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gas tnk pick up tube problem

Started by Raven Rider, 2014-09-22 15:35

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Raven Rider

I just bought a 57 Ranch Wagon that had a new gas tank from Bob Drake put in the day before I picked it up. I put in 18 gallons or so of gas as soon as I was on the way home.  I drove the wagon around a few times and since my speedo and fuel gauge neither one work I ran out of gas.  Now I thought either I'm getting 4 miles to the gallon (I had not driven far) or I have a fuel problem.  I got 4 gallons of gas and restarted the wagon to go home and I stopped to top off the tank and total it only took 7.5 gallons.  I have the problem that the fuel pump runs out of gas with 12 gallons left in the tank. Other than a bad pickup tube in the new gas tank is there any thing else it could be?  Is the pick up tube separate from the gas sender?  BTW I have a new gas cap that is vented and I checked to make sure it was not vapor locked when I ran out of gas and  it was not (no vacuum)


The pickup tube is separate from the sender that is typical of the modern sender/pickup combo.  The '57 pickup is fixed in the bottom of the tank.  Originally it had a screen.  I don't know if your replacement tank came with a screen. 

I have a couple of guesses:
1)  Since the original tank was crap, there is a good chance some of that crap went up the fuel line or the fuel line is partially clogged or intermittently clogged.
2)  The fuel pump could be weak.  When the tank is full, fuel flows easier and adequately keeps the engine running.  Lower tank levels require more work for the weak fuel pump.

I recently had my tank cleaned and sealed.  The in-tank screen was tossed.  I closely monitor my sediment bulb and gas filter.


i had a look inside my new carpenter tank.the inside fuel line is mounted to a small bracket about a 1/4 inch from the bottom of the filter

Raven Rider


Pickup tube is part of the sender on SW & Rancheros not separate as in all of the other cars.

Raven Rider

thanks partsman you are right, I just got off the phone with the prev owner and he confirmed the pick up is part of the sender.  Partsman do you know if the pick up tube can fall off the sender unit?  I really do not want to remove the sender unit.


the pick up tube is not part of the sender on my 57 wagon



Pick up tube on my wagon original tank was not part of the sender.

Raven Rider

Thanks for the info. on tanks.  I'm going to siphon out 8gallons of gas and see if it will act like it has no gas.  The first and only time this happened I was only able to put in less than 8 gallons so it should run out of gas because it is down about 2 gallons now so that will be about 10 gallons out of the tank.  I will still blow out the gas line, change out the fuel filter and maybe put in a new fuel pump since the line will be disconnected already and they only cost around $20.00.  I will post back what I find but it will be later next next, my Ranch Wagon is in getting new upholstery Yea!


Not what you're going to want to hear, but the issue of your sender including the fuel pickup leads me to suspect the sender as being rigged.  If the sender is from another application (because it includes the fuel pickup), it may not have full range of motion and hang up off the bottom of the tank and you run out of gas and gauge does not read correctly.  The sender may not have correct OHM range.  If the sender is not clocked correctly in wagon tanks, the float may interfere with the side of the tank and intermittently stick.

Raven Rider

gasman this may be true, I just bought this RW and the gas gauge does not work and a new tank was just installed.  I will pull the sender and check it out later this week.  I have not tested the wiring back to the dash yet.  I will work on this and report back on what I find.  Thanks for the replies.  Jerry


Hey RavenRider. I have experienced the same issue on my Custom. Ran out of gas twice with my gauge showing almost half a tank. When I filled up my tank would only take 16 gallons (I think it is a 20 gallon tank) and my gauge would show 3/4 full. I found online instructions on adjusting the fuel gauge reading for a 63 Ford and I tried it on my gauge. It worked but my gauge is over adjusted, when I fill it up now it buries the needle, the travel on the gauge seems good but off center. I have not pulled the sending unit and I got another gauge for good measure. I am assuming I have a 16 gallon tank though so if it is a 20 gallon tank it must be a pickup problem. Interested in what you find out, it is uncomfortable driving when you don't know how much gas you have. I found in the service manual where if apply 3 Volts across the gauge you should get 1/2 reading. Lynn

Raven Rider

I got around to checking my fuel sender and I can tell you for sure the pickup tube is not on the sender so I do not think it is a pickup problem I will post up what I find out


Jerry...can you see where the pick up tube is? I'm wondering since the PO just installed it, and would seem to be fresh in his memory, why it wasn't attached to the sender as he said. Could it have fallen off, with the pickup end up off the bottom of the tank? LOL...don't suck up too many of those fumes while you're looking.
I'm also real curious about the different responses you're getting as far as whether or not the pick up tube was attached on wagons and Rancheros. My opinion at this time is that Partsman is correct, they were attached, OEM, but who knows on the aftermarket. I'm also curious as to where the fuel line connects to the pick up tube on models that had the pick up tube attached to the sender.
PS, Jerry....went to Socal today and found a few things for the '57.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe