
General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: jarhead1986 on 2012-07-26 20:16

Title: Banned from HAMB
Post by: jarhead1986 on 2012-07-26 20:16
Just got banned from the HAMB......
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: sprink88 on 2012-07-26 20:28
How on earth did you manage that one?
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Zapato on 2012-07-26 20:57
And to think tomorrow would have been your 6 month anniversary.

Zap- :unitedstates:
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: jarhead1986 on 2012-07-26 21:51
Called some guy and asshole just kidding with him......It was a real ignorant reason i think. Everybody was having a good time
carrying on with each other .......well not everybody i guess.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-07-26 22:53
Had to applaud you for that one man, lol...I'd say about 98% of those guys are just a little too hung up on themselves.  For the most part, I just lurk over there, I use the search feature a LOT.  The first time I asked a question there, some crusty old fart piped in, "there's a search for a reason, use it", so I pretty much do, and leave the hateful old dudes to themselves.  That is the main reason I run this site the way I do, I hate that crap, man.  Most of the members there are at least my age, some much older.  They need to grow up and act like it, instead of acting like my 7 year old.  You still have this site....
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Limey57 on 2012-07-27 02:00
Quote from: JPotter57 on 2012-07-26 22:53
For the most part, I just lurk over there, I use the search feature a LOT. 

Same here!  I knew there was a lot of other English guys on there, so, guessing that Limey's were accepted (or at least tolerated) on there I joined up when I got the Ranchero (previously used to use Chevytalk when I had a 60 Impala).  While I didn't suffer any grief on there it was very apparent that some of those guys were ego-stroking keyboard warriors.  I go to work to get grief, I don't need it on forums.

The best bit of advice I learned from the HAMB was the existance of a certain web site dedicated to 57 Ford lovers....... :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-07-27 06:19
Awesome, Gary..
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Ford Blue blood on 2012-07-27 07:50
Couldn't agree more James.  They have created a site that seams to provide hours of entertainment for the few "elete".  They have dubed themselves "traditional" and have no room for anything that doesn't fit into their narrow deffinition.  I actaully got trapped (tried not to respond but my fingers just couldn't help themselves) in a thread discussing hot rods/street rods and the GM ralley wheel.  I finally stopped when my challenge to define "traditional hot rod" was rebueked.  Being 65 and a car nut for as long as I can remember and reading every "car book/magazine" I could find as I remember it you didn't have a hot rod unless it was a 26 - 32 Ford, a 39/40 Ford coupe or a 49 - 51 Mercury.  Anything else was smiled at and a pat on the back was given.  I believe those attitudes gave birth to the muscle car era in the mid 60s and is the reason you couldn't give away a "traditional" hot rod.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: gasman826 on 2012-07-27 08:31
I too have on occasion typed something that was not received in the spirit I meant.  HAMB members are very unforgiving.  Rather than offering help, many are just waiting to pounce on a opportunity to belittle another member.  I also just pretty much 'surf'.  Actually, I'm impressed...I didn't think you could get banned from HAMB.  You must have insulted one of the thin skinned royalty.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Alex L. on 2012-07-27 09:00
I got banned from the hamb about 5 months ago. Mine was for a decent reason though. I got really pissed off with all the whiny BS on there and started a thread basically telling them all off and using some amusing insults. I got banned very quickly.

I agree, the people there need to step back from the keyboard, have a whiskey or smoke a joint and then just chill out a little.

