 in my car runs good,i do not need it,but.......going saturday to pick it up
That's good insurance. You never know when you might need something off of the spare setup.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2014-05-14 21:35
usin the blinkah.
what he say ? :burnout:
if you could only hear us say that....exactly the same pronounciation in Austrian for the German w?rd 'Blinker' :002:
what he say ?
He said use yah blinkas....LOL..I've gotta give Jay a hard time because I'm originally from the Boston area also, and I use to mispronounce everything also. I've talked to Jay on the phone and he sounds just like all my relatives back there. Taauk layda. LOL...we're probably confusing the heck out of you guys on the other side of the big pond...sorry about that.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2014-05-16 16:22
what he say ? :burnout:
if you could only hear us say that....exactly the same pronounciation in Austrian for the German w?rd 'Blinker' :002:
You know how the some Austrians and Bavarians have their own dialect. We people from Boston also have a strange way of talking. When I leave this area or talk to someone on the phone, most people don't even know what I'm saying. Jay
When I talk to Jay I always have my little translation book handy :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2014-05-16 22:40
When I talk to Jay I always have my little translation book handy :003:
You're going to need that translation book when you do the surprise custom job on my daughter's Volkswagon convertible and change it into a pick up truck. I'm picking up her car today in Boston. Jay
Make it a Donk Jim!
Donks are so wrong
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2014-05-17 08:19
Make it a Donk Jim!
I need to take my daughter's nice new VW convertible for a week and she stated to me that when she gets it back, it will probably have no top assy,. so I can bring home long parts , a pickup truck back end probably going to have ghetto wheels.
So after talking to Jim, she is going to get her wish. That ought to cheer her up real well.
Knowing Jim it's going to be suitable for posting after the nice job he did on my 57 making it into a gasser..Jay
so Jay, you're already into Volkswagons also, aren't you ? :001:
Shouldn't have talked about that too much :002: Don't worry, VWs are the German Fords :003:
Not really a problem to understand the Blinkah thang. getting used to all the different accents. One thing though, I have dear friends in Britain, and what are they talking about, and what is their language??? :002: :003:
I'll never forget talking to Sid King of the five Strings ( Texas Rockabilly artist from the 50s) when we met years ago. wuz a bit difficult to understand, but what I got is that he and their family had a 57 Ford back then 'we-h---ll, down on th' fawm in Tex's'
Please go ahead and talk yah tawk, it's fun ! :003:
That's far as the British / Americans go...we're two countries seperated by a common language. I think in general over the last 30 or 40 years many of the unique American accents are gradually disappearing due to us being a very mobil country. Texas drawls are almost non existant any more. LOL...I never could understand my late nephew (Texas born)..I use to tell him to try moving his lips when he talked. amaze me with your knowledge of American culture from the 50's and 60's!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-05-18 08:31
. I think in general over the last 30 or 40 years many of the unique American accents are gradually disappearing Texas drawls are almost non existant any more. LOL...I never could understand my late nephew (Texas born)..I use to tell him to try moving his lips when he talked. amaze me with your knowledge of American culture from the 50's and 60's!
Yes, as rich stated, you do have a real good knowledge of American culture and a firm grasp on the English language. That's called making an effort.
Most likely my Boston accent is not going to disappear in a big hurry. I don't know how you managed to drop it so well after you left Mass.
Quote from: canadian_ranchero on 2014-05-15 23:32
i just found a rebuilt 223 with about 3000 miles on it,it comes with the trans,drive shaft and rear end.came out of a 56 wagon. he did a engine swap.the guy wants $300.the 223 in my car runs good,i do not need it,but.......going saturday to pick it up
pick up went well,the guy had all the invoices for the work done,the carb , dist,gen,starter,water pump,fuel pump and clutch are new or done in 2001.even got a rebuilt voltage reg. :003: :003: :003:
Quote from: canadian_ranchero on 2014-05-18 10:50
pick up went well,the guy had all the invoices for the work done,the carb , dist,gen,starter,water pump,fuel pump and clutch are new or done in 2001.even got a rebuilt voltage reg. :003: :003: :003:
You scored real good. With all of that good stuff, I would just build another car around it.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-05-18 08:31 amaze me with your knowledge of American culture from the 50's and 60's!
Thanx Rich and Jay. I was just born too late, but that doesn't stop my interest! I am not trying to re-live the 50s/60s because I never was there and it is already 2014. Just trying to understand and get the feeling of the period. makes me feel good.
I have to thank my brilliant English teacher a lot !
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2014-05-19 03:20
Thanx Rich and Jay. I was just born too late, but that doesn't stop my interest! I am not trying to re-live the 50s/60s because I never was there and it is already 2014. Just trying to understand and get the feeling of the period. makes me feel good.
I have to thank my brilliant English teacher a lot !
You are not going to be so thankful when you see what happened to that nice Volkswagon convertible over the week end.. Now it's a tow truck.
Hiball Jim is the guilty person. Jay
was looking at the shift linkage today and hidden under the master cylinder was a switch that lined up to the first/reverse lever.could it be i have back up lights?so i pulled off a non back up light rear lens and inside is the back up light wiring and bulb socket,i put in a bulb,put it in reverse and nothing! :005: after some reading i found out that the factory wires it to the lights.turned the lights on put it in reverse and light!!!,now i need to buy new rear lenses
That was a nice discovery...and working to boot!
We got some much needed rain last night, and fortunatly none of the posible large hail that was in the forcast. I was going to have to work on the house siding today..but it's just too muddy out there...guess I'll be forced to work on the '57 today...Dang!
Just got a few hours of much needed heavy rain.....I just know I'll have to work on the car again.
I just noticed this thread just passed the 9,000 reads point.... :booty:
LOL...seems like I'm getting really redundant's been raining here for 4 or 5 days now...a real good type of rain..4 inches or so scattered over those days so plenty of time in between downpours for the much needed soaking-in rather than runoff.
I was working on one section of one side of my house last week when the rain started..fortunatly, after pulling off the siding and trim and rebuilding the framing, I had insulated and got the entire section covered with housewrap. The housewrap is keeping everything dry. of those "I can't believe I did that" things...I had a long power cord run over to that side of the house, and had coiled it up and tossed into my wheelbarrow, which is now 2/3 full of water. I realized the cord was now totally submerged, and fortunatly before I did anything with it, my old brain was telling me the other end was still plugged in to the outdoor power outlet! I haven't checked yet, but I'm guessing the circuit breaker is flipped.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-05-26 08:26 of those "I can't believe I did that things"...I had a long power cord run over to that side of the house, and had coiled it up and tossed into my wheelbarrow, which is now 2/3 full of water. I realized the cord was now totally submerged, and fortunatly before I did anything with it, my old brain was telling me the other end was still plugged in to the outdoor power outlet!
The stuff murder mysteries are made of, good thing you only did one ''that things''.
Zap- :unitedstates:
New to the '57 Forum. Been trying to revive a pretty far gone Ranchero for the past couple of months. Probably be another year or so. I live near Jacksonville, Fl and need some parts. Inner fenders, front bumper braces, grille, inside window frame.
I plan on a 292 and Ford-O-Matic. Probably just use a 2V. Sort of mulling over colors, but thinking pretty hard about white and persimmon.
Any advice?
Welcome aboard. Lucky thing is all you are looking for is readily available.
Good luck and don't be afraid to ask for info...there is a veritable encyclopedia right here on this board. Some one here has done it or knows some one that did and can help you out of "sticky" places. We vary from bone stock resorations to all out performance.
Welcome from the Canadian side. Any advise that I can give would be, allow a lot more time on your build then originally planned! Keep things going even when your at a stand still either because your waiting on something or someone. While mine was at the fabricators I was cleaning and painting parts, ordering parts I knew I would need and bought them when I could save a buck. I had my interior finished 4 years before I had the car done sitting in the basement, only because the guy had time in between two jobs and I saved a few bucks. I pre bought everything that I needed as I could afFORD it, then your not waiting for things and paying extra, you already have them ready to go. HRD
Welcome here.
This is such a great board.All good advice and tech knowledge and very helpful
good luck!
Welcome to the forum. We'll help you get 'er done. If we don't know the answer then we'll just make something up. Really I have to say, some of the work on this site is outrageous. I work alone, and everything takes a lot longer. I'm working on a 57 Ranchero , also. I've had 10 of them, mostly parts cars. I intend to do this one the way the others were only planned to be. Sold them for a variety of reasons, but this one WILL get done. Good luck with your not so new toy.
I haven't been posting much...been busy working on the house when weather permits. We've been getting a lot of rain, seems like everyday we get 1-2 inches. My neighborhood looks like a forest with all the weeds growing so fast, and too wet and muddy to mow.
Also spending alot of time watching baseball and looking for a daily driver. I had narrowed my car choice down, but couldn't find what I was looking for in Amarillo, so drove 280 miles to Oklahoma City last week. When I got back I was on Autotrader and found a new ad exactly what I was looking guessed it, Oklahoma City! F$%%#! I called them and he had it on hold for a woman who was trying to get financing. He called me late Thursday to tell me it fell thru and the car was available...he promised to hold it for me til next day , so left for ok city 20 minutes later. Car was as advertised, bought it. With a deposit, he's holding it for 10 days while we retrive some funds from a retirement account....then back to OK City to pick it up.
continued...So, I'm beginning to think my Jeep that I've had for 11 years has a Christine like mind of it's reverse. In 11 years the Jeep has never stranded me anywhere..except the night I lost a front wheel 200 miles from home..not the Jeep's mechanic's. Anyway, two weeks ago when I started looking for something while the Jeep was still dependable, the air conditioning started acting up. Then my power steering stopped working...for 3 days then started working normal again. Last week, once, I had to jiggle the ignition switch off and on to start it.
On the way to Oklahoma City this past Thursday to look at the car I found, my ABS brake light came on, and the cruise control was acting weird for a while.
My plans were to locate the car lot I was looking for, then go find a motel room. The lot was on a new road that my gps wouldn't recognize, so I stopped for directions at a gas station. When I came out the car wouldn't start..ignition switch. I spent the night in the car until I could call a service shop and tow truck. They loaded the jeep on the truck, brought it to the shop, unloaded it. The mechanic went out to look at, turned the key and it fired right up! #$@^%!!I only tried to start it a hunded times throuout the night and next morning.
Oh well, at least I didn't have to leave the Jeep in Ok. and rent a car to get back. I never turned the car off until I got home! I don't like spending 13 hours sitting in my car at a gas station.
Anyway, I think my car has figured out I'm about done with it and is pissed!
Wow Rich, Awful story. Glad your getting a new car now.
got talking to a guy at one of the car shows.he told me a friend of his had swaped out his overdrive transmission from his 1957 ranchero to a the trans with all controls wiring relays flywheel,clutch bellhousing,clutch linkage,shift linkage ect.trans was rebuilt in about 2000.paid $200 :003: :003:
I can't figure out how to post a picture. Would anyone be so kind as to tell me how. I have tried the help feature, guess I'm just too old for the new technology. Just kidding, usually pretty straight forward for me but just ain't gettin' it.
Oops. Just gotta read the post! Please disregard.
If you need some help let us know...biggest problem is resizing pics to an acceptable size..actually pretty easy once you know how.
her's a link to a thread I did a while back that has seemed to help a bunch of guys...
Here is what I am starting with. I've done the dash, core support, some small stuff like light buckets, fenders, and hood. I will be doing doors next and then the body. I guess I have plenty of time to get those missing pieces together. It has been off the frame, but I will do it again just because it has been a while back. So far I have not found a body mount kit. Am I going to have to make one up or does anybody make one for a Ranchero? have half the battle won looking at the tail gate.
'Morning Guys. obviously figured the posting pic thing out...great..we love pics. Great to see your saving another '57. Bill was right..tailgates for wagons and Rancheros are hard to come by.
I looked out of curiosity at the Dennis Carpenter website for your body mount kit, and was surprised to not see one listed. We have plenty of Ranchero owners here, and that I recall I don't remember anyone bringing the body mount kit up as a problem. If you don't get a response here from them, do a post in the general discusion area, or the tech discusion area. My guess is that the majority of the kit would be the same as the passenger car, but that's just a guess. Also, to my knowledge, Dennis Carpenter is the only one reproducing those, all the other distributors are selling theirs
Wouldn't the wagon mount kit work? I THOUGHT they were the same platform. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Trying to dust cobwebs off my brain on this.
The wagon and ranchero should be the same. The last time I considered buying a set they were no longer available. I can't even remember who the supplier was now..
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2014-06-11 09:58
The wagon and ranchero should be the same. The last time I considered buying a set they were no longer available. I can't even remember who the supplier was now..
Dennis Carpenter is the guy
That's what I was looking at yesterday...they're not listing a set for the Rancheros or wagons, just the passenger cars and either the convert. or retratable(can't remember which of those two}. It wouldn't hurt to give them a call.
I would just call Carpenters.they are just the best and most knowledgeable?? Don't call Macs?unless you want to talk to a 18 year old catalog reader??
Steele Rubber Products list a kit for Customs and Fairlanes but it also says it's for Courier/Sedan Delivery, nothing mentioned about Ranchero/Wagons. I thought the Courier would have been the same as the Ranchero/Wagons. Some of these sites are very confusing and the info isn't always complete or accurate..
Hot Rod Power Tour went by this morning. Went to the end of the driveway with a lawn chair...just sat and watch them go!
That was cool..about how many where there?
Too hot to cook tonight..went to the Colonel's to pick up some dinners for was unusually empty for a wednesday($2. chicken fried steak dinner night)...I'm alone..walked up to the counter and asked for 4 dinners. "for here or to go?" she asked. When I laughed she figured out I wasn't going to eat 4 myself.
We're leaving in the morning for OK City to pick up my new-to-me daily driver, then Friday we've got to go to Abilene to pick up our Grand, I'm sure glad the wife is paying the gas bill.
The Hot Rod 2014 Power Tour official route went right by in front of the barn. I had the overhead door open and was trying to work on the car. Every time I heard something rolling down the road, I dropped what I was doing and stared out at the road. After about half an hour of this, I just gave up and grabbed a chair and headed for the end of the drive. Hot Rod says near 4000 collectable cars are on the road each day. I probably missed an hour of the action and sat in the chair for three hours waving them on. Some locals and many 'long haulers'. Traditional hot rods, daily drivers, cruisers, rats, pro-street, late models, burners, donks, vans, wagons, motor homes, empty transporters, Hot Rod motor medics, micro bus,...
Bummed the rest of the day. Gotta' work harder of the car!!!!!!!!!!
That 's an afternoon well spent, we had a good guys show here locally, my daughter and I would set up lawn chairs and watch them go by. Mark
They end up in my old stomping grounds this year....Wisconsin Dells, only 24 miles from the farm.
Quote from: Frankenstein57 on 2014-06-12 21:55
That 's an afternoon well spent, we had a good guys show here locally, my daughter and I would set up lawn chairs and watch them go by. Mark
Doesn't get much better then that. My two daughters were always hangin around cars and shows with me. After dinner they would sometimes come out to the garage change my radio station and do their homework at the work bench while I worked on what ever car I had. Their older and have lives of their own but we still manage to get a little car activity in some how. Fathers Day tomorrow and they are both coming home and neither one has been in the 57 since I got it finish, so we'll be going for a little cruise.
That sounds like fun, my daughter and I took the 58 to a car show at a local speed shop today, kind of an annual event lately. Lots of friends there , and great Detroit iron. Then tonight my wife and son and I went to a dirt track late model race, 5K to win, great show and a great day. Last night was my 40th high school reunion, that was interesting....... Today was the first fathers day of my life without my pa, kind of different, Mark
Quote from: motorhead6 on 2014-06-10 06:20
Here is what I am starting with. I've done the dash, core support, some small stuff like light buckets, fenders, and hood. I will be doing doors next and then the body. I guess I have plenty of time to get those missing pieces together. It has been off the frame, but I will do it again just because it has been a while back. So far I have not found a body mount kit. Am I going to have to make one up or does anybody make one for a Ranchero?
My Ranchero came with a new body mounting kit, it was in a Steelerubber box, but I threw the box out after I used it, so I don't know any part numbers (IF it was the original box). You're doing the right thing sorting the smaller bits & pieces, there's nothing worse than having the body almost ready for paint then realising you haven't finished (or even started!) all the smaller bits of metalwork that need painting too.
Went to the Pueblo NSRA show yesterday..I already posted pics of the only '57 Ford that was there in the events section. Lots of awesome "other" cars there. I'm not real big into T buckets, but this one was a work of art. Love the windshield on this, and the recurring design in the air intake.
Also..This '35 Studebaker caught my eye....Stude didn't make a sedan delivery...this one began life as a coupe. Can you tell what was used to arrive at the final product?
T-buckets were the first "rods" I ever saw back in the mid 1970's when I was around 7 years old. There were a few fibreglass bodies over here back then that spawned every drive-train imaginable from wheezing 4-pots to Jaguar V12's. Completely impractical but mad in a good way! I don't think I'd ever build one but they make me smile every tim I see one.
That 35 looks it has the back end off a PT cruiser.
Quote from: 57chero on 2014-06-28 13:23
That 35 looks it has the back end off a PT cruiser.
Yup! It does kinda jump out at you, but the guy's bodyman I thought did a great job coming up with the idea and pulling it off.
Hi Guys,
Not so much good news from my home front. I haven't been feeling well these last few weeks, so Monday I went to see the Doctor. Today I received the news that I have liver cancer.The Doc said that it was a secondary cancer, and they must find the cancer that spread it to my liver. The bad news is that I was given a 5% survival on this type of cancer. Please keep my wife and children in your prayers as we walk down this path. On the bright side my machine shop called today and said that they are ready to start on my engine. I can only hope that I can get it back, and installed before I get to sick. I sure would love to drive it !
Tim :unitedstates:
Oh my God, Tim, I'm at a total loss for words. Your family has not had it easy by any means the past few years. I'm not a religious person, but I know you are, and your faith is going to go a long way towards getting you and your family through this. I know there are a bunch of your friends here that are going to be praying for you and yours as well. Don't give up hope...5% ain't much but it's something.
I'm speechless right now Tim, I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm sorry nothing I can say will make things any easier for you or the family but will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope for the best.
Tim, I am so sorry to hear that news, man. Just know that I will have you in my prayers. I will also be praying wisdom for your doctors to find the problem, so they can get you fixed up. Praying for you and your family during this time.
Tim, that is some bad news this morning. The treatments they use now days are amazing, I think you should seek all the options you can. One of my best friends is battling lung and brain cancer,for over a year and a half, and he has it in check. I wish I lived closer, I would help you get your 57 done. Stay strong, Mark
Thanks for your prayers and concerns guys, I serve a God that is not restricted by percentages! We know that He will be glorified in whatever comes from this! I am going to have my treatments at Dartmouth Hitchcock hospital, it is the best in all of New England. I do not fear death itself, I do morn for my family that is left behind, but God will be there shelter in this time, and the times to come!
Tim :unitedstates:
Incredibly sad news Tim! You will be added to my prayers and we will add you to the church list as well.
Wow Tim, that is bad news. But hang in there. 5 percent is better than no percent. I will keep you and your family in prayers
Sorry to hear about your cancer. Saw this on TV this morning and I thought of you. This fellow fell 30 feet down a mountain during the Mount Marathon in Seward, Alaska back in 2012. He had severe brain trauma and wasn't expected to walk or talk again. He recovered and ran the race two years later almost to the day. Link:
Just goes to show anything is possible with a positive attitude, faith, and determination. My prayer for you is that they find the source of the cancer quickly, devise an intense regiment that slows or stops the spread of you cancer giving you the best chance of survival. I know I will be praying for you and your family. God Bless and good luck!
Thank you all for your thoughts and concerns. It was a hard weekend as you can imagine, telling my children, and my mom who lost my Dad 5 yrs ago, and my younger brother 2 yrs ago. My wife and I will be going today to get my ct scan. We are hopefull that they will find the primary cancer so I can begin treatment soon!
Tim :unitedstates:
Tim, This just blew me away,we'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.
Not much advise to give you today have seen in friends and my dad that if pain isn't managed well then the spirit to fight and survive fades rather quickly.
One thing I learned to use when my wife had a traumatic brain injury is the right to dismiss (fire) any health provider that is not serving you well. Incompetence hurts more than anything and its present everywhere from lowly CNAs to doctors.
And lastly do a search for Phoenix Rising alternative approach to Cancer treatments. Personally this would be my choice of treatment if in your situation. I have trouble that a multi-billion dollar industry is willing to cut off the source with a cure and to this day they haven't. So far they can prolong one's dependence on their product but not cure, and that is why the alternatives always are attacked as quackery.
Whatever path you choose, your faith and positive approach will serve you well. And it will be a blessing to your family and friends. I do believe in the power of prayer , in my wife's case all her health care providers were/are shocked by her recovery. And yes most of them provided excellent care many expressed their unexplained rate and degree of recovery. Simply no scientific explanation. But as they say faith doesn't require any explanation.
We'll be praying............
zap- :unitedstates:
It's really difficult to know what to write at times like this, sometimes the words in your mind get muddled up as they make their way from your mind through your typing fingers and onto the screen. The best thing in these situations is to try and stay positive, I know it's difficult, but we have a friend who was diagnosed with cancer and given six months, she was positive and upbeat about if from the start and is STILL positive and upbeat now TWO YEARS later. Sure, she's getting weak, but I'm convinced her positive attitude and family support is extending her life in this world.
Cancer is like rust in a car, you can either give up and send the car to the crusher or turn the music up and continue to drive it and smile.
Tim. My Prayers are for you very sorry.
Tim, wishing you and family the best .
That's not good news. I promise to keep you and your family in my prayers. I believe in prayer and and that God takes care of his own. You will be prayed for in my church also.
Keep your faith my friend. Jay
I so very sorry to hear about your cancer. I wish strength for you and your family while you face this challenge. Hopefully the doctors can add to the miracle the Lord may bestow upon you. I pray the best for you and your family. Jim
Just checking in....not too much exciting going on around here. It's been an odd 6 weeks weather wise..our rainfall has been a much needed 12" for the year..most of it in the past 6 weeks. It's been raising heck with trying to get the last side of the house finished up, but I'm not complaining. I had to clear out a bunch of bushes, trees and soil buildup on that side of the house before I could even begin, so there's nothing but dirt least it used to be it's mud. If we get a rainstorm, it takes two or three days for it to dry out enough to walk on. I finally got the framing rebuit, new windows and insulation in, and it sealed up with the house wrap. I've split up the work into 3 sections so I wouldn't have too much exposed at any one time...I'm working on the second section now. I finally got to start putting the siding on yesterday. It seems like if it's not raining, it's in the high 90's, so I'm fighting that also.
I went to Oklahoma City a few days ago, where they've also had alot of rain..North Texas and Oklahoma is about as lush and green as I've ever seen it....very unusual for July, as it's normally so hot and dry most of the grasses are dead. I've had to mow twice a week for the last month or so..don't think I mowed 4 times last year.
Tim...just wanted to let you know you're in my thoughts, and I know others also.
Anyone else notice the ''teaser'' line under Mr. Potters' avatar ? Wonder what is coming our way ?
Zap- :unitedstates:
oooo, No. I have to go look now!
I don't know you vary well Tim...but regardless I hope for the best. I'm only 52 and lost a friend last Christmas from cancer, he was only 53, a great friend for over 30 years. I'm also not afraid of death, but my wife and kids love me and that's what I worry about. Cancer sucks! HRD
Anyone heard from Tim lately? Just wondering about him.
As for my byline, just a little change until my 312 is finished. I have a pet 351 cleveland built to.Boss 351.specs in it. I plan to run it at the track a few times, at least until I gather the rest of the pieces to f code 312. Still need to.get the blower redone and round up a couple other things like the shut off rod, oil lines and fittings, fuel pump, air filter.housing etc. Probably another $2000 worth of little things to round up. It will likely be a lot quicker with the 351, but I am looking forward to the uniqueness of the supercharged 312.
James I'll be watching that 351C as that is what I built for the Ranchero. Mine is a 2bbl head with the 71 Boss spec cam, Edelbrock intake and cast iron exhaust manifolds with an AOD and the stock 3:56 gears.
Jay sent me an email last week asking if I had heard from Tim, and I haven't. I figure he's probably away from home on some pretty heavy chemo stuff.
Good to hear some progress, lol albiet slow like mine, James.
I thought I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel until I finally made up what I think is a complete still-to-do list covering two typed pages. I did finish up my supply and return lines for the fuel system except for a few odd clamps I need.
My summer has been spent working on the house between rainstorms and 100 degree weather. It was up close to a hundered all last wife said I should wait for the cooler weather that was coming in starting today. The cooler weather got here last's thunder n lightin' outside as I type.
My wiring is almost complete. I still have to make up a instrument cluster harness. I want it to be a quick connect something like a late model. I am still on the fence about gauges too. I was wanting to keep the original cluster, but I also like real gauges. Just not sure what I want to do with them. I think I will probably keep the stock instruments, and add a 2 gauge panel for the volt meter and oil pressure, maybe even a three gauge panel with water temp. I never did like those under dash panels, but with the right vintage looking stuff, they look ok. For a full gauge dash panel, I have been looking at Marshall gauges, which are very similar to Autometer Sport Comps, have LED through panel lighting like OEM gauges, and are made in Anaheim, CA. Very nice looking and a bit cheaper than Autometers.
Now my front wiring is in place, all that is left is to terminate the ends and plug them up. I put in quick connectors at the firewall so I can remove them if I need to pull the front end. when I get my inner fenders and radiator support blasted and painted, I will put them on, and fasten the harnesses to it, and it will be done. Shouldn't be too much longer and I should be able to crank it and drive it around. I have been working on a preacher friend of mine's 97 F150 for the last couple days, putting a clutch in, now am working on the 3.8 v6 in my daughter's Mustang. Time is at a premium with school starting back in a couple weeks. Add in the fact that my church recently got a Trail Life USA troop charter. TLUSA is a Christian alternative to Boy Scouts of America, and its goal is to teach boys how to become Christian men. I fully believe in and support the mission of this organization, and am proud to be part of it. My boys are super excited to be part of the inaugural year, as we got in on the ground floor of it, and will be part of it from the beginning. Our first meeting is coming up very soon, as the leaders still have some training to get done in the next couple weeks. Two or more of us should be going to either Orlando or Waco to get the leadership training, then share with the rest of the group. It is a massive undertaking, as only one of our group had scout experience other than being a scout parent. Our troop master was a scout master for over 20 years, so he has plenty of experience. Add in the fact that we have a new baby on the way this fall, and you can see it is pretty busy at the Potter place. We do have one driving to help out with taxi duty, and one will be driving soon, should already be, we just don't think she is ready to be turned loose yet. She needs to work on paying attention a little more, scares the crap outa me sometimes, lol. I will make an update thread soon, when I get a chance to stop and take a handful of photos.
I'm thinking that you may be right that Tim must be undergoing some heavy/serious treatment. We should continue to keep him in our prayers. He'll get back to us when he is ready.
That's music to my old ears just knowing that you are thinking about re-installing a Y block. Maybe you might consider putting a carburetor on it while you are rounding up the missing F parts. Jay
That's what I plan on. I would have already done that, but the short block just got finished the other day. I still have to get my heads done, and need a set of valves for it. My supplier says he can get the intakes, but the exhausts are on backorder, not sure when he will get them. Since I want to drive this thing some time this summer, and do cruising the coast in it, I put my 351 in it. That 351 will eventually wind up in my F100, with a smaller cam of course, but it was never meant to stay in my 57, just get me around until my 312 is ready to go.
I am praying for old Tim, added him to our church prayer list as well. I think about him a lot, he is pretty close to my age. I hope he knows he has brothers praying for him here and abroad.
There was a tornado in Mass. today in the town of Revere which is just outside of Boston.
It missed us by about 60 miles but took out a building that I occasionally worked out of when I was assigned there to do road tests. There is plenty of damage, but no loss of life. Rich you should remember Revere, it's in the general direction of Adventure car hop.
We are in good shape and completely dodged the bullet. Thank God. It did get sort of dark out for a while when it was happening.
Quote from: JPotter57 on 2014-07-28 14:29
That's what I plan on. I would have already done that, but the short block just got finished the other day. I still have to get my heads done, and need a set of valves for it. My supplier says he can get the intakes, but the exhausts are on backorder, not sure when he will get them. Since I want to drive this thing some time this summer, and do cruising the coast in it, I put my 351 in it. That 351 will eventually wind up in my F100, with a smaller cam of course, but it was never meant to stay in my 57, just get me around until my 312 is ready to go.
We're coming to Gulfport for Cruising the Coast. I'll arrive Tuesday and leave the following Sunday morning. I'll be staying at the Residence Inn at the Airport. Don't know which car I'll bring. I'll be looking for your 57. Jim
Hey guys,
My name is Evan Patch, I am Tom Patch's yongest grandson and Tim Patch's youngest son. I will be the Guardian of my father's 57. My father would like too tell everyone what is going on, The chemo is not working like the doctors thought it should so they are trying to get him well enough to go back home in a couple of days. He told me that everything I need to need to know about a 57 ford can be found amongst you men. We appreciate your prayers at this time. My uncle is dealing with get the engine back, we will post as progression happens. :unitedstates:
God bless you and your family Evan. May he have mercy on all.
Dang Evan, I am so sorry to hear. I am still hoping for the best. Take care and keep in touch!
Evan, thanks for keeping us informed. We were all wishing for a better prognosis (sp?) Give your Mom and Dad our best.
Thank you again, Evan. I have been waiting to hear something. Let your dad know that I and my family are still praying for him. I am glad to know that he is a Christian, and that he is trusting God to see him through this. I am also glad to know that you will be the caretaker of a car with such a lot of family history and memories.
Thanks for the update Evan, sure do wish we could welcome you under better circumstances. Keep the faith, it, with Gods mercy will see you and your family through this and help you see the purpose He has for you.
Thank you very much for the update on Tim. All of us here on the site have been wondering how Tim was doing. I'm sorry to hear that it is not well. Keep your faith in God and tell your father that a lot of us are praying for him.
It's comforting to know that you are the caretaker of Tim's car and that it is staying in the family where it rightfully should be.
You and your family have our full support and are in my prayers. He is on the prayer list in my church also. Jay Arrow
Evan, sorry to hear about your Dad's condition. Miracles do happen, as my Mother lived 27 years longer than a doctor said she would. She finally went at the age of 80. Hope your Dad can pull through.
We hope to have Tim home early next week. There is nothing more the doctors can do so home is the best place for him to be. He has a list with instructions that he gave his brother and son for the 57'. We will do our best to get the car the way he would want it and it will be enjoyed by his son's and myself (wife). That car will always be my link to my husband and even if I just sit in it, in my heart we will be together.
-Sheila Patch
Sheila, my heart is breaking for you guys right now. Just know that I won't stop praying for you guys.
Sheila, I am so very sorry, I know I lost my mother to cancer when she was to young too. I know how hard it is on the family.
Definitely thinking of Tim and your family, its hard to try to say the right words. My Boss's 12 year old son has been diagnosed, and my good friend has been scheduled for 6 months of additional treatments. Dam cancer
Been a rough week for the wife. Friday her dad (79 yrs old) had an appointment with his cardiologist so I took him out to lunch at our favorite pub. During the meal he started to slur his words and having problems eating and holding things. Called the wife ,nurse, and she said get him to the hospital NOW! He couldn't stand up and one of the waiters had to help me get him into his wheel chair. Then there was absolutely no way I could get him into my truck. So tried to call 911 but my cell phone was dead. Nice lady having lunch in the patio did that for me and soon he was off to the hospital. Yup, he had a stroke. Couple days there and he was transfered to a skills training facility and he's recovering very well.
Today, things got much worse. She calls me to tell that the assisted living facility called and said they found her mother unresponsive. Nice way to say she was dead. Anyway off course my wife pulls up a good half hour later ,left work, and the coroner's car, a police car and ambulance were there so she sat in her car crying for a few minutes and then came up.
Now, we have to go and tell her dad and she asked me stay back for a few minutes and she and her sister would tell him. Poor guy looked totally lost. We spent a few hours there and finally he asked us to leave as he wanted to just sit back and try to read.
We've been watching her dad steadily going downhill for few months and if he'd been the one to go today it wouldn't be a shock. But her mom we all figured she'd be around for years and this was truly unexpected.
Anyway, keep John in your prayers after 58 years of marriage he doesn't have a clue how he'll get thru this. My wife and her sister never had a great relationship with their mother and now this is really weighing hard on them. She was as John told me recently '' a difficult person to live with''. And often unkind to her daughters and husband. So keep them also in your prayers the next few days are going to be difficult for many of them.
We'll get thru it and its good to know you guys have my back. And I want to thank you for that now.
Zap- :unitedstates:
I've got your back Zap, although I'm not one that prays, sometime I wonder if I should start. After 58 years together he may soon die from a broken heart. HRD
Zap so sad to hear that. Your wife will need all the support you can give her, we just went through this a couple of years ago. Just know you are not alone, we will all keep you in our prayers.
Sorry to hear about your family's loss and health issues. Hang in there.
Really sorry to hear that Zap. We all know it's coming, but so hard to deal with when it does. Sounds like your father-in-laws stroke wasn't too bad, as fast as he was in recovery, but as Donnie said his tougher battle may be a broken heart. Knowing the family man you are, I think you and your wife are lucky to have each other to lean on.
Quote from: hotroddonnie on 2014-08-08 06:15After 58 years together he may soon die from a broken heart. HRD
HRD, you and Rich are absolutely right. This week feels like I'm stuck inside a bad country western song, has to be even worse for him. Am sure most of us know how it feels to get the wind knocked out of us and that feeling is how he looks. He'll be 80 September 7th will be surprised if he makes it.
We checked him out last night so he could go to the mortuary and say ''good-by'' and then back to the pub for dinner. He really didn't want to go back to the skills facility. Real glad I'm not in his place.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Talked with my daughter, she's bringing her daughters over later on. Will be great I need some serious gran daughter time. Haven't seen much of them this week.
Sorry to hear that zap, no easy way to get through it. Just be there and try to make the best of the time you have, Mark
On a lighter note...I'm finally getting somewhere on my house project. I started rebuilding the framing, new windows, insulation, doors, siding, trim, new porch and new roof (I didn't do the roofing. I sarted this in 2012, so it's 3 summers now. Still have a bunch to do....., entire house only has one coat of paint except front, all the soffit areas need scraping or covering...jury is still out there. I've got a small flat roof area in the back of the house that I'm going to raise the walls to make a matching sloped roof. Problem there is that's where the main electric lines come into the house. Anyway, weather is finally cooperating a bit, so I got the last side done with the siding and started painting today. Nice to see the end finally meeting the beginning. Heck, we may have the nicest house in our getto before I'm done. Actually, one nice thing, since I started the rebuilding, 6 neighbors in the immediate 2 blocks have started similar projects. Some are just reroof and repaint, but others are similar to what I've been doing.
First pic is just a few days after starting. I sure miss my old neighbor..he's the guy in the pic...worked his butt off that summer, asking nothing in return.
Not too much being done on the '57...I did get the rubber insulators I had forgot on the gas tank straps installed, and made a cover for the hole in the trunk for fuel pump access.
Seems like ages ago, but that's the '57's donor Mark VIII at the end of the driveway. Almost exactly a year ago.
Pretty amazing what you've done. I've seen similar effects in neighborhoods as one starts to show pride in their surroundings others are '' infected'' with pride of ownership. And before you know it turns around. Around here the term used for those turnarounds is ,one I really don't care for, gentryfication.
Place is looking great.
Zap- :unitedstates:
well guys, it's hard to believe that a doctor gave me 3 days to a week(that was 8 days ago) but yet the Lord has given me more time. Christ wins another round!
We're still all pulling for you, Tim. Keep it up! I was impressed with the maturity your son showed when he logged on back a few weeks ago...looks like you and Sheila raised a good one. It was nice to see Sheila keeping us informed also.
It was great to hear from you personnally, Tim...we've all got you in our thoughts and prayers.
Can't say it any better than Rich,keep up the good fight.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Tim, may the Lord bless you and keep you during these days of uncertainty.
Tim, just want you to know, that you are constantly in my prayers, daily. Regardless of whether I ever have the privilege of meeting you on this side, I am certain we will meet in Christ's kingdom. I am glad to hear from you, just keep the faith.
Keep your faith in God and in his son Jesus. You are always in my prayers. Jay
Mr. Tim,
You welcomed me here a few months ago, with open arms I might add, I'm so very sorry you're having to go through this. But know this, you are going to a better place. I hope you find the peace we all strive for and are OK with the whole thing. You have a good family, and a lot of support from everyone out here on line. Your a good man, be brave, fear is just a moment in time, you go in one side then you come out the other. I know this, it's men like you that make men like me wish the world had more men like you. God speed Sir!
Guatemala surely will miss you................
Zap- :unitedstates:
Well we brought my father-in-law home today. He's still not 100% but he wasn't close to that before. Now if he can keep from falling down or doing something stupid he should be with us for awhile.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Glad to her that, Zap. I'll be he's happy to be home with the family. I hope he's coping with the loss of his wife, I'm sure being with the family is gonna help a bunch there..
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-08-21 21:33
Glad to her that, Zap. I'll be he's happy to be home with the family. I hope he's coping with the loss of his wife, I'm sure being with the family is gonna help a bunch there..
Took him to his doctor for a follow up visit that was cancelled by his hospital visit and had time to visit by ourselves. He's a bit overwhelmed by all the family visiting. He needs/wants a bit of time just to process the last couple of weeks by himself. And he's not getting it. Told my wife so she asked him if he was feeling that way and he said no to her. With all the family visiting and me hauling him off to the doctor he didn't get his afternoon snooze on his recliner. Sad, that he can't be honest with his daughters and leaves it to me to pass it on. Anyway he's home for now and that in itself was a big step he needed to make.
Zap- :unitedstates:
I'm happy to hear that he is home. Losing his wife after many years of marriage has to be tough on him. It's not easy when we start getting older. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Jay
Just checking to see if anyone has heard from Tim or his family in the last few days. Still praying for them..
Nothing new at this end.
I'll keep him and his family in my prayers.
Haven't heard anything here either. I think about them often.
On a lighter note...I just had a great weekend. It started Friday morning. I was on the front porch having a cigarette and coffee and a car stopped out front to look at my Jeep I had for sale. An hour later I had cash in my hand and was signing over the title. I'm gonna miss that car, longest one I've ever owned except the '57. Later that morning I decided to go to Taos for a car show, my wife thought about going, but her foot was acting up again, so she told me to go on without her. I decided to go a different way than I normally go, and it turned out to be a beatuiful drive. From Amarillo, I headed west on I40 to Tucamcarie (sp), then I got on 104 north for 105 miles to Las Vegas, (the NM one). It was a surprisingly beautiful drive starting right out of Tucamcarie ranches and mesas all the way. From Las Vegas I got on 518 North to Taos. Mountains, tall pines, running streams, and some very interesting small towns with lots and lots of old buildings, cars, trucks to look at. I even ran into an incredible 145 year old grist mill made from western style mud bricks. I just missed a rain storm in Taos, the weather was a nice brisk 52 degrees when I arrived. When I got to a trasffic light on the main drag going into Taos, the first car that went thru the intersection was a '57 Ford retractible. More on the car and the owner in the events section.
After visiting the Taos Plaza and watching for the occational classics cruising the area, I went to the Taos Mountain Casino just a few miles north of the city center, and had a really good night for a change...this morning I'll be ordering my Ron Francis EFI harness and my Vintage Air Gen IV from the winnings! I had 4 major items left to buy for my car, and that'll take care of two of them.
to be continued...
That Grist mill, btw, is on hwy 518 about 25 miles north of Las Vagas, NM.
Well, I woke up about 5 am NM time Saturday, so I drove south about an hour where I passed the old filling station/automotive antique museum I posted the above pic of. On the way, I realized I was hungry, probably because I forgot to eat Friday...having too much fun. So, I made up for it Saturday. I drove south thru the Rio Grande River canyon area to a casino where I had a wonderful buffet breakfast..hash browns, country fried potatoes,corned beef hash, link sausage, scrambled eggs, french toast, and coffee! After an hour or so, I drove back to Taos to the car show. It was being held in a park just north of the Taos Plaza area (the Plaza was where I took the pic of the chev. truck). The weather was a perfect low 70's, and I spent an enjoyable three hours or so at the show, then swung by the Casino again for a short time, then headed home. I was going to go a different route home, but I enjoyed the way I went so much I went back the same way. This time I stopped at a ski/summer resort and had a great hamburger and fries while sitting at a picnic table next to another mountain stream. Coming down the backside of the mountain, I was greeted by two high dollar late 60's street rods (69 Cammaro, 70ish Chevelle)just haulin' a#@ up the mountain! Headers they sounded great. Got home just about sunset....I did stop in Tucamcarrie for some chicken Mc Nugets and fries! Oh, almost forgot, on I40 near the Texas NM border I got passed by one of those FerarriMaserattiLamborgenie(?) Supercars..had to be doing 140.
The below pic is coming down off the mesa on hwy 140 between Las Vegas and Tucamcarrie.
I love my road trips, and my new-to-me daily driver just finished it's fourth weekend trip for me with no probs...and I'm sure liking the 30mpg+! Maybe the next time I do this show it'll be in my '57.
Well, as posted above, I had a great weekend. That came to a screetching halt today. I went to a machine shop this morning to talk to them about machining my dash panel. The last time I talked to them was 5 years ago, and I wasn't sure if they were still there. They are, and have added several nc milling centers to their shop,. The good news is they have some 1" 6061 aluminum in stock they can machine the panel from, and they don't have any work coming in for the nc mills for a few weeks, so my timing was perfect. The owners are into hot rods and drag racing, so automotive work is second nature to them. I told them I'd be back in the morning with a blueprint. I came home and went into my enclosed shed where the '57 is, and saw about 2" of water on the floor (ground actually, I don't have a floor in there). We've got a broken water supply pipe for the house that runs under the shed. Our water is off, I've been bailing water for a few hours, and unloading my rollaways that are now in mud, so they don't tip over onto my '57. Been waiting for the plumber to call..just came in to rest for a few minutes. Sheeeeet!
THAT sounds like a great weekend!
Wow Rich
I remember the days when I could take off like that and be gone for a while. Those days are over for me now. Enjoy yourself while you can.
I can't believe it is Labor Day already! Summer is almost gone, and as usual I got about 1/2 of what I wanted to get done. Funny though, seems like a short summer, but also seems like years ago I replaced the metal roof on my garage/work area...and that was early spring. I also got the 18 x 38 shed reshingled, and the north side of the house rebuilt and finished (rebuilt framing, new windows, insulation , siding,trim).
We're still waiting for our busy plumber to come out and replace our incoming water supply lines. They were out last week and ran temp. lines bypassing the leak (which is under our shed). When they come back next week, we've got to cut holes in our new kitchen floor because there is no access otherwise.
I've started putting the last coat of paint on the house, and hoping to get that done before we leave for Phoenix. Yeah, I'm slow, but I refuse to spray paint a house, so it's getting done the old fashioned way. The new back porch, and finishing the inside of the new front porch roof area will have to wait til next year.
Why do these things happen on weekend and holidays. I remember springing a leak on a holiday weekend, don't recall which one it was now, and spent three days replacing everything with copper. It seems like we are never finished I'm still working on things and I've been here for 35 years. The movie "Money Pit" always comes to mind.....
Yep, but in our case, we are totally rebuilding the house, so when something like that happens, it's just an "oh well".... it had to be done eventually anyways. In my younger days, I'd be renting a trencher and doing it myself, so I guess there are occational pluses with getting too old to do that kinda stuff within a reasonable time frame. The annoying part is after the plumber is done, I'll have some more projects that will need priority attention...fixing a big hole or two in our new kitchen floor.
I know all about a total rebuild, mine was built originally in 1924 and I almost have it up to 1950 standards now :003: I'm too old to do any more then just keep it afloat now :005: The last major project was the garage roof a new door and paint, when the house roof need doing again I farmed it out..
Did the total rebuild of old home myself, should have torn it down and built from scratch. Spent better part of 25 years doing it at our last house. New nightmare everytime a wall was opened up, much easier to start fresh and then know everything is right and safe right off the bat. House was ''supposedly'' rewired a couple years before we bought it. How it was bought off must have been a buddy deal no honest inspector would have allowed half the stuff I found over the years. And plumbing lines that would freeze and split of course day before holiday house guests show up. Nothing but fun.
So 8 years ago we bought a 3 year old house that my wife proclaimed as ''PERFECT''. Now am aware that perfect means different things to the female of the species than to the male. Since then we've added 300+ sq ft to the house so that the master is truly a master. Of course outside paint color wasn't as perfect so it got painted right away along with almost every room prior to move in day. Countless projects one after the other hopefully am thinking we will soon be close to perfect.
Think we're on the home stretch, finish enclosing the pellet stove chimney so it looks like a brick chimney, replace front door, install around 400-500 sq ft of real hardwood floor and am promised a break after that. Master bath can wait for now. And if she can find just the right color combinations the house can get painted again. This time though I'm hiring it out.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Had a pellet stove when we lived in CT and loved it , great heat and much less work than burning wood in it's traditional form.
Our house was built in 1926, two years before building codes were adopted in Amarillo. LOL..they probably used our house as an example of why building codes were needed. I live in an area of Amarillo called San Jacinto, which is one of the oldest in town, about 3 miles west of downtown and the railroad yards. I hear different things, but I'm guessing San Jacinto started as a housing area for the railroad workers, probably expanded greatly when the Mother Road ran right thru it. I'm just 2 blocks off the old rt 66 tourist area..albeit not too much rt 66 stuff in Amarillo. Anyways, my wife and her sister grew up in San Jacinto back in the days when it was the place to live in Amarillo.
Connie has often pointed out things to me like "this use to be the busiest burger joint in town. When I was 16, Sis and I car hopped there for a summer", or an old theater where bands use to come in on weekends and her sister was a go-go dancer! That sure put a different vision in my head than the one I knew her as.
As I've mentioned before, San Jacinto got pretty run down, lots of boarded up houses, rentals, etc., but in the past few years we're starting to see houses here and there rebuilt and looking really nice, and the house was given to us, so what the heck. I've had the big houses and the upper neighborhoods where keeping up with the Joneses was the way of life, I don't need it anymore.
I don't live in a keep up with the Jones neighborhood and have never had a desire to do so. Prior to rebuilding mine I lived in rentals and had absolutely no knowledge of carpentry, electrical or plumbing, it was all learn as I went. My first project was adding a new 300 sq ft bed room, had to remove a huge olive tree first then hand dug for the foundation. Did all of the rebuild with just spare time between my full time job, the bedroom took me three years to complete :005:, only positive was the building inspector said it was the best dry wall work he had ever seen, I guess I went over board treating like panels on a car.. My big problems came every time working on the old sections that were build with real 2 x 4's on 24" centers. All the floor joist and framing on the old section are redwood and are as good as the day it was built.
If I knew then what I know now I would have never bought it, I basically bought it just for the 200 x 100 lot which I needed for the 13 cars I owned at that time. The drive way goes from the front street to the rear street so it's 200 ft long and the wife won't buy me a street sweeper :005:
In 98, 99, we were planning a major remodel of our 1860s farmhouse, we would be investing six figures and lots of hours of work. After digging into the walls, and seeing the balloon construction, I decided we should build a new house, as my yard is 3 acres. Best call I ever made, we found a builder to customize a plan we liked, frame it up, paid him, and we took it from there. It took 2 years of constant work, but the end result was a modern well built home. I still have my shop in an 1860s barn. Mark
Well, after remodeling every square inch of an early 60's 4400 sq ft house, I swore I'd never do it again...and here I am.
BTW, I'm waiting for the wind to die down and for it to warm up a little so I can go out and get some painting done before it gets too hot!...that time of the year again....or, I'm just getting wimpy. :005:
I guess I'm getting wimpy too, I have a small work window on the house between 65-75 or just find it as another excuse :003: Over the years I have seen many of the older homes in the neighborhood remodeled and upgraded and now as soon as they hit the market they are bought up by foreign investors who tear them down and build new two story mansions :angry5:. They finally passes an ordinance against it but in the last month I have seen three new ones under construction so I don't know how they are getting around it. So my other excuse is why bother it will just be torn down by the next owner.
LOL...I know that's one thing I don't have to worry mansions are going to be going up in my neighborhood.
On a different note, I'm getting all my ducks lined up for projects on my '57. Hopefully after we return from Phoenix in mid October, I'll get to start on it. I should have my EFI harness on the way here by the end of the week, I've already received my Vintage Air evaporator unit, I picked up some 18 gauge to make my battery box (relocating to the driver's side), and this morning I dropped off a blueprint to a local NC machine shop to have my dash panel custom machined. I should have that in a week or so, am very excited to finally get that done. He said "probably at least a couple hundred", so hopefully no more than 3 on that...pretty much what I was hoping for.
I've also got a new mass air flow housing and sensor on the way so I can rework my air intake.
If I can get all that stuff done this winter, and get my glass installed so I can finish the interior, the light at the end of the tunnel will be a whole lot bigger.
and it wil not be an oncoming train!
Nope, just a semi with triple boxes.
Up by my mom's house, north of Green Bay, 5 inches of rain last night. Woke to a lake surrounding the house and garage, my sisters house has 5 to 6 feet of water in the basement. I have a pump rigged up, but no where to pump it much for going home early. ?......
That's alot of water! Our friends in California could use 2 or 3 of those storms...of course we'd then be reading about the mudslides.
Wow! All that rain and getting beat by the Seahawks on the same day. that is definitely more than anyone should have to put up with on one day.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Broncos/Seahawks pretty early on in the season..we'll see how it goes this time.
Quote from: Zapato on 2014-09-06 13:52
Wow! All that rain and getting beat by the Seahawks on the same day. that is definitely more than anyone should have to put up with on one day.
Zap- :unitedstates:
ha ha, , we were sitting in the garage to stay out of the rain before the game, it started raining during the game, didn't quit till morning. Our area received between 5 and 8" of rain. This peninsula of land is entirely formed of bedrock, its difficult to drain off that amount of water.My brother came up last night with some high volume effluent pumps, we worked till 1 am setting them up and pumping water. Got up at six and worked till now, we pumped it all down in 2 houses, then moved the pumps to my sisters house. Replaced the water heater, 2 furnaces are going to need parts. Good luck beating the seahawks, Mark
Wow! this year has been a wet one, even here in Ontario. Not as bad but still puts a damper on exterior activities. HRD
Even here in North Texas...I should be done with my house projects for this year, and I've still got 3/4 of the house to paint..after not being able to paint for two days with the rain, I painted this morning for a few hours but had to quit with all the rain clouds coming in.
Rich, that is what I do for a living and I have been for 35 years. I take on very little exterior work because its hard organizing your week according to the weather forecast, plus I don't make a Canadian dime more for exterior work, just doing interiors, your working everyday! Having said that I'd rather work outside then in! HRD
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-09-06 15:42
Broncos/Seahawks pretty early on in the season..we'll see how it goes this time.
As fast as the Seahawks are on defense it should be a repeat performance. Manning can audible all he wants they'll still rattle him all game long. Elway will be sporting that sourpuss face he had at their last meeting once again.
I expect even worse when my team,RAIDERS, face them next month. But thanks to my neighbor will be sitting in the Hawks nest area. Its really hard to beat a disciplined, talented, motivated and well coached team.
Zap- :unitedstates:
One thing about the seahawks and the 49ers, they have QB's with 2 years experience, they are playing at a high level. They aren't getting paid yet, lets see how the team holds up when you pay them 10-15 million a year.
My son flew from So Cal to the East Coast last Friday to see a friend and both of them drove up from Virginia to New Jersey to go to the Jets vs. Raiders game. This was a game for him to remember, as it was on his "Bucket List," and not just to beat the Raiders. He's been a Jets fan for close to 40 years and being from the West Coast, Jets fans are very rare indeed. He got to actually go to a game where not only was he not one of the only ones in the stadium, but they even had kiosks selling Jets shirts, hats, etc. By the way on the road back to Virginia the car he was in was very silent. Seems his friend has been a lifelong Raiders fan. Sometimes dreams really do come true.
Quote from: Frankenstein57 on 2014-09-08 19:59
One thing about the seahawks and the 49ers, they have QB's with 2 years experience, they are playing at a high level. They aren't getting paid yet, lets see how the team holds up when you pay them 10-15 million a year.
49ers qb is already getting paid, 6 years $114,000,000.00 Its hard to type that many zeros. Wilson, not yet.
Hey Boss! haven't heard from you in a while...any progress on that Roush set-up?
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-09-11 08:19
Hey Boss! haven't heard from you in a while...any progress on that Roush set-up?
Been busy with the multiple kids in travel sports. I have been doing small things and collecting parts. Mock up is not easy, if only I had a foam block to expedite things... :003:
Anyone else cold???? 8.45am sitting in my office at home with the central heating on, is Summer really over? Is it really only three months until Christmas???? Did I over-sleep and miss Summer???? We had quite a good summer over here and I guess I was too busy enjoying not being cold and wet for a change to actually focus and got the jobs done outside that needed doing. Oh-well, I guess some can wait until next year......
I have no idea what cold is. Last week was 100+ all week, this week will be around 85-90 so I guess fall is here..
68 today (eventually) which is just about right but it was only 50 up until about 11.00am.
Anyone know what happened to F57ORD? He used to be a member, but now I see he is a guest?
Not a whole lot going on here, as you can probably tell by this being my first post in a week. I've been trying to get some painting done on the house between rain in a few good days this week, had to stop yesterday for a thorough house cleaning as we found out we've got company coming Friday. I've got to go to Abilene Friday..a 550 mile round trip...and I may be leaving for Arkansas Saturday morning with my wife's cousin. She lives in Phoenix now, and was renting out her previous residence in Arkansas. Her neighbors there called her to let her know the renters vacated, and the house was I may be there for however long cleaning up and repairing. She also needs someone to drive a truck back with her last remaining stuff. We're leaving for Phoenix on the 9th, so I hope I'm back at least a few days before that. We'll be staying pretty much in a vacant house, so no computers, tv,etc.
I did get my EFI wiring harness in from Ron Francis last week. It looks top notch all the way. My custom machined dash panel is suppose to be ready tommorrow...unfortunatly if I end up going to Arkansas, I may not see it for a while.
I made a final decision to mount my battery up front, on the driver's side. I got a start on that last week..made a mock up battery box and cut out a hole in the fenderwell. Next thing is to duplicate the mock up in steel.
Got back from Arkansas late Thursday...beautiful country. I was in Springdale, up in the NW corner. Unfortunatly we got there one day after a "big" car show. I should have nice weather here to get the house painting finished before we leave for Arizona. I've got to get caught up with forum stuff, football, baseball..etc.
LOL...BTW, I'm surprised the Seahawk fans here didn't give me a hard time after beating the Broncos again two weeks ago. That was a good game, and a much better loss for the Broncos than the embarrasing Super Bowl.
I found out this morning I really missed a big opportunity when I was in Springdale. I was trying to find something for one of the members this morning , and brought up Jerry's Classic Cars' website...Guess where they're located.....yup, Springdale. SHHHEEEEET.
Check out their website, BTW. Aside from doing beautiful restorations, they sell new and used parts and they have their own CHROME PLATING SHOP!!!! They restore stainless including welding, and restore pot metal as well.
Funny...I used spell check when I was done typing because I wasn't sure about opertunityopportunity, and it never questioned SHHHEEEEET. Guess that's a real word.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-10-05 12:41
Funny...I used spell check when I was done typing because I wasn't sure about opertunityopportunity, and it never questioned SHHHEEEEET. Guess that's a real word.
Which is why we MUST remain smarter then the machines!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-10-05 12:41
Check out their website, BTW. Aside from doing beautiful restorations, they sell new and used parts and they have their own CHROME PLATING SHOP!!!! They restore stainless including welding, and restore pot metal as well.
Yeah, I've got their site bookmarked and whenever something isn't going right with the Ranchero I spend a while looking through their stuff to remind me it WILL be worth all the grief in the end! A bit like at the weekend when I fitted the doors and realised I hadn't stirred the paint properly and the white was slightly different shade to the rest of the car......
Oh how I laughed while removing the doors, flatting them, repainting them etc, etc................
Got up and out of bed this morning (3am) to watch the ''blood moon'' lunar eclipse. Dragging a#* now, the things I do to amuse my dear wife.
Zap- :unitedstates:
I got up for it too..pretty amazing to watch.
Have you guys watched comedians in cars getting coffee Jerri Seinfeld driving around in classic cars with other comedians talking about ''nothing'' important ? If you didn't like his TV show then you probably should skip it. But if you did its pretty entertaining just Google it and have a good laugh or two.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Don't know about the US, but over here it's still warmer than average, so seeing as its a school holiday for a week we've packed the car, coupled up the trailer & heading off for five nights on the East coast of England. Boy, do I need it, work's been hectic and every spare moment has been spent working on the Ranchero, I LOVE 50's Detroit iron, but there comes a time when everyone needs to recharge their batteries so I'm signing off for a week. We'll be eating, drinking, walking and cycling and generally relaxing in some very pretty English sea-side towns and making the most of not being covered in paint & oil!!!!
That sounds like a nice trip! The weather has been really great the past few weeks on the Gulf of Mexico and it has made for some really great cruising.
Gary, I hope you and the family are having a great trip. I think this is the perfect time of the year for a summertime crouds, still foliage on the trees, cheaper 'cause it's offseaon (particularly in the ski areas that also cater to summer tourists) is usually great.
Another traveling related topic...gas prices coming down!! When we left for Phoenix on the 8th, gas was averaging 3.04 in Amarillo. Most everywhere we went I was glad to see it about the same, but when we got back to Amarillo on the 18th, it was down to 2.84. We paid 2.74 at Sam's Club.
Wish we had those kind of prices in Calif. I drove the 57 to San Diego last Saturday to visit the grand kids and the gas down there was $3.18, still around $3.45 in my area, but an improvement over the past .
We dropped below $3 in the past week
Time for a we went to Phoenix, on of the guys that hangs around the hot rod shop with us was telling me a different way to go to Phoenix from Amarillo. Basically it's route 60 from Phoenix all the way thru to Socorro, on I25 south of Alburquerque. We went that way going home, and the first few hundred miles was beautiful. One of the highlights was the Salt River Canyon. A wide, deep canyon that you have to wind your way down one side, cross the river, then wind your way back up. We stopped at a few overlooks, and I commented to my wife that I couldn't imagine driving that route in the winter. The first pic was from one of the overlooks. The arrow I drew to a circled white dot is what is in the second pic. Personally, I would have died of a heart attack long before the car came to a stop. It appears to be a Corvette.? I wonder how long it's been there.
Also, at the bottom center of the first pic is what appears to be a camper or trailer.
As per Paul the rest of the story. Jim, the guy that had told me about that route to try, was in the shop yesterday talking about some surgery he had scheduled for Nov. He has lost most mobility on his left side due to a deteriorating neck problem. He has to have 4 discs fused together. I asked him what caused the problem...if it was from an injury and he told me of an accident he had, I think in the late 80's. He had just purchased a new Bronco in Springerville, just east of the canyon and was driving thru the canyon about 10pm when dense fog hit. The Bronco had less than 40 miles on it. Anyway, he missed a turn and drove right thru a guardrail at one of the overlooks. The next morning an aircraft flying thru the area spotted the wreckage and called it in. The 100 foot fall broke his back in 5 places and severly damaged his neck. He was in the hospital for 11 months.
That's my kind of road, on a clear day :003:
Wow, That is a heck of an ending to that story
Yeah, me too...on a clear WARM day with no chance of ice in the mountain shadows.
This is kind of a neat site - I like the one "Need an old part? I probably have it!" about the guy in Arlington, Texas.
Thats a great site, thanks for the link. I watched the one about the Ford Rouge plant this morning while having my coffee and will watch more later today.
I figure the parts guy must have 57 parts, he says all of his stuff is new -bought up mostly from liquidation.
I watched the parts guy, amazing collection of parts, nine warehouses.
I couldn't find it....some directions for the blind please. The description sounds very much like Antique Auto Supply in Arlington, ... He's in Arlington, has lots of warehouses. I had put him in the links list a long time ago.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-10-26 12:49
I couldn't find it....some directions for the blind please. The description sounds very much like Antique Auto Supply in Arlington, ... He's in Arlington, has lots of warehouses. I had put him in the links list a long time ago.
It's in the 93 old movies section almost at the bottom, " Need a part".. It is the guy from Arlington
Found it, and yes, that's the place. I've been there 3 or 4 times...even when I'm not looking for something...just to brouse. He does, or at least use to, btw, let you brouse thru the warehouses. I added the link to the video on his listing in the links thread. Thanks again for posting the info.
Awesome game 7!! Bumgarner was incredible the whole series. As bad as my Rockies' pitching always is, it was nice to see two ex Rockies pitching in game 7. (Guthrie and Affeldt)
A nice Meteor grill in Kelowna, BC - on our new insurance calendar.
those spotlite/mirrors are killer. nice all around
zap- :unitedstates:
Went to the RAIDERS/Seahawks game yesterday, looks like my guys are going for the total imperfect season record. Seahawks IMHO (maybe not so humble) are not playing as well as last season. Both teams had great moments but o'all both teams sucked. Raiders offensive game was so predictable a Pop Warner team could have figured it out. Seattle really made the best of a few Raider turnovers. Had expected a blowout and it looked like it halftime, second half was a much better game to watch.
Anyway one of my nephews drove us up in his wife's Tesla. A few things on that car impressed me.Incredible and instant acceleration. Ride and noise control level were great. But here are a couple other interesting things. Moisture sensitive windshield wipers, came on and off in perfect sync to all the rain showers we experienced on the trip. Outside flush mounted door handles that come in and out as needed. And complete FREE recharge of batteries at Tesla charging stations in about half hour. 260 mile range wouldn't have gotten us there and back but worked great as we charged up during breakfast on the way back during dinner. Would love to know more about the heater, it was really great. And after spending 5+ hours in the game in cold damp weather was nice to get in the car and having it living room comfortable in just a few minutes.
Now the trick would be to incorporate some ot this into our rides without denying us those things we all love.
zap- :unitedstates:
I saw my first Tesla recharging statio at a Car's Jr. parking lot in Phoenix. I walked over and looked at it (5 of them), and was wondering how you paid for the charge...I guess you don't. I think it sucks all the harrassing Tesla is getting from state governments on their "no dealer" sales. If the governments feel a need to get involved, they should go after about 100% of all the dealers that charge so much for replacement parts.
I'm home for a few minutes taking care of the dogs and cats, then back to the VA hospital where my wife is being treated (and very well I might add) for pneumonia....been there since Thursday.
sorry to hear about your wife, rich. i hope she gets over this soon.
Rich, glad to hear they're taking good care of your wife, be sure to take care of yourself she'll need you well.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Rich my prayers for your wife. I know what it is like given my wife has/continues to have several medical issues, none debilitating but requiring time and attention.
I too use the VA. Never had a problem with them, never been sick either, (hope I never have to find out just how good/bad they are), but I love the same visit lab results, phone-in script and the same primary care doctor over the years.
Sorry to hear about your wife Rich, a friend of ours had pneumonia last year and while it doesn't get classed as serious as it used to be years ago, it is still very nasty and she'll be weak for a while after. Its times like this when you realise just how damn important doctors and nurses really are, kinda make politicians look irrelevant at times like this.
On another note, I got up this morning to be greeted by the first ground frost.... Cars white over, gone by around 10.30am, but its sure turned cold.
Rich, sorry to hear about your wife.
This picture is actually from last year, but I thought y'all would appreciate it. She is my little helper.
YeeHaa !!! We won ! , There is hope for this country after all. Now if we can find someone to run for president for 2016?
When Maryland elects a Republican Governor you know the country is fed up w/democrat B/S!
Thanks for all the get well wishes! My wife did a 180 yesterday afternoon after a very scary and emotional morning. They were finally able to get a substantial amount of fluid drained from her left lung and she is now in a whole lot less pain and breathing easier. The best part of the second proceedure they did is, it now looks like option #3 will not be necessary. They may have to repeat what they did yesterday once or twice more, but it's working. Neither of us have had pneumonia before and we had no idea how bad it can get if left untreated.
The VA hospital here doesn't get into those type of lung proceedures, so they transfered her to one of the big hospitals here for the proceedures. Once they get her lungs cleared and stabilized, she'll be transfered back to the VA for actual treatment of the pneumonia. Looks like another week or two, but at least now all their efforts are paying off. Thanks again guys for the concern and prayers.
Thats good news Rich, I hope she continues to improve. Did she ever get a pneumonia shot in the past? They always try to give me one put I haven't done it yet, maybe I should reconsider, I don't know how effective they are.
Saying a little prayer over here for you guys Rich, hope it all goes well.
Thanks guys.....I came home tonight to feed the animals, then back to the hospital. She is finally doing really well after a few more rough days. The head doctor cleared her to be moved out of ICU to a regular room, but he wants her to stay at his hospital for a few more days so he can keep an eye on her progress before he releases her back to the VA hospital. It sure is a huge relief knowing the VA is footing the bill for her entire stay at Northwest..I don't even want to think what 6 days in ICU costs. She had her 4th catscan today....that alone would keep me broke for the next 10 years.
After months of frustration, I appear to be back on line. just a suggestion to all of the non techies out there, if anyone tries to sell you anything with windows 8. run as far and as fast as you can. My new lap top locked me put so completely, that I had to take it to a repair guy who had to wipe everything out and return the thing to factory default settings. I asked him if Windows 8 was as big a P.O.S. as I thought it was and he said " well it's been really good for me" His shop was full of computers to be straightened out. Even after he "fixed" it I couldn't get stuff loaded and have been fighting it for a couple of months. I installed Google Chrome and I think I will finally be able to work with it. At least I was able to get back on this page again. catching up on my reading, Rich, hopefully the worst of your wife's issues are behind her, I know that stuff can be pretty serious.
I'm with you, I hate windows 8.
Wife had a great day. They finally had a room available in the main hospital tonight, so we're now in a regular room, but that's a good thing except no recliners for me. Anyway...84 degrees here today, just a beautiful day, but the cold front that has probably already hit most of you guys will be in N. Texas tonight, and we were told to expect 19 degrees in the morning. I came home for a few minutews to get the furnace turned on and grab a winter coat.
Great to hear she's getting better, hope you're taking care of yourself. I know from personal experience how one tends to focus on the spouse/kids/parents and before you know it you are physically whipped. And then you're not good when they need you.
ZAP- :unitedstates:
Well, we finally got our first frost of the season and couple of days with temps in the low forties. probably one maybe two more mowings before the year is out.ow off to a couple of building centers to see what heater registers they carry so can continue laying hardwood floor in the front and dining room.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Quote from: Zapato on 2014-11-10 19:37
Great to hear she's getting better, hope you're taking care of yourself. I know from personal experience how one tends to focus on the spouse/kids/parents and before you know it you are physically whipped. And then you're not good when they need you.
ZAP- :unitedstates:
Tell me about it, I have two 93 year old parents.....
I still have a hallway to do with hardwood, been saving it as a rainy day project but it really hasn't rained enough in a couple of years here. Then I'll have to find a new excuse :003:
A little camping? 57 & 58.
Cool pics, Lorne...thanks. That first pic....simplicity sure wasn't a feature was it? At first I thought it was a rowboat dangling off the side, then realized it was the cover..pretty complicated for such a small tent.
Maybe the cover also did double duty as a rowboat?
I thought it was a boat but I guess that isn't a drain hole on the keel. Best wishes for your wife Rich.
Wife is doing to take her home today. Doc says at least three weeks home before going back to work.
Just for grins it would be interesting to know the details on the boat/cover/?
Great for your wife to be home after her ordeal, being home again is special after spending time away like that.
I found that pic on a vintage trailer site and then on
as well.
Rich, very glad to hear your wife is doing better! Lorne, I love those camper pics!
Cancer....... don't be afraid of it, but don't ignore it. No, I don't have it, but just a cautionary tale:
Round here, women UNDER the screening age of 50 were offered free breast screening, not everyone, but some were selected at random and offered screening. My wife (46 y/o) received a letter and wasn't sure whether to bother "nothing wrong with these" she said as she wobbled them round laughing. She decided to go and it was the most painful thing she's done (they basically clamp and squash the breast between two plates for a mammogram), she was told she'd be notified by letter of the result. But she's under 50 and healthy so what's to worry about?
Last Friday she got a letter telling her she needed to go for further tests, at that point every good thing in our life kind of stopped as we all assumed the worse. With an appointment on the Wednesday the weekend dragged and Tuesday night was the lowest point I've ever seen her reach. Wednesday came and after three hours at hospital (another mammogram and an ultrasound) we were given the news that the abnormality was a benign cyst and wasn't cancer.
There is no moral or conclusion to this, but we all think we're invincible and we're not. If anyone thinks they've got something wrong, get it checked out. If you get offered any sort of check, take it up. We're only here once, so try and make it a long stay. Most people know someone who has/has had cancer, if you have any doubts, get it checked out. Please.
how about some more camping and station wagon living with these two beauties ?
FSWL Part 1 and 2, 1957 and 58 respectively.
ford also put one out in 1959
There's some real nostalgia there...thanks for posting DJ...brings back memories of when life seemed simpler.
Speaking of station wagons....had a frustrating day with my daily driver. About 5 months ago I sold my trusted Grand Cherokee I had for 11 years. I was tired of the bad gas mileage and it got up over 200k miles, so time for something else. I bought a 2005 Subaru Outback. They've always had a good reputation for reliablity, good gas mileage (I average about 30), and it's a wagon with AWD. The one I found was a one owner very clean car with only 72K. I've been having intermitent problems with the ignition for a few months...50% of the time I get nothing when I turn the key, have to turn it to the start position 2-5 times sometimes before the solinoid/starter kick in. I had a recall on the Subaru last week, so I had them look at it. They had it all day, claimed they couldn't get it to malfunction so they could determine the problem. They were guessing it was the ignition switch, but just a guess. The part is 47 bucks, 230 labor to replace it, but I'd still have to pay for it even if that wasn't the problem. I picked it up unrepaired, and since they told me it would be 10 days before they could get the switch in, I ordered one from Auto Zone..had it in 2 days. Beautiful weather today, so a good day to get it done. It took about 1/2 hour to get the old switch out, but the new switch was not the correct one. remember...230. labor, and it only took me a half hour to figure how to get the old one out, another 10 minutes to reassemble). I returned the switch to Auto ZOne, and before I put the old one back in I took it apart for a look. Everything looked good, no broken or missing springs, contact pieces looked clean,. I did a continuity check on the 5 lugs and it appears to be working correctly..I even clicked the switch on and off 8 or 10 times and everytime I hit the start position, I got continuity on 4 of the 5 lugs...I'm reasoning that the one with no continuity to the other 4 is the ground. Any ideas??
For the 280 the dealer wanted to replace the ignition switch, I can replace that, the starter relay, the neutral switch, and the starter/solenoid. The only other thing it may be that I'm aware of is the crankshaft position sensor. The battery and cables are in good shape..I did remove the cables and clean them.
In the key switch assy, there is a key recognition switch that recognizes the physical presence of a key. I think I've eliminated that as a potential problem, because when the car is in the I-ain't-gonna-start mode, the power windows work, which I'm told they won't if the key recognition switch is bad.
Rich - Even though you can get the windows working in the "no start mode" you might want to confirm that all of the ignition keys were reflashed to work with the ECU. Could be the PO had it changed out at some point. I assume this happens on the one key or do you have a spare that does the same?
My keys don't have chips in them, which I think is odd for a 2005. There are different ignition systems on the '05's depending on accesories like remote start, etc., one has chips, the other doesn't. The Subaru dealership here leaves alot to be desired...I get alot of blank stares when I ask questions. They don't stock much in the way of parts either. I suspect the auto Zones, etc. aren't gonna be real big on Subaru parts inventory either...may mean I don't hang on to this car too long.
Those are awesome books, thanks for sharing. My wife and I are thinking about building one of our own camper trailers, probably based off the Glen-L plans.
Speaking of camping.. last summer we picked up a 59 Shasta, Plans are to haul behind our 57 when its done.100% original inside,very little water damage but the usual bumps and dents.With a little elbow grease it will be all good.My wife was not entirely impressed when she arrived home with it parked on the front lawn.
I spent less than an hour on one of the eyebrows and it polished up nice.If you still dig around,these can still be had cheap.
( (
( (
Now that is seriously cool, I don't say "cool" very often it is only reserved for special occasions.
We use a trailer a lot, usually buying a new one evry 2 or 3 years for holidays around England, Scotland and Wales, but todays bland white offerings are a far cry from some of the more elaborate 50's & 60's designs. I'd love to restore one after I finsih the Ranchero but the wooden strauctrues used in old English trailers are usually rotten due to water ingress and while I don't mid metalwork, I am not so keen on carpentry!
Thanks Limey57, we have lots of camping areas around us and we are looking forward to a fun next summer.I really dig vintage campers.Trying to get my wife into it as well, ha ha ha
Really really cool Jeff...I use "cool" alot..just not too often with two reallys...Looks to be in great shape. Heck of a find.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-12-02 08:19
Really really cool Jeff...I use "cool" alot..just not too often with two reallys...Looks to be in great shape. Heck of a find.
Ha ha ha Thanks Rich.
We bought from an older very nice lady just an hour north of Hotroddonnies whereabouts.The previous owner told us she was the second to own it and I was the third.She is a very neat lady,loves antiques and such, has her own workshop where she loves to build stuff.
I love old trailers and camping, very cool indeed!! In my dreams I think about finding an original Teardrop to haul behind mine. Now we just camp out of the back of the panel truck..
We have a 1947 KIT Teardrop trailer. Wife was not too keen on it when it first came home. Then she got into rebuilding it and all was good after that. She did probably 90% of the teardown and spent a bit more on it than planned. Glad she did its more comfortable due to her influence.
Zap- :unitedstates:
That is cool Zap
ZAP, do you have any pictures to post? All the originals were kits and each one was individual and a one of a kind. I ran into a club of people who had all theirs on display a few years ago. Really nice restorations. They are making new ones now but I'm not interested in them, too much modern crap on them...
My second choice would be a small vintage Airstream
Will see what I can find. If anyone is planning on building a teardrop trailer there are 2 things that have to betaken into account. First you better really really like whoever is sharing it with you. Not much room in there to move around, when we first redid it we had a king size bed and it sure felt cramped in the trailer. Second is make it a 2 door, its not easy getting out of them as is but even harder trying to get out while crawling over your partner.
When we first started on it I contacted "KIT'' Trailers in Idaho. They started in L.A. right after WW2 by 2 returning servicemen. The idea was to provide simple plans, frame and fenders and the average guy (they guessed) could build the rest. One of the original partners actually wrote back to me and sent me a few things. Most important was an original sticker logo that went with every trailer kit. It had been pinned in his office for years. He shared a lot of the company history,the fenders were fiberglass almost from the beginning built by a couple of other G.I.s down there. He started flirting with their counter girl and soon they married and still were when we got in touch.
Now as simple as the kits were to build they stopped selling them because they ended having to hire a guy to answer questions for guys who couldn't figure out how to build them. And long distance wasn't cheap in those days. They stayed in business for a long time and a few years ago shut the place down.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Zap, that's an interesting story, I love hearing stuff like that. There's quite a few home-build tear-drop style trailers over here, usually built and used by hot-rodders looking for something a bit more comfortable than a tent, but easier to tow than a full trailer. Some are built in the style of the original US trailers where as others are, well, a bit "unique".........
I love the look of some of them but I like the comfort of a full trailer so I can roll out of ed and into the bathroom without having to step outside!
We had quite the windstorm yesterday, lost power for a few hours. Have a lot of respect for the guys that go out in those conditions to restore power. Lots of debris and leaves all over the place, will walk thru our woods and see if anything came down. Lots of old cedars on our property and when the wind blows hard some will snap up high and lose 20-30 feet of the top. Am always surpised how far they'll fly. So in you wanderings you spot an old cedar with a wimpy looking top its just rebuilding itself and in a few years will be just fine. Couple of ours now have multiple tops (points) and a few that did this in the past the top trunks are massive and a bit top heavy looking.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Saw all the storm coverage on TV. It looked pretty bad. Weather here is great... highs around 70, lows in the mid 40's. My banana trees are still green. Of course we get hurricanes but we haven't had one here since 2008. We typically lose power for days and I second your kudos for the guys restoring power. I have seen some crews here from as far away as PA. The highest gust of wind here has only been 91 mph, but the ground is soft and saturated so trees get uprooted. Pines may break but they do at several feet from the ground. I'll keep an eye out for cedar top sightings1
Lynn...I saw your post with the comment you had bought that car from a member here..out of curiosity I looked back at the want ads for 2012, and found where you had bought it. I remembered him, because I sent him an outside door handle and made the mistake of putting it a padded mailing envelope instead of a box...all he got was an empty mailer with a big hole in it. Mike was a retired cop if I remember correctly.....only did a few posts here, but that's why I remembered him.
I flew up to Detroit, rented a car and drove 45 min. to Milan just outside of Ann Arbor. Mike is a good guy, hurt his back in motorcyle accident. He didn't know much about the car, I think he got a deal on it and "flipped it". I looked at the classifieds on here everyday for a few weeks if not months. I jumped on the car after I spoke to Mike on the phone. The price was what I wanted to spend and the car is great for my needs...solid but needed a lot of TLC. I pulled the 302/AOD and put in an FE/Toploader. The car was built in the Kansas City plant and came from Wyoming. It had apparantly been in a huge dust storm at some point... the cowl had over an inch of fine dust in it. The drains were compacted and completely covered. The gauges had dust in them. I replaced the dash, put in an original working radio, clock, new NOS ashtray! New NOS steering wheel....repaired wiper cables, heater, 58 box, new NOS turn signal/horn contact.... Anyway we all know the drill(s). I am actually waxing the car today since the weather is so awesome for December. Todays pics :003:
Sounds like the right guy got it. It's looking reallygood....and shiney!
Weather...I had planned on working on the Subie today, but too darn windy.
Awesome looking car Lynn, especially with a FE and top loader. Did you use the 58 column and wheel? I used a 58 box but had to retain the 57 column and wheel so I don't have a horn..
Mike lived a few miles from me. I provided several parts on that car. Good to hear he's doing well.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2014-12-14 19:26
Awesome looking car Lynn, especially with a FE and top loader. Did you use the 58 column and wheel? I used a 58 box but had to retain the 57 column and wheel so I don't have a horn..
I went on a mission to assemble a bunch of Ford parts to get my horn to work. A friend gave me an Edsel column of all things. The steering wheel was almost identical to the Ford but it had a spring loaded contact button in it that rode on a horn grounding plate in the column. I noticed that the shape of Ford steering columns in the early 60s looked the same, even the Edsel. The Edsel turn signal switch (holding the horn contact plate) was completely different from the Ford and would have worked but parts were weathered nylon and brittle. I watched on eBay for a similar turn signal. I bought an NOS turn signal switch/horn contact plate for 59 thru 62. I also found a 59 Custom NOS steering wheel with the horn button hole, it was identical externally to the 57 (the turn signal cancelling part on the back of the wheel was slightly different). The switch I bought was a design improvement over the Edsel switch as well. I wound up using the 57 column and turn signal lever, 59-62 turn signal switch/horn contact plate, 59 Custom steering wheel and the Edsel contact button. The only modification was drilling one hole in the column to match up the stuff. An added bonus is that the turn signal lever action is much more positive and "modern" feeling. Not a cheap endeavor but worth it to me. Tried to find photos....
It has been a while since I talked to Mike. I sent him an email updating him on the Ford and asking about the effect of Detroit defaults on his retirement situation, I never heard back from him.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2014-12-14 20:06
Mike lived a few miles from my. I provided several parts on that car. Good to hear he's doing well.
Thanks Lynn, very useful info on the horn set up. For now I'm feeling lazy and will just use a button. Maybe sometime in the future I'll tackle the conversion.
Hey Jim, I used the 1940's Willys horn parts Texas Ford Guy mentioned on the forum back in 2011 to get my horn to work. (shortened 1957 column and wheel/new ABS steering box.) It's a neat brush and bushing system found in Willys CJ2As and others.
The parts cost about $24 shipped from and installation was pretty easy since I already had the column out and apart. I haven't road tested it yet but my neighbors will tell you it works fine in my driveway.
Let me know if you need part numbers or more info.
Thanks Art. I seem to recall that article and will try to locate it and read it again. I'm just trying to avoid pulling the column again after rebuilding all the 3 speed shift linkage and installing it and the 58 box, I'm old and getting lazy :003:
Jim, I don't blame you. I have no desire to pull out my column again!
But, just in case you decide to, here's the link to the post:
I'll add to his progress since the thread was never updated. The outer, spring loaded contact plate does fit the curvature of our column perfectly. However, the rubber isolated brass sleeve that slides on to the shaft is a bit bigger than our shaft. I ended up welding some beads on the shaft to grip a soft metal"spacer" ferrule I found at the local Ace hardware store. (.825 id p/n AMF 7334 a $.50 solution) The Willys sleeve was then a nice tight fit on the "spacer." It's not going anywhere.
A hole needs to be drilled in to the hollow shaft to pull the wire through so it could be soldered on to the isolated sleeve (as far away from the brush contact area as possible.) And that's about it. Put her back together and wake your neighbors!
You're just up the hill from me, let me know if you ever want a hand with it.
Thanks Art, thats the one I read before. I should have taken the time to think this out when I had things apart but I was to anxious to get it on the road and wasn't going to let a little thing like a horn stop me :003: I'll look closer at that post but I'm not sure that would work with a 58 box, the 58 shaft is solid as compared to a 57 which has a hole through the center for a wire.
Gas dipped below 2 bucks this week in Amarillo....Saw one place at 1.84. This is a good time for a long roadtrip...wish I could get the darn ignition problem figured out on the daily.
Went to Oklahoma Friday. The cheapest gas I saw on the trip was at a station a mile from my house.
I may have figured out my ignition problem...The Subi finally threw an engine code, and I had it checked out at Auto Zone...crank position sensor. That is one of the things "in the loop" for the ignition start. Got a new one, haven't had a chance to put it in yet...should have done it today while the weather was warm a cold front coming in tonight. I've got my fingers crossed that'll solve the ignition problem, although a mechanic/friend doesn't think it will.
Hopefully in a few more days I can get back to the wiring of the '57. I've been turning our spare bedroom into a closet/storage area. My wife and I are finally living alone after 25 years....her neice has lived with us since Connie and I got married, and she bought a house...moved out a few weeks ago. We live in a small house, and the clutter has been driving us nuts, so we decided to kill two birds with one stone...and have NO room for long term guests.
I have felt your pain. I swapped out playing with cars for playing with houses some 25 years ago only to return to my true love when I retired. "When I put the key in my house, it won't start!" was my cry. i have a lot of time invested in my my home having done most of the stuff on my own over the years. Quite a while back my mother-in-law moved in and when she passed I was faced with remodeling I bought my Custom :003:, something I wished my Fairlane was in "67. Still have a list of house things to do but I don't post about sheetrock, plumbing, (today I changed a door knob and a thermostat) etc. I look have looked forward to "NO room for long term guests" for a while. Gas last week...$1.79 at Costco.
the furnace in my garage stopped working on monday,almost -20c monday and today[about 0f]checked it out and found the fan control not working.was able to wire fan so it is on all the time.getting parts today.was hoping to get my garage done today and start on the 57.maybe tomorrow
had same problem years ago old oddball stove wired in a regular wall light switch till right part was found and just like the heaters in our cars they only fail when you really need them.
Zap- :unitedstates:
going to drink my morning cup of Chai and then mow my lawn, its been just warm enough to grow and don't dare miss the chance to mow it or it will be hell to pay by the time we get another dry spell.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Go's snowing here in Texas.
Wierd weather here. we had early light freezes but it has been so warm for so long the grass is green and growing and some of the flowers are blooming. It has rained 3" plus in the last three days but the sun is supposed to be coming out soon, still no freezing temps in the next few days. Watching college football today. Love household repairs...the "green" thermostat wire was blue... literally ran the AC a bit to kill the damp feeling.
Our lawn is currently under 6 inches of (frozen solid) snow, my lawnmower hibernates from October through to May!!!!!!
I have a love-hate relationship with my lawnmower.... :002:
Green concrete, its the future for low maintenance gardens!
My neighbors have some plastic grass. In the summer I need to cut mine every 4 or 5 days so the lawnmower can deal with it. Green concrete sounds like a plan.... BUT if I move it will be further south!!!! :003:
got my garage furnace circuit board,and you do not want to know what it cost :005:
since we're on major appliances, any of you guys ever install a water filtration system?
Zap- :unitedstates:
I have a modest professional history in public drinking water. I might be of some assistance.... this a great site or what??
Here goes, we have very hard water spots everything that gets washed. drinking glasses look like hell no matter what we add to the wash. Can't wash the wife's daily driver without a lot of work, white spots not a good look on a black car. Had a Costco vendor out and it was almost 6 bills and he really blew it as he was flipping his sales binder there was a price for the system of just under $1200. now figure 100 for permit even say a bill for the plumber and another hundred or so for piping. Now don't mind paying a fair amount but over $3500 in profit seems a bit steep.
doesn't look like its any more work than any past plumbing jobs I've tackled so tell me what I really should be looking for in a system.
Zap- :unitedstates:
I am assuming you are on a private well. Have you had your water analyzed? What minerals are you trying to remove and have you tried anything yet. I work for the state rural water association. I am pretty sure I can point you in the right direction, it is not my specific area but I can ask around with more specifics.
On city water, will see about getting water tested next week. Fridge water is filtered and tastes great and leaves no residue in coffee maker. Rest of water in house unfiltered and spots/stains everything white. Couple years back we went with black fixtures in the guest bath. Toilet bowl now looks like a ZEBRA and nothing we've tried has managed to take it off. Replaced sink a couple weeks ago to a white one in black cabinet and want to resolve issue before replacing toilet. Our water may well be well sourced but its provided by the local PUD.
Guess we were spoiled by the water from the Bull Run Reservoir clean crisp no aftertaste water. Now not so good and drinking classes get a ''frosted'' look in less than a year.
Well aware that over half the world would love to have our water and it may be nit-picking on my part but I really would like clean, crisp water without aftertaste.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Community water systems are required by federal law to disclose the contents of your drinking water. it is probably published online somewhere. They would be a starting place. Hard water has high mineral content, typically calcium, iron, magnesium and the water system people should be able to tell you what type of water softener/filter would be the best choice. Here we have the opposite issue, people from out of the area complain they can't rinse soap off because our well water is extremely "soft". I looked online and whole home softeners at Sears are under $500. Let me know what you find out.
Zap, your fridge has a charcoal filter.It wouldn't be that tough to put in a whole house filter. You would have to change it out ( the element) most likely every month or so. I live in the TX hill country, and have limestone for a lawn. My well is 430 feet deep and the first 20 feet was solid rock. I wash my dishes in bleach about every other month to keep them looking good. I hand wash them, cause I hate the poor performance my dishwasher gives. Why me instead of the Mrs.? I'm retired and she gets home at dark. Besides I'm pretty anal when I get a glass of tea and there is spots on it.....Cost of a whole house filter wouldn't be that bad and I know you can do it yourself.. I don't have a filter except for my drinking water, and half the time I use the tap water I get spots too. Maybe I should put one in too.
now my air compresser quit is almost like the garage gremlins do not want me to work on my 57 :005:
Maybe the Gremlins were just getting in their last licks for the year..Yeah, things always seem to come in bunches, don't they? LOL...I am trying to get my 4.6 up and running before you do (since I had a 2 year head start), but I had nothing to do with it, honest!!
This Morning Coffee thread went over 20K views this morning. The only one ahead of it now is your post in the 4.6 4cam
A lo t of the early truck guys are using the CV front ends. One guy is decided to put the whole 1960 truck body on a 2003 CV police interceptor chassis and only had this much wiring left over. I wish I was young enough to tackle such a project, I'd like to try it on my panel.
I wonder if he got the Check Engine light to shut off ?? :002:
I'm no spring chicken..68! As we speak (or type), one of the projects going on in my friends hot rod shop is a 61 F100. They've put in a CV front end you mentioned, and has most of the 5.0 all wired up, just about ready for the sheetmetal re-installation and the final wiring. That CV front end looks like it was made for that truck. It makes the motor mounts and exhaust a snap also, as they obviously were a package.
A lot of the local guys are using the irs suspensions in the mid 50's pickups as well.
Yep, Now my compressor went out. Must be something in the air.
You guys are making me nervous :003: my compressor ( Craftsman ) is about 35 years old..
I'm up there with you Rich, will be 68 in March. The wear and tear over the years is really starting to show, the 57 will be my last auto project... But I said that three cars ago too..
We had an unusual cold snap the last few days with snow in some lower elevation areas. Should be back to the 70's next week.
I braved the cold to watch the B2 bombers circling above the house before heading for the Rose Parade..
Petew............if you eliminated the EGR without installing an EGR eliminator, your light will stay on for ever. They are available from the Detail zone and are not expensive.
Just noticed this on a news site, incredible, 63 T-Bird turn signal found in mans arm. I'm tempted not to believe it but it sounds believable:
It is true. It made national news here if you can believe that!
That's amazing. I guess it could have ended up in a worst place :003:
I saw that on national news. It was painful to see the video. I couldn't hear the audio, and it had me curious how the guy didn't know something huge was in there. My dad is a carpenter and once he had a sliver of plywood less than 1/2" long lodge in his arm and the bulge was very noticeable.
I wondered the same thing....then I saw the guy being interviewed. He had seven broken ribs, a severe compound hip fracture and a messed up arm. He said at the time the local news reported he had died in the crash. I guess a little thing like a turn signal arm in his arm was easy to overlook. ???
I love the interwebs and a good cup of coffee in the morning. I like seeing all the old advertising photos in particular.
Cool! gotta get you on the HAMB. There's a thread there that's been running for a few years...all old pics. The thread has had about 26 million reads, and has 3400 pages with something like 95,000 posts. Need something to do for the rest of your life?
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2015-01-04 10:32 gotta get you on the HAMB. There's a thread there that's been running for a few years...all old pics. The thread has had about 26 million reads, and has 3400 pages with something like 95,000 posts. Need something to do for the rest of your life?
Thanks Rich, there are some great photos posted there but unfortunately I already spend too damn much time on the computer with the 4 forums I belong to and all the graphics work I do so I have avoided the HAMB as another addition to the addiction :003: I really need to spend more time on other productive things. The wife is already making noise about the hardwood floors in the hallway I didn't finish and the cars are begging for work too. Just not enough hours in a day to do everything and not many years left to do them :005:
" Holy crap Batman" :003:
What in the H#ll, that's goldang beautiful. LOL
Did you notice the "garage"?...Talk about weird. The one in the second pic.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2015-01-05 09:18
Did you notice the "garage"?...Talk about weird. The one in the second pic.
I think that was just propped up to hide the still :003:
I have no words..... anybody wanna play guess what cars were joined
Actually, that garage looks totally proper for that thing to be created in. What is amazing is how Long it took that guy to loose intrest in his dream
Geese, who am I to talk, I just remembered I have to go out in the garage and weld my home made frenched tail light bezels on my own Frankenford,
I have no words to describe what he was trying to accomplish.
I think I'm going to cry. That poor butchered ranchero.
well, some entertainment of a different nature. enjoy
Thanks Rich! Way cool...
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2015-01-05 22:33
well, some entertainment of a different nature. enjoy
Wow, Hayden Thompson he's the man when it comes to wild Rockabilly.
If you like that I'm sure you will like here. Met her in person.
incredible lass. :003:
the man
that was one of the first Rockabilly records I ever heard even before Elvis' Mystery train or Baby left me.
Thats my kind of music :003:
Just had a banana with my last cup of coffee for breakfast. I saw a clip a while back of a gorilla eating a banana and he peeled it from the "bottom" instead of the "top", so what the heck I gave it a try. Unbelievable....all my life I have been doing it the hard way. Just goes to show you......
who woulda thought?? I'll give it a try. LOL
maybe what I need to solve some of my build problems is a good smart gorilla.
I'm not sure which end is the top and which is the bottom :003:
I saw the video... me neither :003:
This is big news [well at least to me] as of last night, I have officially quit Microsoft. I am right now typing on an almost new laptop with windows 8.1. We fought through all the crap associated with Vista when it came out and windows 8 makes that stuff look like child's play. It is the worst system ever!!!! I have car progress pictures that I cant post in fact I cant do anything at with my pictures. I traded off my droid phone last night for an I-phone and the Verizon tech told me that he has a I.T. degree and he regrets buying a computer with windows 8. My wife's PC crapped out and she is setting up her new Mac as we speak. I ordered a Mac pro lap top that should be here on the 13th. and I can't wait! Once I get going on that one I hope to post some pictures as we have made some pretty good progress this winter. Everyone who is not VERY computer savvy, might want to think twice about anything associated with windows 8, 8.1 and now I hear windows 10 is here. I wouldn't touch any of it with a stick. Not real sure how we are going to eat next month or so but, by god, were going to have computers that work!
I agree. 8.1 is a piece of app-crap ! I ended up with using nearly none of the new features. some stuff isn't working anymore at all.
All the new OS are crap if you want to run older programs. Mico$soft has tried to make them idiot proof to cut down on spending money on customer service. There are ways around it by changing everything to run as administrator and putting the programs in places other then Program Files or X86.
I never wanted to jump through all the hoops so and I'm still running on XP SP3
Many of the newer computers that have Intel or ADM video cards that also aren't compatible with a lot of older graphics programs, But nVidia cards work.. Also they don't support DirectX which is need for many older programs.
For most people who only use the new computers for surfing the net or sending Emails 8.1 was an improvement over 7 and 8.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2015-01-10 08:29
For most people who only use the new computers for surfing the net or sending Emails 8.1 was an improvement over 7 and 8.
That would be current system is a seven year old emachine with Vista. Serves me well and will do so until the computer doctor says it is dead! I don't face book, text, tweet, twerk or in-stagram. Very little emailing, just three car related boards and an occasional surfing session to research something.
I went to a MAC about 6 years ago and never looked back. Still running the same unit, took it in for servicing once, guy said I smoke too much. Apparently the little intake fan sucks on the same side as my ashtray... Changed sides and haven't had a problem since.
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2015-01-10 09:38
That would be current system is a seven year old emachine with Vista. Serves me well and will do so until the computer doctor says it is dead! I don't face book, text, tweet, twerk or in-stagram. Very little emailing, just three car related boards and an occasional surfing session to research something.
It's all relevant to what your needs are, I don't do any of the social media stuff either. Just like I can't use a laptop, they just don't have enough horse power to run the graphics programs I use, it would be like putting a worn out flat head six in a fully loaded double trailer semi and sending it up a 5% grade :003: I don't buy off the shelf computers because they are loaded with too many programs that I would never use but would have to pay for. My present one is built from left over parts as my son upgrades his, many are now over 10 years old, I'm still using my original key board from my first computer in 1995 :003:
Quote from: Lucky'57 on 2015-01-10 09:48
I went to a MAC about 6 years ago and never looked back. Still running the same unit, took it in for servicing once, guy said I smoke too much. Apparently the little intake fan sucks on the same side as my ashtray... Changed sides and haven't had a problem since.
I second the Mac comment with a caveat. I have an older Mac with an older operating system. My iphone 4s was backed up on itunes. After updating the iphone operating system a few months ago it would not communicate with the version of itunes on my laptop. I couldn't update my itunes software because the new updates were not compatible wih my operating system. I couldn't update my operating system because it wasn't compatible with my HARDWARE! I went to the Apple store and my resolution was to trade in my iphone for an iphone with the old operating system still loaded on it. All was fine until my wife washed my iphone in the washing machine.
New iphone 6....lost all my contacts, photos, no back up on my laptop... and I hate the new operating system and the phone. Apple wants me to buy a new laptop.
I feel they want to make every device all things to all people. When I bought my first cell phone I said I wanted to send and receive calls, period. they looked at me like I was from outer space. There is not and never was such a phone or computer. I could get by with very basic capabilities on both a phone and computer. and I feel there are a lot of people who could do the same. I wish they would start with devises that do very little and let the buyer add the options that would fit his needs. If somebody ever does, they will have a sale at my house. But I know it will never happen and it is just going to get worse
I've never had a cell phone but the wife had a TRAK phone that only sent and received calls.
Most people buy computers at the box stores, loaded with crap they don't need and will never use rather then having one built with just the programs you want. It's just like the cars today, they want you to buy them off the lot filled with more crap then you want. I liked the old days when you could order a car with the options you wanted. Now there are no options except packages filled with stuff that someone else decided you need..
I too have a Track phone. The battery in it goes dead between trips. I run out of days before I run out of minutes. I buy a years worth of days and it comes with 400 minutes. This last "buy" put 365 days on it on 10 Dec and the total minutes was 1098!
I don't think I'm missing anything by not having pictures of the inside of my pants pocket!
Thats funny :003:. My son has a phone that takes better pictures then any camera I have, the technology amazes me..
I've got a basic cell phone....heck I had it two years before I found out it had a key dropped it on the carpeted floor one day and the back slid open...sure surprised the heck out of me. The screen is so dim I can't see anything in daylight. My wif's smartphome has all the gismos, and I must say I sure like the quality of pics it takes, so I may be looking at a new phone soon...I sure can see the advantage of not carrying my full size camera at swap meets, etc. Now if I could just figure out how to download those pics to my computer.
Me three.
Under self imposed, house arrest. My new Mac arrives today and I am not going to miss the UPS truck just in case they are going to require a signature. I get stuff all the time without signing but Apple may require a signature. I'm just not going to take a chance. Can not wait to get rid of this thing I have.
I try to keep up with the all new the technology. The thing is, by the time figure out how to use my new phone it's too old to use and I need a new one! I use mine for work and its my business number. Anyone calls me on the home phone is an old customer from 15 plus years ago that doesn't have my cell number. I have a Sony laptop and so far so good. Plus having two smart daughters that keep me updated when they visit helps! HRD.
I will say this about technology, working on 57 Fords would be a lot harder without computers,the internet, the forum,cell phones for pics, and email connecting guys with a common interest all over the world. That said I will stay stuck in the last decade technology wise. I started backing up my phone with a pad and pencil! No cloud for me unless I can see it in the sky. :003:
Quote from: lalessi1 on 2015-01-17 11:49
I will say this about technology, working on 57 Fords would be a lot harder without computers,the internet, the forum,cell phones for pics, and email connecting guys with a common interest all over the world. That said I will stay stuck in the last decade technology wise. I started backing up my phone with a pad and pencil! No cloud for me unless I can see it in the sky. :003:
Lynn, that is so true. I fought off getting a computer for years until I lost the battle with my wife. Now I can't live without it but I don't try to keep up with everything new, at the rate technology advances these are obsolete before I can get them out of the packaging and working. It also a two edge sword with a lot of negatives but I won't go into my feelings about that..
I see negative impacts constantly as well, our social fabric is in shreads with no replacement material in sight.
You won't ever regret buying a Mac computer. My kids forced me to buy an iMac four years ago, and I haven't had a single virus or any other problem with it. Posting pics is also way way easier on the forums that I use.
We have an apple tv thingie as well, that we can have all our photos on the computer scroll on the tv the same as the computer, so we enjoy grandchildren's pics all day on the tv when we aren't watching something as well.
Oh, I am so excited about my apple stuff, I just get all warm and fuzzy and have to tell everyone about it. :003:
Oh, and I have a funny story about phones. Several years ago, I went in to get a new company cell phone. They took my old one into a back room to set it up, and were in there about 20 minutes or so. I got impatient and went back there to ask what was the holdup, and there sat two tech people, and they said they were trying to find my "contacts" so they could transfer them into my new phone. I laughed. They said what was so funny. I said all my contacts are between my ears. I can't be bothered to punch all those little buttons to add that info into the phone. I pretty much use it to call in and out still today. I have internet capability on my iPhone, but can't be bothered to look at something on a minuscule screen. I'd rather spend my time in the garage than with technological gadgets.
Pretty nice having a COVER CAR, eh?
Hats off to Rich "Sherlock" Muise!! Rich, you are correct - R Francis Wireworks does keep a record of sales by serial number and they kindly gave what info they had which was the kit was sold to Hot Rod Enterprises in Auburn Wash. in 2001. I called them but they are now Wicked Fabrication, a fellow there said that the boss Craig used to work for Dan at HRE but no one could remember my car. I got a name, Bill Green, in Kent who is going to ask around if anyone remembers it. One step at a time. Found out it is a Flaming River steering column I have- that's another piece!
Allright!!...glad that worked out, and glad, but surprised, Ron Francis shared the info with you, things being the way they are nowadays. Good thing I've been working on my Ron Francis wiring, or I probably never would have thought of it.
Congrats to Donnie...pretty cool just being in a mag, never mind the cover!
On another to drive my new-to-me Subaru in snow this morning...first time. We were suppose to get 3 inches last night, woke up this morning to a foot! Spent 3 hours shovelling...not all at once, mind you. Anyways, was driving in snow up to the floorboards and the Subaru handled like it was on dry roads, so I guess it lived up to it's reputation. :burnout:
What's a "snow"? (Heh-heh).
Quote from: LAUDY57 on 2015-01-22 11:02
Pretty nice having a COVER CAR, eh?
HRD :canada: , you done good! How do your south of the border fans get a copy?
Zap- :unitedstates:
Congrats HRD!
That is awesome buddy!!!!!
Zap if you PM your address I will send you one! Do you want a signed copy? HRD
It's great that they prefered the 57 over the 55 Ch*** for the main image. The shot also benfits from your front bumper/suspension customwork. all those Bowties look plain ugly with the front bumpers removed, especially the 57 Ch***.all look wrecked. Yours is showing great !
It helps that the magazine owner races a 57 Sedan Delivery, he's had a few articles on it's build. I believe digital copies can be bought for 5 bucks (that's Cdn$ which is probably about 1$US now).
Only problem with digital is Zaps probably old school and likes the real thing while visiting the little boys room! LOL!!! :icon
HRD, you naughty little boy have you been peeking again?
Zap- :unitedstates:
LOL!!! Just messin with you Zap!
Very nice. And I see there is no issue with tire clearance here.
Quote from: hotroddonnie on 2015-01-23 14:53
LOL!!! Just messin with you Zap!
Me too buddy............
Zap- :unitedstates:
Quote from: jumping jack flash on 2015-01-23 14:55
Very nice. And I see there is no issue with tire clearance here.
No issues so far.
Ecode70, Are you south of Boston far enough to miss the worst of the storm? Watching the news with the high winds and quantity of snow is going to be tough going tonight.
Quote from: LAUDY57 on 2015-01-27 10:45
Ecode70, Are you south of Boston far enough to miss the worst of the storm? Watching the news with the high winds and quantity of snow is going to be tough going tonight.
I talked to Jay about 2 hrs ago, they still had power and snow up to the door knobs..
Looks like he's getting slammed...again. He had a bad winter last year. Internet: 2 feet of snow, 70 mph winds and a wind chill factor of -5, not to be above freezing for a week. At least they won't have to worry about flooding like they did in Buffalo earlier this winter. Hopefully the 70 mph winds are keeping the snow from building up on the roofs.
Quote from: LAUDY57 on 2015-01-27 10:45
Ecode70, Are you south of Boston far enough to miss the worst of the storm? Watching the news with the high winds and quantity of snow is going to be tough going tonight.
Laudy57, Jim, Rich
I haven't been in touch very much and would only get a message out when I could..
We had three back to back to back blizzards one right after the other for the past two weeks. Most of that time I have been without internet, telephone, and TV. As of yesterday Feb 3 those services are partially restored. The snow was packed up over 5 feet at the front door. The back door still has not been dug out. The snow plows had my driveways plowed in so bad that a plow couldn't clear it. One night someone came by with a huge front loader and broke through from the street and cleared a path for 300' to the garage, then cleared the parking area at the shop and even dropped the blade behind our truck in front of the house and back pulled the snow making it easier to get out. Later I found out who that kind person was.
I hand dug a path through the 5' of snow from the front door to the truck. It's just the width of the shovel making it scary to walk through it. It ain't easy throwing snow up 5+ feet in the air by hand.
During this storm there were 33,000 + homes without power. Twelve to seventeen homes near the water in Scituate were completely destroyed and went into the ocean. Rich you should remember how the homes were near the water in Scituate. So now those families are in shelters.
Thank God we still have electricity so that means we have heat and water. As you may recall 2 years ago the snow took out our electricity for a week and I was using the wood stove for heat. After a few days when I ran out of water , I was able to get them filled at the shelter that was set up in the school.
So the weather liars just stated that we have another one coming.
Yesterday I did get down to the garage and put a battery charger on the 57. It's too cold in there to do any of my winter projects though.
Can't wait for Spring time to come. Thanks for asking. Jay
Best of luck to you Jay. I guess you must have had some food stored up to get through this, I hope things get better for you real soon. Those were some winds that were shown on the news reports!
You take it easy with that snow shoveling! Thanks for keeeping us posted....I don't envy you at all.
My brothers and sisters now understand why I live in AL!
Nice to have a job making big bucks and only be right half the time.
Weatherman is my new next career!
Jay, glad you and yours are "OK". My wife and I were talking about the storms up in the northeast the other day and realized that when we lose power and water for days because of a hurricane at least it is warm and our survival is not threatened by the cold. I can't imagine... If I ever move it will be further south!
It was -9 below here this morning,thank god we got 3 bush cords for the fireplace.
44 when I got up, partly cloudy, upper 50's for a high. Looking forward to low 70's this weekend. Hard to imagine the extremes across the country.
Guys... Thanks for all the letters of concern. We in Mass dodged the bullet. The weather liars (that's what Jim Hi ball and I call them) were talking out the side of their mouths yesterday when they were yapping about another big blizzard. We did get a dusting of snow. What a wonderful profession that is where they can say anything they want and still collect a pay check. Most people have actual real jobs.
On the 6:00 o'clock news this morning they are talking about temps in the single numbers .. They got it right this time and I'm thankful that I have a nice warm house.
Hang in there Jay, I'm glad you still have electricity and the liars were wrong. I'll try to package up some sun and get it shipped to you or it may take you months to thaw out. :003:
Put lots of insulation on it and send it Special Delivery. At some time today I'm planning on taking a drive out back to the shop to see my cars I will not stay there long enough to turn on the heater . Today I'm lighting up the wood stove in addition to the furnace. It's a nice feeling to sit in front of a fire and take a nap.
The weather liars just said that the snow went to Vermont. Jay
I just had a great weekend. I drove up to Colorado on Friday, left at 6 am. I stopped in at Jon's (Hogwagon) motorcycle shop and visited with him for a while. With an unusually warm weekend coming up, he was quite busy with the biker crowd, but took time to visit with me for a while. He and his wife bought some property a while back and he's been busy with that, so the '57 Ranchwagon has been put on the back burner for a while. At two, I met Al (57dohc) and his brother from Wisconsin at Al's friend Marty's place and got another tour of his collection. He's added a nice '55 Monterey to his collection since I saw him last, and has made some progress on a few custom projects...a '54 Mercury 2dr hardtop wagon and a '49 Mercury 4dr convertible! Saturday we all met up in Denver at the Tri-state swap meet. Perfect size for me...4 or 5 hours was plenty as my breathing isn't too great, especially in the thin air of Denver!
Friday night I got to spend 3 or 4 hours with an old friend I had lost contact with about 5 years ago...found her on Facebook. Later Friday night I took a drive up to Cripple Creek, my old stomping grounds when I lived in Colorado.
Round trip was about 1100 miles, used about 74. in my Subi and the low gas prices!
Sunday I got to work on the '57 a bit, finished up 3 or 4 small things so I could put the key in the ignition and see if the starter would engage. I spent most of Sunday night with a smile on my face. Today I'm going to put some gas in the tank, coolant in the radiator and see what happens.
Since you abandoned Massachusetts and slipped out of town I just want you so see what you are missing.
I don't know what a Subi is, but how will it work out in this weather? This is the street in front of my house this morning. At least it's nice and warm in the house. Honestly I can't blame you for leaving. Jay
Rich... Be sure and let us know how it goes. that is a huge moment, at least for me, in one of these builds. Turn the key, it starts and you know that the 70 + - wires it takes to run one of those engines are all hooked up right. always makes for a really good day. Good Luck
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2015-02-09 12:47
Since you abandoned Massachusetts and slipped out of town I just want you so see what you are missing.
I don't know what a Subi is, but how will it work out in this weather? This is the street in front of my house this morning. At least it's nice and warm in the house. Honestly I can't blame you for leaving. Jay
Jay I think you can legally qualify to convert to being Eskimo :003:
What I'm going through is a picnic compared to those poor people up there in Alaska. It's like they never have a nice day. If you notice they are even wearing coats in the summer.
Subi=Subaru. We had a foot of snow here a few weeks ago, my first chance to drive it in the snow. When I got home I told my wife we now had a snowmobile. It was better than my Jeep.
It's been in the high 60's here for a few days now, just loving it.
Tonight after dinner I'm going to try and start the engine. I spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out why my fuel pump wasn't working with the key in the run position. I found out a short while ago it wasn't suppose to!, or at least til the computer gets a signal from the engine that it's running. I found out the wire was getting power only with the starter cranking, but shut it off a few seconds after the key was released to the run position. Anyway, I bypassed the computer andI got the air out of the system, and fixed a leaky supply line (loose fitting). My wife wanted to be here when I started it anyway, so we'll have dinner, go buy a fire extinguisher, then come home and see if I can wake up the neighbors.
Well, I typed that above post late this afternoon but never hit the "post" button. Anyway....I got the engine to start kicked right over! YAHOOO!!! Now that's a milestone that took 10 years to reach! :burnout:
I'll post more in the engine install thread, but Jim's edit: Doug's(...sorry) post on the 70ish wires got me to wondering, so I counted them. I have 95 wires on my engine panel. That's not counting any of the engine wires for alternator, starter, etc on the chassis harness. One really good thing, the check engine light comes on when you turn the key to the on position as it should, like on the new cars, but it goes right out when the engine starts, which means it's not throwing any codes. YAHOOOO!!!
It's running a little rough when the idle rpms kick down, but I'm pretty sure that's because I've only got the downpipes on it back to the tranny mufflers. I think it needs the mufflers for backpreasure to keep the idle smooth.
Way to go Rich!!
"Now that's a milestone that took 10 years to reach! "
Rich... You have to feel real good about that. Now keep on going forward. I'm very happy for you. There is no way that I could ever figure my way through all those wires.
one of the best moments is that first fire off, you won't forget this day. congrats!
Zap- :unitedstates:
Well done sir!
I don't know, Jay..I have a friend from high school that retired from the Air Force in Alaska, married a pretty eskimo girl, and stayed there. This past autumn, he sent photos of them looking like they were in Hawaii, floral shirts shorts, and flip flops...He lives in Fairbanks. I imagine its plenty cold there now, though.
Quote from: JPotter57 on 2015-02-10 08:23
I don't know, Jay..I have a friend from high school that retired from the Air Force in Alaska, married a pretty eskimo girl, and stayed there. This past autumn, he sent photos of them looking like they were in Hawaii, floral shirts shorts, and flip flops...He lives in Fairbanks. I imagine its plenty cold there now, though.
James....That place is too cold for me. I have a niece that moved there and she likes it. Whenever they have to go someplace, they have to use a plane. That's what lots of people do up there. Remember TomS ? He lives in Anchorage. We don't hear from him much anymore, but I have been in contacted with him.
Rich that Subi sounds good especially if it goes through snow so nicely. I didn't do the math, but what did it figure out to for gas mileage? Now that your'e rolling don't stop working on your 57. Develop tunnel vision and don't get involved with those home projects. HAHAHA. Keep up the good work. Jay
I'm averaging about 29.5 mpg city and hiway. I'll tell my wife what you said about keeping away from the home projects..I have a feeling she won't be paying much attention though. Phoenix is coming up in a month, and after that it's back to the house stuff. She just spent a bunch on new furniture...maybe between that and our upcoming trip, she'll be too broke for house projects....I can always hope.
"maybe between that and our upcoming trip, she'll be too broke for house projects....I can always hope."
Wanna bet???? They have a way of making home projects and wouldjado's more important than.
" That old car out there" HAHAHA
Check out the "custom" Ranchero currently on Ebay. Quite creative, looks like a number of 57 Mercury parts.
OH no, is it back?......I don't want to look. eyes are still bleeding......
There is a ratty 57 wagon on EBay, looking in the background there are dozens of 57's...
Wow..wonder where that's you said, dozens of them.
won't be cheap that country squire trim and roof rack are both spendy by themselves.
ad says he has 165 57s, he's in Gettysburg, South Dakota
Zap- :unitedstates:
If you go to and click gallery start on picture #58 there is 60 pictures of this guys collection.
If he ONLY has 165 I'm surprised he is going to cut one loose :003:
Tail lights anyone?
I feel like I woke up in a bad dream... some guy has a hundred and sixty five '57s, Gettysburg is now in South Dakota, '57s now have 4 tail fins and morning coffee is at 4:00 PM??????
Quote from: lalessi1 on 2015-02-20 16:02
I feel like I woke up in a bad dream... some guy has a hundred and sixty five '57s, Gettysburg is now in South Dakota, '57s now have 4 tail fins and morning coffee is at 4:00 PM??????
Go back to sleep, everything will be allright in the morning. Oh, shoot, it IS morning.
I would have liked to have seen those tailights on the car. It may have actually been alot more subtle than it looks off the car, and for sure probably worked better that those Edsel tailights where the bottom fin just stuck out the outside with a filler piece added to the fender.
I wonder how he made those...ya can't weld that pot metal.
What is the story with those double fin tail light extensions? Could that be something for an Edsel or photoshop?
4 Fairlane housings, one hacksaw and some pot metal rod, i'd guess.
Tailgate Bumpers -Ranchero or Wagon
looks like i will have to bid on these.
I guess unless you live in Az or socal, your probably freezing your butt off. Been too cold here to get much work done in the garage.My wife got up for work yesterday morning, and I got up to clean snow and ice from her car. I looked outside and everything was covered with ice mentioned I wished she wouldn't drive(26 miles each way) Old age I guess, but for the first time ever, she said ok and called in. Later in the day there was a 40 car/truck pileup on I40 just outside of Amarillo. Not where she would have been, but there were other accidents on roads she would have been on.
That 40 car pileup was right in the area of the famed Caddilac Ranch...I know lots of you guys know where that is.
Well our week of winter is finally here, no ice but wet and cold. With the sucky weather I have been selling stuff on Ebay with pretty good results, my theory is that car guys shop when they can't do anything else....
I am in Phoenix right now. We were planning on coming out here in two weeks, but we unfortunately got a phone call Thursday night letting us know My wife's uncle passed away. We had two storms headed for Amarillo on Friday, so we hurriedly packed and got on the road. We left Amarillo about 8:30 with our fingers crossed on the was coming up from the sw, and the other from the nw. We had a chance of their being a clear corridor along I40. They were predicting 1/2 of snow for Alburquerque by midnight. Boy did they miss on that one. The normal less than 4 hour drive took 7 1/2 hours, then I40 was closed 20 miles west of Town, so we turned around and went back to I25 and headed south...a 180 mile additional detour. We hit black ice for 20 miles, the car right in front of me did a 360 just missing the guardrails. We finally got a motel room about 4:30 and got back on the road at 8:30. Fortunatly we had just about driven out of the storm area when we pulled over. It was clear sailing all the way south to Las Cruces and Phoenix.
I'll post more later.
I'm back...had to go rescue a necklace out of a sink drain.
We read on the internet this morning Alburquerque had over 450 collisions from the storm and was advising everyone to stay home as they could not respond to accidents..."your on your own if you venture out there" was the word from the city officials. One of Aunt Bobbie's daughters sat in a plane on a runway in Dallas for 8 hours due to the weather. Fortunatly everyone arrived safely and the relative'shouses here are all full.
Uncle Jack was 92 and still working full time for the government as well as running a 300 sq. mile ranch outside of Phoenix with his brother. He had a heart attack outside his office and died on the way to the hospital. I'm going to miss old Jack.
Jerry...if you're reading this, our plans to meet at the Pavilion in a few weeks will have to be put on hold til our next trip.
Sorry for your loss Rich. We were in Florence AZ seeing my folks over New Years week and had to time our return between two storms. I would have preferred to stay in AZ for the winter! Man, I am starting to hate snow!
Quote from: LAUDY57 on 2015-01-22 11:02
Pretty nice having a COVER CAR, eh?
great magazine and your car ist just a beauty, Don !
Canadian Hotrods also in Austria, Europe :003:
LOL! All the way to Austria. Thanks! HRD
Very cool Guenther!!!!!!!!!
anyone here into early Falcons? found some old Falcon club newsletters hate to trash them if interested let me know and will pass them on.
Zap- :unitedstates:
I've got a couple of car show buddys that might very well like to have some of those old news letters. If you send them out here, I'll reimburse you for the expense.
Bob, pm me your address and don't worry about postage they're pretty light.
Zap- :unitedstates:
OOPS, removed your message instead of mine. Darn computers, this idiot just isn't smart enough to outsmart the simplest things.
Quote from: 57AGIN on 2015-03-17 01:45
Darn computers, this idiot just isn't smart enough to outsmart the simplest things.
I prefer to blame to call it fat fingering, my 3 year old gran daughter constantly corrects me for name calling even if its self directed. Fat fingering gets by my little guardian angel.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Bob, they're headed your way, supposedly monday delivery
Did you guys/ladies watch American Pickers the other night? They bought a couple of 57 Custom 300s. $5000.00 for both.....running! Pretty nice shape!
Darned I missed it. I will try to record a rerun!!! Thanks.
I received the Falcon Club newsletters. Thank you, they are going to a new home later today.
good to hear, and you're welcome.
Zap- :unitedstates:
I have a guy coming to the house tommorrow to help me get my windshield installed. Yahoo!
I sure hope it's a no problem project. Tom has done many before, and just retired last month. Once that is done, I can finish up the interior dash/garnish rails stuff.
I'm not ready for the back glass install yet, and it's not holding anything up anyway.
Rich I know that you guys know what you're doing, but make sure that you attach the stainless into the rubber before installing the windshield. Once the windshield and rubber are in place on the car, it's too late to install the stainless. This does not apply to the two lower corner pieces.
Thanks for double checking, Jay, but it's ready to go in...has been for a year or two. The seal has been installed on the glass with sealer and all the stainless is on except the two corner piecs as you mentioned. I had bought a few tubes of sealant a few years back that went bad, so I found out yesterday when checking it, bought some fresh 3M butyl sealant this morning. I know some guys put them in without sealant, but even though I'm not planning on having it out in bad weather, you never know. And I may want to wet wash it occasionally.
I probably could put the back window in as well, but I've never taken the glass out of the box and I want to have the seal sit on the glass for a few weeks anyways.
Today I'm cleaning the clutter out of the area so we won't be tripping over anything tommorrow. I'm also going to tape down some paper on the dash in case this gets messy.
I guess that it's OK to use sealer. I just use soapy water and it also helps to pull the rope out of the groove and set the rubber onto the windshield lip.
Never had one leak and have had them out in the rain. Just take your time and don't use any force. The rope will pull it right into place. You will do just fine. Sorry that I couldn't be there to help you.
Oh ... There is one more thing that I do. I set the whole thing on the car in place and shift the windshield left and right to center it. When I get it centered, I put a piece of masking tape from the glass over the rubber and onto the car body then cut it at the seam. When you are doing the actual installation , just line up the tape. I usually work alone and this always works for me.
I hope that your headliner is already in place before installing the windshield.
I'll have to make a decision in the next hour or two on whether to use the sealer or not. I got looking at the seal and realized that if everything is fitting correctly (that's a big if), the seal actually seals against the flat area perpendicular to the flange, not the actual flange as I had originally thought. Sure would be alot cleaner without the butyl sealer.
In my opinion it's not a big deal if you use the sealer or not. Some may agree some may disagree.
Is your headliner already installed? I hope that it is. I always do the headliner first because it is supposed to be pulled tightly and glued around that upper lip where the the windshield rubber attaches. Then the windshield rubber goes around the whole thing keeping everything nice and snug. This helps to avoid headliner droop. When most people bring a car in to have a headliner installed, the installer just tucks it into the upper rubber piece. Jay
PS. One more thing,this applies to the back glass also.
My headliner is installed, but is not wrapped around the windshield flange. There are tack strips inside close to the windshield. The back window is done as you described though. The windshield has garnish rails around it, the back window doesn't
Anyway...not a good day. I don't know where I got the info to glue(sealant) the seal to the window, could have sworn I read it on the factory installation info. That was a major mistake. We didn't have enough movement with it attached to the windshield, and in fact the seal actually started splitting apart. Back to square one...I need to reorder a new seal and start over again.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2015-03-24 12:03
Anyway...not a good day. and in fact the seal actually started splitting apart. Back to square one...I need to reorder a new seal and start over again.
Rich. I always bought my 57-58 windshield seals from Carpenter. It's is a real bummer that your seal is starting to split. Who knows what those off shore companies are putting into the stuff that they call rubber these days and they ain't cheap. Hope that your friend didn't have to travel far to get there. Mine has garnish on the front and none on the back also. You are correct You're not having a good day. Go back in the house and take a good nap. Then you'll feel better. Jay
Rich, was your windshield from Carpenters? Lots of chatter over on the HAMB about how crappy their windshield rubber has become. Unfortunately most of the other suppliers sell them also. Be sure and ask where they were made if India or China think twice whatever they're using is not worth the time to order. Maybe check with Steele if they're still making rubber products.
Zap- :unitedstates:
just checked with Steele Rubber Products and they do not list a 57 specific windshield rubber gasket, lots of different extrusions which would mean picking the right one and cutting to fit.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Thats too bad Rich. We all seem to do the "one step forward and two steps back dance" on many of our projects. A lot of people are complaining about Carpenters stuff on the truck forums. Some people stated that since his son/sons took over they only care about $$ and not quality..
If you go to Carpenter's website, they have a big article on the windshield and door seals being made "here in NC"(I guess that could also mean Steele Rubber, as someone reported they make parts for each other, and they're in the same area. I bought mine from Carpenter's early on in my restoration project, so it's probably 8 or so years old and sat in my hot/cold workshop that long. I honestly don't think I would have had a problem with it had I not set it on the windshield a few years back with sealant. What was splitting, or tearing was the outside portion that is inboard from the stainless, and it's hollow, so thin walled. I'll chaulk this one up to my fault.
It could have been worse...I don't want to break that glass.
Got to agree with the shaky quality on Carpenter seals. a few years back i took a carpenter rear glass seal for a 63 1/2 Galaxie to a local glass shop. They installed the back glass and wouldn't take any money for doing the job. They said the gasket was so poorly made that they didn't want to guarantee it wouldn't leak. I tried explaining to them that I brought the gasket in and could see no reason why they shouldn't be paid but he stood firm. At the same time he was having no luck trying to sell a motorcycle so I got busy and found a buyer and we decided that made us even. I have to buy both front and rear for my car and am going to try hard to find an option to Carpenter
Well, after taking a lOOOng coffee break, I went out and starting pulling the ss trim and seal off the windshield. With a better light over my workbench, I could see that the seal was not damaged at was the seal seperating from the sealant. Also, the seal is not hollow in that area...once again just the sealant. When I first saw it on the car, I pointed it out to my friend Tom and he was in full aggreement that the seal needed to be replaced. I guess two pair of old eyes aren't any better than one, LOL. I'm going to call first thing in the morning and see if I can cancel the new one I orderd from DC. At least I was taking the blame for what I thought was a problem.
It was bothering me where I had gotten the information to put the sealant between the glass and the seal, so I went out and reread the original Ford instalation guide, and there it was. I just hadn't read far enough yesterday. I'm now thinking the difference is the windshield is installed before the sealant sets up so you can still move things around. Also I have no idea what type of sealant the 50 year old guide is referencing. The new sealant I had gotten is a butyl, which the glass guy says never really gets hard, so I'm not sure what to do now. I'm also concerned with the windshield I got years ago. It's an inch narrower on the height that the opening. Flange to flange, my car is at 17 at the center. The windshield is at 16. Does anyone know if this is correct?
update: I called the guys at AutoCityClassic even though that's not where I got the windshield. He is going to call his warehouse and have them measure their in stock windshields and call me back. Another example of their great customer service. I did get my back glass, gas tank, and radiator from them.
Well, aparently when I bought my windshield years ago, they sent me the wrong one. Auto City Classic called back and said the Custom windshields are 17-171/8, and the fairlanes are 16..which is what mine measures. Obviously too long to call and complain to the supplier. The good news is, Auto City Classic will be doing the Pate swap meet April 30, so I can get it delivered there no charge.
Now you have to find someone who is looking for a new Fairlane windshield.
Good thing that you just happened to pull your windshield today. Now let me ask you this question. With the way that you are working on your 57, how are you finding time to work on customer cars?
I posted for sale a rear seal for a Fairlane. I bought all my seals and rubbers as a kit over 7 years ago and when it came time to install my glass I found out they sent me the wrong one. Problem is they are no longer in business and I have the seal in my basement collecting dust. My car is a Custom and they sent me one for a Fairlanel. Anyway its older and probably not made in China, if someone could use it for the cost of shipping and 20 bucks! It may or may not be a good deal. I have it if you need it. HRD's one of the risks we take trying to buy all the stuff we're going to need before we need it. Especially when we don't take enough time to thoroughly check what was sent. A necessary evil though, If you don't buy it ahead of time it won't be available when you need it.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2015-03-25 11:59
Good thing that you just happened to pull your windshield today. Now let me ask you this question. With the way that you are working on your 57, how are you finding time to work on customer cars?
Jay, a
really smart guy once told me to work on my own car in the morning and get back to the customers' cars later. :002:
IT WORKS ! ( although confessing it is more than 2 hours as you suggested ! glad to have your clever advice anyways.) I have been studying this car so much, that usually a lot gets done in a few hours.
Rich as if you haven't received enough grief with your windshield. I must advise you that I bought my windshield for the unibody from classic city and it fit so poorly that it took two glass shops to get enough sealer in it to get it to quit leaking. Fortunately, the thing cracked and a local glass shop got a good windshield but that was for a 61 not a 57. If you buy from them, and I am not sure your going to have many options, I would suggest checking it closely as soon as you get it.
I will probably have a go at the back window pretty quickly. I got that from auto city a few years ago. Thanks for the head's up. As you said, our affordable sources are drying up, and it's no telling anymore where they are being made.
Ya know, I think i Would almost rather restore a Chevrolet than remodel a bathroom. I am about to tear my hair out seems like everything you take out has some little surprise under it. been at it a week and I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel. Need to get back on the car. We have the steel tail light housings all welded on and rocker panels repairs made so there is a fair amount of grinding to do to get those areas ready for body work..Maybe by the middle of next week
"Brand names" just kills me what is hapening in today's markets. The sepentine belt on my 4.6 was chirping a bit, so I figured I'd replace it before I stuck the front sheetmetal on. Got on ebay and looked...saw several names I didn't recognize, but did see Goodyear. Can't go wrong with them, right? The package came today. Goodyear Gatorback package. Goodyear logo on the belt. Then I read the fine print on the package..."goodyear and gatorback trademarks and logos leased to ####Technologies (can't rememberthe mfg. name). Made in Mexico."
The made somewhere else I was expecting...the fact they just rent out their name to a company none of us would recognize threw me...what the heck???
WOW!! When you can't even trust brand names for decent quality, we are really screwed. Why on earth would Goodyear want to put their reputation at risk? That is all a company has to sell and when that is gone, they might as well start ruining off the lights.
Quote from: 57 imposter on 2015-03-28 11:23
Why on earth would Goodyear want to put their reputation at risk?
All about the almighty DOLLAR and while someone else does all the work you make a few of those ,without doing anything, and use those to buy out and then shut out your competition.
Now where the problems start is when that supply line also starts getting greedy. They're busting their butts to make profit getting paid say $10 a piece and start thinking well my customer makes money doing nothing so why can't we do the same. So off it goes offloaded to someone else who now gets paid $8 a piece. Soon he gets greedy or behind on all his other customers and all or part of it goes off to another guy who is even hungrier and needs the work.
Now, the first guy probably went thru a certification process with his customer making sure everything was built per their specs. And he guarantees the product to his customer but every one else just builds and delivers to whoever they build for and they pass it up the now uncertified supply chain. And he smiles for awhile until rejection rates go thru the roof and the customer finds himself another supplier. And the cycle starts all over again.
This scenario plays out constantly in the world of outsourcing. Whether here or offshore. And GREED is king and drives those decisions. Reputations are gambled daily as there is little thinking about next week its all about todays' report to my boss.
Zap- :unitedstates:
A lot of the things once made here have moved and it's not always the greedy $$ that are the reason. Many times we ( as in Government ) just regulate ourselves out of doing business
Last three Intersate batteries I've bought were made in Mexico.
A lot of parts on new Fords are made in Mexico.
GM pickups are all made in Mexico.
I've bought many after market parts made in Mexico and have had good luck so far. I think the companies that have things manufactured there keep a lot closer eye and control on quality then stuff made off shore.
I've have boycotted Hershey Chocolate ever since they went to Mexico, I won't give them a break :003:
Very true...I just thought my Goodyear belt thing brought up a different scenerio than what we had been experiencing with big brands made in other countries. I figured most of them still had something to do with the mfg. process. Maybe even some still have something to do with quality control somewhere along the line. I was just surprised to see a statement that might as well just have been worded..."Goodyear has nothing to do with the enclosed part"
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2015-03-28 13:12
A lot of the things once made here have moved and it's not always the greedy $$ that are the reason. Many times we ( as in Government ) just regulate ourselves out of doing business
Last three Intersate batteries I've bought were made in Mexico.
A lot of parts on new Fords are made in Mexico.
GM pickups are all made in Mexico.
I've bought many after market parts made in Mexico and have had good luck so far. I think the companies that have things manufactured there keep a lot closer eye and control on quality then stuff made off shore.
I've have boycotted Hershey Chocolate ever since they went to Mexico, I won't give them a break :003:
Agreed Jim
The Hershey plant in a town in Ontario(63-08) left for Mexico because of cheaper labour, now the planet grows Medical Dope.
Our beloved Tim Hortons was bought out by Burger King--- nation wide and on the day of the sale--40% of the staff were "escorted out"
Burger King can suck it!
Locally we avoid the Timmy Ho's and get our coffee at the small independent shops.
Save up for a coffee pot Jeff, you'll save lots of money.
good to see you back Rich
Zap- :unitedstates:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2015-03-30 19:17
Save up for a coffee pot Jeff, you'll save lots of money.
Done and Done Rich.
Well, the season of not getting much done because "there's a game on" is finally upon us...yeah!! I love my baseball games. As hard as it's been to stay a Rockies fan all these past years, I still love them. Love the fact they just started the season off with a 3 game sweep on a road series! pretty cool after only winning 21 road games all last year.
We've all had one - that annoying rattle that drives you nuts and you cannot locate! All last year I was bugged by an intermittent one and just recently I was under the car and my shoulder brushed against that little U-bracket on the back side of an A-arm and I heard a small sound. The bracket doesn't go all the way down to the bottom A-arm edge and I could slightly move something inside. Must be a rock!
When I lowered the car I went from the top with a screwdriver and sure enough something was down there, flat black like everything else, couldn't tell it was anything from above. I tapped the screwdriver with a hammer and presto!, the thing turned to powder! It was a compacted piece of dirt, rust and pebbles and because of the vibration of the suspension it had its edges kept loose inside the bracket.
Nice warm day today, took a ride and no more crappy rattle! I had been sure it was a rotor shield loose or something and could never find it!
what I would have to do to put a 351-C in my 57-300 custom...with a C-4 tranny ? thank you
Hey Rich, Welcome to the forum. If you go to the Engine Swap area in the Technical Section and search 351C it will give you a lot of info.
Rich Christian, you can use 65-66 Mustang 289 mounts with spacers, or 67-72 Ford F100 302 mounts, or do like I did. I made custom solid mounts and a solid trans mount for mine. Headers are easy, get 2v or 4v headers for 351C in 70 Mustang. I used Patriot Headers in mine, nice 1 3/4 tubes with 3 inch collector.
I currently have a 351C, big solid cam, X-celerator intake, etc, with a C6. I already have a bigger solid roller cam, Holley Strip Dominator intake and C4 trans which will go in later. I have also been researching 377/383 stroker kits, which I am very interested in. I want to get it going with what is in it now, for a bit of a baseline. My ultimate goal is to take it to Hot Rod Drag Week, and go high 10s or low 11s with it. That is the plan anyway. I would really like to do it with a manual trans, just have to see how much it will cost me to get my toploader faceplated.
Went to the Oklahoma City NSRA show on Friday. First time I had been to that one. Great show, short on 50's Fords as usual. There was a solid looking Ranchwagon there for sale.
I got to talking to the guy that owns the '37 Studebaker in the next pic. He was there with his brother who had a gorgeous 55 Ford pickup. They both drove down from the Kansas City area. Anyway, turns out he is a bigtime '57 Ford guy and has 4 of them. Also turns out he has a salvage yard N of KC, and has both old and new stuff. I took a pic of his hat because he forgot to bring business cards with him. He may be joining the forum.
I have more pics of the Ranchwagon if anybody's looking for a car.
The owner of the Edsel/Ranchero wasn't there, but from what I could gather, this one is different from others we've seen in that I believe it actually started life as an Edsel. He had a '58 Edsel wagon next to it, and both cars had Esel Club stickers/memberships on them. The show entry form was filled out as '58 Edsel.
The green and white wagon is from Kansas. I saw it in Colorado last year. Gorgeous car.
Rich, that inca gold/colonial white wagon. is that original paint on the roof or is custom faded patina on purpose ? I would like to see some more pics of it. the overdrive 6 would make it a great milage maker !
Günter... It's a funny thing, I was looking at that same picture and thinking about what you have to go through on your 57 wagon roof. I totally missed the patina on the roof and had to go back and take another look.
Rich... you did good in searching out some 57's for us to drool over. I can't figure out how that one started life as an Edsel though. Did they actually make an Edsel Ranchero?
The owner of the Ranchero was not there so I couldn't get much info on it. Good eye, Gunther. An educated guess is it was a good job of making it look like an old paint job. I would have liked to been able to look in the jambs and tailgate area.
Jay..I've seen a number of Rancheros with Edsel front sheetmetal. This one had the edsel tailights, edsel dash, etc. My guess is it was an Edsel wagon that was transformed using a Ranchero roof and bed.
Rich all that Edsel stuff bolts onto the 57/58 Ford Ranchero. The wagons in the Edsel line were the same body as the Fords, just added the lower fin (bolt on piece) and trim and it is good to go....
And all that bolt on stuff might have been exactly what he did. Only way to know for sure would have been the vin plate. Bolting on stuff sure would have been a whole lot easier than transforming a wagon, but the owner would sure like to have you believe it IS an Edsel.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2015-04-13 07:57
, but the owner would sure like to have you believe it IS an Edsel.
I go along with what you just stated. He would like to have you believe it is an Edsel.
To make the conversion totally accurate you would need the Roundup side moldings. Good luck finding those as they made less than 1000 Edsel 2 door wagons.
Now you have aroused my curiosity, what does the roundup side moldings look like? Jay
And for any of you guys that would like to attempt a Ford/Edsel marriage there's a guy in my area that parts out Edsels on a regular basis ( Craig )
Not sure if the wagon moldings are really necessary Ranchero side molding I believe different from the 2 dr wagon molding. May be wrong on that please correct me if so.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Just happens he had one parked right beside the "Ranchero"
thanx for posting the inca gold wagon pics, Rich. it looks gorgeous. maybe I am pessimistic. but if the owner decided to artificially age the roof, I most probably know what he is trying to hide... had to put filler on the r..... drip rails....damn.... :(
The Edsels look hot !
Man, I'd love to have an Edesl Roundup.I had a 58 Villager for a while and was wanting a Roundup but they just never come up for sale.
Last one I saw for sale was on craigslist Las Vegas last year sometime, the guy was asking 8k and it was pretty rusty and rough looking.
I always thought the Ranchero and Ranch wagon shared the same side trim.
Looks like a great show!
Quote from: rmk57 on 2015-04-13 17:21
I always thought the Ranchero and Ranch wagon shared the same side trim.
They do....depending on model....
It was a good show with great weather. Cars were still coming in steadily when I left about 3. Would have stayed longer, but 6 hours gets me to the point I get so tired I don't enjoy it anymore. Not a one 4.6 dohc to be seen, which I was really hoping to find so I could posibly listen to whatever exhaust system they had.
One really cool thing I had never seen at a show before. When I arrived there was a large group of 100 or so gathered inside the gate. It turned out to be several bus loads of kids from a OC automotive tech school. It was really neat to watch those kids get so excited over the cars they were pouring over. Their eyes were really lighting up. Kudos to the school for doing that. Ha...I think the local Toyota, Ford, etc. dealerships lost some potential graduate hires that day.
I'd like to put in a big thank you out loud for Clayton Bauer. My good friend Allan was at the Portland Swap Meet, and came upon his booth. He called me to say there was a bunch of 57 Ford parts for sale, and asked if I needed anything. Well, I didn't really need anything that I could think of, but then he sent me a photo of a row of a dozen or more front fenders in really nice shape. I told Allan to ask how much for a right front fender. He came back and said the asking price was ten bucks. Couldn't believe it. I just got it home here today, and a big big thank you Clayton. Now I don't have to make my right front fender out of three pieces, just put the one patch in that they all need in the lower back end of the fender. Saves me a lot of work.
I wouldn't put a bet on that Edselero starting life as an Edsel! My Buddy's dad ran an Edsel museum out of Muskogee, OK back in the day. They had Edsel everything Ambulances, herses all kinds of conversions that started life as Fords but were so well done you could not tell it wasn't factory.
Form the Rockabilly Temptation,
I'd like to go camping in this!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2015-04-13 07:57
And all that bolt on stuff might have been exactly what he did. Only way to know for sure would have been the vin plate. Bolting on stuff sure would have been a whole lot easier than transforming a wagon, but the owner would sure like to have you believe it IS an Edsel.
Rich, did you happen to notice if the cars dashboard was switched to the Edsel piece or left with the Ford dash? That touch would add to the ''fool you'' factor. Always loved the '58 horse collar Edsel grille but the front bumpers IMHO are a bit heavy and would look better with a couple inch section taken out of the middle.
It had the Edsel dash.
I have a perfect Edsel dash that keeps getting stared at and am thinking of grafting the bottom left hand side of a 57 dash to and putting it in my 57. I just love that Edsel speedometer and the 4 individual gauges.
Zap- :unitedstates:
climbed over 30,000 views this!
Hmmm...typed a long post and it disappeared when I hit the post button...we'll try again.
I got to meet Thor from Kansas last month at my house in Amarillo, and last weekend I got to meet two more forum members at the Pate swap meet in Fort Worth. John/KYBlueoval came in from, you guessed it, Kentucky. We met briefly for a handshake and a little '57 talk. John is from the DFW area originally, and has family there he was staying with. Nice to put a face with a name.
Larry/AcrylicMan came up from Houston, and also has family in the FW area. Larry was picking up some '57 parts from me, so we arranged to meet before the swap meet on the speedway grounds away from all the in going traffic. We spent an enjoyable good 1/2 hour talking '57's and stuff, and planned on meeting around lunch time inside the swap meet. the time I called Larry, he was already home napping. Funny. I'd probably have done the same if I was able to go back the next day as he was. I'm doing a seperate post on something Larry gave me that is REALLY cool.
Saw an article on the internet this morning about the current woes of Lumber Liquidators. I've never been in or bought from a LL store, so I've got no grudges, but I'm just tickled to death at the reason for their problems......CHINESE CRAP! The article talked about LL pulling all the inventory from the stores because of formalgahyde content, and that inventory is approximatly 20 million dollars that they're gonna get stuck with.
Point of my bringing this up....maybe there will come a point in time where the suppliers are as fed up with Chinese Crap as we consumers. As far as I'm concerned, this flood of Chinese products has set us back 30 or 40 years from a consumer product quality standpoint, as well as all the other problems created.
A thought to ponder......I hope the car parts suppliers take note of LL's problems, but at the same time I wonder why a business like LL takes that 20M hit, when our suppliers just say "that's all that's available". I guess the answer is is in the fact that we balk at paying 120. for something like a usa made ball joint.
I may be off base here as I'm not a wood working person but I seem to remember an issue with formalgahyde being used in the glue or what ever that bonds the layers of plywood together. I remember warnings about burning plywood in the fireplace. Is that the problem and do US manufacturers still use it? I'm not even sure if there are any US manufacturers anymore or they all just buy it from the Chinese? From what I have been told from a friend in the northwest is the Chinese buy or raw material and have large ships set up as mills, both off shore and docked that make the lumber and sell it right back to us.
I think the problem is plywoods using formalgahyde will leach off the vapors for years. I remember back in the 60's looking at prefabbed modile homes, and when you were inside your eyes would start burning in a matter of minutes. I think about that time they stopped using formalgahyde in US production. That's the kind of thing I was talking about when I said this Chinese crap is setting us back 30 or 40 years. All the gains we've made over the years in consumer protection/product improvement are falling by the wayside quickly. Plastics that won't stand up to time are another example. I recall a while back there was another problem with Chinese building materials in the way of drywall. They found that whatever it was they were using was eating thru electrical wiring insulation!!
That disappeared from the scene pretty quickly.
Don't know if they are rare or not, but there is a 57 Ford power brake unit for sale in Hamilton Ontario on
Not sure if this should be posted elsewhere, but hopefully that link or a search will yield results if anyone is looking for one of these units that run off the pedal. Appears to be complete with brake pedal and all. No price in ad.
john..gonna give that hamiltonian a call?.
Nope. I don't need it. Just thought you might, or someone else that might be close. Or even someone else that might not be close.
I picked up a few hand tools the other day and this tool was in the box. It's made by K-D Mfg and turning the red handle turns a flexible shaft inside the flex tube which turns a threaded plunger inside the end tube.
I've never seen one and can't find pics on the web, anybody know?
Today the postman came and delivered something that wasn't a bill or some pointless junk mail:
So that's this evening sorted! It's amazing to think that back in the 50's it was common for folks to drive a brand new car out of the showroom to a custom shop and have it chopped/channeled/repainted etc, etc.....
LOL...your postman is as slow as ours. Your July 1957 issue, finally arrived.
Had a neat little road trip last Thurs/Fri, btw. Left about 10am, drove to Taos, looked around there for a bit and headed up to Red River. Beatiful little resort town! Had dinner and drove back to Taos where I listened to a concert in the Taos Square for a few hours then headed for the local casino for a short time. I woke up the next morning about 4:30, so I headed down to Santa Fe where I had breakfast and drove around the Downtown Art center for a while...Love the Santa Fe architecture and narrow winding streets. Headed home and had lunch with the wife at noon!...about 700 miles round trip.
Thought for the day.....Junk mail has a purpose! It lets you know the mailman in fact was there!
When my wife and I first started talking about retirement we visited Santa Fe and Taos. Both of us fell in love with the area and started looking at property. For me it just had an immediate appeal that felt like I finally had found home. Weird to describe that feeling but it was there. Then my daughter started having babies and that was it. No way, no how was my wife moving away. No regrets on my part now as those 3 girls have been a great blessing for all of us. But there are days when I would love to just pull out of the driveway and head up that winding road up to Angelfire. Every veteran should gift himself a ride to the top and visit the memorial there I highly recommend it. Rich one day I hope to tag along with you on one of your lets see where the road takes me today roadtrips.
ZapAto - :unitedstates:
I've only been to Santa Fe once, stopped for two days on the way to Ghost Ranch and Chama. The wife likes the artsy stuff and there is no end to it, just way over our budget :003: Found a nice swap meet just a little north. Great food everywhere we went and the best lightning and thunderstorm I had ever seen, non stop for 6 hrs...
Santa Fe during Indian Market week is just insane. I think it's coming up pretty soon. If your a big bucks art collector, you want to be there the first day. Almost everything with a 20K price or higher will be sold on that first day. There are some incredibly talented Indian artists and sculptors that show in Santa Fe and Taos. My favorite artist (not Indian) is Steve Hanks, and he is based out of Santa Fe. All I could ever afford, even when I had my art galleries, were some of his limited edition prints. Last time I checked on some of the prints I have unframed in a storage box in the shed, I had 3 or 4 of his that had gotten up into the 1800. + range. That box has been collecting dust for the past 10 years...gotta do something with it one of these days.
Rich, just had to check out Steve Hanks his work is incredible. Did you know he passed away a few weeks ago? Do him right and get those prints framed and hung up to enjoy.
ZapAto- :unitedstates:
We were there for Indian Art week years ago and it was incredible, wallet took a pretty big hit.
Got a houseful of framed Hanks stuff now, and probably a dozen or so more in storage. No, I didn't know he had passed. That's very sad to hear. He was amazingly talented. It's hard to believe the medium he used was watercolors given the detail in his paintings.
according to his website he was fighting cancer for years, passed on April 21st.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Rich.... In the old days when we went to the movies, they showed two films with cartoons and newsreels during intermission. A few days ago I saw an old 1940's newsreel on the TV about a blacksmith who drove a real cool old vehicle (car/truck) that was shaped like a ranchero. It also had a camper on it. Would you or someone allow me to email the pictures of this vehicle to them and post them with this message. The front of it kinda looks like an early 40's Lincoln. I would really like to know what it is. Thanks Jay
anytime Jay. I'd like to see the pics anyway, lol
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2015-06-15 18:33
anytime Jay. I'd like to see the pics anyway, lol
The pictures have been sent to your email.
Thank you very much . Jay
I posted them in the "off-topic" section. The more I look at them, the more I'm thinking Willys. If we can't get an answer here, I'll post it on the Hamb.
Thanks for posting the pictures for me. They are from a 1940's news film about a blacksmith. The
word blacksmith is on the front of his building. Jay
I don't want to sound ungrateful for the excellent service offered by American parts suppliers, to date it's always been faultless. A few weeks back I realised I didn't have the F-O-R-D letters for the front panel on the Ranchero (just under the hood) so promptly ordered a set from Macs. Not cheap at $50, but the surprise was shipping, $28 for posting four small chrome letters? I contacted them and was assured it was correct, so I ordered them. Last week I got notification from our Customs & Excise telling me they were in the country but I needed to pay $22 charges (import tax and handling fees) to have them released. These charges are not only based on the product cost, BUT also include the amount I paid for shipping.
Today they turned up, here they are. Four small letters sent in a 12" x 7" x 6" box, total weight 5lbs!!!!! The letters fit fine, but talk about overkill on packaging!!!!
That's gotta be really upsetting....sounds like over kill all the way around. There have been lots of negatives posted about Macs since they were bought by Ecklers, and shipping charges being one of the complaints. 22 for customs on a 50. part seems ridiculous, as does adding the shipping costs in when calculating the customs.
The annoying thing is Rich that I just KNOW I'll find the original one's next week!!!!!!
Can't believe I took so long to post this...especially after Alvin Stadel did a post last week "made another new friend from this forum"...that should have been the title of a thread I did for that weekend. I went up to Colorado Springs for the NSRA show in Pueblo, and before I left I got a message from a new member from Colorado Springs. Les/fdlrc is a fireman in the Springs and bought an outstanding 2dr Custom 300 last year. I met Les and his beautiful wife Kelly at their home Thursday evening and spent about 3 hours there enjoying their company...and of course alot of '57 Ford talk. Kelly is a Texan from Lubbock, not too far from Amarillo, and they come down thru here frequently to visit her Dad, so hopefully in the near future I'll get to spend some time with them again. One of the really cool things I thoroughly enjoyed was a ride to the ice cream shop in Les' '57!! First time I had been in a moving '57 in over 10 years. Les had 3 or 4 people shout out "nice car!!"....usually followed up with "what is it? lol
I was impressed with how well the six with three on the tree rode...reminded me of mine way back when (a daily driver, also in Colorado Springs). Les is retiring later this year and is lining up projects for the car...He's got a gorgeous Ford Racing 302 crate motor and 5 speed sitting in his garage waiting for his retirement days. It's all decked out with a polished pulley system and lots of shiney stuff. Of course a few pics....(I'm the short one)
For that package to be 5lbs you would have to glue 4lbs to it!
Carpenter ships under $50 buys for $5.+ overseas duty.
They got the weight up by stuffing the box with advertising leaflets and that crumpled up brown paper packaging to bulk it out. On the plus side the hood letters fitted really well and the front end now looks "complete".
It's great to get that last shiny new piece installed.
Look at the size of that box. They certainly are not trying to make friends by charging $28 to ship four small letters. That's the reason I don't order anything from them anymore.
Then the import tax is the frosting on the cake.
It's good that at least you are happy with the pieces.
I just placed an order to Speedway for something and when the nice lady stated "the shipping was free", "I told her That's the reason you keep getting my business."
In hindsight I should have made a shopping list and had a vacation in the US, ensuring I took a spare empty suitcase!!!!
This thread has been dead for a few a different topic...FLYS!! We've had a big problem with flys the past few years in least the farm stores stocked up this year..last year it was a driving-all-over-town search to find fly sticks. Anyway, I also use the hanging bags with the smelly attractant added that you have to keep 25 feet from the house cause it stinks so bad (cow urine..10 bucks for a few ounces...those guys must be laughing all the way to the bank!!) Last night I found the perfect attractant that doesn't stink. I was out painting the trim on the new back deck last night, and had a big glass of orange juice. I set the glass down after finishing it, and noticed 10 minutes later there were 20 or so flys in the empty glass...YUK!!
This morning I put a new fly stick out and dribbled some orange juice in the container. a half hour later the stick was almost full...hundreds of flys stuck to it.
Talk about off topic!
Flys and ants, I have killed millions and they just keep on coming :003:
There is a curious tradition in south Louisiana. One hangs clear plastic bags filled with a gallon or so of water and a penny around your food. This as the story goes repels flys because it distorts their vision. Anybody else ever see this? :003:
weird...ever try it?
Never tried it, but the people that do it, swear by it.... I Googled it and was suprised to find this....
I will swear by it, we do a big summer party (pig roast) food is set in garage on tables few ziplock bags hanging on door frames and not a fly enters the place. a few pieces of sacrificial pork left outside away from the party helps keep the hornets busy and away from the crowd.
Zap- :unitedstates:
LOL....Guess I'm gonna have to try it.
Well it is 79 at 7:00 am with a dew point of 76 degrees. The predicted high is supposed to be in the upper 90's for the 34+ day in a row..... So I finally bought a window AC for my shop last week! All I can say is WHAT HAVE I BEEN THINKING ALL THIS TIME!!!!! My shop is small 10 x 20 but with a 10,000 BTU AC it is a little slice of paradise. My current project is building a 462 FE engine, should be good to go to the dyno in a couple of weeks.
Yep, that and some insulation under the metal roof when I reroofed a few years ago made all the difference in the world. See the wall behind the, if I only had some concrete over the dirt floor.
Saw that picture earlier today over on the HAMB the wheel looks great. Almost ready for a shakedown drive.
ZapAto - :unitedstates:
Posted pics earlier here..but in the oem wheel widths thread, so not too many are probably gonna see them. What little work I've been doingon the '57 has been getting the front end sheetmetal ready for repaint, so not too much done in the way of more assembly. Everything is ready for paint though.
Looking forward to this weekend. It's the Taos Autumn Run. Just checked the weather...0% chance of rain and a high of 82.....perfect. I talked the wife into coming along with me on this one...first time for a car show together. It's a fairly small show, so she won't be bored out of her mind, and it's in a nice park just north of the Taos square. Only downside to her permitting, I normally just bring a sleeping bag and find a nice spot to park the't gonna work for her....$145. room. I like the room idea too, I'm just too cheap to spend the bucks for just me. All the motels within walking distance of the Taos Square were booked reservations at a lodge a few miles south of town.
I'm hoping the guy I met last year (Garcia..can't remember his first name) with the retrac will be there. He joined the forum but only did one post.
Sagebrush Inn is a nice place to stay south of town. Free live music.
Taos and Santa Fe are 2 of my favorite places in the world, add a car show and its just as perfect as one can hope for. Wish they were day trip distance for me.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Sagebrush is actually where we have reservations.
Sandiaman...I was wondering about your tag....any tie-in to the Sandia area around Alburquerque?
Zap....too bad you hadn't rescheduled your Texas/NM trip for this week...we could have had a nice day in Taos!
Yes I live in Tijeras. East Mountains of the Sandias.I know Taos well. Your probably talking about the park in Taos as Kit Carson Park. If you like good beer get to the Taos Mesa Grill on 64 on the way to the Gorge. Saturday night in Taos is a fun time.
0% chance of rain , I'd take that bet just about any day. I tracked Santa Fe and Taos weather for over a year and when it did rain it was often unmeasurable. Sun screen a wide brim hat and good to go. I always side trip to Angelfire when in the area, very healing time up there.
Zap- :unitedstates:
I have been to that Memorial in Angelfire and it is a solemn place.
Quote from: Sandiaman on 2015-08-19 21:15
I have been to that Memorial in Angelfire and it is a solemn place.
helped me a lot, one of the few times in my life when I had to just sit down and cry. found a level of peace that cannot be explained. highly recommend a visit there for any combat vet.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Got back from Taos last night. We had a great trip...except for the car show....there wasn't one!!!
Aparently a late cancellation, and according to the lady at the visitors center, some ticked off people who drove show cars in from all over not knowing the show was cancelled...including one guy who drove two cars up from Oklahoma! I kept telling my wife something didn't seem right..I remembered last year there were a number of banners around town. There were a few hot rods cruising Friday night...I told connie that made me feel better...I was beginning to think I had somehow gotten the date wrong, even after double checking as late as Monday when I made the reservations.
Went to the Oregon State Fair today, with a couple of my brothers. Was Veterans free admission day so wore one of my Nam vets hats and was really surprised by the variety of people that came up and said "thank you for your service". Of course ran into several Nam vets and got/gave our familiar "welcome home". Pushed my baby brother (100% disabled Army Ranger) around in his wheelchair and realized he wasn't getting any kind of greeting. Need to get him a ballcap or shirt. Any way had short talks with vets from WW2 to our current excursions. Good day overall not bitter but would have been nice to have heard it back in the day.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Gas got under 2 bucks a gallon here in Amarillo last Almost all stations at 1.98, and 1.88 at local chain of convienence strore/stations with their gas card.
Yup...1.95 - 1.99 here in B-Ham! Don't believe it will last long.
How much is Diesel? Here in Southern California the best price for diesel is $2.49, for gas around $3.35.
Diesel around here for the first time in years came down to about the same as gas about a month ago then they were both around 2.30. Not sure where it's at now, I haven't noticed, but I will.
I recently read an article that stated the reason for the best price on diesel in several years is that the Saudi Arabians are refining lots of diesel and flooding the market with it. For those of us driving oil burners I hope it continues.
Great new look to the forum or is it just my computer?
There is a world wide glut of oil. The Saudis are trying to undercut US and Canada shale oil.
If obuma would ok the Keystone pipeline we wouldn't have to import any oil.
The worlds economies are in shambles so every oil producer is ramping up production
for hard cash. Iran will be exporting soon too.....
Expect $1.50 gas soon. Diesel has been high because china uses a hugh amount but,
their economy is slowing so diesel will come down soon also.
These low prices will free up a lot of $$$$ for us as consumers.
tanked up my truck $2.35 a gallon saturday at Costco
Zap- :unitedstates:
Filled our cars this past weekend...1.82...glad I've got a road trip coming up this weekend!
I'm back... Well actually I didn't go anywhere. It was my computer that was in the repair shop for 3+ weeks. It's surprising how we rely on those things.
I tried sending smoke signals but that didn't work. A special thanks go out to Rich and Jeff for relaying messages for me. Jay
I'm glad you are back. I tend to panic when friends go missing.
Glad your back, Jay. You probably built another car while you were gone from here, right?
Well actually you are sort of correct. In the past three weeks I managed to dig out two 34 Fords that were buried in the shop have not seen daylight for 3-4 years. For the record they both started right up with a new battery. When I took one of them in to get it inspected, I was told that it has only been driven 20 miles since I last brought it in several years ago. Isn't it amazing the things that we can find to do when we are bored and don't have a computer. Now they are all inspected and ready for fall that starts next week. My cars have heaters so I get to drive them right up until the snow starts. Jay
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2015-09-19 09:33
I'm glad you are back. I tend to panic when friends go missing.
At our age, I know exactly what you are saying.
We had one station hit 1.79 for gas here....I've been using ethanol-free in the '57, so that's higher. Some stations just tack on 10-15 cents per gallon, but some up it as much as 30-40 cents for the ethanol-free.
Hey man, hows the wagon coming along?
Both gas and diesel here are the equivalent of $6.25 a gallon..........
Quote from: Limey57 on 2015-09-22 15:53
Both gas and diesel here are the equivalent of $6.25 a gallon..........
Zap- :unitedstates:
My wife and I along with two, possibly three, other couples are planning a trip next September to see LSU play Wisconsin at Lambeau Field. We are looking to rent a house in the general vicinity possibly on a lake for a few days. Any leads would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like a neat trip. Any luck on finding your house on a lake?
Connie and I are leaving for Phoenix this afternoon. It's a day earlier than planned. Looking forward to a big cruise/show on Central on Saturday, and the always good pavilion cruise in Scottsdale Sat. night. I think this trip we'll get to spend a few hours around Flagstaff and take a few day trips out of Phoenix. I've always wanted to see Sedona.
We went through Sedona a few years ago. We enjoyed the scenery but as far as Sedona its self it is just a high $$$ tourist trap, not our cup of tea :burnout: We did enjoy the fish hatchery in that area but we are a strange pair :003: Either way, have a great trip..
Different strokes for different folks I guess...we just got back from Sedona a short while ago and the 4 of us were totally in awe of the place. I've been in touristy spots all over the country, and I'd be hard pressed to come up with another spot as beautiful and enjoyable as this was for us. I think my wife and I will be doing Sedona a lot.
Yesterday was pretty neat also. Woke up at 5:30, left for N. Phoenix and the second Saturday swap meet at the Socal speed shop. Met Chip ("need louvers?)from the Hamb...recognized his t-bucket from the long going "bucket of ugly" thread. Nice to put a face with a name. From there I went over to the Central Cruise and spent a good 3 or 4 hours there. Did meet a '57 Ford owner. I had seen the car before, but this was the first time they were with the car. From there I went to a speed shop in N Phoenix I just found out about while at Central, then killed a few hours around Scottsdale and then did the Pavillion Cruise until about 8pm..long day, enjoyed the heck out of everything.
It's a different world here in Phoenix from what most of us are use to. I was reading an editorial in a Socal/Arizona car oriented newspaper, and the editorial began....."Finally!!! Summer is over and the really good car events are finally starting to happen"
Passing some info read on the Hamb today......Napa has come out with a new line of motor mounts using "virgin rubber" instead of recycled rubber. I don't know what their initial offerings are, but hopefully will include some of the stuff us Ford guys use. I hope this results in longer lasting mounts than what alot of guys have been dealing with in recent years.
That's the good some not so good....
Antique Auto Supply in Arlington, Tx. is no longer. Apparently the owner got sick and is confined to a wheelchair, forcing the sale of the inventory. The really disheartning part of the sale is the way it happened. Apparently some guys from Nebraska bought the whole lot of mostly NOS stuff. That's 6 warehouses.....I've been there on several occasions. They reportedly had a number of dumpsters brought in and literally filled them numerous times only saving what they wanted to keep. The rest got sent to the dump. Apparently as word got out locally, at least some of the stuff was saved by dumpster divers. Rather sickening I think.
Also a back east place for oddball stuff popular with many hotrodders called "Joblots" is closing it's doors. I don't know much about them, but a number of Hamb members were very upset at their closing.
sending that stuff to the dump proves you can't fix stupid.
Zap- :unitedstates:
As my dad used to say "the almighty green back"......
Seems to be happening more & more, the old-time specialists close down & folks can't be bothered to sort through the stock. Some gets saved and sold on EBay but the amount of rare stuff that ends up dumped is unreal. The problem is that when it gets put on EBay it's usually at a price no-one can afford so those parts just sit around unused and unsold....... I'd sooner move them on for a realistic price rather than have them collecting dust.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2015-10-07 07:19
Sounds like a neat trip. Any luck on finding your house on a lake?
Connie and I are leaving for Phoenix this afternoon. It's a day earlier than planned. Looking forward to a big cruise/show on Central on Saturday, and the always good pavilion cruise in Scottsdale Sat. night. I think this trip we'll get to spend a few hours around Flagstaff and take a few day trips out of Phoenix. I've always wanted to see Sedona.
Don't rub it in Rich! I am jealous already. starting to get cold here. I think you will really like Sedona. We went up from Wickenberg on highway 89 excellent road with lots of neat towns along the way. It goes thru Sedona and comes out just south of Flagstaff. If you have the time to do your return trip that way, you won't regret it..We had planned to do our next trip south with at least a couple days in Sedona but it looks like we are going to try and go further east this year so will save that stop for next time.
We absolutly loved Sedona!! Connie and I have a new favorite place to visit. The scenery was incredible, as was the outdoor artwork and architecture. We had her cousin and 85ish year old aunt with us, so we we not able to spend as much time there as we would have liked. On our next spring trip we're going to plan on staying there for a night. There is no skiing in the area, so the place "is like a ghost town" in the winter we were told by a waitress. Unlike Flaggstaf, however, I don't think I'd want to live there...Too tourist oriented, and no way to avoid the traffic bottlenecks.
I have to admit that I have been lazy and haven't been turning any wrenches and just driving it while ignoring many little things I need to still fix. Saturday we made our annual trek to the beach, wife likes the beach, I can do without :003: A few miles north of Ventura at Rincon.
Our little local group does little shows for various organizations, schools etc. Last week we did one for the Fire Fighters Association, Yesterday we did one of several convalescent hospitals we do during the year. Not a great turn out yesterday but at least there were 10 Fords and only 2 Chevys and one Goat. One black 57 Fairlane was MIA so we only had two.
Have any of you guys ever met Ernie Adams the man who drives his miniature cars to the Pavilion cruise in Az.? I know that he built a miniature 34 Ford sedan and a miniature 49 Mercury. He generally used the sheet metal from refrigerators . I have seen his cars when I was in Phoenix and went to his house. He operates in his back yard between two houses under a home made canopy for shade from the hot sun. This guy absolutely has some talent.
I never have Jay. but that sure is neat!
Saw one of his creations when we were at the pavilion cruise two years ago. They are amazing. I regret not having hunted him up to introduce myself. Won't make that mistake if I get another chance.
I did see one (a '54 Chevy?) at the Pavilion on my second trip there...about 4 years ago. I never got to talk to the man, but I did talk to his close friend for quite a while. His friend was building a mini also. His museum /home is not too far from Deseret Valley Auto Parts in Casa Grande. Haven't been there yet, but have been thru Maricopa a few times.
Funny this came up wife just told me she was thinking about pHOENIX FOR tHANKSGIVING. OOPS. unoops.
Speaking of Phoenix (we sort of were, weren't we?)...My wife wanted to make a quicker than normal trip to Phoenix for thanksgiving so she'd only have to take a few days off beyond what she has coming that week anyways. I got looking at Phoenix happenings...bummer...that would be the perfect week to take a longer than normal trip to Phoenix. We've never been there two weekends in a row, but the weekend before Thanksgiving is the Goodguys show, and the weekend after is the BIG swap meet at the fairgrounds put on by the guys that do the Pomona swap meet. Hmmm.
I saw gas at one station in Amarillo Friday at 1.58, or 1.48 with their gas card. Most places are around 1.69. I went to Oklahoma yesterday..same there also.
We decided to stay in Amarillo for Thanksgiving. My wife didn't want to take any extra time off for a longer trip, so I'm missing the Phoenix Goodguys show this weekend.
Been down below freezing the past few nights...I have a feeling this El Nino winter ain't gonna be good.
On another note...did you see the internet article a few weeks ago on GM's plan to introduce a new line of cars?....made in CHINA!! What are they thinking? The author of the article suspected it may anger the auto builder's unions...DUH. I'd be willing to bet not too many of GM's CEO"S are into classic car restoration, or they'd know what the life expectancy of those vehicles will be. Wanna see GM go belly up? try putting a 10 year warranty on those cars to increase interest! How are they gonna make a car when they can't make a ball joint??
Let them go to China and belly up :003:
Ford moved it's BIG truck assembly from Mexico back to Ohio..
Google ford Vietnam if you really want to be shocked
Zap :unitedstates:
Quote from: Zapato on 2015-11-22 10:24
Google ford Vietnam if you really want to be shocked
Zap :unitedstates:
I couldn't find anything about building them there and shipping them here, did you find something?
Ford has been manufacturing cars and parts all over the world from way back when before our times..
Meet Anthony"Tony" Weiner. Its hard to believe this guy replaced two standard Australian Shepherd's but he is doing a pretty good job. Prefect street rod dog. Loves to go and will fit in anything. It's also kind of nice not having to deal with all the heavy thinking Aussies do, This guy is pretty much a blank page. He does seem to think that I walk on water so that's all I need from him.
