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New guy with 57 custom 2 door.

Started by Ecode70D, 2013-01-01 11:50

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Jay..I got my drives mixed up...couldn't remember which one was on the Cambridge side. I wonder what the name of the drive-in at the end of route 2 was?? Your wife was a car-hop at Richard's in the 60's...heck, I probably flirted with her. One night at that other drive-in, a truck pulled in towing a big blown dragster..willy's I think. Anyway, they backed it off the trailer, fired that open-headered baby up, made two laps around the drive-in and back on the trailer and gone before the cops got there! Us country boys just sat there with our mouths wide open.
Arnie Ginsburg was a night time DJ..didn't even know he put out records...interesting.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


      Thank you for saving it.


      I had to save this one.

      Sometimes I feel that we are just caretakers of these beautiful old pieces of our American history and our youth.

      That's why I made a promise to myself that if  I made any changes to it, they wound not be  permanent.

      So the aftermarket heavy duty sway  bar, the full synchromesh 3 speed transmission and carburetors are not as original and could be replaced  by just bolting them back on.


Rich.....   I've had 55 to 63 for 40 years now.Each year has a different DJ from around the country.1960 is Dick Biondi (Buffalo NY)for more of the East coast stuff for ya.


F57...thanks for the link ...I'll check it out.
Ecode...I think your right on target with the way your redoing yours...there are some things that just need to be kept as is or revertible (is that a word?) whenever practical....and that comes from someone who for some reason feels a need to modify anything and everything.LOL
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


   Thanks for the approval on my thoughts on not making permanent changes.  I do respect the fact that everyone has the right to do whatever he feels like doing to his own cars though.

    I even saw a 57 Thunderbird at a car cruise one night that was powered by a C word engine.  That to me was as bad as it gets.
    Now you have me wondering  about the name of the drive in on RT 2.  Was this one on the other side of Cambridge?

   (Your wife was a car-hop at Richard's in the 60's...heck, I probably flirted with her)  If she was real pretty and spoke with a German accent and it was about 1964, You probably did.

    I still can't figure out why I can't even send pictures with my brand new computer.  It will be another week or so until my daughter gets back.   I hope that she sticks around long enough to fix this thing for me.


It's been 25 years since I've been there, but if I remember when you got to the end of route 2, there was a rorary there right in front of a big concrete company...If you were going into Boston, you'd turn right off the rotary and over a bridge with Arthur D. Little on the right and that drive in on the left. The name "Anthony's" keeps popping into my head, but I'm not sure if that's correct.
I've done a thread on posting pics..I'll find it and BTT(bring to top) it for ya.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe