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Field Find/Whats it worth??

Started by eberhama, 2011-11-10 21:57

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 Found this last weekend while out scouting for tin. Looks to be a very solid unmolested car. It was driven by the owners (now deceased) son to high school back in the mid to late '60's. It's been sitting since '72.  Didn't get to see what was under the hood, but he said it was a hell of a mover in its day. He said that it would be for sale, but didn't really elaborate, and I didn't really push him to. Just wondering what would be a good price for this? I'd love to put it back on the road as a driver, and to give this guy a blast down a gravel road one more time. Any ideas?/ballpark starting price? TIA, Matt


   I couldn't imagine that car having a engine block that isn't froze and cracked, floor boards still there, frame not rusted in half or wheels that would turn. It needs to be pulled out of it's grave before considering it's value. Jim
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.


totally in agreement with Jim on this one.

Zap- :unitedstates:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72


One of the worst environments for a car to sit is under a tree.  The leaves fall into every single bit that they can and turn into mulch that holds water very well, rusting from the inside out, the leaves on the ground build up and do the same to the chassis, floor pans & rockers.  When it rains in the summer the car gets wet & the tree prevents the sun from drying it out later.

Don't want to sound negative but I've also come across decent looking tin under trees that on closer inspection is scrap because of serious underside corrosion.  Like the others have said, pull it out or raise it up to get a reall good look round it.

1957 Ranchero

glen b henderson

It is worth at least $500/$1000 and most likely more for parts even if it is rusted. I can see that much just from your pic's.
Freedom is not Free


I know its hard to believe, but this thing is solid, even the stuff in the dirt. If this was in Minnesota, everything that was touching the dirt would be gone, but its in a sandy soil area of ND, so that's what saved it. I realize the motor is probably toast, but I've got a few 390s socked away in case of emergency.  :001:


I would say as much as 12-1500 if the frame isnt hurt.  Honestly guys, I've had to work with worse.  My yellow car should have probably been junked, but once I replaced all the rusty sheetmetal, it ended up being a pretty cool car,, definitely the one I regret selling the most.  Like Glen said, even as a parts car, its worth several hundred dollars.  Look at the underside of the trunk lid, those almost never survive.  My current Custom came from Dallas and the lid was shot.  The skin looked great, I thought it was good until I opened it. Skin was about 1/3 of the way rusted loose from the inner structure, mostly on the bottom under the latch and on the passenger side.  Rockers and quarters are easy fixes but can get costly.  From the pictures the fender eyebrows look good and that is a trouble spot on these cars.  Check them out really good because good fenders are expensive.
1957 Ford Custom 427 2x4 4 spd
Old, loud, and fast.

glen b henderson

Same thing here, on the rusted trunk lip, door bottoms ect. The other good thing about that car is that it looks complete. I would for sure pursue it and if the price was reasonable grab it. If you could see what I started with this one looks like a driver!
Freedom is not Free


One thing is try to get them to come up with a price first.  Then you can counter offer. First rule of haggling is he who sets a price first looses. They might be willing to have it hauled away for pennies but if you offer dollars you cheated yourself. But if their price is reasonable and you get the feeling there is to be no discussion buy it, or walk away. you never want to insult the other party. I had an old travel trailer that was used by my daughter and her 4H group at the county fair. so one year I hung a 4sale sign on the window, no price and a phone number. Hoping it would attract a buyer. Many months later a neighbor spotted the sign and knocked on the door and wanted to look it over, gave him the keys and a few minutes later he came to the door and very politely said "don't want to insult you but its worth $300- to me". Amazingly enough that's what I  hadpaid a friend for it years earlier. I agreed to the price but had told my wife to accept any offer no matter how ridiculous as I just wanted it gone. It could have been had for $50-.

What is showing looks good, and as you state unmolested. Priced right you could do OK even if you parted it out. And if its a true business coupe and the rear package shelf is there and you decide to part it out I'm interested.

Zap- :unitedstates:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72


good point Zap...if it is a restorable business coupe, in the current condition I figure it'd double it's worth easily , and more if a good rear shelf is there...who knows wouldn't an e-code 70D be an awesome find?
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


Rich, that definitely would be the Holy Grail for me.

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72


Eberhama...did you by any chance write down any #'s off the id plate?
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2011-11-11 19:29
Eberhama...did you by any chance write down any #'s off the id plate?

I didn't think to, will hopefully be going back soon.

Hoosier Hurricane

A car sitting outside that long is a candidate for mouse infestations.  The play havoc with soft trim, and their urine rusts inner structure badly.  Check for this problem.



Compared to my 57 when I started, that car is a diamond in the rough. Being stuck in the dirt for so long cannot have been good to the under side.  Keep us posted ,Mark