You do know why the cowboy wanted a weiner dog, don't you?
Quote from: 57 imposter on 2015-11-22 12:52
Meet Anthony"Tony" Weiner. Its hard to believe this guy replaced two standard Australian Shepherd's but he is doing a pretty good job. Prefect street rod dog. Loves to go and will fit in anything. It's also kind of nice not having to deal with all the heavy thinking Aussies do, This guy is pretty much a blank page. He does seem to think that I walk on water so that's all I need from him.
Great to know that someone else is owned by one of those hounds. Best guard dog I ever owned> I think she would attack anyone that stuck their arm is any of my vehicles she is in.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2015-11-22 12:59
You do know why the cowboy wanted a weiner dog, don't you?
because he wanted to "get a long little doggie"
ok, I'll go away.
Quote from: 57redwhitered on 2015-11-22 13:28
Great to know that someone else is owned by one of those hounds. Best guard dog I ever owned> I think she would attack anyone that stuck their arm is any of my vehicles she is in.
That is one of Tonys favorite riding positions also. Has to see everything going on on the trip.............Rich Your fired!
Quote from: 57redwhitered on 2015-11-22 13:28
Great to know that someone else is owned by one of those hounds. Best guard dog I ever owned> I think she would attack anyone that stuck their arm is any of my vehicles she is in.
Hmmm....That looks a lot like a Chevrolet steering wheel
Sure doesn't look like Kansas out that window.
That was heidi's (my hound) vehicle. She has traded it off since the photo was taken. My wife took the photo so I don't know where it was. Wherever it was Heidi would have been helping me drive.
Kinda off on a tangent, but I have my camera set to include the date on the image. Kinda distracting, but I'm surprised how often I have been able to figure out the when and wheres by going back and looking at pics, checking dates.....trips included. How many times do you take a really neat pic, but don't have a clue where it was 3 months later.
We download the pictures from our camera to the computer and it automatically puts it in a folder with the date. Then I rename the picture to a location name. I just don't like having the date plastered on the picture.
In case I don't make it here tomorrow taking a moment to wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.
Zap :unitedstates:
Looking forward to tommorow. For once my wife isn't carrying the bulk of the's dinner at my Niece's house. I hope all of you guys have a great thanksgiving, and have family to share it with.
having my am Coffey,my 57 ranchero is stock,292 4v 3spd manual,drive it most days. my project is restoring a 1948 merc pickup, power is 57 292 with 4spd (4th is od) so am contemplating work for today.. big challenge is Merck name plate missing for front nose. only made these in canada. hope all you yanks have a great thanks giving
Hope you all have a great day with family! Got big bird in the oven, potatoes done, dressing, candied yams and green bean casserole waiting to go in. Pumpkin, cherry and pecan pies are baked and on the cooling rack. Daughter and grand daughter in from TX waiting for the feast to start, that will be 2PM then the Packers and Bears after a nap! :001:
Just finished putting the Xmas lights up and I'm ready for a nap :003:
We've been having some crazy weather here for about a week. Heavy rains , mud slides, flooding , thunder and lightning and to day a small tornado hit battleground just north of us. Counting our blessings as the tornado was small and missed our daughters house by one city block. Others not so blessed today.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Yeah...I saw tonight a highway between Oregon and Wash was washed out. It's going to be a tough winter I think, although yeasterday here it was over 70, high 60's today. Glad to hear the tornado was only close. Even the little ones are scarry. Never seen one in person thankfully.
Tornados are rare here, once every few years. So its major news when one drops in. Glad it wasn't any bigger.
Zap- :unitedstates:
We in the South East (TX, AR, MO, MS, TN, GA and AL) are looking forward with bated breath to our first "winter tornado season" opener! Low 70s today and tomorrow and a cold front on Sunday (for us in AL). Still won't complain as this is a good place to live (retire). Have "stuff" to deal with no matter where you are, just a matter of dealing with it.
This is my first post from an IPAD. Cool, I think, lol. My wife got a new one, so I got her old. I thought it would be good for trips...especially if I break down....and happen to be in a McDonalds.
beginning to look like Christmas here. doorbell rang just a few minutes ago and one of Santa's helpers just brought me a package from Amarillo, thank you my good friend.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Was at the local Ford dealer picking up a few screws for my truck and parked next to a brand new Mustang GT and it still had all the stickers and one was country of origin disclosure. Had to turn back wasn't sure what I had caught a quick glance of. But yes there it was in bold letters next to transmission CHINA. About C@##^+*d my pants. Some other stuff was made in Mexico.
Zap- :unitedstates:
Quote from: Zapato on 2015-12-17 19:11
Was at the local Ford dealer picking up a few screws for my truck and parked next to a brand new Mustang GT and it still had all the stickers and one was country of origin disclosure. Had to turn back wasn't sure what I had caught a quick glance of. But yes there it was in bold letters next to transmission CHINA. About C@##^+*d my pants. Some other stuff was made in Mexico.
Zap- :unitedstates:
It's sad but I can't say I'm surprised. Ford is building two engine plants in Mexico, Chevy and GMC pickups are built in Mexico and GM is talking about building there cars in China in the future. I think the whole global economy thing stinks..
I agree on the global economy stinking. Perhaps a bigger worry....what ever happened to the idea of keeping auto production in the US in case of need to transform to a wartime production? Remember when the Gov. had to bail Chrysler out because there was "no way they could let it not be there for war time production if needed".
Now you stepped into it!!!!! This country's citizens are so protected that manufacturing is more profitable off shore. Now, much of this protection is righteous and good. Worker protection, child protection, environmental protection, and on and on may be too much, may be too little. But what makes me choke is that we a importing stuff that is produced with little or no human rights, no child labor laws, no EPA, no import tariffs (or at least no parity), and certainly no protection with import inspections!!!!!! 80% of what we are consuming would NOT be allowed to be produced in this country if US manufacturers violated these basic protections. Why are we importing tomatoes that use chemicals in their production that the EPA has band. Why are we importing goods made in less than sweat shops!!!!!! Are you buying imported lead based painted toys for your grandchildren? Welcome to the NEW economy!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for providing a platform for me to vent.
Just a look at the envoirmental problems in China....smog, polution, etc....says exactly what your talking about.
There is also the other side of the coin. American consumers don't want to pay $2500 for an American made TV when you can get a Chinese made one for $500. just one example. Sometimes we are are own worst enemies :003:
My point precisely!!!! One, buy American takes on a real purpose. Two, if off shore manufacturers are held to US manufacturers standards, the import TV would also be $2500! If off shore manufacturers observed US worker rights and wages, EPA standards and processes, not using slave labor, child labor, etc, etc, same quality materials, shipping costs, import taxes, the import TV would actually cost more than $2500. The other benefits to US manufacture are not only taxes paid but all the support industries...restaurants, transportation, lawn services, all the 'surplus money' spending. Bigger government is getting less tax money from manufacturing and spin off support industries all the while getting bigger and spending more money. The solution...more taxes from taxpayers who have less money from fewer and fewer jobs. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!
One other downside, less payroll taxes relates directly to less FICA. Who's paying Social Security and Medicare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes and none of the off shore stuff is going to change any time soon and neither is the trade imbalances. We dug our selves a hole that will be very hard to get out of. I'll leave all my political comments out :003:
Only comment is I buy American, read labels when grocery shopping and VOTE!
Well, looks like Amarillo is about to catch up on snow fall that's been light the past few years. Extreme blizzard warning for all of the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles from early this evening to noon Monday. They're expecting 20 inches of snow and winds 30-50 with gusts up to 65. Expect 5 -10 foot snow drifts and zero visability!! Hmmm doesn't sound like it's gonna be too much fun out there for a few days.
In our neighborhood there are hundreds of old brittle elm trees, guessing at least 50-60 foot tall We had 3 of our our 5 topped a few years ago. One next to the house was 4 ft diameter at the base...we had that one taken out, and the 5th I had topped the previous year. We closed the street and I just let the limbs fall to the street. The 4 we had topped or removed cost us 2200, which is why so many in our neighborhood are not topped...very dangerous.
My next door neighbor has one that would reach our front porch if it fell the wrong way and probably the biggest in the neighborhood is 40 or 50 feet behind my garage, but it's healthy...not sure if that's good or bad...if the wind takes it, it'll probably fall over rather than break up like the 1/2 dead ones.
Yeah, I'm the guy who's always joking we don't have trees in Texas.
Good chance we'll be stuck in the house for a few days..hope the intenet doesn't go down.
One good thing about the wind along with the snow...if the snow isn't too wet it won't build up on house or garage roofs.
Bill....any news on your neighborhood? I see flooding in the Birminghan area in addition to the tornado 10 miles North of downtown yesterday.
Rich the flooding was away from my place, Trussville. They are in a valley between two ridges and catch it when totals are high. Don't know about the tornado north of down town, have to call the house and see if the answering machine picks up. If it does that means part of the house is still there!
I worry about you TX guys as that area has taken a beating the last couple of days, OK, AR, and parts of MO and TN as well.
Waiting for 6 - 8 inches of the white stuff here in southern WI. Looks like the freezing rain will stay south. Original forecast was for 1/4 - 1/2 freezing rain followed by snow. We (in WI) will have the added benefit of 30 - 40 MPH winds.
Will be heading home on New Years day, have to wait until then to see if we have any issues at the house.
Got 20 " here in NM. I'm on the east side of Sandia. It is a powder instead of the heavy snow. Lots of blowing snow with very high winds. Don't know if I can get out of the driveway yet.
I-40 shut down from I-25 to Amarillo eastbound
We lucked out in Amarillo within the city limits, at least. 4 or 5 inches of powder is all. Lots of wind though. No getting out of the city very far in any direction...particularly towards New Mexico as sandiaman said
Got a solid 6" with wind here in WI just north of Madison.
Called the house and the answering machine picked up so that means there is at least power and the phone line is still hooked up! Only unknown is if there is any wind downed trees in the yard and that isn't high enough on the list to get the skivvies knotted up over.
That's good to hear Bill. So, how long do you figure before the roads are clear to go home, lol That's a long way! 13 degrees here at 9 am...I opened the back door at 5am this morning to let my dogs out...first thought was I wasn't even going to try and heat the garage today.
Rich the roads are very passable right now. Sister drove in the 30 miles to her work place and reported to me that they were slushy (state hi way) and they should be close to dry today. The state has a butt load of plows and hit the interstate and major access during the snow storm and then plow/treat when the snow stops so I'm not concerned about them. We will head out Thursday so plenty of time to get them right! Weather forecast looks like it will be dry through the weekend all the way down to AL at this point in time.
Happy New to ALL!
Good to be home! Got in yesterday afternoon after a New Years Eve stop in TN. Laundry is running, first two loads on the line, one to go. Have all the updates for this machine installed and getting ready to cook breakfast.
Glad you got home safe...and apparently no wind/tornado damage.
Broncos squeak in a win after 5 turnovers for 1st place in the division. Amazing Manning was brought in.
Anybody see the Yahoo! article about the "strange fish" that washed up on the shore in Kent, England? It's commonly known as an ocean Sunfish, and looks like a shark swimming when it's near the surface. In the late 60's, we went deep sea fishing off Miami Beach, and I caught one of those...they said it was a baby at 331 pounds! It was about 5 ft fin to fin.Took me and three crew members to real it in, with the captain backing up the boat to it to make it posible. Had it stuffed!! When I moved from Mass to Calif, I donated it to the Museum of Natural History (?)in Boston. Kinda wished I still had it, or let it go.
On another thought...I know alot of you guys are in my age group and collect social security. Like everyone else, I got a letter a few weeks back saying there would be no cost-of-living increase (again) this year. I was kinda expecting that with gas prices being so low, and food seeming to stabilize. However, what was really strange, my wife came home today and told me she got her semi-annual review/raise and showed me the paperwork. Included with her .78 per hour increase was an additional .54 increase for cost of living index....go figure!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2016-01-05 20:27
....go figure!
Yup...exactly what "uncle sugar" does, figures to his advantage!
No cost of living is because things like food and gas aren't part of the calculations done by what ever agency does it ( Dept. of Bull**** )? What do they think us old people spend it on?
It's becoming a major problem trying to be a true American :unitedstates: when we have a government that continues to screw us..
Sorry to change the mood guys!!! Rich did I see flames on your car? I hope I didn't miss anything if this has already been posted about! HRD
Back on topic! The Canadian Government is making it harder over here as well. To much greed and to many rules!!!! HRD
The flames were photoshoped by Moose on the Hamb. He also fixed the rideheight problem by getting the california rake where I want it and added the bugeyes to finish it up for me. The flames probably won't happen, probably will get pin stripped instead. Moose is great!
PS changing the mood is probably good when we start getting too close to politics.
I'm really looking forward to this.....As you know both Doug and I have been road testing our cars this week after very long builds. And you probably also know Doug has been planning a l-o-n-g roadtrip from Washington state in his '58 for quite a while. I met Doug and his wife Linda a few years back when we both happened to plan a trip to Phoenix the same week. Well, Doug and his wife are headed for Texas after they do Arizona, and we've come up with a plan for my wife and I to join them in our '57. He's gonna be here in Amarillo on April 1 (no joke) and we're gonna head on down I40 into Oklahoma for the weekend. I'm really pumped!
Doug mentioned it would be great if he could meet some other forum members as well, so if anyone is going to be in the area, let us know.
Gas prices......Seeing as low as 1.19 with card. Saw one yesterday 1.23 without card, I paid 1.29 today. Last time I filled up was in Pueblo, Co a week ago yesterday....drove 461 miles. It cost me 16.41 to fill up today. Gotta love it, but honestly if more workers could keep there jobs here in the states, I'd still be happy with 2$ a gallon.
Wow, buck and change. We're paying just short of 2 for premium regular about 8 cents less.
Zap :unitedstates:
Paying $1.65 or so in Maryland.
I bet it's driving obuma crazy that it is so cheap and his feud with putin caused it.
Our state guv is telling us our real estate will be worth 50% more in 3 yrs but, there is no inflation!
And used home sales were down 20% last quarter.
In Canada we were paying a few months ago $1.30 a litre/quart and its been down to $.79 a litre/quart. That's a deal for us here! HRD
Went back up to 1.43 this week...wouldn't ya know it, leaving for a long trip Wen.LOL. Posible snow coming in tommorrow also Might have to head south to avoid more of it. First time since December we'll have had any kind of wintery stuff going on here..60-70's most days lately.
tanked up today in edmonton for .57 a litre
LOL..had to find a conversion chart...don't do it often enough to remember......2.15 roughly us per gallon, the 1.3 per Liter Donnie mentioned from a few months ago would have been at close to $5. not good...kinda like Calif. prices.
I have not forgotten that you may be coming to Mass. this year to visit your family.
Keep me in the loop so we can hook up. Hopefully we will have some good weather so we can go out in the old cars.
Morning Jay! I was just thinking about that last night...haven't heard anything about my sister's plans yet.
I was flipping thru my new issue of Street Rodder and see that one of our own won The Painless Performance Products/ Street Rodder 2015 Street Rod of the Year title with his "Norwell Equipped" '32 Ford Coupe. This is my first time to see good up-close photos of the coupe and I like it. Now I may be a little biased since I own at '32 as well, but hey they are after all Fords and we do also have '57s as well. Congrats Jeff you had some outstanding competition.
I've got to remember to pick up a copy of that.
I just found out Zap is headed down Texas way in May. He's visiting relatives in Dallas, then renting a car for a drive to here and beyond. Really cool. Zap and I have been internet buddies for years, it's going to be great getting to finally shake hands.
And, also from Washington state, Doug/57 imposter, is driving his 57/58 all the way from Washington to Phoenix for a few weeks, then heading here for April 1. The plans are we'll be spending a few days cruising Oklahoma in both our cars....our own little mini-tour! Doug and I met in Phoenix a few years back when we were vacationing the same week there. First cruise for both our cars after many years...although Doug's cruise is waaaaay longer than mine.
Nothing to do with our Fords, but ya gotta laugh...
A week ago my '05 Outback's parking lights wouldn't go off. I fiddled with everything making sure everything was in it's off position. Nothing worked, so I finally pulled the negative battery cable. I figured it had to be the headlight/parking light multi function switch, so I ordered a new one. For a week, I've been doing/undoing the battery cable. Finally the replacement switch came in so I pulled the steering column covers and popped the new one in. Took 15 minutes tops. BUT...parking lights still on. WTH?? While I was thinking things over and putting the column covers back on, I noticed the "hazard" switch on top of the steering column had a "P" printed on it that you couldn't see when the switch was on. YEP...wasn't the hazards switch, it was a SECOND parking light switch!! huh? never saw a car with 2 parking light switches. I've only been driving this car for 1 1/2 years!
:unitedstates: :unitedstates: My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord..He peeled around the corner in a fifty-seven hand on the bottle and the other on the clutch.........I forgot the rest.Happy Easter.............Rich M,......Its just another dent in the one hurt....racton
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2016-03-17 00:16
Nothing to do with our Fords, but ya gotta laugh...
A week ago my '05 Outback's parking lights wouldn't go off. I fiddled with everything making sure everything was in it's off position. Nothing worked, so I finally pulled the negative battery cable. I figured it had to be the headlight/parking light multi function switch, so I ordered a new one. For a week, I've been doing/undoing the battery cable. Finally the replacement switch came in so I pulled the steering column covers and popped the new one in. Took 15 minutes tops. BUT...parking lights still on. WTH?? While I was thinking things over and putting the column covers back on, I noticed the "hazard" switch on top of the steering column had a "P" printed on it that you couldn't see when the switch was on. YEP...wasn't the hazards switch, it was a SECOND parking light switch!! huh? never saw a car with 2 parking light switches. I've only been driving this car for 1 1/2 years!
I just saw this post. I went through the same problem with my dads 1986 Legacy and he had owned for for 10 years at this time.. He called one day and told me he couldn't get the lights off. I took me a while to find the problem, have no idea how he hit that switch. least there's one other person in the world that believes I actually do have TWO parking light switches.
I think my wife is secretly making a list of stuff in case she has to declare me incapable/senile.
I started to get the lawn mower out yesterday when my wife decided she wanted us to go shopping. Woke up this morning to SNOW. weird weather. Last week we were having grass fires in lots of areas. They were evacuating part of Pampa (60miles NE of Amarillo), and there's about 15 miles along I40 near Shamrock that is burnt.
In the Legacy you can't even see that switch when sitting in the drivers seat and I'm 6'. It was just dumb luck I found it while feeling around the column.
My wife started one of those lists years ago, I have had to use it a few times :003:
Quote from: racton on 2016-03-27 06:59
:unitedstates: :unitedstates: My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord..He peeled around the corner in a fifty-seven hand on the bottle and the other on the clutch.........I forgot the rest.Happy Easter.............Rich M,......Its just another dent in the one hurt....racton
I guess I had a protected childhood [NOT] ,I never saw this sailors lament. If you remember it , I'd like to hear the rest, and see how it turned out.
Quote from: jumping jack flash on 2016-04-07 19:36
I guess I had a protected childhood [NOT] ,I never saw this sailors lament. If you remember it , I'd like to hear the rest, and see how it turned out.
I think there must be 57 variations of this song, pun intended :003:
My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord
He is coming round the corner in a black-and-yellow Ford
He has one hand on the throttle and the other on a bottle
Of Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer!
Thought the last line was "an ice cold Olympia beer"
Zap- :unitedstates:
Quote from: Zapato on 2016-04-08 11:34
Thought the last line was "an ice cold Olympia beer"
Zap- :unitedstates:
I'm sure that is the Washington version :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2016-04-08 07:44
I think there must be 57 variations of this song, pun intended :003:
My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the lord
He is coming round the corner in a black-and-yellow Ford
He has one hand on the throttle and the other on a bottle
Of Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer!
Wouldn't it be one foot on the throttle?
Quote from: rmk57 on 2016-04-08 14:30
Wouldn't it be one foot on the throttle?
:003: That sounds better.
too many beers...he thought he was on his mororcycle
:unitedstates:hi fellas its been a good week for me I hope you had some fun too.........I heard it one hand on the throttle and she was coming around the mountain doin 90,when the chain on her bicycle broke.....they found her in the grass......with a sproket in her ***,and her left *** punctured by a spoke. see ay.....................Racton
Quote from: rmk57 on 2016-04-08 14:30
Wouldn't it be one foot on the throttle?
Yes you knew the proper version................
Need to say more????????
A local legend passed away a couple of months ago. I've known his rep for more than 50 years. His brother is liquidating all his FE stuff. Complete 427, 2x4s, cast exhaust manifolds, toploader, plus a pile of FE stuff including OEM tri-power and built 390. $10K. Since the owner has passed, most questions can't be answered but I have met the guy and talked car stuff many times. If I had a project dying for a FE, this pile would be mine but I don't. I have a friend that has known this guy all his life. He can answer some of the questions and he is a FE aficionado. I had one of these engines when I was a kid. It had upgrades and was a total screamer!!! Later but probably soon, the brother will offer up a Model A two door sedan body.
Big day yesterday. I snagged a '64 Galaxie XL convertible. Pretty much stripped and rust bucket but still has console, shifter, Cruise-A-Matic, and power steering. The box, all the linkage, cylinder, valve, hoses, and even the pump are the main components that I wanted. Raunch Wagon may be getting power steering. I asked the seller if he had anything else. He gave me a complete, automatic shift, '59 column! Getting the beast home just about wore me out. Needless to say, it's still on the trailer. Another days rest and I'll get it off the trailer and inspect my treasures.
I'm searching for 55, 56 or 57 Courier script emblems. Can you help?
3D printer
That's pretty cool stuff. I didn't read the article, just looked at the pics, but I wonder what kind of shop time it takes to produce finished results. I would think it would be a neat paying hobby, but not realistic for a business to do one-offs.
I've just barely started looking into it. Getting the .stl file built or prepared for the printer is the time consuming part. Time is money. It is somewhat similar to designing and building a file for a graphic printer.
If I wasn't so old, and had the money, I'd look into that. I could learn the programming. Back in the day I learned/wrote personal use programs for Pagemaker. I had a friend at the time who was a pro graphics designer for a printing company and got me a copy and tutored me.
Well, there you go... Can you imagine, what do you need? Script for a 57, no sweat,,, question is, how can we get it chromed?
Apologies in advance for posting so much tonight fellas, I haven't been here in a while, but you guys are never far from my thoughts. Been a tough year, had to kick the old lady out for cheatin' (22 years, go figure), lost my $Job (goldand Arabs), and got colon cancer. LOL. I'm thinking of changing my handle from 'Lucky57 to 'Lucky Duck". LOL Anyway, always respected and looked forward to you guy"s progress reports and coms. Peace out brothers. :) 57 Fords International Forever... And.. It's my birthday! If I knew I would have lived this long I would have.... :)
Sounds like you had a tough year, but another birthday, so compared to the alternative, it ain't so bad....easy for me to say right? lol.
LOL.. You never know how it's gonna shake up Mr. Rich. That's why U got it going down the road. You (well, next to that Canadian guy with the wagon) you guys are neck and neck.
Been almost 3 months since this thread was active.....I'll get it going again with a rant....hasn't been a good day.
Besides dealing with a new, not-housebroken, puppy my wife wanted to replace my dog that we lost a few weeks ago, my '57 is giving me starting issues again. Had to have it towed home last night. I think it's the solenoid that I replaced early this year...getting juice to the solenoid, at least enough to light up the test light, upon key activation, but not getting any starter action at all. My buddy's shop is filled up, as is the starter shop that was two blocks away from where I got stuck, so had to have it towed home, then to the starter shop this morning. The starter is just too hard to get out unless the car is on a least for this old man.
While I was waiting for the tow truck this morning, the mailman delivered a letter from my insurance company (Grundy) saying they would not be renewing my policy due to the accident I had this year. I had been worrying about that. I also had a speeding ticket back in feb of '15, and that speeding ticket, I just found out, coupled with the accident is the reason I can't get insured with the USAA affiliate American Collector. Now I'm wondering if I'll be able to get it insured at all, or at least at a reasonable rate. I sure won't drive it uninsured. Makes me wonder if I'm going to have to sell it.
:unitedstates: Hi Rich, glad to see someone else misses the thread.Thanks for getting it going.What kind of puppy?We have a female red-bone mini-dashund and love her to death.We are looking for a young male to keep her company.We are in Ohio and got our pup in Mich.Anybody half close to me with a male mini-give me a shout.Good luck..
My wife likes the little dogs...we have had a Pug and a chihuawa (sp) mix, both for about 10 years now. My dog was a 126 lb Malmute/Husky....not sure as she was a stray my next door neighbor was given. I thought she was a Siberian Husky, but recently saw a show with Alaskan Malmutes that looked identical to Shinka. She died a few weeks back...gonna miss her. Incredibly gentle and smart dog. About 5 years ago, one of our adopted stray cats had a litter outside ...didn't even know she was pregnant. I was at the computer and heard Shinka come in and came to me. I wasn't paying attention to her, and she started this strange muffled growling. I looked down and she had a newborn kitten in her mouth. She just dropped it in my hands, totally unharmed.
To answer your question, my wife's new pup is a 4 month old Jack Russell, with papers, she got from her cousin.
Rich I feel your pain with the insurance issue. I for many years ran my 36 with only liability. USAA had no "collectable" carrier. When the collector market blew open I went with Hagerty, been happy with them and the rates. Tried to get a $1M blanket from USAA, they wouldn't do it because I was with Hagerty. Their affiliate's rates were almost twice what Hagerty was charging me for the exact same coverage. Don't know if I'll do anything, USAA is so cheap compared to the other major carriers it would just cost too much to switch.
You'll just have to balance the cost to build/re-build against the cost of the policy. It was easy for me, at the time the 36 was a four year piece it together with junk yard parts, swap work, trade parts, cobbled up car that turned out pretty nice. Did not have a lot of money (bunches of time) in it so the loss would have been minimal.
The American Collectors Insurance agent told me they've had an affiliation with usaa for over 30 years!! I, like you was always told they just didn't insure cars over a certain age.
I'm going to try Haggerty's to see what their requirements are. Last year they gave me a quote almost double what Grundy was. As per Grundy's suggestion when they sent the non-renewal notice, I need to check into "eligibility for coverage thru the Texas Automobile Insurance Plan".
Had the '57 back in 3 hours yesterday, btw. They told me the starter was totally fried, like it never disengaged after the engine started. Weird, I never heard anything unusual anytime I started the car.
I'd have a look at the ring gear while you have the starter out just to make sure it didn't mess something up running the car with starter engaged or an issue with the ring gear before that happened.
I really don't think it was caused by the starter not disengaging...I've never had anything but a normal start with it. At any rate, I had the starter shop do all the work, and they are Hamb member hot rodders as well, so I'm sure they probably looked at it, but I never thought to ask.
On a better note today, it looks like Hagerty is going to insure me. They're just waiting for pics to confirm the damage from the accident was repaired. They were talking like they had all my info on file from last year's application, but they did ask for pics, so I'm not sure that they have the pics I sent them on file. That means I may be getting a notice from them saying that "after viewing the pics, they have determined that my car is 100% modified" as they did last year, with a hefty increase in premium. Oh well, I was expecting that to happen as a minimum after my accident, so I'll just have to live with least I'll have insurance.
Just got home last night from a day and half at the Ducktail Run in Gas City Indiana. Other than being super tired, great event in a town that gears up for the show. Ducktail Run is somewhat of a memorial to James Dean in his home town. Got some treasures at the swap meet (Y-block PS pumps with brackets and '41 Ford wall hanger grille) and pigged out on car show cuisine. All '57 models represented...Canadian, wagons, Rancheros, Customs, and Fairlanes. Good show to add to your bucket list!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday my gran daughters came over, first ritual was adding coins ( pennies) to their piggy banks. Then outside to play. First stop was the grape arbor for a quick snack. Then the bikes and scooters were drug out. While helping the youngest (3 year old) fasten her helmet she tells me "Papa I love you". I replied the same and then she says "when I get big I'm going to marry you". So I asked what about Nana? Without any hesitation her reply "she just get another boy". Made my day and a good laugh on a day that had been designated to a half bath redo. Few things better than an afternoon well spent with gran kids. This is my story and am sticking to it.
The bathroom redo? Yes, it got done late into the evening. Honey do list current score Zap 1 List ??
Got home late last night with the '57 from the Fort Worth Goodguys show. Did 2 of the 3 days. Everything was great, good drive both ways with no major issues, and that was close to 900 mile round trip with my trip to Oklahome after the Friday show. There was great attendance at the show. I was there early Friday and I was number 1601, and Saturday was much bigger, so I'm guessing they had their expected 2500 cars.
On Saturday I parked next to what turned out to be a group of 5 guys from Amarillo I didn't know, so I now have some new local friends. I was getting some really nice compliments on the car all day. One of the Amarillo guys is a collector, mainly mopars. He told me he was a mopar guy, but was going to look at adding a Ford to his collection. I asked him what he was looking at, and he replied..."yours"! He said he had brought some cash with him in case he saw something of interest for sale. He offered 35K in 100 dollar bills. ....."cash today and you can drive it home and I'll pick it up at your house...seriously". I thanked him for the offer, but told him "no....I spent 11 years building this thing and I really need to drive it". He said I hadn't heard the last of him yet.
The show was typical....only 4 '57 Fords including mine, no '58's, 3 '59's. There were probably in excess of 100 tri five Chevy's. I've got to admit I was really disapointed in the showing of mid-50's and newer Fords. Only a few that were exceptionable, yet every time I turned around there were GM's of every year and make that were pure jewels. There had to be 2-300 cars there that had in excess of 150K invested, and a handful of trailer queens that probably were in excess of 250K. Maybe the best was a '60 dodge Phoenix that was amazing...and powered by a Ford Coyote!
I'm sorry to hear about the problems that you are having with Grundy. Sounds like the antique insurance people are getting tough. Hopefully Hagerty will get you squared away. Jay
Thanks Jay...I was kind of expecting it, but was sure hoping they wouldn't cancel...they are a really good insurance company as far as covering losses. My only gripe is something I just found out when they sent me the non-renewal notice. They said the reason for cancellation was 5400% loss factor. By my calculations, that means the building I damaged got about 13,000 for replacing a sheetmetal panel and posibly an overhead door tract. I know they never replaced the panel. Makes me wonder if the building appraiser made a deal with the building's owner.
Rich, We don't have Grundy up here..but Hagerty is here...My old Insurance company was bought out by Hagerty and my premium on my 2 32 Fords rose by 30%.I switched to a company called Zehr...and the premiums were dropped down for 2 vehicles by 40%!. I have heard of insurance companies dropping folks after 1 mishap.... I am not sure this is universal.....
I went to Zehr for insurance on my 57 and because the value is under 10k(right now)... the premium is only 100 bucks a year.
Hope you get all straightened out.
I'm going with Hagerty for this next year. I had a speeding ticket 1 1/2 years ago, and some of the insurance companies that I talked to won't consider insuring you if you have more than one strike against you in the past 3 years....that's combined tickets and accidents. I had to talk like crazy to get Haggerty to up the mileage to their max. of 7500 miles per year, over their stated max of 5K. That cost another 60 bucks!, so the premium is now 641 for (45k coverage) annually.
BTW, this is the building damage they apparently paid 13 K to have fixed...
note the 3 foot or so wall is pushed out about 6" from the foundation. That is because being a car wash, the bottom of the wall / sill plate and anchors had all rotted away from constant moisture.
Rich . . . I have and have had Hagerty on all my classic cars. They are a little strict but don't seem to have the one accident thing. I've only filed one claim in all the years I've been with them and that was when I backed into a hidden concrete pillar in my Custom 300 and messed up the rear bumper. To have it straightened and replated cost almost $900 and all they needed was a photo of the damage and an estimate and they paid quickly without question. And the best part is my insurance didn't go up.
I too had Grundy for about 10 years, without a claim. Then my Insurance Broker started having problems gettin paid by them for providing them business..He suggested that I switch to Infinity Select Insurance so I did. I'm insured for $100,000 agreed value, costing a little over $500 per year. Not too long after the switch my 57 was hit & run while parked. The damage wasn't too great, about $3,600 to have Santini re-do the passenger side rear quarter panel. Infinity paid promptly without question. Then two years later, February 15, 2015 I had my front & rear collision on the freeway coming home from a car show in Palm Springs, CA. So far I've received over $36,000 for the repairs, with another $15-20,000 still left to take care of the final repair costs. My insurance has been renewed without question. So far it has been a good decision as far as I'm concerned. I hope they will continue to insure me after the car gets back on the road, probably in 2017.
Lots of good referals around for both Grundy and Haggerty, but nice to get referals for the smaller companies as well...thanks for that, Bob. I already had stuff in the works for Haggerty, and I finalized it today...even have the certificate of insurance in my email to print out.
gasser? offering on eBay
I go to a local meet-up every Saturday night about 1/4 mile from my house. It's on old rt 66 and a bunch of us mostly old guys sit around and tell lies for a few hours. I should have been bringing my camera along for the past few months...there's a bunch of neat cars that show up. The new owner of the property we park at loves hot rods...a few weeks ago he even bought us 4 pizzas and apologized because a party he was giving was taking up alot of the spaces. He even asked if we wanted any cars moved out of our way!
I took these pics last night. The 49 merc is one of 4 outstanding cars a friend owns. His 54 Lincoln is over the top. They're all purple.
The '5? pickup has a 5.8 efi from a '96 pickup
Next weekend there are two hot rod runs out of Amarillo. The Saturday one will run down to Childress (115 miles se on 287) and the destination is a big Ford collector's place. I'm really looking forward to that. The Sunday run is headed for a place the locals call the "overlook" near Silverton and will have a barbecue there. This run apparently has been an annual event with a large turnout.
Sounds like I've got a fun weekend coming up.
I did take an afternoon drive today to just over the NM state line to Russel's Truck Stop that has a really nice free museum inside. He recently swapped out the cars on display as they do 3 or 4 times a year, and now has some great Fords I hadn't seen before.
browsing old photos and found this one of my Dad with his second deer circa 1965. Michigan had a fox bounty that paid for the deer license.
If you squint real hard, peeking out behind Dad is my '57. Some change!
I could never be a hunter...I killed a pheasant when I was about 14 and felt guilty forever!
When do you figure the Custom will be done? I guess with that t-bird interior you're building it for both street and strip? That's one I'd like to hear!!
Same old story, life keeps getting in the way. I'm testing all the custom wiring before I button up the dash and console. I found a problem with the horn that required a new turn signal switch/column harness. It took a while just to find a NOS turn signal switch for a '76 Lincoln! One step back...half step forward. I did buy 11 gallons of E85 to start testing the fuel gauge sender and then move on to purging the fuel lines. 11 gallons should read 1/4 on the fuel gauge. Timing was also an issue to get the E85 bought before the stations change over to winter blend.
( (
A 57 that ran the local streets with a 427 wedge back in the day is now 427 cammer powered , and not a street machine . It does make it to a local cruise now and then but is trailered . I had a shot of the front end flipped up with a good pic of the motor , but can't find the damned thing now ! :003:
....found it
( (
Nice.....but too nice not to be driven, lol. Where are the "local streets"?
The car was a regular on the street in the 60's in Windsor Ontario , right across from Detroit if you aren't familiar with Ontario is now in London ON , about 120 miles north of here , where these pics were taken in August . Owner is about my age , 70 , so maybe the car is a little too much for the street . :003: it is, almost the "new" 6AM. Been awake for an hour now, second cup of coffee, ol body is getting more resistant to changes in schedule. Don't remember this happening years ago?
I hate the change and trying to adjust, makes we wish I lived in Arizona.
counter productive
went on another cruise this past weekend. I wanted to get one more in before the snow started flying. This one was around 900 miles, and similar to one I took earlier this year to southern Oklahoma, but this time I had a slightly different destination, which was Lake Texoma on the border between Texas and Oklahoma. I could have taken 287 southeast out of Amarillo down to witchita falls, then east, but elected to go east on I40/old66 to OKC, then south on I35 to the lake. you guys that drive your '57's regularly notice things like gas stops and rest areas can take a long time if you're willing? I love people asking about the car. I was filling up in Elk City on the first day, and a guy in a late Mustang pulled up in the next pump. First thing he said was..."I've got a '57 Ford too" Well, you know that discussion went 20 minutes or so. He's got a Fairlane 2 dr sedan with a 460. He hasn't been driving it because of overheating issues.
Forgot...Lake Texoma is where my '57 was when I bought it. I was living in Colorado at the time and trailered it home and parked it in my driveway for 4 years...."gonna get to it some day". I did.
First pic is of the Budget Inn I stayed at in Madill. Only three customers there even though it was a Saturday. Off season. Nice because there was only one other car in the back two new buildings, so I just slept with the curtains not drawn so I could keep an eye on the car.
The second pic....if you zoom in on the area between the two small trees above my roofline you can see the portion of the bridge where the boats pass. That was about in the middle of the bridge! That's a big lake....probably take a full day to drive around it and investigate all the side roads.
The return route home was the smaller highways thru the ranch country of Oklahoma. That way I was able to avoid much of the Thanksgiving travellers returning home Sunday.
We don't have any big lakes in N Texas, so I really enjoyed the area. The trip once again was uneventful as far as problems with the car...YAHOO again! I do have some new squeaks and "rubbing" going on somewhere. Going to get it up on a lift and have them check everything out....especially the ball joints since the car now has about 9K miles on it. I ran into a heavy mist/light rain for about 2 or 3 hours on the way home...sure appreciated my intermittent wipers!! Also, I did find out definetly what the gas leak at the gas filler was, and it is definetly the vent tube. I had stopped for five minutes 50 miles down the road from filling it up, and in that 5 minutes there was a small puddle of gas on the concrete under the license plate. The tube was pushing out a steady drip. First time I was able to actually see the leak I had been chasing for a few months now. I think that also explains why my gas mileage had been dropping on long trips. That's the only time I actually fill it up. It probably also explains why I had been noticing the gas needle dropping much quicker than it use to to 3/4. New vent tube material for a redo was picked up today. I figured out how to reroute it without having the necessary almost immediate drop that it has now the way I routed it initially.
Rich, your round trip stories are always inspiring, keep them coming and the car rolling !! :001:
It was seeing the Rocket Igniter Wheels on your car that made me do something similar. I like the looks of those Halibrand Kidney Bean style wheels, as they look both fresh and still somewhat vintage since 1958 I believe.
I put these on my Daily Driver 1964 German Ford Taunus Turnier wagon. Hardly any of you will probably know that car.
Rarely seen Speedmasters on a metric wheel bolt pattern.
Thanks, those wheels are awesome on that Taunus. Somewhere in my archives I've got some pics of a '57 Ford Taunus, but I had never seen pics of other years. That wagon is absolutely beautiful. A recent addition?
I remembered this morning, on this trip, I also found the hazard lights I have on the car to be very useful. I had someone tailgating me in a long construction zone. I've found not too many will tailgate me but there's always someone. I particularly worry about it since I have no back bumper. I find tapping my brake light on only works about 1/2 the time, and it wasn't with him. I flipped the hazzard switch on for about 5 seconds and he backed right off and stayed back.
Love seeing Pegasus on your wagon.
Zap - :unitedstates:
Me too, I forgot to mention that....Hell of an impact for a sticker!!
thanx guys. I put those stickers on magnetic foil and have had it on all of my cars since, starting at my 57SD, the Model A Hotrod, the Comet, some of the Volkswagens, the Del Rio, MG...they look good on any old car. love the Pegasus. Jay also gave me a license plate topper along with the 34 Ford and I have an original tin metal 1934 Mobiloil Pegasus license plate topper, which I don't dare using on the car honestly. It's in the cabinet behind my desk. just too nice :003: I also collect cans , lube stickers, maps and all kinds related to the Mobiloil Pegasus.
I've had the Taunus for half a year now and it's getting very reliable by now. 2 owner car with 40 years of first ownership. very very dry and original car.
forgot commenting on your tailgating , Rich.
Most people drive up much too close these days. They think they have powerful new brakes. But they forget that the second of reaction in our brains has been the same since 100.000 BC.
So much for holding out for NOS Ranch Wagon emblems...
I didn't bid because it is for a Del Rio.
?? You didn't what because what's Del Rio??..... I'm confused.
That was a lot of bucks for ONE script.
Good morning. I haven't been on here in a long time and was searching for a Ford Forum and remembered I was registered here. I actually have a 58 Courier Sedan Delivery...57 tail lights so maybe that qualifies me to be here. I have owned it since 72 and am currently on the 3rd version of it. Went from 6 and 3 on the tree, 390 4 speed, 302 AT. 302 5 speed and now 390 C6. I'm hoping to have it back together again this coming summer. It's been apart now for going on 3 years and I really miss cruising in it.
Quote from: highpockets on 2016-12-08 10:24
Good morning. I haven't been on here in a long time and was searching for a Ford Forum and remembered I was registered here. I actually have a 58 Courier Sedan Delivery...57 tail lights so maybe that qualifies me to be here. I have owned it since 72 and am currently on the 3rd version of it. Went from 6 and 3 on the tree, 390 4 speed, 302 AT. 302 5 speed and now 390 C6. I'm hoping to have it back together again this coming summer. It's been apart now for going on 3 years and I really miss cruising in it.
Welcome back! Good luck getting your car up and running. My car was an original 6/MT, when I bought it 4 years ago it had a 302/AOD. I put a 390/Toploader in it and recently built a 462FE which is pushing it around now. Lot of help here for us lovers of these cars
Yes, welcome back. Lots of '58 guys on here. Well, maybe not lots, but some for sure. Stick around...I may try to get a meeting of forumn members going next spring or summer in Colorado. SD ain't that far! I'd like to plan it for a show.... maybe nsra in Pueblo
I tried to put a pic of my Courier in my profile spot, but couldn't get it there, might try it here as an attachment.
Get need to be driving that!!
Looks great, love the ghost flames.
SENIOR MOMENTS......................
Ha, since I turned 70 a few weeks ago, my wife has been teasing me about things like...maybe I should start wearing wrist bands when I go on a trip with my home address just in case I forget.
A few weeks ago we got a recall notice on Connie's car. I called and made an appointment for today, her day off. She calls me this morning and said I'm at the TIE_ODA place and they don't have a record of an appointment for my car.
I replied...Connie you don't have a Toyota any more, you traded it on the Honda last year. Go to the Honda place.
Paybacks are hell.
That is FUNNY!!! I wish my wife would do something like that, I am always trying to get the "high ground". :003:
'Tis the season for traveling. I'm offering my barn/farm for a regional 'depot'. If any member has parts too large to affordably ship, they can drop them at my barn to be picked up later by another traveler to relay to the next location. Kind of a pony express. My barn is located near the south/central border of Michigan twelve miles north of I80, fifteen miles south of I94 and forty miles west of I75. Michigan International Speedway is three miles away. Visit a NASCAR race or cruise Woodward Dream Cruise and drop or pickup something. Hey, park your motor home during race week!
That was a big-hearted offer Gary. Nice of you to do that.
Speaking of traveling, yesterday, on our way back from Phoenix we stopped in Gallup, NM for Lunch at the Historic El Rancho Hotel. Great place to stop for eats if you're passing thru, but the reason I'm posting this was I noticed when we were leaving the hotel is at the corner of historic rt 66 and Ford dr. I thought that was cool.
5 degrees here this morning...snow expected later. I turned on the heaters in the garage an hour ago...not sure if will do much good with the wind we've got going too.
-37 degrees in Butte Mt today. No garage today.
Yep, had a feeling I'd get somebody wanting our heat wave.
It's cool here today at -6. I didn't go out to the garage except to get the rake to remove some on the snow from the lower roof.
Expecting 1 - 3 today in B-Ham. Had my fill of the "white stuff" while in WI for Christmas! We do shut down here, no equipment to handle the stuff. All is good though, have my beer locker is full, the fridge is full and the pantry stocked up. I can stay happy for a month if need be.....
Well it is even getting cold here. Rain, possibly a little sleet, maybe mid 20's tonight and tomorrow night. Too cold for me...moving further south only leaves Florida.
Looks like we may be in for a tough weekend. I just got back from Wally World stocking up on dog and cat food and snacks, lol. Ice/wind storm headed this way, most parts of the Texas panhandle all the way up into central Kansas...expecting major power outages, with driving in some areas (particularly Kansas) to range from "dangerous to imposible". I'm hoping Pantex calls off their work shifts tommorrow, I don't want my wife driving in that.
I think I may kick on the heaters in the garage tommorrow in hopes it'll keep down the ice buildup on the metal roof.
Funny how weather is so different across the country. Sunday it was 21 here, close to a record. Yesterday it was 82, tied a record. This weekend.... 77 and mostly sunny Saturday and Sunday????
Yup, frozen in last Friday, 74 yesterday even higher today......?
I was clearing out my huge backlog of emails this past week and finally got to the end, where I found an email sent to me last September from a member here (Monte Shrauder) from Midland, Tx. Midland is due south of Amarillo, about 235 miles, with Lubbock being half way. Anyway, Monte and his wife are from Kansas and go back there frequently, through Amarillo. It seems his wife was on a return trip last September when she saw "a really nice looking dark gray '57 Ford" north of Amarillo on hwy 87. He asked if it was me. Yep, more then likely as that's one of my frequent drives when I want to get out for an hour or so.
Pretty cool being recognized out on the highway.
Monte is going to give me a shout the next time they're in/through Amarillo, so it looks like I'll get to meet up with yet another '57 forum member! That's cool too!!
Been so quiet here....everyone asleep or in the throngs of Super Bowl preps.......being a Packer fan my interest in it is luke warm at best. Might have watched it for the commercials but even those are politicized and I shall remain quiet on my feelings of Lady Gaga....
I am in Ohio and we have a clear day.33 degrees...Im taking my 93 years old,WW2 combat veteran paratrooper,to breakfast in the 57..........All enjoy your day................
We are heading to a party, a "cochon de lait", in other words a suckling pig roast. Weather is off the charts beautiful. I couldn't care less about the game other than the board squares I have. Looking forward to the event.
It sure has been quiet here.
This time the weather liars were telling the truth. They said that we will be getting snow up to 12 to 17 inches and it will be blowing at 50 mph. It's dangerous to walk around outside with things blowing around.. We have been having off and on electricity. Now we have the lights back on but no phone and no TV. I can live without the phone and TV, but we need the electricity for heat and the water pump. I have a stash of water and fire wood , but haven't had to use them yet. There is absolutely no traffic outside on the highway and visibility looks like it is about 20 feet. We have plenty of food candles and spare batteries. So things are not that bad.
It's cold here.
It's Canada.
wow, stay warm my friend!
It's been shirtsleeve weather here. Only one minor snow event this year so far, lol, of course that was the day I decided to hit a casino in Oklahoma, and didn't get home til 6 am because the 2 1/2 hour drive took 6 hours!
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2017-02-09 12:26
It's cold here.
It's Canada.
Jeff .....I asked you before to keep all that white stuff up there in Canada where it belongs. How come you are letting it slip down to here? HAHA
I can't see my garage from the back windows and can't see the highway out the front windows.
Rich.... It sure is nice and warm in the house. My phone and TV are working again also. I'm glad that I don't have any place to go to. Things are looking good.
Sometimes you gotta let the youngsters give you a bit of a push:
Pushed the Ranchero out to tidy the garage & just could not get it back in the garage so had to use the thumping 75bhp and 1300cc of my wife's Ford to push it back in the garage, it's too heavy for me to do on my own! Made the clutch smell a bit mind you............
Pretty clever. How far are you from having it go in and out of the garage on it's own?
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2017-02-10 08:04
Pretty clever. How far are you from having it go in and out of the garage on it's own?
I collected the engine last weekend and have just started building it back up, only to discover wear in the harmonic balancer........ Placed a sizable order with Summit today for all of the various bits & pieces that you need but overlook in the early stages, $300 later I'd ordered a handful of bits that will seem like nothing when they arrive. At times like this I'm glad I don't have a joint account with my wife.
The downside is it's cold here (okay, it's always cold, but it's colder than usual!), we've got snow showers at the minute & there's no heating in the garage. I want to have it finished for May as there's a big American car and hot rod meet going off about ten miles away & want to drive it there.
"At times like this I'm glad I don't have a joint account with my wife."
Yep, that's probably the best advise I could give to newlyweds..........separate accounts, and keep your nose out of theirs.
Good luck. We've had a milder than normal winter so far here in N Texas.
It was 87 degrees here Saturday!! Today is freezing rain.
Just about all of my projects have come to a screaming halt this pass few weeks....'57 included. We've been house hunting, just about worn out from the looking. We may know today on one I'm actually kinda excited about. We made an offer late Saturday and it wasn't that far from what they were asking. We got word from their realtor they were coming back with a counter offer today. I hate the thoughts of moving at my age, but it's what the wife wants. The upside is we'd be moving out of the slums to a really nice neighborhood and I'll actually have a real 2 car garage and maybe even a shop.
Still in the garage there is a classic El Camino....I guess the current owner is a car guy.
Why are we moving at our age?? My wife's cousin from Phoenix is now alone and is preparing to move here with us. She's selling two houses in Phoenix (1 already sold). The house we're in now is way too small, so she and my wife are buying the new one together.
If it happens, this new venture is going to put some serious dents in my time for at least the next year, including my planned trip to Florida next month.
My replacement speedometer is scheduled to be delivered today!!
Rich I feel your pain! But life does have a habit of getting in the way. There are many things much more important then cars and good for you to pay the heed! Bonus is perhaps a garage to work in after the dust settles.
Second bonus I learned with the numerous Navy moves, gives you a chance to sort all the "stuff" and streamline life!
Man I feel the dread of moving all the way here in Baton Rouge! I can't even imagine. The good news at least for me is we also tend to thin out stuff when we move.
We have thought about moving many times...I would love to move to the west coast in BC.... a friend of ours drives moving transport and told me it's a $1 a pound (roughly)......I looked around my shop and I have about 30,000 lbs. just in the shop
Ain't ever gonna happen.
We made 'down-size' move just over two years ago. It was tough but well worth it. Still adding things to the cut list. Getting closer and closer to D-Day(dumpster day). New shop is about as full as I can get it!
didn't make the cut
We just came to an agreement on the $, now the only roadblock will/could be the inspection.
Definetly going to have to start thinning out the stuff in storage/shop areas. If anything, we're going to be thin on furniture, lol. We're moving from a 1000 sq ft house 2 bed/1 bath to a 2400sq ft house 4 bdr/3 bath/sunroom/2nd living area,16x16 (?)inside atrium , etc etc.
We've kinda gotten use to this cruddy neighborhood, but now that were moving to an upscale tract, we're definetly excited. I've hated having to work on this old house because I've always felt like I was wasting my time and my wife's money, but I'm honestly looking forward to working on this new house. It doesn't have to have much done to move in, but we've already got plans for changes down the road to bring it up to date. The house is owned by an elderly gentleman who couldn't keep up with it, and it was built in '69. It may end up being too much house for us at our age, but most of the houses in this tract are 40k over what we're getting this one for and sell quickly, so that eliminates alot of the stress factor.
The only reason we can/are willing to do this, is when my wife's cousin sells her second house in Phoenix, she's putting in 100K, so our mortgage won't be that much. Haven't made any plans for the old house some fixing to finish up after we move out.
Also, we are so relieved about my wife's health. We had a major scare last month. After some xrays at the VA, her doctor wanted a catscan done "just to make sure", that was followed by a recommendation for a petscan (sp?) "just to make sure" and a follow up consultation with a surgeon. We had no idea what was going on or what they found. On consultation day after a week of stomach wrenching, the first thing the surgeon said was "what are you doing here?". He was pissed that her doctor requested the catscan to begin with, never mind a petscan. He said what they saw was so small he couldn't even do a biopsy on it. The petscan is a whole body thing, and they found nothing. The surgeon must have thought we were simpletons because we both sat there with a huge grin on our face while he was bitching about the high costs of those unneeded scans.
Rich that is great news on two fronts! First and foremost is your wife's health! I am well aware of the angst of waiting for those kind of test results, not on my "list" of things to do! For those that have never gone through that kind of thing you just can not begine to imagine the weight that is lifted!!!!!!
Given all the bad news the VA has gotten in the last couple of years it is really good to hear there is at least one other center that gives a crap! Don't know how my center here in Birmingham is as I've never been sick or had issues. Only annual check ups. Not heard of anything when waiting to see the doctor from the others that are there.
It was great to hear about the VA running those tests but much better to know that it was only a health "scare".
I couldn't help but wonder what kind of a house that doctor, that was complaining about costs, drove home to. Although I'm sure their medical staff at VA's are not paid anywhere near a staff's civilian wage, and I give them many kuddos for that. We've been very happy with the VA here. When Connie had pneumonia in '15 they were incredible. Amarillo is the medical center for the Texas panhandle as well as ne New Mexico and the OK panhandle.
The governmental employed MD can't do too badly. IIRC They get a premium for working for the government plus don't have to purchase malpractice insurance, the government self-insures.
Went to the Leake auction in OKC yesterday (in my Outback). Drove in Friday night., so I was there about 4 hours. I had never been to a big auction before and I really enjoyed it. There's a huge pavilion building at the OK state fairgrounds where they had a large number of cars inside while they were auctioning. Kinda like going to an indoor car show but with the added feature of the auction you could watch and listen to while your looking at all the cars. They had other buildings where they were parking cars sold or waiting. Mostly "street machines" of all vintages, very few oem 20's, 30's restorations. Lots and lots of high end Bentleys, Porches, Ferraries, Jags, BMW's, etc. It's surprising how many of these 200K cars, maybe 7-15 years old with 30K miles were there. I watched a Bentley(?) roadster get sold for 25k....not positive on the make and definetly don't know the model, but if your ever looking for a high end super car in mint condition....this is the place. I saw 2 1957 Fairlanes. One hadn't gone up yet, and the other didn't make reserve.
On my way home, on I40 just barely out of OKC, I blew something in the Outback. At first I thought it was my engine, it was a very loud "explosion".....but I quickly realized after getting it into the breakdown lane, the engine was still running fine. Then I realized I could still move the car, so I thought I'd try and get it into a safer area, maybe the next exit if possible. I drove it a mile or so in the breakdown lane with my hazards on at 10 or 15 mph. Really weird. Very quiet, no noise anywhere, felt like nothing happened. I took it up to 40mph and drove it for an hour or more before noises started. Up until then it was like nothing had happened. I did pull over and looked under for anything obvious, checked all the fluids, etc. Anyway, for a while I thought I was actually going to make it home, with hopes that whatever went, would not start coming apart and create problems, but only made it halfway. I pulled over in Elk City because the noises were getting louder....then they totally stopped and went quiet again. WTH?? Tried to keep going, but only made it 10 miles to the next small town......still 135 miles from home.The noise/thumping got real bad real quick. Called AAA, was home exactly 2 hours later on a tow truck. Only had to pay the mileage over 100, but that was 115.
Still don't know what's wrong, but it's obviously not in the tranny or engine. It is AWD, so my guess is the transfer case or differential. It's not a front CV joint because my steering was still normal.
Hopefully my friend at the speed shop can get it on his lift soon.
BTW, last week I got my 13th smite, yesterday my 14th, and tonight my 15th. I'm really annoying someone. That's 6 in the past few weeks.
Regarding the smites, is there a way for Potter to see who is giving you the smites? I can see when someone is negative or just on here trying to get parts with no contributions or interactions to get a smite. I never noticed the karma/smite count until last week when it was mentioned by a member, I noticed I had been smited. I probably deserved mine, when I felt my thread was hijacked by a couple of members when I was looking for a part and before I responded and one of them ended up with the parts. I posted a nasty comment and noticed it was removed within a few minutes. I let my emotions get ahead of my judgement so I think that how I got mine.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2017-02-26 22:00
BTW, last week I got my 13th smite, yesterday my 14th, and tonight my 15th. I'm really annoying someone. That's 6 in the past few weeks.
I don't get it. As I've just said in another post, this place is so friendly & helpful and I'm yet to see any real "attitudes", no-one deserves a smite, especially you! Your posts are always informative and/or interesting, I'd love to contribute more, but being a foreigner I simply can't contribute to discussions that are at home to you guys. It's almost like some is lurking in the shadows that doesn't say anything and just jumps in to hit the smite button when they feel like it. I've never smited anyone, I just don't see the point?
Mind you, I wouldn't mind a smite button at work, preferably one that when pressed delivered an electric shock to the receiver!!!!!
One more smite and your account will be inactive for two weeks!!!!
Smite count and Applause count is for fun. It means nothing. No one is keeping score. Web Master has even considered elimination. Members thought it was fun to keep. If this option is not fun anymore and impedes the open and helpful environment on this forum, then maybe it is time to reconsider the valve of being able to poke fun at someone's comment.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2017-03-04 14:45
Smite count and Applause count is for fun. It means nothing. No one is keeping score.
It's a pity they can't be traded for a discount at Macs!!!!!
"Smite count and Applause count is for fun. It means nothing. No one is keeping score."
I absolutly agree 100%. They really don't bother me at all...just another topic of discussion. Since I have the vote should count the most and I vote to keep it.
We're getting close to closing on our new house. It is set up for this Friday. The only thing left is the VA's second inspection, and that's today. I'm flying to Phoenix Saturday with my wife's Cousin to pick up a couple u-haul trucks and get her moved here. I jokingly told my wife I expected all our stuff to be moved by the time Sherri and I got back with her stuff.
I stopped by the new house yesterday to check a few things and met the neighbors on one side. Real nice couple, and he's a car guy. He's been a Chevy guy ('57 Belair), so I got some work to do. I got a little history on the neighborhood. The house they live in was the personal house of the guy who built the housing tract (about 280 houses),but is 400 square ft smaller than ours. Our house and the one on the other side was built for friends of the builder, which explains why the three are the largest in the tract. The builder's name was McCarty and is the name of our street. All the other streets are his kid's or friend's names.
The guy that owned our house was a truck driver and use to park his rig in the back yard, which explains the very wide gate off the back alley.
Trying to figure out what to do with my piles of car stuff. Aside from all my old extra 57 parts, I've got all the removable sheetmetal from a '94 Mark VIII, and the 4.6 engine.
My bulky extra '57 stuff includes both my original bumpers, a set of front fenders needing all the available rust repair panels, a driver's door, 6cyl exhaust,etc. I have my oem rear glass stashed somewhere, but haven't seen it for years.
morning everybody,
14 posts and already a smite, ...must be part of the regular crew now.
nice update to the main page by the way.
Quote from: Swank on 2017-03-27 10:38
morning everybody,
14 posts and already a smite, ...must be part of the regular crew now.
nice update to the main page by the way.
If I knew I was going to get a smite for stepping on someones toes I would have stepped harder :003: Welcome to the collection crew..
ditto on the welcome.
I like your iron gate idea across the garage door.
I had the unofficial motto of "create difficulties whenever possible" years before. guess I still have it, whether I know it or not.
group of rowdy non-conformist punks over here, ...all these smites.
thanks, iron gate is pretty cool, somebody did a pretty good job at some point in the past.
I'm pretty sure that over on the HAMB, there is a link to 57 Fords or old Fords. Does someone know how to find it? I've never been able to. Thanks Jay
Swank, I may have given you the smite. I was looking at the site on my I phone and attempted to take a closer look at your car photo posted next to your name and it's is so close to the karma smite buttons that I hit it but could not reverse it. I'm not 100percent sure it was me but I know I did it to someone in error. I do not know if the moderator can check and reverse. He may be able to see if it was me and delete it since it was an accident. If it was not me yes you may have roughed somebody else's feathers. I have been on this site for 8 or 10' years and just noticed a month ago we even had the karma/ smite. Anyway if it was me I'm sorry, it was in error, smite me back!!!!!
Kerby.......So, maybe you're the one that accidentally gave me my 15, lol?
Jay......Yes there is a 57 Ford specific social forum on the Hamb, but it's not active at all. last post was there a year ago. Sadly, just yesterday I was checking the site and it opened to a post Zap did a few years ago saying it was so quiet over there he felt somebody should be playing a funeral march. :sad10:
There is a 52-59 Ford social club, as they call them there, there a few from this forum belong to. Not much '57 stuff going on there though, but it's all good. I'll have to go over there and remember how to access the different social clubs available.
no worries to me at all Wirenut, ...I was just noticing all the cool kids had smites, so when I got one I was all excited.
First some Hamb info: most of the social clubs, once you find them, won't allow you to view the posts until you join their particular club. When you try to check them out all you will see is a "no posts available for viewing" notice. If you're not a Hamb member, there's lot's of stuff you can't see or do, so the first thing you need to do is join. You know Jeff is a moderator there, so he may block you out, lol.
That said, if you're a member, you should see some icons up near the top on the left. One of those is a profile of 3 people. Click on it and one of the dropdown choices will be social forums.
Thank you very much Rich
With your guidance, I was able to find my way into the site before "you know who got me blocked out". That was a fast two hours that I spent over there and there is more to see. Jay
Not sure if you fellas see this one....
Rich is off line while he's moving. Hats off to him. Found a buyer for my barn. I just got home and I'm beat after only six hours. Loaded up the '47 Mercury and got it outside. Got a 460 and C6 out of one of the lofts and put it in '65 Galaxie. Finished off by loading extra parts into the Galaxie so it's ready to go. I'll rest up tomorrow by working of the Raunch Wagon. The closing is scheduled for Wednesday. Thursday will be back to the barn to clean '57 parts and '65 Thunderbird stuff out of one of the four lofts.
Gary I feel your pain. When I retired from the Navy cleaning out and getting ready to sell the house (did not want to retire in VA, not a "retiree" friendly state) turned into a life altering experience for me. Already had the new place in TN. Smaller house, no kids, (we ran away from home), about the same size garage.
Over a three week period I took seven long bed pickups full of "stuff" to the land fill and three loads of parts to a salvage yard and still maxed out my shipping allowance.
A couple of years ago I decided it was time to start cleaning out the garage of some of the crap I had saved over the years that I will never use again at my age. Two truck loads to the scrap yard that came to 2900 lbs @ $.05 a lb it almost paid for the gas :003:
My new threshold for saving parts:
- if it doesn't go on a car that I own
- if there are two or more of the same part
- if storage costs more than the value of the part
it has to go.
One plus is scrap is a little better than a year ago!
:unitedstates:well please post some of what you have available before scraping them.`I am not that far from you.just thinking....Racton
I'm back on line!! With one of the computers anyway. We slept in the new house for the first time on Saturday. After almost 5 weeks, this place still looks like a warehouse, but it's getting better. The Suddenlink guy was out to fix what the previous teckie was suppose to have done last Friday. When he came down from the attic he informed us we needed to call an exterminator. He was flashing his flashlight around and saw some eyes staring at him.......squirrels!!
That most definitely is a job for the professionals! The lady who was my HVAC services contractor where I worked related the tale of squirrels in her attic.....listening to her tell the story had me and my guys rolling on the floor. Bottom line the effort by her husband to rid the place of the little critters resulted in two bullet holes in the roof, three holes in the sheet rock ceiling and a broken arm before he gave up.....
That's funny. I've got to take a walk around the house and figure out where they are coming in from. At least they're not raccoons. Had a family of six living in our attic in Colorado.
The week after we bought the house I had a possum come strolling into the garage. Hadn't seen one of those since I was a kid.
I have had a squirrel problem, too. At one time three of my neighbors were feeding the little critters they would eat/carry off. I managed to keep them out of the house but had $300 of wiring chewed off my week old p/u. I live trapped about 3 dozen and relocated them to the city park for everyone to enjoy. Then I found out the city was live trapping them and returning them to the neighborhoods. I'm going to start trapping them with conibear 110's.
I'll gladly trade my gofers for anyone's squirrels :003:
Red Squirrels..they are my enemy.......
just wishing this old bad bird a happy birthday.'s about time to wake back up.
Happy Birthday
CHIPMUNKS. Killed all my landscaping. Put out these little pills (arsenic). Most were belly up the next day. More moved in and before I could offer up some more pills, hawks moved in and cleaned them out. Haven't seen one since.
I now have one of them neighbors that dumps bags of shelled corn on the ground. I got more deer **** in the front yard than I did when I lived in the country. Ya, squirrels too but no hawks. Must be the eagles and hawks don't mix.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2017-05-10 13:24
Happy Birthday
CHIPMUNKS. Killed all my landscaping. Put out these little pills (arsenic). Most were belly up the next day. More moved in and before I could offer up some more pills, hawks moved in and cleaned them out. Haven't seen one since.
I now have one of them neighbors that dumps bags of shelled corn on the ground. I got more deer **** in the front yard than I did when I lived in the country. Ya, squirrels too but no hawks. Must be the eagles and hawks don't mix.
Gary, I've got the Chipmunk problem, sure would like some additional information on the "little pills".
Search the inter web and I'm such you can find a smaller amount. If you need five pounds of this stuff for your chipmunks, you're in danger and should move out.
I've carefully peeled back the top of ground mole tunnels and seeded a few on these in with great success.
Good hunting!
Thanks Gary..........I'm laughing at the "should move out" response. I don't need that much! I'll go hunting for a smaller quantity of a like product.
Squirrelyday yesterday.....Went to Zebos yesterday and bought two squirrel traps, then to hardware store then to the old house to pick up lag bolts and stuff to fix where the squirrels were getting in. There was a mechanical problem with the power supply lines going to the house causing the trim board along the roof to pull away from the roof joist ends and soffitt. This is where they were getting in. The critters ran down the power lines then up where the opening was 1 1/2" or so. I wanted to fix that before I set the traps. So, I'm up on my stepladder with all those heavy power lines for the 220 3 phase over my head gradually working the opening closed when I noticed the only thing holding those power lines up there was the old lag bolt that had pulled out of the roof joist was cockeyed in the hole passing thru the trim board and that was the only thing holding all those lines up!! Not good.
So,I had always heard the power company owns everything up to and including the meter, so I gave them a call and explained why I was about one strong wind from loosing my incoming power lines. She said they may or may not be responsible, but would send somebody out within a week or so, suggesting I might want to call an electrician. After being routed from one guy to another for 15 minutes, I finally got one to agree to come out later yesterday. I hung up and the phone immediately rang. It was the power company calling from the alley behind my house. He had new stuff installed on the adjacent roof joist and done in 15 minutes!
Last night at dusk I was out in the back and saw a squirrel up on the power line at the house chatting with another squirrel up on the roof. They both ran off after a few minutes. Hopefully to find a new home. Not sure if I'll set the trap. I can't get back to the corner where the cable guy told me he saw one to see if there are babies up there.
It sounds like a relatively easy solution to a potentially bad problem. I'm glad it went well!
Set the trap! If there is still one up there he/she will tear up a bunch of stuff trying to get out. If there are babies there they will perish. They won't stink because of the dry heat in the attic.
will this moving stuff ever end??? I think my life as I knew it is over.
This Morning Coffee thread crept up over 100k views today...incredibly cool for a small forum.
Morning all from New Zealand, have not posted here for awhile but I am finally getting back into my 57 again that I have had since 2004 and am eager to get it finished this year, so will probably be looking for help from members as I get into the reassembly of the finer parts from the group here. Working through installing wiper washers as OG as I can make it look as my car never had the Aquamatic option. Some progress pics of the engine bay
Engine bay club vic
Good to hear from you again. That engine bay looks great.
Definitely does look good. How close to OG silver color is that air cleaner?
It's Argent silver so hopefully pretty close
Color looks close, just a little too glossy but that just may be the photo or lighting.
I'll never know...........
yesterday I took my dog and went for an early evening ride in the '57. There's a nice rest stop on I40 about 65 miles east of Amarillo that I like to take an occasional run to. It's on the North (westbound) side that has one of the few nice overlooks in the panhandle. So, I pull up and get me and my dog out and this younger guy, mid 20's, Hispanic, comes almost running over and says in a very thick accent "nice car, nice car" Ford??
I said yes, thank you, it's a '57. He then said the phrase we've all heard before...."Home in California we've got one in our garage just like it I think." (At least that's what I think he said). I just smiled thinking it was probably an old Rambler or something. Then he said a few lines I definetly did not understand, followed by "they use to run these NASCAR right?". I said yep, they did, and me and my dog got on with our walk.
A few minutes after they left I got to thinking....he recognised the car as being close to what he had, knew about the Nascar days, made me wonder if it was posible back in California he has an old '57 with the NASCAR markings still on it. I'll never know.
I have had a couple of those "close encounters of the third kind" myself. Often wonder how things would have turned out had I pursued the event......
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2017-05-10 11:32
Red Squirrels..they are my enemy.......
I guess so..those things are so friggin big, they almost look like small children when they stand up. I saw some in Massachussetts the last time I was there that were so fat, they could barely climb the tree, must;ve been 15-20 lbs or so...
Quote from: JPotter57 on 2017-06-15 11:59
I guess so..those things are so friggin big, they almost look like small children when they stand up. I saw some in Massachussetts the last time I was there that were so fat, they could barely climb the tree, must;ve been 15-20 lbs or so...
HA HA HA HA HA....... Yea.... Reds are Nasty
Nothing scares me more than......snakes.
Water moccasins ,....cotton mouths ..rattlers...... Flat Top Bob is always sending me pics of stuff he "Eliminates" in his wrecking yard.......
Years ago.. when we first met and my first visit(15 years ago) i was out in the yard rooting around in a 40 Ford p/u cab trying to persuade a column to free up.....I was being very careful as to take the whole thing because I wanted all of it.... so I am listening to the 2 way radio as I am upside down and resting on my shoulders trying to remove the bolts of the column drop..... Bob is talking over the system but i can't make out what he is saying due to the squelch.
I crawl out of the cab and he radios to me that the snake kit is under the trucks seat(yard truck)
"What snake kit?"
For rattlers he mentions.
.......I fired the torches and cut that SOB out of the cab so fast..............
I hate snakes.
C'mon Jeff, they are just snakes (with all respect). 2 weeks ago I was driving my 64 Ford on a winding Croatian seaside road and sure enough there were 2 HUGE snakes fighting ( or loving) each other in the middle of the road. got around them with screetching tires and hoping they made it back into the ditch before one of those leadfooted Croatian truck drivers came along... :003:
No Thanks G man.. at least where i live I can see the bears,Fishers,coyotes,Moose,wolverines and coy wolves coming!...Snakes.. no thanks! LOL!
I stepped on a rattle snake in my yard and I believe I hold a record for a hundred yard dash while reciting the snake's family heritage. As I recall his parents were not married and his mother was a dog. The snake met his maker after I regained my composure and quit screaming like a little girl.
Finished emptying the barn, auction over, after auction clean up, final move out, and turnover of the keys. Six grueling weeks of moving stuff and it is gone and over. I sympathize with anyone who has this in their future especially those with gray hair. It's like estate planning...huge gratification upon completion. Now it is back to full time work on the '57s!!!!
I wish I could say I know the feeling well. It must be a huge relief to get that done and over with. I keep getting sidetracked trying to get back to my garage refurbishing. Typical day yesterday included cutting down a dead tree and prunning back others. trying to fix a light fixture only to discover the po not only miswired a switch/outlet combo, but had a bad connection where he spliced into a neutral wire. That connection would lose contact when the switch was pushed into the box.
The honey-do list keeps growing, but the stuff I'm getting done is making big differences in the livability of the house.
I really need to get the garage done though so I can finish cleaning out my workshop/garage at the old house.
I can see a move in my future but I don't know about grey hair part, most of mine has been gone for years! I'll bet having the barn was nice, until moving time! If I had something that large it would be nearly impossible to move as it would be full to the roof. I'm glad you've survived the move!
I moved enough times in my life that I decided this was the last one and that was 38 years ago. If I'm ever forced to move again I will rent a backhoe, dig a huge hole in the back yard, shove everything in it and just drive away :003:
I feel your pain. I moved a few weeks ago and discovered my wife and I are borderline hoarders. An old neighbor wanted to come see the place and bring a housewarming gift, I told her that anyone who visits now has to take something with them when they leave from now on. Unfortunately being a car guy not only includes accumulating car parts but tools of all sorts too.
Letting car parts go often were associated with sweating and stammering. But letting a tool go took weeks to gain acceptance. The only consolation was the dust collector and scaffolding brought a good price. You never know when you might need a four foot pipe wrench!!
When we rented our old house, we kept control of some storage areas for a while at least,which helped a bunch at least as far as immediate attention is concerned. I still haven't emptied out my old workroom, but need to do so before too long. As I mentioned earlier, repairs and things needing attention keep getting in the way. Also, it's been too hot here most days for me to be in the storage areas anyways.
Waxed my '57 for the first time last night. Can't remember the last time I hand waxed a car.........20 years ago?? Today I'm going to polish the wheels, detail the interior, clean up the engine compartment a bit. I'm not real big on going overboard getting a car ready for a show as mine is meant to be a driven-a-lot car. It's been ignored pretty much though, so it really needs it anyway. Getting it ready for a local car show in the old historical district Saturday. Found out this week my next door neighbor is president of the association that puts it on. Cool to live in a neighborhood with real car guys. My last neighborhood car guys were guys with purple Cadilacs with 30" wheels.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2017-06-30 08:14
My last neighborhood car guys were guys with purple Cadilacs with 30" wheels.
Now thats what you call 100% justification for moving. Mines a daily driver so I've never done my wheels in the four years they have been on there other then hitting them with a hose. I'd have to sit on my ass to do them which is ok until it's time to get back up :003:
One smite deletes 5 atta-boys.
Some people just piss me off. My son and grandson and his wedding hoodlums :003: made a point of having their picture taken with the Ranchero. After waiting two months to get the 100's of pictures from the photographer she cropped the whole front of the car off :005:
Not only that but she didn't even center the guys! Was this a professional photographer? It's enough upset anyone. I wonder what she thought the object of standing in front of your Ranchero was?
Quote from: terry_208 on 2017-07-09 09:34
Not only that but she didn't even center the guys! Was this a professional photographer? It's enough upset anyone. I wonder what she thought the object of standing in front of your Ranchero was?
Yes she is a professional photographer and to her credit she took beautiful pictures of the wedding. I think the connection of guys and cars just went over her head..
Jim, still a great casual photo!! Except for the pickup in the background, the composition is good, although as you said she obviously missed the point of taking the photo at your car. Hopefully she just cropped it for printing and the image has more of the Ranchero.
I need to track down some of the other people who were taking pictures at the same time with their cell phones and see if someone has a better one..
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2017-07-09 10:18
Jim, still a great casual photo!! Except for the pickup in the background, the composition is good, although as you said she obviously missed the point of taking the photo at your car. Hopefully she just cropped it for printing and the image has more of the Ranchero.
Thanks Rich. Unfortunately this wasn't in the plan, it was a last minute decision by the guys and I was at the other end of the property at the time and didn't even know it was happening or I would have moved it to another location away from the other parked cars.
cool bunch of guys there.
and most of the modern times people don't get it. They just think of old cars as a good backdrop to lean on. don't worry . they just take pictures. and we drive'em hard all year long :002:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2017-07-10 16:59
cool bunch of guys there.
and most of the modern times people don't get it. They just think of old cars as a good backdrop to lean on. don't worry . they just take pictures. and we drive'em hard all year long :002:
Luckily my son is into old cars, he's a FORD man, Like me he wouldn't be caught dead in a foreign car.
Not sure I'm in the right place but I'm looking for a good restoration facility in the Central Valley of Ca. for my 1957 Skyliner which caught on fire the Sat before the 4th. Burned all the wiring on FW and under dash. Burned the fenders, cowl, firewall and part of the roof. In addition to the fire damage the Fire Dept. foamed the entire inside of the car and then flooded it including the trunk. The car is in need of a significant amount of work and the insurance co. does not want to total it if there is any possibility to restoring it. The car is or was a well cared for original with some history and a great story. In the middle of a complete repaint of my 57 Ranchero and not interested in holding on to the Retrac until I can get to it.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
Bummer! Sorry to hear that, but kuddos to the insurance company for not wanting to total it. I'm sure there are guys here that can head you in the right direction, just not sure about the ability to keep it close to home.
If you decide keeping it near home is not necessarily in your best interest, I'd check out Jerry's classic cars in Arkansas.
Thanks for the info but am pretty confident there must be responsible shops and craftsmen in Ca.
I logged in this morning to find my avatar missing. It seems PhotoBucket will not support third party hosting without a paid membership. I attempted copying the file from my drive without success...file too large or not avatar error message. So...what is the max size for this site? Is it bytes or pixel height and width? Searched the forum to find most had guessed until it fit.
"guessed until it fit." I'd check, but my avatar folder is in my old computer which is not hooked up yet, but it is pretty small...seems like around 100 or so thingies.
One Hamb member was posting about photobucket wanting 400 a year to host his photos. I don't think photobucket will be around much longer.
When you resize whatever photo you're going to use, make sure you use the "save as" saving, not "save", or it'll forever be that small
edit..found the info on my current avatar.
102 x 77 px
Yea...Photobucket is doing that to all message boards.. creating lots of Havoc..... Hamm-Garage journal etc,etc.... a big guess is that they are going under and making a last big money grab.B E W A R E .....I have already grabbed all my images and secured them on my External HD...
Gary...... try 192 pixels by 192 pixels @ 72 dpi... or.....
2.667x2.667.... again 72 dpi... that will work
I noticed all the pictures missing at several forums, I've heard they are wanting between $100-350 from some people. I'm glad they can't hold peoples pictures hostage and you can get them back.
I keep all mine on a separate HD and an external.
Kinda slow around here.....I'm guilty.....been on the road, catching up with the three acres that have had plenty of rain and sun to grow like mad. Getting ready to hit the road again. Work has been limited to cleaning up, rearranging, and storing finished parts. Still hitting the stainless a little at a time and will continue with that until it is all completed and the "morning sun - afternoon showers" weather pattern moves on so I can start the blocking/painting process once more. Time for the coffee cup to be filled again.....
...noticed the slow thing. It's summer and there's not enough time to go around. Time is just a flying and summer is half way. First successful drive with the wagon. I made time to visit forum member. AOD has been giving me shifting fits. Control issues usually boil down to valve body, govenor or case (cracked). Swapped out the expensive, aftermarket valve body with OEM valve body and it shifts like an OEM AOD. I'm relieved to isolate the problem but now have to return the aftermarket valve body to the vendor. I'll be holding my breathe to see how good tech support resolves this.
Oh...figured out the Avatar thing. Thanks for the suggestions. 100 pixel x 75 pixel worked. 300x300 didn't. The only two sizes I tried. The learning curve on the picture software upgrades was too time consuming.
Yep, the summer has been flying by. I've only had time for a few overnight road trips. About 3 weeks ago, I did Taos and Santa Fe again. Car ran great, got lots of people asking about the car. On the way out, I stopped for a fill-up in Tuchemcarie (sp?) and pulled up next to a guy filling a beautiful 63 1/2 Galaxie. He was from Texas also, and on his way to Reno for Hot August Nights. Man, sure wish I had had the time and money to follow him there! I'll post pics of that trip as soon as I figure out what happened to my computer cables to hook up my camera went to!!
Been doing a lot of house repair/remodeling, so time on the '57 has been very short. I've been remodeling the living room fireplace.........refinished the bricks, modified the fireplace hearth opening shape, added a 10 foot mantle to match the ceiling beams. A few days ago I started working on built-in bookcases for each end of the fireplace.
Living with two women can have it's advantages........Sherry (wife's cousin) bought me a Toro riding lawnmower this week. It's used but in great shape. Her hairdresser's husband had it....belonged to his mom who recently passed away.
I have run into my first driveability issue with the '57. I was taking the dog out for a ride last week and stopped for cigs. When I got back in and took off, the car started skipping real bad. Wasn't sure I was going to make it home. It will run up to 4k for several minutes in park without skiiping a beat, but will cough and sputter if I try to drive it. So..the long list of things to check has begun. May of the things I don't have the equiptment or know-how to check, so I'm starting with stuff I can do.
When I built the car, I modified the gas tank and started to por-15 the welded areas to add some sealing assurance. It was something I wanted to keep an eye on as I realized after starting, that the surface didn't have enough tooth to allow the por-15 to adhere properly. So, yesterday I pulled the pump and found lots of por-15 pieces floating around the tank, and parially blocking the filter sock on the pump. I spent hours cleaning all that stuff out, including removing the remaining por-15 that was still hanging to the tank. I replaced the filter on the pump. The fine meshed screen on the inside of the pump had zero contaminants on it, so the sock filter caught everything before it entered the fuel line. I also replaced the inline fuel filter and cut the old one apart to double check. Nothing visible on the inside of the filter. I got the car back together last night and took it for a run but didn't fix the problem.
I also ran a engine code test and there are no new codes being thrown that were not on the list a year ago.
I'm going to continue with the fuel system checks, and I haven't eliminated the posibility I got some bad fuel, but I'm not sure how you tell. cleaning the por-15 remnants out of the tank yesterday, I was in the gasoline for hours. It looked normal and smelled normal, but.........? Today I'm going to add some gas treatment and fill it (3/8 of a tank now). After a few neighborhood runs, the car is running better than when the skipping first started, but obviously not resolved. Because it IS running a little better, my thoughts are it is not a coil (coil on plugs), but more than likely an injector. Hmmm. 8 injectors at 40 ish each. I may buy one new one first, then try it in all 8 locations to see if anything changes. Same with the coils when I get to the sparky system.
Got the car running better than it ever has. When I changed over to coil on plugs, I bought a used set of coils because Motorcrafts are close to 70ish each (x8!). Anyway, decided it was time for a major tune up, so ordered a full set of Bosche injectors, which I still haven't received, and I bought a set of 8 coils locally and plugs and got them installed yesterday. The #1 cylinder plug was showing a richer burn than the others, so probably that was the bad coil. I've still got some other stuff I bought to install, but as for now, she's running great. Took the dog out for a 60 mile run. I was pleased to find the engine had had the plugs replaced at some point, and were very easy to remove. I made sure I used anti-seize on the new ones and dialectric on the connections.
:unitedstates: I put plugs in my stock 272 yesterday.i set the points and adjusted the idle screws a little lean.I drove it 5 or so miles today and it runs much better than it has been.It still idles a little rough 925rpms...................I just noticed that distance didnt prevent us from doing what we felt was necesary....I read once that fire was discovered at the same time on different continents......Have fun....racton
lol.I need to proofread more........."took the dog out for a 60 mile run".....My real dog, not the car, lol!
reworded: I took my dog and went for a 60 mile drive in the '57
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2017-08-24 21:34
lol.I need to proofread more........."took the dog out for a 60 mile run".....My real dog, not the car, lol!
reworded: I took my dog and went for a 60 mile drive in the '57
I was feeling sorry for the dog :003:. Hope you have good luck with the after market coil on plugs.
Feeling sorry for the people n the Texas coast, this looks like a bad one..
I ended up buying a set of Duralasts coils, at 240ish set. They were the only ones that had a lifetime warranty. I really was hoping to buy Motorcrafts but dealer pricing was close to 80 each, so 640 + tax. I just didn't have that. I spent alot of time on ebay, found some "genuine Motorcraft coils" for 340, which I almost bought, BUT....,looking closely at the pics, none of the coils had Motorcraft or Ford logos on them and the what appeared to be the box sku info said made in China, with no mention of "motorcraft" I just didn't feel confident that even though they said "genuine Motorcraft", that they actually were, which to me left the only options more than I could afford right now.
Yeah, I've been thinking about all our members down in the coastal Texas area.....looks like they're gonna get hammered. I remember a few years back when Houston had all the floods, and our member "Acrylicman" lost a bunch.........lots of home and business damage. Haven't heard from him since. I've been trying to find out which way the storm will be headed after it leaves the coast.
Now that my car is running so good, I'm fighting the urge to take a road trip up to's not raining there, lol. I may wait and go next weekend for the big "Early Iron" show in Alamosa.
Rich, I have no experience with them and I understand the cost problem. Just from what I have read on other forums is the cheaper after market ones aren't too reliable, I don't recall time/mileage. Most people are recommending only to use the Motorcraft and just replace a bad one rather then all. If your planning a long trip I would take a few of the old ones with you just in case.
Rich, I just went through the same issue on my 2007 F150 crew cab. It's got 103,000 miles, the 5.4L engine, and still had the original plugs. After a heavy rain storm, it started "missing intermittently" on #4 and #8 cyl., according to a scan. I blew the plugs out with air and ordered two new Motorcraft coils. They arrived in a generic box, and had a photocopied paper that said the Ford logo mark was in very small raised print under the lip. It was very hard to find, but it was on the part. It's amazing to me how much the prices vary on the internet for the exact same Motorcraft part#.
Long story short, it ran fine for another six months then started missing again. I read all of the internet stories about 5.4L "broken spark plugs", and what my possible options were. I bought eight Motorcraft "new and improved" plugs, the special 5.4L spark plug socket, and the "broken plug" removal tool kit. I read that if you get the engine HOT (operation temp), then quickly remove one coil pack, then use an impact wrench to back the plug out. It worked for me, all eight came out without breaking even one plug. I did one at a time, getting the engine back up to operating temp after each plug was changed. It was scary using an impact to remove a steel spark plug, from an aluminum head. The old plug gaps were "over" 1/8". I'm surprised it even started, or ran.
I get lots of enjoyment working on old cars, and vintage trailers. I HATE WORKING ON NEW VEHICLES. They are not made to be worked on by any normal sized person. Glad that I'm retired now and can choose what I work on today.
I had heard about all the problems with broken plugs in aluminum heads, which is why I didn't want to get into the potential task/problem at the time when I switched over to cops. I just set aside the spark plug replacement for a later date..which came up this week. As it turned out for me, all the plugs had been replaced previously (with Bosche), all were normal burn, except for one which was showing a blackened residue probably indicating the problem coil. I checked one of the old ones for gap and it was still close to the .052-.056 recommended. My new plugs are the Motorcraft high end plugs. I numbered all the plugs and coils as I pulled them, I've got to find the old thread we had where Canadian Ranchero told me (with pics) how to check coils and what the resistance range should be.
Very interesting about the generic box/tiny logo for the Motorcraft coils you got. It sounds like what I was looking at on ebay, but of course I didn't know about the hidden logo
It would be interesting to talk to a Ford Parts man about that . Just doesn't make sense to me.
BTW, The car is running great, I put 896 miles on it since yesterday's post, lol.
While I can't speak to your specific application I can say that I have had good luck with Duralast coils on my older cars. I have also used them on several cars that I have fixed for other people.
I personally don't think that Motorcraft electrical parts are any better.
Just got home from the Labor Day Weekend vehicle auction at Auburn Indiana. Lots of beautiful cars and quite a few projects. I saw only one '57 Fairlane. Must mean '57 Ford owners are NOT selling.
Black Friday sale @ LEBARON BONNEY !!!!!!!!!!!
I was in the Personal Message feature this morning. I responded to a question and POSTed it. Then, I wondered what I had written. So I looked in the SENT MESSAGE feature and there was nothing new...just one from 2012. Is this feature not working or do I not know how to use it?
I think theres a clicky box under the message box you got to click that says something like 'save a copy', before you hit send. It'll put it in your sent box then.
Thanks, I see it now. So I need to save it before I know I need it.
Time to revive this thread!
Had some visitors from New Zealand yesterday and this morning. Alan, Kiwiragtop on this forum, and two lovely ladies. His wife Julie who wasn't with him on his last trip to the U.S., and his daughter Amy. I'm really envious of this trip he's doing in particular. LA to Amarillo, then south thru Dallas to New Orleans then north thru Tennessee to New Jersey. From there to Niagara Falls on his way to the Back to the Fifties in Minnesota meeting up with Tom Drummond there.. After that, Colorado, Utah, and Las Vegas. Heck of a road trip. He said he'd teach the rental company not to rent him a car with unlimited mileage! Lots of road construction going on in Amarillo, so when they left this morning I hoped in the '57 and brought them the back way out of town. We stopped at a gas station at I40 and chatted some more. Alan told me I should just gas up the '57 and follow them! Sure wished I could have.
Alan bought a '62 unibody in Socal and is having it shipped to NZ.
I found a shop in Amarillo just 1/2 mile from the house that is exactly what I had been looking for to work out some problems with the 4.6. Being a 1995 motor, it's running on the old OBD1 system, and finding a shop that is qualified to work or understand them is not easy. The shop I found is owned by a retired Ford technician who has an ASE master certified and Ford senior certified credentials on his list. Anyway, I've always had some engine codes being thrown since day one, but the engine mostly ran great, particularly at speeds, so I always had the "fix" on the back burners. Lately my idling issues had gotten worse, so time came to get it fixed and running right.
I stopped by his shop today about 2 pm to see if working on a street rod was something he'd be interested in. First thing I noticed in his office were a bunch of hot rod magazines....good sign!
So, I told him what I had and we went out to look at it, and before long he was digging out his OBD1 equipment and going to town. Cool!, at best I expected to be making an appointment. He worked on it until 5:30, got it running much better, but still some issues. Next step is replacing the MAF unit with one he had on the shelves. He just gave it to me and told me to switch them out, but also make sure that my air intake plennum doesn't have any leaks(I suspect it probably does). He wants me to run it a bit with the new maf to see if it corrects some of the issues then call to make an appointment.
All in all, a great day as I think the car is finally gonna get tuned right and eliminate the codes it's throwing. I had held off going there previously because I figured he wasn't going to be cheap. He charged me 100 bucks for the 3 1/2 hours, nothing for the parts! I was smiling all the (long) way home.
While I was there, one of his customers came over and asked if it was my car. I told him it was, and he said he had some cell phone pics to show me. I figured he was gonna show me some pics of his car, but what he had was pics of my car on a local street a few weeks ago!!
Saw a few interesting signs this past weekend in Oklahoma.
in Medicine Park, a street named................ONE HELLUVA rd.
In Duncan, OK., they have a..........DUNCAN DONUTS
I saw an amusing sign in Riggins Idaho today. "Today's special: give us money, we'll give you coffee". Well it amused me anyway. You can tell I'm easily amused.
I guess no one is drinking coffee anymore :002: So here is a short story and I hope Rich see's it. Rich provided me with the missing piece I needed to get my door lock working, may thanks to him for that. So the door is back together and the lock works great. So one day last week I arrived at the local hang out for lunch with with my buddies ( all old farts like me with old cars ) and while they watched me pull in I thought I would show off by locking the door when I got out, They were all aware of the situation I was having with the locks. So I lock the door and stroll up proudly and they all starting laughing at me :005: And when I asked what was so damn funny they pointed and said you forgot to roll up the window :003: Old habits are hard to break :burnout:
too funny...
P.S. Does tea count or does it have to be coffee?
haha....thats funny Jim ! :003: but you know what, since we had the topic also with the recently stolen Deuce Sedan and Jay was talking about locking his vintage cars even at shows. I tend to use your arrangement in the 57 with the glass down and doors locked all the time. it will not keep thieves from stealing your ride, BUT it will keep stupid visitors from trying a seat and how the steering wheel can be pushed side to side. they will not be able to easily spot and find the little door lock pin next to the vent window and will give up after pulling the outside door handle in vain. this has worked for me more often than not. don't you just hate it when a stranger walks up to your car and opens the door? But, in any case if we leave our cars somewhere we can't see it anymore, they need to be locked anyways. I don't know how that is dealt with in this or that US state, but here in Austria it is illegal and forbidden to leave your car unlocked. for safety and theft reasons. convertables have to either have steering or shift locks and locking glovebox and hoods.
There is no laws here in California about locking your car, I don't know about other states. I rarely go to car shows but I have never seen anyone trying to get into some ones car, but I'm sure it happens at times. I never have anything of value in the car so I normally don't roll up the windows just some old CD's and better they take them then break the window. If thieves really want the car glass and door locks aren't going to stop them. I had a 66 Mustang stolen, only thing left was broken glass on the ground..
In my 55 years of driving I have always driven with the window down. My friends laugh at me in the winter if you can call California winter really a winter because I still have the window down and the heater on :003: It also drives my wife crazy..
that's why cars look so good with glass rolled down at cruises or shows. it's the free Californian show effect.... :003: :002:
Anyways, today it's raining cats and dogs outside, so I am happy to have roll up glass.
Maybe it's a different behavior varying from country to country, but unfortunately it can often be seen over here that strangers walk up to a car, most likely with dog, kids or a squarish basket in hand, grab the handle and pull open to slip inside. mostly for taking pictures. you should see what they do with running boards and fenders on a 1930s car. runningboards and nasty women go together like cheese and mice or honey and flies. :003:
I guess some of the brain dead people think a car show and a used car lot are one in the same. I better stay away from shows that would light my fuse..
Woodward Dream Cruise week...unfortunately a HUGE shopping mall for car thieves
Glad to see this thread waking up.......I've missed knowing what's going on with you guys. Funny story, Jim.
I've never seen anyone getting into someone's car at a show uninvited that I know of. I've done at least a dozen shows in the past 2 years, and I've never had any kind of issue with anyone with my car. Everyone has seemed really careful about not touching it even when bending over to see inside or the engine compartment. I love it see owners offer to let the onlookers sit in their cars for pictures if they wish. I did a cruise this past weekend in Vernon, Tx. I saw a few guys were stopping to ask if any of the onlookers wanted to do a loop. Ha, I even saw a friend who had 2 '57's at the show/cruise riding in the passenger seat of a T-bucket. I should post more on that cruise/show, it was the best overall car event experience I've had.
I did let a lady sit in mine Saturday at the show. It was late in the afternoon and she came up to me and told me she had just got there and her husband told her she had to come look at my car, particularly the interior. She pointed to her husband who was sitting with his Chevelle and a bunch of other Chevy guys. I laughed and said, but he's a Chevy guy, he wanted you to come look at my Ford??
Lawn mower company.... Save MORE Today and mow tomorrow!". Nothing to do with coffee or tea just grass....
I love the lock story! LOL.
Quote from: terry_208 on 2018-06-20 17:05
I saw an amusing sign in Riggins Idaho today. "Today's special: give us money, we'll give you coffee". Well it amused me anyway. You can tell I'm easily amused.
On one of my roadtrips a few months Medicine Park, Oklahoma, a street named "One Helluva Rd."
Rich I'm sure you don't have problems at shows in your state were you can carry a gun :fsniper:
It's good that you got your door lock working. However If I had seen you lock your car with the windows down and if I was with your bunch of buddies watching you, I would have been the guy that was laughing the loudest.
With regards to people just getting into the cars, they do it all the time. That's the reason over the years I never opened the rumble seat in my convertible cars. I may show it to someone occasionally, but never walk away with it open. It's an open invitation for people to drag their kids over the quarter panel and place them on the rumble seat (with their shoes on) to take pictures. There is no way that I can ever tell you how many people I have found sitting in my 34 Fords.
I have never seen anyone getting into my 57 Ford, however somewhere I have a picture of a guy leaning against the driver's door with his hands inside the car. He didn't realize that I was watching every move he made and was taking his picture.
Sometimes our cars are a magnet for people that do not have respect for other people's property. When they ask, I do let them sit in the cars.
Some years ago, the Hot Rod Club to which I belong ,was invited to attend a festival at a large park here in Louisville. One member of the club drove a '32 Ford 4 door sedan. After parking the car, the owner walked away from the car to see the various events of the festival and get something to eat.
When he returned to his car, he found a family of four, in his car eating ice cream cones. I would add, that two of the four were small children. When confronted, the parents said they thought the car were there for them "to enjoy" and they were doing just that. Their exit from the car was swift to say the least.
Never underestimate what non-car people are capable of doing.
Unreal...sad, but that is the world we live in today, no common sense and everyone is entitled. Besides, why should you be able to have a nice car and not them? That's what happens when we don't keep score and give everyone a trophy. :deadhorse:
I've been attending Rod Runs, car shows, and cruise ins since 1976. The "flavor" of the spectator has changed dramatically over the years as has the flavor of the participants! My kids grew up around the "car culture", they knew the blood, sweat, and tears that went into building a car as they saw it first hand. We had no problem "turning them loose" at rod runs to look at cars and meet other kids that were turned loose too. We never worried about them climbing on or in, or throwing stuff, or running wildly around. We never worried about "pervs" as most everyone was just like us, out to relax, talk cars, drink a few beers, and get away from it all.
Having said all of that, I do not worry that my stuff will get hurt or stolen. The car has been on the road since 1980, 139K miles, just a 2dr sdn fat fender that was built using junk yard parts. Yup, would be sad and really po'ed if it was stolen (I do lock it in the evenings) or damaged any further then what I have inflicted......but that is what insurance is for.....
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2018-08-16 04:58
Unreal...sad, but that is the world we live in today, no common sense and everyone is entitled. Besides, why should you be able to have a nice car and not them? That's what happens when we don't keep score and give everyone a trophy. :deadhorse:
I totally agree. And I see it everywhere.
Jay, I'm not talking to you until you stop laughing at me :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2018-08-16 08:01
Jay, I'm not talking to you until you stop laughing at me :003:
Is it OK to laugh with Jay?...
Quote from: lalessi1 on 2018-08-16 08:45
Is it OK to laugh with Jay?...
Go right ahead Lynn :003: I really shot myself in the foot with this story..
I think that I said that I would have laughed if I was there so since I was not there, I'll just have to think of something else to pick on.
I finally got to get working back on my garage. Last week I finished up some bookcases I was making for either side of the fireplace, so my garage was next on the list. As I had mentioned before, my garage was a drivethru with 16' overhead door front and back.
First and foremost was a water problem we were having in the garage. It was created when, at some time in the past, the po had the garage floor repoured, and the new floor for some reason was 2" lower than original. This left the garage lower than the back driveway, so everytime it rained hard, water got into the garage.
We could have had some excavation work done and added french drains, but since I was wanting to eliminate the back overhead door anyways to add more wall space, we went that route instead, with some concrete work to divert water away from the garage. I'm too old to be digging and mixing concrete, so we had a contractor come in and do that part. I had him pour an 8" x 8" stub wall (with lots of rebar) across the 16' opening, and a 5" tall walkway 30" wide up against that. The 8" stubwall is more than enough to keep the water out, and the 1" slopped walkway will divert the water off to the side of the house where it can eventually find it's way to the street.
There's going to be a walkthru door and a single hung window I had found one that is the right size to allow my heat/AC unit to fit in the bottom section. Framing is 2 x6 to allow for more insulation.
I got the framing done this week, waiting on city inspection. Suppose to be out today, so I should be able to start the finish work. Probably could get it done with 3 days hard work, so, about 3 weeks it should be done. Pics are in my iphone, I'll get some taken with my camera so I can post 'em.
Kinda cool......... My neice started working for the building/safety department last year. My blueprints and the permits I got are all signed off by her.
Last pics are at the Summer's Last Blast in Vernon this past weekend
Looks good Rich, you certainly have more get up and go then me, I don't think I would take on a job like that today.
Nice to see some other 57's at a show. I never liked those chrome headlight rings, just not my cup of tea..
Thanks, Jim. I have to be careful what I take on. That's why I had the concrete work done by someone. 20 years ago I would have mixed the 72 bags it took. Now, I can't even carry one. LOL...After Van got the concrete smoothed off, 3 of our dogs decided to autograph it. You can see all the footprints in the pic. When we saw it, I laughed and told him to leave it. The driveway we had poured at our old house has Pug footprints all over it. Around here, the concrete companies have a 4 yard minimum @ 110. per yard, so Van decided it was only 72 bags, he could mix it, and save some $. Must be nice to be just 50 years old.
Both those Fairlanes next to me are my friend's from Knox City, Tx. I talked about him before, Glenn Large, he has the "57 Heaven museum". He's had the black and white one since he was a teenager. Went on his honeymoon in it, and 55 years later he drove her to a nursing home in it. He visits her frequently, but on Sundays he goes in the '57 and takes her for a ride. The Rose/pink one is spoken for by his daughter. At that same show, another '57 friend from Lawton, Ok was there. He's the one that introduced me to Glenn about 7 or 8 years ago. Between the two of them at one time had amassed close to 100 '57 Fords.
Passed inspection this afternoon, so as soon as my back gets better from lifting that framed wall off my garage floor and moved outside, I can start the finish work.
I'm sure they have them in your neck of the woods too but here we have little trailers you can get at the rental yard that has the concrete already mixed, they are pretty handy, I forget how much material is in them. I like when the guy at the building supply ask me if I want 90# or 60# sacks, Are you kidding me :003:
Great story about the 57's.. 100 57's, thats amazing..
I feel much like Rich's original post; sat down with my cup of jo and nothing to read. Posted up a few more pics on the Old Ford Pics thread and checked again....still nothing. bawl
On the bright side, the grill and center piece I found on line came in; looks pretty good. I'll probably install it this way after I do the fenders this fall and probably re-chrome it the following winter.
( :001:
I know what you guys are talking about when it comes to not being able to do what you use to do, When I turned 60 its like somebody flipped a switch for aches and pains. Crawling around under a car doesn't seem so fun anymore, I guess being a plumber for the last 31 years hasn't helped any, Ill be 63 with 3 years to go and I'm done. Plumbing I mean.
I'll be 72 in a few months, and I can still get a good day's work done. Only problem is it takes me a week.
Breathing is my main problem.....smoking for almost 60 years, painting cars, construction (sawing cement fiber siding, etc)
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-08-18 16:50
I'll be 72 in a few months, and I can still get a good day's work done. Only problem is it takes me a week.
Breathing is my main problem.....smoking for almost 60 years ...
About exactly the same here. Turned 73 five months ago. Add about 50 years of excess beer consumption, near zero exercise for 15 or so years, hardly eat, live alone etc.
I love beer but 2-3 beers a night is about it these days. Still, 2 packs a day of them damn 'cancer sticks' continues. Wish I'd never seen a cig.
I thought Rich was much younger, he sure seems to doin' much better than me.
Of course I've set a pretty low bar lately. :laughing7:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-08-18 16:50
I'll be 72 in a few months, and I can still get a good day's work done. Only problem is it takes me a week.
Breathing is my main problem.....smoking for almost 60 years, painting cars, construction (sawing cement fiber siding, etc)
Man I was worried to was just me. The amount of work I can do at any one time in embarrassing. Too many years of smoking and some pretty big hits of epoxy paint. plus I've lost so much strength I almost have to get help to open a jar of pickles. The guy building my third member called to apologize for it not being done on time. I was glad to hear that, as when he finishes it, I will have to put it in. I'm not looking forward to man handling that heavy SOB back in. getting old ain't for sissies.
I'm 71, be 72 in March, and have been "lucky" over the years until last fall. That ol prostate thing causing the kidneys to try and go south has been a wake up call. After nearly 30 years in the Navy and 18 years of walking steel decks, on and off smoking, abusing alcohol (beers) on more then one occasion my health was always steady and good. No foot or ankle/knee/hip problems. I can even still hear after being on an aircraft carrier before there was ear protection! After the prostate was squared away it has been trying to get back to "full speed ahead". I was absolutely surprised at how much stamina I had lost. Getting better, able to put in 5 - 6 hours at a time now with out doing that after lunch nap thing and keep a good eye on anything that don't seam quite right. As stated, getting old ain't for wimps!
Just got back in town after a visit in Copperas Cove, TX with my daughter and the grand daughters 10th birthday. Drive back was right at 12 hours, did very well with no naps! Get back at it after catching up on all the chores.....
I remember when we would wrestle these things in and out by ourselves. The good side about getting older and a little smarter is figuring how to make things a little easier. I threw sone scrap pieces together to set the third member up on my R.V. jack. with any kind of luck, it should slip right in with little effort.
Yup! Have one of those for transmissions (FMX), third members, and doors!
Soooooo glad you were able to whip that prostate problem. I have recently figured out part of my breathing problem is apparently alergies. I never had that problem that I'm aware of, but several road trips to New Mexico where I had real trouble breathing compared to equally high altitude trips to Colorado where I didn't have as much trouble told me something had changed. My wife had been getting those alergy inhalers, so I tried it and it helps alot to open my lungs up a bit.
Speaking of Kidney wife is at the VA hospital. We took her in yesterday because of what we thought was a back issue, and turns out she had a kidney infection and some good size kidney stones. They went in last night and put in a stint and have her on IVs. She'll come home tommorrow, then back in Monday for them to break up the stones. Love the care she gets at the VA, did another catscan on her yesterday.
Got a good portion of my garage door enclosure done. Should be done with the siding today. Next is shortening a steel door......should be fun.
I modified my engine crane for double duty as transmission jack and center section jig. I too was surprised how heavy 9" pigs have gotten.
Yep, had to make an trans adapter for my floor jack when I installed the 3 speed OD T85.. They are way heavier then they were 50 yeas ago :005:
My wife is recovering from surgery on her jaw, 6 weeks of only soft foods and she's starving.
Simple removal of a wisdom tooth yielded much more, a tumor and a hole which required bone crafts, luckily the tumor wasn't cancer. The whole right side of her face is major black and blue and swollen.
I went with her to the grocery store and people were given me dirty looks.
in this case, people better mind their own business. getting sick sucks big time. hopefully she will be alright asap.
I certainly hope your wife gets better soon. Another thing with getting older, it sure takes longer for things to heal.
Although uncomfortable, it's alright for folks to be vigilant when they see a child or woman looking battered.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-08-24 10:54
I certainly hope your wife gets better soon. Another thing with getting older, it sure takes longer for things to heal.
Although uncomfortable, it's alright for folks to be vigilant when they see a child or woman looking battered.
She is coming along OK, hope your wife is doing better also. I told mine I wasn't going out in public with her again until I can have a T shirt made that says " I DIDN'T DO IT" :003:
Quote from: gasman826 on 2018-08-23 18:53
I modified my engine crane for double duty as transmission jack and center section jig. I too was surprised how heavy 9" pigs have gotten.
Now THAT is a great idea. would have never thought of that.
Quote from: 57imposter on 2018-08-23 09:22
I remember when we would wrestle these things in and out by ourselves. The good side about getting older and a little smarter is figuring how to make things a little easier. I threw sone scrap pieces together to set the third member up on my R.V. jack. with any kind of luck, it should slip right in with little effort.
Well that POS didn't work! I'm just going to drop the rear end housing out and put the third member in on the floor. It will probably;y take about half as long as I spent trying to get my great idea to work.
Quote from: 57imposter on 2018-08-24 15:36
Well that POS didn't work! I'm just going to drop the rear end housing out and put the third member in on the floor.
Why didn't it work? Looks like it should. Housing out & back in sounds like a lot of extra work.
Used my motorcycle jack/lift that's just like yours to help a friend put a 5 speed trans back into his brand X '55. Worked great.
Quote from: Tom S on 2018-08-24 17:37
Why didn't it work? Looks like it should. Housing out & back in sounds like a lot of extra work.
Used my motorcycle jack/lift that's just like yours to help a friend put a 5 speed trans back into his brand X '55. Worked great.
It would work if it was attached to a transmission jack. You have to get the housing lined up perfectly to go on the studs. you need the adjustments that a transmission has. Pulling the rear end housing was easy and it's all back together.
Quote from: 57imposter on 2018-08-24 23:35
You have to get the housing lined up perfectly to go on the studs.
For sure. It looked like you could shim/pry your fixture up off the jack a bit for the tilt alignment. Side to side would be easy enough. If those jacks had swiveling caster wheels on both ends it would be even easier. Be nice to spin my bikes around without needing half the garage to do it in too.
Until you get a T shirt made, you can just make a "I DIDN'T DO IT" sign on piece of cardboard, put some string on it and hang it around your neck. That should keep people from bothering you.
Just trying to help. Jay
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2018-08-25 15:35
Until you get a T shirt made, you can just make a "I DIDN'T DO IT" sign on piece of cardboard, put some string on it and hang it around your neck. That should keep people from bothering you.
Just trying to help. Jay
I thought about that Jay :003: But we just decided to head out of town where people don't know us. Stopped for breakfast and then off to play in the dirt and rocks. Some of you movie buffs may recognize the locations.
It's so good to see your terriffic Ranchero in all those cool locations. Keep it rolling and the pics coming, please !
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2018-08-27 16:18
It's so good to see your terriffic Ranchero in all those cool locations. Keep it rolling and the pics coming, please !
I'll try I usually forget to take a camera unless the wife reminds me :021:
I heard you had some snow flakes in parts of your country?
Jim, that's true ! I was on a weekend trip with my German 1964 Ford Taunus wagon to Bavaria. when we were going back over the Alps there was a temperature drop of about at least 20 degrees and all the mountains had snow on top. probably below 4500ft elevation at some point. Luckily we did not have to climb that high, nor got caught in heavy rain or sleet.
I had my camera with me, but it was too cold to get out the cozy car and take pics.... :003:
Thats just crazy. We have the opposite problem, This was the first cool weekend we have had in a while, down to 90 from the 100+ for the last month. I put the camera back in the glove box and had it with me yesterday when I went to lunch so I took a picture of a friends Comet convertible. It's all original except for the wheels. My other friend was there also with his 60 El Camino but I don't take pictures of Chevys :003: from the Half Way House Cafe 1992 better not post more videos like that or your wife will have to appologize for your own thinks... :002: :003:
love the Comets. is this a 63 with V8 ? I just loved my 62.
Thats a 64, six cylinder.. That video plays inside the restaurant a long with other movie scenes that were filmed there. There is a signed picture by her and the Pepsi can in a case hanging on the wall. Also many other signed pictures of different actors. The inside is nice and good food, they leave the outside rustic for filming.. The wife has put up with me for 39 years and knows I'll never change :003:
Not trying to be smart, but it appears to be a 63 ?! the 64 has the Lincoln style grille.
real cool location anyways.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2018-08-28 15:57
Not trying to be smart, but it appears to be a 63 ?! the 64 has the Lincoln style grille.
real cool location anyways.
You are probably right G..
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2018-08-28 14:32 better not post more videos like that or your wife will have to appologize for your own thinks... :002: :003:
What's not to like about Cindy wife knows that she would be my "Hall Pass" :burnout:
Great pics Jim. It's so good to see one driven as much as yours.
About 30 years ago when my wife's nephew was about 14, his great grandmother asked him if there were any girls that he was liking. Being kinda a wiseguy, he replied, "yeah, I really like Cindy Crawford". Granny replied, "well, your a good looking boy, why don't you ask her out?".
Seemed hilarious at the time, but I can understand that now........looking at the internet, they constantly talk about "famous" people that I don't have a clue who they are.
Some times meeting "famous" people isn't all it's cracked up to be. Met a "famous" author who road our ship back from the Persian Gulf and turns out he was too much in love with himself to be really interested in learning the ship or us folks that made it what it was. I was disappointed.
But then again it turns out a top NACAR driver from WI is as approachable and engaging as a long lost acquaintance from high school.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-08-29 07:26
Great pics Jim. It's so good to see one driven as much as yours.
About 30 years ago when my wife's nephew was about 14, his great grandmother asked him if there were any girls that he was liking. Being kinda a wiseguy, he replied, "yeah, I really like Cindy Crawford". Granny replied, "well, your a good looking boy, why don't you ask her out?".
Seemed hilarious at the time, but I can understand that now........looking at the internet, they constantly talk about "famous" people that I don't have a clue who they are.
Thanks Rich. The wife made me climb around on the rocks, shes a hiker, I'm not :005: But it was nice to be able to lock the car before we took off :003: I'm not into "famous people" either and usually don't know who they are talking about. I did get to talk to Jay Leno once, very nice guy, he drives around our area all the time.
out the door on the way to Auburn Auction
I told my friend Mike I would post a picture of his El Camino so we could all get a good laugh :003:
He also has a 32 roadster pick up with a flathead, a Cord with a 302&C4 and a 58 Plymouth Christine clone..
Two good looking cars. You don't see too many 60 Chevys.
Update on my wife.......she is finally getting back to normal health. Her stay at the VA ended up being an unexpected 8 days. The kidney infection had spread thru her entire body (septic), so they were doing some heavy duty IV to combat it, and finally got her to the point where they could send her home with an in-home set up for further daily IV injections which I've been doing for a few days now. She's pretty much passed her kidney stones we believe and is feeling much better.
That said, my lifestyle is about to change pretty dramatically I think. The illness has pushed up her retirement to NOW, so we're gonna be looking at a pretty major cut in our income. We'll be alright, as we had planned, even with the new house, but I'm going to have to cut way back on my every other week roadtrips. It's either that or quit my expensive vises.....smoking, gambling, etc. Yeah, I know, but vises are addictions. Anyway, I knew this day was coming, and that's one reason I was doing so many trips this year.
Had a guy make my day yesterday........At last month's 1st Saturday cruise-in, a guy was there who was in town from Midland, a few hours south of here. He had been in town visiting family, and knew of the monthly meet. He had just sold a late 30's Chevy show car street rod, and was looking for a car to replace it, but a driver,not a project car. Because of the cruise in, he had brought lots of $ in case he saw something he liked for sale. He wasn't looking for anything in particular, just whatever caught his eye. He locked in on my car and we talked quite a bit about it before he asked if it was for sale. He asked if I had gotten any offers on it, but when I told him I turned down a 35k offer last year, he said, well, I guess that means the 25k I have in my pocket ain't gonna do it either.
So, fast forward to yesterday's cruise in. I was talking to some guys there when I saw a beautiful 57 Fairlane pull in that I had never seen before. After 15 or 20 minutes, I left my friends to go have a look at it. As I appraoched, my friend Gene, who was talking to him and also has a '57 Fairlane, said to me, "They don't want to have anything to do with you", and laughed. The owner of the new one asked if I remembered him (I didn't). He said "I was the one who tried to buy yours last month", and his wife said "it's all your fault". She said when they got home he hit the computer and started a search for '57 Fords. She said she woke up at 3:30 that morning and he's still on the computer looking, lol. Anyway, after several days of searching,he found one in California up in an area between Fresno and Bakersfield, drove to California to check it out and bought it. He drove it home to Texas with no issues at all. He did a car show here in Amarillo yesterday (which I had forgotten about), and since I wasn't there, he came to the cruise in hoping I'd be there. I forgot his name, but gave him my card so he could call me next time he's in town, and my card also has the forum info on it, so hopefully he'll be joining us before long. As soon as I find out how to transfer pics from my phone to my computer, I'll post some pics of his.
As I mentioned, that really made my day. Makes you feel good when somebody likes your car so much they gotta have one, AND DO IT!, and let you know they did it. I made a covert to '57's, yay!!
Thats really good news about your wife, I hope her recovery continues to go well. I'm reaching the same point soon as my wife will retire at the end of the year, a little early and at a lower amount. She is just burned out so I encouraged her to do it. I'm going to quit smoking too HA HA I've said that before.
Great story about the 57, hope the guy joins us..
A little about the guy's '57............he bought it from a 75 year old guy from a town I can't remember, but he said it was roughly up in the Fresno area. Guy had the car for many years, since the 70's or 80's I think. Original rust free California car. Mild custom with a very different grill, combination of the frenched headlights but on the bugeye rims instead of the rim removal. Hard to describe color, but a really nice brownish red metallic, with silver metallic paint where the gold side aluminum inserts were. It has a 351 with a complete clip from a Crown Vic. 3 point seatbelts that attach at the roof (2 dr hardtop, so no pillar), disc brakes with a mod I was going to look into......a foot operated emergency brake to replace the hand pull. (With the disc brakes it's hard to get enough pressure on the hand brake to use it as an emergency brake as opposed to just a parking brake) off-white bucket seats and custom door panels. Lots I wanted to get a better look at, but we had a nasty storm rolling in on us really fast yesterday. That got me to thinking about whether or not he had wipers. His firewall was cleaned off like mine, no wiper motor visible. I didn't think to look to see if it had wiper arms. Both hood and trunklid were converted to hydraulic lifts
I'm wondering if any one here knows the car.
What I liked about the roof mounted seatbelts, btw, is only the buckle/receiver was mounted to the roof. No straps permanently stretching across the space needed to get into the back seat as all the pillar mounted systems have.
Rich, glad to hear you is on the road to recovery, as far as everything else, I'm sure it will all fall into place and you'll be back to your regular, or at least, adjusted routine.
As far as the pics on your phone, just open th pic and hit the "share" icon
...then just E-mail them to your e-mail address on your computer.
Rich, very good news regarding your wife.Friends of our lost a young adult daughter to septic poisoning. It is nothing to be taken lightly, but you know that now.
Rich, I've got a '68 Ford Foot Operated E-Brake assembly installed in my Ranchero. If you like I can E-mail you photos. I might even be able to post them, but I must admit that I'm still having problems in posting photos, but I keep trying. This assembly is not functional at this point, but you can see what was required to get it in place. Let me know.
Rich, did the recent Dallas Cop murder trial make the news/paper in Amarillo? My son Miles was one of the three defense attorneys. The cop got 15 years. They are filing an appeal. This will go on for years.
I've got an unusual car story. I have a '63 Studebaker Avanti that I have owned for 46 years. Recently , through the Studebaker Driver's Club Forum, I was contacted by the son of the original purchaser. The son said he was driven home from the hospital in my Avanti and would I send him a photo. Next week while in Atlanta, I'm having lunch with the original purchaser and his son. His son, "thinks" dad has the original bill of sale!
Thanks guys. Yep, my wife kept asking when she'd be able to go home and the doc told her she had no idea of how sick she was, she'd get to go home when she was ready. I'm married to a tough old broad. Funny how you learn new words.....I always thought septic was a tank underground in your back yard. Never knew it was a medical term. Later, thinking about it, I remembered a throat spray I have used for years......Chloroseptic.
John, If I ever get around to the foot brake conversion, I'll request pictures. Meanwhile, if you do get the posting pics figured out, it would be good to have in our tech section. His was mounted on the side panel, I can't do that on mine now, my chassis harness is there. Does your mount on the underside of the dash?
Neat story about your Avanti.
Not sure about that specific cop story....seems there are so many lately they start to morph together.
Rich, it mounts to the firewall. I'll take some case you need them in the future.
Now that you mention that, I'm not 100% sure his was actually mounted on the side wall. Firewall mount makes more sense, but his was at least up against the side wall eliminating that area for practical access to a fuse panel.
Nice to see the Ford Ranger is coming back for '19. Never could figure why they stopped making them. Even the 150's seem huge to me. Hope they do well. Seems strange giving Kudos to Ford for a new line, since I've been saying for months I hope Ford chokes on the new line that's going to be made in China. I still hope it becomes a disaster of historical proportions for them. Or am I wrong?............anyone putting their name on a waiting list for a car made in China??
All that said, many Kudos to Jeep. I was excited to see pics of the '19 Wrangler pickup prototypes. Very retro look to most of the expected final version presentations. Some of the pics I saw were very reminiscent of the 60-70's pickups, but then so are the wranglers in general, so this should be a really cool vehicle. It's a definite for '19, so shouldn't have to wait long to see them.
Rich, Ford stopped making the Ranger because it went from 8 percent of total industry sales in 1994 to 1.9 percent of industry sales in 2012, while the F150 sold more than 645,000 trucks, 10 percent more than in 2011. These astronomical numbers solidified the 150's status as not only the company's best-selling truck, but its best selling vehicle, period. Add in the fact the owners were reporting 15- 19 mpg with the ranger and going to a full size, IMO, was a no brainer.
What I am excited to see is the 2020 Bronco; supposedly built on the Ranger chassis with solid front and rear axles. The sad part is that Ford claims it will not be a 2 door like the original.
My 2016 F150 with a 5.0/6 speed/3.55 gives an honest 16 - 17 around town and a solid 21 - 22 on the road. That 21 - 22 is while enjoying the 75 + speed limits out west. On the way from CO to WI running at 82 - 83 still gave the 21 - 22 mileage. Had a few Rangers 30 - 35 years ago as the girls learned to drive, yes manuals, and the mileage was worse then the F150 is now. They were nice light duty "commuter" trucks" but would just not big enough for my 6' 2" 240 lbs. (at that time) frame.
Still having problems with the date on my camera, but I did get one pic of the garage door project. With my wife getting back to normal, I was able to get it close to finished, at least as far as the building permit goes. Final was bought off yesterday. I won't do the inside drywall until I remove the overhead door. Anyone need a free aluminum 16' garage door?........just take it down and it's yours.
The 8" concrete stubwall and outside walkway should eliminate any water problems like I've had.
Anxious to get this all done so I can finish getting my garage organized.
Very nice work Rich! Been following the saga of your wife's health. So glad things are coming back together for you guys. The transition from "all is well" to the "new normal" life style will take some time, but hang in there, it is worth the effort!
Looking good Rich. An organized garage, what the hell is that? :003:
There is a law of nature at play in mine.... "All flat surfaces will accumulate stuff", "build it the stuff will come."
Haha..........I really don't know, another project that will take some research, lol.
I find it easier to just close the door and drive away :003: I'm getting lazy as years tick by.
Morning coffee with my friends again and my friend Stan brought his wagon today.
Nice looking wagon. Jim, I gotta call BS on the morning coffee. I see the sign in the pic.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-09-07 16:02
Nice looking wagon. Jim, I gotta call BS on the morning coffee. I see the sign in the pic.
LOL, you are right Rich, my coffee time is 3 cups between 4 and 6 am. My lazy friends don't even get up until 9 and show up at 10. Don't hit the Liquor store anymore, I quit drinking in 1985..
One project leading to another.........we liked the way my garage door enclosure looked so much, we decided to wrap the siding and trim around the corner to where the old deck was enclosed as a sunporch. The sunporch's 9 windows are of the old single pane aluminum variety. So now were trying to figure out if we can afford to redo that part of the house now that my wife is retired.
I did make a discovery today while I was removing some old trim for replacement. I found out the trim on the original part of the house (everything except the sunporch) is all redwood! That includes six 8" columns on the front porch. If I wasn't so old, I'd be planning a long restoration project!
Baseball game tonight in 12 minutes............nothing better than September/October baseball when your team is in the thick of things. For me, it's the Rockies.
Speaking of renovations,..all moved in our new home.. projects on hold(again)... need to get the shop and studio ready for winter...before any work on cars can begin.... Electrician,heat n Air and some carpentry is all ready underway....
Wow......lots of space. I'm curious about the narrow overhead door......big snow blower?? Is the pic with the tires a second floor? Is that a moose I see behind the trees?
The shop Rich is separate from the house.... connected to the house via a tunnel and a long enclosed breezeway.Shop is roughly 60x40 with a loft above(60x40) and that will be the studio soon(yes a second floor) There is a fully furnished Apt. at the far right of the shop for guests and family.I am anxious for the studio to get set up as I can get back to using traditional art supplies again.(In our old house I had to stop messing with caustic materials due to the family being so close)
The people we bought from used the shop at present for his landscaping company and used that small roll up door for his Bobcats and such.
No moose but a Few Bears have been sited in the area from time to time....hahahha.
I hear 'ya on the fall baseball Rich; looking forward to seeing Chris Sale step on the mound again tonight against Toronto...
Really awesome Jeff. more pics! Did you move the entire village of Palookaville?
Joe..........maybe we're headed for another RockySox WS. Toronto's shortstop (Tulo) held most of the offensive Rockies records for shortstops until this year. Trevor Story is slowly but surely taking over the team leader position from Arenado.........not an easy task. Last night he matched Tulo's home run record for Rockies shortstop, and one more double and he'll be the first shortstop in all of mlb history with 30hr,40 2b,and 25 steals. Defensively, imho, he's real close to what Tulo was in his prime.
Rich, with our win over Toronto last night, we punched our ticket to the big show, (the first team to clinch a playoff spot ) so maybe we'll see you there.
That would be nice. Honestly, this years Rockies don't have the same confident feel about them as the 09 team that swept everybody to get to the WS. Starting pitching and defense is better than '09, but offense is spotty.
Congrats on your sox locking in a spot. Even though I'm from Mass, I have zero following/interest in the Red Sox. Nothing against them personally, I feel the same way about all the Big market teams. Too much money and don't care about penalties for over spending on salary cap.
Rich, Major League Baseball has a luxury tax, (competitive balance tax) in place of a salary cap. It is tiered and the percentage goes up the more you spend. I think it goes as high as 62% of total salary at the highest point. 50% of that gets distributed to clubs that did not exceed the Base Tax Threshold in that Contract Year, thus allowing the smaller market teams to acquire players they may not normally be able to afford. Sadly, a lot of teams just pocket the money.
I have pretty much stopped watching professional sports of any kind. They are filled with a bunch of privileged, over paid premadonas (sp) that have no respect for themselves nor the sport they play in. All they are interested in is the $. We have bread them to what they are by creating to "Top Athlete in the State", "The Best Top 10 Prospect", and exceptional excuses for behavior. This "grooming" starts at the high school level. Academic exceptions, behavior exceptions, and sportsmanship exceptions are the rule of the day all in the name of winning.
Granted that is a blanket statement, I know there are many exceptions to that but the number that could help with many of the woo's we have today with youth is defining by their absence. College ball is moving in that direction as well. I do watch college ball as there are many folks that play for the love of the game knowing full and well it will be over for them at the end of their college experience. Add to that there are many more universities that require academic achievement above the game thing then there are that are in it for the "ranking".
Sorry for the rant, just how I feel....
I totally agree. I was so happy when my grandson gave up on sports and decided cars were more fun and started learning about them.
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2018-09-14 05:08
Rich, Major League Baseball has a luxury tax, (competitive balance tax) in place of a salary cap. It is tiered and the percentage goes up the more you spend. I think it goes as high as 62% of total salary at the highest point. 50% of that gets distributed to clubs that did not exceed the Base Tax Threshold in that Contract Year, thus allowing the smaller market teams to acquire players they may not normally be able to afford. Sadly, a lot of teams just pocket the money.
I guess if you charge $80-90 for an average seat, $6 for a hotdog, $9 for a can of beer the 60% luxury tax wouldnt have as much effect on the bottom line.
I have to agree.? the NBA is all gang bangers and the NFL isn't far behind.... we need to stop putting them on pedestals and banish them from the game if they are thugs, political grandstanders, etc. I watch the games for enjoyment, because that is all it is, entertainment. I don't want to hear or see their political agendas. Colin Kaepernick was black balled, as he should be, there is no need for any of this BS in sports. While I'm on the subject, shame on Nike for using him in their ads; damn, like social media and the youth of our country haven't phucked things up enough already. :deadhorse:
I agree 100% on that, Joe. There is only ONE reason , imho, for the existence of any sports. Sports are a getaway and relaxation from everyday life, what other reason could there be? We tend to forget that. Remember many of our troops in past wars gathering around the radio to listen to a baseball game?! I understand the reason for Kapernick's(sp) statement and protest, but he doesn't understand he's tampering with the reason for existence of his sport as I stated. It's the wrong place to do it.
We're getting dangerously close to getting into the no-no of political discussion here.
BTW, just got back from a 2 day roadtrip in the '57 to Central City/Blackhawk in Colorado for the Hot Rod Hill Climb. 1024 mile roundtrip, no problems. Weather was perfect, fall colors especially around Breckenridge were outstanding. The Aspens were flamming yellow.
Rich, What are you currently getting for mileage? IIRC you got your idle straightened out. Did that improve your mileage?
I have not got my idle straightened out. Runs like a champ at speed, but idle varies considerably. Something has changed though, as the surging is different than the surging I was getting a year ago. Sometimes there's no surging at all at idle. Odd, and I have no clue if it's related, I suspect not, but my check engine light does not come on at altitude. Mechanic friends look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them that, but 7 or 8 trips to Colorado in the past 2 years tells me it is consistent. My donor Mark VIII was a Texas car all it's life, so it was not a car set up for altitude.
I haven't actually calculated my mileage lately, but on my way back I drove 412 miles before gassing up in Hartley, Tx. I didn't fill it because I was getting close to home and the gas is cheaper here, so don't know how many gallons, if any, lol, I had left. assuming 17 gallons used, that's 24+mpg. I'll take it. Maybe less if my memory of our tanks being 18 gallons is incorrect.
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2018-09-15 08:53
I have pretty much stopped watching professional sports of any kind. They are filled with a bunch of privileged, over paid premadonas (sp) that have no respect for themselves nor the sport they play in. All they are interested in is the $. We have bread them to what they are by creating to "Top Athlete in the State", "The Best Top 10 Prospect", and exceptional excuses for behavior. This "grooming" starts at the high school level. Academic exceptions, behavior exceptions, and sportsmanship exceptions are the rule of the day all in the name of winning.
Granted that is a blanket statement, I know there are many exceptions to that but the number that could help with many of the woo's we have today with youth is defining by their absence. College ball is moving in that direction as well. I do watch college ball as there are many folks that play for the love of the game knowing full and well it will be over for them at the end of their college experience. Add to that there are many more universities that require academic achievement above the game thing then there are that are in it for the "ranking".
Sorry for the rant, just how I feel....
Bill, I'm right there with you.
I have not watched any NFL games in the last two years. This year will be no different. There is a group ( Veterans ) across the country that is strongly urging folks to not watch ANY NFL games on Veterans Weekend Nov 10-12 , and thus send a message to the NFL.
John ..... Navy Vet.
Did a small local car show yesterday put on by the local classic CHEVY car club. Maybe 70 cars or so. Took a TOP 3 award in the 49-64 class, lol. Best of show was a kinda weird (I thought) blown '57 T-Bird ranchero (with a model A tailgate!). It's an Amarillo car, but the first time I saw it was in Oklahoma City this past spring at the NSRA show.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-09-23 09:15
... blown '57 T-Bird ranchero (with a model A tailgate!). ...
I can't imagine just what that '57 T-Bird Ranchero looks like. Or why there even is such a thing.
I'll see if I can find a pic of it somewhere. I didn't think to take any pics Saturday at all.
Reminds me...........a while back Joe posted an image of an icon on cell phones that would let me download cell phone pics to my computer. My cellphone does not have that icon, at least that I could find.
Rich, did you get your camera fixed so that you can find your pix on it without looking thru 100s of 'em?
I don't even own a cell phone but I always carry one of my little cameras. I have two of these Panasonic Lumix cameras. A ZS3 & a newer model, a ZS9. Both have a lot of zoom & that's important to me. These are both older models.
I ended up with the ZS9 after I cracked the screen on the ZS3. Ordered a screen of ebay for about 20 bucks & fixed it myself. Before I found the replacement screen I ran across the ZS9 on Amazon for $150. Less than 1/2 of what I had paid new at Costco for the ZS3.
I think I like the ZS3 better since it has a setting that I think is called notebook. Good place to put a few pix on the camera that you would often want to show to others.
So If you want a new camera ... ZS3s for 95 - 99 bucks here. I have no complaints.
Be sure to get one that comes with the software disk, charger etc.
I've also used this free photo program for decades.
If you download it & all the plugins you can manipulate the pix in many ways. One of which is the ability to reduce the file size. That pretty handy here since if you get the file size down far enough you can post many pix into one post. If you look at some of my more recent pix I think you can see that many are around 70 to 100kb. Those started out at a big 4320 x 3240 sized pic at about a 4mb file size before changing them to a standard size of 1024 X 768 size & then changing the file size.
If anyone does newly download the Irfanview I can give some, hopefully useful, tips.
Rich, can you tell us more about the Hot Rod Hillclimb and how about some pics, please. Would love to see your impressions. Past editions seemed to have a neverending array of mostly Ford based period correct Hotrods and modifieds. Surprised that you attended the HRHC, but it must have been spectacular.
Still having a problem with pics. Mainly because I haven't spent any time sorting it out. I did figure out apparently my computer pics are stored in two different areas, because when I click on the windows "pictures", that's when I have trouble finding stuff. However, when I'm posting something on this forum and go thru the normal attachments, browse,etc., it brings me to an all together different picture storage area where everything is organized by dated files as before. I think I need to tell the computer to use a different program to download. Not sure when it changed, but it did.
Hot Rod Hill Climb........yeah, definetly an unusual and unexpected choice of events for me! Some explainin'..........I had planned all summer to do a cruise that weekend. The Crossmembers car club/Dallas chapter, and the Oklahoma City chapter were doing their annual 100 mile reliability run on the same day, meeting in the middle in the Lake Texoma area. Also there was a big swap meet in Fort Worth that weekend. I had planned on driving the '57 down Thursday, doing the swap meet, and meeting up with the Dallas chapter Saturday morning for the cruise. I had planned on following the OKC members back to their area. About 900-1000 mile trip probably. Well, they were forcasting rain for all of the cruise areas all week, so at the last moment, I decided to forgo that one and do the HRHC. Guys had been reporting all week that the weather was perfect up in the mountains, aspens were glowing gold. Besides, I hadn't been to Black Hawk/Central City for 20 years or so. It's an old gold mining area now converted to gambling towns with much of the historic landmarks preserved.
Was a great weekend, I did not however participate in even the show because I felt my car was just not what everybody there was in to. They are getting a little lax on the actual hill climb restrictions. Rules state NO overhead valve engines, but there were actually a number of them in the pits that ran the hill climb. Mostly bangers and flatheads as the rules state. I did not participate in the reliability run or the cruise, for me it was mainly about a road trip in the mountains.
Several hundred cars there, mostly 20's and 30's old time hot rods. Guys from all over the country. A must do if you're into that stuff. For me, about 3 hours of watching bangers chugging up the hill, and I was ready to hit the road again!
Gunther...tons of pics and videos on the web. Just google Hot Rod Hill Climb, and it'll show links You Tube and their website. If your on the Hamb, there's lots of stuff posted there as well.
BTW, my decision not to do the Texas/Oklahoma cruise was a bad one. Talking to one of the members this morning, I found out they only had a light rain in the morning, the rest of the day was perfect, and they had over 300 cars at the meeting point! I told him they had me to thank for that, if I had gone, we all would have been up to our ankles in water.
Rich, if you are using an I-Phone; click on the pic you want to send and press this symbol:
Then press this symbol to E-mail to your computer:
Enter your e-mail address and press send.
Open your E-mail on your PC and download the picture to either your Downloads folder, your Picture Folder or even to your desktop.
If you have an Android based phone; click on the pic you want to send and press this symbol:
then the E-mail or compose E-mail and send it to your E-mail address on your PC
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-09-24 13:18
I told him they had me to thank for that, if I had gone, we all would have been up to our ankles in water.
Haha Rich... so you did a good thing that day :002:
Well I guess we somtimes have to make decisions where to go on a trip, that doesn't work out as well as expected.
I don't know how competitive the race is, but this video pretty much sums it up for Hotrod guys that are interested especially in early cars. Wow...what a line up !!!
I wonder if any attendants have to readjust their carbs and change jets at 8000+. that is quite some elevation!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-09-24 13:18
Still having a problem with pics. Mainly because I haven't spent any time sorting it out. I did figure out apparently my computer pics are stored in two different areas, because when I click on the windows "pictures", that's when I have trouble finding stuff. However, when I'm posting something on this forum and go thru the normal attachments, browse,etc., it brings me to an all together different picture storage area where everything is organized by dated files as before. I think I need to tell the computer to use a different program to download.
Did you ever install Irfanview? After my last post here I was looking for something else on the site & saw that you had been told about it 5 years ago. You said that you were gonna check it out.
It's easy to sort pix there by date or name or whatever if you know where to click to do it.
Right now in the Irfanview program I have 283 separate folders & over 25,000 pix in those folders. There are more pix on one of those portable drive things that you plug in with a USB cable.
Not sure what you mean by
the windows "pictures"Is that a MS Windows program?
yes, microsoft windows 10.
no, can't even remember talking about the Irfanview.
I actually got a pic sent to my computer from my Iphone. Here's the '57 Ford the guy from midland bought in California after I wouldn't sell him mine.
Thanks for the iphone info, Joe. After some account setting up, I managed to send one! took 15 minutes for it to appear though, is that normal?
15 minutes is a long time, is your phone connected to your home wi-fi?
Isn't all this electronic stuff absolutely wonderful! I hate it.
I guess it's connected, I can "ask Siri"
We did a 300 mile round trip to the beach for 3 days to escape the So Cal heat. My son and daughter-in-law drove the 66 F250 hauling the trailer and the wife and I in the 57. Best part of the trip is the 14 mile winding road to the coast.
Perfect!! I love them winding roads, that's why I do southern Oklahoma and Colorado so often.............there's just no ocean as a destination. Head out this way sometime, Jim.....we can do days of winding roads!
I'm getting this pic problem figured out a little bit at a time thanks to Joe's help.
Gunter.....Hot Rod Hill Climb at the pit area/staging:
Also, I wish I had known Dan Greenberg was there. I would have liked to talk to him about shooting my car. One of the best auto photographers in the biz, imho
here's a link to HIS HRHC thread
Thanks Rich I would love to do that sometime, nothing is more fun then driving a 57 on the mountain roads..
Love the old Hot Rods. I'll be going to the Eagle Field drags in a couple of weeks..
I'm going to try next year to go the HRHC... Been doing Mike's art since it's inception.Mike is a great guy..has asked me every year to attend... we had planned on going this year..but our plate was too full and work gets in the way the previous 5 years.....
Mikes dad(St. Nick has a killer 57 Ford....427 powered.)
Next year If i still own it.... we will bring the coupe..... or the 57.
Was that Mike's Dad's black and white in the pits?..........wondered what an "off topic" drag car was doing there! Didn't get a pic.
Passed that sign a few times. Early Saturday I was taking the new highway, where that sign was, and a beautiful 32 coupe passed me out. Speed limit was 30, I was doing 45 or so. I caught up and drove behind him the next 7 or 8 miles to Idaho Springs at about 60. Really wished I had a pic of that, but doing twice the speed limit on a winding mountain road before you've had your morning coffee is not a good time to be taking pics while you drive, lol.
wow, thats a lot of old iron there...loving it!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-09-24 19:46... no, can't even remember talking about the Irfanview.
If you get it you will like it. A lot! A great program and free.
Got my oil/filter changed. Washed and waxed. I'll clean interior tonight. Tomorrow I'm headin' south for two days of the Goodguys show in Fort Worth at the Texas Motor Speedway. I've got a 50's diner to check out in Bridgeport and the new Summit retail store in Dallas. This trip with a little extra diving should be about 900 miles, all Highway.
Talking about changing oil. One of my cars has a 5qt oil pan and the other has a 7qt oil pan. I change oil every 3000 miles so it gets expensive driving both cars allot. The question I have is this. Since the 5 quart oil pan car gets 600 miles per quart put on it, is it practicable the 7 quart oil pan car be allowed the same miles per quart get 4200 miles put on it before oil change.
Just Pondering
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-09-26 16:43
Got my oil/filter changed. Washed and waxed. I'll clean interior tonight. Tomorrow I'm headin' south for two days of the Goodguys show in Fort Worth at the Texas Motor Speedway. I've got a 50's diner to check out in Bridgeport and the new Summit retail store in Dallas. This trip with a little extra diving should be about 900 miles, all Highway.
Have a great trip, I'm sure you will have pictures to share.
absolutely, lol.
Good Morning, Jim!..............I was just wondering about you yesterday......must be esp. Come back more often!
Jim..I change oil only cars(vintage or daily)... a lot.It is the number 1 preventive procedure in keeping the engine well maintained(Personal opinion)
I change oil every 3000 miles on my vintage cars and every 5000 on my daily driver Dodge Ram pick up(2012)
I spent a few years working for a small oil company - Quaker State. Nothing beats regular maintenance with a good oil and good filter. Cheap filters don't filter. Jeff's numbers are right on providing you don't start your car a lot and wash fuel into the crankcase. T/F
My friend an I just went though an exercise of cutting up filters and comparing construction and filter medium. Our findings.
A. Fram is crap
B. Purolater and Motorcraft are identical and we rated as fair
C. Wix was by far the best..
I'm anal about lubrication, I change mine every 2500, pack wheel bearings every 10,000 and change standard trans and rear gear oil every 25,000. But thats just me :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2018-09-27 16:19A. Fram is crap
B. Purolater and Motorcraft are identical and we rated as fair
C. Wix was by far the best..
I agree. Yup, Fram is the absolute worst. It's been some time now but when looking for alternate filters for my motorcycles that were less costly than MC dealers and MC factory filters I did a lot of research on oils and filters. I think you can add Napa's 'gold' filters as equal to the Wix filters. I also read that Wix actually made those filters for Napa. K&N also make excellent oil filters, as good or better than the Wix. One of my most used bikes gets the K&N, another most used bike gets a Wix.
I run Moble 1 synthetic oil in everything. Royal Purple synthetic is also just as good or even a bit better than Moble 1. In cold county synthetic oil is for sure the only way to go. Or anywhere for that matter.
Did a lot of research on air filters too. I never use the K&N air filters that seem to be so popular. I tell people that they are good for filtering out rocks & small birds. :002:
I also believe Wix makes the Napa Gold. What scares me is Fram bought Wix :005: I used the Royal Purple synthetic in my new rear end, first time for synthetic. I run conventional engine oil and gear oil in all my early cars, but those are the only cars I have :002:
Friend of mine used the K&N his his fairly new F250 and had constant problems with some sensor, forgot the name, after switching back to a factory filter no more problems..
Wix was bought by Mann - Hummel, a German company, and still make a good filter. Baldwin is also a good product.
I only use Wix..... and buy them at Napa... Oil on my vintage cars..I try to use Brad Penn... when I can find it...Lucas Hotrod Oil.....Amsoil.... all with hi zinc added....
It does get expensive... but this hobby is not cheap...
WIX = NAPA Gold. Use only them in all my rides. The F150 (5.0) is a 5K change. (Mobil 1) The GT 500 is every 3K. (Castrol synthetic) Focus is 5K. (Mobil 1) and the "old stuff" (the 36, Edsel, and T-Bird) is every 3K or every spring with NAPA 10 - W30 + a Zink additive.
Guess it works, the new stuff is all staying together despite being driven hard, the old stuff is going strong. The Bird and Edsel don't have enough miles since their build to really tell any tales, but, the ol 36 has 138K on it and still hits every time the key is turned. That wrecking yard 351C with unknown miles (2 years old when pulled from a wrecked Ranchero) got a rattle can overhaul and was installed. Only change was putting a 4bbl manifold on it. Uses a little oil but don't smoke or leak so I'm guessing the wear and tear over the years has been uniform and minimal.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2018-09-27 23:04
Wix was bought by Mann - Hummel, a German company, and still make a good filter. Baldwin is also a good product.
Thats what I thought. Somewhere I read they were bought by the same parent company as Fram last year. Sorry if that was incorrect.
I've been using Joe Gibbs HR in the 57 and Vavoline conventional in the 60 and 66..
Some cell phone pics from Goodguys
hmmmmmm..........not sure why the thumbnail is upside down, if it is opened or clicked on, it opens up right side up.
Goodguys, on Friday, there were 3 very very nice Fairlane 2 dr hadrtops. This first one I was very surprised to see. 4 or 5 years ago, I posted a link to a you tube video on this car, then it disappeared. This is the best Fairlane build I have ever seen, knocked my socks off when I saw the video. Can't believe I didn't get a pic of the interior. It's for sale if you have 155,000.
The two other Fairlanes had a 4.6 dohc or Coyote. Pics of those to follow
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-09-30 10:13
Some cell phone pics from Goodguys
hmmmmmm..........not sure why the thumbnail is upside down, if it is opened or clicked on, it opens up right side up.
Goodguys, on Friday, there were 3 very very nice Fairlane 2 dr hadrtops. This first one I was very surprised to see. 4 or 5 years ago, I posted a link to a you tube video on this car, then it disappeared. This is the best Fairlane build I have ever seen, knocked my socks off when I saw the video. Can't believe I didn't get a pic of the interior. It's for sale if you have 155,000.
The two other Fairlanes had a 4.6 dohc or Coyote. Pics of those to follow
Beautiful car but at 155K I'm thinking he will own it for awhile.
Is that the one with the ostrich leather interior ?
beautiful build, but the wheels are not for me. I am just thinking how the car would look with a classic set of mag wheels like the Igniters or Cragar Eliminator. Even a set of chrome reverseds and 1-3/4 whitewalls would look great.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2018-09-30 13:33
Is that the one with the ostrich leather interior ?
beautiful build, but the wheels are not for me. I am just thinking how the car would look with a classic set of mag wheels like the Igniters or Cragar Eliminator. Even a set of chrome reverseds and 1-3/4 whitewalls would look great.
Not sure, but I think the one with the ostrich leather was the dark green Custom 300 build, also out of this world, also lost the you tube video on.
This car looked absolutely flawless. Wished the owner was there.
Got a baseball game in a few minutes, I'll post the other outstanding Fairlanes later. BTW, mine was the only Custom there. No wagons or Rancheros, at least on Friday. I'll also post some OT pics of my favorite car there.......a '72 Volvo P2 resto mod!!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-09-30 10:13
Some cell phone pics from Goodguys
hmmmmmm..........not sure why the thumbnail is upside down, if it is opened or clicked on, it opens up right side up.
Maybe for you it does, lol... It's just another I Phone quirk, to solve the problem, turn the I-phone with the volume buttons facing down when taking pictures.
I agree on the wheels, but I don't like any of those modern wheels on old cars..
One more favorite car at Goodguys. Would have liked it much better with a Ford drivetrain instead of the LS . Do the pics open up right-side up for anyone except me? Got more pics, but I don't want you guys having to hold your monitor upside down to see them.
Joe..any way to fix the ones I've taken already? Sounds silly, but I wonder if it makes any difference which way you're holding the phone when you select them for emailing?
I used Paint to rotate the pic I'm wondering if it's gonna be upside down for me, lol.
Yep..........thumbnail stays upside down, but for me the pic is upside down when I open it. Call this version 2......what's it showing for you guys?
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2018-09-30 16:54
Maybe for you it does ...
Those turn right side up for me when opened.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-09-30 20:12
I used Paint to rotate the pic 180.........
Call this version 2......what's it showing for you guys?
Thumbnail upside down & pic is also upside down when I open it. Nice Volvo.
Get Irfanview!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-09-30 19:52
One more favorite car at Goodguys. Would have liked it much better with a Ford drivetrain instead of the LS . Do the pics open up right-side up for anyone except me? Got more pics, but I don't want you guys having to hold your monitor upside down to see them.
Joe..any way to fix the ones I've taken already? Sounds silly, but I wonder if it makes any difference which way you're holding the phone when you select them for emailing?
They are opening right side up for me.
Well, at least some of you are seeing them right side up like I was. Weird.
Here's some other really really nice '57's at the Goodguys
another and an absolutely gorgeous '60
The red and white Fairlane was originally from here in Oregon, I remember seeing it at a all ford drags and car show at the Woodburn Dragstrip , he had just finished it and was showing it for the first time. It was at least 10 or more years ago.
Rich, I right clicked on it and saved it. I then opened, rotated it and then saved it as a different name and used Imgur to host it,
Those were nice 57's. I've just never been able to get away from the stock appearing interior and exterior. I guess it's because that's what brought me to the party in 1957. The drive-train and suspension is another matter though. Thanks for showing the pictures.
Thanks Rich, they open up fine for me. I love the Starliner, wish I had bought one back when they were cheap. A friend of mine was selling his for 1200, all original except the dark blue metallic paint and I didn't buy it because it had an auto trans.
Nice looking and very well done cars. Also like the Torino behind the red & black 57, done in the same colors.
I didn't notice the Torino when I was there....too much attention to the Fairlane. After seeing the same color combo on both in my pic, I was wondering if they were the same owners.
The '57 had a 4 link suspension, btw.
Quote from: JimNolan on 2018-10-01 05:44
Those were nice 57's. I've just never been able to get away from the stock appearing interior and exterior. I guess it's because that's what brought me to the party in 1957. The drive-train and suspension is another matter though. Thanks for showing the pictures.
Beautiful cars but I am stuck on stock inside and out too! I especially don't care for the way the paint breaks were changed. Some pics opened up fine others were upside down... I have had that issue once before but it went away ????
Holding the phone upside down when your taking a picture?
Apparently.......that's what Joe said. I didn't realize there was an upside down. Guess my smart phone isn't so smart. They sure don't show as upside down when your viewing all the photos taken on the phone's screen.............. not even when I view them in email or the pic folder I transfer them to. Only here!, and for me, only the thumbnail.
Wow, that 60 is such a gorgeous car, much overlooked with collectors and Customizers. It's a pity that they do rust so much.
Also like the P1800 Volvo. There is quite a group of dedicated Volvo guys in Europe naturally. even the 122 and 121 sedans. Mostly all they need is a little lowering and wider wheels. they have great roadholding as well.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-10-01 08:01
Gorgeous car! Man I wish I could put together trunk panels like that.
Rich, not sure if you want to use an image hosting site, but it will correct that for you, and allow you to edit and enhance it if need be.
Back after a few more days on a road trip. Pics to follow. This time I made sure I was holding the phone the same way all the time (volumn buttons down), so they are going to either be all correct or all wrong.
I really would not want to use a hosting site. Don't see any need, I just need to get my iphone usage sorted out as well as my camera. I have not had any issues in the past with storage or manipulation of photos, at least with my old computer, just need to spend the required amount of time needed to straighten out this d#$@ windows 10 that wants to control/change everything for me.
I am using Windows 10 as well because of the cost of a new Apple computer.... I am extremely frustrated to the point of buying the Apple anyway, life is too short. Now I know where the Apple name came from, one bite and you are cursed forever!
Been raining hard today, and I finally found out all the concrete work/closing in the back garage door worked as planned.......not a drop in the garage. Prior to that work, I would have had 2" of water flowing thru to the front, today not a drop.
Still not a good baseball team is 3 outs away from getting swept out of the playoffs.
Run to the Inn of the Mountain Gods, Ruidoso/Mescalero New Mexico. Oct 5-6, The show was actually only on the 6th, but about 2/3 of the 350 or so cars were there the day before. A few of these pics will tell you why. Lots of them preplan this as a vacation weekend. Rooms at the Inn are 300+ a night!...... I slept in the car. 1/2 the cars were parked on the grass the day before, but since once you were parked you couldn't leave, I chose to stay up in the parking lot until Saturday morning. Was woken about 5am by thunder and rain, then about an hour later by the rumble of a dozen hotrods lining up in front of where I was parked to head on down when they opened the gate.
Not a whole lot of Fords of our vintage, but a bunch of really nice cars in general. This is Chicano country! Tons of Chevies, That's ok by me, I like them all.
I was asked about my car all day long, several had '57 Ford project cars. I gave them my card that has the forum .com on it.
Hey, the thumbnails are right side up! thanks Joe. pic 1 above:heaven's gate, lol......pic 2......scenery!!!, pic 3 is the day before the show! pic 4:...I was parked down the other end near the tree next to the Inn
some more:
Say what you want about rat rods, but sometimes you gotta love the details..pic 1: this one was stitched together. Pic 2......I said this was Chevy country! how about a 572 cu in Hemi! I loved this willys, a bit over the top.
One thing about the early morning rain at the show....I got to show off my multi-speed intermittent wipers! This trip was 640 miles, bringing the total for my last three weeks to 2,540. Probably my last long roadtrip of the year in the '57. The things needing attention are starting to pile up.
Looks like you had a great time, glad the pictures worked out this time. :003:
Beatiful setting for the car show, sounds like another great trip you had Rich. I am actually building a switch setup for intermittent wipers for my daily driven 1964 German Ford wagon. it is a real benifit to have these in todays heavy traffic and especially with our drizzling Euro fall weather.
Thanks Rich, looks like a great show. I did a shorter 460 mile round trip to the Eagle Field for the classic drag races. Lots of classic cars but only one 57 a red/white Ranchero.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2018-10-09 03:20
Beatiful setting for the car show, sounds like another great trip you had Rich. I am actually building a switch setup for intermittent wipers for my daily driven 1964 German Ford wagon. it is a real benifit to have these in todays heavy traffic and especially with our drizzling Euro fall weather.
There is a 2008 movie called "Flash of Genius" about the guy, Kearns who invented the intermittent wiper switch. He took it to Ford and they stole his invention... took him years to win in court. He is/was the uncle of a friend of mine.
it's sometimes crazy the reasons those interesting stories pop up. Interesting also is the fact they were able to make a movie out of it in this day and age of Star Wars and Jurassic Parks.
I love the intermittent wipers. 75% of the time my wipers are on, they are on an intermittent setting. the switch you're working on something that could be adapted to a '57 "regular" setup like Newport. I haven't checked, but somewhere I heard Newport offers a setup with intermittents. For the newbies reading this, btw, how I arrived at the setup is not something the vast majority is going to want to get into.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-10-09 09:29
it's sometimes crazy the reasons those interesting stories pop up. Interesting also is the fact they were able to make a movie out of it in this day and age of Star Wars and Jurassic Parks.
I love the intermittent wipers. 75% of the time my wipers are on, they are on an intermittent setting. the switch you're working on something that could be adapted to a '57 "regular" setup like Newport. I haven't checked, but somewhere I heard Newport offers a setup with intermittents. For the newbies reading this, btw, how I arrived at the setup is not something the vast majority is going to want to get into.
Newport does supply an intermittent switch for their motor. I have them in my 58 and have used it in several other cars. Nothing special to do except replace the two speed switch.
Good to know Thanks
good to know, I will have a look in that. I still have vaccuum wipers in the 57 Country Sedan and they work great so far ( vacc pump on fuel pump).
I am sorry Rich, the system I am using in my 64 Taunus is totally Euro specs. it is a vintage ( 1960s70s80s?) NOS Bosch intermittent switch and relais that has to be used with single or dual speed electric wiper motors. I am pretty sure it could be used on a 59 Corvette or 57 Ch*** - ooooops i am sorry... wiper motor. as we all know these are a bolt on electric replacement motor on 57 Fords. I have one but it needs repaired.
I might post some info and pics on the intermittent wipers in the testing area or tech info stuff.
Lynn, that uncle of your friend surely was a genius. All modern car drivers have no idea how hard it is to drive a vintage car in drizzling rain, fog or even snow/salt spray in heavy traffic without them. i haven't owned a car newer than '67 in 23 years , so I REALLY know what I am talking about. If the conversion goes well in the 1964 Ford wagon, I will be adding that to all of my vintage cars. It makes life so much easier and we can actually concentrate on driving rather then finding the wiper switch in the dark and going back and forth to the dash a dozen times a minute. Some cars have wiper switches in the most awkward places. in my 64 Ford it is next to the main light switch as is in pre '57 Volkswagens (my second passion). go figure.... :002: :003:....been driving without lights quite some occasions... :003:
Raunch Wagon had OEM wipers and I really liked them. I could adjust them to just barely move for mist conditions. Wagon would still have vacum wiper motor except for the late model, over cammed engine upgrade.
Well, it's off to California for the Red Sox, after two straight wins, this is starting to look promising!
Go Sox!!!. I'm a national league fan, but I guess this year I'm rootin' for the sox since the Dodgers are the worst of the big market/big spender teams. Actually don't want either to win, but odds are slim, lol. My brother lives in the Phillipines, still is a die hard member of the Red Sox Nation, never misses a game.
Nearly finished the shop,Little more paint and trim needed....More electrical is coming and a heating above is halfway there.. Big changes have been made to one of my 57's...
Shop is looking great. I really like the galvanized corrugated inside.........looks like some of the steak houses we visit. Does it have an upstairs and a downstairs?
So, your just teasing us with the "big '57 changes"?
WHAAAAAT ? Jeff, you gotta be kidding. are you going to restore vintage airplanes ? not a shop, this is a hangar ! :003:
great to see a hangout place like that. it will be great to have all your collector cars parked and stillbe able to walk around. Terrific place !
Very Cool! Can't wait to see it with your art work on the walls! :002:
Looking good, that FE should rattle the tin pretty good! I have to send you a Canucks banner to fill some of that space.
Nice.....Very Nice....Outstanding as a matter of fact!
Thanks guys.. we have been hustling since we decided to move.......last December......
The studio loft is where I will be working.... not finished yet...but all the hard work is done.. its directly above the shop.
The shop and garage are separate from our home.. and the neat thing is a tunnel connects them.
Still a lot of work to go.... but we are getting there.
We love our new house..... and the area.Far away from the big city......and that's a good thing.
This is the tunnel that connects the house to the shop.... when we were purchasing..... we couldn't believe it.... My wife will never find me... hahahah
You're living the dream, Jeff. going to be awesome with the 32's and 57's in there.
Joe............did you stay up for the entire game last night? Hahahaha. 18 freakin innings, wow. I missed the last 8 and I'm on central time.
No, I get up at 04:30 to go to work and I just couldn't keep my eyes open, fell asleep in the 6th. Funny thing, I meet my 87 year old dad for breakfast every Saturday morning at 09:00. He is retired and still gets up at 04:00 every day; when I saw him this morning, he had watched the entire game which ended at 03:30 this morning and he had not been to bed yet!
He is a die hard fan, he gave up his season tickets to the Sox about 5 years ago because he got tired of the over an hour drive to and from the game. Oh yeah, he had been a full Season ticket holder since 1967. :001:
The tunnels not a bad idea. You wont have to bundle up and shovel a path when the snow fly's. :002:
Beautiful shop btw.
sheltered walk to the shop and studio must be great, especially for your Canadian winters. I am also planning something like this for my new shop (extension). Although not a tunnel, I think of an open porch in summer, that can be closed with sliding windows and heated in winter.
Jalopy Journal today has photos from the Dawsonville Moonshine Festival event with great pictures of 57's.
Beat me to it! Guys here keep telling us we need to go............that's a long way from Texas.
wow ! fantastic cars !
Really cool, thanks for sharing.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2018-10-28 11:23
Jalopy Journal today has photos from the Dawsonville Moonshine Festival event with great pictures of 57's.
Let me add a little to this. The first car shown is a '39 Ford. When you read the card in front of the car it says it was owned by Raymond Parks. If you have read about the history of NASCAR, the very early days, Raymond Parks is given credit for being the money man that got NASCAR off the ground. Raymond was to get a piece of NASCAR when it finally got some traction, but that never happened, and he was left out of the NASCAR ownership.
Being that he knew the moonshine business he went into the retail liquor business in Atlanta. And that is where I met him in 1970. He was a no nonsense business man, not long on conversation, and I was a new sales rep for Joseph E. Seagram.
I can't recall the name of the book I read about the early days of NASCAR, where I learned about the role Raymond Parks played in early NASCAR, but in that book it discussed Raymond Parks hiring a new driver for the Dawsonville to Atlanta moonshine run back in the day. I recognized the name as being the father of a kid I went to high school with. What a small world.
This is almost as good as the Sox winning the World Series... Notorious Boston mobster Whitey Bulger was reportedly beaten to death in prison by one or more of his fellow inmates.
Good week for Boston. As for me, what happens in this off season will decide whether or not I continue following the Rockies, which has been since their inception in '93. (lol, that's 1993 for you fans of the older teams). Lots of frustration.
I remember my dad talking about places he use to "hang out" in Boston before he married my mom. Scully Square comes to it still there? I think they built the Kennedy Center in that old neighborhood. I remember being in that area where a restaraunt/cafe/beanery ? had a huge tea kettle out front that actually blew steam.
I often wondered what life my dad was headed for, after the war. His story was he worked part time for a private investigator, which was the reason for the pics with the shoulder holster.
Well this is a first for me. Sold my red pickup last year to a movie company to be used in a Hallmark Christmas movie.
Yesterday I get a call telling me they came out with a Christmas Tree Ornament of my truck. Too cool!
I imagine that would be a first for most everybody! Way cool, and that is a beautiful truck you had.
I received this email from Cobra Joe this morning. I'm kinda computer challenged and don't know how I can help him. If someone can point me in the right direction, I will relay the message. Thanks Jay
6:03 AM (1 hour ago)
to me
I haven't been able to log onto the website for the past two days, how about you?
see reply in old pics thread
Got our first winter storm the night before last. light hail followed by about 5" of the fluffy white stuff. I think that's more snow than I remember Amarillo getting all last winter. Never got much over freezing yesterday, so lots of icy roads. This morning when I got up at 6 this morning , it was 22 degrees out. This is Texas, lol!! The snow was a new experience for 2 or 3 of our dogs. They just ran for hours in the back yard.
On a positive note, when I closed off my rear overhead door in the garage this summer, I went with 6" studs for more insulation. Last year, I had a heck of a time warming the garage up, but with the back door closed off, the unheated garage now is staying pretty much around 50 overnight when it gets real cold outside. This morning it was 49 in the garage with the 22 outside temp.............makes me really happy, obviously made a huge difference closing the unneeded opening off..... and I still haven't insulated the remaining overhead door.
I never did get that back wall finished, although I did get it drywalled. Just need to finish the tapping and paint. A few weeks ago I got the overhead door taken down.I asked around town for weeks if anybody needed a good 16' aluminum door with all hardware and opener. Free if they just took it down. No takers, so gave up and took it down myself. Put it on craigslist for 135 and sold it in 5 hours. First time use of craigslist for me.
My winter project got a start this past week.........make our kitchen look good! It's a big kitchen, and with my wife now retired, we couldn't afford new cabinets, etc, so I'm going to refinish the ones we've got. Yikes, I hate sanding. Some pics to follow.
We got snow too Rich!.... 22 degrees outside now and snow until tomorrow morning....
The shop is done (downstairs) and heat will be installed Thursday....a nice unit from TCS...delivering a 125,000 btu's... should be good for the shop and upstairs studio.... excited.
Garage looks awesome. Nice job. When did you get a GTO? my neighbor is looking for a '66., and when did you get a 3rd '57 Custom?
You'd better get busy if your gonna decorate all those Christmas trees in your yard.
The GTO is my brother in laws... they just moved here as well and needed to store his car for a few weeks until they get settled.His name is Jeff as well, a retired GM Autoworker,.... I kid him constantly Rich about GM.... GENERAL MISTAKE.
All kidding aside, he is a fanatic about any automobiles and a great guy.His Judge is a 66,original paint,original 389 4 speed stick car...very nice.
Christmas.. that's my wife job...... ha ha
Shop looks great, our Flag is a great touch!
Well here it is, the 15th of November and my warm "snow free" place has gone bad! The picture was taken at 0645 and the stuff is still falling down!
Even with the snow Bill... looks Beautiful!.....and I like snow!.....
Especiallywith the snow it looks beautiful. LOL, we need to get Gunther to teach these Canadians proper English.
Probably some of the northern guys are looking at your pic and thinking "what snow?"
My wife was so happy a few days ago when it snowed and she didn't have to get out in it to go to work. It's remained cold, and in the shade, it's still there.
I agree "what snow"! But my first experience with a "little" snow down here was really funny. My position at work required I drive in and evaluate road conditions and make a recommendation as to opening time or remaining closed. On the way in, running on surface streets vice the interstate, I had to cross the rail yard by going over it on a long bridge. As I approached the bridge there was a public works truck on the bridge spreading sand. Funny part was the "spreader" was two guys on the back of the truck with shovels!
Now having been born and raised in WI and having learned to drive in that stuff and not letting lots of snow stop things living here has been very entertaining. Bottom line, if there is snow and ice on the road I stay home now.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-11-15 08:17
Especiallywith the snow it looks beautiful. LOL, we need to get Gunther to teach these Canadians proper English.
Probably some of the northern guys are looking at your pic and thinking "what snow?"
My wife was so happy a few days ago when it snowed and she didn't have to get out in it to go to work. It's remained cold, and in the shade, it's still there.
You southerner's have no idea what snow is, lol.
Here's my driveway from past season:
...and from my deck:
I do!, that's one reason why I escaped Mass. in the 60's.
guys, I think this is something criminal. Now I know where all of OUR snow went ! :002:
Austria is quite well known for its images of snowy mountains and skiing, but we had another year with very mild fall weather. mostly sunny, just a few foggy days and temps in the mid 50s. Even the roses on my property are still blooming. I just took these pics 10 minutes ago ! Al, Tx ??? you have to move to Europe it seems :003:
and why I settled in AL instead of WI.
That 4 letter word that starts with 'S'. :(
I don't like it. I don't like plowing it. Not good for motorcyclin'. Man, you'd think I live in Alaska or sumpthin'.
After a very rare & mild October we still have next to zero of that stuff in the Anchorage area right now.
But that can change overnight at anytime & no doubt will at some point.
How are gas prices in the rest of the world? Amarillo is down to 2.06 for regular unleaded. That 's down about .40 in the past 2 weeks. I paid over 3.00 a gal. on my last road trip to NM. two weeks ago. Diesel is still around 3.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-11-17 16:53
How are gas prices in the rest of the world? Amarillo is down to 2.06 for regular unleaded.
$2.06? I wish. At least we don't pay Euro's prices.
Regular gas averages $3.186 here today. Down about 10 cents from a month ago.
Southern Austria ( my area ) is approx $1.50. :003: a litre.... that is nearly $ 6/ gal.
On highway stations and in Germany it is at least 20% more expensive. easily around $7 / gal
my 1964 German Ford wagon gets 30mpg or more.
my 57 way below 15.
the compact 64 is my daily driver - Just saying :002:
Hate telling you guys, that way up here in the south of Canada, I had to mow my lawn today.
ha, mine needs it, won't happen. FiveSevenLiter........BC?
Truth be told, I needed to run the fuel out of the tank.
BC, yes but barely. The border is the 49th parallel and I am at 40 024 degrees North.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2018-11-18 20:39
BC, yes but barely. The border is the 49th parallel and I am at 40 024 degrees North.
Did you mean 49 024 degrees?
Yes 49, what is nine degrees between neighbours?
Maybe that is the reason the guy next door says my new fence is 3 inches on his property!
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2018-11-19 09:25
Yes 49, what is nine degrees between neighbours?
