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Exhaust Rumble

Started by JimNolan, 2011-10-04 20:31

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hi Jim,     have you thought about what they call dyno or turbo flow mufflers 2 chamber?,      have them on my mustang and i get compliments  all the time,    of course its only a 351w stock,  040 over and thats it,  but it sounds good,   jerry


  You have sumed up the feelings I'm having toward the car now. It idles and runs better now that I've re-curved the distributor and adjusted the vacuum advance cannister. But, this car will end up being like the many that you see at car shows that's fun to look at but can't be driven for any distance in comfort. Like you, I'll keep it, insure it and maybe drive it occasionally and wonder to myself, what was I thinking. Jim
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.


   It's time to put this thread to rest. I appreciate every response and piece of advice I've gotten.
   I've learned an important lesson with this 63 Galaxie. When I built the 57 Fairlane I did it because I really loved the make and model plus it was the car I learned to drive with. I had fond memories of those days. I could relate to the 57.
   The 63 Galaxie was a car I admired. The lesson I've learned is " don't throw money at something you admire, you'll might resent it later. And, it doesn't matter how much money you throw at something you love, you'll never resent it". Jim
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.


Jim..I think sound is a HUGE portion of our pleasures we derive from our street rods. To me, the late model mustang gt's are some of the best sounding cars on the road and I'll be extremly disapointed if I can't get my '57 to sound at least similar. That's one of the reasons I chose the 4.6 dohc. Your experiences with the '63 not sounding like you want has made me aware I need to look into what I'm doing more extensively before I start the install if it ever happens.
No need to apologize for the rants..friends are for listening..and the rants are entertaining besides. None of us want to feel like we're the only ones who don't get things right the first time.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


hi Jim,    i gave u the wrong names for mufflers,    there called flowmaster,  american thunder,  2 chamber,   #40 series,    i'm checking on them for the 57,    jerry


   It's been two years since I installed the mufflers and XPypes crossover. I now recall why I chose what I did. The Hooker Max Flow mufflers flowed considerable more CFM than anything else on the market. They were also one of the quitest mufflers on the market. And the XPypes Crossover eliminates the exhaust pulses coming out of the engine. The Hooker Max Flow muffler is a straight through design that is packed with a resonance eliminating material. That material in time will burn away enough to increase loudness. As evidenced by this last tank of gas I put through the car. I have exhaust tone now. Not where I want it, but it's coming. It's throaty and deep (especially at idle). I just need to drive the car.
   I'm getting old and forgetting things. This muffler choice is an example. I ran across the flow charts for performance mufflers and also the Hot Rod artical praising the Max Flow ( the same information that I used to make my choice two years ago ). I had actually forgotten what I even had on the car. Not being around the car in two years don't help. Jim
   PS. If you google Hooker Max Flow you'll find the flow comparison of all the mufflers, XPypes describes the effect on thier crossover also. I made the choice two years ago to go with performance instead of rumble. I had just forgot.
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.