Something Weird Happened On My Way To A Car Show Friday Night

Started by 57AGIN, 2013-03-17 19:43

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Guess you were at the right place at the right time for them. That is one beautiful 57. I am curious about the inserts on the sides. The picture isn't close enough to tell, did you paint over the gold inserts, or did you remove them and paint the space where they were?



The inserts were painted with the inserts removed.  Once I made the color change decisions on the car, House of Kolor True Blue (pearlescent) & Pewter (metallic), the gold anodized trim looked awful.  I tried nickle plating the trim piece, it too looked awful.  We also tried engine turned decal for the trim insert, looked even worse than awful.  Finally I just said to Santini, "come up with something you think would be good, we can always repaint the trim piece."  He then started with a very light blue metalflake at the front of the car and painted that within the stainless trim pieces, he then moved a little further back along the fender and painted a little darker blue metalflake all the way back and repeated the process to the back near the hockey stick.  Back by the hockey stick is very close to the House of Kolor True Blue, but instead of pearlescent it is metalflake.  In the sunlight it is quite striking and gets lots of favorable comments.  Best of all I like it!!!  I've included a photo of the side trim taken on January 3, 2013 as part of 362 photos shot for a magazine article that will appear sometime in the future in Modified Mustangs and Fords.  When I adjusted the size down to the size OK for the attachments, I don't know if the metalflake will show.
