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Date Codes

Started by Ecode70D, 2014-03-30 20:58

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Quote from: gasman826 on 2014-04-02 19:15
  If you look closely at the box frame welds, the weld is not is skipped.  This allows the box frame to flex and twist for ride quality.  I locked my frame to a frame table, pulled it to spec and welded it end to end top and bottom.

There is a very good reason for doing the ''skipped'' method. and its not to save time or material. Its a practical solution to prevent failure. On any weld if it starts to crack it can and given time will walk the length of the weld. So if one short weld fails the whole structure doesn't. Next time you get passed by a semi on the hi-way take a look at the frame rails its done that way on purpose. And if you ever get to see one being built its really interesting to see how welds are done in very specific order jumping back and forth to keep twist,etc... under control. Those amazing welding robots doing a dance up and down the frames.

Zap- :unitedstates:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72


Quote from: Zapato on 2014-04-08 09:14
There is a very good reason for doing the ''skipped'' method. and its not to save time or material. Its a practical solution to prevent failure.

Zap- :unitedstates:

  I noticed those skipped welds on the battle ships and aircraft carriers in the Boston Naval  shipyard also.  It's safe to say that they were exposed to some twisting and turning over the years..


Quote from: Ecode70D on 2014-04-08 10:02
  I noticed those skipped welds on the battle ships and aircraft carriers in the Boston Naval  shipyard also.  It's safe to say that they were exposed to some twisting and turning over the years..

You haven't experienced shaking until you find yourself under a naval gun mount firing in rapid mode. And it does rattle things loose all over the ship. Had the pleasure to man a damage control locker just aft and 2 decks below a gun mount and have been in 6point earthquakes and as far as the shaking goes I'd take the earthquake. But if we're dealing with damage the skipped welds take it a lot better than mother nature when she rattles.

Zap- :unitedstates:

Cruise low and slow.......Nam class of '72

Ford Blue blood

Zap you should be on a Battleship when the 16"ers are fired!  No worry about dust in the overhead on those bad boys.  My stateroom's forward bulkhead was turret 2 barbett on USS Wisconsin.  Needless to say when they were shooting there was no sleeping!  During Golf War I we shot nearly around the clock, the RPV would go out scouting for targets, we find one, get permission to fire and commence.  The live video from the RPV was fed over the ships entertainment system so the crew got to watch the other end of our business.
Certfied Ford nut, Bill
2016 F150 XLT Sport
2016 Focus (wife's car)
2008 Shelby GT500
57 Ranchero
36 Chevy 351C/FMX/8"/M II


concerning the date code, my 57 Dearborn factory buildt Del Rio's tag says 22H, this would make it an August 22nd of 1956 car !!! is that possible at all ? the tag looks 100% OG and all the other information is correct also.


Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2014-04-09 16:11
concerning the date code, my 57 Dearborn factory buildt Del Rio's tag says 22H, this would make it an August 22nd of 1956 car !!! is that possible at all ? the tag looks 100% OG and all the other information is correct also.

   I believe that 22H is  August 22nd of 1956.  If not, someone on this site will tell us for sure.  Jay


What is the serial number? It would have to be around 101001


My Ranchero has the code 02H making it August 2 1956. Kanas City Ks. built. Serial #A7KF167063 223 six cyl.


Quote from: djfordmanjack on 2014-04-09 16:11
concerning the date code, my 57 Dearborn factory buildt Del Rio's tag says 22H, this would make it an August 22nd of 1956 car !!! is that possible at all ? the tag looks 100% OG and all the other information is correct also.
Absolutly not only posible, I'm surprised they could start building them that late. Back in the 50's in the U.S., all the Detroit manufacturers use to debut their new model years in September (Oct.?)of the year prior, if I remember correctly. National advertising would make sure you knew the new model year car was available at your local dealers.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


I got the data plate decoding sheets that Jay sent me scanned and's in the technical bulletins board.
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


02H is August 2, 1957, and 22H would be August 22, 1957.

RICH MUISE I'm confused. Have we been using the charts wrongly? I see "H" in the first year column..wouldn't that make it 1956 for the 1957 models?
I can do this, I can do this, I, well, maybe


Quote from: RICH MUISE on 2014-04-12 07:56 I'm confused. Have we been using the charts wrongly? I see "H" in the first year column..wouldn't that make it 1956 for the 1957 models
Quote from: Sandiaman on 2014-04-09 20:28
My Ranchero has the code 02H making it August 2 1956. Kanas City Ks. built. Serial #A7KF167063 223 six cyl.
I would think the serial number alone would give pause to the thinking this vehicle was assembled in 1956. 67,063 vehicles produced from one assembly plant a month before every other known documents saying assembly started in Sept.
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.


Is the 6digit number in the VIN really the actual number of cars produced or is it another code for production plant or even different model numbers buildt  ? My Del Rio's serial number starts 360 ***, so even if this would be August 22nd of 57, a total of 360 000 car would not suffice up to that date or would it ? and here we have 2 close H date code cars that have totally different serial numbers. one starting with 160000 and the other with 360000. no way to build 200 000 cars in 3 weeks.
I am really used to proper VIN information on Volkswagen, Porsches or Mercedes and I think it is really interesting when and where one's car was buildt, with dates which factory modifications and changes took place. so I am really stunned about the lack of Knowledge about the 57 Ford Vins ?!


oh I just re read the VIN table in the bulletins and the first digit of the serial number is not consecutive. but even if it was only the last 5 digit mine is 60 000 on Aug 22nd and Sandiaman's Aug 2nd has 67000 which is higher than the later buildt. totally confused. or is it just the last 4 digits serial production on exactly that day of production per given plant ?