( In this case it's about 625 miles. :)
Tom whats your degrees north ?
I am 47 degrees north here in southern Austria.
first snow yesterday.
41.6* North here in Massachusetts.
30.22 N here, idea what this snow stuff is all about. No salt on the roads, but it is always 138% humidity year round in the swamp.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2018-11-20 17:10
Tom whats your degrees north ?
I am 47 degrees north here in southern Austria.
first snow yesterday.
I'm at 61 north, about 1550 km, or almost 1000 miles north of 47 N.
It's been unusually warm here with what little snow we've had melting a bit. 4:30 am & it's still ~35F. Temp is due to go down to more normal in a day or so.
I have been to the end of the road at 68.36 N, as well as the end of the road at 24.55 S.
I love an adventure, also have been to Cape Spear amd Neah Bay.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2018-11-21 21:11
I have been to the end of the road at 68.36 N ...
that is way up north ! :003:
Happy thanksgiving guys. Our small get together has grown to about 16, hope we don't run out of turkey.
Earlier this year I found a twin sister to my dd Subaru in a salvage yard in Canon City, Colorado. Because of a minor accident a few years ago when a young mother ran into me, I need some body trim, a door, and have worn out my front seat upholstery, broke a dash panel carrying lumber, etc. the Co. car has everything I need, the weather both here and Colorado is 50's and 60's for a week, so I think I'm off for Colorado, maybe tonight. I called yesterday, and the car is pretty much still intact as I saw it in July.
The salvage yard is a combination of new and old stuff. I'll check to see if any '57's have shown up.
Thanks and same to you Rich! The weather here is great also, about 7* with the wind chill. :turkey:
Have a safe trip.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving with the company of good friends and family enjoying a great meal!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone on .
That would make an awesome Christmas card! :iamwithstupid:
Heat wave today 35 degrees. Going to big family event about 50 mi. Think I'll take the XK8 ,top up. No snow forecast. Fly to Mesa on Tuesday for winter. After 78 years have learned to Hate snow. Tom.
I'll be happy if I even get to 78, though after a lifetime in MN I have to agree I no longer have much tolerance for snow.
Just returned to MN from FL cuz the wife has another 4 years to work til retirement. Got a rural house in FL on 9.65 acres, but it needs a pole building to make it hobby-friendly.
Need to sell off excess stuff and an extra hobby farm/toy storage property in MN and eventually do 6 months in each state. FL is too hot in the summer and MN too cold in the winter. Already way too cold in MN and it's only Thanksgiving...
Sure am glad that I insulated and installed heat and AC in both garages here while I was burning up time waiting to retire to my cars. Doubt I could do all that work now and would take time away from doing more enjoyable things.
Happy Thanksgiving - and what is up with parts of Alaska being warmer than here? Noticed that last spring emailing a former high school classmate up there that it was warmer there than here too...
Yes to Inuvik, got there and then hopped on the mail plane and flew across the McKenzie delta to Aklavik. I had some travel points and called the airline and was told the farthest south I could fly was Seattle, which is a two hour drive from home, no thanks and hung up. I called back and asked how far north I could go and she tells me Inuvik but it takes two days to fly there. I booked my flight for the longest day of the year. Sitting in the Inuvik bar there were two guys next to me from Chicago, school book salesmen. I asked them what they were doing there and the guys says, we had some travel points to burn. A whole different world.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2018-11-22 19:55
Yes to Inuvik, got there and then hopped on the mail plane and flew across the McKenzie delta to Aklavik. I had some travel points and called the airline and was told the farthest south I could fly was Seattle, which is a two hour drive from home, no thanks and hung up. I called back and asked how far north I could go and she tells me Inuvik but it takes two days to fly there. I booked my flight for the longest day of the year. Sitting in the Inuvik bar there were two guys next to me from Chicago, school book salesmen. I asked them what they were doing there and the guys says, we had some travel points to burn. A whole different world.
Inuvik isn't the end of the road anymore. They extended the
Dempster Highway about 80 or 90 miles to Tuktoyaktuk, aka 'TUK', which is right on the Arctic ocean. Up 'till now they could only drive or ride there in the winter on an ice road.
Not sure what the condition of the Inuvik to Tuk road is now.
Probably be a lot better next year.
While you were sittin' in the sun in Inuvik on the longest day of the year there were a big bunch of motorcycles & riders gathered in Dawson for an annual event. Dawson is a real neat town with lots of history. Most ride what's called 'Adventure bikes', not cruiser bikes like big Hardlys. Place is infested with bikes like the big BMW GS bikes but there can be a little of everything. I've only ridden there twice since 2000. It got to be too big of a crowd since my first ride. Anchorage to Dawson is 500 road miles. Some friends did ride on to Inuvik once or twice when I wasn't there. Dawson to Inuvik is about 450 miles on the Dempster Hwy, & a couple ferry crossings.
If it rains you'd best park your bike & camp 'cause the road turns that slick.
Some guys from 'Outside' did ride to Tuk this year but the road apparently wasn't quite finished. Saw pix on the Adventure Rider site of what happened when it rained on some of them. Wheels packed so full of mud up around the forks & to the fenders that the wheels wouldn't turn.
Road's ok when dry.
Took a drive up to Canon City, Colorado Friday to the Pikes Peak Motor Co/A-1 Salvage yard to pick up some stuff for my Outback DD. I found it's twin sister up there earlier this year. Picked up a drivers seat with great upholstery (I wore mine out!), a left rear door complete, a dash bezel I had broken carrying lumber, and a body trim panel. The PP Mtr Co is what use to be up in Colorado Springs and got pushed out due to eminent domain/freeway expansion. In the Springs, they were sorta a hot rod speed shop that had a lot of old project cars. When they moved to Canon City, they combined with A-1 Salvage and now have both new and old, plus a showroom for collector cars for sale.
Anyway, very organized yard, very up to date, everything on computer, etc. Here's a new perspective on parts buying all know how the modern cars have so much plastic that is not available anymore when you break something. Well, these guys have figured that out and guess what now is considered a premium part?? Yep, plastic stuff, lol. I got a complete electric, heated drivers seat with great upholstery for less (75.) than what they charged me for the plastic body trim over the rear wheel well (90)! The door was 200. complete w/ glass, power, matching upholstery to mine, and the same pearl white body color (which is why I spent the $ instead of fixin' it). Looks to be a self aligning door, 4 bolts, plug-in wiring, and it's done. Shouldn't even have to remove the upholstery panel. I still have to r&r the rear quarter to fix where the lady ran into me a few years ago, but it's pearl white, and I've never done pearl, so I want to minimize what I have to do. The painted part of my rear quarter is actually pretty small. Got some experimenting to do when I get to it. The body supply guy told me how to do it to match, so I'm kinda looking forward to playing with it.
All this snow talk prompted me to change the shop over to winter mode. The mower went to the unheated shed and the snow blower came in. The '41 project is squeezed into the corner. The Raunch Wagon is in full on Power Tour prep. The long list: alignment, headlight aiming with new LEDs, new pads and rotors, freshen the engine and tranny, Vintage Air, and some sheet metal if there is time.
Gas got down under 2 per gal. at many stations here in Amarillo. I saw 1.92 at one place yesterday. Temps back up in the 70's for a while. Life is good.
Getting ready for our annual Christmas trip to WI. Gas that low is car parts!:<)
In Colorado last week, it was still 290+. A few neighborhood stations had it down to 2.67. Wednesday in Oklahoma it was about 2.30ish at the Love's I40 stations. At least for the past 4 or 5 years, Amarillo has always been the cheapest that I've been to.
I bought gas yesterday for $2.799, here in Boise.
Earthquake in Anchorage..........hope you and yours are ok, Tom.
Hope all is well Tom, looks like a bad one in some areas..
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-11-30 16:44
Earthquake in Anchorage..........
Thanks, Rich & Jim. Doing better now that the electricity is back on. It went out with the first big shaker when the outside temp was just above 20 deg. F & was out for about 10 hours. House is still trying to warm up. I'm on a well so no water either.
This was the worst quake I've felt since "The Big One" in March 1964. You never know how long these things will go on & the length is usually what causes the real damage damage. Today's first & main shaker went for just over a minute I think. It was violent & scary due to the length. Lot of stuff fell from shelves & off walls. Even more stuff flew out of cabinets in the garage.
Somehow none of it hit the Ranchero. My Roadster up on the 4 post lift that ain't bolted down didn't tip over onto the Ranchero either. None of my motorcycles fell over but not sure yet if they didn't bang into each other.
Had many aftershocks immediately after that lessened in force & length as time went on. The 1st ones were pretty strong & you're thinking;
'Here we go again! When will it stop?!' (
Just now had a couple more aftershocks.
Alaska gets 100s of earthquakes per year but you don't feel most of them.
I did write a few things here years ago about the 1964 quake.
It's effects were felt all over the world & people died from it's tsunami here & as far away as California.
That was 9.2 magnitude quake & went on for 4.5 minutes.
Downtown Anchorage received major damage. I was downtown at the time & saw things happen that I could never have imagined. (
They now say that today's quake was a magnitude of 7.
Per this web site:
"A 9.2 magnitude earthquake is 158.489 times bigger than a magnitude 7.0 earthquake, but it is 1995.262 times stronger (energy release)."
Some pix on these news sites, Probably more tomorrow. Major roads & highways were damaged.
16 pix here.
Damn! There it goes again! (
I'm tired.
Awesome to see your post. Couldn't sleep, so got up and was just scanning thru the news, photos, etc of the quake, then came on here. So far, lots of damage, but very little about injuries and fatalities. That's great. Hope it settles down up there very quickly. How far are you from downtown, and which direction? They said the quake was centered 9 miles north of downtown.
I'm glad you are OK. I know how those after shocks rattle the nerves, not knowing if its the start of another big one.
I told my wife last night I "knew" somebody from Anchorage. Glad you OK! I 've never experienced an earthquake, don't care to either, I think I will stay with the hurricanes.
Great news! Been in one, Millington, TN. Small but really scary. The sound along with the shaking was a little un-nerving as I had never experienced something like that. Just really can't imagine being in one of that magnitude.
I was in Candlestick Park in 1989, waiting for the World Series to start when the earthquake hit. We were sitting 20-25 rows up on the third base side. I can still see the Field Rolling. Sat up at night and drank in the hotel parking lot. Yes they moved the bar outside and set up. Food was scarce and expensive. It was an experience I will not forget. Took 3 days to get out of San Francisco.
My Grandfather was in San Francisco in 1906 on a business trip when that big earthquake hit and burned the city down.
About 10 years ago here in Kentucky we had an earthquake, that rattled the house, glassware etc. Scary!
I had a home in South Florida when Hurricane Andrew hit in 1992. Rode it out. Ugly. Don't want to go through another.
Bill, while in the Navy, I spent time in Millington as well. I remember the signs on rental houses in Millington and Memphis that said "No Dogs or Sailors"!
In 1989 I was in Castlegar, British Columbia, went to the hotel bar to watch the ball game and the screen was blank, so I took a drive a couple miles out of town to see the huge hydro electric dam. I was out on the middle of the dam, got out of the truck but had the radio on. News came on reporting the huge earthquake in California, I am out on this mega dam by myself and thought about a Tsunami coming down the lake and washing the dam out. I bolted to the car and booted it back to the hotel for a couple beers. Yikes.
Late Nov 1970, I moved to Harbor City in the LA area from Massachusetts. Feb, '71 the Sylmar quake hit early AM. We were staying with her mom and dad til we got a place of our own. I remember waking up and looking straight up to the bedroom wall directly over my head. The chandelier in the foyer was doing about a 4 foot circle. Lots of stuff on the floor. Yep scary. Thought about moving back to Mass, lol. If I remember correctly, Harbor City was about 40 miles from the Sylmar epicenter.
Been threw a few hurricanes, the first one I remember was the one that hit Boston in '56. Don't think they named them back then. Just called "the hurricane of '56".
Would rather go thru either again than what the Paradise folks went thru a few weeks ago.
Went to a local cruise-in this afternoon. A couple came up to me and told me they were getting married Jan 1, and asked if I'd be interested in chauffering them from hotel to church to reception. Gave them my card, told them I'd be happy to, but they may want to find someone with a 4 door, lol. My sedan is kinda close quartered in the back seat. 'Bout the only way I can get out from the back is to back out, lol, not a very pretty entrance for a bride
I'm with Lynn, i'll stick to hurricanes. Plenty of warning to board the windows and tie down the flyaways. Dont care to know what quakes or fires are like. Glad youre ok up there in Anchorage.
Quote from: lalessi1 on 2018-12-01 08:56... I 've never experienced an earthquake, don't care to either, I think I will stay with the hurricanes
It's funny that people sometimes want to stick with what they know even if it's something bad. I won't trade you for those hurricanes with all the rain and flooding. We do sometimes get hurricane force 100 plus mph winds when a big Chinook sweeps down the mountains. The strongest mostly hits the 'Hillside' area where I live. What they call the 'Hillside' is the lower slopes of of the mountains on the east side of Anchorage.
And for sure I wouldn't trade our threats from volcanoes & earthquakes for tornadoes either. Don't know how people can deal with that. I've felt earthquakes all of my like. They were no big deal to me until that 9.2 in 1964. It started so mild then hammered us hard. Real Hard! Now most of them get my attention.
Late year weather's been crazy this year. Unusually warm.
Yesterday it got up to around 28 deg. F & then today we got one of those warm Chinook winds with rain. Got up to ~ 46 degrees. Calling for colder tonight & tomorrow & heavy snow.
BTW, last night I said Alaska get hundreds of earthquakes every year. I knew that was not correct. We get a lot more but didn't think you guys would believe the real number. Besides, I was too tired to look it up. :)
From an article in today's paper ... has more pix & stuff.
"The state averages 40,000 earthquakes a year, with more large quakes than the 49 other states combined. Southern Alaska has a high risk of earthquakes because the Earth's plates slide past each other under the region, but it is rare for major quakes to strike so close heavily populated areas."Also...
"By mid-morning, there had been about 550 aftershocks, including 11 with magnitudes of 4.5 or greater, Caruso said."Just had another fairly strong but short aftershock a few minutes ago.
Rich, I'm about 10-11 miles south of downtown. About miles when it comes to earthquakes. :002:
Rich had the same thing happen with my 2dr street rod. Rear seat entry would be an interesting endeavor for the bride. Had a friend with a 4dr sedan and asked him if he would be willing to do it. He said no, but you can drive my car. Talk about being clinched up, I knew exactly what he had in that car......but it all went off with not a hitch and the young lady was happy.
John the attitudes around Millington were the exact reason my "retirement home" only lasted two years. To be fair, it actually Covington, old south, old money, and old attitudes. Phone never rang other then Habitat business. Not like we sat in the front yard and drank beers and threw the cans in the street. My wife was in the school system working with special ed kids, I was on the Habitat for Humanity board and the VFW post commander. Just that ol yankee accent resulted in "your not from around here" statement and the conversation that never really started ended.
Sorry for the rant, just hard to believe those attitudes still existed in 1994!
" Just that ol yankee accent resulted in "your not from around here" statement and the conversation that never really started ended.
Sorry for the rant, just hard to believe those attitudes still existed in 1994!"
1994? they still exist today. :deadhorse:
I will stick with the ground wiggling . Lived in so cal my whole life . Lived through the 72 earth quake and all the quakes in between till the 94 Northridge earthquake (still live in Northridge ), lncluding the 89 San Francisco earthquake . The reason we live in Cali is the weather ( don't tell anyone ) the politics are bad the taxes are to high but the cars are dry . Just my .02 cents
I'll agree with that, we do pay higher prices/taxes etc but I like being able to drive 365 days a year as long as I leave early enough to beat the traffic :003:
More earthquake stuff from Anchorage. (
Like most people here I guess I was very lucky last Friday. I've seen lots of pix now of homes with so much stuff inside destroyed or spread all over the floor, cabinets knocked over, whole kitchens full of dishes smashed to bits on the floor, windows broken, etc...
All the schools got hit hard. Ceiling tiles fell, water pipes broke and really flooded everything. Same goes for many businesses. All schools closed for this week. One school about 80 road miles north & west will not open back up this year. Late this afternoon saw the same issue for one in Anchorage.
A lot more serious road damage than I'd first heard of. That includes the major, & only, highway north that carries the many commuters from the 'Mat-Su Valley' to Anchorage. A very busy road.
Another report this afternoon was about 10 homes in an area here in town that sank down a bit when the ground under them liquefied from the shaking. One guy had to build a ramp to get his car out of the garage. Another had the water supply cut from the sinking.
Out in Eagle River, kind of a suburb 10-15 miles north of town, a couple homes were destroyed.
One fell off it's foundation. Not sure about the mansion's damage but it don't look good. Can't imagine needing a house that big.
Eagle River has come a long way from not appearing to be much more than wide spot in the road with a gas station & store when I was a teenager.
Oh, well. ( Could have been worse. It's not even close to as bad as the March 27th 1964 quake.
Attached pix:
Two of the house that fell off it's foundation
Eagle River mansion(wth?) damaged
Interesting pic from part of today's newspaper's front page. Bumpy road?
Amazing pics; glad to see you're ok Tom.
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2018-12-05 05:11Amazing pics ...
Check out these pix a guy on the ADV site posted. Good ones! (There's a second page too but not much there yet.)
I'd like to see the the panic on the faces of some of the idiots down between the broken earth in one of the pix if they were in there when one of the hard aftershocks hit. Over 2100 aftershocks since last Friday morning. Had a strong one just last night.
Just a few notes......the Hamb thread on '57 Fords is now 14 pages of pics, and almost 3 years running. Lots of great pics.
Gas is getting down into the low 1.80's here....lovin' it! Mid grades is just about 2.10. Filled the '57 up yesterday and took it out for a few hours. Lots of signs of a good econony away from town into the beef/ranch/farm areas. Lots of activity on the smaller highways serving the ranching areas, with the cotton trucks, cattle and feed trucks, milk trucks, etc.. Seems like they were everywhere coming on and off the farm roads. I hit I40 on the way back for about 40 miles, and the regular interstate big rig traffic was heavy also. Kind of a feel good trip.
Back to kitchen cabinet refurbishing, lol.
are you kidding me Rich ? our gas is down to 1.20........ :003: ......
Euros that is, per litre. so that is roughly $1.40 a litre which adds up to $5.40 a gln.....which is 3 times as much as what you stated.
wow, and I though't it hadn't been as low as this in a year or so.
I was so happy yesterday when I topped off my wagon with 50 Euros. ( $60). bad thing, it was my 1964 Euro Ford and she only has 40Litres tank capacity ( roughly 11 glns) :003:....oh man....
I was very happy to see a post in the wanted section this morning by Acylic Man. Larry is from Houston, and was in the early stages of his '57 project when the floods hit Houston 3 or 4 years ago. Then he disappeared. I do believe he did one quick post right after the first flooding that said he lost both his business and home. I've been wondering about him since, reminded often because he made me a really great Blue Oval Ford sign that, thanks to my new house, I finally have a descent place to display, so I see at it often. We got to shake hands at the Pate swap meet in '14(?).
So, Larry.............a big welcome back, I'm sure we're all curious to hear about what you went through!
A few more of my morning coffee friends cars.
Jim.. talk to us about that killer deuce roadster.... I see the pie-crust and love what I see of the 3into 1 lake pipe set up.... Nice.
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2018-12-21 16:23
Jim.. talk to us about that killer deuce roadster.... I see the pie-crust and love what I see of the 3into 1 lake pipe set up.... Nice.
Jeff, It's a nice 32 steel body, flat head with 3-2's all home built and I believe he made the exhaust himself. I can get a better picture of that if you would like the next time he brings it. It's owned by the same guy with the white El Camino I posted earlier, he also has a "Christine" car so I never know which one he'll show up with.
Yes Please Jim!
that's how we like em Jim. Terrific cars. starting with the 49ish Olds, the Volkswagen van , the Falcon Convertible and that roadster. that one is so cool. pinstriping on the rear body lines. detailed flathead...slicks. supercool car !
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2018-12-21 16:23
.... I see the pie-crust and ....
Pie-crust? ( Ya lost me with that term.
But that sure is a neat Roadster! And I really like that Ranchero too! A lot! :001:
Pie crust refers to the outer edge of the tire, resembles a baked pie crust. As far as I know early versions of drag slicks were recaps and had the pie crust as part of the vulcanizing process.
Popular until around 1965 when M&H, Firestone and others came out with dedicated soft compound race tires.
Quote from: rmk57 on 2018-12-22 18:41
Pie crust refers to the outer edge of the tire ...
The pie crust went over my head, thanks for the info. I'll get more pictures of the roadster but it will probably be after the holidays. Our little gang has a few more nice cars I wish I could get pictures of, one really nice 55 Victoria and a 56 F100. Those two never get there early enough to get a parking spot and park a half block away. Yes, I'm lazy :003:
And the VW is worth more then any of them :005:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2018-12-21 18:08
that's how we like em Jim. Terrific cars. starting with the 49ish Olds, the Volkswagen van , the Falcon Convertible and that roadster. that one is so cool. pinstriping on the rear body lines. detailed flathead...slicks. supercool car !
Glad you like them. The Falcon Futura is an original unrestored and owned by my friend Stan who is building a Ranchero and owns the wagon also. The Olds is a 50..
Nice cars. Wish we had a coffee meet here. I hear ya on the VW value. reminds me of my parents. My Dad was a Chevy guy, tried a new Dodge once in '57. Swore he'd never buy another Dodge, went back to new Chevies for a few more new models, '61 being the last I remember. So much trouble with those he finally bought a new VW bug, 63ish. Never went back after that. Became a lifelong VW customer, except they graduated to the campers. Probably had 4 or 5 of them. Sure wished I had one of those.
Pie crust.......if you spend enough time on a traditional forum, like the Hamb, it gets to be a very common term.
Same here Rich, parents bought a 65 Beetle then a 67 Camper. I ended up with the Beetle years later and it became the wifes car, that didn't go over to well :003: In later years I sold the camper for them, it was mint and had about 40,000 miles and I got $1200 for it and they were so happy :005:
I just realized the date stamp on this camera is totally wrong :005:
Jim, that inca gold/colonial white Country sedan is pure eye candy.
I have a total soft spot in my heart for early Ford Compacts. 60-65 Comets and Falcons. 62 and 63 are my favorites. my first vintage car ever was a 1965 Comet.
Yes I have to confess that have been sentenced to life with those funny little German cars as well. had my first of about 20 or so pre1967 VeeDubs in 1995 and never looked back from that. there hasn't been a single year that I did not at least own one running or roadworthy (German) aircooled car. at the moment we have 5 of them (1 running 56 survivor bug, another 51 and 55 project bug and '52 and '55 project vans) and going to work on my teenage son's 55 floorpan this holiday season.
It is a pity that the campers and Deluxe buses are so valuable these days. we used to buy them for $ 1000 or less 20 yrs ago. they were typical students and Hippie cars. :003:
Since this is the morning coffee off topic, I dare to post some pics of about 15 yrs ago, where my 1967 Sngle Cab truck, was still used for what they were built for: Hauling junk around ! :003:
(nowadays the VW buses and campers are mostly rich broker's toys, which is ok, but they should be driven more frequently rather than just being babied inside a climate controlled plastic bag IMHO).
Theres even a Ford or 2 in the old film pics :002:
Great pictures G. I sure like that 57 SD, wish I had one rather then a Ranchero. I agree, more cars should be on the road and not in bubble wrap :003: I had a 61 Falcon, sure wish I still had it.
Slightly off subject for 57 fords, but...
Check out this guys 59 VW singlecab.
Post 1746 - what do they sell at the Liquor Pharmacy? That you need a wagon and a pickup box?
And a Merry Christmas to all! Happy Cruising!
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2018-12-23 14:18
Post 1746 - what do they sell at the Liquor Pharmacy? That you need a wagon and a pickup box?
The best stuff in town :003:
Swank:........except for the politics, religion, and keeping it clean, nothing is off topic here in Morning Coffee. Think of it like Jim's Saturday Coffee meet with the local guys.
To copy my very first post on this thread (5 years and almost 200,000 reads later.....)
quote from 11/20/13: "Don't ya just hate it when you sit down with your morning coffee, get on the forum, and there's NO new posts? I was thinking it would be great to have a "Morning Coffee...What's Up?" board just to sit down and chat with the guys about what's going on in their lives, what's up with their projects with no particular subject in mind, where the've been, where they're going, etc. etc. It would help seperate the car stuff from the bs stuff for the guys that just want the "just the facts, mame". same forum politics, religion,advertising, etc.
What'd ya think?
LOL, the only thing that hasn't happened with this thread is it hasn't had much effect on separating the BS from the car stuff.
Thats good to know, ....and i do like a good double shot of espresso to kick things off in the a.m.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2018-12-23 12:17... I sure like that 57 SD, wish I had one rather then a Ranchero. ...
Blasphemy! :002:
Not that I wouldn't love to have a '57 Sedan Delivery.
Quote from: Tom S on 2018-12-23 22:56
Blasphemy! :002:
Not that I wouldn't love to have a '57 Sedan Delivery.
Yeah I know :003: If we lived in a perfect world I would have one of each, and a wagon and a custom.
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2018-12-21 17:25
Yes Please Jim!
Got a few pictures this morning. The pipes aren't three to one, they are three separate pipes each containing a motorcycle baffle. They are about 20 years old now. He had the flanges made at a local machine shop and the front one includes a bracket for the generator and then just used pre-bent pieces from the local auto parts, cut to fit, welded and chromed :003:. He wanted them to go outside of the frame and the drivers side had to take a major bend to clear the steering box.
A few of the car, I was surprised he drove it today with the temp being under 70 which is usually his limit.
Early coffee meet this week? He wouldn't have it out here today.......21*, 28mph winds, snow. Suppose to be like this thru Sunday.
Oh well, got my hands full with a kitchen refreshing. I'm about 6 weeks into a 3 or 4 month project. As much as we'd like new cabinets and a granite countertop, 20-30k is definetly out of the budget, so for now I'm stripping and repainting the old, but in good shape, cabinets. This house continues to amaze me. I have yet to find anything I've worked on that has more than one coat of paint. This house is 1957!, looks like it was painted inside no more than a few years ago. I'm sure most of the reason for that is it kept it's stained woodwork thruout until not too long ago. But other stuff, like wallpapers I've stripped to replace with stuff to our liking, were applied over unpainted drywall. I'm rewallpapering, but painting the walls before I do. As I go from room to room, I'm also replacing all the light switches and outlets. I think I've only run into one that was replaced somewhere along the line. Outlets are only 8" above floor level making them a pain to replace.
Oh, before I forget again.....a couple of handyman tips................large electrical wire nuts are great for capping off partially used caulking/adhesive cartridges! They work better than the caps they sell for that purpose.
I'm sure many of you guys have those oscillating multi-purpose tools that can be used for cutting, scrapping, sanding. They're the best tool invented since power lawn mowers, but I was really put off by the high price of the saw blades at 7 or 8 bucks a shot, or more. If you use them for sawing a lot as I do, you go thru lots of blades. I discovered Walmarts has them for just 2.88 each, so I bought one to check it out, not expecting much lonngevity, but it lasted at least as long as Harbor Freights(at $6) and the major brands.
Back to the regularly scheduled program......
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2018-12-28 09:30
Early coffee meet this week? He wouldn't have it out here today.......21*, 28mph winds, snow. Suppose to be like this thru Sunday.
Our coffee meet is everyday, any where from 5 to 15 guys and cars. I only go 3-4 days a week. Windy here to 50 degrees. At almost 72 I'm one of the youngest guys. These guys don't get up early, by the time they are ready for morning coffee I'm ready for lunch :003: My coffee time is between 4 and 6 am.
you gotta love that roadster, Jim. has lots of neat details of how these cars were supposed to be built back then. I like the checkered paint on the chassis and that he used an og old Henry steering gear. The pinstriping is real neat and the front nerf bars are cool as well. Well you gotta see that filled and dropped front axle along with the well worn Flathead engine ! wow ! This car sure isn't your average mint black kitcar Deuce rdstr. It has a lot of character, and it sure feels good that it still gets driven, the more so by an elder gentleman. Thanx for the pics update !
Those rear tires stick out like a sore thumb. I guess the CHP just looks the other way and gives a true hot rodder a break once in a while.
It really is a neat car.
I love the old school street rods too. He built this in about 1970 and it had a 4 cylinder and got the V8 in about 2000. The engine is a 42 that came out of his 40 sedan delivery and was completely rebuild so it still low mileage. Did anyone notice the quick change rear end? There is something about the law if the car is under a certain weight it doesn't have to have fenders. A few of the guys have slicks on their cars so I guess they are legal ?
Only legal if the tires have DOT stamp on them.
Quote from: rmk57 on 2018-12-29 12:01
Only legal if the tires have DOT stamp on them.
Thanks for that info. I wouldn't run slicks on a street car so I didn't know.
Any tire run "on road" has to be DOT approved; slicks and cheater slicks do not have a DOT number. When i was younger, the ones that did have a DOT number, would become illegal for use after a couple of burnouts.
Very very Cool Roadster Jim...Love everything about it.I run slicks occasionally.. never had a problem with the law... just don't be an ass and they leave you alone.(around here).....
For the most part.I run a treaded tire..cause getting caught in the rain can be hazardous to your health.
You have some sweet rides, Jeff.
now we're talking.... 8)
X 3
Boredom is a horrible thing! The weather here has been really nasty...mid 50's, 60's, 70's, fog, drizzle, pouring rain, occasional thunderstorms for maybe 8 days. I have been drinkin', thinkin' and surfing the net spending tons of imaginary money. Right now I actually have a wide ratio 4 speed Toploader and an FE in my car with 3.89 gears so my car is geared like a truck. I am thinking of overdrive, maybe an automatic (I already have a 3.25 third member in the works) and I am amazed at all the stuff one could do with a federal grant. One can buy adapters to use an AOD, an AODE, 4R70E, 700R4, etc. One can buy a stand alone controller for a computer controlled tranny for use behind a carbureted engine. I could just use a C6 since I also discovered there are bolt on overdrive units for a C6 or even a Toploader, not to mention the Tremec options. Then I realized if I used the 3.25 gear and overdrive I might have to change the camshaft since the car would be turning 1900 rpm at 70. REALLY?
I wish the sun would come out. Boredom is a horrible thing!
Been down in the teens for a few days.really cold for Texas, but I'm almost glad cause I've got this kitchen refresh thing going on anyways. It would kill me to be stuck inside if the weather was road trip stuff. Actually, it's as planned. My wife wanted me to do it last summer, and I told her that was a winter project.......just didn't figure it would take all winter. I need baseball!
Super cold here too with winds that have calmed down today, rain coming this weekend so not much getting done. I always tell the wife her projects are for rainy days, luckily we haven't had many of those in the past few years :003:
Lynn, I run 3.89 gears and a T85OD and love it. I traded a top loader for it and have never regretted it. It was just dumb luck that a friend acquired a 61 390/401hp with the T85 and he didn't like it.
Oh thanks for that...something else to think about added to my list! Lol. Actually I was going to use a full sychro 3 speed from a '64 when I found a Toploader at the right price locally. Not real clear on Tranny models. I actually think I would use a Gear Vendor OD behind the wide ratio Toploader I have now over a Tremec because it is a bolt up except for the drive shaft and then I would have a 7 speed manual. Do you think the T85OD would handle the torque? My engine make 550 ft lbs. This is strictly a "bench racing" exercise anyway. PS, THE SUN CAME OUT!
The fully syncro 303 3 speed won't handle that amount of torque and I don't think the T85 will either, at least not heavy footed :003: The T85 is what the T10 was based off of and it barely survived the 406 so that tells you something. Top loader would be my first choice and I'm not up to speed on the newer type trans.
Seeing Jeff's Street Rod, I thought I'd post a photo of my '33. A Real Henry Ford '33.
:iamwithstupid: Absolutely beautiful!!! :occasion14:
John, that is a really beautiful car. When I was 15, a friends' dad bought him a '34 Ford hot rod. It was drivable but a little rough around the edges. It was chopped and channeled with a Buick nail head engine, no fenders. It was and is the definition of a hot rod to this day. I LOVE your car!
You've been keeping secrets, John. lol. Veeeeeeeery nice. What's the drivetrain? I love the clean look, and the "teardrop" headlights
Any other members with "other" cars they want to share?
My 36 Chevy with a 351C/FMX/MII/8". Sorry about it being a "crappy" photo, just can't find the good ones. They might have gone to the great "bit bucket" in the sky with my old machine......
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-01-06 08:36
Any other members with "other" cars they want to share?
Not really a car, but my other toy I built a couple of summers ago; it's actually my "plow truck". If you look closely under the bumper I built for it, you can see the Fisher plow mount.
Here's a pic of it in my shop when I first bought:
I'll catch some flak here on the Forum regarding the drive train.
It's a Big Block Chevy ( Very Tight Fit in a '33/'34 I might add ) 350 Automatic, 9 Inch Positraction. The first engine was a BBC with a blower and 2 4's. A lot of HP, and t was too much to drive on the street. Originally it was a rumble seat coupe, so the rear window rolls down. AC and Power Windows.
mothballed for the winter while doing wagon maintenance
CobraJoe, do you drive that great looking Bronco in the salt? How do you keep the tin worms from eating it?
Quote from: KYBlueOval on 2019-01-06 10:41
CobraJoe, do you drive that great looking Bronco in the salt? How do you keep the tin worms from eating it?
Yes I do, and it's a project, but I wash it ASAP. I actually disassembled the whole truck and sprayed 3M Body Schutz on the underside of the body and Rust Bullet on the chassis and drive train. Here it with the plow, (
I lowered the plow mounts about 8") I run 37's instead of the 44's when plowing so it's a little easier on the truck and doesn't corrode my Weld Wheels.
Here's a link to my build thread if anyone is interested:
Here's my early September 65 build Bronco. It has a factory PTO so it would be ideal for plow setup, if we had any snow.
I had a the same '66 w/ 170 cu. in six and three speed for my first plow truck. I hated the vacuum windsheild wipers... like everything we own, they transform through the years....
I sold it when I was 18 on a Saturday night and this is what it looked like on Sunday morning:
I still have this '74, although the garage roof crashed in on it several years ago during a blizzard...
I sold this '93 ( I owned for 20+ years) after I finished my '96
sweet trucks !
Unfortunately was never able to finish my 62 Scout 2WD (rare)
I do drive my German built 1964 Ford Taunus wagon daily in winter. Put quite some efforts in it to spray protective coating, wax, even adapt inner fenders and purchasing decent quality modern German winter tires. even had to get new wheels for that reason. As a benifit
these perfectly take a ss set of 1964(?) Dodge Polara wheelcovers. :003:
My '31/'32 Roadster I've posted about before. Has a '63 406, 4 speed & a 9" rear. An original '31 roadster body & '32 frame. A dropped 1937 Ford oval tube front axle. I've seldom seen any pix of those oval tube axles dropped.
It does have '41 chevy tail lights. (
stunning to say the least Tom. That sure makes for a nice surprise to see the Alaska plate on an early Ford roadster. :003: well at least it's the west coast, isn't it ? :002:
That engine must be way too much for the 2000pds A-V8 :o holy smoke !
posted before as well, and this is Jay's and mine 34 Sdn, now living in Austria/Europe. 302/C4/2.47 posi 9"
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-01-06 17:31
stunning to say the least Tom. That sure makes for a nice surprise to see the Alaska plate on an early Ford roadster.
That engine must be way too much for the 2000pds A-V8 :o holy smoke !
Thanks! Nah, the 406 ain't engine too much for it. Wish my Ranchero would go as good!
You guys sure have some beautiful cars! I like all the old Fords but I really love them open wheel rods. For me there's nothing like driving them on the street. I've always said that driving my Roadster was like driving a big powerful 4 wheeled motorcycle.
I do have some fast bikes but I think the Roadster might even out accelerate or outrun most all of them.
It has a top too but I've seldom run it. If it wasn't for the wheels I think this this pic someone took would look like it came from the early 1960s. (I want to put some Torque Thrusts on it now.)
Gasman,CJ,Tom,Guenther....L O V E seeing all your other rides..Very Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
John... your 33 is KILLER...I have a soft spot for early Fords....
I was very honoured to have my coupe be the 2015 SROTY....I have owed my truck for over 30 years now..... My trips to Detroit with my cars have been very memorable events...Always had fun.
Really great to see members fine,fine rides here.
Although i will always love early fords..... 57's have stolen my heart.
The coupe is just awesome. Is that pic in your new garage all decked out?
No Rich.. it's the old Joint....And thank you!
My wife lately seems to be going from one medical issue right into another one. She's still dealing with the knee surgery she had done a few month ago, and tore her rotator cuff in her right shoulder. The knee damage was done when she was recouping from a bad kidney infection! They did day surgery on her shoulder Wednesday, and has to keep her arm tight to her body for 2 months. Not too much she can do alone with one arm, so I'm going to be pretty much housebound for the next few months taking care of her. We knew that was going to be the case, so I squeezed in a '57 roadtrip Monday and Tuesday to get out while I could. Went to Oklahoma since north to Colorado or west to NM was having some weather, cold and snow.
Good trip, 510 miles
First pics are at the Wichita Mountains wildlife preserve, created to protect the Texas Longhorn. Free range, no fences within the preserve.
Great pics Rich, and best of luck to your wife with her recovery. My wife went into the hospital Labor day weekend for emergency abdominal surgery with a crap load of complications, which turned into 4 surgeries, 5 weeks in the hospital, and 3 more weeks in a nursing home. Back home now and doing much better, but she still has one more follow-up surgery coming up. Needless to say the old '57 has sat untouched in the garage all this time. Pretty low on the priority list right now though.
Hope both of your wives guys,.. get better.. that really sucks......
Rich, glad you could get in a trip, sorry about your wifes problems. My wife will retire in a few months and we hope that will free up more trip time. Last year didn't go very well with three deaths in the family so we are hoping for better things but we never know what curve balls life will throw us..
Fantastic pics, Rich ! isn't it great to see a 57 out on the open road ? Car shows and meeting friends are super nice but they are nothing compared to a great road trip and fresh air. Awesome ! Everytime I see your 57 it just clicks and I like it even more. It makes me want to paint my Del Rio a Gun metal hue !
Thanks's always great for me to see my '57 on the road.....the only other times I've seen a '57 Ford on the road is my friends Fairlane that I've done a few cruise with. Seen lots of '57 Chevies, but they don't count. I have seen a few on big rig trailers heading down I40, but never a "hey......there's a '57 Ford! No wonder most non car folks don't have a clue what they are.
I haven't been on here for a while. I switched to Google chrome and I can't seem to log in through it so I've just been a lurker. (I'm using Explorer today.) Sorry to hear about your wife. I hope she heals quickly. And before you ask...nothing has been happening on my 58...Life is squarely in the way sadly. It is great to see you having a great time with your 57 though. I wish you and your wife well.
Thanks Thor.......good to hear from you. Yep, life gets in the way for sure. We moved almost 2 years ago to a better part of town than where you came to my old house......I'm now in a 1957 house! Anyways, spent the better part of the last two years making it our probably know how that goes. Give me a ring if your ever down this way, and who knows I may actually do a Kansas road trip some day!
Hey guys...................we passed 200,000 reads on this thread today! pretty cool
Morning coffee? .....more like afternoon beer for me. :003:
I just received a delivery from Brown and I feel like a little kid and I had to share it with someone. I had a set of cut-n-turn front axle housings built for my Bronco; this involved moving the lower ball joint out to correct my camber issues as well as reinforcing and bracing the housings, cutting out the pivot bushings and welding in sockets for Uni-balls, etc.
The work and welding was phenomenal ! I have broken two housings already and have reinforced my housings, but nothing like this. Anyways, I needed to show 'em to someone; now I got to get them out of the house before the little women comes home. :clock:
I hope that welder is getting paid well. Beautiful fabrication.
Really impressive. I'd think about making some lamps out of them just so they won't be hidden under the Bronco where you can't look at them.
Great welds, almost seems machine made they're so perfect.
Question over coffee: Anybody name their car(s)? I tried, nothing really stuck except I might say - I'm taking "The 57" or "The Bronc", but nothing cool. My aunt had a dark blue 53 Chevy with "Blue Angel" painted on fender near A-post.
My '74 Bronco was named "High Roller". :003:
My 63 Galaxie XL convertible is "Baby"
Quote from: fdlrc on 2019-01-15 19:50
Question over coffee: Anybody name their car(s)?
My humble opinion is that you can't go wrong by callin' em what they are.
I did sometimes did refer to my old '72 Econoline as "The Killer Van" 'cause it ate Chevy pickups for for lunch & snacks. :)
But it was never it's 'name'.
Joe that is beautiful craftsmenship on your axles. this person knows his Tig machine for sure ! they should be clearcoated. :003:
I like how they named their cars in the 1950s and 1960s. the had neat handpainted lettering of the names applaid to the door, lower fender or trunklid.
I usually name them by year and make, as Tom suggests. but some of my cars got their own nickname anyways. I like to refer to my 34 Ford sdn as the 'Red Lady'. well- because she has kind of red ( coach maroon) paint. and she can be redheaded on the German highways as well....
my old 57 Sedan Delivery I called 'Red Hot', obviously again for the cherry red paint, but 'Red Hot' is also a Rock N Roll song recorded in 1957 by the late Billy Lee Riley. I later met him in person and had him sign one of the 57 Ford wheelcovers on the car. I still have that wheelcover. Unfortunately car was sold long time ago.
this rear shot shows the lettering 'Red Hot' in kind of a 1950s script style.
My '93 Bronco was "Pony Express"
Joe, His welding is art, incredible piece of work and engineering. Congrats to both of you. John V
Thanks guys. Let's hope this doesn't happen anymore.
I look at that undercarriage rust and think how blessed we are out west!
Quote from: fdlrc on 2019-01-16 19:41
I look at that undercarriage rust and think how blessed we are out west!
You must be lucky. Way further west of you here in Anchorage cars rust away pretty fast. Near impossible to find an old car that's lived here for years hasn't been killed by the rust.
Quote from: fdlrc on 2019-01-16 19:41
I look at that undercarriage rust and think how blessed we are out west!
Believe it or not; that truck had just over 500K miles on it when I sold it. It actually looks worse than what it is. The shocks and radius arms are cheaply painted with no primer or prep. A lot of it actually flakes off when you take them out of the box. The biggest problem with rusting started about 8+ years ago, the State switched over from pure salt to utilizing Liquid Magnesium Chloride in addition to the salt for our roads. That's why I built a new truck.
That brings up something I've been wondering about. The " Liquid Magnesium Chloride" you mentioned............I wonder if that's what they put on the roads here prior to an expected storm. I can see streaks on the roadways where they've applied it on expected problem areas, like bridges, curves, hills, etc. and I wonder if it's harmful to vehicles once it's applied and dried.
They use it in WI. Was all over the place when we up there for Christmas. Given my truck is black I can tell you the white dusting on the sides and tail gate didn't come from the stuff that falls out of the sky. It does blow up a little and it does stick to the "normal" places where road grime would hang. My truck gets a thorough under the car wash as soon as we are out of the "rust belt".
The municipality I worked at we quit using it for cost reasons, were back to a salt / water brine. Liquid mag has a lower freezing point, sticks to the road better but the cost was around 3-4 times higher. It just doesn't get that cold here in the northwest to justify it's use anymore. Yes, it is more corrosive than regular road salt.
They spray liquid magnesium chloride on the roads before a storm hits here in CT. It will promote rust on your car. Brake lines are especially vulnerable. I know several people who have suffered brake line failure due to that crap, including my taurus wagon.
They use sand here.... :002:
My mag chloride story: Colo. Springs firefighter, October with dry roads, 2-3 inches of snow expected in 12 hours and state just sprayed, truck in site. We are on an accident where car slide off the road. Jeep in other divided highway lane slides in mag chloride and rolls, right in front of us! Doctors have a good oath, something about "first do no harm".
Oh, by the way, we never got any rain or snow.
I hate the stuff. It's got the consistency of pure antifreeze, so it is a little slick on damp roads. One of the main roads around our house is fairly steep and is divided by two municipality's.
Sometimes the city will plow/ salt the hill other times the district will plow/ salt, other times you may only get one side salted or plowed because it's not in their jurisdiction and sometimes it may never get done at all because they thought the other city/ district plow would get it. It's a real crap shoot what your going to get.
The main thing I noticed was everything that came in contact with it turned a bright orange color rather than the dark maroon color rust usually is. It eats into everything, wiring, rubber, etc... It even will rust steel wheels to hubs and rotors if it isn't washed regularly. Honestly, I've been plowing for 40+ years and have never had problems like I have had in the past few years; this stuff is horrible.
Quote from: fdlrc on 2019-01-17 11:06
My mag chloride story: Colo. Springs firefighter, October with dry roads, 2-3 inches of snow expected in 12 hours and state just sprayed, truck in site. We are on an accident where car slide off the road. Jeep in other divided highway lane slides in mag chloride and rolls, right in front of us! Doctors have a good oath, something about "first do no harm".
It is used here and I find it like driving on an oil slick.
Just imagine how it leeches off into the soil,groundwater... then into plants,the water system and environment .......No wonder Cancer is so predominant....
this winter is pretty easy on the white stuff in my area. therefore not as much salt as last year. but they switched over to the super ugly liquid stuff as well a few years ago.
What I dislike is that they don't plow anymore ist seems, everything less than 4" of snow gets ' washed' off wiht liquid salt. it is totally stupid to see this and the slush it causes. until 5 years ago they left smaller roads even in suburban living blocks unsalted and put on a little gravel or sand. I mean- we are living in the Alpine mountains - and we are mountain people! We learn how to drive carefully on snow and there is nothing better to drive a rear driven car on solid snow....lots of fun. I used to get my vintage cars out in the fresh snow and having lots of fun ! the salt is just plain ugly and I don't take them out anymore, except for my daily driver wgn.
here's some fun in clean straight snow pics. it doesn't hurt the cars at all to get some exercise in wintertime :002:
Those Volkswagens beetles are great in the snow.
Brought back memories of being in the snow in the mountains with my 2wd F250 chained up and only could get so far, 4wd trucks made it a little past me and then a VW bug drove past all of us :003:
:003: :hello2:
They have VW's in Austria? :laughing4:
Did the 3 J's from Mass. get snowed in this weekend?
Man, I need some baseball, but I absolutely hate what is going on with the Brice and Manny free agency. It's really dragging on. It's just a waiting game with who of the actually THREE are going to commit first, and for how much. I'm convinced, especially with Manny Machado, that both he and the teams interested are waiting to see what my man Arenado is going to do. I think the Yankees are holding off on Machado because Arenado, the better choice imho, may be available next year or even this year if the Rockies can't get him to sign a long extension. Whoever signs Machado or Harper won't be able to go after Arenado later. But, the catch 22, I think Arenado is waiting to see how many Gazzilions Machado gets before he'll finish negotiating with the Rockies. Who's gonna give??
Oh well, back to kitchen refinishing. At least it's only about 6 weeks or so before car show season begins here.
We lucked out on the snow, got about an inch and now it'r raining like crazy; problem is, it's going to drop to about 9* w/o the windchill at sundown for the next few days. bawl
Supposedly Manny Machado met with an unidentified team yesterday.....
For those that interested there's going to be a super blood full moon tonight. Supposed to be partly cloudy in our neck of the woods so it should be worth checking out.
I've had a very enlightening revelation. I was having coffee with a 77 year old friend who just bought a his dream car, a 34 5 window coupe. We were discussing the fact that he is driving it almost constantly since he got it. We allowed as how at his age that was a good idea as we couldn't come up with a good reason to save it. By the time I got about half way home I realized I am saving mine, for some unknown reason. When I got home, The Ford came out of the storage shed and into the garage and the Magnum went into the storage shed and I have driven the Ford almost every day since. After all the work to build the car I plan on getting as much enjoyment out of it as possible. I still can't figure out why I was ever so concerned about the next guy.
Hats off to both of you. I have always used my vehicles; they are a lot more fun when you drive them!
Good for you, Doug, and your friend. I've put almost 26k on mine in about the three years since I got it on the road. Love driving it. The only thing that keeps me from driving it more is I can't afford to wear it out and have to rebuild it, lol. Are you planning on spring training games in Phoenix this year? I still regret having to bail out on our planned cruise around Oklahoma a few years ago when you were half way here.
Ya got me beat on mileage. I'll work on catching up. With little or no snow for the last two years, there is really no reason to put the car up. Now snow is a deal breaker. I took mine out and when I braked for the first stop sign like I would in my modern car and ended up in the Grade school parking lot. Fortunately there was no cross traffic. That will make you recall your 60's snow driving skills in a hurry. Anyway, no Spring training this year but we are taking the car to Omaha sometime this spring. We will go back on a northern route and return home on a southern route. If we get far enough south that it makes sense, I will chase you down.
doesn't need to be that far south, Colorado would do nicely. I could be a good tour guide there too! Keep me posted.
that is an interesting topic and heartwarming thought as well! You are definitely doing the right thing, cars are meant to be driven. IMHO it is better for the cars to get out on the road and being driven, maintained, lubed, checked frequently than sitting on blocks in the heated storage area.
I think we do agree that we don't deliberately take our beloved cars out on salted roads or in a heavy storm or the like. I always park my cars out of the rain under a carport or shelter and out of the sun when at home. Wouldn't want to have them out on the streets and in the rain and sun all the time. when out and on the road it is ok to have them outside for a few days. better to enjoy the experience of a good road trip or vacation with car and family or friends, than not having all of this only because the car sits in its climate controlled unit at home. this is just my own opinion, probably many car collectors might disagree.
Quote from: 57imposter on 2019-01-21 16:36
I've had a very enlightening revelation. I was having coffee with a 77 year old friend who just bought a his dream car, a 34 5 window coupe. We were discussing the fact that he is driving it almost constantly since he got it. We allowed as how at his age that was a good idea as we couldn't come up with a good reason to save it. By the time I got about half way home I realized I am saving mine, for some unknown reason. When I got home, The Ford came out of the storage shed and into the garage and the Magnum went into the storage shed and I have driven the Ford almost every day since. After all the work to build the car I plan on getting as much enjoyment out of it as possible. I still can't figure out why I was ever so concerned about the next guy.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-01-22 15:52
doesn't need to be that far south, Colorado would do nicely. I could be a good tour guide there too! Keep me posted.
Well, that shouldn't be too hard to do. We'll be in touch.
Great. Hopefully my wife's health issues will be nonexistant by then. Approximately what month are you planning your trip. Let me know ahead so I can find out if anything going on at that time. There are some really neat car shows in Colorado and tons of great cruising/touring mountain areas.
we haven't firmed anything up but I suspect May or the first half of June. We want to clear the mid West before the humidity sets in.
Had a good day yesterday. I've mentioned before that it has been almost impossible to get my wife into drives with the '57. In the 3 years since it's been finished, prior to yesterday, she had spent a total of about 30 minutes in the car. Out of the blue, last week she told me her and Sherri decided they really should make an effort to spend more time partaking in my hobby. Lol, I think Connie was feeling guilty because I've spent so much time taking care of her in the past month. Anyway, they decided Russel's Truck stop in New Mexico would be a good "first run" for them. It's 80 miles from my house west on I40 just past the Texas/NM border. Good food, a small classic car museum, gift shop. Sherri wasn't feeling good, so my wife and I went. Great 70* windows down weather. On the way out of town there was a car full of guys waving and giving me thumbs up, and my wife enjoyed that. At the restaraunt, we sat by the window and Connie was noticing several times people were taking pics. Twice big rigs honked their horns when passing, I told her I got that alot and they scared the crap out of me every time. When we got back in town, at a stoplight, an older couple with a car load of kids were in back of us one lane over honking and yelling they liked my car, "what is it"?
So, we got home and when I pulled up to the front door. My wife told me she really enjoyed the ride and we'd do it again. :003: I think she really enjoyed all the attention the car was getting yesterday.
On another note, I may get to shake hands with another forum member today. Hugh (Mustang6984) and his wife hopefully will be passing thru Amarillo pretty soon, if weather from Washington permitted his coming this way, and he's gonna give me a head's up call when he's close. Hugh will be the 14th Forum member I've met up with........very very cool.
Great!!! I'm glad to hear the wife is doing better and wanted to go for a ride. My wife always goes with me and I enjoy the company on road trips. she will retire the end of March so hopefully we will get more trips in this year.
I like stories like that. I hope I wasn't number 13 or did you skip that number? Ha
Had to think awhile on that one. You were 12th. Eric Lopez from Rio Rancho NM was 13. Not sure I could remember them all again, and definetly won't remember the order.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-02-05 14:33
Not sure I could remember them all again, and definetly won't remember the order.
I get that "old timers" thing going too Rich from time to time....seams like the times are getting closer together.
So glad to hear your wife is on the mend! Having a partner along to share the adventure is so much more fun! Been to over 200 car events over my days of playing, (that don't count two years of racing), with my wife along for the ride. Didn't know that little farm girl from WI I met in 79 would be a car crazy gal at the time. Turns out I hit the jack pot! Full support all the way. Just find it hard to imagine going to a show with out her riding shotgun.
I really hope to get to that point someday. For sure I won't start her off with a car show in a big parking lot on a summer's day. I'll wait to entice her when I've got a show coming up in a park like setting.
Haven't heard anything from Hugh. He is/was on his way from Washington state to Branson, mo. I suspect he had to do some long and extra driving to get around all the storms in his path.
Well this is a real morning coffee thing... sometimes I peruse eBay for '57 parts while having a cup. This morning's discovery FORD, from the executive dining room!!!!70816!US!-1&vxp=mtr case you gave company over: :003:
Never saw this before..........On a trip to Oklahoma this past weekend in my 05 Subaru outback, I noticed my trip odometer was changing from displaying the miles to flashing "ILL 5". It would flash for about 15 seconds then go back to displaying miles and repeat every minute or so. It finally stopped after about 1/2 hour. I called the dealer and the service guy said he'd never heard of it, but he'd check. Came back on the phone after a few minutes and told me it was telling me my adjustable dash light brightness switch needed cleaning or replacing! I had no clue a trip odometer could also be a message center.
I was out in my garage having a cigarette this morning, looking at the piles of stuff needing to be put away somewhere. I was looking at a model kit I had bought 30 or 40 years ago. It is a wooden kit of the Robert E Lee riverboat. number on the box is 181-3295. I'm guessing the 3295 was the price @32.95. I looked on EBAY out of curiousity, and they are "selling" for 350.!
COOL!!! your lucky day. are you going to build it or sell it?
You wanna buy buy buy?, lol. Yeah I'll probably try to sell it. Box has been opened, sometime when I get a minute or two, I'll see if there's a parts list so I can verify all the components are there. Opened box probably means about 1/2 of what an unopened one would sell for, but that's cool. Of course, it's Ebay.....they can ask anything they want.
What I'd really like to sell is the 200+ die cast collectables (mostly Texaco). Got no place to display them, they've been in storage since I moved from Colorado in '03. Those Texaco die casts were really a hot commodity in the 80s and 90s, then died when Texaco announced they would be no longer. (Not sure what happened with that, most Texaco stations did disappear, but there are still some here and there.)
The annual die cast bank trucks that Texaco did were very very hot for years, especially the secondary market for the first 3 or 4 years model. I never did find a #1 I could afford, my wife found and bought me a #2 for 400. with no box. The guy had another with box for 650.! I saw #1s as high as 1400. A guy that worked at the local Texaco station had two of the #1s, wouldn't sell........then one day had told me he was at a garage sale and found another #1 for ONE DOLLAR!
The stories of "stuff" that was trash back in the day and now worth money to collectors is never ending. I even have my own. My aunt and uncle had two sons, both were 10 years older then myself and my brother. Both had similar body types so we got all their cloths after they out grew them. Along with that came comic books. Mind you we're talking us getting the "old" comic books in the mid through the late 1950s. After the pile got so big they all went into the burn make room for the next batch! The flow stopped in the very early 60s. Can only imagine......
I guess most of us have done our part in making things valuable by throwing them out. My mom cleaned out their basement one year and tossed 3 shoeboxes full of baseball cards my brother had collected in the 50s and 60s. Amoung other greats, he told me he had at least 15 Ted Williams cards, including a rookie.
And the valuable pieces of art that were found at garage sales or Goodwill.......when my wife's cousin moved here from Phoenix with her two truckloads of mostly boxes of stuff, much of it from her mom and dad's house after they passed, she spent months and months whittling down the stacks of boxes. (we still have a spare room full of stuff). We were getting ready for a big garage sale because of combining 3 households into one. She had a stack of old framed stuff she couldn't decide to donate, garage sale, or trash. I looked at it and got it pretty much divided up into the 3 groups except for one small piece. Old simple framing, typical of the 50-60s, but looked like an original, exceptional watercolor to me. I pulled it apart and inside was a news clipping from 1971 about the artist's passing with notes about different collections and musems she was in! Louise Wilheim Smith. I googled her and she is indeed a well respected artist of the early to mid 1900's s and is in several museums. The article I read on her even said most of her work was mini-sized, ours is just a 5x5. Still sitting on a shelf in the garage, but at least it'll eventually end up in a well deserved resting place........a far sight better than the dumpster it almost got in.
oh those collectables...they are driving us crazy. but then - if nobody had kept the stuff we love so much today- like our 57 Fords, where would we be without people like that ? especially the 'younger' generation like me, who never had the chance to experience those cars and things first hand. I am glad people held on to their treasures and kept them for us to enjoy NOW !
Isn't that a good excuse for collecting random useless piles of junk like most of us do....haha.... :003:
I have been : more storage area is needed. I did a quick job while browsing the local classifieds. what really still amazes me is how my little 15ft German 60s Ford wagon can take the 10 ft trusses of this shelter in one piece, tailgate closed ? and all of the rest of the hardware and canopy as well....these were good cars ! Practical and great.
That's cool. I love that little wagon. Unfortunatly, here in Texas, those types of shelters do well to make it thru one summer. If the sun doesn't get it, the wind will.
that is very true, Rich ! the sun is somewhat less intense here up north of course, but I put the shelter under 2 huge trees and in the shade of my neighbors 1929 wooden house. that way it should be somewhat protected from storm and sunrays.
Good thing is we have a local company here producing HD cloth and vinyl material for truck trailer canopies, sunroofs, awnings and the like. They often run the end of a certain color production and the few hundred yards of leftovers get sold cheap at their local facility. it is the stuff that will easily last for decades and I would be replacing the canopy on the little grey shelter with that if it was damaged soon. Anyways this is only a quick fix, so I don't have to park any of my project cars outside this summer.
the problem is, that I parked one of my project cars on the 'porch' area of the house during winter. now it is getting warmer already and I have to remove the 'porch' car, so we can use our benches, table & BBQ again in spring....hahaha
If that two story dark brown house is your neighbors' house, you've got some great neighbors to let you put the shelter there!
Speaking of neighbors, yesterday a gorgeous 29 roadster pulled up on our driveway. It was my next door neighbor bringing his latest acquisition to show me! He had just bought a 57 Chev sedan delivery a few months ago. He's restoring one of his two 67 Mustangs right now. Later yesterday, I brought him some info on speedhut gages and he was in process of moving one of his 3 Corvettes out of his 5 car garage to make room for the roadster. Nice living next to a car guy!! He's also been remodelling their house, so we've got alot in common.........except he's got money and I don't, lol.
Rich, we do have a good relation among our neighbors. It is great to have similar minded poeple around. We try to really be tolerant with each other. my shelter is not directly leaned against their house, their narrow driveway is inbetween. I didn't oppose when my neighbor asked me to errect their (permanent) steel carport against my fence. so he didn't either. it is always take and give. my other neigbor is into loud 2 stoke motorcycles and sometimes he 'has to' test run them for quite some time, even on Sundays. but he doesn't do that early in the morning nor late at night, so then again it's ok for us to have some friends around and making a BBQ with some laughing and hollering going on, or even have an American car builder and a bunch of 2 dozen car guys and their cars on the property for Sunday morning brunch....haha.
also our properties are of mixed living and commercial area, so it is also legal to handle that kind of stuff. We still try not to abuse the rules or annoy our neighbors too much. :001:
It must be great to have such a dedicated car guy for your neighbor ! Sounds like a bunch of cool cars and how big is his GARAGE ???
Fresh cup in hand, I thought I'd post this picture; any guess as to what movie?
The sloop of the street reminds me of "Bullit". IDK
Took the words right out of my mouth. hilly city = San Fran = Bullit.
Les, you need to adjust the color on your TV, lol
The other thing for me was, the face in the rear view mirror. Supposedly, when you can see the face in the rear view mirror, it was Steve McQueen driving, if the mirror was turned down, it was stunt driver Bud Ekins.
Still my favorite movie of all time.
You guys are good. I just happened to tune in to Bullitt the other night, just as the 15 minute chase scene was starting. Needless to say I watched it a few times and came up with some observations, until my wife kicked me out of the house:
1. Green VW Bug in four scenes
2. Yellow LeMans in four scenes
3. 68 Charger lost two right side hub caps before I saw right rear had one back on
4. I wonder whose idea it was to have the sound of the Mustang during the chase, sound as if it was
being double clutched
5. Surprised the Mustang didn't have traction-lock rear end
I know Rich, the color of my TV screen is the color of my car.
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2019-02-15 17:46
... the face in the rear view mirror. ...
Or is (it) the 'bad guy' in the Charger?
This is the bad guy in the mirror, not the driver, but the guy with the shotgun. They're being followed by Frank Bullitt, just don't know it yet.
Quote from: fdlrc on 2019-02-16 08:25
This is the bad guy in the mirror, not the driver, but the guy with the shotgun. They're being followed by Frank Bullitt, just don't know it yet.
Sorry, I should have clarified before I segued into the McQueen/Atkins trivia. I meant seeing someone in the rearview mirror in a chase scene is rare; today if the mirror is not turned down it is usually removed, kinda like they do with headrests today on tv.
Also on Atkins;
"After Steve McQueen lost control of his car and smashed into a parked vehicle, his then-wife Neile Adams begged Peter Yates to use stuntmen. So when McQueen reported for duty to find stuntman Bud Ekins sitting in his car, dressed as McQueen, he was furious."
A little more trivia, the bad guy is actually stunt man Bill Hickman. "The driving scenes netted him additional stunt work, which included yet another classic car chase for The French Connection . In 1973, he drove the Pontiac Bonneville as "Bo", in the chase of Roy Scheider's character "Buddy", driving the Pontiac Ventura Sprint coupe in The Seven-Ups. Bill was highly experienced in driving stunts and in racing. Thirteen years before this film, being a good friend of actor and budding race driver James Dean, he was accompanying Dean to a race in Bakersfield, California, driving Dean's station wagon and car trailer while Dean drove ahead in his Porsche Spyder. Dean died in an accident on the way and it was Bill Hickman who extricated Dean's body from the wreck."
Quote from: fdlrc on 2019-02-15 20:35
You guys are good. I just happened to tune in to Bullitt the other night, just as the 15 minute chase scene was starting. Needless to say I watched it a few times and came up with some observations, until my wife kicked me out of the house:
1. Green VW Bug in four scenes
2. Yellow LeMans in four scenes
3. 68 Charger lost two right side hub caps before I saw right rear had one back on
4. I wonder whose idea it was to have the sound of the Mustang during the chase, sound as if it was
being double clutched
5. Surprised the Mustang didn't have traction-lock rear end
I know Rich, the color of my TV screen is the color of my car.
"...The next few scenes are different camera angles that capture the same sequence as the two cars head downhill and turn west off the same street. This is obvious, due to the repeated presence of the same Cadillac, and a green Volkswagen Beetle that is seen three times."
I think the actual number was eight hubcaps.
"Initially the car chase was supposed to be scored, but Lalo Schifrin suggested that no music be added to that sequence, pointing out that the soundtrack was powerful enough as it was."
"Bullitt's reverse burnout during the chase scene actually wasn't in the script, Steve McQueen had mistakenly missed the turn. The footage was still kept, though."
Some more stupid trivia:
"Director Peter Yates called for speeds of about seventy-five to eighty miles per hour, but the cars (including the ones containing the cameras) reached speeds of over one hundred ten miles per hour. Filming of the chase scene took three weeks, resulting in nine minutes and forty-two seconds of footage. They were denied permission to film on the Golden Gate Bridge."
"According to Peter Yates, Steve McQueen made a point to keep his head near the open car window during the famous chase scene so that audiences would be reassured that it was he, not a stunt man, who was driving"
"In the first scenes, when the guy is leaving the garage, one might notice, just as the credits are running, Steve McQueen's green Jaguar D-type parked in the garage."
..and how different would this have been:
"The choice of cars had more to do with corporate marketing than dramatic inspiration. Ford and Warner Bros. cooperated on movies, so a Mustang and Fairlane were selected. Both were taken to Max Balchowski to be modified, but he said the Fairlane would not survive any serious stunt work. He suggested a Dodge Charger."
Awesome info, pics and commentary. I wouldn't want music either. It was the sound of Bullitt's engine as he was shifting gears at high speed that sounds like he was double clutching, not that he was, just an unusual but awesome sound.
I'd want to be the guy in the trunk, best seats in the house.
Dirty Harry and Frank Bullitt should have teamed up.
Had to share........found on a jug of Roman's wallpaper remover today:
"This product contains NO ingredients which are hazardous to your health.....if used blah blah blah..........This product contains chemicals which are known to the state of California to cause birth defects"
Well Rich I sure hope you don't have any birth defects.......other then the same one we all suffer from on this site!
I really had to laugh at it............was it their way of saying "kiss my butt, California".
When I think about it, it's worse than the warning to remove windshield sun /shade screen prior to driving.
Strange stuff going on here. I'm sure most of you know I lost my engine this past week, and I've talked about the one owner Mark VIII it came out of. Well, yesterday I met that owner for the first time since I got it in '13! We have mutual friends, and yesterday for the first time we actually crossed paths! Weird!
This morning.....woke up in my 1957 built house, made coffee, and went out to the garage where my '57 is for a cigarette. Flipped on the space heater, it read 57 degrees, looked at the digital weather thingy, and it not only said 57 degrees, the humidity was an unusually high 57! what time was it? 6:57 !!
you're not the only one Rich. quite some interesting stuff happening sometimes.
Yesterday I got this old title/pic of an old Volkswagen van from a friend. check out the license plate. pure coincidence. neither a 1957 model nor date. pic shot in 1955. plates not related to anything.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-03-13 08:32
Strange stuff going on here. I'm sure most of you know I lost my engine this past week, and I've talked about the one owner Mark VIII it came out of. Well, yesterday I met that owner for the first time since I got it in '13! We have mutual friends, and yesterday for the first time we actually crossed paths! Weird!
This morning.....woke up in my 1957 built house, made coffee, and went out to the garage where my '57 is for a cigarette. Flipped on the space heater, it read 57 degrees, looked at the digital weather thingy, and it not only said 57 degrees, the humidity was an unusually high 57! what time was it? 6:57 !!
Rich, you should go buy a lottery ticket and put "1957" somewhere in the numbers.
Yeah, I should. My gambling is out for a while also though, lol.
Have had a heck of a time getting on the internet today......windy as heck here today, probably the reason......although so many changes with tv, internet, etc., I have a hard time keeping up with what's cable/phone lines and what's satellite.
Quote from: rmk57 on 2019-03-13 09:19
Terminal?! How did 'ol Rod S know about Rich's engine?
Sorry, Rich, I couldn't resist. (
That there is funny.
Finally a weekend without rain and we hit the road, 405 miles round trip. Lots of road pictures but I'll only post a few. Stopped at a nice air museum in Santa Maria, one of the buildings was built by Disney for the movie The Rocketer. We made it to our destination later that day at the Carrizo Plain. Returned going the the mountains in Los Padres Nation Forest, high point was 5160 ft. There is a major butterfly migration in Calif and I have a great collection on the windshield :003: I'll need to clean the radiator too.
My kind of cruising! great pics.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-03-17 10:41
My kind of cruising! great pics.
Thanks Rich, I hope you can back on the road, I know you have a major project to deal with and hoping it goes well. The secondary roads required lots of pot hole dodging practice
Fantastic pics, Jim ! it is so great to see your car out and about! Terrific scenery and backroads, a wraparound windshield and the buzz of a Y block. is this heaven ? :003:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-03-17 12:57
Fantastic pics, Jim ! it is so great to see your car out and about! Terrific scenery and backroads, a wraparound windshield and the buzz of a Y block. is this heaven ? :003:
Thanks G. It was so good to get out the rain here has been driving me nuts. One more the wife took at the 5,000 ft elevation
:unitedstates: Thanks for posting the pics.You three look great...racton
Quote from: racton on 2019-03-17 18:33
:unitedstates: Thanks for posting the pics.You three look great...racton
Thank You. One from the higher elevation through the mountains shot by my copilot.
Happy surfing Mr. Dale.
RIP, Dick ! Hang loose, man !
We've had the tornado sirens going off for a 1/2 hour now, along with all our iphones going off...........hopefully nothing will become of it. I hate tornado season, but then again, I've never seen one.
Hang in there Rich, praying for 'ya. I know you're a New England boy, so you know what I'm talking about. I'd rather go through a 100 Hurricanes than one of those No Warning freaking Tornadoes. :old:
I've seen 3 tornado's myself. Two of them were pretty big ones. The one in 1991 that hit Andover KS and the 1999 Haysville Kansas Tornado. I worked at McConnell AFB and the base took a direct hit during the 1991 tornado. That one was HUGE.
1991 McConnell Video:
1991 Andover Video:
all clear here. Those were some scary videos, Thor. Totally amazing no one died at the base.
that is absolutely horrible !
I don't know how the people in the mid-west can deal with all the destruction year after year. And now all the flooding.
Two of our always too late to get a spot in the lot morning coffee guys actually showed up early :003: I feel blessed that 80% of our group drive Fords, a rarity in California. Still missing is a 1940, a 1947 and a 56 F100.
With all the stuff going on for me this week, I forgot to post that I got to meet another forum member last weekend. Hugh/Mustang6984 was passing thru Amarillo on his way home to Washington (thru Ca.). He spent the night with us, so we had plenty of time for conversation. Nice to meet another '57 guy! We really enjoyed his company.
Outstanding! It's always nice to replace a screen name with a friend! :001:
Quote from: Cecil on 2019-04-06 19:53
Outstanding! It's always nice to replace a screen name with a friend! :001:
I sure enjoy it. Hugh was I believe the 14th forum member I've got to meet personally. I've met a few Hamb forum members as well. Now if I could remember all their names..........
14 is pretty good I think since the closest one to me lives 120 miles away.
A little morning coffee and movie time. What movie is this scene from and who is the driver?
It's a mad mad mad mad world. I think it was Jimmy Durante that kicked the bucket.
"He just went sailing right out there!" Sid Caesar behind the wheel of that Imperial.
Yep, It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World with old Jimmy. He did kick the bucket.
I just snuk in here and see that my stop at Rich's place made the forum.
Had a great time there. His wife...YIKES! She can cook! Makes you want to keep eating...even though you are full...and know you shouldn't! And there was the cake!
Had a very nice evening with them and her cousin. Thank You Rich for a really nice stop! Once we get settled in Branson area you need to fire up that '57 and come visit! (Ditto for anyone else too! Those that fish...there are 3 lakes near my place...BIG lakes!)
Thanks again Rich!
It was good to meet you, Hugh. You're always welcome for a stop over anytime you're passing thru. You know we love dogs here too! I think the stop here was good for Sasha! She needed a place to run and got along great with our dogs.
And she slept like a rock all night too! I don't think she even twitched! They wore her out! :003:
Thanks was a good time! Hopefully next time I stop by the 57 will be cured of it's disease and running! :burnout:
Haha...I think the only cure for my '57's disease would be a new owner.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-04-23 07:20
Haha...I think the only cure for my '57's disease would be a new owner. meant motor!!! :003:
For those who want to see what is happening North of the border, Canadian Hot Rod has a strong liking to our cars. The Editor has a 1957 delivery that he races and this months features a 1958 Ranchero. Barnes and Noble was distributing it, lots of nostagia coverage.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2019-04-28 13:35
For those who want to see what is happening North of the border, Canadian Hot Rod has a strong liking to our cars. The Editor has a 1957 delivery that he races and this months features a 1958 Ranchero. Barnes and Noble was distributing it, lots of nostagia coverage.
Hey Terry...greetiings from across the Strait. In Port Angeles. Wish I could get over there to see what is happening...but time is pretty shrunk now. Trying to get my car finished so I can drive it to the new place in Missouri end of this summer...while at the same time...moving stuff to Missouri.
And chance you will be coming this wa7y for the show at Ruddell's this summer?
On the road again. Now that the wife is retired I don't have to wait for weekend trips. Tuesday and Wednesday we did 510 miles of two lane asphalt and some dirt :003:
One more that couldn't be added to the last post
Just when I hadn't been thinking too much about road trips I can't take, lol. Nice country, is that a coyote in the 4th pic? Thanks for posting............I love seeing our '57's out and about. My wife's retirement?..........she's so happy she doesn't have to leave the house :005:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-05-02 10:11
Just when I hadn't been thinking too much about road trips I can't take, lol. Nice country, is that a coyote in the 4th pic? Thanks for posting............I love seeing our '57's out and about. My wife's retirement?..........she's so happy she doesn't have to leave the house :005:
Good eye Rich, I didn't even see that, it's just a Jack rabbit. I love the high desert and we wanted to get this trip in before it gets to hot, I don't have air. My wife can't wait to get out of the house and on the road. It won't be long and you will be back on the road too :burnout:
Looks like Joshua national park. It is beautiful scenery. I'm always expecting a giant tarantula, ant, scorpion to come crawling over the hillside when driving through there.
To many 50's sci-fi movies when I was a kid I guess.
Quote from: rmk57 on 2019-05-02 10:52
Looks like Joshua national park. It is beautiful scenery. I'm always expecting a giant tarantula, ant, scorpion to come crawling over the hillside when driving through there.
To many 50's sci-fi movies when I was a kid I guess.
Correct, we spent one day there and the other in the Johnson and Lucern Valleys.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-05-02 09:41
On the road again. Now that the wife is retired I don't have to wait for weekend trips. Tuesday and Wednesday we did 510 miles of two lane asphalt and some dirt :003:
That 3rd picture...the Ranchero sure makes those rocks look good! That is one slick looking ride! Even with road dust on it! Thanks for the share!
beautiful !!!
Did you get the rabbit cooked for supper ? :003:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-05-02 13:58
beautiful !!!
Did you get the rabbit cooked for supper ? :003:
No :005: But I have new rabbit ears for my TV :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-05-02 17:30
No :005: But I have new rabbit ears for my TV :003:
Guess those rabbit's feet were lucky for him eh?
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2019-05-02 18:28
Guess those rabbit's feet were lucky for him eh?
Not really. one of his feet went to the casino with me :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-05-02 21:06
Not really. one of his feet went to the casino with me :003: won big right? :003:
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2019-05-02 22:48 won big right? :003:
OH YEA! I put $20 in a machine and cashed out when I hit $50 so it helped pay for gas :003: The wife won $10 so that paid for our Subway lunch. biggest vice. Went to the Pate swap meet in Fort Worth last week. One of my favorite casinos is kinda on the way, only 25 miles off 287 north of Witchita Falls. Got there at 7, left at 3 am exactly even. That's a good night for me. I did manage to spend 5 1/2 hours walking the swap meet. Didn't think I'd be able to do that much. I did see one of the guys from Amarillo that hangs with us on Saturday nights on old rt66 at the meet.
anybody doing Power Tour?
If Rich gets his car back on the road you might be able to talk him into going for a drive! :003: I wish my Courier was finished. I'd go. Maybe next year...definitely in 2021. We're moving this fall or early spring. (preferably fall.) Will be only about 5 hours from Rich maybe a day from your neck of the woods once we unpack. I cannot wait!
I DO need a roadtrip, Hugh! I'm probably at least few weeks from getting this thing running again, but it's chewing up any traveling money I might have had!
Memorial weekend coming up! Please take a moment to reflect on those that gave the ultimate sacrifice in order that we may have our freedom and liberty.
Not long ago I watched a little know movie about a Marine that makes his last trip home. It called "Taking Chance", made about ten years ago. It's worth a view.
Where did you find the movie?
We got it from a friend that loaned it to us, on DVD. I see it is available on Amazon Prime Video.
Thanks...I might have to buy that before I head out across country again heading back to Branson for three weeks. No cable of satellite RV where I'm that would be a good movie to take along for home viewing.
If you're coming thru Amarillo on this trip, you've got a place to stay.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-05-27 07:38
If you're coming thru Amarillo on this trip, you've got a place to stay.
Thank you Rich. But this will be a speed and out on the I-90 route.
How you coming on getting that engine into your ride? Is it purring yet and ready to head down the road for a summer of cruising and fun? Hope so!
I'm probably still a few weeks away from seeing if I have a good engine. It's in place and I'm attaching stuff. Spent a few hours today relocating an egr sensor, and pretty much have all the wiring done. Need to get underneath and tighten up some exhaust bolts, attach some grounding cables. Waiting for some oddball coolant hose stuff to come in, and waiting on my new trans. dipstick ass'y.....I've actually got about 20 things left on my checklist.
I've been hassling with my dd Outback trying to get the power steering system bleed. After replacing the rack, pump, and all new hoses, I'm on my second new pump. The manufacturer's (Cardone) tech guy told me the first one was probably bad, to return it, which I did, but having pretty much the same issue with the replacement. I'm really getting tired of fixing stuff. Our 2 year old Frigidaire refrigerator that we put 450. into 2 months ago is on the blink again. It and the Subaru whines more than I do.
LOL!!! Sounds like you are gonna need a week long cruise to bleed all this aggravation out of your system! When you get it can come over to Connor Arkansas and I'll buy you pizza at my son's pizza place! You sound like you need it!
Sitting in hotel room off I40 east of Knoxville TN. (Kodak, TN) GATEWAY TO DOLLYWOOD!!!!!!!!!!!! and Pigeon Forge. Overnighting on our way to Concord, NC for the start of the 25th Hot Rod Power Tour.
Awesome, Gary! Hope the weather is good for ya.
Always rains on Power Tour.
I. I have been off for a while and this is a test to see if l'm back again.
Rich check your email .
Good to see you back.
HRPT...end of day 6. We watched the filming of an episode of ROADKILL. Mike and David sold the Jeep J10 Project to a guy and they took off in the Poniac Fiero off road project.
As a guy who grew up loving cars Roadkill makes me cringe.
Heard some interesting 427 side oiler trivia today (if true). 427 SO has a oil pressure relief in the block. Original SO had 125 psi oil pumps with no pressure relief. Ford was the only source for SO oil pumps. Since all after-market oil pumps have builtin pressure reliefs, the block pressure relief is redundant and unnecessary.
I was always told that the original pumps had an emergency over pressure valve set at 120-125 PSI for cold oil, and the block bypass was set at 80 PSI, although I have heard lower for NASCAR.
The guy who built my last 427 plugged it, I believe he used a metal dowel, and I never had an issue. I sold that car 6 years ago and still see it running around locally.
I don't think the aftermarket blocks utilize the block valve?
Working on my Subaru taking care of some minor colision damage from a few years ago. When I was in Colorado last fall I saw an identical Outback in a salvage yard. Same color, same interior. My back door was dented/creased and the plastic trim was destroyed, so I bought the back door off it figuring it would be a lot quicker, and it was. From start to finish yesterday, I got the door replaced in 25 minutes. LOL.....that's about 2 days short of what it takes me to hang a '57 door. Didn't even have to remove the upholstery panel. The pearl white color matches my front door, maybe a slight tad darker. My back quarter panel (also damaged) had been repainted before I got it and always was a shade lighter. Before too long I'll have my first go around with pearl paints. Guy at the paint store told me how to do it, hope it works. I guess I had never known pearl was a 3 stage process.
I also replaced the front seat and a dash bezel from the same donor car. 9 electrical connectors on that front seat! Not too bad of a job, a few hours and it was done.
Rich the three stage is really a base coat, a translucent second coat (tinted or not) with the pearl of choice in it and of course the clear to top things off. My 10 F150 was a tri-coat red $310 option I could have lived without forever! Came with the truck, (a left over) but was absolutely stunning. Many of the new "metallic" paints are really metal flakes and pearls mixed together. The 62 Bird I built was a mix of flakes, pearls and a little flip flop all in the base with just a clear on top. Your Subaru has a top notch paint job on it.
You painting the whole thing?
No, car is really in great shape. I'm just repairing the rear quarter panel where a bandaged up young lady on meds that couldn't keep her car in her lane hit it. The guy at the paint shop told me to prep an extra piece or two of metal and use that as I'm going along to determine how many coats of pearl I'd need to match the rest of the car. I'm keeping the damaged door I have to put outside in the sun when I paint so I can match the pearl to that. It's a 14 year old car, not super critical, but I hate cars with panels that don't match. The old "as long as I'm spending the time/money to do it....."
I've got a total of about 6 square feet, but with all the plastic trim on the car, it wouldn't be that big of a deal to spray the whole side of the car if I had to. I'm for sure not expecting a perfect match in all different lighting. Just not a lot of painted area on this car, and unlike my '57, lots of places to break the new paint.
Got the dent repaired and ready for paint/primer. May do the primer later today, have to wait til next week to get reducers for the paint(already have paint and clearcoat), and fresh activator for clearcoat.
This was my first time repairing damage sheetmetal on a late model car......haha..........not too dissimilar from trying to get the wrinkles out of a crushed aluminum can. Normal metal working proceedures just don't work on this thin stuff. Couldn't get to 1/2 of the damaged area from the back as the inner wheel well was in the way, so ended up using the stud welder. So much for my hopes of a paintless dent repair, but 3 or 4 hours, a few applications of Eveready Gold, and it's ready for paint, and I now know why repair shops don't do a whole lot of actual panel repair any more. It sure makes one appreciate the heavier metals our '57s are made with.
:( I should be in Green Mountain Falls, Colorado doing a car show today instead of 104* Amarillo.
I've noticed several of my 'snowbird' friends who enjoy mentioning how nice winter temps are in the south have silently drifted off to Michigan's UP.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2019-07-20 12:03
I've noticed several of my 'snowbird' friends who enjoy mentioning how nice winter temps are in the south have silently drifted off to Michigan's UP.
Yup, retired from the Navy down here after living (stationed) south of the Mason-Dixon for nearly 30 years. Have/had no winter clothing, had no desire to pay the high taxes those in WI enjoy, no desire to live through the cold winters, and lastly absolutely no interest in "winter sports". Tried all of them as a kid, only one I liked and participated in was Curling.
Now, while I do enjoy cooking Thanksgiving Day dinner in shorts and flip flops, learning how to control the sweat rolling off my arms and head is not much fun! Have become "adapted" to the hot, muggy weather here in central AL, learned to love water and fans.
Found this place to have the best "good-bad" ratio of all the areas I was stationed in.
heat shovels easier than snow
Holy Cow Bat Man....this place is the slowest I have ever seen it! Guess everybody is out to shows or just staying tucked up nice and cool in the house.
Think all is well with my 36, I did a 60 mile round trip car show yesterday as a "pre Nats" flight check. Went well. Seems as though it is fully recovered from the "tire incident". Sure do wish the AC was working! Going to be a warm trip!
Been body working the bed of the Ranchero. Leaning on putting in spray-in bed liner. I have found a couple of spray-in liners that are tintable. Working with my paint guy to see if it can be tinted with base that has pearl and flake. Already know I have to use the base tints but no binder. Question is can it spray out with the pearls and small flake this color has in it.
Yes, quiet. It's summer and there are only ten weekends to attend a years worth of events. My mornings are incomplete without checking this site.
It has been slow. I was hoping some of the new members would be coming on with pics and builds. Always nice to see the others' rides and plans.
I got some of the body work and pearl painting done on the Subaru. Nice to work on a daily driver car that "good enough" is good enough, lol. New car sheetmetal is sooooo thin, it's almost imposible to do a decent block sanding. Just to see, I grabbed a towel and ran it down a door with enough hand pressure to simulate what you'd do with a board sander, and you could see the metal move in and out as you glided your hand down it! As I said, it was "good enough" time! The pearl paint came out pretty decent, but I could see where doing a whole car would take a bunch of practice keeping the translucent coats even as possible. I still need to do a repaint on the back flexible bumper "cover". I think the clearcoat on those needs a flex agent additive?
Gotta spend a day or two on the '57 this week, getting the hood put back on and getting it detailed for our annual "Polk Street Cruise" on the 3rd. Week after that is the big cruise in Vernon Texas........"Summer's Last Blast". Seems like a strange name for an early August event. They also have a show and burnout contest.
Since I still live in the land of seasons, my pick list must be completed by April so I can drive all late spring, summer and most of the fall. My goal is to not open the hood all summer. The last couple of summer that has worked...not so much this summer. Just got back from Traverse City. Stared at Lake Michigan a lot and tried real hard to put a dent in the local wine harvest.
Went to the Good Guys Rod show in Puyallup on Saturday...and to a Mustang show today with my Saleen in Port Orchard. Busy...busy...busy.
Need to get back on the 57...
Still planning on a fall move to Branson? You need to post a pic of Sasha so the guys can see what a beautiful young lady you have there.
My long distance trips may be at the end for the summer not having air. Two weeks ago when I stopped to fill up it was 104. If anyone can guess the location I'll buy them all the virtual beer they can drink :occasion14:
The air in the 36 has been down for over a year now. Life has gotten in the way and getting it up and running just didn't seam like it was high enough on the "ROUND TUIT" pile to jump on. The trip to Louisville will be split up, stopping in Nashville at a friends place, over night there, then we all head to the Nats.
We leave early in the morning and beat most of the heat. Nashville is just under three hours, leave at 8 and beat the heat, same to Louisville.
That looks like my summer residence.
Start chilling the beer!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-07-29 05:47
Still planning on a fall move to Branson? You need to post a pic of Sasha so the guys can see what a beautiful young lady you have there.
Looks like we will be postponing until March. Too many things to get done before we can move. :sad10:
Here is a pic of my girlfriend...
(Sacramento in 2017)
Man, she is HOT!!!! :003:
Quote from: lalessi1 on 2019-07-29 14:19
Man, she is HOT!!!! :003:
Thanks. She was running at a dog park in Sacramento when we were down for granddaughter's graduation.
And she is a good looker as well. My son bought her for me for my birthday in '16. My 5th German Shepherd, she is my first to actually come from Germany.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2019-07-29 09:21
That looks like my summer residence.
Start chilling the beer!
OK, leave the light on for me :003:
Great looking dog. I've always had free mutts, the one Shepard puppy I bought was stolen..
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-07-29 18:01
Great looking dog. I've always had free mutts, the one Shepard puppy I bought was stolen..
I know what you mean.
Duke #1 was a wild German Shepherd dog that was finally caught after 2-3 years of running loose in a town I was a cop in. After shift one morning I was handed a shotgun and told to take him up into the hills where the dump was and put him down. Instead I took him home, told the Lt. I had done the deed. He turned out to be a really good dog after a couple of years. After I left that department I trained him for protection and track.
Shane was a purebred German Shepherd that had been paid for, then never taken. He lived his first 2 years in a 25x10 kennel...and became "kennel crazy". I trained him for protection as well and that brought him out of the shell that kennel crazy dogs retreat into. My wife fell in love with him..maybe before with me?!?!?!
Crystal was a rescue dog...a German Shepherd who's owners didn't like nor treat her well. I wasn't all that fond of her either...dumber than a door post...barked constantly at anything that moved, including leaves falling off trees. Totally untrainable, she was easily the worst of my Shepherds. I was not unhappy when she finally passed on. But she had a better life with us than with her former people.
Duke #2 was a German Shepherd that I picked up when I went to serve a restraining order on a guy for spousal abuse. House was totally vacant, (wife had stripped it and taken their child and everything in it to her parents in Vancouver WA. to get away from him) He had been (according to neighbors) been beaten when he went after the guy as he was smacking his wife around while she was holding their less than 1 year old child. Guess the guy didn't take to being attacked by his own dog and left him behind when he split. Dog was tied up on a 5 foot rope to a post with no food and water that wasn't fit to wash your daily driver with let alone a sharp '57. He was REALLY protective of my wife and child. When we moved to a new town, local cops were chasing a criminal sort, who chose to enter my fenced back yard. BIG mistake. Duke knew my then 12 year old was home from school, and when the guy rounded the corner by the kid's bedroom...he was not well received by Duke. Cops, knowing the dog was in the yard (one of them lived at the end of my alley) waited for him to come to them for help. He barely made it out alive, the dog was going to kill him according to one of them. He also loved and worshiped my wife. Took a couple of years off a jogger who ran at her once...innocently enough, he was just jogging...but to Duke...he was attacking. Poor guy! Wife said she thought he started turning grey right there! Losing Duke #2 when he passed hit her REALLY hard.
This young lady, Sasha, we have now was purchased for me for my birthday by my youngest son in March of '17. I had been thinking about getting another dog, he knew it, knew I love the German Shepherd breed...his boss had this one...and voila...I had my 5th German Shepherd. She is ALL mine too. LOL!!! If someone else asks /tells her to do something, she'll stop and look at me first to see if that is what I want! We have gone all over the western U.S. together. She is a great companion, with only "civilian" training...meaning I have only taught her the basic behavior working dog this time. She does come from a family of protection/K-9/tracking dogs, appears to be mostly tracking mentality, as her nose hits the ground to search out ever scent possible when she goes out. (Rich has seen this behavior...she knows his backyard intimately well! LOL!!!) She and the two Dukes are by far the smartest of the 5, and I think she might well ave been the easiest of all to train. But then she had no "baggage" to get past when I got her, so that probably helped.
That dog is amazingly well trained. When he first arrived and just opened the back of his explorer(?) the dog just looked at him until he told her it was ok to get out. Heck, if it were my dog, I'd be still chasing it 3 hours later. My dog minds as long as she is contained in the yard or house, but once she gets out it's like she doesn't know me.
My last mixed mutt was a shelter rescue and may have been part shepherd. She was a nut when she first came home and it only took a few weeks for her to settle in. We don't have a fenced yard and she never left the property. She would walk to the end of the driveway and greet every dog and person who walked by, everyone loved her. She never barked unless a racoon came in the yard at night. When people asked what kind of dog we would tell the A TUJUNGA COON HOUND :003:
She stayed by my side all day, working on the house, yard and when I would be in the garage she would just lay down on the seat of what ever car I was working on for hours just hoping we were going for a test drive, she loved cars.
I sure miss her. We are trying to do more traveling these days so we decided no more dogs, just many places with restrictions :005:..
Rich...took about 6 months or so to get her to that point...but then when I got her she was only about 14 months old and hadn't really had much direction or teaching. The lot next door to us was vacant, and I don't go to bed until 2-3 in the morning, so we would go outside and work then. She is one of those rare dogs who LIVES to please. So teaching her was pretty easy. She actually would have made a great K-9 dog...but I am going to keep her as she is...a pet who loves to please. (she sure liked playing in your back yard with your pups...she slept like a log all night, and 1/2 way into the next day when we got going down the road! LOL!!!)
Hiball...sounds like your dog was like Sasha in a lot of ways. I go to the shop and she just lays in the grass in front of the shop. No one can get on the property or near me without her sounding off. I have the same yard set-up as you...and she stays in it too. Rarely barks, and looks at the annoying barking dog across the alley with that quizzical "what is your problem?" look.
I take her with me everywhere...most motels and hotels accept dogs these days, usually for $10-15 a night, and sometimes they don't even bother to charge me for a one night stay after they see how sweet she is. :003: I am thinking about taking the Courier to Europe when I get finished with it, and that will be a BUNCH of work to get set up (Gunther and I have discussed it) but I am also going to take her...and I am sure the hoops will be big and many...but she came from Germany homecoming for her of sorts. If she can't go...then I won't go probably. We were planning on being there for 6 months if we go...and I'm not leaving her for that long. She goes nuts as it is when I leave for a day, like this weekend when I went to shows on Saturday & Sunday and she stayed here with my wife!
The only fault my dog had was she wasn't a watch dog :005: She would just watch burglars take stuff or help them find what they were looking for :001:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-07-30 07:17
The only fault my dog had was she wasn't a watch dog :005: She would just watch burglars take stuff or help them find what they were looking for :001:
LOL!!! OOPs! She was a good looker though. Crystal would have too...if they petted her she'd have shut up and watched...her version of being a "watch dog". Good thing we had Duke #2 at the same time.
I have a question for ya, about head gaskets on a 428 F E the left bank gasket goes on with the word front, to the front. now which way does the right bank go on seriously jim
Did you see the responses you got when you asked about overheating problems in the tech board?
"Front" goes to the front on both sides.... it is on the underside of the gasket that is installed upside down.
Did I understand the other thread correctly that ONE of the gaskets gets installed upside down?
This should be continued in the original thread I posted a link to.
Finally have some car stuff coming up. Tomorrow (Saturday 3rd) is our local annual Polk Street cruise from 6-9pm.
Next weekend is the much bigger cruise in Vernon, about 175 miles south of here. It's a 2 day thing with stuff going on all over the city both Friday and Saturday. Saturday evening is the big cruise. Hundreds of cars and thousands of spectators. I think the loop they cruise is 5+ miles, and it's wall to wall people. Really looking forward to it.
I got off the kitchen refresh project for a few days........been giving the '57 a long overdue cleaning buff. When I finish that I'll put a glaze or wax on it. My wheels haven't been polished in a year or so.
The weekend of the 23rd is the NSRA 1st(?) annual show in Albuquerque. Should be a good one. I'm anxious to see the fairgrounds it's gonna be at as far as shade, eats, sitting areas, etc. Hope there's enough going on to keep me out of the casino that's adjacent to the grounds!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-08-02 11:49
Did I understand the other thread correctly that ONE of the gaskets gets installed upside down?
This should be continued in the original thread I posted a link to.
It is actually in there already... somewhere I thought.
The NSRA has a show close to Baton Rouge, something I have not been aware of in the past. Are they expanding? I know they want a pretty penny to participate or attend. Registering a car comes with a membership.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-08-02 11:49
Did I understand the other thread correctly that ONE of the gaskets gets installed upside down?
This should be continued in the original thread I posted a link to.
Yes, the drivers side ( left ) goes on upside down so both water passages on the rear are open. I just put heads on a 390 last night.
This summer has been slow indeed.
Haven't had much time to work on any of my cars. as a matter of fact I was so late into the season that I had not registered my 2 V8 Fords by May. It was cold and rainy anyways. I have missed nearly all shows this year except for a very local ( 5 minutes) monthly Saturday night cruise in, which I attended twice. scheduled again for today, but weather is damp and looks like rain in the afternoon.
Tomorrow will be the largest vintage vehicle meet in Austria just 20 minutes from my place. they have several thousand pre 1980 vehicles of all types. a few hundred tractors, all sorts of motorcycles and even a steamer sometimes. problem is it's located on a hillside farm ( which is just beautiful!) and with all the rain over the past days, it could be quite muddy and difficult to get back out of the location. Not sure if I will be going.
Also Jay (Ecode70D) reports that he wasn't able to get out much this season because of family obligations and working on the house a lot. I believe he was at their local Friday night cruise only twice this year.
guys, your dogs are awesome! would love to keep one as well, but hesitating because of traveling aso. mabye later when I am getting more settled. Hugh, hope you manage to get all certificates to bring Sasha along. Usually Central Europe is very open to pets and dogs in general. all my neighbors have dogs. one is a black, mixed 'Idontknowwhat' and she is huge. but she is scared somehow. she frequently sneaks out or jumps over the fence. when she was just a baby I just grabbed her once and pulled her inside my own property and let her play before neighbors came home. She has respected me ever since and never barks at me. I can easily touch her and grab her collar when she's out again. I don't want to see her out on the streets, which has quite some traffic. she has had 9 puppies since and one of them now lives across the street at my next door neighbor.
Thanks. She is a sweetheart. If I can't get clearance to bring her over with me then I probably won't come. Being away from her for 4-6 months isn't an option. Actually., for her, going back into Germany would be a homecoming, as she was born there.
I went to 2 shows last week. One was a hot rod show, Good Guys Puyallup WA show, and saw a lot of 57's and several flatheads! I love flatheads! Took pics of all the the ones I saw.
I was trying to say, that when you get the clearance, I believe you will not find many problems of keeping her over here. I notice that many resorts or even smaller pensions allow for pets and I can often spot dogdishes with water at cafes, restaurants downtown aso. I mean REAL dog dishes. not hubcaps... :002:
When you come to my place you can bring her on the property. The neighbors cat won't like it, as it appears to be his territory, but then he ain't good for nothing anyways. doing his stroll around three times a day and just begging food from the next neighbor. what about the mice in my shop that are always threatening to ruin some upholstery ? So far no problem, as they prefer the flower seed in the adjacent garden shed... :003:
I think the weather took a bite out of many of us this year. Unusual amount of rain here during the winter, almost no spring and now extreme heat. I think I have only done about 1100 miles this year combined road trips and daily driving :005:.
it's probably just imagination, but I have heard this from so many people. maybe this just isn't the year???
In my mind everything has been quite slow 2019 and the weather has been unfortunate for anything outdoor related ( including cruising in an old car). let's see if we can get going by September or so. This is usually my best time of the year for really moving forward with things and projects.
All the rainy weather we had in spring and early summer here actually helped my frame of mind when my car was down for the better part of 4 months. The temps are going to be in the low-mid 90's for our cruise later today. I'm sure I'll make use of that new switch I installed to run the cooling fans whenever I chose.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-08-03 06:03
I was trying to say, that when you get the clearance, I believe you will not find many problems of keeping her over here. I notice that many resorts or even smaller pensions allow for pets and I can often spot dogdishes with water at cafes, restaurants downtown aso. I mean REAL dog dishes. not hubcaps... :002:
I have no idea what will be required to get clearance for her. With multiple countries, I wonder if there will be a spaghetti plate full of regulations. Once I get moved to my new place here, and the car is finished, I can start thinking about when I want to come over, and begin the processes for the car and Sasha.
She is pretty mellow, and would see any other dog as a potential playmate. LOL!!!
I have noticed in pictures of places in several countries that there are water dishes around...had forgotten that until you just mentioned it. That is cool.
Hugh, in any case, when you are planning to do the trip, you need to get a membership of one of the big Euro Auto clubs, like ADAC in Germany or their British equivalent RAC. They will have most any information that you will ever need ( concerning having and bringing a dog to the countries you want to go to and what is needed in case). I would think that you can take her anywhere, at least within the European Union and their Schengen states ( open borders like in the US). Careful with the UK, as we still have no plan when they will be obviously leaving the EU.
Your most important question is how to bring her from the USA into Europe.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-08-03 12:54
Hugh, in any case, when you are planning to do the trip, you need to get a membership of one of the big Euro Auto clubs, like ADAC in Germany or their British equivalent RAC. They will have most any information that you will ever need ( concerning having and bringing a dog to the countries you want to go to and what is needed in case). I would think that you can take her anywhere, at least within the European Union and their Schengen states ( open borders like in the US). Careful with the UK, as we still have no plan when they will be obviously leaving the EU.
Your most important question is how to bring her from the USA into Europe.
Good information to have. I will store that away to use as a reference. I am really thinking this would be a ton of fun to be able to come over with the car and cruise around the places I have read about and studied as a kid in school. Making those contacts you mentioned will probably make this venture a lot easier! Thanks!
Did the annual Polk street cruise last Saturday. Good day except a little warm at 91ish. I did about 6 loops for about 1 1/2 hours of driving. Car never got over 195 even when I had the the A/C on, so I didn't have to engage my new fan switch. Spent the rest of the time just watching.......very cool!
There were 4 '57's there and a parked '58. Amazingly, there was only one '57 Chev there that I noticed!!! Two of the other '57's, both Ranchwagons, are forum members here...Pat Fleishman (Suede57) and his brother from Amarillo who is not a forum member, but bought his from their brother James from Austin who is a forum member(Iamflashman). I pulled off to the side when I was passing where they were parked just to say hi, and got to meet James/Iamflashman for the first time. So I got to shake hands with the 14th(?) forum member, albeit very briefly.
Pat, if you're reading this.....when I saw youriding shotgun in a black Mustang, was that James'? I assumed it was since I saw your dad in his Mustang convert.
Sorry, I never took pics.
I want to mention the Vernon Cruise (summer's last blast) is coming up this weekend.Friday and Saturday. If anybody's looking for something to do this weekend, it's a great cruise / weekend of small shows throughout the town. Friday for shows and burnout contest....... Saturday for show and cruise.
So good to hear you are back on the road again and the cars is running fine. No pictures, OK, we will let you slide this time :003: My last trip I didn't take any of the car either.
We had 11 Fleischman Family members there.
The all black '69 Mustang Fastback is brother Dan's. He also had his black '57 RanchWagon which he let James drive since it was James's old car. Maybe next year we will drive my 69 Boss 429 mustang up for the event. No AC in a Boss9 so it might not be as comfortable as our Ranchwagons.
Dad and Mom brought the '66 Mustang Ragtop out. My sister and her son rode with them. My two kids. Paxton(8) and Piper(7) rode home with their grandparents in the Mustang conv.
James was in town to get the short block 390/428crank (410cube FE) assembled for the '58 Edsel Bermuda Wagon he is building.
Pat..........tell your brother James to check his wanted ad, as I think I found a source for the "buttons" he needs.
yahoo....good to go for this weekend. My favorite hotel/casino where I get free rooms was booked for Friday night, so last week I put my name on a waiting list in case of cancellations. They just called and I've got reservations for Friday night and Saturday night if I want it. It's about a 45 minute drive from Vernon in Oklahoma. show, cruise, casino, cool!
When I originally called for the 9th, they told me it was the only day in August that they were booked. One of the few casinos I can usually manage to break even after 5 or 6 hours, so throw in a free room, and it's a heck of a deal.
Oh crap...........the ups and downs, highs and lows of the car show thing..........I just did a weather check hoping it wasn't going to rain this weekend. It's not, but wishing it was. Friday temps are going to be 106, and Saturday 107. 0% chance of rain. Too hot for this old dude. I'm sure glad I'm not one of the guys who volunteered to be a traffic director standing in the middle of the road for hours.
I wonder if that had anything to do with the casino suddenly having vacancies for the weekend.
Hey, we are back up! Was having serious withdrawal......thanks James!
yes, happy to be here again !
got my 57CS out for a short cruise yesterday, took it to home improvement store and for some more groceries. now that I have the actual oil pressure gauge hooked up again, I am more confident. Surely my old 292 is worn out, but she still has 40 psi cold and anywhere above 20 psi except for idle, when she drops low. not going to pull the engine for now. I just have to stay from (being) idle. :002: :003:
decided to brave the heat and do the Vernon show/cruise.....or at least try, lol. Oh well, worst case is I've got a few days away from laundry room remodel. Had the car out yesterday for a short drive and it was running really great, I think that's what changed my mind.
From Hemmings this morning.
My Summer's Last Blast adventure.....drove down the 175 miles early friday and did a small show at the Ford Dealer. Hot, but the sky was totally overcast for the first few hours, so not too bad. After the show, I drove around town a little. Hundreds of street rods, classics, hot rods, racecars, model T's, old firetrucks,etc. Folks setting up bar b ques all over town. I discovered there is absolutely NO shade in that town to park under. It was getting very hot, and I decided I'd rather be sitting in an air conditioned casino than waiting around in heat (106) for the burn out contest, which I'm not real big on anyway. Makes no sense to me why folks are competing to see who has the worst traction.
Got back in to town about 9am, getting hot already. Not a cloud in the sky. Had breakfast and headed off to the bigger car show, really expecting to see attendance down from last year because of the forcasted heat. To my surprise it seemed to be as many if not more than last year. I'm figuring out heat seems to affect me more than most people. I was totally wasted by the end of the show. What to do for 5 hours til the main event started. Drove around the town for an hour or so looking at tons more cars arriving. Couldn't handle any more heat. Thought about killing 4 hours at the casino, but actually had a rare good night Friday night, so thought better of going back. Said the heck with it, heat got the best of me, my A/C needs some work, decided to just forgo the main event as much as I wanted to particpate, and came home. The first hour's drive was literally almost a killer. On the verge of passing out from the heat,but nowhere to pull over with shade. I was really struggling to keep my eyes open. Seems like forever to get to the first town where I could pull into a dairy queen and get inside to cool air. Best ice cream cone I ever had I think. I did think about just splating it on my forehead, lol. Anyway, temps started dropping into the mid 90's when I left there, so everything was ok the rest of the way. Last time I'll plan on a show when I know the temps are going to be anywhere near that high, and for sure need to get busy on my A/C (mostly ducting issues I've come to discover).
Rich...I am in Branson now...97 here today. Had to get here fast...have a vacant apartment I need to get rented out...after cleaning it of course. Then there is bank work and a house to look at. Need to buy a place you can come visit! (and anyone else who wants...plenty of parking...this particular place has ELEVEN plus acres to park on! :003:
Not sure which way I am going to go home...depends on how much travel time I get. If I am able to drop an offer on the house, then I need to hurry up and get back to get my house in WA painted and a fence started. And then there is a deck to get built...all before the end of September...when I will come back out with my first load of stiff from the house. WHEW! (makes me tired just typing it all!)
First move will be all of the office at home, so that I can build a closet in it and make the house a 3-bedroom. Then I have to paint that room plus my son's room and start on all the trim repair from those cats we spoke of. Gonna be a busy winter!!! :BangHead:
On one of the 'Pink Jeep' tours out of Las Vegas to the Hoover Dam, the temps got over 106 and I began to feel poorly. The 'Pink Jeep' carry a cooler with bottles of water but the Dam tour driver also had cool towels. He told me to put it on the back of my neck...almost instant relief and felt better in minutes. I've used wet towels a couple of time since for relief. Power Tour's goody bag this year included a towel for those without working AC.
Wasn't thinking too clearly on that hour or so's drive. I had a cooler with ice, should have pulled over and wet myself down. A cold wet towel is a great idea..I'll remember that....
Funny story. Saturday a young couple came up and looked at my car. He asked what engine it was and I replied Lincoln 4.6, 4 cam. He said "interesting choice, but I'm curious why you have all those ford logos on the car, is it because you used some Ford parts in the build?" I replied "I'm confused by the question, it's a Ford, why wouldn't I want Ford logos?" he gave me that "yeah, right" look and actually said "I know this is a Chevy"
LOL!!! Kids know oh so much! Should have asked him not to insult the quality car of '57...the one which won ALL the styling awards that year.
Rich, some guys are just naturally born brain dead from the ass up.
LOL! That could fit a LOT of people I have known in my years! Too many actually!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-08-12 19:32
"I know this is a Chevy"
Good grief! What did you say to him then?
Guy at at gas station ask if it was Bel Air trim on my Ranchero.
I just said 'this ain't a Chevy'.
I am constantly surprised at the number of guys that look old enough to know what a '57 Ranchero is but don't.
I sure do get the 'what is it' question a lot. There is only one other '57 Ranchero that I know of here but I've only seen it at our annual Show & Shine a couple of times in the past. Never seen it on the street & it wasn't there this year. It has a 302 & the guy told me that these cars couldn't handle a 390. (
He was young enough(early 20's) that it's possible his dad would be too young to remember them. We tend to forget most of us who have them are really really old, lol. At least he had enough interest in old stuff to be at the show as a spectator.
Quote from: Tom S on 2019-08-12 22:16
It has a 302 & the guy told me that these cars couldn't handle a 390. (
Interesting...can't handle a 390 eh? No one ever told my white '57 that. It was a race car...with a 352...and it was a terror. Guy that owned it before me won a lot more than he ever lost! Stupid people make me wonder how they can even walk in a straight line. Then again...some of them can't.
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2019-08-12 23:52
Interesting...can't handle a 390 eh? No one ever told my white '57 that. It was a race car...with a 352...and it was a terror. Guy that owned it before me won a lot more than he ever lost! Stupid people make me wonder how they can even walk in a straight line. Then again...some of them can't.
You are being too kind! anyone who has ever seen the ugliest of the Tri-Fives would know these are NOT Chevies!
I get the "what year El Camino is that" or "My dad use to have an El Camino" :005: I'm glad I don't carry a gun..
BTW, Hugh..if you head back home thru Amarillo, you're welcome to stay. Wife? Sasha?
Maybe this time we can go for a ride in my '57. That is if I can avoid a episode of stupid between now and then.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-08-13 06:09
I get the "what year El Camino is that" or "My dad use to have an El Camino" :005: I'm glad I don't carry a gun..
Do they actually make enough ammo to deal with the stupid people of this world?
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-08-13 06:35
BTW, Hugh..if you head back home thru Amarillo, you're welcome to stay. Wife? Sasha?
Maybe this time we can go for a ride in my '57. That is if I can avoid a episode of stupid between now and then.
No wife this trip...just Sasha and me. Wife is still home working. She probably won't get to this way until we move now. And that has been postponed until March.
I will let you know which way I head home...will depend on how much time I have. Lots to do before winter comes back...fence, deck and painting the current abode. Painting is scheduled for Labor Day weekend.
Riding in your car will be top of the list for me...glad you got it back up and running!
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2019-08-12 23:52
Interesting...can't handle a 390 eh? No one ever told my white '57 that. It was a race car...with a 352...and it was a terror. Guy that owned it before me won a lot more than he ever lost! Stupid people make me wonder how they can even walk in a straight line. Then again...some of them can't.
I don't think the guy knew much about his car, '57 Fords or maybe cars in general.
It was a good lookin' Ranchero but if it was mine I'd lose those dummy lakes pipes as soon as I got it home. Losing the dummy spot lights & some different wheels would be next.
And planning for a 390 & 4 speed. :)
Agreed. I HATE dummy they spots or pipes. Not a big fan of Lakes Pipes anyhow...less so when they don't work.
Was a nice blue though.
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2019-08-13 17:36
Agreed. I HATE dummy parts...
Yup, dummy parts = useless bolt on junk.
The recessed radio antennas was a nice custom touch though.
But two of 'em? (
I'm afraid that it's white interior would be a pain to keep clean
if it was driven often.
Quote from: Tom S on 2019-08-13 17:54
Yup, dummy parts = useless bolt on junk.
The recessed radio antennas was a nice custom touch though.
But two of 'em? (
I'm afraid that it's white interior would be a pain to keep clean if it was driven often.
I have heard that 2 antennas actually can ruin your reception...they fight one another. If that is so then one would have to be a dummy antenna. If not...still why 2?
As for the white Saleen has white...and you nailed it. No kids allowed! And some adults I can think of as well!
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2019-08-13 09:25
Do they actually make enough ammo to deal with the stupid people of this world?
I'm sure they do, but now in Calif it's almost impossible to buy. More great legislation by the stupid people.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-08-14 05:31
I'm sure they do, but now in Calif it's almost impossible to buy. More great legislation by the stupid people.
And thus the reason I am leaving the west coast and moving to Missouri. The entire west coast has become California...socially,economically and worst of all morally. You have my sympathy.
Leaving for Albuquerque later this evening. Hope the heat is bearable there. Shouldn't be too bad Friday as it's suppose to be overcast most the day, but Saturday is sunny with 97* forcast. LOL, gotta spend some time today cleaning a few pounds of dog hair out of my interior. I'm hoping to pick up some under-the-dash A/C vents while I'm there. I finally got around to doing some makeshift duct temporary mountings and it's making a huge difference as far as moving air inside the car. Now, if I could just get it colder. I really didn't want the under dash vents, but I finally gave up trying to do 2 more vents coming thru the dash......just no room behind for the ducting.
vents do make a difference. I have not found a aftermarket vent that works with the '57s curved dash. I modified one dash to get vents in the right height. I have them under the dash in the Raunch Wagon. Works but I would like them up higher.
With AM radio the more antenna the better. FM requires a certain length for best reception.
Quote from: SkylinerRon on 2019-08-22 14:46
With AM radio the more antenna the better. FM requires a certain length for best reception.
I knew that, but I had been told that two antennas, especially side by side, actually fought one another and ruined the reception overall. Is that true or not? I know that the folks over in the land of the bow-tie used to mount one on each rear quarter for a few years. Don't know if it was for looks or functionality or both.
To get in the weeds a little, no, the wave length for AM is so long there would be no chance of any interference on a car. FM wave length (1/4) is close to 33" in the mid range. There are many ways to "fake" antenna length, that is make the receiver think it has a perfect length antenna but at the cost of sensitivity.
My last weekend's roadtrip..........The long version, so it is turning out:
NSRA had it's first annual show in Alberquerque. Wasn't sure I was gonna go because of the 95 and 98 temps projected for Fri and Sat., but decided to anyways. I was wrong about thinking it was in a huge parking lot with no trees. They directed us right thru that expanse of concrete to a nice little tree lined village at the n. end of the fairgrounds. Not sure how many cars were there on Friday, I was number 726. Pretty much filled up that area though, so when the show gets bigger they'll have to expand into the big parking lots. Definetly gonna be a get there early show to get a nice space. I was under two trees, and Friday was pretty much overcast all day, so it was a great day weather-wise. I did not stay for Saturday because, well, as they say all good things have to come to an end..........
My actual roadtrip....... Amarillo to Albur. is 285 miles, I 40 all the way. During the preceeding days, I fiddled with my A/C vents a little and greatly improved the airflow, but still cool, definetly not cold air. I decided on Thurs. before I left to try and add a little freon to make it cooler. I apparently overfilled it, because the compressor began starting and stopping. Car started overheating, cooling fans not coming on at all in any mode. WTH? I finally figured out the trinary switch is not letting power to the cooling fans if it is shutdown mode due to high pressure. Once I bled off some of the excess, everything went back to normal, almost. Not even cool air now, I bled too much off. Left it alone. An hour later I was on the road, stopped and filled it up, got ice for the cooler, dinner to go, and hit the ATM machine. A few miles out of town, a semi came up behind me flashing his lights. Did that for a while, couldn't figure out what was going on, then he passed me. As he was passing, I smelled fumes. I assumed it was his truck and I was right behind him for about 10 miles. I was checking my gages and saw the fuel was below 3/4. My first thought was the auto shutoff didn't fill it, but I kept watching and I could actually see the needle moving. By the time the next exit came up so I could pull off the highway, I was at 1/2.
I pulled into a vacant lot, popped the hood and immediatly saw one of the Ford Springlock fittings on the fuel log had come undone. Gas everywhere. But also I noticed a black oily substance everywhere as well. Couldn't figure out what that was, compressor oil isn't black but nothing else made sense. I decided that maybe I had blown the A/C compressor or a line, and the oil was black because the compressor overheated and burnt it.
I had 4 guys stop in the 15 minutes or so I was there asking if I needed help. Lol, one was actually a Ford classics guy and had his shop 1/4 mile from where we were. I was having a tough time getting the springlock fitting to seat fully with my loss of hand strength, but one of the guys just snapped it together for me. So, decision time, do I go home or keep going. I decided traditional hotrodding is patching your ride together on the side of the road, and keep forging on. The blown A/C would not be an issue as long as I didn't turn the system on. I stopped at a car wash in Tuchemcari and tried to wash the "oil" off, but it had dried and the wash wasn't touching it. I was doing that in the middle of a thunderstorm. People were probably thinking............."look at that crazy guy in the car wash, it's raining like heck out".
to be continued
So, car ran great to Albuquerque, got in about 10 pm. I had figured I'd get some wax and grease remover to get the black stuff, whatever it was, off the fenders, windshiel, hood, grille, etc. As I said it was everywhere. The engine compartment was a mess. Went to O'reillys for the cleaner first thing in the morning. As I pulled in, I noticed my voltmeter was bottomed out!! What's going on? I had the guy check the alternator with their testers and he told me the internal voltage regulator was bad. Crap. They didn't have one, but could have it there in an hour. By the time the delivery truck arrived, I had the old one out. Installed the new one and the voltmeter looked good @ 13, but had him recheck. The alternator now looked good, but he rechecked my battery because he had also told me that had "failed". Same failure the second time, but since I had never had any issue whatsoever with the 5 year old Optima, I passed on the 250. replacement.
Went on to the show, checked in, found a shady spot and started cleaning the black stuff. The wax and grease remover was barely touching it...3 hours of elbow grease to get the front end cleaned off, but not the engine. Still never found for certain where it came from on Friday.
My back up credit card wasn't approving anything because I had forgot to call them before I left to tell them I may be using it out of state. It's a security thing with them. Any usage out of our home state requires prenotification. sheeeeeet! Then my Iphone locked up. Couldn't make any calls. I had told my wife I'd let her know if I was staying or heading home after Friday's show. I borrowed a phone from the guy I was parked next to and let her know I was alright, but wouldn't have a phone on the way home. No A/C, short of money since I was 4 days away from payday, unexpectedly no back up credit card, 98* temps for Saturday with NO clouds. I decided to head home.
Saturday morning I checked my A/C system, and it was still pressurized! I obviously hadn't blown the compressor or a line. A 1/2 hour's looking, and I realized the black stuff wasn't any type of oil at all. All the holes in my hood inner support has signs of the black stuff running out, mostly over my A/C lines and stuff. What had happened was the gas line was shooting lots of fuel into the hood support/bracing and the fuel was dissolving the insulation stuff in there from the factory! Then I found out I definetly was using the wrong stuff to clean it off. WD40 dissolved it instantly.
I checked my battery the O'Reilly's guy told me had failed. After driving the last 4 hours home in the dark with the headlights on, the battery read 12.99 volts with my meter the next morning! I had also realized that apparently my alternator had been going bad for a while, because my power windows that had slowed to a crawl I thought because they needed servicing/lube, etc. were zipping up and down like new.
My Iphone7 is at Apple being (probably) replaced with a new one. As soon as Best Buy saw the "no service" message, they knew it was a common problem with my model phone and told me Apple would replace it with a new one. 7-10 days
So, all in all, not too bad. A loosened springlock fitting and a bad alternator......sure seemed overwhelming at the time. BTW, when I replaced my engine, I had one springlock fitting I couldn't get undone, so I just unscrewed it at the AN end. I suspect I had actually pulled it loose from the spring, just didn't give it that last needed tug to unseat it.
Rich, your stories are as good as ever ! :003:....honestly, if this your latest trip was to be put on film and TV show, probably everybody would call it staged. hahaha.... anyways, glad you hung on and didn't give in early! small problems happen and they need solved on the side of the road. glad you are home safely and what a cool story !!!
All the fun of a good road trip :003: Just think, a new car would have been on a tow truck..
The four guys that stopped to see if I needed help........probably wouldn't have happened if I was in the DD. The last guy, after I told him "I didn't need any help, thank you,It will either be a really quick fix once the engine cools down a bit, or a tow truck, There won't be any inbetweens." wanted to get out and look at my car. He was the Ford guy I mentioned, and had a Chevy Nova owner with him.. Owns amoung other stuff, a 428 Cobra Jet Torino. We all spent 10 minutes or so figuring out where that black stuff was coming from, and they agreed it was most likely the A/C system.
Definetly learned a few more "things are not always what they seem" lessons on that trip between the black stuff and the cure for my power window slowdowns.
OH MY! What a story. Now I know why you may not make it to Colorado, as I just read this, nuf said.
The car would be fine for Colorado, I'm worn out. my wife has had joint issues for months now, has a hard time doing housework. I'm not sure her cousin ever knew how, lol. She tries, but it's like a few months ago when I caught her cleaning spots on the carpet with a cleaner containing bleach. Yes, we now have light spots in a few places. Unfortunately it's something I'm real good at when it needs a thorough cleaning, just don't want to do it often any more. We've got 26 coming for a bar b que tomorrow, so I've been cleaning all week, yard work, etc. I'm still not done.......gotta go...........
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-09-01 20:06
We've got 26 coming for a barbque tommorrow, so I've been cleaning all week, yard work, etc. I'm still not done.......gotta go...........
TWENTY-SIX?!?!?! Yikes! That's about 22 too many! LOL!!! Hope they are all driving the Blue Oval. And where are they all gonna park? YOU don't have that many spots even with the back yard opened up.
Families.......there won't be more than another 8 cars or so.........I can fit 16 in my front driveway......or about 10 if we leave one side of the drive open so cars don't get blocked in. I do believe the only blue oval here tomorrow will be the one in my garage.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-09-01 22:39
Families.......there won't be more than another 8 cars or so.........I can fit 16 in my front driveway......or about 10 if we leave one side of the drive open so cars don't get blocked in. I do believe the only blue oval here tomorrow will be the one in my garage.
I am so happy that my sisters no longer like me! LOL!!! No visits!
And I don't know too many people that don't own Fords... :003: Most definitely do not know 26 that don't drive the Blue Oval! (whew!)
Rick, when I read your bad luck stories, I realize that I'm not the only one born under the wrong star. seams like some things just happen, but sometimes in my case they are self induced. Take care, Alvin
Just dropping in to say Hi! I will say that mornings are not my thing. Maybe that time frame will be more and more to my liking as I progress through my retirement, but after 10 years I can't really see that happening!! LOL :unitedstates:
All l can say is that your kind of fun on a long trip is not fun. I'm happy for you that you made it home safely. If l'm reading it correctly, did a Chevy guy help you? If so maybe some of them are OK.
Welcome to the forum Scott. I'm not a morning person either.....that's why I just plop my butt down in front of the computer after I grab my coffee.
Scott, I just saw your recent email to me. I'm going to post it here in case others have the same problem/questions.
"just curious, is there a site to sign in or anything like that? when i go to , there are a lot of "missing" pages and links, etc. I understand from reading that someone acquired the site a couple years ago and is still working on getting the site back up and running
I suspect you're getting to the forum, (or at least that's a link you're refering to), which is now under the same ownership as this forum. This is , which I'm assuming you're getting on to ok since you did your first post this morning. is still being worked on as James has the time. He's put hundreds of hours in trying to salvage what was a "crashed" site.
This, and another email I just got are the first I've heard about issues with this forum, if there are any. Sometimes the members that stay logged in "forever" don't see the same things, or have logging in issues, that the newbies experience.
I'll see what I can find out.
Starting another project...haven't a clue which direction...yet!
wow, I already love this project Gary !!! ..... :001:
Quote from: gasman826 on 2019-09-12 15:24
Starting another project...haven't a clue which direction...yet!
Doesn't matter which direction it goes...with THAT on will be the RIGHT direction! Oh YEA!!! :burnout: :003:
Hi Rich, some of the things I noticed are when I go to Paint & Trim, I don't see any sample colors and there is no information on the Exterior page. When I go to the Models page, all the links I click on go to a page that says 404: File Not Found. I'm not sure if these are pages that have just not been updated, or if there is a problem. I do love the Forum and all the info I have found!! :unitedstates:
Gas man, when I see a project like you have, I get excited thinking about all the things that this would work with. Then I look at my calender and realize it is clicking by way to fast to start something like this and slip back into the real world. All I can say is go for it. Take care, Alvin
I started a project 45 years ago with just an engine. It was a reverse spinning 140HP Corvair engine. It sat in my living room for months. I bought a 72 Karmann Ghia and put the engine in that car.... :003:
Lynn, can we talk about that in off topic ?? :002:
I am building a very early Transporter ( '52) and still undecided about the motor. I have a sweet 1500, but then your idea sounds so much better ! :003:
Guenter, email me and I will tell you every detail (that I remember)! :004:
Rich, I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but wat the hell is all this Gusht, korrik, shtector stuff in front of the dates and else where. I' m to old to take a foreign language class to try and keep up with this. Take care, Alvin
I have no idea what you are seeing, Alvin. Mine is totally normal/as it has been. Anybody else seeing what Alvin is talking about? When did it start?
I have no idea what some of the buttons in the reply window do, maybe you clicked on one of them and it changed formatting? Just a guess.
I hear ya with the "too old to learn a new language", but I often feel that's exactly what we're suppose to be doing when I read online news stories. So many new terms / wording / "famous people" I've never heard of, etc etc.
I'm pretty sure if it's an old age thing, but lately It seems like I'm having a difficult, or at least lengthy, time figuring solutions to everyday problems, and it gets overwhelming/depressing at times. last week I was trying to get our old Toro riding lawn mower up and running so we could sell it. We bought it used, and it was my first, so I knew nothing about them. It was really needing some attention/maintenance. Last year, everytime I tried to get the grass cut, I'd have to stop and try to figure out how/what to fix on it. This past spring we bought a new one, (Craftsman 42" T210, made in the USA, I love it), and the old Toro got set aside until I could spend some time on it. The Toro has a 20hp Kohler engine. After charging the old worn out battery, couldn't get it to crank, so started with a new battery (35.), after installing new battery, all I could get was a clicking, so I replaced the universal starter solenoid (15.) That took care of the cranking issue, but wouldn't start. Fuel was fresh. tried starter fluid, It would start on that, but not keep running. Took the carburetor off (I replaced that last year). Everything was super clean (I use fuel with no ethanol in the mowers), and gas was getting to the carburetor. YouTube videos explained problems with the carburetor shut off solenoid. (no fuel pump, siphon feed, so gas has to be shut off after running to stop flow of gas or it'll flood engine crankcase). I bypassed the solenoid (cut the stopper off actually), and got it to run sporatically, and it was backfiring, etc.. Thought about throwing in the towel on this project!
So,decided next to check was spark. The plug was good, just needed a light cleaning. Then I got into a whole new thing for me........what actually makes the spark in a small gas engine??? Never wondered about that before. This motor, I discovered has a magneto. Have no clue how that works, but the "contacts" were very rusty on both the magnet side and the flywheel contacts. I call them contacts for lack of a better word, but they actually don't make contact. Got them all cleaned up with sandpaper, and fired it up. Running much better, but still not great. I suspected the carburetor I put on last year was the issue, so ordered a new one (only 18. delivered!). Runs like a champ now. I mowed part of the front lawn to try it out. Worked great until right at the end when It broke a special shoulder bolt that holds down one of the pulleys on the deck. Part on order with Toro (14.), 1 week, but an easy fix. :001:
So, this morning I was thinking about the fact I'm 73, and was totally amazed that never in my lifetime did I ever wonder about where the spark was generated from in a small engine (lawn mower, trimmer, etc). How does a magneto work? Does it generate the spark, or simply set the timing for the spark, or both? LOL, I don't know why I was surprised to discover the magneto actually had a horseshoe shaped's right there in the name. Duh.
Anybody have a clue what a '06 46" Toro is worth? It has 214 hrs on it according to the gage. Model is LX460. My whole point was, it felt great to finally get at least one problem figured out, but took soooo long. Now if I could just figure out what's wrong with my Subaru, and why my '57's cooling fan isn't working.
Rich, I talked with Ron [ old gasser and he is seeing these crazy words also, so I just thought everyone was seeing this. Take care, Alvin
Hmmm. With Ron seeing it, it must be a problem on the site's end, not yours. Anybody else?
It all looks go Gusht, korrik, shtector od on my end. Just kidding, I added that stuff! I had ya for a second. It looks normal on my computer.
Looks normal on my end as well. (Thankfully!)
As for the Toro...if you have ironed out all the problems and get it to work like a champ...a fair price would be at least $500. There is a guy out here who sell riders all summer that he has reconditioned...and his prices run from $500 to 700 each depending on the make and age of the mower.
If your fan is electric...and works off the temperature...then either your relay or temp sensor is probably kaput.
There are my contributions for the off to go move a junk car out of someone's yard! OH FUN! Amazing...when you have a couple of trailers...things to do with them...seems to find you! LOL!!!
Everything looks normal to me.
Talk about getting old, I went to a music concert Sunday night for the first time in million years. It was good to see 95% of the people were over 50. Makes me wonder how some old people like Mark Knofler who is 70 now can perform like they do, he just smokes it on the guitar. He definitely isn't one of the burned out 70's drug musicians.
I'm getting to the point of walking into another room to get something and then forget what is was when I get there :003:
It's has happened to me a couple times where I get the Euro money sign at the end of sentence. Usually when Jeff Norwell posts, but not always. Weird or what?
We'll just blame it all on a foreign invasion by Jeff, sounds good to me.
Hugh........mine is far from a refurbished. Deck is noisy, probably needs the rest of the bearings replaced there. I replaced one last year when it desintergrated, probably should have done the other two. We paid 600 for it used, if I can get 4 to 4 1/2 for it, I'll be good with that.
My cooling fan on the '57......yes, electric. It turns on by a Vintage Air trinary switch when fan requested by A/C system. I replaced the cooling temperature sensor and connector when I replaced the engine earlier this year. I also added a switch so I could turn the fan on manually if I wanted. That was all working fine.
I talked with Vintage Air, and they said since the trinary switch actually controls two different circuits, it is possible, but unlikely, that the trinary switch is preventing the fan from turning on even though it's turning on the compressor. It will not turn on at all, not from the engine temp being high enough nor the manual switch I added. I've checked the fuse, but have not checked the relay. I am not getting power to the fan connector, under any request, so it's not the fan. Most likely culprit is the relay as you mentioned.
With cooler weather here, no big hurry getting the A/C system working correctly, but I do need to change the drier and while I'm at it the trinary switch as well. So I'll do that later in the year. For now I'm just trying to make sure I can get the fan to turn on if I need it, which is unlikely with the cooler temps here. My engine runs at 195 unless stopped at idle for a lengthy time, so the fan is rarely requested to turn on anyway since the sensor is on at 205*.
Do motorcycles have a "driver's side"? lol
Rich, I know you think I'm pulling your chain, but I'm not. My other sites and personal e-mail are all good. I wish I knew how to send you a copy of this and you would see what I'm talking about. Take care, Alvin money is on the relay. Seems likely.
The mower should be worth $400 even with bad bearings. The cost to fix them would make it worthwhile. And it is a Toro...those things are pretty good and last for a long time if you don't drive them off a cliff!
"Rich, I know you think I'm pulling your chain, but I'm not. My other sit"
Alvin...I did this by highlighting what I wanted to print out here...then right clicked it and hit "copy" of the offerings. Then right clicked on this section for me to type in my responses to you and Rich...clicked on "paste" and there ya go. So you can do the same for Rich then he will know you are not losing your marbles... :003:
I personally...believe every word you said...sometimes I think computers and servers from our providers purposely like to mess with us to see how long it takes to drive us insane! :angry5:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-09-24 16:45
We'll just blame it all on a foreign invasion by Jeff, sounds good to me.
"I'm not sayin' it's Jeff's fault, I'm just blaming it on him" :002:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-09-24 16:45
Do motorcycles have a "driver's side"? lol
Why do you ask?
And yes, but it's the
rider's side & it's right behind the handle bars. I love bein' behind bars. :003:
Quote from: alvin stadel on 2019-09-24 19:43
... I wish I knew how to send you a copy of this ...
Take a pic of it & post it here.
Or if you have a computer & a place on it that stores pictures get the post on the screen, hit the 'print screen' button at the top of the keyboard, open your pic file, or MS paint, & paste in the pic of the screen, name it & save it. Post the pic here.
Hope that's clear enough.
Haha, I believe you Alvin. I'll send James a memo in the morning. He's the only one that can fix stuff like that.
A '57, hoarder friend passed some time ago. I attended his wife's auction. If he had it, it was very nice, rust free or NOS! I came home with eight pieces of '57, NOS sheet metal. I also came home with the revelation that hoarders should sell their stash. Leaving it for the heirs to liquidate is cruel and shortsighted. The heirs don't know what it is or what belongs to what. After a grueling week, or more, of dragging car parts out and lining them up in the field, there is relief just to get it over and gone. If the hoarder offers a part up for sale, he sets the description, condition and price. Sell it or not. At auction, it takes at least two buyers who can only guess at the description and condition by starting at a very low price. Before the end of the auction, the buyers are satisfied and the remaining items go to the scrapper. Sell it for full price, NOW!
PIC 1 NOS hood
PIC 2 Four rust-free is NOS
PIC 3 pair of NOS headlight panels
Gas man, you are so right. I'v been selling parts every chance I get, most all my stuff is good to very good. I hate swap meets but have unloaded a bunch there and at very good prices. This last spring I sold 2 of my T-Birds and got a very good price for both. WE've all had this discussion before, we are a dying breed, so if you can start to unload some of this stuff at a fair price do it Take care, Alvin
Great don't hoard them!. I'm curious if the nos fenders came with the headlight surrounds already attached.? Also, .....could you post a pic of the backside of one of the nos surrounds. I'm curious just how good the forming is in the area that is the outer seam. It's pretty unusable on the aftermarket pieces without a ton of handwork.
I could use a hood for my '57!
And thanks again for the chat today Gary...appreciate the time sir.
Mustang 6984, the next time you run I-90 heading for your new home, stop in. I have a very good hood that needs to go away. Take care, Alvin
Quote from: alvin stadel on 2019-09-27 08:59
Mustang 6984, the next time you run I-90 heading for your new home, stop in. I have a very good hood that needs to go away. Take care, Alvin
Thanks Alvin! I will do that indeed! Thanks...Hugh
Rich, I have no idea how this happened. A friend that is very versed in computers stopped by this afternoon, I told him of my problem with this foreign language crap I had on this site. It took him awhile but now it is back to normal. Not sure what happened but the language was Albanian and I have no idea where it came from. Take care, Alvin
aletrnas juwsert hovil saq :occasion14:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-09-26 20:37
Great don't hoard them!. I'm curious if the nos fenders came with the headlight surrounds already attached.? Also, .....could you post a pic of the backside of one of the nos surrounds. I'm curious just how good the forming is in the area that is the outer seam. It's pretty unusable on the aftermarket pieces without a ton of handwork.
An NOS fender comes with the headlight panel. The NOS headlight panels are a perfect replacement. I have tried and failed with the aftermarket ones. I have repaired fenders with the NOS panels with easy, perfect results. My source for the NOS panels was from this guy's stash. As far as more pictures, the panels are already squirreled away. For whatever, strange reason, the backside of those panels are coated in some tar-like stuff. Nothing to be photographed there until some serious cleaning. Everything went to the sea box except the rust-free '41 coupe trunk lid that is being prepped to go to the media blaster.
Haha..your eyes must have gotten really big when you spotted those. Lots and lots of work to make the aftermarket ones work. After I finished the first fender, I decided to just cut up the second one and use as patch panels for the second fender. Much easier, but I couldn't have gotten away with that on the first one as it was too far gone. Thinking about it down the road, if I ever had to do it again with aftermarket panels, I would cut the backside totally off, then hand work the outer profile to shape, then weld on a back flange. Actually, on the first one, I ended up cutting the backside of and doing as mentioned except I butt welded the surround with no back flange at all. I kinda worried about that from a strength standpoint, but heck, that was 10 years ago, and there's no signs of failing to date.
Quote from: alvin stadel on 2019-09-27 15:08
, I told him of my problem with this foreign language crap I had on this site. It took him awhile but now it is back to normal. Not sure what happened but the language was Albanian and I have no idea where it came from. Take care, Alvin
Off hand...I am guessing it came from...(wait for it)...ALBANIA! LOL!!!
Sorry...that just was too easy...had to do it! LOL!!! I am bad...I know. :naughty:
Finally got my cooling fan issue figured out. Took me a while because the first thing I checked was the 60 amp fuse, which was ok. Next thing I checked was the fan connector, which I later found turned out to be the problem. This was an old connector that was reused because the Ron Francis kit did not include the new connector because "they were no longer available". I had an open connection on the power supply wire in the connector that apparently shorted out when I disconnected it and blew the fuse that I had just checked. Obviously the reason I was not getting a reading at the connector. A lot of checking power and ground paths trying to figure out why no power at the connector when I was thinking the fuse was still good. I even replaced the relay which I figured was the obvious culprit. Finally found it when I was tracing the power path and it ended at the fuse out side.
New connector on order. 35. at auto zone, same brand on ebay 14. delivered. I cut the bad connector off, hooked up a test light, replaced the fuse, and now have power. That manual switch I added a month or two ago sure made that check easy.
In retrospect, What Ron Francis was talking about not being available was probably an unwired connector, not one with a pigtail as I had to order. All of the connectors they supply are prewired with the full run of wires. I don't like splicing/connecting wires, but sometimes we just have no choice.
Once I get the fan working again, that'll clear the path to get back on working on improving my A/C. One thing I need to do is move the condenser closer to the radiator or build some air dams. Either way, the grille will have to come off (@#!&!!), and maybe the hood. At least with cooler temps here, there's no rush.
Next weekend is probably my last long roadtrip in the '57 for the year. "Run to the Inn of the Mountain Gods" in Ruidoso, NM.
Splicing wires is a pain for sure. I go to the trouble of staggering the splices (if there are multiples), cutting the barrel off of a crimp on fitting to use, crimping and soldering the splice, heat shrink tubing, and electrical tape or some type of loom... It takes forever but I have never had a failure.
Well, 1/2 the day was good. Got my Toro riding mower put in the front yard this morning with a for sale sign for the first time. It was sold 20 minutes later!
I got the replacement connector for the '57's cooling fan in this afternoon. Got it wired in, have voltage to it but......nothing, fan won't turn on. I don't think I've got a good ground at that connector. Just got back from the store with a new continuity checker............this one I'll try real hard not to check a live circuit with, lol.
OK. after finding continuity on the ground side is also good, I found the next problem.....when I blew the fuse when the connector shorted out, it melted away the male spade on the fan side of the connector. Sheeeeeet. I can replace the fan motor with a new one from rock auto or pull one from a salvage yard.
Good thing cool weather is here and I won't need the cooling fan.
Glad you sold the Toro. Those are good mowers, so not surprised it went fast.
And the fan...whew! That has been a lot of brain energy expended! I have a new bottle of aspirin...want a couple? LOL!!! Sounds like you are on the right path. Finally! :003:
It's been raining steadily here for days. My probably last car show roadtrip for the year is this weekend in Ruidoso, NM. As of this past weekend, the forecast was 40% chance of rain there for both Friday and Saturday. The actual car show is Saturday only, but there will be hundreds of cars there on Friday, and there is a planned cruise on Friday early evening. forecast changed to 50% and 20%, then yesterday 80% for Fri and only 10% Sat. So, it's a go except I need to decide if I want to drive 300 miles in the rain to get there. :-\
Got my oil changed yesterday, Made double sure there were no old seals on the filter mount,lol. Trying the Mobil 1 5-20 as recommended by Tom, Bill and others. Hope I get more than 4 miles out of this oil change. Ran it for 5 minutes, checked for leaks,checked the oil pressure. Don't ever want to go thru replacing that engine again.
I've got a new cooling fan motor on the way from Rockauto. This was the first time that I noticed they charged sales tax. That sucks, but I guess we could just consider ourselves lucky for the years we got away without it.
Rich I like you often ponder the "wealth" of running through the rain to a show and always come off with "it's a street rod, not a candy cane, it won't melt" and make the run. Have spent many an hour in the hotel lobby or under a canopy but always enjoyed every moment of the fellowship. Can't buy that anywhere!
Had the same thoughts about the Nats, heat instead of rain. AC is out on the 36, six hours to Louisville, wife happy/not happy, hotel has a pool, trip is on, great decision to go! Meat and talked to a great bunch of folks! Turned 140K miles on that trip......:<)
I'm with Lynn 100% on how he repairs his wires. That's how I have been repairing them for more years than I want to count.
Never have any problems,
I do it the same way............a hold over from my Navy days keeping P2V's flying.
Very interesting, I reckon it would be mandatory for a Navy plane that has to withstand moisture and sea water dampness.
Our cars can only benifit from that. I can only second what all of you said. crimp and solder and double wrap in shrink tube. I even add a third layer of protection with old rubber hose from a local restorers business. It is the type of insulation that the old crimped terminals would have had in the 1940s/early 50s. it looks very period correct.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2019-10-05 16:50
I'm with Lynn 100% on how he repairs his wires. That's how I have been repairing them for more years than I want to count.
Never have any problems,
Me too...I was taught to do it that way by my grandfather for house electrical repairs. Sorta just seemed sensible to carry it over into automotive stuff.
I don't solder. I use seamless crimp connectors with a quality crimp tool. I dip each wire in dielectric grease. OEM hasn't soldered for over 60 years. Even highly sensitive computer control connections are not soldered. Soldering is slow, dangerous and yields little or no advantage. Aftermarket harnesses are not soldered. Quality soldering requires skill. Unskilled soldering does more damage than good. Most of the terminal repairs that I have repaired are from corrosion, poor quality connectors, and poor quality solder damage. If soldering works for you and helps you sleep at night, continue! I'm not saying you are wrong and should change...just sharing my methods.
"Quality soldering requires skill. Unskilled soldering does more damage than good." My thoughts as well, and I sure don't feel I fall into the skilled solderer category.
There are very few soldered joints on my car. Battery cables for sure, but can't remember any others. The connector I had problems with was one that was cut from the donor car never expecting to have to be used. It had less than an inch of wires to work with. I had a better fan assembly that I accidentlly gave away when I sold the Mark VIII carcass. At that point in time, I didn't even know if I could use the fan assembly.
My replacement fan motor came in while I was gone. I can't remember what my thoughts were on the connector when I wired the car, but that splicing was for sure not my usual careful approach,nor the weathertight connectors I would normally use so I'm thinking it was just meant to be a temporary connection until I found a new replacement.....then promptly forgot about it.
700 mile roundtrip weekend to Ruidoso had no issues on this trip except my drive out there was 100% rain. Never a real heavy downpour though. I do have some new leaks I need to address sometime soon. My car never got over 200* even with no cooling fan! I knew that would be the case, or I never would have made the trip.
The Run to the Inn of the Mountain gods was a great time. Not a cloud in the sky Saturday!, and a great turnout. It did rain most the day Friday, so that put the dampers on most of the pre show stuff they do, like the cruise they had to cancel and early parking down on the grass area at the Inn. I'm going to guess at least 75% of the cars there were trailered in. Two others I know for sure were driven in......Pat Fleishman and his dad! Pat has his Ranchwagon, and Ralph had his '58 retractable. There was one other '57 there, a '57 black Fairlane 2dr htp. I'm not good at guessing how many cars are at a show, but maybe there were 3-400? If Pat reads this, maybe he can give his estimate.
I don't know how he knew to find me, but I was out in the field looking at the cars when a guy approached me and asked if I owned the dark silver '57 Ford. He introduced himself as the New Mexico Goodguys representative, and told me not to leave before the awards ceremony because he was giving me an award! That put a big smile on my face! I had no idea what the award was for, or how many he was handing out. Turned out, he was only giving one. At the awards show it was announced as the Goodguy rep's favorite car of the show! No way in hell I would interpret that to mean "best of show", there were many many top notch cars there, but to have someone around as many cars as a Goodguy's rep to pick mine as his favorite made me very proud!
Congratulations Rich! Really great news! Very happy for you. You're going to need a bigger hat? so many cars that are different from most others, just the right person at the right time that happened to be giving the award. New Mexico is big time Chevy country, esp. with the Hispanic crowd. This guy happened to like Fords, and his preference he told me was sedans over hardtops. Like I said, just the right guy at the right time. But, with that said, it sure makes one feel good when ya got a car that was home built in a one car dirt floor makeshift garage and it gets that favorite award over the show car jewels/trailer queens.
I must add however, I think this particular show this year had more cars trailered in because of the weather that normally would have been driven in.
An observation.....most the parts I've been buying for my '57/Lincoln Mark VIII drivetrain are made in China. All of the parts I've bought for my dd Subaru outback in the past year have been made in the USA! Weird.
Good for you Rich, great way to end your summer of frustration, you should be proud.
Thanks Les.
I told ya I wasn't good at guessing numbers.....registrations at the run to the Inn show was 232.
Great news Rich, I'm happy for you that all went well on your road trip. Just think how much more fun that is then dragging a trailer around. I hope you post some pictures..
Thanks Jim. I'll post some pics later. I decided to spend some time figuring out this posting pics thing again now that I just use my iphone instead of my camera. That's why I've stopped posting pics for the most part, no problem once they're on my computer, but getting them there was my issue. I did find out yesterday from a youtube video a very easy way to transfer pics directly from the phone to the computer with just a few clicks. That almost went well, except when it said the pics would be downloaded and sorted by date, I thought they meant the date the pics were taken, which is exactly what I wanted. What it did was sort it by the date the download occurs on, so I've got about 900 pics all in one folder. So, I've got to figure out what happened there so I can actually find stuff. The stuff I spent time putting a tag on a grouping was put in it's own folder, but still not arranged by the date the pic was taken. Also, every pic in the iphone was downloaded except the ones I took at the show this weekend!! Something else to figure out.
Here's a link to the youtube video on transfering pics from the phone to computer if anybody is interested.
I don't have a phone and just use my old camera. My wife takes a lot of pictures on our trip with hers and so much better then the ones I take. She downloads them to her laptop and then sends them to me, but even with the phone set at the lowest resolution they are to big to post here so then I would have to resize them, another PITA so I don't post hers. Other sites I use automatically resize pictures, wish we had that here.
Some pics. The first one was taken from a MacDonalds parking lot in Santa Rosa, which is where I break off from I40 and head south. You can see I40 winding up the other side of the valley. I took very few pics at the show, and they were not too good. To get a good shot of the show, it really needs to be taken from higher ground.
These two will give an idea of the crowds that were there all day long
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-10-07 19:35
Nice plaque! Good to see it go to a ' often those things go to the guys with the bow-ties between the rails of a former Ford. You certainly deserve it! Congrats!
Nice to see that sweet gal on the road again instead of where I saw it last...crying crocodile tears in the garage with indigestion. :003:
That looks like a great road trip. I'm dying to get on the road again if mother nature would only cooperate.
It sure looks chilly in that first photo. Remind me, what are your tail lights out of?
A perfect chilly. I drove most the way with my windows down, a flannel shirt and heater on low. My kind of weather.
opps! senior moment, that was on the way home with no rain.
Tailights are 63 Galaxie 500 XL. The XLs have the 4 fins that the lower models don't have. My gas and brake pedals are also 63 Galaxie 500 XLs. They are the stainless with rubber ribs. All available as repops.
The oem 63 tailights don't have the outer trim ring like mine do. I made those rings from stainless dog dish bowls. 4 bucks at Big Lots, lol.
The first pic you mentioned is on the old RT66, a few miles down the road from the car museum and Bozo's garage.
I always wondered if I should have installed the tailights with the fins angled to line up with the tailfin, or used the ones with no fins. I may have that photoshoped to see what it would look like.
Another senior moment.....If I remember correctly, I didn't angle the tailight to match the fin because you can't. The car's fin centerline, if extended, does not pass through the center of the tailight.
70's yesterday, 40's this morning.....deepfreeze in low 20's tomorrow! urg!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who drives with the window down and the heater on, my wife thinks I'm crazy :003: We have Santa Ana winds coming today and tomorrow, they said they could be the worst in 20 years and I hate wind :005:
Forest fire season in SoCal with the winds picking up?
50s over here and 40 nighttimes. it is getting uncomfortable outside.
65 and sunny!. beautiful here!
Like Rich told me, it could be worse, they say it will be below 0 in our area in the morning. And yes I find this very uncomfortable.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-10-10 11:11
I'm glad I'm not the only one who drives with the window down and the heater on, my wife thinks I'm crazy :003:
After hang around with all of us '57 lunatics! :006:
I drive the Saleen around with the top down and the windows up to build a cocoon...then turn the heater on. Stay nice and toasty at 65-70...even when it is 35 out. Not that the Saleen sees much of that weather...but it has on occasion. :burnout:
P.S. Oh...and over here on the edge of the continent...(12 miles away from Victoria B.C. Canada) we are getting 55-60 degree days with nights in the 33-35 range. Alvin wins the deep freeze award! :003:
I participated in the NSRA Cajun Nationals last Friday.... 97 degrees! Over 600 cars at last count.
After carrying all our big potted plants inside last night, it never got below 34ish, and it's up to 63 right now.
I did finally get my cooling fan working again. Replaced the fan motor yesterday. That, I'm sure was the original problem. The other issues with the connector, relay and fuse came about when I started disassemling stuff to check it out. It is soooo much quieter than it use to be.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-10-11 17:51
I did finally get my cooling fan working again. Replaced the fan motor yesterday. That, I'm sure was the original problem. The other issues with the connector, relay and fuse came about when I started disassemling stuff to check it out. It is soooo much quieter than it use to be.
Quiet and cool! Can't ask for more than that from a HOT rod! :003:
Now your Looks HOT...but stays cool!
Sorry...couldn't resist those...I have others, but I don't want club members to hunt me down and allow me an up close examination of their undercarriages! HEHEHEHE! :006:
Going into and out of the fair grounds at the Nats was the true test of cooling systems! Slow, as in slower then walking, mid 90s and not a breath of air moving. Many rods, both early and the later stuff (50s & 60s) were off to the side of the road "catching their breath". Nothing more miserable then a HOT hot rod! Happy to say mine behaved very well....:<)
I wouldn't expect anything less from one of your cars, Bill. Of course you did bring that Ford powered Chevy, right?
Overall, at all of the shows I've been at, I see very few with mechanical issues, and most of the ones I did see were dead battery the guy who was at one of the shows trying to find someone who could jump his 6v car.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-10-12 08:37
I wouldn't expect anything less from one of your cars, Bill. Of course you did bring that Ford powered Chevy, right?
Overall, at all of the shows I've been at, I see very few with mechanical issues, and most of the ones I did see were dead battery the guy who was at one of the shows trying to find someone who could jump his 6v car.
I wonder what the issue was? We use to jump start 6V cars with 12V all the time. Back in the 60's I had an 57 with 11.5:1 Y block I used a 6V starter in it..
Yup, the ol 36. Only has 140K on it now. Time to rebuild the front suspension (M II), guess the 351 should be rebuilt as it got a "rattle can overhaul" in 1974 after coming out of a 72 Ranchero in a wrecking yard. Not sure how many miles are on it. Just happy it has been a good reliable car over the years and never saw a flat bed until the tire issue!
Yesterday was finally weather I could tolerate in the desert so off we went to Barstow to chase UP 4014 from there to the Cajon Pass. Stopped at Molly Browns for breakfast on the way. Our first chase was with my son riding in the bed of the Ranchero shooting a video, I've included a link but it's from some google drive that I don't have so if some can see it please let me know. My wife did a video from inside also but I have no clue how to get it off her phone. We did more video at another location also. Then on the way home I was cruising along at 95 with the wife suggesting I maybe should slow down :005: and me trying to convince her that the speedometer just looked that way because she was viewing from an angle but she didn't buy that and just as I let off the gas as we were approaching a slower car she reached over and took a picture to prove I was full of bs. So she only wrote me a ticket for 92 rather then 95, my lucky day :003:
A couple I had to resize, hope this works.
I opened it, just clicked on it Great video! I get stuff off of my phone by emailing it to myself and then saving it to my desktop.
Quote from: lalessi1 on 2019-10-14 11:28
I opened it, just clicked on it Great video! I get stuff off of my phone by emailing it to myself and then saving it to my desktop.
Thanks Lynn. It won't work for me, says format isn't supported so it may just be my old computer :005: The other video from in car is on the wifes phone so we are still working on it.
heres the other one from our last location
Jim...those videos are just plain cool! Love them both! So is this something that takes place on a regular basis? I see there were a lot of people out taking pics and video. Gotta love the old engines...they had a certain warmth about them. And how do they keep all the moronic graffiti jerks from messing up the cars? They all looked so pristine!
Thanks for the share!
that is just so cool !!! thx for the videos Jim. The panoramic view cars are incredible !
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2019-10-14 13:04
Jim...those videos are just plain cool! Love them both! So is this something that takes place on a regular basis? I see there were a lot of people out taking pics and video. Gotta love the old engines...they had a certain warmth about them. And how do they keep all the moronic graffiti jerks from messing up the cars? They all looked so pristine!
Thanks for the share!
This probably won't happen again in this area. That engine was stored for years after it ended regular service at the Los Angeles County Fairplex in Pomona. it was donated by the Union Pacific. Five years ago the UP asked for it back so they could restore it. I was there when they moved it out of the fair grounds and then towed it back to Cheyenne were their steam shops are, they have two other big steam engines. It went through a 5 year ground up rebuild and it has only been running a few months. It came here as a tribute to the people who cared for it over the years. All this equipment is stored securely at the Cheyenne shops. I road the train back in 1985 the last time it was here but had engine 3985 as power.
This picture is when they pulled it out of the fair grounds and headed to Cheyenne
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-10-14 16:31
that is just so cool !!! thx for the videos Jim. The panoramic view cars are incredible !
They were great cars, I rode one, the Missouri River Eagle in 1985.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-10-14 09:38
... Then on the way home I was cruising along at 95 with the wife suggesting I maybe should slow down :005: and me trying to convince her that the speedometer just looked that way because she was viewing from an angle ....
That big old steam engine was great! I wasn't supposed to but did ride in the cab of one for 40 or 50 miles when I was little kid & my dad was a Locomotive Fireman or maybe by then a Locomotive Engineer on the Alaska Railroad.
Too bad your wife busted you for speedin'! :075:
Years ago when I was in the service the ex & I were cruising up I-5 towards Seattle from the bay area in our 406 powered '62 Galaxie. I must have been doing about 85 or 90. She thought we were going too fast. I says, 'no look at the speedo'.
It read about 65.
What she didn't know is that when I'd changed the gear ratio from 4:11s to something way higher so we could save some rpms & gas while we were still down there & able to cruise those big highways all up & down the coast ... I did not change the speedo cable gear to match the new gear ratio.
I just kept goin'. :003:
That was a great car & I probably got a good deal on it down there because the guy didn't like it's gas mileage. What he'd already done about it was pretty foolish. He'd pulled the triple carb setup, sold it, & put on a 4 barrel. : (
I think I paid just 35 bucks for that higher geared 9" center section at a junkyard in 1967 or '68. When off of those freeways it was sometimes a way to high gear though.
Lucky you for the cab ride, I've had a few but in diesels. I've operated a diesel engine and someday hope to get to Ely Nev to run steam.
I use to change to a higher gear back in the old days when I lived on flat ground :003: Now I live in the hills so I kept the 3.89 gears and have a T85OD trans. I'm lucky if I find an actual open stretch once a year and still don't know what the top speed is, I always end up catching a car ahead :005:
What was funny or maybe sad but when I slowed down to about 80 some old lady in a Toyota drove around me...
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-10-15 07:39...when I slowed down to about 80 some old lady in a Toyota drove around me...
Hmm ... I wonder if she was from Pasadena & drove a Mopar many years ago.
Quote from: Tom S on 2019-10-15 08:04
Hmm ... I wonder if she was from Pasadena & drove a Mopar many years ago.
Could be, but now everyone here drives 80+
FYI all,
I don't know if this has been posted before. Union Pacific 4014 Big Boy is actually on tour. List of dates and location of stops on their website (link below). It should be leaving Yuma AZ tomorrow morning. It will be going through Kansas Nov. 17 - 22.
Sure is making a big circle around Amarillo! Nearest point to me looks about 5 hr drive. Thanks for posting that, Thor. How's everything up in Kansas?
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-10-16 07:18
Sure is making a big circle around Amarillo! Nearest point to me looks about 5 hr drive. Thanks for posting that, Thor. How's everything up in Kansas?
5 hr drive in a 57 is a piece of cake :003: I was lucky only a little over a 100 miles for me across the desert route.
Great info. I plan on meeting up with it at Kit Carson Colorado on Nov. 23rd. I can follow it for 45 miles as the tracks, run right next to highway 287. I probably wouldn't have know about it if you didn't post it.
Quote from: fdlrc on 2019-10-16 18:39
Great info. I plan on meeting up with it at Kit Carson Colorado on Nov. 23rd. I can follow it for 45 miles as the tracks, run right next to highway 287. I probably wouldn't have know about it if you didn't post it.
Good luck, I hope you have open road and not many spectators.
Running parallel to the tracks on Route 66 between Barstow and Victorville we 100+ cars chasing it :005:. Trying to get ahead of that mess for our second video took so major wheel work and 57 horse power :003:
I was wondering about that...gotta be real careful to make sure some lookieloo's heading the opposite direction don't drive head on into you..... or you into them for that matter.... Lots of cars being distracted from what's in front of them.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-10-17 10:57
I was wondering about that...gotta be real careful to make sure some lookieloo's heading the opposite direction don't drive head on into you..... or you into them for that matter.... Lots of cars being distracted from what's in front of them.
Yep, it's like trying to thread a needle while your dancing :003:
Yesterday I went to a small car show, maybe 60 cars of all descriptions spur of the moment, gorgeous weather thing. I came home feeling very proud of our '57 Fords. My car is built as a '60s sleeper with most of the stuff "all go and no show", and by far no "show" car. I fielded a lot of "what is it" questions" and received a lot of compliments including comments from a couple of guys that thought it was the coolest car at the show. I started not to share this because I didn't want it to sound like bragging but I really thought it was more about having a 1957 Ford!
On another note...I had mentioned in another post about receiving comments in the past about my car needing bigger rear tires. I actually had some guy come up and remark when he saw the engine "I knew it wasn't stock when I saw those rear tires"!!!! :003:
I feel the same way when I post about all the cool thoughts and comments I get on mine...........people are just not use to seeing '57 Fords. I went to the local first-Saturday-of-the-month cruise this past weekend, and there were 4 57 Fords there! My Custom, a Ranchero that I had followed to a Canadian, Tx car show a few weeks ago, my friend's 57 Fairlane that followed me to Red River, NM last year, and a black Ranchwagon that may have been Pat Fleishman's brother. It left before I had a chance to see who brought it.
Besides that, it's OK to brag about our cars here anyways, lol. Them Chevie guys sure don't want to hear it.
Lynn, Your 57 is one of my all time favourite cars....It is EXACTLY how i want my 57 s to be... a sleeper..It's not bragging... its called being proud.Hopefully one day I can meet you at the Lone Star bayou and see that beauty in person.I for one would like to see more of your car.It's perfect.
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2019-11-04 10:33
Lynn, Your 57 is one of my all time favourite cars....It is EXACTLY how i want my 57 s to be... a sleeper..It's not bragging... its called being proud.Hopefully one day I can meet you at the Lone Star bayou and see that beauty in person.I for one would like to see more of your car.It's perfect.
I'd just like to SEE his car.
Hugh, Lynn is a little shy of posting pics of his car. I remember that usually I had been waiting about a year or so until he posts new pics. :003:
I love his Custom. it has a very cool paint combo and stance.
PS, isnt it amazing, the body lines that really pop out on Lynns car. his color combo is unusual but it really exeggerates the body lines. look how the rear quarter trim goes with the body line on the rear wheel well and how the black glass surrounds on the C pillar also match the curve of the chrome trim on quarter panel. WOW !
No offense to Fairlane owners, but the Custom and Custom 300 sure have a thing or two going imho ! WOW again ! :001:
btw Hugh, remember you got that Custom quarter panel chrome trim on the SD Courier as well ! :002:
That is one hot lookin' ride to be sure! I think part of the "look" is courtesy of the pic too though. The camera was set up so that it was down low and took a straight on broadside of the car...with equal distance between the center focus of the car and each end.
I too like the color definitely accents the body lines real well!
Thanks for the pic G...
And Lynn...sweet ride!!! :003: :burnout:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-04 17:20
btw Hugh, remember you got that Custom quarter panel chrome trim on the SD Courier as well ! :002:
I do! And it is safe! I figured it might be hard to it was well cared for...on this car and will be on the one that is in the garge still.
Lynn has/had a sedan delivery also? Don't think I ever knew that. never mind.........reading lessons for the elderly coming up next week.
The angle of his back bumper appears to have been changed.
I'll post it here and on the "wanted" board as well..........a local shop called me tonight looking for a distributor for a 312. He's doing some mechanical restoration work on a 57 retractable for a customer, said it looked like the po tried to move/remove the distributor with a big hammer. If anybody's got one, or a source, let me know.
Also, as long as I'm in subject matter swing mode........I know a lot of us are techno challenged, so I'll share this: I accidentally found a feature on my Iphone 7 yesterday that put a smile on my face. I've always struggled trying to take photos and keeping my finger on the digital shutter button on the screen. I found out when the phone is in camera mode, the physical button for lowering the sound/ring volumn turns into the camera shutter button! who knew? everyone but me?
You guys are going to have to live with my bad spelling...I've been noticing our spell check on the forum isn't working any more.
Rich appears to be suffering from CRS... :003:
Maybe, but I can't remember what CRS stands for.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-11-06 14:23
Maybe, but I can't remember what CRS stands for.
:003: Can't Remember Sh..... :002:
That's okay Rich...I suffer from it too...sometimes though...on purpose! LOL!!!
"That's okay Rich...I suffer from it too...sometimes though...on purpose! LOL!!!"............exactly what my previous post was about.
This is the time of year I really miss New England , and particularlytoday as I look at all the leaves around my house that need to be raked up. One thing I especially miss is the smell of burning leaves throughout the town...........probably don't allow that anymore back there either. They don't here.
Yea...can't burn leaves in the cities around here anymore either. That was half the fun when we were kids...burn leaves late in the day...then maybe roast marshmallows that evening over the coals left behind.
I HATE the world we live in today sometimes...actually most of the time. Seems like many of the fun things we could do...are not allowed anymore. And eggs! (Can we still say sucks eggs? Or has than been made a no-no as well?)
Can't have burn pits/camp fires anymore, they pollute, but nearly every house around here has a fire place?
Huge, you are right. I don't know how much more of this crap I can take, I'm kind of glad I'm on the way out. I'v been accused of living in the past, and I guess to some extent that is right. All we can do now is remember how good it was, the music, the cars and life in general. I feel sorry for my grand children as they have no idea as to how nice it was to grow up in the 50's and 60's. Things that are exceptable now were not when we were growing up, gays stayed in the closet and never heard of a guy getting his dick cut off so he could be a "women" to me this is still unexceptable, but it is a norm for the children of today, what will it be like in 20 years. Well I have vented enough for now, hope I didn't offend any one. Take care, Alvin
I built a small fire pit in our back yard. One fall evening we had a wiener roast with our kids with a couple other of their friends. Off in the distance I could hear a siren that was getting closer and closer and sure as hell a fire truck pulled up in front our house with 4 firemen in full fire battle gear holding extinguishers, axes ready to put out this small campfire. We ended up putting it out.
They told us your next door neighbors phoned it in and we have to respond and there is a no burning bylaw in our district. Great neighbors. Havent spoke to the a@@holes since.
We left the city 20 years ago.. we have bon fires all year round.Surrounded by farms... We love living in the country.... close Lake Huron and the city is 3 hours away.
Thank god.
I live in the city for now...but when we move to MO I will be living in the country, on a big enough piece of land that I cannot see, hear or smell my neighbors. I don't want to even KNOW I have neighbors. I am so sick of people sticking their noses into my business...or hearing their fights in their home I could just scream.
Saw a shirt one day a few months ago..."I used to be a people person...then people ruined it". In today's world that is so true....sadly. are spot all aspects...sadly!
Hugh, don't know what music you're into, but as soon as you moved in you should check your own Branson , MO 'The Petersens'.
They are just terrific and I think they go to show that even today there at least can be some good music around.
Hey guys, thanks for all the kind words about my car. Been on a little beach trip...our 30th anniversary. Beautiful weather on the beach, upper '70s... very nice time.
Guenter, on Saturdays we have a local high school radio station starting around 10:00 CST. They play 60s (early and late), some local blues, some local Cajun music. WBRH. to stream. I think you might find it fun listening
They are awesome G!
I like country (although not much of that around anymore these days), 50's & 60's R&R (from my era), jazz, blues and the Big Band era sound. Pretty much anything I suppose except that garbage rap.
I have heard of the Petersons...I spent 8 months in Branson last year re-habbing an apartment building I bought there. Branson is a really neat town...all of their shows are family friendly, for the most part inexpensive and the people who live/work there are kind and friendly.
Hugh, do me a huge favor and go to one of their shows and maybe think of me a little too. I will not make it anywhere near Branson anytime soon and I just love their music so much. The sound is pure and being all family members ( except dobro guitar player) I cannot believe how much talent they each have. much more than a whole bunch of modern music producers, 'artist' or even half of todays 'pop' business, if you ask me.
Seeing that their father is an Air force member and from their Christian background, I am sure the talent did not come without discipline, some really hard work, practice, and again hard work and practice.
Anyways. I have been thinking of opening a topic about music for a long time but was hesitating. last time when Lynn did one in off topic that was cool. I believe I would want to moderate a topic that is related to our '57 Fords but would also expand to all types of American roots music and up to possibly the early/mid 1970s.
Let me know of what you guys think about that, and where we should put that in case. Unfortunatley we don't have a button here to directly link youtube (music clip) videos. I don't know if James or Rich would be willing to install that.
I will try to get that streamed, Lynn. that is about 5pm our time so a good time to listen to the radio !
Quote from: lalessi1 on 2019-11-07 14:33
Guenter, on Saturdays we have a local high school radio station starting around 10:00 CST. They play 60s (early and late), some local blues, some local Cajun music. WBRH. to stream. I think you might find it fun listening
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-07 16:18
Hugh, do me a huge favor and go to one of their shows and maybe think of me a little too. I will not make it anywhere near Branson anytime soon and I just love their music so much. The sound is pure and being all family members ( except dobro guitar player) I cannot believe how much talent they each have. much more than a whole bunch of modern music producers, 'artist' or even half of todays 'pop' business, if you ask me.
I will do that when we get moved over there. I seem to remember seeing one of their billboards around town as well. I will shoot a pic of it and send it to you next time I am out there...which might be sooner than later. I have some things to deal with at the apartment building.
Very cool! I see they have a long line of Christmas concerts on their schedule.
BTW I am just totally crazy about Bluegrass music. can't get enough of that crazy Banjo pickin', so here is some more classics for today :002:
( don't worry, I am also into Blues, Swing, Jazz, Soul, RocknRoll, .... :003:)
I can see that if I get my car over there, and we go cruisin'...there will be some very similar music being shared with the people around us! LOL!!! :003:
And yes...Christmas is a very large part of the "Branson Attraction"...almost as many people on any given day for Christmas as there is during July at the peak of the summer season. Pretty spectacular.
Same here, blue grass, jazz, blues and big band. So I bought a big band CD on Ebay for my last road trip and it came with three CDs. My friend was headed to Santa Fe last week so I offered to let him take them. He looked at me like I was crazy and laughed and told be his new Escape didn't have a CD player and most new cars don't :005:
he must have bought a cheap standard version of that car, so he doesn't even have CD...poor guy :002: :003:
I have a sweet and crazy band here for you. ties it all together. A hint of RhythmnBlues, C&W, Swing, Jazz, a bit of Rockabilly. Don't know what to call it but they are great ! :001:
Yea, a lot of cars sold nowadays don't have CD players anymore. They are all wired for bliuetooth or for internet radio.
I still like to take my CD's with me. I have everything from Johann Strauss Jr. (I LOVE Blue Danube) to my 50's and 60's rock, to Dave Brubeck, to Taj Mahal and much more.
What Big Band CD set did you buy on E-Bay?
I love acoustic music, I still listen to Jorma Kaukonen ( HOT TUNA ) remember them?
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-07 17:32
he must have bought a cheap standard version of that car, so he doesn't even have CD...poor guy :002: :003:
I have a sweet and crazy band here for you. ties it all together. A hint of RhythmnBlues, C&W, Swing, Jazz, a bit of Rockabilly. Don't know what to call it but they are great ! :001:
Thats great road music :003:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-07 17:32
he must have bought a cheap standard version of that car, so he doesn't even have CD...poor guy :002: :003:
I have a sweet and crazy band here for you. ties it all together. A hint of RhythmnBlues, C&W, Swing, Jazz, a bit of Rockabilly. Don't know what to call it but they are great ! :001:
Gunther...check out these guys. They make your feet move. Same sort of stuff...saw them in a tavern in Port Townsend one night. Met Birch...great guy. shot some pics of the band for him as well.
I still have 500+ 60-70s vinyl and a turn table :003:
You guys know how to ROCK ! :003:
brilliant music !
I gotta go for some sleep now, or we would entertain the night away. let's talk about vinyl tomorrow Jim !
Next time you see your friend with the new car, you hand him a 7" record, and when he puts on some weird look, you tell thim that if his car hasn't even a cd player, it at least should have a record player. No ? :003:
As do I. Over 3200 records...1800+ of country from the late 50's through the early 80's. Then there is show tunes, swing, (country and jazz) Big Band and 50's/60's Rock and Roll! Plus old style Christmas and Broadway tunes.
This one was shot at the Triple XXX Rootbeer Drive-In located in Issaquah WA on I-90 east of Seattle by about 45 miles or so at the base of Mt. Rainier. Been there several times. During the summer it is a car show haven...nearly every weekend is a car show.
They get airplay on a community radio station KNKX or the stations web station & you can also pick up as well (formerly KPLU) I generally listen all across the country when I am Branson bound or heading the opposite way. Gotta love smartphones and Bluetooth boxes! LOL!!!
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-07 18:17
You guys know how to ROCK ! :003:
brilliant music !
I gotta go for some sleep now, or we would entertain the night away. let's talk about vinyl tomorrow Jim !
Next time you see your friend with the new car, you hand him a 7" record, and when he puts on some weird look, you tell thim that if his car hasn't even a cd player, it at least should have a record player. No ? :003:
Don't get me started :003: Have a good night
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-07 14:11
Hugh, don't know what music you're into, but as soon as you moved in you should check your own Branson , MO 'The Petersens'.
They are just terrific and I think they go to show that even today there at least can be some good music around.
Just now listened to the links you sent out, along with some of their other stuff. Great family...excellent entertainers. Typical of the sort of things you find in Branson.
When the day comes you get to come can stay with us and we'll tour the town! :003:
who knows, one of these days ??? :001:
It would be dream for me to one day make an East - West road trip in a 57 Ford wagon on country roads ( ie small roads, not necessarily Country Music roads :003:). At this point I am a long way from that due to business and family obligations and financial reasons, but who knows. We can dream, can't we ?
They Day I'll leave New England, heading West, I'll most probably have this song on the play list, starting early morning, have some donuts and hot coffee and listen to the Y block purring and watching those sweet pine trees go bye from the wraparound windshield of my 57 Ford...lets get rolling !
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2019-11-07 18:20
As do I. Over 3200 records...1800+ of country from the late 50's through the early 80's. Then there is show tunes, swing, (country and jazz) Big Band and 50's/60's Rock and Roll! Plus old style Christmas and Broadway tunes.
My records are only half of what I use to have, the ex wife got the other half :005:
The guy knew how to bend the strings didn't he? Too bad he didn't have more recording success. But according to his bio he did well as a writer.
********************** least you got your sanity back eh? LOL!!!
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2019-11-08 10:18
The guy knew how to bend the strings didn't he? Too bad he didn't have more recording success. But according to his bio he did well as a writer.
********************** least you got your sanity back eh? LOL!!!
Thats debatable :003:
My sister inherited a about a 5000-6000 record collection. Shes working on trying to sell most off on Discogs or through private sales.
Davey Allen and the Arrows, blues theme... great song for a cheesy movie.
Well, I finally drove up to Maine to pick up my 57! It was cold and rainy up there and reminded me of why I left the state in the first place (although I very much love my home state, Maine) After I got it home (it seemed the trip took forever!) I struggled with a few issues. The safety neutral switch was bad, the accelerator diaphragm was bad, the ballast resistor was bad (all fixed now!). I still have some wiring issues from previous owners, but I'm working them out. I'd like to give a shout out to all the folks that post information here as I wouldn't have figured out the ballast resistor issue and some of the other wiring issues!! :006: She is no show queen, but she is a great car to cruise around in!! Can't wait to get moved up to the Ocala FL area and join some of the cruise nights up there! Does anyone know if it's cheaper to get a power window motor repaired or replace it with a re-manufactured one? The next major project will be checking out and maybe rebuilding the brake system as they are very spongy! Thanks for everything!!
Quote from: rmk57 on 2019-11-08 21:11
My sister inherited a about a 5000-6000 record collection. Shes working on trying to sell most off on Discogs or through private sales.
I did NOT need to hear/read that! LOL!!! I would probably sit there with root-beer and finger through every single one of those records. And buy more than my share! :laughing7:
When we get moved into our place in albums and stereo and turntable are coming out of their forced retirement and into their own room...where I can listen to them at my leisure. And if I went to see her..I would just add more to that collection! :003: Hopefully you are not now going to tell me she lives in either WA state or MO...
She looks really nice to me! Congrats.
Car looks great, Scott. That's a really pretty blue. Did I understand you drove it from Maine to Florida, or tow? The things you mentioned sound like relatively minor issues, so glad you made it with just those to be fixed. Thanks for posting.......always great seeing what the new guys are up to.
Great looking car. Make the brakes your #1 priority.
Thanks for the replies guys! I did tow it down on a uhaul car trailer Rich. I contemplated driving it down, but glad I didn't because of the bunch of little problems I encountered when I got it home! LOL When I got to the car with the trailer, I was a little worried that the car wouldn't fit, but everything worked out great. The car is not as original as my friend thought it was. Still has the original motor and trans as far as I can tell. 66K on the odometer. My friend had it tucked away in his garage for the last 10 years and didn't get to use it much. His wife wanted the space to put her car in for the winter so with a tear in his eye, he offered it to me and I accepted without seeing it! He is a brother Mason so I didn't doubt his word on the condition! I am so glad to be in Florida so I can play with it year round and feel bad for those of you that have to put them away for the winter! And yes, the brakes will be a priority!!
As I'm trying to beat the first, spitting snow, '57 projects are set aside to get things tucked in for winter. Once I get the '41 back on the frame table with sheet metal piled on, there will be room in the shop for the Raunch Wagon with a list of maintenance items. The cammer fits like it belongs.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2019-11-09 20:28
As I'm trying to beat the first, spitting snow, '57 projects are set aside to get things tucked in for winter. Once I get the '41 back on the frame table with sheet metal piled on, there will be room in the shop for the Raunch Wagon with a list of maintenance items. The cammer fits like it belongs.
Is that a 6-speed I see in the hump? Gonna be a sweet ride that one is! :003:
The JD needed an oil change and a little brake service before putting on the cab and snow blower.
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2019-11-09 20:34
Is that a 6-speed I see in the hump? :003:
T56 Magnum fresh out of the box.
PIC: back seat
Quote from: gasman826 on 2019-11-09 20:42
T56 Magnum fresh out of the box.
PIC: back seat
SWEET! All quality vehicles have 3 pedals! (I have 2 explorers...BOTH have 5=speeds! LOL!!!) Might have to make a trip out to MA one day this next summer and take a look-see! Once I get moved to MO it'll be a much closer trip to drive around and see cars!
Can Hardly wait until "FORD vs. FERRARI" comes out soon this month!!!!....I gotta a feeling it will be fantastic..... from friends who have worked on the production...... Christian Bale is a great Actor.
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2019-11-10 09:44
Can Hardly wait until "FORD vs. FERRARI" comes out soon this month!!!!....I gotta a feeling it will be fantastic..... from friends who have worked on the production...... Christian Bale is a great Actor. too! Only 7 more days! And if it is as good as I think it will be...when it comes out on DVD I will be grabbing one! One of Shelby's right hand guys lives here in the Port Angeles/Sequim area, and he has great stories from those days.
Very nice day today. My wife and her cousin came home after church and said "let's go to lunch". It was like 10:30. I said it's a little early for lunch, and she replied "not if we go to Russell's, and we can take the '57 if you want". Damn near fell off the chair. She never wants to go for rides, and especially in the '57. Russell's is a truck stop on I40 in New Mexico......about 160 mile roundtrip. Had a nice day, no bitching about the A/C not working or the car being too loud.
My birthday is on Thanksgiving this year, and I've been telling her what I wanted was a roadtrip to my favorite casino-hotel in Oklahoma, and for her to come. Today might have been a trial run for her to see how she might do on a long haul.
And thus...we know why so many times when we go to car is mostly guys and very few women.
My wife is about the I have told her that when we get moved and the cars are running..I am rolling. I will ask her once about going...if she says no I will take her at her word. So when she sees me heading out the door a week or 2 later...not to be surprised or mad...cause she was asked... :006:
I have waited for well over 40 years to be able to build then drive my rides...and I am now close to being able to finish them...and then drive them. I fully intend to do so. May the roads be clear and dry and heading where I wish to go!
great to hear Rich. Actually it's great to drive alone and with company. I have both benn making several hundreds of miles roadtrips alone and with family or friends as well. Just yesterday my friends from Bavaria ( Germany) visited me and they had a 500 mile roundtrip in their 55 Ch.... uhm Shha.... uhm yeah, you know it.... :003:
We had a great time and they enjoyed their very late fall trip, it was already freezing temps in the night, but no snow or road salt yet. In this case my longtime friend Baumi ( also on the HAMB, Rich and Jeff will probably know him) took along his girlfriend and she just loves cruizing in old cars, even has a 52ish Suburban of her own. They go everywhere together, when time permits. But Baumi also drives alone if she can't make it. So I believe it's great to invite your partners/family to join the ride, but not being to much dissapointed if they dont' want to sometimes.
Different strokes for different folks :003: I can't get out of town without the wife, the only thing she requires on long trips is new music.
Exactly Guenter. Time alone has always been important to me. Especially on the road trips. I can blast the music, drive with the window down, smoke, not have the A/C on until really really needed, just enjoy the quiet, etc........but, on the flip side, I won't stop in most places I'd like to visit if my wife/partner was with me.
In all honesty...I think I prefer to drive alone. My music, my speed of choice, peace and quiet. I was single for 20 years before getting married, so the solitude works for me. LOL!!!
Just got back home from social dancing and they were rocking this platter today. wow, how I love the wild Big Band of Artie Shaw!!!
at 2min32s this one gets crazy! if you don't tap a foot you must be dead !
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-12 16:30
Just got back home from social dancing and they were rocking this platter today. wow, how I love the wild Big Band of Artie Shaw!!!
at 2min32s this one gets crazy! if you don't tap a foot you must be dead !
Artie Shaw, Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman, Dorsey Bros, Billy Eckstein, Cab Calloway...all of those guys and more from that era were true musicians who really knew how to make people's toes and heels move around! Even if they were sitting still. Fingers too!
so true Hugh, These guys rocked, when the word ROCK wasn't even born. Here's another of my favorites. this is so wild too.
And this man here, gotta love this tune, the fast version, real swinging ! this has some interesting R&B sax solos and a total change of pace at 2:07. that is just so beautiful !
And here's another hot tune, you probably know anyways. One of my alltime favorites. Bunny Berigan on trumpet. but this version has much more . foot tapping that is... :003: this goes into a frenzy at 2:10. when you dance to that it feels like 1000hp pushing.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-12 17:10
And here's another hot tune, you probably know anyways. One of my alltime favorites. Bunny Berigan on trumpet. but this version has much more . foot tapping that is... :003: this goes into a frenzy at 2:10. when you dance to that it feels like 1000hp pushing.
I have a CD set of Lionel Hampton. And a 2 CD set of Billy Eckstein. Louis Jordan is another one to listen to. He was the true beginning of R & R I think. You can hear him on or from time to time.
So much of the early R & R came from the swing era, as well as a lot of the blues music.
My youngest was in a Big Band swing band for several years...tenor sax and bass trombone...I miss him being in that. But time, work, know.
music is such a tough business! I have been involved and part of music for most of my life. Hats off to all musicians and what they have to cope with on their way to stardom. not easy.
I am sorry if am getting carried away a bit, but it's just so good ! :002:
loving Louis Jordan, Jimmy Lunceford, Hampton, Baron Lee, Fats Waller, Calloway......., they each have a unique sound.
On a side note, I usually tell my friends if I had to decide between music or cars, I would choose Imagine life without cars. would be really boring, especially without a 57 Ford. BUT - imagine a life without music. I would go insane after a day or so....
I wouldn't chose. I'd just tell who ever was silly enough to tell me I had to choose that he could go pound sand! LOL!!!
I have been in music for most of my life as well. Worked as a DJ 3 times in my life, have extensive collections of music, and when my son said he wanted to play...I was all in. That started in the 5th grade...and he played in school and in that professional band until he was 22 when the band leader died. He tried a couple of local bands, but they weren't as serious as he, so he let it go. Sad. I miss the shows (at 87)
I am lucky that they produced a couple of DVD's of their shows, so I have those. I even did the cover art for one of them.
you're right Hugh, it is the combination of cars and music, which makes it great. nothing better than rolling around in a 57 Ford while listening to some good music !
Sorry to hear that your son got out of music because he could not find the right band, totally understand that. music needs a lot of understanding and friendship. Are there any you tube videos available of your sons band ?
BTW love the Dorseys. have this one on a real 78. this thing is hot :002:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-12 17:42
you're right Hugh, it is the combination of cars and music, which makes it great. nothing better than rolling around in a 57 Ford while listening to some good music !
Sorry to hear that your son got out of music because he could not find the right band, totally understand that. music needs a lot of understanding and friendship. Are there any you tube videos available of your sons band ?
Not that I am aware of. BUT...there is one that I know of from a gig they did I think before he was in the band...look for Fon Morcus drummer in Yahoo. There is one of him playing Timpani Drums doing the solo for 2001 A Space Odyssey. while watching it...keep in mind he was about 72 years old at the time!
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-12 17:47
BTW love the Dorseys. have this one on a real 78. this thing is hot :002:
When my uncle finished college after WWII he had an opportunity to play with one of the
Dorsey Bros bands...but he turned it down as kid #1 was in the oven, and he figured he needed to be responsible and go to work. He was a Tenor Sax player. worked his way through college playing gigs and fronting for the Big Bands when ever they came to town as their opening acts.
What a shot...and I always wondered if he regretted missing out on it.
unfortunately the Dorseys passed away 56/57 I believe. I think they must have had so much stress over the war years and their busy schedule. they were not that old. Tommy and Jimmy were just SO good.
I believe there are many great musicians who didn't make it big in the time. Today we can find a lot on youtube and old records, sadly this is too late for those guys, but I like to think of how records are made for eternity and unknown artist will still be referred to in future. I personally really cherish the less known artist on records. they gave it all.
btw, on to something completely different, yet so good. Willie is the man ! :001:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-12 18:12
unfortunately the Dorseys passed away 56/57 I believe. I think they must have had so much stress over the war years and their busy schedule. they were not that old. Tommy and Jimmy were just SO good.
I believe there are many great musicians who didn't make it big in the time. Today we can find a lot on youtube and old records, sadly this is too late for those guys, but I like to think of how records are made for eternity and unknown artist will still be referred to in future. I personally really cherish the less known artist on records. they gave it all.
btw, on to something completely different, yet so good. Willie is the man ! :001:
He was good! Liked it. Can't believe that 36 people thumbed it down. Bunch of idiots!
I don't understand why anybody could ever dislike such ability of playing bass. probably they are still trying to slap bass theirselves... :003:
here is something totally different, yet so good. Si Cranstoun from the UK, contemporary artist, and he is reknown to be the second best to Jackie Wilson ( except for Jackies own son)
this is just sweet dance music
btw this is a blast from the past. most awesome Doowop rocker . this is great to dance to, the crowd will go wild even in 2020.
The Cues-Why !
I love watching the videos of unknown artist, so many extremely talented people that never get recognized. The music industry is all about the $$$$$ and who gets promoted. I would spend Sundays at the Merry-Go-Round in Griffith Park were free concerts were held by bands hoping to get a shot at making it and few did, one was Los Lobos that I remember. There were a few more but my memory of those days are fading. I worked in the sound business from 1966 to 1986.
So true ! remember Los Lobos ! looking back today, back in the 1980s there were still quite a lot of bands that had the RocknRoll sound or at least tried to emulate the sound of the 50s. I sure got a lot of inspiration as a kid from bands like Los Lobos.
My first contact with RnR I clearly remember, probably 5 or 6 yrs old in the 1970s was watching Elvis in the Acapulco movie and listening to Bill Haley's See you later alligator on one of my fathers tapes. I was in a choir back then and practicing traditional flute playing and I couldn't figure out what the heck they were doing. that infamous 'backbeat' rhythm of the Comets has burnt into my mind every since.
20 yrs later I was lucky enough to meet ALL of the Comets band members in this video in person. Marshall Lytle, Franny Beecher ( former guitar player with Benny Goodman), Johnny Grande, Joe D Ambrosi, Dick Richards. even my 57 Ford was involved in that memory as I just parked the Courier, when by coincidence the Comets were just arriving from their hotel and carrying their trademark checkered suits on their shoulders. Of course a quick conversation started on the car which was later continued after the concert. I still have all their autographs, sadly I believe they have all passed since. sometimes I just can't believe my own stories and memories with cars and music, especially the connection with 57 Fords and RocknRoll.
What was your profession Jim ? does your cut off date of 1986 also concur with the event of electronic or different style music ?
My carrier working at JBL and JBL/Harmon-Kardon ended on a sour note ( pun intended :003:) But previous to that it was a great place to work.
I'll note that during my early years 1966-74 I drove two 57 Fords.
Long story and I'll try to condense it. I started as a shipping/receiving clerk waiting for an opening in the machine shop. When that finally happened I worked my way up the ladder to leadman then supervisor, the lowest rung on the management ladder, basically the guy that everything gets blamed on. At that time we were just producing home entertainment equipment for the people with fat wallets, So when I got my first set of JBL speakers and a Crown amp I was king of sound in my small group of friends, everyone brought their music to my house to listen to and party. Rock music was starting to really boom and many musicians were interest in our speakers for their sound systems. I didn't fit the management mold of the white shirt and tie management people but I fit in with the rock groups better when they came.We had many of the top bands come for tours of the facility. I got to meet many of them, I got a European version of an album from the Beatles and a T-shirt from Joe Walsh, but mostly it was just a thank you. At that time we were still just a small company. We had to expand quickly when Sansui came with 2 million in cash and placed a huge order. The assembly area supervisor wasn't cutting it and I was transferred to that department to replace him. We got the presidents award for US export that year.
The original owner retired and sold the company to Harmon-Kardon. A lot of new management came with it, and I still didn't fit the mold :003: I was lucky that I was still able to remain myself, I got a pass because of the work I did and all the changes I made over the years to improve methods and designs. We also were building speakers for for people like Fender. Sid Harmon was a great guy to work for but was then appointed to a government position, I think it was Secretary of Commerce and had to liquidate his private holdings, company was sold to a huge company and that started the down hill spiral and soon after that I left. So I'll end this with a picture of me and Sid Harmon receiving one many small awards I got over the years for you laughing pleasure :003:
VERY interesting story Jim ! thank you. This is just EXACTLY how I would picture the management type of person...haha....that is an incredibly cool pic ! You look more like George Harrison than George Martin ! :002:
Do you think that the changes in sound business/corporate/management which you describe, also made it possible for Asian products to nearly completely take over the Western market or was it just sign of the times/innovation?
I had JBL speakers in the 57 Courier, it was probably a build of the 1970s or 80s and it came right out of Cali. So they could have very well been from your days at JBL.
I think it was a combination of all things you mentioned, just a sign of the times.
Thats interesting! One of the guys that worked there had Courier, wouldn't that be strange if it was the same one. It was black and he planned on putting an FE in it, don't know if that ever happened.
I forgot I had two 8" JBL speakers in my 57 and a 4 track tape deck that I got for payment for towing a 59 Ranchero 50 miles.
They gave awards to long-haired hippies back then? LOL!!! I can see what you mean about not fitting in with the white collar management types! Probably scared them all1 LOL!!!
JBL's were gold back in the day. I had my share of them. Good stuff. Not sure what is in my tower speakers for my speaker and amp I have for events. Bought it used from a friend...and have never opened it up.
talking about Rock songs, and this isn't even a Rock song. but it's one of my alltime favorties of the era. heard Ten Years After live in '95. Man they rocked, love when they get going at 3:05 !
alltime favorite, John Fogerty &CCR. it's so great how they start off at 1:08
I always liked CCR. Saw them at the Hollywood bowl back in 69 or 70..
Everyone has their own favorites and styles of music. I remember the first big concert I went to and the opening band was CTA who later renamed as Chicago. When they walked on stage and people saw all the brass they started booing and some walked out, I thought they were awesome :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-11-13 18:55
Everyone has their own favorites and styles of music. I remember the first big concert I went to and the opening band was CTA who later renamed as Chicago. When they walked on stage and people saw all the brass they started booing and some walked out, I thought they were awesome :003:
Anyone who would boo CTA (Chicago) has no taste...probably none in their mouth either. SHEESH! Idiots...probably think (c)rap is music too!
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-13 08:57... My first contact with RnR I clearly remember, probably 5 or 6 yrs old in the 1970s was watching Elvis in the Acapulco movie and listening to Bill Haley's See you later alligator on one of my fathers tapes.
In the 1970s?! Oh, you kids! ; )
First time I saw Elvis on TV was probably 1954 or '55. I'd have been 9 or 10.
Walked into the room & there was this guy on TV that seemed to be doing something quite different from what I'd usually heard or seen in the movies. I believe that this was on 'The Tommy Dorsey show'. I started watching this guy & about 30 seconds later the 'ol man showed up & either turned off the TV or changed the channel.
We only had one or two TV stations here back then.
It took several years before I even learned the name of the guy I'd seen on TV or heard his music on the radio.
Elvis was 'The King' for quite some time but had lost a lot of his appeal by the '70s. I still like some of his early stuff.
I've been a big fan of Rock & Roll from the time it started & got named as such.
I think I'd start off by naming the best early rockers with one that many would not consider to be a Rock & Roll guy. That musical genius, Ray Charles. But then consider songs like 'Hit the Road Jack', 'I got a Woman', 'Busted', & maybe a couple others, they do indeed rock. I don't think you can find anything that Ray Charles ever did that isn't great.
Then you have Chuck Berry, a guy that every successful Rock band or singer that ever lived will claim as a being a major influence. There are many more that were and are still great.
Unless I'm watching TV or sleeping the radio is always on in my house. I still hear at least one tune everyday by 'The Greatest Rock & Roll band in the world', The Rolling Stones.
Some of their tunes they play on the radio are over 50 years old & are still just as good as when they first came out.
I'd guess that most of you are familiar with the tune 'Hot Rod Lincoln' but wonder how many know how that tune came to be. It was influenced by a tune that came out 5 years before 'Hot Rod Lincoln' & is kind of a country soundin' thing.
Hint: It's a song about a Ford, a Mercury, & finally 'a hopped up model A' that I used to hear it on the radio when I was a real little kid. I liked it.
I'll hit you up with that tune a bit later. 8)
Louis Jordan was probably one of the best known fathers of R & R...and one can still hear his stuff on or the mother station
Fats Domino was another early member of the founders along with a lot of others who have long since faded away from my memory.
You have 10 years on me in age...but by the time I was 10 I was already addicted to the music. Like you...unless the TV is on...I have a radio on or my computer is on to one of the above.
Between albums and CD's I have pretty much everything Elvis ever put out. I have, on custom built racks/shelves in my garage catalogued and alphabetized over 3200 albums, some have never been opened. Only place to put them in this cracker-box we live in now...but my next (and last) home will have a place for them inside...along with my stereo and broadcast quality turntable. Of those 3200 vinyl music discs, 1800+ are country, the rest is broken up into 50's & 60's rock jazz and swing with some old era Christmas music and Broadway show tunes. Yea..I am a music addict. Guilty as charged.
Garbage that is made today isn't worth listening too...even the country music world sucks eggs today. And I used to work in Country radio. Last station I worked for was sold to a Spanish satellite radio broadcast company back in '05. I wouldn't be able to play the garbage they put out today. Sad.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-13 14:49
talking about Rock songs, and this isn't even a Rock song.
Not a rock song? It always sounded like a rocker to me.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-11-13 18:04
I always liked CCR. Saw them at the Hollywood bowl back in 69 or 70..
Then, like me, you'll probably like this one. It's from an album named 'The Blue Ridge Rangers' or just 'Blue Ridge Rangers' & John Fogerty plays all the instruments.
That is a great song, Tom. Fogerty at full blast. such a cool voice and trademark delay on guitar intro. Here's another one from the 80s.
Traveling Wilburys...
Quotetalking about Rock songs, and this isn't even a Rock song.
QuoteNot a rock song? It always sounded like a rocker to me.
yeah that is exactly what I meant Tom, it is probably not a late 1960s rock song. I like to think of it as rocknroll .
would love to comment on all your statements, Tom and Hugh, but seems impossible, or we have to write a book... :002:
yeah, Ray Charles...where do we start...just as good as it gets,
Fats Domino, well, Chuck Berry...saw him 3 times live...the ultimate RocknRoller. I want to have Roll over Beethoven played at my own funeral! I still find it amazing that a country kid would want to record this cool Arthur Crudup song back in 1954 !
Frankly speaking, the original rocks even better then Presley. :003:
And here's Jordans Moes
Thank god for the old music, I agree with everyone, todays music is crap and I can't imagine what the future will be like :005:
that is right. I cannot picture where it should be going to. The electronic/generic pop music sounds the same as it did 25 yrs ago. there is no evolution ( at least none that I personally could figure). BUT. I see a growing interest with younger people for authentic analog music. Jazz is coming back and also bands like The Petersens aso, are bringing back REAL music. Not necessarily played exactly in a traditional way or form. It is not simply repeating (music) history. I think there are millions of ways to still take RocknRoll, Jazz, Blues, country or folk music further for decades or centuries.
Haha, history repeating itself..........we're all sounding like our dads way back when.
I like alot of what's been mentioned, but I'll throw some different names out there. Harry Chapin is one of my all time favorites. Not a great voice, but a great storyteller and singer. Prettiest voice ever imho goes to KD Lang. Wish I knew more about Issy Kamakasiwioli (sp) when he was alive. Michael Jackson.....a genius on many levels. You just have to not look beyond what you saw on stage.
Not to get off the subject, but I took the '57 out for a road trip thru parts of Oklahoma this week. Ran like a champ. Pics to follow. 500+ miles.
Great news Rich, I love hearing about 57's burning up the asphalt :burnout:
Yeah. A lot of back roads in ranch/farm country.......window down, heater on, willie singing "on the road again" CD...just like we like it.
sometimes I like quiet relaxing music.Izzy's funeral at the end
Ray with one of my favorites
and you guys talked about boogie/ get your feet moving stuff....probably a one hit wonder, but love this video.
ahhh, music, ....the cause of and solution for all my ailments. ...or was that alcohol, I cant remember.
Started music life in the 80's with a secondhand guitar spending every second learning anything I could from all the heavymetal bands of the day. BlackSabbath, MotleyCrue, TwistedSister, (old)VanHalen, Kiss. By the end of the 80's started folding in more "alternative" music like TheCure and JanesAddiction. This is when I was cruising around in the 70 Torino.
Early 90s started playin bass and singing in an all original music band. Toured fairly extensively in the divebar circuit for most of the 90s. That time had a really good turn out for the punk scene. Lots of people out just to be out, all being crazy. We were on an independent label, Springbox, out of california and released several 45s and some discs.
While playing out in the punk scene, I had started listening to what was probably the polar opposite. Elvis, JohnnyBurnett, LouieJordan, Frank, RayCharles, BobbyDarin and T-Model Ford.
Started a side project band that was going to be a country band. "The Eugene Swank Atomic Honky Tonk". All original music, I switched to playing guitar, and it ended up being more atomic than honky tonk.
This time frame is when I had the 64 Fairlane nick named Buzzbomb after a DeadKennedys song. This time frame is also probably why I dont still have that Fairlane.
Anyways, did a little touring with that band, which led to meeting the best-wife-ever.
After the touring days waned, and family members increased, ended up going to school for classical doublebass. Never got really good at that, but it was entertaining trying, played in some string orchestras and combos. If you get a chance, check out Gary Karr doublebass. Dudes a virtuoso.
These days i'm good with busting my knuckles, welding holes in my shirt and getting stranded on the side of the road. My music interest is still skewed though as a couple of my favorite artists are old texas blues guy Lightnin Hopkins and a new band called A Place to Bury Strangers. Go figure.
We need a like button! Good stuff, Eugene
here's a pic of last Sunday's trip to Russel's truck stop on I40 in New Mexico....the two women I live with, my wife on the left.
Having to relearn how to transfer pics again from my iphone, and how to find them from the "browse" attachments button. Anyway, pics from this week's Oklahoma trip.
1st pic is in Medicine Park, just north of Lawton, Ok. Typical of the older buildings in this early 1900's tourist town. Second pic is at an inlet of Lake Lawtonga, just a few miles north of the previous pic. Last pic is my dream house. It's on old route 66, just east of Erick, Ok. a few pics of his side yard in the next post.
next pics are next to the house I posted above followed by a retake pic at the restored Connoco station in Shamrock Tx. Last time I took a pic there my car had lots of primer on the driver's side. All on old rt 66
Rich...have been to that Shamrock Conoco station. Stayed at the Shamrock Inn back in '17 on the way back home from Branson. This was sitting in the front yard of the Shamrock Inn. Still there this spring when I left your place heading for Barstow.
great music and pics !
your cruising pics are sweet , Rich, seems the ladies liked it a lot!
Eugene, your Atomic band reminds me of Reverend Horton Heat,- speaking of Horton, here's the real Horton - Johnny !
this is a Rockabilly Dancefloor filler all the time. love singing it myself.
That Willie Nelson and Ray Charles duet was awesome Rich !
Lets have po' ole' ligthnin have a word here. I love this Texan guy !
Eugene, this is my German 1959 Framus 3/4 double bass. and some of my toys. I love the Czechoslovakian Jolanas. great tone. got the '59 orange sunburst real cheap and went for some hot P90s and an NOS 1963 B3 Bigsby. hot setup ! :003:
Awesome Rich :001:, thats my kind of traveling..
This is Ray Collins Hot Club, a contemporary German Swing and Rhythm'n'Blues outfit. loving it.
Thats an impressive collection of instruments G. I've always been jealous of people with musical talent. I tried playing sax at one time but was never any good. Now I just play the radio :003:
Jim, I have to confess that my musical talent is limited as well, but it is ok for a hobby. It is for the love of music. I also love to tinker with old instruments and amplifiers. I was very lucky in having purchased my instruments when they were still reasonably priced.
Last year I was invited to play a friends turquoise 1966/67(?) Fender Jaguar. I was glad to put it back in the case in one piece. that thing is probably worth more than all of my instruments together... :003:
I was always encouraged to practice in the garage, so I got the hint early :005:
We practiced in the garage as well! Kids would ride their bikes from blocks away to watch. I had a Gretsch "Nashville" guitar that cost more than my car at the time. The only box I still have is a Yamaha FG140 bought new in 1971. We played what we called "Swamp Pop" with a couple of horns but over time we were seduced by the "British Invasion". We are going to listen to the Remnants tonight, a '60s band with a playlist that includes incredibly obscure "B" sides.
that sounds like a lot of fun Lynn. Remnants is a cool band name for this type of music... :003:
Does anybody here dig the Remains from Boston, Mass ? More even, Rich do you maybe remember them from back in the day ?
You can never go wrong with a Dylan classic. I love the heavily distorted guitar.
I guess I'm a little different than most of you, I love the music and the cars esp. my 57's, how ever when I'm running down the road all I want to here is the RPM's and sound of my engine. Than when I arrive at my destination the radio comes back on, then I guess I'm with the rest of you. Take care, Alvin
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-14 02:49
would love to comment on all your statements, Tom and Hugh, but seems impossible, or we have to write a book... :002:
Several books.
Following up on this ...
Quote from: Tom S on 2019-11-13 20:30
I'd guess that most of you are familiar with the tune 'Hot Rod Lincoln' but wonder how many know how that tune came to be. It was influenced by a tune that came out 5 years before 'Hot Rod Lincoln' & is kind of a country soundin' thing.
Hint: It's a song about a Ford, a Mercury, & finally 'a hopped up model A' that I used to hear it on the radio when I was a real little kid. I liked it.
I'll hit you up with that tune a bit later. 8)
Am I the only old geezer here that heard & remembers the 1950s tune 'Hot Rod Race'?
Here is the original version by Arkie Shibley. Whoever stuck the very wrong car on the illustration for this really screwed up but I sure like the rest of the pic.
This is Red Foley's version of Hot Rod Race. I think this version is the one I used to hear on the radio as a little kid & it does sound better than the original IMO. The Model A is mentioned at the very end.
Maybe it made a big impression on 5-6 year old me, was car crazy even back then. And I'll probably keep my 'hopped up model A' until I drop dead.
When I went searching for this tune several years ago I found that there were quite a few other tunes that followed up & kept the story going. There were some consequences that resulted from the original race received from law enforcement. I'd never heard any of those old tunes.
I was catching up on all the music discussions on here. One of the things I miss from when I grew up was comedy albums from the 70's and 80's. I found this on YouTube this morning and really got a chuckle out of it. Thought I would share.
Yeah, Thor..........I not only miss the comedians of our era, but I really miss the days when all of us from different ethnic backgrounds all laughed TOGETHER at the back and forth ethnic jokes. That's something the people of today don't seem to understand. No malice, no prejudice, just folks from different backgrouds and heritages having a laugh together. Funny you mentioned that, because I often get lost on You Tube, like a few days ago when I drifted off from one of the videos that was linked here into the comedy videos. Dean Martin roasts Frank Sinatra, Rich Little on the Tonight Show, etc. I was lost for hours. Don Rickles was a master very few would understand today.
It all stems from "PARTICIPATION TROPHIES"! No more winners and losers, you make the team because you showed up, you get to play because you're on the team, you are never told NO! You are never told there is no such thing as a "SAFE PLACE", the world will come and get you! And, when you fail you start looking for who to my box now. Got my second cup of coffee now and the breathing is back to normal again:<)
Quote from: Tom S on 2019-11-16 01:23
Following up on this ...Am I the only old geezer here that heard & remembers the 1950s tune 'Hot Rod Race'?
Here is the original version by Arkie Shibley. Whoever stuck the very wrong car on the illustration for this really screwed up but I sure like the rest of the pic.
This is Red Foley's version of Hot Rod Race. I think this version is the one I used to hear on the radio as a little kid & it does sound better than the original IMO. The Model A is mentioned at the very end.
Maybe it made a big impression on 5-6 year old me, was car crazy even back then. And I'll probably keep my 'hopped up model A' until I drop dead.
When I went searching for this tune several years ago I found that there were quite a few other tunes that followed up & kept the story going. There were some consequences that resulted from the original race received from law enforcement. I'd never heard any of those old tunes.
I actually never heard that song. I WOULD remember, it is great!
Me neither, Lynn.
Bill, not sure if it all began with that or it's just part of the vicious circle. Say, weren't we the generation that was gonna fix all the world's problems?? Man we sure screwed up. Can we have do-overs?
Speaking of do-overs........I'm back to working on our kitchen/laundry room. It was a project that got put on hold when I had to replace my engine, then on hold while I worked on outside projects while the weather was good.
I seem to constantly run into things with this house I had never dealt with before. Kitchen and laundry room had horrible wallpapers that I'm finally getting to the last of. I love wallpaper, been doing alot of it in this house since we bought it. Problem I discovered with the kitchen area is what I thought was one layer of wallpaper to remove was actually the top layer. There are 3 layers underneath.....wait for this........topcoated with a clearfinish to make it waterproof, and then a 1/16 layer of plaster, unpainted, to which the top wallpaper was adhered to. On one small area before I figured out what it was, I had gotten down below the layer of plaster to remove what was under it when I figured out it was waterproofed, so remover wasn't going to work. Took about 5 hours to clean an area about 2 ft x 5 ft. After I figured that out, and sure didn't want to be doing the rest of it that way, I began carefully removing the top layer without using scrapers to not damage the thin plaster coat.
My guess is it was done when years ago, somebody figured out the original wallpapers were going to be a massive headache to remove. I just wish they had painted the coat of plaster before they rewallpapered.Before I rewallpaper, I'm putting a coat of Kilz sealer/primer. Laundry room is going to take some time....I can only move one appliance out of the way at a time.
The happy home owner :003: Every time I take on a project my mind flashes back the the move "The Money Pit"
My latest approach to wallpaper is to Kilz over it, mud the seams and texture over it. Much easier than trying to remove it. I am to the point where I am remodeling my first remodels. No more wallpaper for me.... :003:
Wall paper, vinyl siding, aluminum siding and aluminum roofs were created by Lucifer! I hate and despise all. Coin toss as to which is worst!
The wife and I went to Ford vs. Ferrari, what a great movie. No one got shot & killed, or raped, just a good fast action movie. I will go again. On another note, I got to meet Terry 208 {Terry Bly} yesterday. He came over from Idaho and relieved me of some parts. It was a quick trip for him, I'd have really like to have more visit time with him. He's the 3rd forum member I have got to meet, would really like to meet more but when you live far away from most of you it doesn't happen very often. Take care, Alvin
Alvin...wish I had known he was heading over to see you...I might have had him bring that hood back to his lace. Oh well...not like I need it right this minute anyhow. We'll get it done soon enough.
It's great meeting forum members. I'll have to see if I can remember all the ones I've met, I think around 13 or 14. Only 3 from Texas though. There's a handful I'd still like to meet.
:dontknow: Well...does Sasha count? LOL!!! Then there is that clown that drives her around...
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2019-11-17 17:25
Alvin...wish I had known he was heading over to see you...I might have had him bring that hood back to his lace. Oh well...not like I need it right this minute anyhow. We'll get it done soon enough.
Strange...I believe me bringing it was mentioned, I was afraid of making things more difficult for your pick-up.
I had been at my brothers and decided to make a road trip to Alvin's to get the fenders he'd been holding for me for almost a year. Going to Alvin's made a 5 hour drive into a twenty hour drive. Good thing I like to drive. I very glad I made the trip and met Alvin. I too wish I could've spent more time with him.
Alvin was the first forum member I remember meeting. I've talked, corresponded and even gotten parts from some members.
Quote from: terry_208 on 2019-11-17 19:41
Strange...I believe me bringing it was mentioned, I was afraid of making things more difficult for your pick-up.
I had been at my brothers and decided to make a road trip to Alvin's to get the fenders he'd been holding for me for almost a year. Going to Alvin's made a 5 hour drive into a twenty hour drive. Good thing I like to drive. I very glad I made the trip and met Alvin. I too wish I could've spent more time with him.
Alvin was the first forum member I remember meeting. I've talked, corresponded and even gotten parts from some members.
Don't fret over it. I live in Port Angeles WA so coming to see you would have been less time for me. But as I said, I don't "need" it now. So certainly no harm done. When I go to Branson MO I generally take I-90 so he is on the way.
I will get it on one of my trips either to or from Branson MO down the road. And if I need it before then...(which would be a nice problem to have! ) then I can have it shipped via Fed-Ex or UPS. We're good. :003: I don't think he is in a hurry to get out of his place...not like it is sitting in the bedroom! LOL!!!
Thanks for the note though.
I'm on 90. Butte Mt. all summer. Would be pleased to have you stop. Tom.
Quote from: thomasso on 2019-11-17 22:59
I'm on 90. Butte Mt. all summer. Would be pleased to have you stop. Tom.
I have been through Butte a lot over the last 20 months! too bad I didn't know you were there...even spent the night there a couple of times. I may well be heading back after Thanksgiving...have to deal with issues at the apartment bldg. in Branson so I can get some new renters.
Thanks for the info...I will remember that and let you know when I am coming through!
we just saw Ford vs Ferrari ( or LEMANS'66 as it is called over here) yesterday. Breathtaking movie, liked it a lot! my 12 yr old son was completely drawn to it, obviously because he could also relate to Miles son Pete.
Well dang, looks like i missed the rest of the music conversation. Not to digress, but real fast.... Fordman, that is a nice stack of pickers you got there. My upright bass is just a chinese shipping crate set up real good with tungsten strings. Would have loved to land one of those carved european basses. Got a couple choice guitars, but my main co-conspirator is an original Kay Jazz II. Theyve started reissuing them around 2010, but ive had mine since 94. Got it basically for the headstock. Oh yeah, i have a Bigsby on every guitar, cant live without them. The Kay came standard with the Bigsby.
Anyways, back to the subject at hand. Went to the Ford vs Ferrari premier. They had a carshow outside, and served scotch and wine in the theatre. Definitely a good solid action movie. Highly suggest seeing it at the theatre if nothing more than for the audio through those giant surround sound systems. Good stuff.
wow, that Kay headstock is real sweet, Eugene. I always liked them, they remind me of a Rock Ola or Wurlitzer Jukebox. The plexi insert is just too cool. Oh well the Bigsby are such sweet setups. Especially with the fully adjustable 'rocker' bridge. Don't know if that is the correct expression, at least we use that term over here in Europe.
you got to love single coil equipped archtops, to me that is just the sound of Rock'n Roll ! and they look so good.
Eddie Cochran used mix of Humbuckers and singles on his Gretsch though. His sound is amazing.
He's one of my most cherished RocknRoll artist.
somebody said 'Louis Jordan'? :003:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-18 16:53
somebody said 'Louis Jordan'? :003:
Dat be me! I like his sound. Was a good bridge between Jazz and early R & R.
Try this one...
Prolific guy. Great performer and a lot of energy!
Just for fun. Rockabilly and racing
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-11-18 18:37
Just for fun. Rockabilly and racing
THIS is hot rod music! PURE...PLAIN...SIMPLE...just throttle down...girl on your arm and runnin' down the road or tearin' up the dance floor...sittin' in a drive-in bench racin' or watching other rods sail by.
Yea..THIS is what roddin' music is all about!!!
I oh so miss those days! Thanks!
Gene Vincent should have made that mix tape with this song though.
Thinking I might have to make a copy of some of these and burn to CD for my cross country travels or put on an I-Pod...I so miss this stuff! Along with malt shops and women with class and style! Damn those were so much better days. :003: :burnout:
One more for the shortlist.
Quote from: Swank on 2019-11-18 19:24
One more for the shortlist.
Both of those were classics. Infinitely better than the tripe that kids listen to today! And clean...none of those Gawd awful tats all over their bods...guys OR gals!
Yea...the old days were much better! Thanks for the tracks!
If you like that so much you will have to attend one of those rockabilly weekender festivals, once you travel to Europe. You'll find plenty of Rockabilly style music, can't guarantee on girls without tatoos though... this is 2019 not 1959 :002:
This is probably one of the best events in the UK.
I just heard and met the band in the clip this year and they are awesome !
WOW! what a great event..
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-19 05:21
can't guarantee on girls without tatoos though... this is 2019 not 1959 :002:
Yea...I know. Sad too. The human race spent several centuries removing it's self from the jungles and barbaric ways, working to become civilized...only to fall right back into barbaric body markings. Sad...real sad.
I don't know Hugh. personally got no tatoos, but 90% of my friends have. not bad people at all. just a matter of taste I think.
lets go back to 62/63/64
The Ripchords
Beach Boys
I think this is my alltime favorite surf song, the Sentinals : BIG SURF !
It's all what you get use to. I hated tatoos on women when it first became a thing, but now I like a lot of them. I still hate all amateur tatoos, but I see some done by really gifted artists that are sorta living works of art.
"Getting use to" I'm sure has alot to do with what part of the country you're from. Here in Texas probably a third of the young women have them, and who knows how many only the husbands/boyfriends see.
America's Greatest. The TRASHMEN !
my Del Rio @ Laguna Beach. :001:
great memories !
With AZ plates & tags. When were you here?
btw 'A' is for Austria.... :002:...silly me. met some guys in a BMW on a highway in CA and they recognized my country badge. They were from 'A' as well... :003:
I see a lot of those badges around here. Guys get stationed in other countries then bring their cars back and leave the badges on them. Saw one once that had 4-5 of them...he had been around! LOL!!!
Am I the only one that had trouble logging on this morning? I kept getting a "site has been suspended" screen
No...It was there this morning Rich..I spoke to James..error on the server and suppler.He fixed it.
Hey guys, apparently some things on the home page had expired, and no longer worked properly, causing the suspended account message. I updated the main page, had to change the theme that had expired, which really screwed up the main site. I had to go back and rebuild it with a new theme, so if you see something that doesnt make sense, or looks like it shouldnt be there, drop me a line and I will take care of it. Iwill be putting some more time into it over the next few weeks, and try to add some new stuff to it, its been a while. I have been doing some other things lately, finally got my 57 up and running, been driving the wheels off it lately. Tons of fun, and no way should a car that big be moving that fast, lol. I also bought my dads old 67 Fairlane that we raced back in the late 70s early 80s. He sold it in 82 or 83, and I was able to find it on facebook market, so I have been tied up with that lately. I will try to stop in here more often, make sure everything stays running smoothly..
Thanks James. Great to hear your driving a '57's been a long time. How is your dad doing, I haven't seen much from him since he broke his foot(?). Is he still working on the '57 4.6 install?
Also, please pm me your contact, phone, etc.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-18 16:36
... Eddie Cochran ....He's one of my most cherished RocknRoll artist.
I liked him a lot! Really liked his tune 'Summertime Blues'.
Years later Blue Cheer came out with their version. I think I liked it even better, or just as much, even though they left some of the words out. I don't think it would work so well for someone that didn't know all the words to Eddie's original. But I do. :001:
Right now I hear the best guitar player there ever was doing 'Crosstown Traffic' on the radio. Jimi Hendrix :icon_cheers:
My favorite guitarist was Peter Frampton.
Good morning everybody !
They just played this on the radio earlier. cute song we have to admit. hadn't heard it in years.
they are just playing the Traveling Wilburies right now
Tom, I have a little side story to Jimi Hendrix. yes I also like crosstown traffic a lot.
Jimi had his guitar pickups built by Bill Lawrence, who unfortunately passed away a few years ago. Bill was German and he was known in the post war years as Billy Lorento. now to make a long story short. I have a 1955 Billy Lorento endorsed Bavarian Framus archtop. it is the beautiful blonde with the black side frames and black headstock, the one right in the middle. it has a handcarved 10mm (3/8") maple back and a 7mm (1/4") pine front board. it has an incredible sustain of ca. 45 seconds. it is a real sweet guitar !
Fordman mentioned him before, one of the better guitarists/bands from the time when I was playing.
Played at least one show with these guys.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-11-20 13:41
Thanks James. Great to hear your driving a '57's been a long time. How is your dad doing, I haven't seen much from him since he broke his foot(?). Is he still working on the '57 4.6 install?
Also, please pm me your contact, phone, etc.
He is also driving his Fairlane a lot, still chasing electrical gremlins. I guess it goes with the territory when swapping in computerized drivetrains into old cars, but it is super smooth. Dad is all healed up and getting around pretty well. He told me yesterday he hadnt been on in a while, been spending time in the garage instead..
Well that's just excellent. Ask him to come on the forum and let us know about his install. I'm curious what he used for air plenum and lower radiator hose.
Well, you guys got me watching You Tube videos again, tonight after watching a documentary on Waylon Jennings, I watched one on Elvis' beginings and how the first recording session came about leading to his first record. Excellent documentary, I was surprised at how many of the guys that were responsible for giving the world a new music life are still alive (at least when the doc. was made).
The song that changed the world:
I learned something new, of the 3 that made that first record at Sun Studios was Bill Black. I checked to see if it was the same Bill Black of Bill Black's Combo fame, and it was.
I just love Bill Black's music. Some might think his second career in the 1960s was a little cheesy with their easy listening music. but I always thought it takes a lot of talent to make it sound so easy.
I have this og 7" vinyl record and I frequently play it when I am deejaying for dancers.
Also James Burton, who was touring with Elvis in the 1960/70s was a legend of his own. he played with Bob Luman in the 1950s and his guitar picking is second to none. I find it highly interesting to find all those connections between the musicians and bands.
Burton with Elvis in the 1970s
Burton with Luman, this is one hot platter. it's also from the year our beloved Fords were made 1 9 5 7 !
Let's not forget about Elvis piano player, Floyd Cramer !
I personally believe that even though Elvis was thrown together with session musicians Bill Black and Scotty Moore, these two are greatly responsible for his slingshot rise through the 50s. Especially Scottys guitar stylings. Just punchy, dirty and intricate enough to contribute but not compete against Elvis. He would have had a much harder time climbing out of the Memphis fray without them.
I second your opinion Eugene ! I believe it takes a great band to really let a singer shine.
Have you ever seen Twang from Germany. I stopped in to the Continental Club in Austin Texas, 10 AM on a Saturday morning, free pancakes and Lone Star Beer. These guys were rocking the place at breakfast.
One of the best mornings I have ever had. Had to leave at noon, wished I had stayed all day. Wish I could get their vinyl.
Great tip! Had not heard them before. It's fun when a band takes something like a Blues Rock classic and transforms it to a country song. :001: I am sure they are a great and fun live act !
There is also another pretty successful German Band in that genre. THE BOSSHOSS. not my favorite band, but some of you might like them.
They spoke German, sang in English, drank American beer and made a Canadian happy. A Saturday morning I will not forget.
The Continental Club is a must stop in Austin.
And the pancakes were free.
The Continental Club is a good setup, played there several times, ...except it was the one in Houston.
Quote from: Swank on 2019-11-22 07:02
I personally believe that even though Elvis was thrown together with session musicians Bill Black and Scotty Moore, these two are greatly responsible for his slingshot rise through the 50s. Especially Scottys guitar stylings. Just punchy, dirty and intricate enough to contribute but not compete against Elvis. He would have had a much harder time climbing out of the Memphis fray without them.
He would have had a much harder time climbing out of the Memphis fray without them."
I think ya gotta give Sam Phillips & his Sun Studio a great deal of credit for that. He recognized Elvis' talent & appeal right off & got him on the radio. That did the trick.
Oh yeah, Sam was cutting edge for genre at that time.
Don't know why it doesn't start at the beginning? Maybe some one can fix that.
there you go Jim, you must have set a start time unintentionally.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-11-24 12:45
there you go Jim, you must have set a start time unintentionally.
Thank you G :001:
Playing right this minute old Jazz from the early 20th to mid 20th century. Followed by 6 hours of Blues. (the 6 hour blues show is on every Saturday and Sunday night from 6 - midnight Pacific Time.
Enjoy! :003:
In reply to Hugh's comment in the old pics thread......on gas prices in Washington @ 3.15+and thinking he's getting ripped off:
Hugh, you in Texas we're about 2.15 this week for regular. On most of my roadtrips, I'll see oil rigs pumping away all over, not sure if that has anything to do with it......probably not as I can't remember the last refinery I saw. I think it was in Socal 40 years ago.
Speaking of back in the day.....when I was in my teens in the early 60's the group I grew up with was having a discussion one day about how old we'd live to be. I remember thinking about it and saying if I lived to be 72 I'd be good with that. When you're in your early teens 72 is really old. Today is my last day on earth at age 72, so if I'm really careful and get past today, I'll have outlived my prediction. I was born on Thanksgiving in Waltham, Mass. In that maternity ward on that same day was also born a young lady by the name of Cheryl Moore. I later met her when my family moved to Acton. I was 6th grade, and Cheryl always sat in front of me in homeroom because of alphabetical seating. I had a crush on her that started the first day I laid eyes on her. She always had boyfriends through high school, but that never deterred me from asking her out. We were close friends, and she always replied she thought it best if we just remained that.
Fast forward three years, she was a guest at my wedding, the first time I saw her since high school. She had a few too many drinks at the reception, and every time I was near her she'd give me a little kiss. I kept thinking, what's going on here? When she was leaving she came over and told me "I've been watching you all day with friends and family. I really missed the boat with you. You're not the person I thought you were. (wiseguy highschool days, lol) I'm sorry" She then laid a liplock on me I'll never forget.
Fast forward 50+ years......last year she tracked me down through the interenet, and we've been in occasional contact since. She now lives very close to my son in Tampa. My Ex also lives near her. My sister an hour south. So, If I can ever get my butt down there to visit, I may get to see her again. In the meantime, tonight I'll send her an email wishing her a happy birthday.
Sorry for all the's 4am, not quite awake yet and I thought this was the morning coffee thread. Think I'll move it.
moved from the old pics thread.
some more reminiscing......same wedding day........My bride and I planned a honeymoon in New York City. Yeah, I know. WHY?, lol. The usual honeymoon spot back in the day would have been Niagra Falls, but my new wife always wanted to see NYC. We left the reception and drove from Mass to NYC. The hotel I was looking for was on 182nd ave (?). Going down the freeway, I saw a sign for 182nd St, so I got off. Wrong neighborhood. I was lost, and looking for a place I could get directions (I love GPS nowadays). I saw a group of guys standing on a street corner. This nieave (sp) kid from a small country town thought nothing about stopping at night and asking a group of black guys for directions. I told them where I was trying to go, and one of them replied, kid, you're in Harlem, and you want Manhattan. I tell you what, I'm ready to leave and I'm headed in that direction, so follow me and I'll signal when you have to get on the freeway onramp. I'm going to take some shortcuts, so don't be alarmed if I turn down some alleys......just follow me.
Years later I couldn't believe I actually followed him, yep, even thru the back alleys where anything could have happened. He did exactly as he said he would and I got on the right highway headed for 182 ave instead of 182 st.. Some things I did in life makes me wonder how I ever made it this old. in a leftist state...assure one of higher gas prices...they love their taxes! LOL!!! Two of the highest gas taxed states are Cal and WA. And we have refineries in both states! Yet in MO where they have wells but no refineries...gas runs between $0.60 and $1.00 LESS per gallon! Go figure!
In my early 20's I didn't figure I would make it to 30. Seriously doubted it. I had already been shot at a couple of times in various drug investigations free lancing for the PD. and life didn't look like it was gonna be a long time investment. Once I became an officer and got out of the drug side of things and past 30...I gained a better perspective on longevity. Even though I eventually went back to contract work..I stayed out of the drug stuff so it wasn't quite as bad...though I still took a couple of rounds in my direction...(don't tell my wife...she would freak!)...they were more years apart.
My mom's family has a habit of hitting their 90' dad and his brother made it into their 80's. (well dad made it to within 1 week of 80) So I figure I may be causing trouble for awhile yet. LOL!!! I have told my youngest son I will teach his kids how to lay down a long and very black patch of rubber! (if he ever has any that is!)
I have a couple of ladies from my past that I longed to date as well...never accomplished that either. Met up with one of them at my 45th reunion. We spent some time chatting. Ah...what could have been...but wasn't meant to be eh?
I am always impressed when I hear discussions around the phrase 'did you ever think you would live this long?'. I am just one irresponsible, rolling stone. I have never planned beyond today unless I was forced. I very seldom end the day as started. I invested and saved because I enjoyed it and knew I would be screwed without a nest egg. Did I save enough...I'll let you know the day after I die.
Women: I don't much care. I've got a game one. We enjoy each other. The old girl friends got...well old!
( it's already 28th over here)
Happy B-day Buddy and a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Happy Birthday Rich! Enjoy the day and let others do for you! Maybe go for a cruise in that sweet ride! :003:
No cruising storm last night, and not much has melted at 3 pm. Looking at weather later this week.may do a roadtrip in the '57 to Taos/Santa Fe area. May give Eric (Chapingo17) in Rio Rancho a jingle if I go to one of my favorite casinos that's in his town.
Rich, I hope you're having a great birthday! I celebrated for you here with an extremely big meal. lol
I'v never been one to do much reading, however yesterday I picked up a book I'v had for some time now, Ford Chronicle [1902 -1983]. More pictures than words but find it very interesting, don't know why I waited so long to get into it. Lots of stuff on 57's. Take care, Alvin
Must be a bunch of folks are reading.....not a single entry on the site yesterday?
I know, I know, catching up with life after the big weekend and lets not forget the "black" sales. Might be out there today myself!
Looking at getting a new refrigerator. The old one is 25 years old, still works but is having issues with the ice maker and door gaskets. Easy enough to fix but am looking at an upgrade and doing the ol kitchen remodel thing. So that has turned into frig, oven and dishwasher. "They have to match" says the wife......might just bite the bullet, get all three and keep the oven and dishwasher in the wings until the construction end is finished.
Rich is this "off topic"? :<)
I find this strange.... yes. this site is a little slow.... which I have no problem..... Some of you are on FB... many are not.... thats cool.. But there are 2 -3 groups just dedicated to 57 Fords on FB..... VERY Heavy activity ..... when I see who is on line.. and so may "Guests"....I wonder why these guests don't participate on this site?
Yea..I know all the reasons everyone hates Facebook.. so do i ..BUT ASIDE FROM THAT.... I wonder that question.
There is even a nice group dedicated to this site.(Thanks James!)
"Rich is this "off topic"? :<)"
Haha, not at all, Bill. That's why I started this Morning Coffee many year's ago with Jame's approval. It's hard to get to know your fellow club members if ya can't talk about the rest of your life.
I'm just at the tail end of a kitchen refresh. We replaced the wall oven when we moved in, the dish washer 6 months after that. We needed a new refrigerator right from the get-go when we bought the house a few years ago because the one we had was too big for the alloted space in the kitchen. Fortunately, the space in the laundry room for a second frig was big enough for our old one. Just yesterday I finally ran a water supply line to that one for another icemaker. A year or so ago I built in a microwave above the stove. These 1957 houses just didn't make places to put microwaves for some reason, lol. My kitchen project got derailled when I had to replace the engine in my '57 (see, all this stuff ties in, lol), and after about starting it about a year ago, I should be done in a few weeks. I work slow. I finally got all the new wallpapering done. It was good to finally see the last of the dark red and mustard yellow theme no longer in the house! Hah, "counting flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all", I lost count, but between the livingroom and kitchen/laundry area, I've hung about 34 rolls of wallpaper.
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2019-12-02 07:16
I find this strange.... yes. this site is a little slow.... which I have no problem..... Some of you are on FB... many are not.... thats cool.. But there are 2 -3 groups just dedicated to 57 Fords on FB..... VERY Heavy activity ..... when I see who is on line.. and so may "Guests"....I wonder why these guests don't participate on this site?
Yea..I know all the reasons everyone hates Facebook.. so do i ..BUT ASIDE FROM THAT.... I wonder that question.
There is even a nice group dedicated to this site.(Thanks James!)
Havent been on the Face for a really long time now. Recently heard the most fitting description of it, "FaceBook, where old people go to argue". Haa. Pretty sure thats the perspective from millennials.
In the past, just scrolling through some of the 57 ford groups on the Face, seems like there's a lot of people talking but not a lot of people "knowing". So I came here for way more concise information. Not sure I can say this contraption would be rolling if I had to rely on the FB groups, seeing how I knew absolutely nothing about a 57 Ford before a couple years ago.
I have seen part of Rich's handiwork in the kitchen remodel! Was looking really nice when I saw it...and I can see in my mind what he is talking about having finished. Congrats Rich! Are you finally able to close your eyes without seeing wall paper in your sleep? LOL!!!
I stay away from Facebook. Way too many narcissistic people there for my taste. Reminds me of twitter in some ways. Endless mindlessness!
I am on the road at the Livingston Montana, got stopped here last night by Mother Nature's little temper tantrum...winds so bad the MSP shut down the hiway. Back n the road here in about an hour.
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2019-12-02 07:16
... Some of you are on FB ...
I refuse to join Facebork. One reason is that from it's start it's been hacked many times for peoples personal information. Of course if you are on the net & post on boards like this it's still easy enough for people to find a lot of your personal info. I've had my home address tracked down by people on other boards.
Considering how many people FB has 'assimilated' maybe I should call it FaceBorg. One would almost think that it is an actual requirement for everyone in the world to be on 'FaceBorg'.
Seems like every government origination, news outlet, police departments & social origination has a page there.
"Like us on FB." "For more information see our FB page @ ..."
Drives me nuts.
Funny thing about Facebook...less...much Much MUCH less than 1/2 the country is part of it. They sure make it sound like the world is though.
In my tenure as a state employee a former Microsoft Exec was appointed as the chief. He moved from the Northwest to Baton Rouge and began encouraging employees to bike to work. He had NO experience with 80 degree dewpoints and 92 degree temperatures. Anybody that tried to bike to work needed a shower when they got to work. This guy demanded that every employee had a personal Facebook account (he lasted a year). I opened one and put the absolute minimum required information and never opened it since. Social media is a scourge on humanity!!!!! I'm jus' venting! 8)
Huge, aka mustang6984 stopped in to visit me this afternoon, got here about 12 and left around 3. He is on his way to his place in Branson M. Huge makes the 4th member I have met. It was a good afternoon, a lot of random BS, and I like that. One thing about it when you meet one of us for the first time its kind of like knowing him for a long time as there is so much in common and from reading their stuff on the forum. I'd have to say this forum is a great place to make new friends. Take care, Alvin
I refuse to become part of Social media, I hate it.
Don't have a cell except the TRAC for travel, don't Facebook, don't text, don't tweet and don't twerk.......drives my kids nuts!
Yup, still have the ol land line and an answering machine. I have one of those little tapes that the first answer machine had in it. Changed it out when we went to portable home phones.
I keep the original rotary phone from 1965 my folks got when the party lines were eliminated, it still works. I use it to trouble shoot phone failures. Plug that bad boy into the box on the outside with the house disconnected, no tone - phone company problem, tone - house has an issue.
Don't get me wrong, technology is great. Just need to be careful your life doesn't get controlled by it. Look up and see the sun! Without technology there would be no 57fordsforever site, there would be no 502 rear wheel HP that gets 20 MPG at 75 MPH, there would not be the medical breakthroughs and cures we enjoy.
OK, done for now.....
My thoughts........I love some of the hi tech stuff, but I'm totally lost with most of it. I love my GPS especially in high traffic metro areas. And I never thought I'd like my iphone so much. I'm always asking Siri something. She comes in handy when you can't remember stuff. Last year I was in an argument with someone over the fact that '58 Ford wagons were not like the Ranchero's. The guy kept insisting that '58 wagons had the '57 tailights like Rancheros. I asked Siri for a pic of a '58 Ford wagon........argument over! A few weeks ago I was driving out in the boonies and for the heck of it, I asked Siri where I was....presto, a map popped up with a cursor showing my locatgion. I had no idea she could do that. I don't even carry my camera any more.
On a different note. I think right now us old guys have the best of both worlds. It's out there if we want it, but we've lived most of our lives without it, so we're not dead in the water without it. I worry about future generations........our grandkids, etc. How lost are they gonna be if it's not available?
Hugh called me last night while on the road driving thru Wyoming. He talked alot about enjoying his visit with Alvin and how impressed he was with Alvin's quality of work. A real craftsman, to quote Hugh. Wish Alvin would figure out the picture posting thing!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2019-12-03 09:48
Hugh called me last night while on the road driving thru Wyoming. He talked alot about enjoying his visit with Alvin and how impressed he was with Alvin's quality of work. A real craftsman, to quote Hugh. Wish Alvin would figure out the picture posting thing!
When I visited Alvin, I too was impressed with the quality of his work. The very few minutes we visited let me know that we have a lot in common. I'm already trying to figure out an excuse to visit him again, when we can really have a good visit!
I am going to stop by on the way back in a couple of weeks to pick up a part for drop off in Boise...if Alvin likes...I will show him the tricks to achieving notoriety of his work through pictures. :003:
We had a good time...I got to see his '57 collection along his Falcon he built for his son and a couple of walls of pics of his past cars and his youth. Good time and nice guy. Thanks for the time Alvin!
it's all low-tech here...
Duke Ellington 1930 ! Thats when a Ford looked like this:
totally crazy recording. :001:
and this is some great big Band swing for out on the road, Jim !
Earl Hines
Good music is almost endless :001: too bad the road time isn't :005: I just did my 3,000 mile maintenance so I'll be ready to roll the first of the year if the weather cooperates.
all has come to a halt here, 57 wise, as we are having freezing temps and expecting snow soon. I am driving my 1964 German Ford in winter though. has very good as new Continental winter tires, they were great and safe last year. but the fuel pump seems to dislike the cold. engine sputters and nearly quits on acceleration and higher rpms . I believe the diaphragm to be stiff in cold temps. fuel pressure gets ok after 10 miles or so when engine warms up. going to order a replacement pump today - just to be safe. I don't have any modern daily driver.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-12-04 15:08
all has come to a halt here, 57 wise ...
It came to a halt here 7 weeks ago!
Still rolling here.
Just got back couple of minutes ago from filling it up with some of that skunk flavored walmart kerosene.
I think my no-drive season might be from May thru mid Sept, due to heat exhaustion and no vintage AC.
Quote from: Tom S on 2019-12-04 17:02
It came to a halt here 7 weeks ago!
The only weather that we have here is bad weather and salt on the roads.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-12-04 10:58
.... I'll be ready to roll the first of the year if the weather cooperates.
Huh? Doesn't the weather usually cooperate in SoCal, Jim?
Hey! You could always send your purddy Ranchero to me if just gets too hot to go out down there. :naughty:
I don't need air conditioning, just a good heater.
Hmm ... On the other hand the weather has been changing so rapidly up here that I just might need air before too long. Took a lot longer than normal for real winter to get here this year & it's pretty cold now but I about roasted last summer.
Winter has come early, lots of rain, snow in the mountains and thousands without power. I have just too much on my plate right now for this month to get out :( MY car has no air but a good heater so I can deal with the cold, the summers kill me.
We were talking about Elvis and how his music sidemen made him a success. that might be true...! I want to think that Elvis himself would laugh about this . :002: :003::003:
maybe there are some Rhythm'n'Blues Fans here ?
when I say Rhythm'n Blues. I mean Rhythm'n' Blues. not that modern pop music that goes by the same name.
alive and well in 2019.
and here's a real wild one from 1954
Our local go to guy for upholstery that did my truck seat last week is also a musician. Carmine Sardo in the white shirt playing guitar at one of our local places. His brother Tony is also a musician and has an upholstery shop in Glendale. I like supporting the locals.
are you kidding me Jim ? THAT IS ALBERT LEE there playing with your friend Carmine !! wearing a German Polizei ( police) tshirt ? what ???? W H A T ??? :001: :003:
that is just gross.... :003:
Tearitup is an infamous rockabilly song by Johny Burnette and also the theme song of the annual car/music festival we go to on the Croatian seaside. of course that song is an alltime favorite. spun the vinyl records there 2 yrs ago.
that is awesome , Jim !
Johnny Burnette Trio. grew up with that song
Albert Lee with Sweden's greatest. The Refreshments, Johan Blohm on piano, wildman ! :003:
Funny...I went to school with a Carmine Sarno
not everybody's darling, but a great dance Dylan !
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-12-16 18:41
maybe there are some Rhythm'n'Blues Fans here ?
( (
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-12-16 20:03
Bob Dylan!
Yep. It's hard to beat most anything ole Bobby Zimmerman does!
( (
You guys know that he has two sons racing in NASCAR, right?
And of course along those same lines Bob Dylan's dad is Matt Dillon, who is sometimes known as James Arness.
:laughing7: :naughty:
I assume that was meant as a joke right?
Dylan's father, Abram Zimmerman – an electric-appliance shop owner – and mother, Beatrice "Beatty" Stone, were part of a small, close-knit Jewish community
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2019-12-17 01:04
I assume that was meant as a joke right?
Of course it was! Bob Dylan's dad is Matt Dillon of Gunsmoke? C'mon!
Talking on the phone with a friend of mine a couple days ago. He doesn't follow auto racing of any kind very much & I did get him going at first on that bit. :003:
Ty & Austin Dillon are actually drivers in NASCAR, that's how I came up with that BS & had been waiting to tell it to someone.
Thought you guys should suffer it too. :002:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-12-16 19:28
are you kidding me Jim ? THAT IS ALBERT LEE there playing with your friend Carmine !! wearing a German Polizei ( police) tshirt ? what ???? W H A T ??? :001: :003:
that is just gross.... :003:
Tearitup is an infamous rockabilly song by Johny Burnette and also the theme song of the annual car/music festival we go to on the Croatian seaside. of course that song is an alltime favorite. spun the vinyl records there 2 yrs ago.
that is awesome , Jim !
Johnny Burnette Trio. grew up with that song
For a little hole in the wall town we have some cool people and 4 57 Fords :003:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-12-16 19:35
Albert Lee with Sweden's greatest. The Refreshments, Johan Blohm on piano, wildman ! :003:
Love it, rock on :003:
Now that explains everything, Jim. Must be Koolsville, Ca ! :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2019-12-17 07:47
For a little hole in the wall town we have some cool people and 4 57 Fords :003:
You guys got me again. Clicked on Gunter's link to Subterannean Homesick blues and 4 1/2 hours, how do I get this darn music out of my head, lol. Woke up this morning to Ghost riders in the sky in my head. Watched about 5 versions of that song from Duane Eddy to Willie
I use to know all the words to that Dylan song, he's one of my favorites. Still enjoy listening to him with the Travelling Wilberys. My favorite of his was Lay, Lady, Lay
One of the best videos I watched last night: I was never a big Led Zeplin fan, and never paid much attention to Heart, but this I thought was great. Heart's tribute to Led Zeplin at the Kennedy Center.
And I finally found the good version of Roy Clark's Malaguena
because music is awesome, Rich ! :001:
your link is Roy Clark in Branson,Mo a wild performance for a Country singer !
I fixed it.
Just read that the drummer, Jason, for Heart is the son of the late drummer for Led cool was that?
Roy singer, yes. I loved his voice, but first and foremost an instrumentalist ....fiddle, guitar, banjo, etc
Quote from: Tom S on 2019-12-17 01:41
Of course it was! Bob Dylan's dad is Matt Dillon of Gunsmoke? C'mon!
Talking on the phone with a friend of mine a couple days ago. He doesn't follow auto racing of any kind very much & I did get him going at first on that bit. :003:
Ty & Austin Dillon are actually drivers in NASCAR, that's how I came up with that BS & had been waiting to tell it to someone.
Thought you guys should suffer it too. :002:
Music and Nascar were tied together thanks to Marty Robbins. I saw him race a few times.
I got to see Led Zeppelin a couple times at the Vancouver Pacific coliseum. 73 and 75 I think, memories kind of hazy. They sure put on a good show.
Wasn't Roy Clark a regular on Hee Haw? My dad used to like that show with Roy's fancy guitar pickin.
Yes...Roy and Buck Owens were sort of the centerpieces for that show.
Music is awesome, but how about this talent!
What awesome modeling :003:
Wow. I had seen some of his work before, but not near as much as what Les just posted. Sooooooooooo impressive. I have no idea how he gets so much done and with so much detail. So many questions I'd have for him, particularly about the model cars. How does he get the detail, like chrome, looking so real. All the plastic model kits I've ever seen look like plated plastic on the chrome.....not his! Detail on the interior in that 64 Impala convert. is just unbelievable. Makes me wonder if he's somehow photoshopping.
that is just amazing and such fantastic work, both models and photograpy !!!
The only giveaway are the perfect roads. The roads around our town are filled with cracks, utility cuts, potholes. It takes a lot of patience to do beautiful work like that.
WOW! I'm lost for words....truly impressive work
Here some more ink on Paul.
This article also has a nine minute video.
It's a shame he has passed. My comments on his model cars were answered, sorta....Franklin Mint and Danbury Mint. I wasn't even thinking along those lines.
Picked up this little gem a few months back. It's British (Myford ML7) made and were mostly sold to the colonies, Canada, Australia, South Africa, India and so on. Very well made and quite accurate.
It's really a hobbyist lathe, good for smaller projects. So far Iv'e made aluminum bushings for my leaf springs and a couple spacers for engine brackets.
Thats a nice little machine. I like the oil cups for the head bushings. If it does thread cutting I would imagine it would be metric?
That looks to be a very well built unit. It's just got that mid 1900's quality written all over it. Obviously well cared for too! Any idea what year it was built? Did you get much tooling along with it, like a 4 jaw chuck?
Metric thread cutting was available but being imported to Canada it's standard. The oil cups are glass and I don't know how they've lasted this long without getting broken. The oil flow is adjustable from a thumb screw and takes some getting used to as it can empty out the cup in 10 minutes.
According to the Myford website the serial # dates it to 1969. Unfortunately I didn't get much tooling with it. I spoke with a retired high school shop teacher and he says that all the schools had them and were fairly common. Chucks, steady rests, milling attachments and so come on craigslist now and again.
I had an Atlas I sold a few years back but it was taking too much room in my 2 car garage. This one is just about right for my shop.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2019-12-16 18:41
maybe there are some Rhythm'n'Blues Fans here ?
Here's a rare blues tune that might even fit in with the Christmas season or just the general November - December holiday season.
It is short, sweet & very tasty.
A question for Yahoo users........Am I the only one who's Yahoo home page has turned mostly UK news??
On the home front........Dec 30th, wow! Seems like I just realized I was going to miss the July 4 show in Santa Fe. I'm trying very hard to finish up my kitchen/laundry room redo by the end of the year......I may make it!! I may take a few months off from house redecorating and whittle down the to-do list on the '57 that seems to be slowly building up.
did your zip code change?
Interesting thoughts Rich. I am also starting to panic already, to get all those things checked off the to-do lists before 2020 cruising season starts for me at the end of May. Time seems to fly faster every year. even at this point of (still this) year I am seeing that some cars will have to be left in the stable 2020, because there is not enough time left for all the work that needs done.
tick tock!
Just missed National Tick Tock Day.
I'm just trying to get a house bought and then move the cars (now at 16) and cats (too many) and the rest of the household 2000 miles from WA to MO before NEXT winter hits. If I am lucky I will get the SVO painted and back on the road before then...maybe get the metal work completed on the Courier and the '69 so they will be moved easier.
Have a deck to re-build and a back fence to build...and when ever we do buy a house out here in ML then I have to build a "cat house" since I am not going to have them in the next home tearing it apart faster than I can fix it. Also have to do repairs on the inside of the current residence before I can list it for sale.
Other than that...should be a fun-filled summer of car shows and 2021...LOL!!!
After I retired it took me about 2 years to figure out there was another side to life. I was a general contractor and at times we run 3 crews, and I always wanted everything done on time and in a very professional manner. But now I look at things very differently, if I don't get it done today I'll do it tomarrow and if I'm not around to see tomarrow someone else will finish it. Took a while but I think I'v got it figured out now. Take care, Alvin
I like the way you think Alvin, I have 10 months to go till retirement. Been a plumber for 32 years at the same shop, not going to miss it one bit.
Alvin...took me a bit longer sadly. I had a hard time walking away from being on edge every time I walked out the door. I still check out a room when I walk into it...habit after nearly 30 years of being "on" all the time. Still won't sit with my back facing a primary entry door. Drives some people nuts...but here about 10 years ago there were 4 officers killed in a coffee shop outside of Lakewood P.D. (just south of Tacoma) where they met before shift to go over the days game plan. So...yea...I still check things out...doubt I will ever stop. At least in MO the odds of running into anyone I ever had to deal with is next to zero.
And once I get moved completely out here...I plan to pretty much live in my shop! LOL!!! Except during the summer when I plan to drive as much as cars and maybe target guys from the forum for visits now and then. (never been to Massachusetts! Fair warning Joe... :003: )
I retired after 40 years on the fire department, and not one time has the fire chief called because the job doesn't know what to do since I retired (the way it should be). My son is on the job, I stop by for coffee once in a great while; same ol, same ol. It seems as the fire trucks get bigger, so does the policy book. Huh?? Happy New Year.
Happy New Year to you and Kelly as well. Seems like everytime I turn around I'm hearing about another snow storm in Colorado....having an unusually pretty tough winter so far, aren't you?
Give us an update on your project.....did it make it out of the upholstery shop?
'19 was the first year since I moved to Texas in '03 that I didn't make it back even once.
Happy new year to you and yours as well. I expect to get it out of the shop towards the end of this month, it's coming along. I decided to completely redo the seats (removing the seat springs), in order for them to conform to me, built for comfort, yet maintaining the look 50s styling.
Went on a 550 mile roadtrip with the '57 Friday and yesterday. I got a few neat pics I'll post up later. Saw an ad in Hemmings for a cruise-in weekend in Nocoma, Tx. Been thru there a 1/2 dozen times before, but thought maybe since we had a good weekend weather wise, there might be a bunch of car guys there. Only a handful, but a roadtrip is a roadtrip. Nocoma got world famous in the early 1900's for their western boot factory. There is a car museum there, but it's mostly Chevy's and Corvettes.
A few pics from this weekend
SWEET! Nice lookin' car there buddy! I like the last shot in front of the old gas pumps best! :003:
beautiful, again and again ! you just nailed the look on your Custom.
my favorite is the lonestar flag pic.
Great pictures Rich, glad you could get out and some good weather. I'm itching to get on the road.
Sitting at the computer enjoying my morning coffee in the house I own, not the bank and I!!!!!! Payed it off yesterday, long time coming with all the moves over the years (Navy and mine) and taking a beating on two. The moment called for a celebratory cigar and a glass of champaign, well maybe more then one.....!
That is freakin awesome Bill !! Congrats.
Nice. Congrats.
Seems the faster i go, the further im behind.
Whats your stoogie?, ...ArturoFuente by chance?
owing no one. Super feeling!!
That's great Bill. What a great feeling. Some times we think it will never happen but when it does what a relief' It's been a long time since I owed any body anything, however I'v been flat broke twice, had to work extra hard to get back on top, and what a great feeling it is. Take care, Alvin
ROAD TRIP...near Detroit to near Chicago and back today. I'm making a parts run for a front seat for the Raunch Wagon.
Bingo...........I knew there was something missing from my life...........the parts searches. lol, the driving 200+ miles each way to pick up a $30 part that could have been shipped for 10 bucks.
I put 550 miles on my Subaru Monday just to "get out"
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-01-15 08:05
Bingo...........I knew there was something missing from my life...........the parts searches. lol, the driving 200+ miles each way to pick up a $30 part that could have been shipped for 10 bucks.
I put 550 miles on my Subaru Monday just to "get out"
Just another thing the internet has replaced...those "parts runs" we used to do back in the day that would include checking out new burger joints and women! {sigh} Have I ever mentioned how I miss the good ol' days at times?
This isn't supposed to happen here. Normally all we get is rain, and lots of it. Expecting another 3-4" tonight.
Quote from: rmk57 on 2020-01-15 12:58
This isn't supposed to happen here. Normally all we get is rain, and lots of it. Expecting another 3-4" tonight.
Yea...I am in Missouri right now, but my wife is still in Port Angeles WA across from Vancouver Island. They have about 3 feet in the front yard right now. She sent me a pic of her car and our front yard about the same time as I saw your post.
morning entertainment had a live blurd in VC this morning with lots of snow falling. So...what's the poop on the Royals moving in down the street!!
Quote from: gasman826 on 2020-01-15 16:27
So...what's the poop on the Royals moving in down the street!!
Well it is my understanding they wanted to come to your place for dinner on their first weekend on this side of the pond. Something about Harry wanting a ride in your '57... :003:
they are in for some skiing !
on the other hand here's, now I know why Tom can't find any more vans in Alaska ! :003:
A friend sent this today from Barrett Jackson.
Oh now those are cool!
Just so you guys all birthday is coming up...LOL!!!
I've finally gotten around to installing the last two A/C louvers. I was hoping to get them coming out of the console, but that wasn't going to happen, just not enough room. There was no room behind the dash to add the last two. I had installed the first two in the dash in the only place the ducting would fit. I had no choice but to just use under dash pods for the last two.
While I was being a contortionist yesterday trying to reattach a duct that had come loose, I noticed the access door to my windshield wiper motor was open. I have no idea how long it had been open since it's really buried visually. Last summer I noticed on a few occasions in the summer heat, there was a lot of heat being generated from under the dash, and I now suspect that was where it was coming from. My cowl vent is closed off, so any heat that may buildup inside the cowl has no place to go......unless of course the wiper motor door was inadvertently open.
Got sooooo many small things to get done on the '57. Next up: Got to get the interior shampoo'd and redye the driver's seat and steering wheel. Got to get the door seals put back on and work on getting the wind noise reduced. I think my rear springs have settled down about an inch from when first installed new, so I'm going to remove the 1" lowering blocks then make sure it hasn't affected the handling. I've got to get my hood stripped and repainted. Apparently I didn't do as good a job precleaning the hood prior to the repaint, and it is bubbling along the hood scoop. I'm pretty sure it was caused by silicon residue from detailing spray that I didn't get cleaned off adequately. While the hood is off, I'm going to reposition the A/C condenser closer to the radiator, then get my A/C system flushed and recharged.
Quote from: rmk57 on 2020-01-15 12:58This isn't supposed to happen here.
It is & does happen every year here.
I think your Bronco has had a much better life than mine.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2020-01-15 18:12
they are in for some skiing !
on the other hand here's, now I know why Tom can't find any more vans in Alaska ! :003:
HA! That looks like a hell of a party! I'm sure that the main reason I can't find 'em is because they rusted away. : (
That 1st van was a Chev anyway, so no loss. :004:
The Econoline that hit the bulldozer was newer than the ones I really like. I don't want any more of those.
Wow Rich, you may as well build another car, but winter is a good time to make all the necessary fixes.
Quote from: Tom S on 2020-01-16 08:52
It is & does happen every year here.
I think your Bronco has had a much better life than mine.
I like that plow setup, could really use it here for sure. The Bronco is parked in the alley and the city does not plow alleyways. Does yours have a PTO or electric for the plow?
My little 66 came with a dealer installed PTO, Koenig is the manufacture I think out of Texas. The early literature for Broncos also says a snow plow, fence post auger were available at your dealer.
Quote from: rmk57 on 2020-01-16 09:59
The Bronco is parked in the alley and the city does not plow alleyways.
Here in Boise, they only plow the main roads and hills over 6 percent and it's illegal for the public to plow w/o authority.
Quote from: rmk57 on 2020-01-16 09:59
I like that plow setup, could really use it here for sure. The Bronco is parked in the alley and the city does not plow alleyways. Does yours have a PTO or electric for the plow?
My little 66 came with a dealer installed PTO, Koenig is the manufacture I think out of Texas. The early literature for Broncos also says a snow plow, fence post auger were available at your dealer.
Even though I've used it for over 40 years the plow isn't that great. Bought it used & cheap. Had a hydraulic pump that was powered by what almost looks like a starter motor. The tiny hydraulic piston was about as big around as my little finger. When it was real cold it took forever to get any movement out of it. Had to work it for a while &, I guess, warm up the fluid. Even then it sometimes took forever to get it to go back up again. It was always slow. Replaced the seal once years ago. It finally gave up & no parts to be found. New plows are pretty expensive & I'd have to build a different mounting system. They all look to be a lot heavier too & I sure don't need that.
Made a new lift using an electric ATV winch. It's still real slow but it works every time & is easily replaced if needed. I know there are better way to do this with a hydraulic pump & cylinder, but ....??
Wish my '71 had a PTO! Maybe I could make it run a rear mounted winch to pull myself out after pushing snow down hill or over a little bank with the front wheels now in deep snow. Lots of weight on the front of a short wheelbase rig so there's not much traction at the rear wheels.
The thing is a bear to drive with all that weight on the front. Stick shift & no power steering. Between that, running the plow & trying not to hit stuff it keeps ya busy. That may be good 'cause there is very little heat in the ol' beast.
When I was out of work for a while years ago I plowed driveways for cash. Got stuck many times, slammed into hidden stuff, broke stuff & had to limp home & re-weld mounts & fix other things. Tried chains on the front wheels & broke an axle. Blade blocked air to the radiator & caused overheating on the highway.
I won't take it on the road any more except to maybe sneak around the block to my neighbor here & hope that a cop won't show up. It hasn't been licensed or insured for decades.
I've known this Poor 'ol' Bronco since day one as a fleet vehicle. It has always had a hard life but it's still going.
Pic of the crappy old hydraulic pump.
How 'bout some good old fashioned and fresh sounding Country and Western song ? :001:
want to add one of my allteime favorites, Buck Owens!
and while we're at it, let's hear something equally good, if a little different. :002: :003:
So many old favorites come to mind, I always liked Ray Price
that is crazy Jim, because I had been listening to exactly that Ray Price song about 2hrs ago. not because Utube suggested it but I felt like hearing it ! City Lights that is an absolutely fantastic song !
Another great one from those young Swedish guys around Harmonica Sam. yes. Sweden, Scandinavia, Europe - not straight from Ar-ken-sawh... :003:
how could anybody recreate an era, a feeling, a sound so perfectly ? absolutely stunned. George Jones, Johnny Cash, Buck, Jimmy and Ray and all the others would just be surprised.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2020-01-16 13:09
How 'bout some good old fashioned and fresh sounding Country and Western song ? :001:
Nothing says early C&W music than a pedal steel guitar. Good song.
so true, Randy !
here's Dale Watson ! met him on his European tour some years ago. he got some talent, wow. and his band all the same.
Can't get away of all these dringking songs, obviously that's country... :003:
but this really, his song
57 Fairlane
Now that's some good music right there!
One of my dads favorites and kind of rubbed off on me to. I remember as a kid him picking away on guitar to this and few other of his songs. The "Singing Ranger" Hank Snow.
Oh yes ! Moving on, one of my favorites to listen while out on the road!
here's another one of those GREAT artists with a mellow voive. they sure swing !
57 FAIRLANE is a new one to me, not happy about him standing on the fender..
I was always amazed at how popular C&W is in Japan..
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2020-01-16 16:39's Dale Watson ! met him on his European tour some years ago. ...
If ya ever meet him again I hope you smack him up 'longside the head for standing on the hood of that Fairlane! :013:
Been checking off a few things on my list of things to get done on the '57. I finally got the rest of the engine compartment cleaned up from the mess I had when one of my fuel line fittings (sprinlock) undid itself last fall. Aside from all the black stuff over everything from the fuel disolving whatever it is that Ford put between the hood support and outer skin, it also screwed up the paint on my air intake plenum. So, got the plenum stripped and repainted. Originally I had spray canned it, but this time I did the basecoat/clearcoat, so hopefully it'll be a bit more resistant to normal wear and tear. While I had the plenum off, I cleaned the throttle body, and MAF sensor, lubricated the throttle cable, cleaned and lightly re-oiled my K&N air filter, and got everything cleaned up and polished.
I took my vent cover off and lubricated the wiper arm system, replaced a broken windshield washer hose. I also cleaned and repainted the vent screen. I got all my coolant hoses tightened up, but found I still have a leak in the heater hose somewhere above the exhaust manifold. I have the downpipes heat wrapped, and when the car sits for a while, the wrapping gets soaked, so after the car start warming up, it starts steaming until that coolant gets burnt off. I've looked three or 4 times to find where it's leaking, but to no avail so far. It's not much, maybe an inch or so in the radiator in a month's time.
I brought the car to a detailer and had him shampoo the carpet and upholstery. Yesterday I pulled the driver's seat and redyed it. This was the second time I redyded since driving the car.....the stuff wears off after a lot of use. I only needed to do the driver's seat, but I picked up a new can of the same dye, and it's enough different from the lot I originally used so that I'm gonna have to pull the passenger seat and redo it as well.
I did get the steering wheel redyed, looks so much better. I'll get the car out in the sun today so I can have a look at whether or not I'll have to redye the back seat as well.....hard to tell with the garage lighting and smoked glass.
Sounds like you plan on spending all your summer driving and not messing with repairs and such! And that you are about ready to go as well! I am looking forward to seeing you and the car again! Especially since the last time we were together it had a stomach ulcer of sorts! LOL!!! :burnout:
yeah, unlike where I built the car, my garage stays pretty comfortable. Even when the temps drop into the teens, the garage rarely goes below 50 even without heat. Doesn't take long for my combo A/C and heat window unit to get it up where I like it @ 65 or so. So, before when I had to avoid frequent winter days, now I don't.
My paint supply shop didn't have another can of the Sems Color coat, won't be in til Tuesday. I did get the passenger seat out and dyed, but don't have enough left for the back seat. In the meantime, I've got 3 or 4 things I need to fix/redo in the back seat area anyways. Tonight I'm gonna pull the passenger rear fixed window and do a better job of getting the seal in place. Lol, I did a big long write up when I installed the drivers side rear window because everyone was having a tough time getting the seals to fit the way they should. James made a sticky out of it. When I did the passenger side, I ignored all that pain in the butt stuff I did on the drivers side. Yep, shoulda listened to my own advise because the drivers side still fits almost perfect and the pass. side looks like hell.
Btw, I don't think the dye lot changed that much.......I just realized the stuff I sprayed on was pretty much dissipated over the years, just worse on the driver's seat of course. And I just figured out it was probably about 8 years ago I did that initial color change. Wow, time flies. Funny, I remember thiking a month or so ago, that my interior looked a little dingy to me, and I didn't know why. Big difference now.
You are making progress...and that is what counts. Unlike me...spending my time in Branson trying to get things done...or when i WA trying to...get more things done...all so we can move. So...I am jealously green with envy! :sad3:
Found this interesting brand on ebay. I was looking for another Chinese solenoid to replace the one that's already given up the ghost. I had no idea Ford would have had such an item. From back in the time when the cheap stuff was made in Japan, lol. It's on it's way.
Looks like you bought the last one. :003:
that was an interesting find Rich. it's always great when we can find such handy universal parts for a good price. I bet that 1987 quality is much better than todays bubble gum.
I don't know what I expected other than a much larger size solenoid. With such a small size, it should be relatively easy to mount. Do you have pictures of the install? IIRC you used a small pulley to facilitate the installation.
I'll try and get some more pics when I change the solenoids out. Hopefully it will be the same size body so I can just use the bracket that's already mounted. I'm not sure if I'm getting the mounting hardware as stated on the box with the one just hardware shown in the pics. If I remember correctly, I used a small screen door roller that had the groved wheel.
Update..I got all the seats taken out masked off and redyed, and reinstalled. They look tons better. I'll post some pics later. I also got some areas of the windlace put back where it belongs, this time with adhesive as well as staples. I think it got pulled out from big butts trying to squeeze out of the back seat. The new seal was put on the fixed rear window, passenger side. I misspoke when I said I hadn't followed my own advise.........I never redid that side, the new seal was still in the bag waiting to be installed. I did find some better ways of doing the install. I'll update the sticky post in the technical board. Basically, I built up the glass length and width so it was a tight fit and used small wedges I had found to keep the seal/glass tight worked great with a minimum of hassel. A few hours and it was done.
My project for the day is making up some mounting brackets for my fire extinguisher. I had it just laying on the floor in the back seat, but figured that wasn't a good thing to have tossed around should I be in a roll-over. I'm thinking maybe I should add a latch to my console's glove compartment door for the same reason.
Got the fire extinguisher tied down, I think I'm done with the interior refreshing,repairing.
It's suppose to be in the mid 60's today........should make for a really good 1st Saturday of the month cruise in here in town.
I got my Ford trunk solenoid. Looks like the Chinese stuff on the market now is a copy of this Ford one......just looking, it appears to be an exact duplicate. I did get the complete kit including switch and brackets and a bunch of hardware. Project for tomorrow.
Terry..It'll be almost impossible to get a good pic of how I did the pulley for the solenoid's inside the trunk support. I did use a screen door nylon roller for the pulley. I mounted it between two 1" corner brackets using a small shoulder bolt for the pulley's shaft. After you asked about that, I had to go out and look just to make sure everything was still intact or the cable hadn't come off the pulley posibly being the reason the solenoid wasn't releasing the latch any more. I actually wasn't going to order a new solenoid until I had checked out the old one....just checking Ebay to make sure they were available when I saw that nos Ford one.
I'll bet all you west coast guys are betting on the 49ers for tomorrow?? You're not gonna have a good day. I honestly think this is going to be the Chief's DECADE if Mahommes stays healthy. LOL, I may have to switch allegence from my Broncos........they've been hard to watch the past 3 or 4 years anyways.
C'mon baseball!!
You will see 3 feet of snow in the Mojave desert in July before you will EVER hear me root for the 'Frisco team!
Spring training in 12 days! :003:
Country music anyone ?
boy the two of them could sing....
Dolly Parton & Porter Wagoner
I have their albums they did together...and if memory serves I have 2 of one of which has NEVER been unsealed. (I have a few never-been-opened albums.)
The three of us again did the '57 lunch cruise to Russel's truck stop on I 40 in New Mexico last Sunday. High 60' down, nice day. On our way out of town, a guy followed us into Sonic to tell me how much he liked the car. My wife and Sherri got a kick out of that. He showed me a pic of a gorgeous 58 retrac he owns and said he has 5 projects going. I gave him my card and told him to call. Hope he does, I'd like to see his cars. He's in Canyon...closest town to Amarillo. He took 1/2 dozen pics of mine. In the cafe at Russells, two couples stopped by our table to ask about the '57 and tell us how pretty it was. They had watched us pull in.
Monday the cold front came in, light snow for two days, low 20's, icy roads. It was 16 when I woke up this morning.....brrrrr!
Got my trunk release working again. It just got out of adjustment, so I have the unused Ford kit I bought on ebay. I should have looked at it months ago....took 2 minutes to fix. I can get rid of that dog leash coming into the back seat I had hooked up to the latch.
Started working on getting the new door seals put on. Been without for several years. LOL, for some reason, I have 3 unused door seals......not sure how that happened. When I put the door seals on, I mask off the door so I don't get the adhesive on surfaces not wanted. That's what I'm doing now........I'll get back to that after the garage warms up a bit. 16* this morning, my garage was still at 46, so I'm real happy about that. I know there will be some areas at the top of the door that the seals don't quite close up. I'm going to try and add an additional strip of seal on the top of the door jamb to see if it helps with the wind noise. I'll let you guys know how that works out/looks.
Got the driver's door seal installed. Bill had posted on another thread he had in the past received seals that were too short. My newer (2018)seals were also a foot too short, but I had one older(but new) one that was the right length, so I just added a piece from the extra short one after shortening it even more so the seam would be on the underside where it fit into the wavy channel thingie.
I must have installed the seals on the doors the first time with the doors off the car. I sure don't remember having a problem reaching the hinge side of the door like I did lots of cleanup to do. Oddly enough, the short seals had all the molded corners in the correct place, so I can't buy Carpenter's excuse they were front seals for a 4 dr. mispackaged. They had to be 2 dr seals that were just cut wrong.
The good news........I closed the door not expecting it to shut without slamming, but it closed real easy. I'm wondering if it'll be the same when I use the older seal on the passenger door. Maybe the newer seals have a softer rubber? We'll know before too long.
I got the older door seal installed on the passenger door today. Guess what..........door has to be almost slammed to close! That's telling me Carpenter has indeed changed to a softer rubber. In addition to that, I took the car out for a drive to see how much quieter it was. Not as quiet as I would like, certainly a big difference over no door seals, but the passenger door is definetly not sealing as well as the drivers door with the newer (softer) seal. That's also a good thing for current users. Hopefully the cars will seal better and not have the door slamming issues we've had for years.
Not sure how many others would be able to do a direct comparison. Had I known this, I would have installed the newer short seal I had on both doors and used the old seal for the patch. At least the passenger door doesn't get opened as much, and in time it won't have to be slammed as hard. BTW, the reason I ended up with the extra seal was that it just never got installed.
I'm hoping guys that have installed the "newer seals" (bought in past year or two) will report in as to whether or not they are having closing issues like we did in the past. least it s sealed. And like you said...with use, it should get better as it is forced to conform more with the door. Maybe you should invest in one of those mechanical door slammers! LOL!!!
Jay gave me info about how he cut/shaved off extra material off the backside ( glue side) of the door seals in several critical areas (among them is the dogleg area of doors), which helped a lot in making closing the door easier without having to slam it. it could be reasonable to use clay to determine seal thickness in certain areas and cut the seals accordingly.
that topic is a never ending story. I have stopped using factory style replacement door seals in the past 10 years and use self adhesive (soft) natural rubber foam strips that I buy at my local machinery equipment store. they come every mm ( approx every 1/16) and are available in several different widths (10mm=3/8, 12mm=1/2" aso). I simply use different thickness and width according to what's needed.
I've read several post of all the problems people have been having with Carpenter seals on classic Ford trucks so I've been avoiding replacing the seals on mine, they are not original but had been replaced some time in the past by the previous owner.
I always wondered why they call it wind lace? Is that suppose to help block wind noise? I also found a lot of noise was coming off the door mounted mirrors, when I switched from a square style to a round one the noise was less. But unless it's freezing cold I drive with the window open 90% of the time.
I'm 100% sure a good windlace does as much to stop wind noise as the seals do. That's why I went so long without bothering to replace the seals. Biggest advantage to the seals imho is stopping water leakage, not wind. Every time I washed my car I'd have to dry off the inside door windows, windlace, etc. That was the main reason I decided to finally get off my butt and get them put on.
Like I said though, I have high hopes the newer seals from DC are going to be better at sealing and not have the door slamming issue. I'm anxious to hear from members with recent installs like Les, and I'm assuming Bill will be at that point soon if not already there. Maybe this "ongoing issue" is finally nearing an end.
BTW, if you have door panels that are padded or otherwise thicker than oem, that will add to the door slamming issues if you have a good windlace with a firm attachment. I noticed a few weeks ago when I reattached the windlace that was coming loose in a few areas, the door immediately required more energy to close. The windlace should be tight against the door panel and garnish rail
Thats what I'm thinking. I have one area just above the wind wing where I can press the wind lace against the door and it stops a lot of the noise but Have no idea how to correct it and I sure don't want to tear it all apart :005:
Jim, you can either shim the door glass garnish moulding or the pillar garnish with some dense foam or cotton cloth to just push the lace where you need it. 57s are notorious in wind leaks because of the long heavy doors and the delicate dogleg shape of windshield post and door vent wings.
Probably everybody here knows that the original clamps to fasten the lace wwere rather unsufficient.
Thanks for the suggestions G. I'm probably not going to try to do much about it at this time as I drive with the window down most of the time. I can't remember having a noise problem with my first 57 in 1966 or my 58 in 1967 or my second 57 in 1968. But back then I may have had the music so loud I didn't notice it :003:
It has been cold here also Rich. It's really to soon for me to tell how well my Steele rubber doors seals are going to perform. Right now it takes some effort to close the doors, but considering how cold and new everything is, I don't anticipate any issues. When I drove it 15 miles from interior shop I didn't have any wind noise.
I did get the front calipers re-installed. As you recall, my from pads only had 66% pad contact on front rotors. Fatman sent me the wrong brackets originally. I had to slightly modify the brackets, but now it's good to go. Haven't had the car on the road yet to test drive.
You've been getting unusual amounts of snow up there haven't you? Man I need a are the mountain roads up there? probably too soon, and too cold to be enjoyable.
Good to hear about the door seals, and especially no wind, but I don't usually get much until hiway speeds.....60ish.
Sure was nice you didn't have the hell Gary/Gasman is going thru to get his car from the upholsterer after 3 1/2 years.
Got my road trip lined up! I remembered an hour ago one of my local friends told me the Darryl Starbird show was coming up in Tulsa. I just checked and it starts tomorrow. Going to take the '57. 375 miles or so each way, I'm probably not as close to it as Hugh is in Branson.
Hugh, check out the website if ya got a day or so to get away. 1,000+ cars, indoors @ the Tulsa fairgrounds.
be sure to click the "home" button
UGH! I would LOVE to go...but I have had exorbitant water bills on the apartment building while I w as trying to find them. Turned out it was all of the toilets! One in particular was passing about 8-10tanks a day, and doing it so slowly that no one ever heard water running.
I have them all fixed now, and the meters get read every week in the complex. I dropped from 10,000+ gallons a week to 5,500 a week. MUCH better. But now I have no money... :angry5: I can't go. And I wold love to! Will have to put it on my list for next so many other things.
BUT...I charge you with the task of having enough fun for both of us! LOL!!! which I suspect you will be able to do! :003:
I may not go either, $ also, and I didn't realize it was 375 miles. I may revert back to my plan of checking out the Lewis Auto and Toy Museum in Moriaty, NM. Looks like a super neat place to visit, I'll see if I can re-find a video I just watched on it.
found it..@ 1 minute mark. Best with sound off!
Rich, maybe this is an original 'morning coffee' post ?
I am building a Flathead and master engine builder Vern Tardel always stresses how important it is to poke sand/rust/scale/debris from the water jackets even if it has been cleaned or dipped before. Well I guess he is right ! :003:
That is more than a pound of 'morning coffee' in that jar. :002:
WOW!!! Now turn the block over and flush it to get the Decaf out :003:
Wow, that's a lot of rust; can the water jackets be treated with anything DJ?
it's not all rust, Joe. also lots of scale, sediment and what I believe is sand. those blocks are said to have lots of remnants of the original casting process inside. that could be true.
Yes H&H Flatheads in Cali do a special liquid ceramic sealing of the water jackets. I doubt somebody can do this over here, I will go for some good quality anti freeze. all famous builders stress the fact how important it is to thoroughly clean out the blocks for cooler operating temps.
Your 39 appears very well built though, so the engine will have been rebuilt. You will also have to meet and show it to Jay, he is just extremely knowledgable about Flathead engines !
Seeing this makes me wonder if FE's aren't inclined to scale up in the jackets making overheating an issue on older blocks????
H&H flatheads is about 3 miles from me. I haven't been by there in years. Before they went to the flathead business it was a general automotive machine shop and Max the owner use to do all my machine work. The son or sons now run the business. They had some unbelievable engines on display the last time I was there.
Quote from: lalessi1 on 2020-02-16 11:38
Seeing this makes me wonder if FE's aren't inclined to scale up in the jackets making overheating an issue on older blocks????
When I tore down my 66 352 with 140,000 miles to build the 390 I was surprised how little scale there was and it ran on water all those years. But like everything there are so many variables. Only FE I worked on with a heating problem was a 410 that belonged to a friend who had installed the left bank head gasket backwards..
Quote from: lalessi1 on 2020-02-16 11:38
Seeing this makes me wonder if FE's aren't inclined to scale up in the jackets making overheating an issue on older blocks????
The one I am going to use in my '57 was FULL of rust scale and "dirt" inside the water jacket area. When I pulled out the freeze plugs it just poured out. I have no idea about the history of the engine or the car it came out of. The car was a T-bird...'67 if I remember correctly. Was in a junk yard and was damage I am guessing it was there due to an engine or transmission issue.
No one knew if it was a 390 or a 428. No way to really know now until it is torn down I guess. The car and the junk yard are long gone.
Lynn, given that the FE and a Y block are pretty similar in many design clues, like the low skirts. My 57 292 was so full of sludge and sediment build up. Maybe you remember when I had all those overheating issues and was pulling the freeze plugs and cleaning out the Y block with wire, scraper, screwdriver, compressed air and a high pressure washer. I posted some of that in my 57 wagon build.
Quote from: lalessi1 on 2020-02-16 11:38
Seeing this makes me wonder if FE's aren't inclined to scale up in the jackets making overheating an issue on older blocks???
btw Joe, did you notice that this is a '39 or '40 block ?
DJ, I know absolutely nothing about flatheads, I always wanted a hot rod with one, but I always played with FE's, Clevelands and Windsors. That said, I'm sure I'll get an education on them. :002:
I did notice the two water pump holes and triangular water jacket holes between the center bores, so I assumed it was a 221, circa 1938+
Joe, you are in for some good lessons with Jay ! :001:
You already know a lot, yes that is originally a 221, the first with 24 studs per head and larger main bearings ( in preparation for the 39 Merc), and only built in 39 and 40. This one has a lot overbore (+1/8 +0.060). calculated 249 cui.
We finally had a few nice weather days this past weekend, so decided to go to the Starbird show in Tulsa. 780 miles roundtrip. Car ran great. I hadn't planned on it, but I put the car in the outdoor car coral part of the show, still a little to cold out for me Saturday morning, so never even cleaned it. It was only my second time in Tulsa, the first time 18 years ago at night just passing thru. Tulsa is actually further from my house than DFW.
Very impressive show. First time I've got to see nationally famous icons......Red Baron, Lil' Coffin, etc. Those cars look so impressive in person, particularly the Lil Coffin. Saw Darryl Starbird, but didn't get to talk to him........long line! I met three Hamb members outside who came over because they recognized my car from Hamb posts. One was Mo Junk, who's 57 I love.
Inside the show was a '57 T-bird, a very nice scalloped '57 Ranchero, and a Hamber's '58 Custom. Yep, tons of tri fives.
Pics after I get them downloaded.
looking forward to them......
woah Rich ! Lil Coffin is one of my alltime favorite show rods. we need pics !
Here we go....Tulsa Starbird show, In the last pic, that's Darryl Starbird sitting at the table with the red jacket and white hair. I've got a new appreciation for this car after seeing it in person. It's a work of art.
I love that car....
note the top pic...T-Bird inspired fantastic a job as they did on the body work and fade/blendinfg of the paint, the actual paint was horrible fisheyes and trash galore. If you look close at the pic, all those shiney spots showing up were actually paint flaws.
s'more again Love this black '62...... 406 w/ trips. The Ranchero, a T-bird, and mine outside were the only '57 Fords there.
The show had a crazy number of rat rods in the lower area, but this one deserved a spot on the main floor....oops, it was on the lower level
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2020-02-19 11:18
I love that car....
Thanks, but the Lil Coffin is pretty cool too! ::)
The yellow sporty looking creation to me has GM written all over it (except for the T-bird hood scoop), BUT it's powered by a Lincoln Mark VIII 4.6 dohc! Didn't notice that til I got home and read the plaque. I would have asked to look closer had I known.
I normally don't like Gold, but the T-Bird and the Caddy were spot on.
Saw the Gold Cadillac several times. Very Nice car from a shop in South Carolina. The bucket seats are from a '66 T'Bird.........same as what I'm using in my Ranchero.
Was watching "Full Custom Garage" this afternoon on Motor Trend On Demand and they featured the build of the "Bubble Top" car that has T-Bird elements. VERY IMPRESSIVE story. The guy that built the cool stuff wasn't involved in the painting of the car.
Those buckets will look great in your Ranchero, John. Going back and re-looking, I think they're proportionally too small for that big Caddy.
I fogot to mention last week, I filled up my dd.............1.91 gal!! I noticed the mid grade that day was 2.14. I should have gone home and filled up the '57. It was only that low for one day. Regular went back to the 2.09 it's been at for quite a while around here. Last weekend I saw lots of highway stations in OK at 1.99.
Here in the Branson/Springfield area it is between $2.04 and $1.97. Closer to Springfield...cheaper it gets. WA state meanwhile according to my wife is around $2.60 and higher.
That was my initial reaction also; the bubble top car was built on Full Custom Garage by Ian Roussel. I see he has moved his shop out in the desert, neighbor of Gene Winfield.
Quote from: fdlrc on 2020-02-20 09:30
That was my initial reaction also; the bubble top car was built on Full Custom Garage by Ian Roussel. I see he has moved his shop out in the desert, neighbor of Gene Winfield.
Saw part of the show with that car a while ago. Took a pic of the TV screen.
Before the bubble top.
Guess we all need to go to Alaska and visit his food...drink his beer...and then go over to Wasilla and see this gem!
Now that is cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sweet story and couple ! makes one smile !
What time are we leaving? :003:
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2020-02-29 18:37
Guess we all need to go to Alaska and visit his food...drink his beer...and then go over to Wasilla and see this gem!
Ha! Unless you like food from a can or some crappy mass produced frozen stuff I never have any food here that you'd wanna eat. I'm starvin'! I do have some cheap beer though.
But racing season is on here! That is if you're into dog sled racing. : (
The 3 day "Open World Championship sled dog race" held each year during Anchorage's Fur Rendezvous must have wrapped up today. That used to be kind of a big deal when I was a kid.
If you get here by next Saturday you can do downtown to watch the ceremonial start of the annual 1000 mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Then the next day go a ways north of 'Wasilly' to Willow where you can stand around freezin' yer buns off & watch the actual start of of the Iditarod race. Remember, there ain't a road to Nome & almost all of this race is a long, long ways from anything resembling civilization.
And, no, I'm not into any of that stuff.
I did see that Red Wagon car at our annual Show & Shine quite a few years ago.
BTW, we actually did have auto racing during Anchorage's Fur Rendezvous for many decades but haven't now for over decade. : (
I used to pit for different people in the Fur Rondy Grand Prix. Sometimes I was the pit 'crew'.
Here's a short vid I did in 2008. I had several friends in the race including the guys driving the Porsche powered VW Beetles, always by far the fastest cars there.
My blurb for the vid:
"A few clips from the last few years, mostly 2006. Do not be deceived by the wrappers, those VW Super Beetles are running high HP Porsche engines & trick suspensions, very fast.
The Anchorage Fur Rendezvous Grand Prix is, or was, the oldest continuous annual street race in the USA. Running from the very early 1960's to 2006. Sadly, due to lack of funds or support of sponsors it has not run for the last two years. It is coming back On March 6th & 8th of 2009. Long may it run!"
You can probably find some better vids of the race on YouTube than this one of mine though.
LOL!!! Well...if I come up...I will cook for you then! I make several mean meatloafs, roast, (beef or pork), spaghetti and of course steak! You will eat well if I come up there! :003:
Ike and Tina. You got what you wanted
lyrics became very true for the two of them. great song with a wild riff and strong composition.
Yet another run of the "40 days and 40 nights" event. That's OK, have daughter, grand daughter and their fur baby in house for the week The dog has made himself very comfortable, jumped into my spot on the couch and gives me the look when I move him from my spot! He is a good critter thoughand is fun to have for a visit. Not much work going to get done but it is OK.
Going to hit the NSRA Appreciation Day this Saturday to get the season kicked off.
Well, I guess somebody has to bring it up............the Coronavirus. Very scary stuff for the age group most of us fall into. Is it changing your plans/life any at this point? There have been no reported cases that I'm aware of in North Texas, but we're very aware of course and are being very careful about close contact. I'm still meeting with my car buddies, but avoiding the normal handshakes and hugs, and standing back a step when talking to friends. I did go to an indoor car show this past weekend. It was not to crowded and as I said, no reports of the virus in Amarillo yet. I guess it's gonna be elbow-bump time for a while.
Unless it gets a lot worse, I'm not too worried about open air car shows and gatherings, as most of them are not that crowded and close contact can be easily avoided. An exception to that, for me, might be the upcoming July 4th show in Santa Fe, if they are still having it. It's very crowded.
I'm sure other places in the country are a whole lot different as we speak, particularly in Washington. Jim, Hugh....what's going on with you guys? I know Hugh is still in Branson, but his family / home is still in Wash. Yeah, I know Washington is a big state, so hopefully the problem areas are not too near you guys.
We could be living in a very different world 1-2 or 6 months from now.
We've had one senior die in a care home about 1 mile from where we live from it. One of the care workers returned from a trip to Iran, came back to work, never thought to get tested or scared of being quarantined for a couple weeks. It turns out she infected 6 other nurses/ care workers in the facility and who knows how many other seniors. Think how many people the 6 other care workers came in contact with. This is turning out to be much more serious than I thought it ever would be.
My family is across the water from Vancouver Island...pretty remote part of the state. LONG way from Seattle/Tacoma area.
I am still here in Branson, and no one here is too worried. I am not either to be honest. My take on all this is that it is a lot of overblown media hype. More people have died from other things in the last few days than from this virus.
Unless you are already sick or have some immunity issues, this is not going to kill you. By summer it will over and life will return to normal. I remember the big panic of the swine flu as well...another killer flu. I'm not worried.
Yes Huge I remember the swine flue, you had a high fever and wanted to screw in the mud.
Quote from: alvin stadel on 2020-03-12 19:34
Yes Huge I remember the swine flue, you had a high fever and wanted to screw in the mud.
LOL!!! And developed a taste for eating garbage. I had pigs for couple of years. I was amazed at the things they would eat.
I'm moving my upholstery jail discussion from 'stepping on' Rich's drip rail post.
Moving toward a lawsuit to get court order to release my car is not about money. It is about life continuing no matter how important we think we are. The owner of the shop is a master craftsman with generations of experience and a lifetime of high-end interiors. He is my friend. He has credits for several Detroit Autorama Riddler Award winners. He takes ownership of his work and in his medical, drugged condition can not give up his job until it is completed to his highest standards of quality. I am starting the suit to position myself for the worst case scenario. My friend is a 76 year old diabetic, amputee, with other health issues who is also a very bad patient. If his business ends up in probate, I want my 'ducks in a row' so I don't get the left over pieces after the courts, heirs, and vandals get done picking the remains of this business. I don't want to attend his funeral with a court order in my pocket to hand to the widow.
Yup, pigs will eat ANYTHING! We raised hogs for food. Our chickens were "free range" before free range was a thing. The eggs got eaten, when a hen started to set for the second time off came the head and into hog pen went the entrails, feet, head and anything else that didn't go in the oven. Want to get rid of a body, find a hop pen.....
Going to continue living my life as I see fit. Went through the Hong Kong flu, the Swine flu, the flu flu without catching anything and will handle this this if it happens to come along. I will say my immune system is strong. I worked in a germ factory for 10 years (children's museum) and never got sick. Really think those with compromised systems are most likely to suffer catastrophic outcomes.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2020-03-13 07:32
I'm moving my upholstery jail discussion from 'stepping on' Rich's drip rail post.
Moving toward a lawsuit to get court order to release my car is not about money. It is about life continuing no matter how important we think we are. The owner of the shop is a master craftsman with generations of experience and a lifetime of high-end interiors. He is my friend. He has credits for several Detroit Autorama Riddler Award winners. He takes ownership of his work and in his medical, drugged condition can not give up his job until it is completed to his highest standards of quality. I am starting the suit to position myself for the worst case scenario. My friend is a 76 year old diabetic, amputee, with other health issues who is also a very bad patient. If his business ends up in probate, I want my 'ducks in a row' so I don't get the left over pieces after the courts, heirs, and vandals get done picking the remains of this business. I don't want to attend his funeral with a court order in my pocket to hand to the widow.
That sounds like an insane situation with a slim chance for 100% happiness all around. Good luck!
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2020-03-13 07:51
Yup, pigs will eat ANYTHING! We raised hogs for food. Our chickens were "free range" before free range was a thing. The eggs got eaten, when a hen started to set for the second time off came the head and into hog pen went the entrails, feet, head and anything else that didn't go in the oven. Want to get rid of a body, find a hop pen.....s.
Yea...that part about a body...our buddies in Vancouver area will remember a fellow up there about 15 year s back I believe was arrested for several murders. He apparently was disposing of the bodies in his pig pens. Don't remember all the particulars now...but I think he was at it for a few years before being caught. Don't remember how he was caught either. But it was pretty nasty.
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2020-03-13 11:26
Yea...that part about a body...our buddies in Vancouver area will remember a fellow up there about 15 year s back I believe was arrested for several murders. He apparently was disposing of the bodies in his pig pens. Don't remember all the particulars now...but I think he was at it for a few years before being caught. Don't remember how he was caught either. But it was pretty nasty.
IIFR after thoroughly searching the pig pens, didn't they find one small bone fragment that got him caught?
I think so. Has been so long ago now I don't remember all the particulars. I just remember that he was charged with several murders, and the RCMP and local detectives suspected there had been dozens of victims. He was also, if memory serves, somewhat of a loner too.
you know what they say about loner guys...
Pigs are cleaner than most animals. They don't sweat so they have to regulate their body temperature by laying in mud. Pigs **** in one corner of their pen. Pigs will eat most things as long as they are relative fresh. They will not eat moldy corn or ground feed. Only health pigs are butchered. I had a job hauling semi truck loads of livestock. A sick pig would die in the trailer before it would make it to the slaughter house.
Michigan has a shortage of hand disinfectant. We just came home from dinner. We used liquor for disinfectant. NO SHORTAGE YET.
Pigs are also mean...I do not miss dealing with them. UGH!
Liquor is good for disinfectant...after you pour it over your can pour it into a glass with ice and dispose of it! :003:
I deleted Gary's last post from this morning, and that fixed the issue we were having not being able to open it or the whole page 169 for that matter.
Sorry Gary........not sure what you posted but it wasn't liked by the forum gods for some reason.
Hmmm..I've hardly been doing any posting for the past few days, but I still managed to get another smite, lol. I guess I won the race to 20 by many horse lengths.
We have our first 2 confirmed cases of the virus in Amarillo it was announced today. I don't know any details yet. Gas is down to the low 1.70s. I was at a pawn shop today in search of ammo for some handguns and a shotgun we inherited. Took the 4th store before I found some....bought their last box after he told me 20 minutes before that that he just got in a case! There were about 35-40 people in the shop all looking at weapons of some type. A dozen employees writting up sales tickets as fast as they could. They told me it has been like that since last Friday.
We're pretty well set on TP, but some relatives who can't get out are not, so I'm up at 5:30 tomorrow to see if the 6-9 am "elderly only" at united markets is gonna do any good.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-03-18 23:10
Hmmm..I've hardly been doing any posting for the past few days, but I still managed to get another smite, lol. I guess I won the race to 20 by many horse lengths.
Okay...venting here...WHY would YOU get a smite? Seriously! (that will probably earn me one.)
No biggie, Hugh. I have no idea why I've gotten so many. I do know at one time I got a few because I said Thunder Road was one of the worst movies I had ever watched. Then there was the time I talked about my just aquired dd Subaru. One of the old moderators on the forum banned me for a week after my Thunder Road comment. I guess we have something the Hamb doesn't have.......a DISlike button, anyways, all in fun and after the first few I stopped taking them seriously. I just figure some don't know exactly what "smite" means and think they are giving me a "like", lol. Yeah, that's it!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-03-18 23:10
...We're pretty well set on TP, but some relatives who can't get out are not, so I'm up at 5:30 tomorrow to see if the 6-9 am "elderly only" at united markets is gonna do any good.
I hit 2 United Markets while my wife was going to two others. My total net was 2 individual small boxes of kleenex and 2 rolls (not 2 bundles)of paper towels. I hope my wife does better. Her nephew is a manager at one United and is saving her a bundle of TP. It'll be divided up to 4 families.
I was at the first United right at 6 which was their announced opening time. There were already lines at the checkouts with full carts!??
They announced our first confirmed two cases of virus in Amarillo last night.
It's crazy here too! No eggs? Lots of milk and beer (essentials, right), no chicken or pork but lots of beef? Of course no paper products of any kind.....don't understand the heads on some (many) of these folks.
There should come a time in the near future that the hoarders should run out of storage space! My daughter in TX was worried about TP, told her there are plenty of leaves and lots of grass and if push came to shove she could drag her butt across the carpet like the sense of humor....
Raymond Ford -- Adrian Michigan 1920
This stuff is getting ridiculous. Had to go to three stores to find bag of dog food for Sasha! People are hoarding cat litter! Does this country's occupants not understand that as long as commercial rigs are running there will be shelves full of things deemed needed?
This is the result of "social media" run amuck. Nothing sociable about it.
A lot of it is the unknown. I suspect quite a few are stocking up in preperation for possible area wide lock downs, as well as getting supplies while they are still working and have the money.
On a good note, my wife went to one Sam's while I went to another. Both had long lines waiting for the stores to open. My wife said some of the younger people in the lines up front were telling the elderly customers walking up to take a place in line in front of them. :001:
UGH! At least there was a purpose for my grandfather going to war. I feel llike I am being asked to sit on my couch because of silliness.
Funny... all this virus stuff going on and it flooding the airways and always on my mind, I woke up from a long nap a little while ago and walked into the living room area still a bit groggy. Nobody there, not even dogs. Everything quiet. I looked into the dining area and all the furniture was covered with sheets. Oh my god! we all died and I didn't even know it!!
I stopped for a moment to ponder that when the silence was broken by my wife coming into the kitchen. Startled, I asked her what was with the sheets. She was doing laundry and they still had some wet spots that needed drying out.
The MLB network announced that the past two year's archived games (that would be all of them) are free to watch for everybody. That was really cool of them to do that. I'm not even going to ask for a refund of my annual 150. fee. Lots of people doing really good things for others. :001:
One of my friends is going into major withdrawal because NASCAR is cancelled! He is so upset, thinks it is all a bunch of phewwie...... Kind of funny, I have been on eight deployments, there was no anything other then ARFATS for entertainment or information. We didn't have satellite TV or email, the only urgent communication with home was Ham radio. Staying home is really easy compared to being on board an aircraft carrier in the Indian Ocean for four months straight with no liberty (no place to pull into).
I also took a tour of the Indian Ocean aboard the Kitty Hawk, Days of being on the flight deck, sea breeze, laying on the wing of an F-4 getting a sun burn, plenty of food and card playing, way better than launching the things of the coast of Vietnam. I can handle a little at home time, just miss tacos and margaritas at my favorite place while shopping the store with 200 people looking at empty shelves..
Wish I were at home now...2000 miles across the country. Were I at home I could be working on my SVO or the Courier or the '69 Mustang. Instead...I am here in Branson which is becoming a ghost town.
But...I have some books, and TV and an area where I can go hike or wander in the woods without seeing anyone if I need to get out of the apartment.
Feel sorry for the people who only work 9-10 months a year...this is painful for them.
Stay safe, drink, build and be merry! :003:
So I was sitting around, this winter, with some other street rod geezers discussing all things automotive. I mentioned that I had a Magnum wagon sitting out in the parking lot, with about 170000 miles on it and a 58 Ford with about 12000 miles on it, sitting in storage. I asked everyone if anyone had a good reason for saving these cars that we all have put away. No one had a great answer. So new deal for me. In Feb., I brought the Ford out and put the wagon in. The Ford is now my daily driver and I am going to do my best to completely use it up. I spent almost three years and as much money as I could scrape up building the car to, apparently, save it for the next guy when actually I couldn't care less about the "next guy." He can build his own! If I do this just right, when I die, there will be just enough left that they can dig a real big hole and drive it in it with my old ass inside.
I'm thinking of firing up my Mustang. It hasn't run or driven since 2008, I think it's about due. Probably not long enough to qualify as a barn find though.
Had to go to 3 grocery stores to get hamburger meat. Lots of steaks, roasts, ribs just no hamburger. Finally got some at our local butcher. No potatoes for fries though. The search continues.
PRECISELY! I was once refused the purchase of a '70 Mustang Grande because the seller knew I would drive more than they did, which was only to Bellevue CC once a year for a Mustang show in which it would win first l,ace in the Un-Restored Concurs class.
I currently own an '88 Saleen "one only" Mustang. When I bought it back in '01 it had 21k on the clock. Every time Steve Saleen sees it the first thing he does is check the odometer...and then grin as he sees that I have been driving it. People have a fit because I do...but not him...he says that is what they are enjoy by driving. It is 2k short of 100k miles today.
And I told my son he may inherit my Courier...but it will need a new engine and transmission...cause I am gonna wear out the new ones.!
Quote from: rmk57 on 2020-03-22 13:12
Had to go to 3 grocery stores to get hamburger meat. Lots of steaks, roasts, ribs just no hamburger. Finally got some at our local butcher. No potatoes for fries though. The search continues.
This stuff is getting crazy. Had to go to 3 stores to find a bag of dog food! Same here re: potatoes and other produce. will make another run today. If nothing today...guess I'll get up and go at 7 in the morning after the stores have been closed all night to re-stock, and grab what I want/need then before the hordes show up.
This is just not necessary...don't people realize that as long as trucks and trains are will be available? And TP?!?!?! UGH!
Before the hordes show up?, you have not got out much lately have ya? That ghost town look around Branson is probably because everyone got out and did their shopping at 6am.We went to United markets last Thursday, suppose to open at 6AM Mondays and Thursdays for seniors only til 10. I got to the first one right at 6, parking lot full, no one waiting to get in!?. All checkouts already had 5 or 6 shoppers backed up with cart fulls! Other than shopping, driving around Amarillo is pretty much normal traffic except for a noticable decrease at the rush hours. Gas a few days ago down to low 1.70s.
Connie and Sherri "went to church" today in their 'jammies.........Their church was broadcasting the service on Facebook.
I have been out pretty much every day. Went to dinner in restaurants Monday and Wednesday. Not anymore....all closed down now. Went to Wally's World and other stores to get what I could and needed. I refuse to play the hoarding game...walked out only with what I need for the next few days. If the trucks stop running...maybe I'll play then...but otherwise...nope.
Branson only has a population of 10k...Hollister another 5k and Forsyth less that 5k. With all the tourists gone, and 2 Wally's World locations plus 3 Country Marts and 4 other grocery stores...not as bad as other places. And no one around here is out at 7 in the morning. When I was in the stores at 2 in the afternoon...they were packed.
Out of those 20k people...only about 8k or so are adults. So I think I will find little competition at 7 a.m. as opposed to a much higher population area like Amarillo.
Wonder how all those people got into the stores ahead of you? Someone must have either opened the doors early, or they let all their friends in first.
I should clarify some things here...about Branson for those who may not understand what I meant about it being a ghost town, yet being packed in the stores at 2 in the afternoon.
Branson is a destination place here in MO...for family based entertainment...and usually by now the show palaces are open, restaurants that were closed for January and February have re-opened and tourist traffic has begun to show up for spring break and early birds who are retired. Travel through town on the main drag, a 2 lane "hiway" is usually slow...not even close to the posted 35 mph but closer to 15-20 mph.
Now...the town, which had begun to come to life in the last 2 weeks...looks as empty as it does on January 10th. You could fire a LAWS rocket down the 76...and it would run out of propulsion fuel long before it hit anything. Driving down 76 now is easy...and the show palaces have all shut down again. Motels and hotels and the condos which rent out on a nightly/weekly basis are all empty. Thus indeed a ghost town. For now.
This virus will be the longest lasting thing China has ever made :burnout:
Oh ****, that is just too funny Jim....sorry....lmao
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2020-03-23 08:39
This virus will be the longest lasting thing China has ever made :burnout:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2020-03-23 10:48
Oh ****, that is just too funny Jim....sorry....lmao
A little humor never hurts after all the crying..
So true Jim ! We are all aware of that this desease is serious. But if we had only 5 days to live would we rather spend 5 days weaping and moaning and in fear, or 5 days smiling and being happy. Everyone will have their own reply to that. For me, I am still smiling, talking to family and friends on the phone, think of my sweet girlfriend, work on the cars, listen to good music and enjoy the good things.
Although I am a bit worried about the new toilet paper hoarding desease ?! It spread more quickly than the virus itself. I guess none of those people have been out in the woods for any longer than 2 hours or so.... :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2020-03-23 08:39
This virus will be the longest lasting thing China has ever made :burnout:
ROTFLMAO! there may well be some sad truth to that!
I laugh and work on things like the car, house etc to keep busy. I feel sorry for all the people who are stressing out. Maybe the next high demand item will be straight jackets :003:
There is a silver lining to all this, believe it or not,..........the chances of a mass shooting happening have greatly diminished!
Short road trips are good unless your in a lock down. It feels great to get out, just don't stop anywhere unless you have to. I put 90ish miles on the '57 yesterday. Mid grade gas was down to 1.87!! When I stopped, I wore a latex glove for the gas pump and credit card.
I read an article by a health executive yesterday on getting out and driving. She said there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, if it helps relieve stress, do it. She went on to say it's not the actual driving you do, it's what you do along the way and when you get where you're going that matters.
I'm finally getting my garage straightened out. I built some overhead storage shelves supported by unistrut attached to the ceiling, and finally got the plastering and painting done on the wall I built to close off the back overhead door. Next project is to finally get my air compressor permanently plumbed and anchored. I bought some 3/4 copper pipe for a cooling run before the filter. Trying to decide if 30' of run is enough. The humidity here is normally low, in the 20's range.
I was surprised to find that 3/4 copper is almost 3 times the cost of 1/2", which is why I only bought 30'.
Copper is wildly insane in price now. What valuables did you sell to fund that purchase? LOL!!!
Good idea to use the copper for cooling...wrap it in athletic ice packs before it gets to the line going to your paint gun filter and you will really have cool air! You can buy those in any sporting goods store...they have ties for securing to an arm of leg...and you just toss them into the freezer.
They are a gel material and get real cold and hold it for about an hour or so.
Don't care about the coolness of the air at output, I do it before the drains and filters to help condense the moisture from the air. I may add a dryer unit to the system, and an additional 10 gallon tank I have, or be on the lookout for a second 60 gallon tank. If I had the money, I'd buy a two stage unit with an 80 gal. tank, but I don't. My twin pump 5 hp setup is almost adequate, but falls short when trying to make a paint pass on a complete car. It'll do it ok for primers and clear, but trying to spray a metallic base coat with a consistent pattern is a whole 'nother story.
For everyone using an air compressor.
Send for a FREE catalog at
It has everything you need to know about setting up for air tools and lots of USA made products.
I ran 2" high pressure PVC for headers around the ceiling with 1" drops. It cools quickly, adds to the tank size, does not rust, easy to install, and is cheap. My compressor tank is only 60 gallon so the 2" pipe increases the storage volume. I bought an old two stage compressor with a 3 PH motor. I found a 3HP 1PH at an auction. It ran daily for near 20 years before it dropped a valve. I found the same compressor, new on eBay. It runs 175 lbs but it really works to keep up with my media blast cabinet. So I bought an industrial 185 CFM diesel compressor and a 12.5 cubic foot media pot for those really big, nasty parts.
Amarillo got put on stay-at-home orders today as of midnight. Lubbock yesterday. Very confusing issues. Essential businesses only, including parts stores and auto repair shops, and gun shops. HOWEVER........apparently it is against the orders(law????) to actually go to them as the only acceptable reasons to leave your home, other than a walk, is medical or food unless you work at an essential business.
I'm not bitching, I think it's a good thing, and hopefully they got an early as possible jump on it. The Texas Panhandle area is 176 miles wide by I'm guessing 300 miles. As of this morning there were 25 confirmed cases in the entire panhandle, but they're expecting alot more quickly as testing has really just got into gear.
When I heard that, I figured there probably are not going to be too many road trips, in the '57 at least, so I took it out this afternoon and put 180 miles on it. Haha...only in Texas.....I saw 5 vultures feasting on a dead animal beside the road, and a half hour later I saw a dead horse beside the road next to a horse ranch.
I am "quarantined" in Branson area as well. I am getting some things done around the apartment building...but was supposed to be leaving on the 6th of April to go back to WA.
forgot to mention...gas is down to the high 1.50s at the Love's around town.
Also, we've had a rash of car burglaries in our neighborhood the past few months. Night before last they got into my Subaru that I had apparently forgot to lock after unloading. Nothing taken or damaged, only reason I knew they were in it was all the gloveboxes were open and the door not closed tight. When we bought the house it had an older 4 camera security setup, but the image was so bad we just never used it. One of those cameras was pointed right at the Subaru. Next time I won't have the coulda woulda shoulda's...........I ordered an 8 camera 4k HD night vision system yesterday.
I know place we can put them if you ever catch the buggers...
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-03-30 23:45
forgot to mention...gas is down to the high 1.50s at the Love's around town.
Per GasBuddy the average price for regular gas here is $2.439
Lowest price shown for regular on Monday the 30th was $2.15 & highest was $2.99.
$1.73 lowest I have seen in Branson...but it is cheaper in the south side of Springfield coming up 65 from Branson. Not sure how much...just know it always is.
I haven't been out to see gas prices. I'm not going anywhere so gas price doesn't matter much. Great for those that have to: the essentials. Not only are the toilet paper shelves bare but the ammo shelves are picked. Cameras are serviced. Guns cleaned and loaded. I'm not carrying yet and hope I don't need to.
What Gary says! No cameras but all the rest. Funny how times like this bring out the best of folks and also bring out the scum in some. I do carry, have since retiring from the Navy in 93. After being shot at by folks that wanted me dead in the three combat situations over my carrier I decided I was not going to go down with out a fight, or at least trying. That and I'm a really good shot with both hand and long guns. Just have keep your head on a swivel, never become complacent and be prepared.
Just got back from the "old folks early shopping" at Wally World. Was nice, four checkout lines opened instead of the usual one + 20 or less. Guess they finally figured out us old buggers like checks, not cards. The shelves were fully stocked...except paper products. No paper towels? Some TP, some wipes and lots of Kleenex. Beer and milk was full, meat and cheeses were full as well. Ice cream was almost empty?
Gas is a necessary item so I don't worry about the price. It is ironic that it is so low and we have no place to go.........
I've been thinking of a security camera as well Rich. No doubt you researched it, which system did you buy? I only need four cameras.
I bought the "Defender" series thru Sam's Club online. They carry a different brand in the store. I did a little research, read a ton of reviews, and it was actually the reviews that switched me from the "Night Owl" series I was going to order.
From the reviews I learned to set the whole system up on your kitchen table before running wires. That way you know if all the cameras are working, etc. I'll let you know how it checks out when I get it. The unit I ordered was on sale til last Saturday.
the 4K cameras are not the best, but approximately level 8 on a 1-10 scale and better than most. Supposedly the 4K cameras will get an image that can be zoomed to read a license plate at 100' in the daytime.
I thought about wireless, but then you have battery replacement to keep up with. Systems can get very expensive (mine was 400.) depending on how crazy you want to get with stuff like alarms, notifications of movement, higher clarity, etc etc. We've already got a complete alarm system in the house. I just wanted something that would provide a high def. photo of car burglars, porch pirates, etc.
I told Sherri (Connie's cousin), I was going to install one in her bedroom so we could find out which of our 5 dogs has been occasionally peeing in her room. She said "Oh, good idea." I'll let her think about that for a while, lol
Here in Oregon gas is still the same as it has been around 3 bucks a gallon for regular.
We went to a Smart & Final at 6 am this morning and only two other people in the store. Gas prices are dropping a little.
They finally started limiting the amount of some goods you can buy in grocery stores. Why anyone would want to buy 20 1lb. packs of hamburger meat is beyond me.
I do get some action pictures like this bum doing a head plant out of the back window of my Sport Trac.
Mixed feelings this morning...I just brought the '57 Custom home from the upholstery jail. Another master at their trade has passed. Going through his shop in an attempt to find the scattered pieces of my car, it felt like going through my dad's estate and trying to make sense of the disarray brought on by a mind raided by dementia.
Sympathies...sometimes one can wonder if a project will ever be finished when one has to depend on others...and then when you lose one of those people who has been a stalwart...makes it even harder to see the end of the tunnel. Hang in there...the light should be visible soon!
Thanks for your thoughts.
Sorry to hear you had to get caught up in that, Gary. We've all got enough going on to be worried/depressed about as it is, but at least you've finally got your car back.
Gary so glad you finally got some resolution. I suspect he just didn't realize how things were and those trying to protect his interest complicated the situation. Just sad when folks go without knowing what is happening to them. A close friend's wife is in mid stages right now. She is the salt of the earth, knew things were different at first but now has no clue. It is really heart breaking to watch a nice person go that way.
Lost my mom to alzteimers(SP?). I lived in Colorado, my mom in Mass. My sister kept telling me she was getting worse even though talking to her on the phone seemed pretty normal. Decided to go back for a visit, and once again everything seemed normal except my sister kept saying she's good at covering up. Stayed at my mom's house, and one day the three of us decided to go do some tourist type things. We were out for 3 hours or so, stopped for lunch at a Brigham's ice cream shop I use to frequent. So, we're sitting at the table eating, everything normal, when my mom looked at me and said "you've been awfully nice to me today, who are you again?
My mom was very healthy except for the alzteimers she lived for 8 or 9 years, well cared for in a nursing home, after she no longer knew or recognized anybody. When she died, I felt we had lost our mom many years ago, now we can finally put her to rest. Tough issue to deal with.
Back to security camera talk.........Les and others:
I'm an analog guy lost in this digital world. My old system was self contained. The recorder /dvd unit just plugged into a power outlet with the 4 cameras hooked to it. Not so with the new systems least the one I got.
I spent a few hours yesterday hooking up everything on my kitchen table. The kit came with a "quick start guide" only, with a note that the full manual can be seen/downloaded on their website. Not so, I can't find it anywhere, and the company is closed on weekends, so I can't get the "live chat" until Monday.
issues I'm having:
1:The new system has to be hardwired to our modum/router, which is at the opposite end of the house from where the camera setup will be. I'm trying to find out if connection to the internet is only for setup, or has to be permanent. If we want to use the smartphone connection, I suspect it has to be permanent.
2: no troubleshooting guide in the "quick setup" manual.
3: I can't get the monitor I'm trying to use (an older model) to work / sync with the camera's DVD box, so nothing coming up on the screen to be able to "follow the instructions as shown on the screen". When I get that operational, there's a whole slew of connections/setups/passwords/etc that have to be done....the kind of stuff that gets my stress level rising!!
4: wires at the camera end are pretty bulky, meant to be inside the walls/ceiling".....ain't gonna happen with my install, so instead of a neat simple wire going to the camera, as my current system is, I'll have a cluster of wires with a small gizmo attached, right at the camera to try and hide. I may have to mount an electrical box to hide the wires in and mount the camera to.
5: two of the indicator lights on the dvd box are blinking..........quick setup guide only tells what the lights are, so I don't know if the blinking is indicating a problem.
Other systems may be just as complicated.
Rich, you mentioned Defender Series. Is there a model # or something that I can try to look it up? Curious why they made it so un-user friendly. I'll probably have time today to poke around. I'm not that tech savvy, but another set of eyes won't hurt.
Defender model 4K2T8B8
Here's a link to their not-so-good website. It just runs me around in circles.
I went down this road a couple of years ago. I wanted wireless cameras: 1) for ease of installation, 2) easily moved 3) easier to conceal 4) didn't want the house cluttered up with unused wire like from the last security system installation and the last ten cable guys. I wanted to store images on my huge backup hard drive for viewing at my leisure if and when I wanted. I read and studied. I had a home camera/entertainment guy review my requirements. da! All systems want to store your camera images on the cloud. This means a monthly subscription! I don't want someone else looking at my images and I damn sure don't want another monthly payment. My wife though she would help me out and bought the RING door bell camera. Since it was a gift, I was obligated to install it. It installs as a large, lite door bell button with camera, microphone, and speaker. It installed fairly ease and even hooked to the original door bell wires so the door bell worked. RING also interacts with smart phone and my wifi. RING day or night images and audio worked well. My phone alarmed me if something moved in the front yard. If someone came to the front door AND pushed the button, my phone alarmed me. I could see who was at the front door. I could converse with who was at the door. The sound and video could also be reviewed at a later time. This worked for 30 days and then terminated if I didn't subscribe for $3.99 monthly. Nothing on the box or paper work mentioned the subscription...I was just too ignorant. I did like the ability for be in the back yard, in the shop, or away from home and ID and communicate with someone at the front door. It was nice to have Brown drop a box at the front door and be alerted before Porch Pirates got to it. In reality, by the time alerts went through the Ring system, were uploaded to my wifi, and went through my cell provider, whoever was at the front door is a block away. Another problem with the RING is that visitors need to push the door bell. It amazes me how many people bruise there knuckles on the front door but completely ignore that big, lite button that says RING on it. Aren't door bells common on most front doors! Another benefit of this system is AMAZON's ALEXA also interfaced with RING. So ALEXA is monitoring and sharing with who knows who. I have had enough of FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, and other unknown parties collecting, monitoring and censoring my data. It is eerie to log into the internet and pop-up ads are offering me a deal on something I dreamed about last night. Now the cops want to have access to my RING videos to help with crime prevention in my neighborhood. I have tossed ALEXA and about to stop using SensorBook. Even though I don't subscribe to the RING cloud image service (I can't view the images), I'm sure RING is still collecting the images. The RING battery is about dead so no more data collection to the RING cloud. How do I know this...RING keeps notifying me that it needs a recharge. Am I paranoid to think a RING tech will show up some night and install a fresh battery......
Ya Rich, I see what you mean upon looking at the website. I'm trying to picture in my head what I'd have to do to install a wired system here. Not sure I could get cameras where I'd want them, especially if I have to run wire to router. Can't understand either why that is so. I guess I have some homework to do prior to buying one myself.
I am done with trying to implement new technology. Got there a long time ago. I don't do cloud...facebook, blue ray, or most other things that have come around in the last 10 years. The only exception is smart phones, but even then...I don't use it for things like e-mail and banking. Cell phones are easier to break into than PC' not having that lurking in my mind. Thus...I have peace of mind. My neighbors are all cautious about me anyhow...they aren't real sure if I am dangerous or not, going back to when I moved into the I have not done anything to change that perception.
The camera system I bought does not have a monthly charge. It has a 2T (terabyte?) hard drive, and can be set to record constantly/24-7, or only when motion is detected. I believe there are other recording options such as time of day. Not sure if cars driving past our house would set the motion detector off. We live on a busy street in normal times. It'll automatically start recording over previous recordings when the drive is full. Also, if I chose to use the smartphone app, there is no monthly charge on that either.
At least with the Defender company, the largest wireless system only has 3 cameras. They still need to be wired for power (no batteries, which is good), but transmision of the image is wireless.
I suspect the issue I'm having is trying to use an older tv/monitor. Maybe the newer ones are plug and play. I'm assuming since the monitor is hooked to the camera dvd via an hdmi/lan cord, that the input setting on the monitor should be hdmi?? Then I still need to figure which channel.
On their website, Les, the problem I was having is it tells you to click on the specific product when found, and from there the manuals are suppose to be viewable. When I click on the product, another screen comes up for just a split second, then it goes back to the home page.
I'm going to try it with this monitor to see if I can get it working. If so, I'll buy a new monitor.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-04-04 08:00
Back to security camera talk.........Les and others:
I spent a few hours yesterday hooking up everything on my kitchen table. The kit came with a "quick start guide" only, with a note that the full manual can be seen/downloaded on their website. Not so, I can't find it anywhere, and ......
may have found your manual.
See the 3 pix.
First pic: Opening the 1st two 'Defender' sites shown gets you to the 2nd pic. Bad stuff!
The third pic is a screen shot of what may be what you need plus my note that you probably don't need. I assume that you have the Acrobat reader for pdf files.
Here' s the link.
Wow...........Thanks for finding that. Not sure what you meant by "bad stuff".
The issue I had with the monitor was as I suspected. When I plugged in my computer's monitor, it came right up......plug and play. I was in process of setting it up when I found out they would be sending emails for confirmation, so off to the store for a new monitor. Guess what there's a shortage of due to folks setting up working from home. I lucked out, as the guy who workes the dept. at Walmarts had two in his hand as I asked him about the empty shelves. It's a cheapo, but works. Now I can finish checking out the system. BTW, the setup with passwords was easy far.
OK...where I'm at so far....... the system works, all 8 cameras function. The picture clarity is good, even with dim inside lighting. Setup was easy once I figured out my monitor was the problem. The system also appears to function properly, even after shut off and restart, with the hdmi cable UNHOOKED FROM THE ROUTER/MODUM. I am going to install the system without the hdmi cable. It can always be added later if needed.
What I won't have without the internet hdmi cable: ability to use our iphones to monitor the cameras when away from home, and will not have the ability to use Defender to correct isssues that may be done online by them getting into our system. I did not like their service aggreement. They will need credit card info on file, passwords, etc. I didn't read the whole 4 or 5 pages, but read enough to figure out I needed to see if I can do without. Especially when they use 3rd party companies that would have access to that info. Call me paranoid.
As far as the iphone app, the cameras will be pretty much aimed in a direction that could/would pick up street and sidewalk traffic, so a setup where I would be notified if motion was detected would not work, and all we'd be able to see for the most part is views of our yard, not the house. I figure that's what we have an alarm security system for....and 5 dogs inside. I will have two cameras inside pointed in the direction of doors and windows.
Now the hard part of getting the system installed!!
Does this mean I can't sneak up on you next time Sasha and I visit? DARN! :003:
My neighbors system has audio sound and visual lights that flash at night, even when a car drives by. At least we can't hear it from inside our house. Glad you're making progress.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-04-04 16:19Wow...........Thanks for finding that.
Not sure what you meant by "bad stuff".
Didn't you read the warning in the second screen shot pic? That's the bad stuff. Maybe you couldn't find it on the Defender site because it's been hacked & Defender removed it until they could get it fixed.
It took no time at all to find that manual. I've found quite a few manuals for different things by using that Google search. Manuals are often posted on sites that have no connection to the product.
I have Firefox, and I went to their site several times at least, with no warning:don't go there pop ups. Maybe because I also have Mcaffee?
Update on the system. The cameras I got are 4k. The only reasonably priced monitor I could find was a cheapo 2080 "HD". so, my images will not be are clear and crisp as they would be with a 4k monitor. Maybe down the road I can afford one, not now @ 500ish I was told, but haven't really looked. If something happens where we need to review recordings at a higher resolution, I'll find a better monitor to plug into the system.
I got some 4" x 1 1/2 deep boxes today with flat cover plates that have a 3/4 knockout in the center. Got them painted white, drilled and tapped for 6-32 screws and got the cameras mounted. The boxes are more that adequate to contain the extra wires at the camera end. The "gizmo" I had mentioned that was on the wiring at that end, is actually a button that can be used to change the camera functions, zoom, wide angle, etc. I printed the entire 71 page manual that Tom found (thanks again), but haven't read it yet. Tomorrow I'm going to check where my old system's wires go thru the brick wall and hope the new wires will fit thru there as well. I've got to unload and move a storage shelving unit to get to that area.
On another note.........another one of the N Texas counties went into stay home orders, except the county commissioners explained the stay home orders are more specific to social distancing. They went on to say...go for a walk with your household members OR GO FOR A DRIVE. I liked that.
Pantex, where my wife worked until retirement, had their first confirmed case today. They have 2200 employees! Pantex is the nation's nuclear weapons storage and repair facility. They do dismantling when necessary and updating. Acres and acres of underground storage bunkers. only 1100 tests done in N texas so far, with have about 100 confirmed cases......20ish in Amarillo.
pics of the cameras mounted on the boxes I'll be using outside.
Yeah, I finally got some pics downloaded. My garage project that's been interrupted again. This was the back wall that use to be an overhead door. I wanted overhead storage with no supports under the shelving. The Super-Stuts worked out ideal for this....just took some careful measuring. The struts are lag bolted to the 2x12 ceiling joists.
The 3/4 copper cooling lines are attached to the underside. I thought it would make my life simpler with the hookups if I had some flexible lines made for both ends, and they will work out really well. Only problem there is it seems like every 3 or 4 years I have to do something stupid to remind me to always get a price on things before I give the go-ahead or say "I'll take it". I had the local hydraulics shop make them up, while I waited for them. After about 15 minutes it hit me that what I asked for was not going to be cheap, and they were not @ 172. for the pair! Ouch!!
What do the coolant lines run to?
Cooling, not coolant. When I get back to finishing it up, they will be between the compressor tank's outlet and the filters and outlet valves. The copper lines help condense the water out of the air. I spent too much on it, I could have thrown another 100 bucks at it and bought a Harbor Freight console dryer. They've had good reviews on the Hamb. 400ish.
I'm really missing those mountains you live in, Les!!
that is some tidy and pretty plumbing there, Rich !
Fun stuff. This was a 180 mile drive I took 10 days ago when Amarillo announced the stay at home would begin at midnight. Palo Duro canyon area south of town.
Doug, if you're looking at these, note the last pic shows the uni-strut I used to mount my seats. Never did make the covers I was going to make to dress them up a bit.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-04-06 21:17
I have Firefox, and I went to their site several times at least, with no warning:don't go there pop ups. Maybe because I also have Mcaffee?
Maybe you don't have the same security settings set in Firefox as I do.
Maybe the little padlock icon in the Firefox address bar indicates that I have that FF security setting but I don't really know.
I also have Malwarebytes & Avast Security but I'm sure they have nothing to do with the warning from Firefox.
update on the camera system........I've got the 4 cameras on the front of the house mounted and operational. I'm really happy with the system regardless of my initial comments. Once I figured out the issues I was having were due to the old monitor I was trying to use, everything was easy. Night vision is ok, not great but I think that is due to the fact we have 4 100 watt led light fixtures on the front of the house, and the cameras adjust to the average light, so unlit areas remain in the shadows. I haven't read the manual yet, but just playing with the button on each camera doesn't seem to change anything. I suspect that may be due to the system having to be in a certain mode to accept changes. I did move/re-aim 2 of the cameras after viewing the first night to compensate for the mentioned light fixtures. That helped quite a bit.
So, for Les, I'd buy it again, but obviously I don't have anything to compare to. I'm finding 4k monitors on line in the 300 +- range, so I may change out down the road.
Defender 4K2T8B8
If I read the manual, you guys won't tell anyone will you?
It came with a manual? Huh! Don't have any idea how to shift a camera...I always thought they were automatics. Where is the clutch? :003:
Any monitors on amazon that would work?
Well, actually no, but Tom found it online, lol.
Probably any new monitor will "work", it's just a matter of if you want/need the monitor to be as clear as the cameras are. The 4k monitors are what is usually used in gaming systems, or other places where a high definition image is, graphic design (Jeff)etc. The one I got at Walmarts was only 75 bucks, but by today's standards is not as high definition. It actually has better definition than the monitor I'm using right now on my computer....who knew?
Hugh...any date on when you're heading back home? How are things going in Branson? Anticipating any problems with renters unable to pay?
The tenant at our old house got caught up in the wrong timeframe to switch jobs. Got laid of by his new employer (railroad) a few months ago, then later was suppose to go to their schooling for welding, but the classes got cancelled due to virus concerns. He's a really good guy, my wife told him not to worry about rent until he got back to working when this virus thing is over. It'll put a dent in our budget, but we'll get by. He's got a young daughter, pre school. Mom is a nurse as is her mom, so Justin has been keeping the daughter as a little safety precaution. We feel good we can help.
I am hoping to be able to make my way back to WA around the 6th or so of May. I have one tenant who is struggling to make rent, (another apartment manage has hired him to paint vacant apartments that need to be prepped for new tenants, so at least I will get rent at some point and I'll waive his late fees) and another who is not communicating with me at all about the issue. I told her that she needs to communicate an keep me apprised of her ability to pay.
There are three in the unit, none are working, yet they seem to have had money to be able to go to Vegas. That trip was aborted when the flights were canceled due to the virus. Understandably my patience is not going to be long with this unit. Something about that unit is cursed...every tenant I have had in it has had problems paying rent on time! :angry5: I have had 2 previous tenants in that unit, and had to evict both of them. Not looking like a positive end reset there. So if I have to send them down the road then I will be here longer. It's not like they can't find work...we have two Wal-Mart stores here both are still hiring, and several grocery stores, many of which are hiring. We shall see. They have until Friday to come up with something positive, then I am going to tell them they need to pack up and head back to mom's house in St. Louis.
This made me laugh today. Political correctness strikes again. I was out putting some miles on cuz's car today just because it doesn't get driven enough. For the past 3 years, maybe 20 miles a month except for when I take it out for a stretch. Anyway, I miss baseball, and today I got thinking about a great story I had read on the MLB forum a while back during Black History Month. It was about Sachel Page, most likely the greatest pitcher to ever grace a mound, only I couldn't remember his name at the time and it was bugging me, so I thought I'd see if Siri (iphone gal) knew. I asked "Siri, what was the name of the famous baseball pitcher that pitched for the Negro Leagues in the early 1900's?"
her answer....."I will not respond to that"!!!!!!!! I felt like telling her she needs to be reprogrammed, lol.
The story I was thinking about as best as I can remember: Sachel Page was already a legend at the time of this story. The pro baseball team he played for was playing an exibition game against a college team. Sachel started the game as usual, and the first two college players both got hits. Jeering started from the college's dugout....ah, you ain't so good, etc etc. Sachel stopped, looked in their dugout then turned to his outfielders and waved them in. The outfielders were not sure what was going on so they moved in 15 or 20 feet. Sachel shook his head and waved them in again. Another 20 feet with quizzical looks on their faces. Once again, he shook his head but this time started a constant wave, when they got close he sent them into the dugout.(can't remember if he also sent in his infielders) He struck out the next 3 batters on 9 pitches. Didn't need any fielders.
Couldn't find the story you were referring to, but here is a story to share about dear Satchel Paige...he was indeed a wonder! A a really cool guy too!
Here you go:
Nice story. Thanks Joe.
I didn't realize he pitched so late in the century, or that he actually pitched in a big league. Too bad it was at the end of his career. I would have been cool to be in a stadium and watch him earlier in his career.
Oh yea...I would have loved to see him pitch! A lot of the old timers from those Negro ;leagues played well into the late 60's and early 70's...and I never go t to see any of them. There were some really good players in those teams.
Yahoo!!! I just found out, as a moderator, I can modify the "applaud/smite record.
ROTFLMAO! Uh oh...we're all in trouble now! :003: I see yours now looks more like what I thought it should be! LOL!!!
378 Eh....Seems you lost a few. :005:
Gas is down in the low 1.40's. I see no reason why it should go lower. I understand free enterprise and all, but I'd be happy if the gov. froze it where it was, or even a bit higher, only allowing local stations to match the lowest in the area at that freeze date. Let the oil companies make some money, if they are at all. I can't see it helping the oil / gasoline companies at all to just let it keep going lower. Yes, I understand west coast is not down to the levels in "normal" states (uh oh), but you guys gotta be happy where it's at.
I live across from a larger body shop. There is normally 25 or 30 cars backed up waiting to get in the shop. For the past month, they've been down to 4 or 5, and I imagine most of those are waiting on parts. Domino effect.
Toilet paper and paper towels have been coming back to the stores. Not normal inventories by any means, but the shelves are not bare at least. Smaller quantity packaging, and 1 item limits help.
Lots of folks around here are putting something yellow in their front yards to show support and thanks to health workers and first responders. I'm gonna work on my yellow stuff tomorrow.
The west coast states are not "normal states". LOL!!! They tax the life out of the gasoline...which is why they will never see pries down to where it is the real normal states.
Agree with your assessment though. No sense in driving oil companies in to bankruptcy...the domino effect down the line will be really bad.
Yes, the dominoes are starting to fall. Went to my paint store, he and I are casual friends, to get the last of the paint for the Ranchero. We talked about how things were going for him. His business is down about 20% the month of March and he feels it will be down another 20 - 30% for April. No one is driving so no one is crashing. Love gas is down but can't go anywhere to use it......time to suck it up and get back to living.
My buddy has a body shop, he said for awhile he couldn't fix Chevys because their body panels come from China, I guess now they are flowing again.
Yep, I'm sure ready for normal. Funny story: a month ago we ordered one of those thermometers that take our temperature by scanning one's forehead. We got it two weeks ago; package states it's make in Wuhan China. Oops! We still feel fine.
Too funny! Guess they make somethings there of value. They can sure have this virus back!
I made a small error: I just looked the thermometer, it's from Hunan Province, not Wuhan. I was going to delete the post, but you replied and busted me.
LOL!!! Blame it on the virus...too much time spent at home has given you computer eyes... :005:
My wife had a tough night last night, but no different that episodes she's had occasionally in the past for 5 or 6 years now. She's pretty sure it's passing a kidney stone, but nonetheless, to make sure, the VA wants her to come in this afternoon for a virus test.
Got my yellow "thank you" sign made last night. Later I'll finish it up and put it in the front yard.
OK..while I'm waiting for my wife to get ready to go, here's some pics of recent and future projects............
Lots of this yellow stuff around town showing support and thanks to the First Responders and health care workers. They've not only got a tough job to do, they necessarily put their families in jeopardy to do it for us.
I just refinished the 4 light fixtures on the front of the house. They were brass at one time long long ago..looked like hell. After disassembling them, I skotchbrited and painted them with Krylon Dark Metallic copper. I thought they came out pretty good. They go well with the dark brown I'm changing the downspouts to.Above the fixture is one of the new cameras. To the left you will see what happens when a carpenter tries to lay brick. When they put the front overhead door on years after the house was built, they did a horrible job of replacing the bricks. I've tried most everything to get that old mortar off the face of the seems to be on there forever. I can't believe they were so messy, and didn't clean it before it set up.
I'm going to get some 2 x 12 lumber and add some "heavy post looking" trim to cover it up. Also, I need to repaint the garage door and scrape/repaint the existing trim. I started redoing the front trim last fall, didn't get too far before winter snuck up on me.
Also, that chain link fence is going to be replaced with cedar. We did the back last (?)year.
Sign is nice...but I like the car sitting in the yard better! :003: Especially since the last time I saw it the poor thing was in the car hospital!
I like the lights too! They look really good! Good job! :006:
muriatic acid for masonry cleanup
It isn't just lime residue, it's actually mortar that was smeared all around the joints. Power wire brush wasn't even touching it. If I don't cover it with the trim, I may get some artist's acrylics and paint the residue blending into the bricks. Years ago, when I was in the art/custom framing business, I got pretty good at mixing paints to get a desired tint. Many of my customers use to have me hand paint mats to extend the artist's images onto the mats for a very unique effect. Colors have to be spot on to do that.
Problem with just painting the excess mortar is that the joint widths are way too wide in many of the repair joints.
A note on using artist's acrylics.........many years ago in Colorado I lived in a house that was about 10 feet above street level. I replaced the old sidewalk up to the front door with an 6' wide brick (pavers and edging blocks) winding staircase that had about 3500 bricks! I got halfway done the first summer, and when I was ready to restart the next spring I couldn't find matching edge blocks. I found out that the local brick company had run out that previous year and had a truckload brought up from their New Mexico plant. Same recipe/formula, different local soils=different color! I bought the mismatched blocks, and played with some tinting techniques. What I came up with was mixing a 5 gallon bucket of water with some artist's acrylic's, and dipping them in that prior to sticking them down. looked like KoolAid. Couldn't tell the difference, even 6 years later when we sold the house.
I was buying those edge blocks at a local building supply in Colorado Springs. I was there one day when trying to figure out what to do about the mismatched blocks, when I noticed in the parking lot was a flatbed truck from a brick company in Denver! Drove up to Denver, and it was an old old yardman that told me and the manager why I was getting blocks by the same color name that were different from last years. Kinda like the old time parts counter guys.
Man, I can get off on some tangents, lol.!
My turn to rant.... bawl
So this whole COVID-19 thing has left us pretty much home after work everyday, and the weather has pretty much been $hit also. After a fairly mild winter, we got snow and rain Friday night and then rain for the major part of the day Saturday.
So, you can imagine how happy my wife and I were to hear that Sunday was going to be a bright, sunny day, in the low 50's. We figured we finally had a nice enough day that we could get out of the house for a while and
go on a decent ride with the '39. Up until yesterday, we has only been able to go on short little trips with it.
We ended up going through town, out into Acushnet, Rochester, Freetown, Lakeville, Middleboro, Raynham and Carver. I nice long trip all on the backroads ending up in Plymouth with a nice ride along the harbor. Well, about two hours into our trip, I started to hear a light thunk, thunk, thunk, coming from the right front. I turned the car off and coasted to see if it was in the engine/drivetrain as my wife asked me what I was doing. (I guess she couldn't hear it since it was so faint) Realizing it wasn't the engine, I re-started the car and turned the wheel slightly right & left and could hear the sound change and explained to her that I think there is something wrong with the right front wheel/tire and we need to find a place to pull over, not an easy task on Tremont Street in Carver. I found a spot clear enough by Dunham Pond and just as I pulled off to the sandy shoulder, I felt the right front tire come apart. I got out expecting to see the rim scraped up and destroyed as well as the fender beat to to death. Fortunately, I was lucky and caught it in time, I was off the pavement before it could get ugly. The tires are B.F Goodrich Silvertown bias plies and they look to be fairly new so I was never concerned about them.
The car appears to have been finished in 2005-7 but has less than a thousand miles on the odometer. Not really sure what happened, are the tires past their shelf life, did I run something over and cause the tire to slowly leak until it lost enough air pressure for it to overheat and come apart?
I have these same ties on my '57 and I drive it hard and drive it everywhere without an issue. Now I am wondering, do I replace one tire, do I replace them all? If I replace all four, do I stay Bias-Ply or go to radials??
The good part is I called Haggerty and they had a ramp truck there in less than a hour; bad part is, no riders because of the virus. Now i needed to find a ride home from Carver, in the end, I lucked out as a friend was able to come and get us.
Okay rant over....thanks for listening. :mblah05:
The wife, patientlly waiting:
The infamous tire:
The ramp truck:
Sorry to hear the trip ended that way. I would guess this is probably an age related problem. I would try and find the build date on them. These are more then likely a Coker tire or some other repop type. I have no experience with them but have heard a few bad stories from others. Tires aren't what they use to be, any more you are lucky to get 7-8 years before they start coming apart. I replace mine at 8 years max regardless of the mileage or how they look and that means most have less the 10,000 miles :005:.
Been there, done that! But mine was at 75 MPH. Posted about having old tires and was basicly blown off by the "know it alls" on another sight. Just need to replace those old tires, many say five, but certainly any over five. Mine were 10 and change, looked perfect, never been flat, parked indoors and had very little tread wear despite nearly 20K on them.
For me the $1890.00 repair and hours of labor just don't add up when the new set of tires was only $685.00!
Oops, got the wrong pic although that is the frame horn cover after being beat by the tread.
I looked for a date yesterday while I was waiting for the ramp truck but couldn't find one. I crawled under the car when I got home last night, but I couldn't make out the last two numbers of the code below:
Jacked up the rear this morning and was able to read this code on right rear tire, looks to 2006:
The way this scenario played out is part of the reason I have not put road insurance on my wagon and it is not about tires. If I needed road side assistance, could I be exposed to C19. I am confident that I would not be allowed to, or would I want to, ride in the cab of the rollback. I would feel perfectly safe riding in my car on the rollback but the rollback's pre-C19 insurance would not allow me to ride in my car. So, how do I protect myself or the rescuer who comes to give me a ride home. Am I over cautious or just playing by the ever changing rules, I'm not sure but hats off to all first responders and I want to keep my exposure to them as minimal as possible. I'm not sure which would piss me off more, being exposed to an enforcement officer or the $1000 fine for not staying home.
This is also a good example of why I always carry a good spare tire. I've never been on a tow truck and luckily I only had one tire sidewall blow out on my F100 truck, the tire was a 10 year old Michelin but the spare got me 65 miles home.
Regarding the brick/mortar mess, maybe try a small grinder with a 4-1/2" coarse sanding disc that has those little flap things on it so it would hit the high spots and clean it off of the brick without getting into the mortar joints.
The nice part is Haggerty paid for the tow, well worth the $200 a year insurance coverage. A friend picked us up so it worked out well.
Called Coker this morning and I have four shiney, new WWW's on the way. Hey, $hit happens, could have been a lot worse.
P.S. I did have a good spare, nice lug wrench and jack too; was more afraid of damaging the wheels pulling the center caps off both of them with a tire iron....
If one has the time...a tow is best for our babies...especially THAT one! Well played! :003:
Joe, really happy to see that not more damage has been done! that would have been super annoying. the bill for 4 www tires is no fun either, but only half bad. Glad you got home safely, both your wife and you AND the baby ! :002:
The 39 looks supernice out in the open, too bad you couldn't extend your stay in Carver. I know that little town pretty well! :003: Did you take a cruise down Americas first divided and paved 2 lane on Rt 58 ?
