has anyone "rolled your own" interior work (door panels)?

Started by texasmark1, 2009-09-08 11:38

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sure, I'd love to send LeBaron Bonney approx $2000 for a complete "original" interior kit, but budget constraints being what they are, I'm researching doing at least some of the work myself, the door panels and package shelf in particular.  Anyone out there "rebuilt" anything like this themselves and care to share the experience?  would like to know what not to do in particular...

thanks, Mark
God Bless Texas!


Interiors are a lot harder to do than most people relize. Go to any big show or car corral and look at the cars. You will be able to tell the home made from the Pros with no problem. Wait and save the money for the "Kit" or put it on a credit card and pay it off $100 a month. You won't be sorry you did.


OK... called Lebaron Bonney, inquired about buying just the materials, was told that I could.  So, will measure for the amounts needed and order it up and try my hand at building the door panels, package shelf and kick panels.  Located a small upholstery shop (one-man outfit) that will work with me on the seat covers and advice...

my question to the forum... any ideas when the "windlace" should go in?  Before headliner... before door panels...??  any ideas out there?

thanks, Mark
God Bless Texas!