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Blizzard Warning

Started by JimNolan, 2011-02-01 11:07

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RICH MUISE gotta start paying more than 10 bucks for a room...sounds like you were on the ne end of town.
were there lots of hookers in the area?   Rich
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe

alvin stadel

Jim you are doing the right thing, being ready and haveing the smarts to stay home and set it out. It was -18 here this morning, but we didn't have any snow with it just cold,when the wind picks up it really gets cold, and thats why I love my heated shop. In the morning when I'm watching CNN showing all the goofballs trying to go somewhere I'll be thinking of you tucked in at your camp ready for the worst. Take care, Alvin

glen courier

Time to spair? Go by air!
Sure have done a bunch of that over the years too. Hurry up and wait.


  I just don't believe you. I looked for a hooker for 3 hrs the first night and couldn't find one. Besides, the room was $13.95 per night. LOL All joking aside, we rented a car and found a whole bunch of Flea Markets to go to. Also, some good restrants. We were in a nice motel close to the airport. The only non-caucasions to amount to anything were at these Flea Markets. I shouldn't have said anything about non-caucasions. I've never had any trouble all my life getting along with any non-caucasion except the 5 guys that wanted to take my truck in Columbia, Ms during Katrina. And they weren't wearing sombraros anyway. Jim
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.


   After the California trip I went to Fla for IFR training. Got my ticket (no more waiting for weather to clear) spent a fortune updating my airplane and after 14 hrs of actual I ended up icing up and almost losing my airplane coming back from Texas one night during a snow storm. After hearing the controller yell " do you want to declare an emergency" about 10 times I realized the IFR rating made me invincable but somehow the airplane hadn't become invincable.   LOL Jim
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.

glen courier

Time to spare? Go by air!


A good buddy of mine, TEXAN by birth, always used to say only thing that stood between Texas and the North Pole was a barbed wire fence in North Dakota and it was knocked down most of the time. Hope you're all surviving the Blizzard. On this fine groundhog day we're enjoying a bright almost cloudless sunny day with temps in the mid 40s did drop down to mid 20s o'night but what the hell I was snuggled in bed. Forecast calling for daytime temps of mid low 50s next week.

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72


Blizzard is over. Sunny skys today. About 8-10 inches of snow. Secondary roads are passable, Primary roads clear with patches of snow. I think the weather forecasters that were yelling the end of the world were new-hires from the South. We faired well here in Lake City. Hope everyone else ended up just as confused as I did about this blizzard. Jim
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.


We got about 18-20" The wind blew it into some nasty drifts, I just got home from fixing furnaces all day. Mark