My alter self was telling me to say, the heck with it, and go for a long roadtrip, maybe New Mexico. After reading Joe's story, my better judgement was arguing for the opposition, so I called AAA to see what would happen if I was in the middle of nowhere 1-200 miles from home, and my car broke down. At first she said, just call the 1-800 number on your card, everything is pretty normal service wise, and there will be no problem with getting a tow. I said that wasn't my concern, I was hearing that you couldn't ride in the tow truck back to wherever they were towing the car. She said, that's a good question, I don't know, I'll find out and call you back. She called back and said I was correct, I'd have to find my own transportation. "So, they'll just leave me out there in the middle of nowhere?" She replied, I'm sure they would make sure you were in contact with someone". HMMMMMMMMMM.
Made the mistake of telling my wife. Guess who's not going on a long roadtrip.
LOL!!! Grounded! One of the reasons I am still in Branson. On top of no motel rooms to stay in across I-90...and having to eat fat food or convenience store sandwiches across the country was that breakdown issue. I will give it a shot in early May.
Thanks DJ, I was actually planning on stopping by to see Jay, but fell a little short of the trip, so no, never made it to Savery Ave. :004:
Rich, you are just going to have to make shorter trips close to home, that way, you can have a friend pick you up if you get towed. No wait....that's not allowed
I copied a pasted my tire post on that "other" Hot rod forum and apparently I shouldn't have called a friend, or a tow truck for that matter, nor am I apparently man enough because I didn't change my own tire & called for a free tow. So much for wanting to take care of your stuff.
Now I remember why I don't post there much....
On the bright side DJ, I chatted with your friend Baumi there. I had met him in halifax prior to him buying Jay's '40 coupe. Nice guy.
The "macho" morons who questioned your decisions...are the ones who would have not gone on the drive in the first place...because it would have taken away their time to sit behind the computer and criticize those who DO go for a drive.
JMHO...and I have a bad habit...I tend to voice my opinion sometimes of those sort of people. Sorry.
true enough Hugh, the reason why I am not on the Honky Art Memory Board more often.... :003:
Yes Joe, Baumi just told me about it today. he is a stand up guy right with the best of them! Glad you got to meet each other !
Yeah,Hugh & Gunther, I just don't get it. As one guy put " Hey, he may have chipped a fingernail..." Gotta love internet tough guys.
When it happened, I thought about changing it and my wife is the one who actually pulled out the Hagerty roadside service card and suggested getting it towed back to my shop. I thought it just made good sense, especially not knowing how good the spare was,and mounting it on a steering axle. Not that I own anything special, but the finish on the wheels is really nice (at least to me) and really didn't want to screw them up and have to refinish them.
Hell, the tow was free and I would much rather work on it in my shop than on the side of the road.
In the future I will have the right tools to remove the center caps instead of having to pry them off with a tire iron.
Either way, I won't be spending much time on there anymore......
I think given the car that it is...and your close proximity to home already and the price of the did the right thing. The other guys...lots of mouth it sounds like...not much else.
Just went back and reread my post and replies; Bill thought I had replied to your post, I guess I didn't hit send???
Sucks that you ended up with all that damage to your car; I guess we both learned the hard way about old tires and that "other" site. :003:
Oh well, at least we can still laugh about it, well.....maybe you can, my wallet still hurts. bawl
Last month we replaced the alternator in Sherry's '12 Honda CRV with a rebuilt unit from O'Reillys @ 150ish.. It apparently has gone out again as I found out taking it out for a drive yesterday. Those cars don't run at all when the battery goes dead, and the alt. isn't working. Got it home by keeping my jump start battery attached and tieing down the hood. I've read those rebuilt for Hondas have had issues, so for grins I called Honda to see what they charge, hoping to put in an actual Honda unit. 8-900. !! Why do I even bother calling dealers for parts and service? There are fuses associated with the alt., so if they check out good, tomorrow, it's getting a warranty replacement for O'Reillys.
NINE HUNDRED for an alternator? What were you doing...asking for the "pimp my ride" ghetto gold version? That's insane! What is the car worth at 8 years of age? $2000-2500? (I have no idea what Hondas sell for at that age) EEK!
It's only got 58k miles on it. Sherry hasn't driven it 200 miles in 3 years since she moved in with us. That's why I started taking it, and my wife's, out for a drive once a week or so.
Value?? ebay shows 1/2 dozen with more miles than hers @$10-16k. I've seen them around town with 150-2000k miles for 8ish
WOW! That much? Remember when cars that age were barely worth the tow bill to have them taken to a shop? Times have changed!!!
Yeah, if they're low miles and in good shape, they don't go too low anymore. I paid 12k when I bought my 11 year old 05(at the time) Outback 4 years ago, and I had to go to OKC to find that one. It had 72k miles when I bought it. Back in the day, a car would have been ready for the scrap pile with that many miles on it.
True..."rings at 50k...ring and bearing at 100"...I remember hearing that all the time/ My wife's '98 Explorer has 312k on it...replaced the heads at 260k...but it still has original suspension, clutch and 5-speed in it. Oil changes and polite driving...pays dividends! It still pulls down over 20mpg too. AND...we have the best accessory of all...the pink slip! LOL!!!
True. When we were young, if a car had a 100K on it, you bought it for peanuts and used it for a winter beater and kept the nice car in the garage!
My go to cars for winter beaters were always Galaxies, 1965 to early 70's. They were very solid, full framed, 9 inch axle coupled with a 289-302-351-390 they seemed to go forever. I never paid more than $200-300 for one that was parked up in someones back yard that they wanted to get rid of anyways. One of my favorites was a 66 Country Squire wagon. drove it for almost a year with no reverse gear, had to be careful how and where you parked.
Bet you wished you had some of those "beater Galaxies" now! I would love to have one!
Against my better judgement, I'm taking a longer roadtrip, probably overnight. Probably stay in Texas, but may come home thru Oklahoma, staying on the main interstates.
Spousal distancing yesterday......put 740 miles on my dd. interesting observations...........things almost seemed normal out on the highways, traffic, etc. I passed a tow truck loading a car, and the car's driver appeared to be inside the tow truck cab. That's probably up to individual tow truck drivers, but something I've worried about on my occasional road trip.getting my car towed ok, but me stranded on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. I filled up in Gainsville @1.14 gal! Almost as many Texas cars on i35 in OK as OK cars.
At a rest area in Tx., I asked someone with Washington plates on their car if they had any problems with law enforcement on their drive. None whatsoever, and no problems with rest areas or bathrooms in larger gas stations.
Nice Rich, that's a good long drive. :003:
$1.14 ain't too shabby either, haven't seen those prices since the early 80's.
On another note, had a "present" waiting for me in my garage when I got out of work Friday:
Changed my clothes and got the wheels off and loaded them into my truck. I have a guy who is going to mount & balance them for @ 07:00 saturday am.
Got there bright and early and they got them done ASAP for me. He has several Hot Rods and had a cool nose from a '37 Ford Police car mounted, complete with flashing lights, in his shop:
Got back home and put them on and went for a ride. It was only to my buddies house to work on his '57 $hevy, but hey, it was still a ride and it felt damn good.
Almost forget to clean the blue off of the WWW.
Hope to get the Fairlane out next weekend, weather permitting.
Nice Joe. Good to see that baby back where it belongs...on the road! OH YEA! I have a tire machine's 3000 miles away from ya. Dang! Enjoy the runs around the neighborhood! :003:
Rich...good to hear about the folks from WA. Guess that means I can tell that deck to shut up and head that way...get that thing done. :006:
Thanks Hugh, he has a tire machine that doesn't touch the rim and I really didn't want to damage the paint on my wheels. The main reason I went 40 miles to see him, was that he has a machined aluminum plate that the ford wheels bolt to so they can be balanced on a high speed tire balancer.
Remember, the 39 has open center rims:
Ah yes! I forgot about the open rims. If all we had to worry about was paint...I have ways learned from my Firestone and gas station days of dealing with that. Kinda hard on shop rags or old bath towels...but the rims come out looking fine!
Just glad you got it back where it belongs! I fund I now have a serious excuse to come to Massachusetts! I wanna shoot pics of that ride...and of course talk you into a ride! LOL!!! I know...we could ride over to Factory Five! Yea...that's the ticket! :wav:
Come on down...... :occasion14:
Sorry, that post should have gone under "Old Ford Pics"
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2020-04-26 18:05
Sorry, that post should have gone under "Old Ford Pics"
I am feeling some of that Southern Comfort myself... :005:
Another interesting about face in the virus information. On the internet today is an article about how scientists are baffled by the much lower infection rate amoung smokers. I'm certainly not advocating smoking, but I questioned the first reports of smokers being the highest risk. My reason for that is I've been convinced for years that smoking kills normal "bugs" like colds, flu, etc. I almost have never had those in my lifetime. The one exception to that was the year and a half I quit smoking 30 years ago. I was constantly coming down with stuff one right after the other.
About that same time, George Burns was on the Johnny Carson show one night, and Johnny asked him what contributed to his good health all these years. His reply.......a good cigar every day. Kills the germs. He went on to say no joke, he seriously believed that.
So do I, it's just the other crap it causes.... like my breathing problems. I think it would be a relatively easy test for the scientists to test the effect of cigarette smoke on the virus instead of being baffled by the numbers.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-04-28 20:49
Another interesting about face in the virus information. On the internet today is an article about how scientists are baffled by the much lower infection rate amoung smokers.
So maybe those little covid-19 virus monsters won't be able to penetrate the the thick black layer in my lungs?
Must look like the inside of a coal mine in there.Well, I'm sure not counting on it even though that I've claimed, tongue in cheek, that no self respecting germ would want to live in this body.
I will continue to be very, very careful.
Remember...cigars are nowhere near as bad as cigarettes for your health...same with pipe smoking, just saying... :-\
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2020-04-29 02:07Remember...cigars are nowhere near as bad as cigarettes for your health...same with pipe smoking, just saying... :-\
Yeah, if you don't inhale. Otherwise I can't buy that old story. Tobacco smoke in your lungs is tobacco smoke in your lungs no matter what you inhale it from.
Due to the very high tax on cigarettes here I ended up switching to these little filtered cigars after somebody let me try one & told me what they cost. They are packaged like, & except for the color, look just like cigarettes. Cigars & pipe tobacco are taxed differently than cigarettes. Cigs were $120 per carton & the little cigars are $30 a carton.
I smoke way too much & now I wonder if I'm smoking more. It's a very strong addition. : (
On the COVID-19 subject, have you seen this video by Dr. Erickson? Makes perfect sense to me...
Thanks Joe, that is really interesting and shares many of the same opinions I have had. From all the bad things that build the immune system I should be immune to everything :003:. But I'm still staying at home because I'm in the higher risk group. Smoking all my life I don't know if I want to chance it.
Interesting, but he lost my attention when he started talking about New York and extrapolated the tested patients to the entire population. It was when the reporter in the background was obviously arguing something, but I couldn't hear what. My thinking......who got tested? in most cases I would think the tests were done on people showing virus symptoms, so you cannot assume the entire population is going to test positive at the same percentage (39%).
Also, interesting is now they're concerned about opening up the country because doctors are losing jobs.
In early February about 4 "couple friends", my wife and I all came down with a virus that none of us had experience with. We all had sore throats, conjunctivitis, serious coughing spells, bronchitis, night sweats... etc. It lasted 2-3 weeks and it hit one of us who is diabetic particularly hard threatening to move into her lungs. She is STILL on meds. We are all of the same opinion that we had a form of the virus... I am of the opinion that we do not really understand much about this virus and we are acting on outdated pandemic control parameters. I am not being critical of the government, just making a hypothetical observation.
Right on. The world hasn't figured this thing out, I can't understand why people are so critical when the experts change their minds as new information becomes available. I'd be more worried if they didn't change their minds.
Quote from: Tom S on 2020-04-29 02:56
Yeah, if you don't inhale. Otherwise I can't buy that old story. Tobacco smoke in your lungs is tobacco smoke in your lungs no matter what you inhale it from.
Cigars and pipes do not get inhaled i to the lungs. At least...not supposed to. And yea...they are taxed differently. I have been a pipe smoker since '79. Wa state pipe tobacco is now treated more harshly than pot.
After looking at pics here this morning , the bottom task bar on my computer froze up. The main desktop works fine..desktop icons as they should. Clicking on any of the icons on the task bar does nothing. Tried rebooting, did nothing to change. Of course I can't click on the windows icon either to get to any troubleshooting help or tools or other programs.
Any ideas?
When I was trying to open some of those new pics, they didn't show. I found out a little later they opened up "behind" the forum page screen. It was after looking at the top one, then closing it that the problem started, or at least was noticed. I also have a new icon on my desktop title bitmap image. It freezes the desktop for a minute when I try to open it.
wasn't sure if the thumb drive I had still plugged in had anything to do with it, so I removed it. Then the icons to open webpages on the task bar all but disappeared!
If I disappear, it's because my 'puter is in the shop.
OK..finally fixed it. I remembered CTRL-ALT-DEL brings up a menu with a task bar on it.
We finally got a little trip in today, only a 150 mile loop of two lane but it was nice to get back on the road again. You may recognize this place from a TV show, it was closed of course.
Okay...I'll bite..what TV show?
Nice to get out eh?
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2020-04-30 20:38
Okay...I'll bite..what TV show?
Nice to get out eh?
HA HA, not yet but here is a hint. Think one of those silly reality type shows.
Storage wars?
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2020-04-30 21:06
HA HA, not yet but here is a hint. Think one of those silly reality type shows.
That lets me out then. I don't watch those. :P
American Pickers?
Quote from: rmk57 on 2020-04-30 21:33
Storage wars?
BINGO! You win an E beer :038: :occasion14:
Got the FE out yesterday for a little social. Lawn chairs 2 meters apart, DQ Blizzard, bench raced with some of the shut ins. A 1930 Nash coupe was driving by, stopped in to show it off. Had seven cars show up last week, hopefully more next time.
Wish mine was done...I'd have grabbed a couple of ferries and come by! :003: Well...that and I would have had to BE on that part of the world...
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2020-04-29 11:22
Cigars and pipes do not get inhaled i to the lungs. At least...not supposed to.
Not supposed to? Who made that rule? They do get inhaled.
The only good thing about cigar and pipe tobacco is there are no "exotic" chemicals in them.......
fivesevenliter.....beautiful pic!!! cars and scenery. I bet that felt good to get out.
Today is 1st Saturday of the month........I'm hoping there are a bunch of guys at the monthly cruise in! I finally got my drivers power window working again, so I can close it and get the car washed! It's covered with bugs from my last road trip.
I had to look on a map to see where Abbottsford was, and why Hugh would need a ferry.thought maybe it was on the big island, but I see it would just be a very long drive for him to stay on land. I've been through your area '98 and '00.
It would take two to Vancouver, then one over to the Canadian mainland. you said...I could make a long drive. Over to Kingston, ferry over to Edmonds, then drive to I-5 and up to Canada and wait for up to an hour or sometimes more to get across the border.
The ferry rides would be spendy...but generally gas in that area is close to $3 a gallon...the drive it's self wold be around 5-6 hours depending on traffic, and the view of the Canadian islands from Vancouver Island to the mainland are really nice. Ferry rides are better!
We are blessed.
Those hills in the background are in the Washington state. The clouds are blowing in off the ocean and as they stack up on the Cascade mountains they are turning black, which means rain really soon.
Hugh, if you are concerned about using fuel, take the Port Townsend ferry to Coupeville, but make sure you go into Coupeville and get some licorice at the Dutch store.
Also, fuel up on your side of the border. Consider this, before Covid19BS we were paying $7.14 per US gallon for regular (88), that is converting the dollar at $1.419.
We are bragging now that we are only paying $3.15 Canadian for one US gallon for regular, premium 104 octane is $5.68.
Yea... I know you guys get nailed big time for gas. Amazing how many people cross the border on Saturday and Sunday to go to the Costco for gas! LOL!!!I hadn't thought about the Coupeville ferry...have to make a reservation for it nowadays, so I never use it. Besides...I DO like the B.C. ferry system. The views are so nice. And it is a peaceful trip too.
big $ time for gas and cigarettes, but hookers are cheap.
good Lord, this makes me want to move to TN ! :002: :004:
Rocky Top
here's a more 'modern' version by Reina. I believe she hails from, all places, Boston MA !
these are just tremendous notes. I could listen to those banjos all day long... maybe I am in the wrong place at the wrong time... :003:
And here's something brandnew fabulous for all you Blues fans, all the way from the UK !
I couldn't take it any longer....I jumped in and started cutting up my '57. I figured now was a good time, no cruises, no shows, no , well..whatever. Apparently the world and life as we know it, has stopped.
Anyways, I figured I have the '39 to use if we ever get a chance to go out, so it was the perfect time to take the cut off wheel and grinder to the Fairlane and bring it back to it's former glory.
Here's a few pics:
So much better....maybe I'll actually be able to sleep tonight for a change.
Well...snooze anyway...probably not sound sleep until it has some color back! :003:
OUCH ! Joe !..... that hurts....literally shivers going down my spine seeing the cutting into sweet paint. Don't tell this to Jay, he will give you a good telling-off for doing that in the middle of the year. But you are probably right. No cruises this year and you also have your sweet 39 to drive anytime. I will talk to Jay, so he will only give you a light beating on those fender cuts... :003:
BUT...I reckon that those headlight assemblies and lower fender metal would be much easier to ship now than the full fenders, in case you still wanted to sell them?!
It appears that whoever installed the quad light assemblies, managed to retain the upper fender edge and folded lip. That is very good. This provides good foundation to retrofit the patch panels. it appears as if you might get away with just spotting in paint on those new parts ? Are these NOS panels, they look to be a good fit and without ripples.
Are you going to use the original headlight assemblies and protruding OEM rings ore are you planning to recess them with F100 assemblies or sectioning the rings like others have done?
Are you going back to a factory grille and turn signals?
Good luck with the project !
DJ, what I have left, I will give to Jay so that he can give (READ: free) to you. Jay has helped me a lot and he speaks highly of you, so any friend of his is a friend of mine.
As you can see in the pictures,saving the lower fender metal was not possible as it was all brazed together from several pieces of metal that would not allow it to be removed in one piece.
They are all, 1958 parts though:
I had to grind away the body work to expose the work that was done. In the end it was brazed to the inner fender as well as the fender lip which was folded back for clearance. I worked this back a little at a time to return the lip to its original position so that I could mount OEM NOS headlight doors to it.
I should be able to salvage more of the passenger side assembly, now that I know how they did it.
Yes, I have original (used) headlight buckets and trim rings that will be installed to keep an original look to the car.
As far as the grill, yes, back to OEM, let me know if you want the tube grill and I'll get it Jay.
Test fit:
P.S. The grill will clean up but could use new plating or painting:
I for one will thank you for taking on such a project. Your car will be so much happier as a real 57 :001:
wow, Joe. Several things surprised me here, mainly the conversion surround had a FORD pn on it..........I thought those were aftermarket, like JCWhitney. Second is how well the nos original surround fits. You may not have any idea how badly the aftermarket surrounds are made. The ones I had to use (not ems) had about 1/4+ radius on the outside edge where yours have the square corners. Only way the aftermarket ones are usable is to hand work them as close as possible, cut off the back flange, then weld them on.
classic auto parts in OKC has the aftermarket parking light buckets and lenses, and sockets.
x2 on the OEM fender extensions/headlight panels new or used. I tried the old aftermarket ones and was just going to throw the whole fender away. I did run across a pair of NOS and was dumbfounded by the difference.
Joe, thx for your generous offer! I will gladly accept that offer for the leftover 58 and headlight pieces ( even the cut down crumbled pieces, if only usable for patterns)! I have no use for the grill and I want to think the you can easily sell the tube grill to somebody on this forum.
I was just asking about the grill, because I was wondering if you left the aftermarket and the set back turn signals in place after all the work you will have in replacing the oem 57 headlights. I was thinking about those cutouts in the inner grill splash panels. I believe you will have to metal repair the cut out pieces, because those grill pans are hard to find in decent condition. often rusted out or accident damaged.
When you first talked about going back to single headlights I thought that replacing the whole fenders like you originally intended, would make more sense. but now, seeing that all of that folded lip is still there and the fit of the oem panels is rather promising, I think you made a really good decision in leaving your own fenders installed. it will spare you the trouble of realigning and maybe also large portions of the paint can be retained!
No problem, I will get them over to Jay.
I took some pictures for reference for you, if that helps.
Here is what it looks like with the headlights removed:
Here is the sheet metal they welded in to fill the void, not really nice work:
Here it is cut out:
Look how thick this stuff is:
I don't know what it actually is, its way too hard for regular body filler and it's real heavy.
Hey, it lasted over 30 years without cracking. :laughing4:
Anyways,here they are, all reassembled. I welded the pieces I cutout on the first one so it would be complete, the second one I was able to save.
...and this is as far as I got today:
wow, the fit of the oem inserts is great ! Judging by the Clecos, you were able to fully unfold the og lip and can directly attach your replacement sheetmetal to the og fenders? That'd be great ! From the beginnig I was fearing that you would have to fabricate and weld new lips, which would have caused a lot of distortion and also burn the remaining paint. Are you going to weld the patch panels or going to fasten with body bond and/or rivets? this could save you some welding and grinding and would eventually seal the seam.
My plan all along was to use panel adhesive with clamps and rivets; no distortion, no burning, peeling paint and hopefully minimal painting.
I will have to touch up the passenger fender on the body line where it meets the headlight door as it was welded at the top 1/4" of the seam. I was able to use the the grinder to slowly work it back to the edge while not causing the paint to heat up and peel.
Keep your fingers crossed, so far, so good.
Sorry Rich, I forgot to reply to your post earlier... getting old sucks, or maybe it's the Jack Daniels???
Yes, I was well aware of the aftermarket fender extension quality, or lack thereof. When I first bought the car and posted that I wanted to change the quad lights to singles, you told me to look for OEM extensions or complete fenders. That's why I bought JPotters OEM extensions well before I started this project.
Thanks for the heads up on Classic Auto Parts, good to know if I have anything missing.
Nice neat work, Joe!
I'm sure you will or already have, but now is a good time to check fit on the front nosepiece.
Joe, another small issue you might want to consider now, while all is apart. If you really want to take it back to all stock looking frontend you should consider painting your front gravel pan Argent Silver, like it left the factory. personally I prefer that metal in lower body color though, as is on your car.
You certainly do keep yourself busy. I personally know how much that you hated those dual headlights and I know how
much they bothered you. It's nice to see that you found some good headlight/ fender extensions. I know that you are going
to be very happy to have your beautiful 57 Ford all 57 again. Knowing how you operate, you will have it done real fast.
You got away from me too fast last week and I didn't give you the T shirt that I keep in my 57 from the archery shop
in Middleboro . Jay
Thanks everyone, and Rich, it's been in and out about a dozen times already.
Guenther, I have given that some thought and am still on the fence, like you, I like the body color, The jury is still out on that one...
Jay, when I come down to give you your puller back as well as Guenther's new headlights we can get together.
As always, thanks for your help.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2020-05-10 07:47
I for one will thank you for taking on such a project. Your car will be so much happier as a real 57 :001:
Atta boy Jim! And when Joe is all done with it. It will look like it was never a crossbreed.
:sign5: :occasion14:
This weeks road trip we headed for the mountains. Five hours of winding roads and just one stop for lunch. Restaurant was take out only of course so we had a tailgate lunch.
Nice road trip, Jim. Nice to see the wife obviously likes them! Wish mine did.
I did take another road trip last week in the Subi. I was working on some issues on the '57, or it would have been taken instead......but now it's ready! That roadtrip was 1002 miles, a big loop around New Mexico. Did tourist areas that are normally busy. Some looked like ghost towns!....Ruidoso, Santa Fe, Taos.
I found out I missed a car show in Lubbock this past weekend. Sure wished I knew about it before it was over. Also, a bunch of guys got together and did a parade at the VA hospital, didn't hear about that one 'til it was over either. They had a bunch of the patients outside to watch. Good on them!!
I guess I need to join a local car club so I'll hear about these things.
We did have about 25 or 30 guys show up for the first Saturday of the month cruise. In normal times, a great Saturday weather in early spring would have had 100 or so.
Thanks Rich. She always goes with me, she loves road trips in the 57. I wish we could do longer trips as we planned for this year but I'm only good for 300-400 miles a day and I need to rest :005: We aren't comfortable staying anywhere over night at this point.
Our local guys do 3-4 shows at convalescent hospitals each year but they have all been canceled.
Or morning coffee meets don't happen either.
Just want to sat Thanks for posting the video, Thinking Bout a Woman, made my morning does not get any better than a 3 piece band !!
I remember in the past couple weeks a posting with some 1950's Ford showroom banners with the Four Letter Dealer program. A couple hours after looking at the post I dug into a bag my sister left for me back in March and found these from the dealership my Father owned. I will go buy a lottery ticket.
I do not remember him having these displayed and he has been gone for almost 30 years.
Those are GOLDEN! Wonder why he never displayed them? Glad you have them now...excellent mementos! :003:
Is everyone else's life as boring as mine has been the past few months? Tired of this non-socializing, but I am getting a few things done.
I finally got my compressor lines finished up, and got the garage pretty much straightened least a lot better.
Last weekend I did take the '57 (finally) to Colorado, but just for a day. I did the highway of legends (hwy 12) out of Trinidad thru a few mountain passes. I've been to Colorado from Texas a zillion times, but this time I came home a different route, at least for a few hundred miles.
I think I am going to do a car show this weekend. Yes, a real car show! It's at the racetrack in Iowa Park, just a few miles north of Wichita Falls, Tx. It's on the first page in Hemming's events listing. Maybe nothing much, but I'm betting there's a whole ton of guys in North Texas anxious for something to do, so it may be real good. Yes, I'll be social to!! I did call tonight and confirm it is still on.
My trip to Colorado was 670 miles, this one will only be about 450. We've got to do a "drive by" Graduation congrats with one of our cars decorated early tomorrow night, hope to get out of town by 7, should be in Iowa Park by 11ish. If I remember correctly, there's a rest area not too far from there. I'll sleep in the car.
Well, morning has come and gone, but got a bit more work done on the Fairlane. Headlight doors/bezels are fitting really good now. Had to Port-A-Power the nose out a bit, and then reshape the drivers side fender up to fit the headlight door, but looks like it will work.
Also made up some dummy panels to fill in the old turn signal holes, sandblasted and painted the headlight buckets and buffed out the grille.
Getting closer as I moved it to my buddies body shop so he can finish and paint....
Comin' along nicely. Soon you will have a BIG problem on sunny days...coupe or Fairlane for the drive? What a grand problem to have eh?
I know that you are speaking from experience....
mustang6984: 2 '57 Ford Couriers
4 Mustangs:
'68 coupe
'69 fastback
'84 SVO
'88 Saleen Convertible
'50 Dodge P/U
'82 RX-7
Yea...but sadly I don't have all of them finished...yet.
And add a 65 Chrysler New Yorker in that list too! The Saleen and the Chrysler are my of the '57's is in the rebuild stage as is the '69, '68 and the SVO needs paint.
Seems like when I have time, I don't have disposable cash, when I have the cash...time is a mysterious luxury. This process of trying to get moved to Missouri has been eating up both over the last 4 years. Soon to come to fruition though...may have a house finally here in Missouri. with any luck at all will be finished with what has been a 11 year effort with the last 4 years being the most intense of the time frame. Finally.
Nice garage, Joe! Those headlight components all look like new......were you able to find nos buckets as well? We know about the headlight surrounds. I had to salvage buckets with major rust issues.
Thanks Rich. The buckets and bezels I bought were used, but they were in really good shape. Once I sandblasted them and repainted them, they looked like new. I was fortunate, I paid good money for them, but they even came with the original wiring harnesses.
Now that I have everything I need for this project, I will have two large (front) fender repair panels and one headlight bezel for sale. I think I'm going to keep the extra passenger side eyebrow I bought, just in case something happens. I'll probably sell the shaved down hood emblem also, if someone wants it.
I'll take some pic and post them up in the "For Sale" section later.
Really anxious to get this project done so I can drive it again.
Had an eventful weekend, could have had a few major issues, but all worked out well. My plans were to drive down Friday night 220 miles to Wichita Falls for a Saturday car show, and just sleep in the car near the area. Friday was going to be hectic as we were doing a graduation parade at 6:30 and had to decorate the wife's car including finding stuff to decorate it with. In the morning I took my '57 to a car wash to do the engine and outside, and top off the gas. I cleaned the inside Thursday. Friday afternoon, I was packing my travelling stuff, went into the garage and there was a puddle of gas under the '57's gas tank! I had in the past a problem with a rubber fuel line coming out of the in tank fuel pump, so I figured that was it again. Went to start the car to back it out of the garage, and nothing. No power to anything. WTH? There was no way I figured the two were tied together, so I figured I must have got something wet under the hood, although I've frequently power washed it in the past. The three of us pushed the car out of the garage and I put a pan under the leak.
Emptied the trunk, removed the access plate, and after a lot of poking around, and crawling under the car, I determined it was not a fuel line. I'm getting long winded here.....after some poking around, I realized the fuel sending unit was a little loose, and that's where the gas was bleeding out. I opened the gas cap and got a big whosh, so I figured my vent lined was clogged, and it was. I disconnected it from the fuel pump flange and blew it out with my air hose (glad I got my compressor rehooked up last week!). Probably a mud dauber got in the vent line again.I retightened the sending unit locking flange, and no more gas leak. At one point, I was sure it was some welding I had done to install the fuel pump mounting box, so I was greatly relieved my welding was still good and the tank didn't have to come out of the car for repair. Problem #1 solved. After checking a bunch of fuses, and fusable links, I finally figured out my cable off the battery to the starter was loose, so that took care of that issue. Car show/ road trip back on!! More eventful stuff to follow.........
Glad to hear Rich. Looking forward to some car show pics, we still can't have 'em here. :crybaby2:
Weather was going to be iffy all weekend. I left Amarillo at 7PM, and got to Vernon about 11. I pulled over at a truck stop for the night. Tired, no time for naps that day! I fell right asleep, but was woken up about 1 by heavy rain, then some hail, mostly dime-nickle size, then some bigger stuff started coming down, rain was very heavy. I pulled the car under the canopy at the gas pumps, just in time, it was starting to do some big stuff..quarter and half dollar size! There were probably at least 20 cars pulled under the canopy, and no one was getting gas or moving for about an hour. After that, I pulled the car back were I was originally and was good for the night.
The car show was ok, about 100 cars or so. Only me and about 1/2 dozen others wearing masks. Not my kind of car show, but anything involving car guys was going to be great. Lots of newer cars, 2000 and newer. lots of lowriders, only about a dozen or so traditional street rods. Weather was cloudy in the morning, but clear and hot in the afternoon. I got sunburnt, but all in all, had a great time.
On the way home my wife called to tell me I was headed into a major storm front. You know it's gonna be a biggie when a team of storm chasers passes you out headed in the same direction! I almost made it home, only about 60 miles to go when the storm caught up. I was only about 2 miles from a town when the rain and hail and wind started, and I was able to find shelter in a car wash.
Now, the good eventful stuff this weekend......on the way down, I was doing about 70 when I saw a state trooper coming up behind me (speed limit was 75). He got up beside me, tooted his horn, and gave me a big thumbs up!! A short time later I pulled up next to him at a traffic light and he rolled down his window and told me the car was an absolutely beautiful '57. He asked what I had in it, and I asked him if he had driven the Crown Vics they had for years and years. He said oh yeah, and I told him I had a higher horsepower version of that drivetrain. Got another thumbs up.
I took first place in the 1940-1960 class. Got a license plate size/shape plaque. Not all that big a deal, probably only 6 or 8 cars in my class, but still appreciated.
I had a guy ask how much I'd charge to do a similar interior in his car. Ha, no way Jose, I'll pass thank you. Ha, I had visions of him telling a story like Gary had with his car in an upholstery shop for 5 years and counting.
I had a media guy take a bunch of pics of my car and asked a ton of questions. Said he wanted to do a story on my car on his website. We'll see how that goes, but nice he had the interest......he's a Chevy guy.
In that storm driving home, I was being passed by a bunch of semis. I had slowed to 30, and had my hazards on. Heavy rain and hail. Just a mile or two from a town. The last semi to pass me got up beside me and slowed to my speed. The wind was blowing the rain and hail at about a 45* angle. At first, I was worried he couldn't see me, then I realized he was trying to block the hail from hitting my car. Thank you sir!
When I pulled into the car wash, the bays were already taken, so I pulled up right next to the building at the end, pretty much blocking most the hail and rain. After a minute or so, a guy came walking up from the back of the car wash. I put my window down a bit, and he told me he was in the second bay, he saw me pull in, and if I pulled up behind him, he'd pull out and let me have the bay. He was in a 90's Ford pickup. There are some great people in this world!
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2020-05-25 11:17
Glad to hear Rich. Looking forward to some car show pics, we still can't have 'em here. :crybaby2:
Hardly took any pics......who wants to see pics of Chevies, or 20-teens mopars.
There are very few car related things going on around here. I did miss one last month in Lubbock, and I'm not sure if I missed the Park in the Park show in Albuquerque. The one I went to was 220 miles away. Lots and lots of street rods/classics driving around town, but no one is stopping to congregate. A few days ago I saw a beautiful 2 tone blue 59 Skyliner driving thru my neighborhood.'s a jumbled assortment of pics of stuff I've been talking about the past few weeks. First is my completed compressor lines. I've seperated the lines into a general use outlet on the left, and a painting only line with the big filter, and a combination dryer and oil remover on the right. I made a plywood saddle to keep the compressor from dancing around.
Next pics are from the road trip to Colorado last week. Didn't take too many pics on that trip either.
pics from this weekend at the racetrack show. First pic is with some typical boring N.Texas landscape behind. They were spacing the cars pretty far apart, at least until their space started filling up.
Second shot shows the pit area they were using for the show. My speed shop buddy here in town will be there next week drag racing. Alot of the pics I took were so he could see what the grounds were like. He's never raced there before.
I loved this 40 Chev lowrider, and his brother's surburban next to it. Check out the one-year only steering wheel. That small "handle" rotates.
Joe, first pic is for you. Looking past all the tight pink shorts, in the background is part of a huge prison complex. There were 7 girls there dressed like that, don't know where they were from, I suspect a Hooter's like place.
Second pic is the Surburban I mentioned. I really really like some of the lowrider cars. You probably don't see many in New England??
Last pic is the storm I was driving into on the way home. Weird cloud formation, probably why I was passed by the storm chasers. This was on hwy 287. It goes all the way from the gulf coast (@ Galveston?) to the Canadian border. It's the direct route from Amarillo to Fort Worth.
Somebody actually got up in the morning and thought: what a great day to wear my pink shorts! In public no less.
I forgot the new addition to my garage trophy shelf.
Les, those two Colorado pics were taken on rt 12 out of Trinidad before it got up into the Chucaras (sp?) Pass area
Lol Rich, I'm sure there were plenty of eyes pressed against that fence, even at that distance!!!
That steering wheel and window A/C is pretty cool.
As far as low riders go, no, none of that crap around here. I did spend two week in Cali years ago (1980) and I saw plenty, actually, more than I ever care to see. I heard all the stories from the local truck drivers on how their batteries used to get stolen to power the hydraulics.
The lowrider thing is a whole different culture from what we're use to. I felt the same way when I lived in California, but me and a whole lot of other car guys have got a new appreciation for what they do. As I said, for one, it's a whole culture...a family thing in most cases. Brothers, wives, kids, fathers, sons and become a family outing day. The workmanship on some of these, like my two examples, is out of this world over the top. The thing I like most about what they do, is you almost never see modifications to the bodies, and often not even the drivetrain. It's about suspension, upholstery, paint, artistry, and sometimes.... like the Surburban, gidgits and gadgets, but pretty much all relevant to the time period. I was hoping to go to the big annual national lowrider show in Albuquerque, but found out from these guys the show has been cancelled for this year. I go to more and more "normal" shows where they've added Lowrider awards to attract them to participate.
On the way home, I was thinking a "cute" name for my car might be, wait for it,.............."GO Rider"
Good for you Rich for getting on the road. I always enjoy the road shots, thats where 57's belong.
We have a local car show every Saturday morning but I only go about twice a year. It's been filling up with too many new cars, Mustang, Corvette, BMW, Porshe, etc, I don't need to see that crap. Luckily no low riders, or not when I've been there, they probably couldn't make it up the grade to get here.
"Mustang, Corvette, BMW, Porshe, etc, I don't need to see that crap. Luckily no low riders, or not when I've been there, they probably couldn't make it up the grade to get here." quote hiball
Jim I just read that and started laughing. That's the kinda stuff that the new generation people think is cool these days..
They think? Since when? Most I have seen only react to now...don't really think.
Well, I have been struggling trying to get everything to line up perfect on my '57. After taking some measurements, it appears that my car must have been in a minor accident at some point and time in it's life. I guess that's to be expected on a 63 year old vehicle. :deadhorse:
I always had a bigger gap between the drivers fender and door than the passenger side and figured I could adjust it because the gap on the front of my hood and the fenders was good, but off slightly at the cowl.
Now with reshaping the fenders to fit the og buckets, gaps aren't good. I had noticed that the panel on the drivers side radiator support had a slight wrinkle in it, so always assumed it got tapped or replaced with a used piece, because the drivers fender is perfect viewing it from the inside.
Apparently, someone got hit it on the drivers side front and just slapped on a new fender because the frame rails are shifted one half inch to the passenger side. There is no visible damage to either frame rail or horn so it shouldn't be a big deal bringing it back about 3/8" of an inch, just something else I didn't plan on.
I had brought it to my buddies shop to do the paint work and he wanted to work on it with me because he felt that the fender shape needed to be reworked before I attached the headlight doors permanently. So I drove it next door and we set it up on the frame machine. and he confirmed that it needs to go back to the drivers side about a 1/4"-3/8".
You can see the wrinkle in the panel and we also confirmed that the drivers side is up about 1/2" also. You can see it if you look at the height of the passenger side valance vs the drivers side valance.
So, he'll have his guy measure and pull it tomorrow....story of my life, my wife calls it "The Snowball" effect.
That car found the right person to get it back where it should be, and that person apparently found the right people to do it. Don't expect perfection on the gaps, they were not made to be perfect............never left the factories with perfect gaps.
Joe...There is a story (short version here) about Carroll Shelby looking at a line of his cars in Vegas at a show. As he reached the end of the line he looked back at the perfect cars and said that he didn't "know who built those cars, but it wasn't me!"
Like rich said...none of our cars left the assembly line perfect. WE make them perfect!
But yea...the car has the right person to make it so!
And my wife...calls it having Murphy for a neighbor!
Joe, not sure if my opinion counts, BUT PLEASE LEAVE ALL OF THAT ALONE.
I have owned 3x 57 Fords so far, and something these cars are not especially known for, is build quality, gaps or rigidity. I don't want to talk any bad things about them, but everybody who has worked on them, knows that. it is the same with all other makes and models from that era. Look at those stick welds on the frame and you will see they could not come up with something better than 1/2" or so. They used tons of lead in the factory, wooden blocks and rubber mallets to align the doors and also the engine torque twists the chassis along with aging rubber body mounts and suspension parts. The Z shaped dogleg area doesn't help a bit to keep everything aligned. Hey, they used sheetmetal screws to fasten the upper fender hurts to talk like that about our beloved Fifty Sevens, but it is the truth. Don't worry about a little off gap. Nobody will see that when you drive by with a big smile in your face. these cars were built to be driven and look pretty and fast doing that! and they ARE ! Enjoy ! :003:
btw, check your center radiator core rubber mount. sits in the middle under the core support. It is basically what holds EVERYTHING on the body frontend in line. there also is a leave spring in that assembly. Maybe it's sagged or broken. Very important before doing any further alignment work !
The little leaf spring and mount are good.
The hood was always chipping the paint on the corners of the fenders and was starting to rust; if I were to square it up, it would hit the drivers side fender.
Look at the gaps on these two pics, you can almost see the bottom edge of the drivers fender turning out where it meet the rocker panel and the larger gap vs the tight gap on the passenger side.
Here is a picture of the hood/fender gap; it was wider in the back and rubbing in the front, you can see where it is touched up on the inside edge of the fender.
When we modified my frame we were actually positive that we had screwed up our tape work. Mine was actually within a 1/8 0f an inch of being square!!!
The white one, the old race WAY out of alignment. If I remember correctly it was like 1 1/2 inches out...but then it did run a 1/4 mile for a few years before returning to the street. And it was in an accident as well. That frame will be going to a shop for some chiropractic work before going back together.
We checked and double checked; and with the alignment pins on the frame, it is straight/square except for the crossmember under the radiator support. It shouldn't take much to bring it back. I should have took a picture of the pins all the way down the chassis, it was pretty obvious.
DJ, thank you for the concern and I appreciate your input.
I just finished a chassis off restoration with a friend on his '57 Bel Air and I am familiar with the body gaps on these early cars as well as the gas welds on the frames However, I think I should be able to have a hood that closes without rubbing and a door that doesn't rub on the fender. Normally, I should be able to get it functional through adjustments and or shims, in this case I couldn't.
Joe, I am absolutely sure that you and your friend wiht the body/alignment shop will be able to make it better than new. No doubt about that.
Doing body work and alignment myself, I just wanted to confirm, how easy it is for things to get messed up. I see your drivers door is pushed to the rear. Remember the drivers door is the one body part that gets opened and worked the most of all. You probably can't get it much further to the front as ist would start rubbing on the upper chrome windshield post. It is truly possible that a little fender bender might have offset things.
In my theory all comes together. Lot of times a car is driven with only driver in seat. now that might be 200 pds on one side! Has anybody else here experienced how old (LHD) cars have always weaker springs on the drivers side? it also makes the left front body mounts sag more than others.
Then count the engine torque. it additionally wants to twist the drivers A pillar down. Then take a slight offset bump on the left frame horn and it makes the a post go even further down, shifting the upper A post, dogleg and roof corner with it. down and to the rear. thats the reason the door and fender gap is affected so much.
in my opinon, shimming the body mounts on the 2 foremost left mounts will cure your problem. prabably about 1/16- 1/8th.
again this is just my theory. :001:
Well, we pulled it today and I must say I'm very happy, but it didn't start that way.
When we pulled the bumper, you could clearly see the bumper bracket had been bent to realign the bumper. They had also hammered the valance somewhat straight under the bumper where it couldn't be seen, but didn't do any body work to it. None of this was noticeable under the car with the old thick undercoating.
Once we pulled it, the hood was able to be squared up, which makes me very happy. It also gave me a better gap on the passenger side door/fender and on the drivers side too. Now, I can adjust the bottom of the fender to line it up better.
Here are the pics after the pull:
Looks nice and tight a lady should! :003: (yea yea...I know...) :006:
Thanks Hugh.
Seeing that I'm going to fix my valance now, I might as well paint it the right color. Does anybody have a good paint code for the Silver Argent?
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2020-05-29 15:58
Thanks Hugh.
Seeing that I'm going to fix my valance now, I might as well paint it the right color. Does anybody have a good paint code for the Silver Argent?
This is what I was able to find for '57. Note...none refer to a Silver Argent...
Except this one...
It comes in a 12oz spray can.
Hope one works... :006:
Thanks Hugh, same thing I keep finding, only exterior color codes, no exterior trim codes.
I too, came up with the Motorcraft spray paint, I believe that Silver Argent is for engine accessories.
I will look around some more...might be a hard find...
Thanks, but I haven't had much luck either, was hoping someone who may have completed a recent restoration might have a code.
Thanks again,
Just thought of something; not sure if I am out line posting this stuff here, if so, Mods, please feel free to move it.
Nothing wrong with your posts being here........except if they're not in a build thread, they are hard to find down the road. I started this morning coffee thread years ago for the guys to talk about whatever was on their mind.
I wish my door gaps were 1/2 as good as yours.
I have a link on my computer to a guy that has restored a bunch of '57 & '58 Fords over the years. sells them or does them on consignment. I will try and call him and ask. I bet he would know what ya' need. I forgot where the link came from now, but it's right next to my link to the forum. :sunny:
IIRC this was discussed before, perhaps even in a build thread. I believe the correct Ardent Silver was found either in Dupli-color or Rustoleum.
Joe fwiw, that is correct. The og air cleaner was also painted 'Argent silver'.
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2020-05-29 20:00
I too, came up with the Motorcraft spray paint, I believe that Silver Argent is for engine accessories.
Thanks DJ, but I don't think that there is anything on that can label I could convert to a mixable paint code/formula.
Thanks for the compliments on the gaps Rich, I'm not there yet, but I'm close. Truth of the matter is, for the few hundred dollars I had to spend, at this stage of the game, it just made sense to me to correct it before assembling everything and attaching it permanently.
Like most things in life, "if the foundation is out of square so is the rest". Nice catch, you will not regret that money spent.
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2020-05-30 06:51
Like most things in life, "if the foundation is out of square so is the rest". Nice catch, you will not regret that money spent.
Thanks Bill, I know I won't regret it. But, it definitely helps to have a friend with the right equipment willing to help out. :thumbsup:
The name Argent was given to this color because it wasn't silver or grey, somewhere in between the two. Argent is a French word for silver. All the manufactures in the 50's had some different shades of Argent. Most of the Motorcraft cans of Argent are wheel paints, I've seen darker and lighter shades and never found one that was close to the original. The closes thing I found was from Macs auto parts about eight years ago, don't know if they still sell it.
Terry and Jim, thanks for the info. I was really hoping someone had an actual paint code, if not, I'm just going to wing it....wait, I'll bet JViera has a code, he just finished up a beautiful restoration last year. I'm going to give him a ring...
As always, John Viera had the correct info. Here it is for anyone who needs it:
Thanks John!!!!
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2020-05-30 08:04
As always, John Viera had the correct info. Here it is for anyone who needs it:
Thanks John!!!!
I'm pretty sure that is what GM used, Corvette wheels etc. It will be interesting to see how close it is to the Ford color. Here is 85 Argent colors :003:
Nothing listed for 57 Fords
Be sure to let us know how it works out, or what else you find. I've got the Argent silver # that John had posted in our tech info links.........I'll remove it if not correct.
Just my 2 cents, and I'm far from a restoration freak, but is someone here expecting a judge to show up with color chips to check for an exact match? Overthought. Find a color you like, be it body color or silver and don't look back, probably no one else will be.
Ah what the hell...just paint in pink with purple stripes and yellow polka-a-dots. :003:
This is the code that John gave me, and to be honest, if it is good enough for his beautiful restoration, it's sure as hell good enough for mine. :002:
Yep!!! The car looks fantastic, but I think the silver is a little off, lol. (just kidding). Makes me want to go out and polish my chrome.
Yep, that silver is too glossy, but I'm not a purist, mine isn't even silver. That is one fine looking 57.
Johns 57 Custom is just soooooo good !
Looking forward to see it in person one of these days !
I am glad you are going with the silver gravel panel on your car, Joe. I believe it will look nice. either because of the red/white combo or because your Fairlane has all that sweet ss chrome trim around the windshield and side glass. that silver panel will look great with that imho.
I'm glad t hat you are painting the valance panel argent also. John Gave me the color code also I was doing mine. Jay
dj, if you get back here over the river I know you are going to go to Jay's and Joe's "cobra" I'm only 25 min. in either direction. welcome any time. John
John, thank you for the invitation! Hopefully I will be able to jump over the big river in future and would be glad to see your car in person! It looks so stunning ! Guenter
Oh if you ford the river I will hopefully be settled by then and we can spend some time shaking things up a bit. :006:
Got it pretty well squared away today, buckets in and gaps finalized and it's starting to look "normal" again:
Final door gap is good now:
Looks like they shimmed the cowl out to get a better gap on the hood, now I need to remove it and get it back closer to the windshield:
Picture of the lower valence damage that needs to get repaired now that it's hammered back into shape:
Those are some of the best gaps I've seen on a '57! Makes me wonder if someone in the past did some metal addition and subtraction to the panel edges to get them that good, and sometime after, it got lost from a small collision. Normally that's the only way you can get them that good. Other that mine, yours is also one of the few that I've seen that has eliminated the seams on the outside surfaces of the splash panel. I always wondered why more guys didn't clean them up.
NICE! Those door/fender and hood/fender gaps look really good. By summer you will be thrilled t be seen driving that lady. Guess that is you doing the work eh?
Thanks guys, and no, I would be the guy taking the picture, eh!
Actually, he is the older gentlemen that works at my buddies shop; he has been doing frames and repairing wrecks on these old cars all his life. He is very good at what he does and knew exactly what needed to be done and to where, before we even took it apart.
Funny thing, he actually had to pull the front filler panel between the fenders down and out to get the gap good after everything else was aligned. They must have bent it backwards to align the '58 light fabrication they did.
You gotta admit, she looks better with two rather than four eyes. :thumbsup:
I think she looks adoring! Can't wait to see 'er with a fresh coat of "make-up" and in her natural setting...on the asphalt drawing admiring looks from those people green with envy! :003:
Yea...I thought about the fact that you had to be the shutterbug after I posted.
I just got my NSRA Streetscenes monthly mag......and it looks like the nsra shows for Pueblo(June 26-29) and OKC (July 10-12) are on !!! Yahoo!!!
Interesting note...some changes to use of the Pueblo Fairgrounds due to the Co. governor and CDA having taken over control of the main event center for treatment of Corona patients.
NSRA in Albuquerque is also on for August 21-23
OK, back to doing taxes, URG!!!
I'm sure glad our car hobby gives at least some diversion from real life.
Rich, you are so right. Im in my shop every day, turn on 60's on 6 radio, no NEWS just music and get lost in the past. I'm so sick of what is going on around us today it gives me a chance to escape even if it is just for a little while.
Yeah, as much as I hate to say it, working on my buddies '57 $hevy, on weekends has made this $hit there cramming down our throats a lot easier to swallow.
Three or four like minded people, working on a hot rod, drinking beer, eating pizza, no masks, no social distancing... :004:
I refuse to play the game. Don't wear the mask, come and go as I please, purposely go down aisles the wrong way. This malarkey belongs in a place the sun don't shine.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-06-01 15:06
...Other that mine, yours is also one of the few that I've seen that has eliminated the seams on the outside surfaces of the splash panel. I always wondered why more guys didn't clean them up.
Funny you should say that...once they ground down the area to repair it, the original seam was there, filled with Tiger hair. Don't hate me Rich, but i had them put it back....
I just found out the Colorado NSRA show for this month is being rescheduled..........grrrrr!!!
That was some short lived joy.
Darn it Rich, I'd have loved to have met up with you there. Is there a date set?
Not yet, I'll check on it occasionally. Any word on the Thin Air Nationals in Green Mountain Falls? or other Co. shows?
The NSRA and Goodguys are between a rock and a hard place. Don't follow GGs as much as NSRA but they are running out of room for re-scheduling the shows. Nats East (York, PA) is cnxed for this year, four more are scheduled for Oct. Won't be long and those shows will bunched up like pees in a pod and those attending will be in snow shoes and parkas. Do hot rods get snow tires and chains?
I like many others do not wear a mask. As long as I do not get exposed to the crap no mask, the mask is no good in preventing, it has been said it is like trying to trap gnats with chicken wire. My routine is mostly unchanged from before. The joys of being retired? Shop, Rush, a local talk guy and 50s, 60s, and Willey. Work is slow as my wife needs attention and doing the chores and crap to keep the house running fills up my days pretty well.
Rich, I'll check on those and let you know.
Les, thanks, and yes, please let me know if any shows are still going to happen. The Green Mtn. Falls show if I remember correctly was usually in late July.
Bill, sorry to hear your wife is having problems. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Guess that explains why we haven't had any updates on the Ranchero.
Rich, I talked to a guy that coordinates the local 1st Saturday car show/get together here in town. He heard that the Green Mountain Falls car show is no more. He hasn't heard anything about the Woodland Park event.
He has also sponsored a show in Old Colorado City that has really became a pretty big event. He still doesn't know if that will happen.
Bummer about the Green Mtn. Falls show maybe being no more. It was one of my favorites. Are they doing the first Saturday cruise ins? If so, where and what times? I just got back from ours. We had maybe 80ish cars. Shortly I'll be going down to the old rt 66 historic district for our weekly get together.
Thanks for the info Les. Lots of guys around here looking for shows to do. Next one I can find is not until July.
The 1st Saturday cruise-in is from about 7:30-9:30 am in the Dick Sporting goods parking lot. I went this morning, only 35-40 cars. Last year it grew to about 400 cars. The guy that coordinated the event stopped by (knowing cars would gather), and let us know that there is no official sponsorship, thus no official permission. I nicely stated that I'm just here to have a cup of coffee, of course I put my hood up to cool the engine. He was cool, he drove off. He's the guy that told me about Green Mountain Falls.
Nothing happening around here yet, looked for the Connecting Rods cruise night in Halifax, MA, no info other than cancelled. Also checked the Down Shifters Cruise at Plumb Corner in Rochester, MA, no info....
This is really starting to get old. bawl
Pondering one more point over coffee this a.m.; how different we all interpret the same event or interact differently given the same circumstances. That is regarding the gentleman mentioned in my above post that wanted to let us know there isn't any sponsored event until sometime in the future. One guy I talked to said: this a--hole told me "we couldn't be here and meet, what a jerk, he's not going to tell me what to do!". Yes, It's been a long three months.
Yes, huge difference in attitudes. I have several long time friends asking me why I wear a mask, it ain't gonna do no good? Well, may be it doesn't but it can't hurt, and I'd rather be safe than wrong.This ain't the time to play the macho routine, and if everybody played safe, maybe the folks approving the go-ahead for shows would be less reluctant to do so. Of course, now we have the protests thrown into the mix as well.
Our turnout yesterday for the first Saturday meet was almost back to normal, less the car club that kinda sponsors it. Not really much to sponsor, but they like to wear their club clothing and have coffee and cookies. Our get together in the historic rt 66 district was back to normal..about 25 or so throughout the evening.
BTW, we did have a peaceful protest here in Amarillo last week. Someone from a group (I know nothing about) called the Patriots was one of the speakers in the downtown area, before the march 3 or 4 miles to the historic route 66 area, and let the crowd know the patriots were there in force and armed. He said they were there to make sure there was no violence, looting, or property damage. (there wasn't). Also the old district is a biker area, and there were hundreds of bikers there to protect the properties where they hang out. Not sure if it was the bikers or the Patriots, but there were a number of guys up on the roofs near their hangouts and businesses with assault rifles. This is Texas! Haven't heard if there is going to be another protest march today.
OK, back to shows and cruises. Yeah, lots of us getting antsy. I had a number of guys ask me what I've heard about shows coming up, and there's not much. A town about an hour sw from here , Hereford, is having a cruise and show Jul 4th. The biggest cruise in N Texas is in Vernon, 175 miles south. I was there two weeks ago on my way to a car show, and talked to some locals that were informed by the city that the cruise/show will proceed as usual. Hooray for that, but it's not until August.
Almost nothing happening anywhere near here that I can find for June. bawl
I've said many times I hate detailing, but my car was crying for it, so........I've been working on getting the neglected paint cleaned up. It's been hot, dry, and windy here for most of the week, and that's been a pain because , being Texas, when it's dry and windy, we have bad dust. Two days we had gusts up to 60mph, and for those two days, the sky was brown from all the airborn silt. My paint had bugs, tar, and tree sap aside from a coating of crap from the contaminations in the air. I had an old can of turtle wax bug, tar and tree sap remover that I found worked great with my small 4" buffer. So after washing, because of the silt, I'd have to dust then detail cleaner each panel before I started on it with the small air buffer. I followed that up with Meguires cleaner and polish and my big buffer. Finally got all that finished up yesterday. Today I've got to get all the mess cleaned up from the buffing operation then start a hand paste wax. This dust in the air ain't helping my breating any, so I can't work on it steady. Took 3 days to get it this far. It looks and feels soooooo much better. Not sure if they still make the Turtle wax stuff, I couldn't find it at O'Reill'y, but they may have renamed it when they updated their packaging. It's really user friendly in that it'll stay moist while your rotary buffing.
Btw, a few pics of our weekly Saturday night meeting in the Historic district:
Sweet cars, ( even the red one). I apologize.
Rich, do I really see a heavily customized 53/54 Lincoln sitting next to your 57Custom ?
Yes, my friend Gary's. He's also got a chopped 46 Ford sedan, and a 49ish chopped merc. That Lincoln is a beautiful car. Hard to tell, but the dark color is a deep purple. All his cars are traditional customs. The Lincoln has a 460 Lincoln in it. I've got more pics of it somewhere. used to be called Betty, but she left.
found one pic from a few years ago
Very nice ideed !
interesting grille/bumper treatment.
It seems that a lot of those 52-55 Lincolns get customized in the front, but left pretty much stock otherwise. they have great proportions, especially the Cpe of course.
Next time I see him, I'll get more pics. Can't remember what he did in the back. a little polishing done
Quote from: gasman826 on 2020-06-13 15:33 a little polishing done
Time very well spent indeed!
Is this engine an original or newer or a mix of both ?
'65 427 Cammer
WOWSER !!! That is beautiful. Is that the engine in your 41/2ish Coupe ?
Yep, in the '41 business coupe. Most of my time is spent on the Custom but every now and then some little thing gets steps.
Too cool. Sub'd!
I had a chance to buy a cammer for $10K about 15 years ago from a local Pro Stock guy but I couldn't justify it; still kicking myself in the ass. :iamwithstupid:
Universal frame from S&W Race Cars.
$, side oilers are going for that! Coulda', woulda', shoulda'. My Chrystal ball only works in hind sight.
Back in '09 I did Mustangs Across America, which ended in Birmingham AL at Barber Raceway. There was a large layout of booths with all sorts of things for sale. One booth had a single engine in it...a 427...priced then for $10k. Nope...did not have the jingle in my jeans to free it from the captivity of that booth...but I do think about it now and then! :003: Would have made a great discussion piece in my living room until the day I had something to put it in! :002:
My first 427 was an early low riser, center oiler. It was late 1970 and my '69 Mach I had just coughed another engine. I bought it from under a bench in a Dodge dealership. It had been in a used, auction Cougar and it was too radical to sell so they put a stock 390 in the Cougar. All I heard was 'it was too radical to sell' and I wanted it. I pulled it out from under the bench to see through the half inch of shop dust a FE with 2x4s, aluminum Cobra air cleaner, Mallory distributor, Mickey Thompson valve covers, deep oil pan, big tube Hookers, and a 9" center with TracLok and 4.56 gears...the get it out of here price was $500. Not much money but for an irresponsible 18 year old who just drew a really low number in the draft lottery, it was a lot. I borrowed it from my sister with a promise to pay it back with my tax refund (which I did). I knew the 428 and 427 had the same outside dimensions so the swap should be cake. The headers were a nightmare but I wouldn't even consider not using them. IT was radical!! Within a month, I blew it up. Ten days later, I was on a bus heading for basic at Fort Knox.
that is a stunning pic ! great motor, Schiefer parts, Pepsi Cola and an AC oil filter.... :003: never mind a little coolant or oil on the floor. Just great, Gary ! :001:
Rich, I did a little tinkering on the Linc. Friend of mine sold me some 50 Ford Shoebox backup lights. couldn't help, they are the basic same 4 finned design like the Lincoln headlight bezels. doesn't look quite finished yet with the 52 ch*** rear bumper. Another friend of mine will be bringing a 55 Buick grille bar. and will be collecting a 50 Buick rear bumper soon. collecting ideas.
Here's a sweet 1968 country song ! (
Only Mama That'll Walk the Line-Connie Smith
and another 68 gem, you never know. Lester Flatt and Earl Scruggs, the Bluegrass kings of the 1950s, covering Bob Dylan !!!!
In my mind it doesn't get any better than this. (
I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
if some of you guys are more into folk music, here is the og version: (
I still have a pair of 427's, a 390, a 351W and a couple of 351 Cleveland's in my shop; not sure what I am going to do with them these days.....
Gunter.....Gary was at our Saturday night gettogether with the Lincoln last night, but I forgot my iphone home!! Probably doesn't matter, the back end as you suggested is stock.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2020-06-14 16:08
My first 427 was an early low riser, center oiler. It was late 1970 and my '69 Mach I had just coughed another engine. I bought it from under a bench in a Dodge dealership. IT was radical!! Within a month, I blew it up. Ten days later, I was on a bus heading for basic at Fort Knox.
So...what happened to the car? Ya left the story unfinished! :-\
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2020-06-14 17:13
I still have a pair of 427's, a 390, a 351W and a couple of 351 Cleveland's in my shop; not sure what I am going to do with them these days.....
Gee...there is this guy in MA that has a company...makes '33 Fords and '34 I believe it is trucks. There goes the two Cleveland engines. Then of course he has these Cobra and Daytona replicas too...I'm thinking W in the Daytona, 427 in the Cobra. That should keep you busy for at least all of next winter... :006:
Thank you Rich, maybe next time. yes, many customized Lincolns have their factory rear bumper in place. They are beautiful, also the taillights. I still have the bumper but no taillights. I am thinking of 54 Mercury lights, they are also readily available. The rearend would lend itself well for a roll pan like you incorporated on your 57. It always makes the rearend look sleek and streamlined. Maybe I'll just narrow the bumper a little.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-06-14 19:39
Gunter.....Gary was at our Saturday night gettogether with the Lincoln last night, but I forgot my iphone home!! Probably doesn't matter, the back end as you suggested is stock.
The Mustang was put up on blocks, covered, battery removed, and filled with mothballs in my grandmother's barn. When I got home, I worked two jobs. One pay check went into the engine as I learned FE stuff, four bolt mains, Jahns 13.0 forged pistons, and a cam with Ford part number etched on the end. Pretty much a rebuild and balance but added a pair of Holley 660s, Lakewood, and Shaffer clutch. Ran great. Life got in the way. Sold the engine off to replace with a junk yard, stock 351C (buyer still has it today). Got married and drove the Mustang for about a year. I was working construction and 2x4s just didn't fit in the trunk so I sold it to buy a pickup. Within a year, I was working as a mechanic again and did an alignment. Never saw it again. Shortly after, bought my first project car.
Sadly, I think we all have at least one of those stories in our past. When I was 24, I owned 13 Mustang fastbacks, 1965-1970, all at the same time. At 24, I got engaged and figured it was time to grow up, I sold all of them. Fast forward 14 years, the wife was gone...I should have kept the phuckin cars and got rid of here. :iamwithstupid:
I was single for 20 years before marrying. We were hurtin' for money...and she was after me to sell one of my '57's or the '69 FB. I refused. I told her that selling them was NOT going to happen, was NOT going to fix our money problems and that I had been much worse off in my past financially and had managed to retain them and that this was not going to be a topic of discussion every time we had money issues. I told her that in fact, this was NOT going to be a topic of discussion ever again!
We have had money problems again over the years...but that has NOT been discussed again. I told her I had owned those cars LONG before I had ever thought of marrying, and longer than I had known her, and they were going no where. Been married 29 years this next month.
sounds like a good strategy , Hugh ! :003:
Since I couldn't make it to Florida this spring, my son is on his way here. Just under 1500 miles, he'll be here sometime Friday. We both needed this........last time we saw each other was 2004. He's in the remodelling business in Tampa, we may try to get him to stay long enough to remodel a bathroom. Anyway, I'm so looking forward to this, and if he isn't too sick of the road, I'm gonna see if he wants to do a 2 or 3 day roadtrip in the '57.
He hasn't seen the car since it was a red and white 6 cyl. rust bucket sitting in my Colorado driveway.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-06-17 17:07
Since I couldn't make it to Florida this spring, my son is on his way here. Just under 1500 miles, he'll be here sometime Friday. We both needed this........last time we saw each other was 2004. He's in the remodelling business in Tampa, we may try to get him to stay long enough to remodel a bathroom. Anyway, I'm so looking forward to this, and if he isn't too sick of the road, I'm gonna see if he wants to do a 2 or 3 day roadtrip in the '57.
He hasn't seen the car since it was a red and white 6 cyl. rust bucket sitting in my Colorado driveway.
Good for you Rich, sounds like a real good time, well, other than him having to remodel your bathroom.... :-[
I hope your son realizes that these times don't last for ever, I miss my dad every single day, so this Sunday, Raise A Glass To The Man Who Raised You!
He made it all the way to Shreveport last night/this morning. I didn't know our iphones had location sharing. He told me he turned it on so I could find out where he was at. Works really cool! Who knew?? I hope my wife doesn't remember that when I'm out on one of my roadtrips.
So, automatically my brain is wondering if I had an "old" iphone, if I could wire it up permanently for charging, and hid it in my car, if it could be used to locate the car, or close enough area, if it were stolen. Of course, it would require paying an extra monthly fee for the extra phone line. I think I remember my wife telling me our phones are now only 20 a month each for unlimited.
Rich there were many articles on the Mustang sites when the GT500s first came out. Many guys used cell phones with GPS locator APS to substitute for many of the expensive tracing security systems out there. Cheap enough to do and easy enough to change it out if it ages out.
Reminds me of an article I read about. In a CA city a bunch of richard heads broke into a Dodge dealership and stole all the Hell Cats, they all have built in tracking systems.....
Good to all I need to do is figure out what a richard head is, lol.
Rich, I'm not sure, but in my mind I think a Richard head would = a pecker head. But I'm probably wrong.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-06-18 07:58
He made it all the way to Shreveport last night/this morning. I didn't know our iphones had location sharing. He told me he turned it on so I could find out where he was at. Works really cool! Who knew?? I hope my wife doesn't remember that when I'm out on one of my roadtrips.
So, automatically my brain is wondering if I had an "old" iphone, if I could wire it up permanently for charging, and hid it in my car, if it could be used to locate the car, or close enough area, if it were stolen. Of course, it would require paying an extra monthly fee for the extra phone line. I think I remember my wife telling me our phones are now only 20 a month each for unlimited.
Get LoJack...the monthly fee is I believe, less than the cell phone bill...and in addition has the ability to once located by law enforcement, if it is moving down the road, to have the engine turned off.
As soon as your car is discovered to be missing, you call the cops, give them the info that you have LoJack, and your I.D. number, they contact LoJack, who then pings your car, and tell the cops where it is.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-06-18 08:30
Good to all I need to do is figure out what a richard head is, lol.
What are people normally called that have a proper first name of "Richard:/
haha.........I guess I'm getting a little slow. lmao
After about 3 years in the making, today I was finally able to start up the Flathead that I built for my friend Franz. Everything worked very well and I am one happy camper tonight ! :003:
1940 Ford Flathead V8 First startup after full rebuild
1940 Ford Flathead V8 First startup after full rebuild Part #2
The ol' flatty sounds good!
It's good to see that engine running. I know how much of a pain that it was.
See my email
Haven't listened to the video yet, but I'm gonna.
Had a unique experience (for me) last night at our Saturday night get together. I guy came in with his "other car". My son spotted it right away. 2005 (?)Mercedes CL600 with V12 w/twin turbochargers. Factory 200 mile an hour car that a Hellcat probably is gonna lose to. Took me for a ride...never hit the throttle hard enough to engage the turbocharges, but went from 20-100 in about 4 seconds. Did that about 4 times for me, stops almost as fast, turns on a dime, rides like a cloud. Wow. I've never been in a super car before. impressive to say the least. He bought it 2 years ago with only 26K miles on it, has 39K now.
Happy Father's Day guys!! This is the first time in almost 20 years my son has actually been with me on father's day. Very cool. We're not going on a roadtrip while he is here as I had hoped unfortunately. He's got back issues which the 1500 mile trip here in a heavy duty truck didn't help much, but he'd just rather not spend a few days in a car if he didn't have to. He really likes the job I did on the '57, but as with a lot of our offspring, not his thing. He did really like one of the rat rod pickups with a faux finish at our get-together last night :003:
Rich, to bad you can't get in a road trip, just enjoy some quality time together. I remember when both my sons, twins, were in Iraq and in Afganistan, more than one time on fathers day, and was just very thankfull for a phone call. Take care, and enjoy the moment.
When my son was a kid, I was always doing remodelling on our house. When he got old enough we did projects together. That's what he ended up doing for a career......remodelling, mainly kitchens and bathrooms, now in the St. Pete/Tampa area. Guess he sorta ended up following in my footsteps, keeps telling me he was blessed with my hands.
We're at it again. He is having a hard time keeping busy there due to the virus situation, so one silver lining from that is he is able to spend some time here he normally wouldn't be able to. We're (he) totally gutting out one of our bathrooms. Bathroom is mostly tiled the old fashion way........tile over concrete, a ton of hard work tearing it all out. lol, aside from that, I'm 5'7", my son is 6'4", construction worker build.....nice having some muscle around, even if he's gettin' old too!
The road trip thing isn't totally out.
Happy Canada Day!
Damn Straight...Happy Canada Day!
Impressive looking! Both car and RCMP officer. Happy Canada Day back at ya'! :006:
That's quite the beaver. Happy Canada day!
I was digging through the stash and found a couple of forgotten NOS boxes. Two NOS outside door handle button kits and a pair of sway bar brackets. The Custom had an incomplete set of sway bar brackets and I temporarily made the missing parts. That was about 15 years ago. I finally found these NOS pieces more than ten years ago and set them aside. Guess it is time.
Beautiful parts ! and sweet boxes for the showcase !
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2020-07-02 16:47
Beautiful parts ! and sweet boxes for the showcase !
That was my first thought. The boxes would be keepers for sure.
Since there is a mild heat wave, is everyone's AC working. The last I remember was Rich Muise was putting in a manual water valve to make sure coolant was not flowing through the heater core. I'm guessing that wasn't it. Do you have VA GEN II or IV?
"mild"?'s been mid 90's + 2 or 3 weeks now. I was going to do a small cruise/car show today in a small "cow town"40 miles from here, but it's suppose to be 96, so I'm not going. Mostly because my son is here, and he's not into the car stuff, at least what we're into. Besides, as of last Thursday Texas is now requiring masks everywhere in public, and no groups larger than 10, so I'm not even sure if the cruise/show is still going to happen.
Yes, I put a heater hose shut off valve in the '57, and I have VA Gen IV. I have my A/C working a little better, but definetly not where I think it should be. I am leaving the shut off valve in, even though the VA valve was apparently working. I found out the Gen IV system allows hot water into the system at all times except max air, even when "off", so I want to be able to cut off the hot water in the summer.
Most of the '57 projects are on hold as my son and I are knee deep in a bathroom gut and remodel. We're both loving getting to do a project together again after 20 years since the last time. We're both glad it's our small bathroom........just 5 x 10. We took 3400 lbs of tile and concrete to the (pay by weight) landfill last week. By this time next week, we'll have it operational again, then we're planning a trip to Colorado Springs. From there, he's going on to California with his same age aunt to visit his mom (my ex). I'll come back home and finish the bath trim and decor. After his trip to Ca., he'll come back here. He's got no work in Florida due to the virus.
Ha, one flip from 20+years ago.........I use to tell my son what I needed done, now, at 73, I'm the gopher boy!!
Almost forgot.....on the 19th we got the hail storm we'd been praying for for 3 years. When we bought the house, the inspector told us the roof was in good shape, but old, so we should prepare for a hefty roofing bill down the road. He then added, "pray for a hail storm". We got about a 1/2 hour of half-dollar-sized hail.....enough to do considerable damage to our old roof. Insurance is covering it 100% less deductible Yahoo! we have about 3500 sq ft up there, so getting it replaced for only the deductible is awesome.
Unfortunately, it also got our 3 daily drivers and my son's truck. My son and wife's cousin are not putting in for coverage. My wife's CRV got 7200, which we already received. I'm waiting to hear on my Outback as the damage exceeded the car's value. They wanted to give me 4400 after deduct., and take the car. I told them no, and we agreed on a lesser amount with me keeping the car. The adjuster told me they would be issuing a salvage title on it, but then I found out at the DMV that Texas passed a law a year ago prohibiting the issuance of a salvage title based on hail damage alone! another Yahoo!! Anyway, that caused a delay in processing. I'll check on it Monday or Tuesday.
A long while back we had a hail storm, damaged my 280Z. I got an insurance check for couple of grand, but I then I heard about "painless dent removal ". They actually fixed the car for a couple of hundred. They did a great job, the average person would have never known. I have been back for door dings on other cars since and I have never been disappointed.
Yeah, I'm going to check with them as soon as things settle down a bit. The mobile units have magically appeared all over Amarillo.
wow, 110 here today, humidity only 27 thankfully. Forecast for next 10 days 102+
We're tentavely heading for Colorado Monday if all goes to plan........only in lower 90's there.
On another note, the virus has been spiking in central and south Texas, but in declining active case numbers in Amarillo.
A little change in plans. I'm getting the '57 ready for a road trip today, and we're heading for Colorado Springs Sunday with both vehicles as he will be staying up there for a while after I head back. We've got some stuff we want to do in CS for a day or so (including visiting Les), then we're going to find an Alpine slide to go on that will replicate something we did when he was in his early teens. Maybe Winter Park? Anyway, he wants to spend a few days up there with just us two before he starts his visits with his relatives. Gonna be fun.....hope my breathing can handle the altitude.
Les, I'll call today or tomorrow to see if we can set something up for Monday.
Sounds like fun, enjoy!
Got back from Colorado Springs yesterday. Another great trip. Man, I really miss the Springs. It's gotta be one of the prettiest cities in this country. Weather was good, a little rain, but not too bad. The '57 ran like a champ, but my son following me in his truck told me I had a little smoke coming out of my right tailpipe under load. So I guess I need to get that figured out. :102: I wonder if it has anything to do with the 5/30 mobil one I recently changed to. My oil pressure also dropped a little when I changed.
I did get to meet with Les for a few hours and check out his newly finished ride. I love everything about it. Interior looks great, very tasteful and perfect execution. Motor looks and sounds great, and his A/C is COLD! lol, he had the stuff to check mine out for comparison. We both have an identical Gen IV system and setup. My condenser is further away from the radiator than should be. His A/C vents read 44 degrees, mine read 68! gauge reading at the low pressure line are almost identical. He didn't have the high side gauge to compare.
I need to find a good A/C shop here in Amarillo to figure out what's going on.
One thing I noticed on this trip, getting to compare my ride height with Les', is that mine has changed more than I realized. I've lost more rake than I thought. I'm also getting more squeaks and suspension snap crackle and pops. Guess it's getting time for some serious maintenance and component replacements. I guess that's what happens when you drive the heck out of them. (this trip 912 miles).
I did finally get to spend 5 or 6 hours driving around with my son riding shotgun. That was absolutely great, although he's still not into the older car thing. He's also awkward with all the attention the car gets.
pics to follow later.
Rich, you did good getting out of Dodge when you did. Had some wild thunder storms yesterday. It is suppose to get bad again today, with them building along the front range and heading east. 2" hail predicted east of I-25.
When I was behind you for a very short time, I did see some wispy blue smoke out of both pipes.
Anyhow good to see you made it back okay. Les
The high side pressure will give more information than the low side. Gen IV uses stepper motors controlled by a little processor. Upon completion on the install, there is setup that requires grounding the gray wire (I think it is might want to confirm). With the gray wire grounded, you are instructed to cycle the switches to set the limits. It can't hurt to do the setup again. Another performance issue is that the + and - power wires need to be home runs to the battery. Electrical 'noise' will screw up the CPU's performance. Just a couple of ideas.
It is the gray wire. I just did that a couple weeks ago when I got mine up and running. That sure wouldn't hurt Rich. I have the instruction sheet on how to calibrate, or in your case re-calibrate, your switches to the Gen lV ECU.
Thanks guys. I'll check to see if I have those instructions. I honestly don't remember doing a calibration of the switches, but that doesn't mean I did or din't.
I may ask for the instructions, Les.
Thanks for the head's up Gary!
I posted Gen lV specs and switch calibration procedures on my project post.
I'll check it out. Thanks Les. I did make an appointment with an A/C place that works on classics/aftermarket A/C. Not sure I'll have time real soon to check my wiring/switches out, as I've got my hands full with finishing up the bathroom remodel and dealing with insurance co. on cars and house hail damages. I do want to have info/specs ready for them though.
Goodyear supplies their Wrangler tires for Ford's new Bronco. Because Ford didn't want Wrangler on their tires, Goodyear has agreed to remove that name on tires going to Ford. I love this "behind the scenes" stuff.
music anyone?
boy there sure s a lot of influences in that song. 1943, and still sounds a lot like starting Rock n Roll already.
Gospel, Spiritual, Bluegrass, Irish, Blues, Country. and Western ! :003: (
Roy Acuff - Night Train to Memphis
Rich and I during his visit to Colorado Springs.
NICE! Looks like a couple of very nice rides! Good to see Rich's back on the road. Last time I saw it, well, it was suffering from major stomach pains!
Like the old school blue and white too! :003:
nice pics ! absolutely beautiful Customs !!! WOW !
Tonight at our Saturday get together, I found out a lady friend of the guy who owns the '54 Lincoln I had posted pics of, and who has been at our meets for several months now, is the widow of the late Joe Balon (sp?). I recognized the name right away as on of those famous builders from the 60's on, I just can't remember any specific cars, so I'm wondering if any of you guys have any pics of a Joe Balon build. I've got a famous '55-56 Chev in mind, but she doesn't remember him building one.
Here are somethings I found...
Appears he did one each of '55-'56'57 Chevs...among a host of others including a T-Bird of 50's vintage.
Enjoy! :006:
Wow..great reading. Thanks, Hugh. I googled, but was spelling his name wrong. I think the car I was remembering in my head wasn't a Chevy at all, but the '52 Mercury Conv. I had talked to Marie, his widow, 3 or 4 times at our Saturday meet, but had no idea who she was until last night. Apparently my friend Gary knew Joe for many years and had bought "stuff" from him. Sometime after he passed, Gary contacted Marie to see if she had stuff she needed to sell, and from there it was frequent telephone conversations for several years, Texas to Nevada. She moved here 4 months ago.
I also met a Goodguys Southwest division rodder's rep at the get-together last night. He doesn't live here, but was in town and knew about our Saturday night group, so he found us.
I now finally have cold!! A/C shop I brought it too got it down to 45*.
Now on to my next projects on the '57 of lots of maintenance. I'm wearing this thing out driving it so much! I ordered new upper and lower ball joints, new front and rear shocks, new front wheel bearings, new front brake pads, new front seals.
My ball joint boots have disintergrated, and for a year or more now, I'm greasing the ball joints once a month or so just to keep them working, but they're starting to talk back, so time to replace. Before I get the ball joints from Concours installed , I'll get some measurements and order some new boots from Energy suspension that hopefully should last. My bearings and brake pads may be ok, but I figure as long as all that stuff is off, and has over 38k on them, might as well replace.
While I'm waiting for parts to come in, I need to find out why my engine is running crappy. May be bad gas, I'm at less than a quarter, so I'll run that off. It may be that I had to remove power from the computer a few days ago, so it's in a relearn mode. After eliminating those, if it's still running bad, I'll look for fowled plugs for an indication of a bad COP, and get my fuel filter changed.
Took it out for some miles this morning. It is the A/C, compressor I assume, that is causing the bad running/surging problem. With the A/C off, the car runs fine.
Sounds like stray voltage or electrical noise. When I first installed the GEN IV AC, I tried to cheat and use one big accessory wire from the dash to the battery in the trunk. All ECUs, ECMs, processors, computers, etc. need the 12+v (red) wire needs to be a home run to the battery. Multiple processors on the same 12+v wire can (and do) pick up noise from the other devices. I had two devices installed. Vintage Air and MSD 6AL cd ignition box. The engine ran like crap and the AC didn't make any sense. Turn the AC off and it run just fine.
I separated the 12+v and ground wires with home runs to the battery. AC worked and engine ran. I later relocated the MSD box away from the VA processor. Now, every new gadget with a processor has its own home runs and space away from other processors.
Thanks for the input. The A/C does have have runs direct to the battery. This is a new issue that hasn't reared it's head before. The shop I had it worked on is going to have a look next Thursday. BTW, it does not seem to affect the engine at idle, oddly enough, which is why he didn't pick up on it in the shop.
My main computer for the engine is actually pretty close to the A/C. I'll have a look to see if I can move or shield the A/C processor, I actually don't remember where it is. If it's internal, there's obviously nothing I can do about moving it. I'm sure not going to rewire the 95ish wires running to the computer, and it's about the only place it can be without a major major project. BTW, the wire bundle running to the computer from the televork patch panel, as well as several individual bundles, are shielded.
One of the things I do when powering electronics is wrap the lead wire with tin foil. Doing that is a real pain in the you know where. I cut strips and wrap like it is tape. At the source and at the device a ground wire is wrapped around the foil and a terminal to secure to chassis is screwed down. I do apply a little dielectric grease to the ground wire before tapping it up. Then the whole run is wrapped up with a good plastic electrical tape.
Now having said that, this has been done for tacks, speedometers, radios and ECMs with no side effects. Never had more then two sensitive electronic devices at once and no experience with VA IV system.
Yes, Bill..many years ago you showed me how to shield wires. The sensitive engine control wires from Ron Francis come already shielded, but I did wrap my big wire bundle from the patch panel to the computer just as you instructed. Not really sure why this new issue would come up now after 4 years if it is a shielding/interference problem, but it sure makes sense and something to look into.;topic=3750.0;attach=12253;image;topic=3750.0;attach=12256;image
Rich, what is the weather like currently in TX ? Are you gettin alot of rain and dampness ?
I have had mad experience with dampness and electrical malfunction.
We have had lots of rain, but humidity is always low here. Humidity rarely gets into the 40's even during/after a storm. It rained Friday night here, Saturday morning humidity in my garage was 31.
Got my ball joints from Concours yesterday. Look good, made in India. imho, way better than most stuff from China. I'm going to get urethane boots ordered for it, even though if I remember correctly, India rubber quality is generally very good.
I was checking into an ebay ad for a set of Motorcraft coil on an interesting response to my question about whether or not they had a Ford logo embossed on them..........
"These parts are a Motorcraft brand and do not have any affiliation with Ford branding, so there is no Ford logo embossed on these ignition coils.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Thank you,
1A Auto
Customer Service"
Has something changed with Motorcraft I'm not aware of? I thought Motorcraft was owned by Ford. The old ignition coils I have have Motorcraft labels/stickers, but also have the Ford oval embossed on them. I'm suspecting a switcheroo
From the owners manual:
That's what I was remembering. Thanks Joe. Reaffirms my thoughts about the bait and switch tactic.
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Dropped my '57 off to the shop that did the A/C work last Thursday. Told them there was no rush as long as the car was inside overnight. They finally had a chance to look at it today, and got it fixed. It was a simple overcharge causing the compressor to shut off and on. No charge. Yay!!
Funny, I had them recharge my Subaru last week also, and when I picked it up, the guy's wife told me he broke a plastic piece on the dash when he was replacing the cabin filter. She said he found a replacement and they would cover the cost. I didn't ask which piece it was, and couldn't find anything broken that wasn't broken before. Today he told me the piece was in, and I asked whaich piece it was. He said, "to the right of the shifter, the wood grained piece". I said Josh, that was already broken. I was happy as a pig in dodo at the no-charge for the '57, and insisted on them letting me pay for the parts he found.The salvage yard told him he should buy both sides, which he did, because the grain patterns and are all over the map from different cars. I like the new pattern much better, lol. Now, if I can get the dang things in without breaking them.
That sounds like a reliable business a good deal for you Rich. It is also great to work with honest people.
I am thinking that I might get my 57CS inspected next week or so. Nothing going on here in shows or the like, but it's time to get it out on the road again.
"on the road again" is always good,........... and also one of my favorite songs. It's the first song on a CD I have, so easy to cue up at the appropriate time, lol. I've been doing some road trips the past few weeks, but not in my '57 until I get the ball joints replaced. Hopefully early part of next week.
My '57 is at my buddy's shop for ball joints and related stuff. He got tied up on a car he was working on, so couldn't get to it today..hopefully tomorrow, then an alignment.
Going to check next week to see if it's still on, but a car show I've wanted to do in Mena, Arkansas is in 2 weeks according to an ad in Hemmings. That'll make for a nice roadtrip. Small touristy town in the mountains. The Mena website says it can get very hot in August with temps in the low 80's. lol. It was 104 here yesterday. Only 94 today.
Got a call from our roofer today, and they're having supply problems with the shingles. The color we wanted (same red as what's on it) won't be available until January at the earliest due to the company that supplies the granules for the shingles being shut down due to the virus. Who knows what they'll be looking at delivery wise when January comes around. He's checking on availability on what was our second choice.
Got my car back yesterday. All is good, alignment tomorrow. Kip sent the rotors out for turning, they called and sent him a video of it running out on their rotor lathe. They said it was warped too bad to do a clean up cut. Kip said he's been having trouble finding parts houses that have someone who knows what their doing turning rotors. He showed me the video and said notice their spindle is running out! WTF? We talked about sending them around to find someone else to clean them up, but he needed to have them back that day so he could move the car to get another one out. I decided not to screw around and found some new ones. So, new ball joints, rotor/hubs,brake pads, wheel bearings, seals, and shocks.
My brake pedal was smooth as silk, btw, no pulsating from a warped rotor but time is money, and I didn't want to tie Kip's shop up trying to figure out if we in fact had a problem or just operator error on parts house.
The KYB shocks that were in it for 39k miles were still in really good shape, but I told him to put the ones in I had already bought anyway.
I decided to install the ball joints I got from Concours with the rubber boots that came on it, and not
The "talking to me" the car was doing that I thought was the ball joints turned out to be a loose upper control arm!! This is the second time that has happened. Guess I need to check them for tightness once in a while, and particularly after alignments. It's the bolt/nut that goes thru the control arm shaft where the shims are added that keeps loosening.
Also, from the week before, my A/C has been working great :003:.
I checked on the car show/cruise in Mena Ark., I was hoping to do next weekend. It's been cancelled!! >:(. I did watch a video of last year's and it's deffinetly a show I've added to my bucket list. Beautiful little mountain town that goes all out for their once a year event. Several hundred cars.
I've noticed an increase in local car shows going on around here. Unlike California, all the big shows in Tx, OK, and NM have been cancelled, but at the cruise ins last Saturday I picked up a 1/2 dozen flyers for local stuff going on in the next few weeks. How about your areas?
I was planning on doing a car show in Lubbock this weekend, but last week we found out my wife needs surgery and it's been sceduled for tomorrow, so that's obviously out. Pat Fleishman stopped by my house for a few minutes last week and mentioned Cook's Garage in Lubbock does a first Saturday cars and coffee, so knowing this weekend's trip there wasn't going to happen, I went down for that. I was pleasantly surprised, when I got there the parking lot was full of cars.probably a hundred or more. Only downside to that was having to make sure my butt was out of bed by 5:30 for the 2 hour drive down. Later that day was the Amarillo first Saturday meet, and once again there were tons of cars.
Amarillo had a festival going on that day as well in the old rt 66 historic district I wasn't aware of, and our every Saturday meeting spot was full of street rods, customs and about 15 lowriders. The weinermobile was parked on the street in front of our parking lot. Got a little bit of info on the history and build of it from the gorgeous blond gal who was part of the crew. Those things are now built on a UPS truck chasis, and the fiberglass body refurbished and reset on a new chasis as needed. She pointed out large eyebolts that protrude from the top used for that purpose. They've been around since 1931, the one I saw was built in '03 I think she said. Paint looked new.
Anyway, my point was there were tons of car guys out Saturday, probably antsy from not much going on this summer and winter not to far down the road. It got down to 37 the night before last, so winter may be sooner than later. Suppose to be back i the 90's this weekend, but still only 44 as I type.
I am seeing more activity as well. not many shows have happened but the cruise ins are starting up. the governor announced this morning we are going into "stage three". Personally I am a little cautious and may hold out for a vaccine...??? Cold front stalled and isn't gonna get here, still in the '90's.
We been seeing shows through people postings, there seems to be a few smaller shows in So-Cal. We are bit frustrated staying home. but it is what it is. I've gotten a lot more done and knocked out most of the Honey Do list throughout the summer.
Then I got my old '57 back, we have a long skinny drive way with hardly an area to Tetris the running cars out. So the challenge is to get this '57 mobile and them we get out other rides out. I also gave me a chance to get rid of extra parts and some motorcycles I lost interest in.
Either way even though you are supposed have masks on outside, we constantly see pics of people without masks at shows.
We see people that never went into the stay at home, like we were supposed to do. I guess they dont have actual responsibilities??, so it creates a bit of frustration and alienation for me. Anyhow here goes to another week.
I still need to get exhaust done on my Caddy and my wife is itching to dive her Plymouth.. maybe this week it will happen.
Leaving early afternoon for Oklahoma City and tomorrow's 100 mile rod run. There should be 150+ cars there, maybe over 200. They're meeting in Arcadia and doing 100 miles of old 66. Should be interesting, I'm really stoked. Everybody will have a map, and they are encouraging guys not to bunch up too much so as to not disrupt traffic.
If another guy from Amarillo shows up, I may lose out on the "long distance" award......he lives 6 miles further from OKC than me, lol. I don't know him, I'll be watching for a '46 2 door on my way there.
Let me know if you need a Co-Pilot.
A co-pilot would have been nice! Had a great weekend. Drove about 750 miles total. There were 220 cars on the 124 mile cruise! Met some wonderful people. Got to shake hands with a Hamb forum member I've been in many conversations with. Oklahoma is a beautiful state. Not too much of the cruise was on old 66. RoyBoy productions was there and posted some great pics on his website. I'll post a link to that. Also, make sure you look at the last 10 or so pics. They are of some of the neat restorations Steve's Wrecker service has done, including an Art Deco styled vintage car carrier.
The weather was perfect for a cruise, low 70's mostly. I was runner-up for the long distance award. Another guy from the west side of Amarillo beat me out by 6 miles!
WOW, Rich ! that must have been a fantastic weekend ! and great weather ! your 57 looks so good on the road, as usual!
I can't even start on the participants rides. so many sweet cars, but that white 63ish F100 must be my favorite. along with the blue 36 cpe and the golden 442. maybe even that Packard 2dr sedan....too much fun really! it makes me want to get back on the road asap.
The red and white Ranchero you may have noticed is owned by a pro restoration guy from Mustang, Ok. He's restored a dozen of them if I remember the number correctly. He's also known as the GTO Guru in OK, has restored 30 of them! Hopefully he'll be joining our group, I gave him all the info. That Ranchero is a beautifully done car. He's running a 302 in it.
Anybody heard anything from Jim / Highball lately? Last active Sept 8........very unusual for Jim. Hoping everything is ok with him. Is Tujunga one of the fire areas?
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-10-05 22:20
Anybody heard anything from Jim / Highball lately? Last active Sept 8........very unusual for Jim. Hoping everything is ok with him. Is Tujunga one of the fire areas?
Hi Rich and all you guys. Between the heat wave we had, the smoke from the fires which was really bad in our area and some major medical problems right now. I haven't had the Ranchero out of the garage in over a month. I don't mean to preach Rich but you and others like me who smoke it does catch up with you eventually. I don't have much to say right now until I get the results from all the testing I've been through the last two weeks..
Glad to hear you are okay, hopefully your test results come back positive.
Sorry to hear about your medical issues, but glad to hear from you. You're absolutely correct...the smoking does catch up, it did for me a few years ago, and is getting worse. I've been cleaning gutters out for 2 days...takes that long when you come down from the ladder, move it 4 feet, and have to go rest (and have a smoke) for 10 minutes.
I think the smoke from the Ca fires has reached all the way to Texas........last week the sky was just hazy, don't know of anything else it would be from.
Keep us up to date, and thanks for the reply.
Yup, that smoking thing is a tuff nut to crack! I have been on again - off again for most of my life. Been off for over 15 years now but do buy a pack of cigars every once in a while when I just plain ol miss it. Just really like the taste of tobacco and find dipping and chewing a little off the charts for me. Mt doc tells me the fhlem build up I get in my upper respiratory is "old man" stuff. My TN buddy has the same issue/thing going on and his doc says the same thing? Both of us have clean xrays and decent stress test going for us so I guess we survived to this point.
Jim sorry to hear of the medical issues! Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and trust you will have a positive outcome.
My '57 has been getting a new roof this week.
No, not that ' house. Today is day 5 for the 6 man crew, and it may get finished today, not sure, but it'll be close. Even roofing is subject to the effects of the virus. We had a red roof, my wife and cousin wanted the same, but the factory that makes the red granules has been shut down. I would have been ok with the red again, but preferred and went with a class 4 desert tan in place of the red. The tan goes really well with the stonework on the front of the house, and I've been repainting the trim a two tone warm grey and tan, so it's all pulling together nicely. My next door neighbor told me we were going to love these guys and we notch. The salesman was very persistent with the insurance company and got them to pay for sheathing over the original 1 x 8 roofing boards. 164 sheets of 7/16! They're adding solar attic vents, reflashing the chimney, added carbon monoxide detectors inside, and whatever else to bring up to code.
And draining your bank account! LOL!!! Should look really nice. I think you're right about the tan too.
Time to check your insulation while you are at it. In LA there are rebates going on to change it out. But I have so many other house project that one will be onto next years list. I replaced about 12 windows this year and I?m toast on house projects.
Shouldn't be costing us anything. The roofer has even redone a flat roof area over our sunporch that's 12x36 at no charge. The multiple layers on that flatroof were almost 1 1/2" thick! Because current code calls for sheathing rather than the 1 x 8 boarding the house was originally done with, The roofer got USAA to cover the costs of the sheathing. At almost 9k, we would have opted for just not having the sheathing added if the insurance company wasn't going to pay.
Insulation has already been upgraded on this house. There's 10" of batting above the ceilings, and the just added solar fans/vents should help a bunch in the summer.
Now back to my other '57. Got a new issue going on with it in the drivetrain. Just started yesterday. When I try to back up, it will sometime just stop, making a grunting noise. It sounds like it's coming from the rear end. Going to start checking things out tomorrow. For starters I'll put it up on jackstands and see if I can determine where the noise is coming from........if it does it while on the stands. No trouble with forward gears at all. One of the car guys at our old 66 meet tonight thinks it's reverse going out in the tranny. :(
Yea...I'm with your buddy...sounds like tranny. The rear end would act up going forward too. Sorry.
Emergency brake dragging?
Brakes are one of the things I'm going to check, Bill. I haven't engaged the e brake for 6 months or so when I had the NSRA inspection done, so doubtful, but could be another brake issue if something (caliper?) came loose or broke.
Update after testing: I did the heart stress test and imaging, the heart isn't too bad but the arteries are partially blocked but no major blockage, and they are hardened do to smoking of course which puts me in the high risk of a heart attack or stroke. The CT scan shows the beginning of emphysema,
no surprise I guess as I have noticed my breathing getting worst every year and I knew this would happen sooner or later. Also some smaller issues like a few gall stones and a slightly enlarged prostate none of which require anything at this time.
I now have to weigh the idea about how much driving I should do?. I've developed a paranoia about having a medical emergency and causing an accident with the wife riding with me or involving some other innocent people. Getting old just isn't easy for me and no bodies fault but my own. For you guys who have managed to stay in good health count your blessings..
Getting old ain't for wimps!
Moderate or change what you can, and live as you you feel you can. That is really all any of us can do. :glasses9:
All in all, not too bad, Jim........coulda been news that would have given you a heart attack in itself. My wife had 2 stents (sp?) put in last month right near her heart. Anymore, it's a minor proceedure. She wasn't even in the va hopital overnight, and a few days she was back to normal.........actually better than normal.
Any talk of them doing that for your blocked arteries, or not blocked enough yet?
The last time I saw a doctor was about 16 years ago. He told me I had the beginnings of enphazima at that time, other than that, everything else was "like a younger athlete" he told me. Prior to that, my previous doctor visit was my army draft physical in '63. They didn't want me.
I had a physical every year or so while in the Navy. Guess that took. Retired, spent four years doing my thing and decided that I should go in for a check up. Went to the VA, got in, the doc asked me four times "why are you here to see me?" during the exam. Same answer, "have not seen a doctor in four years", thought it was time to do so. Slightly elevated BP, slightly elevated cholesterol at that time, really good everything else.
Did have a severe prostate issue found with my regular check up (blood work) and spent eight months living with a garden hose, had surgery and everything is back on track. No cancer.
Jim my thoughts are to keep living. If you stop doing what you enjoy you'll just lay down and die.....I'm rushing up on 74 and have decided as long as I can do it I'm going to go for it! None of us know when our calling will happen. My friend just returned from the grocery when her heart quit working. I know she had no idea she was going anywhere that day but to put the groceries in the frig and fix supper. Keep smiling and keep a positive outlook my friend, it makes for a good long happy life!
Exactly my thoughts. If you stop doing everything you love before you just can't anymore, what's the point? I spend way too much time at the computer as it is. Can't say I really miss working all the time.
My 57....found the issue with backing up. Bill, you were pretty close, but not the e brake. It was my driver's side caliper lost it's top bolt, bottom one loose. When I went forward, the rotor just pulled the caliper down where it should be, but backing up it was pushing the top out so it was grabbing the inside of the (aluminum) wheel. Steel caliper, aluminum wheel= digging in a bit.
I can't find the fine thread bolt I need at the auto parts stores, so off to the bolt store across town tomorrow. I'm so relieved it's not the differ. or tranny.
Well, it's not going to be as simple as bolting it back in place. Two of the brackets are bent, preventing the caliper to go back into it's correct position. It took a while, but I finally found the kit number and source. Tomorrow I will try and contact the manufacturer and see if I can buy replacements.
Lots of grease all over that caliper and brake pads. My next door neighbor informed me the boots behind the pistons are grease packed....probably where it came from. My wheel bearings are not leaking. Not sure whether I should replace the caliper or if it can be repacked.
Rich, glad you found this dangerous problem, back home in your garage! I don't even want to think about a caliper coming loose and jamming a wheel or steering out on the were really lucky !
Thanks guys for all your positive comments, that means a lot to me. The last time I went to the doctor was seven years ago when the breathing problems first started. The blockage isn't bad enough to need stents? stints? yet but may in the future. The breathing is getting to be a real issue, can't work very long before I run out of gas. I decided to take the car out yesterday and put a few miles on it locally, not sure what I'll decide about road trips yet.
Rich, glad you found the problem with the brakes..
My stamina has left the building. Wroking is just as you described....takes me forever to complete a project. About the only thing I can do for hours on end is drive, lol.
I was checking with Summit to see if the parts I needed were available. After 1hour plus on hold waiting, I finally got thru to a lady with a nice clear voice who tracked my original order down, and searched for replacement parts. I had the pns, they were stamped on the parts. She had to turn it over to the tech department, but she called back an hour later saying they could supply one of the two, but I'd have to buy a "repair kit"? that was 98 bucks. I wasted so much time, I ordered the part so I wouldn't have to go thru the telelphone bottleneck again in case I could not fix them.
Well, I spent an hour or so blacksmithing and think I got them useable. I'll know in the morning. I have almost everything back together and looking good as far as alighning back up.
Jim..........have you been checked for allergies? I never was one to have stuff like that, but as we get older our systems/bodies change. A few years ago, Alan (member from New Zealand) and his wife were visiting on their USA vacation/Rt.66 trip. His wife and I were outside having a cigarette, and she told me about the inhaler she was using. She had recently found out she had allergies, and that was contributing to her breathing issues. Well, I had been noticing that on some of my roadtrips into New Mexico, my breathing problems there were more of a time-of-year thing rather than altitude related. Also, we got a new dog (French Bulldog) a few years ago that sleeps with us (along with two others), and shortly after getting her, I would wake up in the morning gasping for air.
My wife has allergy issues occationally, so she has inhalers, and I tried one. I know now that apparently I have allergies, because they really help, especially in the morning after sleeping next to that dog all night. Also, something in the air/house, because I almost never have the breathing issues as bad when I'm on the road (except in parts of NM as noted)
Rich, No allergies but I have been on an inhaler now for a few months, it helps quite a bit with the breathing but my stamina still sucks, I can only work for a short period and have to stop and rest, I do more resting then anything else these days so not much is getting done. I'm sure just sitting in the car I could go for quite a while. I may be testing that soon..
21* here with a little white stuff on the ground. GRRRRR! :winter_brr:
I got the '57 put back together, still think I have an issue with the caliper, but it brakes ok.= with no noises. Need to drive it a bit and keep checking. The first time I drove it, the wheel center was hot, but each time I drive it it gets better. (My passenger side wheel also gets a little warm also). Not the fronts.
One reason I think I have an issue is I could not get the new pads over the rotor. It's possible the pads were made too thick I guess. I had to reassemble it with the old pads.The piston is definetly seated as far as it's going to go, and I triple checked to make sure the pads were seated properly.
Another thing that's got me stumped....when I took everything apart, the caliper had lots of grease all over it. The wheel had a heavy coating of grease all over the inside. I know the small boots that are over the slide bolts are packed with grease, but there is no way as much grease as I cleaned off everything came from those two small boots. My wheel bearings are not the grease packed type, they get their lubrication from the differential fluid, which is not leaking. The end plate/bearing areas were relatively clean. :102:
Were this problem with my front brakes, I'd have ordered new calipers without thinking twice, but my 800. '57's insurance bill was due this month, so budget went from tight to non existant, lol.
My other '57.......the house........roofing is done except for the gutters. The gutter company was out Friday, but their rolling/forming machine broke down half way thru. :005: Not sure when they'll get to come back, snow thru Wed., and I don't know if they have another machine to use while this one is being repaired.
Anybody heard anything from Hugh? Hope he made it ok thru the bad weather on this trip.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-10-27 23:24
Anybody heard anything from Hugh? Hope he made it ok thru the bad weather on this trip.
I did! BUT...there were challenges. I lost 2 tires and a wheel on the trailer 1000 feet from the first exit to Bozeman. Front tire on the trailer let go, and took out the relatively brand new on on the back axle. >:( So...5 hours, a service truck and a tire and wheel (put the spare on) and $359 we were back on the road. Makin' time, all's good!
Come out of the tel room next morning in Council BLuffs to discover the front tire on the left side (the spare) had disintegrated. Luckily it did not take the new tire out this time. We limped to a tire store 3 miles away, and 2 1/2 hours and $103 later...back on the road. We arrived in Branson at 8 last night (Thursday). The trailer is now at the new residence in Sell Knob...and will be emptied out by Sunday.
I didn't go over a set of scales before parking it in the front yard at the new place...but I estimate that the trailer and it's load are a combined 14,000 pounds...a touch over the trailer and the truck's suggested towing weight. I'm lucky I only lost 3 tires. DUH!
The mpg was all over the places...from mid-10's to for a slight time frame low 14's. (very slight...had a tail wind!) a lot of time was spent in the 12's and 13's. I'll not make that trip again that loaded!!!
We did a large portion of the trip on ice and snow, but not with any new snow coming down. Nothing more exciting (or ?fun?) than coming down a 12% grade in a seriously overloaded truck and trailer set-up for anywhere from 4-12 miles. And a few 5
5 grades as well. I was to say the least thrilled to leave the ice/snow part behind. HUGE thanks go to Alvin for keeping an eye out for me on road conditions through Montana. Had he not warned me ahead of time I'd have been making that trip in even worse conditions. He called me regularly with updates. God...thank you Alvin...can't say it enough!!!
So...Cindy is staying here at the house, I am heading back probably around Tuesday or Wednesday. Need to pack up my shop, the garage at the house,, and the back shed at the house, plus Bob's stuff too. BUT...I am thinking about getting a couple of the "PODS" for the shop stuff for both me and Bob. I do not want to repeat the trip I just completed with that much weight again. He is also liking that idea. We'll see what the costs are.
Rich...I must have done alright on the driving part...Sasha slept the entire trip! In the truck...through all the hairy parts! :003:LOL!!!
for all you guys, who might have impressed your girls with dancing back when...
Here is a contemporary young couple from Sweden/Italy jitterbuggin or doing the Boogie to cool uptempo Doo Wop, much as you would have seen in the 1950s RocknRoll movies. I just love these guys ! :001:
Nils and Bianca
Fantastic as always! :003:
Haha, that was great. I'd need a recetator (sp?)!
When I first joined this forum, I often talked about a group of 6 of us old farts that use to meet most mornings in a friend's hot rod shop for coffee and tall tales. I found out today, one of those guys passed this week from covid. That leaves just two of our old group still alive. The other is my friend Kip who has a speed shop on old 66 in the historic district. I go there once a week just to keep in touch.
Amarillo may go into a lock down. We had 30 deaths from covid last week.
Rich I know the experience of the "morning" group. When I first moved to Birmingham I found a group of "motor heads" that got together every Saturday morning for breakfast. There were 10 -12 of us there on average. Today there are only two of us left. And yes, we talk on a regular basis. I was the third youngest of the group. My friend is 80, he is out of the car building thing now, looking for a stock driver (33 Chevy specifically) to tinker with. No more long rod runs, just local cruise-ins. I guess we are all heading in that direction?
Thinking back 20 years ago we would all get together (10 -15 cars and spouses ) on Sundays after church and cruise to anywhere as a group with several "wife stops" along the way. One of the favorite cruises was a 40 mile drive for ice cream. This same group would rod run together to Tupelo, Muscle Shoals, Pensacola, Evansville and many other runs 300 - 400 miles away. We have not done either of those in the last couple of years, the group is now down to tree to four, life has changed for many and many are now gone. I was the only one to run up to Louisville for the 50th NSRA Nationals, "too hard" was their reason and I can respect that.
Pretty much the same here. Our morning coffee group has been shut down since March. Over the last four years we have lost five members all pre covid. The previous owner of my Ranchero moved out of state and died a year later from lung cancer.
Ditto, after I lost my dad, most of the Saturday morning breakfast group is gone. However, my nephew, who never did Saturday mornings, but was close to my dad, has been meeting me every Saturday since my dad passed.
That's cool.... :003:
I've been meaning to post a pic of a really special trophy I got last month at the Crossmember's rod run in Oklahoma. I'll test our posting problem and if it works, I'll explain the trophy.
Nope. Haven't heard from James yet, btw.
I haven't been around in a has gotten in the way. I saw Rich posted about losing a friend to covid...sorry for your loss. I lost my ex-bother-in-law last weekend to covid...he was 63 and was a car guy too (had a 58 Chevy Nomad). He was one that thought covid was nothing more than the flu...I miss him. My son just got tested last week...lost his sense of smell Tuesday night and Wednesday morning couldn't taste anything. So far he is doing well...healthy kid that works out all of the time. If he's got covid (his test isn't back yet) it looks like his came from his work as 3 other coworkers have confirmed cases. Please stay safe guys!
Good to hear from you Thor. Hope your son fairs well with this, as the majority does. Time to rethink our lifestyles and tighten up some. It's going to be a looooonnnng boring winter I think, but if being bored is the worst of it, then we'll have done well.
I was just reading that New Mexico and Oregon have gone into a 2 week lockdown.
Rich going to send you a PM....sent.
we're going into a 3 weeks lockdown from tomorrow.
So this is ending my driving season early. I'll be pulling my plates from the 57 and deposit them at the insurance office (which is a way to save on insurance). Probably will pick them up March '21.
Something is happening with the forum, or I'm losing my mind, which is entirely possible. I'm looking at posts dated today that I'm sure were from a long time ago.........anybody else seeing this?
You'll have to be more specific pisan. WHICH posts in which threads? I haven't seen any...but then to be honest...I generally don't look at dates.
I'm getting the feeling to part with extra '57 stuff. But then I hesitate when I consider shipping. I'm thinking of postpone any shipping until after Christmas. Between Covid and the Christmas shipping season, I think loss or damage would be expected. But on the other hand, tis the season for traveling. If one was traveling near south central Michigan, a local pickup could be an easy diversion. Thoughts?
LOL!!! Being just pain selfish here...and needing parts for not one but TWO 57's Couriers...once I am done with this insane move, and spring rolls around...I will be willing to travel to pick up parts. I have a cousin in MI that I haven't seen since ' I could make that trip with no guilt.
I am still moving, and already have a radiator to pay for that I bought from another forum member...just need to get done with this cross-county race I am in.
I DO have part of a Courier setting out to the farm. I just looking at it the other day thinking that I should let it go to the scrapers. There is a rear floor/access panel still in it. I don't have a picture and if I did it wouldn't post. It is the second row of access covers behind the front seat. The first row is two covers that open to the sides and then this one that opens front to back. If this makes any sense at all.
OH HELL YES!!! We need to talk! I need some other things off that I bet are still there as the cargo wall between the seats and the center. I would drive up there from Missouri to get that.
We shall have to chat!
The white rain is coming so it might be awhile before I visit the Sea Box. I'll try to remember to take PICs. big hurry..I wouldn't be able to head that way until spring anyhow...still have 2 more trips to make (maybe one if I am lucky...but...yea...) back to WA to finish this move.
OK, I guess the forum is fixed, thank you, James. I guess I'll give it a shot with a pic.
I mentioned I went on a 100-mile reliability run out of Oklahoma City in Oct. with the Crossmembers Car Club. Well, there was a mixup in handing out the long-distance award, and they gave it to me because the guy that beat me out by 6 miles wasn't to be found at the final destination. Fifteen minutes later, I was still talking with Jeff (Guthriesmith on the Hamb), the organizer, when the guy that beat me came over and asked what happened to the award. To make a long story short, Jeff and I decided he was the rightful recipient, so we gave it to him. I told Jeff I had no problem with that, but he felt bad. I kept telling him no worries, nothing to apologize for. Sheeeeet happens! A few days later he emailed me that stickers for the run were on the way, but he was also working on something for me. Well, 10 days later a box came in the mail from Jeff. This put a huge smile on my face. Totally unexpected, but this thing was hand-made for me. That's my car on the base, along with the funny text.
Hope we've got pics:
As our parents taught us when we were kids...Honesty pays...nice of them to do that for you!
great stuff Rich ! The stand on that trophy is extra neat ! Great guys out there !
who said nice guys finished last.... :002:
That is an outstanding gesture to an outstanding man!
That is great Rich.
On another topic............costs of living comparison.......back in '70, I bought my first house. It was a modest 1200 sq. ft. home, about 7 years old, but just 1/4 mile from the beach in Huntington Beach, Ca. I paid 24,200. for it.
We just got the final tally on having our current home reroofed last month...........39,100. !!! I guess we can't complain about our current 3340. a year premium on home insurance. (USAA since '68) We are going to be getting an 800. a year reduction in premium due to having the roofing upgraded to a class 4 rating. That $ also included having the entire roof sheathed over the original 1 x 8 board decking material. USAA paid for the upgrade shingles and the sheathing! :003:
I mentioned the sheathing because if you have hail damage to your home, and it is an older house (mine built in the great year........1957) that was done with the traditional 1 x 6/8's, and your community building codes currently call for sheathing, your insurance company may pay for it. That's a big cost. I counted 162 sheets when they delivered it to the house! I have to credit my roofing company with being persistent in their contact with my insurance company to get the added stuff covered.
Haha..when we bought the house, the inspector said the roof was old, but in good shape, so due to it's age, we should be prepared for a hefty roofing bill down the road. He finished that statement with "or pray for a hail storm"
We lost another member of our morning coffee gang "GTO DAVE", this is the fifth guy in the last three years. He was only 55. The wine he enjoyed every day caught up to him, stage four cancer in his liver and moved into his lungs.
Sorry for your loss, Jim. 55 is way too young. I just turned 74 Saturday, 55 seems a loooong time ago.
Thats a pity, Jim. Nice goat he had there ...!
Rich, we never know when we have to leave. there might be decades. or just tomorrow. I lost 2 cherishes uncles and an aunt this fall. we never know. Need to live every day, that's all.
Jim, sorry for the loss. We do have the good times to remember, thinking of those times gives me a "warn fuzzy" and generates so smiles and an occasional chuckle.
Like Rich I am rushing up on 74 and 55 seams like centuries ago! I have become one of two "survivors" of our former breakfast club. Of the 10 - 12 that got together Saturday mornings I was second youngest, now the youngest. The other remaining member is 80.
My wife and I were going to take a road trip to the Colorado mountains for my birthday. We decided to postpone that trip due to covid concerns, so I went to my favorite casino as an alternative. This one is a bit further at 225 miles from the house. Arrived there at 6 pm, had a great time, spent very little $, and left at midnight. A half hour after leaving I was on a lonely connector road headed for 287 when I almost had a collision with a four legged creature. This would have been a first, not only for me, but for most folks.............a pig!! Not sure if it was wild or escaped from a farm. It didn't look like the normal wild pig/boar, more like a farm pig. I need to do a little research.
I wonder where Joe is. Last posted on Friday.
I was wondering the same thing... :-\ :icon_scratch: :dontknow:
When I went hog hunting in Texas, we hunted for feral hogs, not wild boars. I know they can cross bred. The ones I saw could have been mistaken for a domestic pig.
Thanks for the info Les. That's one I would have tried to wrestle into the car if I had hit it. Coulda had ham for breakfast.
Remember, ham and eggs breakfast is a days work for the chicken and a life time of work for the hog......
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2020-12-04 07:30
Remember, ham and eggs breakfast is a days work for the chicken and a life time of work for the hog......
Bill, I heard like this.............The chicken is involved, and the pig is committed.
Off to help my buddy off load his "new" 33 Chevrolet 2dr sdn. The driver called and said he was out of DOT time and would be in this morning. Bone stock, older restoration. He is the last remaining ( besides myself ) breakfast crew member. Talked with him last evening and he sounds like a kid on Christmas morning!
He built and drove a 33 Master for years, sold it to a fellow in CA, regretted doing that the minute it rolled out the door. Been looking for another one on and off ever since. We talked about modifications, not going to be a hot rod this time, the days of gallivanting all over the country side are over for him, his wife does not travel well ( same place I'm going ) and our run buddies are all gone now. So it will be made road safe, 12V lights etc. He calls it his last toy.
I talked to Joe today on the phone. Everything is OK. He was away. Now he is back home. Jay
I propose that we make a rule that neither he nor hemidave, (the two most prolific picture posters of old time pics) are allowed to go away from the ability to post said pics without prior notice to the rest of the WE can avoid stressing out about health possibilities...which could cause health issues for the rest of us!
JMHO... :felix:
NO...people missed you...some...worried. Me? I was just concerned I wouldn't get a ride in the coupe...LOL!!!
Hey...isn't it nice to know you are wanted, appreciated and missed? :003:
. H
. A
. N
. K
. Y
. O
. U
. !
Welcome back, Joe.
Thanks Rich
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2020-12-08 16:17
NO...people missed you...some...worried. Me? I was just concerned I wouldn't get a ride in the coupe...LOL!!!
Hey...isn't it nice to know you are wanted, appreciated and missed? :003:
It looks like I got one up on you. I got to take Joe's coupe for a nice long drive. It drives and shifts nice and sweet like a new car. Jay
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2020-12-09 05:46
It looks like I got one up on you. I got to take Joe's coupe for a nice long drive. It drives and shifts nice and sweet like a new car. Jay
LUCKY you.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2020-12-09 05:46
It looks like I got one up on you. I got to take Joe's coupe for a nice long drive. It drives and shifts nice and sweet like a new car. Jay
I be JEALOUS! But at some point I will get out there and perhaps I will be so lucky...though I'd settle for a ride on a nice summer day!
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2020-12-09 09:13
I be JEALOUS! But at some point I will get out there and perhaps I will be so lucky...though I'd settle for a ride on a nice summer day!
And when you come out here, l'll get to meet you also.
Indeed! And drive my Courier! :burnout:
We finally decided to try a road trip, haven't done one in the last six months. It was just a short 130 mile round trip to the coast north of Ventura. We aren't beach people but do go once a year so decided to do it before winter gets here. Just a great day and weather, uneventful and a tail gate lunch on the way back.
AWESOME! (My wife and I are LARGE beach people). Glad you got out and about!
Great to hear Jim. I'm not a big ocean beach person except for the skimpy bikinis. I'd love to have a cabin on a mountain lake though. Anyways, good to hear you got in a long ride in the 'chero before winter. new place isn't a cabin, but the lake is a short walk from the front porch...and I have ALL the fishing poles we need... :003:
Before I forget again, If I lived where you do now, new on my bucket list would be a trip to Jerry's in Springdale!
My wife got a call from the VA hospital this morning. They are expecting a shipment of vaccine real soon, and wanted to let her know she'll be in the 3rd group to receive it. First group is hospital staff, second is 85 and older, third is 50 and older. Everyone else is in 4th group.
Heading up to the mountains in NM tomorrow with the '57. Should be 500+ miles, a one-day trip.....probably the Taos area.
Left at 7 am, got back at 9 tonight. 14 hrs of great weather, beautiful scenery, mostly dry roads. 670 miles. All the parking lots at the ski resort I went by were packed full, and the chair lifts were all full. Saw a flock of about 100 wild turkeys just north of Tucumcari. about 2 1/4 tanks of gas.....didn't check the mpg., but not bad since a bunch of it was mountain driving. Never saw one person outside in New Mexico without a facemask....even just walking down the street. The good and the bad......the skiing was obviously doing well, and the square in Taos was packed full of cars......not a parking spot to be foundbut it was sad to see all the casinos shut down, especially the new one they just finished in '19 next to the Santa Fe Opera. New beautiful casino, parking lot and sidewalks overgrown with weeds.
Good for you Rich :001: I wish I could do that much mileage in a day but 300 is about my limit. Things here are shutting down again, the spread is going crazy and the hospitals are maxed out. I think the casinos are still open but that could change any day again.
Taking a collector car for an extended drive....lucky you Rich !
Its all around freezing point here all the time. not cold, but really annoying, damp foggy, ugly, ugly, UGLY....
My friends in Germany are already locked. Austria is going into another lockdown from Dec 26th until the end of Jan. Friends and family are all doing well, but now we have to hurry up, to sit down and wait. some more.
In north Texas, we're kinda in between the guys who could do car stuff all year, like Florida, Az. and Socal and the guys who lock down for the winter. Where I was yesterday, it was down to 9* the night before, had some reservations about trying a few mountain passes between the snow caps, but there were only a few curves sheltered from getting sunlight at any time where it could have been bad, but all of those roads, particularly the curves were heavily sanded and had no issues.
The casinos I've been in since Covid have a pretty good grip on it. They check your temp. when you go in, and scan your driver's license so they can notify you if covid has been tied to the casino. They have separated the machines in various ways. Sometimes it's just spacing between a fewer number of machines, sometimes it's just shutting down every other machine and removing their chairs, and other times its plexiglass shields.
roadtrips on the highway..........Sunday I drove a total of 330 miles on I 40. One of the things that I always take note of is the truck traffic. I think it's about as good an indicator of the general economy as you can get. In the morning leaving Amarillo about 7 am, there were miles and miles of almost bumper to bumper big rigs. I guess probably mostly the ones that spent the night in Amarillo. I was probably 20 miles out before the traffic started to thin out a bit, but there still was a pretty steady flow of traffic heading east towards Amarillo. I've done tons of trips on I40 over the years, and last Sunday all day was probably the heaviest I'd ever seen. It was the same way when I hit it again later coming home. Aside from the truckers there were tons of travelers, probably Christmas related, all the 220 miles back home.
A few weeks ago I took my dog out for a 3 or 4 hour drive thru small towns, ranch and farm country north of Amarillo. Once again, it was hard not to notice the hustle and bustle going on out there. Texas is a big beef raising area, so you've got the huge cattle ranches, the grain growers, and the cotton and food growers, the feed lots, etc, all serviced by big trucking. Also we are a gas producing area, so you'll occasionally see helium fields with their tons of piping. Anyway, ranching trucks active all over, hay and cotton trucks, cattle trucks. It's really quite something to be out in the flatland areas in what you'd think was the middle of nowhere, and see all these big rigs farm trucks and equipment moving in all directions as far as you can see. A really good feeling for me, we're gonna be OK type thing! Only thing on the downside were the hundreds of oil derricks not pumping. I'm sure that's temporary.
Anyway, back to the I40 talk, a few observations: lots of household moving trucks headed east, mostly with California plates on the cars being towed. Never saw one headed west. U-Haul and Penske had about the same numbers, with U-Haul being obviously household, and Penske having probably commercial due to the loading dock height of their overhead doors. Fed-Ex trucks outnumber UPS anymore at least 30 to one. Amazon trucks increasing in quantity everytime I take a different trip. I probably saw at least 20 of them Sunday. Only saw one Yellow Trucking. They use to be really big. I saw at least 8 Hobby Lobby rigs.....quantity was probably season related. Love's is apparently the only gas stations that have their own tanker trucks. Locally here Toot n' Totum has their own. I just don't see trucks like Shell, etc anymore. They must have decided it was more cost effective to pay outsiders.
Any observations you guys make on roadtrips, or am I just weird? Probably wouln't notice if I had a lady along to keep me amused.
... Rich, you're going to hate all those Cali plates heading East and settling in Texas and then trying to make it like California. bawl
All the MassHoles headed North to the lovely state of Maine because they loved it so much; eventually they tried to change it to Mass, trying to stop the hunting of innocent Black Bears, slaughtering those poor little Coyotes and trapping those cute, little Beaver.
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2020-12-22 19:31
... Rich, you're going to hate all those Cali plates heading East and settling in Texas and then trying to make it like California. bawl
Thats exactly what has happened to Arizona NM and Nevada :005:, the voting proved it.
Merry Christmas to all from the Great White North.
...and right back at ya' from Cape Cod.
:114: :winter_brr:
Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope all is right in your area of the world. May you enjoy the warm company of family and good friends.
Wish we could.....I'm missing our relatives. We're playing it on the safe side so we'll be around to share next Christmas with them.
Merry Christmas to all, from Beautiful San Diego
Merry Christmas everyone! :icon_santa:
Merry Christmas from south Louisiana! :icon_rendeer:
My wife got me a very appropriate little gift. It's a woodcrafted sign about the size and shape of a billiards rack (or mountain).
"THE MOUNTAINS ARE CALLING.................I GOTTA GO" haha...perfect. She knows me well.
Merry Christmas from the "Frozen Tundra".
Dashing through the snow.
Not completely but we tried. After 8 months of no rain we got a one day storm and it included lots of snow in the local mountains. You can't go up the main roads without chains so we went around the mountains early this morning to the desert and tried from the other side but they had the road closed completely above 4000 feet :005:. Up to the closure was a great ride.
Nice to see the Ranchero out and about. Pretty country. "We....." and the wife? Wish I could get mine to come with me. Yeah, I went thru some snow covered mountain passes last week........loved it.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2020-12-29 18:18
Nice to see the Ranchero out and about. Pretty country. "We....." and the wife? Wish I could get mine to come with me. Yeah, I went thru some snow covered mountain passes last week........loved it.
Yes, she always wants to go. Even before the Ranchero she spent 35 years traveling around the country with me in my 60 F100 panel truck. I wish we could travel like we use to...
Yes, mean ol Mr. Time has a way of changing things. Used to drive from Norfolk VA to WI non-stop, little over 1K miles. Doing 800 now has turned into a two day trip......
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2020-12-30 07:36
Yes, mean ol Mr. Time has a way of changing things. Used to drive from Norfolk VA to WI non-stop, little over 1K miles. Doing 800 now has turned into a two day trip......
Exactly! Now after 300 miles I need a nap :005:
My sister called from Florida yesterday because we didn't connect on Christmas. She called about 11:30am, my wife had to wake me up from my second nap when she called, lol.
Got to talk to some old friends on Christmas. An ex-girlfriend of mine married my best friend 52 years ago. (That was ok........I was already married, and I hooked them up). Their daughter is my Goddaughter, and they are godparents to my son. The last time we talked was 15 years ago when I went back home to Mass. for my mom's funeral. The great part about our connecting was being able to find out about tons of other people. Amazing how lives intertwine in a small town (Acton, Mass...60's population about 3500).
Thats great Rich. I also had a surprise call from my first hot rodding buddy the day after Xmas. He's in Michigan and I haven't talked to him in over 50 years. I was 16 when we met and he was the old guy at 21 and we ran together until he moved back there in 1968. Some how his daughter located me for him, he's 81 now and doesn't have a computer. It just blew me away to hear from him after all this time. Last time I saw him was when I gave him a ride to the airport when he left LA..
Me and the other woman I live with went and got our Covid vaccinations this morning. Amarillo was obviously well prepared for it, very proud of my little city for handling it so well. Vaccinations started at 9 am, we got there at 8:30. 23 degrees outside. The convention center here is 3 blocks long. We got in line right next to where we parked at the south end of the building. We assumed the line went inside, 1/2 way down the building. It didn't. It went all the way to the north end, made a turn, and went one block where it made a 180 and came 1/2 way back to the end n entrance. Inside it went up and back 3 hallways and one main exhibition hall where they were actually giving the vaccinations. We got out at 1 pm. Had to be 3-4,000 people. Today was the second day for 65 and older folks or health workers / first responders who hadn't got it yet. We have to go back in 28 days for the second shot. Everything was free. My wife should be getting a call any day now, they have started the vaccinations at the VA.
One thing that puzzled me completely today was among the 3-4k people there, we saw one black person in the lines!! Totally baffling.
BTW, 23 degrees outside this morning with 0 wind. very unusual for Amarillo. No way I could have stayed outside for 3 hours in 23* if it was windy. :001:
As I finish off the second bottle of champagne, a lot of stories come to mind but I think I'll just wait for the ball to drop and hope everyone is looking forward to a new year!
Happy New Year everyone! Let's see what we get done in '21.
We hope 2021 will be better, some have said it can't be worse, jury is still out on that!
Have not decided about the vaccine yet. My immune system seams to do a good job of keeping stuff away or at least killing it. Worked in a germ factory for ten years (children's hands on science center) and never got sick, not even a cold. No word about us youngsters ( those of us under 75) here in AL yet. My doc hits me about the flue shot every year, give her the same "no" every time.
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2021-01-01 11:34
We hope 2021 will be better, some have said it can't be worse, jury is still out on that!
Have not decided about the vaccine yet. My immune system seams to do a good job of keeping stuff away or at least killing it. Worked in a germ factory for ten years (children's hands on science center) and never got sick, not even a cold. No word about us youngsters ( those of us under 75) here in AL yet. My doc hits me about the flue shot every year, give her the same "no" every time.
I was there with you until I lost a friend to pneumonia a couple of years ago. I got the vaccination for that and a flu shot for the first time. Here they are starting covid vaccinations for us people over seventy on Monday. I will definitely get it. I figure it can't hurt.
Got the flu shot this year, most years I don't. Got the pneumonia one this year too. I'm not sure about the covid19, I'll wait and see how things go for a few months. I don't have 100% confidence in drug companies they are in it for the $$$. Every week you see a new miracle drug and a year later the law suites start.
x2 for what hiball said. JV
I have been in the house sick with Covid for the last 10 days, but am doing better now. Just a caution regarding the vacine, my oldest son had Covid about three weeks ago and just got his vaccination since he is a first responder and had some rough side effects. He was told afterwards that can happen if you get the vaccine soon after an active case. So if you have had an active case, I would wait a couple months before getting the vaccine since you would have immunity for a while anyway.
I was actually wondering about getting the vaccine if you had Covid at some stage. My ex wife has it and I was probably exposed indirectly through my son. He tested negative yesterday but....
Quote from: lalessi1 on 2021-01-02 08:13
I was actually wondering about getting the vaccine if you had Covid at some stage. My ex wife has it and I was probably exposed indirectly through my son. He tested negative yesterday but....
From what I understand you should get the shot even if you have had covid in the past. They don't know how long the antibodies built from covid last and there have been cases of people being infected a second time.
I had forgotten about the cruise-in, fortunately my wife asked about it after I got back from taking the dog for a ride in the '57. There were about 50 cars there, including a handful I hadn't seen before. Made my day!
The doctor told me that some people have immunity longer, but that the current consensus is that it typically lasts about 90 days.
Good to see you back James. I don't think I ever asked you where in Oklahoma you were.
Glad you're recouping from the covid, and thanks for the input.
Rich, The closest actual town is Elmore City and it's pretty small. About 70 miles south of OKC.
Quote from: jviera on 2021-01-01 18:17
x2 for what hiball said. JV
X3 what Jim stated. Jay
I'll let y'all know about the vaccine, I get the first shot this afternoon.
James..........we'll hook up some day when this covid thing is over. You live in one of my cruising areas. I only did 2 events last year, and one of them was with the Crossmembers out of OKC. It was a 124 mile cruise starting and ending in the Guthrie area. 220 cars!
Rich, there is a post about Hugh but says Huge, maybe you can correct it for the poster so people will see it
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-01-05 09:59
James..........we'll hook up some day when this covid thing is over. You live in one of my cruising areas. I only did 2 events last year, and one of them was with the Crossmembers out of OKC. It was a 124 mile cruise starting and ending in the Guthrie area. 220 cars!
Sounds good.
A few days ago, Rlibew sent me some pics of his gorgeous 4.6 powered 500 to post. I know how to transfer pics from my iPhone that I took with it, but haven't figured out how to transfer the pics he sent either to my "photos" collection, or directly to my computer. Been wrapped up with current events on TV, but I'll get to it soon.
Rich, on an I-phone, click on the photo you want and then click on this button:
..after that, you will see several options, click on the mail or e-mail option and send it to your e-mail address people moving to Texas and thinking they were gonna make changes??? You'd be surprised how many of them get "cold shouldered" out of the state within 2 years...literally run out. Texans have very few if any filters on their attitudes. I have heard from several people who felt they were ran out on on a rail. My thoughts...good! (BTW...I have NO filters.)
Off my box now...
Jim, can we talk your daughter's Country sedan a little over here ? if you really don't feel like it I will delete my post.
In my opinon it's not that bad a car as you might think. Personally I would never do that, and I totally get your point.
But I have to say that it is looking very good, and has a great theme going throughout, albeit with a modern twist. I also like Rich's Custom a lot, although I would not have built it that way. Anyways I'd say the the gunmetal color really looks great on 57s , maybe even better on Richs Sedan. I guess the handles on hers could be reversed back to stock easily ( if also needing a repaint of doors). the polished wheels have a vintage design, and the real leather interior looks comfy and pretty classy. Again, not what I would ever do with my cars, but no crime either - Like I said in another post, it's nice to see a female getting into our sweet Fords at all , and let's face it. Even in todays fashion of gender correctness. I have yet to meet a female enthusiast that would be up to the task of running, let alone working on a vintage Y block or similar stuff. We have to accept the fact that women don't even care about hp or stance, let alone the kind of powertrain that's in it. as long as it it works and is reliable and cheap to maintain. And the car's color matches their shoes...hahaha
Props to your daughter she is driving an old car AT ALL ! :001: :004:
I like it though I would have done a couple things different too. Everyone should set their car up to suit themselves.
25 yrs ago the numerous numbers matching guys would be aghast that anything whatsoever was not factory. But the way things are going we will probably be increasingly considered irresponsible if we don't have disk brakes, air bags, collapsible steering columns, dual master cylinders, equal size footprint on all four corners, etc..
Times, they are a-changin...
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2021-01-09 05:51
Jim, can we talk your daughter's Country sedan a little over here ? if you really don't feel like it I will delete my post.
In my opinon it's not that bad a car as you might think. Personally I would never do that, and I totally get your point.
But I have to say that it is looking very good, and has a great theme going throughout, albeit with a modern twist. I also like Rich's Custom a lot, although I would not have built it that way. Anyways I'd say the the gunmetal color really looks great on 57s , maybe even better on Richs Sedan. I guess the handles on hers could be reversed back to stock easily ( if also needing a repaint of doors). the polished wheels have a vintage design, and the real leather interior looks comfy and pretty classy. Again, not what I would ever do with my cars, but no crime either - Like I said in another post, it's nice to see a female getting into our sweet Fords at all , and let's face it. Even in todays fashion of gender correctness. I have yet to meet a female enthusiast that would be up to the task of running, let alone working on a vintage Y block or similar stuff. We have to accept the fact that women don't even care about hp or stance, let alone the kind of powertrain that's in it. as long as it it works and is reliable and cheap to maintain. And the car's color matches their shoes...hahaha
Props to your daughter she is driving an old car AT ALL ! :001: :004:
I agree with all your comments and feel the same way. Shes happy with it and I can try to overlook some of the things but that other brand engine makes me want to BARF :005:
This is actually the second paint job, she originally wanted it to be yellow but it didn't come out like she wanted, looked too much like the lemon yellow of the old days, and it didn't match her shows. I haven't actually seen the car since it's been done, do to the Covid crap we haven't visited in a year, last time was Xmas 2019
"real leather interior"...........did I miss some other pics somewhere?
I really don't know if its real leather? I'll ask the next time we talk.
a really sweet car! Thanks for posting that Jim!
I got Rlibew's pics transferred to my computer (thanks Joe). Took some time to figure it all out. I'll post them in Member's rides. Very nice car.......kinda wish I had his version of the 4.6
I guess it was time for it to come out of the closet :003:
What does it have under the hood?
American Motors?
Picked up a new toy today to take the place of Enco miller:
Nice score Joe. Variable speed too! Haven't run one for 35+ years, but back in the day I could sure make them sing. I've still got my Gerstner machinist chest...........not sure why. For the past few decades the only thing I've used occasionally is my 1"mic and 6" calipers, a few times my magnetic stand and dial indicator. I think I have about 10 different mics.
Super! I love the old Bridgeports. We had one in high school machine shop and then in a few shops I worked in later. My next door neighbor has one but he passed away 15 years ago and his wife still lets me use it when needed. She wanted to give it to me but I just don't have room.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2021-01-09 16:30
What does it have under the hood?
American Motors?
Are you asking about the wagon? typical 350 chevy, they didn't do it, it was in the car when she bought it.
Oh, the TSTGF option.
When I see that in a car I ask the owner if he is Too Scared To Go Fast?
It is a good looking wagon, with someone's flair added.
I do enjoy the 'if it was mine I would ...:" or "did you buy it that way or did you screw it up yourself?" Comments from our gang.
It's amazing what a little Tuff-Stuff, some elbow grease and a scuff pad will do....
OMG Joe, this little machinery is such a beauty !
Now I want one too, don't know what for , but I am sure I could come up with some great little projects. hey already have one. need to make some adjustable frt suspension parts for my 1952 VW bus project...that'd come in handy! Same as Jim stated, no room left in the shop, but this would be worth an extension.
Not sure I'm going to have the room when I move into my shop at home, but I couldn't pass it up for the price. I have my bench top Enco miller, but this will be so much better.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2021-01-10 07:14
Are you asking about the wagon? typical 350 chevy, they didn't do it, it was in the car when she bought it.
That damage can be fixed easily enough...
I don't have anything to say. Just checking in Jay
Jay...Good evening!
Did you bring coffee and donuts?
Donuts??? We don't need no stinkin' donuts! :002:
Yeah, what was I thinking....being Jay, I should have asked for fried clams!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-01-11 18:58
Yeah, what was I thinking....being Jay, I should have asked for fried clams!
Hello Gary
When I'm cruising with Joe , we have hot dogs and a non alcohol drink No coffee and donuts
When Rich comes to back to Mass, he is going to get fried clams at the very old Star drive in which is still in business.
Günter has already been to Star drive in. It was the only time in my life that I managed to get 3 of my old cars to one cruise
at the same time.
I don't know Jay. Do you mean those nasty and dangerous looking Euro guys that invited you for coffee at Star's Drive Inn and then 'borrowed' your sweet cars? I want to have nothing to do with that..... :003:
Man...not even Shoebox owners are safe from those critters... :002: :003:
Those are really cool photos. Thanks for posting, Gunter.
Anybody here received their 2nd stimulus check yet?
Mine is long gone but it was a direct deposit. Got it the next day after they started sending them out.
Ours should be direct deposit also....none of the three of us have got it yet.
Maybe alphabetical?????
We got ours last week sometime.
Got mine yesterday.
The guy in the middle and the one on the left I've seen before, the one on the right, not to sure; looks kinda shady.
Just sayin'
the little guys are always sketchy ! looking innocent, but beware.... :002:
Is the tall guy your friend from Austria? Baumi or something like that?
I talked to my bank today to make sure my debit card being recently replaced didn't affect the stimulus deposit. It doesn't, but as Joe just verified, the bank guy told me to give it some more time as they are still coming in to the banks.
Yes this is Baumi (he's also on the Hamb). Actually he is from southern Germany, Bavaria that is. Jay has family connections to Bavaria as well.
Met him with Jay at the Halifax Cruise, nice guy. :thumbsup:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2021-01-12 18:04
Yes this is Baumi (he's also on the Hamb). Actually he is from southern Germany, Bavaria that is. Jay has family connections to Bavaria as well.
This is my side of the story. In pictures #305 those two guys that are INSPECTING the hubcaps on the 50 Ford came from across the big pond, and those are the same two that drove a couple of my cars to Star drive in. I drove a third one. That's how three of my cars got to go to the same cruise.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2021-01-11 22:15
It was the only time in my life that I managed to get 3 of my old cars to one cruise
at the same time.
When I come out I'll help you do it again! :003:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-01-12 11:48
Those are really cool photos. Thanks for posting, Gunter.
Anybody here received their 2nd stimulus check yet?
Yep...didn't even know it was coming...4+ weeks off the internet...had no knowledge. Just opened up the bank account and viola' there they were.
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2021-01-12 23:56
When I come out I'll help you do it again! :003:
I hope that you like fried clams. If not, they have other stuff also. You'll get to see a very old drive in that is still in
what a gang :002:
haha ! Jim, thnx for the good laugh !
that is nice ! :001:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2021-01-13 07:53
haha ! Jim, thnx for the good laugh !
that is nice ! :001:
The things I do waiting for the sun to come up :002:
while the sun is nearly going down over here already ! :005:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2021-01-13 08:15
while the sun is nearly going down over here already ! :005:
Does that mean it's time to party :003:
It is five-o-clock some where......
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-01-12 13:19
Ours should be direct deposit also....none of the three of us have got it yet.
Don't rule out that it could be coming by pony express or stagecoach.
For some reason , all of our mail is arriving several weeks late if someone is expecting it by mail.
They also have been delivering on Sunday. That's real crazy.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2021-01-13 07:35
what a gang :002:
WOW! Jim
How do you come up with cool stuff like that?
I have to save that. Jay
Have not had any fried clams in decades...but I could definitely use some! Lead the way!!! :006:
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2021-01-13 12:37
Don't rule out that it could be coming by pony express or stagecoach.
For some reason , all of our mail is arriving several weeks late if someone is expecting it by mail.
They also have been delivering on Sunday. That's real crazy.
I mailed a check from Shell Knob MO to Olympia WA. Should have been there in 3-4 days. Took
OVER 3 1/2 weeks. It was going to my wife's credit union account for some auto pay things she has not yet moved to our new credit union.
Had she not been checking every day to see if it got there we would have been in deep stink stuff! She called the credit union and told them when it was mailed, and they covered all the stuff without penalties until it arrived
Same day I mailed a check to Jerry Henry for a air of radiators he had for sale. He got his a couple of days after the credit union got theirs...and he's 3-400 miles closer!
Lesson learned...from now on...when mailing checks...FedEx...USPS can go pound sand!
I suspect the covid thing has really messed with their operation. What else could have caused it?? Good to know though. We do all our stuff digitally now. I haven't written/mailed a check for years.'ve NEVER had fried clams unless you've had them New England style!
Well, I've got a new addiction........binge-watching streaming TV on the computer. I haven't watched TV for years because I would need the sound up so loud. My wife got me a new set of earphones a few months back that are made for people with hearing issues. When you set them up, It plays tones on either side separately that you click a button as it goes thru ranges to set each side to suit. My wife also told me I could get the Netflix and others that we have on our TV on the computer as well. I had no idea. I watched a half dozen movies, then started to check out some of the series. Wow. I got hooked. A while back, my wife and Sherri were binge-watching some series on the TV, and would be up til 3-4 am watching. lol, now it's me. Watched one called the Ranch, about 5 or 6 years' run worth, in a little more than a week. Very good, very funny at first. Got a little drawn out/repetitive themes. Sam Elliot, Debra Winger, Ashton Kutcher, and my new heartthrob, Elisha Cuthbert. Not sure of the accuracy, but gave a lot of insight into running a western ranch. Kinda hit home because of my late uncle Jack...........a 4th generation rancher.
Now I'm watching Longmire. Excellent and highly recommended. If any of you guys have Netflix, and want to see my fascination with roadtrips in New Mexico, check this one out. It's suppose to be about a sheriff in modern day Wyoming, but is actually filmed in New Mexico.
X2 on the binge watching this last year. We have Netflics and Hulu. One more episode and we will go to bed, OK one more episode and we will go to bed until we fall asleep in the living room :003:
Binge watching the Ranch ain't so bad, especially if you like whiskey & steak, IMO, once they got rid of Rooster because of the new norm, sex accusations, it went down hill.
That being said, you want to binge watch a series about ranching, watch Yellowstone; absolutely phenomenal.
Cowboy mafia at its finest. Kevin Costner is brilliant but my hero is Rip Wheeler.
Worth the watch IMO
I'll check out yellowstone after I finish with Longmire. Rooster/Danny Masterson's real life (MeToo) trial will be in Nov. A petition by his lawyer to dismiss charges due to statute limitations was thrown out by the judge about a week ago. Gotta love Abby!
Don't get tired of the repetition of the Ranch and quit watching....the end is pretty good. I tried googling their town and couldn't find it. Gotta love the Chevy vs Ford stuff in the show!
I have watched the whole series, but as usual today, everyone is guilty until proven innocent. They jumped the gun when they pulled him after the alleged assault.
Yellowstone is just as captivating, excellent series!
Cool..........I guess we found something else we have in common. Binge-watching until 3 am is pretty cool actually when you're retired!
Back to car stuff.........I've been keeping an eye on the Goodguys first-of-the-season show in March in Fort Worth. It's on Hemming's list. It would be great to at least have the option of going.
No comment then....
I watched the RANCH and enjoyed it. Danny Masterson got a crap deal. For the first 12 years that I worked at GM, I had a SnapOn coffee mug sitting on my desk. It went with me to all the labs and conference rooms. When I went to Milford or Warren for testing, that mug went with me. It even went to Cobo Hall for display setup for the International Show. I was proud of what that cup signified to me. I bought a lot of SnapOn tools before I got a free cup. The cup was one of the more tame ones with the pink and black '56 Vic. The model wore conservative shorts and top. One day after a meeting, management fell on me like I had sold secrets to Ford. Someone had made a formal sexual discrimination complaint. No meeting, no trial, no warning, immediate termination had been considered. But due to my length of service and performance contributions, a letter was put in my file. This meant that my future in management was pretty much over. All that mattered was that the complaintant felt uncomfortable and that was the test. I never knew my accuser but at my next performance review, my manager mentioned someone wanted my job. I was a computer systems engineer. I was not a manager and had no position of authority over any employees. But that cup threatened somebody.
Remember when we used to have a Sixth Amendment and it gave you the right to face your accuser? Anybody know what ever happened to that??
I deleted my spoiler......what was I thinking? My apologies to anyone who hasn't watched it yet.
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2021-01-15 17:08
Remember when we used to have a Sixth Amendment and it gave you the right to face your accuser? Anybody know what ever happened to that??
Yea...the same place the 2nd is going...heck...the entire Constitution for that matter...
Rich...can't transfer money from one bank to another with out a hefty transfer fee...or mailing a check. ditto for me sending you money if I buy something you have I want...
Longmire was a good show...watched it.
I bought a pair of Bluetooth headphones for myself for Christmas before I left on this trip. I can't watch TV on a computer...I NEED the TV...bought myself a 50 for my b-day last year when I was stuck in Branson after COVID shut everything down for travel purposes. No one can hear it but me unless I choose to share.
As the man said....."you ain't seen nothing yet"....
Guys , you need to see this!
a 1971 Ford Transit with a 5Litre Dan Gurney V8....INSANE !
'Listen' to that video ! :003:
I want one...
Thats pretty radical. I'll take the engine, they can keep the van.
Rich, in the few years that I've been here, this thread has always generated some traffic, so I hope that you don't mind that I stole your idea for another forum that I've been on for quite some time. I just think the title and subject matter fit the bill perfectly
P.S. I mentioned that I copied it from you and gave you all the credit; I just think it something that we needed to boost participation since the forum got "taken over/sold" to corporate America.
thanks again.
x2 what hiball said...
that engine roaring through the gears is just awesome. But if it was in a GT40 or Cobra, we'd probably say 'seen that, ok !'
I think it is typical British humor, to put the 2 things together, of course the van is ugly ugly ugly- but it was and still is a best seller van (today even in the US). I bet that show van made great advertising effect.
In our local group, we have been nicknaming those MkI and MkII Transits 'Miss Piggy'. Well, know why.... :003:
I had my morning coffee listening to my Covid Y block project. Anyone in the neighbor hood who isn't up by 7am gets a wake up call :003:
She's a beauty! Ever since I left mine for an FE I still think back on the days we were together! That pic...
DAMN!!! I'd rather be woke up by that than an alarm clock ANY day!!! :003:
7am is just cruel no matter what...unless,...........never mind.
Had lunch at home at 1pm, and still managed to pee in 4 different states today! Needed to put some smiles on the '57. All day, I only passed ONE car on a two lane road. Got up in the oncoming lane, and nailed it, only to realize it was a cop lol. I was only a few miles over the limit, so he let me go. That was in Colorado after dark, on the way home just 3 miles from the OK panhandle. He had NO markings on the back of the suv.
He liked your car... :burnout:
Hahaha Rich.... that is a nice story ! :003:
So you used up all of your old car bonus ?
Jim. that Y block looks so pretty and a nice test stand rig up. it makes me want to forget everything we said about 351Windsors over in the engine topic.
Do I see the next one sitting in line on the shelf or is that an FE ?
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2021-01-18 03:08
Hahaha Rich.... that is a nice story ! :003:
So you used up all of your old car bonus ?
Jim. that Y block looks so pretty and a nice test stand rig up. it makes me want to forget everything we said about 351Windsors over in the engine topic.
Do I see the next one sitting in line on the shelf or is that an FE ?
Thats just a bare 292 block. The test stand is just made from scrap. It was originally just a flat cart I used to move blocks around. The problem is the wheels are too small for the weight of a complete engine and hard for me to move outside when I want to fire it up :005: so the next project will be larger wheels and a battery tray so I don't have to carry it.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-01-17 22:31
7am is just cruel no matter what...unless,...........never mind.
Had lunch at home at 1pm, and still managed to pee in 4 different states today! Needed to put some smiles on the '57. All day, I only passed ONE car on a two lane road. Got up in the oncoming lane, and nailed it, only to realize it was a cop lol. I was only a few miles over the limit, so he let me go. That was in Colorado after dark, on the way home just 3 miles from the OK panhandle. He had NO markings on the back of the suv.
Good for you, I'm jealous. I need to get out soon.
Jim, no matter what it looks like or what it originated from. such a test stand is very functional and comes in handy. x2 on the small wheels. I also need to adress that. I built the platform for my first '57 292 stand from an actual Ikea shopping cart. works ok to this day, much unlike everything that was usually carried around on that cart... :003: I will have to dig out some old pics.
I built a cart for this Flathead from scrap stuff that my friend Robert gets from delivering (heavy) electric beds for handicapped people. the beds are shipped on those cradles. just have to cut off some brackets and there you go. I also welded on a permanent battery tray.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2021-01-18 07:32
Jim, no matter what it looks like or what it originated from. such a test stand is very functional and comes in handy. x2 on the small wheels. I also need to adress that. I built the platform for my first '57 292 stand from an actual Ikea shopping cart. works ok to this day, much unlike everything that was usually carried around on that cart... :003: I will have to dig out some old pics.
I built a cart for this Flathead from scrap stuff that my friend Robert gets from delivering (heavy) electric beds for handicapped people. the beds are shipped on those cradles. just have to cut off some brackets and there you go. I also welded on a permanent battery tray.
GMTA :002: Your stand looks good. I also had a few cut down shopping carts in the past..
I'll make a simple battery tray similar to yours.
Still no relief checks for any of us here. I wonder if it got put on hold because of what has to be the craziness of getting all the stuff mailed out to most of the country for tax season. The IRS has got to be in similar employee shortages due to the covid. Maybe they're just overwhelmed being the season.
I watched the last episode of Longmire.........gonna miss it.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-01-18 10:55
Still no relief checks for any of us here. I wonder if it got put on hold because of what has to be the craziness of getting all the stuff mailed out to most of the country for tax season. The IRS has got to be in similar employee shortages due to the covid. Maybe they're just overwhelmed being the season.
I watched the last episode of Longmire.........gonna miss it.
Why a check? Ours was an electronic deposit..
I mispoke...yes, should be a direct deposit.
Rich, I liked your story, I am glad to see that I'm not the only one that has a 19 year old flash back once in a while.
Cindy and I got ours nearly first day.
I have those flashbacks all the time... :burnout: :003:
Wife and I also got ours more than a week ago. But I sent all mine and some of hers to Dennis Carpenter :003:
Our paper checks came in the mail last week.......
Quote from: brushwolf on 2021-01-19 00:58
Wife and I also got ours more than a week ago. But I sent all mine and some of hers to Dennis Carpenter :003:
Good use of the green!!! :003:
That's why they call them "stimulus" payments.........need to stimulate the economy!!
Uncle Donald's money will go towards new tires for my truck.
I got my stimulus in the form of a debit card and spending it on wagon parts .
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-01-19 10:00
That's why they call them "stimulus" payments.........need to stimulate the economy!!
Yea...but...when it comes time pay the are we gonna do that? I got them too...but wonder...
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2021-01-17 09:52
Rich, in the few years that I've been here, this thread has always generated some traffic, so I hope that you don't mind that I stole your idea for another forum that I've been on for quite some time. I just think the title and subject matter fit the bill perfectly
P.S. I mentioned that I copied it from you and gave you all the credit; I just think it something that we needed to boost participation since the forum got "taken over/sold" to corporate America.
thanks again.
:003: I don't mind at all, thanks for letting me know. I'm curious what other forums you're on
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2021-01-19 11:41
Yea...but...when it comes time pay the are we gonna do that? I got them too...but wonder...
It's hard to make a comment without it seeming political. But as a blanket statement I know a lot of people including myself that didn't need them.
Add me to your circle...
Yeah, us too, but as I said it is not only for the folks that DO need it but for the folks that will be helped when we spend it at their places of business. I wouldn't think too many are stuffing it under their mattress. The tough part is a lot of the younger generations are going to be paying it back over the years via higher taxes. I don't see it as a political discussion, it's not a one side vs the other thing. Lol, now that sentence is bordering on political.
BTW, I went to and clicked on the button for tracing payments. The pop-up that said official use only, not for unauthorized use.......I clicked on it, and 3 IRS agents were at my door 10 minutes later. No seriously, I clicked on it, and following up on the stimulus payment is apparently an authorized use. Very strange wording! After entering my info it said we were scheduled to have a check mailed out Jan 6. Our first payment was electronic deposit, so not sure why a paper check in the apparently veeerrryyy slow mail.
Bill, you said you got a paper check.....were you expecting that?
Thats strange Rich, both first and second of ours were electronic.
If they mailed may not see it until NEXT year. The mail has become one of the most undependable functions of the government...taking over 3 weeks to go 1/2 way across the country.
Yeah, my wife baked some cookies and sent them to the kids in Atlanta. Mailed 10 days before Christmas, they were delivered 3 days ago.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-01-19 11:50
:003: I don't mind at all, thanks for letting me know. I'm curious what other forums you're on
Rich, I'm on several forums; boating forums, fishing & hunting, a Blackfin Boat forum, several F150 forums as well as a few Bronco forums.
Rich my paper check was expected (not that fast, the first one took forever) as I do not do business on this machine or any other machine. I like paper, signatures in blue ink and doing business face to face. I don't own a "smart phone", just a flip phone that calls and answers calls for travelling. It won't even take pictures of my pocket!
I bought some Edsel sales literature off ebay, shipped the 28th, tracking said it was put on my porch the 11th at 6:45PM. That didn't happen as we were home waiting for the game to start. Post office says "There's nothing we can do, it was delivered". They said I have no recourse. Guess I'll just have to eat it and wait until they find the package....
When I had my "it was delivered" fiasco 4 years ago with my speedometer I was sending back to Speedhut for some custom alterations, I found out insurance is useless as well if they show it as delivered. I guess for insurance to be paid out, you need to request a signature also, but they don't tell you that. "delivered"..........from that 'event', I found out when usps scans that package as they are delivering it, it records not only the time, but GPS coordinates as well, and any notations the postman may add. Speedhut is in a retail/ industrial park, and the scan was 80 feet from their door, so usps considered it delivered. Tells me it could have been left at any business in that park. Speedhut called me 3 months later and said the post office just delivered it.
Any porch pirate issues in your neighborhood? We had one going on last year, but not the normal stuff. Inside job, a postman was notifying his contacts when Meds were delivered, like from the VA.
Went through this last year with an AC air compressor shipped UPS, they claimed delivered but it never came here. I was home all day waiting for it. Fighting with UPS was a waste of time and a losing battle.
I don't do anything financial like banking on line, I write checks, only four a month. My credit card only gets used for gas and PAYPAL purchases, everything I buy at stores is cash.
I'm sure the info they use to transfer the relief money electronically either comes from SS or Internal Revenue.
I'm here reading the posts, guess what I'm not watching :003:
Never had a problem with porch pirates, I am on the end of a dead end street, no street lights, house is 125 feet off the street, every package that USPS has delivered to the house the mail person drove her buggy up to the house. Given we were waiting for the National Championship game to start we were in the house munching down supper on the 11th at 6:45PM. Add to that I can hear the buggy screaming down the street, the driver has two positions for the go pedal, all the way down or all the way up!
Thanks for the info on the GPS when scanned, I'll have to look mine up.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2021-01-20 10:08
I'm here reading the posts, guess what I'm not watching :003:
I have not seen a TV since I got out of the hospital. I can't remember the last time I watched a transfer from one tenant to another at 1600. I had a friend text me and ask if I was, and told him I had better things to finishing my move.
I have also not seen a newscast, and have no intention of doing so any time in the near (or preferably distant) future either for that matter, since 2 weeks after the '16 elections.
Guess that makes me x3!!! :006:
X4 :iamwithstupid:
X5 :coffee2: :coffee2:
Our relief check came in the mail today. It was printed out on Jan 6, so I guess the late delivery is all on the post office. I suspect the reason for a printed check is that our bank was closed for online stuff several weekends around the end of Dec, first week of Jan. while they were installing/updating their new system. If the IRS tried to deposit online during those times, it would have been rejected. The "other woman" here found out hers was actually deposited electronically 12/31.
U.S. Postal service is useless anymore.
Here is an interesting report from north of the rust belt. The news are saying that more and more people are having problems using their late model off brand cars in the snow. handle terribly, they say, and it's a waste of plastic and batteries. The new trend is using your old car out in the snow. which makes sense ! low horsepower, no stick shift, good milage. and not sensible to road dirt at all. exhaust fumes help like salt brine on the roads. Good on you I say ! Let's see more old cars out in the snow ! Join your local friends-don't-let-friends-drive-their-late-model-import-in-the-salt group today !!!
Here is our newest member Jake Sparrow ( name has been changed to protect the guilty)
:002: :003:
Rumor has it that "Jack Sparrow" has a set of quad headlights that he is going to "graft" into that '57.
even better so ! you cant have enough light on these winter early morning or late afternoon drives ! :003:
Nice looking ride...but it wouldn't look so nice with those extra eyes...JMHO! :003:
Jack Sparrow must have washed and buffed it that's why it's out in the snow.JV
Jake said "It's just a cheap model old car" so he is going to install a snow plow on it for the winter and get some use out of it. He'll be very careful not to damage the hood emblem that came from some guy name Highball , and a front fender from a guy named JV. The 58 headlights will have to wait until after winter when the snow plow comes off.
We need to lock away Jays body tools before he does any more damage :003:
Quote from: hi :001:nk=topic=4578.msg83231#msg83231 date=1612710951
We need to lock away Jays body tools before he does any more damage :003:
OH OH Jake is in trouble now. Those are the 58 headlights from Cobra Joe that Jay was supposed to be holding for Günter .
Somehow they got installed on the old car before the plow did. Cobra Joe and Günter all I can say is that the night shift screwed up.
The worst part is that it is snowing like crazy today in Mass and they were supposed to install the plow.
I think you should send the headlights to G and put an Edsel front clip on before the plow :003: :burnout:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2021-02-07 12:52
I think you should send the headlights to G and put an Edsel front clip on before the plow :003: :burnout:
There is no chance of getting an Edsel front end. They do look nice on 57 58 Fords though. The problem now is that the night crew installed poor Günter 's 58 headlights on that old 57. Next problem is that we had another snow storm today and it's getting deep.
The solution would be if we can get the night crew to install the snow plow like they should have in the first place, then we can get the snow plowed . Unfortunately Günter is going to have to wait until his headlights get removed.
So does that mean the 58 quad headlights are a factory rust belt snow plow option ?
Man, you can tell the winter drudgeries are setting in with you guys, lol.
Some stuff going on in this neck of the woods. This past Saturday, we had our first Saturday of the month cruise-in, and there were about 80 cars! Last month's was good as well. We've been lucky to have good weather at the right time.
I heard, but not confirmed, the annual Decatur, Tx swap meet is on. It's always the last weekend in February. Also, as of now, the Goodguys show in Fort Worth in March is a go.
Not sure I'll make either, as much as I'd like to. I'm trying to make this year the one I do my 4k mile road trip in the '57 to Florida. It would be ideal if I could use the Goodguys show as my jumping-off start to that road trip, but not sure if I can get the $ together in time for that to happen. Fort Worth would be about a 350 mile start for that trip.
I got my 2nd Covid shot about 3 weeks ago, so should be in full effect by now. I've still got to be super careful though. 3 guys along the way to Florida I'd love to finally meet........Lynn, James, and Bill. Not sure if that can happen with the Covid.
I got some odds and ends done on the '57 that I've been procrastinating getting taken care of. Played contortionist and got an A/C vent hose reconnected, and a hard to reach radiator hose leak fixed. I also found out I had my vent window locks switched right to left, so got them swapped. I also managed to get most of the wind noise eliminated. I retweaked the door window frames, but I also added a small but effective seal to the door jamb along the top and down the windshield dog leg area. It's not a seal that should be there, but it's not all that noticeable when the doors are open. That whistling noise was getting really annoying, but now sooooo much better.
Rich, I did the same with some 1/2" peel and stick foam insulation and it helped quite a bit.
Only 11% of our area has been vaccinated with the first shot, now they are out and saving what they have for peoples second shot. I'm still holding out..
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2021-02-08 07:06
So does that mean the 58 quad headlights are a factory rust belt snow plow option ?
G. I think so. Now they are officially a snow plow option. They did such a nice installation that we hate to take them off. They will help a lot when plowing snow. I need to start looking for another set of quad headlights for you to replace. the ones from Cobra. Joe. According to the weather liars , we have two more big snow storms coming this week .
Rich. It ain't right for you to be having all that nice cruising weather. Send some of it
to us in Mass.
Come on now Jay for someone who was with the RMV you of all people know you have to have plow lights, so you are all set great job. JV
JV All of that is correct about the high plow lights. The front fender lights will blocked by the plow blade. We'll have to contact the night shift guys and have them install roof lights like they do on pick up trucks.
Looks like my '57 trip to Florida is on. As of now, I'm planning on the mentioned Goodguys show in FW, then heading east, probably Saturday 13th. A lot will depend on weather forecasts. I'll probably spend 7-10 days there.
My speed shop friend is going to get the car on his lift hopefully this week so I can get some minor changes done and checked out locally before I leave. My back springs have settled enough so that I think I can remove the lowering blocks in the back and be where I want to be without affecting the handling. Also, I think my tranny mount has settled a bit, so I want to add 1/4" spacers.That will move the engine away from the firewall that same amount, and back where it was originally.
Good morning Rich. If you have to alter your tranny mount and do something to your rear suspension , you may want you check the front and rear U joint angles to make sure that they are still in sync with each other. Just a little change in those angles could give you a not needed vibration. But you most likely know this already, Jay
Love to meet up Rich. Let me know!
Looking forward to it! What month?
Awesome!!.......Bill: Next month (March).....I'll have to keep you posted as to the when exactly because I'm not sure how long I'll be staying in Florida, and because you live so far north, I'm planning on going that way on the way home, eventually catching I40 somewhere. I need you to pm me your contact info and address.
Lynn.....If all goes according to plan, I'm planning on at least Shreveport Saturday night after the show, so sometime Sunday (Mar 14). I have your address, but I need your phone numbers.
With this covid thing, if there are any issues meeting at your house, I'd be more than happy to meet up somewhere. We all have to be super careful, so I totally understand if you or your wives have any reservations. Hell, we're still not having family and friends at our house even though we've all had our vaccinations.
I've wanted to do this for sooooo long!!!
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2021-02-09 05:39
Good morning Rich. If you have to alter your tranny mount and do something to your rear suspension , you may want you check the front and rear U joint angles to make sure that they are still in sync with each other. Just a little change in those angles could give you a not needed vibration. But you most likely know this already, Jay
You are right on Jay. Even a very small vibration is just a precursor to failed U joints.
And Jim....Please notice that the U joint statement was from Jay, not from that troublemaker Jake Sparrow.
I hope that all of you guys in the warm and sunny places have have a nice day. It's snowing in Mass with more to come in
the days ahead.
Exactly why I want to have it done before I leave for Florida. I'm really not anticipating any issues because these "adjustments" are really just putting the car back to where it was before gradually settling. But I'll put it thru it's paces while I still have time to undo any changes before I leave.'ll be happy to know it was 22 degrees here this morning and the trees are still ice covered. Will be below zero this weekend with snow and ice predicted. UGH!!
I found a new piece of late '60s drag racing hardware. Clutch-O-Matic
Was that design so you could use high RPM and then dump the clutch to engage the auto? I've never seen one of those.
Didn't Don Garlits lose part of his foot in an explosion with a home brewed setup like that?
The first MOPAR automatics had a clutch pedal used only to start and stop. Some of the FX MOPARs modified Torqueflites to replace the torque convertor with a clutch...Clutchflites. Early and into the mid '60s, 'bonsia' starts were legal. MOPARs with the old typewriter automatics were revved high and when the light turned green, the 1st gear button was pushed. After several transmission explosions, this practice was outlawed.
This transmission is a heavily modified C6 with a 427 FE Lakewood bell housing containing a Shaefer clutch and flywheel. The C6 is full manual with reverse pattern and one-off lockout, ratchet shifter. I bought it from the guy that owned and ran a '65 Comet gasser up until the early '70s when the stroked, 427 SO bought the farm. He said the Comet left the line at 6000 RPMs to run mid 11s. This transmission never failed.
A very unique bit on drag racing nostalgia especially when it is for a FE.
I remember the Fluid Drive Chrysler products from the early fifties, auto trans with a clutch. I had a friend with a DeSoto that had one..
Rich sent you an account. I'll do a PM as well.
I wonder how they managed to get what looks like a standard shift input shaft onto that automatic tranny.
For years, I had the same was apply pressure supplied for the valve body, clutch packs, and servo. The answer is just like any farm tractor with live power PTO shaft. There are two shafts much like the AOD input shafts. The main shaft runs off the clutch disc that replaces the torque convertor. The outer shaft connects to the fingers of the pressure plate thus live power to the pump. So, if the engine is running the pump is turning. The bell housing, clutch disc, pressure plate and throw out bearing are all standard components.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2021-02-10 07:05
I remember the Fluid Drive Chrysler products from the early fifties, auto trans with a clutch. I had a friend with a DeSoto that had one..
like this one Jim? :002: :003:
(I had to put some FomoCo iron in this post as well, before I am getting kicked out of here....)
You need to explain where that red Desoto came from. Where have yo been hiding it?
Jake, - I mean, Jay.
that is a difficult story. One day that thing was on my property and couldn't move the pile because nothing was really working right on it.
Then I undid about half of what other mechanics did before. and when it was finished and driving and behaving nicely. it popped a hydraulic top cylinder. So I had no place to store it indoors and asked a good friend if I could park it at his place. has a fancy garage, but unmentionable cars there. Now I called him to ask about the DeSoto and hey says it's his and won't give it back to me until I repair the top hydraulics. i don't know. Some guys are really outrageous....
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2021-02-10 14:07
like this one Jim? :002: :003
(I had to put some FomoCo iron in this post as well, before I am getting kicked out of here....)
Yes but a hard top. I'm not sure if it was a 52 or 53? Had a flathead six cyclinder. It had a very comfortable ride.
Do you really expect us to believe the story you just told Jay?
Jim, are you calling me a liar... :002: :003:
as a matter of fact all above said holds true except for my friend being outrageous. I guess it is ok for him to keep HIS car in HIS garage....
now I am going to my shop and trying to fix his leaky hydro cylinder.
btw, that safety clutch fluid drive is very different to say the least. i am sure many people dislike it. It took me some time to get used to it, but honestly, I find it rather comfortable and not a bad drivetrain at all. of course it is nothing about performance, but the car rolls along the wider country roads, top down, between 50 and 70 mph all day long, and very comfortable in doing so. Not a Mopar fan at all, but this car is ok.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2021-02-11 07:43
Jim, are you calling me a liar... :002: :003:
as a matter of fact all above said holds true except for my friend being outrageous. I guess it is ok for him to keep HIS car in HIS garage....
now I am going to my shop and trying to fix his leaky hydro cylinder.
btw, that safety clutch fluid drive is very different to say the least. i am sure many people dislike it. It took me some time to get used to it, but honestly, I find it rather comfortable and not a bad drivetrain at all. of course it is nothing about performance, but the car rolls along the wider country roads, top down, between 50 and 70 mph all day long, and very comfortable in doing so. Not a Mopar fan at all, but this car is ok.
