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morfing a 58 custom into a 57 custom 300

Started by 57 imposter, 2011-11-24 13:38

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57 imposter

Got them coming from Socal Az. I have seen a difference in branded and n0n-branded products and these are only $50 a piece so, like you I will work around the bow tie. Im thinking perhaps a red circle with a line thru it would work.


"Im thinking perhaps a red circle with a line thru it would work"...................HaHAAAA I LIKE IT!!
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe

57 imposter

It took most of the day but I got the drivers side quarter window 90% in. The window channel, when jammed in good and tight is going to be ok. I will just install the windows  in the up tight position and there will be no way to roll them down. Should work fine. It was very frustrating trying to get the glass in. There is a specific order to make everything fit and when you don't remember the order, you have to figure it out. I needed four hands but there is only room for two. finally got it and the other side will go together much faster...TOMORROW! for now, I quit!   

57 imposter

Got all the parts on the way to install the fixed quarter windows. I couldn't figure out a way to get the run channel to wrap around the rear of the window to make a good water seal so I finally just threw in the towel. Got the power door and trunk locks working today and started on the power window regulators..I am installing Dolphin units and I'm having to use the old trial and error method to get them spaced right. I suspect it will take me twice as long as it should, but we'll get there. of all the jobs it takes to build a car I hate doors the most. A guy should be here any minute to see about installing the headliner. Once that is in, The front and rear glass can go in and a good portion of the interior also.

57 imposter

Headliner went in yesterday and I am waiting for the glass guy to install the front and rear glass. The gut who did my upholstery, two years ago, made a headliner out of upholstery material. he has done that on three of my other cars so I didn't think anything about it. Turns out he knows how to install that type of material and having someone who hasn't done it before proved to be an issue. I offered to buy a Tailor made headliner but he was sure he could make what a I have work.. Long story short, it doesn't look perfect and I am hoping once all the window trim is in, it will either hide or make some wrinkles look better. we'll see. I may just have to learn not to look up when in the car..If the glass install goes ok, Interior will be going in soon.. This thing may get done yet. 


Installing a headliner is very tedious. A well sewn one is a must. It took me a week's worth  of a little at a time, as I have a hard time working with my hands over my head, and kneeling on steel bending over backwards isn't all that easy either, lol. I did have a few wrinkles that stayed until I finally got the glass in and the garnish mouldings.
I am confused though, the guy who sewed it is not the same guy that installed it?, or did you install it?
Don't forget...some materials can be shrunk to remove wrinkles. Some with water/steam, others with heat, others, like mine, are synthetic and don't react to anything.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe

57 imposter

The guy that sewed the headliner has done every car I have built but he has been on dialysis for the last two years. He was planing on installing it but it is just too hard on him so I contracted with another installer to do it and he is not used to the material that we used. I think old Larry will be a little hot when he finds out what i did but I will take the car to him to make and install the carpet and I think i'll have him redo the seats in my Magnum. That should get him over it. The brackets came yesterday for the quarter windows so it's back to the glass shop tomorrow to get the glass trimmed. The installers that came yesterday to put the front and rear glass in thought they were coming to do bonded glass and had no idea how to rope in glass so I had to send them home and will talk to the glass stop that cut the rest of my glass about doing them.

57 imposter

With the help of two other amateurs i managed to get the back window roped in. By the time we finished that, we had decided we were experts and the windshield would not be any harder. What a rodeo that turned out to be. Fortunately, we were smart enough to quit before we broke or bent anything and our status was returned to that of amateur's. Will talk, or beg, the glass company on Monday. I must be getting close to finishing with the car because I am sick and tired of looking at it. For now it's back to the garage for another couple rounds with tweaked rear bumper brackets. hope to get it mounted yet tonight and that will finish the back end.   


Look at it this way, DID get the back glass done. That's progress!! Oddly enough on mine, I think the back glass was harder.
The worst part about setting a deadline for yourself is like later today, sometimes you just gotta walk away from it for a while.
Post some pics when you get a chance.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


Panel adhesives work great, the ohms use them extensively .  Just be sure to use a major brand not one of the cheaper brands. Years ago I frenche'd  lights on my 51,  might one bonded one neither failed. It's been discussed here before if I remember right  gasman bonded the roof skin on his car. Biggest trick doing it regards fighting gravity it will want to slide as it sets up. Duct tape is your friend for this,but in your case since your fenders are off the car just set them upright. Prep is just like welding get everything  clean prior to bonding. Lots of videos on line showing companespecially such as ford or bmw using adhesives. Biggest drawback is cost of the guns, ask your paint supplier if you can borrow or rent one. You won't be disappointed.

Zap  :unitedstates:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72


duct tape or a boat load of clamps...


Not my thread of course, but I'm confused....I have no idea what project Zap was refering to when talking about the panel adhesive, it sure didn't cross my mind that it was the headliner.
So, Doug, any updates, or did you throw the infamous monkey wrench thru the windshield?
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe

57 imposter

I think Zap pushed the wrong button however that does look like the best way to install a roof skin.. Anyway after much agonizing about air getting in under and blowing out the headliner we got the car on a rollback and headed for the glass shop to get the windshield put in. Everything went fine and its out there. I am hoping the subtle attitude of the installer was just his normal personality because he didn't seem real enthused about working on the car. I have to admit that after trying it myself I can't blame him.


I have to keep reminding myself when I go into most shops that this is their day in and day out job. Hard to get enthused on a daily basis, lol.
When I was at the Exhaust shop earlier this week, not one of them said anything about the car. They do most of the hot rods and customs in town...just another job.
Everything is really looking great, Doug. I don't know how long yours was without glass, mine was 10 years...really made a big difference, esp. the backwindow and windshield.
Headliner looks really good from what I can see of it...what fabric did you use?
I don't recall any talk of interior stuff...whatcha got?
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe

57 imposter

I am kinda trying to end up with a car that represents what I would have done, had I been able to do one in the early 60's so I went with basic pleated vinyl. The headliner is made from the same material, hence the problems with it being installed by a guy who was not used to working with regular upholstery material in a headliner.