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Started by geraldchainsaw, 2014-04-08 12:02

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there was a discussion earlier about that web site,   and i heard alot of diff answers, good & bad about them,   ok,  i went on that site to look for some tail lites,   don't know how many people said get back with me in a couple of days i have what u want,  or remind me in a couple of days,   well,  no one got back to me,  are they a bunch of snobs or what?,   sure not like this group that like to help,    jerry


Gerald, there's good and bad when it comes to any online bulletin board. And with over 1/4 million members there are all sorts as can be expected. If you go back on the HAMB drift over to the 52-59 Fords group and you will find a smaller group much like this site without a lot of the drama and heavy on help.

I've met and deal regularly with guys on that site and find that one on one they're just like the guys on this board. Ryan has stepped up and is cracking down on the idiots so its a bit friendlier than it was getting.

To find the 52-59 group just go to my profile and its there with list of groups I visit.

Hey! our favorite artist Jeff Norwell is a moderator over there so there's proof they're not all flakes or ''snobs''.

I will say/warn that before I purchase anything over there its wise to check out the member and if all his posts are nothing but ''for sale'' its a warning sign. But its not a definite negative sign.

Zap-  :unitedstates:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72


Zap.  Where do you find that group?   I just see them all mashed together


There's a button up top..."Hamb community" if I remember. click on it and one of the buttons in the drop down is for social clubs....or like Zap said, click on his profile or mine(Texas57) or Jeff Norwell's and look to the area where they list the social clubs they belong to, then you can click on the club name.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


Quote from: sprink88 on 2014-04-08 18:25
Zap.  Where do you find that group?   I just see them all mashed together

my handle over there is the same as here Zapato ,  Would also suggest checking out either your home state or regional groups.

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72


Awesome. Thanks guys. I guess most of my frustration over there is, its a hard board to navigate because its so huge.


Now that you found it, do a search for FAQ sticky . They've been cataloging a ton of information such as shock numbers for a long time. Really incredible amount of stuff. Cardinal rule on that thread info can be added but ask no questions or give atta-boys. Keeps it simple and clean.

Zap- :unitedstates:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72