I would never call you a liar :002: Maybe just a story teller with a twist :003:
I always enjoyed watching my friend shift through the gears without using the clutch. I drove it a couple of times and enjoyed the oddity.
I can drive my OD trans the same way, Push the OD handle in so it's in free wheeling but not energize the solenoid which I have set up on a toggle switch and shift easily between the gears without the clutch :001:
I just saw on the news the fender bender they had in Texas. 75 cars and trucks. You can't ride em cowboy on ice :003:
Some scary stuff there. Nothing worse than being on an icy road with hundreds of big rigs trying to make their schedules. They had to bring buses to the area to keep the people uninjured from getting frostbitten. Near as I can tell it was on 35W, not 35, somewhere not too far from the Texas motor speedway. We're getting some nasty stuff here this weekend. It's been in the teens and twenties for a few days, but not too much snow and ice yet.
Rich, I thought we had it bad here last weekend when we had right at 19 big rigs and about 20 cars and pickups get wiped out As far as I know only 1 or 2 had to be taken to hospital. You Texan's always have to have it bigger. To bad these knot heads can't slow down until it's to late. It seems like everyone is late these days. just know common since anymore.
Big time discussions on the talk radio I listen to. The host is from MN originally. Many callers were talking about driving on snow and ice. Being from "up nort" the big difference I found is those of us that were raised in those conditions slow down when encountered. My experience living in the south is those inexperienced drivers do not understand momentum.......
Now having said that, the conditions were such that there was no way those folks could have known the bridge was an ice rink. Add to that the posted speed limit signs in TX seam to be suggestions.....
We have our fill of morons that can't even drive in the rain :005:
Happy Valentines day!
It's 3 degrees here, windy, and snowing. URG!! my attached garage was down to 37 degrees this morning when I went out for my first cigarette. Suppose to be like this for 2 or 3 days. Glad I got Connie flowers yesterday.
So far, everything is falling into place for my road trip to Florida next month. I've heard back from Lynn, Bill, and James, and if all goes well, I'll be shaking hands with 3 more members, or actually 2 members and the owner. I'm so looking forward to this. I also found out a high school friend I was really close to, but haven't seen since my first wedding in '67, lives only 7 1/2 miles from where my son lives in the Tampa/ St. Pete area. I'm really looking forward to seeing her again. And, yes, my wife is ok with me seeing an old crush I had, lol. Derrick is going to take some time off, so that's cool too.
As of now, the Goodguys show in Fort Worth is still on, and as mentioned before, will be my kick-off point for the first leg of the trip. They have a full page on their website about prep work/planning they've done to keep things as safe as possible. I'll have to play that one as I see it, if things look to be safe (registration lines, etc), I'll carefully go for it. If lots of people crowded in inside areas, etc, I may just skip the whole show.....certainly don't want to pass anything along to friends and family.
Your plans sound great Rich ! also very clever to decide about the show there, concerning safety measures and all. Wishing you a great trip and please , ! :002:
We are holding our collective breath, sitting right on the edge of the ice/snow line. A little south and we are hammered, stays on track and we have cold rain (lots of it) followed by below freezing temperatures. Friends in Nashville are ready, John (KYBlueOval) is ready and we are ready for the worse. Nashville and Louisville are projected to collect a butt load of freezing rain followed by 5 - 8 inches of snow!
Funny, people from the north that have snow all the time make fun of us that get some every two or so years. You have to remember, we prepare by hitting the grocery store and stocking up on bread, milk and the ever needed beer! We have ALL NINE of our sand spreading trucks ready to go! They are loaded and the drivers are on call. Yes, all nine! They take care of the seven county metropolitan area that makes up the greater Birmingham, AL area. They will be hitting the hills and streets feeding the hospitals before they work on the main roads.
Minus 3 degrees here this morning. My garage was down to 32, so I turned on the window AC/heat unit. We've got to get over to the VA for Connie's second shot..10 miles or so. Going to be slow on the surface roads, what I can see out my front window is surface streets packed, but the pre-treated interstate is moving nicely. Just saw on the news a million + out of electricity in Fort Worth area. Gotta go scrape windows on the Outback. LOL, my wife normally won't get in it because it reeks of cigarettes, but it is better in snow than the two Honda CRVs we have.
Gotta be "Global Warming"!
Not really morning coffee, more like afternoon cocktails for me; been helping my buddy who ended up buying a '65 Mustang Fastback that I had been trying to buy for the last 12 years.
I think I may have mentioned it before, but the 'Ole timer who had been promising it to me, approached me to buy it the week after I bought my '39. Apparently this car came off the road in 1969 and was taken apart to build a race car, but it never materialized. The old timer bought it, along with all the original parts a few years later and after that he decided he'd rebuild the original 289 and there it sat, for 40+ years in his garage.
Anyways, I introduced my buddy to him and he ended up buying it. Once we got it to his shop, he purchased a pretty nice, brand new rotisserie for $1200 w/free shipping. So, last Saturday night after I left my shop, I went to his place to check it out and I ended up milling some brackets to attach it to the chassis and then turning down and center boring some "bushings" to fit in the rear leaf spring perches to support the body.
There was also a problem with one of the adjusting rods; it wouldn't fit through the square tubing because it was too short. He told me that he had called the company and they said they would send him a new one, but it wouldn't be here until the middle of next week. I checked it out and told him I could fix the one he had and we could get the car on the turntable. So, I needed to be 4" long but was only 3", nothing a quick turn on the lathe to remove an inch of thread couldn't fix.
Fast-forward to this week;
Made some more progress on the '65 project yesterday; Damn, I'm still kicking myself in the a$$ for not finding a way to buy this car, it is way too nice.
I have played with these things (early Mustangs, I've probably owned at least 20) my whole life, starting in the '70's and I have never, ever seen one as solid as this car is.
Oh well, at least I passed it on to a good friend....
DANG! I wish you and your talented self lived closer to me! LOL!!! :006: Nice work! :003:
Is that you blasting the underside of that car? Is there anything that you didn't take off of it? From where I'm sitting, it looks like
a new body. You certainly do good work. Jay
Thanks, the guy in the picture is my buddy; we took turns as it was an 8 hour day by the time we were done.
The car is down to bare steel and is in great shape, a very small area of rot on the drivers side rear quarter a ( sat with dirt in it) and a few pin holes in the floor (maybe 5 or 6) the rest of the car is solid. No rot in the window frames, miter boxes or battery tray; just a phenomenal piece.
Wow Joe ! great car, efforts and pics !
May I ask, what is the pretty old industrial brick building in the background ? looking very nice !
I was wondering the exact same thing. It looks like the back of my old high school, but I know that it isn't.
Don't worry though because Joe will tell us. Since you are an engineer, you have to tell me if they used the 1.617
formula to put up that building. Jay
Haha Jay ! Yes I have been very interested in industrial architecture and especially the Golden Ratio lately. not easily visible, but it sure is there on that nice old brick building. check out the windows. not the shape of the whole window, but the single glass pieces. sure is in the rectangular close to 1.6 ratio. also the upper vent wings on the windows have it as well. sideways.
since this is the morning coffee anyways let's have our friends here see something. Most probably it is nothing new to most and you all will have heard about the golden ratio in engineering and architecture. BUT, sometimes it is so obvious, and we don't even see it !!!
this is the 1934 version of the famous Ford V8 logo, which some say is the epitom of elegance in early Fords. Maybe so. It is interesting that the designers stayed a 100% true to the (natural given) golden ratio of 1.618 when designing the '8'. the total height compared to the lower loop of the 8 is exactly 1.618.
the size of the V compared to the 8 is also very very close to that ratio. So- well, these guys knew what they were doing ! :002: :003:
excuse me for using metric measurements, but the ratio would be the same in inches anyways.
We have a gorgeous winter morning going on here! No ice in my area. 28*, light snow falling, ground covered along with the driveway, shop and the truck. Heat is working fine. Post card perfect. Looks like B-Ham escaped this round.
My daughter in Copperas Cove, TX has been without electricity since 5 AM yesterday morning. Not so nice for her! Many folks are in the hurts in the wide swath of this storm. Have not talked to her yet this morning to see how things are. Just moved into her house, all electric of course. See if the dripping faucet thing works to keep the pipes from freezing.......
Great!!! Now I'm walking around the house with a tape measure. More cheap Covid entertainment while I'm locked down :003:
4 degrees here now with a wind chill of -17. All in all not as bad as they predicted. We only have one water pipe on an outside wall, and it has been frozen for 4 days now. It's in the laundry room hooked up to our washer, so there was no way to let it drip, at least no easy way. Just have to wait and see I guess.
Rich, is there a way to cut the water supply to that pipe before it starts to melt ? you may be lucky if it is a large and long pipe. During construction the steel heating pipes in my attics got frozen in a 2 weeks below zero (F) situation, but they did not crack luckily.
Jim, you are going to be surprised I guess. I have not really analyzed our 57Fords so far, but one thing I can tell you for sure, the glass of our 57/58/Edsel clocks is exactly in the golden ratio format. I have yet to prove it, but I have the feeling there is very good total length to wheelbase proportion and the magic roof length to total length ratio going on with a 57 Ford wgn. There are certain cars, that seem just right.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-02-16 07:49
4 degrees here now with a wind chill of -17. All in all not as bad as they predicted. We only have one water pipe on an outside wall, and it has been frozen for 4 days now. It's in the laundry room hooked up to our washer, so there was no way to let it drip, at least no easy way. Just have to wait and see I guess.
Looks like more coming tomorrow :005: Do you have a shut off valve and flex line before the washer?
Come on guys, this is cold.
Was hoping it would hit -57.
The GREAT white north!
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2021-02-16 07:37
. See if the dripping faucet thing works to keep the pipes from freezing.......
Yes. The dripping faucet trick does work. The problem is that the dripping has to be started before the pipes freeze.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2021-02-16 10:29
Yes. The dripping faucet trick does work. The problem is that the dripping has to be started before the pipes freeze.
Thats what the propane torch is for :003:
and that's one 1957 built home less in Tx....
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2021-02-16 10:35
Thats what the propane torch is for :003:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2021-02-16 05:35
Wow Joe ! great car, efforts and pics !
May I ask, what is the pretty old industrial brick building in the background ? looking very nice !
The old Mars Bargainland on Riverside Avenue; they went belly up in 1990:
( is now elderly housing.
thx for the info Joe! But it looks like a very industrial building, not necessarily a shopping mall. Do you know if it was something like a machinery factory or even from the steam powered era ? It looks to be from the 1920s at least or could be 50 yrs older than that.
imho, there is something very attractive about industrial architecture from that period, especially brick buildings.
At one point I was working for a gear factory, and the building was from 1896/8 or so. the company was the first to introduce fully enclosed bevel geared driveshaft driven bicycles, so women's skirts would not get caught in the drive chains. I love vintage factory buildings.
HA ! :004:
QuoteThe Whitman Mills are a historic mill complex on the banks of the Acushnet River north of central New Bedford, Massachusetts. .......This particular grouping, including two large mills, an office, and several outbuildings, was built between 1896 and 1917, with most of those original buildings still standing. The mills operated until 1932, when the Whitman Company went bankrupt. The complex was nearly demolished in the 1950s, but has since been subdivided and occupied by a succession of smaller businesses.[2]
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2021-02-16 10:29
Yes. The dripping faucet trick does work. The problem is that the dripping has to be started before the pipes freeze.
It did work! She went over to the house yesterday and all the drips were still hanging around. All is good for now.
TX turning into CA? I see 25% of the electric generation is wind and half of them are down! CA has rolling black outs because the sun goes down and the wind stops blowing, TX because it gets cold?
Not sure what's up with that. Yeah, we have wind turbines all over. Some of the fields take a 1/2 hour to drive past. Works good for the ranchers. They get the extra $ without it really interfering much with their operation. Unlike the oil wells, watching a field of wind turbines is very relaxing/soothing to me. Kinda reminiscent of the old dutch windmills.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-02-17 08:36
Not sure what's up with that. Yeah, we have wind turbines all over. Some of the fields take a 1/2 hour to drive past. Works good for the ranchers. They get the extra $ without it really interfering much with their operation. Unlike the oil wells, watching a field of wind turbines is very relaxing/soothing to me. Kinda reminiscent of the old dutch windmills.
I have just the opposite feeling. Driving across the desert areas that I feel so tranquil and then driving through those fields makes me want to barf :003:
I'm sure you're not alone. To me it just beats the heck out of a nuclear or coal-burning plant.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-02-17 09:36
I'm sure you're not alone. To me it just beats the heck out of a nuclear or coal-burning plant.
I like the natural gas fired plants myself, I agree on the coal or nuclear. I know the current weather conditions in Texas aren't normal but I had a good laugh about the wind turbines freezing. I guess solar panels don't work too well when covered with snow either..
Not sure what the issue is....from the governor down, we can't get a straight answer. I did find out yesterday Texas is not a part of the national grid systems which explains the lengthy outage. Only some of the turbines were not weatherproofed apparently, and the total turbine output only generates 10% of the current overall usage, so it's not too hard to figure out the stories we're hearing about green energy being the problem is total BS.
Grid system.............not only is Texas not on it, (so they did not have to comply with national regulations), but some cities in Texas operate independently of the Texas grid. El Paso to the west, and Beaumont to the east are not on it and have had no power outages. I have not been able to find out why we still have power here in Amarillo. Amarillo was not mentioned in the report on the Texas grid system I read this morning. We did have rolling power outages in parts of the city two days ago.
From what I'm seeing the power plants are down for several reasons. They were talking about gas lines freezing. Is that natural gas? I didn't know they could freeze.. I feel bad for what the people are going through with no electric, water, gas, food.. And broken water pipes.
I wonder why the wind turbines freeze? I know they have huge disk brakes, maybe that system freezes???
I wasn't aware natural gas lines could freeze either. There's going to be a lot of questions to be answered.
I've been thinking a lot this morning about prolonged power outages in large metro areas. So many things it affects. Aside from freezing to death, Food...........can the grocery stores even operate without electricity? can you imagine the spoiled foods they're going to have? How would you pay for it? not many keep wads of cash even if the stores had a way to accept it. You could have tons in the bank, but you wouldn't be able to access it except for writing a check. I've only written one or two in the past year. can't fill up anywhere even if you had the cash because the pumps are not working, so you probably can't even drive out of the area to relatives'. high rise buildings in the big elevators, might be workable for young folks. I can see why Fort Worth was requesting a truck to store anticipated dead bodies. Fragile society we live in.
I was just watching a story on the problems ranchers are having feeding and no water for their cattle and how it will effect food down the line. Saw some shots of grocery stores empty.
Most stores have emergency back-up generators to protect them from food loss, some even big enough to run other aspects. Ditto for high-rise buildings, especially residential ones.
Some gas stations also have back-up generators...the trick is knowing which ones do.
Hugh.....I hope you decided to stay home a little bit longer!!
Hugh, X2 what Rich said. I-90 is pretty good in this area, however we got another blast last night. West of here is bad The passes are tough, had a couple more bad wrecks on Bozeman pass 2 days ago. Not sure what its like in Idaho and on. If you do decide to go for it which ever way, you may want to pack a lunch. I know we do things differently up here in the north country, but most commercial buildings all have some sort of back up power. The last big grocery store we built had 2 big generators, when the power goes off there is a time delay then they start automaticly.
Only until Saturday. Ned to get this mo e done...boat is the last thing to get...and I am heading out on that sojourn Saturday morning. Taking 40 to Barstow then up to Port Angeles from there.
Hasn't got UP to freezing for a week here, but it is supposed to start warming here tomorrow and be in the 50-60s this weekend.
Yep...which is why I'm heading out. Even would if it weren't. Snow just isn't a deterrent.
No snow in the forecast so no excuse to stay home :003: The copilot/radio operator and I decided to head for the hills. Short 170 mile trip but a great day. Stopped for a break here.
hi guys, just thought i would drop in to the forum and share the true story of my 57. i'm an old guy 76) and my story starts in 1967 in killeen texas. i was drafted into the us srmy in 1966 and after basic, was stationed at ford hood texas. one weekend me and a couple army buddies took the bus into killeen and were walking down town when i saw here. she was a 1957 ford fairlane 500 2drht 63a. car was all black with black and gold interior and it was in the front row of that car lot under those crystal clear string lites they used back then. i took one look at that car and fell deeply in love it was a d code 312 built at the dallas plant whaich i later found out closed in 1970. the car had 90,00 hard miles on it but still ran good and being a texas car had no rust in it's 10 years. i talked to the guy at the car lot and they wanted $300 dollars for the fairlane---i almost tore my back pocket off getting my wallet out, i bought here and she was mine. that was 53 years ago and i still have her and love here. i will tell more about my life with this wonderful ford later but i don't want to make this post too long-this car and i have been through a lot----fred (fordrunner 390)
Well, welcome! Can't wait to hear more of the story. The Ford plant in Dallas was my first job after college. 1969-70 when it closed. I stayed with Ford till 1981. I have a '57 Custom built in Dallas that I found near Waco in 1999.But, let's hear your story.
Jim...always good to hear and see your road stories. That's some beautiful country you're at!
Fordrunner....I envy you guys that have had your rides for sooooo many years. Looking forward to the rest of the story.
That's a great story . I love to hear how guys keep their cars for a long time. How is the body holding up?
fordrunner390 back again i live in lockport ny now and we just had a hellacious snow storm move through over a foot of snow and temps have be in the low 20s for the past two weeks. anyway,back to fort hood texas and my 57ford-i call her my "old girl". after i paid for her and got the paperwork i drove it back to the barracks at fort hood, i was in artillary and assigned to the 3/19 arty headquarters. when i pulled in the parking lot a bunch of my buddies came out to look at the car and give me their 2 cents worth. here is where it gets interesting-as i said the car was a d code 312 automatic, also had FACTORY SELECT AIR CONDITIONING which did not work,had a chrome continental kit,and dual rear radio antennas(not ford). all the guys pretty much liked the car so we all piled in to go for a ride on one of the tank trails out back-what a blast we had-back in those days if you had a fort hood sticker on your bumper and wore your fatigues, the mps didn't bother you. after about an hour of cruising we went back to the barracks and put the ford away for the night.there is so much more to let you guys know and i will bring all the details out as i go but i don't want to post for two long at a time. got a meeting at the american legion in a bit so i will post more tomorrow. fred
Thanks for fixing things up and getting me working again. The Y blocks site was suspended also.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2021-02-20 10:19
No snow in the forecast so no excuse to stay home :003: The copilot/radio operator and I decided to head for the hills. Short 170 mile trip but a great day. Stopped for a break here.
Jim It just ain't right for you to be having all that sunshine and dry ground when the rest of the country is buried under snow day after
day with the weather lairs promising us more of it. Actually I'm happy for you. Jay
fordrunner 390 back again when i was stationed at ford hood, we usually got weekend passes and me and three buddies would either jump in my 57 or my buddy tom's 59 ford which was a 2dr ht with a 352 2bbl automatic and hit the road to austin and the gin mills for the weekend. many great times and we ran the interstate between austin and killeen texas the 57 had no problem running 75-80 mph back and forth. kept this up for the summer of 1967 into 1968 and one day in a bout of stupidity it blew the 312 up by over-revving it and acting stupid. tell you guys about the engine replacement and more in the next post-----fred
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-02-20 12:08
Jim...always good to hear and see your road stories. That's some beautiful country you're at!
Fordrunner....I envy you guys that have had your rides for sooooo many years. Looking forward to the rest of the story.
Thanks Rich, I hope you can get on the road soon and bring us some more stories..
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2021-02-20 16:08
Jim It just ain't right for you to be having all that sunshine and dry ground when the rest of the country is buried under snow day after
day with the weather lairs promising us more of it. Actually I'm happy for you. Jay
We sure pay the price for that sunshine :005: and the insane way this state is run..
hiball...I will NOT miss the west coast insanity. can feel free to toss a bag or two in the back, grab the map reader/radio control officer and come to MO for a visit! I told Rich last night at dinner (great hamburgers BTW) that I would like to host a 57 get-together summer of '22. with 7 acres for parking...I can handle everyone who comes! :003:
Love the story about the 57 in Killeen...San Antonio was my home town...and I was there during your time frame for the story! Keep sharing! :006:
hi guys- more to the true story of my 57 ford. after i stupidly blew the engine drag racing and fooling around in january of 1968 just outside of killeen, my buddy tom (the guy with the 59 ford) towed me back to the barracks at fort hood-got a good laught from the mp at the main gate on the way in who yelled out that fords should be sold with a tow truck for when they break down(i flipped him the bird) that night we were asking everyone who might know of someone with a 312 for sale and one fellow in headquarters battery knew a guy with a 58 ford ford with a 332 that was just sitting in his yard. the next day after last roll call formation we took a ride to a town called coryell city texas (about 15 miles from fort hood and talked to the man with the 58. car was a four door sedan 332 with a automatic. car had heavy crash damage on the right side and he was selling it for parts.worked a deal with hime for the engine and transmission for $175 dollars. so the three of us started removing the drivetrain that night. i'll tell you about the transplant in next post as i don't want to make these too long------fred
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2021-02-22 02:35
hiball...I will NOT moss the west coast insanity. can feel free to toss a bag or two in the back, grab the map reader/radio control officer and come to MO for a visit! I told Rich last night at dinner (great hamburgers BTW) that I would like to host a 57 get-together summer of '22. with 7 acres for parking...I can handle everyone who comes! :003:
Love the story about the 57 in Killeen...San Antonio was my home town...and I was there during your time frame for the story! Keep sharing! :006:
I'll mark it on the calendar. Too bad we don't have enough 57's to fill all the acreage
That would be sweet...would definitely take a LOT of '57's though. But I'm not snobby...anyone with '58 or '59's can come too...I like those as well! Get Joe to bring his out now that it has the correct number of eyes...and Gunther can hop on a canoe and bring his! :006:
We'd need to crash a car show in Branson!
Count me know I love a road trip. We should include a nice road trip around Branson.
Yup....keep this idea alive!
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2021-02-23 07:23
Yup....keep this idea alive!
I shall... :burnout:
back to the 57-reggie pulled the radiator and took a hacksaw to the radiator support and opened it up i started pulling the driveshaft and tom was taking the motor mount bolts out, everything went pretty well being a dry texas car all the bolts came out without a fight-within 2 hours the engine and transmission were on the ground next to the car. the next day tom and i towed the 57 to coryell city and we started removing the 312 and transmission, a little later reggie came to help and in short order the drivetrain was on the ground next to its replacement. after lunch wh started the install of the 332 into the 57 and that transplant was a complete bolt in. the only thing we had to wrestle with was the exhaust(took the y pipe off the 58 and hacksawed it and used 2inch flex pipe to hook up to the dual exhaust on the 57 also had to take the ignition wiring off the 58 and splice in into the 57 cause the coil was in the front of the engine and on the y block, it was in the back. bolted everything up, filled all the fluids and cranked it up. the 57 was running again. called it quits for that night and came down the next morning and drove it back to fort hood. that's how january of 1968 went-more to come. fred
got back to fort hood sunday with the 57 running great with its new 332 2bbl and patched up dual exhaust. monday after final formation went into killeen to the auto parts store and got both exhaust pipes for a 58 ford 332 dual exhaust-(had them right in stock $12.00 a piece) botted them on that evening and now had a nice, tight factory dual exhaust on her. had 2weeks leave time comming in march of 1968 so i decided to drive it home to new york for a "shake down" road trip. left at 7pm on a friday night drove till i hit arkansas stayed overnite in a motel and finished the trip the next day (saturday) car ran perfect all the way, but just outside of cleveland the oil lite flashed on when i pulled in for gas-checked the stick and it was dry-OPPS! three quarts to the full mark and i was off again-got home to sanborn ny early that evening and when i shut the car off the generator lite came on. started it back up and the lite stayed on-took the battery cable off it and went in to see my mom and dad-i will deal with the car tomorrow. fred
Just a head's of last night, the Goodguys show at the Texas Motor Speedway is still a go!! Two weeks from tomorrow. I am so looking forward to at least some shows this year.
hey guys i was so intent on telling my story about my 57, i forgot my manners---lgcustom thank you for the welcome i hope all you guys can relate to the ups and downs of these great cars, rick muise thanks for saying hi i appreciate your interest, ecode 70d-thanks for asking, but the body is not great tell you more when i finish my story. so i am at home in sanborn ny in march of 1968 after driving in from fort hood. hooked up the battery cable and started the car and the gen lite was on-put a volt meter on the battery-dead at 12 volts. jumped th evoltage regulator arm to field and still nothing. pulled the generator off and th ebrishes were worn so bad they were not riding on the armature-just as easy to install a rebuilt unit 26 dollars at napa what a bargain. i was home on leave for two weeks visiting family and friends and nothing made my dad happier than to drive that 57 fairlane he loved that car as much as i do-----more later fred
I wish I had your memory, lol. I was talking to a high school buddy last week and he said something about remembering us working on my '64 Gran Prix. It was a 421 4 spd with trips. I barely remember the car, never mind Ralph helping me with it.
BTW, got stuff to do an oil change on the '57 yesterday. I stopped to pick up a Motorsports filter at O'Reilly's before going to Walmart for the Mobil 1. I didn't think Walmart carried the Motorsports filters, but turns out they do, at 1/2 the cost of O'Reillys. 7.99 @ O'reilly, 3.97 @ Walmart!!
Two oil changes ago, I switched from 5-30 synthetic to 10-30 because I never felt comfortable with my oil pressure with the thinner stuff. YES, I understand the relationship of oil pressure vs oil flow, but my brain never was comfortable with the gage sitting at near zero on idle. Overall about 10# more with the 10-30. :001:
Keep the stories about your car coming. We love those old stories. Is there any chance that you can post a picture of your car?
We like pictures also. I take my hat off to guys that keep their old cars forever. Jay
thanks for all the replies and kind words guys-i have a pretty good memory and for being 76 years old i am in pretty good health, i do have a little arthritis and aches and pains, but generally pretty good. so back to sanborn ny and march of 1968. had two great weeks leave with my family and friends drank a lot of beer and ate a lot of good food-just a great time. on a somber note guys while i was home on leave i found out a high school buddy of mine was killed in vietnam in 1967-i did not hear about it because i was in fort hood. his name was Olin Thrush and he was just a good old farm boy from pendleton ny. he was a year ahead of me in school, i graduated in 1962 and Olin graduated in 1961. put a dark cloud on the last little bit of leave. while i am telling you guys this-do not confuse me with the brave guys that got sent over to vietnam-i never went,my name never came down on the levies for vietnam so i am a vietnam ERA veteran and damn proud of it. anyway friday came and i kissed my mom and dad goodbye cranked up the 57 and started back to texas and fort hood----more later fred ps i will figure out how to post some pictures of the 57 now-over the years i have two toned it blue and white-i think you'll like it.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2021-02-26 10:47
Keep the stories about your car coming. We love those old stories. Is there any chance that you can post a picture of your car?
We like pictures also. I take my hat off to guys that keep their old cars forever. Jay
hi guys-i got back to fort hood sunday around 2pm and went into the barracks to check the duty roster and take a shower. it was kind of a bummer being back after two weeks leave, but i tokk great joy in the fact that i had 6 moths unill my discharge in september of 1968. as i think i told you guys i was a track mechanic assigned to headquarters battery and i had pretty sweet duty and my own jeep assigned to me. it was pretty much a 8am to 4pm jub if nothing went wrong or we didn't have an inspection. we had a bunch of apc's (armoured personell carriers) at that time and they all had supercharge 283's in them, the bulk of my time was spent on fixing the oil leaks on those pieces of junk! why anybody would put a chevrolet engine in an apc is beyond me-should have had a diesel or maybe a good ford engine in it lol. the weekend came up and this time tom wanted to drive to austin for our weekend beer holiday so we all piled in his 59 with the 352 on friday noght and went to austin-man you could hear the jukeboxes calling you back then. roadrage and tragedy on the trip back on sunday-tell you more in the next post fred.
Got the Mustang in two-part epoxy....
This is the point where all those hundreds of hours finally put a smile on your face. That is a work of art, Joe.
Lookin' like a fine base to begin with! :003:
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2021-02-27 23:17
Lookin' like a fine base to begin with! :003:
Without a doubt it is looking good!
hi guys back to tell you about austin, but first i forgot to tell you guys about the sin i committed when we put the 332 in the 57. man i hate telling you this because i could not have been more stupid at the time, but the select air did not work so when we pulled the 312, we left the compressor on the engine,took everything for the select air(hoses,brackets,evaporator core, and changed it for the heater components in the 58 that the 332 came out of. i hate myself to this day for being so stupid not realizing what the ac did to the value of the car-i just thought it dosent work get rid of it----good grief. anyway on th etrip to austin tom must have pissed someone offf with his driving, because when we left the bar, his driver's side window was smashed and a note left under his wiper that said "watch how you drive" what a bummer,guess it could have been worse. that put a damper on the weekend and we curtailed our trips to austin for a bit. on the bright side-i had 5months and two weeks until i get my discharge-------fred
I took my car to the do-it-yourself carwash a few days ago. In the past few years, The high-pressure stream always made my windshield leak trying to wash off the bugs. Getting caught in the rain on the road always required a rag up on my dashboard!!
A month ago, I got under the seal and applied some silicon windshield sealer in the driver's side top and side area, and it worked like a charm. I intentionally held the hose for a long time on the top seal area where it leaked, and not a drop!! Yay. I also noticed the doors let much less water in where I had applied the additional seal last month to help with wind noise. After washing the car, I always had to wipe down the door jambs. Very little got in this time thanks to the new additional rubber seal.
The sealer I used, btw, had a small diameter long nozzle that worked well to get the rubber. It's called "flowable silicon windshield sealer", made by Versa-Chem.
9 days to "lift-off" of my 4000 mile road trip!.............anyone going to the Goodguys Fort Worth show next week?
Good luck on that trip, I wish I could do one like that. My co-pilot is caring for her 89 year old mother at this time so we are limited to how far we can go.
hi guys, i am not computer savy at all, but i am gonna try to download a few pictures-don't know if they will come through---fred
going to try two more pictures
well guys, guess i'll quit while i am ahead-at least i got two pictures sent (i really don't know how to use pc that well. to finish up on my time at fort hood i think i will just fast forward from march to my discharge in september of 1968, cause not much happened during that time of any importance, except i did sell the continental kit off the 57 to a guy from another outfit at fort hood ( looking back i should have kept it) september 12, 1968 came and i got my post clearance papers and turned in my gear and i was a free man. my buddy tom with the 59 was getting out in october and lived in buffalo ny about 30 miles from where i lived in sanborn and we had exchanged addresses and phone and made plans to get together when he got home. i cranked up the 57, stopped at the gas station on post and filled the tank and hit the road for the two day drive to new york---more later-----fred
Fred, try this, it may be easier for you to post pics.
From where I'm sitting, you have a beautiful car. I'm happy for you, especially that you have kept it all these years.
It looks like the body's holding up well. Jay
James.............Thanks for fixing whatever it was with the forum today.
Keeping an eye on the weather for next weekend..........not looking so good. URGHHHHHH The closer it gets, the higher the % chance of rain. As of this morning 54% in Fort Worth for Sat. Could put a damper on the Goodguys show and my starting date for my roadtrip.
Ah yes, the rain.....been to many a show in the rain. It has a way of separating the men from the boys. Those "big rollers" have a tendency to stay dry. Since 1980 my 36 has been in rain, snow and hail, even the flood in Louisville during the Nats, we did survive all those. Rich at least you won't have to worry about ice and snow on the trip.....
back again i did get a couple pictures posted-as i said i two-toned the car in 2012 it is just one step urethane but it looks pretty good for a amatuer paint job in my 14x22 garage. i sometimes wonder if i should have kept it black and the continental kit on and the big sin the factory select air(want to cry thinking about it at times. anyway i got home from the army on sep.14th 1968, and was a damn happy person to be home and in civilian clothes and driving my 57 fairlane-get this i was the only 57 ford around-nobody else had one-that made me even happier. before i got drafted i worked at Al Maroone ford in williamsville ny in the used car make ready dept. and when i got home i went down to see about getting my old job back. they told me that the used car dept. was full, but they needed someone in new car make ready----wow! an upgrade and a raise, the 69 fords were out at that time and i was making 69 mach1 428 cobra jets ready along with 69 boss 302's. we used to road test them on wherle drive and boy were those 428's fun to stand on in 2nd gear. i always described them as overflowing with power. man, 1968 was a great year-----more about my next sin with the 57 later--fred
Fred, stating that you had the only 57 Ford around in your area in 1968. were they all gone from rust by that time, or did people get rid of them because they didn't like the style anymore ? Asking because it sounds that you were mighty proud of it, being a 10+ year old car and already saw some kind of collector or coolness factor in your car, even though at that time it was possibly only looked at as a 'used' car. So I would be interested to hear your thoughts on that.
I just signed up online for the Goodguys show. I was #1624! If the weather holds, there should be well over 2k. This is the first time I've ever pre registered for a show.
Very interesting day yesterday.............Our first Saturday of the month cruise in was huge! Biggest I've seen it in the past 5 years. Saw most of my local car friends there, and saw Pat Fleishman's dad, Ralph in his 65 Mustang convert. I found out there are a bunch of Amarillo guys going down to Fort Worth next weekend for the Goodguys. One guy I met for the first time said he was going down next Thursday morning with 8 other cars. I didn't think to ask if they were driving or trailering their cars, but I gave him my number and asked him to call when they decided on a meeting place. That would be a kick!! 350 miles with 9 others!, well a kick if those others are not in trailers, lol
I got a flier while I was there for a 130-mile poker run being run out of Canyon, Tx (12 miles south of my house)TODAY!! I don't think I'm going to do it, got too much on my palette this week, but still have 1 1/2 hours to decide, lol.
djfordmanjack-that's a really good question about why there were no 57 fords around in thelate sixties and early seventies. I'll tell you my thoughts and back then people traded their cars every 2 to 3 years and they didn't fix them either, as I said I was working at Al Maroone Ford then which was probably the biggest ford dealer in western new york in 1968 and I remember if a customer had a car in for repairs and it needed a $200.00 dollar brake job or maybe $300.00 to get it to pass inspection, they just traded it for a new car at that time---NOBODY kept cars more than 3 years old-remember in 1968 you could get a BRAND NEW 69 mach1 mustang with a 428 cobra jet and 4 speed for 3,200 dollars, so why fix your 2 years old car-just get a new one. that was the mindset back then. in addition we all know that 57's suffered badly from rust out and by the time they were six or seven years old a lot of them were in the junk yard, also a lot of them were hot rodded, modified, and butchered to death. damn shame because ford motor co. made a LOT of 1957 fords. having said all that my personal opinion is that 1957 is the best looking ford ever built-i like most all the early ford and their styling 55-56-57 58 and 59 were a little big and kind of gaudy but the 57 model in any trim level was the longest, lowest. prettiest ford ever built. fred
My father was a Ford / Mercury dealer then and I never saw a 57 come in on trade.
I did buy my first car in 1972, a very rusty 1958 Custom 300, 223 automatic that was traded in for $53.50.
There was a beautiful 1957 Fairlane in town and my brother bought it for $300.00.
Dealers did not want this type of car, they wanted 3-5 year old models with power steering. My Dad would give them less trade value if it had a trailer hitch. Then we would take it off and sell it back to the new owner.
Fred, and Terry, I can totally see your point in the 57 Ford being just another old car back in the late 60s or early 70s.
But I do also read that Fred, and Terrys brother bought those random 57s still around on purpose because you already thought they were beautiful and somewhat rare car at the time. I love that idea. I have been a total freak for 57 Fords ever since I saw one in person in 1997.
hi guys, fred here, i thought i would relate more about my long-owned 57 fairlane 500 and its history starting with the sins since i came back to new york from texas. now before i got drafted in 1966, i had a 62 galaxie convertible with a 352 and cruiseomatic-i thought it was a great car and loved it. but after i got drafted i could'nt make the payments and sadly that car got repossesed and sold at auction. anyway, the 57 was the only car i had and i had to drive it everyday and i did right through five buffalo winters from 68 to 73. i met my wife and got married in 1970 and in 1973 i found a low mileage 68 galaxie 4dr with a 390 2bbl and an automatic (c6) so i took the 57 off the road and my wife and i drove the 68. i did jack the 57 up and put it on jackstands to take the weight off the suspension, but it sat outside under a tarp from 1973 until 1979 when my wife and i had a brand new house built in lockport ny which is where we still live. so when the house got built i built a garage in the back yard and put the 57 in it. i should have built a two car instead of a one and a half. anyway, the 57 would sit in that garage for 20 YEARS in pieces with the front clip and trunk, inner fenders and all the stainless trim pulled off it on blocks in a disgusting state of disrepair until 1999 when my wife came home from work one day and said "fred, you are either going to fix that 57 or sell it" you know what i chose to do. more later-----fred
So Fred
Now I'm left wondering
Your 57 got driven through 5 Buffalo winters, then it was put outside under a canvas 1973 to 1979
When you uncovered it in 79 did you notice more rust spots on the body?
Then it sat apart in the garage from 79 until 1999.
From 1999 to 2021 is another 21/22 years. What is the status of your 57 Ford since 1999?
Hopefully, it is back together and running now. Is that so?
C'mon Jay you can't skip to the end of the story! This is better than a series in a magazine... :002:
Quote from: lalessi1 on 2021-03-08 16:07
C'mon Jay you can't skip to the end of the story! This is better than a series in a magazine... :002:
Indeed! Patience is a virtue! :023:
Lynn and. Hugh
I think that l missed the boat when they were handing out patience.
LOL!!! I acquired mine after I put away the work world... :hmh: Before that...not so much. and even still today...some things STILL annoy the #@%$^*& out of me fast! Just not as many things!
Jay. I know where that boat with all that packed patience went, when you missed it.
I had to unload it while I was building the 34 phaeton.... :003:
That 34 phaeton project WAS NOT A WALK IN THE PARK! It was designed to take away all of your patience. Most of the
parts were made of unobtanium.
ecode70d all good questions and i'll try to fill in the gaps as much as i remember when i put the 57 under that tarp, i took the spark plugs out and squirted marvel mystery oil in all the cylinders, cranked the engine over a couple turns, squirted a little more marvel in and put the spark plugs in hand-tight and left the plug wires off and sealed the carb with a plastic bag. now i took the tarp off several times before 1979 just to check on the car and make sure everything was ok. when we built our new house in lockport in 1979, i took the tarp off for good and my wife and i brought the 57 to her new garage in lockport. now the general condition of the car was tired, but i did not notice any new rust on the body. but i found out later it was festering inside the rocker panels, floor braces, rear quarters, trunk, and toe board on the driver's side. i took the spark plugs out and turned the engine by hand just to be sure it was not frozen up, then spun it on the starter 8 or 10 times, put the plugs back in it put fresh gas in it, primed the carb and cranked it and the 332 turned over maybe two revolutions and fired right up-in the cover of night, my wife and i put the plates from the 68 galaxie on the 57 and drove her the 20 miles to her new garage in lockport. the way that ford started and ran after sitting six years reminded me of what a buddy of mine i worked with always said " fred, as you go through life always remember the only thing better than a ford is two of them" how true i own 3 fords----more later--fred
Well, I guess my '57 is not going to cooperate fully for this roadtrip, lol. I blew off the lower radiator hose this morning, lost all the coolant. Everything was intact, but I did notice the hydraulic hose clamp I was using was at the end of it's range, so figured that was the issue, and replaced it with a regular worm drive clamp I had been trying to get rid of. Took it out for a 20 mile drive. No overhaeting, no leaks, but I did leave it running in the driveway while I went in for coffee. When I came out 3 or 4 minutes later, coolant all over and the same radiator hose off again. WYH?? Just got thru cleaning up the mess and will take a closer look tonight.
At least this is not happening on the road 75 miles from nowhere. Think I'll pack a few gallons of water.
Off hand I'd say you are building up pressure and blowing off the hose. Maybe thermostat is toast? We blew off the bottom hose on the Explorer in '18 because the thermostat bit the dust. Just a thought. :dontknow:
I was thinking about that, but I've had no problem with overheating, so???? Also, no overflow in the catch can. It's in a really difficult area to reach, and with my lack of hand strength anymore, I'm not sure what it's going to take to get it back together. At this point, I'm going to assume my initial thought of the hose clamp not tight enough, and second time not getting the hose on far enough for the clamp to get behind the bump.
It's not a just pick up a new hose deal. Wish it was. I've had to use a ss flex hose with rubber adapters at both ends. The radiator hoses have always been a major headache. One of these days I'm going to bite the bullet and have a radiator made that will eliminate the hose issues.
I didn't show any over heating either right away. about the time I did...the hose left the scene. I am unaware of anything else that can build up that sort of pressure. I'd have to see it to come up with any other ideas.
BTW...did you get the e-mail I sent you? about 3 days ago? About something missing?
no, I don't think so. I'll look.
I got the hose on....correctly this time. Later, or in the morning, I'll fiil it back up and watch the radiator for coolant flow when the thermostat should open.
BTW, the problem I was having getting the hose pushed on, aside from reach, the thermostat housing on the 4.6 actually "floats". It's located by 3 radiator/coolant hoses. So, trying to push a tight fit hose onto jello until I finally figured out I needed to get something (a 1 x 2) down there to brace the housing. I also added a bit of lithium grease to the parts. Took 5 minutes, yay!!
My fingers will be crossed. As one who made 4 trips across country for this re-location...and had some sort of "annoyance" on each one...I I can truly say I hope you have none...that I had enough for EVERYONE on the forum who is going to travel this year! :toothy9:
in a tech discussion with Jeff he once mentioned how the braided ss coolant hoses were a real pain, and he also had some major issues with them.
Rich did you check the inner lining of the ss coolant hose ? maybe it collapsed or twisted or whatnot ? Maybe its blocking its own pass.
I always try using the highest quality factory standard rubber hose that I can just shorten or cut off certain parts.
Guenter.........the hoses connected to the radiator-thermostat housing are the 1 1/2 variety, not the braided lines with the inner core that is on everything else. One of the issues with a 4.6 is most everything is metric, so there's always adapters involved. My top radiator hose is rubber, but the bottom had to be the corrugated ss flex hose with rubber adapters on each end. The thermostat housing's outlet is only about 4inches or so from the lower outlet on the radiator, and they head off at angles, so I needed the flex line to make a loopy-loop if that makes sense. That's the reason I'd really like to have a radiator made with the lower outlet in a further-away location. Can't get to it from the bottom, the frame is in the way, and I could only get my left hand/arm down to it from the top. I gotta make sure this is good before I leave..not going to make for an easy road-side fix. At least I don't have a mechanical fan to deal with down there.
I'm hoping to see '57s at the goodguys show with 4.6s again so I can see how they approached it. In '19 there were 3.
I can't believe I'm heading to Florida during spring break!! (just found that out, lol)
hi guys, back again with more on my 57 ford that i have lived with for 53 years. after getting it home to its new garage in lockport i jacked it up to take the weight off the suspension and at that time (1979) i thought it was getting tired and could use some "sprucing up" so i started by pulling all the front end sheetmetal, fenders, hood, inner fenders, brackets,hoses, with the intention of cleaning, sanding, and repairing the rust and wear damage from 22 years of driving 6 of them in salt-laden buffalo ny. when i rolled under the car on a creeper, i found the sad truth. the front toe board and floor pan on the drivers side was junk as were ALL of the body mounts both sides also inner and outer rockers, and trunk floor were starting to rust badly from being put away wet-all this was my fault as i am the guy who did all this damage. so i started a little at a time grinding rust, sanding, installing patch panels, etc. but i didnt do any of it right. at that time, i head a new home, kids, bills, and you know the story so i did work on the 57 on and off but it mostly sat for 20 years. as i said after my wife gave me the ultimatum in 1979 i worked on it almost day and night and got it back together-i even two toned it blue and whit my self in my garage and install the 390 from our old 68 galaxie in it and put it on the road in 1979. i'll see if i can post a picture of the car as it looks now----fred
try again to post picture-fred
Car looks great, Fred.
The things I have owned for 53 years could probably be held in one hand, lol.
My car is up at five, got it filled up, taken for a short ride. Back home I took the cap off the radiator, and watched as the thermostat opened. Good flow through the radiator. I let it run for another 15 minutes at idle...cooling fan kicked on and off a few times. Good to go. Took an hours nap, gotta start getting dog hair out of the car. With any luck I can squeeze in a second nap by lunchtime.
one more picture of the engine-it is now a 63 390 block with 65 heads and 4bbl cast iron intake, roller timing chain, new pistons, rods, bearings, and brass soft plugs runs like a brand new 390---fred
Rich, maybe your second coolant mess was really only a problem with a huge steam bubble, where somewhere air was getting trapped after initial refill. I have had this with several cars upon a fresh coolant fill. it is best to just fill it 3/4 and leave the filler cap off until it warms up and blows off the trapped steam bubbles from inside the block/accessories. also you would want to fully open the heater, which could be another air trap. Good luck for your upcoming trip !
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-03-10 09:31
Car looks great, Fred.
The things I have owned for 53 years could probably be held in one hand, lol.
My car is up at five, got it filled up, taken for a short ride. Back home I took the cap off the radiator, and watched as the thermostat opened. Good flow through the radiator. I let it run for another 15 minutes at idle...cooling fan kicked on and off a few times. Good to go. Took an hours nap, gotta start getting dog hair out of the car. With any luck I can squeeze in a second nap by lunchtime. looks great!
G & Rich...somewhere in the deep recesses of my worn out memory I remember an old mechanic telling me to fill my car with 1/2 the required anti-freeze/water solution, start it and then slowly add the rest. Then to cap it...let it run until thermostat opened, carefully open and add what ever I needed, thus avoiding the air bubble issue.
I take my hat off to you. You did a great job putting your beautiful car back together again.
The most important part of the story is that you have managed to keep it all these years.
X 3 :iamwithstupid:
Has anyone else noticed the shipping rates! I'm about done shipping. For several years, my go-to shipper has been USPS Priority with satisfaction. Recently, USPS dropped Regional A and B...the best deal for lighter items that fit in their box. For more than a month, USPS Priority (your box) has dramatically went up. An eighteen pound Priority (my box) to California is more than eighty bucks while a similar Flat Rate (their box) would ship for $22.00. My item disassembled would fit in a Flat Rate box but most car parts won't fit in the 'If it fits, it ships' boxes. I just can't justify selling a $10 part and asking the buyer to pay $80 extra to ship it. The same box shipped USPS Ground was $65 and UPS Ground was about the same. I don't like using the Ground option...the longer they have it the more likely they will lose it. COVID has really screwed the shipping costs.
gasman...I have noticed that cost inflation too. But not just in shipping. Seems like it is true in the "fast food" word as well. And grocery stores seem to have less on their shelves, and they charge more for what they have.
Shall we also speak to the lack of efficiency that has always been the U.S. Postal Service, having gotten worse during the last year. I mailed a check to my wife's account in a credit union in Olympia WA back on December 17th, from Shell Knob MO. I then left the next day, (Friday) and drove to Bisbee AZ, and then to Port Angeles WA. arriving on the 23rd of December 6 days after said mailing. I then spent 3 weeks in hospital with COVID, got out in early January and was in the Port Angeles house 2-3 days BEFORE said check finally made it to the credit union.
Same day I mailed her check off I mailed one off to forum member Jerry Henry for a pair of radiators which I had purchased from him for my Couriers. He lives in VA. He got HIS check around the 8th of December! For this "service" we pay more than 10x's the $0.03 to $0.05 we paid for standard or "Air Mail" service of the early 60's...when the "standard" service meant the letter took 4-5 days to get across the country,and the air mail was 3 days.
All the excuses are the same now..."well...the issue is the COVID virus." Baloney. The issue is lack of interest in service, and more interest is taking copious amounts of our money! my soap box a stove to hook up for the wife...we have been making all meals for the last 6 months with microwave, electric skillet and my electric grill due to no 220 in the house for the kitchen stove. The electrician installed that I will install a cord on the stove and we will be "normal"! LOL!!!
it's insane, but I have to say it has started a lot earlier than before the bug hit. maybe it just crept up your domestic shipping lately but I have felt the international shipping increase for 2 to 3 year now. since last summer we're at the point where I can hardly order stuff anymore. the shipping, shipping time and custom fees will kill it.
I have to say the best way nowadays to order stuff is from companies who have their 'own' shipping prices because of the large quantities they ship. unfortunately this favors only the big players and leaves out the little business or private person.
Big companies like MACS are charging $14 to ship a $2 gasket :005: so they have become a last resort for me. A friend and I did an experiment shipping to each other, I him sent two identical packages, one regular USPS and the other priority USPS at the same time, both arrived at his house at the same time, so priority shipping seems to be a waste..
Yes Jim !
I had simple smaller things sent regular USPS in an envelope and they arrived within 6 days, half around the globe that is!
I was talking about the international shipping service from ebay or DHL/FEDEX aso Service from Rockauto. they are somewhat cheaper because they seem to have their own business rates.
shipping service by the M*** company is just terrible. their using of large boxes for just a few smaller things or just a single backordered item has cost me hundreds of $ in the past. Trying to avoid them as best as I can, sorry to say that.
Shipping from the east to here has been faster USPS compared to UPS or FEDEX. Not that I'm ever in a hurry :003: UPS is on my sh*t list after loosing two packages in the last 6 months and one was a $350 AC compressor the other was for the wife $27. Fighting with them is hopeless I found out.
Well, starting to wrap up the work on the T-Bird. Got the new fuel tank in today:
The new steering control valve came in also. The one in the car was from a Falcon I think, but finally got the correct one and hoses:
I got it installed, but the car pulled slightly to the left on the road. At first I thought it was alignment but further investigation found that it was the valve. After several adjustments with the wheels off the ground I found I was chasing my tail. It seems the cap was putting pressure on the spring/washer. I moved it onto the four post and milled up this spacer and VOILA! problem gone!
The new carb came in too. I don't think the owner quite understands why I had to order a carb as he had a new one installed on the car in Florida two years ago. I showed him all the $hit in the tank and he asked if i could rebuild it. I said sure, but a 312 Y-block does not need a 650 cfm, dual-feed. I ordered a 500 cfm Edelbrock and I think once I install it and he drives it, he'll be much happier.
If he doesn't like it I'll take it! :003:
I'm sure you would!
Anyways, off with the old dual feed.... (how's that for scary plumbing!)
...and on with the new:
It's amazing how much better the car runs with the smaller carb, it actually feels like it's making more power.
Nothing worse than feeding an engine too much fuel. I have had that argument since I can remember, that stuffing more fuel into an engine than what is needed does NOT make more power. I won a pink slip from some idiot with a Camaro when I was 18 with my white Courier...he thought he was going to tromp my butt with his dual 4bbl set up on a mildly warmed over 327. We had argued that issue off and on for several days or so. I had the '58 352 with I believe at that time a 700 Holley. It was embarrassingly not close. Course I also had 9 leafs on each rear tire...which made it rather nice to just launch...and he had that light rear-end Camaro that he burned rubber with. I didn't keep his pink slip...didn't want the car...but I sure made my point. The rest of the year was a bit rough for him to live through. LOL!!! I never did tell him the car had been a dedicated 1/4 mile racer before I got it...sorta left that part out...OOPs! :burnout:
Anyone heard from Rich? Not like him to not be posting in days...
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2021-03-18 16:59
Anyone heard from Rich? Not like him to not be posting in days...
He is in Florida...on a road trip. Don't know if he has a lap top or not.
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2021-03-18 18:26
He is in Florida...on a road trip. Don't know if he has a lap top or not.
Thanks, I thought he was going to be back by now.
I am not sure when he is to be back. I know he told me, but that was over dinner...4 weeks ago...and I have a hard time remembering what I had for breakfast...oh...wait...I don't eat breakfast! LOL!!!
I could call him and let him know people are wondering if he is alive... :003:
Have not heard from him, Rich said he would call before heading my way. We discussed him stopping by for a visit on his way to MO. He had no firm time table last time I talked with him. FL was to be a rigidly flexible time table. I'll post as he passes through.
I had a good visit with Rich when he came through Mississippi after leaving Lynn's place in Baton Rouge. ride. Rich's car is a nice ride, great bodywork, cool drivetrain, just a cool. Was great to finally meet Rich after knowing him from the forum for almost 10 years now.
I think Rich deserves some type of mileage trophy. I don't know of anyone else with a 57 that racks that much up. I'm lucky to do 4-5K a year.
Did Rich drive his 57 on his trip to Florida?
Quote from: 57AGIN on 2021-03-22 18:53
Did Rich drive his 57 on his trip to Florida?
Yes he did...he is angling for that mileage award... :burnout: :006:
Rich just left for his return trip home. I was in error, he is heading home now, not swinging by Huge's place. It was a wonderful visit, just a fine gentle man. His car is a true work of art and a magnificent engineering piece! The time and thought required to make all required to make the pieces and parts to work together to make a fine driving automobile demonstrate his engineering abilities. Well above average. I really enjoyed the short time we had together. We shared some life stories, had a few laughs and watched the rain wash the pollen and road dust off his car. He will be driving through the storm front that is passing through the mid south. Told him he could "camp out here" for a couple of days to avoid but he plans on stopping just west of Memphis before moving on to home.
We couldn't decide on how long we have been together on this site, been a couple of days and both of us have been to bed since joining the site....
HEY! I know that guy on the left! The fella on the right...not yet...but in time... :006:
And I've been losing weight with a passion over the last longer kinda slim! LOL!!!
Sounds like you guys had a good time! Excellent! Later...Hugh :003:
Thanks for the update Bill. The Ranchero is looking good..
Too cool! These cars were made to be driven, I take my hat off to you Rich!
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2021-03-23 17:59
Too cool! These cars were made to be driven, I take my hat off to you Rich!
I told my son that while he would probably inherit my Couriers...they would need new motors. He looked at me with a quizzical face and said, "But you're putting new motors in them!" I informed him that I planned on driving them until the engines were worn out before I quit driving! Let's go! :003:
I've done the same thing with the 36! I have no idea how many miles are on that 351C, junk yard engine, rattle can overhaul. Decided I would run it until it let me down. That was 147K miles ago......
My favorite Ford motor. :iamwithstupid:
I got home last night about 7. Too tired to do any posting. Would have been home earlier, but my wife told me it was snowing in Amarillo, so I holed up in an OKLA. casino for 3 hours waiting to see if the snow built up.............sounded like a good excuse at least, lol.
3820 miles, with only one minor issue that Lynn fixed for me when I got to his place. More so much to take care of today.
Oh crap!!!!!! Just watched the news..........really hoping Bill and his big family gathering are ok......tornadoes have ripped thru Birmingham doing major damage. Watching the news there is widespread destruction, but I did not see any neighborhoods that looked like Bill's on the newscast. Bill's family was having a surprise birthday party for him and flew in from Texas and Colorado. That's why my visit with Bill was only about 3 or 4 hours....didn't want to take him away from them for too long. This was the storm that I never went thru after leaving Bill's that he was expecting and said I should think about holding up there for a few days. Keep your fingers crossed or do your prayers for him.
BTW, Bill and his wife are old cell phones, so if local phone lines are out, he may not be able to communicate except for his visiting daughters.
Well...ya missed out on steak, mushrooms and baked potato at my place...shoulda sopped by! :003:
Glad you had fun and no major issues or weather annoyances.
What a great trip Rich. Home safe and not on a tow truck :003: Lifes good.
I think pretty everyone on the forum is jealous of your road trip! Great meeting you and seeing/driving your car. Glad I could help if only a little.
Great to hear!
Now Rich. you must have slept enough, and you need to go make a real pot of coffee, and then select your pics and fill your travel report.
we want to KNOW and SEE everything in detail, ASAP !!!
It is so awesome that you made the trip in these times, that is totally cool !
Rich thanks for the kind words. We did have a wonderful time with the girls and grandbabies. Survived the storm, not even one twig down. We did have to hit the storm shelter, small one came in close (2 1/2 miles) and I put everyone in it just to be sure. We did loose service, got it all back yesterday evening. I suspect that was caused by the mess a couple miles away.
Sorry I was out of communication during your trip. My best friend since 1st grade passed away after a long battle with Covid, so I was out of pocket for awhile. Maybe we can meet during one of your future trips to Oklahoma.
Please keep me posted on any OK shows coming up. Only ones I know about are NSRA in OKC July 9-11, and reliability run (Crossmembers OKC) Oct 2. Sorry to hear about your friend. If Santa Fe is doing their pancake breakfast / car show July 4th, I won't be doing the OKC July 9 show.
Strange you used the term "out of pocket" the way you did........meaning not available. My wife and I had an argument several years ago about the meaning of that term. She used it the way you did, and I think most people (or just me, lol) use it to mean an expense that is covered by the individual rather than a company reimbursed cost. Do you know my wife?
Another way to look at it:
If you use the term to mean not available, it doesn't make sense.
If used to describe an expense category, it doesn't make cents.
If you use the term to mean not available, it doesn't make sense.
If used to describe an expense category, it doesn't make cents.
Rich, you have way to much free time on your hands, maybe you need to go back to work. Hmm, if its "free time" does that mean it takes no cents or no sense? 😁
Is your wife's family originally from the South? Out of pocket meaning unavailable was a common phrase when I was young, so it may be more of a Southern phrase. My Daddy and Grandpaw and their contemporaries also used the phrase. Grandpaw was born in 1883 and Daddy in 1919 so the phrase has been around a while.
I always figured it was based on if you misplaced something from your pocket such a knife, keys, etc. They were "out of pocket" but you would eventually locate them again. Example: Coon dogs would sometimes get lost running a coon trail and we knew they were somewhere in the woods, but they were "out of pocket". So we would lay a jacket on the ground and come back the next day and they would be curled up on the jacket.
Well, I figured that winter is over as it was 70* here today and I figured it was a good day to go topless. So I pulled the Bronco into the shop & yanked the top until fall. Then I and removed the plow and I pulled my "winter" tires and wheels off (37") and put my "summer" tires and wheels on.
It still amazes me how little the 37's look compared to the 44's:
After a short ride I put it up onto the lift, but boy, it sure felt good to go out and do something different during COVID.
Shoulda left the 44's on in back, and the 37's in front...had that nasty hot rod look! LOL!!!
That's a mighty fine looking Bronco. Do they salt the roads where you live?
Quote from: Fairlane62 on 2021-04-11 13:30
That's a mighty fine looking Bronco. Do they salt the roads where you live?
Thank you very much.
They sure do, plus they use Liquid magnesium chloride which is extremely corrosive.
What do you do to keep it that nice during winter?
Bammm! That's a Bad Bronco! Cool pic
Well got some stuff done this weekend
Worked out the brakes on my wife's Plymouth. She changed the oil. Adjusted the brakes. May do the Wednesday cruise night with her
Worked out wiring on my Cadillac. All new taillight wiring all the way to the pigtails.
The car was out a few days at a time. Uncovered, so some moisture told the circuits to ground out some late and the short was in the taillights. But prompted me to take care of the whole wiring project I had done in it.
Installed some screen doors on the rear of the house. Paint next.
Then another round on the 57. Added the 10lb residual valve to the rear and bled the brakes. Now I have a real firm pedal.
I still need to find that old vacuum can for the power.
Still need to figure an Edelbrock 1406.
Fiddled with the headlight wiring on that one. There were some bad connections. Got them working. The one thing I have not figured out is the universals TS. They seem to be hot all the time. It has a built in hazard. I was going back to the of I also style TS switch. So I have to figure out the GM to Ford wiring conversion. This old rig has an EZ wiring kit. New project next week.
Next will be that power steering-slowdown. It will be new hose and fittings.
After that getting the shifting back to the the column.
Since I installed the original style column, just need to make sure the detents on it match the ford C4 detent plate.
Does and one have a straight on image on one with some scale? I may have an old one from my 64.
Anyhow some Progress Back to work Monday.
Thanks, I try to get it to the self serve car wash the day after the storm. The height definitely is a plus when it comes to cleaning the undercarriage.
[quote She changed the oil. Adjusted the brakes quote]
Well I'd say she's a keeper. I have to change my own oil. 🙁
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2021-04-12 04:55
Thanks, I try to get it to the self serve car wash the day after the storm. The height definitely is a plus when it comes to cleaning the undercarriage.
A lot of work but good results.
Went out to the garage Sunday morning for a cigarette, and looked at my sign that said "THE MOUNTAINS ARE CALLING AND I MUST GO". Lol, Sunday evening I was in Ruidoso, NM with the '57. Another 600 mile round trip.
I stopped in Santa Rosa at the car museum because there were some hot rods in the parking lot. After going in, I stopped at one of the cafe's booths to talk to a group, then went in the back to look at the collection there. I noticed a bunch of pics and newspaper, magazine articles on the wall of the owner/builder of many of the cars there and realized one of the guys I was talking to was in fact him. His nickname is Bozo! Went back out and he and his friend Larry were out looking at my car and taking pics. He had lots of questions, really liked what I did, especially my rolled pan in the back. Surprisingly, he knew a lot about the Customs vs Fairlanes. We talked quite a bit more, and found out he's doing his annual car show in Sept. (22?). He's going to send me a packet of flyers so I can pass them out in Amarillo, and is going to come out some 1st. Saturday for our monthly cruise.
Anyway, Bozo is quite well known in NM for his quality customs and rods, so it was a real treat for me when he asked if he could take pics of my rollpan, interior, engine, etc.
I had heard of him before...someone else I used to know told me about him. He is indeed a local legend.
Rich, that's great that you happened on that place. Sounds like a cool guy, and even cooler that he acknowledged your hard work.
I've been in there 2 or 3 times in the past few years. It's right on the main loop thru Santa Rosa off I40. His shop is on the other side of the loop, a mile or so west.,Her's some pics. I love this "ustabe" COE, and the NM version of the California Kid. That's Bozo behind my car. Yes, they are BIG on is New Mexico.
Yes that COE is very cool.
My friend Lawrence that passed away from Covid in March had been my friend since 1st grade. As we grew up, we continually raced each other from bicycles, go karts, motorcycles, and eventually drag racing. It was classic Ford vs Chevy. My first car was a 1958 Ford Custom 300 and his was a 1956 Chevy 210. We built what was common for the day, I had a y-block with ported ECZ-G heads, "B" intake, autolite carburetor, blower cam, etc., and his was a 283 with power pack heads, 097 cam, WCFB carburetor, etc. Both 3 speed manual.
I eventually moved to Oklahoma and he was in South Texas so we were about 8 hours apart. I now had a 1962 Fairlane and he had A 1962 Nova and a 27 Altered and the last few years we would meet at various drag strips that had nostalgia events such as Ardmore Oklahoma, Denton Texas, Sealy Texas, etc. My sons also have old Fords and would come with us when they could, so they were able to be friends with him as well.
A few years ago he said lets each build a nostalgia Gasser out of what ever junk we have and race them. I had a 1954 Ford behind the barn and he had a 1952 Chevy. Both cars were too rough to fix up nice without a lot of work, so we didn't feel bad about hacking them up. I got the 54 operational a year ago but he never did get his finished due to too many projects.
After Lawrence passed, my youngest son said he wanted to look for an early 50s Chevy to build a commemorative gasser in Lawrence's memory, then a couple days later Lawrence's wife called and asked if I wanted the 52 since it was in pieces and I was probably the only one that knew what it should ultimately look like. So we will travel down in a few weeks and get the 52 and start piecing it together.
I was laid off last week so at 70 years old I have decided to retire and will have some time to work on the 52 among other projects that have stacked up. So ya'll please dont hold it against me that my next engine build will be a Chevy. 😉
James, That a great story and sentiment for your friend, build those cars and finish at the races. Sorry for your loss and condolences. But you do have a bunch of good memories together through life and that is what counts.
Thanks Abe. Yes, plenty of good memories.
Sorry for your loss James. I have a 1/2 dozen friends I've known since I was 10 and are still in contact with. I've been fortunate in that I've yet to lose one of them. It's gotta leave a big void.
Yes it definitely leaves a void. We were friends since 6 years old and I'm 70 now. Even though we now lived several hours away we talked several times a week. If one of us were trying to solve a car issue we would talk it through on the phone. He was in ICU for about 2 1/2 months with the Covid and fought it but was very weak and said he just wanted to go home. He had pre-existing lung issues from Agent Orange and the Covid just made it worse. His wife's mom died from Covid in January so she's now alone. I check on her every few days.
So sorry for your loss James, but it's nice that you and your son will be able to continue his dream.
Best of luck and keep us posted on the bow-tie.
Thanks Joe.
Man this year is a drag...another rained out and windy and cold weekend coming up....already MAY starting ! it should be bright and 75 degrees.....the only thing I did with the 57 so far this year was pulling the big Lady cruiser across the property...not going to get many miles done like that.
I have the opposite, 95 yesterday and today. Did drive around town the past two weeks but no road trips :005:
djfordmanjack - maybe set up a screen and projector on decent night and have a Drive in night???
I feel like 2 steps forward and 1 step back on my 57, I'll be test driving a couple things this weekend, just driveway and maybe around the block.
I still need to drop the shift arm selector on the C4 to change back to column shift, but I need to test other changes before doing that. I know that one is a tranny oil change/seal at the same time.
You seem to be putting a lot of miles on that Lincoln pulling it around your place with that nice two tone beach wagon tow vehicle.
Jake you are right. you could say I am having a car cruise each time I move the Lincoln around. Usually two cars following each other that closely is at a classic car cruise in the parking lot....hahaha, got my own private car cruise ! :003:
Morning coffee thread has been in a slump for a while. Time to perk it up.
Hey Guys, the first thing I want to bring back up again is the prostate issue Bill/FordBlueBlood talked about a while back. Last month I had a scare, and thanks to Bill's info that he had posted, I finally went to see a doctor. First time in about 17 years, and only the second time since 1964. Before I get into that issue, I've figured out I've been developing allergies I never had before, and apparently, a certain breed of dog is among the new allergies. We have two French Bulldogs and 4 others, but they are causing me issues. I've figured out a lot of my breathing issues lately are the alergies, not to play down my 60 years of smoking. Our live-in relative has alergies also, and her niece is a rep for a pharmaceutical company, and told Sherri she needed to try Clarentin D(SP?). She gave me a few of her pills to try. First morning after, I felt great, didn't wake up gasping for air (one of our Frenchies sleeps with us). I just felt "clear" if that makes any sense. Two days later I woke up and had to pee real bad, but I couldn't! A little dribble every five minutes or so, but I knew my bladder was full. I finally gave in and we went to the emergency room. Sure enough, I had a swollen prostate. The ultrasound confirmed my full bladder with an ultrasound reading of about 300. He told me to make an appointment with the urological center here locally, and gave me a prescription for Flomax. At my Urology doctor, I told them I had been taking the Claritin D for a few days before the incident. That was the day after my emergency room visit, btw. After his exam, he agreed that Claritin D was probably the root cause.
My second prostate exam that day after the first, showed my prostate to be normal, and my ultrasound was at 45..........well below the 100 or less that they hope to see, so that was great in such a short period of time. Great relief (pun intended). They did a blood test, with a warning that they may have to redo it on my return visit because doing the blood test that soon after a prostate issue would almost always not show a clean result. My urine test showed clean. They called a few days later with the blood test results and told me everything looked normal except for a slightly elevated whatever it was they were looking for. They said that was pretty much normal for doing a blood test so soon after a prostate issue. I go back next week for a follow-up, but everything has been back to normal for a few weeks now, so I'm feeling good about my scare.
Anyways, since most of us are in the same age group, I just wanted to boost Bill's advice on getting a prostate exam and watch out for Claritin D if you have alergies.
Later, or tommorrow, I'll do some posting on the long trip I took in March, and some issues I've been resolving on the '57.
So...I gotta ask...does this mean yer kinda pissy? Or perhaps a bit of a pissant? You don't seem to be piss poor that's for sure! :003:
Oh there are so many more I could run with...but I'll leave some for others! :006: Glad you're okay though...that's a scare to be sure!!!
Funny. Reminds me of something I heard many years ago. Do you know what almost NO rich people own?
A pot to pee in. Kinda makes mute the old saying of being so poor ya don't have a pot to pee in.
Or...a window to throw it out of? :005:
The blood test Rich is talking about is the level of Creatinine , one measure of kidney function. The enlarged prostate causes urine to back up in the kidneys. Normal levels are in the 1.5 - 2.0 range. Many issues can cause a high reading, urine backing up into the kidneys is one of them. My levels were 5.9, doctors start dialysis at 6.0. My elevated levels were discovered at a normal VA doctors appointment, routine six month for us old buggers. No symptoms other then leaking once in a while and frequent trips to the john.
After living with a garden hose in little willey for eight months my kidneys returned to nearly what they were in the past. When the kidneys returned to normal the doc decided that trying a router-rotor job was in order to see if my bladder would behave. The other option was self cauterization for the rest of my life. I am happy to report things are working as they should and my levels have been 1.8 - 1.9 for the last two years.
So fellows, can't stress enough the need for routine doctor visits and labs. Pay attention to your pee and how much. Prostate issues are one of the most common health issues we have.
Well, my wife finally gave up on me looking for a "regular doctor", and made me some appointments. Next Monday I have my scheduled lab work for follow-up from last month, and Thursday A.M. I have an appointment with the Eurologist to discuss the results. My wife just informed me I have an appointment with a family doctor for a thorough exam. Oh well, at least I can (hopefully) look forward to telling my wife "I told you so". on to more interesting stuff.
My 3800-mile road trip in March from Amarillo to Florida: It started at the Fort Worth Goodguys show on a Friday. Rain was predicted for Saturday, and I was really anxious to head east, so I made the decision to not stay for Saturday. I did meet a 52-59 Hamb social club member there. From pics I saw on the Goodguys website, that may have been a mistake because there were probably twice the cars that were there on Friday. After spending about 4 hours getting past the Fort Worth/Dallas at rush hour, I made it to the Shreveport, Louisianna area. Man, that area sure has changed in the 20+ years since I was there last. I couldn't even find the small riverboat casinos where I wanted to walk around for a while. The next morning I headed down to Baton Rouge to visit with Lynn. I had totally forgotten he had previously told me he knew he'd be in town because he had planned on doing a car show. Yep, I was a day early, and when I called him, he was at the car show. He told me I was about an hour from his house and he'd meet me there. By the time my brain kicked in and thought about telling him I'd meet him after the show, I figured he had probably already left. As it turned out, I was coming in a different way than Lynn thought I would come, and drove thru the area where the show was..... I coulda met him there. I felt really bad I screwed up his car show day, particularly with the lack of show last year. Lynn was really gracious about it, but I still feel bad. Shortly before I got to Lynn's, I stopped at a rest area and noticed something hanging down from my car. It was my front driver's side shock. Lynn fixed it up for me at his house. I love the area he and his wife live in. Funny, when I pulled into the street he lives on, his next-door neighbor was working on his yard, saw my car, and pointed to Lynn's house, lol. As I said, a beautiful neighborhood right on a lake. Thanks again Lynn for fixin' my shock for me. He took me for a ride in his freakin' awesome car. Wow, that thing runs like a top. Really fast, sounds fantastic. He took mine for a spin, told me mine was more comfortable, and the steering was "not as touchy". We were comparing the Borgeson steering that he has to the rack and pinion I have. I think we both decided it would be great to have two '57' for economical comfy cruising like mine, and one for just plain fun like his. I forgot to take pics at his place, sorry.
The next stop (that early evening) was at James Potter's town (Christian Pass, Miss.). We met at a convenience store just off the highway and spent some great time just talking '57s and swapping stories. His car looks great. As with Lynn, it was great to meet another Forum member (he's the owner) after 11 years on the forum. BTW, before I got to James', I got stuck in another traffic jam trying to cross over a bay bridge on I10..........about 2 hours! urg. My car never got over 200, but I was glad I was able to use the switch I installed last year to turn my cooling fan on when anticipating a potential overheat problem.
Louisianna, btw, is like driving into another world once you pass over from Texas. Lots of lakes, Biyous, waterways. I really enjoyed the scenery. I was thru this area 20 years ago, and much has changed. As in Shrevesport, the areas I stopped at before and walked around were not to be found. The small casinos were now 20 story jobs with huge parking garages. I just kept going.
More later, but note my underlined stuff above, I'll tie it in later.
My trip cont: Somewhere on the Florida panhandle a lady followed me into a gas station to tell me I had a taillight out. That was my second issue with the car. No biggie, a ten-minute fix. I put in a new bulb, cleaned the connections and added some dielectric grease to the connections. No more problems with that. I took next to no pictures along the way, sorry Gunter. I will post a few that I took. Most of the pics I did take (being alone) were with and of the friends and relatives I was visiting. My next stop was in the Tampa area, a few days early, so my son was still working. I spent that night with him at my ex's house (she wasn't there), then left for Venice where my sister lives. My son followed me there the next day and we both spent the next 4 or 5 days at her house. They live in a big gated retirement community. Lots of joggers, dog walkers, and golf carts. I must have met 25 of their neighbors because my car was parked in their driveway in front of their house and that's where I went to smoke. Tons of people stopping to look and talk about the '57. They even had a hot rodder down the street with a Hemi-powered 34 Plymouth. Generally speaking, I was really disappointed in the number of classic cars on the streets anywhere in Florida. Heck, I think I saw more Bentleys and Rolls Royces than street rods. Just too much traffic and crazy drivers in general I think being the reason.
My son and I left my sisters and drove south to Naples where my best friend from since I was 10 lives. We were supposed to also meet with another friend from my growing-up neighborhood in Mass., but couldn't get ahold of her. My son Derrick, remembers going sailing with Rick on Cape Cod when he was 8 or 9. We drove back that night and on the way home I noticed my steering wheel was in a different position by about 10 degrees. At first I thought there was just more crown in the road than I thought. We checked the car when I got home as much as we could from the top.....steering joints, etc. Couldn't find anything. At some point my steering changed back to where it was. I should have found a garage to check the car out, but I didn't. Here are a few pics I took.
Previous to me getting to Florida, my son had tracked down an old friend/client of mine who moved to Puenta Gorda from Colorado in 2000ish. Gabby opened a gallery there, and I visited her there in '03. I wasn't sure if she was still active in arts, or if she still had her gallery. It turns out she did, my son found it, so we went and visited. A girl I had a crush on since the 7th grade lives just 7 miles from my son, so I visited her a few times as well (with my wife's blessings. It wouldn't have happened 20 years ago, lol). Last time I saw Cheryl was at my first wedding in '67. It does my heart good to know I've got people I'm still close to after all these years.
An observation..............I found it easier to reconnect with some than others. Primarily because of physical appearance. Rick and his wife, and Gabby looked just like they did when I last saw them 30+ and 20 years ago respectively. In my mind, these were the people I knew. Cheryl, on the other hand, had changed so much I could have bumped into her anywhere and not realized who she was. Definetly not a bad thing, that's not what I'm saying, it just took longer for my brain to realize this "new person" was the same person I've always had a special place in my heart for.
OK, enough soppy stuff........
After I left Florida, I headed for Birmingham, Al. where Bill/FordBlueBlood lives. Still a day or two ahead of schedule. I had planned on spending most the day with him. Unknown to Bill until the night before, his family was throwing a surprise birthday party for him and his daughters flew in from Texas and Colorado with their kids the night before I arrived. Even with their family there, Bill and his wife Karen (?) were very hospitable. I got to see several of his cars, including the Ranchero. I love that color....looks great with the white interior. Bill and I had some great conversation, and with his family there, I probably shouldn't have stayed there as long as I did,but it was a great 4 hours or so. If you recall, several days after I was there, Birmingham got hit real hard with tornados. Good thing I was a few days ahead of what little schedule I had in my head. Dodged a bullet there.
OK..enough on the trip. Back to my car. So far I had the mentioned taillight, a clogged gas tank vent tube (because I topped off the tank when I knew better), and the loose shock. The steering wheel issue was on again-off again for 3 or 4 days, and I finally confirmed it was happening when I was parking, that is, slow movement with the wheel at full lock. If I parked to the left, the steering wheel would "move" one way, if I parked the opposite way, it would move the steering wheel the opposite way. Really weird!! There was no movement in the wheel's position if I hadn't gone up against the stops.
It kinda kept me on my toes for the long ride home, but I made it with no further issues. I was convinced it had to be something internally in the rack and pinion unit, so I ordered a replacement when I got home.
My friend's shop was busy, so I made an appointment with another guy I've been using to replace the rack (I'm getting too old for this stuff) When I dropped the car off, I asked him to check everything in the suspension, steering, etc before he replaced the rack just to eliminate other issues. I told him I had the ball joints replaced last fall because the boots had deteriorated, and told him about the shock coming loose on my trip. He called me a few hours later to tell me how lucky I was to not have had a major incident. He found two ball joints completely loose, one was over 1/2" from the control arm and close to losing it. He also found two castle nuts loose with no cotter pins! GULP!! He thoroughly checked everything, even pulled the wheels to make sure the spindle nuts were done right. He recommended just not replacing the rack at this time. I went and talked with my friend to let him know. He basically took zero responsibility, Told me I must have issues with the suspension I needed to keep and eye on. I asked him if any of that old stuff was loose when he put the new stuff on. Those ball joints had 40k+ miles on them. He said no, but sida there was no way my car left with all that stuff not tight. My response was "Two loose castle nuts, with no cotter pins, and two ball joints loose from the control arms, AND a loose shock, and it's because my car has an issue???". He acted like I was trying so get something from him. I just wanted to make him aware of it, and a simple "sorry, I f#@!^&ed up would have been sufficient.
I'm sure getting wordy here, but I found out all that loose stuff was not what was causing my steering wheel to shift. My new mechanic installed the rack I had got last night, rechecked everything, but believes the wheel is still shifting. WTH? I'm not convinced it is, but 'lol' I blew a radiator hose last night on my way home from the shop, so I won't be able to test drive it until tomorrow myself and confirm whether it is or is not.
Enough reading for ya, Alvin?
More on the steering issue. For the newbies here, I do not have anything steering-related that is 1957 Ford. I have rack and pinion steering coupled to a '97 Mustang steering column and wheel. Under the dash is all Mustang, everything from the firewall to the rack is all 3/4DD stainless with two support bearings.
I do not have external mechanical stops (yet) for the steering. It uses the internal rack stops. The position changes I'm getting are not random, they are very consistent and I'm guessing about 10-15 degrees. My gut feeling is something on the rack internal stops is allowing the pinion gear to get past those stops and is jumping a tooth.
I had mentioned earlier that Lynn had commented my steering wasn't as touchy as the Borgeson box he has in his. I hadn't realized how sloppy my steering had become over the past 6 months because it was so gradual. As soon as I got in the car after Josh tightened up all the loose stuff he found, I couldn't believe the difference. Felt like a totally new car, and I think Lynn would now have a different thought regarding the comparison to his.
Rich you were lucky. This just goes to show that along with a lot of other crap, NO one wants to take responsibility for thier screw ups. Things just aren't the same any more.
"Friends" like that...who needs an enemy!
Yeah, he's done a bunch of good work for me on my '57 and my Outback. Everybody screws up one time or another, it's how you handle it, to me, that makes the difference. As I said, all I was looking to do was make him aware of it, but totally wasn't expecting the denial. A simple, "sorry, I screwed up", and we'd have been good to go, at least as far as staying friends.
Rich, that is just so scary. This is one reason I don't let anyone put a wrench on my cars. I understand the problem of our age and health conditions may limit us to what we can do, I struggle all the time and don't know what I will do in the future. My oldest son is the only one I would ever trust but I don't want to depend on him but it may get to that point. Even the first ball joints that needed replacing at that mileage doesn't sound normal. How often to do lube them? I don't put the mileage you do on mine but I still lube everything every 3000 miles or once a year which ever comes first. The recommended mileage for lube was every 1000 miles back in 57.
Glad you had such a good trip and made it home in one piece.
My old ball joints were still good, but 3 of the 4 boots on them had disintegrated. I guess I could have just replaced the boots, if I could have found them, but with 40k miles on them, putting new ones on since the labor would be the same or less seemed like a no-brainer.
Yeah, someone was watching out for me, but it got me home. Even though the steering wheel position issue wasn't caused by all the loose stuff, if it hadn't happened I never would have found the issue the easy way.
The radiator hose that came loose Friday is the same one I had problems with before I left for the Florida trip. Really hard to get back on since it needs two hands and I can only get one down there. I'm going back to the worm gear hose clamps. Hopefully will get that back together today.
I've also got a bit of my car apart because Josh found one of my power steering hoses was leaking, and it was the one going to the cooler behind the grille. I removed the driver's side half of the grille before I brought it to him to install the rack. He pulled that hose first, and called me so I could make a replacement hose. It is one of the braided ss /Teflon lines, and I needed the fittings from the old hose to make the new one. I found out the hydraulics shop a 1/2 mile from me stocks that line. Josh called, and I had the new hose back to him in less than an hour.
I'm thinking as long as I've started taking some of the front-end stuff off, I may just go ahead and pull the passenger fender so I can get in and fix some coolant/heater hose leaks at the bulkhead on the side panel. In retrospect, I should have just put that bulkhead on the firewall for accessibility.
I guess this stuff is gonna happen if you drive them. Did I mention that after I got back form Florida, I took the '57 to New Mexico for another 600+ round trip.
Strange the same hose is blowing off. does the radiator outlet have the raised area (don't know what its called ) that the clamp won't go past? Maybe excessive pressure? Bad cap?
The same hose, but the other end this time. I'm using the 1 5/8 stainless flexible radiator hose because it makes a loop to connect the two. The problem is I have to use adapters because the thermostat housing is a different hose size than the radiator outlet. Had I to do over, I'd have a custom radiator made with a matching hose size and a different location for the bottom outlet. Currently, they are just too close to one another for a simple bend in the hose....thus the loop. I was also trying to change the worm drive hose claps to hydraulic hose ss clamps that are the t-bolt style. Those aren't working so well because of the limited range. I'm going back to the worm drive even though I hate that extra material sticking out.
I'm pretty sure after I get this hose put back on and take it for a drive to test the steering wheel issue, I'm gonna take the right half of the grille and the passenger fender off. That way I can move the A/C condenser closer to the radiator where it should be, replace my horns, and fix a leak with the heater hoses. I'm using aftermarket horns and they're just not loud enough. I pulled the horns off my Mark VIII donor car because they're a nice neat compact unit.
Radiator hoses and coolant hoses have been an ongoing issue for me since the beginning. Mostly because the engine is meteric, and everything they're connecting to is sae, so adapters everywhere.
One of the things I replaced when I put the engine in is the water pump. I did that just as a precaution cause it was easy to get to with the engine on a stand. Now I'm wondering if they have different 4.6 waterpumps and if I now have a pump that is putting out more pressure than the original.
I'm no expert on Physics but I don't think a pump that would increase volume would increase pressure. I wonder if the hose being looped is creating an air pocket the becomes super heated and increases the pressure. But regardless of anything that would increase pressure it shouldn't increase past the rating of the cap I would think.
Those "fancy" stainless hoses are known to blow off. I know of at least two hot rods here that have had them come off more then once. After helping a good friend with his we finally figured out that the rubber adapter was heavier and thicker then regular radiator hoses. We took a regular hose of the correct diameter and cut off a couple of inches, clamped them in with worm clamps and his stopped blowing off. One other thing we did was re-tighten after the engine was hot. I know Rich that will be difficult for you given the lay out of your engine bay.
One of the things I do to get rid of the "tail" on those worm clamps is put them on, tighten them down snug, make the tail with a marker, pull apart and cut the tail off at the mark. After re-installing the tail just barely sticks out.
I've eliminated them where I could. This one is at the bottom and not too visible. I've ordered another section so I can change the shape and make it easier to get put on. This time I'm going to try to redneck it and after it's on, add some wire, making use of the corrugated design.
Rich, you have a lot going on at the same time.
I have some additional ideas.
Do get your front tires balanced ! maybe they have gotten out of balance severely from wear.
I would replace all the rubber bushings in the A arms ( the ones Mike is struggling with). That stuff is bubble gum rubber and simply doesnt last anymore these days.
Something is causing excessive vibrations in your car ( even if you don't heavily feel them), rattling loose stuff. Still, missing cotter pins is a no-go, you are correct.
I have been trouble shooting the MII frontend on my streed rod last year, it had excessive vibrations at certain speeds. It felt like rattling loose or blowing of fenders and hood. there were several things at fault. tires out of round and out of balance. brake rotors out of balance. and most of all - old - hard rubber bushings in the control arms. they weren't even cracked that much or mechanically damaged or any visible damage. just light spiderweb cracking from age. when I pulled them most of them were either disintegrated internally or hard like stone. they were probably 25-30 yrs old.
So I would highly recommend you replacing those. I can't tell you where to get a decent set. I replaced them on my refreshened and powder coated Del Rio A arms 5 yrs ago, car was never on the road and A arms not mounted. always stored cool and dry, out of daylight. the bushings are now already cracked .....all of this stuff is disgusting.
Hoping you find the cause of your steering problem.
For now, I am going to assume the obvious and figure he just got distracted and never tightened all that stuff to begin with. No vibrations at all, and very even tire wear. I remember Bill even commenting on how evenly my tires were wearing when I was at his place in Birmingham. My new mechanic checked the alignment after he tightened all that stuff, and once again after he replaced the rack. No adjustments were necessary either time. I hate the thoughts of already replacing bushings and stuff. I'll have a look at them though. I sure wish RUBBERMAID would get into the car parts business!!
If I was about 30 years younger I would be making my own out of polyurethane :003:
I was lucky and had old Moog bushings and ball joints that I bought back in 1970 to use, the rubber was and still is good, the new rubber crap sucks.
I'm still new to this and have been working on my 57's. My Custom 300 I've been looking for a set of seat covers. Would like the original design but haven't found any yet. Would also like to find a black floor mat that covers the floor. Want to keep it as original as possible. Haven't located any as of yet. Also got to get all the seals put in my Country Sedans transmission and I will have it on the road. If someone knows where I can find this stuff please send it to me.
Back a few years ago, one of the main suppliers (forgot the name) for oem upholstery stuff went out of business. As far as carpeting, that should be easy. First place I'd check for everything is Automotive interiors in Mass. They're in our list of suppliers. Good luck!
I checked my bushings today when I was under the car. What is protruding out a bit on the ends is in nice cracks at all.
I finally got the lower radiator hose put on. I changed the configuration a bit which made it a whole lot easier to assemble. As luck would have it, my car wouldn't start. The Optima battery in it is 6 years old and gave me no trouble at all, but I think it shorted out when I drowned everything under the hood with coolant. It wouldn't take a full charge, but at 80% the starter just clicked. After 6 years, I was probably due for a new one, so that's what I did. The car kicked right over with the new battery. I 'm so glad it wasn't a starter solenoid issue.
If it wasn't raining cats and dogs, I'd be out testing the steering. Btw, we had another hail damaging storm all 3 dd cars again.
a black oem style rubber floormat is available from Obsolete/Classic Auto Parts OK
I have not bought that yet, but it looks ok.
As far as seat covers, the only company providing correct material for our cars is SMS Oregon.
I have ordered cloth and vinyl samples for my 57 and the material is absolutely spot on, but the company is said to have very long delivery times ( rare stuff is made on order) and pretty expensive. You need to get in touch with them and work that out.
Hope this helps, Guenter.
Quote from: Richard Grizzle on 2021-05-18 18:29
I'm still new to this and have been working on my 57's. My Custom 300 I've been looking for a set of seat covers. Would like the original design but haven't found any yet. Would also like to find a black floor mat that covers the floor. Want to keep it as original as possible. Haven't located any as of yet. Also got to get all the seals put in my Country Sedans transmission and I will have it on the road. If someone knows where I can find this stuff please send it to me.
Rich, it is also raining cats and dogs over here on and off. should be bright and 80 degrees, but it's wet and 55-60 instead. its horrible. Usually May is the most steady and neat month over here. so far we've had like 2-3 sunny and dry days, which I have been working. No use getting any of my collector cars out. and nowhere to go. Today the 'official' lockdown gets suspended, but who knows for how long. its still masks, testing, vaccs and all required and limited number of people for gatherings is 10. Doesn't sound like ok to meet with some car guys and having BBQ.
On a brighter side, my dancing partner and I agreed to meet for (private) social dancing practice again. we had suspended training for 6 months. She was also very concerned about her grandmother who has since got her vacc shot, same with my parents.
Rain? It is raining horses and cows here! Yesterday we had over 12" of rain in less than 6 hours. the water got to within 2" of coming through my front door.
That's too close for comfort, Lynn. Not sure what the forecast is for the next few days here, I'm afraid to look.
Gunter.......dancing partner? That got me to realizing or thinking you never mentioned anything about a wife that I can remember.....probably for a good reason. Just my 2 cents, but I think they've loosened things up a little too much here. Some shows are happening, but some still are not. I think mostly because of the amount of work/planning that goes into them, they had to make early decisions. I did just get a notice from Goodguys that they are having another show in Fort Worth June 4-6. This is a new one, so there now will be three a year at the Texas motor speedway.
I just heard that the reproduction floormat isn't that great, it is said to have some blemishes, probably from where an original mat was used for patterns. maybe some other brand same year mats can be used ? I heard that too. Not giving names. :003:
Rich. Just talking about a social dancing partner. which is a lot of fun and also kind a sports or at least some physical training (all our gyms and public swimming areas are still locked down). it's als good entertainment, dancing to 1930s, 40s and 50s music.
I also have an ex and we have a son and I really don't talk about that much, because it is what it is and was long time ago and comes with all the trouble that we know and hear about. (My 14yo son is great though and we see each other often and working on his first car together, a 1954 sunroof beetle).
These days in my age we better stay away from relationships or matrimony. Because the ladies around my age group are not the same as ladies in your age. its like with the far east rubber bushings. they do look good at first glance and work for a while, but fade away very quickly these days ( I am not talking about looks, but about keeper qualities). times and people have really changed a lot. Pretty disappointing. I'll stop here before I am getting too political or religious for this board. :002: ...MGTOW... wonder you're always so upbeat! :002: The right one will come along when you least expect it. I've met quite a few of the forum members better halves, and I must say we've got a lot of lucky guys here, including me.
I did take my '57 out for a 60 mile drive today to check the radiator hose. Didn't have a chance to check the steering, as I need to do that on a constant highway with rest areas. Still trying to decide whether or not to take my rt fender off to fix a heater hose leak.
There's another Goodguys show coming up June 4-6 at the Texas motor speedway. This year they've added a third annual car show there. Not sure if I'll do it, as I want to do the Red River, NM car show later that month.
dj, hang in there. My wife retired this spring and all of a sudden our house and my shop got a lot smaller. I guess it is a part of life. I am thinking it could be a long summer.
Ditto...although...while the house got smaller...I refuse to allow ANY household stuff to make it's way into my shop. But then...I am apologies. shops...are for cars! 8)
Well we had another nice, cold and windy I was down in the basement shop. Using my quality tools.
Must have come from the rubber bushing factory. Brand name is Bubble Gum Inc Un-Ltd. Adress: Eastern East St., Eastern Junkyard. Second one after the tin can recycling dump. boy....I am mad....
The press is assembled backwards. The upright channels should face (web) inwards.
It came that way and the mount for the hand pump can only be bolted on this way.
Would the strain in the material even be different, Gary? if it broke with the U channel facing the otherway around, it just would have bowed inwards with no different effect in the weak areas? imho it is clearly a design flaw, with the holes too close to the edge and obviously cheap, low grade material. you should see the crack extending into the flat section of the U channel. I don't have an pics of that. But it looks like a tin foil cut with shears.
Shouldn't have searched. Now I want THIS !!!!!! :003:
In addition to finding one under $2k, how am I gonna have it shipped overseas and where am I going to put this ?:005:
I can't believe it, guys, check the manufacturing date on the spec plate ! March -57 - same as my 57 Country Sedan !
this is the first press that showed up in my search. sometimes I wonder....
('ll ship...question you WANT it bad enough to pay the shipping fee?
As to where to put it...well...guess an ad-on to the shop might well be forthcoming...LOL!!! :003: Admit it, you have been looking for an excuse to add on now...haven't you? :006:
I may be running out of property, Hugh. the add on, to the lean-to, to the extension of the first add on.... :003: :002: oh boy !
But there is just something to old machinery and tools, that pulls me in as much as a 57 Ford tailfin or a Chuck Berry guitar riff.
I think that Manley press is totally beautiful. Check out the details like the cast crank handle, valve block, gauge or the rivited name plate.
Those are details that they don't make'em anymore today.
I understand the pull...I am the same way. Old tools are the best. Heck...for the most part...old anything is the best. LOL!!!
Couldn't you just replace the bent channel with something a little beefier? That's what I would do.
Yes Randy, that's what I am eventually gonna do. But these are the moments where my doubts about all of that cheap low quality products are the loudest. I just dislike junk like that. If I had more space and found an old industrial one locally, I'd certainly go for that instead of a repair on the crappy new one. It doesnt even make sense to buy another new one for $500 or so, because it will be breaking just the same in a few years from today.
slow weekend- sometimes you run out of gas.
We decided to take the '33 out to the Farmers Market this weekend. I needed to drive it, I have not drive it in a while as it not my car.
So moving the '57 was in the books.
Basically all I have been doing it moving in and out of the driveway, we have a tandem situation and a skinny long Driveway. You know, a running project :dontknow:
So the hilarity ensues- I got the '57 out and had it idling, as wife got her '33 warmed up.
I noticed my '57 stopped idling- It ran out of gas! ha! I had just used my last 2 gallons on it a few weeks ago.
So I rolled down the driveway and parked/pushed it in front of the house.
The thing is, my Wife said we should fuel check the '33, it too has a funky jumpy fuel gauge. It seemed to have something just looking into the tank.
We had just gone to a cruise night/coffee thing last Wednesday.
She said she needed fuel and drove off, She ran out of gas down the street! I was already driving to go get gas.
Well, I ended getting her a few gallons, got her going, then followed her to the station.
I guess her fuel gauge is next on my project for that '33. It go original wiring, the whole car very all original, the tanks needs to be dropped and see what going on at the sender. More research on the gauge and the sender will be done. In the mean time we made a trouble stick, and marked the lowest of the low reading and the full reading. The '33 has a rear tank you can basically take a look at by opening the cap.
Back to 57- that turns right on. I got the shifter somewhat sorted, column shift now! no leaks from Transmission. Got some new tires on the 14" Steel wheels. I need to start filling in and floor holes, firewall holes, like the shifter hole on the hump. Also Need to soft out a NSS/back up on the c4 and continue cleaning up wiring under the dash.
We did get gas, We go out to the Farmers Market, the '33 drove fine. We went out to lunch and came home, all good. I drove it on the way back. My wife has it down to a science on turning it on. Its go the manual choke and idle speed setting on the dash, and foot pedal to hit the starter.
Nothing like a few challenges to go down the street a few blocks! LOL!!! good thing you weren't planning a 3 day trip across the country...might have taken 8 days like my last one did!
ha! yeah no long trips, but would be nice to plan something out, I love your stories!
Talking about gasoline. I put insurance on my 57 on Saturday checked the wheel nuts, fluid levels and so on and I also dumped in 5 gallons of gas I had laying around. I started up and it idled fine in the garage but the first time out on the street under moderate acceleration it start to ping and rattle a bit. Came back and drained it out immediately. I started thinking how old the fuel was and it dawned on me it was from 2019 as I really didn't drive the car much last year. So what they say about gas losing it's octane and going bad is absolutely true.
Down to the Chevron for some fresh 94 and the old big block is happy, happy, happy. The old gas gets dumped into the Mazda Prot?g? beater and the lawnmower, I dont think either of them will care.
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2021-05-24 12:42
ha! yeah no long trips, but would be nice to plan something out, I love your stories!
Yea...reading them is probably times can be rather stressful and annoying. To say the least! :sad3:
I just got back from a nice 2 day trip with the wife to Oklahoma. No, not in the '57, but a nice trip anyway. I had a free room, steak dinner for two, and $50 playing money at a casino North of Witchita Falls. We went there because it was just a 45-minute drive south of where she wanted to go see. They built a replica of the Holy City back in the days of Christ in the Witchita Mountains wildlife preserve. Really neat place, but with her knee, she couldn't walk around too much. We drove up Mt Scott and visited Medicine Park, a tourist town since the early 1900s on the river just bordering the wildlife preserve.
I was really surprised that the Holy City of the Witchitas was built back in the 30s by the WPA! Very surprising to me that the government got into building a religious-based park.
Today, it's back to working on the '57. I've got it apart fixing some things that have been adding up over the years. When I had the new rack put in last week, I had to remove 1/2 of the grille so we could replace a leaky power steering hose that went to the fluid cooler behind the grille.
.......I've had some leaky heater hoses that necessitated removing the fender to get to the side panel where the heater/AC bulkhead is.
.......I also wanted to build a "dam" around the AC condenser because there is too much space between it and the radiator.
.......I'm replacing my aftermarket horns with a nice compact unit I took of the Mark VIII donor car. The aftermarket ones are just not loud enough. of my parking lamp sockets got water in it and rusted pretty badly. I could not find a replacement for it locally, and Classic Auto in OKC wanted $40. plus shipping. I looked around some more and found one locally that had identical electric components (the plastic piece with contact plungers/ springs) so I cleaned up the outer housing, treated it with rust converter, and used the innerds from the new socket. $5 is much better than $50ish.
After pondering my belly button on the routing of the HVAC hoses I decided to go through the kick panel as well. But instead of putting connectors there I put in rubber grommets. The hoses from the engine to the HVAC box are one piece. They can be replaced by simply removing the right front wheel and the glove box.
Where do you have your VA heater shut off valve? You got me thinking (now that I have all the leaks fixed :005:), I may pull all that stuff out of the heater hose with all it's adapters and see if I can run it as you did. One problem is the metal heater hose engine fittings are metric.
In the dash Rich. Lots of folks worry about a leak starting. Figured it can't be any worse then the stock 57 heater control valves leaking so put it there. Been good so far.
inside on the first car and outside on the second install
Finally some pics........
The first is a pic of my windshield washernozzle that John wanted to see. They are Chevy headlight washer nozzles, I can't remember what model (Camaro). I got them at the Chevy parts division of Classic Auto Parts in OKC.
The second is from my OK road trip this week. The big lake is Lake Lawtonka down below with Medicine Park at the right/south end. Pic is from Mt Scott in the Wichita Mtns Wildlife Preserve.
Third pic is at the Holy City of the Wichitas. 65 acres, lots of stone building replicas
here's an ebay listing for 4 nozzles, and another example of trying to survive today's prices on yesterday's income:
Rich, Thanks for the information and the photo.
Thats looks like a great trip Rich, I'm jealous. I need to get on the road soon..
Yeah, me too, lol!
Maybe next weekend. I'm trying to decide if I should stay home and watch my $, or do a new Goodguys they are starting at the Texas Motor Speedway, or the annual Red River car show in NM. Later in June is the NSRA in Pueblo, CO.
I got my car back together enough yesterday to drive it to our weekly meeting on old 66. Weather wasn't too good, only about 6 of us. I found out I missed a car show yesterday........about 80 cars and only 1/4 mile from my house!!
John.........I see they are packaged in sets of 4..maybe I have 2 unused ones around, I'll check. I don't remember.
I need to get off my butt and change my avatar. That's the old house I rebuilt, haven't lived there for 5 years.
I did finish getting my car back together last week, but I need to do some re-aligning of the r it too far back and it threw everything else off. So, what I got done:
No more heater hose leaks, at least for now.
I got my aftermarket horns replaced with a nice compact unit from my Lincoln donor car.
I found and fixed a rust issue with a parking lamp socket.
I built a dam around my A/C condenser to hopefully force more air thru it rather than around. Haven't really had a chance to see if it made for a better A/C cooling, but my engine temp went up about 3 or 4 degrees. The rise, in my case, is good because I was always running about 8-10 degrees below what is suppose to be a normal operating temp for the 4.6 of 206, which I'm still below.
I did another car show/road trip last weekend. I decided on the Red River, NM show because it's only once a year, It's in some beautiful mountains, and I can do another at the Texas Motor Speedway in September if I want. It's a fairly small show....120ish (?), but it draws big crowds all day long. It's in a treed park with lots of shade. There were at least 7 of us from Amarillo including my friend Gene with his black and yellow '57 2 dr hardtop. The elevation is 8650 ft, so I did have a tough time with my breathing issues. After a few restarts for the computer to adjust, my car ran great. I think it likes the altitude better than the 3600 where I live. Round trip mileage was about 740 miles, on 2 tanks of gas.
Rich, I think you deserve a "most miles driven award" I'm amazed at all of the travelling you do in your 57. I hope to put more miles on mine but dont ever imagine covering all the states you have.
Quote from: Wirenut on 2021-06-10 20:14
Rich, I think you deserve a "most miles driven award" I'm amazed at all of the travelling you do in your 57. I hope to put more miles on mine but dont ever imagine covering all the states you have.
If I can ever get done with all the side work of moving across the country and get back to mine...I pl;an on challenging him in that category when mine hits the road. I told my youngest that while he may well inherit it...there will be a need for a new motor! "'re putting a new one in it!" Yea...and I plan on driving it until it is in need of replacement! At least 100k...maybe more! :burnout:
That yellow '64 wagon in my second pic is a total survivor........oem paint, interior, etc, etc. Very nice car.
I've got 2 car shows this weekend in Amarillo....20 miles roundtrip, lol.'s the Shell Knob/Brandon area for car shows? Been to any?
I have. There is a first Friday cruise in at a super little hamburger place about 20 minutes from the house, and a first Saturday one about 30 minutes away. Took the Chrysler to an all MOPAR show last weekend. Probably about 120 cars or the Presley Show Palace on the main drag (hwy 76) through Branson...was nice.
There are some other shows during the summer as well...and one of my hot rod buddies has been running a show for about 20 years in September in Shell Knob...said he has around 10 cars each year. I think it would be nice if there were some '57 Fords there this year... :006:
3 car shows in the 100 mile area today, but 99 degrees forecast at all of them, so a good day to stay home!
Rich I like your "hot" a bunch more then my "hot"! The 100+ in Copperas Cove is much more bearable then the 95 + 75% humidity! Mind you I have never tried a street rod down there but the ol F150 with remote start helps make moving easier.....
definitely. The last time I checked humidity here it was @23 in my garage which is likely to be more humid than outside.
Ha, had no idea where Copperas Cove was, I was expecting it to be on a coast somewhere.
Got a new Hot ROD!
!SWEET! :003:
I'm heading for Pueblo, Colorado tomorrow for the NSRA show. I think I'm just doing Saturday.......Looking forward to it, but have my fingers crossed on the projected rain. Hope to see Les there, maybe Rich K. (I wonder if he ever got his AOD set to his liking??)
Yesterday morning I went out to the garage to find my '57 had a flat back tire! No surprise, since half my housing tract is being re-roofed due to hail damage, the flat was from a roofing nail!! I had the car out a few days ago, and I thought the steering response was a little iffy.......went away with some air in the tire! Duh.
I just turned 50,000 miles on the odometer this week, my back tires have been on there since day one of the completion, and they don't look half worn.
Rich my daughter (lives in CO. Springs) and her significant other are going to the show. I'll tell her to look for your car. I'll send her a picture of you and it.
She (and her sister) grew up going to rod runs and they have many miles in the back seat of that ol 36 Chevy! That was a few days ago (their 46 & 43 now), back in the day we could turn the kids loose and not worry about them. They knew how to behave around others cars and made many friends with other kids. We often camped because hotels were un-affordable on Navy pay. They came back to the tents for lunch and supper and stayed by our sides for the evening activities. I'm going to guess they liked going because they always went even after they were old enough to stay home while we went.
Sorry, off track a little here.....
I'll look forward to meeting her. Give her my cell # in case I'm not at the car. 806-341-2036. I suppose I'll have to say nice things about you, lol.
Found out they only went Friday, in the morning. Seams "life" got in the way for her (job at the AF Academy) and they had to leave early.
I got there about 1 pm Friday...too bad I missed them. I stayed until 6:30 Saturday, got home about 1 am last night. Turned out to be a great show even though it was raining cats and dogs until about noon on Saturday. By 8 AM the fairgrounds were filling up fast regardless of the rain. I registered about noon on Friday, was #1839!
Les (fdlc) called me and we were able to get together for 2 or 3 hours there. He didn't bring his car down. It had been just about a year since we'd got together last, so it was great to do that.
Only 4 '57s there...... mine, 2 Rancheros, and a Ranchwagon, but I talked to 4 others that had '57's at home, including one guy who tried to buy mine in Santa Fe about 4 years ago. He finally found a sound project car and is going to have it built. Of course all the '57 guys I talked to, I gave them info and invited them to join the forum.
When I left Amarillo, I filled up at 2.89 a gal. (mid-grade), in Colorado it was 3.89!!!
BTW......what are the odds at a show 350 miles from home??.........Les and I were sitting next to my car talking and two couples walked by. Les recognized one of the guys , an old friend from Colorado Springs, and called over to him. As they were talking, the other guy realized he knew me from Amarillo where he was from!! Weird.
I'm sitting in church this morning, guess what two couples came walking in? Yep! I did drive my 57 so they got to look it over.
Rich as it turns out you guys must have crossed paths on their way out and you on the way in. She told me she got the call to get a statement together for Public Affairs concerning a Cadet's death while on leave about noon.
We discussed that yesterday afternoon. She told me the pressure for flying is tremendous in the cadet core, with fighters being the top of the pile. One of the things that results from that is cadets will fly while home on leave to get hours and a well rounded aircraft type under their belts.
good day my test results back from the prostate biopsy they did last Tuesday. NO CANCER!!! I've been telling my wife "I told you so"!!
They do want to run another blood test to try and find out why my PSA levels were elevated.
That is most excellent! Most excellent indeed!
Funny thing, my PSA never has changed over the years. Even after the rotor rooter job it stayed the same? The PSA by itself is a good indicator that things need to be checked, that along with the "finger wave". Never know, best to be safe rather then sorry!
Glad everything "checked out" good, Rich!
A quick change of subject and a question. Rich, or anyone, what gauge wire did you run for your power trunk release? I want to run wires before the car goes to the upholstery shop.
Thanks Terry.
16 ga., but mine wasn't a long run. Something I strongly suggest for your consideration is, instead, run a heavy gauge wire to the trunk to supply a power distribution box. (Look up "Volkswagon Jetta power distribution box" on eBay. I used them in 4 or 5 places on my car to keep wiring neat. They have both fusible links and fuses. Watch the pricing.....they can run under 20 bucks to over 60. for the same thing)
Since my car is all wired grounds, I also ran a heavy gauge black ground wire to the back under the carpet.
My intention with the trunk-mounted box was to compensate for anything I may have forgotten when running wires before carpet.
My back distribution box powers my trunk release, in-tank fuel pump, and power antennae.
I can't remember what gauge wire I powered the box with, but I can find out if you need.
looks like $ have gone up since I bought, but for reference:
Also/or, maybe need to run wires for the trunk release switch wherever you decide to put it. My switch is on back side panel next to the back seat, so no problem running from the trunk mounted distribution box.
Thanks Terry.
16 ga., but mine wasn't a long run. Something I strongly suggest for your consideration is, instead, run a heavy gauge wire to the trunk to supply a power distribution box. (Look up "Volkswagon Jetta power distribution box" on eBay. I used them in 4 or 5 places on my car to keep wiring neat. They have both fusible links and fuses. Watch the pricing.....they can run under 20 bucks to over 60. for the same thing)
Since my car is all wired grounds, I also ran a heavy gauge black ground wire to the back under the carpet.
My intention with the trunk-mounted box was to compensate for anything I may have forgotten when running wires before carpet.
My back distribution box powers my trunk release, in-tank fuel pump, and power antennae.
I can't remember what gauge wire I powered the box with, but I can find out if you need.
looks like $ have gone up since I bought, but for reference:
Also/or, maybe need to run wires to/from the trunk release switch wherever you decide to put it. My switch is on back side panel next to the back seat, so no problem running from the trunk-mounted distribution box. fuel pump supply wire obviously comes from the engine harness up front.
My steering wheel issue (changing positions rotationally) might have gone away with the new rack install. I told Les last weekend it was still doing it, but that was only once since the new rack was put in, and I'm not so sure, now, it did it then. On my trip to Colorado where I was doing a lot of parking, it did not change the steering wheel once.
So...gotta ask... :003:...could the issue have been the loose nut behind the wheel...did that get tightened up a notch? :005:
Mine did that once. It was the adapter block between the rack and inner tie rods. I replaced the bolts with the best I could find, added thread locker and torqued to spec. I check it regularly and have never found the bolts needing retorqued. If it had loosened, I would install studs, conical washers and safety wire. A loose steering wheel nut will do the same thing.
My spare steering wheel (loose nut), does the exact same thing, but I put my (installed) steering wheel in the lock position and couldn't budge it with substantial force (for an old man, lol). I even took the center cover off so I could get a visual and check the torque.
Thanks for the reply Gary...I'll give that adapter plate another look. I think 57imposter had an issue with that plate also. (wonder what happened to him??
The sun came out and it's the first Saturday of the month....the cruise should be a good one.
Watching the news I noticed the flooding / torrential rain going on in Germany, Belgium was wondering how Guenter is making out in nearby Austria?
Apparently OK, thankfully. He did an update in the project builds today.
Thx for your concerns Randy. we are safe and well in southern Austria, despite of heavy rains, no damage so far. Western parts of Germany and as of yesterday evening, southern Germany and adjacent Austrian regions got it really bad, unfortunately. It had been very hot and dry for weeks, so I guess the ground wasn't able to soak the water enough. Apparently many communities have been built next to rivers in ancient times and outgrown their original safe areas.
The annual Polk Street Cruise in Amarillo is coming up August 7th!! It's a biggie and I'm really looking forward to it. Starts at 6 pm........hundreds of cars, thousands of spectators lining the streets of downtown.
The following weekend is an even bigger cruise in Vernon, Texas......"Summer's last blast". 2 weeks later the Goodguys in Alburquerque, then one of my my favorites......the "Run to the Inn of the Mountain Gods" in Ruidoso, NM.
Gonna be a great next 2 months.
OPPS!! Ruidoso isn't until October., LOL, I wasn't sure how I was gonna find $ to do all those weeks back to back anyways.
Kinda quiet around here these past couple of days. I hope all is well with folks. I imagine most folks are out and about after the "forced isolation" of the past as well. Been running and doing things we couldn't.
Getting ready to go on our "tech blackout" trip to WI. Departing early Monday morning and be out for two weeks. Should have access to a machine on Tuesday a week after our departure.
Yep, been very slow. I figured the same thing.....folks just busy. I've got a few projects to do on the '57, just can't get my butt in gear to get them done. Have a safe trip. Be careful with the new virus hotspots popping up all over.
BTW, any suggested gaskets for the main center section on our '57s? Mine is starting to leak. I guess that's the silver lining of waiting to get my bearing/seals replaced..........I'll get 'um done all at the same time. I have to also replace one rear caliper while we've got things apart, and got that in yesterday. Monday I'm going to go see when my mechanic can pull an axel to find out what I need for seals/bearings.
Interesting note........I checked with Summit to find out for sure what calipers were in the kit I bought way back when. I thought I remembered 88 T-Bird, but wanted to verify. Stainless Brake Corp that made the kit, I found out in no longer in business, but Summit was able to do some tracking and came back with '88 Lincoln for the caliper replacement. I double-checked the PNs, and they are the same T-Bird vs Lincoln, but it took me a while to figure out the Lincoln part of it because I couldn't find any listings for rear 88 lincoln calipers. Then I went back and figured out Mark VIIs (?) and Towncars apparently still had the drum setups in the back, but the Continentals had 4 wheel disc. It's those Continental calipers that are the same as T-Birds.
out getting toilet paper to get ready for the next round!
9s are kind of finicky about leaks. Could be housing to center gasket, pinion seal, pinion threads, pinion support o-ring, and/or housing studs.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2021-07-24 09:54
out getting toilet paper to get ready for the next round!
LOL.........we did that 6 months ago. (6) 45 packs of TP and 4 of paper towels, a few kleenex, etc. Not to mention 8 or 10 boxes of masks, and a few of gloves. Didn't feel bad about stocking up when the stores were full.
Guess I need to find a blowup of components, and figure what is oem and what's aftermarket. (Probably just the housing to center gasket oem.)
Quote from: gasman826 on 2021-07-24 09:54
out getting toilet paper to get ready for the next round!
That's funny! It would be funnier if it wasn't the truth...
I was feeling a little pouty this morning. We were planning on attending our high school alumni reunion. This was the first we would have attended in more than 45 years. We don't care to attend alumni reunions because of a history of too many speeches and too many awards and too much 'entertainment'. We seldom miss a class reunion because there is little to no format...just classmates talking and catching up. This years alumni format (due to Covid recommendations when plans were made) was to be an outside venue with multiple tents and more of a barbecue, informal atmosphere. Well, our neighbor just informed us that they both had confirmed Covid and with sever storm warnings, the venue has been moved into the gymnasium (not gym). With us trapped inside, a long evening of formal entertainment (speeches) is anticipated. Between being 'typhoid Marys', storm warnings, lack of social distancing, and promise of formal entertainment, we have decided to hit the drive through barbecue and liquor store and have dinner on the patio.
So I guess it's safe to assume you haven't strayed far from your shooling areas.
The wife and I graduated from the same high school and still live in the same county. Her older sister and sister's husband also graduated from that same high school but live part of the year about 40 miles away and the rest of the year in South Carolina. Between the four of us, we cover about 10 years in that high school from a town of about 2800. We know many of each others classmates and/or their families. Unfortunately, at our ages, a social gathering usually includes a funeral...not so many weddings or graduation celebrations anymore.
Small towns are so awesome. I grew up in a town in Mass, population 3400 back then. Amazing how lives get intertwined. On my trip to Florida this past March, I visited with 3 people from Acton that I grew up with.
The town I live near now, Shell Knob MO, has a population of between 1091 and 1379. Probably depends on time of the year. Literally a one street town...1/2 a mile at most. Berryville AR which is like Shell Knob 10 miles from me, has a population of 5442 making it the metropolitan city of the area. Berryville is south, Shell Knob is 10 miles north of me.
I LOVE living where there is little to no population. There is not enough money in the world to EVER make me live in city again! The kids have all been warned that if anyone tries to move me out of here that I have guns, and will use them! :fripper:
Moving a little closer to getting small issues taken care of on my rear end. I got in a replacement caliper last week, and my mechanic is going to pull an axle next Monday so we can get a number off the bearing-seals. We're planning on doing a quick check for local availability, but in all likelihood, will reassemble while I'm chasing down the Timken bearings. That way the car or his lift won't be tied up.
He's also going to have a look at my new leak at the driveshaft/pinion.
My steering issue I had with the steering wheel has not reappeared, but I am going to have him look at the rack's tie rod adapter plate that Gary talked about on another thread.
My rear axle seals are for the small bearing. They are National Seals part# 93635 (Napa #14968).
Thanks for that Les, but mine are different. My seals are integral with the bearings, and the guy who built my rear end had a computer crash a few years ago, so he does not know for sure what is in there. He normally builds high $ racing cars, so mine may be his normal over-the-top. I'll know next week.
Back in the "real world" with access to machines. Funny how much in the world changes and yet still remains the same. Family reunion went very well! Great to see all the folks we were unable to see in over a year! Most all are doing well. In central WI enjoying mild summer weather while here and my family.
While the trip is fun I'll be glad to get back home and get back to the shop. Heading back to B-Ham Monday.
Saw this 1957 in Chilliwack last night.
SWEET! Did you invite him to our little group of '57 addicts? Love that color!
Thanks for posting the cool 57 Ford picture. We like pictures.
I just returned from a visit to a auto repair shop. Mike Nickels of Nickel's Auto Woodworking, Traverse City MI. Mike restores woodies. He replaces rotten wood for new is some cases but most are incomplete basket cases. He works from stacks of blue prints or original pieces for templates. One building is for woodworking another for welding, another for painting, another for display and a couple more for parts and pieces. His completed projects are magnificent and the works in progress are overwhelming. Mike is very personable and a man with soooo many talents! took lots of pics to share too...right? You did didn't you? Please!!! :ttiwwp: :icon_salut:
Oh you so were prepared for someone to ask for pics weren't you? LOL!!!
Great video! Thanks for the post! Makes me want to go up there and wander around...and to buy another apartment building to re-hab and sell so I could afford one of his restorations! :005:
Traverse City is a bit pricey! We toured a new high rise condo with view...starting at $800,000 and sell fast! Pictures...I'm terrible at taking pictures. I experience the moment and completely forget pictures. I was lucky this time.
Nice work, he's very talented!
Leaving early tomorrow for the "Summer's Last Blast" shows and cruise in Vernon, Tx. This one I get excited's a great weekend.
Cool! post up some pics when you get back Rich, we'd love to se 'um.
Got back about midnight last night. Actually left Thursday afternoon..did one show downtown Vernon Thursday night. Nice band playing, 100 or so cars. Did two on Friday, one also downtown, but a few blocks over from the night before, then an afternoon show at the local Ford dealer. lol, hope I don't get banned from this site, but at that show I had to vote a Chevy as my pick of the show.....a gorgeous 56 pickup.
The main show was at Roy Orbison park Saturday, then the big cruise Saturday night. I was very happy to see my old friend Glen Large from Knox City there. Glenn is well into his 80's and I hadn't seen him for 3 years. He had 3 of his '57s there, and I got to meet his son, daughter, and grandkids. With mine, his and one other 2dr Custom, there were 5 '57 Fords there, and 3 '58s. Only took a few pics. I'll post them later.
Not sure about the awards they give at the shows.....I went to one, got there about starting time, and the first thing I noticed was the cars that already got the trophies for that does that work, lol?????? Local favorites I guess, but they should be a little less obvious.
I have an issue with my gas gauge I realized last night on the way home, when it didn't move from 3/8 for 150 miles! Stopped for gas 30 miles from home realizing I had no idea how much I actually had left. Put 10 gallons in, and the gauge only went up 1/4......I'll get into it today or tomorrow. I may have screwed up the sender last week when trying to fix a vent tube leakage issue.
You voted on a WHAT??
Oh my goodness
Haha. I like all the mid-50s pickups. If it were a tri-five, never would have happened. Besides, it was the high 90's. maybe I had a bit of heat stroke, and it did not have a 350 or LS, but a nice 283.
3 different people asked me if my 4.6 was an LS (they do look similar). One guy told me he loved everything about my car "except for the LS motor". I told him it was a Lincoln, not an LS, and he said, well I guess I like everything about your car. period. I've gotta find some Lincoln emblems to put on the valve covers and highlight the little Ford ovals that are cast into some of the parts.
You might well get grounded for that stunt young man! :sad8:
Stand in the corner with your nose in the corner you bad boy......LOL
Sorry Rich
I doubt very much if you are going to easily get out of this mess. I'll try to be on your side and make believe that it never happened.
I already forgot what we were talking about???
Rich, maybe have some Lincoln emblems water-jetted and attached from under with some bolts. Let me know I can create some art if you need.
Thanks Abe........a trip to a salvage yard should render what I need. I believe the Mark VIIIs had a 32 valve emblem on the tailpanel. I could avoid the issue by just using my spec sheet on the car when I display with the hood open, but I find I get into so many more conversations when I don' just sitting there!
Rich, in my opinion 55-57 pickups are probably some of the best looking chevies. You need to find one and install a Lincoln ohc motor. That will really start some conversations. I remember a guy at the drag strip years ago that had a 69 Chevelle with a 460 Ford, it was fun watching the frothing hissy fits that the Chevy guys had when they realized it was a Ford engine in a chevy.
Ahhhhhhhhhh no no no no, lol. That would kinda negate my feelings about putting a Chev into a 50s or newer Ford..same thing.
That said, on a different note.......... My wife had a new washing machine delivered yesterday. Man am I out of touch with the real world! First, when the heck did washing machines get to be $1k???!!!, and guess what it's got, are you ready for this??.........WiFi!! What???
We were shopping online for a new refrigerator this week and I noticed that some of the models were WiFi. I skipped past those, since they were mucho expensive. I know that we are old, but what in the world does an ice box or washing machine need WiFi for?
WI-FI connection to all household appliances and HVAC so the power companies can shut your stuff off to avoid brown outs.
Quote from: Fairlane62 on 2021-08-18 10:20
We were shopping online for a new refrigerator this week and I noticed that some of the models were WiFi. I skipped past those, since they were mucho expensive. I know that we are old, but what in the world does an ice box or washing machine need WiFi for?
I'm thinking your washer or dryer could notify your phone when it's finished it's cycle. Could be handy I guess.
Probably going to be like cellphones and computers...20 years from now folks will be wondering how we ever got along without.
I REFUSE to purchase ANY appliance with WI-FI. All I (or anyone else) need is for some 14 year old punk to hack my stuff and mess with it. No one has had that kind of tech over the last 100 years...and things worked fine.
Oh...and NO Ford should EVER have a bow-tie in it...Model T bucket on up...UGH! Ruin a perfectly good collection of sheet metal!
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2021-08-18 21:34
I REFUSE to purchase ANY appliance with WI-FI. All I (or anyone else) need is for some 14 year old punk to hack my stuff and mess with it. No one has had that kind of tech over the last 100 years...and things worked fine.
Oh...and NO Ford should EVER have a bow-tie in it...Model T bucket on up...UGH! Ruin a perfectly good collection of sheet metal!
Agree and AGREE. When I'm looking through Craigslist and see a car of interest (Ford) but then see it has a 350 in it, I just close and go to the next one. Sad that they have corrupted an otherwise good car.
I can understand people's feelings about New Tech. New Tech isn't the problem per-se. It's the people. When I was growing up I read a news interview they had with a bank robber in Kentucky. They asked him why he tried to rob a bank with an empty gun. He said " what if I had got excited and shot someone, I couldn't live with myself if I'd done that". Today, they kill witnesses. It's sort of like eating at McDonald's. I won't eat at one where I think certain people will might spit a hooker into my sandwich while making it just because I'm white. It ain't Technology, it's people. And the more we coddle bad people the worse it's going to get.
All that stuff aside..........regarding "it's the people".......JIM !!! great to see you back. We've missed you. I actually saw some posts and a pic from you elsewhere (Facebook?) recently, so I knew you were still alive.
Quote from: JimNolan on 2021-08-19 06:41
And the more we coddle bad people the worse it's going to get.
Rich, I'm still alive. Just barely. Still driving my 57 but not as much as the 63 w/AC. It's been hot up here in cold country this year. I took the built 410 out of the 57 and put it in the 63. Now the 57 has a 320hp 390ci and I'm not shaking the fenders off it anymore. If fact, I haven't spun tires over on it since I put in the 390 engine. It's still nice and fun to drive. Hope everything is OK with you guys. It's been a terrible last couple of years on getting out it seems.
Jim Nolan , forgot you were even on this forum, your right, been a bad 2 years, want to sell that steering wheel out of the 57 yet, jerry
Jerry, Yes, I'll sell you one. The original one I had cut down in Australia I hate to part with after spending so much money on getting it. The Con2R like the one I'm using now but with a little more dish I'll take 1/2 of what I paid for it plus shipping.
Jim, it is good to hear from you again. I glad to hear you still have the 57 you got out of Mt. I thought you may be toes up. Glad you are back, this is a good forum, but new blood is always welcome. Take care, Alvin
Alvin, makes me feel good you remembered me and that my 57 came from White Fish, MT. I'll try to keep up with the Forum better. Not been doing to good as far as health but I can still type and use a computer. My 57 will be with me until I leave this earth. And, I don't abuse it drag racing any more even though that was lots of fun going to different states drag racing.
Very neat Ford Falcon & Peanuts clip.
this is for Charlie, RIP Sir Watts.
Birthday present to self.
Gary...........That looks very nice! Is it a restored car or a totally unmolested survivor?
Methinks you buy really really nice birthday gifts! My second ever brand-new car was a '65. Tell us about it. I'm especially curious what the emblem says.
I'm off in an hour or so for the NSRA show in Alburquerque.
Saw Hugh, Sasha, and Bob yesterday for a short time. With any luck and a lot of perseverance, he's waking up in his own bed this morning.
Yes, I really spoiled myself on this one. Based on some of the genus decisions I made as a young man, I'm amazed to see my 70th birthday! Dad bought a new '65 Galaxie and the car left quite an impression. At this point in life, I want to start no more projects. So when this car popped up, I acted before I talked myself out of it.
The car: 1965 Galaxie LTD, 352 Thunderbird Special, 4 bbl., dual exhaust, auto. basic 2 dr hardtop with LTD option, power steering, power brakes but no AC. Wimbleton white and I'm still researching the name of the valor cloth interior.
The story: The car popped up 40 miles away on FaceBook Marketplace. Grandma bought the car new and grandson inherited. The car is a 44k mile 'survivor' and quite original with shiny, factory paint (except where Grandma did a little touch up with house paint...amazing blend job), good glass, headliner, seats, carpet, and dash pad. All the chrome and stainless is straight and shiny. The car was plated, insured and driven occasionally.
The plan: I'll get it on the hoist for a though going over with plans to change all the fluids, replace all the rubber, and go through the brakes. I'll repair a couple of small leaks and exhaust. The 352 and COM sound good and perform adequate. So, I may just clean, fix what's broke and drive it. Or...have I found a new home for one of the engines on the stands. Hmmmm...side oiler or cammer!
Nice ride Gary! Happy Birthday!
I heard the mention of Charlie watts, so i figured i would post:
Well, it appears that I've been working too hard lately, at least according to my wife; she knew that I was a huge Eagles fan , (the band, not the football team) and that I had wanted to see them again while Glenn Frey was still alive, but sadly, we lost our chance.... so, she surprised last night with some tickets she had bought a while back for them at the TD garden.
She had told me months ago not to make any plans as it was going to be our "anniversary dinner". When I was getting ready, she told me where we were going, and that she had even set up the pre-paid parking; I was speechless.
On the way there, I didn't know what to expect' with Deacon Frey taking his dad's place as well as Joe Walshe's age (and lifestyle, I'm a BIG Joe Walsh fan too!) ...Lets just say, we were both floored by the performance. My wife likes their songs, but didn't really know the players. By the end of the night, (they played for three + hours!) she told me she could watch Joe Walsh forever.
They sounded great and I would recommend going if you have the chance, they started out 50 years ago and I don't think we may ever get the chance to see them again...
I haven't been up that late in a long time, but it was totally worth it!
cool !
It seems they had a full orchestra ?
Yes, 46 piece orchestra and a 22 voice choir because it was The Hotel California tour. The first set was the entire album and the second set an encore was all their hits, including a lot of Joe Walsh songs.
here's the set list:
Hotel California
1.)Hotel California
2.)New Kid in Town
3.)Life in the Fast Lane
4.)Wasted Time
5.)Wasted Time (Reprise)
6.)Victim of Love
4.)Pretty Maids All in a Row
(with Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra)
8.Try and Love Again
9.The Last Resort
10.Seven Bridges Road
11.Take It Easy
12.One of These Nights
13.Take It to the Limit
(with Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra)
14.Tequila Sunrise
15.Witchy Woman
I16.n the City
(Joe Walsh song)
17.I Can't Tell You Why
18.Peaceful Easy Feeling
19.Love Will Keep Us Alive
20.Lyin' Eyes
21.Those Shoes
22.Walk Away
(James Gang cover)
23.Life's Been Good
(Joe Walsh song)
24.Already Gone
(Jack Tempchin cover)
25.The Boys of Summer
(Don Henley song)
26.Funk #49
(James Gang cover)
27.Heartache Tonight
28.Rocky Mountain Way
(Joe Walsh song)
30.The Long Run
31.Best of My Love
Too Cool!!! I'm a big Eagles fan also. I just recently retired/trashed my Joe Walsh T-shirt he gave me when he toured our JBL factory.
So...Joe...hiball...SiriusXM is running a giveaway of tickets for the concert. All expenses paid...flight, room and tickets...for this concert when it hits L.A. in September I believe. No purchase required. Good luck! :006:
Thanks for the heads up. But with the virus crap spreading here I'm not going to any place with large gatherings.
Here you had to show a negative test with 48 hours or proof of vaccination (both) and still had to wear a mask before you were allowed into the building
You remember that couple from Gunnison Colorado that you visited with in Pueblo? This is their gray 57. I parked next to them at a car show last weekend.
The wagon is a Gene Winfield car, out of Kansas.
Beautiful! two great looking 57's. Custom wagon isn't my cup of tea..
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2021-09-01 10:23
Beautiful! two great looking 57's. Custom wagon isn't my cup of tea..
Mine either
I like it. One would expect to see the 20" rims w/ bandaids, but it's very traditional there. Beautiful paint job......Gene Who? (just kidding) You know there's some bucks in that car. That's the kind of car you'd be afraid to drive. With that said, I'd still pick Les'.
Les, I do remember talking with them. We talked about the fact I had seen it years ago before they owned it, but today I can't remember where that was (Alburquerque??)
There is no car I wouldn't drive. I have had people refuse to sell me a car because they knew I WOULD drive it. If it has wheels, a motor and transmission...I'll rack up miles.
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2021-09-01 16:49
There is no car I wouldn't drive. I have had people refuse to sell me a car because they knew I WOULD drive it. If it has wheels, a motor and transmission...I'll rack up miles.
I like the way you think. When they did a frame off on my 57 back in 2008 they wanted to leave the frame and underside in paint. I refused and had them paint and undercoat everything underneath. 75K miles later I can truthfully say not having to keep the bottom clean has made my enjoyment of owning the car even more.
I do remember that conversation Rich.
They drove the wagon from Kansas. But they live close to the Colorado boarder, so only 250 miles. I would imagine just being a Gene Winfield car would add to the value a great deal.
Took Rowdy out for a 60 kilometer leg stretching tonight, coffee night at a tire shop, 200+ cars there. A guy came up and told me that my car was his favourite car there, then he added "and I am a Chev guy'.
I told him that is the best trophy that could be won.
Saturday is his birthday, September 4, Edsel introduction day.
I like 'em both! :006:
I like them both, and all the neat stuff in the garage. Yeah, 57liter, nothing better than someone telling you it's their favorite car of the show.
My flag of Texas is behind the orange blind.
Nice flag!
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-09-03 08:55
I like them both, and all the neat stuff in the garage. Yeah, 57liter, nothing better than someone telling you it's their favorite car of the show.
To elaborate: I do get that occasionally, I might add. Probably you too as well as a number of forum members, I think partially because our Fords are so different from the usual swarm of tri-five Chevies. With all the nice compliments we get though, the one you mentioned always sticks in my mind. The best one I got in that group was the one from the Goodguys New Mexico rodder's rep who told me mine was his favorite of the "Run to the Inn of the Mountain Gods" show, and awarded me a plaque for it!.
The Texas ties to Texas?
Been there a few times, met Pat at the Lonestar Roundup, enjoyed the hill country, order Brisket when on the menu, the Continental Club for breakfast on a Saturday morning, cruising the back roads to New Braunfels, Harrell's in Kingsville, beers with Conrad in Luckenbach, Cranky Frank's in Fredericksburg, the Salt Lick, neon signs in Austin, Mercury Charlies, are just of few things that pop into memory bank.
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo...the barbecue plate makes my mouth water!!!
My home town is San Antonio. When I was a kid I swam on a swim team. New Braunfels was one of our annual swim meets. Swam in a river. The source was a large sitting pond where we used to acclimate to the cold water.
Texas was a great place to be as a kid in the 50's and 60's! I loved it. Fond memories.
I've never been to any of those places. The furthest south I've been in Texas is the DFW area.
There is a BBQ place west of San Antonio on I-10 that is killer! Meat is so tasty and well cooked it melts in your mouth. Wich I could remember the name of it now.
64 years ago today, the Edsel was introduced and my Custom 300 rolled off the Dallas assembly line.
Nice ride! I like the subtle look of "I'm just a driver"...yea...uh huh...right! LOL!!! :burnout:
Lick your chops on this site, walking in the door at the Dripping Springs location of the Salt Lick.
This was at noon.
Now that's how you do a Bar-B-Q!
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2021-09-04 18:38
Now that's how you do a Bar-B-Q!
That would make my mouth water big time! My O MY! :003:
Rolling from Michigan to South Carolina and back. Anyone need hand delivery?
Several good things happening this week. Most important is I passed my final prostate test with flying colors. They did a one hour prostate-specific MRI on me Tuesday, and my doctor called and said it didn't show the slightest indication of any issues! Yay!! He said I'm apparently one of the few that just has elevated numbers as a norm.
The '57..........When I had my accident 4 years ago, Grundy wouldn't renew my insurance after the term expired, so I went with Haggerty. The Haggerety policy was almost double what Grundy had been, for the same coverage. Talking to a Grundy agent at the NSRA show, he told me they only check back 3 years, so I would probably be accepted back in the fold. They did!! With Grundy, I increased my coverage to 55k (from 45), have 0 deductible, and 250. towing. With Haggerty, I had no towing, 45k coverage, and my premium was $777. With Grundy 55k coverage, $401 premium!! Just about 1/2!
Got to make a decision in the next hour or so, on upcoming shows/events. This weekend is Goodguys in Fort Worth. The weather is going to be good, although a little warmer than I had hoped @ 90*. Also, this weekend is a hot rod 100 out of Oklahoma City. I did it last year and really enjoyed it. There were about 280 cars last year if I remember correctly.
Lastly, next weekend is probably my favorite. Run to the Inn of the Mountain Gods, in Ruidoso, NM, Cool mountain weather, tall pines, a lake, and a casino right at the car show. Problem is, I just checked the weather, and the 10-day forecast is showing a 45% chance of thunderstorms the whole weekend. The show is in a grassed area next to the lake and casino/resort, at the bottom of a long slope. Not going to be good if it does rain heavy.
Those are the last 3 main events I have on my calendar, but I have to watch my spending, so I need to choose one only. If I skip both events this weekend in favor of the Ruidoso show next weekend, and it rains, I won't be a happy camper.
A 45% chance isn't likely to be wet. If you skip both this weekend and it goes up you won't be happy. But...if you skip that one and do one of these and then it goes down for won't be happy.
Wasn't I helpful? LOL!!! Glad I could help you with your decision.
Good news on the exam and the insurance. Now about the shows, I agree with Hugh!
If your wipers work and you take rain gear, it won't rain...guaranteed.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2021-09-23 18:41
If your wipers work and you take rain gear, it won't rain...guaranteed.
:headbang: :lol: :041:
lol...guess you missed my long post about my drive back from Albuquerque a few weeks ago.
It is an adventure!
Decided on a one-day only at the Goodguys in Fort Worth. Leaving in an hour or so.
had a great trip. Nice weather, big crowd, no issues with the car. We did have a little extra excitement when a vendor's food truck caught on fire. Sent black clouds hundreds of feet in the air...and then their propane tank blew sending a fireball up a hundred feet or so. Big crowds in the area that got cleared out really fast. I heard only a few minor injuries from shrapnel. I googled for info, and they only showed the fire, not the explosion. I was probably a 1/4 mile from it with a building in between, but still felt a little shockwave.
754 mile roundtrip. Oh, had a great stop at a casino on the way down.....1200+!
Hey! Paid for the trip and a little to put away toward the next one! Nice work!
Hit a local little show here(only 60 miles away), door prize paid for the gas and entry fee. Great day all the way around. Nice to be back in the saddle again!
Next show for me may be really coming up quick. The run to the Inn of the Mountain Gods is this weekend, and the Saturday rain forecast changed from 45% to 15%!
I was browsing the parts vendors at Goodguys and checked out the Scoggin-Dickey (sp?) booth. They are a new car dealer in Lubbock with a big-time racing parts division. One that caught my eye was one for the Chevy guys..........check the first line of the text......
Very nice, we had a show here this Sunday also, but our food truck didn't blow up, although after eating there, it probably should have. :003:
Took the '39 to the "All Ford" show and managed to take first place in the Antique class. Kind of a weird show, antique class was labeled as "Antique up to 1980" :dontknow:
Joe looking good and congratulations JohnV
Congrats..well deserved. "1980 antique"........kinda hard getting my head wrapped around that. I do remember when I was a kid someone explaining that a car/object had to be at least 25 years old to be considered an antique. Seemed about right to someone barely in their teens. New cars, say 1960, and an antique would be 1935......that's only 25 years, but a '35 in 1960 definitely felt like an antique. On the flip side, a few weeks ago I looked at a Jaquar xj something. The beautiful fastback looked like it just rolled out of the factory. The owner was out driving it for the first time in a year. He said it only had 32k miles on it. Looked like a new car.....then he told me it was an '86. whoa! that car was 35 years old!! Hard to consider it an antique.
Congrats Joe...well deserved. :003:
Thanks guys, I'm right there with ya', apparently we're officially old when we don't think a 1980 is an antique. :grandpaSimpson:
80's as antiques doesn't resister with me either. I always thought of 80's cars as crap and still do :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2021-09-29 08:09
80's as antiques doesn't resister with me either. I always thought of 80's cars as crap and still do :003:
top statement, Jim.... :003:
My personal calendar in automotive and music ends ca 1967. exceptions prove the rule.
Well,I guess that I must also be officially "old" as well! Here in Nova Scotia Canada, we have "antique" license plates, that are available to any car truck in somewhat decent condition, that is 30 years of age, or older. I have them on my 59 Meteor, but I must admit, seeing antique plates on a 1990 Taurus, or a 89 Hyundai just seems strange.
Seeing antique plates on a Taurus or Hyundai is not only is just plain wrong! UGH! :hmh:
Quote from: 59meteor on 2021-10-02 07:30
Well,I guess that I must also be officially "old" as well! Here in Nova Scotia Canada, we have "antique" license plates, that are available to any car truck in somewhat decent condition, that is 30 years of age, or older. I have them on my 59 Meteor, but I must admit, seeing antique plates on a 1990 Taurus, or a 89 Hyundai just seems strange.
As you know Rory it's 25 years here in BC. So only 3 years to go on my 1999 F-350 S/D. Crazy, I know, but I'll take advantage of it for sure.
Randy, If I was still in BC, I would likely apply for the collector plates for my 99 F350 Dually as well, although not sure if that would prevent me from using the truck for towing my enclosed car trailer still. Unlike BC, where even an aftermarket radio, or the incorrect wheels or hub caps can prevent you from getting the Collector plates, no such restrictions here in Nova Scotia. My buddy has a 74 Mercury Capri, with a 347 SB Ford, 5 speed, 9" rearend, and aluminum slot wheels, he has had the Antique plates for years.
25 years here in Massachusetts also, but it just seems wrong running antique plates on my 1996 Bronco.
Speaking of which, I just put the small winter tires on it today, got a sticker and put the snow plow on it, which seems wrong also. Where the hell did summer go???
Now I just need to find someone to help me put the top back on it...
I'll be right over first thing in the morning... :006:
:laughing4: :thumbsup:
In some parts, winter's here! I got back from the Ruidoso show about 10 last night. Many of the cars that were parked at the resort grounds Friday night were covered with a coating of ice Saturday morning! No ice storm, just frozen dew. Turned out to be a really nice day Saturday, hugh crowds, sooooo many great compliments on my '57, folks wanting to share their history of past '57s, etc.
One guy couldn't stop telling me how awesome he thought the car was, particularly since it is driven so much. he said "this car has got to be worth a lot of money, it is so unique and well done". I laughed and said "a lot of money?", make me an offer and we'll see, lol. I guess his money wasn't where his mouth was, but I still enjoyed it.
675 miles, no issues...ran it at 75-80 most of the trip. Probably gonna be my last road trip for a while. The miles adding up @55k now.....really needs some attention...........brakes grabbing/klunking in parking lots, etc., rear seals leaking, seats need a re-dye, just needs a good going-over.
Rich, I find humor in the put your money where your mouth is. When I retored my 57 bird I wanted to sell it and have money for my next project, [but kept it for 9 years before selling]. Any way I thought a good way to advertise would be to put "57 FORE SALE" on the license plate. That was probably one of the dumbest thing I could have done. Every car show we went to someone would tell me how much they liked the car and wanted to buy it from me. All they were doing was wasting my time. Live and learn
Rich, Always good to hear about your trips and the mileage you rack up. I only did two small trips this week, Monday up the coast 170 miles and yesterday in the mountains 140 miles.. But happy to get out on the road.. I tried taking some pictures but most came out blurry :005:
Kinda hard taking pics alone while you're driving, and I usually forget anyways.
That's my kinda road, Jim....we're birds of a feather! Not too many here that actually talk about driving their cars.
A few pics I did manage to take:
1st pic was taken the day before the show, early afternoon from inside the Inn of the Mountain Gods. Check out that scenery!
2nd pic early evening on Friday. All the grass areas you see in the pic will be filled up Saturday. That red 32 coupe on the left got best LS motor!!!!!!! it was beautiful, I must admit. The times they are a-changin'!
3rd pic Saturday am about 7....waiting to be allowed down into the area. Parking was slow. They tell you exactly where to park, which in my case ended up being way down the other end of the hotel. That actually turned out ok because the main parking lot for spectators was at that end of the hotel, so most visitors came in right past my car. The Mopar guys to the left had the room right behind their cars..Neat setup! If I can ever get my wife to come along, I'll try for one of those.
a few more. BTW, if there was another 50's Ford passenger car at the show at all, I missed it. On the flip side, 4 of the first 6 awards went to 55 or 56 Chevys. This was the same show the Goodguys NM rep gave me his award for his favorite car of the show.
The last two pics are on the way home and are from the area just North of Ruidoso between Capitan and Carrizozo (Hugh went thru there a few months ago). The sun is hitting my windshield emphasizing the hundreds of rock chips I have! One of the pitfalls of driving our cars.
Very nice Rich, as always, the car looks great!
Rich we are birds of a feather :002: great pictures. I love the two lanes but it limits me to only going north or east.
Wife gets nervous when I take pictures :003:, she gets many more good ones but they are to large to post.
I too like driving...a lot! Not of course in my '57 yet...but I bought my truck on July 30 of last year. I have put OVER 65k on it since...
I am longing for the day I can put some of those on my Courier!!! :burnout:
I love hearing about people driving their 57's. I've been lucky and only lost a windshield in my 57 from a gravel truck doing 75mph on the Nashville bypass. Never any paint chips etc. Both my cars were sandblasted underneath, painted and then undercoated. I figured detailing it underneath was a prerequisite to having a trailer queen. Everyone should have as much fun as I have through the years driving and drag racing their 57. I would say I wish I lived in a better climate for driving. But, there's too much going on today in those places for me to live there. Have fun guys.
Here is an interesting read. Thanks Mose.
Sounds like a man who never worked a day in his life. Just went to the shop and had the pleasure of having fun every day...and being paid for it!
Enjoy this.
That is a cool story! Thanks for the share! :006:
X 2, very nice resto
Autumn has arrived, it was a great day yesterday to get the F-1 out for a blast. I have been enjoying this Windsor power for 34 years.
Terry :canada:
Dang Terry....that is just one sharp and clean looking ride! I am about that color right now...after looking at it. Lucky man are you! :006:
I love it! and I miss autumn also.
Drop dead gorgeous!
Absolutely FINE!
Autumn? What is that! Highs in the low 80s, lows in the upper 60s, running the A/C in the garage and headed to the beach Monday...
"Old Style" green. :003: It is a sharp looking truck.
With a Jack Mezzemo built Windsor.
Jack ran a Cleveland powered Pinto, as well as one of the first 271 HP 65 Fastback's in the northwest, the Cobrastang notchback and built 289's to FE's for decades.
Green with envy here too. Love the stance and color!
Last weekend was our last old Route 66 get-together for the season. We actually did both nights, as the church parking lot on historic old 66 was to site of the annual Halloween trunk-or-treat. That was a great night....hundreds and hundreds of kids. Funny thing was, even though it had been advertised on the church billboard for a month, no treaters from the church showed up! Only us street rodders!
Yesterday was our last monthly 1ST Saturday meet at the location it's been at for a dozen or so years. We're getting kicked out, and it wasn't even our fault. It's been in a school district parking lot, and apparently, locals have been going to that parking lot late at night and burning donuts and figure-8's. They have it on security video.........late-model Camaros, Mustangs, and Challengers. Somehow, they, of course, decided we were all bad guys and were no longer welcome. Some, obviously not thinking it through, left burnouts across the front of the building entrance area parking lot as they left for the last time.
They are actively looking for another spot that can accommodate up to 250 cars on a steady basis. I guess, for the most part, churches are out because Saturday is the day for frequent weddings. One place wanted $400 per meeting date! What??!!
Pat, if you're reading this, let your dad know it's not going to be at Hillside and Bell any more. I saw him there occationally.
That sucks and we have those same idiots here. We should have a law that makes them target practice :071:
forgot to mention that I met someone here in town that has a '57 they are parting out if anybody needs anything. It's a Custom 4 dr. 6cyl, been off the road for a looong time. Send me a pm for his name and tel #. It does have a working jack........which reminds me.......
I inherited a duralast 12v scissors jack for my '57. It was in my neice's dad's truck when he passed away a few months ago. The truck and his camping trailer have been stored in my back yard (needed a safe place), and they just got the truck out last weekend. Anyway, it's a 12v jack that plugs into the 12v power source. Should make life a little easier if needed. I'll get a pic when I check it out.
We (car club) ran into the same problem here when trying to host a cruise-in. No body wanted the "hot rods" because they drive recklessly, the hot rods they refereed to were the late model folks that left common sense home when they got to the event! Funny how the Camaros, Mustangs and the Challengers all loose their minds when one acts out.
Put that aside, the places we found wanted us to cover the cost of insurance for the event. They would not accept our insurance, they wanted their own to cover liability and property damage. Most of the estimates were in the 5 - 6 hundred range and that was some 15 years ago. Turns out most of the cruise-ins here are in food/restaurant parking lots. Guess the folks eating eases the pain?
About a month ago, I stopped driving my '57, other than short trips around town, because something was rattely-banging underneath and I needed to get it checked out. I wasn't sure what it was, I had first pulled the front wheels to check for a loose caliper (had that problem once). I checked tie-rods and sway bar, and the tranny cross-member was tight. Found the problem a few days right upper control arm was loose.....lost all the shims, etc. Anyone had this issue before? this is the second time for me. I've got to make a note to myself to check the control arm bolts whenever it gets aligned. I do have my bolts intentionally in backwards from the way the factory had them, because the closeness of the exhaust headers doesn't allow room for those extra-long nuts on the engine side. Can't see how that would make any possible difference, except they are harder to get to for tightening.
I've got an appointment on the 22nd for my guy to put it back together and align. I'm also finally having him pull a rear differential bearing/seal for a part number so I can try and locate replacements. As we talked before, they are not stock bearings, and apparently with built-in seals.
Can't say I have on anything, but I use air tools; unless maybe the guy who did your alignment didn't tighten the enough?
Probably wouldn't hurt to put a little Loc-Tite on them.
Kinda sounds like something did not get a final torque...
How many shims front and back do you have? You are not supposed to have greater than a 1/16" difference in total thickness front to back...
There's a substantial difference, Lynn....eyeballing maybe 3/16 in both rear locations, and about 1/2" in both fronts, for a 5/16 dif.. It's been that way since the first alignment, and two different shops. Alignment has always been great, tire wear near perfect..........front tires have about 40+k on them, not close to needing replacement. I remember Bill commenting on the even tire wear when I stopped to visit him on the way back from Florida.
Honestly, I don't really understand alignment too well, but I thought the difference in thicknesses was due to trying to get as much positive caster as possible (it's about +2 I think)
Interesting that you asked that.
I have to wonder about the 1/16" thing. Is that old bias ply alignment spec? A starting point for initial assembly? A reference setting to check "squareness"? Does not make sense as many items in the front suspension being replaced could be different then the original parts. I don't see how a larger difference in spacer dimension would put stress on any of the components or cause binding of the arms or joints.
An equal number of shims removed or added to mounting bolts will change camber. Uneven shims, front to rear will affect castor and possibly camber. Can't in my mind validate the 1/16 thing, it just don't rule a proper alignment setting to get the best ride/handling.
I know I have at least a 1/8 difference just to get +1 castor. But sometimes I question the shop manual specs. These books are written before the cars actually go on sale and hit the road. If you look at the pictures of the front suspension parts they are 56 so I wonder if the specs are just 56 carry overs. I always question the shop manuals because of the revisions made later. The spec for torque on the rear axle U bolts is 40 lbs, do I trust that? Not at all..
My guess on the difference is the bind on the bolts. The bolts are pressed fit. A big shim pack difference could stress the bolts. Other wise, the shim pack difference front to rear should be no issue.
The "bolts pressed in" may explain why mine have come loose because, as mentioned, mine have to be in backwards, which means the ribs cast into the bolts to give that press-in, are not functioning as such for the most part, as those ribs are in the bracket area, then the shims before it gets to the shaft where the press-in would normally occur. Guess it's something I've just got to check every few months.
Wow, I'm now only 25 posts short of 10,000! Way back when, I never realized I could ask sooooo many questions, lol.
The OEM nuts are lock nuts. Maybe they got replaced with non-locking, regular nuts or the OEM ones have worn.
Are you talking about the ones that are about 1 1/4 long, only threaded halfway? That's all I've ever seen on '57s. They also have lock washers, not sure if thelock washer was on the one that came loose/lost, but I picked up an OEM bolt/nut/washer off a local '57 being parted out. Not a locknut, though.............just a nice tight feel. No wrench marks at all on the replacements.
Okay Rich, you can let it go and stop padding your posts anytime now... ( (
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-11-12 12:37
Wow, I'm now only 25 posts short of 10,000! Way back when, I never realized I could ask sooooo many questions, lol.
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2021-11-12 17:37
Okay Rich, you can let it go and stop padding your posts anytime now... ( (
My guess is that the pivot arm is "cocked" too much it will not sit flat on the shims and the shims won't be flat on the frame bracket. This will stress the bolts on one side and alter torque effectiveness. The whole assembly may not be stable and may be subject to loosening up. I cheated a 1/16" on mine but I don't like that. The design is not intended to allow the addition of a lot of caster. Just a guess....
OK, I see Joe is not logged on, so maybe he won't notice this post.....What you say makes sense, Lynn. I'll talk to my new alignment guy about it when I bring it in.
The reason I brought up the question about the "lock nuts", stating what seemed to be the obvious and wasting posting space, lol, was a picture on the Hamb I was looking at shortly before Gary made the statement about "lock nuts". Our friend Jeff Norwell has a thread started on the Hamb about the starting of his second '57 Ford project while his first one is in body shop jail. One of his pile-o-parts pics shows the control arms and shafts. The bolts for the shafts have just the normal style lock nuts that we would normally picture in our heads. Thus my stating the maybe-not-so-obvious.
I'll post a link to Jeff's Hamb thread.
edit..........looked at Jeff's pics again, and I misread what I was looking at I think. Jeff has cleaned up and sandblasted the control arm shafts with the bolts still pressed in, and I think he threaded some plain nuts on there just to protect the threads.
I'm not sure if non Hamb members can see the thread I posted the link for..........someone let me know.
Rich I can see the post and pictures and I'm a non member. I've never seen lock nuts on a 57, only the long partially threaded nuts and lock washers..
You guys talking about alignment and control arms insist I tell you of my experience with my 57's steering assembly. 1. The height of the front end controlled by the spring height can only be played with so much or you'll never get the front end aligned. 2. The power steering control valve needs greased often on my car to keep away slop in steering. 3. The engine has to be running on a power steering car during alignment of the front wheels. 4. Finding a guy that can align the front end of a 57 with power steering is like finding gold in a creek in northern Indiana.
Just thought I'd add my thoughts.
Hi Guys.
Rich. you are indeed correct,. the bolts are factory pressed in units.. and the nuts on the threads are the ones that came with the car... on both my 57's.... they never had lock nuts as suggested.(they might have been changed in the past.)The only thing I replaced was the lock washers.....
If you notice in the pic. there are little green packs(4) that are the alignment shims.I carefully collected each pack, and kept them together.... when re-assembling I will pack them back..... of course this means nothing as the car will be properly aligned when that times comes.
Mornin' Jim and Jeff! Great to see you guys on here. You're doing a great job of getting all that stuff cleaned up, Jeff. It's really weird that both your '57s had those small nuts on them when you got them. As mentioned, I figured you just had them on to protect the threads, and as discussed, they are not stock. The OEM ones are much longer (1 1/4 or so). I'm sure the purpose of the longer nuts is to protect the threads from road rash damage. Just my 2 cents, but those look inadequate to me, almost like a jam nut, but that may just be the pic. Peace of mine for me would be either the OEM nuts (really heavy duty) or at least grade 8.
Like Rich said the nuts on every 57 I have owned or looked at had the long nuts. Just guessing that maybe the first early production units at some assembly plant used up the left over 56 inventory?
Funny, guess assembly plant might play a role? My 58 Edsel Pacer (first day of production) from the Louisville plant has small locking nuts vice the long nuts on the Ranchero (CA car). The Edsel was produced on the Ford and Mercury assembly lines.
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2021-11-18 09:00
Funny, guess assembly plant might play a role? My 58 Edsel Pacer (first day of production) from the Louisville plant has small locking nuts vice the long nuts on the Ranchero (CA car). The Edsel was produced on the Ford and Mercury assembly lines.
Thats interesting. Maybe they went to the smaller nut in the later runs. It would be nice to know what was on 58 Fords. I owned one 58 but I can't recall the nuts..
Those parts are looking good. Jay
Nice to hear from you Jay; I have been hoping everything was well with you and your wife. I've been meaning to call, but this lawsuit with the neighbor, work & family stuff has been keeping me more busy than I care to be.
We'll talk soon.
I have a funny feeling that they used what they had at different plants.. when nuts and bolts went short.. they used many different sources(Ford approved of course) ... but a plant in Dallas may have not had or ran out of that certain fastener... as the plant in Minn.. had an abundance....
Off topic about this.. I must have about 6-7 Cowl/vent grills(covers the wind shield pulleys, just behind the hood and such....)
Anyhow..I was looking at one.. and on the backside.. very clearly... is the Firestone logo..... I check all the others I have... nope... nothing.....
so... Who really knows what the company used.......
Joe, lawsuit? This guy must be brain dead from the ass up. I sure hope it al works out.
Ford had numerous suppliers for everything they didn't make themselves.
Some parts may look a little different but, they all had to meet design specs.
Remember they used 3 different 4bl carbs in 57.
Ron B.
Yeah Alvin, I just don't get it....
I assume the lawsuit is over the garage? What's he gonna gain? You obviously had city permits. It's a done deal. New England states sorely need to pass "mind your own business" laws! Good luck with that. Have you thought about putting in a pig farm as a buffer?
Actually four 4 BBL carbs as the E and F code cars still used the Holley teapot carbs.
It's a long story Rich, I'll comment once it's over as I don't want to jeopardize anything right now.
Sorry, I should have said 245 Hp.
I think Paxton had already worked with teapots. 57 was the 1st year for the other 3 so it would have been a short turnaround to use any of the others.
Ron B.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
My '57 is in the shop. Josh is taking care of the loose upper control arm issue and realignment. We're both confident this is going to take care of the steering wheel movement I was having..........we just missed finding that issue when he found all the other loose stuff. I also had him remove a bolt from the rack plate, that joins the tierods, to check for excess hole size that Gary mentioned was an issue on his. The holes had very little clearance, so that possibility has been eliminated.
He pulled a rear axle to try and get a bearing/seal number but there were no numbers on it. Our plan was to have the bearings and seals in hand so the car wouldn't be down for any lengthy time. I picked up the axle and brought it to the shop that built the rear end and he knew what the bearing was right away. He's going to order them tomorrow. I got the axle back to the first shop just before closing, and he's going to reassemble Monday morning as he needs the lift the car is on. When the bearings come in, the car will go to the shop that built the rear. All's good!, except I was hoping to have the '57 back for a road trip Sunday on my 75th birthday. Oh well.
The car currently has separate seals/bearings, btw. He's ordering bearings that have outer o-rings for the seals.
Rich, have you been able to determine whether the backward bolts are contributing to the loosened A-arm? My 58 had mismatched nuts so I replaced them all with new grade 8 bolts and nuts which don't have the knurling like the originals , so I just want to be sure that I don't have a similar problem with the Bolts loosening.
I'll probably never know, but my guess is it's more of a human failure thing, not the positioning of the bolts.
Thanks for the question, I wasn't wanting to do anything frivolous for my 10,000 post, lol.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-11-27 08:23
Thanks for the question, I wasn't wanting to do anything frivolous for my 10,000 post, lol.
Lol, yeah, I talk too much. My wife was saying the same thing when I met my niece's new next-door neighbor Thanksgiving. Nice lady.
I don't think that I talk too much, I am just providing information that young whipper snappers don't have. In other words, I'm imparting wisdom to the younger generations, but according to my wife, my problem is not knowing when to stop providing said wisdom.
Just an observation after 28 years of dealing with the low end of society...those who have nothing to offer on a subject...seem to always think that those knowledgeable about a subject...speak too much when explaining it. I tend to chalk it up to jealousy of those who have knowledge...JMHO. :006:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-11-27 12:15
Lol, yeah, I talk too much. My wife was saying the same thing when I met my niece's new next-door neighbor Thanksgiving. Nice lady.
All kidding aside we always enjoy your questions and great road trip stories.. :001:
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2021-11-27 22:55
Just an observation after 28 years of dealing with the low end of society...those who have nothing to offer on a subject...seem to always think that those knowledgeable about a subject...speak too much when explaining it. I tend to chalk it up to jealousy of those who have knowledge...JMHO. :006:
I fully agree with that observation. However in recent years I have found that those having nothing to offer on a subject have also infiltrated the mid and upper ends of society as well.
Got my car back yesterday, put it thru the paces on a 70 mile run issues whatsoever with the steeirng. Fixed! Finally! yay!
That's great Rich. On the road again.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-11-30 17:34
Got my car back yesterday, put it thru the paces on a 70 mile run issues whatsoever with the steeirng. Fixed! Finally! yay!
Good news, burn up some asphalt :burnout:
Haha....didn't take long this time to find something else...............drove my wife in it to the VA this morning, and on the way back, my driver's window stopped working again. Remember that long story I had about driving 120 miles in a heavy downpour with my window down, lol?? I had jury-rigged the electric window housing back together after I got home, and I guess it just came apart again. I'll take a look later today.
My wife has had knee replacement surgery rescheduled 5 times so far, her latest date being this Friday, but they told her as of today, with a new Covid rise, there are no empty beds in the hospital. It's gonna be a day-to-day thing for a short time anyway.
My wife has had both hips replaced, and one knee replaced last year. She caught Covid while in the hospital with the knee replacement, so its probably best to stay away from the hospital for now. Of course that doesnt help the knee pain in the meantime. Hope your wife will be able to get it fixed soon.
Thanks, She had one knee replaced 5 or 6 years ago, they determined it was time for the second knee about 2 years ago when the first cancelation happened. She's bone-to-bone on this second one, in constant pain.
If you would quit beating her with the breaker bar when she steps into your garage she wouldn't have these problems. :003:
My wife's knee surgery was cancelled again. I think this was the 5th time. Covid again. Hospital is overflowing. As of the morning, the VA had 12 people in the ER waiting for rooms.
Amy blew out her knee at 17...old football injury. She was the mascot. She wore a tiger costume with a three foot head that must have weighed 25 pounds and couldn't see where she was going. She had an assistant to guide her around. Assistant failed. So, Amy's getting a new knee for Christmas. She's on deck awaiting daily Covid updates shooting for next Thursday. Fingers crossed!
My electric window issue...........the previous repair I had made held up quite nicely, but the nylon housing broke in another area. There is a nylon tube that houses the worm drive that makes a loop between the motor and the actual up/down mechanism. That tube broke, letting the drive worm it's way out. I am going to replace most of that loop with a section from a screen door spring. I found one the right ID and OD, and it'll be attached with copper pipe connectors secured with worm drive hose clamps. after I get all that put together, I'll make a brace to secure the loop and keep it from wiggling around. Sounds kinda hokey, but I think it'll work well, and save me 300. for a new window kit.
Well, my electric window repair attempts didn't work....I bit the bullet and ordered a new set. 345. urgh!!! Jegs same price as cheapest Ebay, but Jegs accepts returns if needed.
I took the '57 out again yesterday for a 75-mile drive........felt good, and the steering issue is definitely gone.
I called the guy who built/modified my rear end to see if the bearing were in yet, and they are not. I honestly think he was waiting for me to do a follow-up call before he ordered, or just forgot. He said they should be in by the end of this week. It'll be nice to get the seal leakage taken care of, so I can also get the brakes/emergency brake working again, then get my NSRA 23 inspection redone.
Got to get some "refreshing/redying" of my seats and steering wheel.......getting kinda grungy looking.
I hope your bearing and seal are in stock and not sitting in a container in the harbor.
Rich what is a NSRA 23 inspection?
Jim. yeah, me too. Problem is, he took some measurements and was going to do some research, so I have no idea what the number is, so if he doesn't come thru, I'm back to square one. He did return my call though, and in the past, he's kept his word.
Kerby......the NSRA does free inspections for members that are pretty thorough. They do them at the NSRA shows or thru the local NSRA reps. They have a 23 point inspection sheet. If you pass the first 16, you get a regular NSRA inspection sticker, but if you pass all 23, you get the prized NSRA 23 sticker. It's kinda a badge of honor. They check stuff like brake line materials, wiring, wipers, horns, line attachment, nothing done shoddy like hanging below the "scrub line" (not sure if I got that term correct),etc etc. I got the NSRA23 stickers the first two times (it's an annual thing) I had it done, but the last time my e-brake wouldn't hold. I could have accepted the regular sticker, but I declined. We think the leaking seals on the differential maybe getting onto the brake pads, so all though it's no big deal not having an e-brake for a while, I want it fixed and ready for the next inspection.
I have been an advocate of the "23" since it's inception! My 36 has had the 23 every year since they started it. Every car I have built since then would/has passed the 23. I firmly believe we need to police ourselves or someone else will do it for us. Every time someone else has "helped" us with things we should have taken care of ourselves the results were less then good. In 87 I wrote a letter to the lead NSRA inspection guru encouraging that no awards be given to cars at their events that were not inspected and passed at least the first 16. It was shot down as "it would discourage folks from participating". You can go to for a full run down on the organization.
I agree with you Bill, and it's no surprise that all your cars got the 23 stickers! I was in the garage this morning having my "morning coffee" (with a few smokes) and I noticed I got the sticker's name's actually SAFETY 23.
Wonder If they have a specific inspection program for all these "Rat Rods" that seem to have been infiltrating car shows the past 10 years or so, maybe a NSRA Safety One sticker!
I know some don't like the rat rods...I'm on the fence about them myself...but some have really good mechanicals...and then the ratty body.
Just sayin'...
Thanks for the explanation Rich. GTK, I agree with keeping them safe and mechanically sound.
I'lll look for those inspections in the future.
The NSRA inspectors all have red trimmed shirts while the "officials" have blue trimmed shirts.
My new Electric windows arrived this was perfect. Both units are broken in the same place I've been trying to repair mine!! Really really bad packing from the manufacturer. The electric motors are only connected to the mechanism with a 3/8 thin wall nylon tube that the worm drive rides in. Once installed, and everything bolted down, should be ok, but definitely needs shipping bracing of some sort. The units were just both wrapped in paper with all the loose components and put into a box twice the size it needed. Even if they were shrink-wrapped to carboard, it would keep that motor from putting pressure on that tube during shipping/handling. URGH!!! BTW, I'm pretty sure I probably damaged mine installing, way back when, not realizing how delicate they were. I was really hoping for a bolt-in replacement, that's why I reordered the same. Plus, I like the floating head mechanism that means the install doesn't need to be perfect, as it does with other kits.
Jegs has another set on the way......their last set, so I hope it's good!
What is it with shippers...toss in some wrinkled up paper and call it packing!!
Just to be clear, it was not the shipper (Jegs), it was the factory / or distributor packaging.
Rich would a chunk of the brake line tubing work to keep the worm drive happy?
The shipping problem may be due to a lack of shipping materials, a lot of companies are having this. Their normal shipping may be sitting in a container in the harbor and they are doing their best to satisfy customers. I've seen more then a few stories about this, cans, bottles, boxes etc. One large egg ranch has no egg cartons to pack them.
Bill........any 3/8 OD tubing would work, brake line tubing would be too small, Copper would be the easiest to find. I was trying to avoid removing the unit from the door, and as mentioned, my attempts at a fix while still inside the door were a fail. I guess my frustration got the best of me when I ordered the replacement set, in view of the fact the broken one will need to come out anyway. At that point, I should have instead given a shot at a repair with it out.
Here's a pic of.the new broken ones, and how they were just paper wrapped inside the os box.
