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Started by Ecode70D, 2013-02-08 16:16

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Quote from: Ford Blue blood
Got it going on there....the weather gurus are saying "flurries" Saturday for us now in Birmingham and northern AL.
   Bill...   Believe me,  I DID NOT WISH THAT ON YOU IN NORTHERN AL.
   Jim...    In the summer time, there is a nice breeze through the garage, and I have been known to fall asleep under the car while it is on jack stands.  There is no way that I could handle an earthquake when I'm under a car while it's on jack stands. . WOW!   And I thought I had it bad.  That could ruin a nice day.   


It could ruin a nice car too. I was under the house in a crawl space one time when we had a shaker, I never moved so fast  :003:
The universe is made up of electrons, protons, neutrons and morons.
1957 Ranchero
1960 F100 Panel
1966 Mustang

Tom S

Quote from: hiball3985 on 2013-02-12 12:18But I have to worry about earth quakes when I'm under the cars on jack stands  :003:
Oh! You should have been here in March 1964 for the 9.2.  Then you could worry about quakes no matter where you were. 
Then there are the volcanoes across the Inlet that blow their tops every once in a while & cover us with ash big time.

We have lots of quakes & almost every time you have to wonder if it will get as bad as that 64 quake was.  It lasted for about four & a half minutes.  If you were in the right place you could see the ground move in waves.  Or open up under your house ... or feet.

A one minute vid.  It really was about as violent as you see at the start.

Jay, glad to hear that you stayed somewhat warm & dry.  Unfortunately I'm kind of used to those long power outages too.  They suck.  And I used to work for the electric company that provides the power here.  Electricity good. :001:


I remember that quake, one of the worst in history. I can't even imagine one lasting that long, now that is scary. I've seen video from it before. Your video didn't work for me..
The universe is made up of electrons, protons, neutrons and morons.
1957 Ranchero
1960 F100 Panel
1966 Mustang


   Thanks for the kind words.  There are always people who are worse off than me though.  Lots of people in my town still don't have power and the lucky ones made it to the shelter somehow..  If it were not for the wood stove and the fact that I had some in the basement, we wouldn't have made it because we couldn't even make it to the street. There was no phone service and cell phones did not work.
    I would have to assume that you do a lot of wood cutting in your spare time time to stock up for the bad times.  Do you have well water.  Were you around for that earthquake in 64?   I don't remember that happening.


I thought I had remembered it, but more than likely, I remember it from a disasters show on tv many years after it happened. I had just moved to Socal the week before the Sylmar quake. We were still at the in-laws house, and hadn't unpacked yet. If I had the money, I probably would have loaded back up and gone home!
I got out today and cleaned off my garage roof. The 6" of snow was heavy and very roof rafters were sagging! I forgot to mention earlier, snow today...the day before yesterday we were having a bad dust storm. That's Texas for ya.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe

Tom S

Quote from: Ecode70D on 2013-02-12 17:09... I would have to assume that you do a lot of wood cutting in your spare time time to stock up for the bad times.  Do you have well water.  Were you around for that earthquake in 64?   I don't remember that happening.
No, I don't cut much wood at all, but I have plenty around from downed trees from wind storms.  Last two summers my much younger neighbor came over & got a lot of the trees, cut & split them.  If it gets bad enough I can have some of his huge stockpile  Yes I am on a well.
I can't believe you don't remember the 'Great Alaskan Earthquake' of 1964!  It was the second largest quake ever recorded.
I bet you would have if you were on the West coast.
People were killed by the tsunami in California & Oregon.  Effects were felt all over the world.
Some people here thought we may have been nuked. 
Yes I was definitely around for it, in downtown Anchorage working at my high school job in a chicken & pizza place, 'Chicken Delight'.

I know it's off your topic but here is something I posted in another forum several years ago about my experience as the quake was happening.  Had a lot more afterward starting with walking a few blocks & seeing much devastation & then over to the main drag at the time, 4th avenue, & seeing where all of one side of it just dropped away.  That 1st pic above is only part of it.

