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leaf springs

Started by Marc, 2007-07-16 06:12

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A few years back, I bought some stock replacement rear springs from one of the old Ford parts catalogs. They were okay at first, but now the rear end sags a little, and with a few people in the car, it sinks a lot.
I've looked into air springs & helper springs, but I'm not crazy about going that way. Have any of you folks ever added a leaf with good results, or are there any manufacturers making good quality heavy-duty leaf springs for these cars?


Air shocks are the easy fix. Dearbourne classics or Carpenter proly have springs.
later, Ron :004:
I hate blocksanding!

57 Ford Kustom

Marc :006:
   I run air shocks with a vac air pump and controls. Vac pump and control valve are off road idems. :burnout:

T 8)M
aka:Bluedot Kid 2
To fast to live, to young to die.


I had thought about air shocks, but I'm concerned about putting an extra load on 50 year old shock mounts. Have you guys ever encountered cracked shock mounts with the air shocks?

57 Ford Kustom

Marc :006:
   My upper mounts were replaced before I got the car , but the car my son hasn I always ran air shocks on. Also I got a set of the NORS repair kits a couple years ago on ePay just in case. :burnout:

T 8)
aka:Bluedot Kid 2
To fast to live, to young to die.

Hoosier Hurricane


I have added a leaf to many of my cars' rear springs.  I also do not like adding the load to the shock mounts, I remember seeing repair kits for sale long before air shocks were invented, so the stock mounts must have been a little fragile when new.  The added leaf has always worked well for me.



Thanks gentlemen. I'm thinking an extra leaf will be the way to go. Not that I'm looking forward to crawling under the car to wrestle with these things! While doing some research, I came across a place that sells 4, 5, & 6 leaf springs for '57s, at stock height, 1 inch or 2 inch lifts. Nice to know, but for know I think I'll just add a leaf.
thanks for the help!


Marc, What was the place you found for the springs? I wanted a little lift when I replace mine.



Buz, I found them at They don't have them listed on the web site, but I sent them an e-mail to inquire, & they replied that they sell 4, 5, & 6 leaf springs at either the stock height or up to 2" lift. The prices were under $300. It seems real cheap, so I'm curious about the quality. Browsing around, I came across some mopar folks who seemed happy with their products. I've never tried them myself, so I can't say how they are.   


Marc, Thanks for the info.




When I was building my 57, I ordered new leaf springs from EATON Detroit Spring, Inc.  I've been told this is the company who made the original springs for Ford Motor Company.  I ordered heavy duty springs and the cost for the pair was $419.  With about 11,000 miles on them, I've had no problems.



Thanks Bob. I wish I could remember where I got these springs. There's a receipt somewhere with the answer, but I'm lazy. I think it was concours parts, but I know they dont make their own, they use a supplier, it just might've been Eaton. I screwed up by not ordering heavy duty springs. :dumbass: Live & learn. I'm adding a leaf to each one next week, but I'll keep Eaton (heavy-duty!) in mind when I decide to go with new stuff.