The red cable you can see where they are both broken is the worm drive.
Who is the Manufacturer / Supplier of these Power Window Kits? What is the Brand Name?
John......Electric Life. The model I use is the EL 1000. A handful of distributors, but I ordered mine from Jegs. They're easy on returns,.
This is a pic of the whole unit that's easier to see. The reason I chose this unit is the floating mechanism that makes for a real smooth operation even if the installation is not perfect (as is required by most other kits). Note the two (one is broken off) square nylon pads. They ride inside a square channel that is mounted on the glass, so the mechanism can slide back and forth. You can imagine if the lift mechanism was secured to the glass with screws rather than these "floating blocks', the installation would have to be nearly perfect to get a smooth operation.........very hard to do........for one thing, on our '57s, the inside door panels are not parallel with the window channel and are actually curved somewhat.
This one in the pic, in addition to the broken cable housing (tube), also had one of the square guides broken off.
Several challenges in getting this installed are...all this stuff has to fit thru a 7 x 13 opening while trying to hold/support everything so the tube does not break. Also, the motor mounts are on a different plane by 1/2" from the upright.....and, as mentioned, it's all mounted to the inside of the door which is not parallel to the window channels.
Your kits look very similar to mine. I bought them 15 years ago from BALL'S Rod and Custom. The difference was the PVC cable sheath on mine is black. They were shipped shrink-wrapped to corrugated.
Rich, did y'all make it through the wind storm ok?
We didn't have it bad at all here, thanks for asking.
We did here in the Shell Knob---Branson West---Kimberling City area. Branson West had a touch down...and we lost a few branches here at the house. No word on how Berryville AR 10 miles south of us did. Some buildings in Branson West suffered damages.
Glad everyone is.ok.
Yeah, same here. I was worried about John in Kentucky, but I actually thought I saw a post from him the morning after, before I even heard the news of the horrible damage there, went back and checked, and he had indeed posted, so I knew he was ok.
No problem here in Louisville................BUT, SouthWest of here is beyond belief. A friend of mine is from Princeton KY. Her Mother's house and everything in it is GONE. There is nothing remaining. Yes, her Mother survived. As we all know others did not.
Paper work, cancelled checks, photographs etc., from the area that was hit, have been found 200 miles away.
Got my replacement electric window kit yesterday.............they also came in damaged in the same spots. Jegs is ordering a set from the manufacturer, and they put a note on the order to open the package and check the contents before they ship it to me. it's gonna be early January looks like....hopefully.
An update........I pulled the broken unit out of the car and actually was able to get what I think is now a good permanent fix. I took it apart, removed the broken nylon tube and replaced it with copper. Not really having a good way to secure it to the nylon housings, I put two hose clamps on the copper and ran some JB Weld around everything, added some wire. It is nice and solid, and checking with my portable 12v power supply, operates nice and smooth and quiet. The glob at the bottom of the regulator was my first repair when the nylon housing broke away from the track.
I wanted to change the way the motor was attached to the door panel, so I ran to the hardware store. When I got back, my new replacement kit was on the front porch!! URG. I was almost hoping it was also damaged, but it wasn't, so it looks like I have a good backup set. I'll leave the repaired one in there since it's almost installed.
I've posted on my portable power unit before, but worth mentioning again. It's obviously a 12v drill with the motor removed and replaced with leads. Built in charger, variable power/speed control, and reversible +-. Lightwieight...........easy to carry to a salvage yard if needed! Just flipping the switch let me run the regulator up and down while I was adding some lube. Doesn't get any better for convenience.
If anyone is thinking about adding an electric window kit, I can do a how-to. There is some figuring out on the project that takes a while to sort out if you don't have info on what to do specific to our '57s.
Christmas present. Here is a very old photo taken in 1959 of my first '57. My mom and siblings in front of my grandmother's Fairlane 500 at Easter. The car would eventually become mine. I am tugging at my tie and my sister who gave me this picture for Christmas seems to be looking at a cell phone???
Ties were never a comfy fit when we were kids...I still don't hardly wear fact...since we moved across the country last fall/winter...I have no idea where mine are! LOL!! don't care either... :003:
Nice car! Still have it?
Thats great Lynn, I'll have to dig up a family picture of our new 57. I've only wore a tie once in the last 40 years at my sons wedding, a bow tie.
Shame on you, Jim ! :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2021-12-29 07:11
I've only wore a tie once in the last 40 years at my sons wedding, a bow tie.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2021-12-29 07:33
Shame on you, Jim ! :003:
There was nobody in a tie at my wedding, I made the rules :003:
Our weddings are typically jeans and boots.
My wedding usually end up in divorce... :003:
My dad always said: "Marriage is the number one cause of divorce"
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2021-12-29 16:33
My wedding usually end up in divorce... :003:
My dad always said: "Marriage is the number one cause of divorce"
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^
I long ago decided I was a one time kinda guy...But then I didn't do it until I was 38...:glasses12:
One of my dad's sayings "Love is blind marriage is an eye opener".
I was 19 and told a friend I was getting married, she said marriage was a great institution, but who in the hell wants to live in an institution!
Well, last September was 51 years married for me. She used to lay on the concrete and watch me change transmissions. After two hip replacements and a knee replacement, she doesn't get down on the concrete unless she falls. 😉 But she supports me in my car addiction, so I got a keeper.
Lucky you!!! It has been a battle for me...but after 30+ years...I think she is coming around... :002:
Amy's a game chic! So I'll keep her.
All kidding aside, I've been married to my second wife going on 18 years and wouldn't trade her for the world. She like Fords and supports my habit; hell, it was her idea to build a shop at the house.
Some of you may recognize this "local celebrity" she's standing with...
Where is his Billy Jack Hat?!?!?!?
Doesn't need it Jeff. he is wearing his best smile today ! :002:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2022-01-01 03:38
Doesn't need it Jeff. he is wearing his best smile today ! :002:
I think we should just call him Smiley from now on :003: I have the same type hat, good choice Jay..
7 am here and I'm headed outside to watch the two B2's circle above the house before one heads for the Rose Parade. They bring two, I guess one is a backup?
quote Joe: "All kidding aside, I've been married to my second wife going on 18 years and wouldn't trade her for the world." It's a great boat to be in, isn't it!! I've been single one day since I was 19.....married Connie the day after my divorce from my first marriage of 22 years was final........been 33 years now. Connie doesn't share my car and road trip interests, but she sure supports it.
Happy new year everybody!..........prior to this morning, I think it only got down into the low 30's briefly overnight once this winter until's 10 am and 14* out!! No measurable rain or snow in almost 4 months...hope that changes real soon.
I went the opposite direction from Rich. I was single until I was 38. Been married 30+ years.
Married the first time at 21, divorced at 23. Married the second time at 31 and now it's been 44 years this June and I still never remember what day :003: and she still keeps me.
You're supposed to remember the day? OOPs!
I can tell you that wife and I have forgotten the anniversary twice...both of us did. And I have missed a couple of them with thus long term process of transitioning from WA state to MO.
I got married a 25, then divorced at 38; remarried at 43, and get this, I proposed to my ex-wife at a fancy rooftop restaurant in 1984. The place was all glass, 360*, overlooking the harbor so the kitchen, bathrooms, payphones, etc.. were the next floor down. When I proposed, my then, fiancee, ran downstairs to call her friends, parents or whoever(no cell phones back then), so the pretty blonde bartender comes over and say's; "I couldn't help but notice the proposal and the ring, so what was her answer?" I replied, "I have no idea, she ran downstairs 15 minutes ago and I haven't seen her since!" So the pretty bartender than came over with another drink and said: "You poor bastard, here, these are on me".
Little did I know, that 20 years later, I would be marrying that pretty, blonde bartender.
True story.
wow, that one's gonna be hard to top! I proposed to my first wife in the back seat of my '65 Galaxie. But I did later take her to Jimmy's Harborside. I can't remember what that restaurant looked like.
Oh Joe...THAT is a KARMA story if I ever heard one! LOL!!! Did ya have to wait for #2 to get divorced too? Or did she spend 20 years pining for the stud that was in her restaurant that night? :003:
Rich, not sure if you knew, but Jimmy's closed in 2005, part of the Harbor Redevelopment Project, but I managed to find a picture of you guys outside from back in the day :002:
Seriously, though, Jimmy's Harborside was the place to go. it was a big Restaurant, now it's called Liberty Wharf and the $65-million-plus complex by Cresset Development LLC is a stark contrast from the old Jimmy's building, which formed a barrier along Northern Avenue with only a small deck on the harbor. The new restaurants have large outdoor spaces along a recently added 500-foot section of the city's Harbor Walk, as well as decks overlooking the water. It houses 5 restaurants, anything, from Legal seafoods, Jerry Remy's Sport Bar & Grill to Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steak House, to a Mexican eatery; Temazcal Tequila Cantina, where diners will use an iPad to order menu items such as roasted suckling pig and huitlacoche, a truffle or fungus that grows on corn stalks and is a delicacy in Mexico.
Here it is being built:
...and here it is today:
Hugh, no, I didn't have to wait, but that's another story. Long story short, about a year after my divorce, I was dating a girl, she was much younger than me, who worked in a local bar/restaurant that I frequented. It wasn't really working out between us, mostly because of our age difference, ( I go to work at 4 am and she want's to go out and have fun 'till closing every night), but we were still friends and would hangout. I would go there for lunch or after leaving the shop at night with the guys for a few drinks.
Well, fast forward to Tuesday, September 11, 2001, the day of the attacks. I go in there for lunch with a couple of the guys and there is a new bartender/waitress. She was cute and very friendly. The guy I'm with, say's you know who that is, that's so & so's brother. (He was a friend of mine) She introduces herself and we shake hands. I'll cut to the chase, the younger girl I had been dating asked me to meet her at another bar after work a few days later and she brings the bartender with her. She had fixed us up and we started dating. It wasn't until about a year later that we got to talking and we realized that she was the bartender that day back in 1984.
The rest, is well, history, as they say. :003:
That is pretty cool Joe...fate intervenes in strange ways sometimes eh? :003:
Well, you sure put a smile on my face this morning, Joe. A ton of Thank you's! You can see why I thought of Jimmy's when you mentioned a restaurant with a harbor view.
Bringing back memories now, I also remember Anthony's Pier 4, and the pic you posted reminded me of the coat and tie requirements to get into those places. Times have changed, heh! One of my first girlfriends after high school liked an "islander" type restaurant in Chinatown. can't remember the name, but equally known as the harborside places. Being from a small town (Acton), they were big nights for us since most of the time we were working for minimum wage. A cheap night would have us driving around the Combat Zone near downtown, walking the Boston Common or Harvard Square. My dad use to hang out in Skully Square when he was younger. (Said he worked for a detective agency, but the shoulder holster always made me wonder.) I remember the coffee shop(?) with the huge teapot that always blew out steam.
Thanks again Joe.
Yeah Rich, I remember that too, originally it was at the Oriental Tea Company at 57 Court St. in Scollay Square, although I think it may have moved a few times throughout Boston over the years...
( it sits outside a Starbucks coffeehouse on 63-65 Court Street near Government Center
A little Boston history:
"One of the reasons they hung that tea kettle up there, and the reasons a butcher would hang a picture of a cow, or a baker would hang a big representation of a pie, is because Boston was becoming a city of immigrants. Many of those immigrants didn't speak English and so for the purveyors of their wares to tell people what they were shopping for, they would hang representations, and so the tea kettle, for generations of Bostonians, told them where they could buy some of the finest tea in Boston.
The area became known as Scollay Square. It was a sailor's port of call housing restaurants, tattoo parlors and burlesque houses like the Old Howard Theater.
The Old Howard was built as a church in 1843 and eventually became a popular theater. John Wilkes Booth was one of the actors who performed there. It closed in the 50?s and ten years later, a fire prompted the city to order it torn down.
The sign spent many years outside the Oriental Tea Company. Later, it moved from one location to another as buildings were torn down, finally ending up outside a Starbucks coffeehouse on Court Street. It is interesting that the popularity of the advertising tool outlived the Oriental Tea Company by many years.
In 2016, the tea kettle sustained some damage and was removed temporarily for repairs. A truck had hit a pole nearby while working on a construction site and although it was never confirmed, it is alleged that the accident caused a significant dent in the side of the kettle. The kettle was returned to its hinges in October 2016."
Now, my memories of the Combat Zone may be a little different then yours... :003:
since Boston was 50 miles away, we would all go up in a van and hope somebody was sober enough or didn't get arrested so they could drive us home...
No, memories are the same, lol. The girlfriend I mentioned that liked the Tiki (?) restaurant, always wanted to go to the adult movie theater (Pilgrim) after. Made for a good night! I'm still in touch with her. She married a best friend, and their daughter is my goddaughter.
Good to know the teapot is still a landmark!!.......and very close to it's original location.
I haven't been able to get to the computer for a few days so I missed a lot of stuff. The tea pot is still there hanging on the building in Boston In the old days there was a picture of what we believed to be my brother's 57 custom driving past it in Scolley Square. That was before they changed the name to Government Center
Thank you for the pictures of old Boston the Pilgrim theater and the combat Zone
I got married just once when I was twenty five Last month made 56 years.
Joe that was the very best smile that I could come up with. Jay
That was the Tiki Kai or Tiki Khi restaurant. We used to go there also It was the best one around back then in the 50s.
First road trip of 2022 :001:, just 150 mile round trip up the coast. After the holidays and days of rain we have good weather this week and we just needed to get out. Windows down, music on and my left arm that hangs out the window got sun burned. We didn't stop anywhere that would make a good picture of the car and I pretty much gave up trying to do any while driving..
Jim, I realize it would be a little more than a 150 mile trip, but you should come on over. You damn sure would not have your windows down or arm hanging out. It got up to 2 above 0, and snowed like crazy yesterday. Now our weather man says it will be 41 today. It has been like a roller coaster here this winter. I would love to get a car out and go for a drive, but I will have to wait for about 3 more months.
This is about as close to a drive as I can get with my 57 for the next 2-3 months also. I just went over to charge the battery to keep it up in the cold weather. It was -5 F here in Iowa this morning. I usually charge the battery every 2 months during winter storage. Can't wait for spring!!!
Alvin, it's been like a roller coaster here too for the last month, I may not get out again until March..
I lived in the cold of NY and I could never do it again. I wish you warmer weather soon..
Quote from: oldave57 on 2022-01-07 10:30
This is about as close to a drive as I can get with my 57 for the next 2-3 months also. I just went over to charge the battery to keep it up in the cold weather. It was -5 F here in Iowa this morning. I usually charge the battery every 2 months during winter storage. Can't wait for spring!!!
Look at the bright side, better to be stuck in the garage then on the I-95..
Good to hear you got out Jim!
I've been doing ALOT of driving/roadtrips the past few weeks.........most of it in my Outback though. I did take the '57 to Russell's truck stop in NM Tuesday....just 160 mile roundtrip, and a 100 mile shortie to Dumas a few days before. Now, my Outback since Christmas, I did a 600 trip (in one day) to New Mexico, a 470 mile trip to south central Oklahoma, yesterday I did a 345 miler to Northwest Oklahoma. I can now say I've been on us60 all the way from the Ca. border into Oklahoma. 60 is one of the highways that pass thru Amarillo. Nothing going on for any of it.just like to drive.
Good for you Rich, your doing better then me. US60? I don't think I have ever been on it, I'll look it up..
14* here last night...but temps set to rise to the high 40's low 50's for the next 7 days,.
We're getting our first snow of the season today. It's the first measurable precipitation we've had in 4 or 5 months. This won't get more than 3 or 4 inches, we could sure use the moisture.
My '57 is going into a shop next Wed. for the rear axle seals/bearings. I spent all January trying to get the shop that built the rear end to answer my phone calls..........not sure what's going on there. He's the one that knows what the bearing are. The new shop is the guy that my old shop recommended "if I was in a hurry". We're back to square one though. He's got to pull it apart, to figure out what's in there for bearings. He's got the room to let it sit for a week or so waiting for bearings, if any longer, he'll put it back together. It'll be nice getting that leak fixed so I can get my rear discs/E-brake strainghtened out for my NSRA Safety-23 inspection.
I'm going to try and do another long road trip in late March. On my bucket list is the Pavilion cruise in Phoenix. Goodguys show is in March there, a few weeks after the DFW show. Mileage should be about 1/2 what it was when I went to Florida......720 miles from here to Phoenix. My friend in Naples that I visited last year was 1440 miles.
I saw that the snow had hit Amarillo, its headed our way but only supposed to be about 1" by the time it gets here.
Hope you get the rear end fixed soon.
we got about 3 or 4 inches...looks like it's done.
The issue with the rear bearings is more annoying than anything else............just a leak, bearings themselves are actually fine, so doesn't keep me from going anywhere. Only thing that's not working are my e-brakes, possibly from the 90w fluid getting on the pads, so not much sense in working on the brakes til I get the leak taken care of. I did check with speedway, and asked them if what I heard about bearings being one of the items on the short-supply list was true. She looked at their listings of axle bearings and confirmed it looked like availability was spotty, depending on which bearings I needed.
When I find out what I have, I'll make a notation in my build book so I'll know in the future. It's big bearing, heavy duty 31 spline axles, so one would think it would be standard, but months ago when I first talked to the guy that built it for me, he said the only way to know for sure what he put in it was to take it maybe a possibility of "not so standard".? I don't know. The shop that built it specializes in high end racing car builds, so maybe I got something unique.?
As I recall, some of the 31 spline had sealed ball bearings and some had a tapered bearing, so he's probably right, that the only way to know for sure is to pull it apart.
Mine are tappered with a seperate seal.........there apparently just seems to be questions about sizes.
They're talking 12"-16" for us Friday night into Saturday.
Gee Joe...Friday and Saturday here will shorts and t-shirt weather comparatively...40* and 50* respectively. Son and I are going to the I-Max theater Friday to watch the new Spiderman movie and eat popcorn. Your welcome to come along. no snow here. :003: :006:
Our forecast has improved...
...for the worse! 24"-30" now
Leaving in an hour for the comin'? LOL!!! :006:
I'm guessing that beautiful Bronco is gonna look like hell in a few days. I think if I were you, I'd plow all my neighbor's driveways except for one. Be safe.....I hope you and Jay don't lose power.
Hugh, never in my life have I been to a movie theater in the daytime......something about that just doesn't seem right, lol.
Got you guys beat. Visiting the folks in MN. Arrived to a heatwave 20 degrees. But now it's -8 this morning. Only visiting a few more days. We do Have a short adventure ahead after that. More to come.'s great...much less people to deal with. Sometimes cheaper. Popcorn is fresh. And I still get to be home before dinner!
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2022-01-28 10:35's great...much less people to deal with. Sometimes cheaper. Popcorn is fresh. And I still get to be home before dinner!
Hugh I couldn't agree more with you on that. I will also add there are no obnoxious teens making an a$$ of them selves there!
Same here, we go to the matinees. Same with going out to eat, which we don't do often but we go early. I can't stand the noise level of a packed restaurant. Why can't people just shut up and eat :003:
Ditto on restaurants. There are some I just don't go to anymore...Outback being one. Music is is way too loud...and the other noises from within are just deafening...making it impossible to hold a conversation. Overpriced too anyhow. I find as I get older...I like my peace and quiet more.
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2022-01-29 09:41
Ditto on restaurants. There are some I just don't go to anymore...Outback being one. Music is is way too loud...and the other noises from within are just deafening...making it impossible to hold a conversation. Overpriced too anyhow. I find as I get older...I like my peace and quiet more.
Amen! Even our favorite Mexican restaurant now we just order and take it home..
Joe, Rich is right on, I have been watching your weather map , and glad it is not in my area. So go plow, push and shovel that white crap then head for that nice new heated shop, turn on the tunes, open a cold beer and just do some car things. I really don't know you but I bet you are a lot like me, thank god for the heated shop and a place to hice out, and enjoy. Take care, Alvin
We did not go out for Friday Date Night. Ordered soup and sandwich from deli. $3.99 upcharge for delivery. What a deal!
Jay and Joe are both getting hit hard. Jay lives in a town adjacent to Plymouth, which has been pinpointed on the news w/ 60+ mph winds, heavy snow. Joe is about 25 miles sw of Jay a town right on the coast. Reports of tens of thous. people losing power, so I don't imagine we'll hear anything from them for a few days.
Noisy restaurants? of the advantages of wearing hearing aids.
Jay wrote me this morning and said it was very windy, but still not that much snow. weather liars predict up to 28 inches. I am glad that they have an APU and they have a manual wood stove in the basement. So I know they will be good even if they lose power on and off. their house is from 1956 ( I think) and held up very well to previous storms. their taller trees are to the back of the house. I'll post if I hear any news.
Rich, Joe is SE of Jays place. Ask an Austrian about your old home state, good ole MASS ! :002: :003:
"Rich, Joe is SE of Jays place. Ask an Austrian about your old home state, good ole MASS"...........I'll have to look again, but I'm pretty sure I was correct. He's in the Fairhaven area.
I`m Northeast of Boston a fair bit, we got about 10"s of snow today, with some wind, the lights flickered a few times, but didn`t need to fire up the generator. If there is a bright side, at least it didn`t hit during a weekday! I can imagine that a major city like Boston would be a real traffic nightmare with such a large amount of snow.
I stand corrected Rich! If Joe really is in the Fairhaven area, that clearly is SW of Jay's place. I do apologize. I thought Joe was closer to Cape Cod.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2022-01-29 17:27
"Rich, Joe is SE of Jays place. Ask an Austrian about your old home state, good ole MASS"...........I'll have to look again, but I'm pretty sure I was correct. He's in the Fairhaven area.
Jay just sent me this pic out their breezeway door.... woah....looks like Switzerland to me, not MASS ! The amount of snow they get in New England is insane. But Jay says they are good and never lost their power. all seems well and the snow is said to melt this week already.
Looks like northern MI at times...
How do you put your location under the join date on the over on the left side, I think it's nice to see where guys are from when you read about what's going on or post a reply about a want add or for sale, I'm in Oregon where it was 54 degrees and sunny this weekend so I went out and cut the grass.
Got the location, wouldn't let me put a picture because it isn't an avatar or to large.
Quote from: 57chero on 2022-01-30 19:29
Got the location, wouldn't let me put a picture because it isn't an avatar or to large.
Do you know how to make the pic "smaller"? If not I can do it for you and send it back.
I think for the avatar, it has to be only about 100 thingamajigers.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2022-01-30 19:48
I think for the avatar, it has to be only about 100 thingamajigers.
Yea...but if he doesn't know how to do it...then I'll do one for him...and send him back the same pic correctly sized.
I don't know how to make it smaller. So how do I get a picture to you to re-size.
Quote from: 57chero on 2022-01-30 21:23
I don't know how to make it smaller. So how do I get a picture to you to re-size.
Just send it to me...I'll resize it for you and have it back to you in a few minutes.
I don't know what's going on, but it won't let it send a message to the email you gave me, it says it needs at least one recipient.
That's weird...been my e-mail for over 25 years. I'll PM you my phone number...maybe we can figure it out.
I got it to work. have incoming anyhow... :006:
Did you get the picture. should have the re-sized one back by now. Only took me couple of minutes.
Just this one time I can't fault you for getting out of Mass. and going to a warmer place where you can drive your 57.
The snow blizzard was really terrible. There are still thousands of people holed up in their homes with no power.
We are OK with plenty of food and wood for the stove if it comes to that.
I hope that you are OK in Fairhaven. Jay
Great to hear, Jay! I suspect Joe is busy out taking his Bronco for some local driving. Hopefully he'll check in soon.
Jay, glad you are safe and warm. I was freezing just watching that storm on the news..
I have just three words to describe that snow blizzard . HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE.
There are still countless people without power. Some towns have been taking people into the schools where they can get warm,
have a place to sleep and get some hot food.
Joe still hasn't checked in yet, so I'm guessing he's without power. I ain't gonna bitch about the light snow, windy and 17* weather here. Just a drastic change since Monday when I took my '57 out for 100 mile was 68*!
Brought my '57 in for new rear axle bearings/seals yesterday. He called today to let me know they were standard bearings....I think he said A20's? Anyway, he found the bearings local, car may be done tomorrow, but if the roads are still bad he said I could leave it there 'til they cleared up. Good guy, into racing, highly recommended, but expensive @ 100. an hour shop rate. Like I've said before, it's tough surviving in today's world on yesterday's wages.
Rich glad to know you will not be in the "great wind turban blackout" again this time around! Joe is going to catch it again if this one stays on track. Hopefully he has not checked in because he is moving that white stuff for folks up there.
We have a foot here in the Shell Knob MO area...followed a 4 hour sleet storm. So...that means we have a foot of snow on top of a 1/4 inch of ice. not have to go anywhere cares?!?!?! :003:
I had been wondering what the general weather was like in your area. I just got thinking that I don't even own a snow shovel, lol, at least at this house. Never moved it when we moved. This morning it's 4 degrees, with light horizontal snow. Pretty damn cold for Texas. I'm sure the weathermen have no idea what's gonna happen today, the weather blip at the bottom of my screen keeps alternating between "snow to stop" and "snow coming".
A buddy in Saskatchewan send me a photo of his thermometer yesterday. -50 for the second time this winter.
Snow shovel? They make shovels specifically for snow? Gee...what'll they think of next? :003:
I don't believe in shoveling snow...I DO however believe in watching it melt...and it is still coming down as of now too. The news apparently said there was a possibility of 18 inches today according to my wife. not watch news...why make yourself depressed at my age?
Be very careful when shovelling, we have lost 2 brothers-in-laws and a great friend in the past few winters to heart attacks while shovelling/snow blowing. I agree on letting it melt. Hospitals here prepare for an increase in 'jammers' when it snows.
Terry :canada:
Yea...I have heard of a lot of people having issues in our age bracket from doing the snow removal thing. I have books...lots of books...and hot chocolate...even more of that. Plan to make good use of the recliner...the library and the mug! Let it snow let it snow let it snow! LOL!!!
As usual are full of good advise! I'll have a cup in your honor sir! :coffee2:
this cold weather sucks
NICE convertible! :006:
I got to ride in an ambulance to the hospital, for the first time in my life this afternoon. Seems in addition to snow shoveling heart attacks, this weather also is good for old farts slipping on the ice, and injuring themselves. I was worried about a possible fractured pelvis or hip, but the Xrays show other than being black and blue, having a huge bump on my hip, and in pain for a few days, plus not moving very much, the doctor said that I should be OK. My wife called the ambulance, because I was going into shock, and passing out. when the paramedics hooked me up to the machine, my blood pressure had dropped quit a bit, and my heart rate was also low. So they hooked me up to a couple of IVs before the ride to the hospital. Getting old and clumsy kinda sucks! Funny thing is, it was warming up today, and melting the snow and ice, but it made the slope of my driveway much slicker. Summer can`t come soon enough!
Quote from: 59meteor on 2022-02-03 17:52
I got to ride in an ambulance to the hospital, for the first time in my life this afternoon. Seems in addition to snow shoveling heart attacks, this weather also is good for old farts slipping on the ice, and injuring themselves. I was worried about a possible fractured pelvis or hip, but the Xrays show other than being black and blue, having a huge bump on my hip, and in pain for a few days, plus not moving very much, the doctor said that I should be OK. My wife called the ambulance, because I was going into shock, and passing out. when the paramedics hooked me up to the machine, my blood pressure had dropped quit a bit, and my heart rate was also low. So they hooked me up to a couple of IVs before the ride to the hospital. Getting old and clumsy kinda sucks! Funny thing is, it was warming up today, and melting the snow and ice, but it made the slope of my driveway much slicker. Summer can`t come soon enough!
Glad you are ok,it's just rain here right now but sunny for Sat and Sun
Take care,John
I hope you are pain free quickly. The only thing I can imagine, at this time, being worse is a back injury!
I took 7Liter's a book...stayed in the recliner...stayed warm...
Hope you feel better soon.
Wow. glad you are obviously back to your computer. Must have been a hell of a fall for that much pain.......then again, I luckily haven't fallen since I've gotten old. sure glad your on the road to recovery. As far as shovelling, I figure walking in snow is better than walking on icy concrete. We've had another day of snow/cold added to our forecast. A few days ago, it was suppose to be back in the 50's Friday. Tonight they said 2* tomorrow morning....yuk! Only 8* right now.
I forgot to add be careful on the ice. I found that out 9 years ago, snow plows that push the snow to the farthest point from the drain, then it melts and forms a river of ice across the parking lot. I came along early in the morning and hit the deck, then ambulance, surgery, titanium rod, screws, daily aches. Then lawyers, more lawyers, Workers Compensaton sticking their nose into it, and yes settlement.
A little Screech might help Rory.
Good news you didn't have any major injury. Falls are an issue even in the dry weather as we get older. I had my first one a few months ago while putting on my pants and luckily didn't hit any furniture on my way down..
Glad nothing was broken, and that you didn't hit your head. I fell from a roof a couple years ago and among various injuries was a bad concussion. It took months to recover from that. (my wife thinks I've still not recovered) :003:
Quote from: 59meteor on 2022-02-03 17:52
I got to ride in an ambulance to the hospital, for the first time in my life this afternoon. Seems in addition to snow shoveling heart attacks, this weather also is good for old farts slipping on the ice, and injuring themselves. I was worried about a possible fractured pelvis or hip, but the Xrays show other than being black and blue, having a huge bump on my hip, and in pain for a few days, plus not moving very much, the doctor said that I should be OK. My wife called the ambulance, because I was going into shock, and passing out. when the paramedics hooked me up to the machine, my blood pressure had dropped quit a bit, and my heart rate was also low. So they hooked me up to a couple of IVs before the ride to the hospital. Getting old and clumsy kinda sucks! Funny thing is, it was warming up today, and melting the snow and ice, but it made the slope of my driveway much slicker. Summer can`t come soon enough!
Good to hear your on the mend Rory. Stick to something safer like pulling the engine / trans on your Fairmont or Meteor?
Safest would be sitting in the living room...looking out the window...watching some kid shovel whilst you drink an adult beverage of some sort... :003:
We've all seen the ad on tv with the guy in the front yard hollering "way to dangerous Kevin" as he's plucking out the leaves from his gutters. That is one thing I'm very cautious about. The rear of our house is 25 high that rests on a concrete patio. That I absolutely wont climb a ladder to clean out. The front is 10-12 feet with a lawn below the gutters. those I will clean or hang Christmas lights on. Kind of a risk assessment thing when you get older.
rm...OH yea! Reminds me of an event in my past...
I knew the Gorton family in WA state...Senator Slade Gorton was a doer...not much for paying someone to do what he thought he could or should do.
One afternoon I get a call from Sally, his wife...telling me he is up on the roof...on the back of the the shakes...with a hose. Cedar shakes when wet...are like glass...and the back of the house was like yours...25 feet or maybe more...from the concrete patio below. She had told him to get down...and he told her he wanted to get the roof cleaned off first. She knew that at the time I was working for a contractor who had me doing that sort of off I go to the house.
I climbed up...and told him that he was in danger of falling from the roof with tennis shoes on and i would be happy to finish it for him, as i had my corks with me. About that time she came out again and told him to get he looked at me and handed me the hose...sighed...and got down, He almost 60 at the point.
This was in the upper side of the mid-80's...he only passed away about 3 years ago. Glad he listened to me...LOL!!!
Stopped to see a good customer and he was covered in bruises, black eye, cut up and moving slowly. The rest of the story was he took his wife to the bus depot and while sitting at home alone on Sunday morning he decided to go up the ladder and take down his Christmas lights, ladder broke and he dropped 2 stories and went through his garden shed roof, both hands still holding the eaves trough that he hoped would save him and they were pointed to the sky. Shed was full of crap so he was self impaled for a couple hours until his neighbour got home from church to extricate him from the shed. Broken ladder, new roof on the shed, broken eaves trough, blamed it all on the neighbour.
One day I was doing some touch up painting on my garage. The approach leading into my garage is sloped somewhat. I had the ladder leaning on the siding about 12 feet up and I was most of
the way at the top and I'll be damned if the ladder didn't kicked out and slide backwards down the driveway, then slam to the ground with me on it. I was lucky I didn't get a scratch, although the
there marks on the siding and a couple dings on the metal door from the ladder ends slamming into it. I'll never make that mistake again!
I was on a 10 foot ladder that the started sliding out when I reached the third rung. I was like the cartoon with the guy climbing like crazy and going nowhere. By the time I the top of the ladder, I simply put my foot on the floor. Because I was in the military there were plenty of guys standing around watching and laughing.
How is it that saying goes...? "
The measure of stupidity of your action is how many people are watching said action..."
Oh...I have entertained a lot of people in my day...too many... :003:
I think a lot of us have done things that are eligible for Darwin awards.. :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2022-02-04 20:26
I think a lot of us have done things that are eligible for Darwin awards.. :003:
Well... :laughing4: ...yea...
You guys that remember some of my "another really bad day" posts can attest to that, lol.
The hard part is the brain says "we can do this" but the body says "not so fast buddy" and deciding which you figure is the one to listen to!
The last few years...the body has been winning out more often than the deceiving brain...thankfully!
Quote from: rmk57 on 2022-02-04 09:29
Good to hear your on the mend Rory. Stick to something safer like pulling the engine / trans on your Fairmont or Meteor?
Randy, the engine and transmission are both out of the 59 right now. In the process of installing a new pair of TFS aluminum heads on the 428, and and new clutch as well.
The TFS stuff is really nice from what I hear. I was almost going to spring for the Powerport 290's but a set of brand new (used for mock-up) Edelbrocks came up for sale and bought them instead.
Did you get the Power port 175's?
Mission is holding a 60 year anniversary this year which should be quite entertaining. You were one of the mainstays at the track through the years and I'm sure you'll be missed.
Randy, yes TFS Power Port 175s, and they look like jewelry to me (the wife, not so much!). I wish I would have had these heads when I was still racing the 427 in the Fairmont. When is this reunion at Mission happening? Planning on a visit to BC this summer, that sounds like fun.
Besides the old time drags this one should be a notch up I would think. More of an get together for all the car clubs from the metro Vancouver area. Should be well attended.
Hey guys, hope all is well; sorry to take so long to get back to everyone, but I was a little tied up.
Yes, I do live in Fairhaven, SW of Jay, he is about 5 miles closer to the Cape than I am.
In the end, we got about 30" of snow and we lost power for about 20 hours. Fortunately, the power failed very early in the storm and I was able to start the generator before I left the house to go help plow at work.
Now, to the "tied up" part;
While plowing snow at work, I got out of the truck to clear the windshield as it was icing up. I managed to clear the drivers side and as I was going around to the passenger side, I slipped on ice that was around a storm drain, invisible under the 18"+ of snow. I heard what sounded like stalks of celery breaking and felt some pain in my ankle. My first though was, crap, I sprained my right ankle, how am I going to plow? As I went to get up, I realized my foot was facing backwards. so I crawled back to the drivers side and pulled my self up with the steering wheel and dragged my leg into the truck, thankfully I had left the drivers door open. I then called for help.
Long story short, after many x-rays and an MRI, I spent the night in the ER and went through a 3 1/2 surgery first thing the next morning. I then spent the next three day in the hospital but am home now.
I ended up breaking both my Tibia and Fibula in 5 places. The drove a Titanium rod under my knee cap down into my Tibia. They secured it up top with two screw and 5 down by the ankle.
If you look at the top pic, you can see the spiral fracture in the Fibula that they opted not to repair.
Bad news, I am out for three months. :'(
Tied up?? Damn sorry to hear that Cobrajoe, its good you were not plowing in the the middle of nowhere. hopefully you are able to recover OK.
I opted to stay indoors....where it was chocolate was plentiful and I had books to read. Only got about 14 inches here...but it landed on top of 1/4 -1/2 inch of ice left behind after a 4 hour sleet storm.
Gee Joe...maybe I should come and visit...and bring you a supply of adult beverages... :006: :occasion14:
Well, crap, Joe. I was just sure you had gone off on one of your hunting least that was what I was hoping for. That hurts just looking at it.
That really sucks Joe, looks like I got off lucky by comparison! Kinda looking like old guys that like late 50s Fords, and ice are a bad combination. Hopefully you are back to full strength by car season.
Hey Joe, you brought back memories from my fall and tib/fib break nine years ago. I would post a couple pictures but do it want to spoil anyone's morning coffee. I have manual brakes in my Custom 300 and could not drive it for about eight months. Take your time with the recovery, I tried the tough guy time table and it did not speed the recovery, mind you I did go sit on the beach in Hawaii for a few weeks.
Take care, if you need a hand cleaning the carbon out of any of your cars, I will start the line up.
Dang Joe, that really sucks! Be sure to take the time the doc says for recovery! I did not follow his orders and ended up extending my recovery time!
You will soon learn just how messed up day time TV is and how mind fumblingly boring it is. Get some books, at least they will keep the mind from going crazy because you are on the couch!
Hope you have Netflix. There are some great series on there, and you can binge watch them..........years' worth of episodes at a time with no commercials.
Thanks guys, kinda going a little stir crazy as I'm not used to being a caged animal.
The sucky part is that I can't bend my knee so my leg needs to be elevated, leaving me to the bed or the recliner. :deadhorse:
Joe, you're just getting started. How many weeks do they think it will be before you will be able to get around? I hope you heal quickly and the pain subsides soon!
Wow! Joe, sorry to here about your fall. It has been a while since I have fallen, so far so good. Bruised a few ribs several years back no broken bones as of now. I can't even imagine having to deal with all that ice and snow! I hope your recovery goes well.
oh no....! That's awful....sorry to hear about that, Joe. Such an injury is always annoying, but much more as you have your new shop next door and can't go out....I feel that. Take your time to heal and wishing you a speedy recovery ! G.
Thanks guys, they're telling me 3 months. I hope to know more on the 15th when I meet with the doctor.
Ah...about the time winter and early spring rains have gone away. :002:
Well they managed to get the weather head, disconnect and meter socket in, just need to wait for the electrical inspector to approve and then Eversource to do the drop.
He also installed the electrical panel and tied in all the circuits we did:
Can he maybe work some magic on your ankle? Maybe? Please?
Another 6"+ last night...
I trust you are going to just sit back and enjoy the beauty of freshly fallen angel's dandruff...and NOT try to get out and remove it...yes?!?!?! :occasion14:
Don't really have much of a choice now, do I?
Oh...I have known some stubborn sorts who would...
Good news, just came back from the Doctors, x-rays showed everything healing very well, cast removed, 30 staples removed and an air splint that allows me to bend my knee installed. What a great feeling to be able to sit at the table in a regular chair and bend your knee!
:blob3: :icon_cheers: :041:
Glad to hear you're on the mend. I find the requirement to just sit very trying.
Great news Joe...kinda surprised me in how quick that was!.....well, seemed quick for me, probably not for you.
I just got back from my 5th 300+ mile road trip this year. Only one was in the '57, but I still like getting out on the road.
I'm curious if anyone was even aware the US has a protest trucking convoy going on like the one in Canada. It's going from California to Washington DC, supposedly 1k trucks. It went thru Amarillo today. Last night was the first I had heard of it when the local news was telling folks how and where to do the viewing and where their supply stops were going to be. I went out to check it out a few hours after it started and there were mobs of people at all the exits. I've never seen so many American flags at one time!
I also had the '57 out for a 50 mile run today. Went up to the Canadian river where the ATV guys go. I have no idea if what was going on there had anything to do with the truck convoy thing (different highway), but there were literally thousands of people there! food trucks, concession stands, etc. It was only high 40's here today, so not the ideal weather for ATV'ing. Sometimes I feel like I live in a shell.
I found out today our monthly cruise-in has found a new home. Yay!!!
I'm kinda worried about our friend DJ (Gunter) from Austria. with this Russian war thing going on. Hope they don't get drawn into it. Austria apparently is not a NATO member, but they are surrounded by countries that are, so you can understand my worried about them getting drawn in. He hasn't been active on here or the Hamb since Tuesday.
I checked again this morning, still no news on FB about James. That worries me.
I knew about the truck convoy. Not much...haven't been following it.
We will ALL be involved in this mess Russia is creating before it is over. ANYONE who thinks we won' dreaming.
I'm sure Gunther is fine.
Yeah, with Gunter, I'm sure he is ok now as's down the road I was thinking about.
BTW, for about the 7th or 8th time, my wife is scheduled for her knee replacement surgery Tuesday. This time it looks good for a go! very low Covid patient number at the VA now. If it is a go, I'll be pretty much house-bound for a month or two.
I got out yesterday also. I'm ready to replace my gas tank, new one arrived on Friday but I still had 3/4 tank of gas. I decided I didn't want the hassle of draining it so it would be more fun to go burn it off.. Great run through the canyon out to the desert two lane roads along the bottom of the mountains covered in snow..
Having dropped a LOT of tanks, which meant draining them...I FULLY agree...driving it out is much better than draining it...especially when there is a scenic area to accomplish that goal. Looks like you had a nice "work day"... :003:
It was great work day :burnout: and I got a thank you letter from OPEC :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2022-02-27 10:50
It was great work day :burnout: and I got a thank you letter from OPEC :003:
ROTFLMAO!!! :icon_super:
beautiful pics, Jim, love the two lanes !
Thx for your concerns Rich, I am ok (while worried). I may not give away my full private opinion as we want to mostly exclude political opinions on here. We are 500 miles west. which is not a lot. I know people from Ukraine personally. War is always terrible and it only creates trouble and loss for both sides. it is even so much worse because those 2 countries have mixed couples and families all over both their territories.
Austria is neutral, that is correct. Unfortunately that may not mean too much these days. Of course the attack is to be condemned, but who really knows the truth and reasons ? We may never know and we cannot really trust media and spokesman in general, so as an Austrian I tend (at least try) to think neutral.
I truly hope that Western countries will not get involved in the conflict at all, or....?!? ******** like I said, let's keep this our board here as clean as possible and let's hope for the best and pray for those poor innocent people !
Thanks for chiming in, Gunter. I'm sure we all here are hoping the western countries do not get involved, so we're with you on that!
Nice day today. Got the '57 washed and filled up, so just had to take it out for a spin......110 miles around a lot of cattle country. Really enjoyed gettin' out.
OK.finally got a message/post from James.........I'll just post his facebook message:
"Doctor says they got all the cancer. Bad news is i have half a kidney left. They still think with some work and some temporary dialysis to kick start it, it will work. We will see."
I was hoping for better, but it could have been a lot worse. Best of recovery, James.
thx for the update on James, Rich !
Well that is good news and watchful news! Hope and prayers that James will have a positive result. he said...could have been much worse. Let's hope things work out.
Prayers sent.
Thanks for updates both Gunter and on James- good to hear but still uneasy.
I feel the same on the latest- apparently someone reported a Boeing E-6 Mercury doing "Flight Practices" between Catalina and Avalon Islands in Ca. So.... were not in it, but gotta be prepared?
Aside from that, I actually drove the Hardtop this weekend, I had not driven it at highway speeds and distance, actually in years, needless to say it needed a full flushing of the radiator and gave me some heating issues. Some were sorted on the road. I gave it a flush at home also and added some stuff to run and clean out some of the gunk.
My speedo needle popped somehow. It was reading about 10mph higher and it had been greased and everything, I need to check the cable and make sure I screwed it in all the way. I have some back up speedos to test also.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2022-02-27 09:53
I got out yesterday also. I'm ready to replace my gas tank ....
Jim, what brand is the new tank & where did you get it?
I assume that it is the correct tank for wagons & Rancheros. With any luck I may someday make some progress on one of my Rancheros that has a fabricated tank just behind the cab & below the bed. It sucks.
Some of the national chain auto parts stores here will sometimes let you order parts & have them shipped up with their regular orders & I can avoid paying the high cost of $hipping stuff to Alaska. If the tank is a brand that they sell that
might work for me.
Tom check out the Ford F series rear tanks. 17 gallons, same tank comes in "in tank fuel pump for EFI" or the earlier version just a regular pickup and sender. I did that with my Ranchero.
Quote from: Tom S on 2022-03-01 19:29
Jim, what brand is the new tank & where did you get it?
I assume that it is the correct tank for wagons & Rancheros. With any luck I may someday make some progress on one of my Rancheros that has a fabricated tank just behind the cab & below the bed. It sucks.
Some of the national chain auto parts stores here will sometimes let you order parts & have them shipped up with their regular orders & I can avoid paying the high cost of $hipping stuff to Alaska. If the tank is a brand that they sell that might work for me.
Toms classic. They also have one that comes with the straps for a few bucks more. Autocity classic has them also. Made in Taiwan :005: but the quality looks OK.
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2022-03-02 07:38
Tom check out the Ford F series rear tanks. ...
Bill, thanks, but that won't work for me. I want to keep & use the spare tire well. That's how it is now. It doesn't have the stock bed floor, just some diamond plate with a removable panel over the spare tire well.
That green thing near the front is the existing tank. It's all kinda crude, especially the fuel filler.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2022-03-02 09:11
Toms classic. They also have one that comes with the straps for a few bucks more. Autocity classic has them also. Made in Taiwan :005: but the quality looks OK.
Thank, Jim! Wonder, if like others have, they will balk at free shipping to Alaska. Maybe I'll find out some day.
Quote from: Tom S on 2022-03-02 16:50
Thank, Jim! Wonder, if like others have, they will balk at free shipping to Alaska. Maybe I'll find out some day.
Tom, If you decide to go that way in the future start looking for a filler neck now if you don't have the OEM one. And sending unit too
I was afraid of shipping damage like so many things but it made it here OK. There is no protective packaging inside, just a tank in a cardboard box..
First big car show of the season here in Amarillo this weekend. Convention center, indoors. Can't go.....just got my wife home from the knee surgery. I may try to sneak out for an hour to check out the new location of our first Saturday cruise. May not be too many there because of the car show.
Going to a show today...1949 and older! Next week is the first one I will show my car. Rich it is the same show we were attending when you passed through here last year. There is an all Ford show in April. Weather here is as good as it gets. I have been putting a lot of effort into the '57 lately. More on that later!
Cool. I promise I won't interrupt the show next week again! All Ford show in they have a long distance award?lol
Second attempt to add a photo. I took my brochure and had it digitized and cleaned up the creases, then enlarged on photo paper, added a thrift store frame.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2022-04-07 11:05Second attempt to add a photo. I took my brochure and had it digitized and cleaned up the creases, then enlarged on photo paper, added a thrift store frame.
Won't let me open the attachment.
Many of us are experiencing the same problem
Great to see we are back up and running!
I haven't had much time to spend on the forum........ doing taxes (urgggg), and a major issue with our rental house's plumbing is chewing up most my time trying to get an estimate below 5 figures!. I haven't figured out the photo posting yet either.....or the clock fix.
So...what is the plumbing issue? (I may hate myself for asking...but...)
The 95 year old main line from the house out to the city sewer lines has finally given out. It goes right past an elm tree whose roots have pretty much destroyed it. The main problem (pun intended) is the city tie-in is on the other side of the street. In years past the city use to take care of work needed in the street digging/repaveing), but no longer. Expensive job at any rate, but the trenching and follow-up concrete work are putting it in the 8-10k range. OUCH!! We should have two quotes hopefully today. On a positive note, our tenant wants to buy the house. It's our old house that's in my avatar.
The clock fix is in your account settings. You have to choose your time zone and update the settings.
I should have added that plumbing costs have gone crazy around here. When we lived in that house, we had that main line roto-rooted twice a year. $60ish back then 5 years ago. I just found out my tenant has been paying 150. (good tenant.....didn't want to bother us) but it's only been lasting 2-4 weeks lately. We had another plumber do the roto-rooting last week....140! One of the plumbers who is working on the quote ran a scope into the drain. That was 200.! took him 20 minutes!! How many quotes can a person get when they charge 90. for the service call???
As I've said before..trying to survive today's prices on yesterday's income is tough.
LG.....thanks. It took a while for me to find it. It's actually in the "look and layout" section, and there are two central time zones to choose hours difference.
quote Rich: >> As I've said before..trying to survive today's prices on yesterday's income is tough. <<
Very true, Rich. It is getting tough for most everybody but must be really annoying for a pensioner, having worked hard all of your life and now getting slowly drained of your savings.
Things are becoming ridiculous over here. Some of my hardware suppliers won't even accept a (paid cash in store) order under $60. I am a certified customer, mind you. My main steel and metal supplier has moved his warehouse 50 miles from my place. Now wants $150 truck freight shipping fee every time....I used to get 2pcs or so electro zinc coated 20 gauge sheetmetal there. no more. last week I had to order a few 22mm (7/8") washers from northern Germany, because couldn't get any in Austria.
This, while you can buy all kinds of plastic and electronic crap, cheap rags and garbage food at any given mall, every other block or so. Real work and stuff has become obsolete unfortunately, and in addition - like you mentioned, the working prices have become totally unreasonable.
Rich, will the city allow horizontal auger boring so the street doesn't have to be disturbed?
"Rich, will the city allow horizontal auger boring so the street doesn't have to be disturbed?"
I don't know, but the tie in is in/under the street, so some intrusion into the pavement would still be necessary. Tomorrow will be a week, and still no quotes.
Ugh, that's a bad deal. The road was probably narrower when the pipes were originally installed.
No, city street, not country. My guess is if it was in the sidewalk area, there would have to be two main sewer lines per street, or one side would have to cross anyways. Running it under the street meant only one. This is in the old historic district of San Jacinto which old rt66 ran right thru. Was a really nice neighborhood when my wife grew up there in the 50's.
Quick read.
Never saw that you had replied to my question...not getting any e-mails at all from the site.
The city should be (legally) responsible for ALL costs from your property line out to their pipes.
It's been a frustrating few weeks for me. What should be minor issues with my cars seem to be never-ending battles. To relive a few old posts:
I couldn't get my NSRA23 inspection sticker in '21 because my e-brake wasn't working, and my mechanic working on the car thought it was due to gear oil getting on the pads. After a frustrating few months, finally got the differential seals and bearings replaced. Due to supply shortages, I could not find conventional 90 wt anywhere, so I opted to get him some multi-weight for the refill. Since then, I've had some strange noises coming from I-don't-know-where. Had all my joints greased.......didn't help. So, knowing my trac-loc was supposed to have only 90w conventional, I finally tracked down some and set the car up on jacks to get the fluid drained and refilled (that's when I talked to you, Jay). When I pulled that back wheel, I noticed grease on my rotor from the old caliper I had past issues with, but never replaced. So, good time to get that new one put on that I had bought last year. I've been two days now trying to get the lines bled so I've got some pedal! I've run a full quart thru the back rt. wheel, and still have bubbles coming out, though much less than when I started. Yesterday I was pretty much doing the one-man method, but today I've got my wife out there exercising her new knee replacement.
During all this, my daily driver decided it was time to act up. Got a cylinder missing. I had replaced the plugs and wires last fall, but it still had been idling rough/no change from the old plugs and wires. Read out of the check engine light said #3 cyl. misfiring. Next in line would be a new coil, so I got one and put it on with no change. Wiring issues aside, that should take care of the spark side, now on to the fuel supply. I ran injector cleaner twice thru the system with no change, so last night I ordered a set of injectors. Hope that does the trick. I don't trust it currently to take anywhere, and my '57 as mentioned..........urggg!!!!
YAY!!! I got brakes! Going for a test ride, lol!
Did the brakes work?
Yeah, brakes work great, except e-brake still isn't holding. I'll try adjusting again. Also, most of the noise I was hearing has gone away, so my thinking it was from the wrong fluid for the trac-loc unit apparently was a good guess. I can still hear a faint similar noise at driveway speeds, but Jay had told me to find an empty parking lot where I could do 1/2 dozen tight circles CW then CCW to get rid of the I'll do that today.
I was hoping to do a car show in Rio Rancho, NM this weekend (Eric, are you reading this?), but between the '57 and my daily, I'm too broke! Urgg.
Absolutely true, Rich- I also have a LS 9"rear posi in the 34 sdn that Jay built and he gave me the same advice and the axle may sound strange when the car hasn't been driven in a long time or just straight forward on highway, so it appears the oil drains from the LS clutches and you can lube them by going a few tight circles each on a parking lot. works every time ! :001:
I also use conventional straight 90 weight.
Rich, keep in mind Ford trac-Loc requires a 4oz. bottle of Friction Modifier.
Thanks guys. Joe, mine is not a Ford unit, it is an aftermarket Yukon. When I checked 5 years ago, they said 90wt conventional, no additives.....I'll do some follow-up research.
I didn't get to do Jay's thing yesterday.......hard time finding an empty parking lot that doesn't have the concrete stops.
Terry.....if you're reading this, I'll call you later today. Got your number from Hugh.
Don't forget to do what Cobra Joe stated in 3868. It's important.
I know you're all big boys here and don't need reminders but my friends shop just burnt to the ground. No one was physically injured and stuff can be replaced. But it did make me think about my stuff. My '41 Ford project is uninsured. It's a project in very early stages. But I started adding just the parts and even without labor, the replacement costs are huge. So I made a call to the insurance company and added the '41 to my policy with just COMP (about $100 per year). No road coverage but if the place burns and is robbed, the car is insured. But one little detail about project cars...only the car is insured and the components attached to it. The engine setting on the engine stand, the new Tremec transmission still in the box is not covered. Since the '41 project is on the back burner, all the pieces are going in the car just as soon as I can get them there. Just a thought.
I believe your homeowners would cover the engine and transmission as long as you have pictures and paperwork along with a police report if they were stolen.
Homeowners insurance may very well cover some or all loss. Every company is different so these are the questions we need to ask. My homeowners policy will cover loses to a stated limit. My policy will not cover the loss of a $50k cammer. The normal household items like lawn mower, weed trimmer, rakes, shovels are all good. Special hobby items like golf clubs, guns, coin or stamp collections, jewelry, fishing may require a rider. Just good questions to ask before a loss.
I have a rider on my home owners that covers the shop and contents. My classic car insurance (Hagerty) covers the "under construction" stuff. I feel very comfortable with the coverage, my sister who is a "biggey" with a nation wide company said my coverage was OK. She did say however that I should look at talking to them about total loss coverage on the house because of the increased cost of materials and labor.
Got a call yesterday from of our New Zealand forum members. He and his wife Julie will be at my house around June 8th. This will be the 3rd (4th?) time they have visited us doing the route 66 thing. Nice folks, will be happy to see them again. They will be starting their 66'ing in LA.
I need to give Hugh a call later........anybody heard from him lately? He talked a while back about doing the rt66 thing with his friend from Arizona, though maybe that's why he hasn't been on the forum..
Sticking my nose in the door tonight. after our chat.
been busy with the apartment bldg., have it listed for sale,, and at the moment it is under contract.
the last few times I came into the forum was a lot of searching and not much finding. Also was not getting notifications when others posted on something I was following. so tonight at Rich's suggestion I went into my profile area and hopefully re-set all my stuff so that I WILL get notifications.
Plans for the summer...IF the sale goes through on the building then I will get my additional shop up, and load the '57 into it. I have also acquired a 4-post lift and that will be going in as well. then we will start (with some luck) on the new abode up on the top pasture. If any pone wants to find me this winter, I will be in the shop down low on the property...come on it...we will have a fridge with beverages...and possibly some food!
I missed the above post when you put it up almost a week ago!. It's been a hectic week spring cleaning,car issues, medical issues with the 'cuz. Hopefully, sometimes we'll get to your new home........right now road trips are being dramatically cut. I haven't done a big car show all year, or anything out of town for that matter. Gas took another .25 cent hike yesterday. The mid-grade hasn't gone up here as much as regular.......only a .20 difference now. Not sure if I'm able to do the Red River, NM car show on the 4th.
I missed the Red River show yesterday. very depressing. Gas went up another .20 yesterday! I just filled my Subaru......62.50!!!!!! Probably no big shows/'57 road trips for me this year. We're hoping to get our second house (in my avatar here) sold this year, so that'll get some money back in my pocket. If not, not much sense in hanging on to the '57 if I can't enjoy it. Yeah, I know!!! I need to cheer up.....guess I'll go watch my Rockies baseball team lose another game.
I think Alan and his wife Julie will be here next week from New Zealand. I just realized we don't have our smilleys anymore. :)
Ha if you type a colen and a parenthesis, it turns it into a smiley!
And we do have smileys, I just noticed. but not in the quick edit.
I still do not get notices when any one posts in any topic. :-[
Hugh, PM sent.
We got a nice visit from Alan and his wife Julie from New Zealand yesterday. Spent 3 or 4 hours with us and a nice lunch at the famous Big Texan. No, neither of us tried for the "free 72 oz steak", lol. Alan needed to get to Oklahoma City last night to keep him on schedule. Today he was headed for Jerry's Classic Cars in Springdale, Arkansas to pick up an order, then he was on his way to Tom Drummond's place. I forgot where Tom lives......Illinois I think. Tom has found him a Y block for his '57 convert. Alan rented a pickup this time when he hit the west coast here.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2022-06-10 07:16Hugh, PM sent.
I don't seem to have ability to get to it. and have no idea when you sent it either. The system is not telling any info about what time you post was made. The ever present 9:09 is all I see.
Nothing much was on the message, I was just curious if it would go through. We no longer have the "message" board at the top of the page.
it was 109* here two days in a row.
Friday night I took my Subaru to the Alburquerque area then north. Nice day Saturday, but hot there as well. Ended up driving 760 miles.
Gas took a .10 hike Friday, and another one today.
You should always be happy when you buy gas today :003: because you know it will be more expensive tomorrow :005:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2022-06-15 07:23You should always be happy when you buy gas today :003: because you know it will be more expensive tomorrow :005:
Yup. Kind of an hollow victory.
Earlier tonight when I logged on, I got a pop-up saying I had a personal message. However, I cannot find where to read it. I'll have to check into it. Won't be home tomorrow.
Hugh, while looking for the message, I found another place to set up alerts. I'll get into that with you later as well.
The "messages" to click on is at the very very top of the forum page, above the forum logo. Took me forever to find it.
For those wanting alerts sent (Hugh), I just found an alert button at the end of the row of buttons under the last post on a thread. It's where the "reply" blue button is. It looks like clicking on it will give you different options. Someone please try it and let me know if it works.
Off to a father's day car show in Hereford, Tx shortly.
Yesterday's show in Chilliwack.
1957 Meteor Wagon
1957 Meteor
1958 Meteor Courier with 57 front fendersPXL_20220626_173150212.jpg One of 311
A few more.
A 59 with Coyote power for Rory.
Really liking the blk/red one! And the Courier. That tri-tone is a bit busy for my tastes, but still looks like a great car. Thanks for posting!
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2022-06-27 12:08Yesterday's show in Chilliwack.
1957 Meteor Wagon
1957 Meteor
1958 Meteor Courier with 57 front fendersPXL_20220626_173150212.jpg One of 311
Hey Terry
Do you know who owns the Sedan Delivery?
John :canada:
Hi John,
I am working on it, two strikes so far, but will let you know when I get confirmation.
HaPpY CaNaDa DaY!
I thought the tri-color Meteor sold awhile back and went somewhere in Europe. Apparently not. Nice looking car.
Was the one you were thinking about from 360?
From photos the mirrors are different, door vs fender.
This one came out of Ontario, Y block with fuel injection.
Happy July 4 everyone!
Today is my 12th day of no smoking.......cold turkey. Knew I had to do it, but got a little "push" from my wife a few weeks ago. She spent 3 or 4 hours with her cousin who is on Oxygen, hoping for a lung transplant, and laid into me when she came home.
Since the first of the year, I had tried cutting down, but just kidding myself. I can already tell a big difference in my breathing. I may even start some projects soon..........boredom is killing me.
Rich, hang in there you can do it! Look at the money you'll save. It adds up to a tidy sum at the end of a year.
Good luck Rich, you'll never regret it once you're done with the urges to grab that pack. The hardest part for me was a cup of coffee or a cold beer without that smoke.
You'll kick it!
Good for you Rich! You'll never regret quitting. Fortunately, I never had the urge to smoke, well almost. I once tried a pipe. That didn't last more than a bowl of tobacco as my tongue felt like it was being roasted.
I hope everyone is having a great Independence Day!
I have to do it! No way I want my wife having to take care of me.......with her almost-constant health issues, I always figured I'd be the one taking care of her, and that's my biggest reason for quitting. The money saved? yeah, that too. 12 days= about 90 bucks so far. adds up quick.
Most excellent sir!
Rich I have "cold turkeyed" more then once! What I learned is the nicotine is out of your system in two to three days. The urge is strictly mental after that. Learning the triggers is the key.
Turns out my triggers was going into a combat zone. Three times. After returning home I found the trigger gone, put them down and never gave it a thought. The one thing I did was never smoked in my car or in the house.
Good luck and stay strong!
Good for you, hope you can keep it going Rich. I wish I could do the same. I cut down years ago, one pack last me 3 days and no smoking in the house or cars.
hello Rich, 2010 I decided to quit again for the next time. I know this picture has nothing to do with a 57 Ford but I decided I needed a goal this time ! I wanted this Guitar and told myself if I stopped smoking for 5 Days, I could buy it. Every day I thank that Guitar and I feel Great. Best of Luck.IMG_1119.jpg
Really cool guitar! I visited an ex-brother-in-law last year that I hadn't seen in 30 years. His guitar collection is over 100! had them everywhere! Mostly Gibsons if I remember correctly. Funny thing is he doesn't play.....go figure!
Good luck Rich, stay strong. Certainly not easy but feasible! You can do it !
I never liked smoking, have maybe smoked 10 or 20 cigarettes in my life, mostly for showing off.
Would have quit for the steel dobro anyways... :003:
Any pics of your brother in law's collection ? Guitars are work of art and make great instruments, but are also very collectible and looking great everywhere in the house, man cave, club, shop, garage... you name it ! :002:
I also have a few spread all over the house.
Quote from: glenmichael on 2022-07-05 18:07hello Rich, 2010 I decided to quit again for the next time. I know this picture has nothing to do with a 57 Ford but I decided I needed a goal this time ! I wanted this Guitar and told myself if I stopped smoking for 5 Days, I could buy it. Every day I thank that Guitar and I feel Great. Best of Luck.IMG_1119.jpg
Looks like the same style Mark Knoffler from Dire Straits played or had on the one of their album covers.
No, no pics sorry. My wife and I went for a "Sunday" drive yesterday...went to Russell's truck stop in New Mexico for lunch. I just opened a weekly newsletter from New Mexico and there was a great article on Russell's. If any of you guys are travelling I40/ old 66, this is a must stop! Scroll down when the page opens.
Really neat truck stop, thanks for the pics. I never smoked, my grandfather had cancer of the larynx and had to breath through a hole in his throat for 20 years. I have lost my mother and two best friends to cigarettes. Very glad for you that you are a former smoker ( I have confidence in your will)! I have that Dire Straits album too! Cool Guitar.
Still remember when Brothers in Arms came out and I was stunned by that shiny steel guitar on the cover.
This is my personal favorite and must have been one of my songs of summer of 85.
Good old time Rockn Roll song. still sounds good nearly 40 years later.
Hello Everyone, Hope all is well, that Guitar I have is a National Resophonic Delphi Deluxe made in California in December of 2002 Marks was made in 1937, they have a great sound in open tuning with a slide, I posted the picture just saying that was the carrot hanging there, something to reach for. After 5 days smoke free and $1500 later I have not touched a cigarette since. I remember my wife saying, You can't quit for you Grand Children but you will for a Stupid Guitar... Ya sometimes we need that carrot.
Haha.yep, the wives have a way of seeing things. Funny, that reminded me of my doctor's visit last year. As near as I can tell with a mask, she's a real cute gal in her 40's. She asked me about my smoking and I replied that Alzheimer's (SP?) was in my family, and no way was I going to do that scenario to my wife, so if I had to chose between cancer and that, I'll keep smoking. She actually replied that that made sense to her, but then she rolled her chair up real close to me, got within 8" or so of my face, (really nice cleavage show, btw), and asked in a real sexy voice, "alright then, what incentive do you need to quit?". My wife just giggled.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2022-06-27 12:10A few more.
A 59 with Coyote power for Rory.
Tery, what car show was this? Plenty of 50s Fords from the looks of it. Can`t recall ever seeing the blue Sedan Delivery, or the red 59 Wagon before.
I've added a new salvage yard to our list of yards known to have '57 Fords. It is Browne Auto Salvage in Sunset Texas. The yard is on 287 between Wichita Falls and Decatur. Thanks to Jeff on the Hamb 52-59 club for this listing and link to video, which I only watched part of. I did message them to see if they had '57's and the reply was "Yes, I have quite a number of them".
We finally got some substantial rain this week.
Gas is down to 3.42 as of yesterday....yay!!
Went on a 660 mile road trip yesterday in the DD. Nice to get up into the mountains. Remember that recent huge forest fire in New Mexico? They opened the road thru those mountains, so that's where I went. Miles and miles of burnt forest. Pretty sad, but lots of areas the fire skipped around, so it could have been a lot worse.
The drought in the southwest........When my cousin was in ALburquerque last week, she said the Rio Grand was pretty much dried up. It's normally whitewater rapids with lots of river rafting companies in the area between Santa Fe and Taos. I went to the Rio Grande gorge bridge yesterday north west of Taos, and it looked like a giant mud puddle.
Did 260 miles in the '57 this past Monday. Ran great, no issues at all. I did the run because I was planning on not going to the Vernon show/cruise this weekend, mainly because of the projected 102* temp. Well, the urge got me again, so I'm leaving for Vernon about 5:30 tomorrow morning. It's 175 miles from here. Last year, I was number 400 and somethin' for the cruise. Unlike the local annual cruise we had in Amarillo last weekend that is open to anyone, the Vernon cruise is restricted to 1972 and older.
You heard it here first..........I'm thinking of putting a for sale sign on it. With thousands of onlookers, this cruise would be a great place to get feedback.
So, if you sell your 57 what will you do? It seems that you drive it more than any of the other members. Would you get away a vintage cars completely?
I'm kinda like you Rich. These cars are fun but the amount of work and time to get things done just gets to be over whelming some times. I now have the herd down to the 36 and the Ranchero. Everything else is living happily ever after in someone elses' garage. All my spare parts for future projects were hauled off including the piles of scrap metal. Even with just the two the most recent events in "life" have resulted in not touching either in nearly three weeks. I find the heat to be so oppressive working out in it is getting more difficult. Still love driving them, still love the hunt, just the body says "not so fast with the other dreams"!
QuoteI find the heat to be so oppressive working out in it is getting more difficult.
I'm with you on that. Throw some arthuritis to the combo and you have a real problem(s).
The grandkids and car projects are what keeps me going. I should have the bumpers for the 58 Custom 300 back from chrome in a couple weeks. Need to rebuild the toploader in my 62 Fairlane. Need to finish floor and roll cage in my 54 Ford Gasser, and I have finished the motor and transmission in the 52 Chevy gasser that my friend was building before he died from covid, and need to fabricate floors next.
My youngest son and I are putting a 49 International pickup onto a later model 4wd chassis, and my oldest son has a 52 F100 that we will be putting a 351W into.
I start treatments for prostate cancer in a few weeks so I have been cleaning up my shop to get things better organized and accessible in case I am weaker during treatments. The heat has been unpleasant but I can now move through the shop without having to step over stuff.
Wow, have a full platter going! Sorry to hear about the Prostate cancer, that's a real bummer, but most instances are treatable. Bill can confirm that. I had that scare last year, but turned out to be just a reaction to some allergy medicine I was trying.
I decided not to put "for sale" on my car yesterday during the awesome show/cruise. Got some decisions to make, both me and the wife. I love my roadtrips (502 miles yesterday),but they do wear on me sometimes. Realistically, I probably don't have more than a few more years of the all day long drives. My wife can't sit in a car for long, and I really miss having her with me, particularly if I'm wanting to do an overnighter. It's mainly a money thing. No way I'd consider selling the '57 if I had enough to afford a camper van so she could recline while I drove. Before I sell the '57, I need to make sure she commits to doing roadtrips with me occasionally if we had something more comfortable for her. At this point, she's content to sit and read all day, I can't do that.
My car is insured for 55k, and if I sold it, it would have to be in that neighborhood. I've had enough obviously well-off folks really liking my car to know that figure wouldn't be too hard to get. Car prices are on the rise anyways. I talked with a guy yesterday who just recently bought a nice Custom for 27k. Said it had only been on the market for a week when he bought it. His words, not mine,........."the 27k I paid is obviously not in the high dollar class your's would be in". Put a smile on my face.
I was originally thinking in the 60's, but it could use some things, so the 55k kinda took that into consideration.
BTW, at the Vernon show/cruise, there were 8 '57 Fords. Pretty much all the models except no wagons that I saw. Had to have 5-700 cars at the cruise. Just awesome. 100+ in Vernon late afternoon. Show over at 2, cruise started at 7. Too hot to sit for 5 hours, so I went to my favorite casino 50 miles away. Won 1200. in the 3 hours I was there. Lol, had a hard time leaving so I wouldn't be late for the cruise. Probably good thing I did leave.
Rich, I'm glad somebody made some money at the casino. I went to Winstar last month and dropped a grand, made my contribution to help support the facility.
You were smart to leave while ahead, I have not learned to do that yet,LOL.
Hope all works out for you and the Misses on your decision with the 57.
Rich, I chose the chemo and radiation approach after being advised of the long term side effects of surgery.
Could you possibly add a reclining seat in the 57 to help your wife on the trips? If not maybe you could find a 57 Ford panel truck and turn it into a camper van. 😊
My mother-in-law is going thru chemo for the second time, different cancer.
My front seats do recline, one reason I went for the high-back seats. I sleep in my car often. Won't work for the wife, lol. She's a comfort creature. Next road trip, I should register 60k miles on the odometer.......she's only been it for one ride over 20 minutes.
Kerby, been to the Winstar 5 or 6 times, if you're talking about the one on I35 in Oklahoma north of Dallas. World's largest casino...........I'd hate to be trying to find someone in that place. I call my trips to the casinos "my contributions to the Native American Donation Centers". It's a small consolation knowing my usual losses are helping employment among the tribes.
When I hit the casinos I watch! Just never saw the need to enrich the owners. The "House always wins" was the biggest deterrent, that and my loosing any money would cut into the racing budget!
My wife is pretty much the same Rich. Her idea of camping is Motel 6! When we head to WI, TX or VA she puts the seat back and sleeps. Neither the 36 or the Ranchero are more then 100 miles round trip for her. All the folks we used to run with are now gone. Just have to remember....getting old isn't for wimps!
Quote from: Fairlane62 on 2022-08-14 22:53Rich, I chose the chemo and radiation approach after being advised of the long term side effects of surgery.
Could you possibly add a reclining seat in the 57 to help your wife on the trips? If not maybe you could find a 57 Ford panel truck and turn it into a camper van. 😊
We spent 35 years traveling/camping in a panel truck. The wife much prefers the Ranchero :001:
My wife can't handle more than 30 minutes even in my F150 with reclining seat, but oddly enough she can handle several hours if she's driving her Kia Sportage. 🤔
My friend Stan passed away after a long illness. He was a 57 fan and had a wagon and a ranchero under construction. He didn't have a computer so he was never able to join us here. Our morning coffee group of about 15 people has now lost 7 and another one with a major stroke in the past 5 years.
Our Saturday morning breakfast group of 10 - 12 is now down to just two of us! To add insult to injury the cafe is closing it's doors after this Saturdays' lunch. Just hard to grasp the thing time does to all of us both the good and the bad!
We need to think before we do stuff when we are over 65.
My dad went out in the snow when he didn't need to, fell and broke his hip. It took 2 years to heal and his leg ended up 1" shorter.
Take good care guys.
I haven't 100% decided, but I think I'm going on a long cruise/show tomorrow. The Show is in Belen, New Mexico, south of Albuquerque on I25. What makes this unique is there are cruises starting in 6 different locations ending up in Belen. The longest cruise-in, and closest to me, starts in Clovis, NM. Clovis is 102 miles from my house, and then another 225 to Belen. Show is over at 6, then 300 miles home, or I may just drive back to Ruidoso (a favorite road trip area) and get a room.
Rich, hope you get to go, I need a road trip too. Isn't there a lot of flooding coming to NM this weekend?
I noticed some of our regular posters like HUGH have been missing, anyone heard from him lately?
I hear from Hugh just about every day. He like so many others can't seem to get back on this site ever since it crashed, it is just not the same. Although I still look and read, [when there is something new to read] at least 3 or 4 times a week I feel we are dying a slow death. Only 2 new members since last spring. Ane we never hear from the regulars like Cobra Joe, Jeff and the other Canada guys. I have been a member for a long time and miss the way it was. I have talked to other members that I have met and they feel the same way I do. it is no way close to what it used to be. There is a lot to learn here, a lot of knowledge by a lot of members. I know I am not alone in my observation, but if something dosen't get better soon, there will be less and less activity. Just my opinion, for what it is worth, Alvin
I know user smkeeman, from Hawaii is working on his Ranchero. He's been busy with work and trying to do things on the Ranchero. I'll ask/remind him to post updates.
It's not that I can't get is that I never get it isn't in my eyes every day. Abe sent that message to us all about the '57 Models he got for us...and I never knew until just now when I signed in after getting an e-mail from Alvin tonight.
I imagine the same issue is why others are not around as much. Just speculating. The website has not been as fluid as it was, and no matter what I have done on my personal page to make sure I get notifications...I do not. Ditto for the signing in part...I can no longer just stay signed in. Also times of posts along with dates of same seem to be off base...making it hard to tell when things have been posted.
These are issues the site host (not James actually) should be dealing with and fixing. But that takes time to be on them to get things if James is over-worked and busy...then they don't get to hear from him...and the fixes don't come.
Updates on my world as long as I am in here...
Sold my apartment building, and paid off EVERY SINGLE BILL I had...other than my house mortgage.
I am about 30 days away from closing on a 5 acre piece of property up the road from me about 45 minutes, where I am going to build a Mini-Storage facility.
About the same time I plan to add a 40x30 shop to the property just for working on the cars. The other shop (40x50) will be relegated to storage of waiting projects, finished cars and parts not needed immediately. Hoping to have the shop done before winter sets in so I can spend a couple of weeks moving tools, equipment and a couple of cars in. Also have a 4-post lift that I need to raise and then have tuned.
I see where Jim was wondering where I was...and if others are as well, feel free to reach out and touch me at as that gets checked all the time.
I am well...and alive. And...seems busy! Later...Hugh
I look every day, part of my morning routine while getting my dose of coffee. The site has seen a slow down. Part of the slow down may be projects completed like mine. Life gets in the way more then we would like as we age out. Even being retired I get less done then before? How can that be? Doctors and hospitals have eaten a bunch of time. I've been good, my wife on the other hand not so much. None of them life threatening but time eaters none the less. Add to that the heat is more problematic to me now then it used to be. It just sucks the energy right out! When I was young and bullet proof working in the heat was never a problem. Maybe all that "summer fun" in Nam and the Gulf are catching up? Don't know.
Even with the time passing thing I still enjoy looking and talking with the folks here and will continue to do so as long as I can.
I look everyday at least once! My project is never done by design but who wants to hear that my left rear brake is leaking so I am in the middle of a rear brake job! Recently had a lower back issue, not sure as of yet to the root cause... Rain here almost everyday keeps the temps down, fans, A/C keep me going. Summer is not car season here though.
Good to hear from Hugh and you others that have chimed in. At least that is some activity. The heat has me slowed down so I'm not working on much. Replaced the master cylinder on my Mustang and thats about it. I still drive the 57 almost daily but just locally and early mornings only..
I needed the hoist for regular maintenance on the Expedition and the LTD. The '57 is out for some shake-down runs. The fuel gauge was at 1/4 so my first run was to one of my preferred fuel plazas that has E85. About half way across town, I noticed the fuel gauge was below empty. I was frustrated to have to add to the pick list that the fuel gauge had quit working. As I turned on my turn signal to turn to the gas pumps, I heard the fuel pump cavitate (sucking air)! I had to restart the engine twice before I coasted to the pumps. When the gauge is below's empty! Good to know. New problem: it took nearly 45 minutes to slowly pump 40 gallons due to too much foam in the tank. Well, the tank is full of 104 octane at $3.09 a gallon.
104 octane at 3.09???????????? 40 gallon fuel cell..that's 5 gallons per carburetor, lol.
new thought I had yesterday......watching a digital odometer is definitely not as much fun watching the change from 59,999.9 to 60,000.0. I miss the analog odometer where you could watch all those nines slowly rolling over! Yeah, I know most of you guys don't have that issue. I think it would be neat if the electronic speedometer manufacturers made the digital numbers roll like the old analogs. Maybe some do..idk
My cruise and show got rained out yesterday, so I decided to cruise NM anyways.....620 miles yesterday..500+ of it in the rain. Being so dry here this year, it was a nice change. Just used the rainex and intermittent wiper setting most of the time. Got 21.5 on yesterday's mpg.
I usually check the site twice a day. I know some would tell me to get a life! The heat also sucks the energy out of me. I try to accomplish something on/for the car every day, no matter how small the task.
I try to check in a couple times a day to see what's happening. We finally got some rain and a cool down today so the shop should be more tolerable tomorrow. Rich, 21.5mpg is great considering current fuel prices.
talking about the forum and lower traffic/fewer postings. I think that it IS NOT mainly a problem associated with our specific 1957 Ford board. I am an active member on 3 (4) internet forums (14 years on TheSamba- a huge classic VW related site, over 20 years on a more local German HotRod/Custom, and 8 years here on 57Fords, not very active at all on the HAMB). and there has been fewer traffic and posts on all of them in the past 3 years or so. There may be many reasons for that, like members getting older and change in health or family obligations, downfall of the economy, simply getting bored with the same old stuff, but I think it is mostly changing of social media/internet. Personally I don't even have an iphone and not doing ANY of the social media things like Insta, facebook or whatever they are called. But I think that MOST all people today do have those accounts and it may be easier to post quick snapshots and quotes over there, since everybody has an i phone these days anyways. Personally I still rely on a digi cam and a desktop PC, so this makes it easier and enjoyable for me on a classic internet forum.
remember when fax came out in the 1980s and everybody was using it for parts orders and business communication and it slowly died in the 1990s when email came. so now another 25 years later after the internet introduction, the basic old internet is probably just coming to an end and getting replaced by more modern devices and programs. Maybe not to the point where it's getting extinct, but we all can feel the drag and loss in popularity by now. It's good to have all you guys still here and we can keep on talking our beloved 57 Fords over here !!!
Yup, no "smart phone" here! Email and a desk top do it for me. I often tell folks that I don't text, tweet or twerk and get that "stare into space look" :<)
We do have an issue with the forum that is affecting the new applications for membership........we have had almost none since the crash. I texted James about it a few times, and thought he was aware of it, but nothing has changed, so I really need to get off my butt and call him. The pm's may or may not be working also, but the main problem is I can't contact the new applications thru email. It may be a problem on my end, just don't know. I need to get James to respond to the new apps to see. That's gotta be a priority to keep this forum healthy, and I apologize for dragging my feet on it.........fell into the tech headache twilight zone for me.
I agree with Gunter, especially losing members thru old age/getting out of the hobby
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2022-08-22 07:56Yup, no "smart phone" here! Email and a desk top do it for me. I often tell folks that I don't text, tweet or twerk and get that "stare into space look" :<)
I'm sure we all appreciate you not twerking. 😁
X2 what Gunter said. There are 57 Ford forums on facebook that are easier to use when it comes to posting pics or responding to other posts. That's not a knock on James and this forum, it's just the nature of how the different platforms work.
The worst thing about those forums though, is they are filled with "experts" who obviously don't know the difference between an old Ford and a vespa scooter, but won't hesitate to regale everyone with their vast (and usually very wrong) knowledge. This is a big reason why I've sworn off social media for the last few months, except for the occasional visits to wish friends a happy birthday.
The opposite is true with this forum. Most everyone here is truly knowledgeable regarding these old Fords, and skilled mechanics in their own right. Those who are new to the hobby here are treated respectfully and have no problem getting the help they need. It is sad though to see the older members leave the hobby for whatever reason.
great statement, Marc. This is really a gentlemen's club here. I think that some 'older' and other members are not even leaving the hobby. From personal experience I know there are simply times when people have to care for their loved ones or receive treatments for whatever reason or have things to do and just don't find the time to get out, drive their car or join the internet forum anymore. Some of our members may just be experiencing that.
I mostly don't care what I hear or see on those open social media channels that can be watched on the internet. Some of that is purely showing off and just about receiving likes or viewers. I don't understand that. a passion is about a certain thing or style that we love. It is cool to share with friends and like minded and to have some people agree or just correct us, if we made a mistake, but who needs thousands of views and followers? it is always nice to somewhat know the guys you are hanging out with !
I have a "smart phone" but I don't use it for this site. Nor do I bank on it or do my e-mail on it. It is a phone, and I shoot pics with it sometimes. Though I still prefer my 35 mm Canon for serious photography.
I am pretty sure that the loss of attention on the site is due to it not being as responsive as the old format. No notifications from discussions tends to make one who is busy just forget to look in. If this new format were as attentive to users as the old...I am sure the participation would rise as well. The lack of use on my part is due to that lack of "knock knock" that used to come every day from various threads...even ones I didn't post in but read for info.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Hey guys. I pretty much check for some new stuff everyday.
Mike's wagon coming along... Reading some updates here is nice too. But yeah it's very slow. The HAMB is the same 20 guys talking to the new kid.
Im just busy with too much work. For the Matchbox cars it was just for a short list of regulars that commented on the post. Let me know I still have a few.
As far a email or PM notification. On a phone it's just hard to see that a PM came in.
I'm also off of FB so I don't know anything about those groups. Just old style forums for me.
Been driving the CS I bought 1-2 times a week and making little fixes here and there. Also driving the Hardtop when I get a chance. I really need to seal it up inside and get some seats done.
Currently looking for some proper lakepipes. I might have to weld some up.
FYI I do Instagram. Non a constant stream but it might be the best place to reach me. abelugo is my username.
Everyone just keep posting even if short burbs and a sideways photo.
I am around.... and lurk about mostly every day... Life is always busy for me..... in the next day we begin a local show called the Jam Up.. since the virus.. our show has been cancelled for 2 years +.... this coming weekend it starts again and it will be 3 days of very busy work days.(600-800 cars,6 bands vendors,swap meet and Mini Bike drags) Sometimes its like herding cats.
My personal work is so heavy and it leaves me with little time... family also keeps me busy... working on 2 57's.. one is stalled in the paint shop , the other I need a summers rest.
I peruse Ford Barn, never say much, here, not saying much and Mod the Hamb.... mostly battling spam bots.
Vey anxious to complete my 57's... I wanna drive them.... I am the complete opposite..... I enjoy driving, road trips and only doing builds in the cold winter months.
And to be completely honest.. without getting into politics,. the state of our world is kinda depressing.
So.. I stay quiet.
Glad to have you back Jeff!
I hear ya. didn't want to mention it, but obviously your last point is also spot on, imho. Many rather depressing things have been happening over the past years.
Good reason to keep my head buried in sand and not watch the news.
Did an oil change on the '57 last Friday. I've been using a plier-type filter wrench which I have a hard time gripping and getting a good feel for tightness. Anyways, my new filter is leaking, so I bought a set of cup type filter "sockets" for a socket wrench. I'm going to pull the filter off and replace it with another new one, hopefully the new tool will get me a better feel. Interesting enough, the old filter and the new filter have two different patterns on the ends, but the Harbor freight set has both configurations.
I changed to 10-30 Mobil 1 oil last year. Yes, I understand the relationship of oil pressure/resistance to flow, but the 5-30 I was using got my gauge to "0" at idle. My brain just wasn't comfortable with that, thus the change in viscosity to set my mind at ease. It now reads about 5 or 10 at idle.
Mobil 1 10-30 "extended protection"@ O'Reilly's 39.97 per 5 qt jug. Walmarts for the same 26.98!
Got my gas credit card statement online this morning. Last Saturday I topped off the '57 at Love's in Clovis, NM. before I went to meet the cruise guys (who never showed). My top-off was 17.00 which showed on my statement followed by a 175.00 charge at the same Love's!
Just a couple of pics of my completed shop and I wanted to give a special thanks to all my friends as well as my nephew, who got everything moved and in place for me while I've been laid up. :)
Now, if I could only get out there and use it....:(
"laid up"? did I miss something, I assumed you had healed from your foot injury?
Hell of a shop setup, Joe. Didn't know you had a Bridgeport...and variable speed to boot. A suggestion......keep your eyes open for a Kurt Ang-loc vise. Major improvement over the Bridgeport vise you have.
We havent had time to do anything car related this summer, at all. Sold our place in North Vancouver and bought a small acreage in the southern Okanagan. The house is fairly new so it doesn't need anything done except perhaps a bit of landscaping. The area were in is semi-rural with a mix of single family residential, fruit orchards and vineyards. Both my 57 and Mustang are still in the lower mainland, picking up the Mustang Thursday and the 57 the following week. One thing I realized is I have way too much crap, so started selling some of it off. The house has an attached two car garage that I built a work bench and shelving to store my stuff until next spring to start on a proper and functional detached shop. More than likely a steel building 800-900 sq.ft. should be fine or at least enough to store one car, truck and camper.
Views from the north and south......
Great looking shop Joe!
Thanks guys, much appreciated.
Rich, those anglelock vises are nice, but they ain't cheap!
As far as my injury goes Rich, in the end, I had broken my Tibia & Fibula below the knee, my ankle broke in 4 place like an "X". broke two bones in my foot and now have to go for knee surgery. :deadhorse:
Quote from: rmk57 on 2022-08-28 09:46We havent had time to do anything car related this summer, at all. Sold our place in North Vancouver and bought a small acreage in the southern Okanagan. The house is fairly new so it doesn't need anything done except perhaps a bit of landscaping. The area were in is semi-rural with a mix of single family residential, fruit orchards and vineyards. Both my 57 and Mustang are still in the lower mainland, picking up the Mustang Thursday and the 57 the following week. One thing I realized is I have way too much crap, so started selling some of it off. The house has an attached two car garage that I built a work bench and shelving to store my stuff until next spring to start on a proper and functional detached shop. More than likely a steel building 800-900 sq.ft. should be fine or at least enough to store one car, truck and camper.
Randy...these people are great to work with. Not sure if they get up into Canada...but worth a try. They not only sell it, they install and build it on a foundation you have poured. Toll Free: 1-800-488-6903
They have places all over the U.S. I know. Mine is coming from Oklahoma I believe. Person I have for my contact is named Christie Bayless. Actually lives about 100 miles north of me in MO.
And your place looks heavenly! :003: I may have to do a road trip one day...!
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2022-08-28 10:37Thanks guys, much appreciated.
Rich, those anglelock vises are nice, but they ain't cheap!
As far as my injury goes Rich, in the end, I had broken my Tibia & Fibula below the knee, my ankle broke in 4 place like an "X". broke two bones in my foot and now have to go for knee surgery. :deadhorse:
DANG Buddy! You did it up real good! Should I send you a quart of Moonshine? (Yes...there is a place here outside of Branson that sells the real stuff...legally! LOL!!!)
Your shop looks nice. Especially with those three rides in it! Have you been totally grounded or have you been able to at least get out and go for a drive now and then?
I took the '39 out last Sunday for the first time to a show in town; other than that, I haven't used either car this year. I would love to go to the bigger shows and cruises, but I enjoy walking around and seeing the other rides and walking with a cane and having to stop and sit kinda sucks. :grandpaSimpson:
Not a big fan of shine, Jack Daniels on the other hand....
You should have moved to Tennessee :)
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2022-08-28 11:29Not a big fan of shine, Jack Daniels on the other hand....
You should have moved to Tennessee :)
Oh...there is plenty of that around here...arrangements can be made... :006:
Had an unbelievable weekend at the Historic Hot Rod Reunion at Mission Raceway Park. 50+ years ago I sold popcorn and cleaned up under the grandstands. Now we were center stage pushing the Blaylock and Johnson nitro dragster and the famed Syndicate Scuderia A/GS digger with flattie powered Mercury pickup.
That looks like a great time. I love that truck!
Too COOL! Love the truck, especially the two different door letterings! :thumbsup:
Well.... might as well post up our show..... good turn out, fun times..... completely exhausting. about 450-550 pre 65 cars, 6 bands, tons of vendors, food trucks, swap meet, blah blah blah.
My wife... who runs my booth was down with Covid, my Daughter as well.
I never had any symptoms .... and had to roll on the show.... very difficult.......
anyhow had fun....
Getting back on the 57's.... I will try to get on as much as possible in the future.
A few more......
You guys had great weekends! I'm loving that pickup as well, I'd have a heck of a time fighting off my urges to make it shiney/ get it protected, lol. that your coupe with the bobbed fenders?.....been a while since I last saw pics, can't remember the details.
Thanks guys, I found the Mercury M-3 in a field 18 years ago, I have wiped it off but have never washed it. Ford never put a Merc flathead in the trucks but I did, 274 inch, 4-barrel, Isky cam, Tremec 5-speed, four wheel disc brakes, power windows, re-arranged the dash board, plus a few more options. It is a ton of fun to drive.
At the Historic event they had over 800 vehicles, the blue dragster won Best Appearing at the 1963 Winternationals and was a National Record Holder.
Awesome pics Jeff! Love that blue '39!!!
Great pics Jeff, thanks for posting them. Hope the family is feeling better. The wife and I caught the covid a few weeks back. If I'd never heard of covid I would've thought it was just a head cold, but it affects everyone differently I guess.
Looking forward to seeing how your '57 is coming along!
You did a great job putting that beautiful shop together Everything looks great.
This time of year is generally slower because folks are on vacation or just busy outside.
Things will pickup in a few weeks. Just look at TV everything is reruns till mid to end of Sept.
Nice to meet up with a couple of famous 57 Fords forever members after two years of COVID crap...
It's not very often that we get to see 3 57 Fords parked together in the back of a Walmart parking lot.
Actually there were 4 of them because the 4th is a 57 Tbird, but not a member of our site.
NICE ! :003:
Also our Canadian friends have got their things going....just WOW !
I go with Joe and the blue 39 Coupe is my first pick favorite, although it is difficult to decide with all the many classy survivor hot rods and interesting cars.
Some pics from Marshfield this past Sunday:
Not too many cars there I WOULDN"T want in my driveway. Looks like a great day. Thanks. I opted to not do or go to our locally second biggest annual show in Amarillo this past weekend. It's indoors, too many baby carriages, etc. Instead, I drove 260 miles to do a car show in Mustang, Oklahoma. It turned out not to be the same show I went to 10 years ago in the same park. It was kind of disappointing and very disorganized, but it was outdoors in fresh air!, and I did win best of class. Lol, that wouldn't have happened at your show.
I did the show by accident; on Sunday mornings @ 07:00 there is a cruise in Plymouth that ends at 10:oo when the business's open for the day, so I went there. When I got there, the guys that were there said that the show was up the road in Marshfield for Labor Day. Thinking it was the same cruise, I went the 20 miles up the road to Marshfield following the line of cars headed there. I was surprised that there were so many cars and didn't realize it was Spindles Car Club Annual Show until they asked me for $15.00 entrance fee.
The pics of the cars with empty spaces around them were taking early in the morning before the rest of the cars showed up. I believe someone said there were well over a thousand cars.
The Pacific International Street Rod Association had their 50th Anniversary. A couple hundred cars showed up. They weather held off for most of the day, first real rain in six weeks.
The trophies were over the top, the builder spent 8 months on them. I was honoured to bring one home with my 50 Shoebox.
Part 2
Part 3
Gotta love those handmade trophies.......congrats!! I've got one from the '18 West Texas roundup that my wife loves because it looks like a cat.
Great pics, they both looked like good shows. That '60 Polara hits the soft spot I have for old Mopars.
Terry your '50 looks beautiful.
Thank you very much for the lovely pictures. You got to see a bunch of pretty cars at that
show. It was also good to see you and your 57 Ford and Dave with his 57 Ranchero last night. That might be a
record around here with three of us from the 57 Ford site at the same cruise ,two weeks in a row. Jay
Thanks jay; on a side note, headed to the Plymouth "cruise" tomorrow morning.
I just sent you an email.
Got it, thanks.
Got my mount in for the garage....
That is cool as heck! The deer mount....I can't remember seeing one before that had a center antler almost touching his face! I'm envious of all the cruises/meets you guys have in your neighborhood.
Nice 8 point. :002:
Thanks Rich, meeting Jay and a couple of buddies in Plymouth @ 7 am for another cruise. I'll try and post up some pics.
Nice eclectic group of cars (except for the Nissan SUV).....That's a very nice looking '57 Chev. I see in your 4th pic, that cruise-in is right on the water. I miss the smell of the Atlantic.
Thanks Rich, that '57 is my buddies that I posted pics of a few years ago when we were working on it.
Eureka Spring AR this past Saturday. Rich...hate to tell you this...but...well...we have a ton of shows and cruises as well. This past Saturday...I went to the show, then to a cruise-in that evening. There were about 10 car shows that day within 50 miles of my house, and this weekend another 20 within the the same radius. There is a cruise-in every weekend of the month from May until about October After that...Mother Nature kinda makes them a bit senseless.
Some more...
And because I am a flathead slut...and proud of it...not my best pics...but hey...I was lookin' at cars and shot these with my phone not my 35mm.
Enjoy this with your morning coffee.
9,200 RPM's! That's a lot of heavy weight spinning around really fast! :003:
Thanks Terry
That car was really flying down that strip. The best thing is that he beat that Chxxx.
The driver looked like he was not a spring chicken. He had some years on him
. Jay
Here is some interesting post-57 history.
Here's a facebook link to the show I attended last FRiday/Saturday. these pics are better than mine, but I'll post later.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2022-09-19 11:44Here is some interesting post-57 history.
That was an interesting article. I've never been a fan of the 58's. To me they've always looked like a half-assed attempt to improve on an already great design. The photos in the article of the designs that didn't make it look even worse than what they eventually built for 58, in my opinion.
Part of the problem I think was the move to the 4-headlight design. There's not really any way to make 4 headlights look good on the front end of a 57, which was clearly designed for two headlights. Obviously with the 57 being a complete redesign, it was too early for another complete redesign so they did the best they could with what they had to work with. I'm sure they didn't want to be the only major automaker not offering 4 headlights for 58.
Having said that I've always thought the 59 was a very handsome design. Not radically different from the 57, but they finally made the changes to the front end needed to make 4-headlights look good, and thankfully brought back the big old round tail lights.
Hey hey there?!!!
No offense meant Abe!
Are those Chrysler headlight buckets?
I really like 58 Fords..... but in the past... everyone I have known, never liked them.I truly liked the small things about them. the inverted creases on the front fenders... the ribbed roof.... and of course..... the introduction of the FE.
When I look at a 58 chevy.... I find them truly ugly.Fat, bulbous .. like a fat kid wearing loud stripes.The 58 Chevy looks ugly, where as a 58 Ford is more leaner in its look.
My favourite 58 is a Ranchero..... more than anything.
I feel the biggest poor point on a 58 Ford is the rear tail lights... the final design looks like they just ran out of time to come up with the final design.I guess thats why a 58 Ranchero is a favourite of mine.
I am in the minority..But I love the dual headlights on a 58 Ford.
IDK, ....then there's just plain ugly
I don't know about them being ugly, but sure don't see the reasoning to change from the single headlight design.
I think it is like everything else, even back then, people wanted to be different.
I bought the car because of the rear bumpers and valence, knowing that I would change them back to single lights. I was told it was a J.C. Whitney conversion piece when I purchased the car, but that's another story....
First time on the ground. A long ways to go but a big deal to me!
Nice, '41 Ford Coupe?
Yes, '41 Ford Business Coupe...small door. SW Racing frame, 427FE side oiler, bored and stroked, 2x4s on Tunnel Wedge intake, T56 Magnum 6 speed, 4.11 Detroit Locker on four link. Lots of fun stuff so far.
Very nice; looks bad ass with the big sneakers under the quarter panels.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2022-09-20 16:01Yes, '41 Ford Business Coupe...small door. SW Racing frame, 427FE side oiler, bored and stroked, 2x4s on Tunnel Wedge intake, T56 Magnum 6 speed, 4.11 Detroit Locker on four link. Lots of fun stuff so far.
Didnt you have a SOHC for that project?
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2022-09-20 06:03I really like 58 Fords..... but in the past... everyone I have known, never liked them.I truly liked the small things about them. the inverted creases on the front fenders... the ribbed roof.... and of course..... the introduction of the FE.
When I look at a 58 chevy.... I find them truly ugly.Fat, bulbous .. like a fat kid wearing loud stripes.The 58 Chevy looks ugly, where as a 58 Ford is more leaner in its look.
My favourite 58 is a Ranchero..... more than anything.
I feel the biggest poor point on a 58 Ford is the rear tail lights... the final design looks like they just ran out of time to come up with the final design.I guess thats why a 58 Ranchero is a favourite of mine.
I am in the minority..But I love the dual headlights on a 58 Ford.
I'm with Jeff on this one. Done right they are a pretty darn good looking car.
Quote from: Marc on 2022-09-20 02:55No offense meant Abe!
Are those Chrysler headlight buckets?
yeah Chrysler eyes! Lucas Flamethrowers with H2s
Cammer is headed for the '65 Galaxie 'M' code clone.
I owned one 58 in 1967 between my first and second 57. Besides what was already mentioned was the better steering gear box :001: .
scan of an old BW snap shot, only picture I have.
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2022-09-20 06:03When I look at a 58 chevy.... I find them truly ugly.Fat, bulbous .. like a fat kid wearing loud stripes.The 58 Chevy looks ugly, where as a 58 Ford is more leaner in its look.
Now see...I LOVED the '58 Chevy. always thought (still do) that the '57 Chev was butt ugly. Dash, rear fins and front grill look like they were after thought. Like the '56, '55 is my fave of the three. First car was a '56 wagon...stolen and never recovered.
Second and third cars were '57 Couriers...still have both as everyone knows. of today...the '57 Fairlane is home!
My first car was a 58 Custom 300 in 1967. I built it with home ported ECZ-G heads and a 57 blower cam, with Borg Warner transmission.
So I'm currently building a Custom 300 that my sons found that will be more of a cruiser compared to my other cars, but I built a Cleveland for it. The bumpers and various trim pieces have been at the chrome plater since last December. Hopefully they will be done soon.
(Sorry Hugh,.please take no offence that 58 Chevies are ugly) ha ha
......that 58 is pure heaven.
I love the upper end models of '58 Chevies, a 180 from what I like most of the '57 Fords. A '58 convertible won one of the top awards at the show I did in Santa Rosa, NM last weekend..............and my first car after getting my driver's licence in '63 was a '58 Fairlane 2 dr htp, all white, 352 auto.
About that show I did last weekend. "Bozo and the Crew Fun Run". It was very unique. I was a little disappointed in the number of cars, somewhere around 180-200, but other than that, outstanding. First, I love the landscape around Santa Rosa. Elevation 4640, very rocky but green low mountainous. The event started Friday night with a 6-hour live concert downtown at the park gazebo. Free food, soft drinks, hot rods/classics all around the park. Very cool. I was sitting with a group of 6 that all drove down from Pueblo, Co. The show Saturday was at the lake just outside of the downtown area. Probably 80% of the cars were Hispanic-owned Chevies, but oddly enough no lowriders!! I did see one bomb, a 40's Chev if I remember correctly. When I parked, it was right in front of the covered pavilion next to a beautiful Hudson. As it turned out, the Hudson was driven by the guy I talked about in an earlier post driving in from Milwaukee. He got the long-distance award. There was a lot of interest in my '57. 50-60's Fords were few at the show. One guy that asked a lot about my car turned out to be the second-ranking senator in New Mexico. Never talked politics, was part of the awards ceremony, only talking about the importance of keeping the car culture alive because it was so embedded in the Hispanic family's culture. Very refreshing to say the least. Very cool guy. Can you imagine any of your senators rock-n-roll dancing to Wolly Bully, lol?
That whole group had a very strong community relationship going.....the mayor, the senator, Bozo, all the tight-knit lifelong family friendships.
I mentioned the Chevies at the show, and not one lowrider. Totally opposite from the Hispanic community in Amarillo. I suspect that influence came from James "Bozo" Cordova. He builds some incredible rides, but I recently realized they are no different than "regular" street rods and hot rods. The cars at the show were amazing, sooooo many museum quality gorgeous Chevies from the early 50's thru the late 60's, almost every year represented. As I mentioned, one of the top winners was a '58 convertible. I'm going to ramble some more.....
There were not too many awards given out as such. Maybe 10 or so. Nothing was separated into groups, it was best of show, best engine, best interior, etc etc. and Mayor's award, senator's award, Bozo's award. The door-prize drawings were totally amazing. They had a double open trailer full of tool boxes and stuff. Folding chairs, canopies, rollaways, $50-200 cash prizes(about 10 of them), gas money prizes to go along with some of the awards. They gave away 5 sets of 4 tires! upper-end coolers and bar-b-que grills. All in all very impressive. As I told the guys from Milwaukee (their 4th straight), it was obvious why most there came back year after year. It's going to be on my annual to-do list. I'll be going thru Santa Rosa in 10 days on my way to the "run to the Inn of the Mountain Gods" show in Ruidoso. I met several people in Santa Rosa who will be there. Now, if I could just find my cable to download pics....
Fifty years ago I bought my first car, $53.50 from my Father. 223 six cylinder, automatic, radio and H78-14 snow tires on the back. It could bark 2nd gear if I had the right radio station on.
Loved the ribbed roof, made me want a 1957 even more.
Sold it for $75.00 and the guy totaled it that night.
Here is Mike's 1958.
From the PISRA show a couple weeks ago.
PISRA show in Aldergrove.[attach id=78905]PXL_20220904_172131970.jpg[/
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2022-09-22 12:18Here is Mike's 1958.
Is that a Canadian grille? I like it a lot more than the usual '58 grille.
Mike's.........everything is first class! really liking that car.
Tonight's Sunset....
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2022-09-22 07:47(Sorry Hugh,.please take no offence that 58 Chevies are ugly) ha ha
No problem...I will be happy to contribute to your new glasses fund... :006:
It might be a little late for me to chime in, but I like 58 Fords also. My first choice though is a 57 Ford.
You guys definitely changed my mind about '58's. Saw this retractable at the Onset show today; absolutely beautiful:
More pics:
I love the shift knob:
Thanks for the pictures. I may have seen that R+W 58 flip top at Star Drive In.
You're welcome Jay, it really was a beautiful car.
Wow Joe. I was looking at the option list..... the AC was more money than the 300 horse FE!
What I really want to know and see... is the electric razor option!
I did too Jeff, unfortunately, it is listed as part of the "base price" on a "Skyliner". I guess we would have to compare it to a base price of a "1958 Fairlane 500"
Crazy, if you look at the price of that Skyliner and you adjust for inflation; $5,192.60 would be the equivalent of $53,214.45 today!
Awesomness! I thought where I am going next week was a cool place to have a car show.......doesn't compare to what you just posted. Thanks for making me homesick Joe, lol.
Glad to help Rich; I'm with you, I don't think I could ever live a way from the ocean. :'(
Thanks for the cool pics. There are two 58 retractable for sale same color two if any one wants info. Somewhat reasonable prices too. I can forward the posting I found.
Crazy that the Victoria is the highest price vs let's say a Squire wagon
Joe Great day for Onset and super pic of your place. John V
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2022-09-25 14:48Thanks for the cool pics. There are two 58 retractable for sale same color two if any one wants info. Somewhat reasonable prices too. I can forward the posting I found.
Crazy that the Victoria is the highest price vs let's say a Squire wagon
DO NOT put that in front of me!!! I have already reached my limit...I think...
wife already sure I am nuts. DO NOT...I mean D-O N-O-T put that ad in front of me!!! :-\
Hahahaa! Good one. I did post that 57.
Yea...I see...but I am NOT gonna buy it...I'd go to the bank and borrow the money for Alvin's Retractable first. WHEW!
A brand new Skyliner today could certainly sell for $53k or more!
That is a kool window sticker although they didn't really come out till 1959.
They were nicknamed "Monroney labels" after the legislator who pushed it through Congress.
A number of those options were over the parts counter items only but, still very kool!
Anyone heard from Gunther lately? I was kind of surprised he didn't pop up on the thread about the '57 I bought, but haven't seen him on any other threads lately either.
I fired off an email to him but haven't got a response yet. Not sure if Jay has talked to him either...
I thought I saw him post in the last week. Might be in Hugh's thread.
I did not see it.
On another note...I went to the P.O. today, and was given a box...with a pair of 1957 Ford Sedans in it! You are one heck of a designer my friend thanks for the send!
Those are cool...........not sure why I didn't order one.
On another note.......should be a good day today. In 45 minutes, me, Ken and Mellisa, my next door neighbors are leaving for a 100 mile trip to Canadian, Tx for their "Fall Foliage car show". Ken will be driving his newly acquired, all- original '64 Falcon Convertible on it's maiden voyage with them. This will be the first show I've gone to in years following/leading another classic! Looking forward to it.
Yeah, "fall foliage" in N. Texas is kinda weird in itself, lol.
Got up early for a hot rod breakfast 30 miles from home, have not had rain in 90 days and going to be 79F today so a few cars still out enjoying the warmth. Four Forty Fords showed up.
That black 40 in the last picture sure looks nice, any idea what's under the hood?
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2022-10-13 23:37Anyone heard from Gunther lately? I was kind of surprised he didn't pop up on the thread about the '57 I bought, but haven't seen him on any other threads lately either.
He responded to my email early this morning; he's doing okay, just extremely busy. Hopes to be back on the forum soon.
Nice to be back on the forum; I had surgery Friday to remove some of the hardware from my leg. They took 5 of the 7 screws out and hopefully it will increase my range of motion and reduce my pain. We'll see once I'm off crutches....
So...does this mean you'll be screwing around less and become useful again? :003: Sorry...couldn't resist! LOL!!!
I have been in touch with Günter. He is working on his German Ford wagon. He drove it to the sand blaster
at 6:00 AM, took it apart in the parking lot and had it blasted ,then put it back together in the parking lot
and drove it home at 6:00 PM the same day. They even did the underside of the car. He sent me the pictures but I'm not that good forwarding them. It's best if he tells you guys the story and posts the pictures. Jay have a new prvt msge. :006:
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2022-10-13 23:37Anyone heard from Gunther lately? I was kind of surprised he didn't pop up on the thread about the '57 I bought, but haven't seen him on any other threads lately either.
Joe I'm happy to hear that you are out of the hospital and everything went well. We will talk on the phone.
Mustang 6984. I can't find the private message that you mentioned. My computer only works when it feels like it. Jay
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2022-10-22 07:03Mustang 6984. I can't find the private message that you mentioned. My computer only works when it feels like it. Jay
Wasn't anything earth shattering. I just said that if you can email them, to send them to me, and I will post the pics for you gladly.
Went on the valley cruise night creepy cruise. It was about 40-50 miles. Out the valley, cruise to the cemetery, then down to Bobs Burbank and cruise through Hollywood back home.
Thats cool!! I wasn't aware of that cruise, I live in a cave at times.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2022-10-31 10:15Thats cool!! I wasn't aware of that cruise, I live in a cave at times. too...often by choice! LOL!!! The cave is more pleasant! :002:
Thinking it's time to come back with a few nice tunes. seeing that we now have a direct video link button. :001:
Whether or not you may like country, this guy has its own class. Don Rich of the Buckaroos ( Buck Owens').
Beautiful music! :002:
and Sweden's Finest, unplugged. Was very lucky to see them live this summer. From their neat outfits right down to the brilliant steel guitar and spot on accent, an unforgettable experience for sure. These guys live their music, probably as close as you can get to 1964 Nashville anywhere today.... :003:
Gotta get my earphones recharged and listen to those, DJ. Thanks
Gas got down to 2.94 yesterday. Talking to a guy a few weeks ago who works for a refinery not too far from here, he told me the almost 2$ a gallon higher for diesel is here to stay because of EPA new requirements for diesel. He told me gas and diesel starts with the same basic raw material, but it used to be diesel was skimmed off the top first, now it takes 5 days longer to process the diesel than gasoline, plus new additives required. Something you diesel guys may want to think about on your next vehicle.
It's been down into the twenties overnight here for the past 2 or 3 weeks.....I hate it. Going up to Red River, NM for 3 days at Thanksgiving. My niece rented a mountain chalet for 6 of us up in the mountains......gonna be fun if my breathing doesn't kill me, lol. The altitude there is 8750 ft!
I'm going in for some minor surgery ....triple hernia. My doctor (cute 30 year old female, love it!!!!)who is taking care of my COPD diagnosed the hernias and sent me to their surgeon, My blood pressure was elevated, so they had to get that back down before they'd schedule the surgery, but all is good now, and I'm scheduled for dec. 1 surgery. I mention this because I know a lot of you guys are in the same age group, and probably dealing with Medicare / insurance issues. Other than my prostate false alarm last year, I've never really seen a doctor who I could call "my doctor". I had a choice of where to go when I started having these new issues, and I chose Texas Tech school of medicine. That's where the doctor I now call "mine", and the surgeon are at. I absolutely love the extra attention I get there..first class all the way.......For example, last week I spent more than an hour with their pharmaceutical department going over my medicines, discussing possible side effects, and scheduling me for tests to insure these potential side effects are non-existant. The VA has NEVER done that for my wife. Connie is in process of signing up for medicare, so she can have the option of NOT using the VA. Covid really decimated the local VA staff here. Her primary care has really taken a dive in the past year. Anyways, a high five from me for TEXAS TECH, and if any of the Texas guys here have the option, I'd sure go for it.
I'm glad you found good health care. I go to an office that trains/works with Residents. I get great attention and great care. I started seeing my MD while she was finishing her residency. I only go to the VA once or twice a year just to keep my name on the list so I can get my prescriptions filled there.
Guenter, REALLY enjoyed the videos. Thanks! Rich, good luck on your surgery... My wife and I are with Humana, my only issue with healthcare is they drive me crazy with phone calls.
Best of luck tomorrow Rich
Surgery is next week. We had to cancel our trip to Red River. My niece came down with a bad flu, and a day or so later, her partner did as well. with the surgery coming up, I couldn't take a chance on catching something. My niece went anyway, sick or not, because the 1k rental fee was non-refundable. Bummed out, and the fact she just called to tell us they arrived and the place is absolutely beautiful, didn't help much!!
Rich.... good luck on the Surgery.
Its been a while since my wife and I travelled anywhere.... so we made plans to spend Thanksgiving in the Boston area with our best friends Chuck n Kim.
We spent a week touring and eating... and of course. I had to see the infamous Jay Arrow!
Spent a near full day with Jay and of course.... White Lighting!.
This day was the high light of my trip.... It's been over 10 years since we have seen each other.
We chatted, drank coffee, and drove around his town.I even got to handle WL!. Jay's car is my favourite.The entire day was just a pleasure.
Jay took Chuck and myself to Savery Ave, Americas first divided Hiway... learned and saw a great many things that day.
We had a Spectacular visit...... I just need to find a way to get that Norwell sign.....
Thanks Jay for the Hospitality.
More pics.....
Sometimes you can contact a city and they will sell you a sign of theirs if you ask. The city of Mustang OK was losing so many of their street signs from Mustang Rd. that they started to just make them and sell them. Can't hurt to ask. :006:
Hope all goes well with your surgery Rich.
Guenter, thanks for posting those videos. Great stuff!
That white lightning is one beautiful '57.
Freakin' awesome!!! Jay, your car looks great. That must have been a really fun day for both of you. No time better spent than meeting with forum friends, unless, of course, they're better looking than you guys, lol.
Thanks for posting the pics, Jeff.
Hugh, I actually did a car show in Mustang, OK earlier this year, and was on Mustang Rd!
I told the White Witch that you were cheating on her with an east coast cousin. Not happy, so I took her out for a blast before our first snow fall hits today.
Snow Chains and my cheating Heart
Ha ha
Rich, Good luck with your surgery
Awesome pics, Jeff !
I am glad to see that the Savery Ave sign has been restored/replaced since my visit in 2015, back then it was in poor shape.
This is said to have been the first divided lane road in the USA. And they save part of it for visitors, and it still open to be driven (right next to a modern road). Very scenic drive under huge old pine trees.
White Lightning is looking great !
While we're at it, can't hurt to turn on the radio ( which Jay of course hasn't in his factory-delete-everything Custom E Code) :002:
this song seems so non-fitting to Jay, but anyways, great old Rock n Roll platter ! :003:
The original version by Big Bopper is super cool, but what can go wrong with an upsped hilarious George Jones cover ? :003: you gotta love George !
Check this out, Jeff. I love this original fast version best !
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2022-11-30 06:38Snow Chains and my cheating Heart
Ha ha
Outstanding G!!!!!
Love George,Jerry and the Big Bopper.. specially the obscure stuff.
To bad music today really really is horrible.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2022-11-14 17:25and Sweden's Finest, unplugged. Was very lucky to see them live this summer. From their neat outfits right down to the brilliant steel guitar and spot on accent, an unforgettable experience for sure. These guys live their music, probably as close as you can get to 1964 Nashville anywhere today.... :003:
These guys are FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!
It's so hard to find a band like this!!...When I travelled to Austin and parts of southern Texas in the early 2000's... sometimes you got lucky and found a band like this G.....
Love hardcore Cajun music as well... and found some good local bands when I was in Louisiana years back.
Modern music does nothing for me.
Getting old does that to you I guess.
Jeff, was it the German group Twang?
I was in the Continental Club on a Saturday morning pancake and beers breakfast. One set they did Stairway To Heaven with a rockabilly/country twist.
Glad you like them Jeff, These guys deserve to be heard so much more, around the world. But as far as I know they are just touring Scandinavia and continental Europe. Judging by their age, most probably some of them have their own families, so this could make it very difficult for extended overseas touring. I can hardly imagine the success such a tremendously talented and perfectionist 'real' Country band would have in North America.
I think good taste in music has nothing to do with age.
When 'good' music doesn't get airplay on the radio stations and on National TV anymore, people simply don't know it !
Also the production of modern day music is so much different from what used to be 60, 70, 80 years ago.
Today every little 'space' left in the music is filled with noise, more bass, autotuned harmonies and whatever.
It gets thick, and noisy to the point where everything seems to sound the same, and just starts hurting your ears.
Luckily there are many 'unplugged' type of musicians performing on Youtube and out in clubs still, but they neither get famous nor rich from that.
Meanwhile studio production mill gets paid and takes all the airplay.
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2022-12-01 09:08These guys are FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!
It's so hard to find a band like this!!...When I travelled to Austin and parts of southern Texas in the early 2000's... sometimes you got lucky and found a band like this G.....
Love hardcore Cajun music as well... and found some good local bands when I was in Louisiana years back.
Modern music does nothing for me.
Getting old does that to you I guess.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2022-12-01 09:40Glad you like them Jeff, These guys deserve to be heard so much more, around the world. But as far as I know they are just touring Scandinavia and continental Europe. Judging by their age, most probably some of them have their own families, so this could make it very difficult for extended overseas touring. I can hardly imagine the success such a tremendously talented and perfectionist 'real' Country band would have in North America.
I think good taste in music has nothing to do with age.
When 'good' music doesn't get airplay on the radio stations and on National TV anymore, people simply don't know it !
Also the production of modern day music is so much different from what used to be 60, 70, 80 years ago.
Today every little 'space' left in the music is filled with noise, more base, autotuned harmonies and whatever.
It gets thick, and noisy to the point where everything seems to sound the same, and just starts hurting your ears.
Luckily there are many 'unplugged' type of musicians performing on Youtube and out in clubs still, but they they neither get famous nor rich from that.
Meanwhile studio production mill gets paid and takes all the airplay.
Love it!
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2022-12-01 09:08Modern music does nothing for me.
Getting old does that to you I guess.
Outside of Jazz these days...nothing that infects the airwaves can be referred to even loosely as "music". It's just noise.
Hugh It's interesting to note, that there are and always have been very different styles in Jazz.
Personally I love the impressive sounds of the big late 1930s Swing Dance bands ( Artie Shaw, Goodman, Dorsey brotherss, Andy Kirk, Charlie Barnett, and many more). Interestingly enough, even though those bands had dozens of musicians and complicated arrangements, and it was basically
LOUD music, I don't find it noisy or annoying like most of todays popular music. Back then they still recorded this live and in real time (single track) without much technical enhancement or add ons.
Luckily Jazz and Swing music are still much loved around the world, and I am lucky to live in a town with a Music Academy, so we have great quality live musicians and literally dozens of bands performing.
These young guys here play 'Gipsy Swing' like it was played in France in the 1930s/40s by Django Reinhard.
The band leader Simon (with the cap and mustache, on lead guitar) is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet and is totally dedicated to achieve the right sound and arrangement. It is very basic, yet incredibly swinging, pleasant music (imho).
can you believe that this clip has only a 1000 views ?
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2022-12-01 09:18Jeff, was it the German group Twang?
I was in the Continental Club on a Saturday morning pancake and beers breakfast. One set they did Stairway To Heaven with arockabilly/country twist.
No Terry. not the Continental..... it was about 10 minutes outside.. not sure where. just a small place... so long ago.... can't remember... darn.. trying to remember the joints name!
When were at Jay's place,... some Punk was caught trying to Hot Wire White Lightening... he was dealt with and the E-Code was unharmed.
More lovely Fords that day......
Even Cobra Joes presence was felt!
For those that like the old jazz...there are two options here... (there is some news cast blocks in here, so you will have to figure those out) or with no news. Both are the same style, and are community owned by the same operation entity.
On Saturdays and Sundays from 6:00 p.m until midnight PST there is a blues only program on KNKX. On Sundays there is an older gentleman who has been doing a show for over 30 years that focuses on the older jazz and it's history, some people he played with back in the early 50's. That is on KNKX only from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. PST time as well.
Both stations have a varied format of jazz, playing early to newer stuff, and seem to be the only stations that have such a wide format.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2022-12-01 09:18Jeff, was it the German group Twang?
I was in the Continental Club on a Saturday morning pancake and beers breakfast. One set they did Stairway To Heaven with arockabilly/country twist.
If you like Stairway to Heaven, check out the YouTube video by Heart (love those 2 women!) in the Kennedy Center tribute to Led Zepplin. One of my favorite videos.
Great stuff.
There was a time when Heart played local clubs around here. Loretta Lynn got her start a couple miles down the road, across the border in Sumas, Bryan Adams played school dances, pre-BTO Bravebelt played at the hockey rink in my small town, oh those were the days.
My favourite was Teen Angel and the Rocking Rebels.
It was the best Saturday morning in Texas. They played all sorts of non-country with a countrification flair. I think they even did a Lawrence Welk set. Beer and pancakes, yeehaw.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2022-11-29 10:42Jeff,
I told the White Witch that you were cheating on her with an east coast cousin. Not happy, so I took her out for a blast before our first snow fall hits today.
Message from White Lightning to White Witch. " I like your choice of hubcaps."
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2022-11-29 09:42Freakin' awesome!!! Jay, your car looks great. That must have been a really fun day for both of you. No time better spent than meeting with forum friends, unless, of course, they're better looking than you guys, lol.
Thanks for posting the pics, Jeff.
Hugh, I actually did a car show in Mustang, OK earlier this year, and was on Mustang Rd!
Thank you Rich . I will pray for you that everything turns out OK. Jay
In the picture where some guy is snooping under my hood, that's what happens when you take your eyes off your car.
Guenter.. The 58 headlights from Cora Joe are sitting there in a safe place waiting for you.
Cobra Joe... The hot rod 57 tube grill is hanging on wall in a safe place right next to the convertible.
Jeff... Chucks 33 is beautiful and I'm happy that he is leaving it just the way it is.
It was just a minor (triple hernia) thing I had done. A little stiff and sore, but all is ok. It was my first-ever surgery, so got a little wound up in anticipation.
I Thank all of you guys for your concern and well-wishes.
Glad all is well Rich! Yes, the pre-surgery mind tricks are worse then the actual procedure. My first ever colonoscopy check in started with BP out of sight....nurse asked if I was a little nervous....yup, on a scale of ten I'm at about a 25! She laughed, we talked and everything leveled out.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2022-12-02 21:36It was just a minor (triple hernia) thing I had done. A little stiff and sore, but all is ok. It was my first-ever surgery, so got a little wound up in anticipation.
I Thank all of you guys for your concern and well-wishes.
In my mind, all surgery is not fun. Jay
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2022-12-02 21:08Message from White Lightning to White Witch. " I like your choice of hubcaps."
I was talking with the Busch (Nascar) brothers father about his 32 Ford and he had hubcaps on the front only. Said it was because when he was a kid he could only afford two caps. He went so far as to knock the knubs off the wheels so no one can put any on.
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2022-12-02 06:52Even Cobra Joes presence was felt!
Jeff, I wish I had known you were coming down to Jay's as I would have loved to met up with you guys.
Hey Jeff, I'll second Joe's comment. John V.
Quote from: jviera on 2022-12-04 20:29Hey Jeff, I'll second Joe's comment. John V.
Well... guys, I will be coming back in the summer(for a various reasons.)
I will let y'all know and maybe we can meet up at that cruise night Jay speaks about.. hopefully I will be in a 57 Ford!
Like this one Jeff? (picked it up last Thursday) :burnout:
Jeff we can make that a real good time. JViera
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2022-12-05 09:16Like this one Jeff? (picked it up last Thursday) :burnout:
Hopefully!!! with fingers crossed..... darn thing is still in Bodyshop Jail.
Has anybody heard anything from Highball Jim?
Not lately.... :dontknow:
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2022-12-05 09:16Like this one Jeff? (picked it up last Thursday) :burnout:
would you please post a picture of the cover of that magazine that has Jeff's car in it. I have been looking for it, but so far no luck.
I wonder how much Jeff would charge me to autograph it if and when I do find it.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2022-12-08 23:21Hugh
would you please post a picture of the cover of that magazine that has Jeff's car in it. I have been looking for it, but so far no luck.
I wonder how much Jeff would charge me to autograph it if and when I do find it.
Here you go. I found it about 2 weeks ago, and it was actually behind the balance of the November issues. Went to a bookstore to get it as no one else had any car mags hardly.
Does anybody here have Highball / Jim's phone number? Jay and I have both misplaced our numbers for him. He's been "active" just twice in the past few weeks, but not posting for 2-3 weeks now, and we're starting to worry about him. The first time I checked, he hadn't been on for about a week, but it was Thanksgiving, so thought maybe he went out of town. Not like him to not post something almost daily.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2022-12-09 15:23Does anybody here have Highball / Jim's phone number? Jay and I have both misplaced our numbers for him. He's been "active" just twice in the past few weeks, but not posting for 2-3 weeks now, and we're starting to worry about him. The first time I checked, he hadn't been on for about a week, but it was Thanksgiving, so thought maybe he went out of town. Not like him to not post something almost daily.
I'm alive and well, thanks for the concern Rich. I just haven't had much to say lately. I'll check in more often to see whats going on. No road trips lately, just local driving.
I sure am glad to hear that you are OK. I was really worried about you. Send me an email when you get a chance
Jeff from Canada came to Mass. and got to visit with me for a few hours and also got to drive my 57.
Great to hear from you. Thanks. No news was good news. Guess you're not as bored as I have been or you would have been typing useless crap too, lol.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2022-12-09 21:45Jim
I sure am glad to hear that you are OK. I was really worried about you. Send me an email when you get a chance
Jeff from Canada came to Mass. and got to visit with me for a few hours and also got to drive my 57.
Glad to hear you got the car out and visit with Jeff. I'll try to get an Email off soon.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2022-12-09 22:34Great to hear from you. Thanks. No news was good news. Guess you're not as bored as I have been or you would have been typing useless crap too, lol.
Are you kidding, bored is my middle name. I haven't done a car project since August when I changed the master cylinder on my Mustang. No house projects and I get bored with the computer too, sometimes I don't even turn it on for days. My breathing is getting worst and I get tired easily :005:
Yep, that's me 100%. Got lots of stuff I could/should do, but I get tired sooo easy. Only thing I can do is drive. I just got home from a 620 mile, 11 hour drive up into the New Mexico mountains. I was in a remote area and saw 8-10 wildfires going, all next to the road thru the valley, about 1/2 mile apart. Firefighters were just getting there, and I asked one of them what was going on, they look to be intentionally set. He just said "looks that way". It gets really disturbing what some people can do.
Thank you very much for that picture. Now I have a better idea about what I'm looking for.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2022-12-11 13:57Hugh
Thank you very much for that picture. Now I have a better idea about what I'm looking for.
It's -4 degrees here in Amarillo this morning. Can't see out our livingroom window, as there's a sheet of ice on it......on the inside!! Got a 10am doctor's appointment, all the cars are outside except the '57. Hope they start.
Was 23 when I looked at 9:40 this morning. Now at 11:20 it is 15 and dropping! Started snowing at 10:30 but has stopped for now.
We shall see what the day brings. Might be a good day to sit in the the recliner and read a book with a mug or two of hot chocolate! :icon_bigsmurf:
A Balmy 21 degrees in my little patch of Texas. Was bringing the trash to the curb earlier this morning when the wind hit. It instantly went from a light breeze to good luck keeping your hat on. Even the dogs don't want to go outside now.
Good day to catch up on a couple half-finished model kits.
Now at 2:20 temps have dropped to 7 degrees! Snow started up again about 11:45 weakly. About an inch now, and it has started to get a little heavier. Reading and napping in the recliner works real well! LOL!!!
Not sure this will work, but check it out. 2nd & 3rd entry down
That's really cool! Thanks Rich... 21 here coldest temps since '89. Merry Christmas!
Rich, is this a Swedish license plate from the 1960s ?
Maybe you remember when we were discussing Swedish Kustoms before, and they had a crazy, unique style.
Check out the wood pattern model. I don't think this started as a real Fairlane. The front axle setup looks as if it is a transverse leaf spring, solid I beam ( like in 32-48 Flathead Fords). Maybe the builder even hammerformed all the panels himself. look at the hood header panel, it looks similar, but different, more rounded and wider than on our real 57 pssgr. also the fenders are missing the concave crease.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.
Thank you to all of the guys on the site that have helped me over the years.
The car has obviously been sectioned...assuming oem panels. That could be the reason for the missing features. The door also tells me it's been channeled. Lots of meticulous bodywork either way. First '57 I've seen that I like the chrome eyebrows and bezels. I like the way they modified the grille to fit up into the headlight bezels, and the narrow nose piece sure gives it a more streamlined look. Many Kuddos to the builder........I wonder when it was done.
DJ..the Hamb poster is from Sweeden.
So many questions on this one. I wonder if the roof and windshield are European, and I like the tucked in smaller front bumper. The parking lights have been removed from the grille, gives it a clean look. The wipers have been relocated ala newer cars.
Sectioned AND channeled..would be interesting to see the engine and radiator.
Wow that is a super custom 57 or one off.
Either Happy Holidays everyone.
All three look pretty fine! Mustang and the truck look sweet as well.
Merry Christmas back at ya sir. And thanks again for the '57 cars you designed and passed out to all of us. :003:
.Snow on the Edchero 2.JPG
Rich, do you think that the mock up wooden model and the actual car are the same or did somebody build a new version lately and his inspiration was the old b/w pic of the wooden buck ?
Because like I said, the chassis under the wooden version is nothing like a real 57. It is a Flathead era I beam solid axle with a transverse leave spring, most probably 35 up, because you can see the spring hangers ( shackles) below the beam.
Personally I think that somebody built the wooden buck, so he could hang cuts and chips of a smashed junkyard Fairlane. while hammering an rolling the donor panels into shape. Early Porsches and VW prototypes were built that way as well, the wooden bucks were used to adjust and hang the panels.
So even if some panels were from a real 57, I would rather not call that a sectioned and channeled 57, because to me it looks like a coachbuild, using just some donor panels off a real 57.
The windshield and fat chrome trim remind me somewhat of a Kaiser unit.
As we spoke before in another thread, the Swedish had lots of US cars imported and around junkyards in the 60s. all kinds off. They also officially imported Hot Rod and Kustom magazines and speed parts as early as 1960. Several builds of that vintage are known. This car even 'looks' Swedish. by that I mean it is typical for those cars to have all kinds of parts on them, because they had to use what was available t the salvage yard. also very typical for Swdish customs is the use of Cragar SS wheels. They love Cragars, in all shades, even painted in body color...Swedes are just different ( but fun) people ! They spent all of their dark winter months inside their garages and shops, and party all summer long, when the sun hardly ever sets.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2022-12-24 16:47The car has obviously been sectioned...assuming oem panels. That could be the reason for the missing features. The door also tells me it's been channeled. Lots of meticulous bodywork either way. First '57 I've seen that I like the chrome eyebrows and bezels. I like the way they modified the grille to fit up into the headlight bezels, and the narrow nose piece sure gives it a more streamlined look. Many Kuddos to the builder........I wonder when it was done.
DJ..the Hamb poster is from Sweeden.
So many questions on this one. I wonder if the roof and windshield are European, and I like the tucked in smaller front bumper. The parking lights have been removed from the grille, gives it a clean look. The wipers have been relocated ala newer cars.
Sectioned AND channeled..would be interesting to see the engine and radiator.
Rich, check out the position of the front wheel well, and how far ahead it sits of the a post/door opening. that must be a good 10" longer than our real 57s. ( our front fender lower quarters are maybe 4" wide, before touching the rocker panel / a post. This here appears to be a foot !
Merry Christmas to everyone here!!
quote DJ: "Personally I think that somebody built the wooden buck, so he could hang cuts and chips of a smashed junkyard Fairlane. while hammering an rolling the donor panels into shape. Early Porsches and VW prototypes were built that way as well, the wooden bucks were used to adjust and hang the panels."
I agree. I'll check to see if the Hamb poster replied to my query.
Reply from the Hamber:
"It were featured in a car magazine couple years ago, it's a old norwegian build, they took a frame and then scratchbuild the body, with inspiration and parts from 57 Ford.
I can try look for the magazine."
This might be his latest work.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2022-12-25 04:43Rich, check out the position of the front wheel well, and how far ahead it sits of the a post/door opening. that must be a good 10" longer than our real 57s.
I wonder if it just looks longer because the body's profile is thinner.
Made taller but not shorter.JPG
To me the fenders look much longer than OEM '57, which makes me wonder about the's gotta be longer as well, or the main body moved back. Tom, good to see you back, btw
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!
I do like the look of the front end on that homemade '57. I wonder if the longer appearance of the fender is a result of the front wheel opening being shaped differently. It looks like the opening doesn't slope rearward as much as an OEM fender opening, though that may just be a result of the angle the picture was taken from.
That green car is beautiful, especially with the 57 Ford look to the front end. That car would strike up a lot of conversation at any car cruise or show.
Tom. It's good to hear from you. Did you make any progress on your 'Edchero during the summer? Some pictures of it would be real nice, especially for any new guys that we may have.
Try to keep warm. Jay
The front wheel opening is also moved to the front of the car a lot. The panel ahead of it, towards the bumper and grille is much narrower than on a stock 57.
Interestingly, a thought came to my mind which hasn't been discussed before. Do we even know if it is steel ? It could easily also be a one off, glassfibre body, or maybe at least the roof. it would probably be much easier to mold all the different body curves in glassfibre over a plaster buck, than to make all the steel panels meet. Just a thought.
I think the car is very small. The headlight diameters and the wheels and tires look proportionally large to me.
second your thoughts Lynn ! I think it is 55-7 T bird size.
If this really sits on an early V8 chassis with an I beam, it must have a much narrower track than our fullsize 57s.
Very interesting discussion on this one-off Kustom !
I can't see any seams at the hood or nosepiece, and none at the back of the fenders. Almost like a hinged body on the old funny cars. I think DJ hit the nail on the head about the body maybe being fiberglass. The Hamb poster mentioned he would try and find a magazine article on the car.
What a mystery! The car appears to be narrower then a 57 but the grill looks to be original unless it was modified also?
60ish today! I took my wife in the '57 to New Mexico for lunch at Russel's truck stop on I40 just a few miles across the state line. 150-mile round trip. Nice day for a drive.
He found the magazine.let's see if I can copy/paste the whole article:
Found the mag today, feel free to post it if you like....
Here comes the story, and its quite a story.
The Car is named Refsahl Special after the owner/builder.
In Norway 1959 when Refsahl were 16 years old he started this build, american cars were expensive and rare in norway, the family owned a Ford 36 with a v8 but he dreamed about the 57 Ford he had seen at a dealership.
With the help of a sales ad some drawings and the magazine popular mechanic he began the project.
He bought a frame of a Ford 1937 with a flathead v8, to make the body he used his knowledge building modelplanes making a wooden skeleton covered it with a metal web then covered everything in plaster and then with some fiberglass he could design the body.
5 years later his 2 seater v8 roadster were done and roadlegal.
After 3 years he were tired of driving without roof so time for an upgrade.
He made a fiberglass copy of an Ford 17m roof and he also made a backseat for the car, the windshield is a rearwindow of a Mercedes from the 60s, he also upgraded the front suspension to a induvidual of a Ford Granada, and then a 289 V8 of a Mustang 65 with a 4 speed manual, also upgraded the interior with alot of Mustang parts, power windows and such stuff 1974 it were back on the road again.
2017 the car did get an overhaul again and thats when it got his turqoise kolor. he still owns the car he built 1959.
OK, the pics aren't copying over, so a link to our messaging:
Can't see the pics unless you are a HAMB member.
I'll try again.
That worked.
there are 7 more..gonna take a little while, they all need resizing.
To get 4 seats in there and still have a trunk he must have lengthened it when he did the rebuild. Looks like a pretty decent size trunk and fair leg room in the back seat area. (comparable to Mustang seating room, maybe a bit better.)
Definitely was a work of love.
My son proudly calls me a couple weeks ago to let me know he picked up my Christmas gift, I always tell him I do not need anything other than him.
Well I was very pleased with his decision.
What a cool story of an old European Kustom, built by a 16 yo teenager ! at 16 I was glad I was able to build a 6 foot RC glider from Balsa !
Thanx a lot for the additional pics, Rich.
....Hate to say I told you so... hahaha :002:
can't believe my assumptions on the body and chassis were so correct! I have honestly never heard about or seen the car before, was just going from my guts feeling.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2022-12-28 08:56He bought a frame of a Ford 1937 with a flathead v8, to make the body he used his knowledge building modelplanes making a wooden skeleton covered it with a metal web then covered everything in plaster and then with some fiberglass he could design the body.
Jeeeeez....your gonna need a bigger hat, lol.
Yes, you were right on with both the frame and fiberglass body.......good instincts, Gunter!
I think if I had it, and were rich, I'd have to think about a Morrison style frame. It must not drive too well, at least for something so sporty looking.
The guy had a heck of an eye for a teenager!!
Terry...that is sweet gift. Good son1 Ya' need to keep him! LOL!!!
That is a great story and a really neat build!
Also a very thoughtful Christmas gift....
Happy New Year!
OK, something weird going on here! Get a warning that the site is "un-safe". Something about the security certificate out of date?
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2023-01-17 08:53OK, something weird going on here! Get a warning that the site is "un-safe". Something about the security certificate out of date?
Yea...I got the same thing! :-\
I got the same, seems to be OK now.
Yea...I got it just the one time. Have checked back i 3 times since and no longer see it. Technology...<sigh>...
My computer has been telling me that this site is not "secure" for a while. Today it wouldn't let me get on until I told it to do it anyway. I think the "certificate" expired today....
James took care of it this afternoon. Our "certificate" expired, he renewed and set up for automatic renwals in the future.
Today on a drive around town
Him: Is that a '55?
Me: No, it's a '57.
Him: yeah, I thought so.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2023-01-22 17:36Today on a drive around town
Him: Is that a '55?
Me: No, it's a '57.
Him: yeah, I thought so.
Priceless. Was it followed by "I had one just like it, except it was a '63, and a pickup truck"?
Many years ago, I got that one also, at least similar. When I picked up my newly purchased '57 from my mother-in-law in Oklahoma, I stopped at a gas station. It was on a trailer. A guy came up to me and said "I had one just like it years ago. What is it?"
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2023-01-23 09:34Many years ago, I got that one also, at least similar. When I picked up my newly purchased '57 from my mother-in-law in Oklahoma, I stopped at a gas station. It was on a trailer. A guy came up to me and said "I had one just like it years ago. What is it?"
I have been known of twisting a few people over the years. Had a lady looking at mine and she had toured a collection of cars the day before and she was an expert. I heard her describing items on the car next to me and she was clueless. When she asked what mine was I told her it was a Dusseldorf and she said she had seen one recently.
"Here's yer sign"!
Signed a contract today to sell our second house (avatar pic). Should close in 3-4 weeks. If all goes as planned, I'm gonna have one hell of a summer full of roadtrips and car shows, costs be dammed!! Maybe even another trip to Florida.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2023-02-09 17:59Signed a contract today to sell our second house (avatar pic). Should close in 3-4 weeks. If all goes as planned, I'm gonna have one hell of a summer full of roadtrips and car shows, costs be dammed!! Maybe even another trip to Florida.
That's great. Do you have to move anything or is it empty?
It's been a rental since we bought our built-in-1957 bigger house 6 years ago. Same tenant/friend. He had planned on buying it, but instead, he and his girlfriend/mom of his 2 kids are buying her late grandmother's house. He hooked us up with a friend of his who buys and fixes up houses. It needs a new main sewer line out to the street @ $12,000, so we were happy to sell it before having to do that. No brokers, no closing costs for us.
Yes we have tons of stuff still there in the attic and in the 18 x 36 shed. Gonna be a crazy month or two. Glad to get away from that part of town. It's in the San Jacinto historical area, just 2 blocks off old rt. 66 tourist area.
Great to know that things like this are still possible !
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2023-02-11 08:28No brokers, no closing costs for us.
I also bought my house from the orginal builders daughter, hand to hand, without a single cent paid to a broker or company (except for the $30 fee to receive the owners/sellers telephone number and actually getting in touch with her by dialing an actual number... :003: ). that was back in 2000. Where have these times gone ?
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2023-02-11 08:28It's been a rental since we bought our built-in-1957 bigger house 6 years ago. Same tenant/friend. He had planned on buying it, but instead, he and his girlfriend/mom of his 2 kids are buying her late grandmother's house. He hooked us up with a friend of his who buys and fixes up houses. It needs a new main sewer line out to the street @ $12,000, so we were happy to sell it before having to do that. No brokers, no closing costs for us.
Yes we have tons of stuff still there in the attic and in the 18 x 36 shed. Gonna be a crazy month or two. Glad to get away from that part of town. It's in the San Jacinto historical area, just 2 blocks off old rt. 66 tourist area.
The older I get, the more I hate moving stuff. too! I did that move from WA to MO at 66 1/2...finishing at 67. Took me 4 trips with my stuff. Then I went back and got my son 4 months later for ANOTHER move! I am STILL dealing with trying to get things organized since we haven't got the new house built yet. No way I would want to move at 70. UGH! I hit that this March.
I don't mind driving around the country and such...but no more moving!
Talking about moving :002:
This Lady here certainly
is moving !
Coming to my town to a music festival in 3 weeks. I will probably get out my 57 CS from winter hibernation for that weekend. Weather is looking promising. Slowly warming up and haven't had snow or salted roads for quite some time. So this would really mean a very early cruising season start. Keep your fingers crossed or send over some good weather ! :003:
Early cruising? snow and high winds yesterday, 15* currently at 9am this morning. First major outdoor car show in Fort Worth less than a month away.
Actually, we've had some nice cruising weather. Super Bowl Sunday, I took the women to Russel's Truckstop, Just over the state line in New Mexico, for chicken fried steak lunch. 145 mile round trip. My wife didn't complain too much. It was a good day.
Rich, you really got it bad in Texas, because of the big wide open. hot in summer and super cold in winter.
our climate may be a little cooler overall, but it is more evenly spread over the seasons. We are living south of the 6000+ ft ALps, so we are somewhat safe from very cold arctic winds. And we are just 200 miles from the Adriatic Sea, so we often get humid and mild air from the south, which- unfortunately - works great with the cold Nov to March temperatures , i.e. snow ! I guess we AT are easily 1000 miles up north from you in TX.
It probably all boils down to that we have to take it like it is and make best use of good days.
For now I really can't complain. Sat will be over 50, maybe even 60!
I hope that there will be no snow and salt in March so I can take the 57CS out for the festival on March 8th/9th.
Hello Everyone, wanted to share a photo from a magazine I receive, hope it's ok. I hope all is well out there.IMG_1453.jpg
Of course it's ok....thanks for posting.
Is that JVieras car? :003:
Joe, That's not my car it belongs to Richard Struck F-code 312 and has won many awards. He also the organizer of the e and f code 1957 Ford meet at Carlisle which will be happening again in 2024.You need to plan on going. John
Quote from: jviera on 2023-03-01 18:42Joe, That's not my car it belongs to Richard Struck F-code 312 and has won many awards. He also the organizer of the e and f code 1957 Ford meet at Carlisle which will be happening again in 2024.You need to plan on going. John
That would be fun!
Jeff, The Fords at Carlisle show is the best all Ford weekend swap meet and show. I don't remember the exact number of 57 at the last show but, I think it was in the 30's for the E-F-and D/F codes, all models of 57 fords including T-Birds came from all over the country. Also, Mr. Dean McCann the lead engineer on the F-codes was the guest speaker. Many 57's on the grounds all weekend long for a great weekend. John V
Time for some sweet Country music.
Good ole Tammy Wynette, for yer all listening pleasure ! :003:
And this is fantastic imho. Californian Deke Dickerson, who is just a totally talented musician in all kinds of roots music like RocknRoll, Surf, Country, he just nailed this one. sounds a lot like 1960s Waylon Jennings.
Thanks G, that was great, I wasn't familiar with him at all. By any chance have you seen the documentary film The Pez Thief? I really enjoyed the history and it was done in a comical way.
My son just picked up this Fender amp combo. Mid-70's Bassman 100W. He says when he plays the guitar intro on Led Zeppelins Moby Dick he can rattle the windows in the house. :rock_band:
Randy, it would be interesting to see what is inside. I worked at JBL for years and we built allot of the Fender 12"and 15" speakers. The ones we built had orange frames.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2023-03-09 10:26Randy, it would be interesting to see what is inside. I worked at JBL for years and we built allot of the Fender 12"and 15" speakers. The ones we built had orange frames.
I could ask him to pull the cover off for a photo.
Quote from: rmk57 on 2023-03-09 10:29I could ask him to pull the cover off for a photo.
Thanks, just curious, it will bring back old memories.
Sure glad your son is not my neighbor, lol. What's that poor car buried under cabinets?
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2023-03-09 12:51Sure glad your son is not my neighbor, lol. What's that poor car buried under cabinets?
It looks like an old Mini Cooper, but with a modern mirror.
He's 350 miles away, so I can't hear it. I don't mind it anyways and would rather listen to him playing guitar then my neighbours dog barking it's ass off at nothing.
Jim , I haven't seen that yet. I found a flick called 'the Pez Outlaw' is probably what you mean ?
I think we spoke before, that the PEZ has its origins in Austria and is short for German
Zuckerl (peppermint candy) - it is pronounced in German like the English word pets. The drawing of the original PEZ pinup girl, was taken from an actual person, her name is Gerda Jahn, still an active senior model in Vienna.
if you like Deke Dickerson, you certainly should explore his portfolio. He is just one of the most incredible guitarmen alive today. Much like a Chet Atkins, Les Paul or Mark Knopfler type of musician. He is incredible versatile and can play all kinds of vintage roots music like Country, Rockabilly, Surf, Blues, DooWop. He is also an avid stereo equipment collector ( I think he owns Johnny Hortons personal 1950s Stereo console) and on top of all a very funny guy. I have seen him live on stage several times over the years and he never fails to amaze the audience !
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2023-03-08 06:00Thanks G, that was great, I wasn't familiar with him at all. By any chance have you seen the documentary film The Pez Thief? I really enjoyed the history and it was done in a comical way.
And looks to be some kind of Volkswagen type camper van cabinets and shelves on top.... your son probably bneeds to get a bit more organized, but he sure is collecting neat stuff! I believe the Bassman Fender tops is also what was mostly used for creating the tell tale Surf Instrumental sound of the 1960s (of course using with guitars like Fender Jaguars, not for bass only). I know a guy from a band called
'Weather', who really try to recreate the 1960s Surf sound as close as possible, and they also use flat wound and ground
bass strings on the E and A strings of their fender
guitars. Said to give that certain 'wet' underwater sound..... :003: ...absolute nerd trivia here.... :003:
BTW a local guy here owns a real '65 turquois Fender Jaguar ( a very valuable guitar today) and he let me play it. It has a great tone and all, but honestly I really couldnt' tell if it was worth what they say it is.... :003:
Quote from: rmk57 on 2023-03-09 14:32It looks like an old Mini Cooper, but with a modern mirror.
He's 350 miles away, so I can't hear it. I don't mind it anyways and would rather listen to him playing guitar then my neighbours dog barking it's ass off at nothing.
While getting totally off topic, we need to dig out America's greatest Surf band, from all places- Colorado ! :003:
Colorado's waves pounding.... :002:
And they had great taste in Cars ! ( of course that is Tom McMullens flamed Deuce...)
Hey G... my very good friend Bob Owens just finished restoration on the Ian Cusey Roadster.. which was the sister car on the Astronauts cover LP....
Its outstanding
Jeff, you really manage to pierce my heart on a daily basis.....hahaha....I think I told you back then how much I like your friends survivor hot rod and what he did to bring it back to its former glory to the (I believe) 2021 AMBR contest. It is phenomenal !!! Is this also the og McMullen rdstr in your pics ? looks like Amelia(sp?) concourse ?
these cars deserve some more period sounds ( but from the 2000s nonetheless)
and a blast from the how I love this record !
Yes G. Amelia Island... He did well.. Old Bob is a History automotive nut. Just like YOU!
Superb !
I have to add to my latest 32 favorite rankings which is jack Carrols 5w and Fred Steele's purple Massachussetts based rdstr, but honestly Bob's (Ian Cusey) rdstr has to be right next in line, along with Neil East's. Bob's Cusey car just breathes late 1950s/early 60s taste and style and full fendered 32s are just flowing ! add that metallic green paint and whitewalls, and being part of Surf Music History and it is just one huge party ! :003:
G, you are right Pez Outlaw, my mistake, I think you will enjoy it. I liked the Deke video for the music and the scenery, it must have been filmed here locally, thats what the mountains look like on the other side from me. Mark Knopfler was the last live concert I went to a few years ago, he still jams at his age..
Lots of good stuff by Mark Knophler on Youtube. He's one of my favorites. You know he's good when he can get Clapton on backup guitar, Sting on backup vocals, and Phil Collins on drums.
Awesome Rich! Brings back memories, Dire Straights was the first CD I owned.
Check out Phil Collins' "something in the air". It's pretty cool. I normally don't like songs with too many repetitive lyrics, but it's an awesome video.
Had a productive day today. I normally don't get crap done because of my COPD, but our water heater was getting ready to take a dump. My plumber quoted us 2100. !!! No freakin' way that was happening. got the old 50 gallon one pulled and the new one installed and working just great. About 6 hours, but I'm just glad I could still do it with no help, and saving 1200 was not bad either. Connie's nephew was standing by for a call if I needed him, but didn't. Yahoo. Jim, I'm sure you understand.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2023-03-11 20:17Check out Phil Collins' "something in the air". It's pretty cool. I normally don't like songs with too many repetitive lyrics, but it's an awesome video.
Had a productive day today. I normally don't get crap done because of my COPD, but our water heater was getting ready to take a dump. My plumber quoted us 2100. !!! No freakin' way that was happening. got the old 50 gallon one pulled and the new one installed and working just great. About 6 hours, but I'm just glad I could still do it with no help, and saving 1200 was not bad either. Connie's nephew was standing by for a call if I needed him, but didn't. Yahoo. Jim, I'm sure you understand.
FYI..I am only 8 hours away you if you need can be on the road in about 30 minutes or so most days.
I understand completely Rich. I lucked out two years ago when mine went out. My son has a friend in the plumbing supply business so he went and picked one up from him and helped install it in half the time it would have taken me alone. I can still do some of these things but it's a struggle.
Now the fun begins...we closed on the sale of our second home yesterday. Funds got wired to our bank today. Yayyy! However, we have a pretty full 18x36 storage shed there that needs emptying. Got a dumpster being delivered there tomorrow and a Uhaul truck reserved. My two nephews are bringing friends to help......I think about 6 young husky guys! My job will be directing where everything goes. Lots of old '57 parts there also, and Mark VIII body parts.
Lots of parts? Virtual garage sale coming up? :003:
Not a ton.few fenders, a driver's door, old steering box. I'll take inventory after I get it all over here.
I may take a drive and peruse...
On another note...the engine for the Fairlane goes to the machine shop next week. The forward movement on that begins!
Will hope to start metal work on the body this next week or so. Moving forward!
I had a "yard sale" of sorts myself. I came to the realization that ground up builds were no longer in my capabilities. Ran into a fellow at my paint store who loves old Fords. We talked and he decided he couldn't live without the Retractable. As it was being loaded up he asked about a bunch of "stuff" I had and bought it all.
My list of toys has changed due to several issues. First with my wife's deteriorating health resulting in an increased attention to other chores to keep the house running took too much time. No time left to give my toys the attention needed to keep them up. So the Edsel and the Thunderbird were the first to go. The yard sale was quite by accident but nearly finished the process. The last was the 2008 Shelby GT500. She could no longer ride due to back issues so I changed it out for an "old buggers" 2018 Lincoln MKZ. No hard feelings, no down in the mouth talking, just the realities of a great run coming to an end.
Bill, I'm afraid there are more of us in the same situation. I'm having a hard time keeping up on my three. Many of my older friends are facing the same. And the time is going way to fast these days :005:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2023-04-07 10:35Bill, I'm afraid there are more of us in the same situation. I'm having a hard time keeping up on my three. Many of my older friends are facing the same. And the time is going way to fast these days :005:
Agreed. I noticed a light fixture the other day that I was going to fix when we moved in our current house, and realized that was 17 years ago.
Quote from: Fairlane62 on 2023-04-07 21:36Agreed. I noticed a light fixture the other day that I was going to fix when we moved in our current house, and realized that was 17 years ago.
LOL!!! I did the same thing when we moved into the house in Port Angeles back in August of '05...there was this hump in the back yard...looked like a of the yard was fairly flat. Always thought I would take that down and make it level...well...sold the house in '20...hump...still there. Maybe there is body buried in it...we always wondered.
Sadly, ain't none of us getting any younger.
My dad used to tell me when I was a kid "Not to be in such a hurry to grow up", now I know why. :-\
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2023-04-07 22:47LOL!!! I did the same thing when we moved into the house in Port Angeles back in August of '05...there was this hump in the back yard...looked like a of the yard was fairly flat. Always thought I would take that down and make it level...well...sold the house in '20...hump...still there. Maybe there is body buried in it...we always wondered.
Could have been a chest full of gold and jewels, but probably just Jimmy Hoffa. :002:
Quote from: Fairlane62 on 2023-04-08 22:27Could have been a chest full of gold and jewels, but probably just Jimmy Hoffa. :002:
I asked one of our local cops who was born and raised there about how things were back in the early 60's when people were still to be seen wearing guns in holsters tied down above the knees. (Port Angeles was a wild town back then I guess). Asked how many guys who continuously got sideways with law enforcement and couldn't catch a clue just "disappeared" between PA and Vancouver island He said there had been "more than a few" over the years who went out to "fish" and just never came back. So...since my home there had been around since ' has to wonder...LOL!!!
I am glad we stayed in Sequim on Tuesday.
Did you eat a hamburger at the place below that building? They are pretty good!
It is a defunct Mexican joint now.
I did get to Bremerton where I found some information at the Library regarding the 1957 Seafair NASCAR race that was won by Parnelli Jones in his white 1957 Ford, his first NASCAR victory.
Still have to do some homework on his Number 11, he usually drove #98.
$4600 was pretty big money in '57.
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2023-04-09 18:14$4600 was pretty big money in '57.
$4600 in 1957 is worth $49,247.83 in today's money.
Yea...but that $4600 in '57...would buy a decent house then...especially in Seattle. Today's $49k+...wouldn't even be a decent down payment. Sad...
And it would buy 2 1/2 Customs!
Well, as talked about a few weeks ago, my '57 is not running all that great, but it's a beautiful day, I got my old house emptied out, there's a car show here, but I think I'm gonna take off in a few hours and head for Alburquerque.....Rio Rancho to be exact. Their annual Park-in-the-Park is tomorrow and it's a great 300 mile drive. I think (hope) the car will be alright, I just filled the tank and threw in a bottle of fuel injector cleaner, so with any luck, it'll be running better as I go along. I'm hoping to see Eric (chapingo17) at the show as that is his hometown.
Remember a few years ago when I had all that loose stuff on my front suspension? Well, I brought my car to my mechanic yesterday and had him go thru everything on the underside and suspension, alignment, and everything was just fine. It was a preventative medicine thing, I didn't think there were any similar issues, but wanted to make sure before I started hitting the road again.
A safety inspection on suspension parts is always time or money well spent! These days you never know when a rubber bushing or hose may crumble to dust.... Have a safe trip, Rich ! Please bring some pics !
Some of this rubber stuff is really questionable. NOS rubber is too old and new rubber hasn't been the most reliable. I just reinforced my new FE mounts for the '65. Rubber may fail but mount won't come apart.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2023-04-14 17:14Some of this rubber stuff is really questionable. NOS rubber is too old and new rubber hasn't been the most reliable. I just reinforced my new FE mounts for the '65. Rubber may fail but mount won't come apart.
Thanks to your suggestions a while back I did exactly that to my mounts after 2 failures in 3 years. No problems since.
Finally got my car running good again. While I was replacing spark plugs, and cleaning/checking fuel injectors, I found a broken vacuum line. My engine has 16 intake runners, but runs on 8 until the RPMs hit 3k, then the other 8 open up. The result of the broken line was at low RPMs, the engine was running on 4 runners one side, and 8 on the other. Too much air!!
So...basically...for a bit...your car was running like a politician...too much substance!
Your post was the only one today so far...been like a graveyard in here of late.
Tomorrow I'm heading for Albuquerque. Saturday is the Rio Rancho "Park in the Park" car show. Eric (Chapingo17) emailed me saying he'll be there, so looking forward to seeing him again. I think there is a Friday night cruise in somewhere in Albur., so I'll try and find some info on that. Saturday is suppose to be 75*, so weather looks to be cooperating.
With some extra driving around the area, it will be about a 700+ mile weekend. :burnout:
Sounds like fun. I...will be mowing lawn. LOL!!! Send some of those fun vibes my way!
Rich, sounds like a fun trip. The closest town to me with a grocery store is Elmore City, Oklahoma. The movie "footloose" was patterned after evens that occurred in Elmore City regarding a prohibition on dancing. So they now have an annual Foot loose festival with a small car show, lawn mower races, and street dancing. So I might slip over there for an hour Saturday and see if there are any cars I haven't seen. James
Gee time we head over to OKC to see my wife's sis and cousin, I may have to take a road trip and come see you!
Hugh, sounds good. My junk is not nearly as nice as the other folks here. There were about 50 cars at the show. Mostly chebby cars and trucks, but there was a 63 Galaxies with original trip power 406 and 4 speed that was really nice, and a 52 F1 that had corvette C4 suspension with a 302 and AOD.
Got back from my Rio Rancho, NM cars show/road trip last night. Mine was the only '57 in the show. Eric/Chapingo stopped by to say Hi, but his Fairlane was not in the show. Almost 300 cars, mine was #262 and I know many came in after me. I did get the "long Distance" plaque award, 313 miles,......beat out a guy from El Paso by 16 miles! Nice weather and tons a really nice cars. I had a lot of interest and great compliments, and it was good to see Eric again.
Well, my bad memory got me again. Very unlikely meet-up with a forum member, but unfortunately can't remember his name :005:, sorry. He is from Georgia and has two Customs, showed me pics of an absolutely gorgeous green one. So, yeah, met a member from Georgia in New Mexico!!!!! His company has him working in Santa Fe for 6 months.
Sounds lie you both had some fun! Would have liked to see that Galaxie with the 406 and tri-power.
Good thing the member from Georgia didn't have his car...or you would have lost out on that long distance award Rich!
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2023-04-23 09:07Would have liked to see that Galaxie with the 406 and tri-power.
It was nice. It was the burgundy color which really looks good on those cars.
That is a sweet color indeed! I think a trip to a car show in OKC may well be a necessity this summer..or somewhere near there. I can bring the Saleen over...since the 57 won't be ready probably until late July for a road trip...and even paint probably.
Big show coming up in 2 weeks near you. The three day Stray Kat 500 in Dewey Oklahoma (NE corner). not generally our "type of cars", but I like everything, so Kustoms and hot rods are a-ok for me. Check Facebook. You'll see radical '57 Fords. NSRA in OKC is big....have to check the dates. I'm thinking about the Stray Kat show with the '57....410 miles each way.
Not sure, but the Saleen is probably too new for either. '88 Saleen is sorta new for that. Maybe the's a '65 New Yorker...but not a rod by any means.
Thanks to Barry/BP57custom, we figured the name of the forum member I met in New Mexico is Dan Riker from Dallas, Georgia.
Made it Las Vegas this afternoon. Long drive 95 degree weather. Had to use the truck lane in some inclines. Time for Viva Las Vegas
Also I added the Carpac rack and loaded it up. Actually the whole utility
bed is full up. We are going to be vending on Sat. at the Carshow.
My wife started a vintage inspired clothing brand. We have loop collar shirts some western shirts and Hollywood style wool pants. All made in Los Angeles. The brand is Finicky Fox Clothing
I saw there is about 5-6 57 Fords. And some 59 and a 58 EDSEL on the registration list. Will post pics!
DAMN! She looks good Abe! When Jaime and I come to town next spring to start our Route66 trip, you'll have to meet up with us...we can get a pic together of what ever he and I are driving (probably Mustangs) and your sweet ride!
I had no idea you were in an able-to-be-driving mode! Car looks great, awesome road trip car. Thanks for sharing. LA to Vegas....almost the same mileage as my trip to Albuquerque last weekend. I'd love to do the Viva Las Vegas show!!
The car looks fantastic Abe! Glad to see you and the family enjoying the ride.
It's a bit over loaded hopefully we sells some stuff and weight less on the way home.
I saw a 57 Sunliner last night. Didn't get pics.
This wagon was a driver from the get go. But I only done a few long trips in the last year or so.
I did the shocks and the trans could last weekend. And it worked out well.
Also got the clock working!
That's what wagons were originally made for !!! carry a truck load full of things and some more.... :003:
your Country Sedan is strikingly beautiful, Abe. Even more so out on the road !
Abe the wagon looks great! She's loaded up full too. Sounds like it was a fun trip.
Happy 4/29 day!
I'd forgotten how big those things were! WOW!!!
Getting ready to rumble, taking the White Witch to the Historic Road Race event on the weekend. Temperatures supposed to be in the 90's. Hope to get some good photos.
If you do...share please! :003: :006:
Yes, ditto! I may do my first Kansas car show this weekend.........Yellow Brick Road show in Liberal.
edit...that's next weekend
Did not get to the Historic Race, went to a morning breakfast then a Memorial Service.
Most of them Ford power, the Morris has a supercharge 2.8 V6.
Looks like some nice cars and nice weather! A good day!
Very nice! Thanks for posting.
The calendar put out by the council of local car clubs had the date wrong for the Liberal Kansas car show. I just noticed that tonight, at least I found out I did not have a senior moment as I had previously thought. :003: Not sure if I'll head up AGAIN this weekend, not one of my favorite drives.....but the '57 IS running soooo good..........
Jviera and Ecode70D stopped by to visit today and to check out the shop. We had a beer (except for Jay) and some good conversation. It was really nice to get together with everyone again after a long winter. :smtree2:
Get togethers for forumn members are great. We had one here in Texas as well. I got a call from Hugh telling me he was in Amarillo on his way to Lubbock to pick up a continental kit from Courtney (our new member with posts in the build threads). I drove down with him and we spent a nice few hours checking out his build. He's really doing some awesome stuff to it. Equally impressive was the family farming operation they have down there. I pass so many farms and ranches on my many roadtrips, it was pretty neat actually getting a close-up view. Met his Mom and dad.....very nice friendly family.
We had good weather...and most important...Sasha made a new friend as well! LOL!!!
(Rich...we goofed...we didn't get a pic of the new buds!)
Jay e-mailed me and said he had a wonderful time Joe!... I hope to see you all in Mass. sometime this summer.
Looking forward to it Jeff!
Got out three times this week, it sure enjoys that 94 Octane.
The majority of electric cars in B.C are charged by hydro electric power. Should be the same for Washington, Oregon, California also.
If there actually was a law that all electric cars had to be charged by wind & solar I wouldn't be surprised to see much wider & faster developments to deliver electricity that's generated by wind, solar & even atomic power.
Tens of thousands of wind turbines in about the rest of the country?
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2023-05-21 16:44Tens of thousands of wind turbines in about the rest of the country?
There are a lot in Idaho and in E. WA. some in MT as well as WY. CA has a bunch too.
There are none in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. According to Mark Twain it will be 20 years before it happens here.
"When the end of the world comes, I want to be in Kentucky, because everything there happens 20 years after it happens everywhere else"
Mark Twain
There are very few if any in Louisiana that I am aware of. We don't have a lot of open areas with relatively sustained winds except the marshlands.
I'd like to hear what the "warmers" have to say about an event that occurred ten thousand years ago?
Here on the East Coast, whales are dying at record numbers supposedly due to off shore wind farms. An average of 52 whales have died each year along the East coast since 2007. In 2022, 43 whale deaths were reported.
Two local groups in New Jersey and New York raised questions in January about a potential link to the recent whale deaths and offshore wind activities. A group of 12 New Jersey mayors, who had not previously advocated for whales, made national news with a letter seeking a moratorium.
The Right Whale population, which has plunged 30% since 2011, can't sustain itself if even one whale a year dies as the result of human causes, according to the federal Marine Mammal Commission. The figure is particularly alarming given the diminishing size of local whale populations. There are less than 350 North Atlantic right whales remaining.
"People look at a dead, 35-foot humpback whale, in Lido Beach, NY, Jan. 31, 2023. "
"First responders and a Monmouth County work crew load a dead whale onto the back of a flat bed truck to be hauled away from Whiting Avenue Beach, New Jersey."
This is getting on the edge of political so I better not comment. :burnout:
Yeah, I think I'll change the subject and post a pic in the "Random Picture Thread" :003:
I had a road trip planned for Saturday but when I backed the Ranchero from the garage I noticed a big puddle of oil on the floor :005: so that ended my plans. Jacket it up to look under and found the oil pressure switch leaking badly. Damn crap parts they make these days.
We have a lot of wind turbines in Oklahoma. They are heavily subsidized. A friend has some on his farm and they are set up on a 99 year lease program. We had some bad freezing rain a couple years ago and the wind turbines froze up, as well as the solar farms, so folks have to be sure there is a contingency plan in place to provide power during adverse conditions.
What is hilarious about the 99 year lease...the windmills typically last between 4-7 years before they need to be replaced. Gonna be a lot of replacing going on over on the farm.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2023-05-22 10:44I had a road trip planned for Saturday but when I backed the Ranchero from the garage I noticed a big puddle of oil on the floor :005: so that ended my plans. Jacket it up to look under and found the oil pressure switch leaking badly. Damn crap parts they make these days.
Yes, I went through 4 of them in a very short time. I did a lot of searching and found one that was slightly different, (the Bakelite top is a squared top cylinder). It hasn't leaked after a couple of years. Unfortunately I killed the brain cells that remembered where I found it. I will try to look again...
Try Rock Auto, Standard Motors Product PS10. It has a metal top and appears to have a gasket, { not what I have but it looks better).,1957,custom,4.4l+272cid+v8,1435641,electrical-switch+&+relay,oil+pressure+sender+/+switch,4588
Quote from: lalessi1 on 2023-05-23 07:20Yes, I went through 4 of them in a very short time. I did a lot of searching and found one that was slightly different, (the Bakelite top is a squared top cylinder). It hasn't leaked after a couple of years. Unfortunately I killed the brain cells that remembered where I found it. I will try to look again...
Try Rock Auto, Standard Motors Product PS10. It has a metal top and appears to have a gasket, { not what I have buy it looks better).,1957,custom,4.4l+272cid+v8,1435641,electrical-switch+&+relay,oil+pressure+sender+/+switch,4588
Thanks Lynn, It was the black type PS10T that went bad. I bought the better PS10, it has a blue top yesterday at the auto parts store.
How about some good ole C&W music ?
Certainly not everybody's taste but I come back to liking it again and again....
Just got back from a music festival in Croatia, and just another fantastic young roots music band showed up to everybody's surprise.
The Rattlestrings from Italy just gathered from members of the
Same Olde Shoes.
These boys are barely 30 yo, they have studied the old records well and I just can't believe how 'American' they sound. After all, these are still Italian guys.... :003:
They also played this old tune, and it brought a few tears to my eyes, really...
This year I did not bring my 57 CS, and I don't regret it ( it was way cheaper in my 95 Fiesta), but certainly next year I want to drive there in my 57!
