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Deck lid lock

Started by alvin stadel, 2021-07-24 18:12

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alvin stadel

Of all the 57fords I have owned this a first. We went to a car show today, lots of cars, nice this morning then turned into a very hot SOB this afternoon.  Anyway, I got the chairs and normal  car show stuff out of the trunk, but left out cooler full of beer and water in the trunk. I went and registered, came back and went to open the deck lid and the key just spins round and round. This is on my rag top. So my ? is how in the world do I get this trunk lid open?  I cannot find any access holes in the floor and am not sure what to do after I take the back seat cushion out, any ideas. Thank god I don't have any gas for my cutting torch. It was so hot and we left early, They just called and said we have won 2nd place, not bad for having  over 200+ cars at the show.  I sure could use some help with this one. Thanks


On the backside of the key lock is a small tab that a wire fits around. When the key is turned it pulls on the wire and lifts the latch assembly, releasing the opening mechanism. You may be able to reach in from the back seat area (back seat removed) and lift on the wire if its not broken. It may have just slipped off of the lobe/tab thats on the backside of the lock. Either the tab broke or the wire slipped off. The wire is pretty stout and durable, the lobe/tab on the lock is aluminum or pot metal and I can see that breaking off before the wire breaking. Good luck getting in there, I cannoth think of any other access to reach it other than through the back seat area.
Congrats on the 2nd place win!


From what Hugh told me about your build quality, the trophy doesn't surprise me at all. Congrats!
Ditto what Wirenut told you on the lock. Got any small grandkids around that could crawl in there if the trunks is not too full?
You may want to think about adding a backup pull cable if that tab is not broken. I'll go look....seems like I'm remembering something (maybe a slot) that can be accessed with a loooong tool from the back seat area. Being a soft-top, I'm not sure what will be in the way that isn't on a hardtop/sedan
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


Nope, nothing other than that wire loopy thing (looks like a short section of jack chain) to pull up on. Hopefully the trunk doesn't have too much stuff in the way, but if you can get a kid to go in there and pull up on the link with maybe some long nose pliers, that would be the easiest.
An alternative that could be reached from the back seat if the space is clear is a 1/2" socket with 4 feet or so of extensions. The top latching mechanism won't come off with the trunk closed, but the bottom latch will. It appears that there are some type of large round threaded nuts on the backside, probably spot welded in place, not hex nuts that would require a wrench on the back, so I think the bolts will come all the way out with just the ratchet from the front. It appears Ford anticipated this issue with the nuts for the two latch bolts welded in place requiring only the socket/extensions from the seat area.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


On my sedan. I used  piece of 3/8 rod with a foreign made 3/8 drive socket welded on one end and an old 3/8 drive extension welded on the other to reach the two bolts holding the lower piece of the lock mechanism.    IDK but thought the well for the top was fastened so the easily accessed area behind the seat was not available to convertible owners.

alvin stadel

Thanks for the input on fixing the trunk lock. I got after it tismorning before it got real hot.  took the back seat out propped up the well, pushed the trunk liner into the trunk, then the fun begain. It was a tight fit but I was able to skinny though it. Had my wife there just in case I would get stuck. I took out the 2 bottom bolts of the strick plate and the trunk flew open.  The knob that goes though the lift wire had just come off. I am supprised it never happened before. I built this car 20 years ago, so it worked for a long time. when I got it all out I could see it had never been right from the start. For once my luck was with me as I had a new one in my parts been, all I had to do was change out the key cylinder.  It went so good I never broke a sweat or had to cuss one time. I really wish a lot more things would go that well. Thanks again, Alvin


Glad you got it so easily.  Thanks for the update.


Good deal.

It seems like every car is designed so that the hood and trunk can be accessed some way,  some how, if the latch or its release mechanism fails.

Thinking about what I just wrote... I'm not so sure about '57 hood? Maybe the Thin Man could shimmy up next to a 223?


Your first thought was correct. There is a hole in the firewall just below the hood latch that allows access from inside the car. I've never had to do it, and in fact, I don't even have a hood latch on my car, but from discussions here, I know it can be done by using a long flat-bladed screwdriver.

Glad you got it done with no major issues, Alvin. Good job. Was my statement about probably not needing a wrench to hold the nuts while removing the bolts correct?
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe

alvin stadel

You are correct. The nuts are welded in so it makes it that much easyer.


Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2021-07-27 08:24
Your first thought was correct. There is a hole in the firewall just below the hood latch that allows access from inside the car. I've never had to do it, and in fact, I don't even have a hood latch on my car, but from discussions here, I know it can be done by using a long flat-bladed screwdriver.

     X2 What Rich sated about that access hole under the dashboard to access the hood latch .