The action was a little different from the way I act, but I just got fed up with all the high and mighty hamb crap
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: glen b henderson on 2012-07-27 09:58
Ya'll talking about the "Hot Air Message Board", when I get really bored, I know I can always find a good joke over there. In all fairness though, there are a few good builders who post some good technical and build threads. But for the most part its a bunch of keyboard jockeys that have too much time on their hands.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: F570RD on 2012-07-27 09:59
Haven't been banded but have got'n violations.It seems to be so busy that some times it may trip over its self.Here a guy can live full measure before getting off at Willoughby.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: glen b henderson on 2012-07-27 11:10
By the way Jarhead, I just noticed where you are from, just what part of BAMA are you from?
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: wv 57s forever on 2012-07-27 17:08
went on hamb looked around on one thread saw two or three people with more than six thousand post. maybe they should get a life.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: jarhead1986 on 2012-07-27 20:24
I'm from Cordova. Its in walker county.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Ford Blue blood on 2012-07-27 22:31
Can't really bad mouth them, they have their way, we can join in or opt out.  I visit it every day to look at some of the build threads, offer help and ideas when I can, and the classifieds.  Have had success buying and selling there.  I choose to opt out of any of the discussions that are not technical in nature.  When it comes to opinions we all have one ... and you know the rest.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: lowrider on 2012-07-28 08:00
Some of those guys can be full of themselves. You have to just lurk on the side because if you step on their toes you'll sure here about it. They do have a good Holley 94 group with alot of good information, a subject that doesnt get too much air time here. I just visit that site for information & leave the politics to someone else.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-07-28 11:53
The most irritating thing on there, to me anyway, is when someone asks a legitimate question that pertains to something I am wanting to do or try, and the smart alecs come on there with 3 pages worth of spelling corrections, grammar corrections, pictures of hamburgers explaining how to structure a paragraph, etc.  I told one dude on there one time, that if he were so wise in the ways of English Grammar, why was he on the HAMB instead of teaching at Harvard.  If you're there to talk about cars, talk about cars, not spend 3 pages worth of bandwidth trying to educate someone on how to form a perfect paragraph.  Speaking for myself, I dont care if every word is misspelled if it is a topic I am really interested in.  I can usually decipher what point they are trying to make.  Sure, lack of punctuation might make it a little harder to read, but, hey, we're grownups, right?  The other thing that rubs me the wrong way is just the general rude way they treat new folk.  I've seen guys come on there with a picture of whatever cool car they have jsut bought, even a 32 or 33 Ford coupe a couple times, and the people just turn on him like a pack of wolves against an injured sheep.  You can go back months later and look at their post again, and their post count still be at 2 or 3.  That's why I just lurk and read the material there now.  They complain about people just coming on their site and reading the information there and not contributing anything, then when someone tries to participate, they try to eat them alive.  A real Catch 22, sounds to me like.  I'll continue to use their hallowed "search" feature, and keep to myself on there.
All that said, I will say that I have found some pretty good information there, but no more than I have found here, probably because there is only as very small subset of people on there with `57 Fords, and that is all we are about here.  I just am not one of those folks who think that a real steel 34 Ford is the only hotrod worthy of building, and I certainly wouldnt build it using materials or parts that were only available 70 years ago.  I like the traditional look, but I would prefer it have a few modern touches.  And, by the way, I HATE wide white walls, especially slicks...whose idea was that?  I realize early slicks were mainly recaps, but come on, time moved on and they invented a better mousetrap...time to move on into the `60's folks...
Well, I won't rant anymore, just making my opinion known on the HAMB.  It is a good resource, but I find much more relevant information at Y-blocksforever.com, 1957ford.com, here, vr57.com, yblockguy.com and so on.  It is a resource, not a way of life for me.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Frankenstein57 on 2012-07-28 21:45
On the hamb I try to stick to the facts,just for these reasons. I like the diversity of folks and models on this site. We have a good group here, I got jumped on by some traditionalists on the Y block site for asking for a holley size recomendation. The same guys jumped on me for asking about an alternative to cork gaskets. I used to hang out on ranchero USA, but they are dominated by the 70's ranchero crowd. And people bitching politics all the time, just want to keep it about cars, family. I see one of the moderators at car shows, Dan the ranchero man. Nice guys to hang out with, I expressed my feelings about their site, in a positive way of course. Mark
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: shopratwoody on 2012-07-29 22:39
Politics over at the Ranchero website is unbearable to me.
I belong to the HRV group over on the HAMB and enjoy it very much.( Hot Rod Veterans)
The main board can be lame sometimes.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-07-29 23:12
I like the gassers group and the 57 ford group on the HAMB.  Like Ron, the main board can be a drag.  I hate politics.  I have unfriended almost everyone except my family on my facebook page because of politics, including one good friend who just wouldn't let it go.  I will go so far as to say, that if politics start up on this board, I will lock it down immediately.  That is how much I despise that crap.  I'm not going to expend energy on something I cannot affect by my actions.  'Nuff said.  We can disagree and still be friends, but I'm not going to read about it on my facebook or here every day.  All that said, and I am being biased, but this is my favorite site on the internet.  If I had the money to buy out Gambill's site, I totally would just so I could have it all under one roof.  I just don't have the cash available.  Between John's and my site, that is where I spend the majority of my internet time, with about 5% going to facebook and another 10% going to y-blocksforever.com and the HAMB. 
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-07-29 23:14
Oh, I forgot about my other favorite time waster, Craigslist.  It overcame ebay a long time ago.  The only time I go to ebay, is when I use searchtempest.com (craigslist aggregate) and the ebay results come up at the bottom of the page.  If there is something interesting there, I will go look at it.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Zapato on 2012-07-30 00:39
Quote from: wv 57s forever on 2012-07-27 17:08
went on hamb looked around on one thread saw two or three people with more than six thousand post. maybe they should get a life.

