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J Potter

Started by Hoosier Hurricane, 2015-12-17 05:39

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Hoosier Hurricane


We haven't heard anything lately about your Father.  How is his recovery coming?  He's still in my prayers.



i am still down with this heel problem. doctor says i year minimum recovery time. it's been 5 months, i can get around on crutches and drive now, but i can't stay on my foot for too long, or it swells back up. all i can do right now is go to the garage and look at my cars and wish i could do some work on them. i have bought a ton of parts for the 57 fairlane, but haven't put many on yet. haven't drove my falcon since july. oh, well, i will get back on them soon. i thank you guys for all your prayers, they mean a lot to me.


Mr. Potter , I am not a doctor nor do I play a doctor  on television  so my advise may be considered worthless. But it comes from personal experience both on myself and watching  my wife healing after  a horse back riding accident. Have you considered supplementing your current medical care with some truly old school treatments. Consider acupuncture  it freed up my neck and removed pain in my arm caused by years of machining. And for my wife who had to learn how to walk all over again after the accident and had no feeling in her feet other than feeling like she was standing on a pin cushion. And yes her doctors told her it probably would be a lifetime condition, yet her primary care physician suggested accuppuncture and it resolved her problem. Can't even imagine how she even had the strength to tackle relearning how to walk again when putting any pressure instantly brought intense heat and the feeling of thousands of needles pricking her soles. Accuppuncture and hundreds of people praying for her helped. Give it some thought......

Zap - :unitedstates:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72

Hoosier Hurricane

Mr. Potter:

Thank you for your update.  Keep up your positive attitude.  It will help your healing process.  I speak from experience.



thanks, zap and john. i may look into that accupuncture treatment. i'm going to give it a little more time. i will stay on the sunny side, though. lol