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Not sure if......

Started by Zapato, 2013-02-21 17:07

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not sure where I got this link if it was here my apologies, lots of great pictures and if anyone is concerned on fit of modular Ford in a 57 then these pictures are surely worth more than a 1000 words. check it out.           wish there was part source information to go along with the pictures.

Zap- :unitedstates:


Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72


That was brought back up a couple months ago. Outstanding build. The reason there's no text is the guy that inherited the car and was trying to sell it didn't know anything about it. It was originally referenced on the Hamb, btw.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


After looking at the dates labeled on the bottom of some of those pictures, all I can say is the guy had patience. He must have not cared anything about driving cars. Jim
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.