there are a few with over 20,000 posts, must live there.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2012-07-31 10:15
LOL..6,000, 20,000. that makes me feel better. My blue graph line in the list of members is about to crash into the right side.....I wonder if my computer is going to quake a little when I hit the 'post' button.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: 2x57sedan on 2012-09-04 21:47
i am a current hamb alliance member and i aggree with ALL the bitches that have been posted here about it ive had my share of run-ins with the "more traditionalthenthou" i just blow em off

the thing i like the most about the hamb is the knowledge base  and in most cases if you ask a question you can get responces very quickly   even on obscure problems   

but there are a few guys over there that live to piss off everybody  that just brings the site down

ive never seen soo many cars guys that complain about seeing pics of cars (anything post 65 or prostreet or???)

i like most all types of american cars and styles of builds but like them i dont care about rat rods

but on the other hand i hate wide whites, airbags , 17 or bigger rims (unless they canme stock like model t's etc)
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: F570RD on 2012-09-05 07:14
"more traditionalthenthou" ......Thats plenty funny  bawl bawl
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Frankenstein57 on 2012-09-05 21:15
I met a guy at a model A event up north , said he was banned from the hamb for politics
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: len on 2012-10-11 21:50
hey how can i get banned from hamb. i just joined em.sounds like fun
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Zapato on 2012-10-12 00:33
Quote from: 2x57sedan on 2012-09-04 21:47

ive never seen soo many cars guys that complain about seeing pics of cars (anything post 65 or prostreet or???)

Ok! I've been on the Hamb almost from the beginning and have seen a ton of changes most of them by self appointed moderators. The jerks we all detest with their offbase remarks. However there is an incredible pool of knowledge and experience there. I spend most of my time there in a couple of social groups wish the 57 ford group was livelier but its been a real good resource for me. Yet it could have come from this site just as well as most guys in that group are also here.

The guys that complain about what is quoted above are the jerks that either believe they own the site or are moderators. Neither being true. However when I visit the Hamb I don't expect to read about who just won the Winternats, but don't mind reading about Bonneville Speed Week. The owner of the site set has set the criteria as 65 and older ''traditional'' builds. Not sure what defines ''traditional'' but am sure a pro-street Duster isn't but an Anglia gasser is.

Just as when I roll in here I don't expect to be discussing 57 Oldsmobiles or Ferraris. There are sites that fill those needs when they arise. I'm sure James would not be pleased if we attempted to head off into another area of the hobby. I really appreciate that this site has stayed true to its mission and that its moderated by one person.

Trashing the Hamb is a waste of effort,  Know guys that have been banned and later allowed to return. One in particular knew he was pushing the envelope of stupidity. And was asked to leave. He's grown up considerably (amazing what having kids can do) and asked for and got forgiven.

Have to admit that one of my favorite.looked forward to things every week is the Friday Art Show on the Hamb. I'll check in several times on Fridays. The Hamb is to me like one of those all you can eat places. First few times you tend to overdo it and eat too many different things. After awhile you get a lot more selective on what fills your plate.

Well have wasted enough bandwidth here tonight wouldn't blame James if he locked this thread.

Zap- :unitedstates:
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-10-12 14:16
I agree with you Zap.  I dont get on there much, but when I do, I am looking for something in particular, use the search feature, find it, and go on with life.  I never post there any more, because of the self appointed bosses on there, know it alls, etc.  I agree that it is an incredible source of knowledge, talent and information.  I have thoroughly enjoyed reading every post and looking at every picture in the Jr Stocker and Modified Production threads.  Even though the quantity of Ford participants was much much lower than the scrubs, they were there, and the pictures and writeups were awesome.  The VR57 supercharged Y blocks really dished out a but kicking back then.  Do you guys want to see what my desktop background picture is?  I found it on the HAMB.  There was a thread about gassers and Modified Production cars running together.  If you look, you can see the 55 chev is a D/Gas car, while the ford is an A/Stock which means it likely had a SC 312 in it, with probably a 3 speed in it.  very cool..
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Frankenstein57 on 2012-10-12 19:45
That's a great shot. As long as we are on the subject of the hamb, if you haven't been following the guy doing the ranchero with the roof alteration, you need to check it out. That guy is good.   Mark
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: KULTULZ on 2012-10-14 05:19
Quote from: JPotter57 on 2012-07-29 23:12

if politics start up on this board, I will lock it down immediately.