Hey, you can blame this on Highball!  He had to go & mention earthquakes & got me started.

Not sayin' it's his fault, just that I'm gonna blame it on him & you should too.

Here's my little story.  The building I mention is (only?) 14 stories tall.
Wish I had a vid of the McKinley Building during the earthquake.
Every once in a while I could slide down the wall I was trying to brace on & see it out the front window.
I just knew it was going to fall over like a big stack of bricks & smash a half or even a whole city block. One of my Grandmothers lived on the block on the East side of that building.  I had to keep looking when I could.
Concrete & plaster kept pouring off the sides by the truck load. The building flexed, arcing back and forth so far that it seemed impossible that it could not fall over or at least break off about two thirds, or three fourths of the way up. Made quite a few arcs in those 4.5 or so minutes. Just kept getting worse as it went on. Just when you thought it was slowing down it was if a big mean 1000' tall giant gave us another big kick from the East.
It had started off so easy that you might not have even noticed it. And quakes were so common here. I was busy, somebody walking by says, "Feel that?" Me, "Oh, a little quake."  But then, boom! Stuff started flying everywhere off the high shelves. Then the low ones too. Everything is moving violently, can hardly keep your feet. Then you can't at all.
The concrete building that we abutted, just on the other side of the wall I got backed up to, falling apart. You could hear & feel it.
See concrete blocks dropping on the sidewalk & street, on and around some of our cars. Me wondering if the wall I was against will cave in. No place to go.
The cars parked at the meters on the street bouncing into each other's bumpers. The ground rolling in waves.
The woman from next door hanging on to a parking meter for all her life, right in front, whipping back and forth, screaming her head off, as the cars were bouncing bumpers together about a foot & a half behind her.
Almost got smashed.

Oh yeah, the McKinley Building. It must have been making a 30-40 foot arc, East-West, at the top before things slowed down. Strangely I heard few stories from the people in that building. Only one I remember was about someone huddled down in a couch as it kept smashing right through the walls. First one way, then the other. A ride to remember I am sure.

Words fail, wish I had a vid of the McKinley Building during the earthquake.
I am glad that that building got rebuilt.
Nukes you say? Consider that Cold War time frame. Many people did at first wonder if we had been nuked.
Highball, I was afraid that video might not work.  Photobucket changed some things, (dammit!), & I see that my vids are not working on Firefox.  It does work on Internet Exploder.


Thats OK Tom, blame it on me, every one else does  :003:. Great story and I'm sure you could tell more. My first big quake experience was with the Slymar one. I could see from my second story apartment big flashes of lights and my first thought was we were being bombed by the Russians  :005:, but that turned out to be power transformers blowing up.
The universe is made up of electrons, protons, neutrons and morons.
1957 Ranchero
1960 F100 Panel
1966 Mustang



I have so much respect for all of you guys who live in the threat of severe weather, we out here on the southern part of the left coast really don't have a clue or concept of living in an area subject to tornado's, hurricanes, perfect storm mixes like Sandy or Nemo.  Unless, of course, having once lived in one of the severe weather areas.  Earthquakes aren't fun and a 9.0 could ruin a whole lot of lives, but the really big quakes are very rare unlike your repeating weather cycles.  However, in the very recent past (Geologically speaking) our part of the country had volcanoes and plenty of interesting things to deal with.  I'd hate to think what would happen in our "Valley of the Smokes" should Mother Earth get mad enough to do it again.  Still you guys have my respect and admiration for putting up with what you have to live with on a continuing basis.  Having said that, stay dry, warm and safe and may God bless you and your families.

57 AGIN 


All this talk and no pictures of the big snow?


Bob 57 AGIN
    Thank you very much for your kind words.  It must be comforting to live in an area where the weather is agreeable for the most part.
      As I have stated before... I am very thankful that we survived without incident.  I have no idea how I would have gotten my disabled wife out of the house to get her to a hospital or a shelter should she have taken a turn for the worse.  Given the same circumstances, there are a lot of people that did not fare as well as I did and I thank God for it.. 
     May God bless you and your family also.
  Thanks again Jay Ecode70D