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Started by RICH MUISE, 2016-01-27 22:10

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Some stuff coming up...the Sunflower swap meet in Wichita, ks is feb 5 and 6, but also is the Tri-state swap meet in Denver feb 6-7. weather permitting, I'll be doing one of them, probably Denver. I'll make some phone calls to the Colorado guys if that's looking good. Would like to meet the Kansas guys if that ends up being the one. I think we have three forum members in the Witchita area..redwhitered, Thor (I met last year) and a third I can't remember.
March 4,5,6(?) is the Goodguys show in Phoenix. I'll be doing that on the 4th, as we're leaving to go home on the 5th. I've got to remember to get some advance tickets for the Rockies/Diamondbacks spring training games. Opening day for spring training games is the 2nd, so tickets will sell out quickly for that. 30ish for can remember when the big league games weren't that much, and it wasn't that long ago. I'll be doing the Pavilion cruise in Scottsdale on the 27th Feb. Got to give RavenRider a call. I'll be at least a month early to meet Doug/57impostor there again. Any other Phoenix area members?
I'll be missing my first opportunity to enter a car show. The only big car show in the Amarillo area is the make-a-wish show. I'll be driving home from Phoenix that weekend.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe

57 imposter

We had to make some schedule adjustments for our trip south. Looks like we will hit Phoenix on the 19th for the Pavilion cruise then on to Tucson on the 20th for two or three days then back up to Phoenix until about the 30th. and then on to Amarillo. A couple of our Omaha friends have to leave for home early so we needed to get down to Tucson earlier than expected. Just looked at the calendar and we should be able to hit two cruise nights. Good deal. Rich, not allowing for bad weather, when going via Flagstaff, what is your normal drive time to home? Or is there a more scenic route, even if it takes longer.


We normally leave about 8am or so, and can get to the Alburquerque area by 8 pm ish. We do stop alot though, and being the DD, we drive 75-80. Don't think I'd make that good of time with the '57. Most of the time we drive straight thru to home ariving 2 am or so.
Of the 3 main ways to go, we take the Flagstaff/I40 route most often. Any of the 3 routes have long lengths of really scenic areas followed by pretty flat and boring. I40 probably is the safest route, weather permitting, as far as availability of services. We love the Flagstaff area, and Sedona is a must see if you haven't been there. Flaggstaff east is a bit boring to the NM state line. There is a really good rest stop area right on the state line in the canyon. We like most of the route thru NM.
The second way to go is route 60 right out of Phoenix (Mesa actually, where Raven Rider lives). It's a gorgeous but fairly slow drive starting right in the Mesa area. That route brings you thru Salt River Canyon. Incredible drive you do not want to be on if the roads are icy or me!! Once you get past a few mountain ski towns, it's pretty boring all the way thru NM to I25. From 60/I25 intersection you start getting up into the mountains and can easily divert thru Ruidoso. We love that town. After Ruidoso you'll end up back on 60 around Roswell if I remember, then 60 almost all the way to Amarillo.
The third way to go is I10 . It's kinda boring imho until an  hour or so after Tuscon, but starts getting really pretty as I10 runs east not too far north of the Mexican Border. It's desert, but prettiest desert area I've seen. There's a rest area at Texas Canyon that's got some incredible rock formations. Anyway, I 10 to Las Cruces were we generally head north thru the White Sands national monument/missle test site to Alamagoro then Ruidoso.
Which way we go is often determined by the weather on our spring trip...not so much on our fall trip.
In short, if your going to be headed home thru Arizona after our get together, you may want to do either 60 or I10 to get here so your not backtracking.
As far as our Oklahoma trip...what we do is 100% your choice, we'll talk so I can find out what your preferences are...scenery vs car stuff, etc. Nothing is set in stone either if you'd rather do Colorado, etc. since your trip has been shuffled around a bit.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe

57 imposter

were not fussy, everything in Oklahoma will be new to us so it will be good to have someone around that knows the lay of the land. Looking foreword to it.