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Easter Miracle

Started by Zapato, 2016-03-25 10:36

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When our family came to the USA from Cuba we brought some traditions with us and as time passed we absorbed a few. It's a normal process for most immigrants. One we never really got into was the Easter egg hunts at home. So it was not something that I brought into my own family. But once our daughter was born we started dying eggs etc...  We got creative every year and came up with several different methods. One year  we figured out how to "tie-dye" eggs and that became our  standard for years.

Then we were blessed with grandaughters.  And my daughter was told about a different Easter tradition at work. We tried it that year with her first born who was 3 at the time. We call it the Easter Miracle.  And it has replaced eggs ever since.

There is one rule that the kids need to understand and you might have to remind them a few times and that it only works on Easter. The "miracle" goes as follows. Sometime on Saturday you give them a few jelly beans and head out to ,in our case flower beds, and plant the jelly beans in dirt. One friend of ours does in a flower pot in the house. Once the kids are gone either to bed or home. You plant lollipops  where the "seeds" were sewn. Then come Easter morning you take them out to harvest the crop. Like most of these type of traditions they grow out of it but in the few years that they believe its some kind of miracle its really fun to see the look on their face when they first spot that years crop.

Anyway, this is neither a tradition we brought with us, or one that my wife brought from her family. But one that our daughter introduced and am sure her daughters will carry on.

Zap- :unitedstates:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72