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General Brake Concerns

Started by rxsuperhero, 2011-06-13 21:14

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Trying to get my car on the road after 14 years of being in my dads back yard finally fires I'm on to the brakes.
I've purchased new shoes and new wheel cylinders but I'm having trouble locating a new Master Cylinder.  Will a rebuild kit do well, considering the amount of time that it has been sitting?  What are my concerns with the booster? Any and all tips are welcomed especially tips to help me pay attention to specific details...considering it IS the brake sys.   

So-Cal resident (RB, ca) ..Car is in Fresno, ca
57' Fairlane 500 hardtop
Johnny M


I think I'd get another one. Carpenter or Concours should have one available. There's more places
to shop also. C&G Ford Parts in Escondido is good also. That crap is gonna look like motor oil when
you blow out the lines :003:
Good Luck,
I hate blocksanding!


I'm used to Wisconsin, the lines would be rotten. If you rebuild the master, flush the hell out of the system. Mark


Broke the freakin master-cylinder cap.  I was actually surprised how easy it broke.  It answers my question of whether I should rebuild the MC or buy a new one because I couldnt get the rest of the cap off.  It was rusted shut.  I even tried to grind it off....but I bailed on that.  So I have this MC if anyone is interested in buying it (I'm in Souther California)

Side note:
I replaced all the wheel cylinders and busted the two front brake new lines it is.  Dangit
I also gave the springs for the drum brakes a once-over, and tell me if I'm wrong here, but the springs that go over the adjustment lever are not right.  Shouldnt they have space so the lever could rotate?

Also notice the wire-ties holding together one of the springs.  Thats my dad for-yah!