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57 Power brake expansion/vacuum tank

Started by Ecode70D, 2013-07-13 15:56

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   On the 57 with power brakes, there is an expansion/vacuum tank under the left front fender.  It is mounted on top of the inner fender well.  If there is someone out there that still has this setup in his 57, would you please post a picture of what it looks like when it's in place   A picture from over the right fender to the tank would give me the idea of how the angle of the tank looks in relation to the left fender.   Thank you very much for any and all responses to this question.


      OK   I'll try asking question another way.
      Unfortunately  I did not take pictures of everything before I took my car apart 14+ years ago.   My inner fenders had to be replaced with rust free ones from out west. The holes for the Vacuum tank are in the right place, but when I was blowing the tank out, it kinda lost it's shape a little bit, and I tapped it back into shape. 
       So now I get the feeling that it is a little cockeyed the way it is sitting on the inner fender well.

       My new question is... Does anyone that has seen one of these in place kinda remember it sitting at that funny angle.  I'm not asking for a picture as previously requested, "just does that look right?".  Thanks to all...  Jay

Tom S

Found here ...
Page 2

I lightened this pic up.  Somebody must have a better pic.

I got & replied to one of your PMs but it sounds like there was another with some pix that I didn't get.


Thanks Tom
     That's exactly what I was trying to find out.  The vac. can does sit in there at a funny angle.      I'm happy with that and now I'll go find  some other trivial thing to worry about.