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Morning coffee

Started by RICH MUISE, 2013-11-20 08:11

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Beautiful rain today in California and lots of it.  Supposed to rain all week-end.  Possibility of mud slides in the foothills/fire areas,  hopefully not, but we sure need the rain.


Quote from: LAUDY57 on 2014-02-28 11:35
Rich, I hope everything works out for your wife and you, what you described is definitely a stress builder.
We'll see what happens, hope for the best.
moved from another thread...
Kinda a long story, but my wife works for Pantex, along with 2600 other people/families. Pantex is the government's nuclear weapons storage and maintenance facility managed by civilian contractors(BWXT currently). BWXT lost their bid for a new contract. They appealed the decision based on a non-level field. When BWXT won their contract years ago, it was required that the bid included assumption of the previous company's benifits, including retirement benifits and time served credits, etc. The new contract bidding did not stipulate those benifits had to be assumed by the new contract. The people at Pantex have no idea now if they are going to lose all of the retirement,what benifits are going to be lost, etc. We're on pins and needles like many folks around here. We're probably gonna get screwed.
Sorry for the off topic, but this is what Morning Coffee is about.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


dang Rich. The really is a bummer. HOPEFULLY everything will work out for the better!


Local car show today..biggest in the area. Looking forward to it.
The high today is suppose to be 74.....the low tommorrow, 12, high in low 30's!!
Extended forcast for Phoenix...posible rain at least thru next weekend. Bummer! Rainning today in Phoenix, hope it doesn't mess up the Nascar stuff Lorne is at...Good luck on that, Lorne. BTW, I checked out that link for arizona you posted...that's an awesome site. Tons more listings than the Cruisin'Arizona website I was using. You were right, stuff going on daily. Thanks for the link.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


another snow storm and another week of very cold...

I think I'm starting to like it!!!!!!!!!!!


That is a really cool photo!
Do you feed them? Must be pretty hard for them to find enough food with 3 feet of of snow on the ground.

1957 Ford Custom
1970 Boss 429


the photo was passed to me via email probably from FaceBook or YouTube

the 'like winter' was a sick reference to being abused to point of liking the abuse


Bright & sunny here, biggest swap meet of the year tomorrow (well, one that is full of hot rod and older US car parts) that I go to every year, it's a 2 1/2 hour drive away.  I had made a list of all the bits & pieces I needed, but now I'm not going......

Started getting back ache about five days ago, lower left hand side, waist height.  Being a man I did what every other man would do and ignored it, thinking it will get better.  I carried on working in the garage, cycling 10 miles a day, walking the dog and....... it got worse!  I think I hurt it decorating my daughters bedroom last week, probably twisted funny hanging wall-paper.  The swap meet is held on a stock-car circuit which is high up in the countryside and the cold wind whistles right through it, just the sort of thing to make a bad back worse so I'm giving it a miss.

However, I did text pictures of what I want along with a list and maximum price to all my mates that are going!  A lazy mans way of hunting for parts at a swap meet, letting others do it for me!  :003:

1957 Ranchero


Rich, sorry to hear about your wife work problems.Seems like everybodys retirement or pension plans are under attack.They are currently rewriting mine to lower benefits,and change the retirement age.I was going to be out in four years,but they was to add ten years to that.I plan on getting out anyway.I dont think a person can be productive in commercial construction into there 60:s.I guess I will have to go to work at Mc Donalds.    Take care Al
Returning from a long hibernation!!!


was about -35c here this morning.going to pick up my new to me 57 county sedan today.cold and snow did not bother them when they were new so i should be fine


Awesome...glad the deal worked out. Wish the weather was better for it might enjoy picking it up a bit more. You Canadians are tough....I still remember the stories my mom told about digging tunnels in the snow at the front door so they could get out of the house.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


-48 with windchill.pick up went is in my shop now


Gary/Canadian After ya thaw out, fill us in on your new '57! I'd love to see what you got and hear what it's going to be.
Jeff.....recognize this guy? Bob had his '61 Buick bubbletop there (Make-a-wish show)..never did see Bob though.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe

Jeff Norwell

Rich! John's work is over the top,such a great guy.As for Bob, you had to look for a Midget hahaha
Minus -35 here today with wind chill,but I heard in Amarillo is was colder there than here over the weekend!
I am getting very tired of this weather.

"Don't get Scared now little Fella"

1957 Ford Custom-428-4 speed
1957 Ford Custom 300-410-4 speed


A while back, there was discussion about some of the suppliers getting bought up.  I just web shopped some of the model specific suppliers to find many are bought up.  The prices have went up big time.  One catalog doesn't seem to exist.  Two web sites linked to the MAC site which was bought by somebody else.  I am looking for a few '65 Thunderbird parts for the interior of my '57.  I'm glad I have no list for '57 parts!!!!!!