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70D stationary rear window seals

Started by RICH MUISE, 2011-07-08 21:50

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RICH MUISE between painting fenders and doors and stuff, I've been playing with trying to get the rear window seals to work. Like Ford Crazy said last year about this time...they'll drive you nuts.
Ford crazy opted for thicker glass to solve the wide seal channel problem, but that thickness wasn't an option that was available to me in this part of the country, or so my glass man said. As far as thickness goes, I had the standard 1/4" cut and tempered, to the template supplied with the braket kit. I'll go the glass tape buildup at the edges, as John Gambil suggests. I don't think that will be a problem, and in fact I have dry fit one window and everything appears to fit well except at the corners. I am not getting any puckering, which I thought would be the problem. The problem I am having is that the seal won't stay pushed against the window frame where it has to seal against the body...but only at the corners. Everywhere else the seal is against the glass and the window frame very neatly. Except for the corners, squeezing in glass sealer after assemly to the car I think will give a very good watertight seal.
So after thinking about it for a day, I am convinced the problem is that the radius size of the rounded corners of the glass is too large. If they were smaller radius sizes, they would have to push the seal into the corner of the window frame.The radii on the glass should be essentially the same size as the radii on the window frame..but they are not..they are larger on the glass..leaving a gap between the seal and the glass when the seal is pushed against the window frame corners.
I am going to attempt to fix this by buiding up the corners of the glass with a silicone sealer of some sort..letting it harded before putting the seal on. I will build them up so they are as close a match with the car body window corner sizes as posible. If my thinking is correct..this added material at the corners should push the seal in tight at the corners also. I'll let you guys know how it works..
Simply put, I think we're trying to push the seal into a corner with a pusher ( the glass) that won't go all the way into that corner.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


it'll be a few days before I can get to test fitting it, but "Amazing GOOP" worked great for the corner buildup, and I discovered lists both glass and rubber as materials it adheres to. I'm also trying a small rubber edging in place of the glass tape I was using. The only tape I coiuld find here locally was grey..and you can see it at some spots. The black edging I got at my glass shop, and is for shower door glass that I trimed down a bit. I had tried it before, but at the time, I couldn't find a sealer type material that would glue rubber..the goop is suppose to...we'll see.
The Goop is a flexible adhesive sealer...but firm enough to push the seal into to corners ...I hope
note the glass is sitting on a piece of matboard that I traced the window frame corners onto, so I had something to reference when applying the goop. The goop skins over in about 2 minutes, at which time you can shape it somewhat without it getting all over your fingers.
the window seal pic shows the seal not setting in the corner correctly..hopefully to be followed up with an "after fix" pic.   Rich
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


Tha goop worked great adhearing the small edging to the least it resisted a tugging...and has only cured 12 of the 24 hour curing time. I've had numerous occasions in the past where adhering rubber to something has been a major pain in the for me this is a major problem solver.
This edging fits snugly into the carpenter window seal channel. note I notched the corners to keep it from pooching at the corners. Also in the pic is a cross section of the rubber shower door glass seal that I trimmed with scissors so it was only about 3/16 deep. Tonight I'll do a dry test fit to see if the buildup at the corners of the glass solves the fitting problem. If I didn't build the corners up enough, I won't have to remove the edging..I can just add some more buildup on the edging. I'm pretty sure this is going to work, because with the seal on the car dry, I can reach around to the inside at the corners and pull it tight against the glass and body with my finger..same thing the glass buildup should accomplish.  Rich
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


Almost everything worked exceptionally well. The GOOP after curing for a full 24 hours resisted a substantial tug on the rubber edging. I installed the seal dry over the edging/glass, installed the bracket onto the inner side panel, wiped off most of the dust from the window frame and did a dry run. The buildup I did on the corners of the glass worked great..the seal is now fitting as snugly in the 3 corners against the car body as it is around the rest of the window. YEAH!!
when I do the final installation, I'll do it the same was except add sealer between the seal and glass, and seal and body. The sealer will be added after the seal is in place.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe