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Pay with Credit Card

Started by JimNolan, 2011-07-15 06:28

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   One of the advantages to buying things with a credit card is that you have someone other than yourself that can intercede on your behalf if things go wrong. When a merchant gives you a tracking number, that doesn't mean something has been shipped. All it means is they went on-line and filled out paperwork for a shipping sticker.
   I was told my differential was shipped last Monday and the merchant gave me a tracking number. I watched this tracking number all week. UPS tracking indicated they hadn't recieved the package yet. Also I was told by the merchant that I would get a credit on my credit card for axles that didn't fit my car. I didn't see where either of these things were done. So, I called Capital One.
  The woman at Capital One was nice, she said " hold on, we'll call him ". She explained the situation to him and his response was " the differential was shipped last Monday, it's been sent out three days ago, I took it to the UPS warehouse myself and I've already credited his credit card for the amount of the wrong axles". Well, I guess he forgot he was speaking to the credit card company that he would have made the credit to. Anyway, I told him UPS tracking says the package hasn't been shipped. His response was that they mess up all the time. The phone call ended with him saying it was just a misunderstanding.
  Well guess what. UPS picked up the differential last night at 4.30 their time. I haven't looked at my credit card transactions but I'm guessing there will be a credit to that also very soon.
   Just think how this would have turned out if I'd paid for his services and parts by check. Jim
PS.  I'll have a 3.50/31 spline Tru-Trac Differential for sale pretty soon. The case and 1310 yoke will be reconditioned but there's nothing wrong with that. The gears, bearings and tru-Trac will be new. The guy that assembled it has a good reputation as far as his work goes. If you're interested send me a personal message with offer.
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.


Good advice jim. Always good to have someone else in your corner! Glad to hear you got it all worked out.