I too received a warning letter from HAMB BONE once. You have to tread very lightly there. I just breeze through occasionally for tech info. No use trying to exchange.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Tom S on 2012-10-15 23:20
Quote from: Frankenstein57 on 2012-10-12 19:45As long as we are on the subject of the hamb, if you haven't been following the guy doing the ranchero with the roof alteration, you need to check it out. That guy is good.   Mark
I couldn't find this on HAMB.  Got a link or the name of the guy or the name of the thread?
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-10-16 07:19
Dude is chopping the top using a hardtop windshield and moulding.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Zapato on 2012-10-16 10:15
Quote from: Tom S on 2012-10-15 23:20
I couldn't find this on HAMB.  Got a link or the name of the guy or the name of the thread?

believe we're now talking about   exStreamliner   need to go back wasn't he unchopping a Ranchero to begin with and using part of the retractable roof ?

Zap- :unitedstates:
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Tom S on 2012-10-17 04:38
Quote from: Zapato on 2012-10-16 10:15believe we're now talking about   exStreamliner 
Thanks!  Here it is.
Man, that's quite a project.  With 29 pages there I have only glanced thru a few posts.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: F570RD on 2012-10-18 12:41
The 57 in the picture may be a four speed.I was talking with some (older) folks about stock racing back in the day and it seemed you could machine a low gear into the oem case.One guy swore he heard three shifts out of some of the 57's.On a side note.......I was watching a C/S Mustang in the pits at a National event and as he ran through the gears on jack stands you could tell it was clutchless.This is legal for SS,not Stock.If you don't get caught,it ain't cheat'n......right?
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2012-10-18 17:46
I've only been on the hamb a few times..never joined. When I open the thread, I just get text, no pics. Any thing I need to do, like join and view as a member to see the pics. LOL I'm not sure if I'm more anxious to see the build or his "helpers" that guys were posting about.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Tom S on 2012-10-18 19:41
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2012-10-18 17:46I'm not sure if I'm more anxious to see the build or his "helpers" that guys were posting about.


Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Ford Blue blood on 2012-10-18 22:20
Rich there is some good stuff, some really good stuff, some OK stuff and some junk.  Most of the build threads are OK and serve as a so so learning tool.  The pics give a much clearer understand of some of the attitudes.  Just don't enter the dragon's den if you ain't "old school" (their definition, not mine).  Just not into their "old school"!
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2012-10-18 22:28
don't intend to do any posting there..just lurk. I may not have explained the problem I'm having very well. When I bring up the thread on the unchopping of the ranchero, I'm not getting any pictures. From comments some of the guys have made, I'm assuming the rest of you are seeing the pics streamliner has posted...I'm not, and I was wondering if I was doing something or not doing something that's causing me not to see the pics.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: 57chero on 2012-10-18 23:49
I had the same problem , so you have to register to see the pictures.Its no big deal takes a few minutes and its free.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2012-10-19 07:28
thanks...I'll do it.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Zapato on 2012-10-19 09:06
Rich, you'll find the social groups to be the most sociable. Check out the 57 Fords group. Its pretty slow you might just be the guy to fire it up. Read the rules and you'll be fine. It can feel like kindergarden at times. If you decide to start posting do a intro or the jackals will declare a feast.

Zap- :unitedstates:
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-10-20 11:16
That is the number one way to get them started, is to post without first posting an intro....
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Zapato on 2012-10-20 14:30
and do  the intro in the intro area, seen guys do real good intros in their first post and the jackals still feasted.