And here's a fantastic pure Rockabilly trio from Southern Germany. They play like the Memphis cat in '54. This is too good to be true imho. I haven't heard something like that in years or decades. Great guys to be around with as well.
What about a bit of Maple Leaf Rag ? :canada:
These guys are fantastic. Can you believe it. This is 2023. I thought that music was lost to time forever in the home countries. It is so good to see a new young generation again performing the original style.
Killer G!!!!!!
The boys from Saskatchewan are killing it!... Love it!!!!!!
My late dad would have loved that! I love it, great stuff!
You missed the boat Randy, he played in Penticton last night, coming through Abbotsford today to play at the Biltmore tonight. I will be in Chilliwack or I would be there.
Getting ready to head up to Canyon City, Colorado for the weekend in the '57. I'm doing the Abbey car show there. I've been as a spectator, never as an entry. Looking forward to it. It's usually put aside in favor of the NSRA show in Pueblo (the following weekend this year), but heck, I may go up there two weekends in a row. This weekend, I'm gonna do a lot of mountain pass driving and avoid the freeway once I hit Colorado. :003:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2023-06-08 16:59Getting ready to head up to Canyon City, Colorado for the weekend in the '57. I'm doing the Abbey car show there. I've been as a spectator, never as an entry. Looking forward to it. It's usually put aside in favor of the NSRA show in Pueblo (the following weekend this year), but heck, I may go up there two weekends in a row. This weekend, I'm gonna do a lot of mountain pass driving and avoid the freeway once I hit Colorado. :003:
Rich, have fun and be safe.
Great music, thanks G..
Have a good trip Rich, we'll be waiting for the pixs
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2023-06-08 10:07You missed the boat Randy, he played in Penticton last night, coming through Abbotsford today to play at the Biltmore tonight. I will be in Chilliwack or I would be there.
Too bad we have plans this Sunday, he's playing in Kelowna that night.
Here's another mountain music band for your listening pleasure ( hope it's not too much for ya), Can you believe these guys are from Italy, of all places.... this sounds so much 1950s Flatt&Scruggs or Osborne Brothers, it's unreal.
Speaking of mountain music.......went to Colorado in the '57 again. I did the NSRA show in Pueblo. I was #1803, signing up Friday afternoon, so I'm sure 2k+ cars. The car ran great, and I did a bit more mountain driving, but just back to Cripple Creek (......speaking of music). I'm at about 3k miles in the past month. Mileage @ 20.5 pg.
It was in the mid '90s, so too hot to do much thin-air walking around. For as many cars as there were, most were sitting in whatever shade they could find, not too many walking around. There were 4 '57 Fords, mine, a ranchero (also from Amarillo), a Sunliner, and a Del Rio that was at the Canyon City Abbey car show two weeks ago. I do have pics of that one. I parked across from a yellow '33 coupe, probably the most perfect car I've ever seen.
Funny, when I parked, I coincidentally parked next to 3 cars from Weatherford, Ok., where I did a car show with them last weekend!
Been going to a few different events my self. But finally focusing on getting some of the Hardtop interior pieces dialed in. I'm the meantime I finally got the Caddy out washed it and drove about about 60 miles on after a 5-6 month slumber. Everything went smooth.
There was a Cruise night called Customs Cruise in Arcadia. IMG_8810.jpeg
Sweet ride Abe! :003:
Wow!!! Very impressive ride.
Absolutely stunning!
Thanks guys, It really for the Fancy nights out. It really ran smooth and was good night to be driving this car out to Cruise.
Here's some pics of a super nice Del Rio that was at the Canon City show a few weeks ago. I was told it was at the NSRA show in Pueblo this past weekend, but I didn't see it. I like the '56 trim on it, and notice the Fairlane trim on the tailgate is actually a pull-up latch.
Nice looking ride! From the angle you took the pics, it appears to be a smooth as silk paint job too, meaning someone spent a LOT of hours block sanding!
The side trim.......the fender and door he told me are original '57, only the rear quarter is '56. He won one of the top awards at the show.
and of course, the changed hood opening direction.
Smooth as silk BODYWORK and paint, yes.
Went on a little road trip through Eastern Washington and happened upon this.
Where was this? Kinda cool!
Rosalia, Washington
Hope everyone had ac, had to have been pretty hot in the interior.
We have been under heat warnings for 5 days. The heat index has been over 113 degrees. My pool water is 95, the A/C runs all day trying to keep up. Been too hot to do anything....
Took my 51 F1 on a cruise with a bunch of guys, lots of Ford power, the only non-Ford was a 1946 Morris with a supercharged 2.8 V6. I put on 1,400 miles, the group (CanAm Curmudgeons) did an accrued 32,500 miles. Cars from California, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Toured shops, museums, hydro power dams, saloons and the country side. Target site was St. John Washington for the Webb Slough Sprint Boats. The chopped 1956 Courier has full Police Interceptor running gear including dash and air bags, and he is building a 1957 Courier.
Beautiful country!! It seems a cruise in Texas means driving up and down main street.
I'd sure like to see more pics of your truck. It's gorgeous!
I have been driving it for 37 years. Was a bone stock museum truck, tore it apart and a 351 Windsor, C6, Power Steering and Brakes.
Goodguys Trick Truck award plus many more.
It was painted 26 years ago.
One sweet lookin' ride!
I hesitate to add this! My 36 has been on the road since 1980. Has 147K on it, uses oil but it don't smoke, leak or drip so I'm guessing the engine is probably used up. It has never missed a beat and was 100% junk yard parts when put together. The kids grew up riding in the back seat. Been to rod runs all over the East coast. She's tired but not quite ready for the yard...... 351C/FMX/MII/8". Painted last in 87 after my wife was rear ended except the fenders afer the right front exploded at 75MPH......just could not afford Ford sheet metal when I quit racing and decided street rodding was my new hobby. It only cost $100 compared to the 1 - 3 grand for Ford sheet metal.
I built this in 1975, 448,000 miles now. 100,000 when I bought it plus the 348,000 I've put on it.
Nice rides guys!
Yes, all great rides........I particularly like Terry's '51.
Here are some car guys that also liked it.
Joe Amato, Vic Edelbrock, Chip Foose, Tony Pedregon, Roland Leong, Bernie Fedderly, Roy Brizio, Jeff Beck plus a few more.
Terry :canada:
Spotted this on Craigslist or offer up. Thought you might like it. It's a nosebleed stance. Altered wheelbase makes is funky. Have a good holiday tomorrow.
HAPPY FOURTH to all you guys
Cannot find my copy of this, can anyone post the front grille area pages?
Terry...the trim and sealant manual has virtually nothing forward of the firewall/cowl. What specifically are you needing......maybe in another manual??
I remember when assembling my car, not finding anything that showed the exact fitting together of the fendewell nose area to the fender/nosepiece. I recall at that time being surprised/disappointed that the trim manual didn't include any of the front trim/sheetmetal pieces.
Trying to help a friend in California sourse parts from a friend on Vancouver Island. He is building a 1957 Courier and is missing some parts, says when he is looking through the grille he can see the front tires, so wanted a parts picture showing all the components needed to complete the project. Any help is appreciated.
Terry, here are a couple of shots from the Parts & Accessories catalog. Hope that helps.
Undoubtedly missing the 8304/8305 inner splash panels. They're a common rust-out problem. I made mine, but I had one good enough to cut/flatten-out for a template. I seem to remember a decade or so ago somebody making a short run of those.
That would have been Randy Conner from Hayward WI. Sadly he has passed. He and his brother were making them. Have no idea what has happened to the thousands of 57 car and Bird parts he had. I did see his collection of "E Code" intakes and carbs, 20 - 30 complete setups. I have no other info other then his brother owned a machine shop in or around Hayward.
Just a little more info on Randy. Found his obituary, the Machine shop was/is Concor Machine and Tool.
Another 600+ mile road trip for my '57 this weekend. Not much going on in Texas in July and Aug., so I'm heading for Norman, Oklahoma for a Saturday car show. Looking forward to it.
I'm thinking about putting a FOR SALE sign in it to see what interest it generates. It may be getting close to that time.
:'( bawl
Rich I went through the "might be that time" thing and sold all my stuff. Only had the 36 and my sisters MGB. After the B gets finished I thought "What the heck am I going to do?". Can't be without an old car, the 36 has been rode hard and put away wet over the years (43 years) and is need of along came the 56 Crown Victoria......
You sure rack up the miles Rich :001: My big trip last week was only 75 miles
I'll turn the odometer to 70,000 on this trip.
If you can still drive...then the car should stay in your possession. Simple.
Yeah, that's the tough part. It's strictly a money thing. I can still drive....I did about 8-9k this summer between my Subi and the '57. One thing I realized, I enjoy trips in the Subaru almost as much as the old car. Being retired, and fixed income, I could do a lot more roadtrips if I sold it. This summer has been unusual in that respect because we had some extra$ from selling our second house.
Had a good trip. Nice car show in a nice park with some shade. Only issue I had was on my way there, my GPS speedometer stopped working for a minute or two. Then, on the way back it stopped working for a few minutes again, and oddly enough, in the same area as the day before! That made me wonder if it could have been a satellite coverage issue??? Open road area, btw, on I40 in Oklahoma. We'll see if it happens again in the future.
Anybody else have a GPS speedo that they've had this issue with?
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2023-07-23 09:09Had a good trip. Nice car show in a nice park with some shade. Only issue I had was on my way there, my GPS speedometer stopped working for a minute or two. Then, on the way back it stopped working for a few minutes again, and oddly enough, in the same area as the day before! That made me wonder if it could have been a satellite coverage issue??? Open road area, btw, on I40 in Oklahoma. We'll see if it happens again in the future.
Anybody else have a GPS speedo that they've had this issue with?
What's a GPS?
National security...some areas are blacked out. We were near Savannah nuke works and the road disappeared off the screen.
What part of I-40 in Oklahoma?
Morning coffee yesterday had these in the parking lot.
Ranchero is a 390 4-speed.
Here is a article published this week on the Can Am Curmudgeons.
I would proudly park any of the three in my shop!
I40 about 35ish miles east of the Texas state line, around Sayre. Been thru there literally dozens of times in the past few years, never happened before.
What's a GPS?? I'll assume that's a rhetorical question, but I do love mine. Mine is Speedhut, and it's been trouble-free for about 6 years now. Which reminds me, I actually installed it AFTER I had the car on the road for the first year or so, so the car actually has a few K miles more than the 70k it's showing since rebuild. Didn't do too many long trips with it the first year. When it first stopped working, I was thinking maybe the tranny sending unit was going out, but then realized, no, the speedometer is, of course, not hooked to the drivetrain anywhere. The sending unit is only used by the computer.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2023-07-23 13:34Morning coffee yesterday had these in the parking lot.
Ranchero is a 390 4-speed.
Interesting hood on the 67 Ranchero. Not positive but I don't believe they built a GT Ranchero until 1968. My dad had a 67 500XL Ranchero which would have been considered top of the line. 390, c6, air, bucket seats, console. Learned how to drive on it and also learned how press the gas pedal to the floor from a stop.
Well that lets out any security black-out then. Nothing there. I have driven that road dozens of times. Must have just hiccuped!
Here are some from the Bellingham Vietnam Vets Show last week.
Nice rides. I think...not sure, but maybe I have seen the black one at the A&W in Issaquah on a Saturday cruise-in that Mustangs Northwest puts on.
That '61 is a good looking car.
I always liked the Starliners, both 60 and 61
A friend of mine here in Austria has a Bill Thomas Cheetah too !
as mentioned in the old Ford pics topic, I was able to purchase a 49 Merc project from a friend. I was hesitating, because it is just an empty shell and has lots of old welding on it. But when do you get another 49 2dr, literally 2 streets away and being able to push it home on 4 wheels? :003:
Not bad looking Buddy! Something to keep you out of trouble this winter! LOL!!! :003:
"old welding", as in bad patch panels?
Are there any regulatory limitations on what type of motor you can put in the 49?
Quote from: Fairlane62 on 2023-08-09 22:33Are there any regulatory limitations on what type of motor you can put in the 49?
yes and no. Basically it is required to have an og type engine, but a replacement engine can be registered ( with full car inspection by federal tech bureau). The maximum hp increase is 20%, when the old brakes and chassis are retained. Modern brakes may only be allowed to a certain degree, keeping the og wheels and vintage appearance of car.
I have a 1951ish Mercury Flathead, that I could put in the car.
Quote from: Fairlane62 on 2023-08-09 22:33"old welding", as in bad patch panels?
Well, not really bad patch panels, rather old patch panels - in decades old repairs. 95 percent of the original floors are still great and unwelded. chassis is great except front X member, there are repairs to the lower door areas, rear wheel wells, inner rockers and such, which are actually gas welded and could be left alone. some may have to be replaced.
Just an update. I'm still here.
My hardtop is in the garage getting some interior work (by me) as find time and space.
Running the wagon around. Though it's seems to have a top end leak. I think i need to update to a pvc on the valley pan and get new top end gaskets.
Been driving the f100 here and the and the Cadillac on off days and weekends.
I feel like work is a wick burning at both ends. And I need to take some time off to rest.
Cool find Gunther. My brother had three merc project he wants to sell as a whole package deal. Not sure the pricing.
Pic of hardtop
Just need time. Got carpet, headliner and the glass.
Abe...your situation...sounds disturbingly familiar! :deadhorse:
Abe, if you find the time, can you show us more of the quad headlight treatment on the Hardtop 57 ?
Between all the stress of work, family obligations and our exhausting hobby ( yes, it is tiring to maintain or build several cars at a time), I find it important to keep or make things more relaxed again with old cars. I need to take time to get projects done, and some projects ( like the Merc and Linc) I just want to have around and never intend to be 'finishing' ( ie expensive paint, chrome and such) from the beginning.
Think of them as just huge toy cars, Abe ! :003:
I like to go for a ride.. if it ever stops raining!
This summer has been wet.... and not hot at all.
That Merc G will be a vision of Beauty when you get it finished... a super solid starting point.... and a 2 door!!!!!!!!!
Sorry guys..I have a hard time uploading or sharing small vids.. anyways. It did stop raining 2 weeks ago...
Today is not raining.. so I might be to go out for a ramble.... but my schedule is heavy.. so .. maybe not. Tomorrow is going to Rain.... again.
And yes,....I am drinking my morning coffee.
This weekend is the "Summer's Last Blast" in Vernon, Tx. Had reservations at a nearby hotel/casino til I found out last Monday expected temps for the weekend were 108, so I cancelled. Next to nothing for shade in Vernon. I double-checked this morning, and they are now expecting record highs of 110 every day for the next week. Been hot here.
I took my Subaru out for a long drive last Tuesday to Taos, NM. 675 mile round trip. Lots of rain, actually enjoyed that. Just north of Tuchamcari, it was 97. Gotta love A/C! three hours later I was going thru the mountain pass leading into Taos, heavy rain, temp dropped to 48 !! gotta love heaters, lol.!
Nice video, Jeff. Hope to get to see it in person some day.
Gunther, I'll try to take some pics, my quads are done really crudely years ago by myself. There are more setback causing the trim to have to be shorter on the side fender.
Look up Ludovic58ranch on IG, he did a much clean job on his, I think it was a pro shop. Fly By Knights CC out of France.
But I dont think his bezels are frenched into the fender.
I'll get pics later.
Jeff, your 57s are just..... the cream of the crop....nice ! Seems your porch and pool are flooded....
here is something for you guys. Hoping not to get political, but all about the weather and nonsense.
I just recently read a very scientific article, and they were talking about the reknown El Nino weather effect, and about a huge underwater vulcano erruption in 2022. It is said to have increased the stratosphere moisture by 15 %, thus causing all the peculiar clouds, rain and stupid weather we are experiencing. such a vulcano erruption and it's follow up consequences is said to last at least 2-5 years. Historically correct, there are many incidents, which DEFINITELY caused the weather to change for years.
This has been the most credible explanation to me in years. everything else is just.... :deadhorse:
NICE, Jeff. Love Aretha and Duane Allman.... the Weight !
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2023-08-11 07:27Sorry guys..I have a hard time uploading or sharing small vids.. anyways. It did stop raining 2 weeks ago...
Today is not raining.. so I might be to go out for a ramble.... but my schedule is heavy.. so .. maybe not. Tomorrow is going to Rain.... again.
And yes,....I am drinking my morning coffee.
Interesting, unfortunately I am not on IG. his name sounds familiar to me, maybe a HAMB member ? I have seen some quad conversions that look neat. I liked Joe's and got his reworked units, when he changed back to 57 single headlights. I am wondering if a conversion can be done, using 1957 fender tips (the fender tip sheet metal and potmetal strip) and all make it fit to them, without having to cut into the fenders. I am thinking of a bolt in conversion, but not the ugly looking aftermarket things from the 1950s.
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2023-08-11 11:58Gunther, I'll try to take some pics, my quads are done really crudely years ago by myself. There are more setback causing the trim to have to be shorter on the side fender.
Look up Ludovic58ranch on IG, he did a much clean job on his, I think it was a pro shop. Fly By Knights CC out of France.
But I dont think his bezels are frenched into the fender.
I'll get pics later.
I would say there might be a way of creating bolt-in plates by using replacement headlight repair sheetmetal.
I think Ludvic used the whole front portion of a 57-59 desoto fender to figure out the correct placement.
Here are pics for you to look at of his car. Note that the molded the header panel and rounded the hood corners.
That's a nice clean look. Flows well. When I was in planning stages of my car 20 years ago, I was trying to come up with ways to customize it. For me at least, I discovered it is a hard car to customize without screwing up the whole package. One idea I played around with was quads, but vertically! I was going to use an extra set of fenders chopped up so the added right fender addition was actually a left fender section upside down.
Glad I didn't, lol, but the idea still intrigues me.
If you look back at my change back to single lights Guenther, you'll see they used the original sheet metal lip and added material on the bottom to accept the '58 lights and '58 eyebrows.
Thank you very much, Abe, the Desoto quad conversion on that 57 Ford does look very nice. These headlights looked great on the og Chrysler cars as well !
Thx for the additional pics Joe. I am hoping to move the lamp units a bit upwards so I can eliminate having to cut into the lower 57 fender tip molding. I would love to completely retain the 57 perimeter. I am not doing this on my 57CS survivor car, only dreaming of customizing on my Del Rio project.
another possibility would be single 7" headlamps with a smaller second set of 5 -3/8 driving lamps, much as the 57 Dodge had.
edit, btw this is my friend Robert's 57 Hemi wagon. He lives only 1/4 mile from me. He is the guy I bought the 49 Merc from.
I think if you have complete front desoto or Chrysler fenders you basically can cut out all the front and make it mount like a stock unit.
I can ask Ludvic if the spear still fit on his.
Here are pics of mine. You can see the bezels are frenched in and it causes a bump out. I also peaked my fenders further also. I also tried aligning the peak and the bezel peak with the top fender bumps
The lower fender was not cut on mine, it was all part of the headlight door/fender extension:
I was able to cut off the tab that was welded to the lip, pry the lip back and then spot weld the new headlight door/fender extension back in place.
Whoever did the original conversion, didn't do that great of a job, but I think you could improve on their design/work.
As said before, the '58 light assembly I gave you, already has the "eyebrows" as part of the assembly.
Abe, your conversion may be a bit rough around the edges, but I generally like the looks with those Desoto units.
It is funny how your work aged in very well with the rest of the patina looks on the car. It might as well have been done 'back in the day'.... :002:
Joe I see what you mean, and I have to say, I still very much like the looks of your old quad setup ! Maybe it was not done to your expectations (certainly not), but the general idea and looks was sweet.
I would prefer to cut the lower lip of the 58 bezel, just a tad, so that the 57 fender bead can go all the way straight from left to right, without having the shallow dip under the lamp bezels.
Our light units are still safely stored away in a secret place in Mass, so no reason to get crazy over these right now.... :002: :003:
Thanx for all the great pics, all downloaded for future reference !
I visited them last week, :002:
Might get to see them again this week as Jay has a nice SS trim ring for the spare on my '39
As far as the "Look" goes, well, let's just say it was not for me....
Joe, your car HAD, and HAS the looks anyways, with the 58 or original 57 headlights !!!
It is good that you know where the quad assemblies are, so you can pick them up, if you want to change them back....hahaha :002:
Just kidding. I love the 57 units a lot, but since many people are trying to figure out a custom application, I always thought the 4x conversion on your car was a real neat and one of the best versions imho.
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2023-08-13 16:22....As far as the "Look" goes, well, let's just say it was not for me....
Likewise. What are those rear bumpers?
57 - CobraJoe.jpg
Tom, those bumpers and roll pan are the main reason I bought that car. I had seen a few in old magazine articles that had the two piece bumpers and I had always thought it was cool.
Even though I HATED the quad headlights and tube grill, I knew that changing the front end back to original (single lights, stock grill & turn signals, Fairlane script on the header panel, gunsight hood ornament, argent valance, etc.) would be easier than converting the rear "step-N-tow" style to the two piece bumper.
As to your original question, those are , to the best of my knowledge, 1955 Pontiac front bumpers.
Some were even used as front bumpers:
Those are Cool-looking cars, except the last one just doesn't look right, IMHO.
Had a Twilight Zone occurrence yesterday. My wife and Sherri got home from church yesterday and suggested we went to Russell's truck stop for lunch. Russell's is just over the line in New Mexico on I40, about an hour's drive. About 1/2 way there, we passed a silver Chrysler minivan parked in the break-down lane. A woman with a bright orange tank top was standing thru the open moon roof of her car doing something with the windshield. I pointed to her and wondered out loud what she was doing. OK, nothing too weird, but 5 or 6 miles down the road, there was a silver Chrysler minivan with a woman in a bright orange tank top standing thru the moon roof of her car doing something with the windshield!!!!!!!!!!!
A bit of Groundhog Day mixed into Twilight Zone.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2023-08-14 00:43Joe, your car HAD, and HAS the looks anyways, with the 58 or original 57 headlights !!!
It is good that you know where the quad assemblies are, so you can pick them up, if you want to change them back....hahaha :002:
Just kidding. I love the 57 units a lot, but since many people are trying to figure out a custom application, I always thought the 4x conversion on your car was a real neat and one of the best versions imho.
Thanks Guenther, but to me, this pic says it all:
IMO, it made the car look short and wide compared to Jay's '57, especially with the tube grill. If you didn't know better, you'd swear they were different cars.
I guess that's why they say fat people shouldn't wear horizontal stripes. :004:
It does look wider...weird.
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2023-08-14 13:40It does look wider...weird.
Just a little..... lol
I always wondered why the guy that did the mod...didn't just use '58 fenders instead of modifying.Seems like it would have been so much easier.
And the '58's...don't look wider for some reason...:dontknow:
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2023-08-14 07:44... As to your original question, those are , to the best of my knowledge, 1955 Pontiac front bumpers.
Thanks, Joe.
You're very welcome Tom (...who lives in God's country!)
Joe I have to admit that One eyed Jake looks better then 2 eyed Ray ! :002: :003: ....
all kidding aside, seeing those different versions of your Fairlane, makes it very clear that the oem single headlights look a lot better and classier. I think maybe a lot of that is also owed to the plain tube grill on the 4x version, which I never really liked, especially not on 57 Fords.
For my Del Rio I have reworked ( peaked ) a 59 Ford Grill insert (the one with all the floating stars), and I think that they could very well work together nicely with the 58 quad headlights. In any case I want the custom application be a bolt on modification, and maybe I can make the whole fender tip a removable bolt on piece (drilling out og spot welds and replacing with screws, bolts or rivets). I have to do rust repair to the og fender tips anyways , so not much is lost with such a mod.
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2023-08-14 14:09Just a little..... lol
I thought the same Guenther, that's why I swapped out the grill ASAP; sadly, it made no difference IMO
you are right, Joe, it doesn't look very balanced either from this perspective! Let's see when I find the time to put my Del Rio together and try fit the quads with the 59 grill insert. If it doesn't look spectacular, I'll just rebuild the oem single headlights.
I'm a troublemaker. Just to let you know, some guy left a 57 tubular grill and a complete set of 58 dual quad headlights in my shop. If I pop rivet all that stuff on my 57, it should look real nice. I'll try to blend it in with some left over white paint.
Then they will stop calling my car a plain Jane.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2023-08-17 08:37I'm a troublemaker. Just to let you know, some guy left a 57 tubular grill and a complete set of 58 dual quad headlights in my shop. If I pop rivet all that stuff on my 57, it should look real nice. I'll try to blend it in with some left over white paint.
Then they will stop calling my car a plain Jane.
Don't you do that :005:
Beware everybody, Captain Jake Sparrow is on the move again ! :003:
I took a ride down by the Land of the Pilgrims this morning to meet up with a guy who I spoke with on the phone and he told me that he had some '39 and '57 Ford parts that I was looking for. He was a pleasant enough gentlemen who has obviously been around the block a few times and I really enjoyed the time I spent with him. I can't tell you enough how extremely pleased I was that he had all of the items that I was looking for (he even had one additional item/assembly that was not mentioned during our phone conversation that I never, ever thought I would find, at least without paying a million dollars for!), but even then, all the while, I felt a little uneasy. It was almost as if someone or something was watching me, I don't know how to explain it, (you know that feeling you get that something just isn't quite right) well it really creeped me out and made me feel very uncomfortable.
After we had disassembled a couple of the items in his shop and loaded them in my truck we then went back in negotiated a final price, it's when I saw them! They were peering down at me, almost eerily, from a high vantage spot over the doorway. I swear I couldn't get out of there fast enough and I don't think I will ever forget those 4 menacing eyes watching my every move for the rest of my life! It felt like almost Deja Vu!! Or, maybe it was something even creepier like from The Deliverance! I ran out the door but managed to turn quickly and take this picture as I was leaving just as they pretended to look up and away; Oh the horror!!!
Cousins of Christine perhaps? Following you around town... :dontknow:
FYI guys. I believe the was a kit to add quads to a single headlight space for 57 Ford that was bolt in. It was like and JC Whitney add on kit.
I can recall where I saw it. But it was an ad with a line drawing of the kit added.
Bet they didn't sell many of them. YUCK! I agree with Joe...made the car look squat and fat. :cussing:
Yes they did, I have a pic of some of the ads.
Mine were not a conversion, there were actual 1958 Ford assemblies, complete with part numbers.
HAHAHAHAHAH .Joe beat me to it!
yes, JC Whitney, and hundreds of others had the conversion kits..... I have heard rumours that Govt. legislation put dual headlights on nearly every brand of the big three... not sure if thats true.
I love a 58 Ford and may be the only one who likes a dual headlight.
Design wise.. Mopar had the best look.. Like what Abe is doing. The sheet metal that holds the headlights is indented and is. a much better appealing style.Ford is just flat .
The only thing I don't like on a 58 Ford is the rear tail lights..... but I have seen guys using a 60 Pontiac tail light red Bezel that I believe is a bolt on.... really cleans it up.trying to find 60 Pontiac tail light Lenses would be a tough chase today.
I really want a 58 Ranchero,. because it has the styling of a 57 ford in the rear and 58 up front.
A very sharp design
And Ford did offer the conversion as an over the counter option as well..(As Joe has shown)
Jeff, I doubt it was a Gov regulation unless it was for full size cars as many cars in the 60's still had single, like Falcons, Mustangs etc..
1961 DeSoto
"In the US in the 1950s, automotive lighting was governed by a patchwork of state regulations and industry standards. Starting in 1957, most (but not all) states permitted the use of separate low and high beam bulbs. However, because they were not universally permitted, very few 1957 cars were offered with quad headlights. Of the few 1957 cars that were offered for sale with quad headlamps (such as the 1957 Cadillac Eldorado Brougham, 1957 Nash Ambassador, and 1957 Mercury) many had alternate single headlight front-ends to sell in states that prohibited quad headlamps.
This changed in 1958, with quad headlamps becoming legal in all 48 states. Most manufacturers switched over to the new look almost immediately (Think back to how square headlights popped up almost overnight on every car when they first became legal in 1975).
So the question with quad headlights became how to arrange them. Most manufacturers went with a side-by-side arrangement for their low and high-beam bulbs, although a few, like the aforementioned Nash, went with a vertically stacked arrangement (a look that Pontiac would popularize in the mid-60s).[/i]
1958 Lincoln Continental Mark III
And then there was Lincoln. In 1958, they were the first (and only) manufacturer to nix both the side-by-side and stacked headlight arrangement and instead lined up their headlights diagonally. I'm not really sure what the thought process was behind the canted headlights, but when you look at it in the context of the overall car, I think it is pretty obvious: Lincoln was trying to make a statement here.
Lincoln, a perennial #2 in the luxury car race (behind Cadillac), upon seeing the success that Cadillac was having with their ever more flamboyant designs, said to Cadillac, "Hold my beer." Everything about the 1958 Lincoln was designed to scream "Hey, look at me!" from the reverse-canted "Breezeway" rear window on the Continental to the expansive 131" wheelbase to the large scallops on the front and rear fenders. Honestly, I'm surprised they didn't try adding a third axle or a second floor. Canted headlights were just the icing on the crazy cake(
1959 Lincoln Continental Mark IV
For 1959, perhaps realizing that they had gone a little overboard, Lincoln tried toning down the look just a little, integrating the canted headlights into the grille (eliminating the separate pods), and smoothing out the front and rear fenders a bit.(
1959 Buick Electra 225
1959 was also the year that Buick decided to stick their toe in the canted headlight waters. This would mark Buick's (and GM's, for that matter) only foray into canted headlights. A one-year-only entry, Buick returned to side-by-side headlights in 1960.
By 1961, even Lincoln had switched over to the side-by-side headlight arrangement, leaving the canted headlights for dead, or so it seemed. This is where Chrysler picks up the look, and the Mopar folks went in on canted headlights in a big way in 1961. You've already seen the 1961 DeSoto, in the hero image at the top of this article. Above is the 1961 Chrysler. Even the turn signals are canted!(
By 1963, DeSoto was gone, and Chrysler and Plymouth had gone back to side-by-side headlights. This left Dodge as the lone domestic holdout for canted headlights. They went to a slightly more conventional layout for 1963 (if such a thing can be said about diagonally canted headlights).(
And finally, the Triumph Vitesse employed diagonal quad headlights during its entire run from 1962 to 1971, making it one of the few cars to carry this look all the way into the 1970s.(
All those are perfect examples of why 57 Fords look better :003:
Cobra Joe
Let that be a lesson to you the next time that you come to the land of the Pilgrims
The security system is always turned on .
I got those dual headlights from some guy who told me that he took them off of an unknown red and white car down the cape. Then I sold them to some guy across the big river named G. and he hasn't picked them up yet. So, for now they are used as my Hi Tech security system.
I had no idea the quads were available like that. However...never saw a '57 with them until I saw Joe's.
As for the above article...I remember all those angled lights.
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2023-08-18 10:09All those are perfect examples of why 57 Fords look better :003:
Quote from: hiball3985 on 2023-08-18 10:09All those are perfect examples of why 57 Fords look better :003:
IDK Jim, that 1958 Lincoln Continental Mark III looks pretty sweet!
Thanks for posting Joe. That exactly the ad I was thinking of.
My pleasure Abe. It gave us something to talk about for a bit.
Exactly Joe. Bench racing is about the cheapest way of working on a car.... :003:
Well we have a tropical storm warning here.
Not before going to a Carshow today in El Segundo.
After the show we went home to get ready for the storm. Everything is all covered.
Hope it's not as bad as they were saying.
You and your family be safe Abe, everything else can be replaced. :help1:
Get cash and fill the gas tank....power goes out you can't use cards, pump gas or see anything. Fill the fridge with water bottles/jugs, freezer with water bottles/jugs, they will keep your stuff safe if power is out for longer then a day. If you have a gas grill (if Joe hasn't confiscated it yet) get the bottle filled and last, fill the tub with water to the top to flush the toilet.
Good luck and stay safe.
Great suggestions to be remembered.
I hope things are going well for you, Abe. Is there flooding in your area?
Right about now we could use some of that hurricane storm rain. We have 2 out of control fires to the North and south of us. Lots of homes are gone on the hillsides.
Currently going like just a heavy rain. Every thing seems to be draining well for our house. Will check the local news
RMK..wishing the best for all of my Canadian friends. I've only been to Vancouver twice. The first time was an excuse for a long road trip to a trade show, and the second time was to bring my wife because I loved it up there so much.
How are YOU doing? Safe?
The big out of control fire is about 25 miles north of us and the smaller out of control fire is a little further south of us. Actually there are 4-5 large fires in the Okanagan valley where we live. The air quality has a rating of 11, visibility is about 300's bad. Really haven't been outside in 3 days unless its absolutely necessary. The tourists have been asked to leave to make room in hotels / motels for displaced homeowners. Police have roadblocks turning people away unless travel is essential for them.
Were expecting some of the rain from the hurricane down south by Tuesday, hopefully that will be the turning point before the hot weather returns.
Thoughts and prayers sent...
Hang tight...maybe WA state will send some rain over the Strait!
The rain was just heavy rain all day 5.5" over 24 hours. So a significant amount of what's came down.
We will see what car covers fared best later today.
Send some of that up to Canada!
Happy Birthday to the White Witch, built September 4 in Texas, (Edsel introduction day).
Back to the quads for Gunther. I realized a guy I follow on IG had that kit.
Do you mean it was built as late as Sept 4th, 57, or rather same day in 56 ?
She looks great as always, love the old house/garage backdrop !
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2023-09-04 10:41Happy Birthday to the White Witch, built September 4 in Texas, (Edsel introduction day).
Now that's interesting. all the goofy old ads and whatnot aside .... you can all beat me with a stick, but I
DO like it ! it totally fits this mild custom Ranchero and really makes the car look period correct. It is not 'pretty' per se, but certainly an interesting new look, much like a 58 Olds or such. Thanx for posting that Abe !
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2023-09-04 18:54Back to the quads for Gunther. I realized a guy I follow on IG had that kit.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2023-09-04 10:41Happy Birthday to the White Witch, built September 4 in Texas, (Edsel introduction day).
Your White Witch is a pretty car.
Quote from: Ecode70D on 2023-09-12 19:52FiveSevenLiter
Your White Witch is a pretty car.
Indeed! I have always liked the contrasting colors of the wheels to the car. Sharp!
It's time for another fine 1957 tune ! :003:
I just love Grady Martin's 'wild'( while still restrained) low key playing on his baritone guitar...
1 9 5 7 !
My car is in the shop for the pinion seal replacement. I finally "found" someone who has done Ford 9"s before, and it turned out to be someone I've used for almost 20 years when I needed transmission work. I was supposed to bring it in at 7 tomorrow (too early, lol), but I called him and he was going to have a bay open tonight so it'll be inside. Yeah, hopefully no more of that stinky s#$t leaking out in my garage.
Picked it up at 11 am yesterday, and took it for an hour's drive. All seems no different, so I guess that's good. We've all talked about how picky setting the torque on the pinion gear is, but I don't know what happens if it's too tight or too loose.....that's why I said no different is good.!? Also, was pleasantly surprised at the cost of $120. I did supply the seal kit and the gear oil w/additive.
I'm leaving for the Goodguy's show later today. I've got a casino/hotel I get free rooms at on the way down (225 miles), so I'm staying there tonight and will only have a few hour's drive to the Texas Motor Speedway in the morning. It's not going to be a pleasant weekend weatherwise. 97* !
Got invited to the Customs Cruise LA river #2
I had to do it. Even with the sketchy PS pump. Was totally worth it.
More pics
2 other 57s in the cruise.
Good that you went! Like the Matchbox signs! :006: :003:
That is the first 4dr converted to a 2dr by welding up the doors that I have ever seen It is so cool to see other '57s at shows. There are almost NONE in these parts. Most folks don't even have a clue of what my car is.
Crusin' a cool! 3 of the 4 '57s look great, and I'm with Lynn...that probably is the first '57 4 dr converted to a 2 dr. I've seen as well. They did a great job. Rancheros are the only '57 I like with a chopped top. I'm wondering if it's a '57 or '58. Your wagon looks awesome, Abe.
ah wait, the wagon and the Austin Mini were part of the Matchbox 70th cruise in at the Petersen a separate even in the morning, the River Cruiser was in the evening.
The Green '57 is a full Kustom Ranchero clone of the Tiago Ranchero from the 50's look it up.
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2023-10-30 19:13...The Green '57 is a full Kustom Ranchero clone of the Tiago Ranchero from the 50's look it up.
OK. I did. Right here you can see how it got to be this thing that I'm sure I once thought was very cool when it came out right after I turned 14. :005:
Car Craft mag 1959.jpg
The doors are not welded shut on the 4dr. Just the handles are shaved.
Happy Halloween and remember...Klap for the Wulfman!
The Happy Pumpkin Farmer! Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween to you guys too
You know...I suspected when we met there was a touch of the devil in you Abe! LOL!!!
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2023-10-30 21:25The doors are not welded shut on the 4dr. Just the handles are shaved.
Didn't see the door gaps at first.
Btw that is a club coupe this the lower top. Yeah that guy drives everywhere.
Great pics, Abe. That pale green 34 roadster, I believe it's the one that Jimmy White of Circle City Hot Rods (Orange) built. Visited him when I was in Cali.
The setting of the river bed cruise is incredible ! So cool. so you did take the wagon in the morning and the Coupe in the evening ? one for each different event. Way cool !
Shiny for the Matchbox party and patina for the wild crowd....:003: or like ( I think) Lynn put it some years ago. Hubcaps if you go on a date, and no hubcaps if you're out alone .... looking for adventure and fun... :002:
It was a wild weekend. Yes different cars for different events.
Some of the hotrods were from Hollywood Hotrods and maybe Circle City too. The driver is Lucky Glucky on IG. Chevy Customscruise on IG for more shots.
Something completely different today. This song has been haunting me since I was 16. first love and all... :003:
Maybe something
COMPLETELY different then ? '67. This platter totally grooves. Wild Dancer !
or something
REALLY COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ? How 'bout some Joni, Who remembers her ?
love her to no end ! :canada:
I had a MASSIVE crush on Joni....I mean MASSIVE
everybody still has.... :003: She's the one. still going strong, 80 YO. Her music and poetry is fantastic.
Disregard the other criminal elements in the video.... :002:
well.... while we're at it let's have it for Bob. My alltime favorite Bob song. crazy how this has aged so well 60 years later!
put your hands up for MR Jimi H. and the Brit boys Two.
The guitar on this one is intense. I like it much better than anything. uptempo RnB. WILD !
Saw Hendrix live at the Fulton County Auditorium, Atlanta Ga. in the late 60's. A very memorable event!
I've always like Dylan, and more "recently" as a mainstay in the Travelling Wilburys.
Quote from: KYBlueOval on 2023-11-24 05:54Saw Hendrix live at the Fulton County Auditorium, Atlanta Ga. in the late 60's. A very memorable event!
WOW, that is cool !!!
A coworker of mine ( from Austria) traveled to the concert at the Isle of Wight (UK), but he fell asleep and missed Jimi.
But he must have seen Joni there !
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2023-11-24 08:43I've always like Dylan, and more "recently" as a mainstay in the Travelling Wilburys.
Dylan was and is a very controversial artist. But I do like quite some of his songs. Yes on the Wilburys. Definitely a Super Group with all their famous members and timeless sound. That's what I grew up with in the 1980s. Probably paved the way to look back further and check out Roy Orbison and such. I liked the sound of ELO ( Jeff Lynn), although it was always a bit too modern to me. of course Tom Petty, and then George Harrison of course, the Beatles master guitarist.
Quote from: KYBlueOval on 2023-11-24 05:54Saw Hendrix live at the Fulton County Auditorium, Atlanta Ga. in the late 60's. A very memorable event!
I searched Google for the date...........August 17, 1968. In addition to Hendrix were Vanilla Fudge, Amboy Dukes and some others I can't recall.
It's sad we've lost George, Tom and Roy. A boatload of talent there.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2023-11-23 15:21or something REALLY COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ? How 'bout some Joni, Who remembers her ?
love her to no end ! :canada:
With my new computer & it's different browser I can't figure out how to embed this vid
so just open the link in the middle of the text below. Joni M, 'Raised on Robbery'.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2023-11-24 16:09It's sad we've lost George, Tom and Roy. A boatload of talent there.
Jimi H & Janis J
Maybe this will work.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
That is a fantastic song, Tom ! Wow, didn't know it at all. Great combination of RocknRoll, Country and Pop. It's always interesting to find more and different Joni styles.
Yes too many left too young. Janis is just as controversial as Bob and Jimi. I think I spent most of the summer of I guess 1989 or so, 16 yo, listening to her tapes over and over....same with Jimi and Aretha. There is so much to discover. with artist like them.
Well Amboy Dukes, boy did they have a sound ! would have loved to see them live, although I think they had frequent change of personell.
Here is some unusual but extra fine bit of Janis. Who would've thought that these two go together...even if it still feels a little awkward. Tiger Jones and Janis in a duet. That band has the beats down. WOW !
I wonder how that Brit boys all knew about the Delta....? :003:
great song and performance nonetheless...
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2023-11-25 04:20....I think I spent most of the summer of I guess 1989 or so, 16 yo, ...
You were only 16 in 1989! I'm surprised at that since I believe that most of the guys on this board are a lot closer to my age than yours. OLD.gif Thought that you would be too.
I was 44 in 1989 & was around & always listening to the radio when rock music started in the 1950s. To this day the radio is
always on in my house unless I'm sleepin' or watchin' TV.
yes and no Tom. Somehow, my birth date doesn't match my character. Not my fault.
I was actively listening to pop charts early 1980s as a 10 yo. Lost interest pretty soon. Other kinds of music appealed to me much better. Before that, when I was maybe 5 yo. in Kindergarden. I drew a picture of what resembled Elvis cliff diving into the sea in Acapulco (movie). at 7 or so I found See you later Alligator interesting, for what I later learned was Haleys terrific RocknRoll back beat. I can't explain. My parents never showed or forced it on me.
that's why I love 57 Fords and not 87 Mazdas. Dunno.... :003:
Seeing that obviously a lot of our members have lived this, here is a late 60s package.
Certainly no high standards to Rock afficionadoes, but still great Bubble Gum !
and this is one of the wildest late 60s Brit Instros ever !!! Sure sounds like driving a mean fastback Mustang into town @ summer sunset to meet your girl or try 4 on the floor. Maybe I'm just dreaming... :003: (1969)
I am sure that
SOME of you guys may be able to take this. It is incredible. Certainly not easy! :002: :003:
May want to add this very unusual version of Quinn. it's got the wild late 1960s breakbeat rhythm. really a dancefloor filler.
I must be gettin' old, lol. One of my all-time favorite videos......Heart at the Kennedy Center in a tribute to Led Zepelin. Note at 2:49, I swear Monica Lewinski is in that group of 5 backup singers!
It's been what--50 years since Baracuda? I still think Ann and Nancy are hot.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2023-11-26 21:00I must be gettin' old, lol. One of my all-time favorite videos......Heart at the Kennedy Center in a tribute to Led Zepelin. Note at 2:49, I swear Monica Lewinski is in that group of 5 backup singers!
It's been what--50 years since Baracuda? I still think Ann and Nancy are hot.
Rich, Heart was often in concert around Vancouver BC when I was there, as they were from just across the border, around Seattle Wa. You may not be aware, but Ann (or maybe Nancy, whichever one was the blond), had a brief spot in the early 80s movie, "Fast Times at Ridgemont High". She was driving the red convertible, laughing at Judge Reinholds character when he was delivering food in his 59/60 Buick, wearing the Pirate uniform. My "crush" of the era leaned more towards Pat Benetar or Debbie Harry (Blondie).
Heart played at a few high school concerts in the early years of the band in Vancouver before becoming famous for the Dreamboat Annie album recorded at Mushroom studios in Vancouver. I remember seeing Sweeney Todd at high school but never heart. I did see Heart as an opening act for ZZ Top in around 1976?
Quote from: 59meteor on 2023-11-27 12:11My "crush" of the era leaned more towards Pat Benetar or Debbie Harry (Blondie).
or Shania Twain, Brittany Spears, and a host of others when in their early 20s, lol. I remember seeing Britany on a poster for the first time...what, 30 years ago? Watching these performers nowadays is sometimes, not for them, it makes ME feel old. Hard to believe Willie is in his 90s now..but still sounds great.
Don't remember Brittany when she was young? Check out Michael Jackson/Britany Spears "the way you make me feel"
Talking about duets, this one here is a little less graphic than MJ and BS.
It's not Johnny Cash and June Carter or lip synch Cameo singers, but Reese Witherspoon and Joaquin Phoenix actually singing ...imho the movie was incredibly intense.
This one comes to my mind all the time, another Dylan song.
Here's the original
Let's celebrate another great song and artist, in our favorite year,
1957 !btw, was lucky to see her when she was still touring and going strong ! Wild Lady of Rock and Roll ! :002:
Winter motor excursion in Monrovia, California. Sorry didn't get a picture of Jay Leno or his Duesenberg.
Nice pics Abe! Thanks for the share!
Happy New Year guys!
x 2 :occasion14:
Indeed! May the New Year be filled with miles driven, :burnout: sights seen, friends visited and new ones made! :006:
X4 Happy new year!!!!!
1957 Fords are still on the road in 2024 ! hip hip Hurrah ! :003:
Yep...and hopefully a few more will be added this year! :burnout:
Hello Everyone, hope the new year is treating you well, a little slow in my corner of the world. The 57 is under a cover and under a carport for the winter, maybe a garage next year, anyways here is the first Pussel of the official Pussel Season. Looking forward to an early spring!IMG_1701.jpg
I have a buddy here in MO that is someone you'd like to know. He and his wife ALWAYS have a puzzle on the counter in the kitchen they are working on.
Many of them he then glues to a piece of cardboard, frames and hangs on the walls going down the stairs to his shop in the basement. Has a bunch of them! I do not think he has that one though.
I am thinking a trip to OKC may be in my future this spring by the way.
January is official puzzle month...just got a new batch and working on the second one. PIC is one from last January and hangs in the shop.
At 10 am this morning, it had warmed up to 6 degrees!! Pretty darned cold for Texas. It won't get above freezing until Wednesday.
And 50 minutes is 10* here in Shell Knob area. Wednesday we will break the sub-freezing 40*! T-shirts and shorts weather eh? LOL!!! :icon_bigsmurf:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2024-01-14 10:31At 10 am this morning, it had warmed up to 6 degrees!! Pretty darned cold for Texas. It won't get above freezing until Wednesday.
Sorry, but I just gotta :005:
I knew that was coming, Tom,lol...... I know 6 degrees isn't that cold for Alaska, but you don't have to deal with the occasional 115 in the summer either.
I think we have the same cold front dropping down here in Oregon been in the teens at night, right now 26 degrees and sunny, supposed to be back in the 50s later this week.
At 4:20 CST it is a whopping 15* here in lovely Shell Knob MO. Was 20* when I looked at 10:00 this morning. Supposed to be a balmy 21* Tuesday...following a low tonight of -1! :icon_bigsmurf:
19 here in B-Ham, light flurries with a small amount on the ground. Bad sign, the driveway has snow on it which means the ground froze overnight and the bridges and overpasses will be slick! No worries here, have a twelver laid in, plenty of eggs and bread and a gas range......
Up in Fairbanks the high temp for today was forecast to be minus 24f & the low to be minus 42f. Glad I don't live up there! It always gets colder in the interior of Alaska in winter. It does get hotter up there in summer than it does down here.
It's 3:15 pm in Anchorage right now & the temp is zero degrees Fahrenheit. Many years ago the temps up here were almost always colder than how they have been for many decades now. I remember a lot of minus 20 degree & windy days. Even some minus 30 degree days. Even later, like 1971, I remember it being 20 below zero when going to work every morning for the whole month of March.
I know that down there in much of the the "lesser 48" it is very cold & causing some very serious problems. The difference is that it will warm up long before we do up here. I sure hope none of you are are freezin' yer butts off & stuck with no electricity to run whatever heats your house. Been in that situation too many times.
GNRS Pomona yesterday. Took the 57 Hartop. About 6-7 57 in attendance and maybe 1 59 CS
Let post me some pics
More pics
That red brown Ranchero pulled that little dragster from Texas last week.
Nice pictures, good to see some 57's. Thanks for posting
That bare metal Ranchero is on another level. The side stainless is actually all CNC'd aluminum custom made.
All fitment is super. But it will be a shame to paint it and hide the work.
Any idea what powertrain is in the bare metal Ranchero? Certainly has a huge transmission tunnel. I really like that black Ranchero, and the 2 door wagon looks pretty nice as well. Not really a big fan of "resto mods" and billet stuff, but the bare metal Ranchero sure seems to have some great craftsmanship.
For that Ranchero actually Might have not been setup yet. I thought I took a pic of the info cards. But I reached out to them for more.
Here some more pics. See the modern armrest with built in door handle. That was cool.
Some very nice machines there, Abe. Thanks for posting.
59Meteor......what'd ya mean "not a fan of restomods"??.........just yanking your chain.
No pic yet but 351 Windsor stroked to 407.
Thanks Abe. Great pics! Looks like you had a fine weekend! :003:
Some great pics, Thanks for posting Abe!
I got lucky, the drive was fun, the show was good, then most of Sunday was the start of the bad weather here in So-Cal.
There is all the work on the Ranchero sorry its blurry.
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2024-02-05 20:52There is all the work on the Ranchero sorry its blurry.
System back up and running. I was getting some withdrawal like symptoms.
:burnout: Thank you James!
You guys all ok?
FYI I'm on Instagram under the same username.
But I don't do FB.
I was in serious with drawl!
Hello Everyone, Happy to see 57fordsforever up and running, Thanks!!!! looking like an early spring this year, thought I would share my last Puzzel of the season. Hope all is well with you and ready for CAR Season...IMG_1780.jpg
NICE! Have a friend here in MO who always has one of those going on his kitchen bar. Has a bunch framed and hanging on the walls of the staircase going down into his basement shop. :003:
Very cool puzzle. Thanks for sharing.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2024-02-23 20:50System back up and running. I was getting some withdrawal like symptoms.
Whew, me too. Glad we're back up.
Today is my first day of NO SMOKING. I'm gonna do it this time.
LOL, I shouldn't be around people for a while.
JIM>>>>>>>>>>join me??
"The journey of a 1,000 miles begins with one step" Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu
Good luck! :003:
I hope it works for you! You'll feel much better after you finally succeed.
Your lungs will love you for it. Good luck!
Hello Everyone, Beautiful Day in Michigan should have taken the 57 out of storage (insurance wise), Good news Rich ,We all have enjoyed the good and Bad choices in Life , one of the Best for me was stopping something I started in the Military (1972) and Stopped in 2010 when my brother died from them !! Enough Preaching , Look for a replacement , You will feel better for it ...
Thanks guys.
The wife and I came down with the Covid on Dec 22, not a very good Xmas or New Years. She recovered after a few weeks but it took me longer. Bottom line is I haven't had a smoke since Dec 22...
Sorry about the Covid, and very happy you both recovered, and for you, I guess it had a silver lining. That's a biggie for us with COPD.
Day 2 begins for me.
Well, I guess most of you guys have heard about our local wildfires. It was crazy windy here for those 2 days the fires began. Almost all of them in areas I frequent on my roadtrips, and have been in most of the cities and towns mentioned in the past two weeks. The nuclear facility they closed last night is , aside from the military, where my wife retired from. I'm actually having my morning coffee in a Pantex coffee mug as we speak. The air here in Amarillo is very smoky, not going to be good for me to get out. This morning news said the fire is within 25 miles of Amarillo now, have to keep an eye on that, and maybe pack a few bags
Remember, you can eat an elephant, just have to do it one small bite at a time! Good luck. We need you around for inspiration and motivation.
Keeping an eye on the fires. Today I'll make sure we have a plan that doesn't include moving furniture. Lots of property being lost, and the horror of burning cattle. I saw a stat this morning I was not aware of...85% of Texas-grown cattle is in the "Panhandle"
One person has lost their life so far, so that could be a lot worse. Unlike many of the small towns involved in the fire, Amarillo is a hub of intersecting major highways, so lots of ways to go if needed. My wife talked to a friend from her Pantex days yesterday, and her family is sheltering in a church in Fritch, one of the hardest hit towns.
Day 3.
Rich, I have been "out of pocket" for a while, (we went to a three day wedding in New Orleans) so I am just catching up. The weather here has been gorgeous, the wind has been out of the west. Yesterday while working in my yard I noticed the very pervasive smell of something burning... I had no idea about the fires. Hope this works out okay for y'all. Best of luck on the smoking issue, I know you can do it.
we've got about 3" of heavy wet snow on the ground..hope the snowfall keeps going towards the fires.....N/E.
-- I know this is NOT cutting edge stuff but sometimes small accomplishments are worth celebrating. I am typing this post out this morning on my laptop connected to brand new, high speed, fiber optics WIFI in the shop!
-- I've shelved the old TOSHIBA with Windows 7 and no WIFI option.
-- Last week I installed a point-of-use (POU), tankless, on-demand water heater under the shop sink. No more washing my hands in ice cold water!
-- The wife got a fireplace upgrade with a remote control gas log insert. Not a shop upgrade you say? I no longer have to cut wood, load wood, unload wood, split wood, stack wood, load the wood box, load the fireplace, light the damn fire, unload the get the idea. The shop benefitted from freed space to store more parts. Two chainsaws, gas cans, oil cans, splitting maul, stacking racks just went over the fence to the neighbor. If I need a tree limb cut up, I know a guy that owes me.
-- More new tech for the shop to go with the disco ball and pin lights...I'm loading up software to connect my laptop to my '70s component sound system. My goal is to convert my old LPs, cassettes, reel-to-reel, and 8-tracks to MP3s which will be added to my USB thumb drives along with my old music CDs. Why? All my vehicles have USB slots. I can cruise all summer long in my old cars listening to the Beach Boys or Bob Seger and NOT ONE damn note of RAP! Two years ago, we cruised for two weeks through canyon country, down the Colorado from Denver, around Utah, through John Wayne movie country and down to Arizona. The whole trip, we never listed to the same song twice. What a gorgeous trip. We would like to go again but for a month if not the whole summer. I still wouldn't see it all!
Take care,
gasman826 AKA Gary
Converting to a gas fireplace was a huge improvement in convenience! Now here we don't really need fireplaces but we like the ambience. Half the time we light it up if the temperature is in the 50's, there have been times when we ran the AC and the fireplace too! Now that is ridiculous! :002: I actually put a gas fireplace in the bedroom but we can't use it, it gets too hot!
My first on location shoot. Maybe next time it will be the wagon. This for a True Classic brand commercial.
About 1 hour north in Santa Clarita, Ca
Nice, now you need to get them to put it on one of their Tee's :icon_super:
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2024-03-17 12:03My first on location shoot. Maybe next time it will be the wagon. This for a True Classic brand commercial.
About 1 hour north in Santa Clarita, Ca
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2024-03-17 16:48Nice, now you need to get them to put it on one of their Tee's :icon_super:
Passed the one month marker for my no-smoking!!
EXCELLENT!!! :hello2: :icon_super: :wav: :blob10:
Very good news!
:hello2: :icon_super: :thumbsup:
Most excellent sir!
Thanks for the support guys!
I'm glad you're doing it! Keep it up.
I quit 25 years ago and it's one of the best things I ever did. Well done!
Just got home from Copperas Cove, TX where all my family (except daughter 1) watched the eclipse despite some cloud cover. Turns out mother was nice to us as the clouds parted as the totality occurred and the sky remained clear for nearly the total 4 minutes plus of totality. Life time experience, just a few things give me goose bumps and bring tears to my eyes, the eclipse is now on that list!
We didn't have a total here, but probably 80% or more. Really cool. Glad you got to watch it with your family. Copperas Cove? one on me, I'll have to google it..
On a different note, American Graffitti is on Netflix. Watched it last night. Had a smile on my face every minute. It had been at least 30 years since I'd seen it. If it wasn't the cars, the scenes bringing back memories, it was the music putting smiles on my face. Wolfman Jack...listened to him in the late 60's when I moved to Socal. That movie made so many stars, and even the director.....George Lucas!!
X2 on American Graffiti!!
We visited family in Toledo OH to be in the path. As it turned out, we were part of the mass exodus out of Michigan to Ohio. The north/south traffic was a near second to the total eclipse!
You know Gil Gonzales?
That's his car you are sitting on. Watched that again last week.
I got a chuckle on that one.
Wolfman Jack...........I'm trying to remember if I could have listened to him while I was still in Mass (before '69). Was he syndicated nationally? Jay would probably remember if one of the Boston Stations carried him.
He sure did Rich, WROR (105.7) and I think a few AM stations, in the late 70's; listened to him in last 2 years of high school and after
Click the link below and listen to the girl from HANOVAH!
The Wolfman (
I'm not sure I can say how many times I have waych it. Still love the whole thing from start to finish....anyone seen Mike Hunt......
I couldn't remember if that scene was from this, or another movie. If it was AG, I missed it this time around. Last year in my neighborhood there actually was a house for sale and the realtor's name was Michael Hunt!!
Thanks Joe. "In the late 70's" though.......I wasn't in Mass then, left in '68 or '69, not sure.
That was a really cool scene in AG.
OK, thinking about the Mike Hunt scene, I'm leaning towards thinking it was actually in "Porkies's" ??
Old as I am, I've seen several eclipses and so I was out putting new metal on my sons house and my wife called and said I should check to see if we were under a tornado watch because it had gotten real dark outside. I said you mean like the moon might be obstructing the sun? :023:
She wasn't happy with me after that.
I was vacuuming out a car. Didn't bother. They have never held any attraction for me. Can honestly say that in 71 years...I have never seen one.
actually a total eclipse is quite something, birds stop chirping, air cooling down, people going crazy.... :003:
The total eclipse sums up to this (imho), MOTOWN rules!
Motown's always rolling perfection. lotsa torque lotsa hp, sped up. The girls were very tamed down visually for Ed's.
It's interesting that AG used Wolfman's 1970s jingles in a 1963 context.
I gotta confess, at 50 years old, I was dancing to this until 5 am in the morning last's embarrassing ... but we gotta do what we gotta do... :003:
Boys own their steps. killer bass line. may be an arranged recording session, but still one of the upmost energy records ever.
Bubble gum all over.
not so bubble gum.
this may be wild, don't know if I posted this before. one of the greatest garage rock anthems ever. I know that some of you guys will dig this. back when. things were possible.
You may not care about modern hip hop music (I don't). People are making a craze about this because it has been 'sampled' into modern hip hop music a thousand times. I still don' care. Drums are great, check. all over a great song, well worth listening ! The original. Everything else is a rip off.
I saw Buffalo Springfield live in the 60's, they opened for the Beach Boys! Thanks for posting these awesome videos.
Definitely a great memory, Lynn! Young and Stills were terrific musicians. The band sounds really tight in their early years. For what it's worth is such a great song, in music, whether one agrees with the lyrics or not.
Viva Las Vegas 2024. So far about 5 Wagons.
And three are red & white! LOL!!!
very cool !!! Your Country Sedan next to a same trim level Del heart is beating faster ! I still have my Del Rio Project and wonder when I will be getting back to it, someday in the future.
if I do like Hugh, it will be 50 years from now...
DO NOT wait that long! UGH!!!
Hello everyone, over the years I have learned and enjoyed this site. Today I'm asking for a little help, last week I was told I have a serious health issue, I have decided to sell my toys and stuff one of them my 1957 Custom 300. I am asking for advice as to the asking price, I need to sell soon and would like to be fair about it. Thanks for your input.
Sorry to hear! Anything I can do, call!
Even if we had all the details, you're asking probably the most difficult question there is to answer. Research anything you can find on past similar sales, maybe talk to classic car dealer showrooms, etc., etc. Only you know what you'd be comfortable with for a price.
From my research over the years, there is a huge range in pricing mainly due to curb appearance I think, as well as the build. Not too different than a house from that aspect.
Sorry to hear about your health issues......that's a big reason why I'm selling mine.
Thank you, Gary, Thank you, Rich, My health issue came out of nowhere trying to wrap my head around it and I don't want to leave my wife with a burden she does not need. Everything you said makes sense Rich and I thank you. We all think were bullet proof till the Truth kicks you in the chest, everyone enjoy Today you never know what Tomorrow brings!!!
glenmichael.........I sent you a PM.
Hello everyone, I had a long talk with some friends, the overall outcome was, "Life can be short, Drive them till you can't, worry about it then!! So, hang on to the wheel and petal to the metal, long live the 57 Ford... hope you all have a great day..
Bad breathe is better than no breathe.
Drive it with a smile and remember our blessings,
Chin up.
taking one of my vintage cars on a 600 mls round trip as of tomorrow. I want to take along all of you guys who struggle to do. We are still always on the road, together!
Cool, I love to see your travels, I own a few sets as I went to Viva Las Vegas from LA in the Wagon.
Im going to do Santa Maria Friday, Sat for the WKK show then cross the mountains to Tehachapi to Western Swingout at the end of the month.
I'm not supposed to use Facebook but dang!!!
But you know how it is. Can be a scam. Too far north for me to check it out.
Also some replayed with it not being a true 300.
Can some mention what are the tells for a 300?
There are two Custom models. The base Custom has the exterior trim that the car in the ad has. The Custom 300 has the gold trim on the side (similar to the Fairlane 500) and an upgraded level of interior trim. I think the base Custom only offered the gray interior while the 300 could have had blue or green interior. There were some early 300s that had a single full length trim (no gold).
Thanks Lynn. In my mind it's a 300 anyhow. But the price seems too good. He said it has a Cleveland 351. And is not running.
This is when I took my 62 bug on the trip to Bavaria, it's off topic, but still the Alpine mountains look good ! :003:
I am going on our annual seaside trip to Croatia next week, and I'll take the 57 this time ! Hopefully I will be able to post some pics in 2 weeks or so.
Abe, do you have some pics from the trips you mentioned? I really like that you are taking your 57 wagon out and about. These cars were made for traveling (and staying, along the road !)
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2024-05-08 20:13Cool, I love to see your travels, I own a few sets as I went to Viva Las Vegas from LA in the Wagon.
Im going to do Santa Maria Friday, Sat for the WKK show then cross the mountains to Tehachapi to Western Swingout at the end of the month.
It's a neat car that could benefit a lot from a wheels/tire change. could be a completely different car tomorrow. It would even make a really great daily driver in So Cal, once you got the engine problems fixed. Clevelands may be harder to find parts for, but probably could be replaced with any other SBF/ FE without too much problems.
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2024-05-25 14:47Thanks Lynn. In my mind it's a 300 anyhow. But the price seems too good. He said it has a Cleveland 351. And is not running.
In my mind, it has to be a scam. Just my 2 cents.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2024-05-25 16:21In my mind, it has to be a scam. Just my 2 cents.
100%. I happen to only look at 1957 Ford Authority on FB and asked if anyone can vouch for it.
Went to west coast Kustoms cruising nationals in Santa Maria.
Only a few 57's
Took the wagon. We left and headed to Tehachapi this afternoon.
Another show in the morning at the Western Swingout
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2024-05-25 16:21In my mind, it has to be a scam. Just my 2 cents.
Facebook has him listed as a top maybe not.
Nice 57s ! The 4dr Fairlane Club sedan is a particularly good looking body style.
Here are some. From my wife's company instagram account. Finckyfox will will be vending at the WesternSwingout today
Climbing the heavy duty incline.
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2024-05-26 00:22Facebook has him listed as a top maybe not.
The mod found it and reposted it. I do t think he is the seller. But in a way might be vouching for it.
Nice little trip, Abe! Gotta drive them. I'm leaving for Red River, NM. early afternoon. I'll be doing some rapid climbing my self later. Low desert to high desert to mountain forests. :burnout:
PS.......this is the first long road trip since installing the replacement engine. It'll be around 700 miles.
Be safe out out the Rich. Have a good roadtrip!
Good for you, have fun. I'm jealous, haven't done a road trip in months :005:
Have fun Rich. Red River is really nice scenery.
Elevation was a bummer at 9360 ft! I got there about 7 after driving again thru some gorgeous scenery. I've been there 6 or 8 times. Anyway, tried sleeping, from 9:30 to 2 am, couldn't fall asleep, even with my Oxegen attached to me. Finally thru in the towel and drove 45 miles to Cimmeron, where the elevation is 2500 feet lower. Got 3 hours sleep, made it back to Red River in time.The car didn't do well at first, but after 4 or 5 starts, it ran great even over a few mountain passes at 10K feet+. 700 miles roundtrip, and the first long voyage for the replacement engine couldn't have gone any better.
Typical New Mexico show........11 tri-five chevys in the 100 or so cars. Mine was the only 50's Ford.
Wow. Almost 10k elevation, wow. Cool.
Glad your trip is going well.
Just got back from my 600 miles round trip to Croatia. 57 worked great with no other hick ups than adding a quart of oil (mostly due to oil loss at the rear main seal) and adjusting idle and mixture screws at sea level. I will post further pics in my build thread later.
SWEET! Great pic too!
I am sooo dependent on my 7" GPS Navigation screen in my Expedition that I am lost in my old cars. We are on the fifth day of a five city tour/cruise-in. The small towns aren't too bad but when we get in larger cities, rural roads, summer vacation traffic and construction....well we've gotten along with turn-by-turn instructions and the slow updating phone GPS. Today, we were trying to get to a photo shoot under the BLUE WATER Bridge to Canada. With 10 turns in 1/2 mile and signal interference from the bridge, the GPS wouldn't update and I missed a turn. I learned a long time ago not to get rattled and go to the next light to turn and come back. Today...the unthinkable! I went to the next light and was glad to see a dedicated left turn light and it was green. As I rolled up to the light, I focused on the heavy traffic from all directions and the street I was turning on to had active construction and a lane closure. I don't know how I caught it but a little kid on a bike disregarded the no-walk signal. I pounced on the clutch and brake pedals, locked all four tires with a lot of screaming and smoke. The kid laid his bike down and I felt the thud in the steering wheel as he hit my right front tire. I've heard the thud before and it is a thud you never forget and never ever want to hear again. The kid jumped up, hopped on his bike and with eyes the size of pancakes, rode off. Of course, he flipped me off! I suddenly realized there was a huge cloud of black smoke and really lot noise. I had stood on the brake pedal so hard that it was nearly to the flood and my big foot had also crushing the gas pedal to the floor. Evidently the well built 460 can survive free revving against the rev limiter set to 5500 RPMs. I waited forever for the light to turn green again and I completed the turn and found a shady spot to set and get myself together. We did make the Blue Water Bridge photo shoot and the downtown Port Huron car show. The short drive did yield some car damage. I suspect one pushrod damage (one ticks louder) and I may have damaged the hydraulic clutch master or linkage. We will start limping home tomorrow (200 +/- miles).
:103: YIKES!
What a scary situation. Glad the damage is minimal it could have been so much worst if the kid was injured or killed.
Getting used to "The lady in the dashboard" telling where to go is hard to get away from! The 08 Shelby was the last "new" car I had that did not have NAV. I guess we get lazy as technology "helps" us do things we used to do on our own.........
I still carry a Rand McNalley in my truck when out and about on the highways and byways. Been my addiction for 50 years.
Use the GPS in the phone mostly these days, but I like maps as well.
Plus I know lot of times the GPS will send me to toll roads when I know there are ways to go without the Rand comes out.
Had to be really scary, Gary. Glad for the both of you that he wasn't hurt.
GPS/VS map...............depends on what I'm doing. If in an unknown city, Gps is the way to go. Get in a city like Dallas, and there's no way you're going to read a map while your trying to navigate the high speed freeways. GPSs are also great for finding gas stations, etc. When I'm on a road trip, it can only be a road can't study your options on where you want to explore on a GPS.
Siri is a wonderful companion on roadtrips........"Siri, how far am I from ....", Siri, what's the altitude in ............."
Speaking of road stuff......anyone know if there is a website that lists historical markers with info?
car show in town this Saturday on old 66 in the historic district.
That's two. I found both on this site:
Have fun! :006:
I have no GPS whatsoever, no smartphone. When I do a trip I study road maps, and take notes on a small post it, stating the names of larger cities or regions on the way. it's so much more fun to cruise in an old car the old way, without anybody's annoying gossip or the horrible blueish displays. maybe it's just me.
I took the 57CS on another trip to Croatia to a Classic car and Rock n roll festival (only 80 miles one way this time) and I got a bit lost in Slovenia, but I roughly knew the directions and next town to go to, and I took country roads, which was just beautiful, driving into sunset, 30mph on one lane roads going zig zag around the local corn fields, small churches, rivers and streams. Forgot to take pics...loud rock n Roll music and cool beer, tasty Croatian BBQ, combined with incredible hospitality of my Croatian friends made for an unforgettable weekend !
here's a pic that somebody took of the 57CS. There were several other early Fords, a 61 Y block powered Galaxie, 2x 53 ish 2drs, a 58 Squarebird, several early F100 trucks, a sweet 64 Falcon, 2 chopped Mercurys and lots of early GM iron.
Hugh......Neat website on Amarillo I wasn't aware of. Most of it was on 6th st historic district (old rt66. Yesterday was the annual(?) rt66 festival. They had almost a mile of the street closed off for entertainment, food vendors, car show, crafts vendors. Unfortunately it was in the low-mid 90s all day, but didn't deter the crowds. Had literally hundreds of comments or thumbs-up on my car (no $ offers though). They had 100 spots allotted for the car show and filled them all. I even got to chat with Miss Texas for 15 minutes. Very impressive young lay, very excited about her first trip to Amarillo.
Sounds like that trip to Croatia was a blast! Jealous!
We have a car show in Springfield every year to show off Rt 66 too. Well over 200 cars and they close of several streets. Always hot here as well. Was yesterday too...same as you..low end of 90's.
Glad you were able to use that link. Sounds like it worked well...good looking lady in the car...nice! :003:
do we have to ask for pics, or it didn't happen.... ? :003:
I swear, I saw several 'Miss Croatia' yesterday, dozens if not hundreds.... :002:
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2024-06-16 10:26...good looking lady in the car...nice! :003:
Hope this pic isn't too offensive, but you know that is perfectly ok in Europe to have beverages in public. This pic really sums it up somehow. When people of 4 different countries (within 25 miles of each other), with 4 different languages, meet to celebrate old cars and music. That's a REAL '24 T C-cab from Slovenia, registered in Gornja Radgona, right across the border to Austria and even though I don't know the guy, the different drinks on board are Croatian, Slovenian, Hungarian, Austrian and American. The truck has a very nice original type of patina.
I'd say the guy is one to know! LOL!!!
yea, I'd like to see a pic of the young lady too...but I'm betting he didn't think to take one! Phooey!
Cool picture Gunther.
We went to the LA Roadster Father's Day show.
I took the Cadillac but there was some 57's there. I forgot to take a pic of the all black convertible 58.
A few more
We went roller skating at night and drove the hardtop out to Burbank. I got to take a creepy shot next to the neon Church sign.
those are great pics and cars, Abe. The country Sedan has a color combo that I have never seen before on a 57. lower green and upper all white/cream. it works well ! The 29 Model A roadster is just insane. 6x2 Nailhead, wide five, patina.... wow !
I seen that CS a couple shows now. It used to have full white walls but they might had just rollers on it.
It's really low stance like as low as my hardtop.
it doesn't look overly wild, but we all know about the 57 frame being low in front and the trans crossmember and crossover pipe on stock engines. a 57 will get annoyingly low on speed bumps, even with a mild drop. Wide whites would benefit the look, but I get, how some owners use radials for everyday use. I have to say my 57 drives perfectly well on 8.00-14 Goodrich. she needs like 2-4 inches left to right to cope for road bumps, but once you leave her alone and let go, she will go straight as an arrow. 50 or 100.
I again had her over 90mph last week, and the 292 is pulling so hard, she won't stop. It's a very old worn engine but sure has power, to no end. the hammering sound of a Y block @ rpms is just goose bumps.
Having some issues with both my Iphone and computer self-changing things. irritating! Not sure if I got the pics I was looking for:Nope
Very cool picture Gunther!...and I don't mind the "Adult" beverages at all! :occasion14:
Ditto, and good to see your name popped up, Joe.
Even though I don't drink..last beer was about 35 years ago........I can't imagine anyone having a problem with that.
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2024-06-18 08:37Very cool picture Gunther!...and I don't mind the "Adult" beverages at all! :occasion14:
Greetings pisan!
And yep...agreed! He has so much fun with his cars!
thx guys for giving the pic a pass. Totally cool with, when people decide to not drink alcohol at all, like Rich.
A friend of mine who is a local Rock Star ( leader and singer in a 1960s type garage band), and he has been known for having LOTS of fun and beers before. but he showed up at the festival, saying he didn't want to drink alcohol anymore and had been sober for months and it was totally accepted and he did a great DJ set as well.
Personally I do like to have just some beers on a weekend like that (no other alcoholic drinks whatsoever). I like the different brands, breweries and taste. Good breweries are abundant in all regions of central Europe. That said, enjoying a cold one and having a party, I never lose my mind or wake up the next day with a sore head. Never! Too much fun to be had, meeting friends, living and talking Rock n roll and driving old cars.
Yea, I last had a day (actually about 5 of them) where I wished I hadn't gone over the dam. One day of drinking, 2 days until the hangover hit...and then 3 days of pure misery. I did not know the human body had so many places it could hurt!
Still drink...but that was the last time I ever stepped over to that side. Over of all things a woman! UGH! Forty-four years ago this next month...right before the 4th.
However...I do have an addiction to Cherry Pepsi or Dr, Pepper...and chocolate! OOPs! :003:
so true. Don't forget we are also already addicted to 57 Fords ... :003:
Alcohol is also basically sugar, but I like to bring apples, candy or small glucose bars for long concert nights. I really like Dr Pepper, but personally I cannot drink more than one or 2 a day, same goes for cola and other sweet drinks. water is your best friend, and also beer.... :002: Natural brews are isotonic and have plenty of vitamins. :003: there are also great alcohol free beers in Austria. Great with social dancing and when driving.
So, the real reason for having a cool drink or two at that show, is, because it can be getting hot. very hot. There was this really hot Thunderbird for example. It is difficult to see those hot rides and keep cool. :003:
not my pics. I was told, there is a pin up contest at this festival...
T-Bird? Where? :003:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2024-06-18 08:43Ditto, and good to see your name popped up, Joe.
Even though I don't drink..last beer was about 35 years ago........I can't imagine anyone having a problem with that.
Thanks Rich, I pop in now again but I stopped my daily posting of pics in the two threads I started (even though I still have a ton of them) because I really didn't care to argue about how archived pics were posted.
Peace :old:
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2024-06-20 14:24Thanks Rich, I pop in now again but I stopped my daily posting of pics in the two threads I started (even though I still have a ton of them) because I really didn't care to argue about how archived pics were posted.
Peace :old:
You know what? ANYONE who wants to argue about that, and ruin a pleasure for others...can take a flying leap at a rolling doughnut.
My 2 cents worth.
Return us to those entertaining days of yesteryear at your convenience...and let those who don't appreciate it...leave the thread closed. (yea, I know...I've no filters. Also have no tolerance for snotty people who ruin things for other.)
<Rich...leave it...some things need to be said!>
behind the scenes.... :002:
Nice scene! :003:
QuoteYou know what? ANYONE who wants to argue about that, and ruin a pleasure for others...can take a flying leap at a rolling doughnut.
:023: Agree
Anybody heard from Jay? (E-code70D)
Now that you for sometime.
I sent an inquiry to E-code70D.
Been busy of late, but said he is now getting out in the summer sunshine a bit with the '57.
I told him he had been asked about.
He also replied to me yesterday. His obligations keep him from coming on the forum more often.
At least we know he's probably OK.
I spoke to him this past weekend, he just has a lot on his plate right now.
13TH Crites Auction...get 'em before they are gone!! A lot of fiberglass, steel and some OE used parts. There are some '57 parts ('57-59 FE headers) but mostly '60s Ford stuff. Link:
I understand about the members from the south saying they don't work on their cars in the summer. It's been hot here of late. I've been able to get a few minutes work each hour before retreating back into the ac.
I work on em, I just loose 20lbs from sweating so much. :002:
As a kid, I laid on ice, had rain running down my butt crack, did whatever it took to get my wreck going again. The closest thing I had to a hoist was a bumper jack and a Model A screw jack. A large piece of cardboard or plywood was living large. What a premium...a slab of concrete. NOW...the HVAC is on year round but I have energy for only a couple hours a day.
Same for me Gary! My dad had the "card board creeper" and there was all heck to pay if it didn't get put back in the grainery after we finished. Never did have the luxury of a concrete pad, just old packed down gravel, until I was a "grown up"......
I remember working on my '57 in the rain in WA state...putting a transmission/clutch in. I first dug a trench around the car for the water to flow into and then down into the sloping hillside. Had a piece of cardboard and all the incentive to focus and get it done as the temps dropped. LOL!!! Now,..concrete floor and a piece of old carpet.
Hopoing to get the new shop built and raise my lift. Current shop is too low for it.
I was 17 and I blew the 9" rear in my '74 Bronco snowplowing; it was in January. :winter_brr: :winter_brr: I drove it home with the front axle an I managed to get it up the driveway (Cobblestone) and shoveled the snow out from under and around it and then proceeded to get it up on jack stands. I then laid on a piece of carpet and pulled both axles and removed the center section. I was a little smarter when I put it back together, I borrowed a kerosene torpedo heater and then proceeded to get the worst headache I ever had. :003: was a WARM headache! LOL!!!
I changed the starter in my '51 V8 p/u at -20* and 4" of snow. I parked and quickly crawled under while everything was still warm.
Yep...did that on my Courier too. Sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do right?
Yep,I definitely appreciate concrete in my old age. However, I still buy large unfolded boxes from Wal-Mart to lay on for comfort. Amazing how that 1/4" of pressed paper can help.
check out the carpet companies. They often throw out large pieces of carpet and gotta tell ya, they are nicer than even cardboard! Carpet layers as well...I love the remnants and pull-outs.
I'm a wuss. I'll save all my corrugated and carpet for you guys. I'm using a hoist or it ain't getting done!
Gary.......No garage is complete without a disco ball!
I'm with ya'; my rear end repairing days on the ground are over:
I guess I need a disco ball though? :003:
Gentlemen, I see two styles of lifts here. What are the advantages/disadvantages of the two (two post vs 4 post)?
- two post is harder to get in and out of the vehicle
- very difficult to do interior work while on a two post
- most work is more accessible on a two post
- brake and wheel work can be done on a four post but I've always bang my elbows
- four post ramps also double as handy benches.
- always buy the optional folding, roller jack for the four post
- some four posts don't have to be bolted to the floor...add a wheel kit and they can be rolled out of the way or even outside
- any kind of post is always in the's a post.
- four post is great for front-end and headlight alignment work
- I loved a two post inground
There is another hoist to consider. It is a single post on one side, above ground, with swing arms across to the other side. 7K lb. MAX. On wheels and can be rolled into the corner when not in use. One entire side is post free for wheel, body and interior work. Reversible side to side.
I became a 4-post guy when we had an earthquake out west, and the car on top decided to marry the car below. UGLY marriage.
Having said that, I still prefer the 4-post, I just like the stability.
But like Gary said, they both have disadvantages and advantages.
Mine is a 4-post with the wheel kit he mentioned.
Thanks for the explanation of the pros and cons. The last lift I was under was a single post in the middle. That was over 50 years ago and in a service station.
In my old shop, I had four lifts; two of each. Twin posts are great for anything that you need to remove the wheels, such as brake jobs and rotating tires. Unfortunately twin posts need to be bolted to the ground. I have radiant heat in my shop and it was not an option for me.
As mentioned, vehicle access with a twin is a pain in the ass as the doors are always at the posts so you have to leave the vehicle in neutral when you exit and then roll it forward to center it.
I use mine for storage also, so I definitely wanted a four post. I opted for a wheeled lift so I can move it if necessary. If I needed the whole shop for something, I can move outside.
Anybody consider a pit instead of a lift? I would think just as accessible as a 4 post, probably safer, and cheaper. Whenever I have to work under my car nowadays, I can't help but think of the local gas station we had that had an outdoor pit that the owner use to let us kids use.
Rich, think about it.
Wanna use an outside pit in the freezing winter or during hard rain, wind, mosquitos & other flying bugs in summer? No thanks. Cheaper? You got a backhoe? With relative ease & by myself I put up a 4 post lift in my garage & near all my tools. Someone would have to plan ahead on home or garage construction to have one inside but you'd still have a big hole in your garage floor.
I worked several pits...most were setup for alignments. I agree...pits have the limitations of 4-posts and then some. Pits usually are narrower than 4-posts. You have to carry everything up and down the steps. If I had a pit, I would use it. If I had to pay to have a pit built, a 4-post cost would be very cost competitive. At one time, OSHA poo-pooed pits as unsafe. Flammable fluids and vapors could settle into the pit so one drop of the ole trouble light could cause a flash fire. Most old pits had one way in and one way out. Pits are still used in places like the quick oil service places. Those are built with more than one egress and have fire suppression systems.
Agreed ↑
I got my 1969 Koni 3 (metric) ton 4-post by coincidence more than 10 years ago, still love it! it has a pneumatic (short cylinder with adjustable fork) axle lift on a sled that works the full length of the main rails.
I wonder if anybody is ready for some spicy Blues sauce ?
Man, I heard this band live last Saturday, and they sure roll hard. Little wonder, again they come from Sweden, of all places....
maybe not politically correct lyrics, but then - who cares ? :003:
QuoteI wonder if anybody is ready for some spicy Blues sauce ?
DJ you always post the best tunes
The great George Poteet has passed... a super human individual that was a beacon for this Hobby..... never met the man... sure would have loved too. Nothing but great words about this man.
Rest Easy George.
Meet Poteet a couple of times. First at the Nats East. Sitting with the group I ran with. Fellow walks up and wants to know if the 34 Sedan was for sale. Stan said "it could be" and George asked if they could take a ride. As they loaded up George handed his cooler to one of us to "keep an eye on it". They got back from the ride, George walked up, grabbed the cooler and started pulling out stacks of $100 bills.
Second time was at the Halloween run in Tupelo, MS. He was there with a black 36 roadster pickup. Someone had keyed the car from front to back. Mike and I were expressing outrage on who could do such a thing. This voice behind us said "it's only a car, it can be fixed". We turned around and it was George. Very nice, unassuming man. He spoke humbly of his car building and graciously of the folks that did the work.
Sorry to hear about Mr Poteet. RIP !
Quote from: Marc on 2024-07-16 21:31DJ you always post the best tunes
Marc, thx. It's really about the great artist.
Would you believe that the singer in the Blues band mentioned above is the same as in this country band here (introduced several pages ahead), He sure is ! I can't believe how a single artist can cope such different genres like Blues and C&W. I can confirm that he is not an impersonator kind of artist. He sure loves both.
here is a fantastic 60s tune that got re introduced by DJ Lucky Shooter over here. a fantastic heart breaking up beat feet moving killer !
The way songs were in the time. 2 minutes everything said, everything done, got it ! no filler, all killer.
Another 2 minute perfection.
Harmonica Sam really nails that early country sound. Very impressive that he can shine in both genres the way he does.
That early 60's rock was so simple and still got it done. No autotune, no crap, just a mixture of talent and heart. Good stuff!
another contemporary Blues artist, spilling the truth....
this is a trio of songs that go together (imho). wild. perfect. forever. about as 1957 as it gets (not necessarily the year of release, but the overall feel of these great genuine rockabilly songs).
edit, all of these 3 platters were recorded back in '56, but it's perfectly fitting well with the August 1956 release of 57 Fords).
Bad news. Looks like Coco the Country sedan has a crack exhaust manifold. Drivers side front bolt. Big enough to have an exhaust leak. Sucky. I'm on the hunt for a replacement.
I think welding will cost way more than just finding a replacement.
The wagon had exhaust gaskets installed.
I ready there a few different theories on gaskets or no gaskets. The car was running well with them. So I will be leaving them on.
Just a bit bummed out.
I got the word out to a local 57 fan that will be checking but if anyone has a driver side car manifold. Let me know.
Abe you need to specify if you have a single exhaust or factory duals or a ( kind of ) collector pipes down the firewall and which engine size. Generally speaking EB code are 272 and EC ( Z) are 292/312. there may be very different manifolds. I just saw a 1954 F100 yesterday that obviously had a front crossover pipe, with EBU manifolds, but the engine didn't feel to look like a 239, but more like a 292 to me. You really need to make sure which parts you are looking for. best to take records of the casting numbers. to the best of my knowledge, gasket delete only came with SBF, Y blocks definitely should have gaskets !
I check to see if I have markings I can get a casting number from. It's got duals but I'm not sure it was stock duals. Let me get some pics.
Yeah the truck ones are obvious.
OOBY DOOBY.......never heard it before, and was really surprised, because if I didn't know the singer, I NEVER would have guessed Roy Orbison! His voice sure got much mellower when he got older. Loved him in the few recordings he was able to do with The Travelling Wilburys.
Manifold is * EDB-9431-B
Check pics
Rear dump
Foundry ! :003: Appears to be factory 292 manifolds, correct for a 57. I'll check back with mine for the exact number.
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2024-07-20 18:17Manifold is * EDB-9431-B
Check pics
Rear dump
Rich, I also like Roy Orbisons part in the Travelling Wilburies A LOT! Yes he got famous for his suede, smooth voice and ballads rather, but just to show where he came from, he was at the same record studio (SUN) at the same time as Elvis, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lwis and Carl Perkins. Roy's early recordings were wild and pure Rockabilly, one of my favorites has always been Go Go Go (above) as well as Ooby Dooby, but this may be more familiar, rather a novelty or fun song.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2024-07-20 18:09OOBY DOOBY.......never heard it before, and was really surprised, because if I didn't know the singer, I NEVER would have guessed Roy Orbison! His voice sure got much mellower when he got older. Loved him in the few recordings he was able to do with The Travelling Wilburys.
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2024-07-20 16:28Bad news. Looks like Coco the Country sedan has a crack exhaust manifold. Drivers side front bolt. Big enough to have an exhaust leak. Sucky. I'm on the hunt for a replacement.
I think welding will cost way more than just finding a replacement.
The wagon had exhaust gaskets installed.
I ready there a few different theories on gaskets or no gaskets. The car was running well with them. So I will be leaving them on.
Just a bit bummed out.
I got the word out to a local 57 fan that will be checking but if anyone has a driver side car manifold. Let me know.
Abe, I have the manifold you are looking fr. It is like new, email me at, or call 406-855-7362
Email sent thanks Alvin.
That worked out quickly ! Great people on here, thx Alvin !
↑ X 2
I have probably posted this before, but since we were talking about Sun Records, John (KYBlueOval) shared a cool personal story with me about SUN. So here is another great artist and my personal story.
I christened my first 57 Ford SD Courier 'RED HOT' after a 1957 Sun Records Song by Billy Lee Riley, who was an extraordinary Rockabilly artist, who was also very talented as a Blues harp player. Back in 2003 I had the chance to open a DJ set before his concert, in Senigallia, Italy. After his great show I was able to meet him backstage. I had popped a wheel cover off my 57, which I had autographed by him. At first he looked at me if I was crazy, having a hubcap signed, but after I explained to him and the connection between his career, songs and the 1957 Ford wheelcover he smiled and took extra care to lay down a perfect signature. Looking back in my memory, and telling this story, it's hard to believe this ever happened....but sure did ! :003:
Billy Lee Riley, what a great Blues harp player and all around Rock'n'Roller!
Wild uptempo Blues Rocker !
Of course the wheel cover is still in my possession, I just took above photos on my kitchen cabinet.
Well after waiting 18-years to get my Custom 300, and then driving it for 12 more, a tough decision was made and it has left Streamline Garage and has gone over to Vancouver Island to join JD's stable. I will miss it but still have a trio of Ford's to enjoy.
The car may be gone, but I hope you stick around.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2024-08-01 19:27Well after waiting 18-years to get my Custom 300, and then driving it for 12 more, a tough decision was made and it has left Streamline Garage and has gone over to Vancouver Island to join JD's stable. I will miss it but still have a trio of Ford's to enjoy.
Yea, but you can visit! :burnout:
Thanks Terry. I will let you take it for a spin anytime. It seems to like the Island life. Cheers.
Pat Fleishman told me about a Lubbock, Tx First Saturday Cars and Coffee at Cook's Garage, so that's where I'm headed tomorrow. 2 hr drive, so I'll leave by 6 a.m. It's from 8-10 am, so I should be out of there and home before it gets too hot. I'm having issues with my A/C that hopefully will be resolved soon. Later tomorrow is the first Sat. Amarillo meet, then my usual weekly meetup with car friends in the historical rt 66 area tomorrow night about 8ish.
My 57 has been running great except if I try to turn on the A/C. I thought it could have been a CPU issue, but I picked up 2 more, and the results have been "no change". The engine will "stumble " when the A/C is on. A few days ago, I noticed my volt meter takes a dive when I turn on the A/C. So now I'm looking for a possible electrical problem. I've got a new connector for the compressor clutch coming in from NAPA Monday, so I'll replace it and the 2 wires. If that doesn't cure it, I've got a new compressor to install. I've been chasing this issue for months. Both this and a resolved electrical problem I had with my taillights are non Ron Francis components of my wiring.
Next weekend is the big show and cruise in Vernon Texas. 3-500 cars usually. google "Summer's Last Blast" for info on 3 day events.
Quote from: JRD007 on 2024-08-02 00:34Thanks Terry. I will let you take it for a spin anytime. It seems to like the Island life. Cheers.
John!.Terry said I could drive it too!
Seriously.... Terry, just one super fine 57.. you did an AMAZING job.... and so nice that the car is in the care of another 57 Fanatic and is in good hands.
Congrats to both of you guys.
Slight correction. I said you could follow my car if you could keep up.
PS. Thank you for the kind words.
Sometime you gotta let them go.... It's unbelievable that you sold it Terry. But we all know how it goes. Time, space, funds, energy. Great to know it found a good new home ! such an awesome Custom 300 !
Thanks Terry. It has been a great addition to the family. Since driving it I have been working alot on the 57 Convertible. His and hers. As well the Sedan Delivery moves up in the ranking for a rebuild. Cheers again John.
Flying in some amazing Bakersfield Sounds !!! Don Rich and Chaparral. live 1966. I love the live recorded version so much more than the studio version. certainly a great song and variation of the Buckaroos (Buck Owens) Theme. But there is so much going on in the live (on set) recorded version. Don has a bag of tricks going on, fancy pull offs, delayed timing, distorted notes and tone and whatnot. The fact they can pull that off, live on the TV set, in that quality and intensity.... is just mind blowing (compared to today's play back sessions).
great studio track! never get tired of cool instrumental music. Great for Cruising !
wild and alive TV version. This makes me want to step on the gas and cruise my 57 into sunset....
one more Buck song. While people today talk about diversity, they have no clue what it means.
THIS is what I think it is. How can one and the same song be sung so many different ways. that is crazy ! pure class.
my favorite version, Porter is one great MC.
what a perfect 1960s uptempo female country Rocker ! WOW !
the original. again, wow, what a sound. what a voice.
and then, a decade !!! good songs never go old. Funky WJ !
and now, on to something completely different.
I always enjoyed that Bakersfield sound. Heard a lot of it when I was stationed in California's central valley back in the 80's, and back then I was not what anyone could call a country music fan.
One of my favorite Neil Diamond songs, even more so after what became the aftermath of a very infamous day in American history. It will always bring tears to my eyes. I'm sure our Boston area members know what I'm talking about, maybe not all others.
↑ X2
wonder what you are referring to Rich.
Here is another classic, but not by the original artist. Waylon singing Bob. this version is beyond words imho. simple but great.
He was referring to the Boston Marathon bombings a few years back. Ugly day for Boston. Many killed and injured.
some more easy listening stuff. I wonder what's wrong with me, but that was one of my top favorites in the late 80s, when I was like 15 or 16 yo. had it on compact cassette, recorded from radio. By then it was just a 20 year old Evergreen type song. this is so easy to listen to and like. Great melody, wonderful voice and all around based production.
I thought about and remember that sad day, but I was thinking Rich was referring to something way back in time, because he left Mass many years ago.
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2024-08-08 15:39He was referring to the Boston Marathon bombings a few years back. Ugly day for Boston. Many killed and injured.
It was about the Boston Marathon bombing, and the aftermath but more than that. As best as I remember......,
The bombing wasn't too far from Fenway Park, home of the Red Sox. Sweet Caroline had long before been adopted as the theme song for the Sox, (although I'm not sure why). For Bostonians, and the "Red Sox Nation", baseball became an outlet to keep their minds off the horrors of the Marathon bombing. At a nationally televised speech in Fenway Park, Big Papi / David Ortiz a very popular Sox player, included the line that basically said "Boston is our town, don't F**** with us".
President Obama commented on the language saying if there ever was a time that word was appropriate, it is now.
A short time down the road in the baseball season, Boston was playing their long-time nemesis, the New York Yankees, at Yankee Stadium. I can't remember if Neil Diamond was there, but before the game, the Yankees did a tribute to Boston then played Sweet Caroline, with the whole darn stadium joining in. It was awesome, particularly in view of the fact the Red Sox and Yankees were century-long "enemies". It was one of the most coming-together-in-times- of need I've ever witnessed.
On Netflex, They recently showed the movie they made of the bombing and the crazy hours hunting down the culprits. It was a hard to watch movie, but had to watch. I recently drove past the "highest security prison" in the country where the younger brother is serving his life sentence in solitary. It's in Canon City, Colorado..
It's remembering that whole experience that brings tears to my eyes, and yes, I was away from Boston for many years at that time, but it will always be my home area.
For Rich...
Have to admit I also wondered given that Neil Diamond was from NYC. ya' go...
"So how did this somewhat goofy tradition start? During a 1997 game at Fenway, Amy Tobey, an employee in charge of ballpark music during the season, played "Sweet Caroline" because someone she knew had just had a baby named Caroline. For the next few years, the song would be played on select occasions at the ballpark."
I just looked it up to see what I could find.
Shout out to Alvin. Thank you. Coco the 57 CS is back in action. I got a replacement matchbook manifold from him and got it all in today. Doing a couple heat cycles and checking the bolts.
I also did another flush on the radiator. May move onto the new aluminum one asap. I just need to clean any engine gunk out completely.
Awesome! Great group of guys here! :thumbsup:
Well, I finally have mine in the final strides to total recovery. The 4.6 had been running well but not 100%, and the A/C has been driving me nuts for months, causing the engine to stutter when turned on. These many days of 100+ temperatures we no time to be driving a car with an engine that generates tons of external heat, and without a usable A/C! Just a week ago, I noticed for the first time, when I turned on the A/C, my voltmeter would take a dive.
So, had two issues to figure out, and I was running out of ideas(and money) to try. Frustrated and stressed, my wife told me a few nights ago that one morning I'd wake up and have the solution to fix it. I'll be dammed if the next morning I had exactly that. I went to the garage and checked the pressure in the A/C system, something I hadn't done because I trusted the shop that charged the system after I got the replacement engine in. I only have a cheap gauge that comes with the recharge cannisters. The gage immediately went to the high end of the red zone! I bled it down into the safe zone, started the engine, turned on the A/C and VOILA!!. engine ran without even a wisper of an issue with the A/C.
I had finally found a remanufactured ECM, but didn't want to install it until I had the A/C voltmeter issue fixed. I got the new ECM put in yesterday, and I am in process of taking the car out for drives so theECM can relearn.
I did lots of other stuff that I won't get into, but I feel really good about the car finally being back to it's old dependable self.
It's nice we we can figure things out on our own, congrats and enjoy!
Poor yard art.
Ah...c'mon Joe...1 year, and you'd have it ready for Pebble beach! :003: just needs a little swipe of bondo and a couple of rattle cans to be good to go!
Just a shame....
It is. The grill and one wheel cover look salvageable.
There is one outside of Sequim WA being used as a land brake near a river. Still in fair shape, has a perfect windshield, but there was o way I could ever dug it out. is still there.
I swear these cars know if we are trying to sell them. Mine is finally running as it should, took it out for a drive this morning and got a flat tire!! The good news was AAA was there in 20 minutes, sure beats the heck out of the 7 1/2 hours I had to wait last October when I lost the engine.
It was a back tire, original to the rebuild with 78k miles on it, so can't complain.
Can you R&R a rear tire without disassembling the car?
235-70R-15s yes, I can, Gary, with plenty of room to spare. narrowed case (5/8 per side), discs,'56 shocks. It took him about 5 minutes.
103* out there at noon, sure glad I was able to run the A/C while I was waiting on the service truck.
I'm really sensitive to the "ol tire age thing" after the hey blow me up thing with the 36 and 12 year old tires! They get to be 8 they get changed out irrespective of tread or lack of weather checking! Don't ever want to go through that again!
My tire didn't blow out, I got a puncture entering a construction zone. I got it right as I entered a narrowed one-lane stretch with concrete barriers on both sides, so there was no place to stop. I had to drive 1 1/2 miles on the flat to get into an area I could pull over. Surprisingly, the tire never shredded. I love my Hankooks. We have them on all 4 of our cars.
I'm trying something new this time around. Since the car has me broke, I needed to order online so I could use Paypal. A seller called Simpletire. They will be (hopefully) delivered to the local installer of my choice (Meinike). I checked with Meinike this morning before I ordered to see if this was a common practice, and he told me it is, so we'll see how this goes. I saved some $ also, and the installation will be prepaid. I'll let you guys know how it works out.
I was very skeptical about buying a used tire from an eBay used tire dealer. I had a ton of money in four new tires and the spare was original to the car (1965). Since the original spare was used, old and way too small, I bought a fifth matching tire from an eBay used tire dealer. 95% tread, no repairs, no damage, guaranteed!! $45 delivered in two days. The tire looked perfect. I had it mounted and balanced and it has been in the trunk for the past four years. Would I buy four used tires and head out on VACA, maybe not but I wouldn't hesitate to shop for another spare that will likely not ever be used or one tire to replace a failed one.
Kinda funny thing for me and spare tires. I traveled from Va. Beach to most every corner of the U.S. East of the Mississippi in the 36. Never had a spare. Going to a show 60 miles away from home hit something in the road that opened the side wall of the right rear tire. Happened right in front of a GM dealership. Got a new tire, back on the road and finished the weekend. Got home, got a spare, mounted it in the trunk.......never to be used to this day! The inflation gets checked every spring during my spring check up.....
We've Long-Hauled Hot Rod Power Tour twice and a couple other tours with no spare (or jack). I do have air ride so I carry an air hose and a good plug kit. If I have a complete tire failure, Summit Racing can have a new tire delivered to my hotel by 10AM the next morning. Due to the lack of trunk space, I have considered a space saver spare.
Aahh yes; the joys of a fuel cell.... :002:
Forum is open! :003:
Yeah Hurrah !!! Back at it again, time for a loud party..... :003:
(again a Swedish band)
Happy to see the forum online again..thanks for fixing it, James!!
Gary.As mentioned above, the modern "donut" is what I use for a spare. When I used it last week,the 30+-year-old spare held up fine to get me home 15 miles. That day I found out my tires won't fit in the old wheel well anyway.
The ebay route I did this time worked out great. I ordered my Hankooks on a Monday, the tires were delivered FedEx Wednesday, had them installed by 3pm, and Meinike billed the ebay seller for installation as planned.
I've had an issue with my oil pressure gauge showing uncomfortably low. It actually started last year with the engine I replaced. It kept getting lower and lower, so I stopped driving it this week until I could buy an oil pressure test kit. Did that yesterday, and the test gauge shows about 15 lbs higher that my in-dash gauge. That gauge uses a canister-type sending unit that some of the aftermarket gauge companies use. I'm trying to find out if that type of sending unit is interchangeable regardless of brand, as my original gauges were/are TPI, a company no longer in existence. Anybody know about those senders? Are they like a fuel level gauge that has to be matched up ohms-wise to the sender?
Hi Rich. From my past experience (40 years partsman ) as long as the sender matched the sweep 0-80,5-100 the sender would work. Same for water temp. We sold a lot of STW gauges to all the logging camps up here and never had a problem. Unfortunately the quality of most gauge companies have gone for a poop. Hope that helps. And thanks for getting the site back up and running. John.
Thanks John.I did find one on ebay that matched the range and got it ordered. I'll stick the old one back on tonight and hope the new one fixes the low readings when it comes in.
My spare for the 36 is a donut as well. Got one that the diameter matches the rear tire size.
I apparently had another senior moment last week. I mentioned I found a correct range oil gauge sender, after I found it, I went to the garage to double-check the range, came back in, and ordered the wrong one, lol. I found that out when I was checking delivery status.
I had always wished I had an idiot light for the oil, and when I re-ordered the correct gauge, I ordered one that has two for the pressure range, and another one for a low pressure trigger. It'll be a simple wiring addition, as the 2nd sender terminal just completes the ground.
Oil pressure is really important. I have an electric gauge and light in the dash...also mechanical, liquid filled gauge on the engine.
this is just an intermission riff, please bear with me.
Play some house.
I do love the King. Bill Black ( bass) and Scotty on guitar.
but listen to that, it is so wild !
and then listen to this. Holy ****
sweet, I think that's Jimmy V's ( Stevie Rays brother) terrific 54 Ford Kustom on the record cover.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2024-08-27 14:23Oil pressure is really important. I have an electric gauge and light in the dash...also mechanical, liquid filled gauge on the engine.
I honestly had no idea I could add an idiot light so easily. If I had one from the get-go, I may have not lost my first engine. I've got a 1/2" red LE I'll be using as a temporary until I can get a permanent one installed in the dash panel. If I end up having to replace the oil pressure gauge, I'll have Speedhut make a matching gauge with the idiot light built in, so that's the reason for the temporary.
Looking through my phone and see my/JD's 57 reflection on my F-1. that FE sure sounded purdy.
Oh I do LOVE that truck!!! :003:
Beautiful! "Ford BIG JOB"?
quote myself: "I honestly had no idea I could add an idiot light so easily" I have to rewrite that.......I was an idiot for thinking I could install a light so easily. I guess it's aptly named. I Got the first sender delivered. No instructions, but the two terminals were identified, one with WK, the other clearly "G". I had no idea what WK could stand for, but G is always gonna be ground. Right???!!! wrong. I knew the range was wrong, so I was expecting the readings to be off, but I would have the temp. idiot light @ 16psi, so I decided to install it while I was waiting for the correct one to come in. Nada. After I pulled the sender back out, I did some checking and found out the "G" terminal was suppose to be marked "S" for signal. I guess it's understandable, after all, I wouldn't know one Chinese letter/sybol from another.
G is the gauge terminal, WK is the warning light and the sender acts as the ground. I had VDO gauges in a boat and that's how they were marked. Guenther may be able to help, I believe "WK" is "Wahrning Kontraption" in German.
Thanks for that info, I later figured out the G must have meant Gauge, not ground. Now I know, and will probably forget if it comes around again. My new sender is supposed to be delivered tomorrow. I did a little checking, and all the 0-100psi gauges I looked at all use the same 240-33 OHMS range, so maybe I'll have something that works.
Here you go Gunther, this is a young guy from very small town Saskatchewan, just on his way back from his Europe tour. Jake Vaadeland. His early duet is with his Ira on the banjo.,vid:MUqDWF4XlFI,st:0
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2024-09-02 16:45G is the gauge terminal, WK is the warning light and the sender acts as the ground. I had VDO gauges in a boat and that's how they were marked. Guenther may be able to help, I believe "WK" is "Wahrning Kontraption" in German.
I love it!!! Everything on a car should have a "WARNING CONTRAPTION" label!
↑ :003:
Did a 520 mile trip in it yesterday and today. Car ran awesome, and the oil gauge worked just as it should. Only issue I have with this particular sender, is my car idles as low as 500 rpm, and when it's at normal operating temperature, the oil pressure will drop to about 15 at that idle speed. The "low pressure trigger" on the sender I put in is set for 20psi, so the light comes on at idle. Sometime after I get over being tired of fidling with it, I'll check to see if I can find a sender with a lower trigger psi.
What weight oil are you running Rich?
5-30 Mobil 1. I think I may go to 10-30 next oil change, which won't be for a while. Any other suggestions? It will go to 90ish on cold start-up, runs about 40-45psi at 2-2500rpm after reaching normal operating temp.
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2024-09-15 09:085-30 Mobil 1. I think I may go to 10-30 next oil change, which won't be for a while. Any other suggestions? It will go to 90ish on cold start-up, runs about 40psi at 2500rpm after reaching normal operating temp.
I think that will do it! My hot oil pressure dropped at least 10 psi at idle by dropping the oil wt.
Weight will do it; I run Valvoline 20-50 VR1 in most of my older cars
Thanks Lynn, Joe
Quote from: CobraJoe on 2024-09-15 14:06Weight will do it; I run Valvoline 20-50 VR1 in most of my older cars
What Joe said X2
I like the High Zinc too with the flat tappet camshafts.
They tried again; they are not going to stop until they get him; what a phucking shame 😢 :blowup1:
We have no more civility in this country...sadly. :angry4:
I did a car show in Santa Rosa, NM last Friday and Saturday. Bozo and the Crew fun run. 350-mile round trip, the car ran great. Even though it was pouring rain, the show was as big as usual, 150+ cars. It was nice to see all the cars pulling in Saturday at 7am, regardless of the heavy rain.
Unfortunately, we found out Bozo's son, Tim / Bozo Jr. committed suicide just 2 weeks prior. My public condolences to the family. Their state senator, always at the show every year, gave a 15 minute eulogy.
My "Tim story": 3 years ago, I was at Bozo's museum in Santa Rosa, and Bozo took a long look at my car and said he really liked it, "very well done" he said, If you ever sell it, I wouldn't take less than 45K for it. He then told me he was headed for his shop, and wanted to show me his current build. While I was at the shop, Bozo's son, Tim came out to the parking lot to look at my car. He said, really nice, is it for sale? I said no, but your dad just told me if it was, not to take less than 45k for it. Tim just said: "Damn!"
Hope and pray all of our southeastern members have done OK with the storm! Looks like another one coming for the Gulf coast?
Ditto, Bill. That was a tough storm, and a big area. I'm not aware of any members from Tn., or the Carolinas, but I'm sure we must have some.
I'm headed for my favorite car show tomorrow. It's the Run to the Inn of the Mountain Gods in Ruidoso, NM. 300 miles, 78 degree high, 0 percent chance of rain! perfect!. Ruidoso was another area hit by disaster earlier this year. small mountain town that lost 1,000 structures to the fire. I'll get a first-hand look. I almost sold the '57 there last year to a collector. Hopefully he'll be there again. I've dropped the price significantly.
Rich, what do you think about classic car pricing? Do you think your price was too high, or do have people less money to spend, or is there a shift towards, or away of certain models?
I'll be attending the classic car auction in Salzburg in 2 weeks. Neither selling nor bidding, but I'll be very interested which cars will sell and their price.
I hear of alot of guys buying cars, but, generally I think the market is getting soft for 50s and 60s cars, regardless of type of build. The reason is obvious when you go to a car show and 90% + of the attendees are in my 70s age group. I think it's still strong for the Chevies though because of the Hispanic appeal, and the fact that in the Hispanic world, it's a continual family thing, so the younger generations are still into it big time. Just my 2 cents.
I've dropped mine from 45k to 37,500 after putting more than 8 thousand into it this past year.
Case and point, I have had my '57 advertised for $29K in two separate places for three months; I have only had one person that was interested and he was in Australia and offered me $22K because of shipping and tariffs.
Needless to say, I didn't sell; I'll just keep it.
Interesting thoughts ! Rich, you have a point about Hispanic people. Videos of lowrider or 'Bomb' type car cruises often show whole families, 3 or even 4 generations. something that may be lacking in other communities.
In Europe it seems there is a shift towards late model 'classic cars' from the 1980s or even 1990s. Some of them are still more affordable to younger guys, and it seems that middle age collectors with money, now tend to collect cars from their youth, which isn't prewar or 50s cars anymore, but rather 1970, 80 or even early 90s. Some of these like early Audi 4wd or Lancia have become very expensive.
I will report back from the classic car auction, it will be very interesting if the original Cobra sells. it has an estimate between 800k to 1.2 mio.
Part of the "soft" market is a bunch of us are "dumping" at the same time, relatively speaking, and flooding the market. Going to little shows and cruise-ins the preponderance of cars is now Corvettes, Chargers and of course the late model Mustang and Camaro crowd with a spattering of 50s and 60s cars. Hardly any "street rods" (pre 48) out there anymore! The economy is hard for the younger crowd today because of the "need for toys", those toys don't include classic cars. It's the electronics, boats and fancy up to date clothing and lifestyle. Now lets add to that the cost of building a car! Many of us did our own work, couldn't afford to hire it out. Today the younger folks (20s - 30s) are still trying to keep up with the Jones' and don't have time or location to go the learning route. Older more established folks are enjoying the lower cost of obtaining a classic car. Their numbers are limited because they didn't grow up in what I consider the greatest time of world as we did! That would be the 50s and 60s, IMHO!
:003: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :006:
Pretty much says it all...
Don't give up on the younger ones yet!
My new next door Neighbour has a 64 Comet,302/5 speed and it's very nice.... and a bunch of other Ford Products.
He is 25 and works as an electrician ,... he just bought the home next to use.
I think it's all about financials..... Anyhow.I definitely think the early Ford Market is more than soft..... there is a hole in it.
Building today has tripled from 10 years back.
Oh I agree Jeff, they are out there doing their thing like we did. The youngsters can take $10K and build a killer rice burner. No rust, no searching for parts made of unabtainium and a wide open aftermarket. They are us, just a completely different venue. They are having just as much fun with their cars as we do with ours. A lot of us older boomers are having difficulty keeping the pace we usta could......
Yesterday I stopped by the hotrod shop where I work occasionally. Sitting on the lift was a 4-door 55 Chevy, solid car for a builder. I know the owner of this car and I have helped build two previous hot rods for him.
He has already ordered a 600hp LS crated engine and transmission to match, we're going to build a 9" rear to fit. with all the needed hardware air cond. etc. he's going to spend probably $30 k on it. He's a young guy maybe 35 and makes good money, I guess my only point here is that's a lot to spend on a 4-dr. Barry
Spending $30K on a crew cab 55 Chevy, to each his own I guess; but If we think there is no return on our 2 door investments, what the hell is it going to be on a more-door??
I am just giving this a 'what if' thought. I know how most everybody prefers a 2dr or coupe over a moredoor, but actually the guy may be right on the money. At 35 he maybe already has kids or planning to raise a family and it may even be smart to combine his hobby with family duties. He can actually use this. My friend Baumi from Germany has driven 100k mls in his driver quality '55 (the wrong brand) 4dr over the past 9 years. Even a humble six cyl car ! He has been all over the place, and nothing has stopped them, when their little boy came around 3 years ago. it seems they have driven the 4dr even more often since then, because his other cars may not fit the bill so well, all having 2 drs and being very collectible, and clean cars.
I really got to like 4 dr sedans, when I had my 1966 250SE. The shorter extra doors came in handy, whenever I took my son to school, in narrow parking lots at the home improvement store or piling 5 guys in the car and going on a long weekend trip.
Not going to debate the beauty of 2 door cars, as I still want to build my 57 Del Rio Ranch Wagon, but I certainly don't mind my Country Sedan having extra doors. camping in it is so much easier with the rear doors as an entry. just saying.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2024-10-10 06:22I certainly don't mind my Country Sedan having extra doors. camping in it is so much easier with the rear doors as an entry. just saying.
That just reminded me that a guy down the street brought me a copy of Station Wagon Living, vol 2. I had never seen one before.
Well I just fell off the wagon.....the pile of cars wagon that is! Just increased the stable with a 1961 Comet S-22. Have always loved the "cat eye" tail end of these step children. The Comet was to be Edsel's small car, based on it's cousins Falcon platform. Ford decided to kill the Edsel in the early 60 production run in 59 leaving the Comet to flounder on it's own. Mercury took it under wing for the 62 MY and the rest is history. The Comet is my first running and driving complete early car that will only require a couple of tweaks. Coming out of Weatherford, TX, waiting on a shipper.
Pretty and awesome = pretty awesome!! Tweeks? looks damn near perfect.
This, although a couple years newer was pitted a few spots up from me. Real tidy and nice looking car that you don't see everyday. Had a Windsor engine of some sort in it.
Love Comets !!! Bill, your new purchase looks great ! Mercury used the name C O M E T, ie 5 letters, to replace the E D S E L script, so the basic design would stay consistant with the car.
I am looking forward to hear if the taillight lenses have Edsel or Mercury part #s.
this was my old 62, although I confess I used DIFFERENT taillight lenses.... :003: :burnout:
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2024-10-11 14:49this was my old 62, although I confess I used DIFFERENT taillight lenses.... :
You used mush better lookin' taillight lenses! :001:
Isn't there a fuel tank filler back there? I'm not all that familiar with Comets but I assume that's a filler that I see on the rear of the other Comets pictured here.
Bill, were you ever really completely on the wagon? Probably had one foot dragging just in case. :003:
yes the og filler cap is in the middle of the rear trunk panel. I moved it to the inside and custom made the ribbed aluminium trim panel. long upper and lower trim are VW beetle running board trims. barely long enough to fit the Comet.
Quote from: Tom S on 2024-10-11 15:21You used mush better lookin' taillight lenses! :001:
Isn't there a fuel tank filler back there? I'm not all that familiar with Comets but I assume that's a filler that I see on the rear of the other Comets pictured here.
^^^^ :023:
Have this with your morning coffee.
Link doesn't seem to work... :(
Hugh, give it a try now.
Happy :canada: Thanksgiving
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2024-10-13 09:01Hugh, give it a try now.
Happy :canada: Thanksgiving
Thank you sir. I'll watch it this afternoon...but I checked now, and it works!
and a Happy Thanksgiving back to you sir. Enjoy! :006:
Thanks, that guy sure builds some neat stuff :001:
WOW! A fertile imagination run amuck! And hope it never gets reined in1 Might have to check this guy's place out if he allows for visitors. How fun would it be to have him for a neighbor? :003:
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2024-10-12 16:54Have this with your morning coffee.
At 4:23 in the vid the tail light on the back of that tank sure looks like it came from a 1961 Ford.
I don't know about you guys, but I feel pretty darn good this morning. :003:
(Actually, I really started feeling better around 2AM)
Agreed! It's a great day in the USA!
Amen Brother ,Prayers have been answered. :unitedstates:
I...feel like there is a chance life might get real decent soon! :006:
Last 4 have been a patience stretcher! :blowup1:
and the vitriol rhetoric that started on 14 June 2016 continues........what the heck is wrong with the mainstream media, the likes of Huffington Post, Salon, The Hill, the "alphabet" networks and best of all NPR?
I think this election showed that people are moving away from the mainstream media.
What do we know about Mustang SUVs? I was behind one at a traffic light yesterday in Amarillo. When did that happen?
That is a Ford electric car. Before introducing it Ford changed the name to Mustang Mach E in an effort to make it more desirable to younger buyers. They have been out since 2023 they don't sell many except maybe on the west coast.
Thanks for the info. I had never noticed one before, and didn't get a look except from the back. I do see a bunch of those Tesla ugly futuristic pickups. One guy in town here bought one and had it painted. It actually looked better.
The Mach-E drive train was supposed be available as a Ford motorsport part for EV conversions at some point
part # M-9000-MACHE
expensive and you still need the batteries and controllers and all the hook ups.
its been a few years so you might be able to get a salvage and pull everything. This sort conversion might be the step instead of a Coyote/LS swap.
The missing link is the adapter plate. but with EV you dont need the transmission either.
The only other viable one is the Mopars - Jeeps with the hybrid / electric part going between the engine and the transaxle.
In more importantly new check this old film, its got the wild Tiago Ranchero as the Space Ship version driving in Salinas.
Imagine driving the 2023 Mache but crazy customized, it crazier than that ugly Cybertruck.
That Ranchero was really out there, but that was the trend in the day.
There was ice on the windshields this morning. I sure enjoyed our three days of fall. That said, I took a nice 630-mile drive yesterday. I drove through the mountains of New Mexico and the Taos area. It was just beautiful. I went over two 9k+ mountain passes. No, I didn't get out for a walkabout.
Yup, couple of days of fall hitting us too. Balmy 39 this morning with 32 predicted for tomorrow. But all is not lost, looks like mid to hi 60s for Thanksgiving week/day.....
So far ,. the weather here has been ok.. yesterday and prior.... 52.
but today 39 and ice in the morning.
We have been in our new home since Oct 1, and started building the shop/Studio right away.
Hoping to pour the floor within days and the framing starts next week.
Our home is a B I G downsize.... 1250 Sq.Ft..... really love it.... very tired of maintenance ..... But its a traditional and completely renovated century home that was built in 1910... and the yellow brick homes are known in this area.
Anyhow.... the shop will be 42x30 with a second floor.... lots been done in 30 days.
So tough to pull the trigger on down-sizing but I am so glad I did it before I had to. It has been a fast 10 years and all is good. If I had waited until now, I wouldn't have the energy to pull it off.
Meanwhile...I am trying to upsize...
Is that large area in front of your shop going to be asphalt? also this maybe a dumb question but where is Palookaville?
Neat little house, Jeff. Keep us informed on your garage progress........the one you just left was awesome!
I'm looking forward to your answer for 57Chero's question.
Quote from: gasman826 on 2024-11-21 16:41So tough to pull the trigger on down-sizing but I am so glad I did it before I had to. It has been a fast 10 years and all is good. If I had waited until now, I wouldn't have the energy to pull it off.
Gary..... it was the HARDEST thing we have ever done..... and you are correct....
big home, big property equals BIG cost.
We are done with that.
The last 6 moths were very hectic and nerve racking..... selling, buying and downsizing.We sold off 60% of our stuff collected over 35 years of Marriage....
I simply don't want to cut and maintain 4 acres of cutting grass.... the gardens, the upkeep and maintenance ...
it was a personal choice and very happy to do so.
your right... If we would have waited another 5 years.We simply could not have done it.
Our life has changed dramatically.. and now with a Grandchild.... life is very much different.
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2024-11-21 16:48Meanwhile...I am trying to upsize...
Quote from: 57chero on 2024-11-21 17:38Is that large area in front of your shop going to be asphalt? also this maybe a dumb question but where is Palookaville?
Yes.... asphalt or Concrete..... again.... I am concerned about cost.... and maintenance .....
The upside is I can cut the grass in 10 minutes...... sold the tractor and all that stuff that went with it.
Palookaville?..... it's just an endearing term that is for all hardworking men and women in small towns through out America and Canada.....
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2024-11-21 21:13Neat little house, Jeff. Keep us informed on your garage progress........the one you just left was awesome!
I'm looking forward to your answer for 57Chero's question.
Thanks Rich.... yes..... we loved our last home..but as I mentioned.. the up keep and cost was getting out of hand.
the Taxes were approaching 10k alone... as compared to 5 when we originally bought.
And.. we were getting physically tired just trying to keep it so.
As for the shop...I am pretty excited about it.... it's the first time I can plan a shop and studio the way I want it(within reason!)
Really love this new little town.... we moved to the big city Rich!
we have a traffic light and a hardware store.
the population is about 1100 people.... hope I can handle that.
My shop will have my 2 57's, a studio and storage.... and all my tools..... Right now I have all my stuff in 2 40 foot Sea Cans.... and the cars are stored at my buddys shop until all is settled.
We kinda did the opposite when we retired, we moved from a small house with a 1 car garage in a large city in British Columbia Canada (680,000 people), to a larger house with a 1500+ sf garage in semi rural Nova Scotia, about 10 minutes from a town of just under 10,000 people. Our closest neigbors house is 500 feet from ours. We have 8 1/2 acres, but most of the property is trees and brush, so only about an acre of actual lawn to cut, and with the lawn tractor, takes less than an hour. we love the peace and quiet, and with our house 900 feet from the road, it is almost like living in our own park. I wish that I had this garage (48 x 30 foot, with a full length car port on the side, so I can park my race car trailer underneath), when I was younger, but I guess later is better than never. Hopefully we can enjoy this property for quite a few years to come, at least as long as I have this "silly car phase" in my life!
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2024-11-22 06:17hahahahah
I meant the house. I have lived in one house in my life that was big enough for my stuff. I enjoy having it out and available. Books and music having their own place in the house would be nice. And bedrooms that are big enough to move around in without bumping elbows would be pleasant.
Have the land, and only mow what I want to, letting the rest go natural to attract wildlife. We have 7 acres and I keep about 3 or so of it mowed. The rest is home to deer, possums, armadillos, a bobcat and some turkeys. Coyotes wander the area as well. We rarely see any of the coyotes or the bobcat, but I see their scat around now and then.
One neighbor is within sight, about an acre away. the rest are 1/4 mile away. We have a nice mix of pasture and forest on the property. I mow with a zero-turn and take about 3 hours to do so. Slap on the headset and listen to a radio show on Sunday afternoon and ride around.
I made my move from WA state to MO in '20 at the young age of was a bit of a chore. LOL!!! My taxes here are less than $600 a year, and that is with a 1400 sq. ft, home and 2,000 sq. ft. shop. I live in the country, nearest towns are 10 miles north and 10 miles south. One is probably about 1,000 people, the other is around 5,000. I am about 45 minutes southwest of Branson MO.
Wish I had done this 20 years sooner. Peace and quiet is great.
gotta love sea cans!
Down sizing for us was a +. We went from a 4 level home and 75 acers to a 1 level home and 1 acer. The house is right at 1800 sq. ft. with a 4 car attatched garage. I built my shop 32X60, but now as I am selling things, it is to big. I would have to say that one of the things we love most, is NO steps anywhere. Even though I can't see much any more,I still am able to mow the lawn and keep things looking good.
Very Nice Jeff, we did the same thing; we went from a 5,600 sq. ft. two story home with 13 acres down to a 1,270 sq. ft. single story house with 1 acre of land.
I did the same as you, just not as large:
That's Beautiful Joe!.... and I love the labs.I have a very strong affinity too them.
Well. we are off to Mass for Thanksgiving..Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and stay blessed!
Thanks Jeff, same to you and yours!
I would like to downsize as well. Just a little problem.....I love my location! Yes, 2200 sq.ft./ 2 car, 30 X 30 shop on 3 acres on the end of a dead-end street surrounded on three sides by woods. Caring for all of it is getting tasking. But.....two miles to 3 groceries, car parts houses, good restaurants and most importantly four miles to a top-notch hospital. I have been looking for a smaller house, less property with a level enough location to put up a new shop, just nothing close to the amenities I currently have, so here we will stay.
Is this why you don't answer the door when I come over for a beer?
My wife and I had planned from the get-go to downsize to a big class A mobile home when we retired. Didn't work out that way, in fact, went from a 1200 sq ft house to 3k. so her cousin could move in with us.
It's got lots of grass for a city house, but I do have a riding lawnmower. Couldn't do the lawn without it.
We've got 21 guests coming for Thanksgiving. We're already worn out from house cleaning. It's taken me 2 days to half-assed clean the 19 windows on the backside of the house, tomorrow I start the front. At least we were smart enough not to buy a two story, and it is brick and stone, so minimal maintenance.
Great to hear from all your experiences about housing, property and garage size. I am only catching up with the posts now.
Jeff, the foundation of your shop and the plans are fantastic ! Even at this time of the year you make great progress !
I have been on the same property for 24 years now, and still quite happy, to get this in a 300k population town and still being able to afford it while times allowed. My parents are living very close, which is a good thing, while they get older and may need some help. My son is having his apprenticeship a few minutes bus ride away and just recently got his driving license.
Probably I am very lucky to work from my home, and have some usable garage and storage space around the property. I have nearly all my cars and projects at home and sheltered (12+ cars), except 2 nice drivers that I am able to park at my parents countryside place. None of my cars is under open skies, not even donor or parts chassis. First it helps in maintaining a clean neighborhood, and the rain and snow is not a good friend of old cars in my region.
I just recently decided to get going on a garage/shop extension I had been very hesitating about for many years. I finally pushed on, before i may be getting too old for such bigger DIY projects.
Was able to add another 600 sq ft of steel construction shelter and work area. Not quite finished but the roof is sealed and most of the walls and doors in or closed with tarps for the winter. It's the reason why I have not been online for a long time.
Joe, I see your flag helped big time.... :003:
Honestly it took me a few years in the past decade, to really understand difficult things happening and from this point I guess we are looking forward to better times.... :002: congrats !
We have the same villages over here as well.....
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2024-11-22 06:20Palookaville?..... it's just an endearing term that is for all hardworking men and women in small towns through out America and Canada.....
Here's another 1957 tune.... :003: ....pretty fast !
Thanks DJ! Looks like he's hitting the ground running!!!
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2024-11-25 06:38We have the same villages over here as well.....
I LOVE THAT G!!!!!!!!
We had a great Thanksgiving trip..met and saw old friends...met new friends..but I was so pleased to get together with our own famous E-Code...Jay Arrow......
Jay is doing well and so is white Lightening..... His 34 Convertible is just swell too.
A very fast week.but really enjoyable.....
Of course......time ran out with Mother Nature and her Husband,Old Man Winter took a fast sucker Punch and dumped 2 feet of Snow within 24 hours as we travelled home.
Another 2 feet is expected this week.
The guys have no fear and the shop continues..... but I sold all my snow equipment during our move..gambling on the very light winters we have had over the past 5 years.....I lost.
so... I need to get a walk behind blower ASAP(tonight)
this is a real PIA...... as I have no where to store it out of the elements......
Things could be worse.
Jeff It was nice to see you on Thanksgiving week. I'm happy that you made it home before the heavy snow hit you. Your garage project is looking great. Jay
WHOAH !!! things are happening. At least the wood doesn't get soaked while the stuff is all in white.... brrrr....
I was working on my own shop today, and in the evening I could see the ice forming on the inside of the roof. Luckily it's all enclosed and sealed up by now, but no insulation yet.
Good thing is that freezing winter, as in our parts of the world, the air can't hold much humidity and, as a matter of fact, gets very, very dry. Good construction weather conditions.... hats off to your builder guys, Jeff. but I guess Canadians are used to that.
Good to see you with Jay and his 57 Ford beauty !
Jeff what part of Ontario is the "new" Palookaville located in? Here in Nova Scotia (I am just over an hour Southwest of Halifax),we have had just the lightest dusting of snow the past few mornings, but it disappears before noon. It is barely enough to make the lawn look somewhat white. The past couple of days, we have been -2-4 degrees C (28ish F)in the morning, and "warms" up to 4 or 5 C(40ish F) in the afternoon, I just turned the heat on in my garage for the first time this winter, today, the lowest that I can set the heat pump is 16 C (about 50 degrees F), which is enough to take the chill off, and be comfortable enough for a fat guy to work in the shop. This will be our 5th winter on the East Coast, and so far, we have never had more than a foot of snow, more like 8", which takes much longer to disappear compared to the West coast. I don`t have a snow blower, since our driveway is gravel, and about 900 feet long, doubt one would work very well, or last very long. Luckily my neighbor has a 4x4 PU with a snow plow, and he looks after us. Eventually I may buy an old plow truck of my own, if the situation changes.
Ecode Jay, curious what that zig zag looking piping on the wall behind you in Jeffs photo is for. Never seen that before. Those E code 2x4 air cleaners certainly look terrific, are they the same for a E code Thunderbird, or is there some difference between them?
I believe the piping has something to do with taking moisture out of the system if you do some painting, plasma cutting.....
Great to see Jay, even if it was for a short post. At least we know he's doing well.
You guys that don't have a snow blower.............I don't own a snow shovel either, lol. I've only had to shovel twice since moving here in'03. If we get snowed in now, we'll just have to wait for it to melt.
Here is your annual reminder, be very careful shoveling/blowing snow.
I have lost three friends in the past few years from heart attacks while cleaning driveways.
Be Safe.
I don't mess with snow. It falls, and eventually it melts. If I think about it beforehand, I buy a bag of salt and spread it ahead of expected snowfall. Otherwise, I either stay in the house or walk on top of it until it melts.
I have a LARGE library of books to read, and if I can make it down to the shop, then there are cars to tinker with. :003:
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2024-12-03 10:59Here is your annual reminder, be very careful shoveling/blowing snow.
I have lost three friends in the past few years from heart attacks while cleaning driveways.
Be Safe.
Solid advice.
After our return from Boston,... On Monday December 2nd.... 10 am in the morning.... we lost our beloved family member, my wife's sister at age 52.
Lee Anne was shovelling snow from the massive storm the day before(3-4 feet) and died of a massive Heart Attack.
Our family is in shock at the moment.
That evening I bought a new Husky walk behind....
On the Sunday evening of our return... I gave my wife massive crap for shovelling out our walkway.... The next morning.. her sister was gone.
Yea.... Solid advice.
So.. the shop Build continues ..... We are getting snow everyday .....big Squalls off of Lake Huron..... and forecasted throughout the week.
But the boys are pushing through. and within 2 days.... have the trusses completed and will start laying out the sheathing for the roof today....
morning and late afternoon progress....
I am pretty impressed with the progress,,, and the work effort.
Sorry about your loss, Jeff. 52 is way too young.
That's a really neat design on the trusses.........not sure I've ever seen a 2nd story truss.
I can't say that I have ever seen construction like that in the snow. You will be very happy when it is done and you can bring your beloved 57 Fords back home.
My thoughts and prayers go out to your wife's family
Hello Noticed in your pics, looks like you are planning on having your soffits enclosed, very nice detail. Out on west coast i don't see this in new buildings any more. The ladder type framing for overhang is not common when they do.
T- Bird E codes air cleaners are different. Thinner for hood clearance and those center pots stick up further. Not sure if there is any difference in the base as T Bird carbs mount backwards as compared to large Fords. Tom.
Looks like the ground is frozen enough so it doesn't become a big mud pit. Nice to have clear sky's but man, it looks chilly!
to Jeff N, wnheres Palookaville?, an why does Lake Huron have to do with your garage build?
Hey guys...I've got the flu pretty bad, for 4 or 5 days now. We all have it here. Yep. we all got our shots too. Smoked for 60 years, almost never had colds or flu.Been amonth or so this time without smoking...quitting may kill me.
Those folks that live up North are of a completely different mind set for what is good weather and bad. Having been born and raised on a small farm in central Wisconsin and now living in central Alabama what and how "outside work" is accomplished and attended to is as different as day and night!
Rich, keep up the fluids! Happy to say I've never had to go through that, just caring for my wife when she has the flu, can't drink too much fluids! You don't need to go anywhere.......
I go out every afternoon for a drive. Why? reason is in addition to my COPD, I have allergies that compound my breathing issues. I've never been formally tested for specific allergies, but extended talks with my doctor has pretty well concluded that I now have allergies to our dogs and cat. That's why I go out for a drive every day, it's the best I feel all day!, even with the added flu!
WOW! Isn't it fun getting old? bawl
Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest so your body can heal.
Getting old is NOT FOR WIMPS, not much fun either! I have found things I didn't know I had, they now hurt, the brain keeps on saying I can do this and the body says not so fast fat boy, and lastly, the mind changes what is important without notice. Speaking of mind, just noticed my list of cars was so out of date.....fixed it.
I say hello to my 57 everytime I go into the garage. The battery is on a battery minder. I am getting lots of exercise moving snow. Last weekend we go almost four feet of snow over 24 hours. Our closest highway ws shut down for over two days and they had to come nd evacuate all the stuck drivers and take them to a warm safe place. We had multiple long power outages and our Generac came trhough with flying colours.
Quote from: Ford Blue blood on 2024-12-09 08:04Those folks that live up North are of a completely different mind set for what is good weather and bad. Having been born and raised on a small farm in central Wisconsin and now living in central Alabama what and how "outside work" is accomplished and attended to is as different as day and night!
Rich, keep up the fluids! Happy to say I've never had to go through that, just caring for my wife when she has the flu, can't drink too much fluids! You don't need to go anywhere.......
Agreed I have said, these fellas are a very hearty bunch.....
Rich,I hope you're feeling better!
The progress is good. the shed is nearly enclosed..... hopefully for the guys sake by today...... as we have another system ready to pound us from Lake Huron.
imprewssive! I'm not even going to bitch about our 25* weather this morning at 6 am.
Yep, I'm finally starting to feel a bit better, but my wife is getting worse. She's lost her voice, and I'm almost deaf anyways, so we use the phones / text. Another different use for these wonderful inventions.
Glad your getting better Rich, hopefully your wife will improve soon as well. I had a cold in early fall that turned into two months of pneumonia because I kept going out and working on stuff that I thought had to be done. So y'all get plenty of rest and stay warm.
Jeff, I'm surprised to see the crew using an actual hammer, down here crews mostly use nail guns.
I got injured pretty badly a few years ago falling off a roof onto concrete, so seeing those guys walking on icy snow on the roof definitely earns respect.
Nail guns would freeze up in that kind of weather.....While working with Habitat I had a close call on a slippery roof, had to choose between me or the nail gun. Nail gun lost. Working on it first thing in the morning, dew still on everything, plywood is slippery when wet! This was before harnesses became the norm for working up top.
Yes James..Bill is correct.. they have nail guns and hammers....
Yesterday I was examining one of the young guys new air powered nail guns.... he was quite proud of it.
they use conventional hammers, battery powered HD DeWalts, and some other brands I am unfamiliar with.
I get real joy from watching these guys work and their expertise.
Super professional and all very talented.I like watching people who excel in their craft..... of any kind.
I was looking at one of the DeWalt battery nail guns.... extremely powerful .... and then starting to think....
"what a wonderful Home defence Tool"
Very cold and brutal here today. we are under a Blizzard until tomorrow.
I will say I am REALLY jonesing for my 57's that are in storage at a friends place.... and having to work out of a small room instead of my studio.....
I guess patience is a virtue.
I have been waiting a few days for it to warm up to 70 so I can wash mine and drive it! Will do it tomorrow or Saturday.... 8)
Wow 70. In my lifetime I waited till temp was over 32 and thawed out the hose to wash the cars in the driveway. Years ago before they used deicer on the streets cars would stay clean for weeks as it never thawed during winter months.
This might warm a few of you, the latest Canadian Hot Rod cover with Mr. Norwell's annual contribution. Not sure if Barnes & Noble still carry it but JN has been doing this for years.
Thanks Jeff.
Over the years when I was in the gallery/art business, I was frequently asked by young upcoming artists what the secret was to selling art, because they were not. I'd tell them not to get discouraged, the secret is finding your niche, and it takes a while.
Jeff's awesome talent became successful when he found that niche at an earlier age than most artists. Jeff maybe has a different take on his career, my comment is just an outsider looking in.
Another great work, Jeff, and thanks for posting, Terry.
In the late '60s, worked many slick roofs. Bounced and couple of times...don't bounce well anymore.
The crew are carrying straight claw hammers. As you slide down a slick roof, those straight claw hammers work much like an ice axe.
Most of the roofs here are metal and are slick when damp. I slide off a few when I was younger but landed on grass. The last one was at age 68 and I went off sideways onto the concrete. So broke a lot of things on my right side and brain injury. I'm ok now, but some people don't agree. :002:
ouch!!!! I forgot what part of Oklahoma you live in. I did a show in Mustang this past October.
Yes.I try to stay off ladders.. heck...I can't jump off my pickup bed anymore... the impact just jars my knees and back.
I watch in awe as the crew works away.. kinda like circus performers... The 8/12 pitch is steep and I would be terrified swinging around like they do.
I try to help but really want to stay out of their way... So I regulate myself to ground work.
Today.. I will button up and finish off the pink insulation work on the ground floor..... can't attach any 4x8 plywood sheets to the inner walls as we await a frame inspection from the building code inspector Monday or Tuesday.
And I wish ALL a very Happy Holidays..... no matter what your preference is.
(Sorry.Speedy Bill is a client)
From me as well! I'll be heading to the "Frozen Tundra" Thursday to spend Christmas and the New Years with family, both my wife's and mine. Hopes for all of you to have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
All this talk about roofs , We had a tall pine tree fall and hit our roof and eave last Wednesday. Still waiting for the insurance adjuster to arrive (says Thursday). Wish us luck.
:blowup1: That sucks, sorry to hear. Dealing with insurance companies is never fun
I want to wish everyone a happy holiday season or whatever you call it. I call it Christmas but I know it's more than that to others. Stay warm and safe!
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to everyone on the site.
RIP FatMan. I hope everyone got their tube upper control arms before Fatman closed their doors!
Man that is a real bummer!
That is happening to more folks than we would like......
14 degrees here in Amarillo at 7 am. Too damn cold for me.
Been sick most the time since just after Thanksgiving, as has my wife and her cousin. We all had the Covid and flu shots middle Nov. My wife is in the hospital with Covid and Pneumonia but has gotten better. They are moving her out of ICU today, maybe home Wed.
Glad your wife is doing better. The temp here dropped 47 degrees since yesterday from a record high of 81. We will have a light freeze tonight.
Rich ,I'm Praying for you and especially your wife. Your cousin also. I lost a brother in law and a good friend who was the most knowledgeable old Ford guy I have ever known to covin. Please be careful and get well. It's in the 30's here in Georgia right now with light rain and high winds. It will drop into the mid to low 20's tonight and possible some snow or ice about Friday. Yall stay warm if you can. Barry
Rich, I really do wish you and all of your family a quick recovery! not going to try stir the pot, but please ... re-read your own post and think about it again. There may or may not be a connection between what you stated, but it somewhat smells phony to me.... I often wonder how today's meds are one size fits all. older, younger people, female, male, big, small, kids...just asking myself. I know about your health problems and will totally respect a decision towards prevention, but I can't help but have some doubts these days.... just worried about you guys. :deadhorse:
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2025-01-06 07:29Been sick most the time since just after Thanksgiving, as has my wife and her cousin. We all had the Covid and flu shots middle Nov.
Rich, glad she is getting better. I had pneumonia a couple months ago and it is no fun.
Thoughts and prayers for speedy recovery for everyone!
Thanks everybody.I lost tract of this post I started, sorry. My wife is doing fine, came home Wedsday. We've been snowed in ever since. I don't even own a snow shovel, and wouldn't use it if I did. We had 4 days of freezing weather before the snow, so the roads/ driveway were too cold to facilitate the usual quick melt. I'm not sure I've seen snow sitting on well traveled roads so long in the 21 years I've been in Texas.
Yup, still have snow on the ground here as well. Been a few years since we have had it hang around so long. Did make it up to 36 yesterday....
Hey Guys. Chiming in from LA. It was a rough week with the fires. A lot of people lost the homes rich or middle class. The fire didn't care. Let's send some good vibes for rebuilding over to them. A lot of car community guys lost their whole garages with cars and everything else. Malibu and Palisades will never be the same. Altadena. Friends lost homes. Basically the whole downtown is gone. We were prepared with GO bags be we are embedded well east of Culver City. Though we do have a small canyon and hill just south of us. Outside the air quality was really bad all week. Like walking in the fire. It was just spread all over. It's stating to clear up.
Glad you're doing ok Abe. I've got friends in Chino Hills, which seems to be ok so far but I'm keeping an eye on it. What a mess.
Rich, also good to hear you and your wife are doing well. We were expecting snow & ice here south of Dallas, but just ended up with 3 inches of rain. I'll take that any day.
It was 18 degrees here in west Georgia this morning, we got about 2 or 2 1/2" of snow Friday and most of it is still here. It's the most snow we have had in a few years. The grand kids enjoyed it. I'm ready for springtime myself.
Today was a good day. Aside from feeling better, I was able to get out and hit the road for a few hours for the first time in 10 days or so. I did have to charge up the battery in my Outback first though, and scrape the windshield, but it sure felt great to just get out of the house.
While I wait things out. I'm updating my windlacing from mid60-70 to the more correct soft rubber with fabric. I had to sew in the cardstock myself as the old one is not made anymore. I also found a good amount of this at an old upholstery shop at about a quarter of the cost you see now. I got one door done but still need a little fitment
Still looking for some 4 door sill plates.
Also finished. The headliner and sunvisors on my F100 today.
Looks great on both vehicles Abe! :003:
Looking great Abe ! I have a similar pattern cloth like your f100 headliner, that I want to use for seat upholstery in my 34 Ford !
Glad you are ok ! I am really feeling for the people who lost their homes, but I also can't help thinking about how many collector cars and vintage items must have been lost in those fires...very sad !
This is the first time I've ever seen windlace with cardboard!
Nice job Abe!
the original style clamp style clips, or whatever we call them, were a rather poor design. Prone to fail, especially at the dogleg area. The cardboard reinforcement is a great idea. I have also seen and got tips of adding ( gluing, screwing to the inner body) wooden 'tack' strips, like in the olden days of the 1920s to 1940s, when they simply used upholstery nails to fasten interior panels or weatherstriping/windlace to the wooden body structure.
I am thinking marine grade plywood would be a great choice for that.
well the used to sell the windlace with the cardstock so that the teeth on the headliner can grab onto it. They dont make it anymore like that. The upholstery supply and they said to just get a sheet of cardstock and sew it in. on the kick panel areas I just cut around it and pry it to the alligator clips that live there.
I know the hardtop windlace needs the cardstock also, Im making special one for my hardtop the original one that still there.
As far as the recent events, we are just far enough to be safe, but the air is really bad, we purifiers running. The winds are pick up again today and this week unfortunately. I have seen a lot sad images lots of home lost.
Very sad situation for many folks out that way. Also very sad is the previously cancelled homeowner's insurance for many, or making it just way beyond affordable.
I'm lucky enough to not really live in the areas where Fire insurance is typical or needed. Also note that State Farm is "Not there for anyone" so vote with your dollars on that one. The car community was hit hard all over.
So Im still just kind quietly trying to help where I can, while being mindful this is actually not over, we have more wind coming through this week and a lot of dry areas all over.
First of all, thoughts and prayers to EVERYONE involved or around these fires, hopefully they get contained soon.
Now I AM NOT advocating for State Farm, but the way it was explained to me was that State Farm wanted to increase their rates for houses in the wild fire areas, just like they insurance companies here on the East coast do for those of us in a flood plane, and the State of California wouldn't allow them too leaving them no other option than to leave.???
As far as I know its more like they(not just SF others too) cancelled coverage without options and then other companies were starting to charge way more, especially if you have been with SF for many, many years. I used AAA, Hagerty and the other classic one. For AAA we have regulars Homeowners coverage. I have heard people using their HO insurance to get new roofs and stuff, I just want to be covered in case of some major catastrophe, but it sounds like all insurance companies will tell you to go kick rocks with FEMA and then come and after.
Either way that doesnt seem like good practice.
"Major stuff"? When we had our roof replaced 4 years ago, USAA paid 37,000. That's a major catastrophe to me. That did include an upgrade to class 4, which I'm surprised USAA paid for, but they did stipulate a 5 year waiting period before our roof would be replaced again for cosmetic reasons only.
I've been with USAA since 1969
Speaking of insurance companies.........I just got yet another life insurance offer...I average 2 a week just from Mutual of Omaha. I rarely even open them, but I did this one just out of curiosity. One of the "benefits" is I can pick any beneficiary I want (of course), but the one that got me is they will pay the benefit TO ME at age 120!!!.
I'd sure like to live on 1/10 the money they spend on postage. If I was a stockholder I'd be pissed.
Ha! I guess those once a month also.
BTW a good thing to do is up the values of your cars like by reasonable percentage I would say between 5-10% at least if you have collector car insurance just a reminder.
Also everyone should get a apple tag in there under dash or trunk. they are like 25.00 and can help track if your vehicle gets stolen, you get lost and nobody can find you. app works on both types apple and android. Also good if you have any type of trailer. duct tape one under the trailer or in the taillight. Battery last like 2 years.
cheap insurance.
I put an Apple Tag in my luggage when I travel by air. Then I can tell the airline where my bag is located when they tell me it is "delayed", which is their way of saying they lost it.
Another good use is to put one in the pocket of your grand children when you go to large events like car shows, football games etc........Just in case! Or your Wife, if you go shopping with her. My wife can pull a "Houdini" and disappear in a store faster than you can say Houdini.
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2025-01-14 18:48As far as I know its more like they(not just SF others too) cancelled coverage without options and then other companies were starting to charge way more, especially if you have been with SF for many, many years. I used AAA, Hagerty and the other classic one. For AAA we have regulars Homeowners coverage. I have heard people using their HO insurance to get new roofs and stuff, I just want to be covered in case of some major catastrophe, but it sounds like all insurance companies will tell you to go kick rocks with FEMA and then come and after.
Either way that doesnt seem like good practice.
My sister is an insurance company executive with a company that is working it's way out of the CA market. They(insurance companies) can not cancel policies without serious cause, fraud etc. They are leaving CA by not renewing policies of home, auto and renter coverage. The main reason is due to regulations imposed upon them that make profitability impossible. The current regulations with respect to rate increases would cause every policy to be a loss for the company. Recovery expenses far exceed revenue recovered by rates imposed under CA regulations and rate controls.
That is the way read it. The state limited the companies on how much they could charge premiums to people who lived in high risk areas, I read the policies were not canceled, they were not renewable when they came due.
I know here if you are under 25 and want to drive a 5.0 Mustang you pay a higher premium. If you live outside a fire district,if you can get coverage you pay more. If the insurance company cannot remain profitable they go out of business.
Guys lets let the Insurance thing go... its like :deadhorse: anyhow, still looking for a set of sill plates for the wagon. so the 4 door size, Im no certain they were repopped, but would rather have good originals anyhow.
Well here's something different.......I went to my CVS Health pharmacy yesterday to get a presription renewed. They were locked up tight, with posted notices from the Amarillo health department that the store was closed due to failure to pass a health inspection!!!
Some more Amarillo thoughts,,,if you drive I40 west from Amarillo to New Mexico (65ish miles), you see billboard ads for Cannabis all along the way. It is legal in NM. However, if you're driving from New Mexico to Amarillo, the billboards you see are for lawyers to call if you get arrested for having Cannabis. BTW, when did we stop calling it marijuana?
Buc-ees opened a huge place in Amarillo a few months ago. 60ish gas pumps and charging stations. The Sunday we went to check it out, the traffic was backed up in the I40 exit lane 1/4 mile
There is another Cadillac Ranch-syle touristie stop in Amarillo. This one has VW's sunk 1/2 way, plus tons of other stuff. It's a mile or two west of the BIG Texan right on the I40 access road (north side I40). I haven't stopped there yet.
Not far from Amarillo, on the Claude Highway, there is another 1/2 sunken vehicles attraction. this one if all large farming equiptment. Gotta be a dozen harvesters half buried. I have yet to find it again, but I once passed a house that had a half dozen plastic Big Wheels 1/2 buried. I wished I had taken pics.
Me Too!!!! :ttiwwp:
I'll try to get some pics, but it's supposed to snow again tonight. I'm also having a heck of a time finding out what my computer is doing with them after I download out of my phone.
Update on my CVS Pharmacy closure. They simply had a water pipe break, and since the employees couldn't wash their hands or even have a bathroom, the health department closed it down. They were back open today.
Congratulations ! :unitedstates:
Windlace. Still needs a little finesse in spots but overall done.
I might try to sew in and catch the claws in the upper spots.
Bought some clips to catch it better in the are under the dogleg dash. Will post pics.
Next task will be the dome light to work well with the door switch and another look at the dimmer switch.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2025-01-20 15:29Congratulations ! :unitedstates:
Yeah, congratulations America, you're screwed.
Hey Wait a Min.. "Location: Anchorage, Alaska" hahaha
I think honestly lets put this topic aside a bit unless it personally affecting us and talk 57 Ford and Ford junk, everything else will just be BS and I think we had a thread or sub forum for BS.
I rather bicker about old cars and parts all day long.
Quote from: Tom S on 2025-01-21 18:02Yeah, congratulations America, you're screwed.
My post was strictly meant as a sigh of relief, that everything on that day went smooth and safely.
Now let's talk 1957.
Here is another great 1957 record.
Disaster! We went from the upper 60s this weekend to 7 degrees F this morning!!! This is after 8" of snow yesterday, both records since the 1800s. Everybody is stuck inside till Friday, almost NO roads open in the southern part of Louisiana. 8) Oh well we will be back in the upper 60s this weekend.
I think you have our snow, send it back! It was cold at 10 degrees this morning but dry. So far this winter it's been cool-cold here but only 2 1/2 inches of snow. I'm not misssing using my shovel! I hope everyone is surviving all the unusual weather and disasters.
Well,....I am REALLY itching for my cars and shop..... but we have had EXTREME horrible weather.
currently its 7 below zero... with a wind chill of -24 below.....
that's in Fahrenheit .
Last week we have nothing but constant storms from Lake Huron .... and the boys last Friday worked a full day on it building the Porch.
I kept the coffee brewing and they are super tough guys..... and to my amazement. always happy and laughing.
Its really really cold here for the last week.
They are making impressive progress on your new shop, Jeff ! I really like the huge 'porch' area you added. This is going add a lot of usable work space, when you can park cars outside, gain more room inside for projects or doing simple projects outside in summer. Looks great, too !
They must be Leafs fans.
Sure as hell don't want to be a Bruin fan right now.... :icon_hang:
Quote from: abe_lugo on 2025-01-21 18:16Hey Wait a Min.. "Location: Anchorage, Alaska" hahaha
I rather bicker about old cars and parts all day long.
Yes,'Cars & parts', I agree. Don't know what's so funny about my location though.
I hadn't posted much here lately but was about to post a couple things of interest here last Nov, 6th but was put off when I ran across these posts.
QuoteI don't know about you guys, but I feel pretty darn good this morning
QuoteAgreed! It's a great day in the USA!
QuoteAmen Brother ,Prayers have been answered.
QuoteI...feel like there is a chance life might get real decent soon!
QuoteI think this election showed that people are moving away from the mainstream media.
So away from legitimate & ethical media that can be sued out of existence if they print lies or defame people. They're not like that so called "Fair & balanced" outfit that had to declare themselves to be an 'Entertainment network' to get out of just such a lawsuit.
I thought that politics were verboten here but those posts from last Nov, 6th & 7th were clearly about politics. There were maybe one or two others that may have been in agreement. I think they are in for a rude awakening.
Those posts have been grating on me for all this time so when that "Congratulations" post popped up I felt that that stuff should finally be addressed.
The fires in LA were brought up in here too. "Thoughts & prayers" ain't gonna help anyone in LA. That also goes for what you can read below actual newspaper headlines like this one: "Some Republicans want to put conditions on wildfire aid to California, though they put none on hurricane aid to GOP states"
Quote from: mustang6984 on 2025-01-21 18:50Actually...saved!
You must be a fan fascism. It also seems pretty strange that anyone that was once a LEO is apparently OK with having the criminals that attacked & injured police while smashing their way into the Capitol set free by a convicted felon.
Hello Tom, I feel I need to reply since it was my post that finally triggered your fury.
Please LET'S NOT go down the rabbit hole, that can be seen in your last post and let's not offend each other! We all (and you) need to accept that there are different opinions.
As a citizen of a neutral country, none of yours is my business anyways, so I shouldn't have posted at all.
But I do want to think that, in spite of the no politics no religion policy on this forum, it is not a crime for each member just to express their general attitude. I want to think we can deal with that on a more fun-oriented scramble, like Ford guys will be teasing their Chevy friends and vice versa.
But in depth political discussions will never go well on a forum. You can't see the person you are talking too, words can be misunderstood, what's meant as a pun could be offensive to the next person.
So I guess that's why there is a no politics policy on this 1957 Fords International forum.... :003:
Yup....put politics on Facebook or one of those other places that I don't go to. We must remember, everyone has an opinion...and a butt hole and they both stink...:<)
So..... My shop is going speed on the main floor.... I am building an office and it will have the vibe of a 1920-1940 industrial office... I will work out it .... so pretty much ALL my time will be in there creating art, working at my trade and of course... working on my 57 Fords.
So my GC George has the centre office up and the wiring in the entire shop.... is pretty much ruffed in.It passed the first inspection... so we are good there.
I wanted a vintage feel on the exterior ,so I found 100 year old Barn roofing to skin the outer walls.I plan on painting the interior an industrial vintage green or possibly muted creme.... haven't made that decision yet.
I do know that I have a big job of painting the entire of the main floors with an oil based primer first to cover knots and soak into the plywood.
I chose a finished ply for the interior office.... it will be painted soon.
the garage outside the office will be painted white.....
I chose Ply over an OBS or (ugh) drywall.... I have a ton of stuff to hang and ply is stronger and tougher.
A metal white ceiling is going to be laid out.......
Anyways... my 2 57 Fords will have there own bays...... maybe... down the road I may purchase a Max Jack..... since my ceiling is only 10 feet tall.
County ordinance rules told me I couldn't go higher due to the second floor(office and storage above.)
anyhow.. progress is continuing.
God.I miss my 57's at the moment.
On a side note..I found industrial 10x4 foot window frames... came out of a factory in Toronto(Did I mention this before?!?!)
They are 18 pane frames..... so it will give me a 360 view.They are from 1902.
And the office now skinned in that 100 yer old roofing steel(1924)
This is the vibe I am going for......
I am a self admitted HOARDER..... and I have 2 40 foot Sea cans ready to move when the spring comes.
I forgot to mention the window in the office will be capped in black aluminum....
I thought politics was a no no
Reminds me of the service manager's 'tower' office in the old dealerships. The vibe passes the West Coast inspection.
Jeff, your shop office already looks so inspiring! And cozy ! Love the old materials, especially the windows! That's something else !
With the decoration items, are you going to go all out like Matts IronTrapGarage upstairs collection, or are you going to decorate the office walls modestly, like an og. filling station or garage that would only have a few brand specific advertising porcelain sings?
On a side note, concerning industrial windows and such. This is Vienna's oldest parking house (built 1935), which recently went out of business, because of the age of (still family) owners 100+ yo.
Hopefully it will be brought back to use, it is said to be the oldest and largest building like that in Europe.
It once even hosted a filling station and several car repair shops (in the upper floors). I love industrial architecture !
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2025-01-23 10:16Jeff,
Reminds me of the service manager's 'tower' office in the old dealerships. The vibe passes the West Coast inspection.
Terry.... That is EXACTLY the vibe I am going for.
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2025-01-23 11:08Jeff, your shop office already looks so inspiring! And cozy ! Love the old materials, especially the windows! That's something else !
With the decoration items, are you going to go all out like Matts IronTrapGarage upstairs collection, or are you going to decorate the office walls modestly, like an og. filling station or garage that would only have a few brand specific advertising porcelain sings?
G!..I am gonna stuff this thing with all I have... And when I run out of space... upstairs to that storage space... which is a modest 1000 square feet.
I have so much in storage...
BUT.... the work areas where the cars are will be strictly for automotive business.....
we have many more cars yet to be built in the future.....I really want a 57-58 Ranchero...... and a 29 Roadster on Deuce rails..... and a 66 Fairlane.......... and....... hahahahaha
Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2025-01-23 11:20On a side note, concerning industrial windows and such. This is Vienna's oldest parking house (built 1935), which recently went out of business, because of the age of (still family) owners 100+ yo.
Hopefully it will be brought back to use, it is said to be the oldest and largest building like that in Europe.
It once even hosted a filling station and several car repair shops (in the upper floors). I love industrial architecture !
^ Beauty is international ! :003:
I do have more pics of that garage, that unfortunately I cannot post for privacy reasons. It is like a time warp, some of the old shops have the full tools and chests intact, including belt power transmissions for lathes and such. It is an incredible time capsule from back in the 1930s to the 1950s, because it was family owned and obviously hardly anything was ever changed or thrown out.
The architecture is insane. the flooring has hardened glass tiles in it to disperse natural light in the lower floors... we are talking 1935 !!!!
It is in the same block as the Austrian parliament ! The American embassy in Vienna had a fleet of 1957 Ford wagons in the 1950s (Do not ask me how I know... :003: ), so it's a 99.9% certain that some '57 Fords were parked in there, back then.... :003:
Your plans according to your new shop sound great, I totally get why you don't want to use OSB.... great construction material, but probably not the right thing for your 'specialty' ... well new 'home' dare I say :002:
I had a local carpenter cut me rough spruce boards for the inner wall, to get the 'old' feel. Ferdinand Porsches first shop in Austria was just covered in rough cut boards.
rigged up to dry over winter.
Both places are way too cool!
(I'm jealous!)
I wanted to do ruff cut on the ceiling and floor...... BUT.... the floor. completely Impractical..... and on the ceiling..... Firecode.....
No way I could get a pass on final construction ....
But.I do have a place to use it.... I love textured Old things......
...wait a minute..... that didn't sound good.
G,. it is truly amazing that the architecture survived the war.... truly amazing..... (I love them big doors!)
Now. get to Vienna. and to the basement. and find them 57 Fords...... that is your mission!
Did you use a VW chassis to haul Lumber?!?
You are probably all wondering what's going on with me and not saying anything about the political stuff. Well, to be open minded, the first few comments made were not very names or parties mentioned. So I let it slide.
I do apologize for that, I thought about making a comment about the posts getting too close to being political. I did not, and I should have.
I can't believe how out of control it got TODAY. Enough is enough. Any further political comments will be deleted and dealt with, with a possible banning of the user.
Jeff, I just love the windows in those huge steel doors (of the old 1935 garage). the rounded corners of those windows are really neat! It's really awesome that you were able to find these old factory windows. They will make an important impact, of how your shop office looks.
I often wonder, how many of those old cars may still exist...just recently a 1950-ish Studebaker was found, also a former ambassador's car.
Yes I did weld a few crossmembers to a leftover VW chassis (a totally rotten 1960/61 beetle that I parted out long ago), so I can use to store or transport heavy stuff on the property. has come in handy many times before for moving around steel tubing, heavy engines, spare VW bodies etc. Very easy to push around by hand. The original tires still hold air and roll much better on unpaved grass than any other set of casters ever would.
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2025-01-23 16:48G,. it is truly amazing that the architecture survived the war.... truly amazing..... (I love them big doors!)
Now. get to Vienna. and to the basement. and find them 57 Fords...... that is your mission!
Did you use a VW chassis to haul Lumber?!?
Jeff, the new garage is really coming along well, and love the vintage vibe. And Gunter, that old parking garage is amazing. Hopefully it is not located in a really high value area of town, and ripe for demolition, in the name of "Progress". Wouldn`t that make an awesome location for an automobile museum?
Took these in a Buick Distributors building in Tacoma Washington in 2013. All Buicks on the west coast would be shipped here before going to other dealers. Three floors, roof top parking, turntable in the showroom. It was like a Marx tin toy garage.
It was a specialty car dealership when I was there, basement was full of cars as well.
wow, Terry, that is also a terrific location. I just love how the 'Service Master' sits in a room of glass, that could easily double as a next millennium star cruiser in a Science Fiction movie !
Unfortunately the garage in Vienna is nearly downtown, so obviously in a very expensive environment. But they are working on making it a listed historic building. There are several ideas of making it an event location, classic car auction house or even fill it with smaller shops and offices. you could literally drive up to your office and park right next to your desk. Fancy ideas, but who knows what's going to become of it. Naturally the building has a certain amount of decay after 90 years, but the concrete structure is still good and luckily no roofs or glass have been knocked out, so it's still pretty well sealed and even the roof top (which is also a parking lot, with a breathtaking view, obviously) has been kept maintained and sealed with rather recent coats of epoxy.
So I want to think there is a future for this very interesting building. It would be unheard of, if there could be a car cruise or show inside....( we already freaked out and let our imaginations flow. I would hire a 1960s Surf type Rocknroll band and stage them in the middle of the first floor, where the old filling sation is, Then we would use light effects to color the basement and lower 2 floors in deep blue or turquoise, to give it that underwater effect)....not impossible! asfaik the owner has also other listed old factories and industrial buildings and is renting out for car shows, concerts, wedding parties and such. But it is all VERY expensive, unfortunately, NO-GO for a private person or small car clubs.
I Google mapped Vienna and found the location, would like to cruise around that neighborhood. The Buick building is still there, I will post a few more interior shots.
Jeff needs to post completed pictures with the treasures in place.
Took these when I snuck into the basement.
From the Google map, the Lincoln is still on the roof.
That is all for now, going to head out to my shop for some tinkertime.
That's a fantastic building, Terry ! The rounded glass front windows are such nice art deco/1940/1950s elements!
I also love the old Gulf, Mobil Oil etc service stations.
So was all that down in the basement part of the museum/classic car business or were these rented out to private restorers?
The 2dr Nash is another interesting car.
I just sent a pm to Jim/Highball. I know his posts have been almost non-existant lately, but he did check in on the 22nd. I just re-realized he lives in Tujunga (sp?), so at best, h couldn't have been good there with all the smoke and his COPD (like me). Sorry I didn't check earlier, Jim, old age memory strikes again.
My buddy built a 1931 Roadster for the Grand National Roadster Show and was invited to enter it in the America's Most Beautiful Roadster competition this week. He crafted these beauties, along with some other jewels.
Kenny is now in his 80's and built the car in his basement garage. He is competing against cars built at Brizio's and Troy Trepanier's.
Did he duplicate the Ford script? If If he had it duplicated...then where?
They are definitely works of art!
57liter was that the 32 aRoadster pick up. If it was that was one of my favorites.
Some pics of the 57's at the show
Couple more
The first pics are of a members car, arpbob.
Abe, it was the blue 31 with green wire wheels.
Hugh, I get you a detailed report how he built them, he did the air cleaners as well with his name on them.
Quote from: FiveSevenLiter on 2025-02-02 10:05Abe, it was the blue 31 with green wire wheels.
Hugh, I get you a detailed report how he built them, he did the air cleaners as well with his name on them.
Thank you. Appreciate it.
lalessi1, Thanks for pointing out that first wagon, its a great build I mostly stared at it and thought about it. The color is like a coca-cola brownish with cream.
Here are more pic of it. I did happen to see it on FB. But didn't realize it would be at the show.
A couple more. I was checking out the lower windshield trim. I also noticed it has the shorter mirror.
The whole dash is customized.
I watched a TV show "Hand-built Hot Rods" that features the build, very cool. I think you can still stream it. It is a very detailed car with a Jon Kaase engine and a Gearvendors overdrive...
You may recall that the owner of this two door wagon was on the FORUM when this wagon was being built. He was looking for '57 OEM AC dash vents.
I saw this car at the Street Rod Nationals several years ago in Louisville. At that time, I was told that it was owned by the guy that owns ARP Bolts. He may still own it.....I don't know.
Regardless of who owns it, it is a very special build, with a lot of attention to details, that most observers would never recognize.
That would have been the 50th SRN event. That car has so many subtle changes to it they will make your head swim!
B pilar, fins, head light bezels, grill and of course the dash just to name a few. In addition to what was posted here there was a TV show (don't remember which one) that featured a bunch of the work that made the changes look like they were there from the beginning. Super nice car....
Here is the 2025 winner with a supercharged 312!!!!
I saw on a facebook posting that Pat Fleishman, aka Suede57 here, rebuilt the Paxton supercharger.
I just saw that on a YouTube video that was describing the car, Pat Fleishman, among others was listed with a "special thanks"! Way cool!
Last Friday I took advantage of a one-day break in the weather and went on a 650 mile road trip in my Outback. Beautiful day in New Mexico. I saw a Bald Eagle soaring in a canyon. Made the day!
2 degree actual temp, windy, light snow. Wind chill in the -20's. Not suppose to warm up until Friday, but still under freezing.That's colder than a lot of places up north.
About 3 weeks ago, we had temps in the mid 80's for 3 days...weird.
Last night's low in my neck of the woods was 3...high today to be about 15..low tonight has been recalculated up...from -3 to o degrees! LOL!!! :icon_bigsmurf:
Friday to be warmer...also below freezing at 31 degrees...but by Sunday 52 and next Tuesday 66! T-shirt and shorts weather! :005:
Light snow all day yesterday (15 hours) netted only 5 1/2 inches.
Staying inside again today...recliner, book, Willie's Roadhouse and hot chocolate! :006:
Well here in the past 4 weeks we have set several record highs for the date and the all time low. 7 degrees to several 84 degree days! 7" of snow to boot! Supposed to be in the mid 20's tonight. What a ride...
My buddy sent me his dash thermometer Monday morning. This is -63 Fahrenheit.
One of the guys who does weekend work on Willie's Roadhouse, Prime Country and is a regular on Bluegrass Junction lives in Calgary. He was talking the other day about temps up there at something like 50 below Fahrenheit. That'll make yer teeth rattle!
Mail call action. Scored some trim sets to find a clean set for the hardtop
It was like 10 bucks a piece. Got lucky most are straight.
great score !
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2025-02-16 09:59Last Friday I took advantage of a one-day break in the weather and went on a 650 mile road trip in my Outback. Beautiful day in New Mexico. I saw a Bald Eagle soaring in a canyon. Made the day!
Went to the store yesterday and saw nine Bald Eagle's in this tree plus two more soaring above. We are blessed.
Awesome!!! The most eagles I've ever seen was in BC north of Vancouver at a river where salmon run very near the coast. There were hundreds of them, and it was about 25 years ago. Yeah, they are now officially our national bird, but if you want to see lots of the, your home area is the place. Thanks for posting that.
We have a bunch of them around us in MO too. In the spring and summer we sit on the porch and watch them flying around the woods south of us looking for their next meal...or the next one for their offspring. :006: