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Paint job cost ? What have you paid ?

Started by Zapato, 2010-09-08 21:30

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I am with Rich, there is just something very special and very rewarding about doing as much of the work on your ride as you can.  Another great benefit second only to the satisfaction is the great people we meet who share a common interest in 57 Fords and all things automobile.  I like to think of myself as a hands on guy, but I know there are things I just won't be able to do single handed.  My three boys are scattered to the four winds, but there's something about a bunch of us old farts [my apologies to anyone under 40  :003:] getting together to work on one another's old iron and sitting around afterwards over a few brewski's swapping tall tales about how fast we used to be...  Having someone else do a restoration or restomod for you is great my hats off to those who can afford it but there's just something about being able to say "oh that I did it myself"  I remember the satisfaction I got when I rewired my first Ford, a 41 Business Coupe, that turn of the key, push of the starter button and that roar to life, WOW now that WAS a rush!!! Join a local car club, you will be surprised as i was as to how many folks are willing to roll up their sleeves and help you out!
Lastly I want to thank all of you on this site for answering my dumb questions and sharing a love of 57 Fords and other Old Iron!
Thanks Bros!


I agree. I've always enjoyed doing all I can by myself. I've painted
my 57 a couple times through the years. Before the Black I did
it with Red Imron. Sure held up well. This time around I built my
own engine, completely rewired it (without a pre made kit). Welded
in the new floors in the bed etc. Cut out the bulkead and repaired it.
Did all the prep work (longboard etc.) Shot the interior, jambs,
inside the box and everything under the hood both sides while
hung up. Have COPD so didn't shoot the ext myself. Paid a shop
to shoot ext. I furnished the paint and paid them 1000.00.
It wasn't any better than I could have done, but it was done.
Paid another 700.00 to color sand and buff. They did good.
Brought it home and put it all back together again :003: It's all
I hate blocksanding!