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Trunk Lock

Started by tarheel57, 2010-11-07 01:05

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On a 57 Custom 300, have any of you ever done away with the original trunk lock ? ( the type were you have to slide the ford leters to the left to get the key in ) by using a different year / type lock assembely? Or has anyone filled the hole in on the lid itself and used some type of push button remote or cable type? I was thinking about changing mine and wanted to see what might have been tried,and to see what worked and what didnt work.I know some of the after market companys make remote trunk openers,has anyone tryed any of them on a 57 ford ? Thanks for any input.Tarheel57 :burnout:


I had a 56 Ford once that had the truck lock and bezel removed.  You released the trunk by pulling on a cable similar to a hood release cable attached to the floor next to the driver's seat.   I don't think this would be hard to set up.  You'll need a solenoid strong enough to release the latch.  I would start looking in the Hot Rod accessory catalogs for electronic door release kits.  The should have something you could adapt or maybe even a complete trunk release kit.


Tarheel...that's the way I'm going...I welded the holes shut last month. When I was driving the car (last time about 6 years ago, I had a clothesline running from the trunk release to the back seat area. It was out of necessity because the link between the key cylinder and the actual latch was broken. worked great and I decided at that time to install a remote when I redid the car. I would like to have a cable /handle come out under the back seat but I'm not sure if I can route the cable that way with so many turns, so I may have to go with an electrical release or route it to underneath the rear package tray. My back seats fold down, so that won't be a major problem.
Ford crazy...I'm confused..why would you need both a cable and a solenoid?
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


If you make it electric make sure you put the relay where you can
get at it. Not fun if they quit working.
I hate blocksanding!


Most Ford cars from the 80s to the present have a electric trunk release. I don't see a problem fitting a late model release to a 57.