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Forum registration problem....Fixed

Started by JPotter57, 2013-04-05 00:29

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Hey guys, if any of you know anyone who has tried to register and have had problems, well, tonight I found it.  I had installed a BotBuster package from a third party vendor, and apparently it was not compatible with the latest security update patch for the forum software.  It had been working then all of a sudden quit.  I narrowed it down after a search on the support forum, to the update and then to the BB package.  I found several people complaining about it, but never really got a clear answer, so I just uninstalled the botbuster, and tried it out, and everything works as it used to.  I will just have to manually weed out the false registrations, which isnt really that big of a deal.  So, in short, everything is fine again, register away, new folks, and welcome.   J :hurricane:
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