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1957 Fairlane Headliner Install

Started by chapingo17, 2016-11-27 18:22

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Has any one installed a headliner on a 57 Fairlane? I bought one but I'm have a bit of a time putting it on. I have tried to install but the metal bows move all over the place. Is there a certain technique to install the headliner.


   Are you aware of the fact that the roof bows are color coded and each one has to slip  into its own respective pocket in the roof?  They should not be moving all over the place. Jay 


Start from the rear by installing all of the bows, you have to install the two wires that connect to the rear glass frame and then stretch towards the front windshield and all of the bows will self align. Keep tension towards the from windshield frame and glue. The real key is to have the retaining wire/ rods attached to the frame just above the rear glass


Jay is correct about proper bow placement. Once you thread all of the Bowes in order the bow at the very rear if the car has to be connected with 2 small wires that will clip into holes just above the rear glass. Once that's done and all if the Bowes are in the proper side holes you will stretch the liner towards the from windshield and glue it along the windshield top strip. There is a small cardboard strip that should be in place that the original was stapled to. Mine was deteriorated so I made one out of door panel material. I glued to it but also tucked the liner around where the windshield gasket sets and glued there too for additional adhesion. Good luck, it will help to have two people do it.


Thank you I will try it again. I makes perfect sense to start from the back and work my self to the front. O will keep you updated.


I did notice the metal bow are color coded.


We should have that color coding in our archives somewhere. After dinner, I'll post some hints and pics.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe

The above link will get you the color code least for a Custom. They should be the same for a Fairlane, but not 100% on that.
I'm still looking for a thread I did on my headliner install...haven't found it yet.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


here's some pics of mine. The biggest secret here is patience, and alot of tugging and alot of clamps. Don't start permanently attaching the liner, or trimming, until you are happy with the positioning.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


a few more.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


Those are great pics Rich. I'm planning to put a headliner in my Custom sometime this winter and these pictures will be a big help.


These are great pictures I appreciate the time you took to take these pics. On my 57 Fairlane is going to be a little bit more difficult because both front and rear windshields are installed. Does the headliner needs to be supported by the rear windshield rubber gasket/seal? I will try to install mine this week.


Oh, the fun of buying a basket case. So for future reference what do the 2 wires that hook the back hoop to the back look like?

Zap -  :unitedstates:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72


Wish I knew, or could remember. I'm not sure I ever had or used them. I think they were more of an assembly aid at the factory to establish the location of the last bow. Because of those two wires, I'm guessing they started at the back and worked towards the front. If you do as indicated in one of the above pics with the clamps holding the fabric in place at the back window flange.....or at least where you think that "in place" is and work your way to the front, everything should fall in place. The hemmed sleeves (forget their name) above the seams will pretty much hold the rest of the bows in place. Do the same at the front, pulling everything taunt, then stand back and take a good look. If bow/seam locations look off at that point you can still adjust forward/backward by loosening the clamps. That is one reason you don't want to try and trim the excess too close.
You really need to work out any wrinkles as you go along.
Depending on headliner material, some, like a cotton blend, can be shrunk a little after stretching. My chosen fabric was a synthetic, so no shrinking after the fact. Any wrinkles left in a synthetic are gonna be there forever.
When I was in the art business and stretching thousands of canvases, a cotton canvas that loosened up could be shrunk back tight by just misting a little water on it. We had some synthetic canvases that could be shrunk with a hairdryer. Same thought process here, except a brushed nappy fabric (think mohair like) can't be heated, it'll melt the fibers first.
I think I remember spending the better part of a week on mine because I can't work very long with my arms over my head.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe

The above listed link shows the two wires thst attach to the most rear headliner bow.