zap- :unitedstates:
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-10-20 14:47
Zap, you misspelled jackass, lol....
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: jarhead1986 on 2012-10-23 09:49
Well Im back on there guys. Just gonna keep to my self this time. Almost got all the parts scraped up to put the t-5 in my 58.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2012-10-23 10:57
Well, did my intro yesterday..with a few pics...so far just a couple of welcomes, with nothing negative. Read their "read this before joining" notice..hmmm. isn't "traditional custom" a contradiction in terms?
I must have a diferent concept of what "custom" means...but I won't ask anyone there. LOL
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-10-23 11:28
To them traditional custom means the way it would have been  done back in the olden days, with fire heated lead, etc.  Bondo is acceptable as long as you dont talk about it.  The customizer has to have pork chop sideburns, a big greased up pompadour hairdo, and wear sleeveless t-shirts with jeans rolled up with 6 inches of cuff at the bottom.  Finish it off with a pair of old Dingo steel toed biker boots, and $10,000 worth of tattoos, and you're in like Flynn....
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Limey57 on 2012-10-23 15:08
Some of them would better off spending their money building a time machine and transporting themselves back to their chosen era rather than trying to make 2012 seem like 1952.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-10-23 15:45
This, my friends, is the proper look to sport at the next Ol Skool Rodz Greaser-Fest...Behold the awesomeness!   :laughing4:
I tried to do a serach for Ol Skool Rodz greasers, but too much of what appeared to be soft core porn started coming up on the screen, and truly, I just can't stand the sight of some tattooed up skeezer broad with bleached hair..Nasty, man...
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2012-10-23 16:52
LOL...that's me in the middle..third from the left. Were you into my facebook page?
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-10-23 18:57
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: lukey on 2012-10-31 13:06
I was wondering whatever happened to you! You get the 58 up and running? Mine is still in pieces:( I have my opinions on the HAMB, not gonna voice them al, but you can learn a lot there. I've learned more on this forum in the last month than I did there in 2 years
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-10-31 15:07
That's the good thing about a forum that concentrates on a specific marque.  We do one year of one make, everyone else is welcome, providing they are aware this is not an all inclusive club.  There are a lot of `58 guys on here, because a lot of the information crosses over to their cars because of the commonalities of the platform, and they participate, and are encouraged to do so.  We talk occasionally about other stuff here, but only briefly.  The tech though, is ALL 57 Ford.  That is the vision we had when we first started `57 Fords International back in '99, to ca ter only to the '57 Fords.  There are a ton of galaxie, fairlane, thunderbird etc, clubs, Crown Victoria clubs galore, but none just for `57 Fords, which I still think are better looking than any of the other `50's Fords.  The HAMB has its place if you like Chevrolets and 20s-30s Fords, and the 57 Ford social group there is growing, but still participation is limited.  All bias aside, seriously, this is my favorite site on the web, along with the Y-block site.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: xsilencex on 2012-10-31 15:20
i didn't read it anywhere, i could have easily missed it but if you wear biker boots and have lots of tattoos, and your wife is heavily tattooed are you not welcome here?
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2012-10-31 16:21
xsilencex...You probably haven't been on this website long enough to readily recognize the comments were made in Jest..just haven' some fun. From what I've seen in the 2 1/2 years or so I've been here...and I think I can speak for James and most everybody here...It's all about a healthy attitude. Fortunatly, James won't put up with alot of unnecesary bs and badmouthing, and as long as that criteria is met, nobody cares what you look like or ethnic background, etc.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Ford Blue blood on 2012-10-31 16:25
As a balding 66 (almost) year old fat man I can tell you for sure it just don't matter what you look like, as long as you have your priorities lined up properly, and if you don't keep them to your self, (we don't do politics here), 57 Fords is it here!
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-10-31 18:53
Everyone is welcome here, regardless of tattoos, dress, race, creed, whatever.   I don't care if you want to dip your wife into an ink bottle, not my business.  I did say that it's not my bag, though, and personally, and this is my opinion, I think it's nasty and doesn't make the woman look any better, only trashier.  That said, it is my opinion, not the opinion of this site, so the more, the merrier.  I wear a sweet pair of combat boots to work every day, by the way.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: xsilencex on 2012-11-01 06:37
sorry guys just trying to get a rise and feel you all out. this site rules, lots of great information and not everyone is saying thier way is the right way! the only thing i haven't liked so far is the "use the search button" comment that someone on everyone forum is always just waiting to use.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: gasman826 on 2012-11-01 07:23
sorry if the truth hurts but the 'search button' is a valuable tool.  Members have spent time and effort to document their hard work, research, and money to share their experiences.  This sight was created and managed to share that documentation with the world.  Members enjoy sharing but answering the same question over and over gets a little thin after a while.  Welcome to the site and continue to ask questions.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2012-11-01 08:31
x, Gary....on the search button....this site is about 10 years old and primarily for one year of one make, with not even all models usually discussed (next to nothing on trucks, birds, etc). With that in mind the amount of times you see the "check the search feature" comment is amazingly low. Think about it...if we wern't discussing redundant questions, there would be almost no new posting at all, and this wouldn't be the great site that it is. Usually when the search feature is recommended, it's because it's referencing a particularly good thread on a subject.
On a place like the Hamb where there are so many people and an infinite amount of vehicles, the search feature is much more of a necessity than it is here. Speaking of the Hamb, and my above comment about if there were almost no new posting here...point in hand: the guy that moderates the '57 group there and has to approve my joining the "'57 social club" hasn't been on the site for 11 days.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-11-01 11:04
I am one of the handful that rarely, if ever use the search button here.  I have been here since the beginning, and have read every thread multiple times, so I pretty much know where to find something in particular.  The individual forums for each system on the cars helps too, ie electrical, brakes, suspension, etc.  Kind of like a tabbed index.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: 2x57sedan on 2012-11-01 21:36
Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2012-10-18 17:46
I've only been on the hamb a few times..never joined. When I open the thread, I just get text, no pics. Any thing I need to do, like join and view as a member to see the pics. LOL I'm not sure if I'm more anxious to see the build or his "helpers" that guys were posting about.

