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Jay Carnine, speaking off

Started by Zapato, 2011-02-07 20:14

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I'm guessing it was probably that I met Jay, online only , on the old original Rodders Roundtable at least 10 years ago.. I remembered reading several of his answers that covered shoebox fords and directed a question I had about "how they did it back then". He answered it so thoroughly and never the least lording over the fact that he knew something I and many others didn't. It led to many other questions that eventually he did one of his many long posts with a start that said "Zapato asked". And there followed "Shoebox Seranade". Which in story form he not only took us all back to his 50s world but also pointed out many long overlooked bits of trivia or knowledge. Believe that story is in his book California Hotrodder.

Then one day I PM'd him and asked how the whole fuzzy dice thing came about. And his recollection was that in his area HS girls were taught knitting in Home Ed classes. And that knitting fuzzy dice was a very popular project and girls started making them for their boyfriends cars. But Jay being Jay it didn't stop there and he dug around and found an old magazine article with directions and without any prompting from me he sent me a copy. Envelope is postmarked Mar2001.

Well this all leads to last Saturday. One of my nieces borrowed my plans and knitted me a set. With colors to match my plans for my 57. I never have cared much for the mass marketed versions but these are killer.

Thanks Jay, you continue to enlighten us from afar.

Zap- :burnout:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72

Alex L.


Good story Zap,
Jon (HOGWAGON) sent me a copy of his book California Hotrodder
this past week. Looking foward to reading it. Jay was certainly
a cool guy. :004:
I hate blocksanding!