
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: 1930artdeco on 2023-03-28 10:20

Title: sending unit gone nuts
Post by: 1930artdeco on 2023-03-28 10:20
Hi All,

So I pulled the sending unit to verify that it works properly before I put fuel in the tank. I pulled it out and positioned the arm for "full" and it went right up to "F". I them put the arm in "empty" and it stayed at empty. Good so far. Then I moved the arm from empty towards full by about 1/4" and it shot to 'Full'. What should I look for on the inside before I open it up? Maybe I bumped something on the inside while cleaning it up, or I may not have gotten all of the shellack off the wires?

Title: Re: sending unit gone nuts
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2023-03-28 10:31
Tanks Inc has a sending unit troubleshooting guide on their website. Do you have a known-to-be-good ground hooked up during your testing? What gauge are you hooking it up to for the test.....is it the same ohms range as the original?
Title: Re: sending unit gone nuts
Post by: 1930artdeco on 2023-03-28 12:25
I am using the original sender with original gauges. I am using a new diode type gauge voltage reducer thingy (sorry I don't know the name of the thing that the gauges plug into). I had it grounded to the body but will add an additional ground to play it safe. I will check out the site, thanks.