shes a cutie and the guy building it is a 57 fan has acouple of em
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Tom S on 2012-11-01 22:16
Quote from: 2x57sedan on 2012-11-01 21:36shes a cutie and the guy building it is a 57 fan has acouple of em
He has a couple cuties?   :002:
That can lead to big trouble!   (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y146/TomIII/smilies/uhoh.gif) 
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Ford Blue blood on 2012-11-02 07:45
I have often wondered how folks balance more then one women, God knows I have my hands full with just one....... :003:
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: xsilencex on 2012-11-05 06:10
I completely understand your reasoning, and thank you. The search button is my absolute favorite tool and most forums i'm on I don't even post I just search.

Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2012-11-01 08:31
x, Gary....on the search button....this site is about 10 years old and primarily for one year of one make, with not even all models usually discussed (next to nothing on trucks, birds, etc). With that in mind the amount of times you see the "check the search feature" comment is amazingly low. Think about it...if we wern't discussing redundant questions, there would be almost no new posting at all, and this wouldn't be the great site that it is. Usually when the search feature is recommended, it's because it's referencing a particularly good thread on a subject.
On a place like the Hamb where there are so many people and an infinite amount of vehicles, the search feature is much more of a necessity than it is here. Speaking of the Hamb, and my above comment about if there were almost no new posting here...point in hand: the guy that moderates the '57 group there and has to approve my joining the "'57 social club" hasn't been on the site for 11 days.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: 2x57sedan on 2012-11-05 22:30
Quote from: Tom S on 2012-11-01 22:16
He has a couple cuties?   :002:
That can lead to big trouble!   (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y146/TomIII/smilies/uhoh.gif) 

umm i meant he has acouple of 57's   :002: :004: :003:  and his helper is still acutie
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Tom S on 2012-11-06 00:44
I know what you meant  :002:, and, yes, she is.
I also know how much trouble there can be if you even try to have more than one woman. (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y146/TomIII/smilies/uhoh.gif)   (http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y146/TomIII/smilies/eek.gif)

1. It's important to have a woman who helps at home, cooks from time to time, cleans up, and has a job.
2. It's important to have a woman who can make you laugh.
3. It's important to have a woman who you can trust, and doesn't lie to you.
4. It's important to have a woman who is good in bed, and likes to be with you.
5. It's very, very important that these four women do not find about each other.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: F570RD on 2012-11-06 09:34
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Jeff Norwell on 2012-11-24 17:07
Ha ha .I love you guys!
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: hiball3985 on 2012-11-25 09:59
I'm glad I joined this group. I've had similar experiences with those types on another none car related forum.

Something to keep in mind:
1. Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. :002:
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: pitts64 on 2012-11-26 14:29
Hamb isn't so bad once you use the ignore feature. I have over 200 on my list so far.. There are some excellent builders over there..
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: 2x57sedan on 2012-11-27 18:12
i think im on alot of ignore list's on the hamb...... its ok its just like my real life im used to it

i dont have anyone on my ignore list  by the way if i havent said im 57ford/60thunderbird over there :burnout:
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-11-27 22:45
I thought that's who you were...I'm speedmaven over there, pretty much everywhere else except some older forums, where I am Stroker57Ford, haven't been on those in a while though.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: 2x57sedan on 2012-11-28 14:37
yeah i knew you were speedmaven by your avatar
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2012-11-28 20:38
I hope to get a new avatar soon...paint is on the way!!!!
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: F570RD on 2012-11-29 07:08
Speaking of avatar...dang this board is picky.I don't know how to resize as needed.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Ford Blue blood on 2012-11-29 07:42
Open your picture with paint and click on view? and keep shrinking until it will load.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2012-11-29 08:21
open the pic you need to resize by right clicking, then chose "open with paint" as Bill said. (If you're not seeing your complete picture, it probably needs to be resized to post here.) click on "image", then from the drop down menu  click on skew/resize.when that opens the percentage input should be highlighted. for my pics, I generally choose 25 for both height and width, then hit enter, close and save

the short description:
right click, open with paint
image, resize, 25 tab 25, enter, close save.

