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funny story

Started by RICH MUISE, 2010-10-02 09:34

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I was taking some pics of a flame job yesterday and a couple of guys were watching. One commented it was a really neat camera the way the flip open screen made taking other than eye level shots a lot easier. I replied yeah it was great but what really amazed me about the camera was how smart it was...and I showed them the message in the corner of the screen that said AUTO. Isn't that amazing, I said, how does it know I'm taking pics of a car?
I really need to watch my sense of humor around of the guys smiled but the other one actually stepped back with this "are you really that dumb" look on his face.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


 :005: thats funny!
\\\"I refuse to buy another that car for sale?\\\"

Model A Lady

ha ha ha.....I will have to remember that one


Thanks Rich!
That really made my day!!!