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Started by wolfpupsdad, 2010-04-30 09:22

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NOT so neat stuff LEFT in a car...
An embarrasing situation. When I was living in Socal, I had a really neat little Fiat Spyder convertible I had sold to a young couple. A few days after I sold them the car I realized I had left an opened box of Trojans under the front seat. Oh,S##T, I thought. They were a really nice couple, and I had visions of him getting in trouble with his wife if she found them and he didn't even know they were there. I thought about it, and did the right thing. I called them and asked for her, explaining I had left something personal under the front seat and didn't want her to think it was his. She laughed, and thanked me.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2010-05-03 09:06
NOT so neat stuff LEFT in a car...
An embarrasing situation. When I was living in Socal, I had a really neat little Fiat Spyder convertible I had sold to a young couple. A few days after I sold them the car I realized I had left an opened box of Trojans under the front seat. Oh,S##T, I thought. They were a really nice couple, and I had visions of him getting in trouble with his wife if she found them and he didn't even know they were there. I thought about it, and did the right thing. I called them and asked for her, explaining I had left something personal under the front seat and didn't want her to think it was his. She laughed, and thanked me.

LOL.. that is funny stuff!!



I think I have a pretty funny one.  A couple of years ago My wife and I were finally  able to purchase a used motor home, a 24 footer.  My hope was to use it to trailer my 57 from the West coast to some of those neat events in the Midwest or East.  Her hope was to use it for family vacations.  (So far she's had it her way.) LOL 

The funny part of this story is that when we were cleaning the motor home thoroughly for the first time I found a couple of Polaroid photos, obviously taken in the motor home.  Apparently one of the previous owners used the motor home as a rolling porn studio or bordello.  The photos were of some unclad beauties.  The funniest part of this was that my wife's sister referred us to one of her friends to buy the motor home.  I have really had a lot of fun teasing the sister-in-law about her choice of friends.  (Note the friend was in the business of buying used motor homes for resale back when motor homes were in high demand)


You're lucky, my wife would have put that thing on the market immediately with a best offer price.

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72


If memory serves me right believe the wife and I found each other in the back seat of a 66 Fairlane GT, neatest thing I ever found after 32 years guess she's a keeper. :002:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72


zapato, just noticed your a nam class of 72 , welcome home bro . class of 70 here.


Thanks wolf and right back at you, had the honor and duty ( but unpleasant) to bury one of our brothers last week. He was Army Ranger double Purple Heart, Silver Star and many other decorations triple tour brother.
Loved him dearly , Will miss him till my own passing. :unitedstates:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72