it takes about 30 seconds. one note of caution..the change is permanent
Opps! just realized you were asking how to resize for an avatar..I don't know! LOL that's why I don't have one.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Ford Blue blood on 2012-11-29 22:49
Just keep making it smaller until it will load....if I remember correctly it took two 50% re-sizing to get it to load...maybe three, and if you ckick on the "edit" and "save as", give it a new name the original will stay the same.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2012-11-30 08:04
thanks Bill...lol...you know I hate having to figure stuff out on my own.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: uncleaud on 2013-01-08 12:43
HAMB has never been the same since "Germ" left:)
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Jeff Norwell on 2013-04-13 21:14
James..... you unfriended me from the Hamb?... I am crushed............. ha ha ha
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: LAUDY57 on 2013-04-14 20:29
I think I got on the Ignore list as soon as I joined Hamb.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2013-04-14 20:41
I havent unfriended anyone from the hamb...what happened?  I especially wouldnt unfriend you of all folks Jeff..crazy Hamb...
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Jeff Norwell on 2013-04-15 07:10
Quote from: JPotter57 on 2013-04-14 20:41
I havent unfriended anyone from the hamb...what happened?  I especially wouldnt unfriend you of all folks Jeff..crazy Hamb...

Ahh James..I just kidding around with you.... No harm,no foul.
Look... the Hamb is a pretty specific site.... just H U G E ! ! !. I joined there when the membership was only 1500 guys... and it was a lot more ruff n tumble that today.With membership well over 6 figures and a million hits a week...the place is just huge.I see so many go there and post up there 67 chevy big block,pro street blah blah blah..and receive  and horrible response.Why would you even go there and do that?It is dedicated to a traditional hotrod and custom.Yes... you can argue the finer points.....t-5's,4 link suspensions,blah blah blah.... but if you head there with your 69 t-bird and say its a traditional custom.....brother,.. your in the wrong hood.
I(and 7 other guys) try and moderate that joint the best we can..... it's a very arduous job.....We eat more crap from people who just wanna start fights,upset and rock the boat,blah blah blah.
Some get a real kick out of being booted off that board.... like a badge of honour......Lemme tell ya.... I got stories.....From people issuing Death threats to Moderaters have to call for help on suicide threats..... And all in between.
Jeez...I keep telling people... it's just the internet..... turn it off and relax.

Just like this site...... the Charter spells out exactly what this place is all about..... Some guys like 4 doors with coyote engines, some like couriers with Y-blocks or sixes ..... all good.... but I ain't coming here to talk about hemi powered drag roadster...... just my beloved 57 ford.

I am standing off my soapbox guys. O0
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2013-04-15 08:45
Well put Jeff. I didn't realize you were a moderator there....a job I wouldn't want for sure. I've been going to the hamb for 4 or 5 months now...still trying to get a handle on it. I've only had one thread deleted (so far) and very few rude comments. I've had some really nice off-line conversations on ot stuff with some of the members.
The tough time I have figuring out the Hamb is trying to figure out what is non traditional and acceptable, and what is non-traditional and not acceptable. If you were to get really technical, I'm guessing less than 10 % of the cars that recive so much praise are actually trully "Hamb-friendly".
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Jeff Norwell on 2013-04-15 09:07
Rich.... if you get a thread that gets deleted... no biggie....never take it personally at all.... heck...I have had many of my own threads deleted.... I just laugh... as for the rude comments..yes. on many sites that are large.... there are a lot of keyboard jockeys.... just ignore them.
The traditional battle will rage on forever..... everyone has a idea what it is suppose to be. And thats cool.
It's not my house... and I try to be respectful...just like here.
I just want to learn... Knowledge is power.

I have to laff..cause when I speak to real old timers....they say the only true hotrods are pre-1936.... after henry stuck headlights in the fenders..... that was then "your daddys car".... CAN YOU IMAGINE STARTING THAT FIRESTORM ON A THREAD???????? ha ha ha
Anyways..... I love THIS SITE...... ALL my dumb ass questions are always answered and I like the civility here....... and of course..... its all 57 FORD.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: JPotter57 on 2013-04-15 09:56
I appreciate the fact that the HAMB is a good repository for good information.  I have found a lot of good stuff there, and continue to look around there.  I just dont post much, because of the crap I have seen other guys get hit with.  Now, that said, I do agree with the fact that traditional means as it was done back then.  My last `57 was not traditional at all, aluminum headed stroker 351W, 5 speed, Weld Pro Stars, cowl hood, etc.  But, for the most part, I didnt post any pics of it where you could see the wheels or the engine.  The positive comments of it before the bright yellow paint and the cowl hood were many.  I didn't go into many details after I saw the negative response to other guys posts.  This car will be much more traditional, with the only modern component being the 5 speed trans.  Everything else could have been done back in the day.  Once I get my 312 out of machine shop jail, assembled and back in the car, it will be even more so traditional.  For now, it will look the part with a Cleveland powerplant, and as soon as I am able, it will go back in.
Now, for the `57 Ford part, thanks for being part of our group Jeff.  You are an immensely talented fellow, and we are proud to have you as one of us.  Just bring some of your `57 Ford  cohorts from the HAMB with you next time, the more the merrier.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Jeff Norwell on 2013-04-15 11:01
james....you got it...I have a few local friends I have made that are 57 Ford nuts....but there computer skills are not up to par.
I shall yell from the mountain on this great site!
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Ford Blue blood on 2013-04-15 16:11
Quote from: Jeff Norwell on 2013-04-15 09:07
I have to laff..cause when I speak to real old timers....they say the only true hotrods are pre-1936.... after henry stuck headlights in the fenders..... that was then "your daddys car".... CAN YOU IMAGINE STARTING THAT FIRESTORM ON A THREAD???????? ha ha ha

Mostly stopped posting there because some of the "experts" put down a bunch of guys for not being "traditional".  If you don't fall lock step in with their line of thinking no amount of words are spared to let you know how messed up you are.  Well having grown up in the 50s and 60s a hot rod was a 32 Ford roadster and a custom was a Merc.  No one ever thought about the "fat fender" cars as being hot rod material, customizing for us poor folks was black wheels with silver painted lug nuts, porta walls, dingle bearies and a piece of well pipe for exhaust.  If trim got taken off the hole was "BONDOed" up and rattle can paint that was close got sprayed on.  If it had 4 doors it was junk and got burned out.  Now "traditional" seams to be pantina and chrome wheels?
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2013-04-15 22:16
dual antenaes, skirts,dummy spots,floor shifter,reversed shackles. You knew what day of the month the little pages came to your newstand so you could go check out what the big boys in cal were taking from one car and fitting to another.
My idea of 50's and 60's traditional is using whatever you could afford to customize or otherwise change/improve your ride, and if you had the money or the dreams, you were watching for the new stuff. That's old school traditional.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: pitts64 on 2014-11-30 07:30
I got banned because my mommy didn't buy me a voo-doo gear shift knob....   :deadhorse:

Seriously, they banned me and I have no idea why...
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: hotroddonnie on 2014-11-30 08:12
I'm not bashing the HAMB, but I remember when a young guy posted a question on how to pinstripe his wheels. It was all great and everyone was all over it telling him how its done, after he had finished his wheels he posted a picture of the car, it was an 86 Buick!!!!! WOW! **** hit the fan and the kid was gone! I do understand rules and that his car is not a traditional Hotrod, but it was funny how everyone scattered when they saw the picture and he became their enemy! HRD
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: rmk57 on 2014-11-30 11:51
Quote from: jarhead1986 on 2012-07-26 21:51
Called some guy and asshole just kidding with him......It was a real ignorant reason i think. Everybody was having a good time
carrying on with each other .......well not everybody i guess.

I'm positive they'd welcome you at the Yellow bullet forum. That kind of behavior is encouraged there!!!!!.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2014-11-30 12:46

"called him an a'h"......I did the same thing shortly after I became a member there...nothing happened, I figured the moderators knew I was right! They were talking about people taking pics of their cars, and somebody said he was driving down the main street downtown in his hometown, and some guy was on the sidewalk taking a picture of his car as he drove by. Apparently, he was annoyed someone thought his car was cool enough to take a picture of, so he flipped him off, and was bragging about it! My response was exactly as yours, but I wasn't kidding.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: jvo on 2014-11-30 12:48
Quote from: JPotter57 on 2012-10-23 11:28
To them traditional custom means the way it would have been  done back in the olden days, with fire heated lead, etc.  Bondo is acceptable as long as you dont talk about it.  The customizer has to have pork chop sideburns, a big greased up pompadour hairdo, and wear sleeveless t-shirts with jeans rolled up with 6 inches of cuff at the bottom.  Finish it off with a pair of old Dingo steel toed biker boots, and $10,000 worth of tattoos, and you're in like Flynn....

Reading this thread, and I just love this.
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: Jeff Norwell on 2014-12-01 16:53
cool kids cool kids cool kids!
Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: MeanGene on 2014-12-02 19:01
At least that dickweed Metalshapes is no longer a moderator- holy god complex, Batman- whatta jerk

Some of his handiwork-

  vBulletin Message

You have been banned for the following reason:
You used up more than your quota of Moderator time.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never


Grief counseling is available

Title: Re: Banned from HAMB
Post by: RICH MUISE on 2014-12-02 19:54
Got an address on that Grief Councelling Center? That's hilarious.