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hymoanic balancer

Started by geraldchainsaw, 2020-11-09 18:12

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was going for one last ride of the year,    stated it up and there was a clang noise,    turns out pulley or hymonic balancer came lose that has the timing mark on it,  found alot of plastic on the floor,  so that was as far as i got on the trip,.   now i've been working all day taken everything apart,  tomorro0w i pull the hymonic balancer off,  but now for my question,l    ihave a 312 and i need a new hymonic balancer,  any one know where i can get one?  thanks guys                  PS,   ihave to add ,   the harmonic balancer,    is in 3 pieces,  1 is the mail pulley,   then theres a plastic sleeve,  then theres a steel ring about 1/2" thick and about 1" wide, let me refase that,  the main pulley,  then theres a plastic sleeve and a steel ring over that,   any one understand what i'm saying?  another question,  why do u need the steel ring?,  all it has is the timing mark,  i don't see what its needed for,  i think it can be tosed,  whats your thougfhts?


Is there a difference in the Y-block harmonic balancers? 


sorry,  my knowledge of motors is zilch,   i can take them apart & put back together,  thats about it,  I don't know what a y block is,  all i know is that what i have is a 312,  i've worked on 238 flat hds and 351w,  you will have ask someone else about y blocks.   I myself don't see why a hymonic blancer is needed,  never noticed them on other motors



ok gasman,   the second listin g is the one i have,  says deiscontinuid,   what now,  who rebuilds them?,  thanks fore the info,  jerry


ok gasman,  again,  i don't understand what this thing does,  other motors that i've worked on didn't have   a harmonic balancer,  is it necessary?   jerry


It does exactly what its name implies.  Smooths engine vibrations that are otherwise present.  I'm sure you can run without it, but I wouldn't.  There are still a lot of Y blocks out there for parts and there are rebuilts available.  Most engines have a vibration balancer.
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thanks forall the info,    i found what i needed in a mustang forum,  one of the guys knew exactly what i needed