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Glass patterns

Started by DanTudor57, 2010-01-19 00:21

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If you don't drive your car, it will fall apart. It is true.

I started MBA classes a while back, just had baby, have had a year of 50+ hour weeks at the office trying to figure out how NOT to lay people off..  and My Country sedan hasn't moved in months. So What happens?!

1.  Rust.. its coming, I can see it, a little spot here, a little spot there..
2.  My drivers side mirror got clobbered! Damn kids
3.  Passenger side gets side swiped
4.  Today  a genius put a box of books through the passenger side read window.
5.  Battery is completely dead.
6.  Just found water in my floor pans!!

I swear, I should have sold this car while I had the chance. Now I barely have time to come on here an let out a little steam.. I won't be able to take care of any of these problems for months!!!

Anyone interested in picking up a 57 Country Sedan?


Oh.. I went off on a tangent!

I need the  pattern for the rear driver's side glass. Anyone know where I might find this? I think I can find a local shop to cut it for me, but I need the pattern



     Most auto glass shops around you should be able to help without a pattern so call around first. If no help try The Glass House in San Dimas,Ca.(909)592-1078,they cut all the flat glass for a friends '57 Tudor Custom--he phoned it in,they already had the patterns and drove over and picked them up ! KID



I got my new front windshield from the Glass House.  Very satisfied with the work.
