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Paint finally starting to go onto 57 AGIN

Started by 57AGIN, 2011-08-03 14:12

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   My 63 is in paint now. My painter called to get more money and have me come up there tomorrow to help put on the trunk and hood on for final coat and clear. It's been going on two years. I can't believe it. I forget what a 63 Boxtop looks like. Good luck getting yours back. Jim
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.


They've always called me for mo money too :003: Where Bob took his the "more money" was
probably up front too. :003: At least he'll enjoy it for many years.
I hate blocksanding!


Jim & Ron:P

Actually, so far the only up front money Pete has charged me is for the towing to get media blasted (twice) and to pay for some body work done by one of his "contracted" employees, who specializes in body work.  I've offered on more than one occasion to pony up some more funds to cover work that has been done.  He's not taken me up on that.  I believe he uses the on going insurance work to make payroll for he and his employees and collects for the project cars upon completion.  I'll be coming to that point in the near future, as I have very good news to report tonight.

The body was masked off and in the paint booth yesterday and today.  Last night he sprayed the pewter onto the body, doors fenders, hood, cowl cover, tail light bezels and front nose piece.  (OOPS, the front nose piece is supposed to be blue, so it now has another layer of base coat.  Today I shot Pete and one of his workers masking off the portion of the car above the side trim.  He'll either be spraying the blue tonight or tomorrow.

I'll be posting 3 pictures on each of the several entries to give an idea of what's been going on.  Finally everything is coming together at the paint shop.



Here are the next 3 photos.  Pete really gets into the processes especially in the layout before masking goes on.  He thinks out what is visible and what's not and where the best spot to have the two tone breaks.



Here's another three shots.  Like I said, Pete really gets into the work, check out photo #1.



Here are the final shots I took today.  I really wish I could have stayed to see the blue going on, but I had another family obligation to take care of.



   Your car has passed the point of no return. It's getting finished. Hopefully mine will be too. The trouble with mine is that after two years I've lost all enthusiasum about fixing up a 63 Boxtop. I'll have everything except trim and interior done on the car and I begrudge having to do that. Maybe when I get it back and drive it ( @ 385 hp/built C6 ) I'll change my mind.
   Anyway, congratulations on what looks like a very pretty car. Jim
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.


Look'n good Bob. Gonna be nice for sure. Does the Pewter have any Green cast to it? I doesn't
look like it. I painted a Cad Eldo once Pewter and it had a slight green cast. God knows what
the color came from I used. :003: Looks really good.
I hate blocksanding!



I kind of know what you mean about the enthusiasm, as I missed just about every show I usually go to this year and am feeling kind of down.  But, next year should be very interesting.

I'm also looking forward to driving the car with the new 5-speed and looking forward to see if I can get the car down into the low 13's or upper 12's.  I've never had it on the strip with the Paxton blower and the 5-speed has a lower 1st gear, so my 60 ft times should be quite improved.  We'll see.  I understand that the NMRA (National Mustang Racing Association) coupled with Muscle Mustangs & Fast Fords magazine plan on one or two events to be held out here on the left coast in the coming year.  From what I'm told, they don't have the same restrictions about showing and racing that the Fun Ford Weekend ended up with.  Maybe we can get some kind of a West Coast "Shootout" going out here.  There aren't too many Y-blocks set up for racing out here, but bracket racing is also a blast.




I don't think this particular color of Pewter has any green tinge.  Santini, mentioned something about it having a little gold cast to it, which he says will help set off the blue.  I honestly couldn't see it.  The Pewter I picked out from the samples he gave me is a stock 2009-10 Scion Pewter that has pearl in it.  So if I get dinged a match should be pretty easy.  While I will still drive the car whenever I want, I'll probably park it by itself in the grocery and Costco parking lots.  lol



Looks good Bob. I don't do parking lots. :003:
I hate blocksanding!


Bob, I was at a home depot this spring on a very windy day. I see this shopping cart taking flight across the lot, here parked all by its lonesome is some poor bastards z06 vette. Dead center in the door.  Mark



That is a horrible possibility, but the only alternative is keeping the car in the garage.  Out here in Southern Calif. that isn't always the safest place either, given the frequency of our earthquakes, proximity to the San Andreas and Newport-Inglewood fault lines and my stored surfboards and Christmas decorations above my 57's parking space.  lol



Bob,Your car is looking reaaly great. It looks like he's using the silver as a base under the blue to give it some punch?? The reason I ask is you said the nosepiece sprayed silver was a goof-up, but didn't it need it anyway? Probably just not as many coats I'm guessing.
Jim...not to get away from the subject of Bob's project...but it seems like you were talking not to long ago about working on your ' you have 2 of them in the works? For some reason I was thinking you had a fastback.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


Looks great. That should be on unique 57 with that color..