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need a tool

Started by geraldchainsaw, 2011-10-10 19:02

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ok,   1 of my more simplier questions,  i need a screw driver,  standard head,  with  a special holder that holds the screw in place,  it kinda stratles it by holding it on both sides,  notches to hold the shaft of the screw against the head of the screw,   if u know what i'm talking about,   if so,  wheres a good place to get one,   there used to put the screws in on points,   i have seen them over the years,  but don't know if there still made,     thanks   jerry


   Look in a Granger catalog or go to an electrical supply store. Jim
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.


Jim's right..that's an electrical should be able to find one in Lowe's or Home Depot electrical department.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


thanks guys,     i'll check the places out,    jerry

Jerrys Kars

From an electrician. The best type is with the wedge shaft, with the barrel that slides forward to hold the screw in place. Do not use it to tighten the screw, just start it


to jerry kars,    thats the one i got,  but i need a shorter one,   my dist is in the back on the 312,   i bought one and trying to modify it,   thanks for the info,    jerry


I had some years back in different lengths that were straight tube pencil size. with a tip that you turned for a straight tang and a little pressure  or release would snap the outer parts of the tang outwards and lock the screw on. believe they came from an old tv repair guy. not meant to take screws all the way just to start. But some damn thief got them along with a couple tool boxes. Never seen any more like them, and they were absolutely great for starting screws in awkward areas such as distributors. Set had them in various lengths from about 3 inches long to 16". Had forgotten about them till this thread got started. Never ever buy anything, no matter how tempting, from a thief. Its the only way to put them out of business.

Zap- :unitedstates:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72

Hoosier Hurricane

I had one like Zap talked about, bought it years ago from the itinerate Mac tool man.  Don't know what happend to it.  John

Jerrys Kars

I think they make a 4" as well as a 6" version. Will have to shop around for the 4". Wedge shaft style.