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por 15

Started by woodytwoshoes, 2010-06-06 10:24

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Good morning all,  has anyone used por 15? Whats the scoop on it? inner fenders? Frame? Chasis parts? Is it fiarly simple to apply and use?


Dave, I have not used por 15, but it is the standard that all rust stop products are measured. I have been using several products from KBS coatings on my cars, and have been very happy with them. Check out their website, Mark


woody...check your personal messages
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


I've used Por-15 and like it, but it should be top coated with regular paint while still tacky as over time it will become dull. Also Por-15 can not take sunlight and has to be top coated. Once Por-15 is dry paint does not stick to it very well. When using it wear gloves because if you get it on your hands it doesn't come off until it wears off. Put it on as smooth as possible are it a bear to sand. I understand it can be sprayed but I've never sprayed it, and it is toxic so be careful spraying it.


I've used Por 15 on lots of projects, pontoon for house boat which stays in the water, been there several years and product still holding up fine, several frames, pin holes in trunk and misc. shop projects.  It works great as a rust inhibitor and is about as strong tough as power coating.  Entire product line is great.


I've used POR 15 for many years and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.
As to the UV sensitivity some of their finishes are UV sensitive but many are not.
I've used it on floor pans, frames, firewalls, etc.  I've never had a problem painting over it as long as you follow POR's guidelines. It is very easy to apply and doesn't require spraying.
YES, you should wear gloves POR is REALLY tenacious and the only thing that I am aware of that will remove it from your hands is time  :003:
It can be sprayed but requires a sophisticated respirator system as it is toxic.
Once dry you can hit it with a hammer and it won't chip.   Their Tech line is excellent give them a call.
Just my $.02 worth