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How do you do this?

Started by Ecode70D, 2013-01-04 09:55

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  I'm new to the forum so please bear with me.
   I noticed that on some of the postings when someone wants to quote a few lines,  from a previous statement and include it in his reply, it comes up highlighted in a gray background on his reply.
     That's kinda convenient  Please let me know how to do this.

Thanks Jay


Quote from: Ecode70D on 2013-01-04 09:55
  I'm new to the forum so please bear with me.
   I noticed that on some of the postings when someone wants to quote a few lines,  from a previous statement and include it in his reply, it comes up highlighted in a gray background on his reply.
     That's kinda convenient  Please let me know how to do this.

Thanks Jay

Look at the top right of the message post frame. Click on the word, "Quote".

A new message box will come up and you can reply below the bracketed /quote.

Giver 'er a whirl...



Or..if you just want to quote some of a post...just highlight what you want to quote, then hit ctrl c(the copy function). go to the reply box click your cursor where you want the quote,and hit control v (paste function) so...

That's kinda convenient  Please let me know how to do this.

you will notice doing it this way does not identify the text as a'll have to do that so:
quote Jay: "That's kinda convenient  Please let me know how to do this."
P.s....I looked for the old post i had done on posting pics, but couldn't find it..I need to find out from James if it was deleted...maybe I'm telling guys to use it in a method the forumn would not prefer. James did put a notice up on posting pics, but I'm not sure if it's current or addresses resizing. It's one of the pinned threaded at the top of this section.

I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


Quote from: robhaerr on 2013-01-04 10:20
Look at the top right of the message post frame. Click on the word, "Quote".

A new message box will come up and you can reply below the bracketed /quote.

Giver 'er a whirl...


OK robhaer
    I'm going to give it a whirl on your message.


P.s....I looked for the old post i had done on posting pics, but couldn't find it..I need to find out from James if it was deleted...maybe I'm telling guys to use it in a method the forumn would not prefer. James did put a notice up on posting pics, but I'm not sure if it's current or addresses resizing. It's one of the pinned threaded at the top of this section.
    Rob .....That worked just fine. Thanks Jay

    Rich thanks .....I did notice that one by James at the top of this section.

     I had my stock 57 wheels blasted and primed and stored in a shed many years ago.  When I went out yesterday to look at them and bring them into my nice warm basement, they had a little surface rust on them so now I have to clean them up again so they can get painted.   I should have painted them years ago and then put them in the basement where most of the other parts are stored.  Nothing like making more work for myself. Jay A.

Tom S

Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-01-04 11:53
Or..if you just want to quote some of a post...just highlight what you want to quote, then hit ctrl c(the copy function). go to the reply box click your cursor where you want the quote,and hit control v (paste function) so...
I find it easier to just highlight what you do not want & hit the 'backspace' on the keyboard.
Quote from: RICH MUISE... you will notice doing it this way does not identify the text as a'll have to do that so: ...
I do like it identified as a quote.  That way you can click on the 'Quote From' thing & go back & read the whole post if you want.  Don't have to remember any 'ctrl c' or 'ctrl v-x ?y-z' stuff that you (I) may not be familiar with. : )
(See, I did it 2 different ways)

I like to use Photobucket for posting pix.  See my post about it here, the 2nd post.

After looking at my post there if you then went to Photobucket & opened an account it might not look quite the same.  They made a change & it looks a little different than the screen shots I posted..

The new configuration does not show the drop down window with the 3 codes when you hold your cursor over the thumbnail pix.  Seems like you have to open the individual pix before you can  see those 3 codes.  I don't like that & had the option to keep using the old configuration.  So if you open a free or paid account there & have that option I'd take it.  Seems like there was a place somewhere near the top of the page for it.  I had to look hard for it as I recall.
Other than that everything else there seems to be the same.   Whatever you do use the code that I pointed to that starts with [img] in order for the pix to show up here.

Now if someone would tell me if & how we can link to individual posts like some other sites I use I'd appreciate it.
ALSO ... If someone would tell me what I can do to keep all of my apostrophes from turning into question marks in my posts when I compose my replies in my email composer as I like to do. 
No matter what font I have tried or anything else it still happens.  Doesn't show up until it's posted either.  Drives me crazy!   :BangHead:


I'll have to try your method of partial quotes..sounds better than what I was doing. I don't know how to copy links..which is why I haven't been.
I started to use photobucket, but the reason I don't is I see way too many older threads on other sites where the poster apparently linked to photobucket, but were "no longer available" and you know how we feel about posts without pics. I figure it's just more permanent to imbed the pic in the know it'll be there in 6 months.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe

Tom S

Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-01-04 21:59
I don't know how to copy links ...
Right click the URL, maybe left too, or whatever to highlite it, then right click, copy paste.  : )
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2013-01-04 21:59
I started to use photobucket, but the reason I don't is I see way too many older threads on other sites where the poster apparently linked to photobucket, but were "no longer available" ...
Hate it when that happens.  It just means that someone moved them or removed them or had a free account & went over their limit.  It is a pretty big limit even for free accounts.  I went to a paid subscription, still pretty cheap, & have just about unlimited space.  I don't move or change anything.  It is also a good place to save special pix that you might loose if your computer goes tits up.  They will still be on P-bucket.

Oops, in my prior post I said my commas turn to question marks, no, it?s apostrophes.