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Time to vent!

Started by alvin stadel, 2013-12-09 20:18

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alvin stadel

Well boys none of you know me other than a few messages, this has nothing to do with 57's, but it's time to vent. What in the world have we become, Dec 7th has come and gone and I saw only one small thing on Pearl Harbor. I don't watch much TV, but do like to catch a little news, I realize Nelson Mandella has done some great things and will be missed by most of his countrymen  and others. Maybe its because of my military ties, or the fact that I am hard core american but Dec7, as well as 911  affected the lives of everyone in this country and should never be forgotten, it can happen again. It really dosen't take much air time to say thank you to those that have give it all so some dumb ass like me can vent.



I didn't see anything on Dec 7 either. Saw something on facebook and that was it.
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.


The only thing I saw was a few old movies about Pearl Harbor on TMC in recognition of Dec 7th. Bob


     I shall never forget the sacrifice that our veterans have made and still are making for us. So many have made the supreme sacrifice.
    What saddens me the most is the fact that there is a movement that is  protesting our  displaying  our American flag.
     How often do we hear of an old WWll veteran that proudly displays our flag and a neighbor is offended by it or when it flaps in the breeze it makes too much noise?  Time after time the courts let them get away with it.  The result is that they  have to take it down.
      In my family alone, six of my brothers served our country. Thank God that five came home alive.   One came back home in a box.
      I too noticed that there was hardly anything mentioned about Pearl Harbor on Dec.7.
                                    WHAT IS HAPPENING?

Jeff Norwell

We have a saying up here in the GREAT White North.......
"Either you stand Behind our Military or stand in Front of Them." :canada:
"Don't get Scared now little Fella"

1957 Ford Custom-428-4 speed
1957 Ford Custom 300-410-4 speed


Most local and national news I saw only had a 15 sec blurb mentioning it. Just shows you how mainstream news is only concerned about sensationalism and is politically driven  :005:.
The universe is made up of electrons, protons, neutrons and morons.
1957 Ranchero
1960 F100 Panel
1966 Mustang


I agree, same news reports here in the Midwest. Our Country is sure in a sad state. I do not argue politics, but I am here to tell you we need a new cowboy in a big white hat to ride into this circle!


Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2013-12-10 06:54

"Either you stand Behind our Military or stand in Front of Them." :Canada:

  You've got that right.  There is nothing that I can say to improve on that statement.
How true it is.


Wife's parents are in care facility, one of the other tenants is a Pearl Harbor Survivor has for years returned for a re-union. This year his doctors suggested he stay home. He's been in-out of the hospital so much this last year they figured he wouldn't survive the trip. He was still thinking of going but spent the 7th in the hospital. Don't think he's got much time left. Served 30 plus years in the Navy.

As a vet have seen a constant stream of broken promises and its really getting worse. Its not going to get any better anytime soon. As for the ''news'' it hasn't been news for quite some time it really should be called entertainment. I find better coverage from the BBC than NBC.

Zap- :unitedstates:

And just to clear it up Alvin you are not a dumb ass and please continue to vent.

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72

Ford Blue blood

I have long given up on the civilian population (non-servers) understanding or appreciating what the folks in the military do for them and for the nation.  I suffered through the spitting and baby killer abuse at O'Hara during the late 60s and enjoyed the "you're a hero" after the Gulf War in 91.  They tend to pay attention when something is going on that is on the hit parade, it is strictly a "politically correct" thing to do at the time....civilians don't understand some of the basic premises of leadership either.  Those charged with protecting the general population should (and were in my time) be held to a higher standard.  One of the key watch words for leaders is, "keep your own house in order", you can not lead and direct and mentor from a position below that of those you are charge with protecting.  That applies to politicions, police, security personnel and the clergy!  There is no such thing as "my personal life is separate from my professional life", decisions made on a personal basis reflect how decisions will be made in a professional situation. If you live your life in the radio world of WIIFM you will decide and react in that world!

I'm done now.....
Certfied Ford nut, Bill
2016 F150 XLT Sport
2016 Focus (wife's car)
2008 Shelby GT500
57 Ranchero
36 Chevy 351C/FMX/8"/M II


 Never served in that fashion,but never forgotten those who have and appreciate our opportunities.There was a big dropoff this year..not sure why.There is a lot of younger gen.with a basic lack of respect,whether its towards elders the law or life.Makes this club of all you...respecting the history of our classic "american" cars and our freedom a special thing.Right on to all the above!!! God bless America and our 57" fords.   
Returning from a long hibernation!!!

alvin stadel

Thanks guys for your support< we really need to get ahold of this before it gets any worse


Kruchef  of Russia, back in the day said, I will get to America thru their children. Believe it or not

Jeff Norwell

Quote from: 4banger on 2013-12-11 09:15
Kruchef  of Russia, back in the day said, I will get to America thru their children. Believe it or not

He did.... infiltrated the universities and colleges with pro socialist profs.....from the mid 60's on.
A lot of those flag burning,draft dodging hippies become money grubbing  yuppies in the 80's and 90's... now are head of of all those awesome corporations and massive unions that left the average joe ...... in the dirt.

Anyhow.... I support troops of the Land,sea and Air.
"Don't get Scared now little Fella"

1957 Ford Custom-428-4 speed
1957 Ford Custom 300-410-4 speed


Looking at the positive side there are many who don't forget. Amtrak did a specialty paint scheme saluting our veterans earlier this year and had it on a "troop train" they ran to San Diego on the 7th.

Edit: Ooop's forgot the pictures, see next post
The universe is made up of electrons, protons, neutrons and morons.
1957 Ranchero
1960 F100 Panel
1966 Mustang